Great tips Frank!!! Thanks to fanciers like you who is willing to share knowledge to everyone without hesitation. That promotes our sport and encourages new flyers. Again thanks Frank and stay safe and healthy my friend.
Thank you and I am happy if I can help. I have had major success without a lot of work and that alone will help many fanciers balance life/family with pigeons. It is nice to be competitive.
Hey Frank! Thanks to you I competed in my first pigeon race on August 31st and won by an outstanding margin of 127 YPM over the second participating loft and 158 YPM over the 3rd place loft! I had 12 birds on the first drop and they dominated. Also everyone in my club lost birds except for me because of your early education methods. Even my cross breed pigeons did well and scored points for my loft. I hope nobody else in my club starts watching your videos!! Thank you Mr. McLaughlin!! 😊
Another great, down to earth, simple, solid, advice packed video Frank. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I learn something (many things) every time.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Hi Frank, I live in Florida, I raced pigeons with my father in the UK for 20 years, he 76 and still racing. I send him the links to all the videos you share, we discovered the wonder of barley many years ago, in a similar fashion to yourself, we were feeding our stock pigeons on a mostly barley mixture to keep them light and noticed how well they handled and flew around the loft. Over the years though we've gotten away from using it so much. Your videos have reawakened that discovery, and barley is now making a much needed comeback in Dad's loft. He's a long distance man, competing only in National Racing, so no weekly club races, and barley is going to help keep the birds lighter. I'm no longer directly involved in the management of the birds, but we talk on the phone every day and I enjoy being home in the summer for a couple of the big races. Thanks again I really appreciate your candid no nonsense advice.
Hello Kenny, It is so much more fun when you can race with less effort, feed right and win with the pigeons. This will drive your competition nuts. You may be able to add another hobby. lol
hi Frank I have been using your methods I have been very competitive finishing second almost every race in our club. I just won my the first race. At 1592 yd per minute starting to get it dialed in thanks so much Frank😊
I’ve been racing pigeons all my life tried a lot of different methods mostly trial and error I’m always at the top of the sheet and I’ve come to almost the same exact methods thanks for sharing
Frank thanks so much for the inspired by you and your feeding program...thanks so much for you meeting my needs so promptly! You are the man !
Hello frank! I started watching your video 1 week ago and I tried the barley system. Last Saturday we have a 130miles race and a got a good result with the feeding system. Thank you and happy flying.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons looking forward for this season. I am working with the measurement right now. Can please give me an idea on how many grams of 20% mix and 80% barley for the 15 birds. Much appreciated. Thank you
Easiest to feed a little at a time until they start to walk away and leave a handful of barley in the feeder. If you want to measure and do not train much see this video:
Good Day Frank! My birds are doing great week after week since I apply your feeding and training system. In this coming Saturday 250miles, we have a very challenging race with a headwind and a cloudy forecast all day. Can you please give some advice on how I gonna prepare my birds in this king of race. Thank you in advance.
Just so glad to have someone to promote the sport and help new flyers just got back after 15 absence and the emails from flyer in my combine ready to go absent again
Thank you so much. I am having much fun with UA-cam and sharing what works for me. Been living pigeons for 50 years and love to win but do not have the time to work too hard at it.
Hello Frank, your videos are very interesting, and your advice as well. I thank you immensely. Please consider making a video about preparing pigeons at the end of the molting period and the beginning of competitions
My first clock from 1973 was on the table and it was very very old then. All the owners signed inside the cover of my first clock and I printed my name also. I may show this sometime.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Hey sir would it be ok to use that wormer you suggested the name escapes me at the moment.. on young birds that are still moulting a bit? Neck and ears
Yes, you can use the Quest Wormer when they are molting. I will put link here. I just wormed my young bird team a week or so ago.
Great to hear and keep the faith. Game is not difficult with good pigeons, kept healthy and trained adequately. Perfect body weight for the races makes such a big difference. I have late breds off my race team that may work for you and they are super. Email me.
Hi Frank. First, I want to thank you for all the information you are sharing with all your followers, in my modest opinion, this is the right way to keep more people in our sport/hobby, which unfortunately, have been dying slowly because of multiple issues but mainly lack of cooperation and greedy from top fliers. I’ve seen all your videos and I believe a have a great idea of your method, but you haven’t mentioned any other products that you can find in pigeon supplies and promoted by big name flyers, like creatine, vit B 15, etc. Do you use any other products?
Thank you for this. I have used Creatine Monohydrate in the mid 90's and did not find any benefit. I have also used B-15 back in the 90's and got away from it because again I feel fanciers do it because the old timers were giving it years ago. There may be some benefit but not going to make much of a difference. This year I was very busy and did not use my normal supplements. I never mixed anything on the feed, I never gave yellow drops and my pigeons were winning long races by a wide margin. I feel for fanciers just moving to natural health that the supplements I suggested will help. My birds being antibiotic free for so many years maybe do not need all the natural health products.
Once you Master Feeding you will Master Racing. If you can nail the body weight the game gets very easy. Watch my other feeding videos for more insight if you have not already watched them. My favorite is here:
Hola Frank.Sigo tus vídeos y tus artículos desde Galicia(España) y me parecen súper interesantes.Soy colombófilo desde hace 7 años y es la primera vez que veo a alguien explicar tan bien las cosas:el cómo,cuando y por qué hacerlas. Muchísimas gracias!!!,intentaré aplicar tus enseñanzas en mi palomar. Saludos!!!
I am a manager and want to have success without spending too much time. Most of what I do is common sense but most of what the sport does is the same as their grandfathers did.
Great video as always! Keep ‘em coming 😁 so my birds do eat chopped carrots from my garden before they get feed. And on the big races/hot weather I have added lemon juice to their water- I think that definitely helps them. And I have added the Byers recovery oil in their feed during racing season once a week. Do you think adding a few crushed cloves of garlic in the water helps with respiratory issues?
I feel everything you are doing will only help and be positive. Chopped carrots are so low calorie and can fill the pigeons up. Garlic and lemon are both positive. Maybe keep doing what you are doing and implement some of my methods.
How about if short distance but the bird is need tooad and sheep on Thursday sleep in the truck for 2 nights and release on Saturday morning. Is the feeding the same?
hi Frank thanks for your no-nonsense approach you are a breath of fresh air for us fanciers @ I have spent many hundreds of euros buying pigeon videos and books over the years mostly fanciers blowing smoke up there own ass ? i have learned more in a few sessions watching your no-nonsense system from your loft set up to your training and most of all feeding methods thank you so much ps it was a great honor for me to meet you in Blackpool last month kindest regards peter
Hi Peter, You are too nice to me. I keep it simple with good pigeons and correct feeding. Most make this game too difficult. I hope to see you again next year.
Frank we have had 96 degree temperatures 100 to 120 heat index for over 20 days expected to be that way for another 2 weeks. I managed to get them 10 miles with the few cool mornings we have had. I have had them on 70% barley the entire time. A real hard time getting the birds trained.
It is much better to maybe miss a couple races or not be competitive early to save the team from the crazy heat. I bet most of your competitors trained through it and the losses were very high plus the birds get hurt. I started today. Drove around and released in front of the lofts. First race was today for my combine but I will be ready middle of September and race to get the pigeons for experience until the November 2nd convention.
