Dr.Mike came to earth from an alien planet and saw it was fat, the earthlings saw his bulbous head and said: "this being has the biggest head, he must be our leader". They then tried to mimic his epic space suit and travel to the stars from whence he came, but to this day, not NASA, nor SpaceX, have seen the obvious secret to weightloss and faster than light gains, so the humans are still trying, *TRYING* to copy the spacesuit, but they don`t yet posess the secrets of Dr.Mike`s epic hoodie. True story ;)
I’m not sure we do. The research on saunas is insane. Incredibly good for lowering all cause mortality. TWENTY-THIRTY percent for just one session per week.
Based on what? That’s the point of the video, there’s no evidence that supports this. If you enjoy it I guess sure, but there’s no evidence to support what you’re saying
Cold ass showers in the winter helped pull me out a a depressive funk and build a meditation habit last year. I stand by cold showers as a great way to wake up.
At first I read this as "lifting in my car," and I was disappointed when I re-read it and found out you weren't, like, lifting barbells inside a vehicle. Sad.
My father, 54, started swimming outdoors daily since this spring and is continuing to do so every single day. The caveat is that we live in Estonia so right now he has to swim in frozen lakes and ponds. Ever since the waters cooled down, he has started to witness several positive effects. Chronic back pain alleviated for several hours after the swimming; hands that were usually prone to cold are now always warm; high blood pressure has come down significantly; considerable weight loss thanks to the calories burnt to heat the body back up after the fact. So even though there ain't much scientific work done on this, I believe that it's worth investigating.
Many people see these benefits, I think more money needs to be put into ice bath research to prove the benefits, and not everyone is affected the same way. I think that overall cold plunges are an overall good thing for you, just don't do it after weightlifting because you won't grow muscle as well
Have you considerd the fact that just the exericse has proven effects on things like back pain, blood pressure and weight loss? Irrespective if it is in cold or warm water.
@ I considered that, but as I said, the effects started happening only after the waters went cold. Besides, those cold plunges only last for a couple of minutes each time and in the summer he more or less swam recreationally, not with much physical effort. That's why I suspect that cold has a lot to do with those benefits.
My buddy used cold therapy to help him quite benzos. He got me on it and it’s helped me manage my mental health. I’d argue that that’s where the primary benefits of cold plunges lie.
Yerp. The mental aspects of doing something shitty is just great. Cold water is a very simple way to achieve this but I bet other things work just as well.
I swear by a cold ending to my shower in the mornings and it does help wake me up ... I've always found it hilarious that people keep adding more and more benefits to cold pluging/showering, and spending more and more money on it. Shower in the morning like normal, turn the temp down at the end, stand in it a bit and then get out ... Sorted. No need for a multi-thousand dollar bath 😂
Dr. Mike is right in that it doesn't help you get jacked but like there are reasons to do stuff other than to get jacked. Feel like this is a case of single-issue fixation, bodybuilder edition
Hahaha it's so inevitable..... I do think wim hof made it a trillion times worse. I mean he even tried to cure terminal cancer. It's like nothing can ever remain just feel good or have some benefits. For us that has been doing the sauna and cold baths for a couple of decades just because it feels good and then it gets turned into some influencer freak show....wtf
@@LafemmebearMusic you seem to be very opposed to the idea of cold showers / exposure. if you don't like them, you can stay away from them! find something else that makes you feel good. it could be a burning hot shower or sauna, or some other activity altogether - everyone's different.
@@LafemmebearMusic Based on doing it for a few years and experience. I love Dr. Mike but I don't take steroids, I get natural boosts from everything I do and they give me great results. My hair is also nicer than his so that counts for credibility.
Clutch information from an informed physiological perspective. Your reminders regarding timing of cold exposure are why I do cold exposure in the morning and train (followed by a 30 minute sauna) in the evening. I never do cold exposure within 8-12 hours of a training session. Primarily I enjoy the psychological effects of cold exposure. As an unmedicated ADHD person, the period of dopamine regulation courtesy of a morning "embrace the suck" is highly valuable to me.
fellow unmedicated adhd fellow here. thank you for putting this into words for me. i always liked to turn to cold showers in the morning whenever i felt unable to “lock in” or was in a period of extreme disfunction. never looked any deeper into it though
@@jocee2257 lmao you cynical clown. Not only are there some proven benefits which will only become more apparent with more research, but also... EVERYTHING is in your head. Depression, anxiety, weakness, strength. It all starts with psychology. You're not as smart as you think..
I'm also unmedicated, but unfortunately for me, it makes me very relaxed. Which in itself isn't a bad thing, but I don't get much done after I do cold showers.
I appreciate your sound level and clear enunciation,I don't have to max out the volume on my phone to hear what you're saying, maybe you could make a tutorial on those! 👌
My disgust and horror hearing that one of the few useful benefits is one that applies to my life. Fuck am I really about to start taking cold showers to wake the fuck up in the morning?
step out of ur skirt and take a cold shower pussy. its cold water nothing more nothing less... seriously people pretending its the end of the world....
I had chronic pain for years which thankfully is well controlled now. Cold showers were a huge analgesic and anti-inflammatory for me. It's become a trendy thing and is thus overhyped, and some claims are false. But I can say that 100 percent it has a palpable effect on pain and mood.
I use it in intervals 2 min hot then 2 min cold exposure. Thats what worked best for me. Insane how it reduces the pain. But good to know it prevents muscle grow.
The amount of scepticism and data bros these days is pretty funny, even when something is blatantly obvious, and its been done in some cultures for centuries. And its another great example of lack of initiative from the scientific community in pursing further studies in something that is highly effective for all sorts of issues but totally free.
Everyone misrepresents Huberman's stance on cold exposure... he actually states in his lectures that Cold exposure can "STUNT" muscle growth. Many people choose cold exposure for dopamine-related protocols, and the most passionate advocates aren't people who are trying to get "jacked." Yet bodybuilders will isolate those experts' comments about cold exposure and try to make it sound like they are wrongfully promoting cold exposure for muscle growth benefits. Personally I haven't seen any experts saying online that they recommend cold exposure as a tool to be included in hypertrophy protocols.
Huberman also says it's not recommended for strength goals. He also says for some people, the only benefit is "perceived relief" after high intensity exercise. He is extremely cautious about making claims, just like Dr. Mike is, but Huberman-deniers don't watch the full 2-hour lectures so they believe the Social media trends portraying Huberman as someone who makes wild claims.
For me, it has proven to be very beneficial in two areas: Mental alertness & Immune System Strengthening. Side benefits include mental well-being (it feels good to do difficult stuff) and overall feelings of relaxation & full-body pain reduction.
Not gonna lie, the “Why do People do it” section had me sold 😂 For real though, the psychological benefits are no joke, definitely reflected in the comments
Cold plunges suck. That said, for me, a morning cold plunge is a matter of discipline and a great indicator of my mental health. Mustering the discipline to get into cold water at 5 a.m. sets me up for a productive and successful day. I'm a lawyer, and my subjective response to a stressful day is way better on days I cold plunge. When I stop cold plunging for a few days, it is an indicator that my mental health is slipping and tells me I need to get back on track. I workout in the mornings, around 6 a.m., and that gives my body plenty of time to warm-up before a heavy bench workout. Cold plunging could very well be doing nothing for me physiologically, but maintaining that level of discipline just seems to make life a little bit easier.
