You Seek the Shadow of Your Personality Type

  • Опубліковано 29 бер 2024
  • Taken from: • Eating Raw Meat and Mi...
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  • @stresseddude

    Ron is an INTJ just like me. Delegation is key, but don't lose your focus on being an INTJ, or you'll get use to whisking away and hidden by INTJ'ing from the shadows. The mindset doesn't go away, it's just channeled elsewhere. Oscar produces "police officer" type of vibes and behaviors (the way he goes about a topic shows most of it, to put it simply and not be too complex over it), which is more inclined towards a Sentinel, ideally ESTJ. There's more too it, but you'll realize a lot of officers or militants act just like him. The nice ones that is. There's bossy officers that exist, who don't act like him of course.

  • @downtime31

    This is a very confusing conversation, Oscarvore says he is an INTJ (Elon Musk) but has the complete opposite tendencies, whereas he says Ron is an ENFP (Alan Watts) but goes on to say he likes to be inside and thrives in routine. Of course there can be anomalies but usually an INTJ would be more routine oriented and an ENFP would be more scattered, did he inverse the types?

  • @PhysicsBallArt

    Oscarvore does not strike me as a Zuckerberg, or Musk, type of person. Immediately after that claim, he says he is into materialistc, superficial things. Which Zuckerberg is infamously against. Although I'm not familiar with personality types, not my area of interest.

  • @stresseddude

    The guy you're talking to is not on point at all.... Ron is literally an Elon Musk INTJ because he thinks a lot, theorize and find solutions but happens to be a talkative introvert by his cadence , Seeking solutions is a good sign towards INTJ, hence the channel's goal: Jaw Hacks. Just because he talks more doesn't mean he's not all about systems. INTJ's can talk a lot if they want to about their ideal topics, even as introverts. It's a rare type for a reason. It's an anomally. Oscarvore is more domineering or seek to be, which is closer to ESTJ, while oddly calling himselt INTJ (if i heard correctly)? He comes off training himself to be for pride-purposed and domineering but don't seem like he was that way as a toddler, where you get your true persona. Unelss that's how he was since a toddler: introvert-extrovert dominating the perception of the topic. But Oscar isn't INTJ. By a long shot. I'm sorry. As an INTJ, with OCD over information (guess you can call it high-functioning INTJ), I can decipher it clear as day that he talks like an ESTJ. INTJ is very, very rare. I can hear a familiar when see and hear them talk (Elon being a perfect example of an INTJ who talks a lot only over things he is good at talking about which lean towards technicalities and systems). And that's Ron. You have to be HYPER analytical (basically uncontrollably with OCD over a subject). If it's rare, it's rare for a reason. There's a LOT of people who call themselves these rare types, but really don't seem like they would show it in their childhood or adulthood based on their cadence, tone, intentionality, and way of going about a topic.

  • @aadityadeepak1905

    Dude please pin me