I Made 100 Players Simulate Civilization in Jurassic Minecraft...

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @SpeedSilver
    @SpeedSilver  2 роки тому +1132

    Download Honkai Impact 3rd by using my link: bit.ly/3f7UZWQ and redeem gift code JHSGFDSVV for 30 Crystals, 2888 Asterite, and a Character trial card!
    Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video, it took a ton of work but it made for such a crazy story. More videos coming soon!!!

    • @Unfading_
      @Unfading_ 2 роки тому +56

      no way you made some random guy jump into water for your sponser ship lol

    • @Hello-pv1xw
      @Hello-pv1xw 2 роки тому +9

      Can you make a Pikmin simulation please.

    • @linkheroofhyrule4329
      @linkheroofhyrule4329 2 роки тому +7

      Your videos are always so good! It makes my day whenever i watch them.

    • @oofoof2021
      @oofoof2021 2 роки тому +9

      With techno blade dead a new king of pvp can be established

    • @samuraituff9653
      @samuraituff9653 2 роки тому +7

      @@oofoof2021 tecnoblade was good at PvP but not the best there were actually better players than him but one of the best playera for sure👍

  • @AshenAzure
    @AshenAzure 2 роки тому +10514

    The rivalry between star killer and ize just makes these civilization videos more interesting

  • @russman3787
    @russman3787 2 роки тому +7049

    Ize "we shouldn't stay here, that never ends well"
    Also Ize: has led every civilization he's been part of to ruin in a pointless rampage

    • @Predator20357
      @Predator20357 2 роки тому +463

      Ize fought so much that the start of Civ v Civ might as well be called the Ize Phase

    • @leirbag1595
      @leirbag1595 2 роки тому +501

      That's what I was thinking, like
      Why do people keep chosing him as a leader? He has proven himself to be a capable warrior, but a poor leader in general who always loses because he leads his people into reckless wars. The only time he did his job well was with the felons vs scientists thing, because his side was *supposed* to be violent and to initiate bloodbaths.

    • @Predator20357
      @Predator20357 2 роки тому +311

      @@leirbag1595 You seem to forget what has happened when he’s not the leader, he kills those when he’s not at the top.

    • @leirbag1595
      @leirbag1595 2 роки тому +106

      @@Predator20357 Mhm, and that never ends well

    • @maestrulgamer9695
      @maestrulgamer9695 2 роки тому +116

      So basically,Ize loses no matter what...

  • @zer0diamonds315
    @zer0diamonds315 Рік тому +2469

    So Ize finally became the king of his civilization without murdering someone, and Starkiller became the king of his own without getting murdered by Ize.
    I like the fact that both became king and it felt like every civilization simulation was building into this moment for their rivalry.

    • @gloriaburt6436
      @gloriaburt6436 Рік тому +92

      This was definitely my favorite civilization video. It's the only one where Starkiller and Ize are directly opposing each other as kings--and of course, I like it because Starkiller wins. Silver should keep bringing these two back as rivals for eachother.

    • @shintafurnitureofficial2363
      @shintafurnitureofficial2363 Рік тому +11

      they are like the flash (starkiller) VS reverse flash (IZE)
      they are mortal enemy

    • @banrajanand7983
      @banrajanand7983 Рік тому +30

      @@shintafurnitureofficial2363 calling Ize reverse flash implies he has a likeable villain personality or looks cool as a villain and that feels like a insult to the word villain.

    • @gaming-session17
      @gaming-session17 Рік тому +2

      Yes.yes it does

    • @Theofficialusagovernment
      @Theofficialusagovernment Рік тому +5

      ​@@gloriaburt6436 i kinda wanted ize to win finnaly but ok

  • @settratheimperishable7800
    @settratheimperishable7800 Рік тому +408

    This is the third time Ize has been the nail in the coffin for his civilization. I’m surprised that they actually appointed him to be their leader considering he’s killed them all twice before.

    • @justsomeogrewithinternetac1494
      @justsomeogrewithinternetac1494 Рік тому +1

      If I ever get into a server like this, I'm gonna try to suicide attack kill ize in a trap for the good of literally everyone else.

    • @ПавелФилатов-й7и
      @ПавелФилатов-й7и 6 місяців тому +1

      Because Ize really charismatic person

    • @greybird1321
      @greybird1321 5 місяців тому +7

      @@ПавелФилатов-й7иand also tries to kill any other player that tries to be a leader.

  • @MohGamer63
    @MohGamer63 Рік тому +2048

    The Jurassic were really humble. Prepared to have a court to chose a king. Very friendly and organised. Happy they won the design battle.

    • @CatCat-tm2cg
      @CatCat-tm2cg Рік тому +45

      Same, their peace and democracy really impressed me

    • @dalV_Studio
      @dalV_Studio Рік тому +40

      Starkiller finally became a king, and he really is a best leader in this series history

    • @ugandianos_
      @ugandianos_ Рік тому +9

      Have an oogtastic day.

    • @loving_lecturer0155
      @loving_lecturer0155 Рік тому +3

      ​@@dalV_Studio even offered an olive branch to his longtime rival

    • @TheImrad
      @TheImrad Рік тому

      Me likey mafia i think it funne

  • @ElFeN69WoLf
    @ElFeN69WoLf 2 роки тому +2132

    Love the prophetic bit about Ize not winning one of these events and keeping it that way

    • @thatonecubchoo1541
      @thatonecubchoo1541 2 роки тому +174

      Kind of like Achilles in a way. Strong warrior, but not truly winning in the end.

