Ukraine Footage w/ Mike Glover and

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,9 тис.

  • @jaccon6106
    @jaccon6106 2 роки тому +143

    Neither Ukraine Or Russia is a NATO country and Ukraine never gave up Crimea there was always a stale front line there since 2014

    • @allcapsboy9139
      @allcapsboy9139 2 роки тому +5

      juxtapose russian/ukraine, and what these men did in Afghanistan and i see little difference.

    • @iketerrible6661
      @iketerrible6661 2 роки тому +6

      Yeah when America helped with an anti Russian coup. We started all of this just like we did in the Middle East. Not to mention our bio labs

    • @ML-nj8fq
      @ML-nj8fq 2 роки тому

      @@allcapsboy9139 Do some research about what ISIS and Taliban do and then come back with that comment. Ignorant

    • @Kaiserland111
      @Kaiserland111 2 роки тому

      @@allcapsboy9139 Terrorists based in Iraq and Afghanistan committed acts of terrorism against US civilians for religious and political reasons. Those acts of murder had to be avenged, and the led to the invasions of both countries. The problem with the Coalition invasion is that they tried nation-building to turn the governments of Iraq and Afghanistan into western-style democracies, something that was foreign to the cultures of those countries. This led to a protracted guerrilla war that led to many unnecessary military and civilian casualties. If they had just gone in, killed the terrorists responsible, and left, that would have been much better. This war is completely different, in that Russia's invasion of Ukraine is unprovoked, illegal, and immoral, and the blood of thousands is essentially on the hands of Putin, a tyrannical madman who is killing two countries at the same time for the sake of personal infamy.

    • @judjudersawn2596
      @judjudersawn2596 2 роки тому +12

      5:51 exactly. I don’t know what mikes referring to when he says “ a nato country”

  • @OrsunVZ
    @OrsunVZ 2 роки тому +47

    Listening on 4.19 (a little over a month later). Given how things have unfolded, I'd love to catch an update on your thoughts. I felt the same exact way as you did around this time frame. Seeing the mass graves, and the overall escalation of the conflict since then, however, i am really curious what your experience says about where things are now.

    • @JdJeshaiah
      @JdJeshaiah 2 роки тому +1

      yes, this

    • @hectorg362
      @hectorg362 2 роки тому

      Yeah would love at least a monthly update on his opinion

  • @bermandon
    @bermandon 2 роки тому +7

    Russia lost in Afghanistan , they could lose here.

    • @sergeia.2454
      @sergeia.2454 2 роки тому

      Completely different environments.

    • @bermandon
      @bermandon 2 роки тому

      @@sergeia.2454 uh…. Yeah

  • @Kaiserland111
    @Kaiserland111 2 роки тому +121

    I respectfully disagree with you guys that fighting back is a bad thing. These Ukrainian people, some of whom are my personal friends, know what it was like to be under one of the most oppressive regimes in history, the USSR. Millions starved, were killed in the gulag prisons, or were locked up for simply speaking out. The Ukrainian people deserve freedom, respect, and the opportunity to democratically decide their government, just as people do all over the world. This is their revolution, their 1776, and just like America didn't win the Revolutionary War on its own, Ukraine needs the support of western allies to defend itself. If more Ukrainians have to die to maintain the freedom and sovereignty of their country, then that is a price that must be paid. Defending their homeland is a moral cause that deserves recognition, praise, and support from freedom-loving people everywhere. Слава Україні

    • @JohnDoe-wt9ek
      @JohnDoe-wt9ek 2 роки тому +2

      Ukraine isn't a free country. Just a US Puppet Government. Our government helped manipulate their election to put Pro US/NATO people in power in 2013. The separatists peacefully protested, and then separated when the Ukraine government used force to silence them. This isn't the first time we've done this either. Iran is our enemy, but only because we had also had a puppet government established there which led to the Khomeini Coup. And that of Cuba, which led to Fidel Castro and Che Guevara leading their insurgency and gaining power... Just like Venezuela.
      I'm not on Russia's side on this. But I'm not sharing in the cognitive dissonance of disregarding the last 10 years of political meandering our broken government has made, including Biden's Quid Pro Quo to protect his son Hunter "Smoking the Pipe" Biden from legal repercussions in his illegal business dealings to obtain oil drilling and production contracts to beef his family's net worth significantly...
      But I find it an irony that so many people blindly support a government that has also applied fascist policies, including the silencing of political opposition and the suppression of free press for government approved networks, as well as disarmament. And then painted themselves as forces of order while bombing Separatist cities with artillery and aerial strikes that were filled with civilians... Turning the Separatists further against any possibility of returning back to the fold of Ukraine... Which MADE them desire to return to Russian national sovereignty.
      The greater issue I find is that nobody said anything with the annexation of Crimea, which is akin to a military action, especially when the securing of that annexation was through military presence of Russian troops. At that point, I thought the Russians were in the wrong. But today, while I don't agree, I understand. Because if the US faced the same circumstances in Mexico, as Russia was facing with Ukraine, we'd do the same thing, without question.

    • @daveg4963
      @daveg4963 2 роки тому

      @@JohnDoe-wt9ek You mean after the Russian puppet president?

    • @AkronOhioMachine
      @AkronOhioMachine 2 роки тому

      @@JohnDoe-wt9ek We have family in Eastern and western Ukraine. You are correct. Ukraine is so corrupt is unbelievable. There are also Nazi- Azof Battalion being supported by the government. So Putin is not lying about that. That group has been killing Ukrainian people in the west for 8 years and no one gave a damn. Ukraine is a huge cabal money laundering op. It's being threatened and that's why all the outrage in the media. The (sheeple) people who think the media is suddenly telling the truth should go get another booster and shut up. They were handing out automatic weapons to street thugs and molotov cocktails to our 60 year old nanny and telling her to hide behind a fence and throw it on a Russian tank when it comes by. I told her good way to get shot. Where's Ukraine's 200,000 military members? While their president hides who knows where. Negotiate for a peaceful solution. The comparisons people are giving don't fit. This is like our civil war. These people speak Russian and are related. Not like US and Vietnam. The western Ukraine people want Russian rule for a good reason. End of rant.

    • @damwonstyx1169
      @damwonstyx1169 2 роки тому +17

      Could not agree more - if the shoe was on the other foot you can be sure these guys would be fighting back - peace should always be the first step however when not possible counter aggression is the necessary step.

    • @lildinamitmmaboxingwrestli6210
      @lildinamitmmaboxingwrestli6210 2 роки тому +4

      Thx bro🇺🇦✋🏻

  • @AccuSol-ERN
    @AccuSol-ERN 2 роки тому +55

    I think it simply comes down to proud citizens fighting off an invading force........regardless of invader size or close family ties. Put yourself in their shoes......I hope proud Americans do the same if/when the time comes. I have no idea what the resistance force is like over there, but I hope it is more than just drive-by cocktailing and cracking jokes. If current Ukraine isn't motivation for learning to shoot/getting in shape/getting prepared.......I don't know what is. Just my $.02

    • @ohscr
      @ohscr 2 роки тому +6

      We had an election that was blatantly stolen and we did nothing. So...yah.

    • @Xsi9mm
      @Xsi9mm 2 роки тому +12

      @@ohscr No it wasn't. No one who ever says that has any proof, can provide any sources, and has no idea what they are talking about. You live in a bubble.

    • @derrickmartin9717
      @derrickmartin9717 2 роки тому +4

      @@ohscr nope

    • @ohscr
      @ohscr 2 роки тому +2

      @@Xsi9mm Firstly, there is literally nothing I could do or show you that would change your mind. But ultimately its irrelevant to the point I was making. You have at least 35% of the population who believes it and still did nothing. The idea of 'proud Americans' doing anything is a false hope.

    • @dudeguy3731
      @dudeguy3731 2 роки тому +4

      @@ohscr you don't have to convince him, all guilianni or sidney powell or any of Trumps lavishly paid expensive lawyers just had to convince any of the judges in America that they had a good case, any of the Trump backed judges in any southern state, or any of the judges in the Trump appointed Supreme Court. Any of them. They never did and never will.

  • @IchNixHabenUsername
    @IchNixHabenUsername 2 роки тому +6

    Well.. I'd say parts of that video didn't age very well considering the war crimes beeing committed by russian troops..

  • @Ac22768
    @Ac22768 2 роки тому +106

    I’m not really sure what to say here - this didn’t sound very informed. Mike and GBRS guys, do you forget who won against the Soviets in Afghanistan…? Also, while Putin could “drop the hammer” there are obvious and major issues with the quality of the fighting force. Russia isn’t a superpower, it’s akin to a third world country with nuclear weapons.

    • @marvinyayu9187
      @marvinyayu9187 2 роки тому +27

      These guys aren't very smart.....

    • @massimilianoronchi6630
      @massimilianoronchi6630 2 роки тому +44

      Ok I'm not the only one watching the video and thinking "wtf are they talking about"

      @USS-SNAKE-ISLAND 2 роки тому +22

      Thanks. I thought maybe it was just me. Lol

    • @HowardLuken
      @HowardLuken 2 роки тому +8

      Remember that these guys are American special forces and nearly every one of them works for the CIA during or after their military service. This is half-assed propaganda.

    • @marvinyayu9187
      @marvinyayu9187 2 роки тому +18

      @@HowardLuken Wrong. It's not that. It's their lack of insight. They made this video without thinking it through.

  • @AntoineDeSaintYT
    @AntoineDeSaintYT 2 роки тому +59

    Mike, appreciate your reviews, but you’re wrong, Ukraine will not fall.

    • @Pug351
      @Pug351 2 роки тому +1

      Its a simple play book. Next two weeks is wheat planting season. Russia and Ukraine provides 25% of the world wheat. Guess what's not getting done in Ukraine.25% of fuel and 40% of Europe's natural gas comes from Russia. Putin isn't going to and doesn't need to capture more ground. He can just sit back and wait for western economic collapse. The real effects are going to start to hit the US in months. Russians are use to doing without....not so much America. Biden is going to start supplying Europe with our fuel supply to get them off Russian dependence. All while cutting our own ability to drill and supply oil. Guess what happens to our gas and heating prices in 9 months? That in turn translates into cost of everthing else that is fuel dependent. You thought 2020 was bad, wait until food shortages hit the inner city. What the elite globalists couldnt achieve with the pandemic they will complete with the Ukraine situation.......that they are 100% responsible for.

    • @davidp2707
      @davidp2707 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah this guy was clearly a maroon.

