What Dr Kwon is teaching that most UA-cam teachers aren’t successfully communicating is that the body swings the club. The arms and hands automatically get into these positions that are taught (if the grip is correct for your hand/arm type), not by conscious effort, but by physics dictating the path of resistance and least resistance. The golf swing is at a fundamental level controlling a series of gears and levers that transfer stored energy from the feet into the club head. What he’s trying to accomplish with this drill is to give our bodies the feeling of constant movement so that the club goes where it wants to go with minimal effort; just a few key moves that take the mental hoolahoops out of the equation. If we view the body as a spring that is being coiled or twisted in the backswing, then we can visualized it releasing automatically in a powerful, predictable manner with little effort. That’s how the pros swing so fast and accurate. They’re not magically guiding the club to a perfect impact. When feels becomes reals, combined with proper tempo for your own body, it clicks.
My phone has to be listening and watching what I am doing because all of a sudden this video was suggested to me. I asked my golf partner yesterday if he had any drills for proper extension thru the ball. He taught me a drill that makes me make the widest arc possible backwards and forwards while keeping my head still. You start out with small but wide half swings to get the feel of the wide arc. Well Dr. Kwon's drill is exactly what it looked like. Fast forward to today, I started to use speed on the backswing to swing the weight of the club to its furthest point from my body to create the beginning of the large arc for the downswing. I was absolutley amazed on how this drill makes you feel and understand the "bottom" of the swing because the club literally jerks you towards the ground thru impact. Something I have never felt before trying all the different swing methods i.e. Malaska, Haney, GG, etc. I have never in my life hit my irons so pure. After getting more confident, I started to play with ball positions. I placed the ball slightly forward of center for my 3 wood while maintaining the bottom slightly before the ball and dead center of my body and just like that I had a high beautiful ball flight. Something I had never done before. Usually placing the ball forward resulted in a weak topping strike. I think the other lesson is to make sure you swing the club in a path that creates the largest swing arc you can handle withouth moving your head.
One of my first memories of golf was seeing a trick shot artist on TV hitting shots with a club head attached to the end of a bull whip. The same physics are at work in Dr. Kwon’s swing technique: Keep the club head mass pulling strongly on the hands in the backswing and also post impact and hand strongly pulling on the club head mass in the downswing, using the biomechanics of how the grip and folding of the non-bearing arm to control the orientation of the club toe because its orientation influences swing path. Golfers in the era of Hickory clubs had to use that swing strategy out of necessity to avoid snapping and twisting the thin wood shafts. Swing methodology changed with the introduction of metal shafted clubs to one of dropping the hands to intentionally bend and load the shaft at the top of the backswing, i.e., the “dual plane” swing style Byron Nelson is credited with inventing when making the transition to metal shafted clubs in the 1930. In theory the spring loading of the shaft club at the top of the backswing allows that stored force to be delivered into the back of the ball, but in practice that only occurs if the golfer has the technique necessary to keep the hands accelerating faster that hips and shoulders from the transition at the top all the way to impact. As a result golf technique evolved from that of “keeping the rope taut” to one of “keeping the shaft lagging and bent” by keeping the hips as stationary as possible and rotating the shoulders around them (i.e., the “X Factor” which became the popular technique in the 1990s and early 2000s). The trick shot artist I saw on TV in the 1960s was Count Yogi and about a dozen years ago in my mid-50s I rediscovered him thanks to George Peper’s book “The Secret of Golf” which devoted the last chapter to his unconventional swing and golf career. The underlying physics of Dr. Kwon is similar that in the Count Yogi swing and golfers who learned the game with Hickory shafted clubs who swung like that to avoid snapping them in half.
One of the best golf instructors on the PGA tour used a very similar loading and unloading of the golf swing, Pete Cowen. The "spiral backswing" loads the backswing and a "spiral downswing" unloads the follow-through. Also, I love the concept of downward pressure instead of thinking of "weight shifts". Pushing down with on right foot loads the right quad and glute, and the weight shift is complete. Same on the downswing, "downward pressure" on the outside of the left heel with a slight left foot flare braces the left leg for a solid strike.
I’m glad to see that squat move being removed from your swing. It never looked natural. I’m not a swing guru but Im of the opinion that a head lowering and squatting move should be an effect rather than cause. Thanks for this great video!
