She is a fucking bitch with the others two as well in my opinion Nora tribe is the most fucked comunity in that game all because those stupid and bullshit rules
Patrescu Tiberiu human beings have come a long way and evolved. To be honest it's unrealistic Aloy's mentality was almost modern. and if you think the Nora tribe was fucked up, it is you who is an idiot, someone who failed to evolve in 2018. Hell in olden days, The Nora tribe would've been on of the best tribe.
I hope the next Horizon game either shows the set up of the various tribes (so a prequel), or a version showing Rost’s full history, or a version set in the future with a tribe dedicated to Aloy where she’s a Martyr, or shows Aloy exploring the rest of the known world.
What if Rost survived the bomb and made it looked like he's dead so Aloy can't track him? I bet he's drinking margaritas and partying on some beach in Mexico.
When you first become a Seeker, Teersa doesn't tell you about Rost's past because he became a Death Seeker for the sake of revenge. Teersa, seeing Aloy's remorse and anger, didn't want her to walk the bitter path Rost took.
Argel Comia That actually makes sense. Ironically though Aloy killed just about everyone and thing that got in her way and not only got her vengeance on both Helis and Hades, but managed to save the world from another extinction
@Archana Archana at first she wanted revenge for Rosts and the Noras deaths and the attempted murder on her. Only after maybe the first half she added "save the world" as a sidequest on her todo list after learning more about the truth behind Rosts killers. Just remember she did killed Helis and Hades but never restored the Zero Dawn Project which means the robots remain aggressive without Gaias control. Only the destruction is stopped, the project itself is stopped and there was no more explanation what the current state of the cauldrons and so on would mean for the restoration of the world.
Whoa, I can’t believe that I didn’t think of that, that would make sense. On the other hand, rost is so kind that he could just be helping an old lady.
They did such a good job with this game and its story. I couldnt stop playing until i beat the game. If anyone needs any tips just ask with a reply or message
I can't get into the story. Every sentence spoken makes me wan to say, "Wow, you people are fucking stupid." I mean, there's no real reason they have any of these beliefs, or laws. They're all "just because". It's like GS tried to do some world building, but forgot to back anything up.
Ralph Sison lol that clap back tho.... there was one thing that was never explained tho..... how did aloy end up outside the door... it couldn't be opened by anyone... there were no robots working or capable to bring her outside... we know how she was made but not how she ended up outside the door
IchbinX, why is the story shit exactly? Care to explain? Other than 'they're stupid because they believe in a false deity' (something that could be said about a number of characters in books whose story, I am quite sure, you wouldn't label 'shit').
It was Grata. you can meet her when you slide down from frost home and turn right go few distance you can meet her. even their was a dialog where frost asked to get meat for her alsong with blaze arrow.
"You are a blessing of the goddess made flesh" *Camera pans to the player character who is decked out in enough sci fi shit to bury the entirety of Asia*
Count Spartula For real. And I've never understood how they are always amazed at old technology yet when Aloy comes in glowing from the shield surrounding her, people don't even bat an eye.
I get shivers every time Teersa says "He called on the most terrible and secret right of the Norah Tribe. Rost begged to be made a Death Seeker." Its such a powerful line to opening his backstory up. The idea of Rost calling upon one of the darkest rituals of his tribe to seek revenge sounds like an amazing Prequel game I think Guerrilla games NEEDS to make. The idea of a tribal Kill Bill style game where you track down all 12 members of the murderers to the ends of the out lands and the game ends with Rost being an outcast and taking Aloy into his home is an instant buy for me!
I picked up the first game after seeing the trailer for the sequel, and they reference The Forbidden West a ton. What I wanna knownis why is it called "The Forbidden West"? Even the Carja call it that, and they don't have the same taboos as the Nora.
@christan H the devs did anounce that a while ago already. not like they tried to hide it in any means. they just wait for the next gen consoles. but y i had the same question tbh...
The whole story sounds like a DLC, tbh. Just Rost going and taking out all 12. We'll have to see if the All-Mother will allow a male protagonist though...
alief akmal i think you would play as elisabet sobeck not rost since teresa just tells you his story and theres way more story in elisabet sobeck's story than rost's
ALost SeaTurtl not the people who killed Rost, the people who Rost killed when he became a Death-Seeker when he was younger. Those are two different groups entirely.
pupulicious Red Dead Redemption was an entire (very long) open world game based on tracking and killing one man. Surely with the tech we have now we could easily make an open world game about a guy tracking down and killing *several* men over a vast open world jam packed with things to do.
That's still too little. It would probably be a fun game considering Horizon's gameplay but the story will be too thin. There's nothing else in it. He just wants to kill the men for the death of his daughter. It would be too much of a downgrade from the bigger scope of the story in Horizon. There will be nothing new. That's one of the reasons the story itself wasn't given much importance in Horizon. It is not sequel material. It would be perfect for story DLC. A sequel should be bigger, better and filled to the brim with new things to discover and learn and not more of the same but with less story.
@@campkira Well, because the game dev may have (for me at least) plan to make this dialogue for people who are more into the story than others that just rush though the game. Not that they don’t like it but just as a reward for whoever likes to search every little detail in the game.
A female brave who broke taboo to help Rost, not hard to imagine she became an outcast for that. Old enough to already have had 2 kids at that time. And then there's old Grata the outcast, the person Rost asks Aloy to help out if she can spare the time. Most likely wishful thinking but I'm ok with that.
This is why their religion sucks. Who says you can't go retrieve your own daughters body without being banished? 😭 I feel so bad for Rost. In a way it would have been better for him to pass on, that way he could have been with his daughter. But am so happy he took Aloy, he's saved her throughout the game with the lessons he taught her ❤️
Victoria Sharpe She is a fucking bitch with the others two as well in my opinion Nora tribe is the most fucked comunity in that game all because those stupid and bullshit rules
their great grandparents were raised in a bunker by robots. there was a whole other wing they werent allowed in so they had 700 years to assign rules of " you need to stay in this area. dont go over there"
No GoInG oUtSiDe Of ThE bOrDeR, nO gOiNg To AnCiEnT rUiNs, No SpEaKiNg To OuTcAsTs AnD tHeY cAnT sPeAk To EaCh OtHeR. I really dislike the Nora tribe for these idiotic rules.
