Uksalara Maksin - Traditional Manchu War Song

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Lyrics:
    ᠠᡴᡩᡠᠨ ᠪᡝᡵᡳ ᠪᡝ ᡤᠠᠯᠠ ᡩᡝ ᠵᠠᡶᠠ᠉
    ᠠᡴᡨᠠ ᠮᠣᡵᡳᠨ ᠪᡝ ᠶᠠᠯᡠ᠈ ᠵᡝ᠉
    ᠰᠠᡴᡩᠠ ᠣᡴᡳᠨᡳ ᠠᠰᡳᡥᠠᠨ ᠣᡴᡳᠨᡳ ᡩᠠ
    ᠵᠣᡴᠰᠣᠨ ᡩᡝ ᡳᠯᡳ᠈ ᠵᡝ ᠉
    ᡤᠠᠪᡨᠠᡵᠠᠩᡤᠠ ᡤᠠᠪᡨᠠᠨᠠ᠈
    ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠮᠨᡳᠶᠠᡵᠠᠨᡤᡝ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠮᠨᡳᠶᠠᠨᠠ
    ᠰᠣᠯᠪᡳᡥᠠ ᠮᠠᠩᡤᡳ ᡶᡝᡵᡤᡝᠯᡝ᠈
    ᠶᠠᠰᠠ ᠮᠠᡴᡨᠠᠮᡝ ᡨᠣᡴᡨᠣᠪᡠ᠈
    ᡨᠠᡨᠠ ᡨᠠᡨᠠ ᡥᡡᠰᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡨᠠᡨᠠ᠈
    ᡤᠠᠪᡨᠠ ᠉
    ᡨᠠᡨᠠ ᡨᠠᡨᠠ ᡥᡡᠰᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡨᠠᡨᠠ᠈
    ᡤᠠᠪᡨᠠ ᠉
    ᠶᠣᡵᠣ ᠰᡳᡵᡩᠠᠨ ᠪᡝ ᡤᠠᠯᠠ ᡩᡝ ᠵᠠᡶᠠ᠈
    ᠸᡝᠨ ᡨᡝᠪᡠᠮᡝ ᡩᠠᡵᠠ᠈ ᠵᡝ᠉
    ᡳᠴᡳᡨᠠᡳ ᠣᡴᡳᠨᡳ ᡥᠠᠰᡥᡡᡨᠠᡳ ᠣᡴᡳᠨᡳ
    ᠮᠣᡵᡳᠨ ᠪᡝ ᡤᠠᠵᡳᠮᡝ ᡳᠯᡳ᠈ ᠵᡝ ᠉
    ᡧᡠᠰᡳᡥᠠᠯᠠᠮᡝ ᠮᠣᡵᡳᠨ ᡩᡝ ᠰᡳᠨᡩᠠ᠈
    ᠮᠠᡥᠠᠯᠠ ᠪᡝ ᠵᠣᡵᡳᠮᡝ ᠪᡝᡵᡳ ᠠᡵᠠ᠈
    ᡠᡴᠰᠠᠯᠠᡥᠠ ᠮᠠᠩᡤᡳ ᡨᠣᠶᠣᠨ ᠪᠠᡥᠠ᠈
    ᠠᠰᡥᡡᡴᠠ ᠮᠠᠩᡤᡳ ᡩᠠ ᡨᠣᠯᠣᠮᠪᡳ᠉
    ᡥᡝᡳ ᡥᡝᡳ ᡥᡝᡳ᠉
    ᠪᡝ ᠮᠠᡶᠠᡵ ᡳ ᠰᠣᠩᡴᠣ ᠪᡝ
    ᠮᡝᠨᡳ ᠠᠮᠠᠴᠠᡩᠠᡵᠠ ᠵᠣᡵᡳᠨ
    ᠮᠠᡶᠠᡵᡳ ᡳ ᡝᠮᡠ ᡩᡠᡵᡠᠨ᠉
    ᠪᡝ ᠴᠣᡥᠣᡨᠣᡳ ᠮᠠᠨᡶᠠᡵᡳ ᠪᡝ
    ᠠᠮᠨᠠᠮᠠᡥᠠᠩᡤᡝ ᠸᠠᡴᠠ᠈
    ᠠᡳᠪᡳᠴᡳ ᠨᡳ ᠮᡝᠨᡳ ᠪᡝᠶᡝᡩᡝ ᡝᠶᡝᠮᠠᡥᠠᠩᡤᡝ
    ᠮᠠᡶᠠᡵᡳ ᡳ ᠰᡝᠩᡤᡳ᠉
    ᡝᠮᡠ ᠪᠠᡩᡝ ᡤᠠᠪᡨᠠᡵᠠ ᡥᠠᡥᠠᠰᠠ
    ᠰᡳᡵᡩᠠᠨ ᡤᡝᠮᡠ ᡨᡠᠴᡳᡴᡝᠪᡳ᠈
    ᡤᡳᡵᡠ ᠰᠠᡳᡴᠠᠨ ᡤᠠᠪᡨᠠᡵᠠ ᠮᠠᠩᡤᠠ ᠈
    ᡤᠠᠪᡨᠠᡥᠠ ᡩᠠᡵᡳ ᡧᠣᡵᡤᡳᡥᠠᠪᡳ
    ᡝᠮᡠ ᠪᠠᡩᡝ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠮᠨᡳᠶᠠᡵᠠ ᡥᠠᡥᠠᠰᠠ
    ᠠᠮᠠᠰᡳ ᡩᡠᠰᡥᡠᠮᡝ ᠰᡳᠨᡩᠠᡥᠠᠪᡳ᠉
    ᡤᡳᡵᡠ ᠰᠠᡳᡴᠠᠨ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠮᠨᡳᠶᠠᡵᠠ ᠮᠠᠩᡤᠠ᠈
    ᡥᠣᠣ ᠰᡝᠮᡝ ᡤᠣᡳᡥᠠᡴᡡᠩᡤᠠ ᠠᡴᡡ᠈
    ᡨᠠᡨᠠ ᡨᠠᡨᠠ ᡥᡡᠰᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡨᠠᡨᠠ᠈
    ᡨᠠᡨᠠ ᡨᠠᡨᠠ ᡥᡡᠰᡠᠩᡤᠠ ᡨᠠᡨᠠ᠈
    ᡶᡝᡨᡝᠮᡝ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠮᠨᡳᠶᠠᡥᠠᠪᡳ᠈
    ᡨᠣᠮᠣᡵᡨᠠᡳ ᡤᠣᡳᠪᡠᡥᠠᠪᡳ᠈
    ᠮᡝᡵᡤᡝᠨ ᡥᠠᡥᠠ ᠵᡠᡳ ᠪᡝᡩᡝᡵᡝᡥᡝ ᠮᠠᠩᡤᡳ᠈
    ᠮᠣᡵᡳᠨ ᠪᡝ ᠪᠠᡵᡤᡳᠶᠠᠮᡝ ᡳᠯᡳᠪᡠᡥᠠᠪᡳ᠈
    ᡤᠠᠪᡨᠠᠰᡳ ᠨᡳᠶᠠᠮᠨᡳᠶᠠᠰᡳ ᡳᠰᠠᠨᡩᡠᡶᡳ᠈
    ᡳᠨᠵᡝᡵᡝ ᠵᡳᠯᡤᠠᠨ ᠠᠪᡴᠠᡳ ᠵᠠᠯᡠ᠈
    ᡠᠵᡠᠯᡝᠮᡝ᠈ ᠮᠠᡴᠰᡳᠮᡝ᠈
    ᠮᡠᠰᡝ ᡤᡝᠮᡠ ᠪᡝᠶᡝ ᠰᡝᡩᡝ ᠪᠠᡨᡠᡵᡠ ᠣᡥᠣᠪᡳ᠉
    ᡥᡝᡳ ᡥᡝᡳ ᡥᡝᡳ᠉
    ᠪᡝ ᠮᠠᡶᠠᡵ ᡳ ᠰᠣᠩᡴᠣ ᠪᡝ
    ᠮᡝᠨᡳ ᠠᠮᠠᠴᠠᡩᠠᡵᠠ ᠵᠣᡵᡳᠨ
    ᠮᠠᡶᠠᡵᡳ ᡳ ᡝᠮᡠ ᡩᡠᡵᡠᠨ᠉
    ᠪᡝ ᠴᠣᡥᠣᡨᠣᡳ ᠮᠠᠨᡶᠠᡵᡳ ᠪᡝ
