See now this artist didn't cheat with the color scheme. (I think I almost like these videos for the images more than the music!) ;) Good work compiling all this jawnk, bro. Thanks for the uploads.
Wizard Winston Never download mp3 from youtube videos, they are already compressed 1) when they are turned into videos, 2) when youtube stores them they are recompressed, 3) when you decode and make them mp3 again. Dude, a lot of quality is lost. Mp3 should have only 1 compression, from their cd to mp3 and that is all.
That picture.... it's so pretty.
Thanks for making homework a little more enjoyable Krelez ^_^
I agree ^_^
You're an excellent person Krelez, all these chiptunes really help with my study
See now this artist didn't cheat with the color scheme. (I think I almost like these videos for the images more than the music!) ;)
Good work compiling all this jawnk, bro. Thanks for the uploads.
Maybe, but the image is still 24bit O.o why waste so much space?
Wow, years ago I remember finding this 29:29 song and I remember it cheering me up. How odd.
2, 5, 13 and 15 are my favs so far... but I´m getting used to this one too :)
Mine is 11
Your mixes are so cool! I was listening to this while studying/coding and noticing the background change i thought i was high :S
Probably my favorite out of your uploads so far.
Really nice.
All your Mix are great !
Nice videos ! Hope you will continue !
IKR this makes even social studies kinda fun
Great mix Krelez!
Subscribed then. Thx for all videos you made
amazing pixel art
there can never be enough chip
The sky outside my window matches 11:22. Better get to bed I guess.
best mix ever
Aww im sad the beat from 4:19 isnt longer, sounds so awesome.
The second song on this track turned from a chiptune song to a deadmau5 song
im glad i subscribed to you
Thx, you're awesome:D
29:29 that's good shit
Thx for mix^^
So, link url is the same as the link to the entire mix >
Too much chip! :D I need some dip
13:56 - 14:32 should have been it's own song, and much longer! That bass....
Wicked ! Chipnotized @.@
what kind of camera did you use for this pictures ❤️
я обажаю 8-бит!!!!
Hey Krelez, have you ever checked out Phlogiston? His stuff is pretty awesome imo. Especially Cyber Axe Cafe.
Tip and Firefix - Enigma
This is a direct recording from the ultra excellent Amiga megademo "Phenomena - Enigma".
Yay, not blocked!
I feel traped in a gameboy lolz
The file seems to be corrupt, I'll render it again later.
My bad. Fixed now.
07 is called "Columbia", is it not?
like 8bit electro house 5:15 I love u chip tune
I love my chippy
Hi i tried to download the songs individual and the link to the site says they are not available anymore :(. Could you please upload them?
Try again, I don't see any problems with downloads.
ok illl try.
***** download mediahuman and download it easier
***** Dude just use
Wizard Winston Never download mp3 from youtube videos, they are already compressed 1) when they are turned into videos, 2) when youtube stores them they are recompressed, 3) when you decode and make them mp3 again. Dude, a lot of quality is lost. Mp3 should have only 1 compression, from their cd to mp3 and that is all.
So... do you make the pixel art yourself?
some people just cant ..
what's that noise at 17:19?
Hmm, I have no idea actually.
I'm playing Super Hexagon.
backround photos pack pls : )
There's a link in the descriprion
Krelez okays thax m8 ;P
Its broken again.
To much chip not enough hip