I think killing Rost so early was a pretty big mistake, his and Aloy's relationship was the strongest part of the game, writing wise. Aloy felt pretty bland when she wasn't interacting with Rost but their complex relationship had a lot of potential and felt like it was going somewhere interesting. When he was gone Aloy just became like so many other virtually blank slate video game protagonists.
@@KrakenWind he is not.. he chose to be leave and never return... yet... he was allow to living near them.. if you had killer in your community.. you would had issue with that..
I think the answer lies in the Mothers making him swear to secrecy about being a Death-Seeker. It is likely the majority of the Nora didn't know, and thus saw him as just another outcast. Hell maybe a worse outcast since nobody who did know would talk about why he was outcast. It would be easy to assume he had done something so horrific or sinful for that to happen. Hell, per the listed requirements of becoming a Death-Seeker you give up you soul to become a remorseless spirit of vengeance, maybe many believed he was still soulless even after returning.
I think it was because when you become a death seeker you can never go back to the tribe, since they believe that the ritual makes your soul move on and it's just the mind and body that remains, the part of Rost that most matters to them is gone, by their beliefs. But they couldn't bring themselves to send him away which is why they offered to make him an outcast in the embrace which he accepted out of his own choice, along with accepting what comes with being an outcast which is being shunned. Plus, most members of the tribe probably don't actually know who he even is (especially the younger ones) and just see him as an outcast, it was irrelevant what exactly he did.
I am fully expecting Aloy to either come across some spot Rost stayed at while he tracked those killers, or some people Rost knew over there. Wouldn't be at all surprised if the ones who killed his Alana were members of one of the new tribes we meet in the Forbidden West.
Also there is a text based log in Meridian (going off of memory here) that mentions either the tenth or eleventh sun king and some of his warriors traveled into the Forbidden West. I believe it is stated or implied that none returned from that expedition.
@@singmeastory6634 I think it's pretty cool that once you hear rosts story, you come to realize he really did know what was really out there, and not just what he told Aloy, which was nothing. And that his training of her had less to do with her living in the Nora lands, but knowing she'd leave one day and face what he knew was out there, namely all those new machines in the west.
I reckon this is a massive Easter egg. This all happened before Aloy was born, before Hades was awakened. My theory is the outlanders were the one's who sent the signal to awaken Hades, as it is never explained in the game deliberately building up to a sequel (as seen in the post credits scene). Therefore there must have been something in the Nora's lands that they were after under the command of someone who had the knowledge of Hades prior to his awakening. It couldn't have been the shadow carja cultists as they were formed after Hades' awakening. Even though Rost killed them all, I still believe they have a massive connection to the awakenings of Hades, especially since they never find out why they attacked. Just a thought anyway. Maybe I'm wrong and why they were there is elaborated more sometime, but I don't remember any mention of it.
I'm on board with this. I think they have at least something to do with the mysterious signal. I want to know what brought them together, knowing they came from four different regions. My theory is that they were tasked with testing the Nora tribal traditions, specifically the limits of their rules and boundaries, the whole thing being one sickening social experiment. I also want to know what those "strange noises" heard from their camp were.
As I was watching this video, this was my thought too. The story has so much room for expansion. But what doesn't quite make sense is how they were even able to write code and send a signal to cause the subsystems of GAIA to gain autonomy. There has to be a repository of of knowledge someone has gotten access to and had time enough to study.
@@lurkingllama8364 derangement is day when Gaia sacrifice herself , and Aloy was born . The only thing that is not unclear is what / who sent the transmissions
Stop cutting onions! Future update/DLC/sequel, Horizon: Rost's Chronicle. Aloy is on a journey through the Forbidden West while following clues left behind by Rost on the hunt for the Twelve Outlanders. Play as Rost in some sequences; new machines, new weapons, new equipment, etc. Coming soon...
I wonder if those 12 outlanders were in some way related to whoever woke Hades up. They show up and devastate a Nora village then they spend the next few days doing something the Braves coudnt identify even after they left and after they left they quickly dispersed. Then again they could have just been particularly ruthless treasure hunters. If they are related to the whoever woke Hades up id say they were agents tasked with locating and identifying key Gaia facilities with Gaia prime being the main objective(this is all assuming Faro isnt somehow behind Hades waking up)
Sorry for the late reply didn’t see most of the replies until now. From what I remember Gaia received a signal that woke up Hades which led to it and its "siblings" going out of control causing all the chaos for the past 20 years. Also them dying before the event could also mean their masters had more agents searching for sites
may be along with 12 outlanders Styles be there since he said that few years ago he went there and got deadend result (because nora was secured the underground base).
I didn't get any of this dialouge. I assume this was after you come out of all mother? Idk how I missed it because I tried to talk to everyone in there afterwards.
jesse demers I played and finished the game two times and never got that option. And I always made sure to use every option while talking to people, always, even on the second playthrough.
Now we need a spinoff game about Rost. Horizon: Death-Seeker. I wouldn't mind it being a linear game, or a standalone dlc. Machines would be treated as bosses, and the main enemy would be humans. Perhaps the melee combat could be expanded upon.
But.... Does that mean there is some part of Rost "saved" into the allmother? Since she is technically the computer couldn't that mean there was some sort of crazy DNA replication that happens via some weird scan they would consider "Giving their soul" ?? Could it be possible we see Rost again? Maybe his conciousness was saved like some crazy chappy stuff. I refuse to believe he's really gone.
another clone? another Rost? I understand what u mean when they said about giving their soul to allmother, but how will they work allmother without the focus?