    • @moonzee9478
      @moonzee9478 2 роки тому +3

      Will not fall at least for one more month ,after that it is all over,they will become a continental country .They fight like lions but ,still ,they cannot defeat Russians army ,let go those yt videos of demaged russian armor ,ukrain army is twice as that ruined but you will not see it on USA media...poore Ukraine people ,nobody deserves this in his life

    • @alinharagus
      @alinharagus 2 роки тому +2

      No, Ukraine is not going to fall

    • @alinharagus
      @alinharagus 2 роки тому +2

      I m a romanian living in Italy . I have friends in Ukraine. I went in Ukraine a month ago to bring them 3 tones of food, medicines, clothing. One of our friends, Alessia didn t want to leave the country. She wants to help there. She s a volunteer. Her mom returned from Italy 2 weeks ago and she s in Ukraine now. Everybody wants to fight the orcs. That s all. These 3 guys have to informe better themselves

  • @Law9652
    @Law9652 2 роки тому +222

    A couple of points. These are not civilians using surface-to-air missiles. They're also not doing it "for the US", but for their own country and national identity. It's not a Nato country.

    • @magigooter2096
      @magigooter2096 2 роки тому +15

      Yeah, there's a lot of professional work being attributed to volunteers who picked up a rifle for the first time a week ago. Propaganda's a Helluva drug.

    • @Law9652
      @Law9652 2 роки тому +19

      @@magigooter2096 The Ukrainian armed forces have said volunteers are not on the front line and produced videos showing the ATGM and surface-to-air are from soldiers, usually special forces. It's TikTok and Twitter, at the beginning of this war, that was portraying this image of a civilian-led resistance.

    • @bjbrick1
      @bjbrick1 2 роки тому +26

      “Ukraine is not a NATO country.” THANK YOU!
      If you don’t know that VERY basic fact, then you don’t understand how & why this war started. Ukraine’s desire to join NATO & it’s territorial boundaries are the 2 central issues to be decided if there is a negotiated settlement.
      If they still want to join NATO once the dust settles, I think the price they have paid will make it politically impossible for current NATO members to vote against them. I think they’ve earned it.

    • @Bfba-17
      @Bfba-17 2 роки тому +12

      It's not a NATO country and was never going to be a NATO country as long as Russia didn't want them to be. No country can join NATO with ongoing territorial disputes. This is one of the main reasons putin invaded in 2014 after they removed their putin controlled government in 2013/2014. His reasoning was just an excuse as NATO could never have admitted them without being immediately at war with Russia over those disputed territories.

    • @uc5337
      @uc5337 2 роки тому

      Oh and the fact that east Ukrainians were terrorized by the west Ukrainians and AZOV Nazis for about 8 years. Did any of you see what was found in areas where AZOV battalion was?
      This is who we are supporting? No thanks.
      How about bio labs all over Ukraine testing all kinds of bio weapons? Corruption, child trafficking, drugs, Biden family involvement…

  • @christophercarr4058
    @christophercarr4058 2 роки тому +26

    I think it is odd for them to say they should give up because they are small but they themselves would fight to the end of this was them. Also they are not NATO.

  • @asinusadlyram1
    @asinusadlyram1 2 роки тому +68

    Maybe I'm missing something, but most strategic and think-tank sorts (including some solid military minds) Russia doesn't seem to have a competent conventional force. The odds for the UA are long, but it isn't like Russia is ultimately capable of subduing it. I can appreciate the perspective of saving lives and negotiating... but its home. How much would you give of Virginia Beach or Tennessee to an invader? If you know anything of Ukrainian history, they're not the shrinking violet sort. They will fight on... and it will be devastating... but I don't blame them.
    Appreciate your perspectives, guys. You've seen war and you don't talk about it lightly. That means something.

    • @johnniewasr5740
      @johnniewasr5740 2 роки тому +5

      “They” want you to think that Russia is incompetent. War is not to be taken lightly.

    • @JeffrikOG9
      @JeffrikOG9 2 роки тому +5

      Its all propaganda to make russia look bad, look at these russian videos coming out now of them kicking butt. Russia will take ukraine i have no doubt. Does it matter how long it takes? To put it in persective it took us 5 weeks to take iraq and germany about 5 werks to take keiv in ww2.

    • @SocialContractActual
      @SocialContractActual 2 роки тому +2

      Russia will take land but they won't take Ukraine. It's different there.

    • @JeffrikOG9
      @JeffrikOG9 2 роки тому

      @@SocialContractActual yes they will def hace an insurgency for awhile and have to rebuild a government

    • @asinusadlyram1
      @asinusadlyram1 2 роки тому +3

      @@JeffrikOG9 I'm certain the propaganda is flowing hard in both directions. However, when you sort through it and spend time on actual experts giving assessments (policy and think tanks without much fanfare, university scholars, military experts, etc.) it is clear that Russia is not nearly as capable as it initially appeared. They may end up having Kyiv and Kharkiv in a few more weeks, but those are cities within a 100 miles of their staging points. We took Iraq more quickly with fewer losses, fewer collateral damages, over much greater distances. Russia DOES look bad... and for good reason. I don't think it changes the long-term strategic situation for Ukraine, but it should certainly give Putin pause about undertaking any further adventures.

  • @Ghatbkk
    @Ghatbkk 2 роки тому +58

    "Are you going to win a war against Russia"
    Given the results of similar wars over the past 50 years, I would say that thinking the answer to that is "no" is not supported by what we have seen.

    • @misiknuo
      @misiknuo 2 роки тому +2

      Putin waged 3 wars so far and he did not lost single one..

    • @andrewevanoff1192
      @andrewevanoff1192 2 роки тому +3

      And.....What have you seen in the last 50 years??? RT channel propaganda all over the social media? Why 50 years? Russia has existed only a bit over 30 yeas as a country. It was USSR prior to that.
      Also, USSR had no chance of winning the German invasion in WW2 without help of the allies, specifically help from the USA. USSR still lost over 30 millions of lives in that war due to lack of military training, poor logistics and leadership.

    • @Ghatbkk
      @Ghatbkk 2 роки тому +4

      @@andrewevanoff1192 "Russia has existed only a bit over 30 years as a country"
      Wow. That is so bizarre a take, that I have to ask some questions.
      What country do you think Catherine the Great ruled? What country did the Tsars rule?
      Are you aware that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a federation of countries, one which was Russia?

    • @Ghatbkk
      @Ghatbkk 2 роки тому +1

      @@misiknuo Completely missing the point.

    • @unclejoe6811
      @unclejoe6811 2 роки тому +3

      @@misiknuo Putin is a great leader, the opposite of Biden.

  • @awdsvx
    @awdsvx 2 роки тому +15

    The Ukraine 🇺🇦 people are fighting for their country, their lives & way of life. If that was happening here in America 🇺🇸, are you advocating Americans giving up, if there was a superior power that Americans would have to face..??
    What would of happened if Americans gave up during George Washington’s time & rolled over for the British empire..?? We would be recognizing the royal crown.

    • @slickrick412
      @slickrick412 2 роки тому +1

      You are severely misinformed. Azov battalion installed Zelensky with Kolomoisky in 2014. Guess who helped them.

    • @awdsvx
      @awdsvx 2 роки тому +1

      @@slickrick412 Even if that’s the case, Ukraine 🇺🇦 people do not want to be ruled under Russia. That was then, it’s different situation now, where the people of Ukraine are behind Zelensky as their president. Independence is Independence.

    • @slickrick412
      @slickrick412 2 роки тому

      @@awdsvx nah, time for you to do some due diligence. The azov battalion has been killing people and children in the donbas region for quite some time. The only people who want Zelensky there are the people who helped put him in power. Can you guess who help put him in power?.

    • @awdsvx
      @awdsvx 2 роки тому +1

      @@slickrick412 What you stated was not even mentioned in the video. I was just asking this channel a valid question if the scenario hypothetically would happen in America. I am done with this conversation.

    • @slickrick412
      @slickrick412 2 роки тому

      @@awdsvx lmao, you have no idea what you're talking about and obviously no knowledge of the situation so you're comparison is beyond asinine. Enjoy your evening.

  • @RihardsSarma
    @RihardsSarma 2 роки тому +114

    All due respect, while you guys are sureley very skilled at this, it appears you are severely misjudging how brutal and disgusting a Russian/soviet mindset is. I grew up in an ex soviet country.

    • @jeffGordon852
      @jeffGordon852 2 роки тому +7

      finally a western bot

    • @RihardsSarma
      @RihardsSarma 2 роки тому +14

      @@jeffGordon852 Totally not a bot 👀

    • @daveg4963
      @daveg4963 2 роки тому +1

      Putin is indeed a psychopath.

    • @frederickorcutt9112
      @frederickorcutt9112 2 роки тому +5

      Mariupol has been completely flattened. Anyone who looks back on this video and agrees that Putin isn't decimating Ukrainians is choking hard on the Sputnik and needs to wipe their mouth off when they're done.

    • @klk1900
      @klk1900 2 роки тому

      Listen you have been misled on what’s the problem. Unfortunately the entire Ukraine gov is corrupt and they have been building bases up with crooked Americans for 12-15yrs now. The USA reacted the same way in 1962 Cuban missile crisis. If the shoe was on the other foot the USA would have overthrew Ukraine years ago. Ukraine is russias Cuba.or Mexico. Everyone with half a brain knows the USA should stay out but NoO we intentionally wanted to provoke Putin by making him fear a national security threat hence (why we built up bases) the USA tried to overthrow Putin In 2012. As much as I hate admitting the truth. Putin really has every right to see us as a threat since we proved we would try and over throw them. Notice how the USA is not getting involved because we have politicians in power that know they can use and abuse the Ukraine people and manipulate them into ruining Putin’s image for us. Please understand the avg a,erican is brain washed and doesn’t know what the Obama admin started. This is not gonna turn out well for the USA once the Ukraine people realize we intentionally led them down the green mile. Pleases know most Americans don’t support this and have no idea what’s going on. We’ve seen this coming since 2019. The fact everyone acts surprised is scary because we’ve known this for years was in motion. The poor Ukraine people don’t understand what bait they have been hooked by.

  • @mustardman5366
    @mustardman5366 2 роки тому +29

    Just saying, "give up and become Mother Russia"?? Would you say that if Russia came here? Hell No!! Those people are willing to fight and die for their country. God willing we all will if that time comes..

    • @trololoev
      @trololoev 2 роки тому +1

      Donetsk and Lugansk already 8 years fight with Ukraine to not being part of Ukraine. Or their death for their DNR/LNR not count?

  • @conquerordie230
    @conquerordie230 2 роки тому +54

    DJ is super level-headed and I appreciate that he never underestimates his enemy. Very wise.

