Yeah, when I first started on my first game of civ v i didnt really know what to do, i played on settler difficulty. that's when I found out that i was actually decent at the game.
I'm playing as Russia. I see that my starting location is a Russia heaven full of tundra, wonders and vodka so I choose to focus on religion and lay back. Around turn 30 I meet England and the USA far far away behind a huge Jungle. US is super friendly at first. England is being a dick. 10 turns later both of them declare war on me at the same time. Not a joint war - for some reason both of them thought it will be a good idea to go after a nation far far away that is doing nothing but to lay back and drink vodka. 10/10 realism.
Broken wizzard they are screwing Russia for annexing Crimea by turn 40 while they ha e been plotting against Russia secretly for the last 10 turns since they met you. This is Realism 101.
Bram Nope. In fact spreading my religion helped to calm down England.I think it's something to do with their secret agenda, both hate me for "unknown reasons".
Neon Madness I thought kek would be enough to show I'm not serious lol. Anyway I know who Heisenberg is, I just wanted to have a little banter but oh well
Tip: Get trade routes to your own cities first for the roads and then at the end because trading with your own cities yields far more production than you'll get from foreign cities which is vital for late game production.
I think the art style is great. Much better than 5. Colorful and vibrant environment. Bold shapes and interesting character designs. I don't know why everyone obsesses over 'realistic' art.
I mean for most of history we didn't even know how to make hyper-realistic art. And if I am about that please post a link to a source so that I can read more about it.
I'm just stopping by to say I appreciate you doing these vids. I don't care for this game, nor was I even considering buying it, but you need to know what you do is definitely appreciated. Thank you.
dude districts aren't just a flavor change, planning your districts from when you first found the city is very important, if you get a +2 or even +3 bonus on your industrial district in the first city is going to translate into a huge bonus. the district thing is one of the best changes to civ ever xD
gameranx yeah, it drives people crazy because it's so much easier just putting them on automatic exploring, and by the looks of it you just put command them by random, so it makes no difference, except for wasting time.
Ghandi literally has a "wont hold back nuclear weapons" trait... I really like the game, but i dont think its as good as civ 5. that game is nearly perfect.
Walter Carvalho Well in the beginning civ 5 was dry. But with the expansions it became alot more fleshed out. I like it in it's current state but the expansions will make it better.
This is the best Civ game at release and it will only get better by the time Civ 7 comes round you'll be like Wow Civ 6 was so expansive compared to this.
as someone who has played both, i can say that overall civ 6 is better, yes you can argue that civ 5 in its current state has more content, but that's because it has a shit ton of expansions packed on, civ 6 currently is almost just as fleshed out as civ 5 and that's only in its vanilla state with no expansion. if givin time, i think civ 6 will be the best civ game currently released
I've been playing this game non-stop all weekend. The new systems are very refined and intuitive to pick up. Overall, I am loving this game! Civ fans must play, everyone else should definitely try it, but be warned of the voices in your head, "one more turn."
I've been playing this game off and on since the day it came out, and I love it! Especially with the two new DLCs that completely change the game (although they could stand some tweaking to the logic). My only real complaint, and it really just seems like an oversight, is that you still can't deconstruct in this game. It really makes no sense. In real life, cities demolish their own constructs all of the time. Total War doesn't have this issue, and it's probably the biggest thing that makes Total War superior to Civ. I thought it would be solved with time, but now I'm hoping that people complain enough and it gets fixed via DLC. Please vote this comment up if you're here years later and just want the ability to deconstruct buildings/districts.
if they added adecinstruct feature the game would become way too easy city planning is very important in civ and making it so you can just demolish things takes away alot of the planning.
@@borisbear1885 Sorry, but there's nothing about what you said that makes sense. Have you played Total War 3K? You're allowed to deconstruct and it doesn't dramatically affect the difficulty of the game. If it did, they could just create a way to make it costly. Maybe making it affect happiness. In Civ you don't even get to plan half of the time, you're just stuck with whatever districts were built before you took the city. I don't even like the one district type per city limit. If I want to put two encampments in the same city, allow me. There would be enough penalties based on the imbalance of the city. What they shouldn't resort to is making things very unrealistic. Literally, it's a game about history where you can't deconstruct buildings. That's not historically accurate at all.
Christian Riddler there is a difference between something being visually unplayable and disagreeing with the directing of style. In Civ 6 you can see everything clearly so I'm sorry if you are disappointed in the style but it still looks fine
Connor Feeney I really dislike the disney cartoon style on the game, I bet the gameplay is fine but those graphics is the only thing that puts me off. Its the only game where graphics has really decided it for me.
arr-two-dee-two disliking aspects of the menu/UI is different (and for me more valid than say "graphic sux for screw this game!") and I do agree that the menus and whatnot are simpler than Civ 5 and I prefer the art deco style of the menus in Civ 5, but I do like removing fog of war for a map. It just bugs me when someone (in the face of compelling gameplay and addictiveness) refute and dismiss a game for mostly superficial reasons
i think the artstyle is great... and it reminds me of a cross between a board game like catan, and the old cartoons about asterix and obelix. and i think it matches the relaxed gameplay those type of games has...
I just elapsed my 100th hour playing. For those considering buying 6, I definitely recommend it. I forgot about Civ V very quickly, and I have been glued to the game. As for the graphics, I was concerned myself going in, but now I can barely remember what V looks like... :D
I've never played the series, and was hoping that this would give me an idea whether or not as a new player I should try it or not, but this was really geared towards someone who has sunk a lot of time into the series previously.
