What I find most amazing about this vid clip is not the aircrafts performance, but, the how many are walking around not observing the display of an incredible machine.
Arguably in the top ten of greatest creations of humankind, and some of the crowd is just like whatever. Yikes. There will likely never be a greater symbiosis between machine and terrestrial man, the Raptor already pushes the limits of our physiology.
This was saturday night. After 6 days of insanely hot and humid, and some crazy storms(it had rained about 4 hours prior to this and storm just missed, giving us the beautiful clouds)Most people have seen this display(while not this exact one. It was the best display ive ever seen of the f22)during the week. A lot of people had already left. Airventure is a grueling week of vacation
When you realize that’s an actual plane with motion physics that look like a new player in DCS controlling an aircraft in all sorts of unusual attitudes. The physics of this machine are incredible
Was? Diese uralte Ding kann außer stinknormalen Kurven fliegen überhaupt nichts, es setzt auch nirgends die Physik aus, wie lächerlich. Wer sehen will was am Himmel möglich, einfach Mal nach den SU30, 35 oder SU57 suchen, da kann man sehen was ein Modernes Kampfflugzeug leisten kann, aber dass können aktuell nur Russische Jets😂 Und die Aviniok der Ru Jets ist sich nicht schlechter als der Rest der Welt, schauen wir mal wie lange sich die F16 demnächst am Ukrainischen Himmel halten können, vielleicht eine Stunde?
Ever wonder why they would never sell the Raptor…..But would sell the fTurdy5….and say its better than the raptor so that those other shit countries think they got a big gun too😆😆. Then the raptor was chosen to take down the ballon😆….fturdy5bois got butthurt soooo bad they came up with All kinds of “excuses”😂
@@slurpyman20 Imagine being so much of an imbecile you think Mig21's are what we're talking about here. No, buddy, we're talking about Sukhoi's, stuff that make F22's and F35's look like tincans.
It's still incredible to me how quickly the F22 gets quiet as it goes away then doesn't get loud till it's right on top of you. And when it gets there, it is LOUD
As time passes, more and more capability of this amazing aircrat is revealed. Think about how crazy this must have been 20 years ago when this first flew!
The plane was basically designed so that only computer assist can keep it in the air, if a pilot tried to fly that with no computer assistance at all, it would fly about as good as a stone. That machine is incredibly sophisticated, and it is an absolute engineering marvel, shame it’s now end of life as far as production goes.
F-22 is pretty high on the list but not at the top of TWR. Supposedly it would be if it had circular exhaust nozzles, but who knows. Impressive nonetheless!
I don't care from wich country you are(everybody who watched the video),if you don't appreciate the pure power and ability of this remarkable machine then something is crearly wrong with you.This is insane,love the take-off. Greatings from South Africa
@@derbigpr500what plane would that be? What plane could intercept the F22? Everything that encounters it doesnt wanna fight it be my guest take your jet go fight an F-22 raptor
The smoothness combined with the aggressive maneuvering almost makes this feel sped up. Excellent video and awesome work by the Raptor pilot. I haven’t seen a video quite like this, that allowed you to really picture what’s going on in the 3d space being filmed.
Saw the raptor about 10 years ago at an airshow its the most incredible thing Ive ever seen at an airshow. Its almost like your watching it do things that dont seem possible , almost standing still mid air and then the power comes on and it just powers out and takes off. In person its just an incredible sight to see, bring hearing protection though that thing is not joke on the ears.
Absolutely perfect weather for filming this! The clouds give great contrast to the aircraft when zooming in. If it's just blue sky then the jet just appears stagnant. Rad video.
I served 21 years in the US Marine Corps as an infantry officer with 3 years in combat a very long time ago. I'm 77 now and still a Marine at heart. My dad was a B17 pilot in WW II and was shot down over Germany on July 26, 1943 and spent the rest of the war as a POW in Stalag Luft III (the location of the Great Escape). He stayed in the Air Force after WW II ad became a B-47 and then a B-52 pilot. In fact, he flew every multi-engine plane in the Air Force at the time. Unfortunately, it died of a heart attack while on active duty at age 51. One of my uncles was a Air Force fighter pilot who was a double ACE in the Korean War and flew over 90 missions over North Vietnam during the Vietnam War and retired has a Major General. Another uncle was a F-106 interceptor pilot during the Cold War and retired as a Lieutenant Coronel. Another uncle was a captain in Special Forces in Vietnam and was severely wounded. He retired as a Lieutenant colonel. My brother served over 2 years in Vietnam as a Marine infantry officer and was severely wounded. He spent a year in the hospital, but served over 30 years in the Marine Corps. My grandfather on my mother's side was an Army surgeon who was on General MacArthur's staff in the Philippines at the beginning of WW II and on General Eisenhower's staff in Europe. He retired has a Brigadier General in the Army's Medical Corps in the 1950's. I was in college from 1964 to 1968 as a history major. The military Draft was in place at the time and a history major was not eligible for a deferment, so I joined the Marine Corps to avoid the Draft. This was a special program that allowed me to finish collage and then be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marines. So I graduated and was commissioned and immediately was sent to The Basic School for newly commissioned Marine officers in early June. The course was 6 months and so just before Christmas 1968 I arrived and in Vietnam and was assigned as a platoon commander. Hard year. I lost a lot of Marines killed and wounded. It was mentally and physically exhausting. But I originally wanted to be a military pilot but my eyes were bad and I was lousy at math and so there was no way to pass all of the pre-flight school exams. However, I did eventually became a private pilot and I not only earned my commercial and instrument ratings, but I also earned my glider's license and I took basic, intermediate and advanced aerobatics. This was long after my dad had passed and so I always hoped that somewhere up in heaven he was proud that I did become the pilot I wanted to be. I also purchased tickets on a B-17 that took 30 minute flights for paying passengers. I just wanted to experience the sounds and feelings that my dad had experienced in WW II. I got goose bumps during those two flights. I can't possibly describe the sights, sounds, and overall experience of those two flights that gave me a hint of what my dad experienced in WW II. Few sons and daughters have the opportunities to have such experiences of their WW II fathers and mothers. God, I miss my mom and dad. They were the best parents any kid could have ever have hoped to have.
