Salut ! Oui c'est vrai, les colonisateurs Grecs ont fondé la ville de Marseille, originalement nommée "Massalia". C'est pas certain d'où provient ce nom, mais il faut savoir que les grecs n'ont pas profité des gens locaux. De toute façon il n'y avait pas une civilisation organisée là avant l'arrivée des grecs. Donc seulement d'amitié, pas de colonialisme agressif. Salutations d'un grec francophone!
@@georgios_5342 Salutation ! j'avais lu que PEUT ÊTRE (pas sûr) Massalia voulait dire "Ville des Morts" mais c'est une information que je ne suis pas certain d'être exacte, alors disons que c'est une rumeur infondée
@@LeNumidium ah d'accord je vois. Peut-être ça provient du gaulois ? Qui sait! De toute façon en grec, le mort est νεκρός, nekrós, et le mot ville est πόλις, pólis, d'où proviennent aussi des mots comme police, politique etcetera. Donc le plus probable est que le nom soit l'appellation de cette région même avant l'arrivée des grecs. Merci quand même pour répondre si vite, ça m'intéresse trop de discuter avec des gens français. 😉
We both know what the nation is and we have been under partitions for many many years. How similar is our history. Greetings from Poland steadfast Greeks 🇵🇱🇬🇷🇵🇱🇬🇷🇵🇱🇬🇷
History of this region (Epirus) = The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱 Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone . The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek ! Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ... Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237). Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 ! The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus) There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ). The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" . Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) . Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character). Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! ) The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! ) And do not compare your Bulgarian, to my " THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians !
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ? Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus. To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part. In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus. Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it. As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes. Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues. ( HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR ) All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek! ( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 ) The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus. Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks. There are many others ! According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy! More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle". The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ... "Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " . (Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ). That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved. The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion. Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing. The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus . Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population. This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history ! Genocide of the Chameria.
انا العربي الوحيد الذي يسمع هذه الأغنية دون أن يفهم شيئا بلدانكم جميلة واصبحت جميلة بعد جهد جهيد من معارك فكرية وثقافية و دماء وتضحية. لكم كل الاحترام والتقدير. فهنيئا لكم الحرية والديمقراطية والعلمانية والتنوير هنيئا لكم. أما في بلداننا العربية فلايوجد الا الحزن والمآسي والعذاب والدمار والحرب والخراب هنا الجحيم الذي نحترق به ليل نهار.... سلاما على الإنسان ذلك المشروع الفاشل..
A foto do mapa na bandeira é de Épiro e Aetoloakarnânia, regiões em nossa pátria, em quais ΕΔΕΣ estava principalmente lutando. Eu estou aprendendo português neste ano, e acho que posso um pouco falar. É uma língua que eu acho muito interessante, e tenho esperança que Grécia e Brasil vão ficar bons amigos e se ajudar.
Por mim já são considerados irmãos, com histórias e diversidades diferente. porém, com mesma paixão dos seus patriotas. Viva a Grécia e viva o Brasil 🇧🇷♥️🇬🇷@@ErmisSouldatos
Greece forever! 🇬🇷❤ Greece is an open book with many lessons about resilience: - In disadivantage fighting Persians - In disadivantage fighting Ottomans - In disadivantage fighting Nazi Germany - In disadivantage fighting financial collapse - In disadivantage fighting for their heritage and their borders
@Jd Pv XD. You know there are greeks who did not knew Greek and spoke slavic. They never met macedonians because they were the true Macedonians and they blame all the time bulgars. You might also be an brainwashed Macedonian.
@ οι άνθρωποι που ζουν στα σύνορα με τα σκοπιά και στην νότια περιοχή τον σκοπιων είναι ελληνες που μιλανε σλαβικά. Μέχρι και στους βαλκανικους πολέμους αν ακουσεις υπηρχαν κάτι ελληνες οι οποίοι δεν ήξεραν ελληνικα βέβαια μερικοί ήξεραν απο αυτους και συμμετηχαν στον πόλεμο εναντια στους βουλγαρους και επειδή μίλαγαν βουλγαρικά τους έβριζαν κιολας στα βουλγαρικά😂
@Albanian orthodox A Berat greqisht dmth Unaz ,eshte qytet bizantin ,1model me Janinen ,gjirokastren ,me shumice Kristjane ortodokse,por Qe kur Shen Kozmai u vra ,1 mallkim zbriti ne ate qytet,prandaj dhe keni emrin si Mistrec , tani or mik qe te mohosh Minoritetin Grek ne jug te shqiperis ,duhet te jesh njeri i ndyre ,mos degjo Marin Memen ,se ai eshte filo turk ,ai me mashtrimin e ideologjis shqiperi te madhe ,kerkon Zbatimin islamik ne gjithe ballkanin .
History of this region (Epirus) = The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱 Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone . The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek ! Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ... Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237). Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 ! The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus) There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ). The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" . Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) . Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character). Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! ) The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! ) And do not compare your Bulgarian, to my " THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians !
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ? Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus. To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part. In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus. Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it. As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes. Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues. ( HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR ) All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek! ( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 ) The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus. Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks. There are many others ! According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy! More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle". The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ... "Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " . (Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ). That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved. The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion. Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing. The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus . Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population. This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history ! Genocide of the Chameria.
@@Universal.. Zervas fuck you in the mountains just stop saying us Albanians only your country support this theory its called propaganda Greece has on of the best ancient politism in the world also when Turkeys come you Surranded like a Cowords and today you are with Turkey 🤮 So stop saying that you are Greek 😂 you are a small country with awful history never make history cause you was COWRD just stop steal history with so fucking lies clown
@@Universal.. Also in Hpeiros all people are Greeks you never stay in this area so stop telling that shit your country is small you never make history you envy all the time thats fucking irritate me
Χρονια δοξασμενα!!!!!!. Τα τραγουδια τα πατριωτικα θυμαμαι τον πατερα μου που πολεμησε τη μαχη της κρητης. Τη μεση ανατολη με τους ιερολοχιτες και μετο εθνικο στρατο στ βιτσι και γραμμο. Αιωνια μνημη. Ζητω ο εθνικος στρατος της ελλαδος φρουρος*****************.
Η ορθοδοξία δεν είναι η ελληνική θρησκεία Ελληνική θρησκεία είναι ο ελληνισμός, το αρχαίο πάνθεον Είσαι περήφανος για θρησκεία αλλά όχι για καταγωγή, είσαι υποκριτης Όσοι είναι περήφανοι για την καταγωγή τους και όχι μια ψεύτικη θρησκεία τους ξέρουν ότι οι Έλληνες και οι Ιταλοί είναι αδέρφια Έχουμε κοινή καταγωγή και περίπου ίδιο μεγαλείο Ουνα φάτσα ουνα ράτσα που λέμε Οι Σέρβοι είναι Σλάβοι, εξωευρωπαικης καταγωγής, καμία σχέση με μας, ξεπέρασε το ορθόδοξε αρλεκίνε ψευτοεθνικιστη
@Pet 0962 η ορθοδοξία είναι ο εχθρός της φυλής Οι Ιταλοί είναι στην κυριολεξία σχεδόν το ίδιο πράγμα με μας Ανήκουν στους ίδιους φυλετικους φαινοτυπους (μεσογειακος αλπικός και διναρικος) και το dna μας δεν ξεχωρίζετε εύκολα από ενός Ιταλούς Επισησ ο Χριστιανισμοσ σχεδόν σε κάθε του κομμάτι έχει πάρει στοιχεία από τις αρχαίες ευρωπαϊκές θρησκείες Για παράδειγμα υπερμάχο στρατηγό λέγανε την Αθήνα όχι την Παναγία Επισησ στα Χριστούγεννα οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες γιόρταζαν τα ηλιουγεννα όπου ο Απόλλωνας έφερνε από τον βορρά τον ήλιο και η διάρκεια της μέρας μεγάλωνε Ο Χριστός δεν γεννήθηκε καν χειμώνα ούτως ή άλλως, άνοιξη/καλοκαιρι γεννήθηκε Ο εθνικισμός έχει σαπίσει Αρνείστε τα βιολογικά σας αδέρφια για τους σλαβομογγολους με τους οποίους δεν έχουμε τίποτα κοινό, απλά επειδή μοιραζόμαστε την ίδια μοντέρνα θρησκεία, η οποία δεν είναι καν η θρησκεία του λαού μας Τα αδέρφια μας είναι οι Ιταλοί, είμαστε βιολογικά το ίδιο πράγμα, είμαστε πολιτισμικά περίπου το ίδιο πράγμα, και μόνο αυτοί μπορούν να είναι αδερφοί ενώς λαού με το μεγαλείο μας, η επίθεση τους στην Ελλάδα δεν άλλαξε τίποτα, οι Ιταλοί μας αγαπούσαν και μας αγαπάνε, πήγαινε μιλά με εθνικιστη Ιταλό, δεν θα καθίσει ποτέ να σου πει *πήγαμε να σας εισβάλουμε αλλά δεν μας αφήσατε* θα σου μιλάει σαν ισάξιο του, και ούτως ή άλλως Οι Σλάβοι δεν μας εισέβαλαν τον μεσαίωνα? Με αυτούς γιατί είμαστε αδέρφια ξαφνικά? Ένω δεν έχουμε τίποτα κοινό
@@ΓιάννηςΚαζάκης-μ4ι Φιλίες με χώρες δέν υπάρχουν. Μόνο συμφέροντα. Ολοι αυτοί μας μισούν θανάσιμα, το'χουν αποδείξει στην πράξη και θα'ρθει η στιγμή που θα πληρώσουν.