11 Years ago Shawn Clement posted a video about the 'Perpetual Motion Drill'. Because of Dr. Kwon, I now know why it is a good drill. Brendan, this series with Dr. Kwon might be the most attainable instruction you have yet presented.
I like the various individuals you visit to discuss the golf swing! The feeling of the left shoulder and pec turning created all the speed for me in the downswing.
MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE VID IS 10:55 "KEEP IT CLOSED ALL THE WAY" start the down swing with closed shoulders and body. incredibly powerful. its certainly a lot different then what youre doing which is also pretty good, the opening and squatting is right out of GG golf.
Absolute GOLD - the statement at 11:30 is exactly what it feels like when you swing effortlessly and free - that "over the top" feeling is what all great ball strikers feel - the only issue is the best players don't know how to articulate or demonstrate it to common folks like us. Ty so much for this vid.
This guy teaching what my swing is all about. Been playing 30+ years and I try to keep my swing as simple as possible with as few moving parts as possible. Learned this many years ago when I was paired with a guy who was a mini tour player and saw that he was really doing nothing all that special with his swing….just swing the club back, swing the club through and the guy proceeded to shoot a smooth 63. Made the game look super simple. All this teaching crap of need to squat, P3, P6, and on an on is all BS in my view. Just keep it simple. P.s. that woman at 2:15 has one sweet swing!
I've tried everything on UA-cam and the key thing that stopped my over the top move was to make a proper full turn in the back swing. Before I was lifting my arms to the top and my upper body hasn't fully turned so as soon as I rotated in transition, it threw my arms out at the ball. It is such a completely different feeling at the top like my entire body is facing back towards the trail side. One of the reason I couldn't make that full turn was because I was so focused on keeping my eyes on the ball and my head still that it restricted my mobility. Let your head swivel a bit on the way back and you'll be surprised how much of a bigger turn you can make. The continuos swing works well because it stops you from just lifting your arms to the top where the only way back is over the top unless you do some silly move like dropping the hands. With a proper turn, like Kwon said you automatically shallow and come back down on the functional plane
Here's another very well known and respected teacher using one of your main teachings in a head line of a current ad... Hank Haney talking about the importance of and highly effective ways to ingrain proper golf swing... "Practice swings"....you dah man Dr. K!
Prior to watching this video, yesterday I watched a video that suggested a faster backswing to improve swing speed. I tried it today and immediately popped up 5 then 10 mph of swing speed. . The only warning was to make sure to complete the backswing. One of my drills that I have been using was the dropping of the hands to coordinate the hip bump forward. I can't wait to try the swing back and forth to get the proper body movement on the downswing using the fast backswing method. Thanks!!
I think it’s absolutely correct, that a person should be careful that their practice drill is actually improving their form, not ingraining bad habits. I am currently revisiting Dr. Kwon’s instructional videos and really benefiting from his methods. ♥️ 🙏🏼
The best video you ever posted so far. Finally an expert who knows what happens in good golf swings. Anyone who comments with HUH? hasn't a clue. Dr. Kwon is Chris Como's mentor. Como helps Bryson d and was Tigers coach till Tiger's back got really messed up, so pretty sure Kwon knows more than HUH? Brilliant stuff!!
I am open to trying anything. This is a new concept to me from a golf perspective, but makes total sense. Just have to try it at the range to get good contact
Love everything about this but still noticed on most of your fast full swings an opening of shoulders on start of downswing. About 10:55 mark was your best swing
This was really cool and reminds me of s swing feel I've drifted away from: My best ball striking is when I feel my swing is guided by the BACK of my left shoulder. When he holds his left arm and makes him pull against that, you can see all the parts line up. Produces natural lag, no manipulation and sequencing also happens mostly automatically. The transition/start of the downswing is where it's at. This is NOT the same as pulling down on the grip to start the swing. Glad I watched this.
Yup, nailed it on the head. I "stand tall" in my swing the last season and I "fall to the target" to start the downswing, the arms drop, and I use my whole body to propel myself through the ball. Fastest driver speed was 124mph, good vid!
Good video. The key is getting that smooth body led continuous swing feeling starting from the address position. Maybe 25 continuous swings back and forth to drill it into your brain that is the motion you are trying to achieve. Then you can use a forward press to simulate the forward move before initiating your back swing and thru swing, so 5 full swings from address position. Then do 10 continuous swings, then go back to 5 full swings from address position. So you never lose that continuous swing motion feeling.