I have been playing Civilization since the third installment and I love the changes they have made in this game also casting Sean Bean as the narrator is pretty epic (almost as epic as casting Lenard Nimoy in 4) I just hope they bring him back for the expansion packs that we all know will come later on.
Incredible game play. I'm currently at turn 1000. I completed the research tree at turn 500 on domination victory. During domination, every civilization is angry and willing to denounce you for moving a builder or go to war over making a tank crew. Still incredible and excited to eventually use a thermonuclear bomb on the Spanish for cramping my style.
As someone whos been playing civ since 2001, I have to say this is the most 'complete' from release Civ I think I've ever played. And I don't know why its not been said often, but the most impressive part is that they've pretty much encapsulated nearly all DLC's from civ 4 and 5 in 6s first release (something that made Civ 5 really disappointing was how bare-bones it was at v1) Also, this has been their best multiplayer experience so far too. Faster speed, allows for Mods again, and the pitboss mode is far more stable.
Haha, I always thought the same thing. Surprise ! Turns out they designed this game to be a mobile game !! Hence the dumbed down gameplay and graphics... 😒
im loving how i dont have to worry about an ally turning on me suddenly or even having war at all since it's much more viable now than before to win through other means
>easier to coexist with other Civs Every game I get spawned next to Rome and they get mad at me for not having a big enough military or not spread my land.
There was a vesion of Rise of Nations that had an evil magic (i think) race, a magic sand-based race and a steampunk based human race. Anyone remember what that game was called? I think it was a spin-off of another popular RTS similar to how Age of Mythology was a spinoff of Age of Empires.
There is also Eureka and Inspiration system you didn't mention. Every science and civics research has an optional objective under it. And if you complete it,you get half of that research done immediately,even if you aren't researching that. For example when you build your first pasture,you get half of horseback riding research for free. I think this system is really important. Especially in harder difficulties and multiplayer,where you have to do stuff most efficiently. This system makes a lot of sense too. What you do,and what you encounter basically shapes your future trough tech bonuses. If you are going for early military, you are that much likely to get military science AND civic (culture) bonuses,and that way you won't get left behind for producing military.
It's finally coming to PS4. I started as a PC gamer and as life got busy (travelling, working abroad, becoming a dad. You know, life) I got a console. I've always missed RTS games and Anno was my all time favourite. So I'm glad to give this a go.
In my opinion this game is good, its launch is good, its potential is just great, and I know it'll be realized. But the game still has its problems: Civs declare war on you for no reason. Civs almost ALWAYS break their promises, even if they are your friends or allies. I once had abug where Russia declared war on me for no reason, and then I saw my own leader declare war on MYSELF, then I met Egypt and we immediately were in war (probably they declared war on me before I even met them, and cuz I didn't meet them it showed my skin and not Cleopatra's). The discuss system is not that impressive, and I really think they should let you ask for civs to not do things (settle near you or convert your cities) before they begin doing it, and that you could ask for them to move their forces out of your cities, because that can really annoy me sometimes. Overall, I know in a few months after the patches the bugs will be fixed, and then the game will be really great.
There's a bug with war declarations, yeah. I suppose they're gonna fix it. Had the same kinda issue with getting wars for no reason and my leader declaring war on himself, warmonger stuff ensued, etc. But I saved and reloaded and it hasn't happened since and eventually managed to get the other civs to like me again. It's the second bug I encounter (other one was being stuck on "unit needs orders") that has apparently been solved by saving and reloading the save
I know this is the 6th title but as someone who's never played a Civ game, I feel frustrated that no one really explains what this game is. All reviews just assume you know and explain how it compares to other civ games.
I don't usually dislike for me disagreeing with someone, but the fact that you didn't mention the horrible AI tells me you haven't really played the game. The AI can't trade, loses every war against players because they are incapable of military decisions or strategy, they position their cities horribly, denounce you for random reasons, and the only reason they can sometimes keep up is because they blatantly cheat, by locking their gpt for example (they can literally trade away all their gpt, and afterwards somehow still have all of it...). Do some proper play-testing before you make a video like this.
I just like typing things really. I'm using the Firefox browser, and it's so satisfying to type things. The text is just the right size and the fact that I'm spelling everything correctly is just so satisfying.
So it's not just me feeling like I'm poking in the dark. I know my next game will be more informed, but it's fascinating how it leads you in so many ways.
They brought in some stuff from older games like government changing but also added new stuff like the bonus military and economic and etc cards and like culture tree that researches like science. (Correct me if I am wrong). But the biggest improvement I've seen so far is the AI. AI. It's much more fun now. Before it felt kinda passive and just plain simple but now it's active, it's not afraid of war, it's just more decisive. Like that time when the Americans had a huge army of spearman while only having two cuties but being friendly with all others, which was weird but also kinda cool because it munched the big stick agenda.
Nah man if we talkin Civ 5 it seems like everyone hated the Songhai AI except me. I don't know if it has something to do with the way I play this game, but every single time I have been in a game with this otherwise aggressive civ, they become my BFFL's and my mercenary squad. I have never, ever been to war with them.
thats what we danes do. We behaive all fine and dandy untill we stap you in the back with a suprise ride, where we rape, pillage and steal your valuables. It feels good, it feels great.
What blows my mind about this review, and many of the others that I watched when this game first came out, is how perhaps the most crucial element of this game was completely broken at launch and yet glossed over (or in most cases ignored by reviewers). I am of course, referring to the AI. Potential buyer beware, the game is STILL broken in it's current form.
