I tend to cast more across than down, to get a dead drift with the flies moving at the speed of the current. When they get a bit further downstream, I mend the line to keep them moving slowly for longer. Never entirely sure I'm doing the right thing tho! Thanks for your helpful vid.
@@ralpabetical All methods can work or fail, short casts I will often cast square then as my casts get longer I cast more down river to slow the flies down a bit. I am not putting myself on a angling pedestal what works for you keep it up, on a long day I will try all sorts and i can still have a fishless day. Regards Rod
I love swinging wets and spiders but am losing fish, particularly when they hit on the hang. Any advice about ‘striking’ when fishing wets? Also, what weight nylon are you using here?
@@stuartmarriott8056 Hi I am the master at losing fish but I have found that a strike is not required just lift the rod a little modern barbless hooks go in so easily and that is the problem they come out so easily , I like a hook shape in which the point curves back on its self a little also wide gape and heavier wire helps. Nylon now I seldom go less than 6lb, modern stuff is so thin now. Regards Rod
With down stream wet fly the line is under tension most fish make a hard pull that is so easy to detect, the thing is not to over react too that pull and strike hard and break off. It is just one more skill to add to your fly fishing, in answer to your question I do very little retrieving but have a go your fish may want it. Regards Rod
The panic when the net starts drifting down the river, we've all been there. Good save and another great video 👍
Thanks 👍😃
Keep up the great videos
I love wet flies and fishing with them. I use them in various ways, not just down and across. I oon;y use one fly at a time. :-) Nice video.
Thanks for your interest 😊
I tend to cast more across than down, to get a dead drift with the flies moving at the speed of the current. When they get a bit further downstream, I mend the line to keep them moving slowly for longer. Never entirely sure I'm doing the right thing tho! Thanks for your helpful vid.
@@ralpabetical All methods can work or fail, short casts I will often cast square then as my casts get longer I cast more down river to slow the flies down a bit.
I am not putting myself on a angling pedestal what works for you keep it up, on a long day I will try all sorts and i can still have a fishless day. Regards Rod
I love swinging wets and spiders but am losing fish, particularly when they hit on the hang. Any advice about ‘striking’ when fishing wets? Also, what weight nylon are you using here?
@@stuartmarriott8056 Hi I am the master at losing fish but I have found that a strike is not required just lift the rod a little modern barbless hooks go in so easily and that is the problem they come out so easily , I like a hook shape in which the point curves back on its self a little also wide gape and heavier wire helps. Nylon now I seldom go less than 6lb, modern stuff is so thin now. Regards Rod
how are you detecting bites - visual or do you make a retrieve?
With down stream wet fly the line is under tension most fish make a hard pull that is so easy to detect, the thing is not to over react too that pull and strike hard and break off. It is just one more skill to add to your fly fishing, in answer to your question I do very little retrieving but have a go your fish may want it. Regards Rod