That's the thing about it. It is in all likelihood a very effective placebo. Is a placebo that works invalid? Hell no, if it works for you by all means do it. The problem is all the passionate claims about its scientifically guaranteed benefits when there is zero actual scientific guarantee. It's vibes, extremely anecdotal evidence, poorly executed research, and snake oil salesmen profiting off turning it into a cure all. I think the really important part of future research is whether it has significant negatives rather than significant positives, since whether there are real positives or it's just placebo, we don't know if there are significant harm risks beyond "I spent too long in the cold bath and got hypothermia".
@@TheoSewshe’s the Lincoln lawyer, so he has his inflatable ice pool in the back of his Navigator. Time is money so plunge on recess in the courthouse lot.
Man, just saw your interview with "TheCEO", I knew you from your channel only, and had a huge respect of how you deal with lot of topics, after this show, this respect it's lot of bigger, the way that you've oppened up, whole shit, lot of us can't imagine to do like that! When you talked about the "Power" and Dragon balls, o lost my shit here! Keep the great work!
00:25 ive never heard anyone say cold plunges or exposure to cold promotes muscle growth? Ive only thought its anti- inflammatory? And jolts to system as to wake up faster. Also I personally do cold showers right after waking up so that the rest of the day is "easy". Its a psychological technique for me :)
Its a little bit of anti-inflammatory, but it seems to not actually affect muscle recovery in a positive way, it seems. It reduces symptoms, not solves the problem. People say it would promote muscle growth because they think it allows muscle recovery quicker, so they can hit the gym more. Recovery is a part of the muscle growth process and the inflammatory part is literally your muscles trying to fix themselves. Ideally, you deal with the delayed onset soreness bs, not try to remove it.
@@bigpunk157 Sore mucles after training are gonna be sore either way I feel. Part of the natural process. What I ment was anti-innflamatory in other ways. Nervous system, sensitive skin and also muscles. But not to gain muscles. But to make way for the right nutrients etc in you veins and what not. Inflammation is good.. but not if its because your auto-immune system reacting to stuff that isnt actually bad for you. In my case it has helped with allergies and sensitive skin :)
If it works for you then great. But I can't understand for the life of me. How waking up and making myself freeze to death. Is going to make the rest of my day easier 😅
@@bigpunk157personally i’d never seen anybody argue for cold plunges as a pro muscle building technique. it’s always just been seen as a way to essentially wake yourself up by getting your adrenaline going and spiking your dopamine so you feel awake and alert. ofc it has anti inflammatory effects but typically athletes use it in order to recover in time for their next game. they are not worried about muscle growth.
Met a woman who had worked in a place that offered cold treatments and other modalities. She tried all of them, said cold was the best; it made her feel like she was dying, and then burst back to life as she was brought up out of it.
If Dr. Mike isn't already doing this, he should really consider directing studies that advance exercise science. He is very skilled at identifying the lesser known areas of the subject (i.e., mechanisms, processes, and biology of muscular hypertrophy).
I did a 5-10 minute cold plunge every morning a year ago during a Christmas vacation because my dad wanted to try it. We’d workout every afternoon/evening, and I noticed at the end of the week that nothing hurt that week (typically have lower back soreness and sometimes knee). Was training hard too. Like deadlifts sets of 365x10 and heavy high rep squats.
It's a pretty cold winter in New York, so just walking outside wakes me up about the same way as a cold shower. I've started to enjoy that before a workout. The warm-up is extra focused.
I think I’m kind of past this point where I even care about this shit anymore. Every time somebody comes on the Internet and tells you that something is good, somebody’s doing a video to tell you why it’s not good. And if you do something and it works for you, then somebody tells you like “nope it’s just in your head. There’s no science to back it up.” This is why I no means an attack on Mike and he’s my go to for exercise science information but things like this, I just can’t help but think if it works for you then just do it who cares what anybody says.
But it's short term relief. And the inflammation and pain are part of a long-term solution. It's a symptom of the process of healing, and that's what the cold plunge is interrupting.
For those struggling with chronic stress cold plunging creates a stressful environment activating the autonomic sympathetic system. Then, the stress is removed allowing the para-sympathetic system to create calm within the body. This can be a beneficial intervention.
I've been a, "I love being in the cold guy" my whole life. Been going to the gym in shorts and t-shirt in 20F lately. Going to try bundling up more before and after and see if I notice a difference. I get so sweaty, especially in my palms.
RP! I’m 22 years old and a type 1 diabetic have you guys ever done a video around medical conditions and just some tips and tricks when it comes to diet, supplements (protein and creatine mostly). I’m on a 600 calorie deficit daily and my sugar levels always drop during my workouts
Long before Americans were ranting for and against cold exposure, Europeans have been doing it in saunas for ages. In Germany for example since the 60’s. Incredible sauna parks everywhere there. Nothing is more relaxing and simultaneousky rejuvenating as contrast therapy. I know the truth for myself, and hear from enough who agree. Cold exposure is the best part of a sauna exoereience.
@@Quintin15a spelling mistake by a non-native speaker doesn't mean what he says is false. Du kannst wahrscheinlich nicht einmal ein Wort in einer anderen Sprache sagen, typisch amerikanische Dummheit
Boosts testosterone if done before working out. I’m mid 40s and last year had 1060 T and few months ago was 880. And that was due to getting a lot less sleep.
I both disagree with and there is some incorrect information here. For starters...Brian Shaw, Hafthor Bjornsson, Eddie Hall, Alistari Overheem, Renzo Gracie all do cold plunges. Those are just a few of many that I'm mentioning. To suggest that cold exposure affects gains would imply that those who live in colder climates have less muscle and athletic performance...Does cold exposure not help circulation? I've been doing cold exposure for 7 years, and I do not experience this post cold exposure relaxation. The cold exposure itself, if done properly is a refreshing and relaxing experience. If I do cold exposure before a workout...I have a GREAT workout! Both physically and mentally. I am mentally more focused which helps the physical side. I do notice a slight gain in both strength and endurance if I have cold exposure within 2 hours before a good workout. I don't have any issues with my muscles being more "brittle" nor have I heard this from anyone. And are you sure about these "inflammation pathways" being turned off? Nothing has been proven or disproved yet. Again, this would imply those in colder climates suffer gains. What about a possibility of a rebound affect (increasing) gains? Have you actually tried cold exposure? Most everything you have said in this video are speculative....
I would even speculate that there might be actual benefits from cold plunges that INDIRECTLY affect muscle growth in a positive way: regulation of vagus nerve and whole nervous system for example, which can turn down stress hormone levels (thus contributing to better growth) or control digestion, which can affect nutrient absorption. From my personal experience - and I have just started doing cold plunges 3 months ago - my sugar/junk food cravings are completely gone (positive for body composition), my energy levels are MUCH higher and my workout volume is higher thanks to that as I can lift more (positive for muscle growth). Sure there's no research that would be saying cold exposure is increasing muscle synthesis, but to suggest that this is another FAD is very unjust to this practice that people had been doing for hundreds of years...
I got into cold baths when I started running and was in a real slump emotionally and mentally. It really is shocking how much my mood improved with cold baths. It also really helped the shin splints I would get when I first learned to run. I would sometimes be crawling and/or limping into the bath but would be back to normal after the bath. I also noticed that a cold morning bath generally led to a happier start for the day that lasted well into the day. A night time cold bath put me into such a deep sleep. However, cold showers are the worst thing I’ve ever done and I do not recommend.
