  • Опубліковано 20 жов 2024


  • @marcushempel1792
    @marcushempel1792 3 роки тому +28

    Both popular live versions (Tampere & Wembley) are so unique, that it‘s everytime like a first reaction 😂

  • @jarmolehojarvi432
    @jarmolehojarvi432 3 роки тому +5

    How wonderful it would be to be able to spent one´s brief time in the sun creating and preforming music like this? We, the listeners, are the lucky ones to experience it.

  • @keithweelands5822
    @keithweelands5822 3 роки тому +11

    I prefer the Tampere version, but can't forget the Wembley version. Took Nightwish to get me to London for the first time in my 50's but what a show, what a sore neck, what no voice the day after and what no money left London prices.

  • @alleninfinity6730
    @alleninfinity6730 3 роки тому +4

    Never a fail, I have heard this song dozens of times, every location is a new experience and new performance for you. Every performance of each song is different and special. My take on it anyway. What I truly love, is your love of this band, and how great they are and brilliant Tuomas is, all in the eyes.

  • @Honken55
    @Honken55 3 роки тому +13

    Well Tampere version will feel like a new first time again 😀

  • @skeezesmith7954
    @skeezesmith7954 3 роки тому +6

    That was great! I especially enjoyed the subtitles you included explaining the different parts of the score. I found Floor and Nightwish about a year and a half ago and I am eternally grateful that I don’t wear makeup. 😄🤘

  • @dolla3975
    @dolla3975 3 роки тому +2

    Perfekt! I like the text where you interpret the different parts, I now have it in words what I have thought, nice! tack så mycket!
    I think it fit well to do "End of an Era" now, then you squeeze in a Tarja concert between two+two Floor concerts. :)

  • @vlinder6329
    @vlinder6329 3 роки тому +2

    For me, Nightwish is 💥 🔥 🤘 ALWAYS AMAZING 💕
    With their stories and music, stars will always shine for them

  • @ralfmeyer9086
    @ralfmeyer9086 3 роки тому +7

    I love the Wembley Version. Omg, with Richard Dawkins himself.

  • @frenkwd1
    @frenkwd1 3 роки тому +3

    You're beautiful when you cry.
    Because it's really what you feel.