  • @BGrunty
    @BGrunty 2 роки тому +338

    This is what we’ve been waiting for!
    We need more of you three talking about global military politics & going over footage past and present.

  • @gabemufukkah96
    @gabemufukkah96 2 роки тому +5

    When Mike called Russia a NATO member Is when I knew years of service does not make you a competent geopolitical analyst. Furthermore damn these dudes were wrong lol.

    • @emanuelroth7960
      @emanuelroth7960 2 роки тому

      All three are wrong about everything on a truly epic level. I'm originally from eastern Europe and have family in Ukraine. They know nothing about Ukraine and it's people.

    • @gabemufukkah96
      @gabemufukkah96 2 роки тому +1

      @@emanuelroth7960 slava Ukraina my brotha

    • @emanuelroth7960
      @emanuelroth7960 2 роки тому

      @@gabemufukkah96 thanks for your support brother, I appreciate it!

  • @dmitriyshvidchenko6657
    @dmitriyshvidchenko6657 2 роки тому +11

    Mike, I thought you are an expert in guerrilla warfare, isn't that right? Now, look at what recently happened in Afghanistan. And you think that Russia can potentially win this war? Yes, Russia may roll over the whole Ukraine with their tanks, but... They will never take under control such a huge territory with all civilian people willing to fight to the end.

    • @mrs.vasquezz
      @mrs.vasquezz 2 роки тому

      No civilians are fighting

    • @dmitriyshvidchenko6657
      @dmitriyshvidchenko6657 2 роки тому +2

      @@mrs.vasquezz I know this for sure - I speak Ukrainian and Russian languages, and watch all Ukrainian news. Moreover, I would recommend you to read history - that guerrilla war (called "partizan" in Russian) already happened couple of times on Russian (former bigger) territory - 1. In 1812 during Napoleon invasion, and 2. 1941 - 1945 during World War 2.

    • @mrs.vasquezz
      @mrs.vasquezz 2 роки тому

      @@dmitriyshvidchenko6657 oh my

  • @Ac22768
    @Ac22768 2 роки тому +17

    “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.” - Donald Rumsfeld. Russia is not capable of winning this - their military is sub-par. Significant losses, poor strategy and execution.

    • @smtx2117
      @smtx2117 2 роки тому

      Actually look at their gains... not the hardware loss, they have thousands of helicopters, 10s of thousands of armoured vehicles and 10s of million of soldiers...

    • @michal1743
      @michal1743 2 роки тому +2

      @@smtx2117 And how many of those are operational? And what are their gains? What they will mostly win will be ruins if they continue. They need to basically destroy biggest cities to take them over.

    • @JohnDoe-wt9ek
      @JohnDoe-wt9ek 2 роки тому +1

      @@michal1743 What is the objective? Nobody has even pondered what the Russian Army and Government are trying to achieve. They're just basing it on "They invaded, therefore bad people".
      For all intents and purposes, they've been watching a nation steeped in bloody Civil War with the Ukraine Government performing war crimes on Separatist cities with regular artillery strikes and bombing runs, both Separatist sectors being right on the Russian border.
      There IS justification for involvement to bring a swift end to the Civil War. Especially if said nation was then trying to join NATO to secure itself from prosecution on their war crimes against the Separatists...
      Separatists, mind you, who only chose to do so when their peaceful demonstrations, in 2013, were met with Police Brutality and Military violence.

    • @michal1743
      @michal1743 2 роки тому +1

      @@JohnDoe-wt9ek nice political fiction, Separatists were funded and supported by Russian militsry from the start, the civilian flight they shot down of Malaysia airline was shot by Russian air defense. And what is end goal? To destroy sovereign Ukraine and show all former soviet states that Russia and their currwnt regime is thei only option, successful Ukraine was a threat to order in Russia

    • @XDWX
      @XDWX 2 роки тому

      That's not a very honorable quote to be using. Rumsfeld deserves the chopping block.

  • @vyr01
    @vyr01 2 роки тому +16

    4:50 "Ukraine is going to fall" not if they learned the lessons of Vietnam and Afghanistan --- they have the watches, we have the time

  • @living-wellon-less5669
    @living-wellon-less5669 2 роки тому +4

    I think it would be cool if all 3 of you came back and did a critique of this video, you grossly underestimated the Ukrainian people and overestimated Russian military capability!

  • @mikeoxmaul5062
    @mikeoxmaul5062 2 роки тому +11

    I don’t think the answer is conceding. If they want to fight, back them.Fight for them? NO…
    To put in into perspective, the US wouldn’t be what it is today if the founders had followed this kind of advice.

    • @PuertoRicanBoi127
      @PuertoRicanBoi127 2 роки тому

      That’s because the ROE’s were much different or non existent.
      Putin doesn’t abide by them. Ukraine will be a wasteland and at that point why want it?

    • @mikeoxmaul5062
      @mikeoxmaul5062 2 роки тому +4

      @@PuertoRicanBoi127 I’m not seeing your point here. Some buildings would get destroyed and some people get killed so go ahead and surrender? How do you even stand up? No spine in there.

  • @T1mm_UA
    @T1mm_UA 2 роки тому +16

    Can't agree with you on your point that the fall of Ukraine is just a matter of time and that Russia can't give up and retreat from this "special operation". It actually can retreat due to ennormous losses they are experiencing, economic disaster that is approaching and society rejection, by far this is looking very similar to Finnish(Winter) war of Soviet Union. The goals of Soviets there and start were pretty much the same as here and they ended up with huge losses which lead to the truce and annexing of some Finland territories but Finland kept its independence and government. If small Finland vs USSR could basically won that war and kept its country alive what makes you think Ukraine will fall no matter what?
    And what about Afghanistan intervention of Soviets? They just retreated from there after years of warfare, their primary goals were not reached. And all Afghanistan had were basically guerilla squads, there were no regular troops, mechanised brigades, artillery, AA systems except MANPADS (from US closer to the end of war). All of these factors are presented in Ukraine now and are effectively fighting for 1 month already.

  • @Angry-Lynx
    @Angry-Lynx 2 роки тому +22

    Also you're wrong about them not deliberately killing civilians, they absolutely do just mostly with indirect fire;
    I suggest to follow funker530 there's video where bmp2 fires on civilian car killing old couple inside, and that's with 30mm cannon...

    • @kananisha
      @kananisha 2 роки тому +8

      Or the video of Russian jets doing strafing runs on farm houses.

    • @victorwaddell6530
      @victorwaddell6530 2 роки тому

      True .

  • @86prime
    @86prime 2 роки тому +26

    Maybe someone can help me understand. I never fought in a war, and I have the utmost respect for these guys, but I'm confused, and a little disturbed by some of Mike's comments. Russia invaded Ukraine. The Ukrainian government, military and civilians are all fighting for their freedom and sovereignty. Mike makes it sound selfish for the President to be willing to fight to the death, because innocent civilians will die. He makes it sound as if Zelensky should be negotiating with the invader , rolling over , to not risk civilian casualties. This makes zero sense to me as a free American who admittedly has never served his country in a foreign war, but would willing fight to the death against an invading force domestically. I see a guy throwing a molitov cocktail at an invading transport vehicle as brave because that's probably all he has to fight with. We are much more fortunate, being able to own weapons to defend ourselves, not having to wait on our government to hand them out, out of desperation I might add. Also, I give two shits if the Russian soldiers don't really want to be there, or are just following orders. They can go home, surrender, or die.

    • @Fatkiller22
      @Fatkiller22 2 роки тому +7

      Mike is a hypocrite. He founded American Contingency, they say: "Our mission is to inform, equip and train a class of Americans to be self-reliant, resilient, and prepared for any contingency."

    • @Fatkiller22
      @Fatkiller22 2 роки тому +5

      Glover founded the group, he said, “to create a class of Americans that are willing to protect and defend themselves, their families, and their communities from violent actors in turbulent times.”

    • @rascalmatt6713
      @rascalmatt6713 2 роки тому +1

      If Russia wants to, it can and will eventually destroy the Ukraine. That is just the sad reality here. The real issue, is an issue that these three uninformed "former operators" aren't talking about and that is this: President Zelensky spoke at a conference in Berlin this February. In his speech he mentioned being open to reacquiring nukes (against the treaty we pushed them to sign in '94) and also wanted a realistic and or hard timeline to join NATO.
      Obviously, Ukrainians young and old should have an understanding, living on the Russian border, that is something that will NEVER be tolerated. Just as we would not allow nukes in Cuba a'la the Cuban missile crisis... nor would we allow China to put nukes in Mexico.
      I can understand the Ukrainians wanting to fight Russia to the death.... my POINT being, they WOULD NOT HAVE HAD TO if their "PUPPET PRESIDENT" hadn't put them in this situation in the first place. Zelensky is a former comedian/actor. He's a puppet. The same people who put him in power are the same people who orchestrated the "orange revolution" in Ukraine which resulted in the Coupe that ousted the Pro Russian president.. which led to Russia seizing the Crimea.
      I guess my point as a former special operator myself is that each person needs to research the facts for themselves. NEVER, EVER take someones opinion as gospel. Also, special operators typically have only small pieces of information because if they are captured, they don't need to know the bigger picture or plan. Thinking that someone will understand the geopolitics and history of Ukraine and Russia because they used to "operate" is fool hardy at best.

    • @86prime
      @86prime 2 роки тому +11

      @@Fatkiller22 I think that maybe they identify with the invading Russian military more than the Ukrainian insurgency. These three have taken part in war as an invading force, under orders, against an insurgency, but there is a big difference between US forces fighting Taliban and ISIS and Russian forces fighting free Ukrainians.

    • @trololoev
      @trololoev 2 роки тому

      war goes 8 years already, 14000 civilians died BEFORE russia invade ukraine. If Ukraine don't go in nato, stop killing donbass people and forbidden any nazi organisation, then all war just stopped.

  • @jforester7
    @jforester7 2 роки тому +6

    Did this dude just call Russia a "conventional NATO country"?! Dudes don't have a clue what they're talking about lol!

    • @davetripper
      @davetripper 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah, I caught that too. However, given their combined decades of experience as highly trained special operators in complex environments, I have to believe he misspoke or intended something else by that - like a hypothetical… since before that they were comparing some of our activities in occupying other regions fighting insurgencies. Taken literally, it doesn’t translate well tho to anyone paying close attention, I agree.

    • @massimilianoronchi6630
      @massimilianoronchi6630 2 роки тому +1

      Worse, he called Russia AND Ukraine "nato country s".....

