My algorithm suggested the new video half an hour ago. Never heard about this before. Glad to have found this. So many truth spoken without saying a word. Just epic…
I understood it 6 years ago. Just had a 3am thought about it when I woke up to use the restroom. Still painfully correct. So is Paul Harvey's "if I were the devil" video from the late 60's, so is the interview with Yuri Bezmenov regarding how the fall of America will happen (mind you the video is several decades old) and still painfully accurate. This video and those other two I mentioned may very well be the 3 most important videos on UA-cam. Nothing in media of any sort more accurately represents the state of the world today. Well except perhaps the book of revelations. Ephesians 6:12 for we struggle not against flesh and blood but powers, principalities, the rulers of the evils of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. The devil's greatest trick was making the world think he didn't exist. My grandmother told me that as a child back when she was alive I never truly appreciated the gravity of that statement yet the older I get the more true and painfully obvious those words become. Best of luck to those in the struggle. God save us. God bless I'd better go back to bed. I have to work in a couple hours and slave my life away to pay my bills and try to make a dent in my credit card debt.
"и познаете истину, и истина сделает вас свободными.Иоан.8 " Итак, если Сын освободит вас, то истинно свободны будете.Иоан.8" "Иисус сказал : Я есмь путь и истина и жизнь; никто не приходит к Отцу, как только через Меня. Иоан.14" "если пребудете в слове Моем, то вы истинно Мои ученики, Иоан.8" "Пребудьте во Мне, и Я в вас. Как ветвь не может приносить плода сама собою, если не будет на лозе: так и вы, если не будете во Мне. 5 Я есмь лоза, а вы ветви; кто пребывает во Мне, и Я в нем, тот приносит много плода; ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего. Кто не пребудет во Мне, извергнется вон, как ветвь, и засохнет; а такие [ветви] собирают и бросают в огонь, и они сгорают. Иоан.15" "Итак покоритесь Богу; противостаньте диаволу, и убежит от вас. Иак.4" "противник ваш диавол ходит, как рыкающий лев, ища, кого поглотить. 9 Противостойте ему твердою верою,1Пет.5" "ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего. Иоан.15" "человекам это невозможно, но не Богу, ибо все возможно Богу. Мар.10" "Что вы зовете Меня: Господи! Господи! - и не делаете того, что Я говорю? Лук.6"
Remember, the Devil comes as an angel of light, he doesn't come at you with satanism usually... he does that for the edge lords, the rest of the world... he puts on the appearance of light, he transforms himself into an angel of light. All of this consciousness stuff, and inner god stuff is the same lie from the garden of Eden. "ye shall be as gods" hogwash! Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
I've watched this 10 + times over the last year or so. It moves me every time, reminding me to be always vigilant and question everything especially my own choices. Absolutely amazing piece of art!
@@damnman7226 Ernst Fischer said; “In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it.”
Прекрасный фильм!!! Как много в нём символизма, показывающего без прикрас и объясняющего нашу действительность. Ограниченый насаждёнными нормами разум, оторван от ДУШИ, от ПРИРОДЫ, от ИСТИНЫ. Раздробленный человек, вынужденный скрывать свою боль и страдания за маской, константное самоубийство искуственной пищей, алкоголем, наркотиками. Склоки и войны, уничтожение народов и цивилизаций и превращение их в жалкого и жадного потребителя. Карточные домики надуманного благополучия и спокойного мирка. Родители, которые не в силах защитить своих детей и дать им "крепкие корни и широкие крылья". Ложь, страх и развлечения уводящие людей от истины, отвлекающие от действииельности и и искажающие ее. Марионеточные сми и политики. Система, построенная на угнетении большинства меньшинством. И нелюди(сложно увидеть в том небольшом количестве кукловодов, устраивающих столетиями эту капиталистическую вакханалию что либо человечное) на верхушке этой пирамиды глобалисткого империалистического мироустройства и насаждающие человечеству свои интересы. А какова развязка!!! Авторы указывают путь освобождения из этого ига и он прост. Открой глаза, пойми, сбрось маски, вернись к своей созидательной сущности и начинай жить по совести и в созвучии со вселенной. А какова символика! Воссоединение мужского и женского с устремлёнными ввысь руками. Они напоминают мне скульптуру Веры Мухиной и Бориса Иофана "Рабочий и колхозница". Та же устремлённость к светлому человечному справедливому, Настоящим ценностям во благо всего человечества. Лишь этот путь ведёт к возрождению человечества. Открой глаза!
This is indeed our reality. I share it every week on Facebook hoping to fire a trigger. Art is for the people and a brilliant way to snap them awake. Thank you. God bless you and please make more art! We need you.
@@chris432t6 True but I think he means the message in it. Its beautiful but shows how we are puppets. This guy just knows how to make something so true and dark into a beautiful video
A huge step in life is when you start questioning things. We are taught so many things that are untrue. The next step is becoming able to reject lies and live in a more honest way. The hardest part is when you do that well, you find yourself very alone because so few people challenge the illusion. It’s not easy to walk that path, but evolution requires hard work.
@@Dems17 Yes indeed! All you can do is live the best you know how. Maybe that can help other people... Either way, I believe everyone has to find the next step forward in their own way. I don’t think anyone can do it for you. But it does help to have examples.
@Myself The next few years are going to be very though, for millions of people, you’re not alone, although it may feel like that sometimes. There are groups of people getting together in preparation for the coming storms. We’re forming ‘villages’, interconnected. It’s not a group of buildings; it’s something that we see as a way forward, a frame of mind, an approach towards problem solving and decision making. It’s the way you chose to connect with people. Find a group, form a group; we get through this together.
@@nelipatron827 I’m not sure if we’re supposed to stop it. ‘It’ is the result of generations of poor management. And we’re all responsible. Rather than stopping it I think there’s more to be learned from accepting it and riding out the waves. That may sound trite or petulant but personally I’m resolute in my understanding; this is an opportunity to change direction and try something different. And it starts within. Will I see its fruit? I hope so but I doubt it; so much healing is needed. The best we can hope for is that our kids are there for the turning of the tide.
Still full of hope? I guess everyone does.. But hoping in vain without a proper sight isn't the right way. There two sides of the truth, this false habitual one (evil), and the one and only which convenient and suits your hope, but the hidden black hats cult (as we've seen here) made everyone hates it.. To know what it is, look where their armies are pointing their cameras and guns.. They call it terrorism.
Периодически пересматриваю этот клип снова и снова. Хочется с кем-нибудь обсудить это видео, но даже не знаю, кому его отправить, скорее всего не поймут.
Я уже много раз смотрел, тут есть что-то не человеческое со стороны создателя анимации, тоесть посыла очень много, в каждой детали, и что-то не понятное в голове творится, навряд ли кто-то потратил уйму время и денег чтоб проста выложить только один ролик, да есть интервью с создателями анимации но можно же сказать что как и в сюжетах за каждым кто-то стоит. Но тут можно ставить на паузу каждый 5 секунд и изучать.
No need to talk to anyone about how relevant this video is, even after nearly 5yrs since it was first shown on UA-cam. Still relevant in 2022 and beyond....
I saw this video for the first time 6 years ago. Since then, I most have watched this video hundreds of times, and I'm always crying tears of both despair & hope at the end.
No despair my friend we have been corupted us occidentals but we are not the world and we will fight back. All of that is just duality and it is part of our experience.
Every time I watch this animation it shakes me to the very core. Between the music, the message and the feeling it imparts, no words are uttered once during the entire video, yet I always come away with strong feelings of gratitude and resounding conviction to rise above the base vices that surround us as a collective every day. Blessings to all who have found their way here. Keep fighting
0:11 Unity becomes Trinity. 0:18 Trinity assumes consciousness. 0:23 Infinity sprawls from Trinity. 0:30 Human consciousness awakens. 0:36 The Sun is eclipsed by a cubic, dark Earth. 0:46 A strange island punctuates dark water, like Earth in Space. 0:49 A floating cluster of wrong-angled skyscrapers floats above a grid of city dwellers. 1:03 Monolithic, one structure towers above the rest as the reference point. 1:05 Its penthouse, suggestive of a black cube, floats like the capstone on the dollar's pyramid and displays a sinister red glow. A tie to the worship of ancient forces, perhaps Saturn, is suggested. 1:13 Pillar-like forms are revealed to be robed cultists (Saturn devotees?) with heads bowed in fevered worship, invoking a Red Cube into existence. Each has a pipeline or control cable attached but from where? 1:21 The Red Cube of control infects a solitary host, and replaces his heart with a hollow and darkened space. It radiates and spreads. 1:23 New hosts are buckled under the weight of new pain and submit to the Red Cube. 1:28 GenPop either suffers chronic headaches/mental anguish or plays deaf to each other's experience. 1:33 Human sardines keep the pace of their labors in spite of their constant suffering. 1:41 Obsession with material property. 1:46 Obsession with image. 1:50 Mental decay from chronic stress and material distraction. 1:55 The blazing pace of time blown in unfulfilling careers. 2:00 Universal state of hollowed hearts and fogged minds. 2:03 The commodification of false happiness. 2:08 The adoption of The Lifelong Mask. 2:13 Indoctrination of intoxication. 2:22 Within the intoxicated state, the rediscovery of connection. 2:28 Is this child born of the union implied in the previous scene? 2:31 The child is intact with unspoiled energetic centers. 2:35 Upon birth, the child is traumatized and potentially poisoned. 2:39 The child appears to reject Red Cube control, the face is bored yet the mind reels with original thought. 2:42 The child's teacher/handler, black square cap and all, sucks out the divergent thoughts and the Red Cube appears. 2:45 Authority leads children to their destruction. 2:50 The adolescent is filled with empathy-numbing drugs and pushed by circumstance into the military, where another layer of control is installed. 3:00 War profiteers display their trade, and the media-woven veil over it is shown in action. 3:19 CUT TO COMMERCIAL (Imagery of false eternal bliss through possessions projected to children) 3:20 Hypersexuality standing in for talent, with the wink that signifies membership in a certain club. 3:23 The specter of casting couch culture takes its invisible toll. 3:25 Royals are also slaves to The Narrative. 3:33 Exaggerated role models fascinate the masses who project themselves onto the big screen. 3:27 Dark agendas seem to be behind cinematic trends. 3:42 Sexual shame creates allegiance to Red Cube. 3:47 Nothing material fills the widening hole left by the need for connection and acceptance. 3:50 Technology provides a savior in the form of a perfect distraction. 3:53 All reality becomes virtual, as persona replaces personality. 3:58 Romance replaced by an algorithm. 4:01 Conversation becomes nonverbal and 1-dimensional. 4:09 War becomes entertainment while victims remain invisible ghosts. 4:14 Narcissism distracts the population from the ruin of the environment. 4:18 Consumerism becomes the only available ecstatic experience. 4:20 Fashion oscillates between extremes to drive trends. 4:22 The invisible horrors of the fur trade stand in contrast to the artificial luxury. 4:25 The trance of cosmetics and the insanity of animal testing are juxtaposed. 4:30 Personality cracks after years of trying to fit fashion, and the incredible suffering of the female is revealed. 4:36 Desperate perversion surrounds a hypersexualized woman reduced to one dimension of existence. Masturbation; ejaculation. 4:44 Males deform themselves into hideous stereotypes for attention while their inner selves are crippled with loneliness. 4:46 Attention farming becomes the norm. 4:54 Red Cube drones pose as the counter culture. Counter cultural groups are really just feckless youths who crumble under pressure. 5:00 The willfully ignored reality of industrial meat and dairy production is displayed. 5:12 The brutality of consuming animals insatiably is portrayed. 5:17 The hubris of man reinventing the plant kingdom and its effect in the propagation of disease are shown. 5:28 Industrialized medicine and pharmacology as panacea are revealed as a grift. 5:41 The modern doctor is shown as a high priest in the drug cult. 5:58 Baphomet-pose doctor reveals "as above so below" darkness-to-control mechanism and is rewarded. (Pillars return.) 6:03 Dog-eat-dog goes literal on the Stock Exchange. 6:17 Taxpaper funds politician, who funds the military, who funds mercenary, who funds invisible war and terrorism (blocks of cocaine/heroin). 6:21 Addict pays dealers, who pay CIA traffickers. 6:30 Washington launders drug money to fund "foreign affairs." (blocks of cocaine/heroin) 6:35 Infinite amount of fiat currency is printed on demand to create the illusion of wealth. US debt rose from 22 to 30 trillion pre to post Covid. 6:40 Retirees are bilked and milked, their robberies celebrated by professional thieves in finance. 6:49 Water is commodified into oblivion. Death toll rises. 6:54 Indigenous peoples are destroyed in the name of "progress." 6:59 Dissent is criminalized, stigmatized, and the people go silent. 7:03 Entire populations are sold out by deals between like-minded sociopaths. 7:10 After centuries of overt enslavement, black people are herded into hells and in such circumstances, a generation loses its fathers to crime and drugs. 7:16 The social mechanisms destroying the black community are peddled to their young in glorified caricatures. New chains, new slaves. 7:20 From the bosom of their land, the pedestalled heroes' distant brethren dig up diamonds which are used to sell their music and perpetuate the cycle. 7:23 Proud ancestors donning regalia evocative of Shaka Zulu (the most famous Zulu king) look on with contempt at the new heir. 7:27 The madness of racism prevents alignment of the people against the minions of the Cube Cult. 7:34 Political correctness makes it impossible to talk about the issues. 7:42 Puppet pundits silence other voices (possibly the traditional mother and father) and provoke the faux-trage of anti-social media (cancel culture) by taking the moral high ground (social justice warriors). 7:48 Servants of grim and perverse agendas bring the post-human into the world through unquestioned technologies; transhumanism, sex changes, hormone therapy, compartmentalizing the brain (MK Ultra). 7:55 A familiar smile blinds millions to the unseen horrors of a celebrated Presidential career. Clues regarding rumors of pitch-black perversions, both overt and covert, are shown framed on a desk made of death. A flash frame reveals his internal breakdown. 8:02 The blinded masses project their hopes onto screens of false opposites who serve the same masters. 8:07 The Red/Blue Game takes everyone for "a ride." 8:10 The atmosphere is ruined while everyone refuses to witness it. Chemtrails. 8:12 A grotesque party goes on forever while Joe Public wanders through it without noticing the Bacchanalia. 8:18 Powerful pedophiles ply their trade with impunity, destroying the bodies and souls of the most innocent while parents pretend it can't happen. Families are divided in the Cube system and become easy pickings for predators within the foster machinery. 8:25 The Bogeyman of terrorism is constantly thrown at people until they cry for help from the nanny state, who surrounds them with surveillance and placates them with smartphones, which are also surveillance. 8:30 Screen addiction cocoons individuals in separate virtual realities until they are moribund. 8:41 The faithful servants in the media keep the space between story and experience intact. 8:49 The masses are crushed as increasingly hollow power figures pray to higher and higher layers of the Red Cube system. At the top, those who receive these energies (Archons) appear to worship their own Black Cube which traps the power, and they seem hardly human at all. These are protected by a sphere of masks, in turn protected by the military industrial complex. 9:33 One Cube Soldier reflects upon his life, home, and property, which fall away and reveal that he sold his soul for no security at all. 9:36 Collapse begins with the evaporation of the housing market. 9:40 Towers cut at 45-degree angles. 9:48 Masks crack and the Red Cube fails. 9:57 Plant medicine reclaims its territory. 10:00 The corporate world seeks shelter but finds only mutual desperation. 10:05 A smug manager loses his status, his sanity, and his life, a hollow man stuffed with hollow wealth. 10:17 Darkness flees its failing hosts to return to its origin. 10:23 The game is up, and suicide is pushed as the final product. 10:25 In the unconscious, perhaps pushed by survival instinct, people begin to remember their true natures and emerge and awaken from the trance into consciousness. 10:45 Man undergoes the shamanic evisceration, revealing the dormant pineal gland, now activated. 11:00 Direct confrontation with (Jung's) shadow/egregore/Demiurge (of individual and species) enlivens and emboldens the once-dead heart. 11:11 The scales of spiritual ossification fall off; kundalini is activated. Ascension with purpose. 11:27 Phoenix of the female rises from centuries of oppression. 11:44 Union of gender, purpose (peace with a sword at the ready / meekness), and with what appears to be the consciousness of the ancestors. 11:49 A child is born outside the Cube, full of power and wisdom. 11:51 The world tree regenerates and blooms. 12:05 The new human is awake. We see open eyes for the first time in the video. 12:24 Chrysanthemum hallucination hints at the regenerative power of psychedelics.