Thank you , sir , for your patriotism and your service. I, also, was in school, and graduated 1970. The lottery was in place then and my number was 250, so I was not called, THANK GOD. However , I could have volunteered, but I had no interest in fighting, when WINNING was not the option!! My dad was Army, my father in law was Air Force, and my son-in-law is Air Force. I do stop and take time to thank each and every veteran, active or retired, for their service. GW
You did a great job to keep up your family's tradition and rest assured that your late mother and father are watching you with great pride, you simply doing your best 👍👍👍
@derbigpr500 After witnessing the catastrophic failure of the Russian military in Ukraine, I ain't holding my breath. F-22 is vastly superior to SU35. Even the F-16 is superior to SU35. Russia is all barks, and no bites.
@@gringoamigo8146 "Russia is all barks, and no bites." - You mixed up Russia and USA. USA is the one only barking afraid to bite anyone who can bite back.
@@derbigpr500 Really? You should look into the incident between Russian forces and US special forces in Syria back in 2015. The Russians learned just how hard the "Yankees" bit them. 👍
I saw the F-22 Raptor perform at Beale AFB and Mathers AFB. The jet has alien technology. The sound and maneuvering defies any other jets i have watched for over 30 years of air shows. Nice flying and very impressive. hope the crowd felt honored to be in the presents of this great fighter jet and the pilot.
@@tornadomash00 Perhaps. With flat earthers, doppelgangers, and similar stupidities being really believed it's hard to tell when someone speaks metaphorically.
Seen it personally and it’s amazing! My son and I go to the EAA every year and will continue to as long as I can. Hopefully you can personally experience it yourself someday.
I lived on Eglin AFB for some time, even tho the 35s were daily, we stopped EVERYTHING when these bad boys were up there flying, Man they were something to watch!!!!!¡
To me, one of the most impressive things about the F-22 and F-35 are how slow they can travel without losing altitude. Absolutely beautiful marvels of engineering.
We need every one of these things we have left, and it’s not many-maybe half that operationally ready. The choice to cut the F-22’s contract early was the single worst defense decision the US has made since sending untested M-16s to Vietnam to replace the M-14. In the long run, it may even be worse. Despite what self-interested businesses and their social media marketing teams claim, the F-22 has no substitute now, or in the near future. It is the ONLY weapon capable of ensuring NATO air superiority. Against an adversary like China, or even Iran/Russia, F-18s, F-15s, F-16s cannot fill that role and even the F-35 are suboptimal at best and vulnerable at worst. And that’s a huge problem. The only thing that stands between us and China, is the F-22. Without it, our bases in the Pacific and in Alaska, and perhaps even our homeland, are in jeopardy. There is no special secret weapon keeping us safe. It’s our economic power and our air power, that’s it. And the F-22, is the separator when it comes to air power. You see, because the contract was cancelled, and because Congress blocked Lockheed Martin from selling the F-22 to foreign buyers even before that, it’s no longer a money maker. Therefore, LM-a self-interested business-has every incentive to lie, and tell everyone that actually, the F-35 is the best plane ever, and the US and every other country should only buy that and only that. But it’s not. It is an invaluable weapon for fleet defense, surveillance and attack, in a completely revised strategy of distributed naval power. You see, given China’s missile technology-of which they have us to thank for allowing them to steal it during the Obama administration as well as all of our most top-secret and sensitive defense technology in the DREN system-our aircraft carriers are no longer viable as centralized command, supply and deployment bases. So, we are now using many smaller ships, that only the f-35 can fly from, to prevent losing an arm of our navy if a missile hits a carrier. That said, that’s only one part of the war. The F-35 is great at what it’s good at but it is incapable of air superiority/denial. For that, you need more stealth, more survivability against IR weapons, more survivability against fighters and interceptors. The F-22 has all of that, the F-35 doesn’t. The F-35 is really only stealthy from front aspect. It is not at all stealthy from rear aspect. It has a massive IR signature. It’s slow, and has turn rates comparable to fully-loaded 4th gen fighters, at best. It’s designed to A.) hit you quickly, and quietly, before you can react, and then go home. It is not designed to make a second pass or tangle in a long-drawn out fight. It is not designed to patrol the skies with impunity. If it is in contested air space patrolling, you can exploit the F-35’s weaknesses easily. It has a small payload, and against a sophisticated, near-pear adversary, it will be limited to aim-120 radar-guided missiles. That’s because it can’t carry the aim-9x internally. It’s limited to just 4 amraams. Especially against stealthy aircraft, in all likelihood, those four missiles will translate to 1 kill. That’s not enough to deter an enemy that has far superior manufacturing capacity. Moreover, its lack of supercruise and lack of all-aspect stealth, means it can easily be put in a bad position and targeted if it is loitering/parolling in contested air space. Get behind it and lock on. The F-22 on the other hand, remains stealthy while carrying two of the best missiles in the world, the aim-9x, as well as 4 amraams. Even from rear-aspect, it is difficult or impossible to target and track with radar-guided weapons, and its minimized IR signature makes defeating IR weapons far more likely. It will outturn any plane and missiles will have a difficult time intercepting it given advanced warning. It is fuel-efficient and can fly as fast as the f-35’s top speed, sustained, without using its after burner. It can fly at the edge of the atmosphere, and the engine redundancy makes it far less risky in contested air space. Nothing can take it on head-to-head, period. And given how difficult it is to target, it can get in close, upping the chances of its superior payload getting kills. 4 AMRAAMs and 2 Aim-9X mean an F-22 will take down maybe 2-3X as many planes as an F-35-on its own. We need more F-22s, and even given the large startup costs, producing 200 more would be worth every penny. It complements the F-35 perfectly. We shouldn’t be wasting money on useless weapons and contracts for F-15EX, super hornets, Blackhawk helicopter replacements, attack helicopter replacements. Attack helicopters are largely obsolete in modern war with a near-peer-their inability to perform high-g turns, large RCS and low altitude makes them far too vulnerable to MANPADs and integrated air defense networks. There are more cost effective options already available-drones, cruise missiles, COIN aircraft, A-10, gunships, b-52, b-1 etc… Re-start f-22 production, transfer f-16s and f-15s to the national guard and allies, reduce the fleet by 50%, cancel unnecessary contracts from other departments, up Air Force funding, reduce army funding, and purchase 200 more f-22s. Had we not stopped producing them, we would’ve saved a trillion dollars, but leave it to neocons and democrats to screw us as usual.