Just did a 5-minute freezing cold shower because this video reminded me that it's really good for mental health. Felt like I was dying during, but now I feel full of life. 😮
Why larp… just fall in I was out for a walk this morning and stuck my foot though some ice and fully submerged my boot haha Also have fallen in to my hip before like a dunce
I love your channel! I did want to bring up that the only time I take really cold showers is in the summer (it gets really hot here) early in the morning before I work outside. It reduces and maintains my body temp. Then I cover myself from head to toe. People think I'm crazy, but heat/sun exposure is a thing. You don't see fruit pickers with shorts and t-shirts on 😂. Also, if unwillingly have to use a cold shower, it's when I'm swimming, so I just have to go with it. The ice baths are insane.
With the shock and flood of cortisol and adrenaline that follows it can fry your nervous system, add to adrenal fatigue and in turn be detrimental for optimal immune function.
After 8 years of practicing it, I'm at the point where I genuinely enjoy cold exposure. It's been great for my mental health and my chronic tendinitis (which has been absent entirely for the past 5 years). Getting jacked is more of a sidequest for me, I'm consistently seeing progress and also just enjoy the process of working out and challenging myself, so I don't mind if the muscle growth it's slower than it could be -- I have no competition that I'm training for.
I thing the reason athletes use cold exposure is because it delays the feeling of soreness so that could be what you were feeling. But it only delays it from what I understand, I could be wrong though
Well the cold will lessen the sore feeling you get after working out. Im not qualified to tell you exactly how it works, but it makes you feel better, but you're not gaining extra muscle or anything from the cold. Source: swam in high school and we used to take cold ass showers in the locker rooms after winter practice. EDIT: See 7:05, Dr. Mike explains the mechanism here
The cold has a lot of benefits for athletes, it's only that it seems to directly impede hypertrophy (muscle growth / size) which is the primary concern of this channel. If your goals are beyond bodybuilding (hypertrophy training), there are advantages to cold plunges (such as the improved recovery time you mentioned).
Thing is...simply doing something that is necessarily hard and sufferable, makes you stronger. Even if there's scientific studies showing that there is no true physiological benefit, anything that is essentially uncomfortable and tough makes you better, because it masters your discipline and makes you tougher.
Cold exposure is great psychologically. You start the day by doing something hard. The real benefit is the thermal energy aspect. If you know the tank's baseline temp and volume prior to you getting in and then measuring the temp after you get out, you can do the math on the thermal energy that your body gave the water by heating it up by 1 or 2 degrees. Then you can convert that to calories since calories is simply a measure of thermal energy. That equation tells you how many calories your body HAS TO BURN in order to get your body temp back up to its baseline core temp. A cold tub will absolutely jump start your fat burning. Depending on temp and how long you stay in, you can see anywhere from 500 to 1000 extra calories burned just by sitting in the tub for anywhere between 3 and 10 minutes.
Then a hot shower will do the exact same. Evaporation is a cooling process. Don’t believe me? Wrap a cool damp cloth around a water bottle in the summer heat. You’ll get ice cold water.
@bukefalas hot shower or sauna is fantastic but the sweating mechanism is far more efficient. That's why if you hop out of a sauna, you are good to go in under 30 seconds. Sweating is super efficient. The body has no equal and opposite thermal reaction to extreme cold. I do both. Both great
@AlexanderSenese air to water thermal energy transfer in under 10 minutes is basically zero. I've tested. Also mine is in the garage and right now in NE Ohio is 4 degrees below zero... So no that's not a factor at all
@AlexanderSenese if I need to provide the thermal equations to break it down I am happy to. Energy is heat and that's why we can measure energy so easily all around us in the world
My life changed for the better the moment i started taking cold showers every single morning, from monday to monday. I simply feel less anxious, less stressed, and i just straight up feel like living more. Even if it there`s no "scientific" evidence that it actually works, even if it is just placebo, by empiricism i can safely tell that it does infact makes me feel and do better, and that's what matters imo.
I was a mess after Covid. I had an undlerlying autoimmune issue and I was a mess because I lost both my parents with in a few years of each other prior to Covid. Turns out that I had a bunch of food sensativities that developed in my mid 40's as well. I had horrible insomnia as a result. My functional health doctor said I was stuck in fight or flight. My nervous system was shot. I felt compelled to start cold plunging. The first day I was able to sleep. Cold exposure heals your vegus nerve. If you have stress in your life... cold plunging will help. Using sauna in conjuction to cold plunge is one of the best things I have ever done for my health. The nordic people figured this out a long time ago. You stick to your steroids and I'll stick with my cold plunge and sauna. 😀
Is that what got you out of being stuck in fight or flight? Currently dealing with this now. Did you do anything else? How did you cold plunge? Thanks!
@@justinheald3000 I was in my early 40's at the time. It turns out that years of bad choices eventually catch up with a guy. lol. The best thing I ever did was to go to a functional health doctor who ran food sensativity, stool and comprehensive blood tests. It turned out that I had some food sensativities and a common MTHFR gene mutation that effects your vitamin B levels. including a gluten intolerence. I went on an elimination diet (carnivore based). I started to cold plunge. I bought a 100 gallon rubbermaid trough from tractor supply. I sit in it for 3 minutes every morning .Cold showers did not create the same effect as soaking. The first time I sat in it I uncontrollably broke down sobbing for a minute. It created some kind of release. Then I started to do a lot of walking and light workouts. For me... I had to change alot of little things but it is working. Eating liver, red meat, fish, fruit and other nutrionally dense food helped tremendously I stopped all processed foods, seed oils, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. I take Vitamin D3, K2, zinc, magnesium and B1. Most people are deficient in these vitamins. After I went on my elimination diet it turns out that I had a reaction to someting called axalates in alot of vegtables. You need to get the test done or else your guessing. Believe it or not the food you eat heavily effect your hormones and ability to deal with stress. Feel free to ask me anything. Hope you get better.
All I know is when I do cold exposure in the morning I feel fantastic. Or when I do it to remove extreme muscle fatigue it helps significantly. I avoid doing it after a normal workout. It helps muscle growth if you do it before working out.
@@gilfiazon2575 Grounding is in dispute as to whether it actually does anything but cold plunging has scientific benefits like increased alertness, a massive reduction in depressive symptoms, less inflammation etc. Why are you commenting on something that you have an extremely limited understanding of?
Not for muscle growth point of view, but even more important. Nearly freezing point water exposure, bath or swim is way different than cold exposure which many may think as equal. I don't feel cold weather is good for me and it does not make me happy. Cold plunge / ice swimming is way another thing and my body - brain feels it every single positive way. You get used to it and even take ice swimming after first times doing it. First real cold exposure even hurts kind of and soon after wrapping towel on I don't freeze anymore even if weather is minus degrees (celsius) outside on a lake. I start to feel very comfortable in my body and mind. Relaxed and good because dopamines and endorfines rush to help as stress hormones do. It works if you are feeling average well - normal - or even anxious / depressive. I could recommed it to everybody. You feel completely like a winner after. Cheers and good feelings from Finland!
When i did my sports health and nutrition qualification many years ago it was always use heat treatment to help with inflammation immediately after workout and not cold treatment.
Yup, I am too scared to even touch ice water as a person from the tropics! You keep me away from that crap and just treat me with good ole massage and heat!
If cold prevents growth and heat shock proteins as well as blood flow enhance growth, it seems plausible to me that sauna after a workout could (honestly, should) enhance growth, right?