  • @ioaKouts
    @ioaKouts 3 роки тому +1

    Just for now, it is my duty to introduce you to some info about the lyrics.
    Lyrics are in " "
    [Part 1: Four point Six]
    "Archaean horizon, The first sunrise"
    Earth's history is divided into four principal Eons: the Hadean, the Archean, Proterozoic, and the Phanerozoic. The Hadean is the Eon during which the Earth and Moon formed; in the Archaean, primordial life appeared. Https://
    "On a pristine gaea"
    Gaia is the primordial Greek goddess of the Earth. More recently, the Gaia hypothesis is a recognition of the living and nonliving Earth systems which form an interdependent whole. Https://
    "Opus perfectum, Somewhere there, us sleeping" Pristine perfection (of silence, of a blank page, of the very point from which the big bang itself sprung) implies a rich creative potential. Here Earth is painted in the same powerful way. Diversity awaits; unborn beings are sleeping the same sleep to which they will return at death. This interpretation is thematically linked with the album's opening track, "Shudder before the Beautiful," which includes the lyrics, "The music of this awe, Deep silence between the notes, Deafens me with endless love." Or as the furious hobbit screamed at the novice trumpeter, "An artist respects the silence, it serves as the foundation of creativity."
    [Part 2: Life]
    "The cosmic law of gravity Pulled the newborns around a fire, A careless cold infinity in every vast direction. Lonely farer in the Goldilocks zone"
    Gravity pulls the Earth around the energizing Sun in an otherwise inhospitable universe. Earth is the only planet in our solar system's circumstellar habitable zone, orbiting at the "just right, not too hot, not too cold" distance from the Sun. Https://
    "She has a tale to tell, From the stellar nursery into a carbon feast, Enter LUCA"
    In astronomy, stellar nurseries are the birthplaces of stars: they nurse stars Https://
    Poetically, our solar system is another "stellar nursery," in which a star is the nurse, caring for and warming a planet of 'newborns,' early carbon-based life. "Feast" evokes the incorporation of plentiful chemical building blocks into rudimentary life forms. "LUCA" stands for "Last universal common ancestor," the one single organism from which all other presently existing life on Earth descended. Https://
    "The tapestry of chemistry is a writing in the garden, Leading us to the mother of all"
    The periodic table of elements does look like a sort of patchwork tapestry, but this can go further. The historical function of tapestries was as "nomadic murals," pictographical histories which moving people could pack up and revisit wherever they went. The "writing in the garden," in nature, is not only the stone murals left by dead animals in the form of fossils, but is also this chemical writing that encodes the relatively nomadic DNA molecule with the instructions for life. The scientific investigation of this information leads us back to LUCA, and further. Https://
    "We are one, We are a universe,"
    This is the natural conclusion to draw from the fact that life shares common origin, that all life is built with the same blocks, and that all life on Earth is interdependent (gaia hypothesis). The multiplicity of beings on Earth are one, just as the cells in a body are one.
    "Forebears of what will be Scions of the Devonian sea."
    The Devonian geologic time period marked the first significant, rapid diversification of life (and the more well-known Cambrian explosion is another of these 'adaptive radiation' events). It was during the Devonian that the 'higher plants' appeared and blanketed the continents with forests. Https://
    . The word "scion" refers to a shoot of a plant cut for grafting, and is also used to denote a descendent of a notable family. Both meanings apply.
    "Aeons pass, Writing the tale of us all. A day-to-day new opening For the greatest show on Earth"
    Evolutionary adaptation is written in the DNA and as fossils in the rocks, and is ongoing. Species die, diversifiy and delineate. Every day is different, every day something changes.
    "Ion channels welcoming the outside world To the stuff of stars"
    Ion channels are found in the membranes of all cells, controlling the flow of energy through the cells. The stuff of stars is all the physical matter we're made of. So it's the ion channels, guiding enery, which allow living bodies to interact with the rest of the world by exchanging energy with it. "Stuff of stars" is surely a Sagan reference: "The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff." For fun:
    "Bedding the tree of a biological holy, Enter life"
    The bed of a tree is the nutrient-rich soil from which it grows, a soil made of dead things. The "tree of a biological holy" is probably the tree of life
    . This line refers to the "holy" legendary tree of everlasting life but also means the conceptual, branching family tree of all life, whose bed consists of all deceased beings (in a more literal sense), or all extinct ancestral species (in a more abstract sense). This is thematically linked with the song "Alpenglow."
    "We are here to care for the garden, The wonder of birth Of every form most beautiful"
    "We" could be human beings tasked with acting as nature's stewards, garden of eden style, but that's not chronological -- human beings haven't quite appeared in the song yet. "We" could instead be all of life itself, in a gaia-philosophy sense, which posits that life creates environments ever more hospitable to more life. Https://
    Or maybe it's a combination of these two thoughts: life eventually creates an environment suitable for the development of consiously acting, thinking human stewards.
    [Part 3: The Toolmaker]
    "After a billion years, The show is still here. Not a single one of your fathers died young."
    Every single one of a given person's ancestors, male and female, lived past puberty at least. But "fathers" evokes "forefathers," which has a nicer storytelling ring to it than "parents."
    "The handy travelers Out of Africa Little Lucy of the Afar"
    Handymen are good with tools; travelers posessing hands rather than forefeet walk upright. Hominids originated in Africa and spread to the rest of the world from there. Lucy is a particular specimen of the Australopithecus, one of many "missing links" between modern humans and nonhuman ancestors.
    "Gave birth to fantasy, To idolatry, To self-destructive weaponry. Enter the God of gaps Deep within the past. Atavistic dread of the hunted!"
    The brain grows, consciousness and creativity along with it. Atavism is the tendency to revert to ancestral type, an evolutionary throwback. Fight-or-flight instincts that helped human ancestors survive have now been creatively projected onto the world to both explain it (origins, meaning, suffering) and gain security in it (bargaining through sacrifice). These are the roots of theism.
    "Enter Ionia, the cradle of thought, The architecture of understanding. The human lust to feel so exceptional, To rule the Earth"
    Nomadic people develop agriculture and settle down into civilizations. The word "architecture" is at once both literal and figurative. The efficiency of civilization graces people with free time to do more than just feed themselves. They develop rich cultural traditions, arts and philosophies, much of which are deeply influenced by how different humans now are from all the rest of life.
    "Hunger for shiny rocks, For giant mushroom clouds, The will to do as you'd be done by."
    Shiny rocks are wealth: gold, precious stones, jewels, and later uranium which leads to the nuclear arms race. The golden rule -- "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" -- is a coin with a dark side: "an eye for an eye," revenge. This ensures the "MAD"ness of mutually assured destruction. Https://
    "Enter history, the grand finale. Enter ratkind."
    "Ratkind" comes from Richard Dawkins' book "The Ancestor's Tale." Dawkins imagines a post-apocalyptic world in which rodents feast on the remnants of humanity (and humanity's garbage). The rat population explodes, and then as they exhaust these resources they turn on one another for food. As a consequence of natural selection, the rats diverge into new carnivorous and herbivorous species, and perhaps, eventually, a specices of rodent whose intelligence rivals that of humans. This is "ratkind." Https://
    "Man, he took his time in the sun, Had a dream to understand A single grain of sand."
    From William Blake: "To see a World in a Grain of Sand, And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour." ...And the story of the planet in 24 minutes. Not bad.
    "He gave birth to poetry, But one day'll cease to be. Greet the last light of the library"
    A bittersweet redundancy: poetry with library, the last light with ceasing to be. Reminiscent of Elan: "Be the first to greet the morn [...] Travel with great élan, dance a jig at the funeral."
    "We were here!"
    Who else is going to vote for this song's inclusion on the next Voyager golden record, if there'll ever be one?
    I want to beam this song into space forever.

