No, not really. When you love someone, that means you have recognized the bad and the good, but the good outweighs the bad. When you truly hate someone, you recognize the bad and the good and the bad overweighs the good.
Brother, it's easier said than done. I hope sisters find their worth, value and honour from within themselves. And I hope brothers find the apple of their eyes in their families. Thank you.
Brother, women's low self esteem stem mostly from childhood psychology and parental lack of attachment and love for their growing daughters coupled with extreme parental expectations ,I.e never good enough for their mothers and especially fathers. Thus they grow up feeling inferior, lacking confidence and often depressed even if they achieved high status education and career wise. Eventually she can snap out of this cycle. Female beauty race is something else and natural, and most nonconfident and reserved women I've known don't suffer from the latter, instead they suffer from 1st.
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu. I hope you read this comment. You are right. Another thing I would add is that this kind of low esteem is deeply rooted in how women are brought up. Our mothers - someone who has the ability to affect our mindset- tell us outright that you are too dark, too ugly, that your nose is too crooked, your face has too much hype pigmentation. I was told as a child how my lips had a weird shape. Someone, somewhere is constantly critisizing us. Everyone has to tell you some flaw of yours. A girl with a narurally tan complexion was asked -very condescendingly- by a potential suitor's mom if she was sick. It's hard to remain confident sometimes amidst all of this. Mothers constantly critique and point out flaws of their own daughters and the father doesn't even bat an eyelash. I've seen it happening in my home and a lot of different places. Men do have a role to play in all this. Especially mothers. Mothers dump all their bottled passive aggressiveness and insecurities on their daughters. Girls are told how they wont be able to get married for their character. Girls who want to wear Niqab are even told that they will have difficulty in seeking a spouse. Amidst all this, a woman becomes extremely torn and confused. I really, really hope you read this.
SubhaanAllaah... my mom NEVER paid any attention to physical beauty, she always said what's inside is what's important. Beauty will fade away, but your character is what is shine through. There were NO beauty treatments, make up always looked down upon. She herself is till today such a simple lady. And therefore I grew up believing I was beautiful despite being just average, dont know how to do make up or styling etc which all the other girls are so good at. So definitely, our moms and what they repeat to us certainly has a great impact.
@@ummbilaal4462 Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu. Indeed what are mothers do greatly affects us. Ma shaa Allah 😊. Simplicity is a part of our faith. It's good that you consider yourself beautiful. I love how your mother brought you up. May Allah give you and yours Aafiyah in both worlds. Aameen
Special if your mom hates relatives of your father and you look like one of them, her hate move to her own child subhaAllah. It is hard to grow up with words your sister beautiful and you so ugly and after i grow up i find i am not ugly at all. Still some times i think why my husband love's me i am so ugly. But my deen stop me and i remember ayah where described how Allah created humans in beautiful shape.
Ustadh Gabriel, you’re a gem and have stated such important facts. You’ve really lifted the confidence of women with this video and encouraged them to appreciate their natural self. That’s what we need in this fake world. Jazakallah khair habibi
There are so many good points made in this video. One thing I would mention though is Insha’Allah us muslim women can easily overcome this problem just by understanding looks are a part of Rizq. Some people will be more beautiful and that is okay. A practical tip is if you see a beautiful woman say Masha’Allah and ask Allah SWT to increase them in beauty. This will Insha’Allah mean one you are not putting nazr on another muslim woman or any woman and secondly you are actively working against the whispers of Shaytan. If you pray for good for others good will always come your way.
Only if you care about silly people but we dont have to take silly people as our teacher 😂 Peoples opinions change with the wind but the Truth cant be moved
He didn't call you ugly...he has called a blessed human created/ fashioned by Allah Taala that....I hope he repents ...... because your worth comes from the most High not your dad or anyone else. Stay blessed.
SubhanaAllah Dear sister l want you to know that you are beautiful just the way are🌹 You're Allah's creation l repeat Allah's creation, unique master peace ☝️ Much love ❤️
Brother im really impressed by ur content 🙂 it’s interesting i just discovered it may allah increase ur knowledge im learning im going to share it cause i think this is an important message
Also brother, some people who go from not loving themselves then to loving themselves become arrogant. Like a husband/wife who has low self esteem because of weight or whatever reasons, then starts to “love themselves” and forget about their spouse or other people and act like they are better than everyone. Kinda like becoming selfish.
