Wheezy vs U-Stride Update

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @pelotontherapyy
    @pelotontherapyy Рік тому +4

    So if I understand correctly, you initially went to NY planning for a blitz, but he took advantage of the situation by trying to turn it into a race for pinks. You weren't happy with how you were treated (time wasted and insincere agreement, etc.), so you eventually agreed to the pinks just to obtain the original content you wanted - the blitz - which he had initially agreed to. Now they're accusing you of lacking integrity, even though they're the ones who began this process without integrity.

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +3

      Wow I couldn't have said it any better. I should have hired you as my apokemsn lol

    • @skan8
      @skan8 Рік тому +2

      You are just as good a talker. Please learn from this situation and never let it happen again.@@UStride

  • @trevorama
    @trevorama Рік тому +16

    Exactly. It’s like the old proverb says: “Two wrongs make a right.” No, wait…

  • @jamesChisena
    @jamesChisena Рік тому +14

    Congrats to all sides involved for taking something people enjoy and hijacking it into garbage.

    • @EboyzLondon
      @EboyzLondon Рік тому

      Man stfu. This is something so very minor happening between two maybe 3 people! You make it sound like it’s a virus and we have it in each city across the world 😂

    • @GoG6138
      @GoG6138 Рік тому

      Seriously... Jason: stop sponsoring these immature idiots!

  • @curtflirt2
    @curtflirt2 Рік тому +7

    You just gotta take responsibility man, that's that! If they didn't want to race with you, then you say F IT! Move the hell on about your business! Why are you trying to SHAKE AND BET on a wheel that is not YOURS??! You were already here to get the wheels fixed, anyways, that's that! I just don't get you with this! You are making this out as if this is only the other party's fault when it's not! Social media is a hell of a drug. I couldn't even imagine betting away my friends items because I wanted to get footage or something, it's not Mine!! You should have just went home and not shake on Nothin

    • @terrellirma
      @terrellirma 11 місяців тому

      I had written a lot and lost it. Basically young men please use this as an example of what not to do. As men we are only as reliable as our word.Young men, don’t make bets your not intending on paying, it normally will not go this way. Riding was intense!

  • @kamencic
    @kamencic Рік тому +6

    I think you got word community wrong. Loose definition would be: a group of people gathered around the same interest. So people who are into EUC and are connected over that one interest are a community. They don't need to like each other and help each other. Anyway, that's my take.

  • @Stan-kj8fq
    @Stan-kj8fq Рік тому +12

    I have been conflicted as well, of what we have coined the, “EUC community”. As a veteran contributor, I wish you would have explored more in depth the community v. interest commentary, because in my opinion, it’s the skeleton in the closet that we have overlooked. We have either witnessed or participated in “communities”, at one time or another, and I agree that there are so many divisions amongst the enthusiasts, a community is a difficult description to categorize us. For example, you have a group of enthusiasts who go bombastic, when a rider doesn’t wrap themselves in bubble wrap for every ride, no matter how short the ride. Then you have the enthusiasts that believe every movement will set precedence for the law to ban EUCs forever, so they want to impose their belief on a violator of their own fictional statute. Then there’s a dark side, where sharks circle the waters, waiting for victims to overtake for EUCs. There’s so many groups within a group, which make it difficult to establish a community.
    When I think of a community, the skateboard community pops up. When you examine that community, it seems as if youth is the driving force. This is opposite of the EUC community. The driving force for EUC enthusiasts are elder statesmen. The cliche, is that you can’t teach a old dog new tricks. I believe that is the heart of the issue. The reason why skateboarding has been able to ascend, is for the reason highlighted, youth. Youth take more risk, and they are less judgmental, because they are figuring out life as they go. With age, you become less daring and more cautious. In turn, you would have the judgmental enthusiast imposing their will on another, which causes conflict, territories created, which restricts uniting enthusiasts from creating communities. In essence, the generational gaps are, so wide a full scale community is virtually impossible. That’s why, I am not stoked on the idea of community either. In my opinion, if we stop trying to force the community narrative, less conflict will arise.
    Hind sight is 20/20, and in my opinion, this drama was a eye opener, and this isn’t just a reflective moment for this channel, but for all of us. If we want to be viewed as a “community “, this channel isn’t just at fault, we are all at fault. We need to look ourselves in the mirror, and use this incident as a tool to learn from. Furthermore, culpability isn’t clearly defined in this event, in fact, I view it as a wash. The threats of violence, and territorial demands exhibit more of an issue for me than the race itself. No matter, your values or fandom, the aforementioned should be banned from the
    so-called community, ASAP.