  • @craigramsay53
    @craigramsay53 3 роки тому +3

    I believe you've done it-- the definitive reaction to this masterpiece. Well done.
    To round it out though, do watch the Tampere version (spoiler alert-- there are fireworks.)

  • @naranjosaurus4778
    @naranjosaurus4778 3 роки тому +6

    I'd recommend doing Buenos Aires and End of an Era first, in the order you prefer, because they are full of songs you haven't reacted to while Tampere is basically the same setlist as Wembley (These two were the start and the end of the 2015 european tour if i'm not mistaken). Tampere has a couple of great songs that deserve a video like The Islander or Sleeping Sun (with Floor), so maybe you could do those before jumping into a concert and then forgetting about Tampere for a long time. But whatever you decide to do will be fine, we will be here to watch :)

  • @chrisoleary1909
    @chrisoleary1909 2 роки тому +1

    Great reaction! It got my subscription 😃 The text notes along the way were terrific, and spot on!
    A couple neat bits there wasn't a note on: (I know you saved a few bits for the future)
    The God of Gaps” references a quote from Charles A Coulson’s 1955 book “Science and Christian Belief,” where he said:
    There is no 'God of the gaps' to take over at those strategic places where science fails; and the reason is that gaps of this sort have the unpreventable habit of shrinking.
    A single grain of sand” means “the world.” It’s a William Blake quote from “Auguries of Innocence.”
    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour
    In other words, “to understand the entire world,” but said much more poetically.
    Great catch on the "Evolution of Music" section. After the Bach Minuet section... the harpsichord snippet, not the metal version of Toccatta and Fugue a few seconds later... There is a little female choral snippet that I know is SOMETHING but I can't place it, just a quick "Da da da dum dum!"
    Does anyone recognize that bit? It's been driving me NUTS! 😃

  • @MustaLaatta
    @MustaLaatta 3 роки тому +4

    Buenos Aires consert is very enjoyable - Floor had the whole audience on her hand. And that's fun to watch😁

  • @MrFrikkenfrakken
    @MrFrikkenfrakken 3 роки тому +9

    I prefer the Wembley concert over the Tampere version for the songs they have in common, Tampere is special to the band and it shows so they both are excellent experiences. The snippet of the virtual show was nice, very good reaction to a very good song. *Edit* Do the concerts how you choose I doubt anybody will have issue with it.

    • @ralfmeyer9086
      @ralfmeyer9086 3 роки тому +1

      Yes, i too.

    • @mubbles1066
      @mubbles1066 3 роки тому

      Yep both good performances but imo rTampere is better audio and far more spectacular than Wembley,the only “plus” is Dawkins appearance…personally I’ll take the fireworks and lavish show rather than a 30 second speech .

    • @ralfmeyer9086
      @ralfmeyer9086 3 роки тому

      @@mubbles1066 Hallo, you are right. Both Versions are awesome. For me ,Wembley is very special. (I am great Dawkins fan). I see a fan Video from her concert a few days ago.TgSoE is shorter ,but ended with Ad Astra. A absolut amazing outro.

    • @clivematthews5296
      @clivematthews5296 3 роки тому

      @@mubbles1066 prefer Troy playing with E bow at Wembley rather than low whistle at Tampere.

  • @Idefixu
    @Idefixu 3 роки тому +5

    Have you seen the documentary "Making of New Album 2015" (Endless Forms Most Beautiful)?
    Episode 8 is when they visit Angel Studios in London where the orchastral, choir and percussion parts are recorded, under the watchful eye/ear of Pip Williams. About 20 short episodes altogether.

    • @Stanzishouse
      @Stanzishouse  3 роки тому

      No, but I've gotten some suggestions from UA-cam to see it. I don't know if it warrants a reaction (because I did consider it) but I will definitely watch it once I've filmed the entire concert from beginning to end, so soon!