Thank you for this video, I would agree with another previous comment that women who have low self esteem develop it from childhood. If you're not loved and respected properly by your parents, especially your father as a woman we develop low self esteem and low confidence.
If your not properly loved and respected by your mother it'll hurt your self esteem and you'll have low self confidence cause it's your mom the first woman in your life who's projecting her insecurities onto you
Asalamu alaikum, I agree. What is more interesting is that when women put on makeup, most are faced with the reminder every night when they remove the makeup that they don’t look anything like the made up face, what an awful way to treat yourself, or empower yourself. Also what good is it to make a potential husband believe that you look like the makeup face, then once married, he is faced with the reality that you look completely different and not in a good way.
This 💯. My aunt sent me a picture of a potential wife who i thought looked good. I met her in real life and she looked like a totally different person. She said she was wearing a lot of makeup in the picture. She wasn't attractive to me in real life. I had to gently tell her that if she wants to find a husband, she should send pictures that show her natural self instead of a made up self. My female relatives still can't believe that I turned the potential wife down, as they didn't believe me that she looked like a totally different person.
You tell us at the end to care for natural beauty more , but men are so over exposed to the fakeness and social media ideals, they expect more! It's so sad! I want to cry now.
i’m worried about this too because the women on social media have perfect eyebrows, perfect legs, perfect body, some are hairless because they go to places where other people remove the hair for them almost permanently (exposing awrah)…it’s hard out here sis.
Wonderful video! We Muslim Women, in Islam, don't need the majority of the society, meaning: trends, status, and so on. We don't need to follow anyone, except Mohammed p.b.u.h as our role model. They talk about feminism, Allah told in the Quran about the rights of women (and men) that they need and want. There's no need for all of this chaos and so on and so forth... And by the way, if you truly want to love yourself, then love Allah first (by his names ) You will come to an understanding, of how his love will flourish upon yourself.
Ladies don't fake yourself because if you do you are more likely not going to attract real men. Fake for fake, Real for real. By the way Jazzakumullahu Khoiron Bro Al Romani, I love you for the sake of Allah.
I agree with alot of the comments below, talking about within the family and the impact of mothers and fathers on their daughter's self esteem. Think about the women who have grown up away from the influences of the west. And then in a family where extended family influence is strong, then all the family members are responsible. In my own childhood, I was always compared to my lighter skinned cousins, and made to feel inferior. It has influenced me so much that my own preferences even towrad the opposite sex was influenced by that perception of light skin being more beautiful. It's so messed up, I have to keep reminding myself that Allah cares only about the inside not the outside, that we were all made so beautiful, but my mind has been conditioned to always compare my colour to other lighter skinned girls :(
Asslamoaliakoam warahmatulah he barakatu brother i love your videos you dont Use the sweet tongue you speak facts Ma sha Allah keep doing the work people who comment negative Comments let them you keep serving the deen
You are right ✅ Muslim women are beautiful with hyya ,loyalty to their families and taking care of their families their parda,prayers and wisdom are their beauty
I am an advertising graduate and what was mentioned about psychology in the industry is very true, they employ psychologists who run tests and research how to refine and direct a message to a particular audience, whether male, female, a race or community etc they look into habits of a specific audience, the psychographic, demographic, cultural information etc and know how to pin point the message to speak directly to the audience in their tone of voice.
AsSalaamualaykum brother Gabriel.. Please also make a video on Mens low self esteem... Lately I have seen many young men who are intelectually smart but with low self esteem.. They think they are not good looking enough to attract pretty girls... They dont realise that pretty girls do not always look for guys with 6 packs.. Most prefer responsible and educated guys... Wallahu 'allam..
Ok low self esteem is exactly what image? Imo it's a broader term rather than just image. I feel it has to do with emotional wounds too. Those can take some people's confidence away.
As Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu Allahi Brother Gabriel Romaani I agree but how do teach the brother to be more kind to women who have that issue or show how to help the women out of that issue?
