Atheism Silliness CAUTION: SARCASM ALERT!!!

  • Опубліковано 30 чер 2024


  • @derek400004
    @derek400004 11 років тому

    one of the most genius videos i've seen. someone get this guy a beer!!

  • @sean666able
    @sean666able 13 років тому

    @scorpio110707 I completely agree, I've had that conversation many times and it seems as if I'm always the calm one. Not all religious people are bad, just the ones who interfere with daily life, like all extremest. That includes christians too.

  • @viking_sith_lord
    @viking_sith_lord 9 років тому

    As an Atheist i did get a laugh out of this. Especially the part at the end where the theist creates a rule that Atheists can't do something because he said so LOL "that means you can no longer use that rule to argue against god." Oh is that so? Sure Josh Feirenstein. Good luck with trying to deflate science with science . DERP

  • @trident343
    @trident343  13 років тому

    @Chuck1863 Thanks you for being honest. I wish more people would recognize that. What bothers me with the atheist side is that they say because they dont know, then nobody else can have an idea or belief. They selfishly claim only they can dictate what is possible without giving philosophy and religion any ground for consideration.

  • @youtubian2500
    @youtubian2500 13 років тому

    @shandcunt Your comment reminds me of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and is probably the best one I've seen concerning this subject, because it encapsulates the whole problem with religion and it's screwed up logic.

  • @krakendahed
    @krakendahed 12 років тому

    This video should be titled "Some of the popular things theists like to make out of straw."

  • @Usul
    @Usul 13 років тому

    It is improbable a host of Gods are responsible for the universe's existence. There is a vast amount of evidence to suggest that it is probable a natural process is responsible for the formation of our universe. There are a number of brilliant and intelligent people researching and testing those processes. We simply don't have enough information to discount a normal non-supernatural cause. However, we do have enough information to discount several creator theories.

  • @stephanniehiller7306
    @stephanniehiller7306 10 років тому

    I really do hope this video is just extreme sarcasm. If not, I'll have to assume that this guy did not do enough research.

  • @trident343
    @trident343  12 років тому

    And how did the energy come from nothing?

  • @Anxiousgazelle
    @Anxiousgazelle 13 років тому

    (on my first comment, I meant "Something CAN'T come from nothing" lol. :) And by the way, NO ONE is making the argument that something came from nothing. That is a misconception that has been debunked in various youtube videos.
    All in all, I think that this video is describing wonderfully an amateur atheist who doesn't know his arguments, who is probably just an atheist because he thinks its cool or something. :D

  • @Anxiousgazelle
    @Anxiousgazelle 13 років тому

    @trident343 Actually, the majority of my atheist friends LOVE philosophy. They love that man tries to find their place in the universe. Some atheists are religious i.e. the Jainists and Buddhist sects. Some atheists are very spiritual indeed, and use philosophy to find their meaning in life. Atheism is a lack of a belief in Gods, not a lack of liking philosophy or trying to find meaning in this world of chaos. :)

  • @trident343
    @trident343  12 років тому

    @Christineshires Damn. I'll have to rename this video "Atheist Troll Bate" :)

  • @trident343
    @trident343  13 років тому

    @ryanisflyboy Improbable??? natural formation of what. Something from nothing? LOL. Where did it all come from??? Is there any reason I cant have an idea ?

  • @trident343
    @trident343  12 років тому

    @CammehYaBams Why would a God not be a plausible explanation ?

  • @trident343
    @trident343  13 років тому

    @scorpio110707 I'm sorry but the video wasn't meant to make all atheists look mean or vindictive. Given the fact it was done in animation gives to the fact that things are exaggerated somewhat. None the less, I am sorry if you are offended.

  • @trident343
    @trident343  13 років тому

    @Sssssnnaakke So much more absurd then matter creating it's self...

  • @GuyFromRedBank
    @GuyFromRedBank 13 років тому

    I'M SORRY!!!

  • @trident343
    @trident343  13 років тому

    @ryanisflyboy point taken. My apologies. However, I don't see how you can establish a probability Unless you can say for certain how something comes from nothing. It might just be more honest to say we honestly don't know.

  • @Rhann81
    @Rhann81 13 років тому

    Filling in the gaps of scientific knowledge with god is quite literally the reason humans invented the concept of god in the first place. We like to have answers and god conveniently fills all the holes, that doesn’t make god real though. Is it not better to keep searching for the real reasons than to chalk it up to the supernatural because the search is difficult?

  • @trident343
    @trident343  13 років тому

    @Shandcunt LOL it's a simple as knowing you know nothing my friend. Or rather, what you have the ability to know is not all that is true :)

  • @Anxiousgazelle
    @Anxiousgazelle 13 років тому

    4. *sigh* "where did matter come from?" Google it. The big bang didn't release matter, it released hydrogen and helium and a combination of that and gravity brought about the elements. Even the Christian book I'm reading right now knows this. :)
    5. Who said the universe is constant?
    6. You that's funny because a few Christian websites I've been to said that parallel universe theories and M theory confirm there is a God, while some atheists say the opposite LOL

  • @Usul
    @Usul 13 років тому

    @trident343 You apparently didn't understand my comment. It's okay, there is a lot of information packed in there. I forgive you for making fun of me because that's what Jesus would want me to do. Try reading again more carefully. Let me know when you pick up that degree in physical cosmology and we can continue. You might be surprised at what you can learn if you try.

  • @trident343
    @trident343  13 років тому

    @Shandcunt If ya can't take a joke then fuck ya.

  • @scorpio110707
    @scorpio110707 13 років тому

    Making atheists sound like they are all mean. That is not the best way to go, I'm an atheist and I don't answer people like that. I could make every religious person sound homophobic, sexist, ignorant, etc. but I don't because I know not all religious people are like that, so just watch how you portray atheists.

  • @TellingItLikeItIsSJM
    @TellingItLikeItIsSJM 13 років тому

    You're obviously biased.
    Cause and effect argument? Okay. Challenge Accepted.
    What caused God to come into being? Where did whatever makes up his being come into existence?