@@ΓιάννηςΚαζάκης-μ4ι Eπειδή εμείς (λανθασμένα) ανήκουμε στην δυτική επιρροή,στο ΝΑΤΟ ενώ αυτοι ανήκουν στην αντιθετη ομάδα Ρωσία, Κίνα,Ινδια,Βραζιλία, Ν Αφρική. Στο παρελθόν το ΝΑΤΟ (στο οποίο είμαστε μέλος) έχει επιτεθεί ενάντια στη Σερβία. Aργοτερα η Σερβία έχει αναγνωρίσει τα Σκόπια με το όνομα Μακεδονία. Να σημειωθεί ότι και στο κυπριακό τηρούν ουδέτερη στάση τα τελευταία 40 χρόνια. Οσο και άν το αρνούνται ορισμένοι η ορθοδοξία δυστυχώς σημερα σε Σερβια, Ελλαδα και Ρωσία είναι υπο διάλυση,οι πληθυσμοι έχουν μετατραποί σε άθεους ή μουσουλμάνους και απόδειξη είναι το ότι δέν αντέδρασε κανείς οταν έγινε τζαμί η Αγ Σοφιά, ουτε ελληνικη κυβέρνηση, ούτε Ιταλοι, ούτε Σέρβοι, ουτε Ρώσοι. Οι Ρώσοι μαλιστα είναι οι καλύτεροι σύμμαχοι του Ερτογάν στον πόλεμο εναντια στην Αρμενία οι οποίοι είναι χριστιανοί.
Εμένα ο προπάππος μου ηταν θημα στο ολοκαυτωμα των Καλαβρύτων αλλά ήταν και ήρωας γιατί ήταν στην ομάδα των ανταρτών που ανατίναξαν μια Χωροφυλακή που φιλαγαν όπλα οι ναζί
@@captain3331 κ εξαιτίας αυτής της ανατίναξης σκότωσαν ολόκληρο το χωριο.κατι το οποίο γνώριζαν οι εαμιτες πριν την επίθεση.τιμη σου κ καμάρι σου λεβέντη
Παρόλο που δεν τον γνώρισα ο παππούς μου πολεμούσε στο πλευρό του Ζέρβα και ήταν παρόν στην ανατίναξη της γέφυρας του Γοργοποτάμου.... επέστρεψε στην Κρήτη μετά τον εμφύλιο.... ανατριχιαστικό το τραγούδι.....
History of this region (Epirus) = The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱 Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone . The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek ! Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ... Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237). Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 ! The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus) There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ). The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" . Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) . Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character). Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! ) The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! ) " THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians ...
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ? Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus. To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part. In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus. Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it. As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes. Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues. ( HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR ) All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek! ( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 ) The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus. Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks. There are many others ! According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy! More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle". The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ... "Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " . (Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ). That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved. The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion. Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing. The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus . Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population. This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history ! Genocide of the Chameria.
@@chrusos_strtks άκου προγλωσσικέ φίλε φασίστα δεν θα ασχοληθώ μαζί σου γιατί πολύ απλά δεν το αξίζεις...θα σου πω όμως να ετοιμάσεις τα πράγματα σου διότι δεν θα αργήσει η μέρα που θα πας να σπας πέτρες σε ένα απομακρυσμένο βουνό...βέβαια πολύ φοβάμαι ότι ούτε καν αυτό έχεις την ικανότητα να κάνεις Αλλά δεν πειράζει...όσο ζω ελπίζω Τα φιλιά μου φίλε φασίστα!!!
@@ΚόκκινηΛαίλαπα Χαχαχαχαχα, οτί πεις ανόητε βλαξ σλαβοκομμουνιστή. Χαιρετισμούς στον πατερούλη Στάλιν, σύντομα θα τον βρείς εσύ και οι όμοιοί σου...!!!!
@@chrusos_strtks πως τα έφερες πως τα γύρισες πάλι στον Στάλιν κατέληξες φασιστικό...Δεν πειράζει όμως το κατανοώ μετά από τόσες δεκαετίες και ακόμα τον φοβάστε λογικό αφού τον ηγέτη σας τον έκανε ανάμνηση αναμενόμενο...Α και όπως είχε ειπωθεί κάποτε όσο τον φοβάστε τόσο θα ζει στην μνήμη σας και θα σας τρομάζει αυτός και αγέρωχο μουστάκι του.... Φιλιά και πάλι φίλε φασίστα 😘
Очень люблю Грецию! Привет из России! Без вас греков, не было бы православия! Λατρεύω την Ελλάδα πολύ! Γεια σας από τη Ρωσία! Χωρίς εσάς Έλληνες, δεν θα υπήρχε Ορθοδοξία! I love Greece very much! Hello from Russia! Without you Greeks, there would be no Orthodoxy!
κατσε στα αυγα ρου ρε βλακα.......μεχρι στιγμης 185 η βενζινι πριν της εκλογες το ειχε κατεβασει στο 1.70 τωρα παλι τα ιδια καρτελ ....Σε γαμαει ο Ελληνας που τραγουδας...βλακα
@@nickgerebakanis Και όταν θα έρθουν στην Ελλάδα θα τους λες τρομοκράτες και πως είναι μέρος της αντικατάστασης πληθυσμών γιατί τον πόλεμο θα τον χάσουν
Είναι να σε πιανει μια ανατριχίλα που το ακους και να σκέφτεσαι και να λες νιώθω περηφανος που είμαι Έλληνας, είμαι περηφανος που ζω σε μια τέτοια χώρα με νικητές και ανθρώπους που δεν φοβόντουσαν
My grandpa joined ELAS as a 17 year old during the occupation but when he realised that the Communists’ final goal was to turn Greece into a communist state after the liberation,he left.Then ELAS burned down his family’s house.Then during the civil war,he joined the Greek Royal Gendarmerie and fought for 4 years against communism.Proud for him.
Nazis have entered the chat. *Nazis have left the chat* Communists entered the chat *Communists have left the chat* Greek patriots entered the chat....and stay
History of this region (Epirus) = The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱 Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone . The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek ! Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ... Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237). Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 ! The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus) There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ). The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" . Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) . Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character). Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! ) The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! ) " THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians ...
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ? Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus. To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part. In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus. Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it. As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes. Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues. ( HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR ) All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek! ( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 ) The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus. Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks. There are many others ! According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy! More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle". The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ... "Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " . (Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ). That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved. The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion. Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing. The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus . Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population. This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history ! Genocide of the Chameria.
Очень люблю Грецию! Привет из России! Без вас греков, не было бы православия! Λατρεύω την Ελλάδα πολύ! Γεια σας από τη Ρωσία! Χωρίς εσάς Έλληνες, δεν θα υπήρχε Ορθοδοξία I love Greece Very much! hello from Russia! Without you Greeks, there would be no Orthodoxy! Make More Legacy ΕΔΕΣ!
u are wrong.hellas is the only one nation in the wolrd we are ellhnes the few the others are cristians cause they forgot that that they where only greeks
History of this region (Epirus) = The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱 Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone . The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek ! Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ... Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237). Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 ! The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus) There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ). The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" . Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) . Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character). Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! ) The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! ) " THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians ...
History of this region (Epirus) = The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱 Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone . The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek ! Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ... Achilles: - "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ... Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237). Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 ! The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus) There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ). The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" . Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) . Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character). Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! ) The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! ) And do not compare your Bulgarian, to my " THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians ....
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ? Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus. To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part. In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus. Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it. As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes. Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues. ( HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR ) All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek! ( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 ) The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus. Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks. There are many others ! According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy! More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " . Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle". The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ... "Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " . (Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ). That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved. The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion. Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing. The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus . Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population. This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history ! Genocide of the Chameria..
