after a while everyone has a certain level of skills and knowledge of dota. the difference between winning and losing is the communication between 5 players
dex dieterman First of all you fool, tucker is not a streamer, just a friend of Sing2x, second, are you really telling me that Tucker is better than Dendi and he is 322? Suck it bro...
Atakan TheTurkadam 1.Tucker is a streamer 2.dendi is better that was just a joke about tucker 3.i pref Tucker cause i hate navi and i always watch Singx2, bulldog, S4, Tucker & akroma
13 mana guy has still nightmares:(
I was finding Puppey's stream..10 years ago...*crying in corner*
after a while everyone has a certain level of skills and knowledge of dota. the difference between winning and losing is the communication between 5 players
Puppey Kuro Sing Tucker Bulldong, best twitch stack ever
Dendi actually, instead of Tucker
Atakan TheTurkadam tucker > dendi just bcs tucker is funny and dendi is 322 Kappa
dex dieterman First of all you fool, tucker is not a streamer, just a friend of Sing2x, second, are you really telling me that Tucker is better than Dendi and he is 322? Suck it bro...
Atakan TheTurkadam 1.Tucker is a streamer 2.dendi is better that was just a joke about tucker 3.i pref Tucker cause i hate navi and i always watch Singx2, bulldog, S4, Tucker & akroma
any stream who has teeban = good stream
so true
They also talked over I think c9 vs vp
such a pro...never misses against pa
More Puppey strim plis!!
20 years since puppey stream
10 years since puppey strim :'(
Why was I at work when this happened WHY
FIGHT ME Puppeyface
puppey is the best
Was that ODPixel ?Also when does Puppey stream ?
Puppey is da best
it's been 10 years and u only played 2 games? wtf Puppey :((( giff us more :'(
Theeban aka 1437
how does he get the arrow for his spells?
dota_disable_range_finder 0
Good job
whos SENPAI! ?
+5 mmr LUL