The Story of the Golden Buddha

  • Опубліковано 6 лис 2015
  • The Story of the Golden Buddha, a story told by Alan Cohen. The brief idea is that a golden Buddha was covered up with clay one day when an army was coming to invade. It worked, as the army didn’t steal or destroy it. However, everyone forgot it was golden underneath until a long time later when a young boy accidentally bumped some clay off. He saw the gold beneath. He called everyone else and they picked off the clay to reveal the glorious, golden Buddha. The story of the Golden Buddha is interesting because the statue was camouflaged to protect its identity. When the Burmese were about to sack the city, the Golden Buddha was covered in plaster to conceal it from the invaders. Obviously, the camouflage job turned out to be too good because when those responsible for covering it with plaster died, so did the true nature of the Buddha image inside.