I’m a soldier. That’s all I know. A soldier of love and peace but prepared to counter whatever comes. I love everyone who understands this video on the right level. We will all play our part. The struggle never ends, but a climax is at hand. Stay strong.
"и познаете истину, и истина сделает вас свободными.Иоан.8 " Итак, если Сын освободит вас, то истинно свободны будете.Иоан.8" "Иисус сказал : Я есмь путь и истина и жизнь; никто не приходит к Отцу, как только через Меня. Иоан.14" "если пребудете в слове Моем, то вы истинно Мои ученики, Иоан.8" "Пребудьте во Мне, и Я в вас. Как ветвь не может приносить плода сама собою, если не будет на лозе: так и вы, если не будете во Мне. 5 Я есмь лоза, а вы ветви; кто пребывает во Мне, и Я в нем, тот приносит много плода; ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего. Кто не пребудет во Мне, извергнется вон, как ветвь, и засохнет; а такие [ветви] собирают и бросают в огонь, и они сгорают. Иоан.15" "Итак покоритесь Богу; противостаньте диаволу, и убежит от вас. Иак.4" "противник ваш диавол ходит, как рыкающий лев, ища, кого поглотить. 9 Противостойте ему твердою верою,1Пет.5" "ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего. Иоан.15" "человекам это невозможно, но не Богу, ибо все возможно Богу. Мар.10" "Что вы зовете Меня: Господи! Господи! - и не делаете того, что Я говорю? Лук.6"
Who made this? Do you know him/her? I just wanna see what they look like and what kind of other work they have, if anybody knows. I am also as you, so much amazed. This piece, just 3 minutes in, has set so many thoughts and emotions, that I already posted like 5 or 6 comments, just trying to get some of them out. This is staggering! Absolute masterpiece. The gravity of which is sensed on a deep soul level. This is real. This is what it means to be human. This is how we know there is hope. There are good people all over the world, patiently waiting, fighting the good fight, and we are connected, yet so many alone. We are strong, but so often we fall and are weak, and yet, in silence we suffer. Ugh. This is so inspirational. It set a kind of fire in me. I'm gonna need to rewatch this at least once every month or two, definitely saving it into my most cherished pieces of media.
It was made two years ago, and things are still getting worse. But, if I am doing right conclusions from history, people will rise against this order of things. I hope I'll be a witness or even a participant.
задумайтесь люди! в коих ещё осталась частичка разума, какое общество строят богатые ублюдки. пора остановиться или сгинуть в небытие мышиного эксперимента вселенной 25.
Это не просто видео , это наша жизнь , автор видео открывает глаза всем ,кто готов их открыть и посмотреть на этот мир другими глазами , освободившись от оков этой пирамиды и жить независимо ни от кого .Мурашки и слёзы на глазах от того насколько наш современный мир ущемлён кучкой гуманоидов возглавляющих эту пирамиду
Что бы осознать нужно изучить право человек его суверенность,и постится 40 дней !убить в себе все паразитов и зависимости от: еды, алкоголь,сигарет,секса ,тв,музыки !побороться с желаниеми навязыными удовольствием которое вредит в долгосрочной перспективе
@@ТимурРадригез-л3т стремление похвальное, но ради растождествления с тем, чем ты не являешься, бросаться сразу в 40-дневный пост - почти наверняка значит загубить благое дело. Начинать можно с 1 дня в неделю. Или ужины пропускать. И все равно всё начинается с осознания. Мышления важно менять в первую очередь.
@@MariaLokshina употребление пищи и стимулятором различных приводят к зависимости,а вот борьба сл стимуляторами даёт силу и свободу ) отказаться от удовольствия очень тяжело, особенно если ваше удовлетворение зависит от пищи) эйфорию можно получить от труда , например от физ нагрузки !от нее одни только плюсы)энергия,пластичность омоложение и так далее) кстати голодания омолаживает ,кровь чиститься и клетки новые рождаются
The first time i saw this video i cried like a baby. Hits hard when you always have seen reality for how it is and feeling the heavy burden it comes with it. I'm glad i'm not the only one who sees reality for how it is.
Kevin Sheller I went and crunched the numbers. 30 seconds of ad space during Superbowl is around 5 million USD. So for this awesome 13 minute video to play and awaken many it will cost around 130 million USD.
Sad that it takes so long to wake people. What if we splash water on their faces? Just like we do to wake them up from sleep? What if we someone cuts the power, what if someone hacks all the TVs to show this via UA-cam or Netflix? Oh wait, they'll get caught.....blah..we better play it so much everywhere, share it so much and trend it so much in social media that people play it themselves, just to see what's all the fuss is about, right?
The whole video, everyone’s eyes are shut/indiscernible until the end when they finally break out of their mental prisons and see things for what they are. I didn’t notice that the first time watching this.
This is a satanic deception. For this very reason Christ is not mentioned once. Instead: a elusive saviour represented at the very end; Antichrist, and his six pointed merkaba: the false star of David. The sign of Israel are seven spirits before the throne of God. Therefor: whoever has discernment go to 12:25 and see: The number of the beast is six six six - the emanating false MORNINGSTAR.
@@a-sheep-of-christ if you understood the level of minor kidnappings, abuse and others I do not wish to mention, no time could be better for the 2nd coming - but where, when? How much longer are innocent lives meant to suffer under your narrative. This is coming from someone with a deep understanding of where you a coming from and I am afraid I fail to see how a deity would allow more innocent lives to suffer, after all this time.
@@a-sheep-of-christ A murkaba has 8 points as it is a thee dimensional field, two pyramids overlapped. 666 is not the number of the beast that is a translation error. - Your thinking is in two dimensions and the Bible was not compiled from documents written in English. Pull the book of Aberham from your sight, all three of the Aberhamic religions are slaves because of it.
We are on the verge of a huge awakening. And everyone commenting on here are part of raising the collective consciousness. I believe in us, now more than ever. Love is stronger than fear, masses are finally seeing the truth, but a lot are still asleep. Don't hate on them, love them even more, they need it the most. The only reason "they" have all this power over us is because they work TOGETHER. If they can create all this harm, we can undo it all together and go back to the nature of who we are. I love you all, we got this 💫💛
I'd like to believe the world will get better but just by observation I honestly doubt it. This doesn't mean you give up hope within ourselves. It means we have to strive harder.
@@amaan6678 I'd suggest you to watch Ralph Smart's videos (infinite waters) his perspective always lifts me up. You can see he knows what he's talking about but he also has such a high vibe that fills you with courage and hope. EVERYTIME. Check him out if you have the heart to :) and I get it, things are going down, but a lot are waking up at the same time, a massive change is happening and it might get ugly before it gets better. Gotta focus on our own happiness and vibration first :) that's the most important thing we can be doing
@@staceylicata Thanks I'll definitely check him out. I'm also with you in the fact that we need to fix ourselves before we start to change the world. Me personally my hope isn't in the world getting better. The main reason for this is being a Muslim and there being many prophecies by our prophet (PBUH) about the world generally becoming further away from the truth and far away from GOD. Do you agree that there is satanic agenda being pushed forward? Anyway I pray you are in the best of positions. May peace be upon you.
@@amaan6678 I've only recently opened myself up to that possibility. I didn't grow up with anyone talking to me about it so it just never caught my attention, but right now I've been seeing many synchronicities. In every way, whether it's a satanic force or really flawed power hungry humans, it is to be fought in the same way : with the opposite living force, LOVE. The only thing we can do to help is truly believe that we can make it better and live in our light and with the light workers assisting us right now. We are not alone fighting, and dark is afraid of light. Let's shine so bright so they lose their way . Much love to you, remember we are in this together !
@ you are truly an @$$wipe. Pasting the same idiotic comment everywhere. Somebody piss in your Cheerios this morning or are you just taking time off from drowning puppies?
Video was published almost two years ago, just saw it today. Only 2M views. Haven't had it in my recommendations, found through other similar content video. Masterpiece. Great job done and props to creators.
Dear hackers of the world, would it be possible to broadcast this in stead of the evening news? I believe it would strangely brighten the day for many of us...
This is an absolute masterpiece! Although it is already seven years old you can't get enough. I watch it every now and then because it's wonderfully smart and frighteningly truthful. Also love the fantastic mesmerizing song. Big thanks to all the creators!
@@noctismidnight6278а не надо домысливать). Просто действие. Творим добро, запрещаем ненависть и страх. Быть свету, друг. Быть яркому свету в наших сердцах🥰.
@@MatSkanzo I would agree what you say is accurate if one accepts the material world at face value. If one believes the human experience is all there is, then yeah, I would say ultimately everything is pointless since everything appears to be finite and so it has no lasting meaning (thus no meaning at all because once a value becomes nil then that's it: nil is nil and earlier values are irrelevant). But one has the freedom of mind to explore the possibilities of reality. I can't offer much physical proof of things beyond the material world. But I think when one becomes aware of truths beyond what the physical senses can offer, it changes your perception of reality. Personally, I see in that video a kind of grotesque parody of the human experience. With hints of transcendence to a level of existence beyond the mortal illusion. But I think art can be like a Rorschach inkblot, where different people come up with different interpretations of it. I will definitely say that it takes more than some UA-cam views to change the world :)
@@MatSkanzo >> My Friend, I am not totally agree. The ultimate purpose of this life is to find its sense or meaning. When found, it would literally transcend you if you associate it with love of humanity. Life is a miracle that has been transformed by a game by the ones who create the rules of societies. But we are both human beings of freedom and deeply correlated to each other. The only reason these rules still exist is because we accepted them, even assimilated them. IMHO your comment is clearly the result of this controlled mindset. Change your perspective and free yourself. Life is a miracle that needs hard work and consistent discipline. Paradise comes after. I hope this helps., I agree with this sentiment but I also get where @Be Water Friend might be coming from. This experience can be full of pain and hardship. To rise above it and see past it takes the work of a lifetime, maybe many lifetimes, who knows for sure? But when you look at the illusion of suffering, it can be very daunting to think about how to change that.