I love civ6. I liked civ 5 but didn't get into it. something about civ 6 just makes me love it. I got the game at 7pm on the day it came out and I already have over 15 hours in it. I'm near the atomic era. I'm playing as Rome and I've been in and out of war with Germany, and Brazil the whole game but now I'm allied with Brazil. France has done nothing but talk shit about me. I'm on turn 404. I cannot wait to continue the game later today and see what happens next. I've never made it to the atomic era before in a civ game.
tell me if it crashes after 300 turns like previous games ,cse i tried many times starting a new game and it just randomly crashes.i meean the previous ones ,didnt play this still. i selected max no of players in game and city states and everything big maybe tht is the reason.
After playing many games of civ 6 I can just say that it's all about picking the spots with the highest food yield or you wont be able to grow your cities much at all. Civ 5 was more forgiving due to various buildings which boosted food production. In civ 6 it's almost entirely up to tiles to produce your food supply which will determine how many districts you can have for each city. I tend to end up with a lot of 1 and 2 district cities.
Yeah and the game has a penchant of really screwing you with resources sometimes, while they give other Civs tons of resources. You can try to rough it out but the game will be SO SLOW that you might as well just make a new game and pray you get a halfway decent start. A lot of cultures kind of suck too.
Ive been playing since civ 3 and while i like some ideas in civ 6, like the black void fog of war replaced with a map, and while civ 6 works within itself, it just doesnt feel right after 2 playthroughs. I like the idea of districts but to implement them meant changing so much that its almost a domino effect. Districts mean less improvements, and workers become builders with limited charge....then repairs become 1 turn (having repairs last multiple turns was good incentive to not have them destroyed in the first place), as builders became limited, thus roads became automatically placed by trade. Military engineers now needed for strategic roads....etc
The game is great, it feels like an updated and improved version of Civ5. I'm not a fan of the art but it is growing on me, but I do find myself using the strategy view more often and that's not a good sign. There are a lot of minor improvements that I feel need to be worked on, the mini map is too small, the unit bubbles are too big, and the districts look too similar to each other when in drawn map form. But these are just little things, the game is great, buy it.
Modguy99 The Clouds were the fog of unexplored areas, but once you discovered it would look like normal just darker because you had no vision there. But this paper crap is always there, it comes and goes as you move.
+Remi Makinwa For a lot of people the graphics and art style affects their experience. The cartoony look and animations completely ruin the game for me
Realism. From a game where Gandhi nukes people, and you rule for nearly 6,000 years without being opposed by your local government? K. I get it, I do, 'gamers' these days demand grit and realism... I just want good gameplay. So what if the graphics are terrible, (these are not) - they represent hard numbers and there's a LOT MORE to represent. They HAD to dumb down the graphics otherwise the engine would conk out.. or do you not remember civ 5 during launch/before it was streamlined?
Dumb down the graphics or the engine would "conk out" ? Your talking out your ass. I develop games in UE4 and this art style hasnt anything to do with the engine. Its a marketing choice. When a dev wants to reach a wider auidence, they go with the lowest denominator, ie the cartoony graphics were seeing here. The same thing recently happend with Dawn of War III. Removed the cover system and went with cartoony graphics in order to appeal to the mass markets. I see where the devs are coming from, but call it as it is. Dont make excuses for them.
I'm not a fan of the contrast: being new to this game, it's taking me a while to work out the commands. The dashboard is confusing enough for me that the brightness and colour contrast really puts me off persisting. Plus, it doesn't explain your options in good enough detail outside of the tutorial...I still haven't figured out how to put down trade routes! Finally, the font on the civilopedia is too small, all of this adds to just giving myself a headache whenever I try to persist in a run. I don't doubt it's a great game once you learn how it works, but it's just not accessible to newcomers.
Civilization 2 is one of my all time favorite games. 3 was such a let down compared to 2 that I didn't get 4 until Civ 5 was released, and then 4 had changed so much compared to 2 & 3 that to this day I've never been able to take the time to sit down and really dig into it. So I obviously completely missed 5 and it seems that in hindsight that ended up being a good thing. So I don't know if I'll try this one. Just the other day I reinstalled Civ 4 to give it another go since I have yet to really play it. Civ 6 looks very cool but I'm probably waiting until it hits the $20 mark to even consider buying it since I'm so far behind the curve.
Tragarful Law just got it on switch and I played it for 4h straight my first time playing the game but being thrown In the game and trying to figure everything out is super fun so yes I’d 100% suggest this game especially on the switch because you can have it on the go
you should do a benchmark they offer it'd be interesting to see. they give you amazing info.. Your review pretty much mirrors my thoughts from before I played to playing it
they need to fix the length of ages vs. the time it takes to build buildings and units. it should be the case that if you research something, you should be able to build a building from that tech, build units from that tech, and then have enough time to exploit that to your advantage. I have always wished they would lengthen the ages and allow more actions within each age.
They just released it for console and I'm getting it. I've loved civ since the very first pc version. Graphics don't make a game...replayability ( is that a word?) and game play do. I don't care about the graphics so much.
For me it just makes everything feel like a joke. Have you seen montezuma in the menus? hes cross eyed. In civ 5 his presence was creepy but in civ 6 i cant help but laugh. alexander the great looks like hes had way too much plastic surgery, ghandi hasnt eaten in years, trajan is on meth and pedro II has a pear for a head. the art style sucks.
This is honestly the first Civ game I've considered buying in a long time and it's because of the new art style. It's smooth, simple, and quite beautiful. Just my opinion though. :3
I like the new aesthetics, it's simple, yes, leaders may look cartoon'y, but the mind tends to work overtime when processing leaders that are created in lifelike 3d
For the longest time the AI's would randomly start a war with you but not actually send any troops you're way, then peace would come, then war again, I try to appease them with gifts for temporary peace then I just get sick of the cycle and starting razing cities. Edit:But then an update came out and fixed the AI but freezes after a couple hours and force reboots my system. After years of being on the market and having patches you'd think the devs would clean up the place a little atleast for asking double price for the game and DLC combined. Fuck the consumers right
Just played this game for the first time,and i MUST say..i have no idea what i'm doing..