Hi Frank, thank you for all your tips. What you say about feeding makes sense but I think it depends on the weather/temperature, pigeon lines, loft setup, moulting stage, system (natural/widowhood) etc. I tried feeding light like this and the birds loft flying gets worse. They fly less, with lower speed and tend to get back at the loft quickly and start foraging for food on the ground. Feeding twice a day, the evening meal being as much as they want. Getting back to a "loading" program, on a stronger than barley food (like Gerry, Gaby, etc) they loft fly better but still not great. By the end of the week when they get to the protein and fats mixes, they start to loft fly better - faster and more. Happens the same with matures on the natural system and YBS.
If you feed like me you can to work the pigeons much less. I do not loft fly the birds once training starts and my birds exercise on the average two times per week during the race season between races. Many fanciers loft fly the birds two times per day. This is at least one time per day too much. I can win against really good competition exercising two times per week. I am able to do this with because of my feeding program.
Great video Frank. Simple & easy to follow. We are starting 300 miles race this week, and basketing on Thursday night for Saturday race. Should I adjust the feeding since they are getting fed on Thursday while in transport?
I assume you meant to say they are fed Friday on the truck. My suggestion would be on Thursday to give 25% more of the light depurative mix than they normally eat in a day. This way they will not eat too heavy on the truck on Friday. You want them to eat on the truck but not gorge themselves. Hope you do great!
@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Thank you Frank. If you can only loft fly them, what days would you loft fly them if you are basketing on Thursday for 300miles races?
I would loft fly Tuesday and Thursday morning. Because a loft fly is not as good of a workout as a training toss you could loft fly Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning.
Central Jersey Combine is the biggest combine in the USA for those outside of the US. I have watched a couple relatively new fanciers have super success racing in CJC using my methods. Many fanciers race forever without being competitive. My methods can help someone be competitive weekly and if you are near the top all the time you will win your share. Hard to get fanciers to change.
Frank Love the videos. I am just starting with pigeons Extremely hot here in south Louisiana. I have 7 Young birds, l let them out 6:30 in the evening The other day they flew around but would not trap in until next morning. They seem hungry and come right in from settling cage but when out they just sit on the loft or house next door. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I feed only once a day. Where can I get barley? Local feed stores don’t have any Thanks for videos John B
Hello John, That might be too late to be letting them out. It might be getting dark on them and scaring them. Usually if the pigeons are not going in close to the evening there is something bothering them or scaring them at night. Could be cats hanging around, racoons or in some cases rats get in the loft at night to make the birds uncomfortable. Pigeons want to be in the loft as it gets dark so this is very strange. I do think they are uncomfortable for some reason and we must find out why. There is a chance that night creeped up on them because they went out too late. Not sure where you can get barley. Maybe check with the local guys or contact Global Pigeon Supply to see if there is a dealer in the area.
I need some advice if you have time,I’m following your feeding and health program a lot of the guys give a canker pill on Wednesday should I also or am I covered already thanks again and good luck
Most of the sport medicates the pigeons and many times they do not need it or they must make weak pigeons. Instead of giving a canker pill give each pigeon a Yellow Drop every Wednesday.
Try to feed them until they walk away and leave a handful of barley in the feeder. If you feed the young once a day until they leave barley that is enough. I can get more strict with the old birds because they are adults and not molting or growing.
Hi Frank. Thank you for making all this video. It's very helpful for beginners. I have one question you said give them a week of rest during race. It's that include the training toss. Thank you. God bless you.
Hey frank thanks so much i just wanna ask you what the best to play with is versele laga depurative or 80% of barley and 20% of champion mix and champion mix has peas is it ok to feed peas they say makes pigeons heavy
Most Fanciers can mix their own feed using the 80% barley 20% breeder mix. If you can get the Depure from Versele Laga you can feed that. Depure is excellent and easy to use. Do not worry about a few peas if you mix your own. Does not matter at all.
I tried to go day by day during the young bird season with this video. You can learn much on preparing birds by watching my video on Preparing the Celibate Hens to win Back to Back Long Distance Combines. I was 2nd overall in the 3rd Distance Race. This video shows the day by day Natural Health Supplements you can use. This explains Young Bird training: Let me know what you are thinking?
I do not worry about the muscle color or scales on the breast. I never look and go by how they act and feel in the hand. My feeling is once the pigeons are scale free on the breast the form is going by.
Thank you sir I appreciate your response. I think my loft condition was the problem, too open meaning wind was blowing in and also little bit damp because of the opening. Then I have a concrete floor that gets cold and absorbs moisture causing condensation, which greatly affected the form. Was my first year racing and learned a lot from my mistakes and after watching your videos. Thanks again sir I admire your work
Thanks for all the great videos! What is the ideal age for a YB to start racing? Our first race is early August. We live in Northern MN and January and February are commonly sub-zero temps which makes breeding at that time a challenge without a heated loft. Also wondering in regards to OLR's, if March hatch birds can competitively compete against January birds? TIA
March and April Hatch pigeons will be great to compete in both local racing and One Loft Racing. They can actually be better because they are trained younger. I bred in February most of my career.
Frank I wanted to ask you if you have ever checked the nutritional values of Black strap molasses. I am thinking of using it on the day of return from the race,along with a powdered vitamin and electrolyte.Thoughts?
Hey Bruce, Never thought about Black Strap Molasses but I feel you may be onto something to help the birds recover after the race. Very rich in nutrients. Do not use too much in the water or the pigeons will not hydrate well. Maybe a tablespoon of molasses plus a pinch of vitamins and electrolytes will be beneficial. For anyone reading this here are some Black Strap Molasses info below: However, unlike refined sugar - which has no nutritional value - blackstrap molasses packs plenty of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. In fact, ounce for ounce, blackstrap molasses contains more iron than eggs, more calcium than milk, and more potassium than any other food (3). In addition, it provides 18 amino acids (1).
Hi Frank. I’ve been also using spirulina as a source of protein and minerals added to the food, have all essential amino acids and a good balance of minerals and vitamins. I have a question about when is better to give the fats, I’ve heard that need to be 48hrs before the race day for the pigeon to be able to use it due to metabolism. What’s your experience on this?
I like blue green algae and used it maybe 25 years ago. I also heard about giving the birds fat 48 hours before and I do that for long distance only because that is how it works with shipping. I do not think this is true and just spread around the sport. I feel you should feed for long distance a couple days before but for young it is not really necessary. Body weight is more important. The pigeons eat and 12 hours everything is totally digested and into the bloodstream or tissue. Feeding some fat the day of shipping is just great. If it does take longer to get into the system then the bird will have some extra should it run into trouble.
I only go over to the lofts in the morning so feed most birds all they want once a day. Breeders have feeders in front of them at all times one with Grain mix and one with pellets but they eat very few pellets. I also have feeders in the flight pens for pigeons that are extra or for sale. Some of the others eat all the want once a day like my old bird race teams. You may find this video interesting on me feeding my breeders. Most my pigeons when not racing, are given all they want each day.