What an awesome drill to get the body to actually swing the club around itself instead of trying to move the club and arms into all of these multi angle positions. Proper footwork is the key.
I saw some of your earlier (might have been your first meeting with Dr Kwon)...... at 7:00 you ask "Does that look better?" - It looks like a different person is in this video from your original swing when you first started. The continuous motion drill - completely eliminates your "dipping down" or "pulling down" to start your through swing. I think the continuous motion drill eliminates the excesive "lifting" of the hands that you had originally - which resulted in having to bring them back down. Dr Kwon said that if it feels weird, then there is something wrong. With the continuous motion, it HAS TO go through the right places! I never realized why, sometimes before the first hole of a round, swinging hard four or five times without stopping would "set me up" for a good first tee shot. It is this drill.
This is awesome. About a year ago I did something very similar as a pre shot routine (rocking back and forth) to take away tension in my golf swing. I played some good golf and then I got away from it. Time to put this back into play.
I actually utilized this theory on the course a few months ago, before ever coming across Dr. Kwon & Be Better Golf's videos. Those were some of the best on-course shots of the the year for me (why I stopped doing it is beyond me). I'm taking this approach and blending it with the Body Swing method (@Paul Wilson Golf) I have learned this past season. Both are relaxed, body swing approaches.
Chiming in a couple years after these videos popped up. Awesome content! Would it be possible to get a video done with Dr Kwon of a series of drills that would go " up and down the stack " so to speak? Like maybe his 5 or 10 drills that if you do these regularly and in X sequence(defined by him) it would equate to working on your swing holistically?
Man, I have the same problem of lowering my body in my downswing as if I’m trying to get ready to jump. It’s like a natural instinct. Trying to break that habit and these drills will help. By dipping down at the ball it makes it harder to stay in plane and then I think I use all arms like the Dr said you were doing. Ugh. Thanks for this video
Great video. Focus on athletic body-centric movement versus swinging to positions. At 5:55 of the video you are talking about shallowing the club and Dr Kwon says that if you move your body correctly the shallowing happens automatically. This is Ben Hogan's "free ride" on page 93 of Five Lessons!!! Instructors often describe the same thing using different words or imagery. But when you see the same concept being mentioned again and again, albeit not in the same way, it's time to pay attention. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Gotta love this X Swing Drill especially for indoor winter swinging. How long and how often would you do this exercise. Is this the same as his kettlebell exercise?
Good stuff! This reminds me of when you created your version of the "Zen Board" you were literally doing this with the drill you showed us back then. Thanks for sharing.
This is exciting to hear from Dr. Kwon. The nearest thing to this line of thinking is a book by Michael Hebron, "See and Feel the Inside Move the Outside."
You would move along so much quicker if you just listened to Dr Kwon. He is telling you exactly what is happening and what to do. You make to many assumptions. Questions are great but ask then listen. I do appreciate the content! It’s very very helpful. I hadn’t heard of Dr Kwon before finding your channel.
There seems to be a lot of repetition in golf instruction. Haney had Barkley hit a million balls continuously, Malaska had you do continuous but walking backward, Shawn clement perpetual motion drill, Lee Dietrich and others have the step drills. I think it comes down to which instructor finally helps you get it. It’s not new or groundbreaking, it’s more like “oh that’s what those other guys meant”
Agree 100%, just need to find the ones that finally help you get the concept. Personally watched too much confusing golf instruction until I came across Malaska, Clement, Bender, Cowen and Scheinblum explain it, then that moment came and understood what they were trying to say what the basic natural swing should be like. Seems like Dr. Kwon is advocating the same thing, with a bit different approach achieving it. Met/heard about those coaches through Be Better Golf, so thanks for that Brandon!