Welcome to the Civilization series! No one knows what they're doing at first.
Yeah, when I first started on my first game of civ v i didnt really know what to do, i played on settler difficulty. that's when I found out that i was actually decent at the game.
Welcome to life! No one knows what they're doing, at all
GepardenK I know what I'm doing! Stumbling around like Helen Keller in a hedge maze ;P
Everyone is decent on settler. You can colonize the moon in 1800.
I'm playing as Russia. I see that my starting location is a Russia heaven full of tundra, wonders and vodka so I choose to focus on religion and lay back. Around turn 30 I meet England and the USA far far away behind a huge Jungle. US is super friendly at first. England is being a dick.
10 turns later both of them declare war on me at the same time. Not a joint war - for some reason both of them thought it will be a good idea to go after a nation far far away that is doing nothing but to lay back and drink vodka.
10/10 realism.
Broken wizzard Well, it is realistic.
Broken wizzard they are screwing Russia for annexing Crimea by turn 40 while they ha e been plotting against Russia secretly for the last 10 turns since they met you. This is Realism 101.
maybe they got mad because you spread your religion to their cities
Bram Nope. In fact spreading my religion helped to calm down England.I think it's something to do with their secret agenda, both hate me for "unknown reasons".
Broken wizzard Oh allright then you have to use spies to find it out, right?
It's odd, the older I get... The more I like games that I thought were totally boring as a kid....
hilyfe01 cuz u understand them now
As we get older we find that "Boom boom pow pow" becomes boring while "Strategy and planning in advance" become thrilling.
You are a men or a women now.
Cuz ur brain developed and ur no longer and ignorant tard
Can't relate, I grew up playing Civ III more than anything else
buy? nah, just wait 4 years to get it for free.
lol I'm here because its free for now
this legend actually hearted 4 years later
Got it for free too
@@Duke-20-prod ikr
yep im here to see if its good enough to download it
Why am I watching this? I already bought it. Gameranx is some hypnotising shit.
Pim Nelissen nice Gandhi profile pic kek
Michael Moscrop #\//\ It's Heisenberg.
Pim Nelissen someone doesn't understand sarcasm
Sorry we're on the internet if you haven't noticed, we can't detect tone as well. Lol gj
Neon Madness I thought kek would be enough to show I'm not serious lol. Anyway I know who Heisenberg is, I just wanted to have a little banter but oh well
For me England at first hates me for not having an army
After that declares war
After spams fucking peace
Bitch what do you want ?
shes a woman what do you expect
Eurrikke Edward I am triggered.
Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England?
Send them Tea and they'll be fine
They want you to claim another settlement, here I'll mark it on you're map.
It's pretty good.
gameranx Is that glock?
gameranx hey that's pretty good
ayy, thats pretty goood
sweet :D
Oh hell yeah.
Tip: Get trade routes to your own cities first for the roads and then at the end because trading with your own cities yields far more production than you'll get from foreign cities which is vital for late game production.
who needs production when you have 100000 gold
who downloading this for free right now
yup lol
Me lol
Hell yeah, welcome to the broke club
Joining in
now it's more like "CIVILIZATION VI - Before You Download"
Cheers for the free game!
@Catur Ca *"Just"* still better than waiting for gta 5 last week
Ghandi in the thumbnail telling me to wait before I buy this.
So Original he's gonna nuke you, if you don't buy it 😂
.... Whenever I play and Ghandi is in the game he is always the first to declare war on anyone lmao.
In the game gandhi loves bulding of nuclear wepons...
It's Gandhi.
Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi
Aka Mahathma (great soul) Gandhi
Cause its free now
anyone here after it went free on pc?
yes,was looking for this comment :D
I just got a ad for it being free 😂
Yeah bro, I feel completely random on what’s this game all about
Before you buy, wait for sales.
Let's be honest we're all using PC and Steam here
FlattenedRabbit well this game is only on pc
you'll have to wait around a year for a new release to be on sale though.... unless the game is shit
this right here is why major developers dont give a fuck about the pc peasants
Rusty Nugget lol triggered #PCMasterRace
Rusty Nugget haters gonna hate
I loved going into Civ5 blind. It was so cool to see what the next upgraded unit would look like.
I'm starting to feel like the only Civ fan that doesn't hate the art style choice.
RMaclin I like it.
I think the art style is great. Much better than 5. Colorful and vibrant environment. Bold shapes and interesting character designs. I don't know why everyone obsesses over 'realistic' art.
I mean for most of history we didn't even know how to make hyper-realistic art. And if I am about that please post a link to a source so that I can read more about it.
RMaclin I love the art style.
Love this art style!
hope everyone has a great day
You to bud
go fuck yourself
I'm just stopping by to say I appreciate you doing these vids. I don't care for this game, nor was I even considering buying it, but you need to know what you do is definitely appreciated. Thank you.
All world leads should unite to stop the decline of the bee population.
MF Whom ? Finally reasonable people on UA-cam we should make a bee farm
That would be such an epic game!!!
That would be such an epic game!!!
So basically people are dumb and fuck too much, I get it.
It's hip to fuck bees
"It speaks for the quality of the game if the only major concern are the choice of visuals" - Read in Sean Beans voice please
dude districts aren't just a flavor change, planning your districts from when you first found the city is very important, if you get a +2 or even +3 bonus on your industrial district in the first city is going to translate into a huge bonus. the district thing is one of the best changes to civ ever xD
I cry when you don't use the automatic exploration for scouts.