  • @chrisnamaste3572
    @chrisnamaste3572 2 роки тому +5

    10:28 We shall see. My money is on Ukraine.

  • @jasonsahl4529
    @jasonsahl4529 2 роки тому +31

    Due to the rapidly changing situation on the ground, could you include recording dates in these videos? Let us know when you recorded this. I don't know what the lag is between recording and uploading.

    • @shutthegate8232
      @shutthegate8232 2 роки тому +6

      rule of thumb, wait 24 to 48 hours for the truth to become clearer after the MSM propaganda or MSM/establishment's version of what's happening, gets rolled out. then you find out, it's an old video, a video from a game, a fake video, a crisis actor video and similar.
      That's pretty much Ukraine/Russia scenario in the last 2 weeks in a nutshell.

    • @lukeneill1568
      @lukeneill1568 2 роки тому +3

      @@shutthegate8232 or just watch the raw footage from the source which you cannot do on these platforms

    • @MichaelAMyers1957
      @MichaelAMyers1957 2 роки тому

      How are they supposed to know the dates ? Does every video say " hey this happened on such and such date, at such and such time ? No. You could say " well the date of the post itself " but just because a video is uploaded at such time, does that mean it just happened ? No. It could be multiple days old and just got uploaded .... also, I'm not being a prick, even though it may seem like that.

    • @jasonsahl4529
      @jasonsahl4529 2 роки тому +9

      @@MichaelAMyers1957 I’m not talking about the videos they are reacting to. That’s why I said “let us know when you recorded this”. Videos about “Ukraine updates” from a week ago are already outdated. What caught my attention here is when the guys said there are supposed to be negotiations on the Belarusian border, making it sound like they haven’t happened yet although there have already been several rounds of talks. That to me indicates that this video was recorded several days ago, but only uploaded today, which is normal and not a problem. But just let us know when they’re filming “hey guys, today is Friday March 11…” because the situation is fluid and changing and may have changed in between filming and uploading.

    • @MichaelAMyers1957
      @MichaelAMyers1957 2 роки тому +4

      @@jasonsahl4529 I gotcha, that's My bad on the misunderstanding. You are correct though, they should do that.

  • @craighaldane3596
    @craighaldane3596 2 роки тому +14

    Watching this a month on how wrong has things turned out for Russia. Would lover to see you 3 review this vlog now 👍..
    Would be interesting to hear your opinions.
    Good video guy's

    • @gabemufukkah96
      @gabemufukkah96 2 роки тому +1

      I think that’s a great idea!

    • @MaddenMagician
      @MaddenMagician 2 роки тому

      Russia is winning lmfao the gay president of Ukraine is begging Putin

    • @jovankljajic8470
      @jovankljajic8470 2 роки тому

      Nothing turned out for Russia my friend

    • @Gospodin_Kurac
      @Gospodin_Kurac 2 роки тому

      I'd say that urko-army is about to crumble.

    • @electrodogaibo
      @electrodogaibo Рік тому

      @@Gospodin_Kurac what will you say now?

  • @BillHesse
    @BillHesse 2 роки тому +124

    I'm curious as to the disconnect between our place in Afghanistan and the Ukrainians and Russians? Afghanistan collapsed about as soon as we left demonstrating how little effect we had on the taliban over the long haul. How is that different from the Ukrainians waiting for Russia to leave and being better equipped to boot? Many of these Russian troops are using trash tactics and unit formations and are paying pretty heavily evidenced by three generals killed in two weeks. I'm not so pessimistic as to think Ukraine has no chance of success. They don't have to win against Russia. They just need to not lose.

    • @huwhitecavebeast1972
      @huwhitecavebeast1972 2 роки тому +8

      Well, the Chechen wars would be our best historic example of what they will do. We never waged total war in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. If total war is what it takes, the Russians will absolutely wreck and level Ukraine. Like the dude said, if Putin wanted to kill everyone there, he could.

    • @BillHesse
      @BillHesse 2 роки тому +9

      @@huwhitecavebeast1972 they eventually abandoned Afghanistan in their past history also. They don't have a perfect track record and a lot of the video releases show pretty bad tactics and training with many of the Russian forces. I'm not as confident that they are the war hammer they project themselves to be. That being said, you are correct that we have some idea of the scorched earth campaign they are willing to go on because of what they did in grozny and thr exit for Afghanistan.

    • @Hefty_Chonkster
      @Hefty_Chonkster 2 роки тому +6

      The "three generals" are currently all unconfirmed reports from sources who really, really WANT it to be true (Ukranian mod, Kyiv independent- same guys who pushed "ghost of Kiev"). So far not so much as a name tag, overheard Cas rep, etc has been actually been reported.

    • @vurtie.
      @vurtie. 2 роки тому

      Nah man US never waged war on any middle eastern country, if we did we could level them it’s that simple. We had small arms groups try and get rid of taliban so that we wouldn’t bomb everything. Yes it happened but not like it is in Ukraine. We were fighting untrained kids with AKs and RPGs, Us Did not need to add any more fire power.

    • @BillHesse
      @BillHesse 2 роки тому +7

      @@vurtie. pretty sure what Russia is doing is par for course for them. We all know we could wipe the slate clean wherever we go but a political victory is crucial. It’s one we failed to achieve in Afghanistan. Not because we couldn’t burn the country to the ground.

  • @frankymr2
    @frankymr2 2 роки тому +16

    There is su much you are missing , there is so much you didnt know. Russia is not winning at the moment. I would love to see you guys get more informed when you do this type of videos. Thanks guys keep up the great work.

    • @JohnDoe-wt9ek
      @JohnDoe-wt9ek 2 роки тому +1

      Based on what information? Our own "assets" of news reporting? Ukrainian news assets? What intelligence presumes this?
      While stalled, they're not defeated. They're seeing the same kind of issues as Germany saw with Poland in 1939.

    • @michaelf.2449
      @michaelf.2449 2 роки тому

      @@JohnDoe-wt9ek I wouldn't say they're losing but they're in a stallmate currently if the take Mariupol which is looking like they will unless some crazy Ukrainian breakout occurs they'll move up and finally encircle Kiev but I feel that if Ukraine can hold out long enough Putin will have to give in he can't finance or justify these cost for long

    • @VolkXue
      @VolkXue 2 роки тому

      @@JohnDoe-wt9ek most psychological profiles of Putin rank him at an average intelligence level. He's not as smooth as people think really and nothing against these guys on that. It's a really common misconception. Putin is actually more of a bully pulpit type of leader internally

  • @moehamdan7652
    @moehamdan7652 2 роки тому +197

    Finally guys who are not war machines. Who realize this is not a good thing and know the causality’s of war . Much respect

    • @user936
      @user936 2 роки тому +21

      some ex-mil end up being war hawks, others truly understand the gravity of war and that it is a switch you always need but never want to pull

    • @DZ4295DBW
      @DZ4295DBW 2 роки тому +16

      I'd agree, but this is happening due to failed US Policy. People need to understand that people need to hold their governments accountable.

    • @oscarguijosa7881
      @oscarguijosa7881 2 роки тому +2

      Maybe Mike isn't but “just following orders doing muh job” guy to his left definitely is.

    • @robbobstew
      @robbobstew 2 роки тому +8

      This has nothing to do with US failed policy. It has everything to do with the people of Ukraine wanting to live in a free western democracy and not in an authoritarian Russian dictatorship.

    • @DZ4295DBW
      @DZ4295DBW 2 роки тому +4

      @robbobstew Well if we had not told them to give up their Nuclear Arsenal for protection....they would not be in this mess. So yes, Failed Policy is absolutely part of it.

  • @stephenwarren2296
    @stephenwarren2296 2 роки тому +2

    “Putin’s not doing it, because he doesn’t want to” I’ll change that statement to “he’s not doing it, because he’s afraid to”

  • @ivyleaguevagabond
    @ivyleaguevagabond 2 роки тому +55

    Shocking that with this perspective that superpowers have lost every significant conflict they have engaged in for 77 years. ‘Just give up’ doesn’t seem to drive people defending their homes and freedoms from foreign invaders. I saw what ‘why don’t they quit, we have better tactics and advanced weapons systems’ did in Fallujah from ground level. I would think that operators such as these, once they are not under orders, would recognize Ukrainians are not interested in ‘rejoining Mother Russia’ regardless of the cost. This is why insurgencies win.

    • @wendyandwalter40
      @wendyandwalter40 2 роки тому +24

      Agreed. Love to watch Mike's vids, but I disagree wholeheartedly on several issues. First, the characterization of Putin as anything other than bumbling on this. He thought he had the resources to wrap this up in a matter of days, underestimated his enemy, overestimated his forces abilities, and failed to establish a backup supply line in case things went south. Bad planning. Doesn't change the overall math of Ukraine's chances in the short term, but hardly makes him "tactical"or smart.
      Similarly, y'all are really going with the argument that he hasn't won yet because he's too merciful? We're talking about the army that's routinely bombing hospitals, civilian shelters, humanitarian corridors?
      Lastly, I agree that Zelensky's decisions will lead to the death of thousands. So did the decisions of a few white guys dressed in war paint, tipping barrels into the Boston Harbor. The Tree of Liberty is often thirsty, and we don't get to decide whether it's worth it for Ukrainians to water it. That's their decision.

    • @Fatkiller22
      @Fatkiller22 2 роки тому +11

      Took way to long to find someone saying this. Russia is the reason people are dying. If the US was invaded would you say we should capitulate and hand our country over so less people die? The people of Ukraine do not want to be a Russian puppet so they are fighting and willing to die so they aren't.

    • @ivyleaguevagabond
      @ivyleaguevagabond 2 роки тому +1

      @@Fatkiller22 thank you for the insight and response

    • @ivyleaguevagabond
      @ivyleaguevagabond 2 роки тому

      @@wendyandwalter40 thank you for the succinct response. Agreed.

    • @cspark5678
      @cspark5678 2 роки тому +1

      @@wendyandwalter40 I think Mike understands the history of the Ukraine and recent events of the last few decades much better than you and that is where your disagreement comes from. Try getting your news from somewhere other than outlets that have continually demonized Putin and the Russian people. You seem to think you know exactly what Putin was planning and how he planned to do it and why. Did you fly to Moscow and ask him yourself? Because it seems like you are just repeating what the talking heads spew on mainstream news. I am in no way saying Putin is justified but war is often very complicated and made up of many more fighting factions than the regular person knows of. Do some research on the Donbass region and the coup that took place in the Ukraine. There are thousands off people that want freedom from the Ukranian puppet regime but you do not hear this on FOX or CNN so it must be hard to believe. This conflict has been building for a long time and the Ukranian "government" is in no way innocent. I can assure you that the blood of Ukranian civilians will not be used to water the Tree of Liberty, it will be used as a pretext for more bloodshed and pointless death to line the pockets of people who do not care about the civilians in any country.