Greetings to our beloved Greek Orthodox brothers from Serbia! During World War II we had our Napoleon Zervas, it was general Draza Mihailovic, leader of serbian nationalist forces - Chetniks! Unfortunately, he was (unlike Zervas), betrayed by London and Yugoslavia was sold to Stalin's godless communists in 1944. Draza continued to fight, against all odds, but in the end he was captured and killed by commies in 1946.. May God bless his martyr soul! Long live Hellas and Serbia! Thank you for helping our army in 1916, thank you for not participating in NATO aggression on Serbia in 1999!
Greece and serbia are not brothers greece is lap dog of america and serbia hates america more than i hate greece. Serbia and greece are eternal enemies
Draža Mihajlović collaborated with the Axis, as well with the Ustaša organization. He was a criminal, the other side of the same coin. Zervas actually fought against fascism unlike Mihajlović.
@CAVKING19DELTA TEXAS By the same logic, Ustaše fighting against Chetniks were also fighting against fascism. Chetniks too did massive atrocities. If you don't believe that they cooperated, here's a picture from 1942. Strange how people only point out the "good".
@@ivanmihaelmatkovic2464 Tito was a criminal and in jail before the second world war because he was a comunist terorist. Draza was oficer of jugoslav royal army, serbian hero from balkan wars and world war I. Lazove komunisticki
@@yourstepdad1632 our former king was Danish (Denmark). Though Germany’s government is questionable you can’t go after good people like him. We should always welcome peace!
@@aserasanser737 σοβαρα κουμμουνι? ο καριολακος ο λενιν δεν εδωσε χρηματα στον τουρκικο στρατο και οπλα?..απο τοτε..ξεκινησαν...και οποιον ειναι αντιθετος απο εσας ειναι φασιστας.....μονο εσεις ειστε οι καλοι**..σκατοφαρα και πουτανοσπερματα...
Σε κάθε εθνική γιορτή κάθε χρόνο θα επιστρέφω σε αυτήν την τραγουδάρα. ΖΗΤΩ Ο ΕΔΕΣ ΖΗΤΩ Η ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΖΗΤΩ Ο ΖΕΡΒΑΣ ΖΗΤΩ Ο ΨΑΡΡΟΣ ΟΞΩ Η ΑΝΘΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΡΑ
It depends. In the past and especially in the Medieval Era with the Despotate of Epirus the Epirus spanned from Central Albania all the way to Aetolokarnania.
Στην μνήμη του παππού μου που πολέμησε και έχασε και το αδερφό του σε εκείνες της βουνοκορφές του Γράμμου και του Βίτσι και όταν έβλεπε και έκαιγαν τη σημαία στο Πολυτεχνείο τον έπαιρνε το παράπονο.
this song was written decades after WW2 and it was popular among the members of ONNED,the youth wing of the New Democracy party.The verses basically say that the ''blue generation''(as it was called back then) was ready to take up arms and fight the communists again. The New Democracy party those times was hardline right and very anticommunist,it became more liberal after Mitsotakis Sr was elected party leader in 1984
We didnt fight the USSR because of them we have back the islands of again sea and no turkey we just never help them back thats why they dont give a shit about us exept from serbia
Greeting from France, Marseille, your ancestors did build my city :)
Yes also o think Antibes- antipolis
@@croatianapoxyomenos3184 yes, thats right ! 😊
Salut ! Oui c'est vrai, les colonisateurs Grecs ont fondé la ville de Marseille, originalement nommée "Massalia". C'est pas certain d'où provient ce nom, mais il faut savoir que les grecs n'ont pas profité des gens locaux. De toute façon il n'y avait pas une civilisation organisée là avant l'arrivée des grecs. Donc seulement d'amitié, pas de colonialisme agressif. Salutations d'un grec francophone!
@@georgios_5342 Salutation ! j'avais lu que PEUT ÊTRE (pas sûr) Massalia voulait dire "Ville des Morts"
mais c'est une information que je ne suis pas certain d'être exacte, alors disons que c'est une rumeur infondée
@@LeNumidium ah d'accord je vois. Peut-être ça provient du gaulois ? Qui sait! De toute façon en grec, le mort est νεκρός, nekrós, et le mot ville est πόλις, pólis, d'où proviennent aussi des mots comme police, politique etcetera. Donc le plus probable est que le nom soit l'appellation de cette région même avant l'arrivée des grecs. Merci quand même pour répondre si vite, ça m'intéresse trop de discuter avec des gens français. 😉
Love ΕΔΕΣ , Love Ellada , from Romania
Stay strong ortodox bros 🇷🇴🇬🇷☦
Love from Greece 🇬🇷❤️🇷🇴☦
Salute to my brothers from Republic of Srbska. We must be united like the enemy if we wanna to survive. ☦🇷🇴🇬🇷🇷🇸☦
@@psihodelija8917 no Greeks are independent sorry
Greetings from Spain🇪🇸🤝🇬🇷
Hello Mediterranean and Cultural Bro🇬🇷❤️🇪🇸,I Really Want To Visit Madrid And Try The Food,I Have Heard It's Beautiful 🇪🇸❤️🇬🇷
Greetings Mediterranean brother 🇬🇷🤝🇪🇸
Hola mi hermano!!
We both know what the nation is and we have been under partitions for many many years. How similar is our history. Greetings from Poland steadfast Greeks 🇵🇱🇬🇷🇵🇱🇬🇷🇵🇱🇬🇷
Polish ppl have live the horror that we have lived, so we are humble and proud. Long live my friend
cancel the deal with the Turkey for the drones and then come and comment here
@@kinezosemperor dude, those are political stuff. Don’t let politics divide a man
History of this region (Epirus) =
The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱
Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone .
The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek !
Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
- "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ...
Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237).
Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 !
The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus)
There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ).
The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" .
Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) .
Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character).
Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! )
The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! )
And do not compare your Bulgarian, to my " THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians !
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ?
Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus.
To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part.
In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus.
Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it.
As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes.
Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues.
All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek!
( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 )
The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus.
Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus
And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks.
There are many others !
According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy!
More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle".
The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ...
"Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " .
(Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ).
That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved.
The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion.
Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing.
The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus .
Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population.
This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history !
Genocide of the Chameria.
Regards from Serbia to our orthodox brothers. God save you and your beautiful country.
hvala brate moj! Zivela Srbija, ja volim Srbijaaa!!
انا العربي الوحيد الذي يسمع هذه الأغنية دون أن يفهم شيئا
بلدانكم جميلة واصبحت جميلة بعد جهد جهيد من معارك فكرية وثقافية و دماء وتضحية. لكم كل الاحترام والتقدير.
فهنيئا لكم الحرية والديمقراطية والعلمانية والتنوير هنيئا لكم.
أما في بلداننا العربية فلايوجد الا الحزن والمآسي والعذاب والدمار والحرب والخراب هنا الجحيم الذي نحترق به ليل نهار....
سلاما على الإنسان ذلك المشروع الفاشل..
@С.αἰώνιος λόγος ❤️🌿
They day when all of the middle east will be at peace is approaching, friend. Your torment over the years won't last long. Greetings from greece.
@@Veriox22 Thank you very much for this beautiful words that brought some joy to my heart
Ύμνος αδέρφια.... Να μας ακολουθεί για πάντα. Ζητώ η Ελλάδα.
Long live Greece, love from Costa Rica.🇨🇷❤🇬🇷☦
Teacher: We are going to Epirus
Girls: Where?
Βόρεια ήπειρος γη Ελληνική
@@konstantinospapadopoulos6211 🇬🇷☦️🇬🇷☦️🇬🇷☦️☦️🇬🇷☦️☦️☦️☦️☦️🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
Um Brasileiro que ama a Grécia e sua história mesmo não conhecendo o pais. 🇧🇷❤🇬🇷
Λ§ ÇüΛΠΓΘ ~Ξ~Λ§ / quiero0tubo0kaa
Λ§ ÇüΛΠΓΘ ~Ξ~Λ§ / quiero0tubo0kaa
Λ§ ÇüΛΠΓΘ ~Ξ~Λ§ / quiero0tubo0kaa
Λ§ ÇüΛΠΓΘ ~Ξ~Λ§ / quiero0tubo0kaa
Λ§ ÇüΛΠΓΘ ~Ξ~Λ§ / quiero0tubo0kaa
Λ§ ÇüΛΠΓΘ ~Ξ~Λ§ / quiero0tubo0kaa
Vazov __Детка Ламбада / mustafa türgüş
Λ§ ÇüΛΠΓΘ ~Ξ~Λ§ / quiero0tubo0kaa
Vazov __Детка Ламбада / mustafa türgüş
A foto do mapa na bandeira é de Épiro e Aetoloakarnânia, regiões em nossa pátria, em quais ΕΔΕΣ estava principalmente lutando. Eu estou aprendendo português neste ano, e acho que posso um pouco falar. É uma língua que eu acho muito interessante, e tenho esperança que Grécia e Brasil vão ficar bons amigos e se ajudar.
