I am a true Chanel Addict: I love just about all the hardware options, all the leather options and most of the styles. And I agree, it depends bag to bag what leather and hardware is best, and those characteristics can vary season to season. When spending Chanel level money one thing is imperative; you must be madly in love with the bag you are considering buying. Don’t settle for anything else than being over the moon with your choice.
I definitely disagree about the quality of Chanel. I've only been buying Chanel for about 7 years and even in just that time the quality has gone down and the sales associates I've interacted with act like people should just accept it. Of the 10 Chanel bags I've owned, half of them had issues. One of them, my chain around maxi flap, has a crooked flap. I looked at five bags and they were all crooked! And the SA said yes, they're all like that, do you want one? I chose the "least" crooked one because I loved the style, but I'm always self conscious about it when I wear it. After that I decided I was done with Chanel. Way too expensive to have visible flaws. It's unacceptable and there are other brands that care more about quality than about selling loads of handbags.
girlabee Don’t feel bad about your bag. I own three Chanel bags. The last one I bought was a classic flap. While I have no experience with quality getting worse than before, only the classic flap had a minor issue with leather peeling on the chain. I was upset that we pay so much for a flawed bag. I thought about returning my bag but then decided not to. I don’t live close to a Chanel location, so I ordered the bag over the phone. It came with everything even the plastic on the hardware which my other bags didn’t have. The leather was wonderful and everything else was flawless. There was no guarantee that the replacement would be better. What if it was actually worse? Long story but I don’t want you to not enjoy your bag. Sometimes it is ok to accept minor flaws, and believe me most people wouldn’t know if you don’t point it out even if it was somewhat visible. People mostly see your nice Chanel bag. If it is REALLY bothering you, you have the option of selling it. Good luck.
I totally agree. The quality varies a lot. My black lambskin mini from 2016 is still flawless, poofy, no scuffs all straight and even. My mini lambskin from 2019 has flattend a lot. And....what happend to their chains? My 2016 chain is heavy and stays in place. The 2019 chains (I have a square and a rectangular) are both light weight and are twisting. Seems so cheap compared to the 2016. I also have a tweed mini from 2019 this one has better quality hardware, but like someone her commented, oh boy, I had to look at a whole lot to find one that wasn't crooked!!! So annoying.
these days a chinese counterfeit has better craftsmanship and use more expensive hardware than the real version (no kidding), thats why most houses don't do authentication anymore, they simply can't tell, I've spoken to Chinese leather suppliers before, their inside joke is that if a bag has no faults its probably fake....not that I am advocating doing so, I respect the design, thats the hard bit. My point is, the price increase has nothing to do with raw materials etc. you are only paying up for the brand = the design and the 'heritage'. And in my honest opinion, that is the most overused word in fashion, its like silicon valley, you attract investors if you can tell a good story (Bad Blood anyone?). And I think I'm done with buying stories...as said, there are plenty of other brands with great designs and actually care about quality. Some of the luxury houses are just getting too cosy with the easy money....
Chanel just increased their prices close to +25% ... I have always dreamt of a chanel bag but their policy just disgusts me.. i understand that they want to rise themselves at the hermes clientele but doing such an increase during the pandemic time is just too much...
That's repulsive really because they know people are itching to consume their bags once this covid19 is over..business without ethics. They are in only for the money, profits over people!
As much as I want the bag, I am torn in between because you know the bag's initial price.. They keep on increasing the price due to the demand not because increase in quality.. I feel that I have been fooled for buying something that much cheaper than its price tag..
If I were to spend 6-7k on a Chanel bag, I would rather wait and save up some more money and just buy an Hermes bag. IMO higher quality and exclusivity
I've watched your channel for years, and always appreciated how gorgeous your Chanel bags are, and have always wanted to add one to my collection, but just knew the classic flaps were too formal for my personal style. However, I've recently discovered the reissue 2.55 (226 size) with the aged calfskin and ruthenium hardware, and it's just perfect for me. I just took the plunge this weekend and bought my first one, and I suspect it won't be my last :) Thanks for all of the great content as always xx
Thanks for all of your helpful advice! I agree with you on lambskin vs caviar. Vibrant coloured SLGs in lambskin are beautiful as well because they stand out but can show wear if it’s rubbing against other items in your bag.
