I’ve been using a camera mounted above my laser for a few years now, at first it is spot on but over time seems to drift. So I either re do the camera set up or adjust the overlay image. Not a clue how this happens as everything is fixed in place. The camera is mounted on a bracket fixed to the roof and the 600*400 bed size 80w laser is off it’s wheels and on its feet. Well worth having a camera though, and great video mate.
Very cool! A few questions: Can you use the camera feature like that and time an image? If you engrave multiple slate coasters at once, how do you account for the varied thickness of the slate coasters?
@@herbveitenhans3285 I'm not entirely sure what you mean by tile? But if I am doing multiple of the same items I create a jig. Which I'll be showing in a video soon. For different heights of slate I just try to find one that's in the middle for height and focus for that. Unless it's high detail then I'd do them individually
Thanks for the demos, I don’t think my old brain can figure that machine out . Very cool work though. X❤
Your engraving works are always amazing 😍 Moray,and I didn't know that it could engrave on stone also, thank you for sharing this here
Thank you very much!
Cool demo Moray.
Nice illustration of your amazing laser machine,Moray 💜💜
Thank you 🤗
Thank you so kindly for sharing Moray. Take great care
Thank you! You too!
Thank you for your video❤️
Thinking about buying an co2 laser again 😍❤️😍
You should. I highly recommend the aeon Mira S range. The mirror system is outstanding
@@LothianWoodworks thx🤗 will have a Look ❤️
I’ve been using a camera mounted above my laser for a few years now, at first it is spot on but over time seems to drift.
So I either re do the camera set up or adjust the overlay image. Not a clue how this happens as everything is fixed in place. The camera is mounted on a bracket fixed to the roof and the 600*400 bed size 80w laser is off it’s wheels and on its feet.
Well worth having a camera though, and great video mate.
That is a bizarre one. I've no idea why it would do that.
It's definitely a handy addition to the machine tho
Fascinating! Can the laser start the cloth on fire? What a cool machine.
Yeah it could definitely if I allowed it to burn it. But it is possible to use the laser to engrave cloth material and denims
Very cool! A few questions:
Can you use the camera feature like that and time an image?
If you engrave multiple slate coasters at once, how do you account for the varied thickness of the slate coasters?
Tile, not time
@@herbveitenhans3285 I'm not entirely sure what you mean by tile? But if I am doing multiple of the same items I create a jig. Which I'll be showing in a video soon.
For different heights of slate I just try to find one that's in the middle for height and focus for that. Unless it's high detail then I'd do them individually
This laser support the compound lenses?
Hey. The Mira's don't support compound lens they do it support 1.5/2/4 inch lens, with 2" as standard, and 1.5 & 4 as optional 😁
That is amazing! Do you have to tell the system what the material is it’s engraving like the smaller lasers I’ve seen people use?
Not so much what material but what power and speed settings to use