@@MatSkanzo You're mistaken, you're still inside the box, I don't know what will make you think outside it but know this, this life is only an illustration, a test, the evil rules here, kick it's butt by being happy and don't chase money or material. Thank me in the afterlife.
The ascension where the shadow, parasite, and inorganic ones cannot infect us and maintain their power any longer. Their greatest power is fear their greatest fear is us waking up to our true power.
@@lancemorin3967 the further away you try to get from "them" the more they control you. Because "they" are you. That is to wake up. To realise that the shadows are all inside you and that there is no one controlling you. For all is one. Darkness and light.
We need to fight for Full Disclosure!!! Check out the Secret Space Program series on Journey to Truth Podcast (youtube channel), and the documentary Above Majestic!
Even after watching this so many times in the past.... watching it now in 2022 shakes something in you like never before. Never fear the darkness, forever seek the light my fellow beings. I love you all, my brothers and sisters ❤
Jesus Christ is the savior and our hope for eternal life. Prophecy in Revelation is coming true and it’s going to be a wild ride, we need God’s help going forward.
Это вообще один из самых наимощнейших роликов за всю историю ютуба... Когда помню первый раз его посмотрел - взялся за голову, мурашки по коже, ком в горле, подкатили слёзы на глазах, и минут 30 я сидел как вкопанный.. Это просто....... без слов!!!
I have come across your animations through recent years and today I finally found the original video. I have never felt as if another person truly understood how I see the world around me. Thank you. I do hope you are oke, always here to chat. Much love.
Уже сколько лет пересматриваю и слушаю эту музыку. Это же надо настолько шикарно сделать анимацию совместимую с музыкой! Трек шикарный, атмосферный, видео с каждым днём становится всё актуальнее
звуки четко напоминают речь во сне, когда паралиузет человека во сне...а окружающие слышат мычание невнятное...но человек во сне бессилен...пока его аккуратно тихим голосом не вернут...или звуками родными и привычными для мозга ТУТ
Yes. Sure. But the masseges in this file is too bad for us. Except we..Muslim's.he .or they want to tell us some things .. Not all of us can read it.. But there are awake up men.. In this world
He is not a genius. He awaken from the illusion of the Duality. He reconnected with the Universe, understood that everything is connected. That One is All And All is One. That s the process of the Consciousness. From the Micro to the Macro. To the Infinite.
@@Starbat88 exactly - these are finely executed pieces outlining the plans for us (like reading 1984/Brave New World). Except these are heavy on showcasing the symbology over story. Here's a classic from 2013 (in case anyone missed it), I Pet Goat II (7m30s)
So many powerful truths in this. Unfortunately, but truly, a reflection of current reality and our history. So many "red pill" moments in this. This is what awakening looks like in artistic motion. Horribly beautiful and very important. Everyone should see and more importantly understand.
Dude this video’s statement is “everything bad”. Eating meat=bad. Fruit=fake. Vaccines kill babies chakras. This shit is ridiculous and you’re a fool to take it seriously
@@nicolasthompson8877 its showing how the animals are pumped up with hormones and anti biotics that is making people sick with cancer...not that meat is bad.
i first came across this video when i was just a little girl and barely understood it. now i’m back and i’m older, and this video has grown too in a way that makes it more relevant than ever before. every day we get a step closer to the total collapse of everything we’ve ever known, and i feel no more hope left inside me for humanity. it does not pain me only because i know it has already been ending long before i was born. the human race has already created its own inevitable pathway of complete destruction. i only hope that i do not exist in my current flesh and blood when the end arrives, only so that i may enjoy the rest of this current and natural life that i have been gifted.
perhaps i have deluded myself in my own selfishness as to not be witness to the total collapse of humanity within my lifetime. i do not wish to feel the pain and suffering or see the horrors that will occur. however, i do wish for this current man-made suffering to end. yet as long as humanity exists there may always be a suffering that persists, and our only salvation is death. i wish to transcend and leave my humanity behind no matter the cost, my soul and mind both seek continuous seeing, learning, and experiencing the unknowable far beyond these physical binds of my own flesh and blood. i seek mercy by those who are greater than our simple existence. i wish to escape these mortal confines and have my being set free.
@@unidentifiedsigmaThe problem is that when you die you are not free. You are what you were before you were born, and you are what you are after you die. Although the majority of humanity says that they believe in heaven and hell, none of us actually believe in life after death. We only deceive ourselves. This is because they are afraid of death and they satisfy their egos with heaven and hell. We are so afraid of death that we exploit the world like pigs because we will never be able to come to this world again. As if the world was not enough for us, we believe that after death we will be reborn immortally in a place like the world. human is a selfish creature.
I've been deeply concerned about our emotional and mental climate for years, but never have I seen anyone sum up the situation as coherently and totally as this! Love the ending. We need the consciousness revolution!
And, indeed, the opportunity to do just that with full-on ability can now be examined for its veracity AND empowerment. If more than talk is your intention, I suggest you get acquainted with the SELFGnosis Trilogy. It's first book is available here: Not shameless promotion, simply access to unheard-of info...
That will never happen. They grab the kids as infants and by the time they teenagers they are conditioned and personality disorders are out of control.....we don't have a sane society to begin with.
At the end of the video where they showed the closed eyes open and looking inside them you could see the twinkle of the universe, I cried. I cried because I remember seeing that twinkle in myself and others. This system will slowly dwindle and remove that twinkle from you. Your eyes are not only a window into your being but a place of inspiration and creativity. Your face is in place of the second highest chakra with the head being the first highest. Your eyes are powerful, meaningful and give information on every image you look upon influencing the head chakra. The twinkle is what makes you an intelligent being capable of connecting yourself to the universe and obtaining divinity, when that twinkle is gone it's so hard to get it back. Powerful video and I'm glad I watched it, giving me strength to change my life and reject a manipulative system.
@@cincarevic nothing like the end, the leader of this bacchanal will be destroyed along with his followers like you, even if it's the whole world of fools....Mahdi (peace be upon him) will start this war and Jesus (peace be upon him) son Maryam (peace be upon her) will finish....all liars and hypocrites will be destroyed.....there will be a time of prosperity on is you liars who have no other way but to become the test subjects of the one-eyed dajjal antichrist....he will squeeze all the juices out of you and turn you into shapeless creatures, as you deserve
I remember when this first came out. Didn't know if I could find it again. Typed in "dystopian video on life", and found it. Absolutely chilling. The enslavement of an entire species is terrifying, the ones in power, the shadows, are not human. And they hate every last one of us.
The reality we live in now is even worse than what was portrayed in "fictions" such as Brave New world, 1984, and The Matrix. Because the control and suggestion that created it is sufficiently subtle that many don't understand
I'm crying so hard right now... such horrific truths, yet such a pure, powerful message about piercing the layers of veil in society, facing what's beyond, and obtaining a higher understanding and way of life, like phoenix from the ashes, not just for yourself, but for those to whom you show the way in the future. So beautiful!!!
Congratulations, you were able to sum up what is really happening in this world in just over 12 minutes - you also presented what lovely things will happen when we open up our hearts! You are a BIG hearted, artistic, astute, articulate, amazing genius.
joan varley you know what is happening but you don’t know who is creating it. The west has lots its touch of its culture, history, and it’s ancestral lands. It’s all been replaced with mindless, empty consumerism.
Everybody is letting it happen. Not just the elite, but everybody that sits back and watches it unfold either too mindless or too unwilling to do anything about this dystopia we have created for ourselves.
*Боже, это восхитительно!!! Это лучшее что я видел в своей жизни!!!* *Уместить все современные антиутопичные реалии в 13 мин. автор просто гений, браво!!!*
Символикой данный шедевр пронизан на каждой секунде. Все до последних 15-20 секунд - происходящая реальность. Концовка - путь выхода, освобождение от иллюзий, ключ - открыть глаза и все увидеть, а не смотреть , молчать и верить.
"In Shadows" is a remarkable film for its ability to anticipate contemporary societal issues. Through its exploration of themes such as isolation, technology, and alienation, the film provides a prophetic insight into the challenges our society may face. By shedding light on the tensions between the individual and modern society, "In Shadows" offers a profound reflection on the human condition. Its ability to capture the nuances of everyday life and present them in a poignant manner makes it a cinematic masterpiece, undeniably ahead of its time.
I you wish i could give you a bunch of bibliography and movies that shows how our economic/ social system works without counting on us to understand it. Voici some examples: -fake reports to justify the invasion of south countries like Syria -pharmaceutical industry testing medicine in african population in exchange for food -the new """green""""" deal itself -the renewable energy which is not renewable at all -how our States work with mafia and dictators just to keep their interests safe -how we promote a life-model based in consomation that harms terribly the countries of which we obtain our resources -How xenophobic speeches are made to hide the consequences of our way of life has in evironnement and people by hating the strangers -How new "needs" are created to sustain the profit of a small amount of people -How enterprises like Montsanto threw to seas and rivers tonnes of PCBs, which are strongly toxic, poisoning entire communities and destroying ecosystems, AND EVEN knowing the consquences just to keep selling... -How our States are partially financed by private capital, by "obligations" (and other stuff.... that's economic bullshit, not easy to understand at first xD) so public and private power are almost the same nowadays... I could continue for a while xD
@@nichoalsnastari8335 God is not us and we are not God. We can never be God. But God loves us and wants us to be close to Him. We owe him everything but He owes us nothing, and yet he offers us the chance to be with Him. The sliver opening up in the heart of the man in the animation against the dragon of Satan is Christ's power in us overcoming all evil. It's beautiful.
You want an awakening? Those that killed the Son of God and hate Him with every ounce of their being are currently in charge of every facet of your life.
@@PomazeBog1389 You want an awakeing ? The concept of jesus was created in the council of niceaa during the byzantine empire to unite the different religions of the empire. They combiened sun worship paganism with the messiah of judaism and attributes of krishna from where the word christ comes from. They took one israeli military general named yeshua that was crucified by emperor Hadrian and attributed to him the combined religious beliefs. From then on religion has been used as a fearmongering and control tool to hide from humans the true power of their soul and the true nature of god.
For me, this is saying that we have all been living under mind control....hypnotized, Distracted and entertained and oppressed and exploited and pitted against each other by people who are in turn controlled by others and so on until the top...and it seems hopeless...til something breaks in man and woman and we see through the illusions and the masks break free and we all wake up from the nightmare movie we've been shown and realize what life is really all about...what's important..and that spark has never been extinguished by any oppressive force in history. The masks are breaking. The facade is falling apart. They can't delete everyone fast enough. Stay awake and stay alert.
@@UA-camChannel-dk5xv I didn't get religion our of this. I got that the Cor of everything is life...and rebirth. I got that we can break out of these boxes whenever we're ready.
@@UA-camChannel-dk5xv I didn't associate any of what I saw with those stories. I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. Different perception. That's why I don't fear content
@@ivonnasercuchowa1361 I understand the juxtaposition but only after it's pointed out to me. That was that guy's perception. Hit me much deeper. This was about the human spirit. Life. Reality
Мне 41 и я проснулся. Отсутствует страх, понимаю что происходит в общих чертах. И очень рад что проснулся не в 90 лет. Есть сила и желание менять все вокруг. Начну с себя, потом со своего окружения. Всем добра.
До времени Нового Человека (того ребенка и когда откроются глаза) ещё далеко. В этом ролике эзотерические постулаты. Но в любом случае эволюционный процесс развития жизни как явления не сдержать. Либо мы двигаемся дальше, либо самоуничтожение. С умирающим капитализмом и денежной системой в новый мир нам не по пути. Будущее как говорит Савельев принадлежит лучшим из сортинга это люди думающие. Миром будут править не денежные мешки а программисты. Просто нужно понять как сломать систему валютных и крипто бирж, только так можно уничтожить кредитную и денежную системы
As I expected, there are people who control this world and are dictated by world leaders, and if they don't like a head of state they overthrow him with elections or coups, they control the media and corrupt the common sense of children through teachers. and all mankind. They have been controlled by the media, cell phones and the internet.
I'll be honest here. These days, I kinda do understand the problems of modern world, but what can I do? I'm just a guy among billions of people. Sure I can talk to people, but that's meaningless What I dread isn't just the problems. It's the powerlessness that terrifies me
Saw this few years back when I still had fb and shared it on my timeline. 600 fb friends, a couple of likes and 1 comment. Most people are in complete denial of the shadows of our societies.
I learned it the hard way when I tried to fight corruption in the Netherlands, and learned everywhere they are corrupt, lawyers, doctors, judges, social workers, you name it they are corrupt. All protecting the corporations, a society morphed by narcissistic traits to become useful idiots without morales.
@@anglojojo Yup it is not "here" or "there" it is everywhere. But a society can only "carry" the corrupt to a certain percentage. If too many people are corrupted, you go over the event horizon, it becomes a positive feedback loop and the entire society/country/empire implodes, explodes, a lot of people suffer and die and then from the ashes, people stand up that say let's build back better from last time, we learned our lessons... And the circle starts again. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times, etc. etc. As long as humanity collectively won't understand this pattern and willing to break it, we are stuck in it forever... We still have a chance, but the West (en Nederland net zo goed indd) is terminally ill imo and I don't have faith left....
"You're so negative". If the news doesn't tell you to join the hype and shed a crocodile tear for a story, you just don't need to care. I hate it all so much.