Por mim já são considerados irmãos, com histórias e diversidades diferente. porém, com mesma paixão dos seus patriotas. Viva a Grécia e viva o Brasil 🇧🇷♥️🇬🇷@@ErmisSouldatos
I cannot stop listening to this beautiful song - with respect from Slovakia
Greece forever! 🇬🇷❤
Greece is an open book with many lessons about resilience:
- In disadivantage fighting Persians
- In disadivantage fighting Ottomans
- In disadivantage fighting Nazi Germany
- In disadivantage fighting financial collapse
- In disadivantage fighting for their heritage and their borders
Crazy cuz Greece actually defeated its debt. That was pretty fucking impressive ngl
So SO PROUD: My grandpa was a Palikari of Zervas.
This song is just magnificent!
it is not TURK songs are BEST !!!!!!
@@Email5507 deus vult
@@Email5507 you again ... You are the most toxic man in the world
@@Email5507 shut up stupid
@@Email5507 no
Στη μνήμη του παππού μου
Θανάση Ζορμπά που σε μιά
μάχη στα βουνά της Αργολίδας
σκότωσε σαράντα Γερμανούς !!!!!!!
Μπράβο στον Παππού σου! Να είσαι περήφανος που πολέμισε για όνομα της πατρίδας!
Αιωνία του η μνήμη. Αθάνατος.!!
Συχαριτηρια στον παππού σου ήταν πρωστατης της πατρίδας με τιμή και το όπλο στα χέρια για την αιώνια μάχη για την Ελλάδα
One Greek soldier killed 40 German soldiers. Those Greek hero stories are extraordinary! Bravo to your grand father!
Greece, birthplace of european culture, eternal light. 🇬🇷☦️❤️
We'll always be conquerors!
Jd Pv there weren‘t and slavs in macedonia in ancient times, how can north macedonia be related to ancient macedons/greeks?
@Jd Pv XD. You know there are greeks who did not knew Greek and spoke slavic. They never met macedonians because they were the true Macedonians and they blame all the time bulgars. You might also be an brainwashed Macedonian.
@ οι άνθρωποι που ζουν στα σύνορα με τα σκοπιά και στην νότια περιοχή τον σκοπιων είναι ελληνες που μιλανε σλαβικά. Μέχρι και στους βαλκανικους πολέμους αν ακουσεις υπηρχαν κάτι ελληνες οι οποίοι δεν ήξεραν ελληνικα βέβαια μερικοί ήξεραν απο αυτους και συμμετηχαν στον πόλεμο εναντια στους βουλγαρους και επειδή μίλαγαν βουλγαρικά τους έβριζαν κιολας στα βουλγαρικά😂
@@geo1684 their argument is mixing in with the native population of the people of the region but when DNA tested they are just Bulgarian
Α ρε Ζέρβα! Σε ευχαριστούμε για όλα🇬🇷❤️
Happy independence day ! From France 🇨🇵⚜🇬🇷
Thanks brother
@@KaminoNodo you stupid
@@KaminoNodo are you stupid bro?!
@@KaminoNodo Only PASOK (Me andrea oxi me Giorgio)
Que como estás
Greek flag ,Greetings from Northern epirus
@Albanian orthodox A O koqe, Krahina e Epirit eshte ndare ,ne 1913 , ska [se ofendohesh ,ne nuk jemi turq,ne flasim greqisht ne Shtepi .
@Albanian orthodox A Jo mor cun ,se ne sarande,delvin,konispol,Gjirokaster ka 400 fshatra qe flasin vetem greqish,pse je kaq i trash, a malok je .
@Albanian orthodox A Berat greqisht dmth Unaz ,eshte qytet bizantin ,1model me Janinen ,gjirokastren ,me shumice Kristjane ortodokse,por Qe kur Shen Kozmai u vra ,1 mallkim zbriti ne ate qytet,prandaj dhe keni emrin si Mistrec , tani or mik qe te mohosh Minoritetin Grek ne jug te shqiperis ,duhet te jesh njeri i ndyre ,mos degjo Marin Memen ,se ai eshte filo turk ,ai me mashtrimin e ideologjis shqiperi te madhe ,kerkon Zbatimin islamik ne gjithe ballkanin .
@Albanian orthodox A Vlleherit flasin rumansihte te vjeter, ne Minoretaret flasim greqisht ,ky eshte ndryshimi.
@@idigiorgiosskevis8209 αδερφέ πόσοι είστε ακόμα στην Βόρεια Ήπειρο;;;
Great song, regards from Serbia🇬🇷🇷🇸
Beautiful song greetings and big love to Greece from Serbia we are brothers forever 🇷🇸❤️🇬🇷
Να είσαι πάντα γερός αδερφέ!!!
χαιρετισμούς από Πολωνία
History of this region (Epirus) =
The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱
Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone .
The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek !
Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
- "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ...
Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237).
Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 !
The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus)
There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ).
The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" .
Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) .
Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character).
Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! )
The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! )
And do not compare your Bulgarian, to my " THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians !
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ?
Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus.
To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part.
In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus.
Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it.
As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes.
Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues.
All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek!
( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 )
The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus.
Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus
And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks.
There are many others !
According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy!
More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle".
The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ...
"Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " .
(Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ).
That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved.
The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion.
Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing.
The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus .
Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population.
This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history !
Genocide of the Chameria.
Witaj mój przyjacielu, w Grecji naprawdę kochamy Polskę i jej mieszkańców!🇬🇷❤️🇵🇱
@@Universal.. Zervas fuck you in the mountains just stop saying us Albanians only your country support this theory its called propaganda Greece has on of the best ancient politism in the world also when Turkeys come you Surranded like a Cowords and today you are with Turkey 🤮 So stop saying that you are Greek 😂 you are a small country with awful history never make history cause you was COWRD just stop steal history with so fucking lies clown
@@Universal.. Also in Hpeiros all people are Greeks you never stay in this area so stop telling that shit your country is small you never make history you envy all the time thats fucking irritate me
Στην μνήμη του θείου μου καπετάν Αγρας στήν Θράκη στα βουνά τις Ροδόπης μέχρι την Σέρρες
Χρονια δοξασμενα!!!!!!. Τα τραγουδια τα πατριωτικα θυμαμαι τον πατερα μου που πολεμησε τη μαχη της κρητης. Τη μεση ανατολη με τους ιερολοχιτες και μετο εθνικο στρατο στ βιτσι και γραμμο. Αιωνια μνημη. Ζητω ο εθνικος στρατος της ελλαδος φρουρος*****************.
Η αδελφότητά μας είναι αιώνια!
Ζήτω η Ελλάδα!
Ζήτω η Σερβία!