Hi Amie. This video was very helpful. I have been saving for a Chanel and I was very close to getting one but now that the prices have gone up..... oh well, I'll keep saving. Have a wonderful week. Stay safe.
Just earlier today I was thinking I hadn’t seen a video from you for a while though when I checked, it had only been 2 days 😅 goes to show how much I like your videos! Just logged on and was super excited to see this video!!
Thanks Amie I learned something new, I never heard about the edge stitching. I think I prefer to having it. I’m was having buyers remorse for the last few years after buying my square caviar mini. It’s the most expensive accessory I’ve ever bought and my first luxe bag. But I’m glad have it now. I hope I can add a double flap one day in a caramel or nude shade
Love your tips! My husband just surprised me with a chanel mini rectangle flap bag in black lambskin with so black hardware for Mother's Day and I love it so much and your tips are so on point!
This video is so informative! All your Chanel videos are a valuable resource for all the necessary ins and outs for this stunning bags. Your channel helped me get my vintage lambskin Chanel classic flap dream bag with 24k gold plated hardware (Japan-based vintage reseller) and a Chanel black caviar coin purse (so roomy!). Thank you so much for being so open and sharing your knowledge in a relatable way.
I’m saving for my first chanel bag! I definitely am leaning towards black caviar classic flap with gold hardware, because I know I will love it and like you said be able to enjoy it! It would match everything in my closet!!
I really love the minis, I am saving to buy up for one as a graduation present to myself. Amie, it would be interesting to see how you style each of your Chanel bags, maybe five outfits each? :)
i was planning to buy my first Chanel bag for my birthday, but with the recent price increase i am afraid i cannot justify their price anymore.. stores are opened as of today in Switzerland (where I live) so i will take a look and see how much the bags prices increased but i am quite sure i will walk out empty handed and just spend my money in another designer boutique..
Same here... I moved to Switzerland to study about 4 years ago. I work part-time to support myself and always wanted to buy one of their classic flaps after I got my degree (as a reward for the hard work i guess). But this increase is just insane. I can no longer justify buying it. What a shame, really... SMH
Amy, I also have the classic flap in grey after watching your unboxing video but I chose the m/l mainly I didn’t have this size and jumbo double flap was too heavy for my shoulders to carry. Still loving the colour and my forever bag. Initially I hesitated due to the recent price increase in Nov but I thought what the heck....and took the plunge. Looking back, really glad I did it otherwise it is even more expensive now. Thanks 🥰
I also own both a WOC and a rectangular mini, however I actually use my mini for running errands while my WOC is my evening bag 😆 I think your mini leans more dressy because it's in lambskin, because mine is in caviar with silver hardware and it looks casual enough to go grocery shopping with. My WOC on the other hand is in lambskin with gold hardware, so I tend to reserve it for special occasions.
Your video explanation is just what i needed to make my decision. You make so much sense everytime and i totally agree. And you encouraged wise decision making and spending within my means... Especially for a first chanel bag. Thank you very much. I've followed you and watched your videos for a very, very long time and none of it was a waste of time and i learned so much from you. Thank you once again! You have lovely voice, face and bags collection.
So so helpful! I have been saving up for my first Chanel. Im going for the mini rectangular. They're too cute to handle. Your collection is to die for!!
I was told they stopped producing caviar minis in 2018 Love this video! When I first started buying Chanel I watched a lot of your videos for reference
Hi amie! Was thinking of getting a light coloured (white/beige/grey) classic flap. Are they harder to maintain in terms of wear and tear & colour transfer? Stay safe and healthy always 💜
The colours of these bags makes my heart skip a beat. Absolutely beautiful and they compliment each other so well, now your dressing room is clothes rail free 😂it must be a beautiful sight everyday. Thank you for sharing xx
Hi Amie, I am looking at purchasing my first Chanel Bag.... I am from New Zealand and have no boutiques near where I live. Recently came back from Florida, USA where I went into my first Chanel store, and was a little underwhelmed. I actually preferred the Chanel Boy medium bag to the Classic Flap bag. I was surprised by this!!! I ended up buying another LV bag & some Jimmy Choo ankle boots haha! I really want to buy that classic Chanel bag as my first bag..... so the double flap is the way to go! Why don’t you love the boy bags? Thanks
I love your Chanel collection. For years I had dreamt of one day being able to afford one and finally did about 5 years ago. I just bought my 2nd one in December and love it.