Finally, a video of an airplane from a panned back perspective!! Thank you. It was almost like being there. I hate those super close up shots. Excellent video. By the way, the F22 is amazing, but you can't beat what God makes. How about those cloud formations??
I was here at the time with family local to the area, and while I'm not very knowledgable on aviation stuff, I couldn't help but stop in my tracks. It passed low and right over me multiple times and each time the sight, sound, and vibrations from this thing were incredible. After feeling it in person, I can totally get why you guys are so obsessed with these aircraft. Beautiful technology!
Thanks for an outstanding job capturing that video. I like to video myself riding and concerts events. It's a lot of work and you did a great job. Feels like I was there.
Not even remotely. The main reason probably isn't even security, but safety. Don't want to crash a plane at an airshow, near a crowd. Plus there's no danger that needs escaping. And why stress the airframe without survival or something mission critical going on. Just do some flashy things well within its design specs.
Yes. The F22 is amazing. It makes me light-headed to imagine the 6th gen Air Dominance fighter being tested now, with all the advances in materials (metamaterials). And it's almost frightening to imagine what the 7th gen (in design phase now?) performance will be. Based on how impressive the late 90's tech Raptor looks, the 6th has to be outrageously advanced and impressive.
If you watch tech demos of this plane the things it can do is unreal. Shit blew me away when I saw it. I heard that if you were going to be attacked in air to air combat with a Raptor you wouldn't know what hit you because you weren't aware of it being around beforehand. They are just stealthy as hell.
This is an amazing video. I’ve watched another few but your spot and angle perfectly captured the insane thrust and maneuverability of the Raptor. It’s absolutely insane to watch how it did the vertical climb only a few seconds after take off. I believe it is the only aircraft in the world that can pull it off like that. Among Chinese aviation enthusiasts there’s a popular saying goes, “If the thrust is strong enough, a brick can fly in the air”. Amazing how technology thirty years ago can almost defy the fundamental physics. Sheer admiration❤. Again, thanks for sharing this
Earth has a material science operational physics limiter. We are aware of what the maximum is. The whole 30 year old technology is a misnomer. The f22 raptor pushes the human body, earths material science, and operational physics to the theoretical limit of human potential. What you see here is about the best you will ever see unless we discover exotic materials.
It blows my mind how many people are just NPC-ing around, with absolutely zero appreciation for what an absurdly high level of technology they're witnessing, or the ludicrous physical prowess or incredible skill of the pilot. People have no idea but what this pilot is doing is basically an insane physical workout where a slip up could mean dying like 3-5 seconds later. That vertical takeoff by itself would be impossible for probably anyone in the crowd to pull off. The pilot has to use their own muscles to force blood into their own brain so they don't pass out from the ridiculous G-forces and die.
That is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I'm gobsmacked at the takeoff. And amazed at how many people were not watching. I Understand that some planes have fly by wire system, but Jet fighter pilots are the pinnacle of humans in my eyes 🤙
I can only imagine the G-force that pilot must feel on all 4 of those vertical climbs. From near 0 degrees to almost 90 in less than 2 seconds. Easily pulling 5gs, if not more. I got mad chills at 2:07 the first time they did it. I remember doing this on BF3 and 4 on this aircraft and it felt almost unreal, and seeing it actually happen is INSANE. The guy had to have been gritting extra hard on those lifts to not pass out. Did they have a cockpit cam? A lot of these do, but I could understand if they don't because of military secrets and all.
Awesome video man! Would you be okay with me featuring this in my series Weekly Dose of Aviation? Of course you will be credited both in the video and in the description.
Justin Trudeau Canada here - my environment minister would like to know the carbon footprint and how green this little tech marvel is. Thanks, and toodles. 💋
I live near an f-15 training base. Ive bern going to airshows since childhood. My dad is a lifelong pilot and my husband is an aircraft mechanic. Ive never seen an F-22 demo until Reno last year and I *cried*. Absolutely incredible jets
A few minutes of Wikipedia research informs me that the Pratt & Whitney F119 engines can move their thrust by +/- 20 degrees in the pitch vector, but cannot move it in the roll vector. Don't know if they can move independently of each other.