    • @Anonymous-bk5mv
      @Anonymous-bk5mv 2 роки тому

      It’s because izes gets fucked by his team mates

    • @thecommunistdoggo1008
      @thecommunistdoggo1008 2 роки тому +170

      That's because his strategy of attacking doesn't work, he depletes his own resources while simultaneously gaining the 3rd teams numbers as the two unite. Destroying one team at the cost of even 3 players isn't worth it

    • @rachelfox5442
      @rachelfox5442 2 роки тому +6


    • @dimieneyitemi1721
      @dimieneyitemi1721 2 роки тому +48

      @@thecommunistdoggo1008 given his teams starting area which was so easy to attack he basically had no choice plus as soon as he was voted leader the other teams would have a clear enemy to unite them against making it even harder for him to win the only choice was a surprise attack on one of the teams which needed to wipe it out completely they were partially successful in this and despite being completely outnumbered almost won many times

  • @lunartree
    @lunartree 2 роки тому +4514

    i love how ize leads his team to failure in every event but keeps going back with the exact same strategy

  • @michaelallivato
    @michaelallivato Рік тому +80

    The three civilizations
    Triassic: Suffered from being in the worst environment, slowly taken over by a mafia while no teamwork between all members was shown
    Jurassic: Probably in the best environment and actually showed teamwork resulting in no rivalries and tons of wins
    Cretaceous: Very ambitious but only focused on pvp lacking any good building however teamwork was better then triassic's

  • @seawattgaming
    @seawattgaming 2 роки тому +2257

    The lava was rising part was crazy to actually play

  • @inori2
    @inori2 2 роки тому +2331

    I love the fact that he's paying attention to quality rather than quantity of his videos

    • @rinzevanbrug
      @rinzevanbrug 2 роки тому

      Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh B Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh B Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh B

    • @rinzevanbrug
      @rinzevanbrug 2 роки тому

      Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh 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Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh Bruh B

    • @_EEclipsE_
      @_EEclipsE_ 2 роки тому +31

      And they’re still 40 minutes long, it’s crazy!

    • @PXTSERYU_
      @PXTSERYU_ 2 роки тому +10

      Agreed, it really goes to show. Love creators that value quality over quantity, increases replay value

    • @codyfoster148
      @codyfoster148 2 роки тому +7

      Well I don't know how the hell you're supposed to summarize what's usually a several hour event and make it a 10 minute video quality over quantity always appreciate your hard work man

  • @orangeknight4209
    @orangeknight4209 Рік тому +863

    During the crowning, Ize says that staying in one place rather than invading never ends well, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen him and his people win against people that stay in one place and don’t invade.

    • @the_flintstones_ate_my_familly
      @the_flintstones_ate_my_familly Рік тому +51

      To be fair, he always gets close to winning atleast.

    • @loving_lecturer0155
      @loving_lecturer0155 Рік тому +48

      ​@Mr. man to double up on that. He always annihilates the first civ he attacks.
      He's one of the best vanguard leaders I've seen, but not so much of a strategy leader

    • @TomWonderful
      @TomWonderful Рік тому +31

      @@the_flintstones_ate_my_familly "Those teams suck. They always barely beat me"

    • @piratejayesh8422
      @piratejayesh8422 Рік тому +24

      To be honest ize is not a good leader he is a pretty good commander for a small army but not for a whole civilization
      As soon as he gets op gear he attacks and doesn't think about his teammates who are still at iron gear
      Their is a formula to these videos :
      1: ize attacks a weaker nation
      2: the nation make alliance with the 3rd nation
      3: the third nation defeats ize
      This proves ize was never a good leader
      To avoid this a great leader is required which the dwarf queen(previous vid) and starkiller are pretty close to
      And to become the leader ize just kills his own people that's the reason he barely loses in this videos

  • @aideninferno8604
    @aideninferno8604 Рік тому +67

    23:18 I love how Ilex remembered that her civilization in the first event was wiped out by Ize and his warriors but forgot that Ize had also lost by ten people in that event.

    • @Its_Jimmy_Time
      @Its_Jimmy_Time 10 місяців тому +6

      The people that got raided by Vikings never mentioned they were short. Fear makes you see what scares you as worse than it is

  • @purpleable9616
    @purpleable9616 2 роки тому +703

    “We are stacked”
    *”Your leggings are unenchanted”*
    Best moment ever

  • @aYtto
    @aYtto Рік тому +248

    I really like the Starkiller/Ize conflict; Starkiller is order, while Ize is pure anarchy, even after starkiller offered to help Ize, Ize decides to refuse it, he's not on a position to follow order. He stands for what he represents and believes, even if that strategy made him fail every time he participated on these events.

  • @Miku-fz2iv
    @Miku-fz2iv 2 роки тому +1047

    I just wanna shoutout the brotherly rivalry between Ize and Starkiller. In their first events, we saw size take his roots to become the enemy of the event, always focusing on the offensive, while Star wanted to take the complete opposite route. This only led to Ize beating the “little brother” of Star and usually would take him out. But Star learning from his mistakes slowly becomes a better leader, and he proved it here in this. So much was going on at once and Star, from once a panicked pacifist showed literally no fear in the last ditch defense of the volcano bunker. His leadership single handedly caused the win for his team, and Ize took that personally, rather than settle their differences offered by Star, he’d rather die and fight another event to gain his revenge on Star, who finally beat him.
    I’m sure these two will always be at each other, due to their leadership experience and previous encounters with one another. Just like brothers they’ll know what they are strong at, and are weak against, and will continue to fight each other non-stop.
    But eventually there’ll be a time where these two will have to actually put their differences aside and go against one another. I’m sure silver for entertainment purposes wouldn’t put these two on a team ever again, unless something like this happens.
    Both these leaders will somehow in a event actually be crushed and are in need of something to comeback in an event. Both of them, weak, would have to understand that without each other, winning would only be impossible. There something could grow, but we just don’t know.
    I love how Silver tells such a unique story different from other civilization videos and his own, while showing the personal lore story from these most known players in his events, which just adds so much more to the videos. You can even see the comment mostly mentioning their rivalry against one another which shows it means so much in their community. Keep popping off Silver.

    • @phantom5344
      @phantom5344 2 роки тому +29

      Pardon? Could you repeat that pls?

    • @chippysdog6113
      @chippysdog6113 2 роки тому +61

      Sir, this is a wendy's

    • @randomperson8385
      @randomperson8385 2 роки тому +19

      The lore!

    • @happiesteel2911
      @happiesteel2911 2 роки тому +17

      Surprisingly, this comment was nice to read, keep it up

    • @nobodys_here07
      @nobodys_here07 2 роки тому +27

      The fact that these two rivals have the complete opposite of each others ideology and personality is hilarious amazing

  • @zemonkeyking21gaming30
    @zemonkeyking21gaming30 Рік тому +33

    This dude somehow managed to keep me interested in like 7 different videos about Minecraft. Absolute legend.