There are tons of focuses all over the place, I wouldn't be surprised if a LOT more people are using them in the next game, or even the DLC. I just feel like they put a lot of story and effort into Rost just to have him not part of the series.
It was just religious techno-babble, nothing actually happened to Rost when he became a death seeker, the Matriarchs just performed a ritual and said "now you can step over that imaginary line" with this made up title we just gave you. Even if Gaia did somehow make a copy of Rost, it would have been created before Aloy was born, so he wouldn't even know who she was or what has happened in the last 19+ years since that point. It wouldn't be the Rost that put his whole life into Aloy. And Gaia can't create adult clones, so a clone of Rost would be a newborn anyways, just like Aloy was.
I also thought that was intriguing, but I was not thinking that his DNA would be saved or that he can be cloned. Maybe this death-seeker ritual involved getting his memories uploaded to Gaia (all-mother). Maybe Rost could come back as a holographic projection and simulation of the real Rost. Think Superman's dad.
i think it would be a nice idea since forbidden west is realesed ... for the next horizon game to be Rost hunting down all the twelve members (bosses) of the uknown tribe that attacked the nora. 6:20 it seems like he went to a lot of places to finish his mission , to forbidden west too
I know this has nothing to do with Rost’s story but a minimap would be very useful! Because I’m getting a bit tired of pressing that rectangle shaped button in the middle just to see the map!
there are many timelines confuse. after defeating hades Aloy listening Elizabeth's record and got to her resting location and at end of game scene of forbidden west. but in forbidden west Aloy left meridian after defeating Hades and gone far left to forbidden west.
I knew they could hug in this game! I wanted to hug talana so bad when she came to fight with me on the final story mission ( shes your hawk if you do the hunters lodge)
oh i know, but I thought it was something with terms and conditions. Hey why are you an outcast? I can't tell you, or I'll tell you one day....only to find out he's one do to his love for her, etc etc
It's because there's too many assets to do think of red dead redemption it's a really long story about killing one man but in horizon zero dawn getting had to kill several men from all around the world that's why it's not a dlc because there is too many assets but guerrilla games could make a game about rosts revenge tho
Man, what a shame he had to die, there's still hope for a return, maybe, because of the beast that he is, he somehow survived. That or we'll get a prequel, playing as him revenging his family.
I don't get it. My man rost traveled such dangerous lands in order to kill the 12 men and avenge his family... Yet he couldn't kill THAT ONE FU*CKING GUY FROM THE MOUNTAIN! and no! I don't care what people say "but he was old" or "blah blah blah" hell no! That is no damn excuse for having over 30+ years of fighting and survivability experience just so in the end he easily gets stabbed and blown up from that big bandit dude...
Brian Velasco He was old and he probably not as fit as he used to be. Combine that with a skilled and dangerous foe... age is a deadly enemy, more so when combined with the guys at the proving.
I always thought that HZD was an expirement with tribal people being tested on their survival skills and at the end aloy would escape the area and go into a facility that had people in it and she would later meet her mom. Not gonna lie I was extremely disappointed but it was a good and fun game.
@@robinekhoodekful Maybe for another game but I honestly thought that she would go out into the world and then at the ending she would go into a door that hadn't been opened in 300,000 years (which is when the game is set) and she sees hundreds of people walking everywhere and the place being insanely futuristic
Zedrick Not that early, some do requirements that play through get unlocked you could not get into earlier. I think there are three of them you can get after unlock, others are easy enough to get any time.
Finally! I found the thing I wanted to know about! I hope you'll make a playthrough of this game or maybe other games that you haven't played yet, and well you know, record them? I wanted to see your view, since most youtubers SKIPS THE DARN STORY INFO!!!. PS. Subscribed....
sir.lolz. the_fourth There's 5 batteries you find to open a vault. You get the first two really quickly, and the last one is basically at the end of the game. It's really just armor for the final boss.
could be. there's a lot of name significance in this game. elizabet could be named for the queen and sobek is the Egyptian god and creator of life. Aloy could be alloy, dissimilar metals combined to be a new metal. Rost could be rust, also a metal name. Grata is similar to gratis for thanks. Vala like valor, courage. Faro like pharaoh, the king.
@Gazi - There is no way the tribe would have supplied him with anything at all. They wouldn't even speak to him, let alone help him raise a baby. Unfortunately the phrase "It takes a village to raise a child" does not apply here!
When the chief lady explained Rost's past, It was very interesting to learn the reasons of his exile. Lots of "ooooh, aaaah, that explains it, oh man, poor guy, he has been through a lot, Aloy must've been his surrogate daughter", etc.
I disagree, if that would have been the story, then it would have been seen as the cliche revenge story that the main protagonist avenges the death of a loved one, which we've seen countless of times.
This is the world you wrought Ted without knowledge, ignorant ppl and self righteous murderers. He could have given them basic information on culture and science, and not the military parts. But you have to show how to learn from your mistakes.
Yeah but even then you have to think about this. Even with all that knowledge and traces of military equipment still lying around they probably would end up creating the same mistakes as the past generation did and probably much worse.
Please guys watch the part 6:31 then you will know some secrets about rost I think in horizon forbidden west we will see or hear about rost in the forbidden west and utaru land (rost really went to far places)and I don’t know about the land (claim) I don’t know if we will go to that land in the next upcoming game
WHODA WHAT WAIT NOW! the forbidden west was mentioned on the first game!!!!! I gladly return all of my lost respect to the developers for what I thought to be a name that didnt fit. Thank you for allowing me to see this.
You don't need a 9 minute video to figure it out. If you pay close attention in the intro movie, you can hear Teersa remind Rost that he chose to be an outcast and simply wanted to leave the tribe.
I always listen to every dialogue option but I was too excited to go hunt machines I never talked to anyone in the village and just left whenever I could.