What I find most amazing about this vid clip is not the aircrafts performance, but, the how many are walking around not observing the display of an incredible machine.
Same… how are their eyes not glued to the plane?
Arguably in the top ten of greatest creations of humankind, and some of the crowd is just like whatever. Yikes. There will likely never be a greater symbiosis between machine and terrestrial man, the Raptor already pushes the limits of our physiology.
One life lesson - never ever visit an airshow with family or friends if they aren't interested in planes or willing to learn new stuff.
They probably saw the F-22 every year, so they're not impressed by it anymore.
This was saturday night. After 6 days of insanely hot and humid, and some crazy storms(it had rained about 4 hours prior to this and storm just missed, giving us the beautiful clouds)Most people have seen this display(while not this exact one. It was the best display ive ever seen of the f22)during the week. A lot of people had already left. Airventure is a grueling week of vacation
25 years later, and it’s still the worlds premier fighter jet. Lockheed sure did magic with this one
And still very little known about it
It begs the question in my mind. If they perfected the fighter jet 25 years ago (which they did)... then what do they have *now*???
@@Arcilios robots
What can be made when men are free and the sky the limit.
weird we cant make something better yet
When you realize that’s an actual plane with motion physics that look like a new player in DCS controlling an aircraft in all sorts of unusual attitudes. The physics of this machine are incredible
Was? Diese uralte Ding kann außer stinknormalen Kurven fliegen überhaupt nichts, es setzt auch nirgends die Physik aus, wie lächerlich. Wer sehen will was am Himmel möglich, einfach Mal nach den SU30, 35 oder SU57 suchen, da kann man sehen was ein Modernes Kampfflugzeug leisten kann, aber dass können aktuell nur Russische Jets😂
Und die Aviniok der Ru Jets ist sich nicht schlechter als der Rest der Welt, schauen wir mal wie lange sich die F16 demnächst am Ukrainischen Himmel halten können, vielleicht eine Stunde?
"It's not the pilot Maverick....it's the plane."
Every players first time flying in battlefield.
The way it can change direction is quite remarkable even being old technology at this point.
@@davidca96old technology that still is superior to anything anyone else has come up with
Corners like a Porsche, stops damn near dead in mid-air, goes straight up like a rocket.
Amazing craft, truly is.
Ever wonder why they would never sell the Raptor…..But would sell the fTurdy5….and say its better than the raptor so that those other shit countries think they got a big gun too😆😆. Then the raptor was chosen to take down the ballon😆….fturdy5bois got butthurt soooo bad they came up with All kinds of “excuses”😂
@@slurpyman20 Those other "shit countries" have better planes than both the F22 and F35, which are both overrated garbonzo.
I know right….those mig21’s are better than raptors
@@slurpyman20 Imagine being so much of an imbecile you think Mig21's are what we're talking about here. No, buddy, we're talking about Sukhoi's, stuff that make F22's and F35's look like tincans.
@@derbigpr500 Oh you're stupid, understood.
Crazy. That jet flies like butter melting on a hot pan
Flying perfection. Beautiful cloud formations with setting sun color for the background. Love this. Thanks for sharing.
Glad you enjoyed it
Exactly! The skills are great but the sky is just as pretty!
God damn. That pilot made some seriously good choices growing up. What a job and life to have!
It's still incredible to me how quickly the F22 gets quiet as it goes away then doesn't get loud till it's right on top of you. And when it gets there, it is LOUD
The only time you know the F-22 is there is when the pilot _wants_ you to know it's there.
Can confirm. My ears are still ringing from Avalon air show in March. F-35s didn't help either, but it was the F-22 that caught my heart!
@@JSmith73which one was louder?
I went deaf for a day
@@matsudakodothe 22 is really loud
Dude, shot really well! The moon in the background w/ visible afterburner was bad ass! Oh, the flying didn't suck, either! LOL
Yeah, props to the person capturing the video.
Incredible footage, thanks for posting.
The clouds were the perfect backdrop for speed and directional reference that day. Awesome
As time passes, more and more capability of this amazing aircrat is revealed. Think about how crazy this must have been 20 years ago when this first flew!
I saw it at an airshow with my dad 20 years ago lol. Can confirm that it was crazy.
You gotta love how the lads at Lockheed just said "Fuck it, we can ignore the laws of physics if we give it enough thrust".
And thrust vectoring, and absolute alien fly-by-wire tech
@@toxicgracie3772 f22 has a very high thrust to weight to the point where it really can just rocket straight up while gaining speed at low alt
McDonnell Douglas did he same thing with the F-4... enough thrust anything will fly.
The plane was basically designed so that only computer assist can keep it in the air, if a pilot tried to fly that with no computer assistance at all, it would fly about as good as a stone.
That machine is incredibly sophisticated, and it is an absolute engineering marvel, shame it’s now end of life as far as production goes.
F-22 is pretty high on the list but not at the top of TWR. Supposedly it would be if it had circular exhaust nozzles, but who knows. Impressive nonetheless!
OK so basically that thing can just point itself to whichever direction it wants to go at anytime during flight. That is crazy.
Yup pretty much it’s Americans f around and find out to the world. F35 is good but the f22 is just certain death.
The nose authority is pretty darn good, especially with thrust vectoring added.
Yup, pretty much 👍🏻
That is the best way to describe its flight performance.
Pretty sure it produces more thrust than it’s weight so it can just fly around like a rocket
I could watch these things all day. I live right by NAS Oceana and have for 12 years and this stuff never gets old.