Thanks Frank I bought a pair from you back in 2014 leoheremens but lost the female a week later bye to the fault of my own. I’m in Hawaii (hilo) and have been suffering loses every YB season. I am so glad you are sharing your experience with us and I pray that I can get returns once I use this system. Anyway I would be able to purchase a pair of birds that does well in headwinds?
hi frank I will reach out to you via email. We are out of barley here in Hawaii but the natural food store has pearl barley would that be okay? I bought 5 lbs at $2.00 a pound to get by until the feed store gets theirs in.
I do not think Pearl Barley will work. This is usually not in the hull. Not a good substitute. Paddy Rice is a good substitute but that might be tougher to find.
Hi Frank, Love the video and will definitely be trying this system as a new flyer. For the Rooster Booster do you use the Rooster Booster poultry cell or poultry booster?
Listen to what Frank is saying, Light, healthy and well trained birds will win, I feed slightly differently but completely agree with light feed and leaner birds
Hi Frank. I’ve not started racing again yet but just getting my head around the feeding routine for when I do. I won’t want to over-feed those who don’t race on the day, so rather than have the first of racers reluctant to trap into an empty section, would you recommend breaking with the once a day / morning feed and feed those at home the barley mix just before the anticipated return time, so that they don’t pig out on the big feed you put out for the returning race team? Cheers, Pete.
Hi Pete, That is exactly what I do. The birds that do not race get all the barley mix they want early before the race team comes home. The birds home are not able to over eat the fat seeds because they are full from the barley mix.
Another fantastic video Frank. I only have a 6 race young bird season due to constant falcon pressure here in Canada. We fly a 60 mile, 90 mile, 130 mile, 190 mile, 250 mile and 300 mile final race. Would it still be in my best interest to rest the birds for a week even if my season is so short?
No need to rest the birds with such a short season and the first three races are very short. If you rest them a few days during the week they should be okay. Here in my combine we start middle of August and race to the 1st of November and have at least an 11 week season.. Easy to give the birds a week off with such a long season.
If you enjoy watching your birds fly and fly effortlessly for long periods of time, feed 50% barley. You will be amazed. They will home much better also being more buoyant.
Barley should smell like grain and if you eat some actually has a nice flavor. This is what barley should look like this:
Hi Frank Great Video again, We don't have any of those Euro mixes like Versa Laga or Beyers etc We have a great selection of grains here and I mix all my own, week to week. So using your Barley ratios I would like to know roughly what other grains are in Champion mix? for example, just so I have something to work around? Thanks again.
Hello Graham, Mixing your own feed is excellent and I will put the ingredients to Champion Mix below but you can use the ingredients of any good breeding mix. Just never use Popcorn in the mix. Two hard to digest and never absorbs water. Champion Mix: red maize 18%, premium cribs maize 6%, small cribs maize 2%, toasted soya beans 5%, maple peas 3%, small green peas 6%, tares 2%, mung beans 1%, white pigeon wheat 11%, white dari 10%, red dari 3%, safflower 12%, peeled barley 2%, paddy rice 3%, peeled oats 2%, hempseed 2%, buckwheat 2%, brown linseed 1%, rapeseed 1%, black coleseed 2%, pellet I.C.⁺ 6%
Because half the team is racing and half is resting you must keep feeding the resting pigeons the same as the racing birds. I rest half the birds one week and half the birds the next week. The resting birds will be fine and concentrate on the birds racing.
I feed a rich 15% grain mix and supplement with some chicken pellets until the body molt is complete. Make sure you have some good grits and minerals in front of them. After that I switch to corn and chicken pellets to cut costs. See this video:
hi i know it's not your thing but i'm really interested in your feeding methods. now i said it's not your thing i keep the british show racer and they go in handling classes. what i want the bird to feel like is light fully rouded and hard have you any advice it would be greatly appreciated many thanks darren england
Hello Darren, I understand what you are trying to do. Have you used Barley? You will find that if you feed the pigeons barley say 100% for a couple weeks they will become super buoyant and corky. You should experiment with the feeding of barley and try feeding like we feed our race team. 70% barley in the husk with 30% breeder mix fed once a day until they leave a handful of barley. Without any exercise I feel you will get super show condition. Try it off season once they finish the molt and see what you think. You may win Blackpool this year.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons I have never try the barley with the show birds I will give it a try. And I really appreciate your time. and Blackpool I will be there but not showing this year as I have just started back after 18 years out. So next year maybe 😊 Many thanks Darren
Try to feed them until they walk away and leave a handful of barley in the feeder. If you feed the young once a day until they leave barley that is enough. I can get more strict with the old birds because they are adults and not molting or growing. Say they eat about a pound of feed, feed them in parts over a couple minutes. Soon you will see how much they eat until they start walking away and leave a small amount of barley in the feeder.
Hi Brian, I would feed slightly more on Thursday the day of shipping if they are getting fed on the truck on Friday. Feed the 70% barley mix. You want them to eat on the truck but not go totally crazy. On a Thursday ship for a young bird race feed about 25% more than the normal daily amount so they will eat light on Friday on the truck.
Once the races start I do not loft fly the young pigeons at all the entire season. I race them on Saturday, train down the road Tuesday and Thursday and then race on Saturday. Everything is done with feeding. Check out these videos to see how to feed the racers so you can win without much effort.
On a two day ship I assume the race is a little longer. I would give the birds the half fat seeds half barley mix and let them have plenty. You want them to eat light on the truck and hopefully drink.
If the young pigeons fly a hard tough race and are coming in late in the day they can eat all the rich feed they want the day of return and a half day the following day. This will help them bounce back quickly.
Before training begins they should be flying about 30 minutes a day for a couple weeks. They you can start training slowly little at a time once they are flying well. No need to have them flying long periods of time daily for weeks before training begins. Let them save some energy for the race season. Did you see my Video Educating Young Birds?
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons i have been following your videos. I have races beginning in from this week. Every Sunday will be races.. starting from 100 to 500 every week from now.
Hi Frank wondering your thoughts on the wormer Quest does the treatment have to be 7 days before shipping.? or how close to a shipping nite could you worm the birds?
i will definitely try this tip sir ..wish me luck tjis october race.. From the Philippines new fan here but sad to say we dont have YELLOW DROPS here in Philippines any alternative of this?
Hello franks thanks how about 800 to 1100 km how you fed them? Can you give me some hints thank you for advanced happy flying and good luck to your future race😊
Can you tell me do you feed young birds with the barly mix in pick pots for ten birds or do you give them as much as they can eat till some barly is left.
I feel with young birds during racing it is best to feed the barley mix, once a day until they leave a handful of barley. You cannot make a mistake and you will race super.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons My mix will be farm barley and a racing mix called Multi- Task its 56.60%carbs and 8.30% fats and 15.20% Protein. as i cann"t get anything higher than that.
I would keep them on 75% barley or Paddy rice with 25% grain mix all week. Fat seeds on Friday and race Sunday. Sunday they eat heavy feed and fat seeds after race and then Monday back to 75% barley or Paddy Rice mix.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons thank you so much for the idea, how about vitamin system? Sorry for a lot of questions, im a new fancier, please guide me, thank you so much, im gonna try your system this coming race next month.
Minerals are more important but I give Vitamins middle of the week for one day and upon return from the races with oregano, honey and friendly gut bacteria. Concentrate on pick pots with minerals and grits.
Hi Mr Mc, if you feed once a day (in the morning) how about the drink? Are you giving them once a day also? what drink you normally give to your pigeon?