Same here. Can't imagine paying over 8k for a bag. Their price hike over the recent years is insanely ridiculous. I have not bought one since 2017. Even sold my mini square and woc which I have not reached out for anyway. I should sell my jumbo 😆 but there's sentimental value of how I got the bag.
That's repulsive really because they know people are itching to consume their bags after all this covid19 is over..business without ethics. They are in only for the money, profits over people!
i have a caviar mini in coral and i had no idea about it being difficult to get caviar!! i bought mine 2 years ago and didn't even think about scarcity!!
CHASE! I just wanted to say thank you so much for your UA-cam videos they honestly are so detailed-oriented and are so helpful. I have bought to Chanel bags because of you! But I was wondering where do you buy your pre-loved Chanel. I have bought my last two Chanel bags brands new from the Chanel store. And also! Do you have any tips on getting your Chanel bags cleaned and fixed. I have a little stitch in my bag that’s out and I want to get it fixed by Chanel but I do not know the process. Any advice I would be so appreciative! Thank you so much for your UA-cam videos
I haven't used my Chanel bags at all during lockdown but for the bags I do use, I quickly wipe them down with an anti-bacterial wipe and then usually leave them alone for a few days. I only go out once a week at most so it's pretty easy to do even with my go-to bags!
Hi, I just wondered if you have ever experience colour transfer from what you are wearing to a Chanel bag. I would love a light colour Chanel but worried about colour transfer.
Really comprehensive video, thank you! Was wondering what your thoughts are on the recent Chanel price increase? Would it put you off buying Chanel in the future? 17% seems pretty high!!
Are there certain resale retailers you prefer? I know there are so many like eBay, fashionphile, gilt, rebag, etc. but they all have different return policies and rules on if the bag happens to be fake. I’ve done a lot of comparing in helping my cousin shop for a bag, but it would be great to hear your perspective!
I got to watch TWO of your videos today! Yay! I ADORE your videos-especially ones where I learn so much! Perhaps, I might go for a double-flap next time, after all. Thank you, so much, for what you do, Amie! Hope that you and your family are ALL well! ❤️👜🇨🇦
I am with you 100%. Mini bags just aren't practical for me and I love my jumbo double flap and my medallion tote. I also have a vintage small single flap, which I highly recommend. It fits a surprising amount of stuff, certainly more than I have seen people on youtube fit into the medium double flap. As Amie says, I was concerned about structure loss in a large bag so I went for the double flap in the jumbo, but in the small bag I have had no issue with it at all.
Amie can you do an updated minis and classic Flap bag size comparison, this time including the small classic flap size. I know a lot of people say that their is only a small difference but if someone only wants one then that small difference maybe the deciding factor. Or a comparison just between the rectangular mini, small and medium flap bag. But focusing on putting the same small items or what someone would actually put considering that the comparison includes "minis" or "small" bags. Iactually saw a video comparison with the small and medium of heyyyjune where she showed that the small flap bag can fit more than what a lot of people say it could fit. Love your videos btw 💖
I love the bag you were holding when you went through point 5, How should you clean and care for Chanel bags? What are the specs of that bag? it looks like a rose gold... I love the V style stitching vs the X and the size looks perfect!
Love all your content. The chanel queen! i bought a preloved woc. It will be my only chanel. Could you do a video on the price increases. It would be very interesting!
Thanks for the video Amie. I really will like to your thoughts or experience of buying from a department store like Selfridges Vs the Boutique. Do you favour one over the other and why. Thank you
Question: is it weird to use a Chanel mini for “errands”/grocery store runs? Obviously not NOW, with the current situation it’s inappropriate!! But I’m general? What you think?
Nina Oh!!! I never take any of my designers bags to groceries, only to fancy Malls, or when I travel or visit friends. Eww groceries I always have a very cheap bag for shopping and make sure it’s cross body so I don’t put it on those nasty carts 🛒
Excellent 👌🏻 video and very interesting 🧐 one! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼. Especially for the people like me who would love 💓 to buy there first Chanel bag 💼. To your knowledge is that true that Chanel has just recently increased their prices of ~28%? Thanks 😊 for sharing and stay safe! 💋🤗💖💋🤗💖💋🤗💖💋🤗
Same, I have 3 Chanel bags and all caviars not crazy about the lamb skins and yes there prices are crazy. I’m not sure I will buy more Chanel bags, would rather invest in Dior and more YSL bags.