I live by nas oceana too, I love watching the jets fly over all day.
My friends hate it
@@Lt.Li4m I thinks its a privilege to be able to see the jets everyday!
What an amazing show of cloud control. That sky was absolutely gorgeous!
That was a great show. Saw it from the parking lot of the Machine Shed.
I'm not a pilot but, that dude was pulling some G'ss on a few of those turns.! Amazing skills.
He is a G wiz.
Nah, the inertial dampeners developed over at Paradise Ranch kept the pilot nice and comfy.
Incredible brains behind this sky machine..Watching from Papua New Guinea in the Pacific.
I don't care from wich country you are(everybody who watched the video),if you don't appreciate the pure power and ability of this remarkable machine then something is crearly wrong with you.This is insane,love the take-off. Greatings from South Africa
I've seen planes that makes this look like a slow, inert truck in comparison to F1 cars which those other planes would be.
care to back up your big boy claims lol@@derbigpr500
@@derbigpr500 which plane? Give an example.
@@derbigpr500what plane would that be? What plane could intercept the F22? Everything that encounters it doesnt wanna fight it be my guest take your jet go fight an F-22 raptor
@@derbigpr500sure bud.
The pilot of that thing was having a blast I could tell
The smoothness combined with the aggressive maneuvering almost makes this feel sped up. Excellent video and awesome work by the Raptor pilot. I haven’t seen a video quite like this, that allowed you to really picture what’s going on in the 3d space being filmed.
Sped up at times, slowed down at other. It's so incredible that it seems visually wrong.
Having seen them in real life, this video feels like it's mega slow in comparison.
Saw the raptor about 10 years ago at an airshow its the most incredible thing Ive ever seen at an airshow. Its almost like your watching it do things that dont seem possible , almost standing still mid air and then the power comes on and it just powers out and takes off. In person its just an incredible sight to see, bring hearing protection though that thing is not joke on the ears.
Absolutely perfect weather for filming this! The clouds give great contrast to the aircraft when zooming in. If it's just blue sky then the jet just appears stagnant.
Rad video.
That's wtf I'm talking about!!!!!! What an absolutely gorgeous display. That sky is perfect
I served 21 years in the US Marine Corps as an infantry officer with 3 years in combat a very long time ago. I'm 77 now and still a Marine at heart. My dad was a B17 pilot in WW II and was shot down over Germany on July 26, 1943 and spent the rest of the war as a POW in Stalag Luft III (the location of the Great Escape). He stayed in the Air Force after WW II ad became a B-47 and then a B-52 pilot. In fact, he flew every multi-engine plane in the Air Force at the time. Unfortunately, it died of a heart attack while on active duty at age 51.
One of my uncles was a Air Force fighter pilot who was a double ACE in the Korean War and flew over 90 missions over North Vietnam during the Vietnam War and retired has a Major General. Another uncle was a F-106 interceptor pilot during the Cold War and retired as a Lieutenant Coronel. Another uncle was a captain in Special Forces in Vietnam and was severely wounded. He retired as a Lieutenant colonel. My brother served over 2 years in Vietnam as a Marine infantry officer and was severely wounded. He spent a year in the hospital, but served over 30 years in the Marine Corps. My grandfather on my mother's side was an Army surgeon who was on General MacArthur's staff in the Philippines at the beginning of WW II and on General Eisenhower's staff in Europe. He retired has a Brigadier General in the Army's Medical Corps in the 1950's.
I was in college from 1964 to 1968 as a history major. The military Draft was in place at the time and a history major was not eligible for a deferment, so I joined the Marine Corps to avoid the Draft. This was a special program that allowed me to finish collage and then be commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marines. So I graduated and was commissioned and immediately was sent to The Basic School for newly commissioned Marine officers in early June. The course was 6 months and so just before Christmas 1968 I arrived and in Vietnam and was assigned as a platoon commander. Hard year. I lost a lot of Marines killed and wounded. It was mentally and physically exhausting.
But I originally wanted to be a military pilot but my eyes were bad and I was lousy at math and so there was no way to pass all of the pre-flight school exams.
However, I did eventually became a private pilot and I not only earned my commercial and instrument ratings, but I also earned my glider's license and I took basic, intermediate and advanced aerobatics. This was long after my dad had passed and so I always hoped that somewhere up in heaven he was proud that I did become the pilot I wanted to be.
I also purchased tickets on a B-17 that took 30 minute flights for paying passengers. I just wanted to experience the sounds and feelings that my dad had experienced in WW II. I got goose bumps during those two flights. I can't possibly describe the sights, sounds, and overall experience of those two flights that gave me a hint of what my dad experienced in WW II. Few sons and daughters have the opportunities to have such experiences of their WW II fathers and mothers.
God, I miss my mom and dad. They were the best parents any kid could have ever have hoped to have.
Thank you sir and your family for being great patriots and Americans.
Thank you and your family for a Lifetime of Service !! Bless You , Be Proud !!!
Thank you , sir , for your patriotism and your service. I, also, was in school, and graduated 1970. The lottery was in place then and my number was 250, so I was not called, THANK GOD. However , I could have volunteered, but I had no interest in fighting, when WINNING was not the option!! My dad was Army, my father in law was Air Force, and my son-in-law is Air Force. I do stop and take time to thank each and every veteran, active or retired, for their service. GW
Thank you sir!
You did a great job to keep up your family's tradition and rest assured that your late mother and father are watching you with great pride, you simply doing your best 👍👍👍
Maverick somehow found himself in an Air Force jet.
Gosh, what a setting to view this in. Sun setting, multicolored clouds, full view of the moon. Man.