  • @yigitpala7315
    @yigitpala7315 2 роки тому +2013

    I think the purpose of these videos kinda changed from the start. It was about creating a civilization and IF it cane down to it, war. Not a 30 v 30 team fight. That concept is already pretty common. And Ize's purpose was to create conflict within his civilization not conquer everything.

    • @jout738
      @jout738 2 роки тому +40

      No these videos point has always been to survive and win through the diffrent events the civilization faces and then beat the other teams in fights, when this channel all civilization videos got wars against other civilizations where in the end one civilization wins the whole thing and maybe wins real money as prize for winning the whole thing, when there would not be any point to have diffrent civilizations, if they didnt go in war with eachother, when then would be just one booring civilization and this channel explains in start of video that there is multiple civilizations who will in the end go in war and so only one civilization will then be crowned as the winner civilization. So you think Ize point was to create faction among his own civilization? There is no point to create faction inside your own civilization and start civil war inside your own civilization, because through that civil war your own civilization will get extra cassulties and go down in numbers that makes the civilization smaller chance to win the whole thing, if they got a lot less numbers, than the other civilizations got, so thats why before the borders drop its better, that nobody dies in your team, while some noobs always do die on fall damage, hunger or lava, but through civil war you would get a lot more casulties and so then you would have no chance to win the whole thing like, when look at that one clan who had faction rebelling against the mafia. Of course they got crushed then, when their team was diorganized and smaller in the point where they got attacked.

    • @jout738
      @jout738 2 роки тому +14

      At the start of this channel civilization videos. They have always been war in the end, but this was like two team war, when that one disprganized clown team got wiped out nearly compleately, when typically there is like 4 or even 5 civilizations and so you need to be cautious to not push to kill one civilization too hard, because the third party might win the game then.

    • @shahkrown
      @shahkrown Рік тому +50

      @@jout738 you‘re just wrong in terms of it always being about fighting it out in the end, you clearly haven’t watched these from the start. idk maybe this guy specifically had it that way but the first couple of vids about people simulating civilisations was exactly that, people creating civilisations, thriving and creating alliances and wars. the wars were started by the players themselves. I also find that concept better, it‘s a lot more realistic that way and a lot more entertaining when the players are the ones who start the wars themselves. These do thankfully still exist

    • @shahkrown
      @shahkrown Рік тому +15

      @@jout738 Also you seem to think if the concept wasn‘t people having wars at the end, wars wouldn’t exist. Oh how wrong you are, that would never happen trust me

    • @Demicleas
      @Demicleas Рік тому +9

      @@jout738 there have been many times iv seen united civilizations win without resorting to destroying echuther utterly. The UCOM alliance for example. The only reason they nearly collapsed was beacuse one of the generals of the alliance was friends with the opposing forces and they still came together again and crushed them and spent the rest of the event chilling.

  • @Bilijack147
    @Bilijack147 Рік тому +664

    It's funny that Ize always has the same strategy ow "we need fear and military power to win, it's the only way" and he almost always lose against the peaceful friendly civilisation

    • @anom6520
      @anom6520 Рік тому +15

      cus they always team against him

    • @tentardigrades968
      @tentardigrades968 Рік тому

      @@anom6520 cuz he’s a c*nt

    • @Tomiyoka_edits
      @Tomiyoka_edits Рік тому +4

      ​@@anom6520 in war nothing is dirty it's tactics

    • @anom6520
      @anom6520 Рік тому +1

      @@Tomiyoka_edits ok can you please tell me who tf said that?

    • @Tomiyoka_edits
      @Tomiyoka_edits Рік тому +3

      @@anom6520 oh sorry i thought you were implying that they were always winning because they were playing dirty by teaming up against him

  • @AlmightyToast35
    @AlmightyToast35 2 роки тому +274

    I am happy to have been the humble farmer boy that helped many with food. I had alot of fun and did soo much for a simple farmer.

    • @Mellomelt
      @Mellomelt 2 роки тому +25

      a real king

    • @AlmightyToast35
      @AlmightyToast35 2 роки тому +15

      @@Mellomelt couldn't have it without you and the others

    • @Saturn720
      @Saturn720 2 роки тому +14

      You were a carry early game I was so glad to have you on our side

    • @AlmightyToast35
      @AlmightyToast35 2 роки тому +12

      @@Saturn720 I knew I was, that's why I still be a farmer to this day in any event. To hold onto what made me so great.

    • @ilex__
      @ilex__ 2 роки тому +2

      lets go toast o7

  • @Why_Do_It_Do
    @Why_Do_It_Do Рік тому +37

    Ize: "i disagree with the idea that we should sit back as that never ends well"
    Also Ize: keeps choosing the same tactic and keeps losing

  • @bruhitzchris2788
    @bruhitzchris2788 2 роки тому +719

    Bro imagine swimming in deadly waters to get some loot just to find a sponsor

  • @TarporLegend
    @TarporLegend 2 роки тому +657

    Silver is an absolute Mastermind of storytelling! These events keep getting better

    • @HeidiCharlesLeon
      @HeidiCharlesLeon 2 роки тому +7

      Speak it like it is king

    • @davidtroynarciso8612
      @davidtroynarciso8612 2 роки тому +2


    • @walterwhite5764
      @walterwhite5764 Рік тому

      Geniuine question are these videos staged or do these "stories" just naturally happen?

    • @destroyerofworlds4663
      @destroyerofworlds4663 2 місяці тому

      @@walterwhite5764 Probably staged since Ize has stated he puts on an act to make the videos entertaining

  • @EutropeWickedThunder
    @EutropeWickedThunder 2 роки тому +439

    I like how Ize is always seen as the biggest villain in every event he's in

    • @wesleychristiansen3191
      @wesleychristiansen3191 Рік тому +46

      "nah i'd rather be blown up"- Ize

    • @banrajanand7983
      @banrajanand7983 Рік тому +54

      nah, don't go calling him a villain, he is a megalomaniac cry baby. Giving someone like that the title of villain is insulting to actual villains.

    • @alonsotron3140
      @alonsotron3140 Рік тому

      Hardly a villain. Just a cringe child with an overinflated ego.