I hate it still need to give orders if it get's close to a enemy unit. If i care keep going stupid scout.
marco streng well, I feel like it has saved them multiple times, because otherwise they'd just run closer to the enemy and get killed.
+DonNinja it's a weird habit I've always had and it drives people crazy
gameranx yeah, it drives people crazy because it's so much easier just putting them on automatic exploring, and by the looks of it you just put command them by random, so it makes no difference, except for wasting time.
Non-automatic exploring is more fun. Feels like you have something to do
Queen Victoria doesn't embrace using spies. Catherine, the Queen of France does.
Ghandi literally has a "wont hold back nuclear weapons" trait... I really like the game, but i dont think its as good as civ 5. that game is nearly perfect.
Walter Carvalho Well in the beginning civ 5 was dry. But with the expansions it became alot more fleshed out. I like it in it's current state but the expansions will make it better.
Tbh the only thing that would have made civ 5 better is if there were climate changes and natural disasters.
I kind of miss the random events of Civ 4. I think it's the Beyond the Sword expansion?
This is the best Civ game at release and it will only get better by the time Civ 7 comes round you'll be like Wow Civ 6 was so expansive compared to this.
as someone who has played both, i can say that overall civ 6 is better, yes you can argue that civ 5 in its current state has more content, but that's because it has a shit ton of expansions packed on, civ 6 currently is almost just as fleshed out as civ 5 and that's only in its vanilla state with no expansion. if givin time, i think civ 6 will be the best civ game currently released
I've been playing this game non-stop all weekend. The new systems are very refined and intuitive to pick up. Overall, I am loving this game! Civ fans must play, everyone else should definitely try it, but be warned of the voices in your head, "one more turn."
Haha this happened to me last night, k this will be las turn and i keep playing the goddamn game for hours.
"Don't rely on your army" LOL don't rely on your army haha. I get supreme pleasure in bombing other civs. Supreme.
supreme with anchovies?
I get supreme pleasure in nuking India.
Buber Marcus lmao
0:37 how could you spoil history
I've been playing this game off and on since the day it came out, and I love it! Especially with the two new DLCs that completely change the game (although they could stand some tweaking to the logic). My only real complaint, and it really just seems like an oversight, is that you still can't deconstruct in this game. It really makes no sense. In real life, cities demolish their own constructs all of the time. Total War doesn't have this issue, and it's probably the biggest thing that makes Total War superior to Civ. I thought it would be solved with time, but now I'm hoping that people complain enough and it gets fixed via DLC.
Please vote this comment up if you're here years later and just want the ability to deconstruct buildings/districts.
Hey thanks for the information!
if they added adecinstruct feature the game would become way too easy city planning is very important in civ and making it so you can just demolish things takes away alot of the planning.
@@borisbear1885 Sorry, but there's nothing about what you said that makes sense. Have you played Total War 3K? You're allowed to deconstruct and it doesn't dramatically affect the difficulty of the game. If it did, they could just create a way to make it costly. Maybe making it affect happiness.
In Civ you don't even get to plan half of the time, you're just stuck with whatever districts were built before you took the city. I don't even like the one district type per city limit. If I want to put two encampments in the same city, allow me. There would be enough penalties based on the imbalance of the city. What they shouldn't resort to is making things very unrealistic.
Literally, it's a game about history where you can't deconstruct buildings. That's not historically accurate at all.
There is a remove district mod in steam you can just download it
@@jttx328 What's it called? Is it stable?
4:40 omg the PERFECT campus spot! I never get a mountain circle like that :(
but at the end of the day...isn't gameplay king? I never understood not playing a game because of graphics
So if everything in skyrim had a turd texture then you would still play it?
Christian Riddler there is a difference between something being visually unplayable and disagreeing with the directing of style. In Civ 6 you can see everything clearly so I'm sorry if you are disappointed in the style but it still looks fine
Connor Feeney I really dislike the disney cartoon style on the game, I bet the gameplay is fine but those graphics is the only thing that puts me off. Its the only game where graphics has really decided it for me.
arr-two-dee-two disliking aspects of the menu/UI is different (and for me more valid than say "graphic sux for screw this game!") and I do agree that the menus and whatnot are simpler than Civ 5 and I prefer the art deco style of the menus in Civ 5, but I do like removing fog of war for a map.
It just bugs me when someone (in the face of compelling gameplay and addictiveness) refute and dismiss a game for mostly superficial reasons
i think the artstyle is great... and it reminds me of a cross between a board game like catan, and the old cartoons about asterix and obelix. and i think it matches the relaxed gameplay those type of games has...
I just elapsed my 100th hour playing. For those considering buying 6, I definitely recommend it. I forgot about Civ V very quickly, and I have been glued to the game. As for the graphics, I was concerned myself going in, but now I can barely remember what V looks like... :D
Just finished my first game on emperor difficulty on marathon speed.
Domination is as satisfying as ever. :D
I've never played the series, and was hoping that this would give me an idea whether or not as a new player I should try it or not, but this was really geared towards someone who has sunk a lot of time into the series previously.
I have been playing Civilization since the third installment and I love the changes they have made in this game also casting Sean Bean as the narrator is pretty epic (almost as epic as casting Lenard Nimoy in 4) I just hope they bring him back for the expansion packs that we all know will come later on.
Incredible game play. I'm currently at turn 1000. I completed the research tree at turn 500 on domination victory. During domination, every civilization is angry and willing to denounce you for moving a builder or go to war over making a tank crew. Still incredible and excited to eventually use a thermonuclear bomb on the Spanish for cramping my style.