  • @jantsik112
    @jantsik112 2 роки тому +5

    This didn't age well... Russians got wasted!

    • @johnclaudetaylor5224
      @johnclaudetaylor5224 2 роки тому

      was going to say the same but though surely someone else said this already XD

  • @guydreamr
    @guydreamr 2 роки тому +4

    Interesting analysis, but by their logic Vietnam should have given up fighting against the mighty blasts of two monster nations and Afghanistan should have thrown in the towel when faced with fighting *both* superpowers in succession. All to "protect innocent civilians." They didn't, and how did that work out for the great powers they were up against?

    • @lokideangelus
      @lokideangelus 2 роки тому

      thats the thing americans always think that they are the superpower that everyone should fear and bend to... arrogance leads to death and defeat.

    • @guydreamr
      @guydreamr 2 роки тому

      @@lokideangelus I wouldn't say America by any means retains a monopoly in the hubris department. That honor goes to France and the Soviet Union as well (for the Vietnam and Afghanistan debacles respectively). Then there's Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany in their day, and the beat goes on...

  • @MaksymKovalenko
    @MaksymKovalenko 2 роки тому +6

    "what do you think is going to be an outcome of Ukraine?"
    Respectfully, this is the wrong question.
    In this question, replace "Ukraine" with "Russia", or are you afraid to contemplate this?

    • @matttirado7661
      @matttirado7661 2 роки тому

      That is the way I see it...Ukraine will stand and that is as clear as crystal. Ukraine will happily rebuild with the love and support of the whole world. Within 10 years, it will be a paradise like Hiroshima and 10 years, Russia will be North Korea, so, 'what the hell do you think is gonna happen to Russia?' is certainly the question to be asked!

    • @davidp2707
      @davidp2707 2 роки тому

      Many of these ex military hick types think that Russia is very strong, and it will take time for them to learn

  • @madcyrus80
    @madcyrus80 2 роки тому +61

    People just aren’t looking at this situation the same way you guys are and it’s great to hear the commentary.

      @USS-SNAKE-ISLAND 2 роки тому +3

      @@paulbarclay4114 Okay. Fill us in on the truth. What are your sources? How do you know this is true?

    • @SkeezyFPV
      @SkeezyFPV 2 роки тому +2

      @@USS-SNAKE-ISLAND this video almost seemed sponsored by rt and Pravda but I digress….

  • @davidbrownell5441
    @davidbrownell5441 2 роки тому +8

    Here is my question for Mike. What would the average U.S. citizen do if another country tried to come in and take over the U.S.? would you advocate that every person surrendered or fight?

    • @joenunya8449
      @joenunya8449 2 роки тому

      I don't think he is saying Ukraine shouldn't fight for freedom.
      He is saying the Russian troops aren't really the bad guys, they are being forced into the fight by superiors.

    • @davidbrownell5441
      @davidbrownell5441 2 роки тому +1

      @@joenunya8449 : That may be but they still have a choice. If they choose to fight than they accept that they may be killed. The same for the Ukranian's.

    • @annabel-lee9671
      @annabel-lee9671 2 роки тому

      ​@@joenunya8449 say that to people in Bucha. And as I know there is still a thing called "criminal order
      ", and by law you don't have to follow it.

    • @annabel-lee9671
      @annabel-lee9671 2 роки тому

      @@davidbrownell5441 It's not the same. Ukrainians can't just stop fighting. Russians can.

    • @joenunya8449
      @joenunya8449 2 роки тому

      @@annabel-lee9671 True, they can disobey, but traditionally that gets you shot in the head, or imprisoned, or worse your family imprisoned.
      Most soldiers don't know international law well if to truly determine if an order is unlawful. They don't tend to be given a lot of time for reflection.
      We are lucky if they understand that executing prisoners is illegal.
      War is horrible, and truly tragic, the best anyone can do is survive.
      I would not judge anyone for trying to survive and preserve freedom.
      My point was not that rank and file troops are guiltless, but rather that they are not the ones determining when and where to fight.
      If blame could be divided, I would assign 90% to the leaders.
      I would absolutely combat any invading force, and I would prefer all countries have the blessings of Freedom.

  • @yoloswaggins2161
    @yoloswaggins2161 2 роки тому +13

    4:30 I think you're spot on about Putin not backing down. They leveled Grozny, it started in 94 and didn't end before 00.

    • @chucknoris7648
      @chucknoris7648 2 роки тому +2

      But Russia did not even have a tenth of the foreign pressure on them like they do currently. It’s a waiting game if Ukraine can keep bleeding the Russians they might win

    • @viciousvic100
      @viciousvic100 2 роки тому +1

      @@chucknoris7648 No, they won't. The one thing the west is doing, is risking galvanizing the Russian people against them. Imagine everything that happened to Russia citizens, happened here because of the president. You have no control over it. You didn't agree with what he did, but now, "fuck that other country".
      The second thing is, Outside of NATO military action, this is all just prolonging the inevitable. If NATO decides to intervene, can you honestly say its worth getting a few nukes for them? And before you answer, its your mother, father, son, wife, daughter and friends dying for it.

    • @ObamaFromKenya
      @ObamaFromKenya 2 роки тому

      @@chucknoris7648 Russia will win, but then they’ll have to deal with an insurgency

    • @Angry-Lynx
      @Angry-Lynx 2 роки тому +1

      Putin and his army is already humiliated in the eyes of whole world, they can't do anything about it, its done. Corruption and incompetence.
      What we need is to plant seed of fear in putins mind, be even more agressive with sanctions and weapons support,this war is fight not only of battlefield.
      And you guys are unaware putins army actually getting their ass pounded well.. turns out few years of training by US sf did not wasted!

  • @iiio12
    @iiio12 2 роки тому +2

    This conflict will change the existing world order like Afghanistan did to USSR. Russia had put together everything they had during almost 1 year before the invasion totalling 200k (including policemen, 19-20 y.olds and musicians). 30-40% of that is already destroyed incl 5 generals, no dominance in air after 20 days, when assumed to gain it on day one and military parade in Kiev on day 3. Superpower - was a piece of propaganda, which was readily repeated in the US to support own military budgets. Thankfully to Ukrainian men with iron 🏀 s, incl the president, we all now live in a different world.

  • @USMCRonin
    @USMCRonin 2 роки тому +31

    These react videos have been great from someone who’s an actual expert in these conflicts not someone who just speculates with zero experience.

    • @frostbitepokin9520
      @frostbitepokin9520 2 роки тому


    • @JohnSmith-yx8kf
      @JohnSmith-yx8kf 2 роки тому +2

      @@amp776 Geopolitics and on-the-ground stuff is very different. Actually agree with everything these guys said here, but a lot of vets tend to talk about this stuff when they're really barely more qualified than anyone else. Go listen to Evan Hafer talk about politics if you want an idea of what that sounds like.

    • @JohnSmith-yx8kf
      @JohnSmith-yx8kf 2 роки тому +2

      A F - Yep, their opinion certainly holds more weight than a lot of people for sure. They were actually very on-point with regards to this imo. It’s really disheartening to see how many others have been swept up in war propaganda as if they think because there’s a war on that the media and government suddenly stopped lying to them.

    • @user-vc5rp7nf8f
      @user-vc5rp7nf8f 2 роки тому


  • @doncarlton4858
    @doncarlton4858 2 роки тому +2

    I think you guys are way off base. This is not Iraq and the Russian Army is not the US Military. The Ukrainian People are like the Marquis and French Resistance. There are fighting back against genocidal murders! You should be celebrating their courage and backing their fight!
    I guess that's how US Army Special Forces are different from Navy Seals!

  • @michaelcarron3418
    @michaelcarron3418 2 роки тому +5

    It's a meat-grinder for the Russian troops, need diversion on ambush, and Nlaws to take out armor, then FULL Auto grazing fire on troops in open.

  • @chappy48
    @chappy48 2 роки тому +2

    Ukraine is eventually going to be taken over huh? We shouldn't propagate it and keep sending weapons there huh? I'm struggling to not go full in on you right now bro. But that's a weak mindset. Maybe it's just ignorance. We, as Americans living today, have never faced a crisis where our homeland and our way of life was threatened to this extent. We have only fought in foreign wars. The dynamics between that kind of fight and, as DJ said, seeing machine guns and tanks going down the street in front of your house, are very different. I'm hoping that because of your mindset, you didn't fully understand the willingness of Ukrainian civilians to defend their homes. This is not a war of choice for them. This is not an abstract problem to be solved. This is on their doorsteps. Their friends and neighbors are dying. They are choosing to put their lives at risk to defend what is left. We should uplift them and give them support. This is not the time or place to play the "war is horrible and we should avoid it" card. This is people literally fighting for their country and way of life. If the US was invaded and under attack, would you bemoan the civilians, elderly, etc...taking up arms? Would you decry the foreign arms coming in to support the American populace? You talk a big game about the 2nd amendment from time to time. Maybe back it up dude.

    @DIVERDIV 2 роки тому +6

    I enjoy your analysis and discussion.
    The question was asked...Does Ukraine win the war with Russia? The group's consensus answer is a NO.
    I pose a similar question using another superpower we are all very familiar with...Does the US win a war with Vietnam or Iraq or the Taliban in Afghanistan....History has recorded these results.
    The occupier does not win a protracted war with an armed and motivated national insurgency with resolve and with no intention to surrender. Would any of you?
    Putin unleashing any kind of WMDs in Ukraine would send the planet into the abyss...even the monster knows this.
    God Bless us, Protect us and Guide us...

    • @trololoev
      @trololoev 2 роки тому

      no, doesn't win, but people, who make moneys on selling weapons to Ukraine want to make war as long as possible.

  • @lvyvathan
    @lvyvathan 2 роки тому +2

    Please turn down the Putin sympathy dial. The Ukrainian people are proud and fighting for their home and country. If the Russians marched into your country what would you do? Wave Putin's flag? The Ukrainians are not cowards, their men are not running away like some other people. I disagree with what you are saying - the Ukrainians want to fight - we should give them weapons. Don't give into bullies and dictators.

  • @georgewashington7312
    @georgewashington7312 2 роки тому +12

    Our eyes should also be on our government and what they're doing while were distracted

    • @lexwaldez
      @lexwaldez 2 роки тому +2

      Wrong takeaway from the war in Ukraine.