    • @agama__
      @agama__ Рік тому +12

      @@banrajanand7983keep in mind he’s playing a character lol in other videos he’s not like this and is rather nice

  • @Revenge5724
    @Revenge5724 Рік тому +8

    the drama in these series UNMATCHED
    I an adult truly find so much joy in these series youve made

  • @averybruhman5060
    @averybruhman5060 2 роки тому +914

    I like the fact that both Ize and Star just got a huge character development over each event
    - Ize from a scumbag leader that only want power for himself, becoming more selfless over time, to the point that nobody want to betray him anymore. He is also willing to make strategy first rather than fight head-on like older civ video, which make him become less unpredicted as well.
    - Star went from being wayyy to pacifist to the points that people (like Ize) want to kill him because of it, now becoming more focus on military and strength as he know that making peace won't do any good especially in this kind of event. But he still keep his passive as being showns to accepted the yellow team survivors before they getting rekt by Ize overpowered army, or while the two other civ are fighting, Star forcus on getting gear to his civ and make them become extremely powerful to the point that being equal to Ize military power.
    Overall, these two have come a very long way. Ize from a douchbag to an respectful leader, while Star finally have giving a chance to shine in this event. And I like how in the end, Ize just won't accept defeat and die like a true warrior and leader rather than getting killed like in older vids, which proof that not only come a long way, but the rivalry between Ize and Star will be continued.

    • @divinecaptain4262
      @divinecaptain4262 2 роки тому +89

      Ize's character doesn't gain his power from respect, but instead fear: his previous reputation essentially buys him his place as a leader, leading him to not needing to kill anyone to win. He's become a much more wise, yet tyrannical, leader (think Darth Vader). He's learned to utilize resources and strategy, to an extent at least, but his blood-lust always ends up making him blind to a better path.
      And yet, this video needed somebody like him.
      Ize's character is a perfect villain: he starts off with a noble end goal, being his nation's success, but wants to achieve it through war. As time goes on, however, that end goal loses its value, and Ize's character motivation goes from winning, to killing: and yet, it makes one wonder if killing was his original goal anyways. Nonetheless, he fits the role of a villain, and when the Cretaceous gain the upper-hand, you can't help but feel as if good had triumphed over evil.
      But let's be honest here, Steinbuff is truly the main character.

    • @nobodys_here07
      @nobodys_here07 2 роки тому +21

      Lol imagine if they were on the same team in the next event. That, would be really awkward.

    • @placeholder7753
      @placeholder7753 2 роки тому +5

      then every event i see sea watt in he throws his own team

    • @eepyw
      @eepyw 2 роки тому

      Certified nerd

    • @strboyj
      @strboyj Рік тому +1

      @CuteTailedFox Something bout his style of play, I would be on his team lmaoo

  • @Alex-bz2jt
    @Alex-bz2jt Рік тому +407

    the one thing a lot of people here overlooked is at the end you get to see one person from the cretacious civ that didnt join the war, that just makes this video so so much better.
    o7 for steinbulf

  • @scarletandciara
    @scarletandciara 2 роки тому +223

    I am STILL impressed about how fast Rudy got full Dino armour, it was like, only half an hour or so into the event and he allready had full dino.

    • @HeidiCharlesLeon
      @HeidiCharlesLeon 2 роки тому +4


    • @AlmightyToast35
      @AlmightyToast35 2 роки тому +6

      Meanwhile me doing iron armor or leather armor....I fear nothing

    • @tacosformenow1175
      @tacosformenow1175 2 роки тому

      @@AlmightyToast35 ayy toast how are you :D

    • @AlmightyToast35
      @AlmightyToast35 2 роки тому

      @@tacosformenow1175 good for a guy who got a good amount of moments in the jurassic park vid of silver.

  • @luisesteban1496
    @luisesteban1496 Рік тому +41

    The mafia group were just a bunch of jerks in the end. Felt bad for those who died trying to do good.

  • @isaiah7481
    @isaiah7481 2 роки тому +128

    The rivalry of Starkiller and Ize is a beautiful cinematic masterpiece. From the start of the first event they have always hated each other. Ize would rather die to make friends with starkiller. I’m sure they will be at each other for each event, but one day they will be on the same team and will both be weak and there will be a new player stronger then both of them and realize the only way they can both win is too team up which I can’t wait for

    • @Aranel357
      @Aranel357 Рік тому +8

      Bro watched too much disney

    • @isaiah7481
      @isaiah7481 Рік тому +6

      @@Aranel357 not just Disney more like marvel and other movies. I watch to much movies

    • @DogeDogeriffic
      @DogeDogeriffic 11 місяців тому +2

      Haha u should watch the medieval video. Starkiller and Ize ended up on the same team and after Ize lost the election to Starkiller he assassinated him and teamed with the other team to kill his own faction 😂😂

  • @BobThePenguin.
    @BobThePenguin. 2 роки тому +695

    at this point im wondering why Ize isnt just killed on sight, he always ends up leading his team to their downfall

    • @robloxisascammer7255
      @robloxisascammer7255 2 роки тому +114

      Bro i agree bc he is too big headed and thinks he the best at everything. Plus im surprised that your on the same page

    • @satboi2734
      @satboi2734 2 роки тому +123

      I mean his strategy almost won this war for them it only fell apart at the very end

    • @se_cylly
      @se_cylly 2 роки тому +57

      He competes with everyone, he kills folks who don't like him- he intimidates the others I bet. The other times people have tried to kill him, they died. He's a great PvPer, sadly it's either he's killed the players in his team that are well versed in pvp, or he just doesn't have enough skilled users on his side. I don't blame him for his team always not winning lol, there's probably a lot of factors to it too XD great at pvp but not too great at being a leader. Or he's just fed not so useful cards most of the time

    • @wyvernmc3840
      @wyvernmc3840 2 роки тому +3

      @@se_cylly also they all had to team on him to win

    • @BobThePenguin.
      @BobThePenguin. 2 роки тому +25

      @@satboi2734 its always *almost* hes never gotten a win.

  • @thewrench0157
    @thewrench0157 2 роки тому +326

    Ize always seems to lead his teams to the doorstep and slip right in front of it.