On my backswing, the clubhead is the last thing to move. I pretend it’s velcroed to the ground. I let the push back of my right leg (for you Malaska followers) start the backswing, that moves the hip and the clubhead it pulled along the path.
when you were swinging just your lead arm it reminded me of that video you did with the sweater with the one arm out swinging only the lead sleeve.....seems very similar
Brendon, I still say Joe Dante’s Early Backward Wrist Break needs to be investigated. I learned through his book, “Four Magic Moves to Winning Golf,” but this link is a great summary of the four moves. I’ve taken only the EBWB though the other 3 are not wrong. Aside from this move, I’m all Mike Austin and at 68 have the swing and distance to validate his method. Whatever I’ve done to improve my swing has been mainly due to you and your search for perfection. Thanks for letting me hitchhike. BTW in 2007 you tried out for the Long Beach Open. What ‘cap were you playing off of and what was your driver carry? I was a 7.3 hc and carried 220. Now I’m not improving my ‘cap much but my average drive carries 260 and in the past few weeks got a dozen or so going a total 300+. Never done that before.
Very different the Milo and Mike Malaska way of teaching, squat and move away, more free flowing, maybe easier for the average golfer and senior, similar to the Zen videos from England, i guess the point Brendan is trying to make is by spending time with different teachers gives an insight to different ways of teaching, and its up to us to find which ideas suits us individually based on capabilities and body flexibility
So in the last segment of the video. Dr. Kwon seems like is trying to say the arms are getting propelled off the chest with a pressure shift and passive upper body..is that correct?
you were really creating some serious speed with that drill, i've thought along those lines before because with all that momentum it really puts you in a good backswing position at the top and the downswing just kinda happens because it's so quick. starting from a static position like we do in golf can be a bit of a problem. have you ever tried starting the downswing from the top with the club up over your shoulder and the body coiled like a baseball player waiting for a pitch? i've never tried it but i just might.
Maybe the initial little kick forward press like Stensons doin it may help to kick-start the backswing faster. Or it’s like the Berkshire -tap-dance move.
Does Dr. Kwon's takeaway motion work with older golfers or does a different method come into play? Especially when you do not have the flexibility that a young person would have.
What Dr Kwon is teaching that most UA-cam teachers aren’t successfully communicating is that the body swings the club. The arms and hands automatically get into these positions that are taught (if the grip is correct for your hand/arm type), not by conscious effort, but by physics dictating the path of resistance and least resistance. The golf swing is at a fundamental level controlling a series of gears and levers that transfer stored energy from the feet into the club head. What he’s trying to accomplish with this drill is to give our bodies the feeling of constant movement so that the club goes where it wants to go with minimal effort; just a few key moves that take the mental hoolahoops out of the equation. If we view the body as a spring that is being coiled or twisted in the backswing, then we can visualized it releasing automatically in a powerful, predictable manner with little effort. That’s how the pros swing so fast and accurate. They’re not magically guiding the club to a perfect impact. When feels becomes reals, combined with proper tempo for your own body, it clicks.
That was brilliant. Takes all of the unnecessary movements out of the swing and makes it simple and natural. Love it .
My phone has to be listening and watching what I am doing because all of a sudden this video was suggested to me.
I asked my golf partner yesterday if he had any drills for proper extension thru the ball. He taught me a drill that makes me make the widest arc possible backwards and forwards while keeping my head still. You start out with small but wide half swings to get the feel of the wide arc. Well Dr. Kwon's drill is exactly what it looked like. Fast forward to today, I started to use speed on the backswing to swing the weight of the club to its furthest point from my body to create the beginning of the large arc for the downswing. I was absolutley amazed on how this drill makes you feel and understand the "bottom" of the swing because the club literally jerks you towards the ground thru impact. Something I have never felt before trying all the different swing methods i.e. Malaska, Haney, GG, etc.
I have never in my life hit my irons so pure. After getting more confident, I started to play with ball positions. I placed the ball slightly forward of center for my 3 wood while maintaining the bottom slightly before the ball and dead center of my body and just like that I had a high beautiful ball flight. Something I had never done before. Usually placing the ball forward resulted in a weak topping strike.
I think the other lesson is to make sure you swing the club in a path that creates the largest swing arc you can handle withouth moving your head.
One of my first memories of golf was seeing a trick shot artist on TV hitting shots with a club head attached to the end of a bull whip. The same physics are at work in Dr. Kwon’s swing technique: Keep the club head mass pulling strongly on the hands in the backswing and also post impact and hand strongly pulling on the club head mass in the downswing, using the biomechanics of how the grip and folding of the non-bearing arm to control the orientation of the club toe because its orientation influences swing path.