  • @ruy3467
    @ruy3467 3 роки тому +4

    Beautiful song and so amazingly put together in every minor detail. Loved your reaction series to this concert! I think watching End of an Era whenever you are ready to watch NW again would be worthwhile. There are some unique songs there and even the ones you are familiar with have a different tone and interpretation to it with Tarja singing. Wishing you well (:
    Edit: Also, since Buenos Aires has a lot of older songs, it would probably be a better experience to watch that one after you have watched End of an Era and have experienced the original versions first. So in short, please watch End of an Era first hahah

  • @pekkakarppinen1608
    @pekkakarppinen1608 3 роки тому +10

    Haha, "negative virtual Nightwish". Don't apologize the "first reaction" thing. This Wembley version has it's merits: better view to the screen and the real Dawkins. As a little biased Finn i prefer the Tampere version. There's some eternal grandeur in it. Anyway, this is a Mammoth of a song, and only Nightwish can and want to do it. And yes: Bach and Metallica in a row. 😎😵👍

  • @daviddarling5611
    @daviddarling5611 3 роки тому +1

    Hey Constanza! Great reaction to this song. I can't wait for you to view the Tampere Finland venue, it was before this concert. Tampere was filmed on July 31 2015 and the Wembly was filmed on December 19 of 2015. The Tampere version of The Greatest Show On Earth is done with flutes and Ullian pipes and a few different instruments than the Wembly for a different feel to the song. I enjoy watching your reactions to all of what you view. Enjoy, stay safe and always have fun. Cya

  • @glemersonsantos7344
    @glemersonsantos7344 3 роки тому +1

    The best reaction that I saw ... thanks for this explanation about the song

  • @ejllamobeolan5025
    @ejllamobeolan5025 3 роки тому +1

    Brovo the best reaction I've seen. It so awesome seeing someone who gets it. I love you my brother human

  • @572Btriode
    @572Btriode 3 роки тому +3

    Constanza, an excellent reaction and you got a great deal of the inferences, nothing is wasted with Tuomas, music, lyrics and the backdrops; I had an attempt at interpreting the lyrics from Tampere, it's a bit long so if all goes well I have to reply to myself in 3 parts to get it all in, let's try !!!!
    "The Greatest Show On Earth"
    (Spoken parts are in quotations)
    [Part 1: Four Point Six] (4.6 billion years ago)
    Archaean horizon
    (part of the Precambrian period, in which there was no life on the earth. Earth's history is divided into four principal Eons: the Hadean, the Archean, Proterozoic, and the Phanerozoic. The Hadean is the Eon during which the Earth and Moon formed; in the Archaean, primordial life appeared. )
    The first sunrise
    On a pristine gaea
    (Greek personification of the Earth as a goddess)
    Opus perfectum
    (the perfect work, the perfect creation, a masterpiece)
    Somewhere there, us sleeping
    (the DNA and carbon for life was in the space dust)
    "After sleeping through a hundred million centuries we have finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with colour, bountiful with life.
    Within decades we must close our eyes again.
    Isn't it a noble and enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it?"
    (Dawkins refers to the birth of the earth as a planet and mankind's brief geologic time on earth to understand how we came to be here at all)
    [Part 2: Life]
    The cosmic law of gravity
    Pulled the newborns around a fire
    (Planetary gravity aligning the solar system around the sun)
    A careless cold infinity in every vast direction (space)
    Lonely farer in the Goldilocks zone
    (The earth moving on its own in the exact place for life to thrive - mother bear’s porridge was just right for Goldilocks)
    She has a tale to tell
    From the stellar nursery into a carbon feast
    (the condensing big bang dust clouds into planets and the earth and all life is carbon based)
    Enter LUCA
    (Last universal common ancestor - a simple life form that all life carries a genetic marker for, LUCA was not the first living organism but the sole survivor of previous types)
    The tapestry of chemistry
    (The periodic table of the elements and combinations)
    There's a writing in the garden
    (DNA and the garden, earth)
    Leading us to the mother of all
    (the trail to our beginnings)
    We are one
    (having a common DNA marker and we are all made from the galactic space dust and condensing gas. All the material from the big bang is still here, state might have changed for some things, but it is here.)
    We are a universe
    (This is the natural conclusion to draw from the fact that life shares common origin, that all life is built with the same blocks, and that all life on Earth is interdependent (gaia hypothesis). The multiplicity of beings on Earth are one, just as the cells in a body are one. Lately it has been shown that we are indeed made of star dust material from the birth of our universe)
    Forebears of what will be
    Scions of the Devonian sea
    (419.2 to 358.9 million years ago from rocks found in Devon England, scion is a young shoot of a plant, the land grew plants and the multitude of fishes started to come ashore and walk on fins briefly)
    Aeons pass
    Writing the tale of us all
    (The DNA and evolution branching out into other forms)
    A day-to-day new opening
    (The continuity of evolution)
    For the greatest show on Earth
    (a poetic reference to life developing and evolving)