  • @OhItsPara
    @OhItsPara 3 місяці тому +1

    11:55 this is perfect for showing how much the mods care about these events, if bro hadn’t told the guys in the bones to “GO UP” all of them would’ve died. I love these events ❤️❤️❤️

  • @2KNON
    @2KNON Рік тому +183

    Yo I feel bad for the guy who didn’t go to the volcano island so he alone… just sat there waiting for his demise.😔 a sad way to go. Godspeed to everyone

    • @pleep1887
      @pleep1887 Рік тому +40

      It was better to die to the meteor than support Ize and I think he realized that.

  • @lilmustard
    @lilmustard 2 роки тому +115

    So fun to be a part of this insane event! Thank you silver for making amazing videos as always :D

  • @burf9018
    @burf9018 2 роки тому +287

    Silver what if instead of being the last man standing for civilization games it was progressed based. So you would have to reach a certain requirement to advance to the next age and unlock new crafting recipes and new materials. Doing this would help encourage trading and alliances between civilizations. Civilizations could still go to war but for other reasons than necessity.

    • @nigelfang4803
      @nigelfang4803 2 роки тому +1

      Not entertaining enough

    • @shiraji6666
      @shiraji6666 2 роки тому +28

      @@nigelfang4803 it's entertaining for some people

    • @jayvishnuvenkatesh870
      @jayvishnuvenkatesh870 2 роки тому +2

      I feel this could work out very very well in the form of series, kinda like the life series of Grian. In a single video tho, definitely not possible, either the video would have to be hours long to actually be interesting, or if it's a normal length video, there just won't be any content at all(possibly instant war for no reason cuz Ize)

    • @boiyas6518
      @boiyas6518 2 роки тому +5

      That would actually be interesting. I'd love to see it.

    • @askevandsaremark550
      @askevandsaremark550 2 роки тому +4

      That's a great idea

  • @antink.
    @antink. Рік тому +8

    I love how my favorite part was the dinosaur statue was “built different”

  • @Sackle19
    @Sackle19 2 роки тому +457

    Hey, Silver! I had this thought of you hosting a civilization episode where the Players are thrown into a Pirate/Viking world? With mythical sea monsters, your take on the events that could happen for the players, and whatever else can be done, no matter the end!
    (Also, for me, I greatly prefer your Civilization videos and always look forward to the next one! You do a LOT of great work in the editing for the videos and modding for the events!)

    • @arnavtete7793
      @arnavtete7793 Рік тому +9

      thats a damn good idea.

    • @EastonAlmond-yv2nr
      @EastonAlmond-yv2nr Рік тому +8

      i like that idea too

    • @Cloud_Collects
      @Cloud_Collects Рік тому +4

      This is such an awesome idea! I sure wish he would do it!

    • @itsanoformethanks6277
      @itsanoformethanks6277 Рік тому +2

      That would be cool if they were stuck on ships until islands were opened up/“discovered”

    • @Sackle19
      @Sackle19 Рік тому +2

      @@itsanoformethanks6277 That would give everyone their fill of the Ocean and make them WANT to locate islands as soon as possible!
      That'd definitely be a cool and different way to start things off!

  • @frosthero1085
    @frosthero1085 2 роки тому +127

    Damn even after everything they have been through Starkiller showed compassion and was willing to bury the hatchet with ize but ize still refused wow 😲

    • @mxitzz
      @mxitzz 2 роки тому +3

      was probably a set up

    • @GolDRoger-mh6gm
      @GolDRoger-mh6gm 2 роки тому +6

      ize prob did it to keep the rivalry going, which is pre entertaining for this series

    • @hamzah3655
      @hamzah3655 2 роки тому +2

      His pride is just too big

  • @frostdawg
    @frostdawg 2 роки тому +100

    Star is such a noble leader, I’m so glad he got his well deserved dub

  • @StorneSMP
    @StorneSMP Рік тому +40

    13:07that aint no panic sounds 😳

  • @crazyredx1725
    @crazyredx1725 Рік тому +52

    salute to the guy living his best life at the end away from the terror as he looked out into the world and said one last goodbye

  • @darkorange835
    @darkorange835 2 роки тому +96

    The Cretaceous ambush and the fight for the crown happening at the same time is a cinematic excellence. Just beautiful

  • @SuperSand
    @SuperSand 2 роки тому +294

    It's been an absolute honor to travel back in time to prehistoric ages! Massive shoutout to Silver and the team for all their incredibly hard work!! :D ❤️❤️

    • @jandekalkoen
      @jandekalkoen 2 роки тому +1

      it was a good event

    • @SuperSand
      @SuperSand 2 роки тому

      @@jandekalkoen indeed! 😊

    • @NatteVos
      @NatteVos 2 роки тому

      @@jandekalkoen hey jan, also hey sander

    • @SuperSand
      @SuperSand 2 роки тому +1

      @@NatteVos o/

    • @xqWrath
      @xqWrath 2 роки тому +1


  • @chp617
    @chp617 Рік тому +10

    I am really impressed about all the editting this video contains. That probably took hours and hours finishing. Amazing work 👏

  • @crustypotato9809
    @crustypotato9809 Рік тому +109

    Dingle was so nice even at the 100 players purge. He even sacrificed here what a legend

  • @jacobconder1750
    @jacobconder1750 2 роки тому +1753

    ize is like Germany always starts but just can't win

  • @oliverlarosa8046
    @oliverlarosa8046 2 роки тому +224

    Damn, I was sure Ize actually winning the loyalty of his civ would turn the tables, but it wasn't quite enough.

  • @Rednoseredditstoriesofficial
    @Rednoseredditstoriesofficial 2 місяці тому +4

    13:09 nah that sounded wrong didnt sound like panicking 😭 😭

  • @alana.dyer.author
    @alana.dyer.author Рік тому +54

    The first time Ize didn't kill to become king...Character Arc is developing nicely

  • @uzumakidireallycool
    @uzumakidireallycool Рік тому +18

    The moment where "steinbulf" is looking at the sky, minutes apart from being hit by a meteor is just beautiful, with the music and all.

  • @ZeroPC1
    @ZeroPC1 2 роки тому +109

    This was such a fun event to play in :) and Starkiller absolutely deserved this W.