Ποια Σερβία ρε σλαβε πάρε δρόμο
Οι Σλάβοι είστε Μογγολικης καταγωγής οι Έλληνες είναι ινδοευρωπαιοι
Οι αδερφοί μας είναι οι Ιταλοί
Η ορθοδοξία δεν είναι η ελληνική θρησκεία
Ελληνική θρησκεία είναι ο ελληνισμός, το αρχαίο πάνθεον
Είσαι περήφανος για θρησκεία αλλά όχι για καταγωγή, είσαι υποκριτης
Όσοι είναι περήφανοι για την καταγωγή τους και όχι μια ψεύτικη θρησκεία τους ξέρουν ότι οι Έλληνες και οι Ιταλοί είναι αδέρφια
Έχουμε κοινή καταγωγή και περίπου ίδιο μεγαλείο
Ουνα φάτσα ουνα ράτσα που λέμε
Οι Σέρβοι είναι Σλάβοι, εξωευρωπαικης καταγωγής, καμία σχέση με μας, ξεπέρασε το ορθόδοξε αρλεκίνε ψευτοεθνικιστη
@Pet 0962 η ορθοδοξία είναι ο εχθρός της φυλής
Οι Ιταλοί είναι στην κυριολεξία σχεδόν το ίδιο πράγμα με μας
Ανήκουν στους ίδιους φυλετικους φαινοτυπους (μεσογειακος αλπικός και διναρικος) και το dna μας δεν ξεχωρίζετε εύκολα από ενός Ιταλούς
Επισησ ο Χριστιανισμοσ σχεδόν σε κάθε του κομμάτι έχει πάρει στοιχεία από τις αρχαίες ευρωπαϊκές θρησκείες
Για παράδειγμα υπερμάχο στρατηγό λέγανε την Αθήνα όχι την Παναγία
Επισησ στα Χριστούγεννα οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες γιόρταζαν τα ηλιουγεννα όπου ο Απόλλωνας έφερνε από τον βορρά τον ήλιο και η διάρκεια της μέρας μεγάλωνε
Ο Χριστός δεν γεννήθηκε καν χειμώνα ούτως ή άλλως, άνοιξη/καλοκαιρι γεννήθηκε
Ο εθνικισμός έχει σαπίσει
Αρνείστε τα βιολογικά σας αδέρφια για τους σλαβομογγολους με τους οποίους δεν έχουμε τίποτα κοινό, απλά επειδή μοιραζόμαστε την ίδια μοντέρνα θρησκεία, η οποία δεν είναι καν η θρησκεία του λαού μας
Τα αδέρφια μας είναι οι Ιταλοί, είμαστε βιολογικά το ίδιο πράγμα, είμαστε πολιτισμικά περίπου το ίδιο πράγμα, και μόνο αυτοί μπορούν να είναι αδερφοί ενώς λαού με το μεγαλείο μας, η επίθεση τους στην Ελλάδα δεν άλλαξε τίποτα, οι Ιταλοί μας αγαπούσαν και μας αγαπάνε, πήγαινε μιλά με εθνικιστη Ιταλό, δεν θα καθίσει ποτέ να σου πει *πήγαμε να σας εισβάλουμε αλλά δεν μας αφήσατε* θα σου μιλάει σαν ισάξιο του, και ούτως ή άλλως
Οι Σλάβοι δεν μας εισέβαλαν τον μεσαίωνα?
Με αυτούς γιατί είμαστε αδέρφια ξαφνικά?
Ένω δεν έχουμε τίποτα κοινό
@@ΓιάννηςΚαζάκης-μ4ι Φιλίες με χώρες δέν υπάρχουν. Μόνο συμφέροντα.
Ολοι αυτοί μας μισούν θανάσιμα, το'χουν αποδείξει στην πράξη και θα'ρθει η στιγμή που θα πληρώσουν.
Eπειδή εμείς (λανθασμένα) ανήκουμε στην δυτική επιρροή,στο ΝΑΤΟ ενώ αυτοι ανήκουν στην αντιθετη ομάδα Ρωσία, Κίνα,Ινδια,Βραζιλία, Ν Αφρική.
Στο παρελθόν το ΝΑΤΟ (στο οποίο είμαστε μέλος) έχει επιτεθεί ενάντια στη Σερβία. Aργοτερα η Σερβία έχει αναγνωρίσει τα Σκόπια με το όνομα Μακεδονία. Να σημειωθεί ότι και στο κυπριακό τηρούν ουδέτερη στάση τα τελευταία 40 χρόνια.
Οσο και άν το αρνούνται ορισμένοι η ορθοδοξία δυστυχώς σημερα σε Σερβια, Ελλαδα και Ρωσία είναι υπο διάλυση,οι πληθυσμοι έχουν μετατραποί σε άθεους ή μουσουλμάνους και απόδειξη είναι το ότι δέν αντέδρασε κανείς οταν έγινε τζαμί η Αγ Σοφιά, ουτε ελληνικη κυβέρνηση, ούτε Ιταλοι, ούτε Σέρβοι, ουτε Ρώσοι.
Οι Ρώσοι μαλιστα είναι οι καλύτεροι σύμμαχοι του Ερτογάν στον πόλεμο εναντια στην Αρμενία οι οποίοι είναι χριστιανοί.
Ο παππούς μου πολεμισε ως μέλος του ΕΔΕΣ.... περιφανια και ανατριχιλα όταν άκουσα αυτό το τραγούδι
Εμένα ο προπάππος μου ηταν θημα στο ολοκαυτωμα των Καλαβρύτων αλλά ήταν και ήρωας γιατί ήταν στην ομάδα των ανταρτών που ανατίναξαν μια Χωροφυλακή που φιλαγαν όπλα οι ναζί
@@captain3331 κ εξαιτίας αυτής της ανατίναξης σκότωσαν ολόκληρο το χωριο.κατι το οποίο γνώριζαν οι εαμιτες πριν την επίθεση.τιμη σου κ καμάρι σου λεβέντη
Παρόλο που δεν τον γνώρισα ο παππούς μου πολεμούσε στο πλευρό του Ζέρβα και ήταν παρόν στην ανατίναξη της γέφυρας του Γοργοποτάμου.... επέστρεψε στην Κρήτη μετά τον εμφύλιο.... ανατριχιαστικό το τραγούδι.....
@@goggidavor252 εεεε ενταξει λαθος τα εμαθες αλλα δεν πειραζει
Στο λέω όχι από ειρωνια αλλά από θαυμασμό,ο παππους σου ήταν ήρωας
Ο παππούς μου πολέμησε στον Συμμοριτοπόλεμο! Νιώθω συγκίνηση και υπερηφάνεια που πολέμησε με το μέρος του Ελληνικού Στρατού. Ζήτω ο ΕΔΕΣ!
Poutsa ston edes
Εμφύλιος πόλεμος ήταν Έλληνες δεξιοί εναντίον Έλληνες αριστεροί
και εμενα αδερφε
Και εμένα αδέρφια 🇬🇷🇬🇷 νιώθω υπερήφανος για όλους τους Έλληνες αγωνιστές του ΕΔΕΣ! ΖΉΤΩ Ο ΕΔΕΣ!
μακάρι και στις μέρες να έχουμε την ίδια τύχη 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
Love you my Greek brothers and sisters ♥️ love from Serbia 🇷🇸
regards from Thessaloniki..the heart form original and only ONE MACEDONIA ..the
Serbia 🇷🇸♥️♥️
History of this region (Epirus) =
The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱
Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone .
The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek !
Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
- "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ...
Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237).
Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 !
The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus)
There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ).
The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" .
Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) .
Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character).
Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! )
The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! )
" THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians ...
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ?
Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus.
To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part.
In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus.
Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it.
As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes.
Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues.
All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek!
( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 )
The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus.
Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus
And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks.
There are many others !
According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy!
More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle".
The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ...
"Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " .
(Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ).
That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved.
The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion.
Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing.
The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus .
Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population.
This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history !
Genocide of the Chameria.
Στους παππούδες μου που πολέμησαν σαν ένδοξοι Έλληνες για την πατρίδα τους και την Ηπειρο που τόσο λάτρευαν. Να ειστε καλά εκεί που είστε άρχοντες!!!!
my grandpa was a member of the ΕΔΕΣ
Φασίστες...Μελιγαλάς για όλους
@@ΚόκκινηΛαίλαπα Σλαβοκομμουνιστή...Μακρόνησος για όλους σαν και εσένα!!!
@@chrusos_strtks άκου προγλωσσικέ φίλε φασίστα δεν θα ασχοληθώ μαζί σου γιατί πολύ απλά δεν το αξίζεις...θα σου πω όμως να ετοιμάσεις τα πράγματα σου διότι δεν θα αργήσει η μέρα που θα πας να σπας πέτρες σε ένα απομακρυσμένο βουνό...βέβαια πολύ φοβάμαι ότι ούτε καν αυτό έχεις την ικανότητα να κάνεις Αλλά δεν πειράζει...όσο ζω ελπίζω
Τα φιλιά μου φίλε φασίστα!!!
@@ΚόκκινηΛαίλαπα Χαχαχαχαχα, οτί πεις ανόητε βλαξ σλαβοκομμουνιστή. Χαιρετισμούς στον πατερούλη Στάλιν, σύντομα θα τον βρείς εσύ και οι όμοιοί σου...!!!!
@@chrusos_strtks πως τα έφερες πως τα γύρισες πάλι στον Στάλιν κατέληξες φασιστικό...Δεν πειράζει όμως το κατανοώ μετά από τόσες δεκαετίες και ακόμα τον φοβάστε λογικό αφού τον ηγέτη σας τον έκανε ανάμνηση αναμενόμενο...Α και όπως είχε ειπωθεί κάποτε όσο τον φοβάστε τόσο θα ζει στην μνήμη σας και θα σας τρομάζει αυτός και αγέρωχο μουστάκι του....
Φιλιά και πάλι φίλε φασίστα 😘
Στη μνήμη του παππού μου πολεμιστή του ΕΔΕΣ και περήφανο Ηπειρώτη!
Ήρωας, όπως και όλοι όσοι πολέμησαν δίπλα του. Τον ευχαριστούμε θερμά!!