    • @magigooter2096
      @magigooter2096 2 роки тому

      @@lexwaldez It's not a takeaway. Emphasis on the "also" in the statement.
      It's a fair point.

  • @TheBongReyes
    @TheBongReyes 2 роки тому +5

    It would be nice to see a new video analyzing the status of the Ukrainian War. Your views were the views of many in the initial weeks of Russia’s invasion. 6 months in, I believe, the situation has changed a bit.

  • @bryanshaw4434
    @bryanshaw4434 2 роки тому +24

    What would you do if the Russians came down through Alaska and were attacking the US? Probably not going to happen. But would there ever be a time you would give up

      @LORDOFDISCOCHICKENS 2 роки тому +7

      Yeah the people are getting killed and sure the russians will start treating all civilians as hostile but the Ukrainians arent doing anything Americans wouldn't be doing in the same situation

    • @kimberly1221
      @kimberly1221 2 роки тому +4

      Exactly…we would never give up either. I pray they can kick Russia out of their country soon.

    • @huwhitecavebeast1972
      @huwhitecavebeast1972 2 роки тому +1

      Nope. But if it was give up or my entire people face annihilation, I'm going to give up for the time being to fight another day. I'm not going to mindlessly fight a battle I have zero percent chance of winning. Over time lots of things can change, and it is worth it to wait a decade or whatever it takes to preserve the lives of your people.

    • @kimberly1221
      @kimberly1221 2 роки тому +1

      Only thing is you might be living like people in Russia are living today

    • @surfingtothestars
      @surfingtothestars 2 роки тому +2

      First of all the logistics for Russia to pull something like that on the US is next to impossible. Especially coming through Alaska then through Canada. They would run out of money and resources trying to invade and conquer the US. It would easier to just send nukes over lol

  • @robbobstew
    @robbobstew 2 роки тому +2

    I'm writing again because I have been waiting for you guys to cover this but honestly you disappointed me. I guess your a part of the pro Russian fox news people but dang man I hate it but it shows through in your content.

  • @DutchTouge
    @DutchTouge 2 роки тому +11

    Interesting points of view. Remarking the situation in Ukraine as a proxy war, is probably right. You might be wrong about the Ukrainians though. They are proud people. They lived through USSR, they lived through dictatorship. And they made their choice, rather die then live under dictatorship again. This goes for Baltic countries too.
    I do question if you guys have followed the news this week. Russia has been bombing more and more civilian targets. They shelled fleeing civilians. Shot at civilians fleeing. Journalists have been shot at more then once. Broke sease fire's more than once. Cluster bombs where shot at civilian targets. Women and children have been murdered by the Russians. The past few days multiple schools, hospitals and universities have been destroyed. This doesn't look like tip-toeing around. This is wiping out a civilisation.
    You should look up the recent wars Russia has been in recent years. Putin starts slow. But as time progresses the shelling and bombing will be ruthless.

    • @sanguinemoon9201
      @sanguinemoon9201 2 роки тому

      All of what you stated was said about the US during the most recent war in Iraq. Very little of it was completely true. How much of what we hear is propaganda? How many fighters were next to those civilians that were killed? How many journalists were shot at in Afghanistan? Quite a few journalists took fire there. Some were killed. Fog of war is a difficult thing. Driving around a war zone is dangerous. Putin has not even sent in elite tank units and I've seen no SU32's. Sounds like he is pulling punches to me.

    • @lukeneill1568
      @lukeneill1568 2 роки тому +1

      @@sanguinemoon9201 well why would he sacrifice the small amount of good equipment he has?

    • @trololoev
      @trololoev 2 роки тому

      you forgot to mention that all this:
      "has been bombing more and more civilian targets. They shelled fleeing civilians. Shot at civilians fleeing. Journalists have been shot at more then once. Broke sease fire's more than once. Cluster bombs where shot at civilian targets. Women and children have been murdered" are made only by Ukrain. And there is shit ton of video about nazi who fortified in hospitals or schools.
      this is proof of Ukraine war crimes:

  • @yaro21a
    @yaro21a 2 роки тому +2

    Lol 10 days later Ukraine walking all over Russian troops. Russian powerhouse pure clown show

  • @beejuice7972
    @beejuice7972 2 роки тому +3

    Yes... if you do not fight back, less people will die. That is true. The same could have been said for any war... During the revolutionary war, Americans took on the greatest military of the day. Everyday people formed militias. People flocked to serve in the military. And it was undoubtedly said "there is no way they can win." And they did. When freedom and independence are threatened, the cost to protect and preserve them is life. They are things worth dying for in my opinion. And the Ukrainian people agree. "Your freedom and independence? Naaaaah. Just submit. Roll over. If you fight for your freedom and independence, more people will die than if you just don't fight." Yea. No shit. But it is worth dying for. And existing under Russia and Putin is good motivation to fight. The Ukrainians would rather die fighting than be subject to Russia. They do NOT want Russia. Have you the faintest idea of what Russia is like? What Putin is like? Russia is the opposite of the American idea of freedom. The Ukrainians are absolutely justified for not wanting to be subject to Russia. The Ukrainian spirit and desire to fight against an oppressive dictator is the exact same spirit and sentiment an American would have. And this is the overwhelming consensus in Ukraine. Its not just the President. Its not just a small faction of people. No. It is the people. THE people. Everyday Ukrainians are picking up arms. Just like the militiamen during the revolutionary war. People are flocking to serve the Ukrainian military. They want this fight. Who is anyone to tell them their freedom and independence is not worth fighting for because it will cost life? That is their decision to make. You say giving them weaponry and supplies will just prolong the conflict and more people will die. I say it gives them the means to actually defend their freedom and independence. And they are not going to submit anyway. Help or no help. They at least have a fighting chance though. And they can come out victorious. Not without great cost of course. The US was founded on a smaller, objectively weaker military refusing to submit and it came out victorious. The Ukrainians believe the cost is worth it just like those earlier Americans did. In any case, regardless of its success, Russia has lost. Russia underestimates the fighting spirit of the Ukrainians. This won't be without great cost to Russia.

    • @Xsi9mm
      @Xsi9mm 2 роки тому

      Just FYI, in the revolution, the Americans didn't win on their own. They would have been crushed if it was not for the support of France, and other sympathetic European nations.

    • @lvyvathan
      @lvyvathan 2 роки тому

      They want to fight against Putin's invasion. Who doesn't want to support that?

    @ARES.PRODICTION 2 роки тому +2

    Okay so why don't U think about that when u were at middle east? Double standards in my eyes mate.

  • @oscarwarren9709
    @oscarwarren9709 2 роки тому +3

    Man this video didn't age well...

  • @rationalremedies29
    @rationalremedies29 2 роки тому +38

    I REALLY appreciate you guys getting together and talking about this and giving your unique opinions. God bless you Mike, Cole and DJ

    • @bthemedia
      @bthemedia 2 роки тому

      Solid based insights

  • @RRGunner83
    @RRGunner83 2 роки тому +10

    I have to disagree, I think Putin is thinking how he screwed this up. Yes Russia is strong , but this proves they are vulnerable as well. Putin wanted to be in Kiev 10 days ago and can’t get in.

    • @Kalervo80
      @Kalervo80 2 роки тому

      But this is because they avoid civilian casualties at all costs. Just like they said in the video, this would never fly in Iraq how civilians attack the personnel and get away just like that.

    • @matthiasthulman4058
      @matthiasthulman4058 2 роки тому +1

      I strongly disagree
      Ukraine already neglected talks, now they cry about Russia not coming to talks.
      The entire western world is pushing propaganda for Ukraine, why?
      What is going on behind the scenes here

    • @JC-cv3up
      @JC-cv3up 2 роки тому

      Putin is a former KBG agent. Was there during the Soviet Union and the fall of it. He knows what he is doing. Not everything comes out the way you plan it but I’m sure he’s adapting to it.

    • @Xsi9mm
      @Xsi9mm 2 роки тому

      @@Kalervo80 Oh they avoid civilian casualties at all cost? Why don't you tell that to the people of Mariupol or Kharkov, or a dozen other Ukrainian cities.

    • @Kalervo80
      @Kalervo80 2 роки тому

      @@Xsi9mm So in a war civilians occasionally die? Its unjustified war, but to claim they purposefulyl kill civilians or that they aren't avoiding them is just propaganda and does no good in terms of anything other than that which it is, propaganda. Just listen to the video or watch earlier russaian conflicts, thats how it looks when they are not avoiding them at all costs.

  • @jasonmalone155
    @jasonmalone155 2 роки тому +3

    I am a non combat Marine Corps vet. This is not an insult, but I find it interesting that it sounds like you want the Ukrainians to lay down their arms and give up to save lives. I think they have a chance of winning. Not militarily against Russia, but from all accounts they are taking a serious toll on the Russian equipment (tanks, APCs rocket launchers and several different types of aircraft AND a large warship). This war is being reported as very unpopular in Russia and politically destabilizing. If this were to happen in the US, I’m sure I would be joined by millions of vets and patriots dispatching any foreign military that dared to set foot on our soil. That is what is happening here. Also, just found your channel today. Appreciate the content and analysis from a combat vet on some of your other vids.

    • @trololoev
      @trololoev 2 роки тому

      no, it more like Russia help USA in 1783 against Britain to gain independance and end war with britain. Same happen here - Russia helm DNR/LNR receive independance fron nazi Ukraine and end 8-year long war, that cost lives of 14000 civilians BEFORE Russia interfere in this war.

    • @jasondinalt3470
      @jasondinalt3470 2 роки тому

      @@trololoev Фига у тебя компот в голове! 15 рублей тебе на сахар

    • @trololoev
      @trololoev 2 роки тому

      @@jasondinalt3470 эээ... ты только сейчас узнал про войну, что длилась 8 лет? Ты с антарктиды или откуда?

  • @riffedwood5597
    @riffedwood5597 2 роки тому +16

    Didn’t realize how big DJ was until now. Mike is 6’1” so DJ has to be around 6’4”

  • @travelinman482
    @travelinman482 2 роки тому +9

    I would like to see you guys do “react videos” to foreign citizens volunteering to fight in Ukraine 🇺🇦.

    • @XDWX
      @XDWX 2 роки тому

      Dont know why people want to defend the Biden crime families money lauderer.

    • @Uncle_Ruckus_
      @Uncle_Ruckus_ 2 роки тому +2

      you mean cringe redditors becoming canon fodder for the Azov battalion?