Golfers in the era of Hickory clubs had to use that swing strategy out of necessity to avoid snapping and twisting the thin wood shafts. Swing methodology changed with the introduction of metal shafted clubs to one of dropping the hands to intentionally bend and load the shaft at the top of the backswing, i.e., the “dual plane” swing style Byron Nelson is credited with inventing when making the transition to metal shafted clubs in the 1930. In theory the spring loading of the shaft club at the top of the backswing allows that stored force to be delivered into the back of the ball, but in practice that only occurs if the golfer has the technique necessary to keep the hands accelerating faster that hips and shoulders from the transition at the top all the way to impact. As a result golf technique evolved from that of “keeping the rope taut” to one of “keeping the shaft lagging and bent” by keeping the hips as stationary as possible and rotating the shoulders around them (i.e., the “X Factor” which became the popular technique in the 1990s and early 2000s).
The trick shot artist I saw on TV in the 1960s was Count Yogi and about a dozen years ago in my mid-50s I rediscovered him thanks to George Peper’s book “The Secret of Golf” which devoted the last chapter to his unconventional swing and golf career. The underlying physics of Dr. Kwon is similar that in the Count Yogi swing and golfers who learned the game with Hickory shafted clubs who swung like that to avoid snapping them in half.
the early 2000s.... restrict the hips will cause , definitely cause injury to the lower spine. It ruined careers. That's a fact .
Great site to learn golf, but too many cooks can spoil the soup.. Dr. Kwon’s swing drill is a breath of fresh air because of the simplicity.
One of the best golf instructors on the PGA tour used a very similar loading and unloading of the golf swing, Pete Cowen. The "spiral backswing" loads the backswing and a "spiral downswing" unloads the follow-through. Also, I love the concept of downward pressure instead of thinking of "weight shifts". Pushing down with on right foot loads the right quad and glute, and the weight shift is complete. Same on the downswing, "downward pressure" on the outside of the left heel with a slight left foot flare braces the left leg for a solid strike.
Loved that...wish we could get more of Dr. Kwon. I know he has a wealth of knowledge and I want more!!! Thanks Brandon for sharing.
I’m glad to see that squat move being removed from your swing. It never looked natural. I’m not a swing guru but Im of the opinion that a head lowering and squatting move should be an effect rather than cause. Thanks for this great video!
11 Years ago Shawn Clement posted a video about the 'Perpetual Motion Drill'. Because of Dr. Kwon, I now know why it is a good drill. Brendan, this series with Dr. Kwon might be the most attainable instruction you have yet presented.
Sure have come a long way to find the holy grail Brendan, I am liking what you do, keep up the good work.
I like the various individuals you visit to discuss the golf swing! The feeling of the left shoulder and pec turning created all the speed for me in the downswing.
Great questions Brendan, great lesson and knowledge Dr.Kwon
You are the best.
Grateful Aussie.
MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE VID IS 10:55 "KEEP IT CLOSED ALL THE WAY" start the down swing with closed shoulders and body. incredibly powerful. its certainly a lot different then what youre doing which is also pretty good, the opening and squatting is right out of GG golf.
Thanks wasn’t quite sure what he meant by closed. So he was saying he opened his shoulders too soon
Absolute GOLD - the statement at 11:30 is exactly what it feels like when you swing effortlessly and free - that "over the top" feeling is what all great ball strikers feel - the only issue is the best players don't know how to articulate or demonstrate it to common folks like us. Ty so much for this vid.
The feeling will be magnified if you do the continuous motion drill with a heavy club. Fantastic content by the way.
I tried this method on the driving range tonight and had fairly good results. Looking forward to trying this on the course
This guy teaching what my swing is all about. Been playing 30+ years and I try to keep my swing as simple as possible with as few moving parts as possible. Learned this many years ago when I was paired with a guy who was a mini tour player and saw that he was really doing nothing all that special with his swing….just swing the club back, swing the club through and the guy proceeded to shoot a smooth 63. Made the game look super simple.
All this teaching crap of need to squat, P3, P6, and on an on is all BS in my view. Just keep it simple.
P.s. that woman at 2:15 has one sweet swing!
I've tried everything on UA-cam and the key thing that stopped my over the top move was to make a proper full turn in the back swing. Before I was lifting my arms to the top and my upper body hasn't fully turned so as soon as I rotated in transition, it threw my arms out at the ball. It is such a completely different feeling at the top like my entire body is facing back towards the trail side.