Ελληνική ψυχή, ελληνική βόρειος Ήπειρος,αδέρφια κρατάτε γερά !
Очень люблю Грецию! Привет из России! Без вас греков, не было бы православия!
Λατρεύω την Ελλάδα πολύ! Γεια σας από τη Ρωσία! Χωρίς εσάς Έλληνες, δεν θα υπήρχε Ορθοδοξία!
I love Greece very much! Hello from Russia! Without you Greeks, there would be no Orthodoxy!
yes we see now how russia is respecting Orthodoxia ! Killing orthodox population during the easter ....great
Слава России
Слава Греции
Слава Православию
Sorry for our government buddy we dont agree with what they doing against russia
Sorry for our stupid politicians. Most of Greeks hope you liberate your russian brothers in novorussia
Παει η φιλια μας συντροφε τα γαμησε ο Μητσοτακης οταν εστειλε βοηθεια στον καριολη τον Ζελενσκι.
Albania zero Now with free Epirus buy it now only with 2$.
Greece is broke but somehow is still Albania’s biggest investor, they practically do own the country
I don't get what are you talking about
@@tomaszzalewski4541 North epirus is inhabited mostly by greeks and the goal is to get indipendence and then get incorporated into Greece.
@@karras.apostolos based
Ζήτω η Ελλάς ζήτω πονεμένη Πατρίδα 🇬🇷🇨🇾
ΖΉΤΩ η Πίστη η πατρίδα και η Οικογένεια!! ΖΉΤΩ η ελληνική Ιστορία!! ΖΉΤΩ Τα ελληνικά ήθη και έθιμα!! ΖΉΤΩ Η ΕΛΛΆΔΑ 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
For the Flag and the Cross 🇬🇷☦🇨🇾
brothers in arms 💪💪💪💪
@@GanjaMasterBlaster we are one Nation Brother
@@FearTheNorth indeed brother
Love from Armenia Greek Brothers 💪🏻
Τιμή και δόξα σε όλους τους μαχητές και αγωνιστές της Εθνικής Αντίστασης, ανεξαιρέτως χρωμάτων και πολιτικών τοποθετήσεων. 🇬🇷🙏🇬🇷🙏🇬🇷🥰
Hello from Armenia
Stay strong brothers🇬🇷🇦🇲
@@m.ali1_kucuk953 bullshit
Hello to the best Caucasian country from Poland
Greetings from Russia 🇷🇺 🇬🇷
Hey bro Join Europe stop playing games with muslims. Russia with the Tsar was the best European nation. 🇷🇺☦🇬🇷
@@leagueofcorinth5351 and if they are part of our counrty?
What is yr country?
@@leagueofcorinth5351 Russia
Probably you are all part of Greece. Grow up and get rid of this crazy putin
Α ρε παππού θυμάμαι το άκουγες και έκλαιγες. Άρτα.
Δυνατη εικονα
Άξιζε αδερφέ
κουκουλα ο παππουσ στην κατοχη
@@athinampatzaka7442 παλικάρι ο παππούς στην κατοχή !
@@athinampatzaka7442 κουκούλα σε κουμμουνια και πνίξιμο.
I love greek
History and cultur and language
Love From Kurdistan 🇹🇯❤️🇦🇲❤️🇬🇷
Soon we are take back our land
Soon brother, soon
Did you mean kabristan???
Don’t say you hate them, as one of my turkish friends sent a letter to erdogan, saying free kurdistan or something, but it never made it to turkey.
@@frogjones762 99.99% of Turks hate kurds
My friend did grow up in turkey, but he is half greek apparently
Ζήτω η Αρμενία Ελλάδα και Κύπρος🇦🇲❤️🇬🇷🇨🇾
κατσε στα αυγα ρου ρε βλακα.......μεχρι στιγμης 185 η βενζινι πριν της εκλογες το ειχε κατεβασει στο 1.70 τωρα παλι τα ιδια καρτελ ....Σε γαμαει ο Ελληνας που τραγουδας...βλακα
I really really love greece, may your country and people prosper🇬🇷🇵🇸
Thank you man free Palestine 🇬🇷🤝🇵🇸
modern Greece is really bad bro you got no idea
@@FuukaLover69_»εμενα μου αρεσει η ιαπονια γιατι εκει κι ας ειμαι χοντρος θα εχω μουνι» μυριζεις αλβαναριο μαλακα
@@nickgerebakanis Και όταν θα έρθουν στην Ελλάδα θα τους λες τρομοκράτες και πως είναι μέρος της αντικατάστασης πληθυσμών γιατί τον πόλεμο θα τον χάσουν
God bless Greece and Greeks!
Love from Serbia!
Long live Greece and Epirus! Μεγάλη Ελλάς! Βόρειος Ήπειρος=Ελλάς
Imagine being an albanian farmer and hearing this from the mountains 100% dead
From Spain🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸❤️❤️🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
grande nacho
Η Ελλάδα είναι η μητέρα! Γεια σας Έλληνες! Είμαι από Μεξικό! 🇲🇽🇬🇷
Ευχαριστουμε ΣΤΡΑΤΗΓΕ ΖΕΡΒΑ. Εσυ και ο συντ/χης ΨΑΡΡΟΣ θα μεινετε αλυσμονητοι στην μνημη μας.
μηπως ειναι η ωρα να γινει μια εξεγερση του στρατου με βαση οσα συμβαινουν γυρω μας σε λιγο θα ειμαστε μειοψηφια μεσα στην ιδια μας την χωρα.
Αιωνία τους η μνήμη. Αθάνατοι!!
Εις την μνήμην του προπάππου μου του Γιάννη που πέθανε 27 χρόνων μαχόμενος ΕΔΕΣ
Αθάνατοι οσοι πολέμησαν για την απελευθέρωση της Ελλάδας μας
Στις καρδιές μας είναι ακόμα ζωντανός 🇬🇷πάλεψε για ένα καλύτερο μέλλον☦️🇬🇷
🙏🙏🙏 να είστε όλοι καλά παιδιά εσείς και οι δικοί σας
Ὁρκίζομαι εἰς τὴν τιμὴν καὶ τὴν συνείδησίν μου ὅτι θὰ ἐργασθῶ μὲ ὅλας μου τὰς δυνάμεις καὶ διὰ παντὸς τρόπου πρὸς ἐπίτευξιν τοῦ σκοποῦ τοῦ Ἐθνικοῦ Δημοκρατικοῦ Ἑλληνικοῦ Συνδέσμου, ὅτι θὰ ἐκτελῶ ἀσυζητητὶ πᾶσαν διαταγὴν τῆς Κεντρικῆς Διοικούσης Ἐπιτροπῆς καὶ ὅτι θὰ φυλάξω μὲ ἱερότητα τὸ μυστικὸν τοῦ Συνδέσμου μέχρις οὗ ἑπιτευχθῆ ὁ σκοπός μας.".
Zervas and edes liberated Epiros and kicked Nazis and 16,000 albanian nazis out.
Respect 👌
Love from Kurdistan!
Greece and Kurdistan brotherhood!!!
I've just listened to this 5 times in a row idk I rly like it
*I listened to this 10 times*
@@knightstemplar9631 im listening this for 3 hours now on repeat
Dang it
Η φάση που είστε και οι τρεις Έλληνες και συνενοειστε στα αγγλικά
@@ΦίλιπποςΛιώσης-θ5θ αυτο
Είναι να σε πιανει μια ανατριχίλα που το ακους και να σκέφτεσαι και να λες νιώθω περηφανος που είμαι Έλληνας, είμαι περηφανος που ζω σε μια τέτοια χώρα με νικητές και ανθρώπους που δεν φοβόντουσαν
My grandpa joined ELAS as a 17 year old during the occupation but when he realised that the Communists’ final goal was to turn Greece into a communist state after the liberation,he left.Then ELAS burned down his family’s house.Then during the civil war,he joined the Greek Royal Gendarmerie and fought for 4 years against communism.Proud for him.
Based grandpa
σεβασμός πάντα για τέτοιους ανθρώπους.
Γαμάτος παππούς , ελπίζω η οικογένεια σου να είναι περήφανοι
Ζήτω ο μαχητικός αντικομουνισμός !
Your grandpa was a great man ! He fought the communist beast and thats good ! Να αναπαυθεί η ψυχή του εν ειρήνη.
Nazis have entered the chat.
*Nazis have left the chat*
Communists entered the chat
*Communists have left the chat*
Greek patriots entered the chat....and stay
true! together with Nazis!
*Albanians have been genicided out of the chat*
History of this region (Epirus) =
The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱
Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone .
The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek !
Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
- "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ...
Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237).
Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 !
The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus)
There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ).
The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" .
Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) .
Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character).
Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! )
The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! )
" THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians ...
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ?
Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus.
To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part.
In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus.
Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it.
As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes.
Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues.
All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek!
( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 )
The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus.
Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus
And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks.
There are many others !
According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy!
More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle".
The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ...
"Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " .
(Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ).
That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved.
The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion.
Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing.
The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus .
Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population.
This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history !
Genocide of the Chameria.
The dislikes are from Turks and Albanians
And from ΕΑΜ
And from communists and Nazis
There are no dislikes
@@heathsmoke2231 Edes were still leftist don’t forget
Am albanian and i like🇦🇱❤🇬🇷
Respect Brother Greece From Italy 🇮🇹🤝🇬🇷
Очень люблю Грецию! Привет из России! Без вас греков, не было бы православия!
Λατρεύω την Ελλάδα πολύ! Γεια σας από τη Ρωσία! Χωρίς εσάς Έλληνες, δεν θα υπήρχε Ορθοδοξία
I love Greece Very much! hello from Russia! Without you Greeks, there would be no Orthodoxy!
Make More Legacy ΕΔΕΣ!
u are wrong.hellas is the only one nation in the wolrd we are ellhnes the few the others are cristians cause they forgot that that they where only greeks
αναμενουμε να κατεβει ο πουτιν στην ελλαδα να απαλλαγουμε απο τον κοκκινο φασισμο.ορθοδοξια ή θανατος.
Η εθνική υπερηφάνεια και δέος που νιώθω όποτε το ακούω αυτό το τραγούδι απλά ευχαριστώ τον θεό που είμαι Ελληνας
Love greek from kurdistan😍
brotherhood for ever
Oh my gosh! Look at this nickname, I can't stand this sh*t without laughing.
facists again😅
i don't speak language of mongols
Im praoud to be a KURD 😍 , it's not easy face all this facists
@@KurdGamer2016 fascist? You are fascist cause' your nickname states your ethnicity.
Ζήτο η Ελλάδα και η ελευθερία μεγάλος θαυμαστής ήμε από το Κουρδιστάν
@@macedonianmapper1261 yes
Free Kurdistan ☀️
F*ck Turkey 🖕🇹🇷
Love from Greece 🇬🇷
Free Kurdistan BIJI KURDISTAN!! 😎👍
History of this region (Epirus) =
The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱
Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone .
The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek !
Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
- "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ...
Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237).
Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 !
The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus)
There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ).
The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" .
Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) .
Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character).
Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! )
The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! )
" THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians ...
Long live Greece, Grettings from Kurdistan ❤️💛💚 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
Biji Kurdistan ❤❤❤
History of this region (Epirus) =
The first inhabitants of Epirus were the Pelasgians = Illyrians ... 🇦🇱
Even the cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone .
The so-called "Greek" gods were "Pelasgian" gods, the Greeks just adopted this religion which was Pelasgian and not Greek !
Homer clearly tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
Even Achilles (the greatest hero of the Trojan war) tells us that Zeus was Pelasgian ...
- "Zeus, sovereign lord, O Dodonean prince, O you Pelasgian Zeus 🇦🇱 , distant god who rules over Dodona " ...
Source : (Iliad,XVI,234 to 237).
Besides the first inhabitants of Epirus were populated by the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 !
The cult capital of the Pelasgians was in Dodone (in Epirus)
There is also another interpretation of this ethnonym (Shqiptar = son of Eagle) : The Eagle was one of the Symbols of Zeus, Pelasgian god 🇦🇱 by excellence ( cf Homer Iliad XVI, 234 ).
The Albanians would be thus "the sons of Zeus" thus "sons of the Eagle" .
Moreover the Albanians, whatever their religion, still today call their God "Zot" thus recalling the divine Zeus ( Zeus = Zojz = Zot ) .
Aristotle tells anything (he was a philosopher...), besides he made a lot of mistakes... (it is enough to inform itself on this character).
Aristotle tells us that the Greeks are of origin of Epirus... Totally false it was the Pelasges the first inhabitants of Epirus (of the opinion of the ancient authors, of which famous Homer ! )
The Greeks are the predecessors of the Pelasgians 🇦🇱 , therefore of the invaders ! ( in the opinion of the ancient authors ! )
And do not compare your Bulgarian, to my " THE ONLY NOBELS PRIZE IN HISTORY is none other than " Theodor Mommsen 🎓 " author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians 🇦🇱 of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Moreover let us not forget that the Epirotes were influenced by the Hellenic " CULTURE " (Greeks) just like the ancient Macedonians ....
For those who do not know this tribe (the Molossians), who were they, what territory did they occupy and how were they considered by the ancient authors ?
Let us stop for a moment to know more about the tribe of the Molossians from which Pyrrhus.
To make it simple, the tribe of Molossians is in Epirus somewhere in the region of Chameria on the back of Thesprotians who dominated the coastal part.
In addition to this, the Kaons who were in the south of present-day Albania and who constituted three of the great tribes of Epirus.
Historically, tribes like the Molossians or others who composed Epirus like the Kaons, the Thesprotians, the Paraue, the Antintans and others, are historically linked to the Illyrian culture or to a part of it.
As Thucydides tells us about the events of the Peloponnesian War that involved both actually in reality Illyrians and Illyria itself, these tribes were commonly considered barbarian (non-Greek) tribes.
Thucydides: - "Among the barbarians there were about 1,000 Kaons who ruled without a king. Along with the Kaons, the Thesprotians also participated and were also ruled without a king. There were also the MOLOSSIANS, the Atintants and the Paraues.
All these tribes, mentioned by the historian of Athenian origin Thucydides for their participation in the famous Peloponnesian war in the 5th century B.C., are considered as barbarians, therefore not Greek!
( Thucydides II, 80- IV, 126 )
The Kaons, the Thesprotians of Chamerie, the Arintans and the Parauets constitute the backbone of what one called Epirus.
Among them are of course the Molossians where are the roots of Pyrrhus
And Thucydides is not the only source which defines the Epirotes as non-Greeks.
There are many others !
According to the encyclopedia Basic Antiquity, composed of 86 volumes... Pauly Wissowa the Real "Encyclopedia Alterumswissenschaft" says that the Epirotes are of Illyrian origin 🇦🇱 and have strong links with the population of southern Italy!
More concise on the issue, the only Nobel Prize in history 🥇 is none other than Theodor Mommsen 🎓 author of the cycle "Corpus of Antiquity inscriptions" which says that: - "the brave Epirotes, the Albanians of antiquity supported with traditional loyalty the young and brave Pyrrhus or "the Eagle" as they called him " .
Let us point out on this subject that the Albanians name themselves "Shqiptar", that is to say "sons or children of the eagle".
The soldiers of Pyrrhus (3rd century BC / Epirote King), called their King "the Eagle" and that the latter retroqued them one day that they were his "children", so the Albanians are the children of the Eagle ...
"Shqiptar = child of the Eagle .... " .
(Pyrrhus was the cousin of Alexander the Great, of the Molossian tribe and himself an ambitious conqueror ).
That the Epirotes are or are not Illyrians is a discussion that, from an archaeological point of view, is resolved.
The Epirotes and the Illyrians have the same culture, if we consider the Iron Age, the use of tombs, fortifications with several rows of walls, their material culture, the shape of the pots or the ornaments which are identical to those of Korça (current Albania) and religion.
Not only ancient authors like Thucydides, Strabo and others have called the Epirotic tribes barbarians (non-Greek) but also later serious publications based on documents and archaeological findings point out the same thing.
The Molossian, were one of the Illyrian tribes of Epirus .
Moreover in the years 1944, Epirus was populated by a strong Albanian population, but an atrocious genocide was committed by the Greek army on the Albanian civil population.
This massacre, perpetrated by the Greek soldiers on the Albanian civilians (the tchams), has been forgotten by history !
Genocide of the Chameria..
Long Live Kurdistan ❤💛💚 🤝 💙🤍💙
Η Ιταλία αγαπά την Ελλάδα 😘😘😘😘
ακόμη και μετά τον πόλεμο εξακολουθήσαμε να πολεμήσαμε και να πεθάνουμε με σεβασμό και από τις δύο πλευρές Μεσόγειοι Αδελφοί 🇬🇷❤🇮🇹
We love you guys GRECO-ROMAN bros
Η Ιταλία είναι Ελλάδα!!!
@@andreasvarnas1985 : Η Νοτια ναι, ολη δικη μας ειναι.
🇬🇷🇮🇹 Una faccia, una razza!