Hi frank i do not race but enjoy keeping pigeons and only loft fly once or twice a day. what would be the best feed to make them fly for longer? Thank you.
If you can get Versele Laga Depure feed that 100% if you are not breeding and they are not molting. Give all they want once a day until they leave barley. They will fly like crazy.
In some cases I have not changed anything and still had success. I will not train or loft fly day of shipping so if I planned a training flight and now we are shipping a race I keep the birds in that day. If the race is pushed back you can certainly take them on another short toss if you think the body weight is not perfect. Either way a short flight day before shipping will not hurt. If I feel the body weight is perfect I may leave them in for a couple days before shipping. All depends and sometimes the race is pushed back or forward you can adjust the training accordingly. Feeding is more important if the birds are in condition.
Hey Frank, been following your feeding plan with my OB (first racing season for me) and a lot of your health advice for almost a year. Planning to feed and train my young birds like this too. Most of my YB race team is still about two months old, and I’m feeding them a 100% flyer/breeder mix. At what age should I switch them over to the 75% barley mix? Now? They’re loft flying for about an hour already.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons ow thank you sir,that is a great help.. anyway sir im from the Philippines..i could say that feeding really matters..i just realized upon watching this video, im wondering why my birds this season dont perform,compare my last season,then i just realized,im over feeding my birds now,compare my last season that i feed them in a controlled amount,but still they go home faster... That's why ill go back to my feeding program before.
Hi frank correct me if I use your system wrong. From now on im from philippines then the truck training start so i change my system to barley mix which is 80% of barley and 20% of racing mix from monday to saturday, but the days of training when they arrive i gave them 50% barley and 50% racing mix. But when its sunday which is long toss (the day of arrive) I gave them pure racing and other fat seed and minerals they want.. Did i use your system right?
So the most you should feed of the 70 30 food mix is 22 grams per bird and I understand you say once the walk away they are done but just trying to be safer
If you are loft flying the pigeons more than once a day you are overworking the pigeons and also over feeding the pigeons. If you are going to loft fly, which I do not, you must only loft fly once a day maybe four mornings per week. Always feed the race team once a day and please watch the Feeding Series of Videos here.
Hi Frank thank you for your video . If I put the birds on one week rest the next race for me its 300 miles how many tosses should I do after one week race ?
If fed correctly and the pigeons were on the 80% barley mix while resting they do not need much work. After the rest they can go on a 35 mile toss and a 50 mile toss before the 300 mile race. You could also do a few loft flights but the workout is not the same as a training flight down the road. They pump much harder and fly much faster on a road train. If you see how I set up my long distance pigeons you will see after a week of rest they get two training flights and then come back and win again at the long distance.
If you want to dominate your competition Click Here:
Great tips Frank!!! Thanks to fanciers like you who is willing to share knowledge to everyone without hesitation. That promotes our sport and encourages new flyers. Again thanks Frank and stay safe and healthy my friend.
Thank you and I am happy if I can help. I have had major success without a lot of work and that alone will help many fanciers balance life/family with pigeons. It is nice to be competitive.
Hey Frank!
Thanks to you I competed in my first pigeon race on August 31st and won by an outstanding margin of 127 YPM over the second participating loft and 158 YPM over the 3rd place loft! I had 12 birds on the first drop and they dominated.
Also everyone in my club lost birds except for me because of your early education methods. Even my cross breed pigeons did well and scored points for my loft.
I hope nobody else in my club starts watching your videos!!
Thank you Mr. McLaughlin!!
So very happy and proud of you! Not many fanciers ever win their very first race. Congratulations!
Another great, down to earth, simple, solid, advice packed video Frank.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences.
I learn something (many things) every time.
Hi John, Thank you and I appreciate this. I will keep doing the videos. I have many in my head just must find the time .
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Hi Frank, I live in Florida, I raced pigeons with my father in the UK for 20 years, he 76 and still racing. I send him the links to all the videos you share, we discovered the wonder of barley many years ago, in a similar fashion to yourself, we were feeding our stock pigeons on a mostly barley mixture to keep them light and noticed how well they handled and flew around the loft. Over the years though we've gotten away from using it so much.
Your videos have reawakened that discovery, and barley is now making a much needed comeback in Dad's loft. He's a long distance man, competing only in National Racing, so no weekly club races, and barley is going to help keep the birds lighter.
I'm no longer directly involved in the management of the birds, but we talk on the phone every day and I enjoy being home in the summer for a couple of the big races.
Thanks again I really appreciate your candid no nonsense advice.
Hey John, Thank you for this and keep me posted on your Dad's results. Barley is the most important grain for racing by far.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Will do Frank, we're looking forward to getting back basics next year and seeing how things improve
Frank love your videos. I have been training the old way. Not anymore switching to your system. Feeding training everything. Keep them flying!😊
Hello Kenny, It is so much more fun when you can race with less effort, feed right and win with the pigeons. This will drive your competition nuts. You may be able to add another hobby. lol
hi Frank I have been using your methods I have been very competitive finishing second almost every race in our club. I just won my the first race. At 1592 yd per minute starting to get it dialed in thanks so much Frank😊
I’ve been racing pigeons all my life tried a lot of different methods mostly trial and error I’m always at the top of the sheet and I’ve come to almost the same exact methods thanks for sharing
Great to hear! Congratulations.
Frank thanks so much for the inspired by you and your feeding program...thanks so much for you meeting my needs so promptly! You are the man !
You are so welcome. I have been wanting to do this for quite some time.
Maybe the best video yet. I think the day to day format will definitely help a lot of people.
Hi Kerby, Thank you. Hope this does help and show what can be done and still have much success. Very few new fanciers have endless time for pigeons.
What I like is that You included those old Pigeon Clocks in the video, it’s a Good Look 👍
I thought it might add a little visual. My first clock from 1973 is in the video. My second clock is also the steal one. The other two I collected.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons That Sounds Cool 😎
great advise as always frank nice collection of clocks there ive been keeping my eye out for a clock
These are very old timers and my first clock is in the video. My first clock was ancient when I got it in 1973-1974
Hello frank! I started watching your video 1 week ago and I tried the barley system. Last Saturday we have a 130miles race and a got a good result with the feeding system. Thank you and happy flying.
You should do better after a couple weeks on the program. Great job.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons looking forward for this season. I am working with the measurement right now. Can please give me an idea on how many grams of 20% mix and 80% barley for the 15 birds. Much appreciated. Thank you
Easiest to feed a little at a time until they start to walk away and leave a handful of barley in the feeder. If you want to measure and do not train much see this video:
I’ll definitely try it tomorrow. Thanks again.
Good Day Frank! My birds are doing great week after week since I apply your feeding and training system. In this coming Saturday 250miles, we have a very challenging race with a headwind and a cloudy forecast all day. Can you please give some advice on how I gonna prepare my birds in this king of race. Thank you in advance.
Excellent content and exceptional information!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Some more excellent tips thank you.I really enjoy you videos. And find the content extremely useful.
Glad you like them! I am having fun doing it.
Just so glad to have someone to promote the sport and help new flyers just got back after 15 absence and the emails from flyer in my combine ready to go absent again
The game is not difficult if birds are healthy, good loft, trained adequately and shipped with perfect body weight. You will do great.