As someone whos been playing civ since 2001, I have to say this is the most 'complete' from release Civ I think I've ever played. And I don't know why its not been said often, but the most impressive part is that they've pretty much encapsulated nearly all DLC's from civ 4 and 5 in 6s first release (something that made Civ 5 really disappointing was how bare-bones it was at v1)
Also, this has been their best multiplayer experience so far too. Faster speed, allows for Mods again, and the pitboss mode is far more stable.
Remember when Blockbuster existed? I saw a Civilization game in there when I was 12. That is all the Civilization knowledge I posess.
Damn, that was like 9-10 years ago.
The country leaders remind me of Wallace and gromit
King Joel goddam that's savage (and true)
Haha, I always thought the same thing. Surprise ! Turns out they designed this game to be a mobile game !! Hence the dumbed down gameplay and graphics... 😒
@@whiskeybacon4581 1 year later and still no mobile version released, I'm pretty Sure they didn't design it to be a mobile game
@@gravynavy516 Fair enough. Looks like I was wrong !
@@whiskeybacon4581 maybe
''Needs more Gman dropping nukes like Pac used to drop bars'' 2/10 - IGN
Bro it's not ghandi it's gandhi😅
@@koustavsarkar3773 😥
He is Gandhi not Ghandi
Give respect to father of my nation
I been playing since civ 4 and haven't stopped. The layers they keep adding is more intriguing than ever before
So uhm is Gandhi still a based nuclear missile throwing badass then?
his secret agenda has him focus on building nukes and he reacts favorably to those who also amass nuclear missiles
Furthermore, he likes beans, the black and green ones.
Gandhi will ALWAYS be a based nuclear missile throwing badass
Fantastic thumbnail 😂👍🏼
3:06 "You get three of them, and each one can build one thing." xD
the dictator in my wants to crush everyone, cant help but go for a donation victory
im loving how i dont have to worry about an ally turning on me suddenly or even having war at all since it's much more viable now than before to win through other means
I spend 700 hours in Civilization V, going for 1000 in this golden boy.
Undead Entertainment 1000? What are you, an idiot?
_Go for 2000_
In a week!
1000? pleb..
Dr. Tim I have to share my time with Civ 6 and Battlefield 1, so 1000 each
Undead Entertainment Still not enough.
How many people are ''working '' in this channel man? You guys are awesome :D
EvilDeath From the various times Jake has referenced people of camera I get the sense that there is 4 or 5
Or maybe 3
Jake, Falcoln, the new guy, and two people that i've heard in the background on the friday news video. So, 5. But there may be more.
There's Jake, Falcon, The New Guy and Tom
>easier to coexist with other Civs
Every game I get spawned next to Rome and they get mad at me for not having a big enough military or not spread my land.
Paradigma Gabriel tbh idk how rise of nations can get any better besides bug fixes
There was a vesion of Rise of Nations that had an evil magic (i think) race, a magic sand-based race and a steampunk based human race. Anyone remember what that game was called? I think it was a spin-off of another popular RTS similar to how Age of Mythology was a spinoff of Age of Empires.
Whoopedy Doo Dooders Rise of Nations Rise of Legends I think?
Yaasssssss. That shit was fun asf.
There is also Eureka and Inspiration system you didn't mention. Every science and civics research has an optional objective under it. And if you complete it,you get half of that research done immediately,even if you aren't researching that. For example when you build your first pasture,you get half of horseback riding research for free. I think this system is really important. Especially in harder difficulties and multiplayer,where you have to do stuff most efficiently. This system makes a lot of sense too. What you do,and what you encounter basically shapes your future trough tech bonuses. If you are going for early military, you are that much likely to get military science AND civic (culture) bonuses,and that way you won't get left behind for producing military.
It's finally coming to PS4. I started as a PC gamer and as life got busy (travelling, working abroad, becoming a dad. You know, life) I got a console. I've always missed RTS games and Anno was my all time favourite. So I'm glad to give this a go.
In my opinion this game is good, its launch is good, its potential is just great, and I know it'll be realized. But the game still has its problems:
Civs declare war on you for no reason. Civs almost ALWAYS break their promises, even if they are your friends or allies. I once had abug where Russia declared war on me for no reason, and then I saw my own leader declare war on MYSELF, then I met Egypt and we immediately were in war (probably they declared war on me before I even met them, and cuz I didn't meet them it showed my skin and not Cleopatra's). The discuss system is not that impressive, and I really think they should let you ask for civs to not do things (settle near you or convert your cities) before they begin doing it, and that you could ask for them to move their forces out of your cities, because that can really annoy me sometimes.
Overall, I know in a few months after the patches the bugs will be fixed, and then the game will be really great.
There's a bug with war declarations, yeah. I suppose they're gonna fix it. Had the same kinda issue with getting wars for no reason and my leader declaring war on himself, warmonger stuff ensued, etc. But I saved and reloaded and it hasn't happened since and eventually managed to get the other civs to like me again. It's the second bug I encounter (other one was being stuck on "unit needs orders") that has apparently been solved by saving and reloading the save
I know this is the 6th title but as someone who's never played a Civ game, I feel frustrated that no one really explains what this game is. All reviews just assume you know and explain how it compares to other civ games.
I don't usually dislike for me disagreeing with someone, but the fact that you didn't mention the horrible AI tells me you haven't really played the game. The AI can't trade, loses every war against players because they are incapable of military decisions or strategy, they position their cities horribly, denounce you for random reasons, and the only reason they can sometimes keep up is because they blatantly cheat, by locking their gpt for example (they can literally trade away all their gpt, and afterwards somehow still have all of it...). Do some proper play-testing before you make a video like this.