    ᠠᠮᠨᠠᠮᠠᡥᠠᠩᡤᡝ ᠸᠠᡴᠠ᠈
    ᠠᡳᠪᡳᠴᡳ ᠨᡳ ᠮᡝᠨᡳ ᠪᡝᠶᡝᡩᡝ ᡝᠶᡝᠮᠠᡥᠠᠩᡤᡝ
    ᠮᠠᡶᠠᡵᡳ ᡳ ᠰᡝᠩᡤᡳ᠉
    Lyrics in English (With Romanization):
    akdun beri be gala de jafa,
    Let's grab strong bows in your hand
    akta morin be yalu, je......
    Let's ride castrated horses, yes!
    sakda okini asihan okini da jokson de ili, je......
    Both elders and youths, stand up from "da jokson"
    (jokson means place where people ride horses and then stand alongside)
    gabtarangga gabtana, niyamniyarangge niyamniyana.
    Let's shoot and shoot
    shoot while riding horses and shoot while riding horses
    solbiha manggi fergele,
    Let's grab bow and prepare arrow and then pull it with your index finger
    yasa maktame toktobu
    Let your eyes find target
    tata tata hvsungga tata, gabta, tata tata hvsungga tata gabta,
    pull it, pull it,stronger, pull it, shoot it, shoot it, stronger, pull and shoot
    yoro sirdan be gala de jafa, wen tebume dara , je……
    Let's grab arowheads and arrows in your hand. pull bowstring, yes!
    iqitai okini hashvtai okini morin be gajime ili, je.......
    both left-handed and right-handed, Let's bring horses and then stand up, yes!
    xusihalame morin be sinda, mahala be jorime beri ara,
    Let's whip horses and aim targets, targeting hats then prepare bows
    uksalaha manggi toyon baha, ashvka manggi da tolombi.
    When it was over, I gained capabilities of archery. I gathered(counted) bosses before goodbye
    hei hei hei....
    hey hey hey
    be mafari i songko be songkolohokv
    We didn't followed ancestors' route
    meni amqadara jorin mafari i emu durun
    We didn't followed our admirable ancestors' rules
    be qohotoi manfari be amnamahangge waka,
    Especially we didn't followed ancestors.
    aibiqi ni meni beyede eyemahangge mafari i senggi.
    Where are our ancestors' flooded blood?
    emu bade gabtara hahasa sirdan gemu tuqikebi,