This is brilliant! This is EXACTLY what art is about! Strong statements, symbology, portrayals of TRUTH with no words. VERY POWERFUL! The ending gives us so much hope as the days seem to be growing darker and darker and crazier and crazier. BRAVO to all played a part in making this! Спасибо! So much love and respect to you all!💖💖💖
I love how the one moment when the characters actually acknowledge the viewpoint is when the "camera" moves upwards to expose the pinnacle of corruption. They turn their heads to the "camera". No one else does this, they are all oblivious to the observer. To me, this is the pinnacle of the power of this animation. That and the wonderful ending where man and woman stand together and a new awake being is born.
Profound masterpiece. A must see for everybody on this planet. No film, animation or book portrayed my vision on how I perceive the world as this animated wonder. I bow to you, Sir. Thank you for this excellent animation. The message, symbols, animation and soundtrack all magically work together and add up to the sum of all fears.
This describes so much. The ending is exactly how awakening occurs. It’s instant. People expect it to be fantastical. But it’s similar to waking up from a dream...
I watched it in 2020, and I'm watching it now in 2022. I'm from Russia and then I was struck by this masterpiece, today I'm reviewing it and I'm even more shocked. The author is a genius!
это видео я увидел года 3 назад в первый раз. в то время я все понял и промолчал, а сейчас я не не знаю как выразить свои эмоции... великолепная смысл заложена в этом произведении. огромная благодарность команде тех ребят кто создал этот шедевр...
Me too man, this psycho matrix that we live it´s is insane! Congrats from Brazil. I hope the future will be better for us, even if i have to die to go to the paradise or a reality that´s make sense.
I am pleased to come back to this video and see everyone's comments, I hope we get to engage each other more than just text and really feel and transport this feeling though our day to everyone we meet. Thanks for the kind words! I wish everyone the best!
Remember, the Devil comes as an angel of light, he doesn't come at you with satanism usually... he does that for the edge lords, the rest of the world... he puts on the appearance of light, he transforms himself into an angel of light. All of this consciousness stuff, and inner god stuff is the same lie from the garden of Eden. "ye shall be as gods" hogwash! Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
Remember, the Devil comes as an angel of light, he doesn't come at you with satanism usually... he does that for the edge lords, the rest of the world... he puts on the appearance of light, he transforms himself into an angel of light. All of this consciousness stuff, and inner god stuff is the same lie from the garden of Eden. "ye shall be as gods" hogwash! Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
To whoever who reads this. There's a lot of things from the Bible that is not true. The Bible didn't even exist at the time while Jesus was alive. The people who created the Bible were bad people who worshipped the bad Gods and manipulated the most parts of the Bible and The New Testaments. Jesus is actually named after one of the bad Gods, and the picture they've used of Christ everywhere is not the real Christ. Christ's real name is Yeshua Christ / Yeshua Ben Yoseph. He has green eyes, short brown hair and beard and tan skin. He was a good man with a big and beautiful heart, and we all have a part of Him within us. He was a spiritual teacher, together with his beautiful wife and twin flame Mary Magdalene. They traveled the world to teach people about spirituality and how to connect with the Archangels and God (Mother Father Prime Creator). They wanted us to live in harmony and peace, and share a lot of unconditional love. The bad Gods wanted to kill Yeshua, cause they knew how much love and light he would bring into this world. That's why He died when He was 39. He didn't die for our sins, he was tortured to death by the bad ones. Religion was created by the bad Gods cause they want us to live in fear to break us apart and create war. They don't want us to have freedom. When you live in fear, it makes you sick. I just wish for people to look up His real name and do some research on Google and YT. That's why the evil has been around for so long cause people have been praying to the wrong stuff. Just remember : Your soul is made of eternal love and light by Mother Father God. You are protected, you are guided, you are safe, you are supported. You are unconditionally loved. Don't be scared. Follow your heart and trust your instincts, cause that's your soul speaking to you. Heal your heart, cause that's when you'll be able to love yourself unconditionally. When you love yourself unconditionally, you will be able to love everyone else unconditionally and you can help the rest of the world. It's time for us to shine with our inner light, and come together and work together, to fight for our freedom and live in harmony and peace ❤️✨
Если бы люди знали что это правда которая очень скоро случится.В конце этого ролика Иллюминаты вам показали Парня и Девушку с мечом.Пророк Мухаммад сообщил о том что в последние времена Всевышний отправит "Имама Махди".Махди это пара парень и девушка с мечом 2 посланника Всевышнего придут сразу после 3 мировой войны.Очень скоро.
My algorithm suggested the new video half an hour ago.
Never heard about this before. Glad to have found this. So many truth spoken without saying a word. Just epic…
saw this back in 2018
I'm a primal anarchist. Hello fellow person with a free mind :)
Yes… a single image is worth a thousand words.
6 years later and more people understand this video
Damn.. this shit goes fu**ing deep! 6 years ago I wouldn't have understood it. Now I see..
Are they?
I understood it 6 years ago. Just had a 3am thought about it when I woke up to use the restroom. Still painfully correct. So is Paul Harvey's "if I were the devil" video from the late 60's, so is the interview with Yuri Bezmenov regarding how the fall of America will happen (mind you the video is several decades old) and still painfully accurate. This video and those other two I mentioned may very well be the 3 most important videos on UA-cam. Nothing in media of any sort more accurately represents the state of the world today. Well except perhaps the book of revelations.
Ephesians 6:12 for we struggle not against flesh and blood but powers, principalities, the rulers of the evils of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places.
The devil's greatest trick was making the world think he didn't exist.
My grandmother told me that as a child back when she was alive I never truly appreciated the gravity of that statement yet the older I get the more true and painfully obvious those words become.
Best of luck to those in the struggle. God save us. God bless
I'd better go back to bed. I have to work in a couple hours and slave my life away to pay my bills and try to make a dent in my credit card debt.
@@madscientistlife Love your comment ♥️
“If everything around seems dark, look again, you may be the light.”
― Rumi
Если ты свет, то тебя сразу погасят. Система всегда онлайн
@@Мендель-б8тесли бы погасили весь свет, мы бы уже не жили.БОРЬБА ИДЁТ ,пока мы живы
Не забывайте то что свет породила тьма , тьма первична ТЬ-МА МА-ТЬ всего .
Тьма и свет неотъемлемое друг от друга . Нам внушили разделяйку а мы и повелись на очередной обман.
Разделяйка рулит .
Из света рождается тьма, а из тьмы льется свет. (с)
The scary thing about this video is that we are actually living this reality
Free Palestine
fear not, you're more powerful than you've been led to believe :)
@@bopk1nsExactly ❤
"и познаете истину, и истина сделает вас свободными.Иоан.8 " Итак, если Сын освободит вас, то истинно свободны будете.Иоан.8" "Иисус сказал : Я есмь путь и истина и жизнь; никто не приходит к Отцу, как только через Меня. Иоан.14" "если пребудете в слове Моем, то вы истинно Мои ученики, Иоан.8" "Пребудьте во Мне, и Я в вас. Как ветвь не может приносить плода сама собою, если не будет на лозе: так и вы, если не будете во Мне. 5 Я есмь лоза, а вы ветви; кто пребывает во Мне, и Я в нем, тот приносит много плода; ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего. Кто не пребудет во Мне, извергнется вон, как ветвь, и засохнет; а такие [ветви] собирают и бросают в огонь, и они сгорают. Иоан.15" "Итак покоритесь Богу; противостаньте диаволу, и убежит от вас. Иак.4" "противник ваш диавол ходит, как рыкающий лев, ища, кого поглотить. 9 Противостойте ему твердою верою,1Пет.5" "ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего. Иоан.15" "человекам это невозможно, но не Богу, ибо все возможно Богу. Мар.10" "Что вы зовете Меня: Господи! Господи! - и не делаете того, что Я говорю? Лук.6"
well yeah that's the whole point lmaoo
4 years later and even more relevant.
Remember, the Devil comes as an angel of light, he doesn't come at you with satanism usually... he does that for the edge lords, the rest of the world... he puts on the appearance of light, he transforms himself into an angel of light. All of this consciousness stuff, and inner god stuff is the same lie from the garden of Eden. "ye shall be as gods" hogwash!
Ecclesiastes 1:9
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
@@EQOAnostalgia so true, I fell for that. I feel so lucky that I realized the terrible direction I was going on the name of love & light
There is a lot that we call devil that just simply comes from ourselves...
@@yildadiquez7744 Everything has its perversions. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. I love you.
@@EQOAnostalgia "Hogwash"? Psalm 82:6, John 10:34. "Ye are gods"
This is the most important video on UA-cam.
I agree
He has Seen everything, long Time before it happens... U k how it will ends 😉
I've watched this 10 + times over the last year or so. It moves me every time, reminding me to be always vigilant and question everything especially my own choices. Absolutely amazing piece of art!
Same. Sums up so much in so little time. Brilliant
Same! I share on social media every few months
It's a warning not just art
@@damnman7226 Ernst Fischer said;
“In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it.”
What I love about animation is that everything is intentional. Every detail was put there for a reason.
That is how all good filmmaking is, not just animation.
ALL LOVE ALL LOVE 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🩷🩷🩷🦋🩷🦋ALL LOVE ALL LOVE 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🩷🩷🩷🦋🩷🦋ALL LOVE ALL LOVE 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🦋🩷🩷🩷🩷🦋🩷🦋
Активация сердец❤
I love the agree ability among us. no turning back 😊
doors open lights on
N C S W I C Pray.
stay together.
Прекрасный фильм!!! Как много в нём символизма, показывающего без прикрас и объясняющего нашу действительность.
Ограниченый насаждёнными нормами разум, оторван от ДУШИ, от ПРИРОДЫ, от ИСТИНЫ. Раздробленный человек, вынужденный скрывать свою боль и страдания за маской, константное самоубийство искуственной пищей, алкоголем, наркотиками. Склоки и войны, уничтожение народов и цивилизаций и превращение их в жалкого и жадного потребителя. Карточные домики надуманного благополучия и спокойного мирка. Родители, которые не в силах защитить своих детей и дать им "крепкие корни и широкие крылья". Ложь, страх и развлечения уводящие людей от истины, отвлекающие от действииельности и и искажающие ее. Марионеточные сми и политики. Система, построенная на угнетении большинства меньшинством. И нелюди(сложно увидеть в том небольшом количестве кукловодов, устраивающих столетиями эту капиталистическую вакханалию что либо человечное) на верхушке этой пирамиды глобалисткого империалистического мироустройства и насаждающие человечеству свои интересы.
А какова развязка!!! Авторы указывают путь освобождения из этого ига и он прост. Открой глаза, пойми, сбрось маски, вернись к своей созидательной сущности и начинай жить по совести и в созвучии со вселенной. А какова символика! Воссоединение мужского и женского с устремлёнными ввысь руками. Они напоминают мне скульптуру Веры Мухиной и Бориса Иофана "Рабочий и колхозница". Та же устремлённость к светлому человечному справедливому, Настоящим ценностям во благо всего человечества. Лишь этот путь ведёт к возрождению человечества.
Открой глаза!
@@vladimirivanov9408 Нмм.. А имеет ли это какое либо значение по отношению к смыслам, переданным в моём коментарии?
Wake up , wake up , wake up !
Все мои мысли в вашем комментарии👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Прекрасно изложены смыслы данного шедевра
Not a word was spoken. A lot was told.
I think it was a lot was said nothing was told
Well you can sometimes hear it say take home or just take
O it just you only have one rise
Ok im getting weird and creepy vibes through the video
BS was told.
I must’ve watched this 10x before I realised that EVERYONE has their eyes closed until the ending with the eyes opening... Nice touch indeed!
Jum din't notice until you told me.... i swear every time i see this video the more i understand stuff i din't understand before.
2020 is the year of perfect vision :) 20/20
Thank you)
@@transcendwithiboga i wish
Will Mackay for real
This is indeed our reality. I share it every week on Facebook hoping to fire a trigger. Art is for the people and a brilliant way to snap them awake. Thank you. God bless you and please make more art! We need you.
This shit goes deeeeep ❤
Have you watched the sequel he just posted the other day?
This is still one of the greatest documentaries of our time.
A documentary? Your kidding right? This is someone's work of art imo?
@@chris432t6 True but I think he means the message in it. Its beautiful but shows how we are puppets. This guy just knows how to make something so true and dark into a beautiful video
@Haywyre Savant ure little brain keep taking comments seriously
Child soldiers
I don't even get the point of hating this, you must be really ignorant to think everything is butterflies. This video shows crude reality.
We are not human beings with spiritual experiences.
We are spiritual beings with human experiences.
Since we talk about duality , I think both are true .
@@ridhaabroud3778 agree
Immortal Spiritual Beings ......enough now with these human experiences. Fantastic video.
depends what you view as spiritual.
This is not who we really are, this is what they taught us to be.
We have to wake up to our true self
So true
A huge step in life is when you start questioning things. We are taught so many things that are untrue. The next step is becoming able to reject lies and live in a more honest way. The hardest part is when you do that well, you find yourself very alone because so few people challenge the illusion. It’s not easy to walk that path, but evolution requires hard work.
@@reoire843 yeah it's a lonely fight, but we have to do it and speak our truth in hope that others start to wake up and see the world for what it is
@@Dems17 Yes indeed! All you can do is live the best you know how. Maybe that can help other people... Either way, I believe everyone has to find the next step forward in their own way. I don’t think anyone can do it for you. But it does help to have examples.
