Thanks for sharing this information, very useful! As someone who is constantly reading technical materials, I totally agree that the language of ace training book is vague and overall it's written poorly. There's a huge load of information in every page to a point that there's no natural flow and no proper building and explaining the case. At times it feels that the text is copy/pasted from somewhere else but proper linking of the material is missing. I still think it's a valuable resource and you learn a lot but personally I had much higher expectations when I signed up for the certificate.
All the information provided is readily available online and most on the official ACE webpage....what a waste of time....just trying to sell your program.
It is 2022, so I need all resources to be updated to this New Year!
Thanks for sharing this information, very useful! As someone who is constantly reading technical materials, I totally agree that the language of ace training book is vague and overall it's written poorly. There's a huge load of information in every page to a point that there's no natural flow and no proper building and explaining the case. At times it feels that the text is copy/pasted from somewhere else but proper linking of the material is missing. I still think it's a valuable resource and you learn a lot but personally I had much higher expectations when I signed up for the certificate.
When we Trainer Academy update their resources to match the latest version of the Training Manual?
Seems like you guys are just making this video to sell a $300 study course from Trainer Academy
Hey can we give ace exam without any coaching or academy
God bless
All the information provided is readily available online and most on the official ACE webpage....what a waste of time....just trying to sell your program.