    • @572Btriode
      @572Btriode 3 роки тому

      Ion channels welcoming the outside world
      (Google Ion channels, protein molecules that span across the cell membrane allowing the passage of ions from one side of the membrane to the other. )
      To the stuff of stars
      (the original star dust everything came from and still is.)
      Bedding the tree of a biological holy
      (the start of the tree of life)
      Enter life
      The tapestry of chemistry
      There's a writing in the garden
      Leading us to the mother of all
      (The periodic table of elements does look like a sort of patchwork tapestry, but this can go further. The historical function of tapestries was as "nomadic murals," pictographical histories which moving people could pack up and revisit wherever they went. The "writing in the garden," in nature, is not only the stone murals left by dead animals in the form of fossils, but is also this chemical writing that encodes the relatively nomadic DNA molecule with the instructions for life. The scientific investigation of this information leads us back to LUCA)
      We are one
      We are a universe
      Forebears of what will be
      Scions of the Devonian sea
      Aeons pass
      Writing the tale of us all
      A day-to-day new opening
      For the greatest show on Earth
      We are here to care for the garden
      The wonder of birth
      (the odds of us being born at all is 400 trillion to one)
      Of every form most beautiful
      Every form most beautiful
      (Forms Most Beautiful - Charles Darwin)
      We are one
      We are a universe
      Forebears of what will be
      Scions of the Devonian sea
      Aeons pass writing the tale of us all
      A day-to-day new opening
      For the greatest show on Earth
      [Part 3: The Toolmaker]
      After a billion years
      The show is still here
      Not a single one of your fathers died young
      (our prehistoric fathers must have been old enough to breed or we would not be here at all)
      The handy travellers
      (the first tool makers)
      Out of Africa
      (from whence we all came)
      Little Lucy of the Afar
      (Lucy was discovered at Afar in Ethiopia, an upright hominin, so called because the Beatles Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was being played at the time, Lucy is considered to be the missing link from apes to humans and believed to be about 13yo at the time of death.

    • @572Btriode
      @572Btriode 3 роки тому

      Gave birth to fantasy
      To idolatry
      To self-destructive weaponry
      Enter the God of gaps
      (God of the gaps is a theological perspective in which gaps in scientific knowledge are taken to be evidence or proof of God's existence. The term "gaps" was initially used by Christian theologians not to discredit theism but rather to point out the fallacy of relying on teleological arguments for God's existence)
      Deep within the past
      Atavistic dread of the hunted
      (relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral)
      Enter Ionia, the cradle of thought
      (Ionia is accepted as the cradle of thought and philosophy)
      The architecture of understanding
      The human lust to feel so exceptional
      To rule the Earth
      Hunger for shiny rocks
      (Diamonds being suggested)
      For giant mushroom clouds
      The will to do just as you'd be done by
      (A reference to Mutually Assured Destruction)
      Enter history, the grand finale
      (when we will become extinct too)
      Enter ratkind
      (this suggests after mankind has perished/killed itself, the rats will become dominant and sentient life, then they hypothesise how we became extinct. It is a fact that the first life forms returning to nuclear test sites are rats living in radiation levels lethal to us, this hypothesis is from Dawkins also.)
      Man, he took his time in the sun (us now)
      Had a dream to understand
      A single grain of sand
      He gave birth to poetry
      But one day'll cease to be
      Greet the last light of the library
      (the cessation of mankind and the ending of our recorded knowledge)
      Man, he took his time in the sun (us now)
      Had a dream to understand
      A single grain of sand
      (in this second iteration, the first two bars of Metallica “Enter the Sandman” are played as a nod to them, one of the first HM bands to work with an orchestra and the sand reference. Metallica is rather a favourite of Tuomas too as they set him off on a musical path. There are several Easter eggs in this too with some phrases from classical and pop music too. Someone said, and I take no credit for this analysis, the little hidden melody bits were some African tribal drumming, a medieval hymn (Dies Irae), Johan Sebastian Bach (Christian Petzold) - Minuet in G major and Toccata & Fugue in D minor, American banjo music, Metallica - Enter Sandman and the bassline from Nightwish - I Wish I Had An Angel. Also Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction.)
      He gave birth to poetry
      But one day'll cease to be
      Greet the last light of the library
      Man, he took his time in the sun
      Had a dream to understand
      A single grain of sand
      He gave birth to poetry
      But one day'll cease to be
      Greet the last light of the library
      (There will be a human extinction event, no if's, just when. The sun is getting bigger by capturing space hydrogen, space is not exactly empty, it will eventually turn the planet to sand and boil the seas, we will be long gone by then, or on a different planet. It will become a red giant and swallow Mercury, Venus and the Earth. None of us need worry presently, it's a very long way off, a very long way off being about 5 billion years.
      We were here!
      We were here!
      We were here!
      We were here!
      (We have always been here, we're made of the space dust and condensing gasses from the big bang, everything before us is still here in a different state and everybody and everything to come is here, as yet un-assembled, we are a universe as the atoms and molecules that make us and we have come from a universe.)
      [Part 4: The Understanding] (From Richard Dawkins)
      "We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones.
      Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara.
      Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people.
      In the teeth of those stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here. We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred"
      [Part 5: Sea-Worn Driftwood] (original text from Charles Darwin read by Dawkins)
      "There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."