Good night Mr mclaughlin I won this week race first second and sixth place thanks for your information and videos I learned alot from you .
Hey Kevin, Congratulations. Nice job. So happy for you.
Best video yet
Thank you so much. I am having much fun with UA-cam and sharing what works for me. Been living pigeons for 50 years and love to win but do not have the time to work too hard at it.
Thanks for all the tips and sound advice. My daughter is 11 and my son is 13 there going to follow your system I'll keep posted how they get on
Hope you have success. Once you realize that shipping round full pigeons to the races is a losing proposition. Keep me posted.
Great video, Frank.
Glad you enjoyed it
Frank always great advice from you I greatly appreciate it
I appreciate that
Hello Frank, your videos are very interesting, and your advice as well. I thank you immensely. Please consider making a video about preparing pigeons at the end of the molting period and the beginning of competitions
Great suggestion. Something I will consider. Molting is easy just plenty of rich feed with grits and minerals. Prepping for the races is a bit more.
I love it! Thanks frank!
Where are you located by the way?
I am in Massachusetts North East USA. I deal with about every possible climate here.
Always enjoy ur videos great info once again
I appreciate that
Love the old clocks on your table
My first clock from 1973 was on the table and it was very very old then. All the owners signed inside the cover of my first clock and I printed my name also. I may show this sometime.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Hey sir would it be ok to use that wormer you suggested the name escapes me at the moment.. on young birds that are still moulting a bit? Neck and ears
Yes, you can use the Quest Wormer when they are molting. I will put link here. I just wormed my young bird team a week or so ago.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons thanks! That’s great news.
I’m a beginner and I’m getting a lot of good advice/knowledge from your videos hope I can get birds from you someday.
Great to hear and keep the faith. Game is not difficult with good pigeons, kept healthy and trained adequately. Perfect body weight for the races makes such a big difference. I have late breds off my race team that may work for you and they are super. Email me.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons they are beautiful
Hi Frank. First, I want to thank you for all the information you are sharing with all your followers, in my modest opinion, this is the right way to keep more people in our sport/hobby, which unfortunately, have been dying slowly because of multiple issues but mainly lack of cooperation and greedy from top fliers. I’ve seen all your videos and I believe a have a great idea of your method, but you haven’t mentioned any other products that you can find in pigeon supplies and promoted by big name flyers, like creatine, vit B 15, etc. Do you use any other products?
Thank you for this. I have used Creatine Monohydrate in the mid 90's and did not find any benefit. I have also used B-15 back in the 90's and got away from it because again I feel fanciers do it because the old timers were giving it years ago. There may be some benefit but not going to make much of a difference. This year I was very busy and did not use my normal supplements. I never mixed anything on the feed, I never gave yellow drops and my pigeons were winning long races by a wide margin. I feel for fanciers just moving to natural health that the supplements I suggested will help. My birds being antibiotic free for so many years maybe do not need all the natural health products.
Thanks so much mate. Ive learned a lot. Watching from Canberra Australia
Glad to help
Great advice looks like I'm shipping to heavy have enjoyed all your video
Once you Master Feeding you will Master Racing. If you can nail the body weight the game gets very easy. Watch my other feeding videos for more insight if you have not already watched them. My favorite is here:
Hola Frank.Sigo tus vídeos y tus artículos desde Galicia(España) y me parecen súper interesantes.Soy colombófilo desde hace 7 años y es la primera vez que veo a alguien explicar tan bien las cosas:el cómo,cuando y por qué hacerlas.
Muchísimas gracias!!!,intentaré aplicar tus enseñanzas en mi palomar.
You are so nice. I am pleased you enjoy.
Very practical advice!
I am a manager and want to have success without spending too much time. Most of what I do is common sense but most of what the sport does is the same as their grandfathers did.
Awesome channel. Subscribed. I am Locs Loft. Just won 11th at the Hoosier and 2nd Ace average
You must be very happy and 2nd Average is so hard to do! Congratulations.
Fascinating ideas. 👏
Thank you! Hope you enjoyed and I offered something valuable.
Always helpful sir frank thanks alot
My pleasure!
Great video as always! Keep ‘em coming 😁 so my birds do eat chopped carrots from my garden before they get feed. And on the big races/hot weather I have added lemon juice to their water- I think that definitely helps them. And I have added the Byers recovery oil in their feed during racing season once a week. Do you think adding a few crushed cloves of garlic in the water helps with respiratory issues?
I feel everything you are doing will only help and be positive. Chopped carrots are so low calorie and can fill the pigeons up. Garlic and lemon are both positive. Maybe keep doing what you are doing and implement some of my methods.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Thank you for the vote of confidence! I plan to add more barley to my feeding mix and try feeding once a day.
Thankyou for sharing your clear system sir Frank
How about if short distance but the bird is need tooad and sheep on Thursday sleep in the truck for 2 nights and release on Saturday morning. Is the feeding the same?
Feed the barley mix up to and on day of shipping and let them eat on the truck for two days.
Thank you very much for the very informative video😊
My pleasure 😊
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons hoping it will bring me success on my racing this season thank
Thank you That is what i thought you would say
hi Frank thanks for your no-nonsense approach you are a breath of fresh air for us fanciers @ I have spent many hundreds of euros buying pigeon videos and books over the years mostly fanciers blowing smoke up there own ass ? i have learned more in a few sessions watching your no-nonsense system from your loft set up to your training and most of all feeding methods thank you so much ps it was a great honor for me to meet you in Blackpool last month kindest regards peter
Hi Peter, You are too nice to me. I keep it simple with good pigeons and correct feeding. Most make this game too difficult. I hope to see you again next year.
Great video Frank with very good nolidge thanks
Happy you enjoyed!
Frank we have had 96 degree temperatures 100 to 120 heat index for over 20 days expected to be that way for another 2 weeks. I managed to get them 10 miles with the few cool mornings we have had. I have had them on 70% barley the entire time. A real hard time getting the birds trained.
It is much better to maybe miss a couple races or not be competitive early to save the team from the crazy heat. I bet most of your competitors trained through it and the losses were very high plus the birds get hurt. I started today. Drove around and released in front of the lofts. First race was today for my combine but I will be ready middle of September and race to get the pigeons for experience until the November 2nd convention.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons our first race isn’t until October 7th Mississippi we started. Still time.
Take your time. No rush at all and wait for the best days to train.
Hi Frank, thank you for all your tips. What you say about feeding makes sense but I think it depends on the weather/temperature, pigeon lines, loft setup, moulting stage, system (natural/widowhood) etc. I tried feeding light like this and the birds loft flying gets worse. They fly less, with lower speed and tend to get back at the loft quickly and start foraging for food on the ground. Feeding twice a day, the evening meal being as much as they want. Getting back to a "loading" program, on a stronger than barley food (like Gerry, Gaby, etc) they loft fly better but still not great. By the end of the week when they get to the protein and fats mixes, they start to loft fly better - faster and more. Happens the same with matures on the natural system and YBS.
If you feed like me you can to work the pigeons much less. I do not loft fly the birds once training starts and my birds exercise on the average two times per week during the race season between races. Many fanciers loft fly the birds two times per day. This is at least one time per day too much. I can win against really good competition exercising two times per week. I am able to do this with because of my feeding program.