Greetings to our beloved Greek Orthodox brothers from Serbia! During World War II we had our Napoleon Zervas, it was general Draza Mihailovic, leader of serbian nationalist forces - Chetniks! Unfortunately, he was (unlike Zervas), betrayed by London and Yugoslavia was sold to Stalin's godless communists in 1944. Draza continued to fight, against all odds, but in the end he was captured and killed by commies in 1946.. May God bless his martyr soul!
Long live Hellas and Serbia! Thank you for helping our army in 1916, thank you for not participating in NATO aggression on Serbia in 1999!
Greece and serbia are not brothers greece is lap dog of america and serbia hates america more than i hate greece. Serbia and greece are eternal enemies
@@Email5507 go open a book of history and read that Greece is one of the oldest countries in the world then there wasn t discovered America
Draža Mihajlović collaborated with the Axis, as well with the Ustaša organization. He was a criminal, the other side of the same coin. Zervas actually fought against fascism unlike Mihajlović.
@CAVKING19DELTA TEXAS By the same logic, Ustaše fighting against Chetniks were also fighting against fascism. Chetniks too did massive atrocities. If you don't believe that they cooperated, here's a picture from 1942. Strange how people only point out the "good".
@@ivanmihaelmatkovic2464 Tito was a criminal and in jail before the second world war because he was a comunist terorist. Draza was oficer of jugoslav royal army, serbian hero from balkan wars and world war I. Lazove komunisticki
Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪🤝🇬🇷🇨🇾
fuck off
Hallo Deutscher Bruder!!🇬🇷🇨🇾❤🇩🇪🇦🇹
@@yourstepdad1632 no
@@yourstepdad1632 our former king was Danish (Denmark). Though Germany’s government is questionable you can’t go after good people like him. We should always welcome peace!
@@crete1882 Actually King George I was GermanDanish
Ζήτω ο ΕΔΕΣ! Ζήτω ο Αρχηγός ΕΟΕΑ-ΕΔΕΣ Τριχωνίδας, Γεώργιος Παπαϊωάννου! Ζήτω οι γενναίοι αντάρτες του! (ένας εκ των οποίων, ο αγαπημένος μου πατέρας).
Love you Hellas from Hungary 🇭🇺&🇬🇷
Για την σημαία και το σταυρό εμείς δεν ξέρουμε ζυγό.... 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
Τιμή και δόξα στους μαχητές του ΕΔΕΣ!!!!!Αθανατοι🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷☦️☦️☦️
Ρε ζωο το εδες συνεργαζοταν με Γερμανους
@@aserasanser737Και η Σοβιετική Ένωση που βοήθησε την Τουρκία στην Μικρασιάτη Εκστρατεία.
@@orthodoxy.hellas συγκρίνεις τελείως διαφορετικά πράγματα αλλά εντάξει σιστακο μου μπορείς να κοιμάσαι ήσυχος
@@aserasanser737 σοβαρα κουμμουνι? ο καριολακος ο λενιν δεν εδωσε χρηματα στον τουρκικο στρατο και οπλα?..απο τοτε..ξεκινησαν...και οποιον ειναι αντιθετος απο εσας ειναι φασιστας.....μονο εσεις ειστε οι καλοι**..σκατοφαρα και πουτανοσπερματα...
Σε κάθε εθνική γιορτή κάθε χρόνο θα επιστρέφω σε αυτήν την τραγουδάρα.
Τσιράκια των Άγγλων. Η επόμενη φορά θα είναι τελειωτικη
@@Μπαμπης6 Μαο Μαο ορφανά του σταλιν. Μάλλον ξεχνάς τι σκουπίδι και τι σκατοανθρωπος ήταν ο Βελουχιώτης και τα τσιράκια του κομμουνακι
@@Μπαμπης6Με την όπισθεν σύντροφε
@@Μπαμπης6 Ποία επόμενη φορά? Δεν θα υπάρξει επόμενη φορά σκατο κομμούνι. Θα σε στείλουμε στην Γύαρο.
@@Μπαμπης6 πάρε φόρα κ έλα!! Με την όπισθεν!!
❤️Μύρισε θυμάρι και βασιλικό
λάμπει το φεγγάρι μες τον ουρανό
της κληρονομιάς εμείς συνεχιστές
στην κορυφή και πάλι, πάλι νικητές❤️
Ζήτω το έθνος !
Όταν θα έρθει η ώρα εμείς θα είμαστε εκεί !
Μύρισε θυμάρι και βασιλικός! Άλλη μια φορά παρακαλώ. Συνεχιστές λέει!
Long live north Epirus from a Albanian proud be Greek and spartan
Excuse me?
North Epirus and southern Epirus is all in one as Albanian
@@Trontotario as Albanian i accept epirus is greek
@@vasilnetzia3359 no it’s not, it’s an integral part of Albania how can you say that? Give me some points and I’ll answer them for you
@@Trontotario If your ancestors are illyrians you do not have any relation with epirus. But we do not know what albanians are.
My favourite Greek song
Glory to Hellas!
Hellas* the country
Hellenes* the people
@@croatianapoxyomenos3184 oh. Sorry, I heard this version once, gonna correct it
You should listen to Greece Never dies!(Η Ελλάδα ποτέ δεν πεθαίνει) personally,i think its better(as a song)
ΖΉΤΩ ΤΟ ΈΘΝΟΣ ΖΉΤΩ Ο ΝΑΠΟΛΈΩΝ ΖΈΡΒΑΣ. Στην μνήμη του προπάππου μου. ❤️🇬🇷❤️
Love from Kurdistan to Greece
I'm so proud i used to leave in a street that was named after this legend Zerba here in Epirus
The map shows Epirus and the North part of Western Greece. Not only Epirus as it is stated in the description.
Epirus is literally North-Western Greece. The map also shows South-Western Greece because there were some actions by ΕΔΕΣ down there too.
@@Ingenting so, correct your description
Its the western part of sterea hellas
Kolokommuna fixed!
It depends. In the past and especially in the Medieval Era with the Despotate of Epirus the Epirus spanned from Central Albania all the way to Aetolokarnania.
*Της κληρονομιάς εμείς συνεχιςτές, στην κορυφή και πάλι, πάλι νικητές!*
ζητω η πηγσδα που θα πασ
@@athinampatzaka7442 Μακρόνησος
@@avgerinosx3135 Γυάρο καλύτερα φίλε
@@hellenicpower6329 έχουν πολλές επιλογές χαχα
Στην μνήμη του παππού μου που πολέμησε και έχασε και το αδερφό του σε εκείνες της βουνοκορφές του Γράμμου και του Βίτσι και όταν έβλεπε και έκαιγαν τη σημαία στο Πολυτεχνείο τον έπαιρνε το παράπονο.
Long live Orthodox Christian 🇬🇷 Greece and long live king CONSTANTINE II 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
Ακριβώς αδερφέ μου
Ζητώ η Ελλάδα μας αδέλφια
Proud to be Greek🇬🇷☦️
this song was written decades after WW2 and it was popular among the members of ONNED,the youth wing of the New Democracy party.The verses basically say that the ''blue generation''(as it was called back then) was ready to take up arms and fight the communists again.
The New Democracy party those times was hardline right and very anticommunist,it became more liberal after Mitsotakis Sr was elected party leader in 1984
Thank you for the history details!
We didnt fight the USSR because of them we have back the islands of again sea and no turkey we just never help them back thats why they dont give a shit about us exept from serbia
Why you love greece ?
@The Greek Hero Greece is fake state created by german prince nothing to do with ancient greeks, "modern greeks" are mostly hellenised albanians.
@The Greek Hero I am not brainwashed just saying facts.
Grettings From Kurdistan to Greece people 🌹💞
The voice of Western Greece.. So beautiful 🇬🇷
Ζήτω ο ΕΔΕΣ!!!
For the flag 🇬🇷 and the cross ☦️ my true homeland
Θα μπούμε μέσα στην Αλβανία! Θα πάρουμε πίσω ότι μας ανήκει αδέλφια!🇬🇷
Αμήν,και την χαμένη μας Κύπρο!
Στην Τουρκία θα τα πάρουμε με πόλεμο. Την Βόρεια Ήπειρο μπορούμε να την πάρουμε ακόμα και με δημοψήφισμα (Πρωτόκολλο της Κέρκυρας)
Αυτό για να γίνει πρέπει να έχεις κυβέρνηση που θέλει το καλό της χώρας...... Υπομονή υπάρχει δουλειά ακόμη
@P wait until we elect a patriot government then we shall be the ones who will not forgive..... Do not forget your place.......