David Hellinga still didn't win a single match. can't be that bad
David Hellinga Stop playing on Settler
Isn’t it that your just playing on the easiest (settler to prince) mode? Try imortal mode and report back
I just like typing things really. I'm using the Firefox browser, and it's so satisfying to type things. The text is just the right size and the fact that I'm spelling everything correctly is just so satisfying.
So it's not just me feeling like I'm poking in the dark. I know my next game will be more informed, but it's fascinating how it leads you in so many ways.
They brought in some stuff from older games like government changing but also added new stuff like the bonus military and economic and etc cards and like culture tree that researches like science. (Correct me if I am wrong). But the biggest improvement I've seen so far is the AI. AI. It's much more fun now. Before it felt kinda passive and just plain simple but now it's active, it's not afraid of war, it's just more decisive. Like that time when the Americans had a huge army of spearman while only having two cuties but being friendly with all others, which was weird but also kinda cool because it munched the big stick agenda.
I'm glad they lowered the aggression. Whenever I play Civ I feel the game forces my ethical decisions based on constant aggressions.
Civ 5. Denmark guy felt like such a cool 'uncle' type friend. Damn backstabber.
Nah man if we talkin Civ 5 it seems like everyone hated the Songhai AI except me. I don't know if it has something to do with the way I play this game, but every single time I have been in a game with this otherwise aggressive civ, they become my BFFL's and my mercenary squad. I have never, ever been to war with them.
thats what we danes do. We behaive all fine and dandy untill we stap you in the back with a suprise ride, where we rape, pillage and steal your valuables. It feels good, it feels great.
I'm hoping Civ 7 will look super realistic and have much more advanced AI
1:25 Isn’t Catherine de Medici of France the spymaster?
Those horses seem really ecstatic xD 02:15
What blows my mind about this review, and many of the others that I watched when this game first came out, is how perhaps the most crucial element of this game was completely broken at launch and yet glossed over (or in most cases ignored by reviewers). I am of course, referring to the AI.
Potential buyer beware, the game is STILL broken in it's current form.
no, i don't buy it's free
Hayato Uzumaki H A Y A T O
Yousef Kirolos Kira Yoshikage
Jake this madness must stop. You need to get that Panini press for Tom and Andrew so that they can have hot lunches everyday.
That is quite possibly the greatest thumbnail image I've ever seen lol
At 6:20 the horses in the background "jump around, jump jump jump."
I love civ6. I liked civ 5 but didn't get into it. something about civ 6 just makes me love it. I got the game at 7pm on the day it came out and I already have over 15 hours in it. I'm near the atomic era. I'm playing as Rome and I've been in and out of war with Germany, and Brazil the whole game but now I'm allied with Brazil. France has done nothing but talk shit about me. I'm on turn 404. I cannot wait to continue the game later today and see what happens next. I've never made it to the atomic era before in a civ game.
BTW a friend of mine that loves civ pre ordered it and I played it first on his computer loved it than decided to buy it.
tell me if it crashes after 300 turns like previous games ,cse i tried many times starting a new game and it just randomly crashes.i meean the previous ones ,didnt play this still. i selected max no of players in game and city states and everything big maybe tht is the reason.
+ninad jadhav I'm at turn 435 and it hasn't crashed yet.
+ninjacats200 o cool maybe I will try it myself then once
I actually really like the look of the game, I'm loving the brightness and somewhat cartooniness of it
Gandhi still goes from 0-10000000 right?
I think he can denounce you if you don't have any nukes.
India's words are backed with nuclear weapons, how about you?@@komatobeast9122
@@TonyDootjes I don't have any uranium at all... (Gandhi took it before me)
After playing many games of civ 6 I can just say that it's all about picking the spots with the highest food yield or you wont be able to grow your cities much at all. Civ 5 was more forgiving due to various buildings which boosted food production. In civ 6 it's almost entirely up to tiles to produce your food supply which will determine how many districts you can have for each city. I tend to end up with a lot of 1 and 2 district cities.
Yeah and the game has a penchant of really screwing you with resources sometimes, while they give other Civs tons of resources. You can try to rough it out but the game will be SO SLOW that you might as well just make a new game and pray you get a halfway decent start. A lot of cultures kind of suck too.
Ive been playing since civ 3 and while i like some ideas in civ 6, like the black void fog of war replaced with a map, and while civ 6 works within itself, it just doesnt feel right after 2 playthroughs. I like the idea of districts but to implement them meant changing so much that its almost a domino effect. Districts mean less improvements, and workers become builders with limited charge....then repairs become 1 turn (having repairs last multiple turns was good incentive to not have them destroyed in the first place), as builders became limited, thus roads became automatically placed by trade. Military engineers now needed for strategic roads....etc
I bought it without watching this. Love it.
The game is great, it feels like an updated and improved version of Civ5. I'm not a fan of the art but it is growing on me, but I do find myself using the strategy view more often and that's not a good sign. There are a lot of minor improvements that I feel need to be worked on, the mini map is too small, the unit bubbles are too big, and the districts look too similar to each other when in drawn map form. But these are just little things, the game is great, buy it.
That brown map paper thing completely breaks immersion.
omarct nah
omarct And a giant wall of clouds and mist doesn't?
Modguy99 The Clouds were the fog of unexplored areas, but once you discovered it would look like normal just darker because you had no vision there. But this paper crap is always there, it comes and goes as you move.
feels like you're playing on an actual map, looks pretty good to me
omarct once you discover land and then lose vision the paper comes back but now it has everything you just saw drawn on it like a map.
You failed to mention another very important feature: Sean Bean's narration.
2:05 ...why are they dancing?