Great video Frank. Simple & easy to follow. We are starting 300 miles race this week, and basketing on Thursday night for Saturday race. Should I adjust the feeding since they are getting fed on Thursday while in transport?
I assume you meant to say they are fed Friday on the truck. My suggestion would be on Thursday to give 25% more of the light depurative mix than they normally eat in a day. This way they will not eat too heavy on the truck on Friday. You want them to eat on the truck but not gorge themselves. Hope you do great!
@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Thank you Frank. If you can only loft fly them, what days would you loft fly them if you are basketing on Thursday for 300miles races?
I would loft fly Tuesday and Thursday morning. Because a loft fly is not as good of a workout as a training toss you could loft fly Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Thank you
Thank you
Thanks. My first race is 8/26 so hear we go.
Hope you win it. Do not get crazy over week one. It is a long season. Let me know how it goes.
There are some McLoft birds so cross your fingers
Frank McLaughlin you are changing the game here in the cjc. Can't tell you how many guys I've talked to that are switching to your method.
Central Jersey Combine is the biggest combine in the USA for those outside of the US. I have watched a couple relatively new fanciers have super success racing in CJC using my methods. Many fanciers race forever without being competitive. My methods can help someone be competitive weekly and if you are near the top all the time you will win your share. Hard to get fanciers to change.
Love the videos. I am just starting with pigeons Extremely hot here in south Louisiana. I have 7
Young birds, l let them out 6:30 in the evening
The other day they flew around but would not trap in until next morning. They seem hungry and come right in from settling cage but when out they just sit on the loft or house next door. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I feed only once a day. Where can I get barley? Local feed stores don’t have any
Thanks for videos
John B
Hello John, That might be too late to be letting them out. It might be getting dark on them and scaring them. Usually if the pigeons are not going in close to the evening there is something bothering them or scaring them at night. Could be cats hanging around, racoons or in some cases rats get in the loft at night to make the birds uncomfortable. Pigeons want to be in the loft as it gets dark so this is very strange. I do think they are uncomfortable for some reason and we must find out why. There is a chance that night creeped up on them because they went out too late. Not sure where you can get barley. Maybe check with the local guys or contact Global Pigeon Supply to see if there is a dealer in the area.
Thank you from Philippines
Happy you liked it.
I need some advice if you have time,I’m following your feeding and health program a lot of the guys give a canker pill on Wednesday should I also or am I covered already thanks again and good luck
Most of the sport medicates the pigeons and many times they do not need it or they must make weak pigeons. Instead of giving a canker pill give each pigeon a Yellow Drop every Wednesday.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons awesome thank you so much once again 👍
Frank man you rock, legend. Do you still feed young birds are a rate of 1 pick pot every 10 birds approx?
Try to feed them until they walk away and leave a handful of barley in the feeder. If you feed the young once a day until they leave barley that is enough. I can get more strict with the old birds because they are adults and not molting or growing.
Wow sir, i tried your feeding, they bulky and super light, i can't believe it, thank you sir
Great news. Keep tweeking until you get them perfect. They need to be light but not round.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons noted sir, thank you again
Wonderful Mr. McLaughlin. So eager for the season to start down here in Miami, and put your system and advice in practice.
Hope you have super success. Most of the Florida fanciers exercise way too much and the reason is they feed incorrectly.
Hi Frank. Thank you for making all this video. It's very helpful for beginners. I have one question you said give them a week of rest during race. It's that include the training toss. Thank you. God bless you.
I do not loft fly or train the birds during the week of rest.
Hey frank thanks so much i just wanna ask you what the best to play with is versele laga depurative or 80% of barley and 20% of champion mix and champion mix has peas is it ok to feed peas they say makes pigeons heavy
Most Fanciers can mix their own feed using the 80% barley 20% breeder mix. If you can get the Depure from Versele Laga you can feed that. Depure is excellent and easy to use. Do not worry about a few peas if you mix your own. Does not matter at all.
I like your videos. Can i get your racing day by day schedule.
I tried to go day by day during the young bird season with this video. You can learn much on preparing birds by watching my video on Preparing the Celibate Hens to win Back to Back Long Distance Combines. I was 2nd overall in the 3rd Distance Race. This video shows the day by day Natural Health Supplements you can use.
This explains Young Bird training:
Let me know what you are thinking?
Love your videos sir. Your explanations are great. Would love to see a video where you explain about getting the pectoral muscle pink and less scaly
I do not worry about the muscle color or scales on the breast. I never look and go by how they act and feel in the hand. My feeling is once the pigeons are scale free on the breast the form is going by.
Thank you sir I appreciate your response. I think my loft condition was the problem, too open meaning wind was blowing in and also little bit damp because of the opening. Then I have a concrete floor that gets cold and absorbs moisture causing condensation, which greatly affected the form. Was my first year racing and learned a lot from my mistakes and after watching your videos. Thanks again sir I admire your work
Thank you for sharing your knowledge Sir :)
My pleasure
Thanks for all the great videos! What is the ideal age for a YB to start racing? Our first race is early August. We live in Northern MN and January and February are commonly sub-zero temps which makes breeding at that time a challenge without a heated loft. Also wondering in regards to OLR's, if March hatch birds can competitively compete against January birds? TIA
March and April Hatch pigeons will be great to compete in both local racing and One Loft Racing. They can actually be better because they are trained younger. I bred in February most of my career.
Frank I wanted to ask you if you have ever checked the nutritional values of Black strap molasses. I am thinking of using it on the day of return from the race,along with a powdered vitamin and electrolyte.Thoughts?
Hey Bruce, Never thought about Black Strap Molasses but I feel you may be onto something to help the birds recover after the race. Very rich in nutrients. Do not use too much in the water or the pigeons will not hydrate well. Maybe a tablespoon of molasses plus a pinch of vitamins and electrolytes will be beneficial. For anyone reading this here are some Black Strap Molasses info below:
However, unlike refined sugar - which has no nutritional value - blackstrap molasses packs plenty of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.
In fact, ounce for ounce, blackstrap molasses contains more iron than eggs, more calcium than milk, and more potassium than any other food (3).
In addition, it provides 18 amino acids (1).
Hi Frank. I’ve been also using spirulina as a source of protein and minerals added to the food, have all essential amino acids and a good balance of minerals and vitamins. I have a question about when is better to give the fats, I’ve heard that need to be 48hrs before the race day for the pigeon to be able to use it due to metabolism. What’s your experience on this?
I like blue green algae and used it maybe 25 years ago. I also heard about giving the birds fat 48 hours before and I do that for long distance only because that is how it works with shipping. I do not think this is true and just spread around the sport. I feel you should feed for long distance a couple days before but for young it is not really necessary. Body weight is more important. The pigeons eat and 12 hours everything is totally digested and into the bloodstream or tissue. Feeding some fat the day of shipping is just great. If it does take longer to get into the system then the bird will have some extra should it run into trouble.
Hi Frank! Can you make a video of what you feed and how much you feed stock birds and breeder pigeons set. Thanks in advance.
I only go over to the lofts in the morning so feed most birds all they want once a day. Breeders have feeders in front of them at all times one with Grain mix and one with pellets but they eat very few pellets. I also have feeders in the flight pens for pigeons that are extra or for sale. Some of the others eat all the want once a day like my old bird race teams. You may find this video interesting on me feeding my breeders. Most my pigeons when not racing, are given all they want each day.