@@ChaseAmie I have been following you for years now and have learned so much from you as I ventured into the designer world. Extremely grateful for your content and love your style 💕
Hi Amie, thanks for sharing! Wondering if you slot clothes into your bags when you're not using them? To keep the shape. I slot in a tank top for my mini and put it in a dust bag.
I always go to you for anything Chanel! What’s your preference between a Chanel WOC vs Chanel classic small flap? It would be my first Chanel if ever and I’m so confused..the small ones looks like the “classic” traditional Chanel while the WOC is of course more affordable and I think more carefree..
If I liked the style enough, definitely BUT I'd check two things first: 1. I'd check the bag over carefully. I've seen some jersey bags pile and bobble so I'd want to avoid that. 2. I'd probably want to go pre-loved. Chanel jersey is still very expensive brand new and I'm not sure I'd want to pay that much for a fabric bag. Plus you might be able to get a great deal, preloved as they tend to be less popular than leather :)
Nice video! Was your classic double black flap made in France? Mine is made in Italy?? Does that matter? The SA said she thinks it doesn’t matter which country it was made in
I am a true Chanel Addict: I love just about all the hardware options, all the leather options and most of the styles. And I agree, it depends bag to bag what leather and hardware is best, and those characteristics can vary season to season. When spending Chanel level money one thing is imperative; you must be madly in love with the bag you are considering buying. Don’t settle for anything else than being over the moon with your choice.
This is so true! If you're not 110% in love, it's just not worth it.
I definitely disagree about the quality of Chanel. I've only been buying Chanel for about 7 years and even in just that time the quality has gone down and the sales associates I've interacted with act like people should just accept it. Of the 10 Chanel bags I've owned, half of them had issues. One of them, my chain around maxi flap, has a crooked flap. I looked at five bags and they were all crooked! And the SA said yes, they're all like that, do you want one? I chose the "least" crooked one because I loved the style, but I'm always self conscious about it when I wear it. After that I decided I was done with Chanel. Way too expensive to have visible flaws. It's unacceptable and there are other brands that care more about quality than about selling loads of handbags.
Don’t feel bad about your bag. I own three Chanel bags. The last one I bought was a classic flap. While I have no experience with quality getting worse than before, only the classic flap had a minor issue with leather peeling on the chain. I was upset that we pay so much for a flawed bag. I thought about returning my bag but then decided not to. I don’t live close to a Chanel location, so I ordered the bag over the phone. It came with everything even the plastic on the hardware which my other bags didn’t have. The leather was wonderful and everything else was flawless. There was no guarantee that the replacement would be better. What if it was actually worse? Long story but I don’t want you to not enjoy your bag. Sometimes it is ok to accept minor flaws, and believe me most people wouldn’t know if you don’t point it out even if it was somewhat visible. People mostly see your nice Chanel bag. If it is REALLY bothering you, you have the option of selling it. Good luck.
girlabee - which brands would you say have better quality than Chanel right now ?
I totally agree. The quality varies a lot. My black lambskin mini from 2016 is still flawless, poofy, no scuffs all straight and even. My mini lambskin from 2019 has flattend a lot. And....what happend to their chains? My 2016 chain is heavy and stays in place. The 2019 chains (I have a square and a rectangular) are both light weight and are twisting. Seems so cheap compared to the 2016. I also have a tweed mini from 2019 this one has better quality hardware, but like someone her commented, oh boy, I had to look at a whole lot to find one that wasn't crooked!!! So annoying.
Facts!!!! My Moms bags from like 15 years ago are perfection!
these days a chinese counterfeit has better craftsmanship and use more expensive hardware than the real version (no kidding), thats why most houses don't do authentication anymore, they simply can't tell, I've spoken to Chinese leather suppliers before, their inside joke is that if a bag has no faults its probably fake....not that I am advocating doing so, I respect the design, thats the hard bit. My point is, the price increase has nothing to do with raw materials etc. you are only paying up for the brand = the design and the 'heritage'. And in my honest opinion, that is the most overused word in fashion, its like silicon valley, you attract investors if you can tell a good story (Bad Blood anyone?). And I think I'm done with buying stories...as said, there are plenty of other brands with great designs and actually care about quality. Some of the luxury houses are just getting too cosy with the easy money....
Chanel just increased their prices close to +25% ... I have always dreamt of a chanel bag but their policy just disgusts me.. i understand that they want to rise themselves at the hermes clientele but doing such an increase during the pandemic time is just too much...