  • @gnelfpmeh
    @gnelfpmeh 2 роки тому +12

    They actually can win a war against Russia, the same way the Afghans won a war against Russia and North Vietnam won a war against America and recently, the Taliban won a war against America. Inflict as much loss "blood and treasure" on the enemy as you can and draw it out as long as possible. Even a dictator like Putin will have to answer to his people eventually when things start getting really bad in Russia due to sanctions and the cost of the war mounting up.
    The problem is, that could take a really long time and Putin may just decide to level every major city in Ukraine, killing 100's of thousands in the process, at which point, there won't be anything left to rule over and he will be left with one hell of an insurgency on his doorstop, armed and funded by the west, that will cause Russia huge problems for years.
    Putin really needs to be reasonable in any negotations and so does Zelensky, but even if they do come to agreement, there is going to be so much hatred built up for Russia amongst the Ukrainians, that it will cause big problems for Russia for years. This is not how you treat your neighbors, especially when they look just like you, speak the same language and can blend into your population so easily.

  • @robbobstew
    @robbobstew 2 роки тому +2

    With all do respect guys I am smelling a little too much of that pro Putin hard right wing nonsense. I will watch 1 more but if it continues to smell unsupportive I'll just stick with the other channels that believe Putler is a POS

    • @bmphil3400
      @bmphil3400 2 роки тому

      The ONLY view of this we are getting is a propaganda war by Russia, Our Govt and Our Media.
      Think about this....when Fox news, CNN, MSNBC, and George Soros are all on the same page then where is the truth?

  • @joshleonard6772
    @joshleonard6772 2 роки тому +25

    It's kind of weird to see countries so open about sending weapons and equipment to Ukraine in the modern era. In the past proxy wars like Vietnam and Afghanistan while it was obvious where the weapons were coming from, the countries responsible still went to certain lengths to cover that fact up to maintain deniability. Guess it's just a given in the age of social media and everything being online now but I worry how Russia will view that long term.

    • @JohnSmith-yx8kf
      @JohnSmith-yx8kf 2 роки тому +5

      Russia is going to have bigger problems than that after this. The entire Western world has essentially boycotted the country - their economy won't recover from this for decades. Who knows what sort of internal conflict this is going to cause in the coming years. What's slightly more concerning is that Ukraine has opened its borders to anyone who is willing to fight for them, and armed them with MANPADS, assault rifles, and anti-tank weapons. Good luck accounting for whose hands that stuff falls into after this is over, and where that equipment ends up.

    • @lukeneill1568
      @lukeneill1568 2 роки тому +1

      Yeah I find it strange also. Like we need to know. Just stfu and do it

    • @Sheys73
      @Sheys73 2 роки тому +3

      This is not a proxy war

    • @trololoev
      @trololoev 2 роки тому +1

      @@JohnSmith-yx8kf ends up in Europe, like any other USA-made war. Making terrorists - send them in Europe - repeat.

    • @michal1743
      @michal1743 2 роки тому

      @@JohnSmith-yx8kf no exactly, Ukraine is adding foreigners to their militsry structure in form of foreign legion. They are actually ukrainian soldiers by that with same responsibilities erc and are registered. Hence it will be fairly easy for them to count everything if they survive.

  • @tonycarpaccio9550
    @tonycarpaccio9550 2 роки тому +6

    What Mike said right at the start about lighting up anything that comes near you is already happening, watched an elderly couple get completely obliterated by a tank cause they were driving within 200m.

    • @camerons3097
      @camerons3097 2 роки тому +5

      nah that was a flat out ambush. The armor pulled around the corner fast af and lit that car up. That wasn't being cautious or protective it was a murder.

    • @jesseolson3142
      @jesseolson3142 2 роки тому +1

      It seems like they are killing innocent people anyway. I seen 3 video's 1 was just a guy on a bike 1 was a missile into a apartment building and another was they just dropped bombs in a apartment complex

    • @BasedDad35
      @BasedDad35 2 роки тому

      @@jesseolson3142 Your grammar is horrendous. It was hard to even get the point you were trying to make

  • @funkmachine9094
    @funkmachine9094 2 роки тому +2

    5:50 russia is not part of nato nor is the ukraine

  • @LifeStyle-uh1ns
    @LifeStyle-uh1ns 2 роки тому +3

    Interesting seeing this now. Looks like a lot of the conclusions in this video were wrong. Russia might not have the resources to pull this off without going to mobilization. Also, while a number of troops have been 'normal', many have not as evident by all the murder and apparent genocide occurring. Russia seems to want to control the east because of the industry located there, raw materials (gas supply) and water supply to Crimea (which was cut off after 2014). Ukraine is rapidly developing strength and capabilities as their army is growing from mobilization and people are completing basic. Providing equipment and logistics do not fail they will be able to keep up a very strong fight for a long time to come. Regarding motivations, people are motivated after what happened in Crimea. They know the repercussions if they lose as shown by what the soviets did in Hungary in 1954 if I am correct. The further images of genocide only serves to motivate their troops and make this a very challenging task for Russia's military.

  • @obiesunstreak2409
    @obiesunstreak2409 2 роки тому +1

    As a former WT... let me tell you your view on nuke usage is way off mark.
    The Russians don't want us to get involved, because they know our weapons are more accurate, we have more of them, and have ABMS that work and they don't. Should we get involved big, the Russians know damn well we currently (as of this week) have 14 Ohio class subs out there someplace. Each carries 24 Trident II D5 systems, each Trident II D5 carries 4-8 W88 warheads (MIRV) capable of a nominal yield of 475Kt.
    So, just one Ohio class can target and remove 190 targets (allowing for failed fission and rockets), and we have 14 of them.
    Should the US get a President that has a set of balls, and reminds Russia of this, things will back down again, because even Putin knows they have zero chance of a first strike win.

  • @markusesslinger
    @markusesslinger 2 роки тому +10

    The strangest thing in this conflict is that politicians seem all to go nuts and push towards escalation, whereas many military guys have a much more differentiated opinion.
    Too bad that most leaders never have to fight the wars they are starting...

    • @Ghoosier
      @Ghoosier 2 роки тому +2

      That alone should make us leery of their (politicians) agenda

    • @residentelect
      @residentelect 2 роки тому

      We all know too well the Biden family's history and agenda regarding Ukraine...

  • @Superdada
    @Superdada 2 роки тому +5

    Refreshing to hear from people who have actually experienced war at the highest levels.

  • @nelsfreeman7465
    @nelsfreeman7465 2 роки тому +12

    Live free or die still means something to some people. I feel for the civilians caught in the middle.

  • @denix2130
    @denix2130 2 роки тому +1

    I don't agree with what you guys are saying. I'm Ukrainian and no one will give up. And when the president is saying that he's not giving up all of the Ukrainians agree with him. We love our country and we are willing to do everything for our independence. The problem is that he is not going to stop after Ukraine, REMEMBER THAT he will keep pushing! Putin and his fascist ruling are going down. We just need a little help from the world and we are thankful for everything that had been done so far. Glory to Ukraine!

  • @nextweeksspecial8861
    @nextweeksspecial8861 2 роки тому +4

    The Muj didn't have SA7's they were given stinger missiles. Pretty good short doc on youtube about them guys.

  • @tolitsdterrible4785
    @tolitsdterrible4785 2 роки тому +1

    US was nuclear power during Korean war and what happened? The General who proposed to use nuclear weapons was sacked. When the Vietnamese kicked the US out of their country did you use nuclear arms? How about Afghanistan? Did Russia and US even think about using any nuclear weapons? Putin's threat was exactly for people like you. Think!

  • @calpilot7
    @calpilot7 2 роки тому +3

    Never bet against fighters fighting to protect their homeland…’ll lose the bet every time.

    • @ohscr
      @ohscr 2 роки тому +1

      the native americans would like to have a word with you.

    • @Lord_Humungus
      @Lord_Humungus 2 роки тому

      @@ohscr I could come up with a long list of people who lost a war while defending their home country, this dude must be drunk

  • @jimfaber1443
    @jimfaber1443 2 роки тому +1

    Sounds like your giving Putin a pass and that he can do whatever he wants and that the Ukrainian citizens should just “embrace the suck” But meanwhile you teach anyone who what’s to pony up the cost and the opportunity to post on Instagram on how to defend themselves, family while also engaging hostile threats. We have family members right now that are in Kyiv fighting for the right to be free and they might not win the 50 yard dash but they will win the marathon and there will be plenty of dead Russian soldiers heading back to Russia. Not sure on how much worse without getting NATO involved can it get. Bombing hospitals, schools, Nuclear Power plants, civilian areas what more should he bomb to say that it can get worse. The use of chemical weapons would be the “game changer” in my opinion. The Syrian fighters might be use to fighting guerilla warfare but not sure if they have fought in sub-zero weather conditions and will stick out like a sore thumb in Ukraine. Hopefully the US has sent in the Reaper drones to help with the Turkish drones to demoralize the morale and the fighting spirt of the ground troops.

  • @Kali-tw1sl
    @Kali-tw1sl 2 роки тому +24

    Ukraine is fighting for their freedom. Much respect to Ukraine!

    • @trololoev
      @trololoev 2 роки тому

      Eastern Ukraine fight agains nazi in Kiev that doing this:

  • @lukelewis9165
    @lukelewis9165 Рік тому +1

    Gonna have to disagree about the “not fighting back” aspect… Sure there are Ukrainian people who don’t want to fight but there are plenty to Ukrainians that want to defend their homes and no one should tell them to lay down their arms and submit to any power… if the US military decided to conduct a “special operation” in Canada I would not blame Canadians for fighting back… this channel is big about self defense this is the largest example of self defense and all these guys can say is to submit? Tf

  • @briankelly2886
    @briankelly2886 2 роки тому +7

    Are you suggesting they just capitulate because the enemy is stronger❓

  • @jameshoopes6467
    @jameshoopes6467 2 роки тому +1

    You guys are smarter than me, so this scares me to say, but I disagree. What I think Ukraine wants to do is fight Russia to a standstill. Then they can negotiate from a position of more strength. If they just give up, Russia owns the country. If there’s a stalemate, maybe Russia only owns the Donbas. If I’m right, and that’s a big if, then the weapons from NATO are helping, a lot.

  • @rebd00mer93
    @rebd00mer93 2 роки тому +4

    I love anything GBRS group. I love hearing DJ talk about tactics, firearms and war. The dude is a beast!

  • @ewoksalot
    @ewoksalot 2 роки тому +1

    Guys with all due respect to your experience and service... I just didn't find this video insightful or illuminating at all.
    Three guys speculating about what may or may not be happening in three videos that have about the worst video quality that's come out of UA so far - and the geopolitical storyline unfolding because of said garbage videos is just not beneficial. Or realistic.
    I'm certain you have the ability to provide context and insight to some of what's happening, but this video just fell flat.