I am russian. Cold exposure has done basically nothing for me. I did cold showers for 2 months+ every day and the only positive benefit i got was doing something uncomfortable for the first 3 times. after the 4th cold shower i didnt even feel it a lot. my body adapted instantly and it was just a less relaxing way to shower
It's winter here in the northern hemisphere, half of us get cold exposure every time we step outside. Yet somehow we aren't immortal demigods, what's up with that?
Wake up in heated apartment, put on a lot of clothes and go to car/bus and working inside a heated space is the truth for the majority. That is not real cold exposure
@@DatsWhatHeSaidLook up Huberman's studies on Goggins. There's a few studies supporting that there's an area in your brain that effectively physically grows when you're exposed to "hard" things. If you think about it, it checks out too; How do some people do so much of the things that suck whereas other struggle to make their bed in the morning? They "trained" their ability to push through uncomfortability. It's effectively a strengthening process. And funnily enough, there's indications that said brain area has some linkage to one's "will to live" - although that is not thoroughly explored yet, admittedly. But yeah there's studies on that brain area. Look it up :)
Less-than-warm showers are the way to go. Not cold, but just not super warm.. If you do it before the gym, make sure it's early enough that you warm back up on the way to the gym, like biking to the gym as I do sometimes. It's not a magic cure-all, its just a nice boost to some systems.
Interesting exploration of the cold plunge fad, thank you for breaking it down so it’s easy to understand. do you have a booklist on fitness and fitness science? I’d love to have a better understanding on fitness
I was just immediately reminded of the liver king walking around New York shirtless and that submersion thing he did with his wife where he ate a shard of ice
Had headaches for 6 months. Crt and doctors did nothing! Hung myself upside and my spine went bang. Headaches gone. Doctors dont know everything. Including Dr Hulk here. Cold swimming and showers has helped me a lot
Rogan warms back up after cold plunge, before trainng. He doesn't train with cold muscles so I'm confused by the focus on debunking training with cold muscles.
Doesn't work for what? It raises your resistance to cold, eliminates muscle soreness, and provides a dopamine ride that lasts for hours afterward. Does it increase hypertrophy? No, it does the opposite. But it doesn't affect strength
Cold plunging first thing in the morning makes the rest of your day great by ensuring it's not gonna get worse than that
well said
you could... I dunno get someone to kick you in the grapes and get the same result and save some money at the same time?
Mike’s hoodie be looking like a space suit
Dr.Mike came to earth from an alien planet and saw it was fat, the earthlings saw his bulbous head and said: "this being has the biggest head, he must be our leader".
They then tried to mimic his epic space suit and travel to the stars from whence he came, but to this day, not NASA, nor SpaceX, have seen the obvious secret to weightloss and faster than light gains, so the humans are still trying, *TRYING* to copy the spacesuit, but they don`t yet posess the secrets of Dr.Mike`s epic hoodie.
True story ;)
@@afrog2666 you are right ... this must be the truth
80s Lego without the visor, they did pop out easily.
We need the same type of video about saunas
You don’t do saunas because somebody who actually does them consistently wouldn’t say this
I’m not sure we do. The research on saunas is insane. Incredibly good for lowering all cause mortality. TWENTY-THIRTY percent for just one session per week.
Ofc saunas are not good for muscle growth.
@@WtfDoIWriteHeree I know, but it was just a snippet of information, this topic deserves seperate video
cold plunges are not great for getting jacked but they are great for depression / anxiety, and not being depressed is great for getting jacked
Fucking Agreed : )
Double fucking agreed 💪🏽❤️
Based on what? That’s the point of the video, there’s no evidence that supports this. If you enjoy it I guess sure, but there’s no evidence to support what you’re saying
Explain more please 🙏🏾
1:02 that intro! I'm so glad you left that in!
Emo Mike is best Mike
Cold ass showers in the winter helped pull me out a a depressive funk and build a meditation habit last year. I stand by cold showers as a great way to wake up.
Every morning. Same.
Placebo effect at best
@ I assure you it’s no placebo that it wakes your ass up instantly.
If you talk to people who take ice baths they will 100% tell you they take ice baths.
I take ice baths and i agree....fuck
I took an Ice bath this morning. Feel f**king great because of it.
We talk about how we take Ice Baths? Yep, checks out
@@jessemiller3108 Oh ya? go on. Tell me more. Are there any benefits that I should be aware of?
Mike’s head looks like an AI projection
Mike procreated with ai, Solocrates to ai rather
this inner shadow is like literally totally black, look so unrealistic lmao
no u
He`s actually on his home planet right now, and it IS a projection, he has the power
Mans gotta chill w the HGH his head looks like Kratos or some shit
couldn’t figure out for the longest time why dr mike looked so familiar and then i realized he looks like letho from the witcher series
omg you're right!
He kicked my ass in Assassins of Kings. Mike I mean.
Ice baths are what took me from making minimum wage and living in my car to pulling down $80,000 a month and deadlifting 2000lbs…
Me too 😂😂😂
At first I read this as "lifting in my car," and I was disappointed when I re-read it and found out you weren't, like, lifting barbells inside a vehicle. Sad.
Hell yeah bro that’s what I’m talkin about.
That's nothing, brah. Think how rich and jacked the Neanderthals were in the Ice Age. #primalbullsh...I mean gainz
My father, 54, started swimming outdoors daily since this spring and is continuing to do so every single day. The caveat is that we live in Estonia so right now he has to swim in frozen lakes and ponds. Ever since the waters cooled down, he has started to witness several positive effects. Chronic back pain alleviated for several hours after the swimming; hands that were usually prone to cold are now always warm; high blood pressure has come down significantly; considerable weight loss thanks to the calories burnt to heat the body back up after the fact. So even though there ain't much scientific work done on this, I believe that it's worth investigating.
Many people see these benefits, I think more money needs to be put into ice bath research to prove the benefits, and not everyone is affected the same way. I think that overall cold plunges are an overall good thing for you, just don't do it after weightlifting because you won't grow muscle as well
Have you considerd the fact that just the exericse has proven effects on things like back pain, blood pressure and weight loss? Irrespective if it is in cold or warm water.
In general I guess it's just nice to be resilient to cold
Most of the stuff you explained are most probably to be benefits from swimming itself rather than exposure to the cold
@ I considered that, but as I said, the effects started happening only after the waters went cold. Besides, those cold plunges only last for a couple of minutes each time and in the summer he more or less swam recreationally, not with much physical effort. That's why I suspect that cold has a lot to do with those benefits.
My buddy used cold therapy to help him quite benzos. He got me on it and it’s helped me manage my mental health. I’d argue that that’s where the primary benefits of cold plunges lie.
I agree benzodiazepines are best dor mental health I take about 4 diazepams a day and i.t has bee working wobder s
Yerp. The mental aspects of doing something shitty is just great. Cold water is a very simple way to achieve this but I bet other things work just as well.
He got you on the benzos or the cold therapy?
I swear by a cold ending to my shower in the mornings and it does help wake me up ... I've always found it hilarious that people keep adding more and more benefits to cold pluging/showering, and spending more and more money on it.
Shower in the morning like normal, turn the temp down at the end, stand in it a bit and then get out ... Sorted. No need for a multi-thousand dollar bath 😂
This guy gets it 😊
Dr. Mike is right in that it doesn't help you get jacked but like there are reasons to do stuff other than to get jacked.