I’ve watched a lot of Raptor footage since UA-cam’s inception. I think this is right up there at the top.
Thank You for kind words!
Normally jet fighters don't move like what you see in games or movies, but this one made it absolutely possible.
Wait until you see a Sukhoi SU35 and what it does. Makes the F22 look like a brick.
@derbigpr500 After witnessing the catastrophic failure of the Russian military in Ukraine, I ain't holding my breath. F-22 is vastly superior to SU35. Even the F-16 is superior to SU35. Russia is all barks, and no bites.
@@gringoamigo8146 "catastrophic failure of the Russian military " - LMAO someone is overdosing on mainstream media.
@@gringoamigo8146 "Russia is all barks, and no bites." - You mixed up Russia and USA. USA is the one only barking afraid to bite anyone who can bite back.
@@derbigpr500 Really? You should look into the incident between Russian forces and US special forces in Syria back in 2015. The Russians learned just how hard the "Yankees" bit them. 👍
The cesna at the end taxiing lol i can just feel it thinking “i wish i was that cool”
Beautiful video!
What great colors, with the sun, clouds, and crowd...very cool.
Thanks for sharing!
"What great colors, with the sun, clouds, _AFTERBURNER THRUST,_ and crowd...very cool."
It was a perfect sky for an airshow wasn't it?
@@cowboybob7093couldn't have been better
He’s Vibing
Thank You Great Man
I was there and saw him going nuts. Incredible airplane. The Heritage Flight with the WWII warbirds was also epic.
Great video! Thanks for sharing. Seen the same show at Miramar in the past, such an awesome display.
I saw the F-22 Raptor perform at Beale AFB and Mathers AFB. The jet has alien technology. The sound and maneuvering defies any other jets i have watched for over 30 years of air shows. Nice flying and very impressive. hope the crowd felt honored to be in the presents of this great fighter jet and the pilot.
the technology isn't very alien
rofl imagine being an engineer and working your craft to its absolute limits just to have people on youtube say ALIENS DID IT
@@raumfahreturschutze it's a metaphor dude if anything it's a compliment
@@tornadomash00 Perhaps. With flat earthers, doppelgangers, and similar stupidities being really believed it's hard to tell when someone speaks metaphorically.
I couldn't imagine being that close to that vertical takeoff😮😍
It was earth-shattering insane experience! ❤
Heard of the f15?
Cobra. ;)
Changed my life. I was there and I can’t stop looking up videos of it.
Seen it personally and it’s amazing! My son and I go to the EAA every year and will continue to as long as I can. Hopefully you can personally experience it yourself someday.
I lived on Eglin AFB for some time, even tho the 35s were daily, we stopped EVERYTHING when these bad boys were up there flying, Man they were something to watch!!!!!¡
Great video. Its great to see the raptor from this perspective. Most videos always zoom all the way in. This gives scale. Thanks
Because of planes like these I can’t believe in the existence of ufo. Humans create the most amazing things.
Such a beautiful day to see such a sight. The Moon and the sunset in the background, perfect!
nah thats crazy, i bet that was incredible to witness in person, it reminds me of a player flying a Jet in battlefield 4.
When you’re flying a jet like it’s a skateboard…
Truly impressive
1😂🎯% Great comment
Seeing it from far gives a good idea how the radar cross section is so small u can hardly see it by eye when its not even that far
To me, one of the most impressive things about the F-22 and F-35 are how slow they can travel without losing altitude. Absolutely beautiful marvels of engineering.
We need every one of these things we have left, and it’s not many-maybe half that operationally ready. The choice to cut the F-22’s contract early was the single worst defense decision the US has made since sending untested M-16s to Vietnam to replace the M-14. In the long run, it may even be worse.
Despite what self-interested businesses and their social media marketing teams claim, the F-22 has no substitute now, or in the near future. It is the ONLY weapon capable of ensuring NATO air superiority. Against an adversary like China, or even Iran/Russia, F-18s, F-15s, F-16s cannot fill that role and even the F-35 are suboptimal at best and vulnerable at worst.
And that’s a huge problem. The only thing that stands between us and China, is the F-22. Without it, our bases in the Pacific and in Alaska, and perhaps even our homeland, are in jeopardy. There is no special secret weapon keeping us safe. It’s our economic power and our air power, that’s it. And the F-22, is the separator when it comes to air power.
You see, because the contract was cancelled, and because Congress blocked Lockheed Martin from selling the F-22 to foreign buyers even before that, it’s no longer a money maker. Therefore, LM-a self-interested business-has every incentive to lie, and tell everyone that actually, the F-35 is the best plane ever, and the US and every other country should only buy that and only that.
But it’s not. It is an invaluable weapon for fleet defense, surveillance and attack, in a completely revised strategy of distributed naval power. You see, given China’s missile technology-of which they have us to thank for allowing them to steal it during the Obama administration as well as all of our most top-secret and sensitive defense technology in the DREN system-our aircraft carriers are no longer viable as centralized command, supply and deployment bases. So, we are now using many smaller ships, that only the f-35 can fly from, to prevent losing an arm of our navy if a missile hits a carrier.
That said, that’s only one part of the war. The F-35 is great at what it’s good at but it is incapable of air superiority/denial.
For that, you need more stealth, more survivability against IR weapons, more survivability against fighters and interceptors. The F-22 has all of that, the F-35 doesn’t.
The F-35 is really only stealthy from front aspect. It is not at all stealthy from rear aspect. It has a massive IR signature. It’s slow, and has turn rates comparable to fully-loaded 4th gen fighters, at best. It’s designed to A.) hit you quickly, and quietly, before you can react, and then go home. It is not designed to make a second pass or tangle in a long-drawn out fight. It is not designed to patrol the skies with impunity.