I'm so glad she hugged her. Teersa's the nice grandma.
mistafer christopher my heart softened up too much when she hugged Teersa. Aaww :’)
She is a fucking bitch with the others two as well in my opinion Nora tribe is the most fucked comunity in that game all because those stupid and bullshit rules
Patrescu Tiberiu human beings have come a long way and evolved. To be honest it's unrealistic Aloy's mentality was almost modern. and if you think the Nora tribe was fucked up, it is you who is an idiot, someone who failed to evolve in 2018. Hell in olden days, The Nora tribe would've been on of the best tribe.
i agree. when she said she made Aloys prayer lantern, i understood
Godmother is a better fit for her.
They should've included Rost's story as a cinematic somehow....
MrDraxz That would've been cool
Similar to what they do in infamous
I was hoping the frozen Wilds would be about Rost. Oh well
They did at the beginning
I hope the next Horizon game either shows the set up of the various tribes (so a prequel), or a version showing Rost’s full history, or a version set in the future with a tribe dedicated to Aloy where she’s a Martyr, or shows Aloy exploring the rest of the known world.
What if Rost survived the bomb and made it looked like he's dead so Aloy can't track him? I bet he's drinking margaritas and partying on some beach in Mexico.
Dark World lol😂😂😂
Faisal K imagine if Rost showed up at the end with Sylens
@@superjasim that would've been an amazing twist, actually.
@@superjasim the matriarchs found his body - or what remained of it.
Well, she did say he tracked the outlanders to Forbidden West. And guess how Horizon 2 is called?
When you first become a Seeker, Teersa doesn't tell you about Rost's past because he became a Death Seeker for the sake of revenge. Teersa, seeing Aloy's remorse and anger, didn't want her to walk the bitter path Rost took.
Argel Comia That actually makes sense. Ironically though Aloy killed just about everyone and thing that got in her way and not only got her vengeance on both Helis and Hades, but managed to save the world from another extinction
and only a few people know this story, it was a secret suicide mission
hiding story so you had to come back to find out..
@Archana Archana at first she wanted revenge for Rosts and the Noras deaths and the attempted murder on her. Only after maybe the first half she added "save the world" as a sidequest on her todo list after learning more about the truth behind Rosts killers. Just remember she did killed Helis and Hades but never restored the Zero Dawn Project which means the robots remain aggressive without Gaias control. Only the destruction is stopped, the project itself is stopped and there was no more explanation what the current state of the cauldrons and so on would mean for the restoration of the world.
So the Brave that saved Rost might of been the old lady from the errand side quest at the start of the game.
TheKarjee You're so damn right
Who is that lady?
Odd grata?
Definitely her. That’s why Rost wanted to help her so much. He owed her his life.
Whoa, I can’t believe that I didn’t think of that, that would make sense. On the other hand, rost is so kind that he could just be helping an old lady.
Rost is a freaking beast. But man are the Matriarchs annoying.
only lansra
Papa Rost! Q.Q Rest in peace.
Teersa is awesome tbh
they want the best for everyone tho
SupahFly a las
They did such a good job with this game and its story. I couldnt stop playing until i beat the game. If anyone needs any tips just ask with a reply or message
RoweDawg Chosen is there a way to tell Teresa or what ever their religion is a joke
I can't get into the story. Every sentence spoken makes me wan to say, "Wow, you people are fucking stupid." I mean, there's no real reason they have any of these beliefs, or laws. They're all "just because". It's like GS tried to do some world building, but forgot to back anything up.
Ralph Sison lol that clap back tho.... there was one thing that was never explained tho..... how did aloy end up outside the door... it couldn't be opened by anyone... there were no robots working or capable to bring her outside... we know how she was made but not how she ended up outside the door
Ralph, you "got it" because you wanted to. The story is shit, and you clearly never read a book. Get cultured.
IchbinX, why is the story shit exactly? Care to explain? Other than 'they're stupid because they believe in a false deity' (something that could be said about a number of characters in books whose story, I am quite sure, you wouldn't label 'shit').
I really wanted to know the woman who dragged lethally wounded rost into sacred land. Man, rost story screams potential DLC, The Death Seeker.
wenaldy She is "Grata"
i agree. i think thats why Rost takes care of her
yes yes yes! DLC for Death Seeker story
The woman that saves him has to be Odd Grata duh 🙄
It was Grata. you can meet her when you slide down from frost home and turn right go few distance you can meet her. even their was a dialog where frost asked to get meat for her alsong with blaze arrow.
This should’ve been in a mandatory cutscene
"You are a blessing of the goddess made flesh"
*Camera pans to the player character who is decked out in enough sci fi shit to bury the entirety of Asia*
Count Spartula For real. And I've never understood how they are always amazed at old technology yet when Aloy comes in glowing from the shield surrounding her, people don't even bat an eye.
@@Jordan-gb3yr maybe because it can only be seen from the focus wearer's perspective
Adimas Aprilio maybe, but they can still see the focus on her ear, it’s not like her hair covers it. still my favorite game though
whats is she wearing called i cant find it
I get shivers every time Teersa says "He called on the most terrible and secret right of the Norah Tribe. Rost begged to be made a Death Seeker." Its such a powerful line to opening his backstory up. The idea of Rost calling upon one of the darkest rituals of his tribe to seek revenge sounds like an amazing Prequel game I think Guerrilla games NEEDS to make. The idea of a tribal Kill Bill style game where you track down all 12 members of the murderers to the ends of the out lands and the game ends with Rost being an outcast and taking Aloy into his home is an instant buy for me!
I'd play the shit out of that
Omg same bro
Same bro like Aloy could find Rosts old notes from his desth seeker days and that's when we get to play as him as she reads the notes playing it out
Did anybody else forget about this old reference to the forbidden west from the upcoming sequel? 👀
I picked up the first game after seeing the trailer for the sequel, and they reference The Forbidden West a ton.
What I wanna knownis why is it called "The Forbidden West"? Even the Carja call it that, and they don't have the same taboos as the Nora.