One of the reason I couldn't make that full turn was because I was so focused on keeping my eyes on the ball and my head still that it restricted my mobility. Let your head swivel a bit on the way back and you'll be surprised how much of a bigger turn you can make.
The continuos swing works well because it stops you from just lifting your arms to the top where the only way back is over the top unless you do some silly move like dropping the hands. With a proper turn, like Kwon said you automatically shallow and come back down on the functional plane
Yes, you were “ball bound”. Afraid to turn away and also to turn past the ball too. I still fight it occasionally.
Try attacking the ball from the inside and hitting a little draw. Good face to path alone will help you get rid of an over the top move.
Perfectly said! I’m in the exact same boat! Going to start drilling this week!
Been waiting for Dr.Kwon here.
Best looking practice swings I’ve seen you do.
Here's another very well known and respected teacher using one of your main teachings in a head line of a current ad... Hank Haney talking about the importance of and highly effective ways to ingrain proper golf swing... "Practice swings"....you dah man Dr. K!
Prior to watching this video, yesterday I watched a video that suggested a faster backswing to improve swing speed. I tried it today and immediately popped up 5 then 10 mph of swing speed. . The only warning was to make sure to complete the backswing. One of my drills that I have been using was the dropping of the hands to coordinate the hip bump forward. I can't wait to try the swing back and forth to get the proper body movement on the downswing using the fast backswing method. Thanks!!
I think it’s absolutely correct, that a person should be careful that their practice drill is actually improving their form, not ingraining bad habits. I am currently revisiting Dr. Kwon’s instructional videos and really benefiting from his methods. ♥️ 🙏🏼
Thank you for this video!! 80, 79, 78, 76.... just incredible!!!! cheers and Merry Christmas
your swing looks better than ever,,,,well done
The best video you ever posted so far. Finally an expert who knows what happens in good golf swings. Anyone who comments with HUH? hasn't a clue. Dr. Kwon is Chris Como's mentor. Como helps Bryson d and was Tigers coach till Tiger's back got really messed up, so pretty sure Kwon knows more than HUH? Brilliant stuff!!
I am open to trying anything. This is a new concept to me from a golf perspective, but makes total sense. Just have to try it at the range to get good contact
Great video. Simplicity in action. Take us down this road with you!!
B you are home! I know I already posted, but that looks great!!
Love everything about this but still noticed on most of your fast full swings an opening of shoulders on start of downswing. About 10:55 mark was your best swing
This was really cool and reminds me of s swing feel I've drifted away from: My best ball striking is when I feel my swing is guided by the BACK of my left shoulder. When he holds his left arm and makes him pull against that, you can see all the parts line up. Produces natural lag, no manipulation and sequencing also happens mostly automatically. The transition/start of the downswing is where it's at. This is NOT the same as pulling down on the grip to start the swing. Glad I watched this.
I’m glad u watched too!
That was a dope video, appreciate it and I look forward to learning more from Dr Kwon
Best video by far...this should get a golf oscar!!!!!!!
Thx Joe, tip of the iceberg, got a ton coming out w Dr Kwon
@@BEBETTERGOLF I shall stay tuned...ask him what he thinks of Kiran Kanwar's ideas who got her PHD under him!
also looks like Lee Comeaux's hand over the top move!
Yup, nailed it on the head. I "stand tall" in my swing the last season and I "fall to the target" to start the downswing, the arms drop, and I use my whole body to propel myself through the ball. Fastest driver speed was 124mph, good vid!
This guy is the real deal. Very similar to zen golf
Great way to feel your plane and move through the ball. Nice stuff.
I love this. At times before hitting a driver on a tough tee shot, I will take 5-7 swings like this and try and have a nice feel before hitting.
I’ve seen pros like Jordan Spieth do the same thing....now I know what they were doing!
Good video. The key is getting that smooth body led continuous swing feeling starting from the address position. Maybe 25 continuous swings back and forth to drill it into your brain that is the motion you are trying to achieve. Then you can use a forward press to simulate the forward move before initiating your back swing and thru swing, so 5 full swings from address position. Then do 10 continuous swings, then go back to 5 full swings from address position. So you never lose that continuous swing motion feeling.
Been waiting for this!! Thank you!
What an awesome drill to get the body to actually swing the club around itself instead of trying to move the club and arms into all of these multi angle positions. Proper footwork is the key.