    • @Stanzishouse
      @Stanzishouse  3 роки тому +1

      Oh my, I'll have to save this comment and read it later! Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. :)

    • @572Btriode
      @572Btriode 3 роки тому

      @@Stanzishouse You are more than welcome !

    • @NickBR57
      @NickBR57 3 роки тому +1

      @@572Btriode and "we were here" is also a cross reference (which Tuomas does all the time) in this case to Alpenglow.

  • @johnlindquist1784
    @johnlindquist1784 3 роки тому +5

    This video should be required watching for students of biology and evolutionary sciences.

  • @missrubyphoenix
    @missrubyphoenix 3 роки тому +2

    My favorite version of this song is from Tampere, however, this one has grown on me, and at the end when Mr. Dawkins comes out and says the words I get so many chills every time, as the crowd also reacts to him by going crazier than ever before, amazing

  • @darcisena6440
    @darcisena6440 3 роки тому

    I loved your emotional reaction (this song makes me cry every time) and really liked the subtitles 😍 kisses from Brazil 🇧🇷

  • @gottagowork
    @gottagowork 3 роки тому +1

    Regarding the writing and style, Tuomas was inspired by Ayreon concept back in the day. Just as Ghost Love Score is a great introduction to Nightwish,
    the long track "When The World Breaks Down" by Arjen Anthony Lucassen (behind the Ayreon concept) is a great introduction to Ayreon - another rabbit hole.
    Ayreon is a fantasy/sci-fi concept, where a signal is being sent in time to warn humans of its demise, and each album follows the signal receiver and support characters.
    So it's a progressive (though not over-the-top) symphonic metal (not all) rock opera thing. Live performances are more of a mix of several concepts to make the best concerts.
    Both studio and concerts features loads of high ranked and well known musicians. You might spot several "heroes" in mentioned track. At least one, for sure. ;)

  • @josephschembri
    @josephschembri 3 роки тому

    I realy love your reactions! This is a great version, you should see the Tampere it's got it's surprises! By the way you are one of the coolest nerds on UA-cam!

  • @wannabedane4046
    @wannabedane4046 3 роки тому +1

    Superbe reaction Constanza. No harm in doing "End of an Era" now and/or in between - you'll get the best from young Nightwish with Tarja as lead singer - you will then be able to hear the different (not comparing) the styles of Tarja and Floor both amazing singers.
    Regarding Richard Dawkins - when Tuomas and Troy approached him, he did not know anything about music - he did remember there had been a band called the Beatles, but he did not know Pink Floyd - so to answer your question: No, he probably did not expect to end up on a stage in Wembley with an epic band like Nightwish.

  • @dac2007
    @dac2007 3 роки тому +3

    I knew you had listened to this in the virtual show, so I was prepared lol
    The actual live concert version is way better though (besides Marko presence) since the feedback from the audience is key.
    Wembley and Tampere are twin shows from the same tour so I'd say you watch a selection from Tampere from the songs that are not shared with Wembley or Wacken, which are these 3:
    Endless Forms Most Beautiful (title track from the album)
    The Islander
    Sleeping Sun
    Then continue with Buenos Aires which have plenty of new stuff for you (well, at least with Floor, maybe you've heard the Tarja versions before since there are a lot of old songs there)

    • @phillee2814
      @phillee2814 3 роки тому +1

      The Tampere version of this song (The Greatest Show On Earth) is also different enough to repeat.

    • @dac2007
      @dac2007 3 роки тому

      @@phillee2814 Agreed!

  • @MycontentisgoldJerryGold
    @MycontentisgoldJerryGold 3 роки тому +1

    Your embarrassment and apology at "breaking quarantine" on TGSOE is so charming. And so is fiddling with your bangs at the beginning. 😊

  • @pauljohnson7382
    @pauljohnson7382 3 роки тому +7

    Immediate thought...No Harm...No Foul...So you listened to both the new & older version? Easier for a comparative/contrasting analysis...
    Enjoyable Upload! So far..👊
    Keep Freeing The Fringe! ✊😊
    Edit: Absolutely nothing against Troy's vocals in the newest version...BUT...Floor needs Marko's higher range/grit to complement/contrast her...Just say'n 🤔

    • @Stanzishouse
      @Stanzishouse  3 роки тому +4

      I have to agree. Troy's vocals are good - he has a nice voice. But Marco's with Floor's is just something else!