@christan H the devs did anounce that a while ago already. not like they tried to hide it in any means. they just wait for the next gen consoles. but y i had the same question tbh...
pretty insane thinking that rost got to the forbidden west before aloy, imagine all the machines and landmarks he saw
@@ramses9768 hoping there’s some sort of reference to him in the sequel maybe a side quest where you meet someone he knew/helped
@@kashivk5111 that will definitely happen!!
Who else wanted a dlc playing as rost?Nooo...just me then.
would be awesome ;)
The whole story sounds like a DLC, tbh. Just Rost going and taking out all 12. We'll have to see if the All-Mother will allow a male protagonist though...
alief akmal I'd love a DLC as Sylens, that post-credits scene made me interested.
I think a DLC For The Story Of Rost, And an origin Story for Sylens Would make Brilliant DLC
alief akmal i think you would play as elisabet sobeck not rost since teresa just tells you his story and theres way more story in elisabet sobeck's story than rost's
How on Earth did I miss this interaction? This is heartbreaking.
You missed it because you rushed the game.
Rost is such a badass and I love Teersa she seems to respect the individual rather than blindly follow tribal law that shuns them.
Am I the only one who sees the potential for a prequel?:
Horizon Zero Dawn 2: Rost's Vengeance
you kill the people who killed rost im pretty sure
ALost SeaTurtl not the people who killed Rost, the people who Rost killed when he became a Death-Seeker when he was younger. Those are two different groups entirely.
Ragd0ll that's WAY too little for a sequel. A story DLC more likely.
pupulicious Red Dead Redemption was an entire (very long) open world game based on tracking and killing one man. Surely with the tech we have now we could easily make an open world game about a guy tracking down and killing *several* men over a vast open world jam packed with things to do.
That's still too little. It would probably be a fun game considering Horizon's gameplay but the story will be too thin. There's nothing else in it. He just wants to kill the men for the death of his daughter. It would be too much of a downgrade from the bigger scope of the story in Horizon. There will be nothing new. That's one of the reasons the story itself wasn't given much importance in Horizon. It is not sequel material. It would be perfect for story DLC. A sequel should be bigger, better and filled to the brim with new things to discover and learn and not more of the same but with less story.
I almost cried. What a sad story.
So good. Very touching video game.
Big baby
why the hell this is hidden in middle on nowhere.. while there are endless bullshit stroy..
@@campkira Well, because the game dev may have (for me at least) plan to make this dialogue for people who are more into the story than others that just rush though the game. Not that they don’t like it but just as a reward for whoever likes to search every little detail in the game.
6:00 I'd like to think that was Grata, from the early parts of the game
Hagrim91 why do you think that?
A female brave who broke taboo to help Rost, not hard to imagine she became an outcast for that.
Old enough to already have had 2 kids at that time.
And then there's old Grata the outcast, the person Rost asks Aloy to help out if she can spare the time.
Most likely wishful thinking but I'm ok with that.
Oh shit
Hagrim91 She can't speak to Aloy or Rost so I doubt Grata is an outcast.
Aloy quote when talking to Grata: "So you'll cry for her, but you won't speak to me? Fine. Guess that makes you the better outcast."
I love the "forbidden west" Easter egg here. Such a great game
Currently replaying it through again, but I’m so upset that I missed this! I usually listen to all the dialogue, even this second time around!
because there r so many bullshit in it.. most people would brain death by the time it got to that..
Rost is probably the only character I deeply care about
others character are not very memorable
Tom Richards Aloy herself, Nil & that 1 matriarch who supports Aloy are good characters!
Sagittarius476 What about Teb, Varl, Erend, Vanasha, Uthid, Petra, King Avad, Sona, Sylens, and Talanah?
Elisabet Sobeck
What about Aloy and Sylens
Tom Richards when I’m in a battle that’s too hard I say to myself
‘I wish Rost were here’
There needs to be a game where we play as Rost and Track down the 12 outlanders.. Ghost Recon Wildlands style.
how cool is that if we play young Rost to hunt all Twelve Outlanders in DLC
I was really hoping Rost came back :'(
How? He died
Orca Whale clone him
Pink mist...
omg me too. He's so hot...I mean, he was so cool and shite.
+VenonSnake why not? Rambo did it, Terminator did it, Chuck Norris did it :P
"Oh, Aloy your armor's shield is crushing me, no more hugging"
Would have been pretty interesting if it crushed her and she died and Aloy was like, ''Ah, fuck.''
This is why their religion sucks. Who says you can't go retrieve your own daughters body without being banished? 😭 I feel so bad for Rost. In a way it would have been better for him to pass on, that way he could have been with his daughter. But am so happy he took Aloy, he's saved her throughout the game with the lessons he taught her ❤️
Victoria Sharpe She is a fucking bitch with the others two as well in my opinion Nora tribe is the most fucked comunity in that game all because those stupid and bullshit rules
their great grandparents were raised in a bunker by robots. there was a whole other wing they werent allowed in so they had 700 years to assign rules of " you need to stay in this area. dont go over there"
Another reason why Ted’s decision was a huge mistake.
No GoInG oUtSiDe Of ThE bOrDeR, nO gOiNg To AnCiEnT rUiNs, No SpEaKiNg To OuTcAsTs AnD tHeY cAnT sPeAk To EaCh OtHeR. I really dislike the Nora tribe for these idiotic rules.
Hey but thanks to ted ima have to spend more money for the second one 👍😁
man I miss the phrase "follow"😢😢
Why must you hurt me in this way
This explains why, in the lore, Aloy is such a skilled and fearsome fighter. She was trained by easily the deadliest Nora who ever lived.
I think killing Rost so early was a pretty big mistake, his and Aloy's relationship was the strongest part of the game, writing wise. Aloy felt pretty bland when she wasn't interacting with Rost but their complex relationship had a lot of potential and felt like it was going somewhere interesting. When he was gone Aloy just became like so many other virtually blank slate video game protagonists.