Блин😮,это наша реальная реальность. Нам выбираться надо из этой бл...ской с-мы.Обретать любовь внутреннюю и домой,к Богу❤❤❤❤❤
всех люблю всем блага дарю💚💚💚
@@schetchikstop 👍
It’s been a hell of a journey but I can feel the light growing inside of me and others around me. 55 years old and I’m still full of hope!
@Myself The next few years are going to be very though, for millions of people, you’re not alone, although it may feel like that sometimes. There are groups of people getting together in preparation for the coming storms. We’re forming ‘villages’, interconnected. It’s not a group of buildings; it’s something that we see as a way forward, a frame of mind, an approach towards problem solving and decision making. It’s the way you chose to connect with people. Find a group, form a group; we get through this together.
hope for what though? What are you hoping for and is that just blind hope?
How do we stop it ?
@@nelipatron827 I’m not sure if we’re supposed to stop it. ‘It’ is the result of generations of poor management. And we’re all responsible. Rather than stopping it I think there’s more to be learned from accepting it and riding out the waves. That may sound trite or petulant but personally I’m resolute in my understanding; this is an opportunity to change direction and try something different. And it starts within. Will I see its fruit? I hope so but I doubt it; so much healing is needed. The best we can hope for is that our kids are there for the turning of the tide.
Still full of hope? I guess everyone does.. But hoping in vain without a proper sight isn't the right way.
There two sides of the truth, this false habitual one (evil), and the one and only which convenient and suits
your hope, but the hidden black hats cult (as we've seen here) made everyone hates it..
To know what it is, look where their armies are pointing their cameras and guns.. They call it terrorism.
The fact this channel doesn't have other vids makes it even deeper
No it really doesn't.
@@lorainemohar5791 lmfao that’s funny as hell😭😭🤙🤙
@@sujahrazhid3714 hell isnt funny dumbass
@Cody Mitchell I doubt those people are connected to illuminati
All for some constant warfare
Периодически пересматриваю этот клип снова и снова. Хочется с кем-нибудь обсудить это видео, но даже не знаю, кому его отправить, скорее всего не поймут.
Этот мульт сравнительно мало людей понимают, особенно кто доверяет политикам и правительству и не важно в какой стране.
Я уже много раз смотрел, тут есть что-то не человеческое со стороны создателя анимации, тоесть посыла очень много, в каждой детали, и что-то не понятное в голове творится, навряд ли кто-то потратил уйму время и денег чтоб проста выложить только один ролик, да есть интервью с создателями анимации но можно же сказать что как и в сюжетах за каждым кто-то стоит. Но тут можно ставить на паузу каждый 5 секунд и изучать.
No need to talk to anyone about how relevant this video is, even after nearly 5yrs since it was first shown on UA-cam.
Still relevant in 2022 and beyond....
Пятый раз над ним рыдаю, мы живём теперь в этой хрени....
I saw this video for the first time 6 years ago. Since then, I most have watched this video hundreds of times, and I'm always crying tears of both despair & hope at the end.
Не бойся! И верь!
Same here, always crying even tho I have watched this video a million times already.
Al parecer no estamos solos, debemos unirnos
No despair my friend we have been corupted us occidentals but we are not the world and we will fight back. All of that is just duality and it is part of our experience.
Every time I watch this animation it shakes me to the very core. Between the music, the message and the feeling it imparts, no words are uttered once during the entire video, yet I always come away with strong feelings of gratitude and resounding conviction to rise above the base vices that surround us as a collective every day. Blessings to all who have found their way here. Keep fighting
It's profound. This video is 100% a masterpiece, I share it all the time and actually own a print from the artist.
Me too I’m glad I found someone else commenting on watching it again recently
Couldn’t have worded IG better myself.
This is what happened when they proclaimed God dead and began to worship science and money
0:11 Unity becomes Trinity.
0:18 Trinity assumes consciousness.
0:23 Infinity sprawls from Trinity.
0:30 Human consciousness awakens.
0:36 The Sun is eclipsed by a cubic, dark Earth.
0:46 A strange island punctuates dark water, like Earth in Space.
0:49 A floating cluster of wrong-angled skyscrapers floats above a grid of city dwellers.
1:03 Monolithic, one structure towers above the rest as the reference point.
1:05 Its penthouse, suggestive of a black cube, floats like the capstone on the dollar's pyramid and displays a sinister red glow. A tie to the worship of ancient forces, perhaps Saturn, is suggested.
1:13 Pillar-like forms are revealed to be robed cultists (Saturn devotees?) with heads bowed in fevered worship, invoking a Red Cube into existence. Each has a pipeline or control cable attached but from where?
1:21 The Red Cube of control infects a solitary host, and replaces his heart with a hollow and darkened space. It radiates and spreads.
1:23 New hosts are buckled under the weight of new pain and submit to the Red Cube.
1:28 GenPop either suffers chronic headaches/mental anguish or plays deaf to each other's experience.
1:33 Human sardines keep the pace of their labors in spite of their constant suffering.
1:41 Obsession with material property.
1:46 Obsession with image.
1:50 Mental decay from chronic stress and material distraction.
1:55 The blazing pace of time blown in unfulfilling careers.
2:00 Universal state of hollowed hearts and fogged minds.
2:03 The commodification of false happiness.
2:08 The adoption of The Lifelong Mask.
2:13 Indoctrination of intoxication.
2:22 Within the intoxicated state, the rediscovery of connection.
2:28 Is this child born of the union implied in the previous scene?
2:31 The child is intact with unspoiled energetic centers.
2:35 Upon birth, the child is traumatized and potentially poisoned.
2:39 The child appears to reject Red Cube control, the face is bored yet the mind reels with original thought.
2:42 The child's teacher/handler, black square cap and all, sucks out the divergent thoughts and the Red Cube appears.
2:45 Authority leads children to their destruction.
2:50 The adolescent is filled with empathy-numbing drugs and pushed by circumstance into the military, where another layer of control is installed.
3:00 War profiteers display their trade, and the media-woven veil over it is shown in action.
3:19 CUT TO COMMERCIAL (Imagery of false eternal bliss through possessions projected to children)
3:20 Hypersexuality standing in for talent, with the wink that signifies membership in a certain club.
3:23 The specter of casting couch culture takes its invisible toll.
3:25 Royals are also slaves to The Narrative.
3:33 Exaggerated role models fascinate the masses who project themselves onto the big screen.
3:27 Dark agendas seem to be behind cinematic trends.
3:42 Sexual shame creates allegiance to Red Cube.
3:47 Nothing material fills the widening hole left by the need for connection and acceptance.
3:50 Technology provides a savior in the form of a perfect distraction.
3:53 All reality becomes virtual, as persona replaces personality.
3:58 Romance replaced by an algorithm.
4:01 Conversation becomes nonverbal and 1-dimensional.
4:09 War becomes entertainment while victims remain invisible ghosts.
4:14 Narcissism distracts the population from the ruin of the environment.
4:18 Consumerism becomes the only available ecstatic experience.
4:20 Fashion oscillates between extremes to drive trends.
4:22 The invisible horrors of the fur trade stand in contrast to the artificial luxury.
4:25 The trance of cosmetics and the insanity of animal testing are juxtaposed.
4:30 Personality cracks after years of trying to fit fashion, and the incredible suffering of the female is revealed.
4:36 Desperate perversion surrounds a hypersexualized woman reduced to one dimension of existence. Masturbation; ejaculation.
4:44 Males deform themselves into hideous stereotypes for attention while their inner selves are crippled with loneliness.
4:46 Attention farming becomes the norm.
4:54 Red Cube drones pose as the counter culture. Counter cultural groups are really just feckless youths who crumble under pressure.
5:00 The willfully ignored reality of industrial meat and dairy production is displayed.
5:12 The brutality of consuming animals insatiably is portrayed.
5:17 The hubris of man reinventing the plant kingdom and its effect in the propagation of disease are shown.
5:28 Industrialized medicine and pharmacology as panacea are revealed as a grift.
5:41 The modern doctor is shown as a high priest in the drug cult.
5:58 Baphomet-pose doctor reveals "as above so below" darkness-to-control mechanism and is rewarded. (Pillars return.)
6:03 Dog-eat-dog goes literal on the Stock Exchange.
6:17 Taxpaper funds politician, who funds the military, who funds mercenary, who funds invisible war and terrorism (blocks of cocaine/heroin).
6:21 Addict pays dealers, who pay CIA traffickers.
6:30 Washington launders drug money to fund "foreign affairs." (blocks of cocaine/heroin)
6:35 Infinite amount of fiat currency is printed on demand to create the illusion of wealth. US debt rose from 22 to 30 trillion pre to post Covid.
6:40 Retirees are bilked and milked, their robberies celebrated by professional thieves in finance.
6:49 Water is commodified into oblivion. Death toll rises.
6:54 Indigenous peoples are destroyed in the name of "progress."
6:59 Dissent is criminalized, stigmatized, and the people go silent.
7:03 Entire populations are sold out by deals between like-minded sociopaths.
7:10 After centuries of overt enslavement, black people are herded into hells and in such circumstances, a generation loses its fathers to crime and drugs.
7:16 The social mechanisms destroying the black community are peddled to their young in glorified caricatures. New chains, new slaves.
7:20 From the bosom of their land, the pedestalled heroes' distant brethren dig up diamonds which are used to sell their music and perpetuate the cycle.
7:23 Proud ancestors donning regalia evocative of Shaka Zulu (the most famous Zulu king) look on with contempt at the new heir.
7:27 The madness of racism prevents alignment of the people against the minions of the Cube Cult.
7:34 Political correctness makes it impossible to talk about the issues.
7:42 Puppet pundits silence other voices (possibly the traditional mother and father) and provoke the faux-trage of anti-social media (cancel culture) by taking the moral high ground (social justice warriors).
7:48 Servants of grim and perverse agendas bring the post-human into the world through unquestioned technologies; transhumanism, sex changes, hormone therapy, compartmentalizing the brain (MK Ultra).
7:55 A familiar smile blinds millions to the unseen horrors of a celebrated Presidential career. Clues regarding rumors of pitch-black perversions, both overt and covert, are shown framed on a desk made of death. A flash frame reveals his internal breakdown.
8:02 The blinded masses project their hopes onto screens of false opposites who serve the same masters.
8:07 The Red/Blue Game takes everyone for "a ride."
8:10 The atmosphere is ruined while everyone refuses to witness it. Chemtrails.
8:12 A grotesque party goes on forever while Joe Public wanders through it without noticing the Bacchanalia.
8:18 Powerful pedophiles ply their trade with impunity, destroying the bodies and souls of the most innocent while parents pretend it can't happen. Families are divided in the Cube system and become easy pickings for predators within the foster machinery.
8:25 The Bogeyman of terrorism is constantly thrown at people until they cry for help from the nanny state, who surrounds them with surveillance and placates them with smartphones, which are also surveillance.
8:30 Screen addiction cocoons individuals in separate virtual realities until they are moribund.
8:41 The faithful servants in the media keep the space between story and experience intact.
8:49 The masses are crushed as increasingly hollow power figures pray to higher and higher layers of the Red Cube system. At the top, those who receive these energies (Archons) appear to worship their own Black Cube which traps the power, and they seem hardly human at all. These are protected by a sphere of masks, in turn protected by the military industrial complex.
9:33 One Cube Soldier reflects upon his life, home, and property, which fall away and reveal that he sold his soul for no security at all.
9:36 Collapse begins with the evaporation of the housing market.
9:40 Towers cut at 45-degree angles.
9:48 Masks crack and the Red Cube fails.
9:57 Plant medicine reclaims its territory.
10:00 The corporate world seeks shelter but finds only mutual desperation.
10:05 A smug manager loses his status, his sanity, and his life, a hollow man stuffed with hollow wealth.
10:17 Darkness flees its failing hosts to return to its origin.
10:23 The game is up, and suicide is pushed as the final product.
10:25 In the unconscious, perhaps pushed by survival instinct, people begin to remember their true natures and emerge and awaken from the trance into consciousness.
10:45 Man undergoes the shamanic evisceration, revealing the dormant pineal gland, now activated.
11:00 Direct confrontation with (Jung's) shadow/egregore/Demiurge (of individual and species) enlivens and emboldens the once-dead heart.
11:11 The scales of spiritual ossification fall off; kundalini is activated. Ascension with purpose.
11:27 Phoenix of the female rises from centuries of oppression.
11:44 Union of gender, purpose (peace with a sword at the ready / meekness), and with what appears to be the consciousness of the ancestors.
11:49 A child is born outside the Cube, full of power and wisdom.
11:51 The world tree regenerates and blooms.
12:05 The new human is awake. We see open eyes for the first time in the video.
12:24 Chrysanthemum hallucination hints at the regenerative power of psychedelics.
This is exactly true, give this comment some likes
Although I don’t agree with every aspect of your assessment, your breakdown is thorough and very well done.
Beautiful, i interpret no suicide but instead: willingly removing ones own mask by destroying it
@@alejkun4923 Exactly, it is the removal of the false ego and the uncovering of the authentic self.
How i can ctrl c ctrl v this coment in cellphone?
