47:35 imma be honest, I think this is the fist time in human history anybody has ever taken damage from dark nebula. In fact, it's a huge meme in the kirbt community that dark nebula is the worst final boss in all of kirby
Since you're probably never gonna use it again, ghost kirby possesses enemies, and you can use any of their powers. The problem with this (and why everyone hates ghost kirby) is that you can already use all of these moves with regular copy abilities
47:35 imma be honest, I think this is the fist time in human history anybody has ever taken damage from dark nebula. In fact, it's a huge meme in the kirbt community that dark nebula is the worst final boss in all of kirby
Since you're probably never gonna use it again, ghost kirby possesses enemies, and you can use any of their powers. The problem with this (and why everyone hates ghost kirby) is that you can already use all of these moves with regular copy abilities