I love the new fog of war.
jejejeje "buy" is no more a thing now, for a week I think
looks like a mobile game
+Remi Makinwa For a lot of people the graphics and art style affects their experience. The cartoony look and animations completely ruin the game for me
Jason ok
Same for me. It doesn't look appealing at all. I would have expected a more professional and realistic look.
I agree the art style does look very much like that, but it does give it some kind of charm too
Realism. From a game where Gandhi nukes people, and you rule for nearly 6,000 years without being opposed by your local government? K.
I get it, I do, 'gamers' these days demand grit and realism... I just want good gameplay. So what if the graphics are terrible, (these are not) - they represent hard numbers and there's a LOT MORE to represent. They HAD to dumb down the graphics otherwise the engine would conk out.. or do you not remember civ 5 during launch/before it was streamlined?
Dumb down the graphics or the engine would "conk out" ? Your talking out your ass. I develop games in UE4 and this art style hasnt anything to do with the engine. Its a marketing choice. When a dev wants to reach a wider auidence, they go with the lowest denominator, ie the cartoony graphics were seeing here.
The same thing recently happend with Dawn of War III. Removed the cover system and went with cartoony graphics in order to appeal to the mass markets. I see where the devs are coming from, but call it as it is. Dont make excuses for them.
I'm not a fan of the contrast: being new to this game, it's taking me a while to work out the commands. The dashboard is confusing enough for me that the brightness and colour contrast really puts me off persisting. Plus, it doesn't explain your options in good enough detail outside of the tutorial...I still haven't figured out how to put down trade routes! Finally, the font on the civilopedia is too small, all of this adds to just giving myself a headache whenever I try to persist in a run. I don't doubt it's a great game once you learn how it works, but it's just not accessible to newcomers.
Thanks for a great review! I definitely know what I want for Christmas now :D
Civilization 2 is one of my all time favorite games. 3 was such a let down compared to 2 that I didn't get 4 until Civ 5 was released, and then 4 had changed so much compared to 2 & 3 that to this day I've never been able to take the time to sit down and really dig into it. So I obviously completely missed 5 and it seems that in hindsight that ended up being a good thing. So I don't know if I'll try this one. Just the other day I reinstalled Civ 4 to give it another go since I have yet to really play it. Civ 6 looks very cool but I'm probably waiting until it hits the $20 mark to even consider buying it since I'm so far behind the curve.
Here after getting the free game 😂, at least watching reviews till it downloads
lol same
where are you getting it for free?
Epuc games
End spoiler: The game ends
I missed the little cutscene in civ IV where they show you the wonder being being built in time lapse
Menus showing layers of info behind layers of info behind layers of info behind layers of info make me cry.
A version came out for console can anyone tell me if it's the same & if not is it worth buying?
Tragarful Law just got it on switch and I played it for 4h straight my first time playing the game but being thrown In the game and trying to figure everything out is super fun so yes I’d 100% suggest this game especially on the switch because you can have it on the go
@@iiarskii thanks for the info!!
SUPPER LowSpecGamer did you get it for full price at 59.99? And if so, is it worth the full price (excluding dlc’s).
Thanks for this, you saved me some money. I'll stick with Civ V for now and spend my money on some RTS games.
The graphics are definitely up to whoever is reviewing, bc I god damn love the art style, coming from someone who loves low poly/minimalistic art
you should do a benchmark they offer it'd be interesting to see. they give you amazing info.. Your review pretty much mirrors my thoughts from before I played to playing it
they need to fix the length of ages vs. the time it takes to build buildings and units. it should be the case that if you research something, you should be able to build a building from that tech, build units from that tech, and then have enough time to exploit that to your advantage. I have always wished they would lengthen the ages and allow more actions within each age.
They just released it for console and I'm getting it. I've loved civ since the very first pc version. Graphics don't make a game...replayability ( is that a word?) and game play do. I don't care about the graphics so much.
For me it just makes everything feel like a joke. Have you seen montezuma in the menus? hes cross eyed. In civ 5 his presence was creepy but in civ 6 i cant help but laugh. alexander the great looks like hes had way too much plastic surgery, ghandi hasnt eaten in years, trajan is on meth and pedro II has a pear for a head. the art style sucks.
How many leaders are there so far?
Tieflingamer 3
19 I believe
There are 20 leaders
why the fuck did you ask then?
I love the look, so much easier to look at.
This is honestly the first Civ game I've considered buying in a long time and it's because of the new art style. It's smooth, simple, and quite beautiful.
Just my opinion though. :3
I like the new aesthetics, it's simple, yes, leaders may look cartoon'y, but the mind tends to work overtime when processing leaders that are created in lifelike 3d
Well i have not played anything civ at all because it looks to complicated. But i might try civ 6
Quantumplatinum haha i have the same thaugt... i really want to try this one :D
I've recently bought Civ 5 (ain't got 60e for a turn based game) and it's super fun, but by the looks Civ 6 looks more complicated
buy 5 instead, way cheaper
I will wait for steam sale.
get Civ 4 instead, way better than 5
For the longest time the AI's would randomly start a war with you but not actually send any troops you're way, then peace would come, then war again, I try to appease them with gifts for temporary peace then I just get sick of the cycle and starting razing cities.
Edit:But then an update came out and fixed the AI but freezes after a couple hours and force reboots my system. After years of being on the market and having patches you'd think the devs would clean up the place a little atleast for asking double price for the game and DLC combined. Fuck the consumers right
30 hours in 2 days...I think I may have a problem
I can run this fairly well on an old laptop, that really struggled to handle Civ5, now that's cool.
what i have always felt i liked is not diplomacy, city managment, or even war, but rather how much geography matters.