You speak the truth about women may allah bless you But there is another side is the men had to realize this truth about girls in medias Thats can help the women To regain her confidence.
subhanAllah it is so hard for me to find myself beautiful :(( i am trying to love myself more but i have nothing to admire at this point. my skin is not fair & my hair is not wavy/straight. i live in the usa and beauty standards are eurocentric. i am a caribbean girl & in the caribbean the best girls are lightskin and very big curvy. i am the opposite. self confidence and self love is easier said than done. now i cannot even look in the mirror without crying. i am only 16 , how can i even go on like this? i wish i could at least get a rhinoplasty but that is haram :( alhamdulillah i am trying my best. now i am stuck with an eating disorder & i hate to admit it but i dont even want to get better from this :(( and i am a black latina do i will always have the lower hand, no advantage. the white latinas are always more desired by men. i just hope i get married when i am older & my looks do not hinder me, inshAllah ta’ala
May Allah give you a righteous spous sister Amin. Remember Allah doesnt judge you based on your apearence but your intentions and actions. So what if you not lightskin or curvy or have wavy/straight hair. Alhamdulillah Allah created you like this your parents were overjoyed when you were born In Sha Allah when you have kids they will think your one of the most beautiful women on earth or even the most beautifull.
Trust me someone will like you the way you look you dont need to change yourself after teenage past you will start loving how you look. And standard beauty always change. Remember when small lips where seen as beautiful than now is girls with big lips,. It changes You will start to love yourself .
Yh it’s very clear this is a male perspective on low self esteem in women. Men probably assume it stems from not feeling like the most beautiful woman in the world but it really really isn’t mainly that at all. I’ve seen plenty of women with less beauty be the most confident and vice versa. Imo, low self-confidence stems from fears or people-pleasing tendencies that perhaps derive from our childhood or parental dynamics.
You will be the one laughing in the aakhirah inshAllah. I understand you sis, sometimes shaytan whispers "would life be be more exciting if I exposed more?"
The way you look physically influences your personality and behavior. because your physical appearance provides advantages in social interactions. attractive women earn more money than less attractive women They are also thought to be healthier and lead happier life.
@Black Roses Agree, Thats y in an ideal islamic khilafah all this problem are actually done away.... Man dont look n lower their gaze N women lower gaze n cover.. Problem solved no presure on women wht so ever so flowing with trend n hurting them selves coz of trend which ironically is in line with mens desire ( refuting the laughable claim that proper shariee hijab oprreses! Aothobillah.) And also for the men their wives will the queen n dream women they ever dreamt about since they never sae other women or not so many women to think their wives as ugly Which is very unlikely to happenn given that all this islamic values laws n sharia r in governmeny n on authority. So rest of their lives until they die they will thing their wives r the most beautiful women in the planet Subhannallah, such is the beauty of our deen of our shariah of our Lord. ALHAMDULLIAH FOR ISLAM
@Black Roses subhanallah I wear niqab but these days all I hear from men who are looking to get married is "nice body nice body nice body". Alhamdulillah I was on medication for some medical problem that is now resolved but as a result I gained some weight that I'm struggling to lose. I've given up now on finding a husband because fat is unattractive and i exercise to no avail lol. Suppose I will suffice with pleasing Allah through serving my parents in this dunyah.
Sis, I myself suffer from low confidence but please don't think like this. Allah created us the way He wanted in the best of ways. May Allah make it easy for us 🖤
try to Reconsider your harsh ways😳Why are yr teachings so cultural so Saudi type so Wahaby or Azhary🙄not moderate😭very uneasy on women and kids 🕋BUT PBUH used to choose the easiest, the smoothest ways, when he PBUH came to choose between anything, PleeezZ Re think اللهم صلي علي حبيبك وحبيبنا محمد رسول الله 🕋 سيدنا محمد جماله في أخلاقه الحميدة وكمان بوجهه المضيئة وجماله في لياقته البدنية وجسمه الشريفة وجماله في بشاشة وجهه وسماحة طبعه ورحمته على الضعيف والفقير والطفل والمرأة، كان ومازال جمال رسول الله في صمعته الي يوم القيامة وايضا جماله في لسانه وجوامع الكلم وصلاته وصيامه وقيامه وولآئه يا حبيبي يا رسول الله
@@sonyaxperia6084 Than why does Allah say in Quran that woman are only allowed to be seen without hijab by certain people and he including homosexual men in that group.
While I'm not a fan of all of your videos, there are a few like these which I can empathise with. May Allah guide us to righteousness, Ameen.
@@mateyatiya3835 🐥
If only the Muslim Ummah knew how valuable your videos are to the awareness of this lost generation!
ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادى
Low self confidence or self esteem is not only about the superficial stuff, its mostly deeply rooted in individual's mind and life.
Yeah definitely I notice low self esteem women can have mental issues disorders too
When you love someone.... they look beautiful no matter what. And when you hate them, their face looks like poison no matter what.
Yep 😂
you are right
No, not really. When you love someone, that means you have recognized the bad and the good, but the good outweighs the bad.
When you truly hate someone, you recognize the bad and the good and the bad overweighs the good.
Brother, it's easier said than done. I hope sisters find their worth, value and honour from within themselves. And I hope brothers find the apple of their eyes in their families. Thank you.
Brother, women's low self esteem stem mostly from childhood psychology and parental lack of attachment and love for their growing daughters coupled with extreme parental expectations ,I.e never good enough for their mothers and especially fathers. Thus they grow up feeling inferior, lacking confidence and often depressed even if they achieved high status education and career wise. Eventually she can snap out of this cycle. Female beauty race is something else and natural, and most nonconfident and reserved women I've known don't suffer from the latter, instead they suffer from 1st.
That hit way too deep. #spoton
Its true. Most trauma stems from childhood. And i can relate to ur comment
V true
Yes yes and yes
Very verry accurate.
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu.
I hope you read this comment. You are right. Another thing I would add is that this kind of low esteem is deeply rooted in how women are brought up. Our mothers - someone who has the ability to affect our mindset- tell us outright that you are too dark, too ugly, that your nose is too crooked, your face has too much hype pigmentation. I was told as a child how my lips had a weird shape. Someone, somewhere is constantly critisizing us. Everyone has to tell you some flaw of yours. A girl with a narurally tan complexion was asked -very condescendingly- by a potential suitor's mom if she was sick. It's hard to remain confident sometimes amidst all of this. Mothers constantly critique and point out flaws of their own daughters and the father doesn't even bat an eyelash. I've seen it happening in my home and a lot of different places. Men do have a role to play in all this. Especially mothers. Mothers dump all their bottled passive aggressiveness and insecurities on their daughters. Girls are told how they wont be able to get married for their character. Girls who want to wear Niqab are even told that they will have difficulty in seeking a spouse. Amidst all this, a woman becomes extremely torn and confused. I really, really hope you read this.
SubhaanAllaah... my mom NEVER paid any attention to physical beauty, she always said what's inside is what's important. Beauty will fade away, but your character is what is shine through. There were NO beauty treatments, make up always looked down upon. She herself is till today such a simple lady. And therefore I grew up believing I was beautiful despite being just average, dont know how to do make up or styling etc which all the other girls are so good at. So definitely, our moms and what they repeat to us certainly has a great impact.
@@ummbilaal4462 Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu.
Indeed what are mothers do greatly affects us.
Ma shaa Allah 😊. Simplicity is a part of our faith. It's good that you consider yourself beautiful. I love how your mother brought you up. May Allah give you and yours Aafiyah in both worlds. Aameen
Special if your mom hates relatives of your father and you look like one of them, her hate move to her own child subhaAllah. It is hard to grow up with words your sister beautiful and you so ugly and after i grow up i find i am not ugly at all. Still some times i think why my husband love's me i am so ugly. But my deen stop me and i remember ayah where described how Allah created humans in beautiful shape.
Ustadh Gabriel, you’re a gem and have stated such important facts. You’ve really lifted the confidence of women with this video and encouraged them to appreciate their natural self. That’s what we need in this fake world. Jazakallah khair habibi
This man talks very rationaly and logically.
First time finding your channel. I really enjoyed the content. Thank you for creating & sharing this.
There are so many good points made in this video. One thing I would mention though is Insha’Allah us muslim women can easily overcome this problem just by understanding looks are a part of Rizq. Some people will be more beautiful and that is okay. A practical tip is if you see a beautiful woman say Masha’Allah and ask Allah SWT to increase them in beauty. This will Insha’Allah mean one you are not putting nazr on another muslim woman or any woman and secondly you are actively working against the whispers of Shaytan. If you pray for good for others good will always come your way.
Beautifully said brother. Jazaki Allah Khairan.
“They dont understand each other” lol but true. Great video. You are absolutely right its hard these days to be confident with what Allah gave you.
Only if you care about silly people but we dont have to take silly people as our teacher 😂 Peoples opinions change with the wind but the Truth cant be moved
@@malikialgeriankabyleswag4200 absolutely
God bless you and your family.