Feel like this is a case of single-issue fixation, bodybuilder edition
@@rdrrrnever! Bow to the god of hypertrophy! 😂
If I could have a multi thousand dollar cold plunge I would
Hahaha it's so inevitable..... I do think wim hof made it a trillion times worse. I mean he even tried to cure terminal cancer. It's like nothing can ever remain just feel good or have some benefits. For us that has been doing the sauna and cold baths for a couple of decades just because it feels good and then it gets turned into some influencer freak show....wtf
Been wondering about ice baths negative effects on muscle growth for a long time. Finally a video explaining it. Thanks Mike
It makes me feel great that's all that matters to me.
Based on? Like why?
@@LafemmebearMusic based on just doing it and realizing that you feel great
@@LafemmebearMusic you seem to be very opposed to the idea of cold showers / exposure. if you don't like them, you can stay away from them! find something else that makes you feel good. it could be a burning hot shower or sauna, or some other activity altogether - everyone's different.
@@LafemmebearMusic Based on doing it for a few years and experience. I love Dr. Mike but I don't take steroids, I get natural boosts from everything I do and they give me great results. My hair is also nicer than his so that counts for credibility.
Clutch information from an informed physiological perspective. Your reminders regarding timing of cold exposure are why I do cold exposure in the morning and train (followed by a 30 minute sauna) in the evening. I never do cold exposure within 8-12 hours of a training session.
Primarily I enjoy the psychological effects of cold exposure. As an unmedicated ADHD person, the period of dopamine regulation courtesy of a morning "embrace the suck" is highly valuable to me.
fellow unmedicated adhd fellow here. thank you for putting this into words for me. i always liked to turn to cold showers in the morning whenever i felt unable to “lock in” or was in a period of extreme disfunction. never looked any deeper into it though
Doesn't really matter as it is all in your head.
@@jocee2257Yeah, thank bro, we knew mental health is inside one’s head before you said it.
@@jocee2257 lmao you cynical clown. Not only are there some proven benefits which will only become more apparent with more research, but also... EVERYTHING is in your head. Depression, anxiety, weakness, strength. It all starts with psychology. You're not as smart as you think..
I'm also unmedicated, but unfortunately for me, it makes me very relaxed. Which in itself isn't a bad thing, but I don't get much done after I do cold showers.
I truly appreciate this man’s personality 😂❤
I've been waiting years for a video like this to update my reason for not doing cold showers/plunges. Thank you.
you're a pussy just like Mike. thats the only excuse you need.
I appreciate your sound level and clear enunciation,I don't have to max out the volume on my phone to hear what you're saying, maybe you could make a tutorial on those! 👌
My disgust and horror hearing that one of the few useful benefits is one that applies to my life.
Fuck am I really about to start taking cold showers to wake the fuck up in the morning?
step out of ur skirt and take a cold shower pussy. its cold water nothing more nothing less...
seriously people pretending its the end of the world....
it works. Found a significant improvement in morning energy levels and productivity after ice baths. Better workouts, too
you get used to it
^^ start with super short ones then work your way up to longer time
The b#$tch way to back into it is start with a normal warm shower, then end with the cold water switched for a few minutes.
I had chronic pain for years which thankfully is well controlled now. Cold showers were a huge analgesic and anti-inflammatory for me. It's become a trendy thing and is thus overhyped, and some claims are false. But I can say that 100 percent it has a palpable effect on pain and mood.
I use it in intervals 2 min hot then 2 min cold exposure. Thats what worked best for me. Insane how it reduces the pain. But good to know it prevents muscle grow.
The amount of scepticism and data bros these days is pretty funny, even when something is blatantly obvious, and its been done in some cultures for centuries. And its another great example of lack of initiative from the scientific community in pursing further studies in something that is highly effective for all sorts of issues but totally free.
Very informative. Pulled together several notions I've heard about but hadn't fully understood.
Everyone misrepresents Huberman's stance on cold exposure... he actually states in his lectures that Cold exposure can "STUNT" muscle growth. Many people choose cold exposure for dopamine-related protocols, and the most passionate advocates aren't people who are trying to get "jacked." Yet bodybuilders will isolate those experts' comments about cold exposure and try to make it sound like they are wrongfully promoting cold exposure for muscle growth benefits. Personally I haven't seen any experts saying online that they recommend cold exposure as a tool to be included in hypertrophy protocols.
Huberman also says it's not recommended for strength goals. He also says for some people, the only benefit is "perceived relief" after high intensity exercise. He is extremely cautious about making claims, just like Dr. Mike is, but Huberman-deniers don't watch the full 2-hour lectures so they believe the Social media trends portraying Huberman as someone who makes wild claims.
Perfectly said. Thanks!
For me, it has proven to be very beneficial in two areas: Mental alertness & Immune System Strengthening. Side benefits include mental well-being (it feels good to do difficult stuff) and overall feelings of relaxation & full-body pain reduction.
It's meant for personal development by developing self discipline. I don't know any of these experts that say cold plunges are for muscle growth lol
It ain't hurting Joe Rogans muscle growth..juice or not...he's more jacked than ever...and he does it daily.
Not gonna lie, the “Why do People do it” section had me sold 😂 For real though, the psychological benefits are no joke, definitely reflected in the comments
Cold plunges suck. That said, for me, a morning cold plunge is a matter of discipline and a great indicator of my mental health.
Mustering the discipline to get into cold water at 5 a.m. sets me up for a productive and successful day. I'm a lawyer, and my subjective response to a stressful day is way better on days I cold plunge. When I stop cold plunging for a few days, it is an indicator that my mental health is slipping and tells me I need to get back on track.
I workout in the mornings, around 6 a.m., and that gives my body plenty of time to warm-up before a heavy bench workout.
Cold plunging could very well be doing nothing for me physiologically, but maintaining that level of discipline just seems to make life a little bit easier.
Just curious, do you ice plunge at home or at the gym?
@@TheoSewshe’s a lawyer bro he’s plunging at home sweet home 😂
@@TheoSews I have a cold plunge in my basement! It's an inflatable one with a small water chiller attached.
That's the thing about it. It is in all likelihood a very effective placebo. Is a placebo that works invalid? Hell no, if it works for you by all means do it. The problem is all the passionate claims about its scientifically guaranteed benefits when there is zero actual scientific guarantee. It's vibes, extremely anecdotal evidence, poorly executed research, and snake oil salesmen profiting off turning it into a cure all. I think the really important part of future research is whether it has significant negatives rather than significant positives, since whether there are real positives or it's just placebo, we don't know if there are significant harm risks beyond "I spent too long in the cold bath and got hypothermia".
@@TheoSewshe’s the Lincoln lawyer, so he has his inflatable ice pool in the back of his Navigator. Time is money so plunge on recess in the courthouse lot.
Man, just saw your interview with "TheCEO",
I knew you from your channel only, and had a huge respect of how you deal with lot of topics, after this show, this respect it's lot of bigger, the way that you've oppened up, whole shit, lot of us can't imagine to do like that!
When you talked about the "Power" and Dragon balls, o lost my shit here! Keep the great work!