    A buch of horsemen's arrows were out
    giru saikan gabtara mangga, gabtaha dari xorgihabi,
    it's hard to shoot well, every arrow hits when they shoot.
    emu bade niyamniyara hahasa amasi dushume sindahabi.
    a bunch of horsemen ride horse, sit back and shot.
    giru saikan niyamniyara mangga, hoo seme goihakvngga akv,
    it's hard to shoot well, there wasn't any miss.
    tata tata hvsungga tata, goiha.
    pull it, pull it, stronger, pull it, hit
    feteme niyamniyahabi, tomortai goibuhabi,
    they thinked and shoot while riding horse, there wasn't any miss.
    mergen haha jui bederehe manggi, morin be bargiyame ilibuhabi,
    When wise boy go back, he gathered horses and stood up
    gabtasi niyamniyasi isandufi, injere jilgan abkai jalu,
    he gathered shooters, horsemen. and there are laughings full in sky.
    ujuleme, maksime, muse gemu beye sede baturu ohobi.
    they sang, danced. we all became warriors.
    hei hei hei.....
    hey hey hey
    be mafari i songko be songkolohokv,
    We didn't followed ancestors' route
    meni amqadara jorin mafari i emu durun,
    we didn't followed our admirable ancestors' rules
    be qohotoi mafari be amnamahangge waka,
    especially we didn't followed ancestors.
    aibiqi ni meni beyebe eyemahangge mafari i senggi
    where is our ancestors' flooded blood?
    This channel does NOT represent any political ideology!
    The only purpose of this channel is to provide a showcase and a translation for the lyrics of various folkloristic/nationalistic/religious songs and anthems around our beautiful world, both historical and modern.
    The channel has to be seen as a "museum" and, for this reason, it remains completly neutral to any political and religious ideology and all the contets are posted for purely cultural purposes.
    You can suggest more chants and anthems in the comments