Thanks Frank I bought a pair from you back in 2014 leoheremens but lost the female a week later bye to the fault of my own. I’m in Hawaii (hilo) and have been suffering loses every YB season. I am so glad you are sharing your experience with us and I pray that I can get returns once I use this system. Anyway I would be able to purchase a pair of birds that does well in headwinds?
Thank you for the nice words . Hope this video helps and it should if you send pigeons with correct bodyweight. Email me
hi frank I will reach out to you via email. We are out of barley here in Hawaii but the natural food store has pearl barley would that be okay? I bought 5 lbs at $2.00 a pound to get by until the feed store gets theirs in.
I do not think Pearl Barley will work. This is usually not in the hull. Not a good substitute. Paddy Rice is a good substitute but that might be tougher to find.
Hi Frank, Love the video and will definitely be trying this system as a new flyer. For the Rooster Booster do you use the Rooster Booster poultry cell or poultry booster?
I use B-12 Vitamin made by Rooster Booster for Chickens. Here is the link to what I use:
Hi . What are the yellow drops look like ? Thank you
I will do a video in the next day or two and show the Yellow Drops, what they are and how to use them.
Listen to what Frank is saying,
Light, healthy and well trained birds will win,
I feed slightly differently but completely agree with light feed and leaner birds
Thank you! Makes the game easier when the birds have correct body weight.
Hi Frank. I’ve not started racing again yet but just getting my head around the feeding routine for when I do. I won’t want to over-feed those who don’t race on the day, so rather than have the first of racers reluctant to trap into an empty section, would you recommend breaking with the once a day / morning feed and feed those at home the barley mix just before the anticipated return time, so that they don’t pig out on the big feed you put out for the returning race team? Cheers, Pete.
Hi Pete, That is exactly what I do. The birds that do not race get all the barley mix they want early before the race team comes home. The birds home are not able to over eat the fat seeds because they are full from the barley mix.
Frank how much safflower would u add and when to the barley thanks love ya videod
Are you asking about day of shipping for a longer race? Half safflower is perfect and half 70% barley mix will be correct.
Another fantastic video Frank. I only have a 6 race young bird season due to constant falcon pressure here in Canada. We fly a 60 mile, 90 mile, 130 mile, 190 mile, 250 mile and 300 mile final race. Would it still be in my best interest to rest the birds for a week even if my season is so short?
No need to rest the birds with such a short season and the first three races are very short. If you rest them a few days during the week they should be okay. Here in my combine we start middle of August and race to the 1st of November and have at least an 11 week season.. Easy to give the birds a week off with such a long season.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeonsold bird racing
Hey Mr Frank, what feed and percent would you recommend someone just loft flying and doing a few tosses around the area?
If you enjoy watching your birds fly and fly effortlessly for long periods of time, feed 50% barley. You will be amazed. They will home much better also being more buoyant.
How do I tell if the barley I’m buying is a good quality or not?
Barley should smell like grain and if you eat some actually has a nice flavor. This is what barley should look like this:
Hi Frank, do you think your feeding regime is suitable across different continents ie here in Australia and alike?
This program works anywhere. Give it a try.
Hi Frank Great Video again, We don't have any of those Euro mixes like Versa Laga or Beyers etc We have a great selection of grains here and I mix all my own, week to week. So using your Barley ratios I would like to know roughly what other grains are in Champion mix? for example, just so I have something to work around? Thanks again.
Hello Graham, Mixing your own feed is excellent and I will put the ingredients to Champion Mix below but you can use the ingredients of any good breeding mix. Just never use Popcorn in the mix. Two hard to digest and never absorbs water.
Champion Mix: red maize 18%, premium cribs maize 6%, small cribs maize 2%, toasted soya beans 5%, maple peas 3%, small green peas 6%, tares 2%, mung beans 1%, white pigeon wheat 11%, white dari 10%, red dari 3%, safflower 12%, peeled barley 2%, paddy rice 3%, peeled oats 2%, hempseed 2%, buckwheat 2%, brown linseed 1%, rapeseed 1%, black coleseed 2%, pellet I.C.⁺ 6%
Thanks again Frank@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons
thank you Frank
Happy you enjoyed!
1 week of rest in the middle of race season.. what should i feed them? 100% barley or 80 barley 20 breeder cond? Thank you frank.
Because half the team is racing and half is resting you must keep feeding the resting pigeons the same as the racing birds. I rest half the birds one week and half the birds the next week. The resting birds will be fine and concentrate on the birds racing.
thank you brother
You're welcome!
Hi Frank, can I ask what you feed in the off-season? Moulting season?
I feed a rich 15% grain mix and supplement with some chicken pellets until the body molt is complete. Make sure you have some good grits and minerals in front of them. After that I switch to corn and chicken pellets to cut costs. See this video:
hi i know it's not your thing but i'm really interested in your feeding methods. now i said it's not your thing i keep the british show racer and they go in handling classes. what i want the bird to feel like is light fully rouded and hard have you any advice it would be greatly appreciated
many thanks darren england
Hello Darren, I understand what you are trying to do. Have you used Barley? You will find that if you feed the pigeons barley say 100% for a couple weeks they will become super buoyant and corky. You should experiment with the feeding of barley and try feeding like we feed our race team. 70% barley in the husk with 30% breeder mix fed once a day until they leave a handful of barley. Without any exercise I feel you will get super show condition. Try it off season once they finish the molt and see what you think. You may win Blackpool this year.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons I have never try the barley with the show birds I will give it a try. And I really appreciate your time. and Blackpool I will be there but not showing this year as I have just started back after 18 years out. So next year maybe 😊
Many thanks Darren
Your pigeons will have a buoyancy and feel super on barley. They will be full but light in weight. Judges will love them. Experiment.
Hi Frank, for the once-a-day feeding how many grams do you feed per bird? Thanks.
Try to feed them until they walk away and leave a handful of barley in the feeder. If you feed the young once a day until they leave barley that is enough. I can get more strict with the old birds because they are adults and not molting or growing. Say they eat about a pound of feed, feed them in parts over a couple minutes. Soon you will see how much they eat until they start walking away and leave a small amount of barley in the feeder.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Thank you 👍
Frank what happens when birds are basketed on a Thursday for a Saturday race ? Feeding wise
Hi Brian, I would feed slightly more on Thursday the day of shipping if they are getting fed on the truck on Friday. Feed the 70% barley mix. You want them to eat on the truck but not go totally crazy. On a Thursday ship for a young bird race feed about 25% more than the normal daily amount so they will eat light on Friday on the truck.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons cheers
I prefer whole barley . Recently I received 500 lbs. of rolled barley by mistake. the birds ate it. What is your preference whole or rolled
Always whole barley in the shell. Rolled barley is not a good substitute
hello we have a race frank if they only eat once a day, how many times should they loft fly a day? morning or afternoon
Once the races start I do not loft fly the young pigeons at all the entire season. I race them on Saturday, train down the road Tuesday and Thursday and then race on Saturday. Everything is done with feeding. Check out these videos to see how to feed the racers so you can win without much effort.