If it is in contested air space patrolling, you can exploit the F-35’s weaknesses easily.
It has a small payload, and against a sophisticated, near-pear adversary, it will be limited to aim-120 radar-guided missiles. That’s because it can’t carry the aim-9x internally.
It’s limited to just 4 amraams. Especially against stealthy aircraft, in all likelihood, those four missiles will translate to 1 kill. That’s not enough to deter an enemy that has far superior manufacturing capacity. Moreover, its lack of supercruise and lack of all-aspect stealth, means it can easily be put in a bad position and targeted if it is loitering/parolling in contested air space. Get behind it and lock on.
The F-22 on the other hand, remains stealthy while carrying two of the best missiles in the world, the aim-9x, as well as 4 amraams. Even from rear-aspect, it is difficult or impossible to target and track with radar-guided weapons, and its minimized IR signature makes defeating IR weapons far more likely. It will outturn any plane and missiles will have a difficult time intercepting it given advanced warning. It is fuel-efficient and can fly as fast as the f-35’s top speed, sustained, without using its after burner. It can fly at the edge of the atmosphere, and the engine redundancy makes it far less risky in contested air space.
Nothing can take it on head-to-head, period. And given how difficult it is to target, it can get in close, upping the chances of its superior payload getting kills. 4 AMRAAMs and 2 Aim-9X mean an F-22 will take down maybe 2-3X as many planes as an F-35-on its own.
We need more F-22s, and even given the large startup costs, producing 200 more would be worth every penny. It complements the F-35 perfectly. We shouldn’t be wasting money on useless weapons and contracts for F-15EX, super hornets, Blackhawk helicopter replacements, attack helicopter replacements.
Attack helicopters are largely obsolete in modern war with a near-peer-their inability to perform high-g turns, large RCS and low altitude makes them far too vulnerable to MANPADs and integrated air defense networks. There are more cost effective options already available-drones, cruise missiles, COIN aircraft, A-10, gunships, b-52, b-1 etc…
Re-start f-22 production, transfer f-16s and f-15s to the national guard and allies, reduce the fleet by 50%, cancel unnecessary contracts from other departments, up Air Force funding, reduce army funding, and purchase 200 more f-22s. Had we not stopped producing them, we would’ve saved a trillion dollars, but leave it to neocons and democrats to screw us as usual.
Well I mean... the f35b can fly backwards without losing altitude... 🙃
@@BasicBobby There are easier ways to get your fucking book published. lol no one is going to read all that
@@Azagoreth lol
. Source "trust me bro"
To that person, who can show up to an air show and not watch the F-22 raptor flying around: We are not the same!
Finally, a video of an airplane from a panned back perspective!! Thank you. It was almost like being there. I hate those super close up shots. Excellent video. By the way, the F22 is amazing, but you can't beat what God makes. How about those cloud formations??
I too enjoyed the “eye” view perspective. I saw this jet at Dayton. It was by far the best performance of the jets.
I was here at the time with family local to the area, and while I'm not very knowledgable on aviation stuff, I couldn't help but stop in my tracks. It passed low and right over me multiple times and each time the sight, sound, and vibrations from this thing were incredible. After feeling it in person, I can totally get why you guys are so obsessed with these aircraft. Beautiful technology!
that cobra move never gets old... 👍😎👍
Thanks for an outstanding job capturing that video. I like to video myself riding and concerts events. It's a lot of work and you did a great job. Feels like I was there.
And I bet we aren't even seeing the full capabilities.
Not even remotely. The main reason probably isn't even security, but safety. Don't want to crash a plane at an airshow, near a crowd. Plus there's no danger that needs escaping. And why stress the airframe without survival or something mission critical going on. Just do some flashy things well within its design specs.
Yes. The F22 is amazing. It makes me light-headed to imagine the 6th gen Air Dominance fighter being tested now, with all the advances in materials (metamaterials). And it's almost frightening to imagine what the 7th gen (in design phase now?) performance will be. Based on how impressive the late 90's tech Raptor looks, the 6th has to be outrageously advanced and impressive.
@@roundtownKenProbably not going to be long before there's a fighter capable of exiting and re entering the atmosphere.
@@pauljones2031 Agreed. With the advances in propulsion and materials it's very likely the next step, if not already being engineered.
@@roundtownKen I think if we already had experimental planes that could reach in excess of mach 15 then yes.
I remember when i was like 5 years in the early 90's playing a floppy disk F22 or F23 Raptor game
After flying for 10 minutes with both AB lit Bruce landed with 3.2 gallons of fuel remaining.....
😂😂😂😂😂 you KNOW it.
He put that in his truck.
I wonder how many brave dinosaurs gave their lives to make this display possible.
@@Pocket_Fox none, fuel isn't derived from dinosaurs
Actually It didn't, The F-22 is Amazingly fuel efficient
i like the bay door flash at the end lol
A spectacular flying display with equally as spectacular backdrop 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
“Would you intercept me? I would intercept me”
Found it!
"Ladies and gentlemen I present to you, the most feared aircraft in the world today - your United States Air Force's F-22 Raptor!" I love that intro
If you watch tech demos of this plane the things it can do is unreal. Shit blew me away when I saw it. I heard that if you were going to be attacked in air to air combat with a Raptor you wouldn't know what hit you because you weren't aware of it being around beforehand. They are just stealthy as hell.
That was probably only 40% of what it can do, absolute beast
The sound in person is so God Fearing
It's meant to be.