JazakAllahu khairan for this beautiful advice.
Confidence starts from home. Your up bringing. My dad told me as a 12 year old child I was so ugly no 1 will marry me.
May Allah heals you
Subhanallah sister, I wish you healing
He didn't call you ugly...he has called a blessed human created/ fashioned by Allah Taala that....I hope he repents ...... because your worth comes from the most High not your dad or anyone else. Stay blessed.
Dear sister l want you to know that you are beautiful just the way are🌹
You're Allah's creation l repeat Allah's creation, unique master peace ☝️
Much love ❤️
I'm sorry that the 12 year old you had to hear that and grow with that.
May Allah heal your heart, mind and soul.
May Allah keep you content.
Brother im really impressed by ur content 🙂 it’s interesting i just discovered it may allah increase ur knowledge im learning im going to share it cause i think this is an important message
Really nice insights 👍
Very much appreciated !!!
Jizakallahu kheeyr may brother Gabriel may Allah reward you Ameen .
You hit the nail on the head.
Untreated childhood trauma…. Most issues go back to this no matter what…:(
Also brother, some people who go from not loving themselves then to loving themselves become arrogant. Like a husband/wife who has low self esteem because of weight or whatever reasons, then starts to “love themselves” and forget about their spouse or other people and act like they are better than everyone. Kinda like becoming selfish.
Fantastic point. Very important to bring that up too
You're right self respect is very important
Thank you for this video, I would agree with another previous comment that women who have low self esteem develop it from childhood. If you're not loved and respected properly by your parents, especially your father as a woman we develop low self esteem and low confidence.
If your not properly loved and respected by your mother it'll hurt your self esteem and you'll have low self confidence cause it's your mom the first woman in your life who's projecting her insecurities onto you
Asalamu alaikum, I agree. What is more interesting is that when women put on makeup, most are faced with the reminder every night when they remove the makeup that they don’t look anything like the made up face, what an awful way to treat yourself, or empower yourself. Also what good is it to make a potential husband believe that you look like the makeup face, then once married, he is faced with the reality that you look completely different and not in a good way.
This 💯. My aunt sent me a picture of a potential wife who i thought looked good. I met her in real life and she looked like a totally different person. She said she was wearing a lot of makeup in the picture. She wasn't attractive to me in real life. I had to gently tell her that if she wants to find a husband, she should send pictures that show her natural self instead of a made up self. My female relatives still can't believe that I turned the potential wife down, as they didn't believe me that she looked like a totally different person.
You tell us at the end to care for natural beauty more , but men are so over exposed to the fakeness and social media ideals, they expect more! It's so sad! I want to cry now.
i’m worried about this too because the women on social media have perfect eyebrows, perfect legs, perfect body, some are hairless because they go to places where other people remove the hair for them almost permanently (exposing awrah)…it’s hard out here sis.
@@hanan-uj9yk yh the internet sadly made it popular 😒
Salamwalekum akhi
Wonderful video!
We Muslim Women, in Islam, don't need the majority of the society, meaning: trends, status, and so on. We don't need to follow anyone, except Mohammed p.b.u.h as our role model.
They talk about feminism, Allah told in the Quran about the rights of women (and men) that they need and want.
There's no need for all of this chaos and so on and so forth...
And by the way, if you truly want to love yourself, then love Allah first (by his names ) You will come to an understanding, of how his love will flourish upon yourself.
Damn you literally comment on every one of his videos 😭😭😭😭, alhamdulillah sister 🙏
JazakaAllah Qayr very much needed reminder.
Very Good work brother to literate People love your speech
the sheikh is legend jazakalak
Ladies don't fake yourself because if you do you are more likely not going to attract real men. Fake for fake, Real for real. By the way Jazzakumullahu Khoiron Bro Al Romani, I love you for the sake of Allah.