"It's called 'The American Dream!', *but you have to be asleep to believe it."*
-George Carlin
True that
@@6stripsrainbow indeed !!!! we are the lions waking now
@@donbrimstedt Greetings
The African dream
Your Carlin quote’s slightly wrong. And therefore not quite as relevant. It’s “cos” rather than “but”.👌🏻
I’m a soldier. That’s all I know. A soldier of love and peace but prepared to counter whatever comes. I love everyone who understands this video on the right level. We will all play our part. The struggle never ends, but a climax is at hand. Stay strong.
Stay strong stay smart my brother
Free Palestine
We are always together.
"и познаете истину, и истина сделает вас свободными.Иоан.8 " Итак, если Сын освободит вас, то истинно свободны будете.Иоан.8" "Иисус сказал : Я есмь путь и истина и жизнь; никто не приходит к Отцу, как только через Меня. Иоан.14" "если пребудете в слове Моем, то вы истинно Мои ученики, Иоан.8" "Пребудьте во Мне, и Я в вас. Как ветвь не может приносить плода сама собою, если не будет на лозе: так и вы, если не будете во Мне. 5 Я есмь лоза, а вы ветви; кто пребывает во Мне, и Я в нем, тот приносит много плода; ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего. Кто не пребудет во Мне, извергнется вон, как ветвь, и засохнет; а такие [ветви] собирают и бросают в огонь, и они сгорают. Иоан.15" "Итак покоритесь Богу; противостаньте диаволу, и убежит от вас. Иак.4" "противник ваш диавол ходит, как рыкающий лев, ища, кого поглотить. 9 Противостойте ему твердою верою,1Пет.5" "ибо без Меня не можете делать ничего. Иоан.15" "человекам это невозможно, но не Богу, ибо все возможно Богу. Мар.10" "Что вы зовете Меня: Господи! Господи! - и не делаете того, что Я говорю? Лук.6"
This is the most amazing thing I have seen today about what our world is. Thank you. Speak truth, always
Simona Galimberti Always ✊❤️🙏
Who made this? Do you know him/her? I just wanna see what they look like and what kind of other work they have, if anybody knows.
I am also as you, so much amazed. This piece, just 3 minutes in, has set so many thoughts and emotions, that I already posted like 5 or 6 comments, just trying to get some of them out. This is staggering! Absolute masterpiece. The gravity of which is sensed on a deep soul level. This is real. This is what it means to be human. This is how we know there is hope. There are good people all over the world, patiently waiting, fighting the good fight, and we are connected, yet so many alone. We are strong, but so often we fall and are weak, and yet, in silence we suffer. Ugh.
This is so inspirational. It set a kind of fire in me. I'm gonna need to rewatch this at least once every month or two, definitely saving it into my most cherished pieces of media.
It was made two years ago, and things are still getting worse. But, if I am doing right conclusions from history, people will rise against this order of things. I hope I'll be a witness or even a participant.
задумайтесь люди! в коих ещё осталась частичка разума, какое общество строят богатые ублюдки. пора остановиться или сгинуть в небытие мышиного эксперимента вселенной 25.
I hope this art inspires us all to act and live outside the shadows! I am ready to revolt against the lies I've been living and contributing to.
I love how our minds can interpret the depth of what’s being shown here just by artwork...
Language is spoken in many ways. Words are just one way of doing so
I am so happy to see that there are so many people who can see the meaning of this video!❤
Just goes to show how well they have communicated these ideas through such strong imagery.
A lot of the hermetic art is like memes. If you know the stuff it speaks a thousand words
Cool to notice the many languages in the comments. The video transcends language.
Это не просто видео , это наша жизнь , автор видео открывает глаза всем ,кто готов их открыть и посмотреть на этот мир другими глазами , освободившись от оков этой пирамиды и жить независимо ни от кого .Мурашки и слёзы на глазах от того насколько наш современный мир ущемлён кучкой гуманоидов возглавляющих эту пирамиду
I totally agree with you. NCSWIC WWG1WGA WORLDWIDE
Что бы осознать нужно изучить право человек его суверенность,и постится 40 дней !убить в себе все паразитов и зависимости от: еды, алкоголь,сигарет,секса ,тв,музыки !побороться с желаниеми навязыными удовольствием которое вредит в долгосрочной перспективе
@@ТимурРадригез-л3т стремление похвальное, но ради растождествления с тем, чем ты не являешься, бросаться сразу в 40-дневный пост - почти наверняка значит загубить благое дело. Начинать можно с 1 дня в неделю. Или ужины пропускать. И все равно всё начинается с осознания. Мышления важно менять в первую очередь.
С каждым просмотром, да и упадёт одна капля слезы. Добра вам❤️
@@MariaLokshina употребление пищи и стимулятором различных приводят к зависимости,а вот борьба сл стимуляторами даёт силу и свободу ) отказаться от удовольствия очень тяжело, особенно если ваше удовлетворение зависит от пищи) эйфорию можно получить от труда , например от физ нагрузки !от нее одни только плюсы)энергия,пластичность омоложение и так далее) кстати голодания омолаживает ,кровь чиститься и клетки новые рождаются
Pictures explain everything without a single word. Absolutely stunning.
The first time i saw this video i cried like a baby. Hits hard when you always have seen reality for how it is and feeling the heavy burden it comes with it. I'm glad i'm not the only one who sees reality for how it is.
Well said! I feel the same way...
You need to cry on yourself
@@thesoulkz Says the one who decided to make useless comments
I was awakened only last year. A lot of us are realizing the depths of the influence of evil. There will be more. Just you wait.
How do we get this played at Superbowl halftime?
We buy ad space during the SuperBowl. It only costs millions. But the masses have funded hundreds of millions of dollars of crowd sourcing!! :D
Kevin Sheller I went and crunched the numbers. 30 seconds of ad space during Superbowl is around 5 million USD. So for this awesome 13 minute video to play and awaken many it will cost around 130 million USD.
Sad that it takes so long to wake people. What if we splash water on their faces? Just like we do to wake them up from sleep? What if we someone cuts the power, what if someone hacks all the TVs to show this via UA-cam or Netflix? Oh wait, they'll get caught.....blah..we better play it so much everywhere, share it so much and trend it so much in social media that people play it themselves, just to see what's all the fuss is about, right?
HACK IT ..PLAY IT !!!!!👽
WHOA! OK. So that's a lot... Darn.
The whole video, everyone’s eyes are shut/indiscernible until the end when they finally break out of their mental prisons and see things for what they are. I didn’t notice that the first time watching this.
Wow!! I didn't notice it until now, been watching this with different people countless times
Wow! Thanks for sharing! Watched so many times and never caught this
This country has been built on dreams... And this year(2020) weve been dreaming BIG
The kid that is filled with drugs and turned into a soldier had his eyes open but to be fair they looked drugged.
Good take. Multiple viewings required. Just too much to take in on one view.
It's scary that as the time passes, this video becomes more relevant..
Not more relevant, just more seen now.
@@jennawhitecloud5680 Exactly. We're in the Revelation part of the 'movie'.
@@piczar41We are in THE END TIMES of Revelation INDEED, scary times and will get ALOT worse before it gets better with the return of CHRIST! 🙏🏻✝️
This is the most important video on the internet right now. Absolutely incredible
This is a satanic deception. For this very reason Christ is not mentioned once. Instead: a elusive saviour represented at the very end; Antichrist, and his six pointed merkaba: the false star of David. The sign of Israel are seven spirits before the throne of God. Therefor: whoever has discernment go to 12:25 and see:
The number of the beast is six six six - the emanating false MORNINGSTAR.
@@a-sheep-of-christ No
@@a-sheep-of-christ if you understood the level of minor kidnappings, abuse and others I do not wish to mention, no time could be better for the 2nd coming - but where, when? How much longer are innocent lives meant to suffer under your narrative. This is coming from someone with a deep understanding of where you a coming from and I am afraid I fail to see how a deity would allow more innocent lives to suffer, after all this time.
@@a-sheep-of-christ A murkaba has 8 points as it is a thee dimensional field, two pyramids overlapped. 666 is not the number of the beast that is a translation error. - Your thinking is in two dimensions and the Bible was not compiled from documents written in English. Pull the book of Aberham from your sight, all three of the Aberhamic religions are slaves because of it.
We are on the verge of a huge awakening. And everyone commenting on here are part of raising the collective consciousness. I believe in us, now more than ever. Love is stronger than fear, masses are finally seeing the truth, but a lot are still asleep. Don't hate on them, love them even more, they need it the most. The only reason "they" have all this power over us is because they work TOGETHER. If they can create all this harm, we can undo it all together and go back to the nature of who we are. I love you all, we got this 💫💛
@Moritz Jakob Stern yessssss💫🦋
I'd like to believe the world will get better but just by observation I honestly doubt it. This doesn't mean you give up hope within ourselves. It means we have to strive harder.
@@amaan6678 I'd suggest you to watch Ralph Smart's videos (infinite waters) his perspective always lifts me up. You can see he knows what he's talking about but he also has such a high vibe that fills you with courage and hope. EVERYTIME. Check him out if you have the heart to :) and I get it, things are going down, but a lot are waking up at the same time, a massive change is happening and it might get ugly before it gets better. Gotta focus on our own happiness and vibration first :) that's the most important thing we can be doing
@@staceylicata Thanks I'll definitely check him out. I'm also with you in the fact that we need to fix ourselves before we start to change the world. Me personally my hope isn't in the world getting better. The main reason for this is being a Muslim and there being many prophecies by our prophet (PBUH) about the world generally becoming further away from the truth and far away from GOD. Do you agree that there is satanic agenda being pushed forward? Anyway I pray you are in the best of positions. May peace be upon you.
@@amaan6678 I've only recently opened myself up to that possibility. I didn't grow up with anyone talking to me about it so it just never caught my attention, but right now I've been seeing many synchronicities. In every way, whether it's a satanic force or really flawed power hungry humans, it is to be fought in the same way : with the opposite living force, LOVE. The only thing we can do to help is truly believe that we can make it better and live in our light and with the light workers assisting us right now. We are not alone fighting, and dark is afraid of light. Let's shine so bright so they lose their way . Much love to you, remember we are in this together !
I come back to this every once in a while after learning more and I catch something new each time
Yes me 2
Same here.
haha, same here !
Whats new
I bet you watched I pet goat..
this video is gold. In every aspect. I love the animation, the style, the story. Everything.
You are fantastic. Don't stop. Don't brake, Don't slow, Don't show signs of wear. You are doing so well and we are all very proud.
Well, that means you are ignorant blind fool, because there is nothing new or original.
@ it means he now recognises what's wrong in this world and gives the artist compliments for it. So stop with the 'ignorant and blind'.
@ you are truly an @$$wipe. Pasting the same idiotic comment everywhere. Somebody piss in your Cheerios this morning or are you just taking time off from drowning puppies?
A P what did he even say?
Video was published almost two years ago, just saw it today. Only 2M views. Haven't had it in my recommendations, found through other similar content video. Masterpiece. Great job done and props to creators.
I found it by a friend showing 3 of us while we were in an... Expanded headspace. I'm sure you get what I mean.
Mikeureko how did u do that mate ?
Dear hackers of the world, would it be possible to broadcast this in stead of the evening news? I believe it would strangely brighten the day for many of us...
nightpost even the greatest hacker wouldn’t be able to do it, or he could for a very limited timeframe
@@koanzx1 thanks, so how do we proceed ;-) :-) what would actually be the maximum timeframe?
It's antisemitic ! What are you talking about ?
@@nantzstein3311 how is it antisemitic? Can you state where in the clip?
@@nightkondor ok try propagating this clip... be my guest
This is an absolute masterpiece!
Although it is already seven years old you can't get enough. I watch it every now and then because it's wonderfully smart and frighteningly truthful.
Also love the fantastic mesmerizing song.
Big thanks to all the creators!
Как же приятно читать коментарии, и понимать что на планете ещё остались здравомыслящие люди..
Мало того их становиться всё больше👍🙏🙂🎉
Так точно!
Ребята, а толку-то? В этой темной ночи бессмысленно открывать глаза, всё равно рассвета не видно
@@noctismidnight6278а не надо домысливать). Просто действие. Творим добро, запрещаем ненависть и страх. Быть свету, друг. Быть яркому свету в наших сердцах🥰.
This should be required viewing for the entire human race.
@@MatSkanzo I would agree what you say is accurate if one accepts the material world at face value. If one believes the human experience is all there is, then yeah, I would say ultimately everything is pointless since everything appears to be finite and so it has no lasting meaning (thus no meaning at all because once a value becomes nil then that's it: nil is nil and earlier values are irrelevant). But one has the freedom of mind to explore the possibilities of reality. I can't offer much physical proof of things beyond the material world. But I think when one becomes aware of truths beyond what the physical senses can offer, it changes your perception of reality. Personally, I see in that video a kind of grotesque parody of the human experience. With hints of transcendence to a level of existence beyond the mortal illusion. But I think art can be like a Rorschach inkblot, where different people come up with different interpretations of it. I will definitely say that it takes more than some UA-cam views to change the world :)
@@MatSkanzo >> My Friend, I am not totally agree.
The ultimate purpose of this life is to find its sense or meaning. When found, it would literally transcend you if you associate it with love of humanity. Life is a miracle that has been transformed by a game by the ones who create the rules of societies. But we are both human beings of freedom and deeply correlated to each other. The only reason these rules still exist is because we accepted them, even assimilated them.