  • @dustinhankins2153
    @dustinhankins2153 Рік тому +8

    I have noticed and maybe someone can explain to me why this is; I have seen that there are a bunch of narcissists in the euc community. It’s a shame. Who wants to do meet ups or group rides with a bunch of assholes? This conflict here is what happens when two narcissists but heads. Stop playing games people. I understand it makes for controversy and in turn great content but don’t do it at the expense of your character.

  • @DamianLesiuk
    @DamianLesiuk Рік тому +16

    I'm not buying your excuses. If you agree to the deal, you have to be a man of your word.

    • @pappieganda7968
      @pappieganda7968 Рік тому +3

      I hope you have the same energy for the other guy, too.

  • @HumbolSkitso
    @HumbolSkitso Рік тому +6

    Stride asked for a NYC person to race, yes?
    Wheezy messages and says he will race but for pinks, right?
    And Stride replies, no not for pinks, right?
    Why do you still get in your car and make your way over there to that race with the guy that said he wants pinks??? Why did you still show up after telling Wheezy no not for pinks in the messages??? Were you hoping he would just race for free anyway since you made your way all the way over there? I dont think Wheezy ever agreed to race for free at ANY POINT in the messages right??? So why did you show up???

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому

      After I said no pinks he said he will only do real life scenarios not controlled environment. That's when I decided this would be an unofficial Blitz as in I wouldn't post it on Blitz channel. I also told him it's not my wheel in the chat

  • @driket54
    @driket54 Рік тому +15

    Hey U-Stride!
    I bet a silent majority wanted to know your side of the story instead of expressing spontaneous reactions.
    Thank you for this video, it can really help to understand the context, why you did race and your mindset during the event.
    I personally felt since the first video that those guys had just one goal: to rob you. That’s even beyond a lack of respect toward you and your time.
    Maybe you could have de-escalate by just shooting NYC videos without them (they don’t represent the community, there are load of cool riders there). Maybe you’d have missed a great race (seriously, it was) but you wouldn’t have given them what they wanted. Just my cold-minded opinion, can totally understand why you went this way.
    The communterest thing made me laugh. This sound both pessimistic and realistic at some extent but that’s not the big picture. Load of contributors helped others progressions and EUC development without even asking something in return (I personally learned valuable technics and skills from your video, thank your for that). There will always be people that takes a lot and give nothing but I’m glad and grateful about how the community as a whole went so far.
    Cheers from France.

  • @bushmaster4481
    @bushmaster4481 Рік тому +5

    So did he go to race for content and they changed the terms? I don’t get what people mad about.

  • @ThePnut408
    @ThePnut408 Рік тому +4

    I get all of that but as a man, not as a euc rider as a man i would of took my L and made a bet a i cant keep. Im from California i dont know the euc scene in NY but again as a man no man can bully me into doing shit i didnt want to do ill take my L go home make a video how my time was wasted this and that but if i didnt want to race for pinks i would of never agree, i wouldnt shake on it, let alone on camera. And if the case that i did and lost i would honor my word gave up the wheel and cried in the car as a man ! You can sit there and say they bullied me into this, they wasted my time but ultimately what matters is that you gave your word, you shook on it and agreed to those terms you didnt want to and on camera so you cant downplay this take responsibility as a MAN. And if it wasnt your wheel you should of never bet period.

  • @NahBra_EUC
    @NahBra_EUC Рік тому +2

    I have just been waiting to hear what you have to say about it. It does sound like they may have been trying to set you up or cause some drama for the views/likes. People need to relax and not jump to conclusions etc.

  • @Aroundtheworld-ew6rx
    @Aroundtheworld-ew6rx Рік тому +2

    In any case, I believe they achieved their purpose and tarnished your brand with this incident. Don't let 7k and your pride destroy Millions of dollars. The best revenge is success.

  • @Eucdestroyer
    @Eucdestroyer 3 місяці тому +1

    Why you keep looking away from the camera?

    • @UStride
      @UStride  3 місяці тому

      It's good practice to look over your shoulders when you're by yourself at around 12am in the open like that, while on an EUC recoding a video on a phone. That's just common sense, for me at least. How is that even a question?

  • @lifesolo
    @lifesolo Рік тому +2

    Nailed it!

  • @Papalou1234
    @Papalou1234 Рік тому +1

    finally i got you on the stage to say youre part of the story👌🏻
    next ever race do not bid a euc event if its yours.