00:25 ive never heard anyone say cold plunges or exposure to cold promotes muscle growth? Ive only thought its anti- inflammatory? And jolts to system as to wake up faster. Also I personally do cold showers right after waking up so that the rest of the day is "easy". Its a psychological technique for me :)
Its a little bit of anti-inflammatory, but it seems to not actually affect muscle recovery in a positive way, it seems. It reduces symptoms, not solves the problem. People say it would promote muscle growth because they think it allows muscle recovery quicker, so they can hit the gym more. Recovery is a part of the muscle growth process and the inflammatory part is literally your muscles trying to fix themselves. Ideally, you deal with the delayed onset soreness bs, not try to remove it.
@@bigpunk157 Sore mucles after training are gonna be sore either way I feel. Part of the natural process. What I ment was anti-innflamatory in other ways. Nervous system, sensitive skin and also muscles. But not to gain muscles. But to make way for the right nutrients etc in you veins and what not. Inflammation is good.. but not if its because your auto-immune system reacting to stuff that isnt actually bad for you. In my case it has helped with allergies and sensitive skin :)
If it works for you then great. But I can't understand for the life of me. How waking up and making myself freeze to death. Is going to make the rest of my day easier 😅
@@bigpunk157personally i’d never seen anybody argue for cold plunges as a pro muscle building technique. it’s always just been seen as a way to essentially wake yourself up by getting your adrenaline going and spiking your dopamine so you feel awake and alert. ofc it has anti inflammatory effects but typically athletes use it in order to recover in time for their next game. they are not worried about muscle growth.
Jews are tricky
Best video I've seen for recovery, warming up, and muscle recovery
Cryotherapy is awesome. And definitely lowers your core body temp
Just started working out about a week ago, got big goals, super excited to see the progression
1:22 currently very cold in my minivan waiting for it to warm up. 9° in here. Dr. Mike please rescue me
Thank you Dr. Mike!
Met a woman who had worked in a place that offered cold treatments and other modalities. She tried all of them, said cold was the best; it made her feel like she was dying, and then burst back to life as she was brought up out of it.
If Dr. Mike isn't already doing this, he should really consider directing studies that advance exercise science. He is very skilled at identifying the lesser known areas of the subject (i.e., mechanisms, processes, and biology of muscular hypertrophy).
I did a 5-10 minute cold plunge every morning a year ago during a Christmas vacation because my dad wanted to try it. We’d workout every afternoon/evening, and I noticed at the end of the week that nothing hurt that week (typically have lower back soreness and sometimes knee). Was training hard too. Like deadlifts sets of 365x10 and heavy high rep squats.
Getting in the cold after working out kills the inflammatory response and thereby kills your gains from that workout.
@ maybe you didn’t actually read my comment. I said cold plunge in the morning and workout @ night…
@@CamberFitness That doesn't make a difference. You still lose the gains.
@@coonhound_pharaoh that’s not what Mike said in the video. 🤷♂️
12 hours after a work out isn't bad. It's just not good for right after a work out. I doubt doing it before a workout would hurt your gains
It's a pretty cold winter in New York, so just walking outside wakes me up about the same way as a cold shower. I've started to enjoy that before a workout. The warm-up is extra focused.
I think I’m kind of past this point where I even care about this shit anymore. Every time somebody comes on the Internet and tells you that something is good, somebody’s doing a video to tell you why it’s not good. And if you do something and it works for you, then somebody tells you like “nope it’s just in your head. There’s no science to back it up.” This is why I no means an attack on Mike and he’s my go to for exercise science information but things like this, I just can’t help but think if it works for you then just do it who cares what anybody says.
It has only ever helped me relieve pain, I’ve never seen any negative effects.
But it's short term relief. And the inflammation and pain are part of a long-term solution. It's a symptom of the process of healing, and that's what the cold plunge is interrupting.
Please cite your sources somewhere.
For those struggling with chronic stress cold plunging creates a stressful environment activating the autonomic sympathetic system. Then, the stress is removed allowing the para-sympathetic system to create calm within the body. This can be a beneficial intervention.
My dad and mom died a bit over a year ago, and cold showers are helping me move forward. Don't care if it makes me jacked.
I love this guy’s sarcasm/jokes 😂. I learn and laugh a lot
I've been a, "I love being in the cold guy" my whole life. Been going to the gym in shorts and t-shirt in 20F lately. Going to try bundling up more before and after and see if I notice a difference. I get so sweaty, especially in my palms.
How do you even stay hard in the cold guy?
Sounds horrible, like going to town on a dude in the morgue or something..
RP! I’m 22 years old and a type 1 diabetic have you guys ever done a video around medical conditions and just some tips and tricks when it comes to diet, supplements (protein and creatine mostly). I’m on a 600 calorie deficit daily and my sugar levels always drop during my workouts
Long before Americans were ranting for and against cold exposure, Europeans have been doing it in saunas for ages. In Germany for example since the 60’s. Incredible sauna parks everywhere there. Nothing is more relaxing and simultaneousky rejuvenating as contrast therapy. I know the truth for myself, and hear from enough who agree. Cold exposure is the best part of a sauna exoereience.
Nobody cares about Europe. AMERICUH 😤
Can’t even spell “experience” right yet we are supposed to believe this
@@Quintin15 Do your own research, genius.
@@Quintin15 It's a typo you donk.
@@Quintin15a spelling mistake by a non-native speaker doesn't mean what he says is false.
Du kannst wahrscheinlich nicht einmal ein Wort in einer anderen Sprache sagen, typisch amerikanische Dummheit
Great visuals right into my brain while having my breakfast. Thanks Dr Mike! I don't need the rest of my coffee now.
The lengths people are willing to go through to avoid eating properly and cardio is astounding.
With the optimization craze that took off during the pandemic period, i’m grateful to finally get real metrics.
I have never in all my life heard anyone say, or even suggest, that cold therapy contributes to muscle gain or strength.
Very strawnan this video
I have, " it's speeds up recovery and hypertrophy"....
@@dontbetreadin4777I’ve heard the same.
Boosts testosterone if done before working out. I’m mid 40s and last year had 1060 T and few months ago was 880. And that was due to getting a lot less sleep.
Ever since I got bit by a radioactive cold exposure, my life changed. I am now known as Shriveldick Man.
I both disagree with and there is some incorrect information here. For starters...Brian Shaw, Hafthor Bjornsson, Eddie Hall, Alistari Overheem, Renzo Gracie all do cold plunges. Those are just a few of many that I'm mentioning. To suggest that cold exposure affects gains would imply that those who live in colder climates have less muscle and athletic performance...Does cold exposure not help circulation? I've been doing cold exposure for 7 years, and I do not experience this post cold exposure relaxation. The cold exposure itself, if done properly is a refreshing and relaxing experience. If I do cold exposure before a workout...I have a GREAT workout! Both physically and mentally. I am mentally more focused which helps the physical side. I do notice a slight gain in both strength and endurance if I have cold exposure within 2 hours before a good workout. I don't have any issues with my muscles being more "brittle" nor have I heard this from anyone. And are you sure about these "inflammation pathways" being turned off? Nothing has been proven or disproved yet. Again, this would imply those in colder climates suffer gains. What about a possibility of a rebound affect (increasing) gains? Have you actually tried cold exposure? Most everything you have said in this video are speculative....
I would even speculate that there might be actual benefits from cold plunges that INDIRECTLY affect muscle growth in a positive way: regulation of vagus nerve and whole nervous system for example, which can turn down stress hormone levels (thus contributing to better growth) or control digestion, which can affect nutrient absorption.