I agree with alot of the comments below, talking about within the family and the impact of mothers and fathers on their daughter's self esteem. Think about the women who have grown up away from the influences of the west. And then in a family where extended family influence is strong, then all the family members are responsible. In my own childhood, I was always compared to my lighter skinned cousins, and made to feel inferior. It has influenced me so much that my own preferences even towrad the opposite sex was influenced by that perception of light skin being more beautiful. It's so messed up, I have to keep reminding myself that Allah cares only about the inside not the outside, that we were all made so beautiful, but my mind has been conditioned to always compare my colour to other lighter skinned girls :(
Asslamoaliakoam warahmatulah he barakatu brother i love your videos you dont
Use the sweet tongue you speak facts Ma sha Allah keep doing the work people who comment negative
Comments let them you keep serving the deen
You are right ✅
Muslim women are beautiful with hyya ,loyalty to their families and taking care of their families their parda,prayers and wisdom are their beauty
Ok.. inshallah
I am an advertising graduate and what was mentioned about psychology in the industry is very true, they employ psychologists who run tests and research how to refine and direct a message to a particular audience, whether male, female, a race or community etc they look into habits of a specific audience, the psychographic, demographic, cultural information etc and know how to pin point the message to speak directly to the audience in their tone of voice.
did you get what movie he was talking about
AsSalaamualaykum brother Gabriel.. Please also make a video on Mens low self esteem... Lately I have seen many young men who are intelectually smart but with low self esteem.. They think they are not good looking enough to attract pretty girls... They dont realise that pretty girls do not always look for guys with 6 packs.. Most prefer responsible and educated guys... Wallahu 'allam..
problem is what women say can differ from what they desire
@@muhammadmafaz8530 the same goes with men
@@Freedom_for_Palestina not in general. Men know their market value but women manipulate their own market value.
Salam alaykoum... This is true, however, low self confindence isn't only about look...
وعليكم السلام
جزاكم الله خيرا
It's 12:57 for me "you end up looking like a genetically engineered barbie, Au'dhubillah" 🤣🤠
Wallah this life is difficult for us women!!!
جزاك الله خير ❤👍🏼
Ok low self esteem is exactly what image? Imo it's a broader term rather than just image. I feel it has to do with emotional wounds too. Those can take some people's confidence away.
BEST VIDEO SOEECH EVER😅🎉😅TRUE WORDS🎉Maje more videos pleeezZ Shaikhna
This reminds me of how shaitan wanted to entice the children of Adam alayhisalam to the other side of beautiful women and music
As Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu Allahi Brother Gabriel Romaani I agree but how do teach the brother to be more kind to women who have that issue or show how to help the women out of that issue?
Very good motivational speech,❤️
You speak the truth about women may allah bless you
But there is another side is the men had to realize this truth about girls in medias
Thats can help the women
To regain her confidence.
Аllah. Write in cap letter
social media for social engineering faster than ever.
MashAllah brother Allah yahfazak
What’s the name of the documentary he mentioned please? Thank you very much
I love it when he says genetically engineered Barbie
This is common in west. Fillers etc
subhanAllah it is so hard for me to find myself beautiful :(( i am trying to love myself more but i have nothing to admire at this point. my skin is not fair & my hair is not wavy/straight. i live in the usa and beauty standards are eurocentric. i am a caribbean girl & in the caribbean the best girls are lightskin and very big curvy. i am the opposite. self confidence and self love is easier said than done. now i cannot even look in the mirror without crying. i am only 16 , how can i even go on like this? i wish i could at least get a rhinoplasty but that is haram :( alhamdulillah i am trying my best. now i am stuck with an eating disorder & i hate to admit it but i dont even want to get better from this :(( and i am a black latina do i will always have the lower hand, no advantage. the white latinas are always more desired by men. i just hope i get married when i am older & my looks do not hinder me, inshAllah ta’ala
May Allah give you a righteous spous sister Amin. Remember Allah doesnt judge you based on your apearence but your intentions and actions. So what if you not lightskin or curvy or have wavy/straight hair. Alhamdulillah Allah created you like this your parents were overjoyed when you were born In Sha Allah when you have kids they will think your one of the most beautiful women on earth or even the most beautifull.
Trust me someone will like you the way you look you dont need to change yourself after teenage past you will start loving how you look. And standard beauty always change. Remember when small lips where seen as beautiful than now is girls with big lips,.
It changes You will start to love yourself .
Yh it’s very clear this is a male perspective on low self esteem in women. Men probably assume it stems from not feeling like the most beautiful woman in the world but it really really isn’t mainly that at all.
I’ve seen plenty of women with less beauty be the most confident and vice versa. Imo, low self-confidence stems from fears or people-pleasing tendencies that perhaps derive from our childhood or parental dynamics.