  • @dantemarcos1410
    @dantemarcos1410 Рік тому +3

    Bruh if u wanted revenge just beat his ars on the race. Now your credibility is questionable whenever you shake hands on something because you prioritize your revenge. Is it worth it? Only u would know the answer to that. ✌️

  • @senseivegan
    @senseivegan Рік тому +3

    There was a ton of information unpacked in this video. I believe you said things people wanted to say but never said anything. I do agree 💯 there's a massive divide in this so called EUC community. Thanks for sharing.

  • @Papalou1234
    @Papalou1234 Рік тому +2

    U-STRIDE please as friendly advise:Do not comment on this anymore.... hust keep doing youre stuff and video go foward.

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому

      I hear you. Advice taken

  • @nicksilver3757
    @nicksilver3757 Рік тому +3

    2 wrongs don't make a right... isn't that what we teach children??? If Weezy tricked you getting you to come out, you still had a choice. You could choose the high road: call him out on it, lose out on some footage, but maintain your integrity. Or you could take the low road: tell a bold-faced lie, and still get your footage. You chose the low road. You thought you were stooping to his level, tit for tat, only... what you did was much worse. He lied in the chat, maybe. But you lied in person, to his face, while looking him in the eye, while shaking his hand, while being recorded on camera. You didn't just take the low road, you went *lower* than the low road, as low as it gets. Your actions were unacceptable, regardless of whether what Weezy/Yansen did was *also* unacceptable (which is possible). Yes it explains your actions, but it does not *justify* them. See the difference?

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +1

      I could, but I chose this path instead. Are you saying that as a man, I'm not entitled to handle this how I see fit?

    • @nicksilver3757
      @nicksilver3757 Рік тому +2

      @@UStride Yes you're entitled to handle it as you see fit, but when you choose the low road in a public environment, people are also entitled to judge you as they see fit. Thing is, you're not just a man, you're not just some average Joe. You're also an influencer, and a representative of all the communities you're a part of. When you have a platform like that, its like you're on stage with thousands of eyes on you. Of course people are going to have an opinion about what you do up there. I think everyone makes mistakes and what you did was understandable, and I don't think you should be crucified forever for it. But at the same time, it WAS wrong, and not being mature enough to admit that only gives people that want to hate a reason to continue to hate on you. The best thing to do after a very public lapse in judgement, is to own up to it as soon as possible so that people can forgive & forget.

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +1

      @@nicksilver3757 I never once spoke against peoples right to judge. That's expected and I'm all for it

    • @nicksilver3757
      @nicksilver3757 Рік тому +1

      @@UStride I want to say that I support what you're trying to build with the blitz, and promoting EUC racing in general. That's why I'm bothered by this whole fiasco, it takes away from the cause. They say no publicity is bad publicity but this really puts the theory to the test lol.

  • @ProphetNY
    @ProphetNY Рік тому +1

    Man I love your content sensei, mad cobra, euc vibes, istheranyfood etc.. would have support the cause. Shit happens on to the next one keep moving forward

  • @EboyzLondon
    @EboyzLondon Рік тому +3

    Welcome to the era of online judge and jury…
    I agree with the whole “interest” thing. In my books it’s called ego!
    I also agree on the community thing!

  • @mikewatt3147
    @mikewatt3147 Рік тому +2

    Bro don’t sweat it just ride and have fun. That’s what matters not the drama and scripted threats. Ride Vancouver BC one day. I promise it won’t be a waste of time. Always got a place for you to crash. Time is money your right. I would 100% pick you up a bubble tea. 😂

  • @bepriceless
    @bepriceless Рік тому +3

    I like your vids and I'll continue to watch them, (maybe) but you made a bet and you shook hands and you lost. Man up, pay your debt, and move on.

  • @ninja636king
    @ninja636king Рік тому +2

    Ahhh bullshit. No community. Shit we a family. Until u turn ur back on family!!!We all help each other ,every chance we get. #ewogs

  • @ohne_grenzen
    @ohne_grenzen Рік тому +3

    Well said U-Stride. I can't say I would have shaked on Pinks in retaliation to my time being wasted, but it was obvious from the video and their commentry afterwards on the forums that they were trying to play you. Lookking foward to more videos from you 👍🏾

  • @roadtrip6075
    @roadtrip6075 Рік тому +6

    U-Stride, some people believe what they want to believe regardless of evidence. It’s a waste of time to try to convince village of idiots.
    Keep focusing on creating contents. Forget pay to view. That’s not going to work. “Community” will get together for more pressing matters such as medical funds for fellow riders. For UA-cam contents, no.