It would be interesting to see a spin-off game based on Rost’s story - tracking down and assassinating these 12 outlanders.
If I were Aloy I would ask why members of the tribe treated Rost as if he did something bad and got kicked out of the tribe
because he broke tribal laws. that's considered a heavy sin
@@KrakenWind he is not.. he chose to be leave and never return... yet... he was allow to living near them.. if you had killer in your community.. you would had issue with that..
This is what happens when you skip the dialogues of the game which is story driven. Tsk. Don't play RPG if you don't care about the story
I think the answer lies in the Mothers making him swear to secrecy about being a Death-Seeker. It is likely the majority of the Nora didn't know, and thus saw him as just another outcast. Hell maybe a worse outcast since nobody who did know would talk about why he was outcast. It would be easy to assume he had done something so horrific or sinful for that to happen. Hell, per the listed requirements of becoming a Death-Seeker you give up you soul to become a remorseless spirit of vengeance, maybe many believed he was still soulless even after returning.
I think it was because when you become a death seeker you can never go back to the tribe, since they believe that the ritual makes your soul move on and it's just the mind and body that remains, the part of Rost that most matters to them is gone, by their beliefs. But they couldn't bring themselves to send him away which is why they offered to make him an outcast in the embrace which he accepted out of his own choice, along with accepting what comes with being an outcast which is being shunned. Plus, most members of the tribe probably don't actually know who he even is (especially the younger ones) and just see him as an outcast, it was irrelevant what exactly he did.
Forbidden West was clued in here conversation
I am fully expecting Aloy to either come across some spot Rost stayed at while he tracked those killers, or some people Rost knew over there.
Wouldn't be at all surprised if the ones who killed his Alana were members of one of the new tribes we meet in the Forbidden West.
Also there is a text based log in Meridian (going off of memory here) that mentions either the tenth or eleventh sun king and some of his warriors traveled into the Forbidden West. I believe it is stated or implied that none returned from that expedition.
@@singmeastory6634 I think it's pretty cool that once you hear rosts story, you come to realize he really did know what was really out there, and not just what he told Aloy, which was nothing.
And that his training of her had less to do with her living in the Nora lands, but knowing she'd leave one day and face what he knew was out there, namely all those new machines in the west.
I reckon this is a massive Easter egg. This all happened before Aloy was born, before Hades was awakened. My theory is the outlanders were the one's who sent the signal to awaken Hades, as it is never explained in the game deliberately building up to a sequel (as seen in the post credits scene). Therefore there must have been something in the Nora's lands that they were after under the command of someone who had the knowledge of Hades prior to his awakening. It couldn't have been the shadow carja cultists as they were formed after Hades' awakening. Even though Rost killed them all, I still believe they have a massive connection to the awakenings of Hades, especially since they never find out why they attacked. Just a thought anyway. Maybe I'm wrong and why they were there is elaborated more sometime, but I don't remember any mention of it.
I'm on board with this. I think they have at least something to do with the mysterious signal.
I want to know what brought them together, knowing they came from four different regions. My theory is that they were tasked with testing the Nora tribal traditions, specifically the limits of their rules and boundaries, the whole thing being one sickening social experiment. I also want to know what those "strange noises" heard from their camp were.
As I was watching this video, this was my thought too. The story has so much room for expansion. But what doesn't quite make sense is how they were even able to write code and send a signal to cause the subsystems of GAIA to gain autonomy. There has to be a repository of of knowledge someone has gotten access to and had time enough to study.
i think the camp they mean is where you go with Sona and Varl, where theyre digging up machines and blaze
Hades was supposed to wake up; Gaia just wasn’t supposed to kill herself lmfao
This is an old thread but I think Ted Faro is still alive and the reason those 12 dudes went to the Nora Lands. He wanted Hades to wake.
Rost is like the epitome of BAMF in this game
Rost even went out to the forbidden west interesting 🧐
The second game might uncover more of Rost's backstory. Interesting prospect.
we will get there of 2nd one..
I wanna know more about the twelve he hunted down. Maybe they have something to do with the derangement.
@@lurkingllama8364 derangement is day when Gaia sacrifice herself , and Aloy was born . The only thing that is not unclear is what / who sent the transmissions
I didn't even know how to get to that part
Stop cutting onions!
Future update/DLC/sequel, Horizon: Rost's Chronicle.
Aloy is on a journey through the Forbidden West while following clues left behind by Rost on the hunt for the Twelve Outlanders. Play as Rost in some sequences; new machines, new weapons, new equipment, etc. Coming soon...
Julius Toledo wtf
That actually sounds like a fun idea. Maybe it will be a thing - who knows?
@@Oban2006 Who was it and what did he say
Hopefully so
Thank you for posting this. I completely missed this during my playthrough.
I wonder if those 12 outlanders were in some way related to whoever woke Hades up. They show up and devastate a Nora village then they spend the next few days doing something the Braves coudnt identify even after they left and after they left they quickly dispersed. Then again they could have just been particularly ruthless treasure hunters. If they are related to the whoever woke Hades up id say they were agents tasked with locating and identifying key Gaia facilities with Gaia prime being the main objective(this is all assuming Faro isnt somehow behind Hades waking up)
Same thought!!!
Hades was programmed to wake up; it was the only way his Dev could think of to unseat Gaia and allow for Hades to do his work if necessary.
I assumed that it might be connected with the red raids, since it happened near the carja border
Sorry for the late reply didn’t see most of the replies until now. From what I remember Gaia received a signal that woke up Hades which led to it and its "siblings" going out of control causing all the chaos for the past 20 years.
Also them dying before the event could also mean their masters had more agents searching for sites
may be along with 12 outlanders Styles be there since he said that few years ago he went there and got deadend result (because nora was secured the underground base).