That's repulsive really because they know people are itching to consume their bags once this covid19 is over..business without ethics. They are in only for the money, profits over people!
As much as I want the bag, I am torn in between because you know the bag's initial price.. They keep on increasing the price due to the demand not because increase in quality.. I feel that I have been fooled for buying something that much cheaper than its price tag..
Shem Believer this isn’t a charity.
Besides, their profits are up, which naturally means that they can charge more. And they will
If I were to spend 6-7k on a Chanel bag, I would rather wait and save up some more money and just buy an Hermes bag. IMO higher quality and exclusivity
Hey do do
When you said luxury for you means being able to enjoy it without worry, I couldn't agree more. I tend to admire the more delicate from afar.
I‘m saving up for my first Chanel, so thanks for your video 🥺
I've watched your channel for years, and always appreciated how gorgeous your Chanel bags are, and have always wanted to add one to my collection, but just knew the classic flaps were too formal for my personal style. However, I've recently discovered the reissue 2.55 (226 size) with the aged calfskin and ruthenium hardware, and it's just perfect for me. I just took the plunge this weekend and bought my first one, and I suspect it won't be my last :) Thanks for all of the great content as always xx
I love the reissue. Congratulations!!!
Thanks for all of your helpful advice! I agree with you on lambskin vs caviar. Vibrant coloured SLGs in lambskin are beautiful as well because they stand out but can show wear if it’s rubbing against other items in your bag.
Hi Amie. This video was very helpful. I have been saving for a Chanel and I was very close to getting one but now that the prices have gone up..... oh well, I'll keep saving. Have a wonderful week. Stay safe.
Just earlier today I was thinking I hadn’t seen a video from you for a while though when I checked, it had only been 2 days 😅 goes to show how much I like your videos! Just logged on and was super excited to see this video!!
Lol! I so feel you though! Quarantine is doing the strangest thing to my sense of time!!
Thanks Amie I learned something new, I never heard about the edge stitching. I think I prefer to having it.
I’m was having buyers remorse for the last few years after buying my square caviar mini. It’s the most expensive accessory I’ve ever bought and my first luxe bag. But I’m glad have it now. I hope I can add a double flap one day in a caramel or nude shade
Love your tips! My husband just surprised me with a chanel mini rectangle flap bag in black lambskin with so black hardware for Mother's Day and I love it so much and your tips are so on point!
Thanks for sharing! I would like to know your thoughts of the Chanel 19 flap bag and would you consider adding that to your collection?
Totally agree with you about caviar! I spent so much money for my bag so I really want my bag to stay as good as condition as I can keep it.
This video is so informative! All your Chanel videos are a valuable resource for all the necessary ins and outs for this stunning bags. Your channel helped me get my vintage lambskin Chanel classic flap dream bag with 24k gold plated hardware (Japan-based vintage reseller) and a Chanel black caviar coin purse (so roomy!). Thank you so much for being so open and sharing your knowledge in a relatable way.
Any advice on the pre-loved market? Which site would you recommend?
you absolutely have the most informative / concise / helpful designer bag reviews on youtube. thank you!!
I've been looking for this kind of video on Chanel handbags. Thank you for sharing this.
I’m saving for my first chanel bag! I definitely am leaning towards black caviar classic flap with gold hardware, because I know I will love it and like you said be able to enjoy it! It would match everything in my closet!!
I really love the minis, I am saving to buy up for one as a graduation present to myself. Amie, it would be interesting to see how you style each of your Chanel bags, maybe five outfits each? :)
i was planning to buy my first Chanel bag for my birthday, but with the recent price increase i am afraid i cannot justify their price anymore.. stores are opened as of today in Switzerland (where I live) so i will take a look and see how much the bags prices increased but i am quite sure i will walk out empty handed and just spend my money in another designer boutique..
Same. I am also planning to buy one for my birthday. And I am also in Switzerland. 😊🙈 Did you already go and take a look?