  • @isaac2986
    @isaac2986 5 місяців тому +2

    I think that Ize is actually 90% right in his approach to these events, contrary to popular opinion... He just doesnt have control over it, if he did i think he wouldve won the event.
    And many times before major battles and during major battles, when he was about to go into the bunker, he made sure that his teammates had a full set. Then once he made sure everybody had everything, he told them to charge in.
    Also, the players that previously got wiped out, vouched for his strategy since their previous teams got wiped out in events due to Ize's aggression as they werent ready for the attacks. And he actually had a full team that backed him up with his shenanigans, you could also hear one of his teams say that they can pretend to be a victim to distract them from the full on assault that would be coming to them.
    I think the only reason why they lost was due to the smart play from Starkiller to stack up fully during the time the war was happening to make sure that the advantage from Ize's team would be neutralized. If Ize simply told his team to stack up more with more resources and set up traps/explosives, i think that he wouldve been able to continue his attacks... He simply just kept going which would exhaust his teammates from the constant back to back fights, while Starkillers team had fully rested before their interactions.
    I think that instead of Ize focusing on the mafia team, he shouldve focused on wiping out Starkiller instantly instead. Cause he clearly just announced to Starkiller, that hes coming giving him time to prepare.
    Both actually played well with their playstyles... but as most of the time outside of SpeedSilvers events, the result is pretty 50/50 with both strategies working well.

  • @BananaJgaming
    @BananaJgaming 2 роки тому +456

    Love how Ize always tries to take control but always loses
    Edit: holy this blew up

    • @thecommunistdoggo1008
      @thecommunistdoggo1008 2 роки тому +72

      Because he doesn't really understand why he loses, he keeps doing the exact same thing it's very predictable

    • @chrisd5722
      @chrisd5722 2 роки тому +27

      @@thecommunistdoggo1008 not really he seemed to have a really good chance of winning this event but just came down to the last few people…. he didnt start a civil war or anything and it worked out really well this time

    • @broimmaweeb8266
      @broimmaweeb8266 2 роки тому +26

      @@chrisd5722 exactly there wasn’t really a problem with the way he led. It just came down to his teammates being disorganized at the most crucial moment. I’d say that he led rather well and I respect his competitive spirit.

    • @khe2576
      @khe2576 2 роки тому +37

      He's just doing it for the content. He absolutely understands WHY he keeps losing, he's just volunteering to be the antagonist who always loses.

    • @xqWrath
      @xqWrath 2 роки тому +6

      @@khe2576 finally somebody who gets it 🙏

  • @jasperburrows9199
    @jasperburrows9199 2 роки тому +59

    You put so much effort and time into these videos, I simply love watching them.

  • @stormbg8149
    @stormbg8149 2 роки тому +40

    37:38 my bro just accepted his fate😭

  • @mushroomking8304
    @mushroomking8304 Рік тому +3

    Man, That was such a betrayal. Gave the OP gear to the most power hungry, then proceeds to start the coronation of king with the group they are hunting. And then finishes it off by ratting out one of the few survivors. Man, and I was rooting for the mafia too.

  • @MythicalDirt
    @MythicalDirt 2 роки тому +15

    14:16 this interaction right here is just perfect.

  • @RivalTortoise
    @RivalTortoise 2 роки тому +44

    The way you sewed the story together was just so amazing!

    • @HeidiCharlesLeon
      @HeidiCharlesLeon 2 роки тому


    • @RivalTortoise
      @RivalTortoise 2 роки тому +1

      @@HeidiCharlesLeon 😂 I honestly probably won’t apply again till summer. I’m too busy to do the events.

    • @AlmightyToast35
      @AlmightyToast35 2 роки тому


  • @skeletoninatuxedo7147
    @skeletoninatuxedo7147 2 роки тому +36

    4:04 can you imagine risking your life just so the event organizer can plug his sponsor?

    • @HolIyleaf
      @HolIyleaf Рік тому +3

      It Was Silver Who Grabbed It

    • @tonhunguyenngoctonhu-zl5cg
      @tonhunguyenngoctonhu-zl5cg Рік тому +2

      @@HolIyleaf It wasn't him???

    • @HolIyleaf
      @HolIyleaf Рік тому +2

      @@tonhunguyenngoctonhu-zl5cg He Went Down There Himself, I Know Cause The Tools Durability Is Max And It Looks Like His Skin

  • @micheldesjardins1040
    @micheldesjardins1040 Рік тому +4

    What a crazy but realistic experiment. It showed human nature in it's fullest through Minecraft. This was wild.

  • @AtomicDudMan
    @AtomicDudMan 2 роки тому +109

    I’d love to see a medieval episode like this!

    • @thatguysho227
      @thatguysho227 2 роки тому +11

      he already made a medieval one technically.

    • @karynmorse7557
      @karynmorse7557 2 роки тому +2

      i can sum hes up in like 2 senticens giants squable dwarvs win elvs controled and slaughtered

    • @angryflamingos3314
      @angryflamingos3314 2 роки тому +2


    • @JoBro-z1b
      @JoBro-z1b 2 роки тому

      There is one

  • @easymoneysniper-d7g
    @easymoneysniper-d7g 2 роки тому +40

    These 100 days vids are always fire when comes to the story 🔥

    • @aToastPoptart
      @aToastPoptart 2 роки тому +3

      *comments on a minecraft civilization video*

  • @therexyogaming
    @therexyogaming 2 роки тому +8

    Forming a mafia was one of the worst things the Triassic players could do. Not only do they have the worst start hands down, they divided their nation right off the bat

  • @theprinterwithnoink4912
    @theprinterwithnoink4912 Рік тому +15

    9:05 nah they stole his jays 😭

  • @liamvickerson7320
    @liamvickerson7320 2 роки тому +8

    so glad starkiller finally became a actual leader and didnt get killed or shoved to the background

  • @justinthawsetmyo4173
    @justinthawsetmyo4173 2 роки тому +57

    that shot with Steinbuff just accepting his fate was so cool

  • @Dtmkkta
    @Dtmkkta 2 роки тому +25

    14:50 that silence was too loud💀😭

  • @shockedobiwan4771
    @shockedobiwan4771 Рік тому +7

    Honestly Ize is a good pvper and probably lacks strategy as a leader, while Starkiller is a good leader but just lets his guard down

  • @lograystudios
    @lograystudios 2 роки тому +69

    23:51 Technoblade never dies.