You know how cool that sounds, they can make a whole game out of that story as a prequel and I would buy it
Cool that the Forbidden West is mentioned here. Can't wait for Horizon 2
I didn't get any of this dialouge. I assume this was after you come out of all mother? Idk how I missed it because I tried to talk to everyone in there afterwards.
Wayne As27 It's right after you come out of there, yeah.
Wayne As27 the second time
this is after you fix the registry and the door opens for you. when you come back out she can say this
jesse demers I played and finished the game two times and never got that option. And I always made sure to use every option while talking to people, always, even on the second playthrough.
Im thinking this is before the final fight
What if the bandits were doing was sending the signal that Hades woke up and destroyed Gaia?
Thanks for posting this, I watched the whole walk through and was wondering that I might missed it
Rost, the real MVP.
Honestly thank you for this. I dont think I would have found it on my own, but I did always wonder. I just respect and miss the old man more now.
What if Nil is a Death Seeker too? And that’s why he seems so soulless, and only finds joy in killing bandits
Nil is Carja . Nil is like that because Sun rock prison change him .
Now we need a spinoff game about Rost. Horizon: Death-Seeker. I wouldn't mind it being a linear game, or a standalone dlc. Machines would be treated as bosses, and the main enemy would be humans. Perhaps the melee combat could be expanded upon.
I want a Rost back story DLC.
Aha! "Even to the Forbidden West" nobody realized how well this dialogue aged!
Forbidden west was referenced like a hundred times throughout the game, not just here lole
Hey wait, seems like I missed this part completely in my playthrough. Thx for sharing
You're more than welcome
Idk why years later and after I never even finished the game YT felt the need to recommend this to me for days on end.
But.... Does that mean there is some part of Rost "saved" into the allmother? Since she is technically the computer couldn't that mean there was some sort of crazy DNA replication that happens via some weird scan they would consider "Giving their soul" ?? Could it be possible we see Rost again? Maybe his conciousness was saved like some crazy chappy stuff. I refuse to believe he's really gone.
I don't think so. That would be only possible ,if Rost originaly came from the "All-mother". But he is most likely a descendant of the originals.
another clone? another Rost? I understand what u mean when they said about giving their soul to allmother, but how will they work allmother without the focus?
There are tons of focuses all over the place, I wouldn't be surprised if a LOT more people are using them in the next game, or even the DLC. I just feel like they put a lot of story and effort into Rost just to have him not part of the series.
It was just religious techno-babble, nothing actually happened to Rost when he became a death seeker, the Matriarchs just performed a ritual and said "now you can step over that imaginary line" with this made up title we just gave you.
Even if Gaia did somehow make a copy of Rost, it would have been created before Aloy was born, so he wouldn't even know who she was or what has happened in the last 19+ years since that point. It wouldn't be the Rost that put his whole life into Aloy.
And Gaia can't create adult clones, so a clone of Rost would be a newborn anyways, just like Aloy was.
I also thought that was intriguing, but I was not thinking that his DNA would be saved or that he can be cloned. Maybe this death-seeker ritual involved getting his memories uploaded to Gaia (all-mother). Maybe Rost could come back as a holographic projection and simulation of the real Rost. Think Superman's dad.
Rost's story would be such a good prequel. Think of all the land scapes and robots we could see.
i think it would be a nice idea since forbidden west is realesed ... for the next horizon game to be Rost hunting down all the twelve members (bosses) of the uknown tribe that attacked the nora.
6:20 it seems like he went to a lot of places to finish his mission , to forbidden west too
Can't believe i missed this. Thanx so much!
I know this has nothing to do with Rost’s story but a minimap would be very useful! Because I’m getting a bit tired of pressing that rectangle shaped button in the middle just to see the map!
there are many timelines confuse. after defeating hades Aloy listening Elizabeth's record and got to her resting location and at end of game scene of forbidden west. but in forbidden west Aloy left meridian after defeating Hades and gone far left to forbidden west.
I knew they could hug in this game! I wanted to hug talana so bad when she came to fight with me on the final story mission
( shes your hawk if you do the hunters lodge)
Maybe we will see traces of Rost in the new game. They just hinted that he went into the Forbidden West. That would be interesting.
To think that they gave a tiny teaser to point to horizon: forbidden west
Rost becoming a death seeker the name itself sounds so badass
Thought he was an outcast because he took in Aloy
Dontae Crumes Nah, the matriarchs entrusted Aloy to him BECAUSE he was an outcast.
this was just a guess before game was finished, more like an opinion before completion
oh i know, but I thought it was something with terms and conditions. Hey why are you an outcast? I can't tell you, or I'll tell you one day....only to find out he's one do to his love for her, etc etc
Dontae Crumes ikr
Dontae Crumes sylens,rost, and erand are the best characters i like nil too but aloy is annoying
"Wake up, Rost. Your time is not done. You have one more duty to fulfill."
This low-key sounds like it would make a killer DLC.
I am surprised they did not do this.
It's because there's too many assets to do think of red dead redemption it's a really long story about killing one man but in horizon zero dawn getting had to kill several men from all around the world that's why it's not a dlc because there is too many assets but guerrilla games could make a game about rosts revenge tho
Why haven’t I heard this myself in the game!? I totally would have asked this question.
Wow you EXPLAINED it so well!!!
Aww, I don't know how I was able to finish the game and I missed this dialog on my first run. I will have to play through again.
I cried so much the first time I heard his story...
Thanks for this, I had wondered about his story. Am really glad they didn't leave it a mystery.
Wait, Teersa said FORBIDDEN WEST at 6:30 lmao
It’s a location mate did u forgot
Man, what a shame he had to die, there's still hope for a return, maybe, because of the beast that he is, he somehow survived.
That or we'll get a prequel, playing as him revenging his family.