IMHO your comment is clearly the result of this controlled mindset. Change your perspective and free yourself. Life is a miracle that needs hard work and consistent discipline. Paradise comes after.
I hope this helps., I agree with this sentiment but I also get where @Be Water Friend might be coming from. This experience can be full of pain and hardship. To rise above it and see past it takes the work of a lifetime, maybe many lifetimes, who knows for sure? But when you look at the illusion of suffering, it can be very daunting to think about how to change that.
All the hood kids need to watch this
@@MatSkanzo You're mistaken, you're still inside the box, I don't know what will make you think outside it but know this, this life is only an illustration, a test, the evil rules here, kick it's butt by being happy and don't chase money or material. Thank me in the afterlife.
This hits different in 2022.. so relateable
I wish you all a good journey 🙏❤️
Cause of your profile picture 👁️
Keep it up
@D C not u lucid
👁️ Carfull
@D C Simra Ramis 😉 riding the horse
I noticed that
Take this the matrix is getting wormer ⁉️
@D C 😉 Glitch 19
I like to come back here from time to time.
The Great Awakening
The ascension where the shadow, parasite, and inorganic ones cannot infect us and maintain their power any longer. Their greatest power is fear their greatest fear is us waking up to our true power.
Let’s rise up brothers and sisters! This is what we came here for!!! I choose freedom 🥰♥️❤️💜💕
@@lancemorin3967 the further away you try to get from "them" the more they control you. Because "they" are you. That is to wake up. To realise that the shadows are all inside you and that there is no one controlling you. For all is one. Darkness and light.
We need to fight for Full Disclosure!!! Check out the Secret Space Program series on Journey to Truth Podcast (youtube channel), and the documentary Above Majestic!
Even after watching this so many times in the past.... watching it now in 2022 shakes something in you like never before.
Never fear the darkness, forever seek the light my fellow beings. I love you all, my brothers and sisters ❤
Right🙏 Crist has won the battle
amen brother
Love will not be defeated!❤
Jesus Christ is the savior and our hope for eternal life. Prophecy in Revelation is coming true and it’s going to be a wild ride, we need God’s help going forward.
Это вообще один из самых наимощнейших роликов за всю историю ютуба...
Когда помню первый раз его посмотрел - взялся за голову, мурашки по коже, ком в горле, подкатили слёзы на глазах, и минут 30 я сидел как вкопанный.. Это просто....... без слов!!!
То есть ты для себя чт то новое открыл?
Счастливой Пасхи и да благословит вас Бог! Не очень хорошо знаю русский, но привет братья и сестры!
@@jesussavesall1601 и Вам здравия!🍀 Благодарю за добрые слова 🙏
Особенно насквозь пробило, в конце, когда Создатель наконец взглянул на свое дитя (человека)
I have come across your animations through recent years and today I finally found the original video. I have never felt as if another person truly understood how I see the world around me. Thank you. I do hope you are oke, always here to chat. Much love.
Уже сколько лет пересматриваю и слушаю эту музыку. Это же надо настолько шикарно сделать анимацию совместимую с музыкой! Трек шикарный, атмосферный, видео с каждым днём становится всё актуальнее
Это фильм от матрицы. Просыпайся. Тут все сказано.
@@alexandrelizarov5029 в каком смысле?
Нам преподносят ОТВЕТЫ! Нам РЕШАТЬ, что с ЭТИМ делать, чью СТОРОНУ принимать! ОТСИДЕТЬСЯ - НЕ ПОЛУЧИТСЯ!
@@Andrea-MONEYFEST И даже проснувшись всех и дальше будут в рабство загонять.
звуки четко напоминают речь во сне, когда паралиузет человека во сне...а окружающие слышат мычание невнятное...но человек во сне бессилен...пока его аккуратно тихим голосом не вернут...или звуками родными и привычными для мозга ТУТ
The artist who made this is a genius.
Yes. Sure. But the masseges in this file is too bad for us. Except we..Muslim's.he .or they want to tell us some things .. Not all of us can read it.. But there are awake up men.. In this world
He is not a genius. He awaken from the illusion of the Duality. He reconnected with the Universe, understood that everything is connected. That One is All And All is One. That s the process of the Consciousness. From the Micro to the Macro. To the Infinite.
@@Blue-nu9ts That's nice.... But those are just vague platitudes.
I was referring more to the symbolism and the technical execution.
@@Starbat88 exactly - these are finely executed pieces outlining the plans for us (like reading 1984/Brave New World). Except these are heavy on showcasing the symbology over story.
Here's a classic from 2013 (in case anyone missed it), I Pet Goat II (7m30s)
Great video
So many powerful truths in this. Unfortunately, but truly, a reflection of current reality and our history. So many "red pill" moments in this. This is what awakening looks like in artistic motion. Horribly beautiful and very important. Everyone should see and more importantly understand.
Love the profile pic
Show some very weird animation
Dude this video’s statement is “everything bad”. Eating meat=bad. Fruit=fake. Vaccines kill babies chakras. This shit is ridiculous and you’re a fool to take it seriously
Yea, the most is true...But idk, vaccines?
@@nicolasthompson8877 its showing how the animals are pumped up with hormones and anti biotics that is making people sick with cancer...not that meat is bad.
i first came across this video when i was just a little girl and barely understood it. now i’m back and i’m older, and this video has grown too in a way that makes it more relevant than ever before. every day we get a step closer to the total collapse of everything we’ve ever known, and i feel no more hope left inside me for humanity. it does not pain me only because i know it has already been ending long before i was born. the human race has already created its own inevitable pathway of complete destruction. i only hope that i do not exist in my current flesh and blood when the end arrives, only so that i may enjoy the rest of this current and natural life that i have been gifted.
perhaps i have deluded myself in my own selfishness as to not be witness to the total collapse of humanity within my lifetime. i do not wish to feel the pain and suffering or see the horrors that will occur. however, i do wish for this current man-made suffering to end. yet as long as humanity exists there may always be a suffering that persists, and our only salvation is death. i wish to transcend and leave my humanity behind no matter the cost, my soul and mind both seek continuous seeing, learning, and experiencing the unknowable far beyond these physical binds of my own flesh and blood. i seek mercy by those who are greater than our simple existence. i wish to escape these mortal confines and have my being set free.
@@unidentifiedsigmaThe problem is that when you die you are not free. You are what you were before you were born, and you are what you are after you die. Although the majority of humanity says that they believe in heaven and hell, none of us actually believe in life after death. We only deceive ourselves. This is because they are afraid of death and they satisfy their egos with heaven and hell. We are so afraid of death that we exploit the world like pigs because we will never be able to come to this world again. As if the world was not enough for us, we believe that after death we will be reborn immortally in a place like the world. human is a selfish creature.
I've been deeply concerned about our emotional and mental climate for years, but never have I seen anyone sum up the situation as coherently and totally as this! Love the ending. We need the consciousness revolution!
And, indeed, the opportunity to do just that with full-on ability can now be examined for its veracity AND empowerment. If more than talk is your intention, I suggest you get acquainted with the SELFGnosis Trilogy. It's first book is available here: Not shameless promotion, simply access to unheard-of info...
Espen Monserud you are that.
That will never happen. They grab the kids as infants and by the time they teenagers they are conditioned and personality disorders are out of control.....we don't have a sane society to begin with.
Espens unite!
Espen Mons halfway through... Waiting for then ending.. If this doesn't sum up the world I live in nothing does..
At the end of the video where they showed the closed eyes open and looking inside them you could see the twinkle of the universe, I cried.
I cried because I remember seeing that twinkle in myself and others. This system will slowly dwindle and remove that twinkle from you. Your eyes are not only a window into your being but a place of inspiration and creativity. Your face is in place of the second highest chakra with the head being the first highest. Your eyes are powerful, meaningful and give information on every image you look upon influencing the head chakra. The twinkle is what makes you an intelligent being capable of connecting yourself to the universe and obtaining divinity, when that twinkle is gone it's so hard to get it back.
Powerful video and I'm glad I watched it, giving me strength to change my life and reject a manipulative system.
Raihannah Taylor your towing about the blue thing that’s strike when she open her eyes
But the system you lament is a product of the human mind and human desire, if you want to change the system change what you desire.
Twinkle. I like it.
LAM Alien a man is not enough
Wow very true
Interesting how UA-cam doesn’t recommend this
It recommended for me
Yeah, me too
I wonder why UA-cam didn't block it
I'm surprised they aren't featured by name in this
They just did💀
6 years later even more relevant then ever
Every year I come back to this video to comment the same thing. This is even MORE relatable, relevant and accurate THIS year. Love and light wins
Similarly :-D
The Storm is coming. Nothing can stop what is coming. Where we go one we go all.
@@cincarevic nothing like the end, the leader of this bacchanal will be destroyed along with his followers like you, even if it's the whole world of fools....Mahdi (peace be upon him) will start this war and Jesus (peace be upon him) son Maryam (peace be upon her) will finish....all liars and hypocrites will be destroyed.....there will be a time of prosperity on is you liars who have no other way but to become the test subjects of the one-eyed dajjal antichrist....he will squeeze all the juices out of you and turn you into shapeless creatures, as you deserve
God bless you
@@antiglaz6058 I spy with my little eye a religious zealot. 👁
I remember when this first came out. Didn't know if I could find it again. Typed in "dystopian video on life", and found it. Absolutely chilling. The enslavement of an entire species is terrifying, the ones in power, the shadows, are not human. And they hate every last one of us.
Thanks for saying it. The ones in power come from darkness, are incapable of having empathy or feelings.
They just cant be human.
@@hellucination9905 I believe they are not
And most don’t even see the enslavement and contempt and it baffles my brain
They are human. They were just born into power and wealth. But they are also sleeping themselves. Humanity is one. There is no "other"
The reality we live in now is even worse than what was portrayed in "fictions" such as Brave New world, 1984, and The Matrix. Because the control and suggestion that created it is sufficiently subtle that many don't understand
No it's not and if you suggest that then you have never read 1984.
Yes, but actually no.
no, just no. shut the fuck up and actually read a brave new world
A realidade é muito pior do que ficção.
Yeah, people definitely don't understand...
By far one of the best videos I’ve ever watched… Ive always had this feeling deep inside me and this video nailed it … years later and still watching
I'm crying so hard right now... such horrific truths, yet such a pure, powerful message about piercing the layers of veil in society, facing what's beyond, and obtaining a higher understanding and way of life, like phoenix from the ashes, not just for yourself, but for those to whom you show the way in the future. So beautiful!!!
This moved me to tears as well. Might be the best piece of art I have ever experienced.
This video is a masterpiece.
Congratulations, you were able to sum up what is really happening in this world in just over 12 minutes - you also presented what lovely things will happen when we open up our hearts! You are a BIG hearted, artistic, astute, articulate, amazing genius.
joan varley you know what is happening but you don’t know who is creating it.
The west has lots its touch of its culture, history, and it’s ancestral lands. It’s all been replaced with mindless, empty consumerism.
Everybody is letting it happen. Not just the elite, but everybody that sits back and watches it unfold either too mindless or too unwilling to do anything about this dystopia we have created for ourselves.
I read autistic.. HEHE...
Every year I come back to this video and the problems are worse. People will never wake up
The importance of this work of art is immeasurable.
*Боже, это восхитительно!!! Это лучшее что я видел в своей жизни!!!*
*Уместить все современные антиутопичные реалии в 13 мин. автор просто гений, браво!!!*
ПРОЕКТ АВРОРА не стоит благодарности!
Как с языка снял, реально лучшее
Всё сказано бес слов(((
ты в пещере что ли вырос? ты жалкий и ничтожный льстец
Символикой данный шедевр пронизан на каждой секунде. Все до последних 15-20 секунд - происходящая реальность. Концовка - путь выхода, освобождение от иллюзий, ключ - открыть глаза и все увидеть, а не смотреть , молчать и верить.
Ну так ты так и живешь терпила
"In Shadows" is a remarkable film for its ability to anticipate contemporary societal issues. Through its exploration of themes such as isolation, technology, and alienation, the film provides a prophetic insight into the challenges our society may face. By shedding light on the tensions between the individual and modern society, "In Shadows" offers a profound reflection on the human condition. Its ability to capture the nuances of everyday life and present them in a poignant manner makes it a cinematic masterpiece, undeniably ahead of its time.
I thought I was crazy for thinking like this. When I saw this video.. words can't explain man
I've always felt this way xx
I you wish i could give you a bunch of bibliography and movies that shows how our economic/ social system works without counting on us to understand it. Voici some examples:
-fake reports to justify the invasion of south countries like Syria
-pharmaceutical industry testing medicine in african population in exchange for food
-the new """green""""" deal itself
-the renewable energy which is not renewable at all
-how our States work with mafia and dictators just to keep their interests safe
-how we promote a life-model based in consomation that harms terribly the countries of which we obtain our resources
-How xenophobic speeches are made to hide the consequences of our way of life has in evironnement and people by hating the strangers
-How new "needs" are created to sustain the profit of a small amount of people
-How enterprises like Montsanto threw to seas and rivers tonnes of PCBs, which are strongly toxic, poisoning entire communities and destroying ecosystems, AND EVEN knowing the consquences just to keep selling...
-How our States are partially financed by private capital, by "obligations" (and other stuff.... that's economic bullshit, not easy to understand at first xD) so public and private power are almost the same nowadays...