Same here... I moved to Switzerland to study about 4 years ago. I work part-time to support myself and always wanted to buy one of their classic flaps after I got my degree (as a reward for the hard work i guess). But this increase is just insane. I can no longer justify buying it. What a shame, really... SMH
Get preloved:)
@@jeanblaaa Preloved
@@jeanblaaa preloved
Amy, I also have the classic flap in grey after watching your unboxing video but I chose the m/l mainly I didn’t have this size and jumbo double flap was too heavy for my shoulders to carry. Still loving the colour and my forever bag. Initially I hesitated due to the recent price increase in Nov but I thought what the heck....and took the plunge. Looking back, really glad I did it otherwise it is even more expensive now. Thanks 🥰
I also own both a WOC and a rectangular mini, however I actually use my mini for running errands while my WOC is my evening bag 😆 I think your mini leans more dressy because it's in lambskin, because mine is in caviar with silver hardware and it looks casual enough to go grocery shopping with. My WOC on the other hand is in lambskin with gold hardware, so I tend to reserve it for special occasions.
Your video explanation is just what i needed to make my decision. You make so much sense everytime and i totally agree. And you encouraged wise decision making and spending within my means... Especially for a first chanel bag. Thank you very much. I've followed you and watched your videos for a very, very long time and none of it was a waste of time and i learned so much from you. Thank you once again! You have lovely voice, face and bags collection.
So so helpful! I have been saving up for my first Chanel. Im going for the mini rectangular. They're too cute to handle.
Your collection is to die for!!
I was told they stopped producing caviar minis in 2018
Love this video! When I first started buying Chanel I watched a lot of your videos for reference
Great video so informational. Just started buying Chanel and I just scored a navy mini reissue. I'm so excited to get it❣️
Hi amie! Was thinking of getting a light coloured (white/beige/grey) classic flap. Are they harder to maintain in terms of wear and tear & colour transfer?
Stay safe and healthy always 💜
Thank you for this! I am getting ready to make my first purchase and this gave me a lot to think about.
Great video! Thank you for answering every question I had and a few I didn't even think of! I love this community for that reason.
The colours of these bags makes my heart skip a beat. Absolutely beautiful and they compliment each other so well, now your dressing room is clothes rail free 😂it must be a beautiful sight everyday. Thank you for sharing xx
Hi Amie! Love your videos. Can you please let me know what are your fave preloved websites?
I binged your vids before getting my vintage Chanel double flap 💕
Hi Amie, love the colour on the Chanel mini rect, do you still reach for it during the winter? Thanks!
Hi Amie,
I am looking at purchasing my first Chanel Bag.... I am from New Zealand and have no boutiques near where I live. Recently came back from Florida, USA where I went into my first Chanel store, and was a little underwhelmed. I actually preferred the Chanel Boy medium bag to the Classic Flap bag. I was surprised by this!!!
I ended up buying another LV bag & some Jimmy Choo ankle boots haha!
I really want to buy that classic Chanel bag as my first bag..... so the double flap is the way to go! Why don’t you love the boy bags?
Hi Amie, what do you think of the distressed calf leather of Chanel? Is it durable?
I love your Chanel collection. For years I had dreamt of one day being able to afford one and finally did about 5 years ago. I just bought my 2nd one in December and love it.
Thank you so much for taking your time to make this video, it is super informative for a first time buyer!
Hi Amie - what are your thoughts on the Gabrielle bag?
The first bag you bought is absolutely gorgeous. A great first choice!
Makes me sick how expensive they are now!!! Wish I could bring myself to spend that much but I would rather opt for x2 saint laurent bags 🥴
Same here. Can't imagine paying over 8k for a bag. Their price hike over the recent years is insanely ridiculous. I have not bought one since 2017. Even sold my mini square and woc which I have not reached out for anyway. I should sell my jumbo 😆 but there's sentimental value of how I got the bag.
That's repulsive really because they know people are itching to consume their bags after all this covid19 is over..business without ethics. They are in only for the money, profits over people!
still saving for my first chanel! 🤞 the price increase in terrible! im considering buying preloved now! this videos helps a lot.
Great video! This video was very informative and helped me understand the differences among some of the most classic Chanel bags.
i have a caviar mini in coral and i had no idea about it being difficult to get caviar!! i bought mine 2 years ago and didn't even think about scarcity!!
CHASE! I just wanted to say thank you so much for your UA-cam videos they honestly are so detailed-oriented and are so helpful. I have bought to Chanel bags because of you! But I was wondering where do you buy your pre-loved Chanel. I have bought my last two Chanel bags brands new from the Chanel store. And also! Do you have any tips on getting your Chanel bags cleaned and fixed. I have a little stitch in my bag that’s out and I want to get it fixed by Chanel but I do not know the process. Any advice I would be so appreciative! Thank you so much for your UA-cam videos
Yet to purchase any Chanel but very useful video for when I do :)
I’m not sure if you wear any of your bags out during the quarantine but if so, do you clean your handbag once you come back from being outdoors?