    • @Stepharn24101
      @Stepharn24101 Рік тому +8

      I finally find a technoblade comment!

    • @cbv2353
      @cbv2353 Рік тому +5

      Techno is plotting to defeat god in heaven

    • @ZykoYFF
      @ZykoYFF Рік тому

      Nope, he is dead

    • @Normal_guy-e7c
      @Normal_guy-e7c Рік тому

      Yeah God is in heaven the if he’s dead that he won’t be in heaven dumb

    • @CYBER_games7
      @CYBER_games7 Рік тому +7

      @@ZykoYFF bro…that’s not funny

  • @keiozen
    @keiozen 2 роки тому +51

    hearing the genshin music in the background and the honkai sponsorship, all whilst watching a minecraft video really struck something else
    i've loved your content since you've started out !! glad to see how much you've grown

    • @Menthe123
      @Menthe123 2 роки тому

      It was the music from inezuma, Liyue and monsdadt and it contained my second favorite battle ost

  • @Gyro-721
    @Gyro-721 Рік тому +4

    Ize is a Leader of death
    1. He gets things done
    2. Sometimes involving him killing a person
    3. His team always wins
    4. He has an accent
    5. He is always the King/Leader

  • @Super-Animation
    @Super-Animation Рік тому +2

    Jack, I just want to say, thank you for keeping me and the rest of us super happy this Christmas, all I want to say is just, thank you.

  • @Mellomelt
    @Mellomelt 2 роки тому +17

    kinda sad i wasn't on the jurassic team i would've loved to purchase some ooga

  • @LMKgoddess
    @LMKgoddess 2 роки тому +10

    This was so fun to take part in even if it wasn't for that long due to technical difficulties on my end followed by being sent to the fight club due to suspension of being a spy 🤣
    This was also a funny way to find out I did have a grave for a little bit before it was removed for Seawatt's duel, lol

  • @zeuseatsfood6273
    @zeuseatsfood6273 2 роки тому +9

    ever since that island event, the rivalry between ize and starkiller has made events much better and interesting

  • @jitensingh7198
    @jitensingh7198 Рік тому +3

    "yo what's that fucking huge thing in the sky"

  • @ratur282
    @ratur282 Рік тому +13

    At 18:50, Dingle dies for the team for the first time

  • @mekolame
    @mekolame 2 роки тому +17

    This was so beautifully done, good job Silver and crew!

  • @fiokak1506
    @fiokak1506 2 роки тому +88

    As always, Ize thinks in Power, not about how to take the advantage

    • @kevinthiago413
      @kevinthiago413 2 роки тому

      Dumb people never change, just keep trying the same shit

    • @thescarycatwolf9009
      @thescarycatwolf9009 2 роки тому +1

      I agreed he was very confident of his power but he underestimate the power of a drawf

    • @jimmyhayes8703
      @jimmyhayes8703 2 роки тому +1

      he low key sucks

    • @thescarycatwolf9009
      @thescarycatwolf9009 2 роки тому +1

      @@jimmyhayes8703 I agreed

    • @Predator20357
      @Predator20357 2 роки тому +2

      I don’t know, Civ 2 to me really seems to be him at his worse, here he seemed like he was close to winning and his teammates just choked.

  • @Hockey-koi
    @Hockey-koi Рік тому +8

    5:07 sponsor end

  • @DiRTIWilson
    @DiRTIWilson 2 роки тому +15

    That was phenomenal, I envy all those involved. Great job guys.

  • @Felix_KS
    @Felix_KS 2 роки тому +33

    It’s refreshing to see a UA-camr actually get the dinosaurs in the right periods

    • @draakgraafula3431
      @draakgraafula3431 2 роки тому +5

      And somehow its in a mf minecraft video

    • @Baliboy1
      @Baliboy1 2 роки тому +1


    • @justsomeguyevadingtaxes497
      @justsomeguyevadingtaxes497 2 роки тому +3

      Still mad about (Dilf-o-saur) instead of dilophosaurus but other than that really well made

    • @Felix_KS
      @Felix_KS 2 роки тому

      @@justsomeguyevadingtaxes497 yeah that got me mad

    • @ZeeZan15y
      @ZeeZan15y 2 роки тому +1

      they put the t rex in the jurassic map, even though t rex live in the Late Cretaceous

  • @jerryworshiper1587
    @jerryworshiper1587 Рік тому +1

    these are the only 100 days videos i actually like. great job speedsilver, keep up the good work!

  • @Hamburg569
    @Hamburg569 Рік тому +6

    I respect the guy who didn’t take any part in anything and was still in iron at the end

  • @justinanderson1705
    @justinanderson1705 2 роки тому +35

    My man Ize really said "Nah no friendship I'd rather die" and walked out to take a meteor to the face

  • @cyrusmcclung6816
    @cyrusmcclung6816 2 роки тому +25

    The fact that every team ize has been on has gotten into second place is hilarious

    • @UltraRogue.
      @UltraRogue. Рік тому +2

      Ize is going through a vegeta moment

  • @Nitramasaurus
    @Nitramasaurus Рік тому +3

    I am a huge Dino nerd and new what dinosaurs will be in each island. Banger vids

  • @icanbreathfireyo446
    @icanbreathfireyo446 2 роки тому +11

    No matter how many youtubers I watch, this guy always makes the best MC Civ content.