  • @eucfng
    @eucfng Рік тому +3

    but Yanson was on your team , he lost his boba bet . lol

  • @jonislow
    @jonislow Рік тому +1

    Should've been wary going to NYC 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +1

      Lol I've been going to NYC for years dude. Where have you been?

    • @jonislow
      @jonislow Рік тому +1

      @@UStride Yep, and all it took was one time lacking! No biggie, keep STRIDING!
      Btw, I'm from CT and I frequent NYC, everytime I go, they running a new game. 😁😁😁

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +1

      @jonislow very true about the lacking

  • @esk8unity
    @esk8unity Рік тому +4

    as a eboarder, and a newer euc rider, i gotta say, the euc community is mad weird lol

    • @jonislow
      @jonislow Рік тому

      I'm with u on that!😂😂

  • @luischalasnyc9657
    @luischalasnyc9657 Рік тому +3

    I hear you. Yet 2 wrongs do not make it right. We sometimes or all the time have to be the bigger person.

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +1

      Two wrongs don't make a right? If someone steals your car keys or wallet infront of you and refuse to give it back...you're saying you won't attempt to get it back, even if it means you may have to hurt that person? Truth is, you say one thing, but you don't believe in reality.
      Saying corrected: Two wrongs don't always make it right, but it sometimes does.

  • @George-Francis
    @George-Francis Рік тому +2

    Good morning earthlings

  • @Flip-Uno
    @Flip-Uno Рік тому +4


  • @hdm6897
    @hdm6897 Рік тому +5

    In order to have a community the hearts have to be united and connected and Euc's do not unite the hearts ❤Only God can do that.

  • @EUCSerbia
    @EUCSerbia Рік тому +3

    Stay strong bro 💪💪💪

  • @dennisbruce7496
    @dennisbruce7496 Рік тому +7

    The big loser in all this is Alien Rides for buying that scammer a new wheel. When he obviously was trying to get something for nothing. I own 3 bike shops, and refer at least 20 people per week to Alien Rides. Ewheels it is now. Guy doesn’t deserve anything and got justice.

  • @ChicagoTrafficweasel
    @ChicagoTrafficweasel 3 місяці тому

    If you didn't have the guts to do what you agreed to, you shouldn't have done it.

  • @shinobieuc
    @shinobieuc Рік тому +2

    U lied to wheezy whos to say you aint lying to us.

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +2

      Believe what you want.

    • @shinobieuc
      @shinobieuc Рік тому +2

      I get what u mean, but if we ever meet in person ill talk to you and give you a point of view that you would realize why what you did was not accepted by most people.

  • @andyl2991
    @andyl2991 Рік тому +3

    you good, bro! you get tricked, so you trick him. Everything is even.

  • @Reawer
    @Reawer Рік тому +3

    You fell so hard from grace ma man but weezy did do you sleezy

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +1

      Now time to get back up and keep it moving

  • @omidel.
    @omidel. Рік тому +4

    you are good man....sorry

  • @p0is0nspider92
    @p0is0nspider92 Рік тому +3

    No worries @U-Stride, the EUROPEAN community got yo back! You can always escape to EU, and dont worry, those stooped brittish got kicked out. Keep on bussin brother!

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +1

      Hahaha thanks man

  • @user-lw6sp5pk1y
    @user-lw6sp5pk1y Рік тому +8

    Well, atleast your dealing with it well. They know who they are dealing with now so, keep being you and let others decide who they are.

  • @brianr.barton2984
    @brianr.barton2984 Рік тому +4

    I love how many times you look over your shoulder to check your six… 😂

  • @Rmstrjim
    @Rmstrjim Рік тому +3

    You areabsolutely ignoring it, and it furthermore just goes to show what type of person you are.

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому

      And what type of person is that?

  • @wipeout5006
    @wipeout5006 Рік тому +4

    True, theirs is no community. Why I agree, because some people that I had ride with are either cocky and always want to 1up another. Do I care? No. I just keep my distance from those negative people. It’s like when you put yourself to tried to help the “community” out, there’s always that one or few that get offended when you try to help others because they wanted to be the only face of the “community”. That’s the kind of tension I get most of the time. I always try to be nice to others but some people just don’t want to see it, cause Id been brushed off plenty of times which then I started to be aware that some people don’t have the same intentions, they just seem to want it all to themselves.
    Some even purposely does things like invite only certain people to go for group rides just to posts videos in telegram to make other people jealous that they wish they were there. I’ve been told by many people that they wanted to go on those rides but apparently weren’t invited for that reason “to make them jealous” 😅.
    So how is it a community when that people exclude other from their rides intentionally without any reasons or causes.
    A community mean “WHOLE” not partial. A community suppose to help each other out, not roast one another because you feel some sort of way about the other person, when all that person wanted was to fit in with the community. Ride with the community. Become friends with the community.
    But instead you hate on them, for no reason. Such a negative minded buffoon.