I saw some of your earlier (might have been your first meeting with Dr Kwon)...... at 7:00 you ask "Does that look better?" - It looks like a different person is in this video from your original swing when you first started.
The continuous motion drill - completely eliminates your "dipping down" or "pulling down" to start your through swing. I think the continuous motion drill eliminates the excesive "lifting" of the hands that you had originally - which resulted in having to bring them back down.
Dr Kwon said that if it feels weird, then there is something wrong. With the continuous motion, it HAS TO go through the right places! I never realized why, sometimes before the first hole of a round, swinging hard four or five times without stopping would "set me up" for a good first tee shot. It is this drill.
This is awesome. About a year ago I did something very similar as a pre shot routine (rocking back and forth) to take away tension in my golf swing. I played some good golf and then I got away from it. Time to put this back into play.
Search no more...7+ min mark are your best swings I've seen on the channel. Just need a ball and a putting stroke and you're scratch. Nice work 👍
I actually utilized this theory on the course a few months ago, before ever coming across Dr. Kwon & Be Better Golf's videos. Those were some of the best on-course shots of the the year for me (why I stopped doing it is beyond me). I'm taking this approach and blending it with the Body Swing method (@Paul Wilson Golf) I have learned this past season. Both are relaxed, body swing approaches.
Chiming in a couple years after these videos popped up. Awesome content! Would it be possible to get a video done with Dr Kwon of a series of drills that would go " up and down the stack " so to speak? Like maybe his 5 or 10 drills that if you do these regularly and in X sequence(defined by him) it would equate to working on your swing holistically?
Man, I have the same problem of lowering my body in my downswing as if I’m trying to get ready to jump. It’s like a natural instinct. Trying to break that habit and these drills will help. By dipping down at the ball it makes it harder to stay in plane and then I think I use all arms like the Dr said you were doing. Ugh. Thanks for this video
There is a video of Ben Hogan basically doing that drill from a tv program
Excellent video how heavy is the kettle ball please
One word EXELLENT - thank U for this video
Great video. Reminds me of that shirt sleeve drill where you pull left arm inside the shirt and sling the empty sleeve with the pivot.
Great video. Focus on athletic body-centric movement versus swinging to positions. At 5:55 of the video you are talking about shallowing the club and Dr Kwon says that if you move your body correctly the shallowing happens automatically. This is Ben Hogan's "free ride" on page 93 of Five Lessons!!! Instructors often describe the same thing using different words or imagery. But when you see the same concept being mentioned again and again, albeit not in the same way, it's time to pay attention. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
This video resolves many mysteries of shallowing club etc etc
This is fantastic! Great work B.
Sam Snead immediately comes to mind. Natural
Ben hogan on the ed Sullivan show springs to mind
Gotta love this X Swing Drill especially for indoor winter swinging. How long and how often would you do this exercise. Is this the same as his kettlebell exercise?
i bought his rope, and by like day 4 i hit my highest swing speed ever with the feeling.
That is a great drill. Thanks! I can feel what he's talking about.
This is the best explanation. Thanks!
Good stuff! This reminds me of when you created your version of the "Zen Board" you were literally doing this with the drill you showed us back then. Thanks for sharing.
This is exciting to hear from Dr. Kwon. The nearest thing to this line of thinking is a book by Michael Hebron, "See and Feel the Inside Move the Outside."
Watching this with admiration and wondering how the simple rocking drill helped in keeping the trailing shoulder back.
It’s all in the hands 🙌🏽
Does it feel kind of like a tennis backhand swing? that's the impression I get with the left arm leading on the way down.
You would move along so much quicker if you just listened to Dr Kwon. He is telling you exactly what is happening and what to do. You make to many assumptions. Questions are great but ask then listen. I do appreciate the content! It’s very very helpful. I hadn’t heard of Dr Kwon before finding your channel.
I like be better golf stuff but Brandon seems to always makes things more difficult 😂
There seems to be a lot of repetition in golf instruction. Haney had Barkley hit a million balls continuously, Malaska had you do continuous but walking backward, Shawn clement perpetual motion drill, Lee Dietrich and others have the step drills. I think it comes down to which instructor finally helps you get it. It’s not new or groundbreaking, it’s more like “oh that’s what those other guys meant”
Agree 100%, just need to find the ones that finally help you get the concept. Personally watched too much confusing golf instruction until I came across Malaska, Clement, Bender, Cowen and Scheinblum explain it, then that moment came and understood what they were trying to say what the basic natural swing should be like. Seems like Dr. Kwon is advocating the same thing, with a bit different approach achieving it.