  • @sanneoi6323
    @sanneoi6323 Рік тому +54

    >Corsican channel makes Manchu Song
    >it has both Manchu and English subtitles
    >uses footage from War of the Arrows
    Unfathomably based

  • @johnnytex1040
    @johnnytex1040 Рік тому +63

    For all the Manchu's reverence for their archery, it was this religious connection w/ their archery that led to them rejecting firearms, irreparably setting back Chinese warfare behind Europe. Even the Ming were open to experimenting w/ firearms.

    • @paradox_1729
      @paradox_1729 Рік тому +1

      Stop making shit up. Manchus used muskets extensively. During their conquest of China they didnt use them much but still used their bows effectively against muskets armed enemies form both China and Mongolia successfully. Manchu bows are specifically designed to be short ranged armour piercers. After they conquered China they switched the garrisons and standing banners to using muskets as they were very impressed by the performance of muskets from China and Korea. Early warfare by the Manchus involved mounted warfare, muskets were not very useful for that but they were pretty pragmatic when it came to warfare and adopted muskets very fast. Archery later became more of an expectation of pure ethnically Manchu banners who were expected to be trained as warriors and archery was practiced like a sport.

    • @BP-vk2yn
      @BP-vk2yn Рік тому +22

      It's perhaps more sincere to say that they opposed the proliferation of firearms as they didn't want an easily armed Han populace. The religious significance of archery only helped push this. There was similar pushes with regards to crossbows and early handcannons in Europe solely because such weapons were relatively simple to use for peasants and would undermine the social order of the knights. The same could be said with handcannons proliferating in Qing China as if the Han became armed, they'd uprise with much more resilience, as is what happened once firearms became prevalent in late Qing China.

    • @toesmessage
      @toesmessage Рік тому


    • @harrybuttery2447
      @harrybuttery2447 4 місяці тому +5

      The Qing did not reject firearms. They had whole armies armed with muskets and supported by cannons.

    • @harrybuttery2447
      @harrybuttery2447 4 місяці тому +6

      @@BP-vk2yn That's not true, firstly because the Qing used firearms a lot but secondly because that was not the reason gunpowder weapons were slow to spread in Europe.
      Early gunpowder weapons were not very effective, they were dangerous to the people using them and they were expensive and hard to produce with only a limited amount of people having the skill set to make them. As technology improved and the ability to produce such weapons proliferated through society naturally they became more viable and started to see more widespread use.

  • @thatmemestar378
    @thatmemestar378 3 місяці тому +5

    I am proud of my turkic manchu brothers 😊

    • @liran547
      @liran547 Місяць тому +2

      Manchus are not Turkic, they are tungstic to say the least, so do Mongols, which are two different groups of people to Turkic

  • @guillermoftdna
    @guillermoftdna 5 місяців тому +17


    • @Dkckskcjdkc
      @Dkckskcjdkc Місяць тому +2

      "Ah, what a nice day being a hors-"

  • @Batu22-c8s
    @Batu22-c8s 3 місяці тому +6

    bi khagas mongol khagas manj khün. Bi manjiin soyol, khelend durtai. Ted yag l mongolchuud shig khüchirkheg daichid. 💪💪

    • @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala
      @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala 3 місяці тому +1

      so, which mongolian tribe is your origin ? maybe khorcin mongolian tribe ?

    • @Batu22-c8s
      @Batu22-c8s 3 місяці тому +1

      @@fiyangga.yanggiri-hala I am not actually sure, but i know my origin for my Mongolian side is from Inner Mongolia, most likely one of the Tujue tribes.. My Manchu side is originally Haixi Jurchen, Hoifa Hulun Tribe. Although after the Jianzhou Manchu invasion of Haixi Jurchen my original Hulun clan was destroyed. Now my Manchu side of the family views themselves different to the Jianzhou Manchus. My older generation of the family views the Qing Dynasty as negative because they destroyed all their heritage and executed all Haixi Jurchen rulers.

    • @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala
      @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala 2 місяці тому +1

      ​@Baturu838 ok, hoifa tribe . that's interesting. now I see why you are more related with mongolian culture and people. thanks.

    • @Batu22-c8s
      @Batu22-c8s 2 місяці тому

      @@fiyangga.yanggiri-hala Yeah, but most Manchu cultures are the same. Although i do relate to Mongolian culture more, partly since Mongolia is a country but Inner Mongolia/Manchuria isn't, so they are more Chinese than their traditional cultures.

  • @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala
    @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala 5 місяців тому +9

    Manchuria forever !
    Manju tumen se !

    • @v.searcher
      @v.searcher 5 місяців тому +1

      Manchus, my brother people. I hope everything turns out well for us northern peoples. Manchus! Excellent warriors! Would love to visit your land some day. Would do my heart much good! - from a Korean noble -

    • @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala
      @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala 5 місяців тому +1

      @v.searcher thanks my friend. Koreans are very kind people and a lot of Koreans living in manchuria also.

    • @Batu22-c8s
      @Batu22-c8s 3 місяці тому

      Manjuur mandtugai

    • @shoggal
      @shoggal 20 днів тому

      Sain no from Kazakhstan. Love your language and culture. Please don't forget it.

    • @Bodulaw11499
      @Bodulaw11499 5 днів тому

      Musei Manju....

  • @multisomething7245
    @multisomething7245 3 місяці тому +4

    me as a turk i think that words are familiar but also i did not understand any word.