  • @iShowSpeedsClipper
    @iShowSpeedsClipper Рік тому +5

    Yeah man there's no justifying it

  • @BlockCylinder
    @BlockCylinder 2 місяці тому +1

    Agreeing to some sort of contest where you know you have an advantage (or you have it rigged) and then forcing the opponent to agree to raised stakes at the last minute is a con. Wheezy attempted a con, not a trick. Tricks are for laughs or humiliation; cons are for material gain.
    If you want to avoid drama, don't try to con a conman. His ego won't allow it. He'll try anything and risk everything to flip it so he comes out on top.
    If you can recognize a con and avoid it, then you're winning in my book.

  • @spikebbc
    @spikebbc Рік тому +4

    Good video. I have always said every story has two sides.

  • @yegwheel
    @yegwheel Рік тому +6

    This makes things worse, if that's even possible.

  • @combsjboyvirgo
    @combsjboyvirgo Рік тому +2

    I wished a mutha’er would’ve tried that slick ish with me. Stride stay up and I love how you clowned him to get your time ($) back. Why would u want another riders wheel. Stupid azzzz

  • @willlawson6126
    @willlawson6126 Рік тому +6

    Perfect honesty, I dont care
    Who won, what the stipulations are or amything.......what I care about is how EUC social media has become dominated by this.
    I just want the BS to go away.

  • @NADAJA978
    @NADAJA978 Рік тому +3

    You are so right ...

  • @darekmajchrzak4444
    @darekmajchrzak4444 Рік тому +4

    A lie is a lie and there are no excuses. Just because someone is lying doesn't mean we have to do the same.

  • @bravedave90
    @bravedave90 Рік тому +6

    First off, great content Ustride thanks bro! I'll try to give a truncated version of my most objective perspective on this. The reality in all this is that there's no legal mechanism or otherwise to force you give up the wheel, which as you said isn't your's to give in the first place. However, some might say, it wasn't your's to wager either. Personally, I think there's some shenanigans going on from the NYC side for sure. You've admitted your motives and that's understandable, although maybe not acceptable to some. But, I find it curious how Alien Rides steps in and gives Weezy a new EX30 just because of this race without some connections and strings being pulled. Ultimately, Weezy and all of NYC could complain till the cows come home But, at the end of the day, there's absolutely nothing illegal about reneging on a bet, regardless of whether it was on video or not. You took a risk with your reputation hence the slight dip in subscribers but, ultimately I don't think it will stick. Your a good dude, you make good content, and we all love talking about EUC's. The only hit to your reputation I see is that you've now lost in spectacular fashion to two highly skilled NYC riders. And, your probably not welcome in Kung fu tea anymore. 😂 other than that you good 👍

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +3

      Hahaha so true lol

    • @bravedave90
      @bravedave90 Рік тому +2

      One last thing if I may. Weezy seems like a cool dude. I met him once before I knew who he was and he was pretty chill, pretty humble guy. However, he could lay off the grease gun a bit. He's on David's channel now going for an Oscar award over this. The acting is empecable 😆 He won the wheel, He won public opinion, and he restored is rep after losing to kuji. He's even more popular now because of this race. So, everybody won here.

  • @SlowJoe76
    @SlowJoe76 11 місяців тому +1

    You're a good man U-Stride. I understand NYC mentality (the Grimy Ones). They are all about the Clout. Reason why EVX does'nt do content anymore. I don't go to NYC much and I'm 20 Mins away. Shout out to Sensei Vegan.

  • @royalevan7766
    @royalevan7766 Рік тому +2

    Communitrest is insane

  • @zweemz2255
    @zweemz2255 Рік тому +5

    "retribution" would be to let wheezy go home, call him back, and when he gets there tell him your actually not racing for pinks, there you go you wasted his time, make a youtube video about how he wasted your time, and he and yanson are hustlers, and there you go, you got him back, theres your "retribution."
    So here you go, doubbling down, and serving more "retubution" by slandering David Yanson on your platform, because he muted you in his chat, a chat you tuse to solicit our comunity into providing free content at the risk of our lives. that is also why your trying to claim we arent a community, because we are standing up for ourselves and demanding integrity from you.
    Wheezy is not obligated to provide you and your viewers with entertainment, Wheezy has cloute and doesnt need your channel to promote himself. racing at 50mph in the city, for fun is just especially irresponsible and not at all worth wheezy's or anyones time. he was the only person who was availible and willing to provide you with content, you would have had no content.