Met/heard about those coaches through Be Better Golf, so thanks for that Brandon!
Great. Can you do this with irons?
On my backswing, the clubhead is the last thing to move. I pretend it’s velcroed to the ground. I let the push back of my right leg (for you Malaska followers) start the backswing, that moves the hip and the clubhead it pulled along the path.
really excellent, maybe the best thing you have done.
when you were swinging just your lead arm it reminded me of that video you did with the sweater with the one arm out swinging only the lead sleeve.....seems very similar
Brendon, I still say Joe Dante’s Early Backward Wrist Break needs to be investigated.
I learned through his book, “Four Magic Moves to Winning Golf,” but this link is a great summary of the four moves. I’ve taken only the EBWB though the other 3 are not wrong.
Aside from this move, I’m all Mike Austin and at 68 have the swing and distance to validate his method. Whatever I’ve done to improve my swing has been mainly due to you and your search for perfection. Thanks for letting me hitchhike.
BTW in 2007 you tried out for the Long Beach Open. What ‘cap were you playing off of and what was your driver carry?
I was a 7.3 hc and carried 220.
Now I’m not improving my ‘cap much but my average drive carries 260 and in the past few weeks got a dozen or so going a total 300+. Never done that before.
Very different the Milo and Mike Malaska way of teaching, squat and move away, more free flowing, maybe easier for the average golfer and senior, similar to the Zen videos from England, i guess the point Brendan is trying to make is by spending time with different teachers gives an insight to different ways of teaching, and its up to us to find which ideas suits us individually based on capabilities and body flexibility
great insights...for me simple wins the day
I would love to see you work with Jim Waldron and his arm swing illusion.
B that looks GREAT!!!
Does this approach work with short irons and sand shots ?
So in the last segment of the video. Dr. Kwon seems like is trying to say the arms are getting propelled off the chest with a pressure shift and passive upper body..is that correct?
Kids that a natural athletes seem to do that instinctively but man is that hard to do as a adult..there’s no hulk smash😂
This was really good.
Reminds me of Shawn Clement's grass whip lesson.😲😲
so keep your back to the target as long as possible in the downswing? That will keep your chest from opening first?
Can’t wait to try that.
Is it a pure body swing or is there still some timing to consciently throw the right arm ?
Dr. kwon, thanks for your research work! Is this a single plan swing as they say? Sorry that I am not able to observe just by looking at the video.
THIS HAS TO BE THEWORST DECISION THAT DR KWON HAS EVERY MADE HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA This guy is giving the Teacher lessons instead of Listening, SMDH
How do we determine the proper grip based on arm and hand?
Great vid this is a bit like what Shawn clement says but in a bit more technical way
Yeah this is awesome and everything but how do you actually implement it into your swing especially on the course or in the heat of a tourney???
In simple terms Hogan explained this move way back in the day using the body and arms ……great info from Dr Kwon btw
Does anyone know what make of jacket is Dr Kwon wearing?
Great stuff. Thanks again!
you were really creating some serious speed with that drill, i've thought along those lines before because with all that momentum it really puts you in a good backswing position at the top and the downswing just kinda happens because it's so quick. starting from a static position like we do in golf can be a bit of a problem. have you ever tried starting the downswing from the top with the club up over your shoulder and the body coiled like a baseball player waiting for a pitch? i've never tried it but i just might.
What whould Dr. Kwon think of the single axis ie. Moe Norman golf swing?
I think there was once on guy on UA-cam name Shawn Clement who had this continuous motion thing figured out about 14 years ago.....
Maybe the initial little kick forward press like Stensons doin it may help to kick-start the backswing faster. Or it’s like the Berkshire -tap-dance move.
Doing thud drill every day must also build up core strength?
Does Dr. Kwon's takeaway motion work with older golfers or does a different method come into play? Especially when you do not have the flexibility that a young person would have.
The woman's swing was insane!
Just brilliant
Reminds me of Shawn Clement's Elephant walk :-)
Jay, i agree. ✌️