  • @marttivuorinen8475
    @marttivuorinen8475 3 роки тому +1

    Those fans .. speaking Richard Dawkinngs words ..there is some hope.
    And THX for NW for taking Part of that

  • @jindas4217
    @jindas4217 3 роки тому

    Love that ebow Troy is using and how it makes the guitar sound!

  • @RonniePeterson
    @RonniePeterson 3 роки тому +1

    Your channel your choice. Great reaction again.

  • @Ironcabbit
    @Ironcabbit 2 роки тому

    And Nightwish bring the same energy and quality of performance to a venue capable of holding 500 people max as they do to an arena of thousands.

  • @wanmac31
    @wanmac31 3 роки тому +1

    Strait telling, is most valiable thing to do 🤘🎶✨
    Ps. TAMPERE-15 GSOE 😁🇫🇮🤘✨

  • @NickBR57
    @NickBR57 3 роки тому

    There are lots of musical references in this, some of them occasionally mis-attributed by reactors.
    There are snippets from the Minuet by Petzold (the most frequently misnamed I think), the Bach Toccata of course, and the Metallica you commented on. There are others too, some of them so short I haven't managed to place them yet.

  • @manuelmorante9465
    @manuelmorante9465 6 місяців тому


  • @mariogansbeke
    @mariogansbeke 3 роки тому

    If you think about it... every note they play represents hundreds of thousands of years. The birth and evolution of the universe in a song of some 20 minutes time. Crazy. ...

  • @mariogansbeke
    @mariogansbeke 3 роки тому

    19:18 The whistle. I noticed it since the very first time I've heard TGSOE (some 150 times ago, LOL) and I always thought that Tuomas had the perfect feel of detail (in every song he wrote and is planning of writing, I'm sure) but I never saw that whistle as 'the perfect accident", the coincidence in evolution. Stanza, you're brilliant, kuddos for your sense of detail. Enjoyed your commentary and your insight. We are here to learn from each other, right?

  • @wernergatterer2953
    @wernergatterer2953 3 роки тому

    Hi! I like the Wembley version but my favorite is from Tampere '15. The Band and Floor did always a really good job but the indoor versions are all like this one, the Tampere version is a little bit different because it's an outdoor version and they could do things outdoor the couldn't do indoor, i will not say more. 😉 I hope you do Tampere next, this one you said from Buenos Aires is also an indoor version. I would say do "End of an era" next, for a change (it's also indoor but with Tarja), than Tampere (outdoor) and than Buenos Aires (indoor). But do what you like. You know i like your reactions very much and i always enjoy them! 🤘
    I wish you an wonderful rest of the week and a nice weekend! Bye!

  • @leemarinus
    @leemarinus 2 роки тому

    The big bang, the first nutreno blue stars of the chaos, heavy bombmart epoch.

  • @nimwey7701
    @nimwey7701 3 роки тому +1

    You should also watch the Tampere version

  • @ejllamobeolan5025
    @ejllamobeolan5025 3 роки тому +1

    Dawkins speaking at ther show, was a highlight in Floors and Nightwishs career also

  • @larryd4352
    @larryd4352 3 роки тому

    Wonderful reaction to this spectacular song! You can go in which ever direction you like! I would love to watch "End of An Era." I have the "2018 Buenos Aries" concert on DVD and CD...and I listen to it all the time when I am in my SUV!
    As for song suggestions....I love "Walking in The Air" and "Sleeping Sun" with Tarja as lead vocalist. I also love how Tuomas has "evolved" so many of his creations over the years! Little differences to take advantage of Floors spectacular voice!
    Thank you for all the time you put into your reactions!!! And the shout out to your mom who loves Metallica ( as I do ! 🤘🤘🤘🤘)! At 64 years old....I feel blessed to have grown up in the rock and roll era, and saw the beginnings of heavy metal with one of my favorites of all time, "Jimmy Hendrix!" You should check out some of his videos on UA-cam!

  • @raimojarvi8879
    @raimojarvi8879 3 роки тому +1


  • @clivematthews5296
    @clivematthews5296 3 роки тому +2

    I think there was hero worship in both directions between Tuomas and Richard. I wonder how long they talked and Floor of course as she wanted to be a biologist.

  • @johannessilver8653
    @johannessilver8653 3 роки тому

    Tuomas says that Dawkings actually do not like to visit in rock concerts but he accepted the invitation by Tuomas to join this one. See also Tampere version... the best visitors but amazing stadium performance. About the idea...Tuomas read the book as typically and then he answers the opinion and feeling/inpiration - not by speech - but music and lyrics. About the order of doing concerts - if you want some wider perspective to this band - do End of an Era - but if you want to keep timeline order and smaller Aires first. Actually you should pick Tampere 2000 (From Wishes to Eternity) to get idea of the early era NW from where the band started to grow quickly to international fame already.