  • @Clubkabuki
    @Clubkabuki Рік тому +1

    U-Stride is a good person. You inspired me with your passion for riding an EUC long before it became popular. Because of that passion and dedication to riding an EUC. I value your opinion and reviews in deciding the purchase of my next wheel. Thanks for your positive contribution to the EUC Community that you may disagree that exists.

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому

      Good is subjective. To be clear, I've never said I was a good person. I think people just assumed that. But yes, I absolutely love eucs and will continue to share my passion for them as long as possible. Glad I was able to help you in your journey. Have fun and be safe

    • @jaymoose4337
      @jaymoose4337 9 місяців тому

      ​@UStride WOW, Bro!!! I'm usually not one to comment on stuff like this, but I used to watch you 3 years ago. I'm very late to this video, but bro... some of the stuff you've stated in this video and comments... is FAR from Manhood! You're stating "revenge ", "wasting your time" etc. This is the type of jargon that women use. Real Men don't use feelings to understand that a man doesn't have "deep pockets ", a real man understands when another man says CLEARLY, CONFIDENTIALITY AND LOUDLY "naw dawg, I'm not doing that", if MF'S wanna leave and go home, letem.. count your losses and never go back. But this response... is crazy. I guess when you say "you never stated you're a good person ", maybe you should have put that in the subject line of all of your videos. Because this is f***in ridiculous.

    • @JD-qo9wk
      @JD-qo9wk 3 місяці тому

      Yeah he's a snake plain and simple. He was grasping at straws knowing full well that he lost fair and square and agreed and even shook hands to wagering the ex30. ​@@jaymoose4337

  • @tiaguerra7002
    @tiaguerra7002 Рік тому +1

    Oh I never will.

  • @deridionentertainment
    @deridionentertainment Рік тому +2

    ❤ Alien Rides should have given him a wheel to be honest. U stride dont worry. eventually this will all be over ❤Next time when you race someone race with a wheel with better spec because to be honest whrn i saw him on his wheel i knew he will beat u on the stretch

    • @UStride
      @UStride  Рік тому +1

      Hahaha I know right. But there is more to the race than what you saw. The stretch was no competition. He had that hands down

    • @smc1897
      @smc1897 Рік тому

      @@UStride Is it feasible to app-limit the top speed of the two wheels to the same thing? I wonder if that'd reduce the out-of-class issue that took place in that tunnel, for those that'd want it.

  • @meriwald1329
    @meriwald1329 Рік тому +2

    Illusions about community existence are just illusions. You did good there 💪

  • @esk8unity
    @esk8unity Рік тому +2

    i think if the “wasted time” thing was real, u woulda covered ur tracks. meaning u woulda said somewhere on your camera before the race u are doing this to prove a point of wasted time.
    also, ur a smart man, 2 wrongs dont make a right. common now. U seem like a honorable respectful man. u werent just tryin to waste him time back. thats also using your time AGAIN.

  • @kthejung
    @kthejung Рік тому +1

    What you said is what I figured happened. You wanted to create content and they either wanted to make it more interesting or swindle you. Mpro would beat out Ex30 in any race with long straight stretches of road because it has a higher top end speed. You felt your time was disrespected so you came up with a plan to offer pinks to get the race; just not the wheel they were thinking of. Classic example of tribalism from them: the us vs them mentality of treating outsiders badly. I would have just walked away from the race though and let Karma do what it do to them.

  • @electricunicycleadventures6386

    Like I posted on the first video, their hustle was clear as day! These amateurs were out to gang hustle you from the get go! I give you much respect Ustride for standing up against this and exposing them for all to see! Keep up the great content Ustride! I for one appreciate the efforts you make for great content!

  • @SkeptikosUTube
    @SkeptikosUTube Рік тому +2

    This is really insightful, and probably the best commentary I've seen on the EUC "community"

  • @popsnaro
    @popsnaro Рік тому +3

    Well said my brother well said, I couldn't say it better myself. There is no real community in NY just people out doing things based on there personal interest. That's why I separated myself I did my own thing @7v4ro_th3_god