Hi sir frank, how about if laoding is Friday then sunday release. What do i feed to my pigeon. Thanks
On a two day ship I assume the race is a little longer. I would give the birds the half fat seeds half barley mix and let them have plenty. You want them to eat light on the truck and hopefully drink.
Do you change the feed after a hard tough race ?
If the young pigeons fly a hard tough race and are coming in late in the day they can eat all the rich feed they want the day of return and a half day the following day. This will help them bounce back quickly.
Thank you for sharing ideas I love watching your vlog, I learn alot... I started at 50 years old pigeon for me, it's changes my life... a lot 🫰
Happy you enjoy my videos!
I want know what about training or loft flying before race season. How many hour do they need to fly on the loft. Pls advise
Before training begins they should be flying about 30 minutes a day for a couple weeks. They you can start training slowly little at a time once they are flying well. No need to have them flying long periods of time daily for weeks before training begins. Let them save some energy for the race season. Did you see my Video Educating Young Birds?
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons i have been following your videos.
I have races beginning in from this week. Every Sunday will be races.. starting from 100 to 500 every week from now.
Hi Frank. Where do you buy the Comed roni? I can't find it online. Thanks.
Try Siegel
Hi Frank wondering your thoughts on the wormer Quest does the treatment have to be 7 days before shipping.? or how close to a shipping nite could you worm the birds?
Hi Robert, I would do this maybe 7 to 10 days before shipping. Not closer than that.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons ok thanks!
i will definitely try this tip sir ..wish me luck tjis october race.. From the Philippines new fan here but sad to say we dont have YELLOW DROPS here in Philippines any alternative of this?
Acriflavine is used in the tropical fish industry. You can maybe buy this in your country and use one drop.
Hello franks thanks how about 800 to 1100 km how you fed them? Can you give me some hints thank you for advanced happy flying and good luck to your future race😊
Here is the video for my Feeding and Training on Long distance:
Can you tell me do you feed young birds with the barly mix in pick pots for ten birds or do you give them as much as they can eat till some barly is left.
I feel with young birds during racing it is best to feed the barley mix, once a day until they leave a handful of barley. You cannot make a mistake and you will race super.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons Thank you for getting back to me. I willbelracing young birds this year on your
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons My mix will be farm barley and a racing mix called Multi- Task its 56.60%carbs and 8.30% fats and 15.20% Protein. as i cann"t get anything higher than that.
Should work just fine.
Hello frank! Im a fan of you from philippines, how to feed them? Our race here is every week, friday loading day, then sunday arrival day
I would keep them on 75% barley or Paddy rice with 25% grain mix all week. Fat seeds on Friday and race Sunday. Sunday they eat heavy feed and fat seeds after race and then Monday back to 75% barley or Paddy Rice mix.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons thank you so much for the idea, how about vitamin system? Sorry for a lot of questions, im a new fancier, please guide me, thank you so much, im gonna try your system this coming race next month.
Minerals are more important but I give Vitamins middle of the week for one day and upon return from the races with oregano, honey and friendly gut bacteria. Concentrate on pick pots with minerals and grits.
Hi Mr Mc, if you feed once a day (in the morning) how about the drink? Are you giving them once a day also? what drink you normally give to your pigeon?
The water is in front of them at all times. I never restrict water.
Hi frank i do not race but enjoy keeping pigeons and only loft fly once or twice a day. what would be the best feed to make them fly for longer? Thank you.
Hi Kevin, Feed them 50% high quality barley and 50 grain mix. All they can eat once a day. They will fly like crazy.
Can I use 50 percent depure and 50 percent breeding mix? Or better with the barley? Thank you much appreciated.
If you can get Versele Laga Depure feed that 100% if you are not breeding and they are not molting. Give all they want once a day until they leave barley. They will fly like crazy.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeonshi frank what time to eat pigeon once a day?
I feed in the mornings but this is not so important.
Frank what do you do if the race is moved a day forward, do you offer the bird another toss or loft fly?
In some cases I have not changed anything and still had success. I will not train or loft fly day of shipping so if I planned a training flight and now we are shipping a race I keep the birds in that day. If the race is pushed back you can certainly take them on another short toss if you think the body weight is not perfect. Either way a short flight day before shipping will not hurt. If I feel the body weight is perfect I may leave them in for a couple days before shipping. All depends and sometimes the race is pushed back or forward you can adjust the training accordingly. Feeding is more important if the birds are in condition.
Hey Frank, been following your feeding plan with my OB (first racing season for me) and a lot of your health advice for almost a year. Planning to feed and train my young birds like this too. Most of my YB race team is still about two months old, and I’m feeding them a 100% flyer/breeder mix. At what age should I switch them over to the 75% barley mix? Now? They’re loft flying for about an hour already.
When you begin training go to 50% barley and feed once a day until they leave barley. Few days before races start go to 75% barley.
Sir,what if barley is not available in the area, is wheat can be an alternative??
You can use Paddy Rice in the hull in place of the barley.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons ow thank you sir,that is a great help.. anyway sir im from the Philippines..i could say that feeding really matters..i just realized upon watching this video, im wondering why my birds this season dont perform,compare my last season,then i just realized,im over feeding my birds now,compare my last season that i feed them in a controlled amount,but still they go home faster... That's why ill go back to my feeding program before.
Hi frank correct me if I use your system wrong. From now on im from philippines then the truck training start so i change my system to barley mix which is 80% of barley and 20% of racing mix from monday to saturday, but the days of training when they arrive i gave them 50% barley and 50% racing mix. But when its sunday which is long toss (the day of arrive) I gave them pure racing and other fat seed and minerals they want..
Did i use your system right?
Looks like you are doing perfect. Hope your results are super.
Very very big thankyou for you validation mr frank
Do you start this feeding method as soon as they are weenie when you start training
When I start training, they are on 50% barley and I go to the strict feeding about a week before the first race.
Good day sir in our country the race is only 300km how many percent of barley mix to normal mix
75% barley is about the right amount.
So the most you should feed of the 70 30 food mix is 22 grams per bird and I understand you say once the walk away they are done but just trying to be safer
Better to feed the young until they leave a small handful of barley each day once a day.
Sir if your feeding them once a day, how about the water? is it always available in the loft? like the Grits and Minerals.
Water is always available 24 hours a day seven days a week. The birds can drink whenever they like
Hi frank its okay once a day feed pigeon if 2 times loft fly in morning and afternoon?
If you are loft flying the pigeons more than once a day you are overworking the pigeons and also over feeding the pigeons. If you are going to loft fly, which I do not, you must only loft fly once a day maybe four mornings per week. Always feed the race team once a day and please watch the Feeding Series of Videos here.
Hi Frank thank you for your video . If I put the birds on one week rest the next race for me its 300 miles how many tosses should I do after one week race ?
If fed correctly and the pigeons were on the 80% barley mix while resting they do not need much work. After the rest they can go on a 35 mile toss and a 50 mile toss before the 300 mile race. You could also do a few loft flights but the workout is not the same as a training flight down the road. They pump much harder and fly much faster on a road train. If you see how I set up my long distance pigeons you will see after a week of rest they get two training flights and then come back and win again at the long distance.
@@FrankMcLaughlinPigeons thank you Frank I appreciate it looking forward your next video 😊