  • @cursed_octoflux20
    @cursed_octoflux20 2 роки тому +24


  • @hoyinching9313
    @hoyinching9313 8 місяців тому +3


  • @Tomiagisiha_Aisingioro
    @Tomiagisiha_Aisingioro 6 місяців тому +13

    Musei Manju!
    ᠮᠠᠨ᠋ᠵᡠ ᡠᡴ᠋ᠰᡠ ᡨᡠ᠋ᠮᡝᠨ ᠰᡝ ᠣᡴᡳᠨᡳ᠉

    • @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala
      @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala 5 місяців тому +3

      Umesi sain !
      Manju tumen se !

    • @v.searcher
      @v.searcher 5 місяців тому +4

      Manchuria for Manchus! 🎉

    • @PerplexPrays
      @PerplexPrays 4 місяці тому +3

      manju sina, emu gurun waka!

    • @Batu22-c8s
      @Batu22-c8s 3 місяці тому

      @@v.searcher Tiimee düü mini! Ene kommunist khan nokhod Manjuurt baikh yosgüi!

    • @v.searcher
      @v.searcher 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Batu22-c8s Hello, Jochi! I think I can kinda guess what you are saying, but I know next to nothing in regards to the Manchurian language. Anyway, thanks for commenting. I hope I can one day visit Manchuria and learn more about it and the people living there.

  • @PrimeChaosVC
    @PrimeChaosVC 18 годин тому

    Those are Mongolian scriptures? So, the Manchu song is preserved with Mongols scriptures? Are they singing Manchu or Mongol?

  • @Mongolia774
    @Mongolia774 7 місяців тому +9

    I can weirdly understand it without reading the translation

    • @jnfr47
      @jnfr47 5 місяців тому

      same. maybe cuz they copied our language

    • @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala
      @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala 5 місяців тому +4

      @jnfr47 yeah, we took traditional mongolian script with some modifications but our language is more related with Horqin mongolian.

    • @Mongolia774
      @Mongolia774 5 місяців тому

      @@jnfr47 I am not Mongolian though I am from Uyghur China

    • @Mongolia774
      @Mongolia774 4 місяці тому

      @@fiyangga.yanggiri-halathe mongolian writing system was adopted by the Uyghur writing system by Temuujin or Chingges Khan

    • @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala
      @fiyangga.yanggiri-hala 4 місяці тому

      ​​@@Mongolia774it's true. I didn't know this until I read a history book recently. but from what I've understood it says this script is from ancient Syria originally .

  • @Raven-pf8yw
    @Raven-pf8yw 8 місяців тому +4

    Which movie is the scene from? Anyway, the music is very good

  • @filicefilice
    @filicefilice 8 місяців тому +6

    Save Ukraine ❤

    • @PerplexPrays
      @PerplexPrays 5 місяців тому +4

      what's ukraine got to do with this

    • @kasossakhalin5461
      @kasossakhalin5461 4 місяці тому +1

      @@PerplexPraysRussia and its ally China are also occupy Manchuria. Ukraine is like 100 years ago Manchuria

  • @andyborjigin9699
    @andyborjigin9699 14 днів тому

    Manchurians are not Chinese, China (or China Proper) is merely one of the parts under Manchurian rule, Daicing is Manchurian (or maybe Monglian origin) name, but not Chinese. There are many existing historical documents and logical relations showing that China inhereted Manchurian political and territorial assets without legal ground, all the way until now.

  • @znba8823
    @znba8823 Місяць тому

    The Manchu barbarians had no civilization.

  • @guillermoftdna
    @guillermoftdna 5 місяців тому +1

    🎻🎻🎻🎻 boing

  • @user-yx4bv7lr9m
    @user-yx4bv7lr9m 5 місяців тому +3


  • @PerplexPrays
    @PerplexPrays 4 місяці тому

    unfathomably based

  • @enesbeter9815
    @enesbeter9815 Рік тому +3

    Dzungar khanate music

    • @conquistador5228
      @conquistador5228 Рік тому +16

      Dzungar were oirats ( a tribe of mongols) manchu are tungusic and they destroyed dzungar khanate.

    • @PerplexPrays
      @PerplexPrays Рік тому +3

      @@conquistador5228 based

    • @Mongolia774
      @Mongolia774 11 місяців тому

      @@conquistador5228han chinese rebels be like: Oh so you think your strong?

    • @conquistador5228
      @conquistador5228 11 місяців тому +2

      @@Mongolia774 you talking about Ming rebellion or Qing conquest of Mongolia ? Well chinese are ofc not weak afterall only Manchu and Yuan Empire could conquer all China and thats impressive for a civilisation who existed at the same region for thousands of years.

    • @Jagerman97979
      @Jagerman97979 9 місяців тому +1

      and looks like kazakh music