  • @starriderstudios
    @starriderstudios 2 роки тому +4

    Thanks Mike. Fog of war, hard to know what's what on the ground and video is impossible to know. Props for knowing what all that means.

  • @Hiddencomment007
    @Hiddencomment007 Рік тому +1

    im in virginia beach i look out my window and that shits fkn happening. just imagine how terrifying that is? -Dj
    coming from him who has seen it all is right. fighting that is certain death. the guys in all black or as we call them, the bearded ones, show up and youre toast. we have it good here you guys no matter what puppet is talking on tv claiming to rep us. dont let our emotions affect the way we think or what we do. i dont want that shit here but feel like thats the end game. get out and train today! find a mutual assistant group of like minded indiviuals who will protect each other. store up water and food ahead of time. have a plan of action. all this isnt free folks. the people and this country are worth dying for but set yourself up fo success. dont rely on whole foods to be feeding you foever. have a primary, alternative, contingecy, emergency plan for everything. God bless yall and the USA. thanks mike, cole, and dj

  • @hogplant390
    @hogplant390 2 роки тому +4

    Gbrs and Mike best combo thanks for the content A+. Gotta see Mike in VA

  • @ThatMidWestDude513
    @ThatMidWestDude513 2 роки тому +1

    The one thing I will say is, you said because Zelensky said he will not surrender that the tens of thousands who will die will because of his choice not to surrender, to that i say those who will perish is because of Putins choice to invade, Zelensky has no choice but to fight, I've seen this said by alot on the right side of the political spectrum, yet if we were invaded let someone throw out the idea of surrendering, they would be called a traiter and shot on the spot, so why should the idea of surrendering even be talked about, Ukraine has just as much as a right to their freedom and sovereignty as us Americans why should theirs be less valued... and I'm not a lefty or right leaning, I didn't vote for Biden Trump or Hilliary, I find them to be incompetent and to far deeply motivated by their party or to far leaning to make it short and simply... im independent I vote based on a number of factors, Character Morals principles Values policy ideas, im more republican then democrat on certain topics, but with the way Republicans have delved into the whole conspiracy wacky trump stuff I seen nothing good coming out of it, trump has ruined the right not all of it but a huge chunk, the left is no better with the cancel culture, extra PC and the whole Trans stuff their is not a single democrat that uses a lick of common sense or logic, not to mention how much fake news each party tells their own party members, politically this country is burning with jet fuel, and the only way i see it being fixed or getting some normalcy is either with new party's or more independents, the latter sounds like the better choice... but Adam Kinzinger is the exact president we need in these times hes young reasonably and logical, Florida's governor is the next best choice, anybody besides those two and this country will continue its downward spiral...

  • @Mhoova82
    @Mhoova82 2 роки тому +4

    Keep these coming. I appreciate the perspective you and your team bring to the table. God Bless Ukraine and those fighting with them.

  • @VK92KL
    @VK92KL 2 роки тому +1

    No, you cannot just say that you should not fight because civilian life's will be lost, I want to imagine if US would just surrender just because life's will be lost, US invaded many countries and lost people over there even though there was no direct threat to US. Russians only understand power, if you surrender, you let them achieve what they came for, if you fight fiercely, you make them have to negotiate. You have to show them that you are willing to die to let them know that the only outcome here is negotiations.

  • @VikingVic76
    @VikingVic76 2 роки тому +4

    More of this please, sir. Great insight, into the Russian regular mind set, from the guys. Maybe find someone who could translate the actual comms, that could be very telling of the true sit rep on both sides...

    • @VikingVic76
      @VikingVic76 2 роки тому

      @@diwool7840 I found "operator starsky" seems like a legit boots on the ground vlog.

  • @bsrcat1
    @bsrcat1 2 роки тому +1

    I'm going to disagree with your assessment on Zalinsky. He is President and the Ukrainian people as a whole are not going to negotiate a surrender. It's no different than if Russia decided to invade the United States. No one is going to give up their freedom without giving up their life. No one is going to live subservient to Putin, I would rather die than be subjugated and more importantly I would definitely fight. Giving up would not be an option.

  • @MrRebTyree
    @MrRebTyree 2 роки тому +3

    Awesome update brother, Thanks for sharing this with us all. The key take aways are to study Lessons learned from the battlefields of Iraq & Afghanistan as to how insurgency tactics work and how they are used against you. As a Iraq combat vet we learned the hard way about insurgency!!! Stay safe and watch your six brothers!!!

  • @alexkalish8288
    @alexkalish8288 2 роки тому +1

    The Russian army can't last more than 60 days. They are more than half used up already guys. They didn't have the logistics and infantry to do this. He was betting the whole pot that they would fold. He lost -
    As american soldiers you have never been out of food for long and always had a supply point.

  • @normalhispanicdude
    @normalhispanicdude 2 роки тому +4

    Listening from these top guys these tactics it is gold. Thank you all for all you have done and continue doing. I cannot agree more with your views guys, and you have seen it up and close.

  • @Pedro-zm6fe
    @Pedro-zm6fe 2 роки тому +1

    I know you guys know war like nobodys business, but honestly it sounds like you guys dont understand this conflict at all..You just called Ukraine a Nato country..Thats what all this is about! Them not being Nato and wanting to join the alliance..

  • @attrezzopox
    @attrezzopox 2 роки тому +5

    Man have we forgotten our history that thoroughly?
    I understand the compulsion to preserve human life, so when y’all say things like “All [Zelensky] is doing is dragging this out” I hear that your heart says the chances are basically zero and that living under the Russian flag is better than not living.
    There’s a Vice report from Odessa in the south where they’re interviewing a lady who survived the same crap that happened in Chechnya. She’s teaching the rest of the citizens how to make Molotov cocktails and is adamant that this is her last stand.
    When I see people like her and Zelensky all I can think about are things like Washington crossing the Delaware and Sam Houston in perpetual retreat after the Alamo.
    In both cases you have these janky gaggles of rando farmers (In Texas’ case they were also horribly undisciplined) who were in the same mindset as that Chechen woman.
    They’d had enough. For whatever reason in their minds they didn’t care if they won or lost really. Only that they caused as much trouble for the enemy as they could before they died.
    It’s hard to say how much chewing shoe leather and drinking from puddles the Ukrainian people can put up with before they throw in the towel. Or how much longer Putin is willing to endure a disruptive canker society draining his coffers and his popularity with Russians…
    But this is a war of attitude attrition. One of them will break before the other.
    At any rate, Putin’s regime has suffered a major defeat in terms of any progress made since the Cold War to normalize Russian relations. Any Baltic state once on the fence is now terrified of being invaded.
    I think the most likely result in Ukraine is a long, bloody, and inevitably cruel war. In the meantime Russia will be further isolated from the west. That’s if things go “swimmingly” and there are no accidents that involve the west or embolden the eastern powers to pick a fight.
    It seems like it’s a tense recipe for WWIII.
    If we’re very lucky we’ll be able to scrape by with a second Cold War.

    • @skywillfindyou
      @skywillfindyou 2 роки тому

      Looks like you have zero understanding of the state global politics. World is changing anyway. Soon there will be more news from other parts of wolrd.

  • @johnconner4695
    @johnconner4695 2 роки тому +2

    I just don’t agree. How many times have Americans said I’d rather die on my knees then live without freedom or some other saying. The real question is if someone invaded America would you guys rather come to a peace deal if they took lands to save lives? I’m just confused on this 180 change in American logic. Yes no one wants war but you don’t make a peace deal with Nazi(WW2) and you don’t do it with the Russians. Interesting change in American thinking especially from a side that’s for guns etc.

    • @massimilianoronchi6630
      @massimilianoronchi6630 2 роки тому

      The war in Ukraine exposed a lot of this "veterans channels" for wait they really are.

    • @johnconner4695
      @johnconner4695 2 роки тому

      @@massimilianoronchi6630 Well I am just curious on if it’s the age plus combat or just combat were there is this 180 change in thinking. I don’t think anyone who’s seen combat wants war but that doesn’t mean you go to peace talks to save lives when you are being invaded. I don’t know. It’s just a surprise to me coming from mike.(don’t know much about GBRS) I’d definitely like to hear him expand on it some more. This is their home why should a people like Ukrainians settle for talks rather then fight and make the Russians suffer. Males and females are willing to stay and fight.

  • @Alexander-mj6vx
    @Alexander-mj6vx 2 роки тому +24

    Exactly what I've been waiting for - very measured and intelligent discussion (that you don't see from many other sources). Thank you gentlemen!

    • @hoosier_tactics
      @hoosier_tactics 2 роки тому +2

      exactly my thoughts too, not super pro one side or another, very measured and appreciated, thank you.

    • @Alexander-mj6vx
      @Alexander-mj6vx 2 роки тому +3

      Just finishing video, wanted to add some insight regarding Russian geo-strategic goals here - 100% China is backing this invasion. There's no real push to negotiate. We are seeing other world powers (not just Russia and China) making decisions here that could really negatively impact the Washington driven western alliance, for whatever that's truly worth. Look at Saudi and UAE already refusing to field calls from WH. Look at WH crawling to Iran and Venezuela for oil deals. Look at India refusing to condemn the invasion. The west is trying to crush the Russian economy, but what they fail to see is that other non-western nations are not all onboard. In fact, they're far from onboard. They don't want to be canceled themselves....interesting times and a lot to unpack and watch here. Watch the dollar.

    • @Saanonymous80
      @Saanonymous80 2 роки тому +1

      Try "Speak the Truth", also. Another Vet with breakdowns

    • @slcpunk2740
      @slcpunk2740 2 роки тому

      @@Alexander-mj6vx Don't invade your neighbours then. All the abstainer are.just butthurt from past shit or currently waiting to start some shit with their neighbours and upset now they can't without consequences. 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @JohnSmith-yx8kf
      @JohnSmith-yx8kf 2 роки тому +5

      @@Alexander-mj6vx I don't think so. China needs the West far more than it needs Russia. China came out early on and said "we hope it can be resolved diplomatically", which reads to me like "don't involve us in this sht". I could be wrong.

  • @s.m.newlin3401
    @s.m.newlin3401 2 роки тому +2

    this assessment didn't age well...

  • @richbattaglia5350
    @richbattaglia5350 2 роки тому +10

    See, that’s the thing you grunts don’t understand. Even if it’s suicide, that mentality, the willingness to do something that bold to a heavily armed unit is what wins a war.
    Same with Vietnam and Afghanistan.