  • @doc8645
    @doc8645 3 роки тому

    yeah, the reverse caught me off guard ha, and both versions are great but I'm like Pekka I prefer the Tampere reaction because of the fireworks and the last four minutes where they all come out on the runway and appreciate their fans and the fans appreciating them it's very telling of how much they care about their audience, plus in Tampere instead of Troy with the "e-bow" he uses the low whistle and pipes. just a little different.

  • @AGDinCA
    @AGDinCA 3 роки тому

    Are you crazy? This is NOT a fail! We are just happy to enjoy the song along with you. 👍

  • @phillee2814
    @phillee2814 3 роки тому +1

    This only tells the story of Earth, not the Universe - the clue is in the name!
    The first part is called four point six, not thirteen point seven (the ages of Earth and The Universe, respectively)- hence it cannot include the Big Bang.
    The collision which gave us our moon fits better within the theme, being very early in the known history of the Earth, and if you watch the Tampere version, you will get a far better view of it.
    It is followed by the late Hadeon bombardment, which brought many minerals and compounds essential to life to Earth, and some even believe the original life itself. It's not impossible, but I feel unlikely for any actual life to have survived the collision, as we did not have any atmosphere to protect us and slow impacts then.
    One day I'll remember to write down all the musical snippets that are covered in the 30s history of music from early chants to the present day - you got far more than most, who only hear "Enter Sandman" and even some commenters make childish jokes about it.
    The Charles Darwin quote is the closing passage from "On The Origin Of Species" - and Richard was very nervous as well as excited to accept their invitation to join them on stage to recite that quote from the paper which founded the whole field in which his career has been built. I'm about 6km from the original manuscript. Richard decided to go to the other place instead of the home of Evolutionary biology - I suppose he thought they needed the help.😁
    I would say to do Tampere next, then Buenos Aires, with maybe a dip into odd songs from "End Of An Era" in-between that you know will have versions in "Decades". is your friend, but of course, it is entirely up to you which order you choose to cover them.

  • @leemarinus
    @leemarinus 2 роки тому

    It is Tuomas' opus perfect um, a Masterpiece

  • @vogel2280
    @vogel2280 3 роки тому

    You even got yourself some appropriate reading materials (on the piano) 👍🏻

    • @Stanzishouse
      @Stanzishouse  3 роки тому

      Thanks for noticing, they weren't placed there by accident. 😊📚
      "Brief answers to the Big questions" by Stephen Hawking, "The God illusion" by Richard Dawkins and "Images of the Universe" which is a collection of creation stories from First Nations in the Northern hemisphere.

  • @mariogansbeke
    @mariogansbeke 3 роки тому

    Nice touch with the Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins books. LOL.

  • @eminabrestovac
    @eminabrestovac 3 роки тому

    Go Tampere first, then BA. Simply because Tampere is the same tour like wembley, and BA comes 3 years later. Maybe do Tampere, then End of an Era and then finally Buenos Aires!

    • @Stanzishouse
      @Stanzishouse  3 роки тому

      Thanks for the info... I'll have to have a think about this. Thanks! 😊

    • @Sinthoras-zo7cy
      @Sinthoras-zo7cy 3 роки тому

      Sorry, but I have to disagree. Tampere has a nearly identical setlist, and thus, doing it now will be pretty repetitive.
      I would suggest, doing End of an Era or Buenos Aires first, then the other one, and Tampere last, as I think it gets more enjoyable, when the memories of Wembley are a bit older.
      I think, it's a completely different feeling to look at new songs, than to look at a song, you already know, performed pretty similar to the version you already know, therefore the two options are not equivalent, but serve different uses. (One can argue for both uses, but I personally would argue for novelty.)

  • @ejllamobeolan5025
    @ejllamobeolan5025 3 роки тому

    Your always beautiful. There was 150 thousand tickets sold to this show. I was one

  • @thisworldofwater8017
    @thisworldofwater8017 3 роки тому

    Con, I've said this before but you don't hear me: THE HAIR IS *FINE*. It's fine.

  • @muusihuusi
    @muusihuusi 3 роки тому

    I see some books behind you ;)

  • @marttivuorinen8475
    @marttivuorinen8475 3 роки тому

    If i was sent to a deserted island and told i can take one record with me This would Be it

  • @German_1
    @German_1 3 роки тому

    You need to watch the right version of GSOE

  • @mattk79
    @mattk79 3 роки тому +2

    My suggestion for a song that isn't part of any of the concerts you're watching is _Beauty of the Beast._

    • @Stanzishouse
      @Stanzishouse  3 роки тому +1

      Oh, thanks, saving the link! 😊

  • @TheIpadfanatic
    @TheIpadfanatic 3 роки тому

    It should be impossible to feel guilty about listening to any Nightwish. And we appreciate the candor but is is entirely unnecessary. You reacted to this version @ Wembley which was entirely new to you. That counts.