I could continue for a while xD
@@Humanosoy amazing comment I've saved it. Are you Q? #WWG1WGA
@@Humanosoy 🤗❤🐸👈👊Kek
Thinking like what your comment makes no sense
The ending when humanity rose up as a phoenix gave me chills and the ending literally took my breath away for a moment....simply amazing.
Ch33f they killed the evil and made a new world that’s what we need to do
@@nichoalsnastari8335 I believe that was representing God, and how he will help us overcome evil.
franco god is us
@@nichoalsnastari8335 God is not us and we are not God. We can never be God. But God loves us and wants us to be close to Him. We owe him everything but He owes us nothing, and yet he offers us the chance to be with Him. The sliver opening up in the heart of the man in the animation against the dragon of Satan is Christ's power in us overcoming all evil. It's beautiful.
@@James.B.Russell Please, open your eyes....
This video has been created by awakened beings, to give encouragement to all who are in the process of awakening.
Thank you- YES!
You want an awakening? Those that killed the Son of God and hate Him with every ounce of their being are currently in charge of every facet of your life.
@@PomazeBog1389 here goes a Nazi
@@dianejensen3420 We are unity
@@PomazeBog1389 You want an awakeing ? The concept of jesus was created in the council of niceaa during the byzantine empire to unite the different religions of the empire. They combiened sun worship paganism with the messiah of judaism and attributes of krishna from where the word christ comes from. They took one israeli military general named yeshua that was crucified by emperor Hadrian and attributed to him the combined religious beliefs.
From then on religion has been used as a fearmongering and control tool to hide from humans the true power of their soul and the true nature of god.
I've been showing people this since I found it 6 years ago. This is America now more than ever.
For me, this is saying that we have all been living under mind control....hypnotized, Distracted and entertained and oppressed and exploited and pitted against each other by people who are in turn controlled by others and so on until the top...and it seems hopeless...til something breaks in man and woman and we see through the illusions and the masks break free and we all wake up from the nightmare movie we've been shown and realize what life is really all about...what's important..and that spark has never been extinguished by any oppressive force in history. The masks are breaking. The facade is falling apart. They can't delete everyone fast enough. Stay awake and stay alert.
i'm watching 👀
@@UA-camChannel-dk5xv I didn't get religion our of this. I got that the Cor of everything is life...and rebirth. I got that we can break out of these boxes whenever we're ready.
@@UA-camChannel-dk5xv I didn't associate any of what I saw with those stories. I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. Different perception. That's why I don't fear content
@@JoeJoeSing Didn't see religion content either.
@@ivonnasercuchowa1361 I understand the juxtaposition but only after it's pointed out to me. That was that guy's perception. Hit me much deeper. This was about the human spirit. Life. Reality
Мне 41 и я проснулся. Отсутствует страх, понимаю что происходит в общих чертах. И очень рад что проснулся не в 90 лет. Есть сила и желание менять все вокруг. Начну с себя, потом со своего окружения. Всем добра.
Если не затруднит то напишите то что именно вы поняли и что мы должны делать
Лучше в личку
До времени Нового Человека (того ребенка и когда откроются глаза) ещё далеко. В этом ролике эзотерические постулаты. Но в любом случае эволюционный процесс развития жизни как явления не сдержать. Либо мы двигаемся дальше, либо самоуничтожение. С умирающим капитализмом и денежной системой в новый мир нам не по пути. Будущее как говорит Савельев принадлежит лучшим из сортинга это люди думающие. Миром будут править не денежные мешки а программисты. Просто нужно понять как сломать систему валютных и крипто бирж, только так можно уничтожить кредитную и денежную системы
@@Birobidzhan777 каждый человек должен выбрать свет и любовь.
As I expected, there are people who control this world and are dictated by world leaders, and if they don't like a head of state they overthrow him with elections or coups, they control the media and corrupt the common sense of children through teachers. and all mankind. They have been controlled by the media, cell phones and the internet.
this deserves an award!
Nightmare Dawn
right like it teels truth, this video is woke as fuck
Straight up it does
The truth will not get any awards anytime soon...
That exact statement is one of the problems examined in this video.
the truth and the first in itself
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light”. - Plato
These was the scariest truth we people of today's generation need to know
Sad to say no one will stand up. People just want that blue pill so bad.
I'll be honest here. These days, I kinda do understand the problems of modern world, but what can I do? I'm just a guy among billions of people. Sure I can talk to people, but that's meaningless
What I dread isn't just the problems. It's the powerlessness that terrifies me
@@CBRN-115 power is in numbers honestly. find a group or join groups where you can build numbers and join together
@@apples8872 the problem with that is the break up groups. the monitor social media well.
@@CBRN-115 change yourself that's how you change the world
Saw this few years back when I still had fb and shared it on my timeline. 600 fb friends, a couple of likes and 1 comment. Most people are in complete denial of the shadows of our societies.
I learned it the hard way when I tried to fight corruption in the Netherlands, and learned everywhere they are corrupt, lawyers, doctors, judges, social workers, you name it they are corrupt. All protecting the corporations, a society morphed by narcissistic traits to become useful idiots without morales.
@@anglojojo Yup it is not "here" or "there" it is everywhere. But a society can only "carry" the corrupt to a certain percentage. If too many people are corrupted, you go over the event horizon, it becomes a positive feedback loop and the entire society/country/empire implodes, explodes, a lot of people suffer and die and then from the ashes, people stand up that say let's build back better from last time, we learned our lessons... And the circle starts again. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times, etc. etc.
As long as humanity collectively won't understand this pattern and willing to break it, we are stuck in it forever... We still have a chance, but the West (en Nederland net zo goed indd) is terminally ill imo and I don't have faith left....
Now I understand why it is said by that there won't be an everyone be at the end. Do what you can without damaging your own soul ❤️🌈
"You're so negative". If the news doesn't tell you to join the hype and shed a crocodile tear for a story, you just don't need to care. I hate it all so much.
There's more truth here in 13 minutes than you get in 12 years of state education
superkruger dammed us to hell
superkruger so true
They should make a video game based on this art style same story your mission destroy the empire and renew the earth
superkruger well shcool is gay
I’m not generally into animation, BUT the message behind this is dope, despair laced with sadness until man once again remembers who he is at the end.
This is brilliant! This is EXACTLY what art is about! Strong statements, symbology, portrayals of TRUTH with no words. VERY POWERFUL! The ending gives us so much hope as the days seem to be growing darker and darker and crazier and crazier. BRAVO to all played a part in making this! Спасибо! So much love and respect to you all!💖💖💖
Agree 100%!
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious" C.G. Jung
In Shadow
It's a shitshow
This is a masterpiece. I come back to this video over and over, thank you for your labor to bring these images to life.
No words were needed and yet the video still said so much!
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.
-Abert Einstein
@Kalash Clearly that's not even saying much, lol.
Oscar Wilde said that
Albert fraud einstein is part of the problem
@@semperfifd2l143 ikr.... All of his theories were fuckin wacko
Einstein aka Freemason
This video should be shown to every human on earth
Help spreading it nobody stops you
10% will only understand it (+other 10%) and the rest will just follow one of those two groups...
If only , I love the attitude!!!!
@@DJ-Ruski facts
They didn’t need to say anything. A picture is worth a thousand words.
faceless dwarfs. \БЕЗЛИКИЙ КАРЛ\202
I love how the one moment when the characters actually acknowledge the viewpoint is when the "camera" moves upwards to expose the pinnacle of corruption. They turn their heads to the "camera". No one else does this, they are all oblivious to the observer. To me, this is the pinnacle of the power of this animation. That and the wonderful ending where man and woman stand together and a new awake being is born.
Profound masterpiece. A must see for everybody on this planet. No film, animation or book portrayed my vision on how I perceive the world as this animated wonder. I bow to you, Sir. Thank you for this excellent animation. The message, symbols, animation and soundtrack all magically work together and add up to the sum of all fears.
"Must see" but did you share this on your family & friend? I've never know about this until i search it by myself.
What did you get from it?
This describes so much. The ending is exactly how awakening occurs. It’s instant. People expect it to be fantastical. But it’s similar to waking up from a dream...
Yes, although perception is unique to each individual I too felt how the ending mirrored much of my own abrupt awakening.
for some, it’s instant. for the majority, it’s a long, painful process...
@@ickytips took me some time to wake. I kept denying it from fear but I learnt to accept it. I'm happier than I was.
Disgusting speech 10/10
@Rez Sallas im agnostic.
Странно, почему раньше мне этот ролик не попадался на глаза, тот кто его делал просвещён в этой теме, показал всё как есть!
То же самое подумал. Странно , что увидел его только сегодня.
Момент с чакрами вообще пушка))
..да.. ..)
Точное описание того-что-есть наш мир...
Действительно целый год валялся на просторах ютуба и он нам попался)
I’m Korean I always remember this. This video reproduces modern society very well. As the years go by, it is becoming more realistic.
I watched it in 2020, and I'm watching it now in 2022. I'm from Russia and then I was struck by this masterpiece, today I'm reviewing it and I'm even more shocked. The author is a genius!
это видео я увидел года 3 назад в первый раз.
в то время я все понял и промолчал, а сейчас я не не знаю как выразить свои эмоции... великолепная смысл заложена в этом произведении.
огромная благодарность команде тех ребят кто создал этот шедевр...
всех люблю всем блага дарю💚💚💚
i imagine people from the future seeing this and imagining the horror that we live today, i hope we survive and thrive
I'd like a future.
Maybe tomorrow we won't be here anymore. (I mean every single living being).
@@magnusscheck4425 in so many ways it will be the best outcome:)
Me too man, this psycho matrix that we live it´s is insane!
Congrats from Brazil. I hope the future will be better for us, even if i have to die to go to the paradise or a reality that´s make sense.
Every time I come back to watch this video, it seems more relevant than the last time.
Keep coming back to this masterpiece. Stay strong everybody ♥️ You're not alone!
Same here. When I start feeling hopeless, I pray and then I watch it again. There's hope, let's stay strong in faith, we're heveanly seeds !
I am pleased to come back to this video and see everyone's comments, I hope we get to engage each other more than just text and really feel and transport this feeling though our day to everyone we meet. Thanks for the kind words! I wish everyone the best!
Remember, the Devil comes as an angel of light, he doesn't come at you with satanism usually... he does that for the edge lords, the rest of the world... he puts on the appearance of light, he transforms himself into an angel of light. All of this consciousness stuff, and inner god stuff is the same lie from the garden of Eden. "ye shall be as gods" hogwash!
Ecclesiastes 1:9
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
They outnumber us brother …
Made me feel like "I can do better" - for myself, for my loved ones, for the world.
You can, and will. Given your resolve is powerful enough, this house of cards is ready to fall any minute.
Remember, the Devil comes as an angel of light, he doesn't come at you with satanism usually... he does that for the edge lords, the rest of the world... he puts on the appearance of light, he transforms himself into an angel of light. All of this consciousness stuff, and inner god stuff is the same lie from the garden of Eden. "ye shall be as gods" hogwash!
Ecclesiastes 1:9
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”
we can do better indeed, well said
Do not give up on allah
To whoever who reads this. There's a lot of things from the Bible that is not true. The Bible didn't even exist at the time while Jesus was alive. The people who created the Bible were bad people who worshipped the bad Gods and manipulated the most parts of the Bible and The New Testaments. Jesus is actually named after one of the bad Gods, and the picture they've used of Christ everywhere is not the real Christ. Christ's real name is Yeshua Christ / Yeshua Ben Yoseph. He has green eyes, short brown hair and beard and tan skin. He was a good man with a big and beautiful heart, and we all have a part of Him within us. He was a spiritual teacher, together with his beautiful wife and twin flame Mary Magdalene. They traveled the world to teach people about spirituality and how to connect with the Archangels and God (Mother Father Prime Creator). They wanted us to live in harmony and peace, and share a lot of unconditional love. The bad Gods wanted to kill Yeshua, cause they knew how much love and light he would bring into this world. That's why He died when He was 39. He didn't die for our sins, he was tortured to death by the bad ones. Religion was created by the bad Gods cause they want us to live in fear to break us apart and create war. They don't want us to have freedom. When you live in fear, it makes you sick. I just wish for people to look up His real name and do some research on Google and YT. That's why the evil has been around for so long cause people have been praying to the wrong stuff. Just remember : Your soul is made of eternal love and light by Mother Father God. You are protected, you are guided, you are safe, you are supported. You are unconditionally loved. Don't be scared. Follow your heart and trust your instincts, cause that's your soul speaking to you. Heal your heart, cause that's when you'll be able to love yourself unconditionally. When you love yourself unconditionally, you will be able to love everyone else unconditionally and you can help the rest of the world. It's time for us to shine with our inner light, and come together and work together, to fight for our freedom and live in harmony and peace ❤️✨
Если бы люди знали что это правда которая очень скоро случится.В конце этого ролика Иллюминаты вам показали Парня и Девушку с мечом.Пророк Мухаммад сообщил о том что в последние времена Всевышний отправит "Имама Махди".Махди это пара парень и девушка с мечом 2 посланника Всевышнего придут сразу после 3 мировой войны.Очень скоро.
Суть социального паразитизма.
@Владислав Шаповал ДА ВЫ ПРАВЫ 🤔
Вся суть этого ролика за 5 минут
This never gets old. I've had this video in favorites for years and everytime I watch it I get chills