From my personal experience - and I have just started doing cold plunges 3 months ago - my sugar/junk food cravings are completely gone (positive for body composition), my energy levels are MUCH higher and my workout volume is higher thanks to that as I can lift more (positive for muscle growth). Sure there's no research that would be saying cold exposure is increasing muscle synthesis, but to suggest that this is another FAD is very unjust to this practice that people had been doing for hundreds of years...
I got into cold baths when I started running and was in a real slump emotionally and mentally. It really is shocking how much my mood improved with cold baths. It also really helped the shin splints I would get when I first learned to run. I would sometimes be crawling and/or limping into the bath but would be back to normal after the bath. I also noticed that a cold morning bath generally led to a happier start for the day that lasted well into the day. A night time cold bath put me into such a deep sleep. However, cold showers are the worst thing I’ve ever done and I do not recommend.
I actually use cold plunge before bed to induce the relaxation and lower body temperature. Sleep hard AF
I was about to buy a cold plunge and Dr. Mike uploads this? It must be a sign 😂
How do you know if someone does cold plunge? They've already told you.
Just did a 5-minute freezing cold shower because this video reminded me that it's really good for mental health. Felt like I was dying during, but now I feel full of life. 😮
I don't do it because life is hard enough without LARPing that I accidentally fell into an icy lake.
Why larp… just fall in
I was out for a walk this morning and stuck my foot though some ice and fully submerged my boot haha
Also have fallen in to my hip before like a dunce
I love your channel!
I did want to bring up that the only time I take really cold showers is in the summer (it gets really hot here) early in the morning before I work outside. It reduces and maintains my body temp. Then I cover myself from head to toe. People think I'm crazy, but heat/sun exposure is a thing. You don't see fruit pickers with shorts and t-shirts on 😂.
Also, if unwillingly have to use a cold shower, it's when I'm swimming, so I just have to go with it.
The ice baths are insane.
Bout 22 degrees in the shop today. Fuck cold plunging. Use to swim in Lake Superior as a youngster. Close enough. 🥶
No kidding, great lakes are no joke lmao
Superior is absolutely gorgeous.
@@Bangarang341 🤙🏻
Only thing a cold plunge gave me, was a cold and or flu !!! I love training in the heat of Thailand, trained for years there, its the best
It was more than likely that you got your cold/flu from a virus, not from a cold plunge.
I don't do it for recovery or in any regard to my strength gains - i do it because of the dopamine rush AND the benefits to the immune system.
With the shock and flood of cortisol and adrenaline that follows it can fry your nervous system, add to adrenal fatigue and in turn be detrimental for optimal immune function.
@@Shauntomac this is not supported by the evidence
@@Shauntomac You definitely get weaker for many hours after, but long term you basically never get sick.
Adrenal fstigue isn't real thing@Shauntomac
@@Shauntomac You know that from experience? My personal experience says otherwise.
After 8 years of practicing it, I'm at the point where I genuinely enjoy cold exposure. It's been great for my mental health and my chronic tendinitis (which has been absent entirely for the past 5 years). Getting jacked is more of a sidequest for me, I'm consistently seeing progress and also just enjoy the process of working out and challenging myself, so I don't mind if the muscle growth it's slower than it could be -- I have no competition that I'm training for.
When I used to swim as teen competitively, cold baths after training always made me recover so much faster. Was it all in my head?
I thing the reason athletes use cold exposure is because it delays the feeling of soreness so that could be what you were feeling. But it only delays it from what I understand, I could be wrong though
Well the cold will lessen the sore feeling you get after working out. Im not qualified to tell you exactly how it works, but it makes you feel better, but you're not gaining extra muscle or anything from the cold.
Source: swam in high school and we used to take cold ass showers in the locker rooms after winter practice.
EDIT: See 7:05, Dr. Mike explains the mechanism here
no. mike is a narcissist and is great at convincing an audience he knows what he's talking about. Keep doing the things that work for you
The cold has a lot of benefits for athletes, it's only that it seems to directly impede hypertrophy (muscle growth / size) which is the primary concern of this channel. If your goals are beyond bodybuilding (hypertrophy training), there are advantages to cold plunges (such as the improved recovery time you mentioned).
@@beingofstrange😂 are you a psychiatrist? Even if he is, he explains the science. What does that have to do with his personality?
Thing is...simply doing something that is necessarily hard and sufferable, makes you stronger. Even if there's scientific studies showing that there is no true physiological benefit, anything that is essentially uncomfortable and tough makes you better, because it masters your discipline and makes you tougher.
Cold exposure is great psychologically. You start the day by doing something hard.
The real benefit is the thermal energy aspect. If you know the tank's baseline temp and volume prior to you getting in and then measuring the temp after you get out, you can do the math on the thermal energy that your body gave the water by heating it up by 1 or 2 degrees. Then you can convert that to calories since calories is simply a measure of thermal energy. That equation tells you how many calories your body HAS TO BURN in order to get your body temp back up to its baseline core temp.
A cold tub will absolutely jump start your fat burning. Depending on temp and how long you stay in, you can see anywhere from 500 to 1000 extra calories burned just by sitting in the tub for anywhere between 3 and 10 minutes.
Then a hot shower will do the exact same. Evaporation is a cooling process. Don’t believe me? Wrap a cool damp cloth around a water bottle in the summer heat. You’ll get ice cold water.
@bukefalas hot shower or sauna is fantastic but the sweating mechanism is far more efficient. That's why if you hop out of a sauna, you are good to go in under 30 seconds. Sweating is super efficient. The body has no equal and opposite thermal reaction to extreme cold.
I do both. Both great
The room around the ice bath is also heating it up. Your calories burned is way off. 10 minutes will get you more like 50-100 calories.
@AlexanderSenese air to water thermal energy transfer in under 10 minutes is basically zero. I've tested. Also mine is in the garage and right now in NE Ohio is 4 degrees below zero... So no that's not a factor at all
@AlexanderSenese if I need to provide the thermal equations to break it down I am happy to. Energy is heat and that's why we can measure energy so easily all around us in the world
Thanks Dr. Spaceman
"I don't have a family! Dad!" - probably Jared Feather, Dr. Mike's real, biological son
Thank you Greg!
My life changed for the better the moment i started taking cold showers every single morning, from monday to monday. I simply feel less anxious, less stressed, and i just straight up feel like living more. Even if it there`s no "scientific" evidence that it actually works, even if it is just placebo, by empiricism i can safely tell that it does infact makes me feel and do better, and that's what matters imo.
Its all in your head. Its like horoscope for incels
I was a mess after Covid. I had an undlerlying autoimmune issue and I was a mess because I lost both my parents with in a few years of each other prior to Covid. Turns out that I had a bunch of food sensativities that developed in my mid 40's as well. I had horrible insomnia as a result. My functional health doctor said I was stuck in fight or flight. My nervous system was shot. I felt compelled to start cold plunging. The first day I was able to sleep. Cold exposure heals your vegus nerve. If you have stress in your life... cold plunging will help. Using sauna in conjuction to cold plunge is one of the best things I have ever done for my health. The nordic people figured this out a long time ago. You stick to your steroids and I'll stick with my cold plunge and sauna. 😀
Is that what got you out of being stuck in fight or flight? Currently dealing with this now. Did you do anything else? How did you cold plunge? Thanks!