  • @TheDullNull
    @TheDullNull 2 роки тому +14

    You've earned my respect

  • @elitecharon
    @elitecharon Рік тому +25

    The rivalry between Ize and Starkiller is definitely one of the best things during these CIV vids, but this one definitely showcased a lot of things between both players and their flaws.
    Starting with Ize, imma just be purely honest. After what I've seen in the past CIV vids, I can confidently say that he's NOT a good leader. Sure, he has combat skills and combat experience, but his leadership is just lacking a lot compared to literally ANYONE who's been a leader in these CIV vids (with the exception of the Mafia dudes and those other 2 dudes from the Giants, Elves and Dwarfs thing). Based on his performance during these CIV vids, I can definitely tell he got his combat playing solos, which contributes to the reason why his leadership skills are terrible. Always rambling on Abt other ppl being two hit if they don't join him, but later on gets jumped and outplayed by other teams who's always on a disadvantage, and you can't blame the players that were on his team for being weak and whatnot, cuz even the skilled players that were on his team got the same treatment as him. I've also never seen him being willing to share the resources between his team, and instead uses them to get ppl on his side, which isn't a good sign of teamwork effort and leadership. We also can't drop the bad decisions he made during the events. WdIm by bad decisions? Look at the CIV video where he was a giant. Even tho, he wasn't the leader, he chose to literally chase a player that was capable of easily escaping and outplaying him and his team. The time he took trying to kill the dwarf queen (may I point out that there were 2 other dudes that could've down the chasing), could've been used to back up his other teammates, and at least kill one of the dwarfs. This contributes even more to his poor teamwork efforts, his bad decision-making, and one more thing that someone like him should've had as a combat based player. In conclusion for Ize, his strength is in his combat capabilities which were indeed amazing and did helped last long in the events, but his flaws are in his leadership, his teamwork efforts, poor decision making (and one more poor aspect that I don't really see anyone else talking Abt when comparing Starkiller and Ize), which has put him in a losing streak in these CIV events. Despite all that tho, he was still a fun player a watch, he brought out the villianess that made these events super interesting, and he definitely earned his award as being one of the best players in these events.
    Moving on to Starkiller, who definitely, automatically earns his award as being the protagonist in these events. I can't really say much Abt his combat capabilities in the past CIV events, as he couldn't really show much due him always being killed wrongfully, but in this vid, I can say that he's an average combat player, which can always later be just as good as Ize. (I'm not saying he's a better fighter, I'm just saying he's not that bad of a fighter). With Starkiller, it isn't just Abt him being a nice player, he actually has amazing leadership skills, and his is a good team player. One thing I definitely don't see other ppl talking Abt when comparing Starkiller and Ize, is how Star seemingly thinks strategically more than Ize, who has claimed to be well experienced in combat, at least in this vid as again, he hasn't gotten a chance to showcase himself in the past CIV events. When him and his team were at the treasure place getting the resources, he could've asked the team to keep getting them while a few others hold off the Ize and his team, instead, he asked the entire team to fight back. He also kept the whole team organized as much as possible, and even kept the moral of the team very high, which led to them clutching equal numbers in teams. What surprised me, was how he was willing to settle the score with Ize at the end by himself, Idk why he thought he could take Ize on his own, but he gave it shot. (Sadly Ize gave up). In conclusion for Starkiller, he basically has everything Ize didn't have such good leadership, good teamwork effort (forgot to mention early that he was willing to distract the dinosaurs for the team), decent decision making, and he has battle IQ, or at least thinks strategically. His only flaw would probably be that he isn't that skilled compared to Ize. Overall, Starkiller was definitely an amazing player, able to lead his team to complete victory the one chance he had, capable of inspiring his teammates, and is strategic in battle. Like I said before, he earned his award as the best protagonist in this/these events.

  • @nneibeam6922
    @nneibeam6922 Рік тому +1

    "Your leggings are unenchant." 😂😂😂😂

  • @Danny4bidden
    @Danny4bidden 2 роки тому +16

    I dunno why, but IZE staring at his army sailing in open sea looks really badass.

  • @Quisshy
    @Quisshy 2 роки тому +8

    These videos are so good bro, i love the story, the narration and the overall video, you explain it so perfectly at the beginning. Keep up the great work bro

  • @chusyyang9113
    @chusyyang9113 2 роки тому +5

    Ize and Starkiller have a deep history in the series. From once allies to now sworn enemies. Starkiller knows that Ize will take power of whatever nation as he has been killed by Ize and his allies at least twice (not sure if Starkiller participated in the zombie civilization). Ize again was close to winning but failed again. Will his losing streak continue or will he actually win one of the civilization events?

    • @blazeimortal9136
      @blazeimortal9136 2 роки тому

      Bruh Ize won't win because of the entertainment lmao

  • @phantom_games
    @phantom_games 15 днів тому

    22:55 “sitting back isn’t gonna help us win”
    Meanwhile dwarf kingdom from medieval video

  • @adrixn_rblx919
    @adrixn_rblx919 2 роки тому +4

    Ize and Starkillers brotherly rivalry is the reason this is entertaining

  • @Reece-McDonald2006
    @Reece-McDonald2006 2 роки тому +11

    This looks so amazing congratulations for all the players and all the people that work with silver to make these videos happen. ❤️❤️

  • @Simon-sw4ov
    @Simon-sw4ov Рік тому +1

    6:19 that „Yes!“ killed me

  • @TheSandwhichman108
    @TheSandwhichman108 2 роки тому +127

    If I was on the triassic island then fishing would be my best option as well as keeping to myself until I can get better established probably make a base by carving out a small cave in the mountains on the island that way I’m safe from the meteors and the eruptions. And while everyone is trying to recover from the events I would seek out lone weakened players to eliminate and steal there gear for my own gain. Also being so isolated means it would be difficult for players to find and follow me. My goal wouldn’t be to win since I most likely wouldn’t but to survive as long as possible. Like a mental game of chess where I can watch from afar and wait for conflict to arise within the different groups and make my move whenever an opportunity arises.

    • @I-didnt-know-wht-toiput
      @I-didnt-know-wht-toiput Рік тому +5

      Future Jeffrey dahmer vibes ngl

    • @pepsimaxxs
      @pepsimaxxs Рік тому +8

      no ones gonna read that💀

    • @ianantoniomommy2486
      @ianantoniomommy2486 Рік тому

      I did and it’s and in Notch Mans most recent video he does something pretty similar and loses

    • @TheSandwhichman108
      @TheSandwhichman108 Рік тому

      @@ianantoniomommy2486 Yeah in this scenario I know fully well I most likely wouldn’t last long and so I’d legit just try to last as long as possible. So I figured the loner play style is the best way to go.

    • @jessebeplate1612
      @jessebeplate1612 Рік тому

      @@pepsimaxxs Only you did.......