I haven't used my Chanel bags at all during lockdown but for the bags I do use, I quickly wipe them down with an anti-bacterial wipe and then usually leave them alone for a few days. I only go out once a week at most so it's pretty easy to do even with my go-to bags!
Hi, I just wondered if you have ever experience colour transfer from what you are wearing to a Chanel bag. I would love a light colour Chanel but worried about colour transfer.
Hello Romina, Love your bag collection. Definitely have very unique pieces and a gorgeous collection.
Hi Amie, will u consider a Chanel coco handle bag? Why not?
I've enjoyed this video. Learnt a lot. I'll be so informed when its time for me to buy one
Really comprehensive video, thank you! Was wondering what your thoughts are on the recent Chanel price increase? Would it put you off buying Chanel in the future? 17% seems pretty high!!
Are there certain resale retailers you prefer? I know there are so many like eBay, fashionphile, gilt, rebag, etc. but they all have different return policies and rules on if the bag happens to be fake. I’ve done a lot of comparing in helping my cousin shop for a bag, but it would be great to hear your perspective!
I got to watch TWO of your videos today! Yay! I ADORE your videos-especially ones where I learn so much! Perhaps, I might go for a double-flap next time, after all. Thank you, so much, for what you do, Amie! Hope that you and your family are ALL well! ❤️👜🇨🇦
I like your curl at the end. Did you use hot roller and what brand name? Where did you purchase Channel hand bag
I thought I was the only one who still love and adore the classic jumbo double flap, nowadays that many people prefer mini bags. 😁
The jumbo will forever be my favourite bag! I still pinch myself that I own it haha.
I am with you 100%. Mini bags just aren't practical for me and I love my jumbo double flap and my medallion tote. I also have a vintage small single flap, which I highly recommend. It fits a surprising amount of stuff, certainly more than I have seen people on youtube fit into the medium double flap. As Amie says, I was concerned about structure loss in a large bag so I went for the double flap in the jumbo, but in the small bag I have had no issue with it at all.
I love my jumbo double flap! I owned a maxi double flap and also love it!
Amie can you do an updated minis and classic Flap bag size comparison, this time including the small classic flap size. I know a lot of people say that their is only a small difference but if someone only wants one then that small difference maybe the deciding factor. Or a comparison just between the rectangular mini, small and medium flap bag. But focusing on putting the same small items or what someone would actually put considering that the comparison includes "minis" or "small" bags. Iactually saw a video comparison with the small and medium of heyyyjune where she showed that the small flap bag can fit more than what a lot of people say it could fit. Love your videos btw 💖
Thank you for this very informative video. Very wise words. Looking forward to the next one. Be safe. Thank you
Can you do review on your vintage weekend er tote (the one you use for travel) . Also what you put in it for travel. Thanks
Would you do anything before wearing your new white or beige classic flap in caviar to avoid damage? 💕
What about reissue? Why you don’t have one?
What are your thoughts on Chanel 19?
I was wondering the same thing, K Simk. Why doesn't Amie own a reissue?
😁👍🏻very helpful video! Especially about the double flap. Thank you! 💕
I love the bag you were holding when you went through point 5, How should you clean and care for Chanel bags? What are the specs of that bag? it looks like a rose gold... I love the V style stitching vs the X and the size looks perfect!
I love gold hardware on bags too. Did the gold tarnish with time on your jumbo?
Just got myself a double flap in black lamb skin, gold hardware yesterday. And today they’re increasing prices for classics all over the world 😍
I love all your videos and I am saving for my fist Chanel ! I am almost there and all this videos help a lot thanks for all ur kind explanations
What do u think of the price increase? Do u know what the prices are in the uk
Can you do a video about your jewellery collection?
Love all your content. The chanel queen! i bought a preloved woc. It will be my only chanel. Could you do a video on the price increases. It would be very interesting!
I agree, e mu.
I learned soooooooo much by watchng this video. I love Chanel and just did an unboxing of the Trendy CC19...looking forward to a mini next time!