He quite literally was quoting studies.
read the book The Persuaders by Vance Packard
جزاك الله خيرا
اللهم اجعلنا عباد إحسان ولا تجعلنا عباد إمتحان😂🎉😢
I’m not ugly but I’m definitely not most fancied girl cause I don’t flaunt my beauty like 99% of people
Are you pretty
Me too ukht
You will be the one laughing in the aakhirah inshAllah. I understand you sis, sometimes shaytan whispers "would life be be more exciting if I exposed more?"
This guy is good Mash’Allah
men need to stop thinking we live for them lol.
No, it is correct. The only reason why you're a woman, why you exist as a woman, is because you need to mate with a man. And vice versa.
Why was Eve created?
@@ColonelFluffles No women and man exist to serve and worship Allah.
@@farhiyaa4880 sister, biologically speaking, please...
@@farhiyaa4880 intimacy is a form of worship
O M G 🤔🤣 WHO Doesn't know of islam nowadays ⭐ it's more famous than pop stars in Hollywood 😅
The way you look physically influences your personality and behavior. because your physical appearance provides advantages in social interactions. attractive women earn more money than less attractive women
They are also thought to be healthier and lead happier life.
@Black Roses
Thats y in an ideal islamic khilafah all this problem are actually done away....
Man dont look n lower their gaze
N women lower gaze n cover..
Problem solved no presure on women wht so ever so flowing with trend n hurting them selves coz of trend which ironically is in line with mens desire ( refuting the laughable claim that proper shariee hijab oprreses! Aothobillah.)
And also for the men their wives will the queen n dream women they ever dreamt about since they never sae other women or not so many women to think their wives as ugly
Which is very unlikely to happenn given that all this islamic values laws n sharia r in governmeny n on authority. So rest of their lives until they die they will thing their wives r the most beautiful women in the planet
Subhannallah, such is the beauty of our deen of our shariah of our Lord.
@Black Roses subhanallah I wear niqab but these days all I hear from men who are looking to get married is "nice body nice body nice body". Alhamdulillah I was on medication for some medical problem that is now resolved but as a result I gained some weight that I'm struggling to lose. I've given up now on finding a husband because fat is unattractive and i exercise to no avail lol. Suppose I will suffice with pleasing Allah through serving my parents in this dunyah.
i know good looking women who suffer from illness they dont always have easy and happy life
haqqq!!!! I Love it
Wallahi if woman do this, why we have to compete these useless women? What happened to lower your gaze, brother?
capitalism and satanism
hate to admit, but, even if i used all the filters whatsoever, i would still be ugly.
Do not say anything like that ever again😤
@@goldenemitte2245 yes your beautiful girl
Sis, I myself suffer from low confidence but please don't think like this. Allah created us the way He wanted in the best of ways. May Allah make it easy for us 🖤
Slm Allahuma baarik
try to Reconsider your harsh ways😳Why are yr teachings so cultural so Saudi type so Wahaby or Azhary🙄not moderate😭very uneasy on women and kids 🕋BUT PBUH used to choose the easiest, the smoothest ways, when he PBUH came to choose between anything, PleeezZ Re think
اللهم صلي علي حبيبك وحبيبنا محمد رسول الله 🕋 سيدنا محمد جماله في أخلاقه الحميدة وكمان بوجهه المضيئة وجماله في لياقته البدنية وجسمه الشريفة وجماله في بشاشة وجهه وسماحة طبعه ورحمته على الضعيف والفقير والطفل والمرأة، كان ومازال جمال رسول الله في صمعته الي يوم القيامة وايضا جماله في لسانه وجوامع الكلم وصلاته وصيامه وقيامه وولآئه يا حبيبي يا رسول الله
What are u even saying? What he says is truth - if only women will listen.
Excuse me, but islam is a huge reason women have low self esteem!!!
no it is because of society doug
Islam was the first on Earth to give woman rights, do your research before you try to defame the words of Allah
@@RAH.910 my cousin name is the same as yours😂
As a revert to Islam I totally disagree. I have more self esteem since becoming a Muslim.
What about Homosexual Men with low self esteem? What's your islamic view on that?
There's no homosexuality in Islam so there's your answer.
It's haram.
@@sonyaxperia6084 Than why does Allah say in Quran that woman are only allowed to be seen without hijab by certain people and he including homosexual men in that group.
The Death Penalty