This is an amazing video. I’ve watched another few but your spot and angle perfectly captured the insane thrust and maneuverability of the Raptor. It’s absolutely insane to watch how it did the vertical climb only a few seconds after take off. I believe it is the only aircraft in the world that can pull it off like that. Among Chinese aviation enthusiasts there’s a popular saying goes, “If the thrust is strong enough, a brick can fly in the air”. Amazing how technology thirty years ago can almost defy the fundamental physics. Sheer admiration❤. Again, thanks for sharing this
Thank you for your kind words and makes me happy people appreciating it.
Earth has a material science operational physics limiter. We are aware of what the maximum is.
The whole 30 year old technology is a misnomer. The f22 raptor pushes the human body, earths material science, and operational physics to the theoretical limit of human potential.
What you see here is about the best you will ever see unless we discover exotic materials.
It blows my mind how many people are just NPC-ing around, with absolutely zero appreciation for what an absurdly high level of technology they're witnessing, or the ludicrous physical prowess or incredible skill of the pilot. People have no idea but what this pilot is doing is basically an insane physical workout where a slip up could mean dying like 3-5 seconds later. That vertical takeoff by itself would be impossible for probably anyone in the crowd to pull off. The pilot has to use their own muscles to force blood into their own brain so they don't pass out from the ridiculous G-forces and die.
My dad didn’t believe the maneuvers i was making in flight sims, time to send this to him
I WAS THERE at the airshow on Wednesday i think IT WAS SO AWSOME I WAS INDOORS TOO!!🔥🔥
Wait nvm I think it was on Tuesday?
Thinking of the Ramstein airshow disaster i really wouldnt allow them to do the turns so close to the crowd. What an amazing show! 💙
my absolute favorite of all time - thanks for the video !
Glad you enjoyed it!
and the fact that this isnt even the limit of the raptor is amazing to me
"Would you intercept me?"
*licks lips*
"I'd intercept me"
99% of the people there aren’t even watching
Einfach der Hammer!!! Der Sound, der Krach, das Flugzeug...! Eine unglaubliche Gewaltsmaschine!!
The flying was awesome. And God put up an incredible backdrop, to show it off. Beautiful!
That is the most feared aircraft today. I did the development work for the Pratt&Whitney F-119 engines. I was an aircraft mechanic at Pratt&Whitney.
The pilot has the best job in the world. What an E ticket ride. I wish I could just get one 20 minute ride in one of these.
This footage is rad, thanks for sharing!
That is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I'm gobsmacked at the takeoff. And amazed at how many people were not watching. I Understand that some planes have fly by wire system, but Jet fighter pilots are the pinnacle of humans in my eyes 🤙
God I love how it drifts through turns lol
I can only imagine the G-force that pilot must feel on all 4 of those vertical climbs. From near 0 degrees to almost 90 in less than 2 seconds. Easily pulling 5gs, if not more. I got mad chills at 2:07 the first time they did it. I remember doing this on BF3 and 4 on this aircraft and it felt almost unreal, and seeing it actually happen is INSANE. The guy had to have been gritting extra hard on those lifts to not pass out. Did they have a cockpit cam? A lot of these do, but I could understand if they don't because of military secrets and all.
Most beautiful plane ever designed, and the most beautiful backdrop for an air show
Awesome video man! Would you be okay with me featuring this in my series Weekly Dose of Aviation? Of course you will be credited both in the video and in the description.
Sure! Thank you!
the legend
As his new manager I need a 75% cut in all profits
@@csb772as this new managers new assistant I’m going to need 10%
Felt like sharp dressed man was about to pop off after that sick intro
Damn, you can see how heavy that thing is. FULL AB and it takes so long to gain speed or maintain speed in tight turns.
That's maneuverability for yah, speed kills turning and vice versa
What an incredible aircraft and show of skill / performance! great video too!
That thing turns tighter than my tractor!
Steady cam and focused, and recorded in horizontal. Couldn't have asked for a nicer video. Thanks for posting.
Thank you!
Looks sort of weird how it can just "pancake" through a turn with such high alpha, but I guess that's what thrust vectoring is there for.
That’s sky/clouds/weather makes for a perfect background.
Gosh that is one amazing plane. How incredible the capabilities of man to build such a plane.
The Jets vectoring makes this awesome jet so manuverbal
Razz is quite the pilot!! 💥🔥👌🇺🇲
Best Raptor "low-show" I've ever seen...!
Justin Trudeau Canada here - my environment minister would like to know the carbon footprint and how green this little tech marvel is.
Thanks, and toodles.
Those clouds as a backdrop makes this show extra special
Putting that thrust vectoring to good use. Cool beans.
Hey, props to you man, this is the best filming of a plane I've ever seen
This masterpiece has a radar cross-signature the size of a GNAT! Those tiny bugs which annoy us in the summertime.
I don't know which was better.....the f-22....or those awesome clouds in the background.....put the two together....amazing video. Thank You...
Orville and Wilbur Wright would be impressed.
I live near an f-15 training base. Ive bern going to airshows since childhood. My dad is a lifelong pilot and my husband is an aircraft mechanic.
Ive never seen an F-22 demo until Reno last year and I *cried*. Absolutely incredible jets
Are the thrusters able to move oppositional to support the roll?
A few minutes of Wikipedia research informs me that the Pratt & Whitney F119 engines can move their thrust by +/- 20 degrees in the pitch vector, but cannot move it in the roll vector. Don't know if they can move independently of each other.
"going nuts". Very accurate description. God I'd love to see that in person!
It was amazing!