Thanks for all your answers! Very useful. /Marie from Sweden
Thank you so much that's so helpful and informative! Hope you're taking care and having a great week! 💐💕
Thank you for your tips. Love all ur chanel bags and I love the mini rectangular. It’s sad, I heard Chanel price is going up again. 🥺
Which websites do you trust for pre-loved? I heard of Individuals burned with a superfake. Thank you!
I really love your videos! Your are just so personable. Keep going 🌸
Thanks for the video Amie. I really will like to your thoughts or experience of buying from a department store like Selfridges Vs the Boutique. Do you favour one over the other and why. Thank you
Question: is it weird to use a Chanel mini for “errands”/grocery store runs? Obviously not NOW, with the current situation it’s inappropriate!! But I’m general? What you think?
Don’t think so. I use mine for daily errands. It’s the perfect mini size.
If it works for you than why not? I personally only use mine for date nights or special occasions especially if it's lambskin.
No!! Do you boo 😘 If you look cute, other women will compliment you!
Nina Oh!!! I never take any of my designers bags to groceries, only to fancy Malls, or when I travel or visit friends. Eww groceries I always have a very cheap bag for shopping and make sure it’s cross body so I don’t put it on those nasty carts 🛒
Very helpful and very detail. Thank you for sharing and stay safe 🍀
Regarding investment value, which Chanel bag is the best?
Excellent 👌🏻 video and very interesting 🧐 one! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼. Especially for the people like me who would love 💓 to buy there first Chanel bag 💼. To your knowledge is that true that Chanel has just recently increased their prices of ~28%? Thanks 😊 for sharing and stay safe! 💋🤗💖💋🤗💖💋🤗💖💋🤗
Thank you so much! This is a wonderful video! SO informative and helpful! Hoping to purchase my first Chanel before the end of the year. ☺️
Same, I have 3 Chanel bags and all caviars not crazy about the lamb skins and yes there prices are crazy.
I’m not sure I will buy more Chanel bags, would rather invest in Dior and more YSL bags.
Hi CA, can you do one for Saint Laurent as well? 😉😘
Awesome review as usual 🙂 just expected you to mention their latest price increase starting today
Thank you for this video! I agree 100% with you re: the caviar leather over the lambskin.
You are so welcome! Thank you for watching!! :)
@@ChaseAmie I have been following you for years now and have learned so much from you as I ventured into the designer world. Extremely grateful for your content and love your style 💕
Thanks for the vid, Aime! Would be interested to hear your thoughts on patent leather bags.
Hi Amie, thanks for sharing! Wondering if you slot clothes into your bags when you're not using them? To keep the shape. I slot in a tank top for my mini and put it in a dust bag.
Hi Amie , i enjoyed watching your videos. ❤️Thank you for sharing.
Thanks so much for doing this video!!! 😍👌🏾👏🏾 loved it that I watched it twice🥰😂
Great video! Thanks so much for all the information!
Thank you so much for sharing! 🥰🥰 this was very helpful! Your collection is gorgeous 😍
I always go to you for anything Chanel! What’s your preference between a Chanel WOC vs Chanel classic small flap? It would be my first Chanel if ever and I’m so confused..the small ones looks like the “classic” traditional Chanel while the WOC is of course more affordable and I think more carefree..
Very practical info, fast paced yet lots of info👍
Thank for all the tips. Very informative video.👍🏻
I definitely prefer my WOCs over the minis. But as you already said to each their own.
Which gray is your bag? She is absolutely beautiful ❤️
Hi Amie! Would you ever sell your chanel black mini?! I've been trying to find a cavier one!!!
Your Chanel pink woc - I have managed to purchase one but I’m terrified of colour transfer but a bit nervous to spray it ! Did you spray it ? Thanks x
Thank you for this video, I learnt a lot
Thanks for the tips aime!
Great information! Would you ever buy a Chanel bag in Jersey material? I appreciate your opinion.
If I liked the style enough, definitely BUT I'd check two things first:
1. I'd check the bag over carefully. I've seen some jersey bags pile and bobble so I'd want to avoid that.
2. I'd probably want to go pre-loved. Chanel jersey is still very expensive brand new and I'm not sure I'd want to pay that much for a fabric bag. Plus you might be able to get a great deal, preloved as they tend to be less popular than leather :)
Nice video! Was your classic double black flap made in France? Mine is made in Italy?? Does that matter? The SA said she thinks it doesn’t matter which country it was made in