I don't get it. My man rost traveled such dangerous lands in order to kill the 12 men and avenge his family... Yet he couldn't kill THAT ONE FU*CKING GUY FROM THE MOUNTAIN! and no! I don't care what people say "but he was old" or "blah blah blah" hell no! That is no damn excuse for having over 30+ years of fighting and survivability experience just so in the end he easily gets stabbed and blown up from that big bandit dude...
Brian Velasco
He was old and he probably not as fit as he used to be. Combine that with a skilled and dangerous foe... age is a deadly enemy, more so when combined with the guys at the proving.
ok first of all it wasn't just some "big bandit dude" it was Helis that stabbed him.
Brian Velasco Helis had just as much experience as Rost. Helis was "The Mad Sun Kings Champion" after all
Helis was pretty hard for Aloy to kill, Rost or 20 years ago might have been able to, but he was much older when he fought Helis
Never underestimate the power of aging. It can do many an unpleasant thing to you. Including waning strength.
They should have released Rost Story as a Add On, it would have been beautiful...
Then and now, great idea sir.
I always thought that HZD was an expirement with tribal people being tested on their survival skills and at the end aloy would escape the area and go into a facility that had people in it and she would later meet her mom. Not gonna lie I was extremely disappointed but it was a good and fun game.
This actually sounds like a better plot. Sony wants to know your location
Better? Mayby not, plot is really great! Very good idea for another plot? Agreed!
@@robinekhoodekful Maybe for another game but I honestly thought that she would go out into the world and then at the ending she would go into a door that hadn't been opened in 300,000 years (which is when the game is set) and she sees hundreds of people walking everywhere and the place being insanely futuristic
@@dreel37 agreed that would be a fun idea, still possible in game 2
@@robinekhoodekful True
They should make a Rost prequel that takes place in the year that he left to pursue revenge.
How early in the game can you get the shield armor?
You find the last power cell in the ruins of Gaia prime, which I believe is the second to last quest
Once you get it the game is a joke, I don't suggest it unless you want limited invincibility.
you can always just take it off you know
Zedrick Not that early, some do requirements that play through get unlocked you could not get into earlier. I think there are three of them you can get after unlock, others are easy enough to get any time.
Zedrick its end game last cell u get at gaia prime which it won't let u in there until u get the main quest
Finally! I found the thing I wanted to know about! I hope you'll make a playthrough of this game or maybe other games that you haven't played yet, and well you know, record them? I wanted to see your view, since most youtubers SKIPS THE DARN STORY INFO!!!.
PS. Subscribed....
how did you get that armour and at what point in the storyline did you get it
It's the armour attached to the Ancient Armory questline.
sir.lolz. the_fourth There's 5 batteries you find to open a vault. You get the first two really quickly, and the last one is basically at the end of the game. It's really just armor for the final boss.
6:36 It's about to come out!
I bet Matriarch Teersa was named after Mother Teresa
could be. there's a lot of name significance in this game. elizabet could be named for the queen and sobek is the Egyptian god and creator of life. Aloy could be alloy, dissimilar metals combined to be a new metal. Rost could be rust, also a metal name. Grata is similar to gratis for thanks. Vala like valor, courage. Faro like pharaoh, the king.
Death-Seeker sounds so freaking badass! Need dlc for this story.
Shit, how did I miss this? They needed to make this unmissable.
I was surprised the amount of people who told me the missed it. Then again it isn't obvious. (。◕︵◕。)
Does Rost have titmilk? How does a man raise a kid by himself without modern baby formula?
Kyle B chillwater and blood
Kyle B You forget he had a kid himself.
No I did not forget this. Men don't produce baby food in their breasts.
The same way as men raise their children without a mum. There are a lot of those in real world
@Gazi - There is no way the tribe would have supplied him with anything at all. They wouldn't even speak to him, let alone help him raise a baby. Unfortunately the phrase "It takes a village to raise a child" does not apply here!
When the chief lady explained Rost's past, It was very interesting to learn the reasons of his exile.
Lots of "ooooh, aaaah, that explains it, oh man, poor guy, he has been through a lot, Aloy must've been his surrogate daughter", etc.
I want a story about Rost and him killing those 12 b^tches. I think it would have made a better story than the one now.
I disagree, if that would have been the story, then it would have been seen as the cliche revenge story that the main protagonist avenges the death of a loved one, which we've seen countless of times.
MsChinBKMXMB99 must not have played the game if u dont like the story
Really missed that during the game game ever played..
This is the world you wrought Ted without knowledge, ignorant ppl and self righteous murderers. He could have given them basic information on culture and science, and not the military parts. But you have to show how to learn from your mistakes.
Yeah but even then you have to think about this. Even with all that knowledge and traces of military equipment still lying around they probably would end up creating the same mistakes as the past generation did and probably much worse.
This game had a lot of love and contour into the story and dialogue. Shame for anyone who missed out XD
Please guys watch the part 6:31 then you will know some secrets about rost I think in horizon forbidden west we will see or hear about rost in the forbidden west and utaru land (rost really went to far places)and I don’t know about the land (claim) I don’t know if we will go to that land in the next upcoming game
In my first play through I missed to talk to Teersa, on my second I did and was surprised about Rost’s story
WHODA WHAT WAIT NOW! the forbidden west was mentioned on the first game!!!!! I gladly return all of my lost respect to the developers for what I thought to be a name that didnt fit.
Thank you for allowing me to see this.
Rost had the bonus of not being alone forever.
You don't need a 9 minute video to figure it out. If you pay close attention in the intro movie, you can hear Teersa remind Rost that he chose to be an outcast and simply wanted to leave the tribe.
Those who never learned this story, never knew Rost had been to the Forbidden West.... the sequel
The detail in this game is unbelievable. The world created will be amazing going forward. Much better story than I had thought. Cauldrons are great!
I always listen to every dialogue option but I was too excited to go hunt machines I never talked to anyone in the village and just left whenever I could.
Man I hit pretty much every extra option for the story and missed this
Like how? It's there. Right after you get back from the inside of All-Mother.