@@justinheald3000 I was in my early 40's at the time. It turns out that years of bad choices eventually catch up with a guy. lol. The best thing I ever did was to go to a functional health doctor who ran food sensativity, stool and comprehensive blood tests. It turned out that I had some food sensativities and a common MTHFR gene mutation that effects your vitamin B levels. including a gluten intolerence. I went on an elimination diet (carnivore based). I started to cold plunge. I bought a 100 gallon rubbermaid trough from tractor supply. I sit in it for 3 minutes every morning .Cold showers did not create the same effect as soaking. The first time I sat in it I uncontrollably broke down sobbing for a minute. It created some kind of release. Then I started to do a lot of walking and light workouts. For me... I had to change alot of little things but it is working.
Eating liver, red meat, fish, fruit and other nutrionally dense food helped tremendously I stopped all processed foods, seed oils, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. I take Vitamin D3, K2, zinc, magnesium and B1. Most people are deficient in these vitamins. After I went on my elimination diet it turns out that I had a reaction to someting called axalates in alot of vegtables. You need to get the test done or else your guessing. Believe it or not the food you eat heavily effect your hormones and ability to deal with stress. Feel free to ask me anything. Hope you get better.
I'm glad that I already thought all those same things Dr. Mike said here.
All I know is when I do cold exposure in the morning I feel fantastic. Or when I do it to remove extreme muscle fatigue it helps significantly. I avoid doing it after a normal workout. It helps muscle growth if you do it before working out.
No it doesn't.
He explains it in the video.
Best intro you’ve done, and you’ve done some bangers. Outstanding hahahahahahaha
My sister jumps on every new trend: ionized salt candle, grounding, cold plunges… so yea I’m skeptical bcs she’s a nut.
All of those things have been around for hundreds of years they're not new
So your sister is open minded and likes to try new things? Wow, what a nut.
@@universesixhit642 But trends come and go, old thing may suddenly start trending.
Grouping cold plunges in with grounding is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Do you also group engineering in with astrology?
@@gilfiazon2575 Grounding is in dispute as to whether it actually does anything but cold plunging has scientific benefits like increased alertness, a massive reduction in depressive symptoms, less inflammation etc.
Why are you commenting on something that you have an extremely limited understanding of?
“Stay hard while training warm”; got it 👍🏼
Cold exposure helps you get used to cold exposure. Downside is there is shrinkage.
yeah thats pretty bad for a teenagers ego i imagine...
shrinkage is always temporary...
Not for muscle growth point of view, but even more important.
Nearly freezing point water exposure, bath or swim is way different than cold exposure which many may think as equal. I don't feel cold weather is good for me and it does not make me happy. Cold plunge / ice swimming is way another thing and my body - brain feels it every single positive way. You get used to it and even take ice swimming after first times doing it. First real cold exposure even hurts kind of and soon after wrapping towel on I don't freeze anymore even if weather is minus degrees (celsius) outside on a lake. I start to feel very comfortable in my body and mind. Relaxed and good because dopamines and endorfines rush to help as stress hormones do. It works if you are feeling average well - normal - or even anxious / depressive.
I could recommed it to everybody. You feel completely like a winner after.
Cheers and good feelings from Finland!
Dear Doctor Mike. Please become famous enough for Joe Rogan to invite you on his podcast. His audience needs to hear this shit. Love, yo boiiii
When i did my sports health and nutrition qualification many years ago it was always use heat treatment to help with inflammation immediately after workout and not cold treatment.
6:04 had me on the floor lol 😂 That sounds so painful, the poor guy would be in agony lol Don’t do that! Lol 😂
Participated in the Polar Bear Club back in 1998 in Barrow Alaska. 31 degree water, 9 degree wind chill, ice flows 100 yards away. In and out QUICK!
We did something similar in Cold Bay. That was in the mid 90's.
Yup, I am too scared to even touch ice water as a person from the tropics!
You keep me away from that crap and just treat me with good ole massage and heat!
If cold prevents growth and heat shock proteins as well as blood flow enhance growth, it seems plausible to me that sauna after a workout could (honestly, should) enhance growth, right?
Thanks Doc!
Thank you Mike
I am russian. Cold exposure has done basically nothing for me. I did cold showers for 2 months+ every day and the only positive benefit i got was doing something uncomfortable for the first 3 times. after the 4th cold shower i didnt even feel it a lot. my body adapted instantly and it was just a less relaxing way to shower
I've only done a cold plunge in Russian spas. Apparently it's a thing at those. I would do this, and getting out you feel like superman.
Is there any science in if hot cold inhibits muscle growth the same way cold immersion does?
It's winter here in the northern hemisphere, half of us get cold exposure every time we step outside. Yet somehow we aren't immortal demigods, what's up with that?
Not the same thing as putting your whole body in water you clown
You need to do it ALL the time to get the result you want
It's not the same.
Wake up in heated apartment, put on a lot of clothes and go to car/bus and working inside a heated space is the truth for the majority. That is not real cold exposure
YES! Nailed it. The late for work rush!
Yep. That is exactly how I feel about cold plunges.
F that.
I literally only do it for the mental strength, forcing yourself to do uncomfortable things makes a part of your brain literally grow
That's literally part of the hearsay bs he is talking about in this video, lmao
No studies substantiated that claim, ever.
@@DatsWhatHeSaidLook up Huberman's studies on Goggins. There's a few studies supporting that there's an area in your brain that effectively physically grows when you're exposed to "hard" things. If you think about it, it checks out too; How do some people do so much of the things that suck whereas other struggle to make their bed in the morning? They "trained" their ability to push through uncomfortability. It's effectively a strengthening process. And funnily enough, there's indications that said brain area has some linkage to one's "will to live" - although that is not thoroughly explored yet, admittedly.
But yeah there's studies on that brain area. Look it up :)
@@DatsWhatHeSaid Looked it up for you. It's the "Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex". Interesting stuff on it!
This is a very helpful point for those who still want to use cold plunge and have it not interfere with muscle growth 👌🏼 7:45
Less-than-warm showers are the way to go. Not cold, but just not super warm.. If you do it before the gym, make sure it's early enough that you warm back up on the way to the gym, like biking to the gym as I do sometimes. It's not a magic cure-all, its just a nice boost to some systems.
@@RuthWagstaff Lots of it
Got a hangover, thanks for asking. Hope you are well!
It is trendy. People like filming themselves often doing extreme things for likes and follows.
Lifting weights is also trendy.
Interesting exploration of the cold plunge fad, thank you for breaking it down so it’s easy to understand. do you have a booklist on fitness and fitness science? I’d love to have a better understanding on fitness
I was just immediately reminded of the liver king walking around New York shirtless and that submersion thing he did with his wife where he ate a shard of ice
@@Dweeb212 lmao nice excuse. He's still tougher than you. Scared of some cold water little baby?
Had headaches for 6 months. Crt and doctors did nothing! Hung myself upside and my spine went bang. Headaches gone. Doctors dont know everything. Including Dr Hulk here. Cold swimming and showers has helped me a lot
Rogan warms back up after cold plunge, before trainng. He doesn't train with cold muscles so I'm confused by the focus on debunking training with cold muscles.
he directly says this in the video you’re replying to? and even then that’s only one of multiple reasons covered. I’d recommend re-watching
Thanks big Mike
My thoughts about cold plunging is that it's a load of horseshit that doesn't work and people try to compensate for bad programming and bad form.
Doesn't work for what? It raises your resistance to cold, eliminates muscle soreness, and provides a dopamine ride that lasts for hours afterward. Does it increase hypertrophy? No, it does the opposite. But it doesn't affect strength
It sounds like your thoughts are based on zero experience.