  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @epleprekahn
    @epleprekahn Рік тому +153

    The kitty wants to play.

    • @Handshue
      @Handshue Рік тому +7

      Let it play, please Stakuyi

    • @cyrusholeuwu4074
      @cyrusholeuwu4074 Рік тому +6

      More Cat pls

    • @dancook828
      @dancook828 Рік тому +2

      We need more cat content!

    • @szadun
      @szadun Рік тому +3

      Do a Kitty plays episode. Give the cat a paper with the focuses, have her choose.

    • @Handshue
      @Handshue Рік тому +3

      @@szadun we need to do this

  • @frostyxx6845
    @frostyxx6845 Рік тому +179

    As a Czech boyo, I completely agree. Basically the only thing you can do as Czechoslovakia is to defend or die trying. But even if you defend, it's extremely boring. There are no *interesting* new focuses, you can only build up your industry and wait until the germans are weakened. The only fun part about the focus tree is killing Hungarians early (sorry), which is kinda a must do. I hope it'll get updated some day. Justice for Czechoslovakia!

    • @avaragecheeseenjoyer9948
      @avaragecheeseenjoyer9948 Рік тому +4

      I mean you can try to form austria hungary by killing Germany when they come for you and hold out until the German civil war happens. Then go for all the territory you need to form austria hungary. I guess that could be fun but yeah the Czechoslovakian tree sucks

    • @marcuswillbrandt5901
      @marcuswillbrandt5901 Рік тому +7

      The nation would have a lot of potential in the timeframe. For instance, Hungarian intervention in the polish-soviet war was prevented just because Czech leadership said no to entering their country. From that story alone you could probably write most of the communist focus tree (no clue what the other ones would be like, the word "Zapadoslavia" would probably appear at last once...)
      I think it fell to the trap of being too important so they gave them an early focus tree that just was never updated.

    • @thetrueluigi9254
      @thetrueluigi9254 Рік тому +2

      ​@@avaragecheeseenjoyer9948its acctually possible to form it before germany comes for you

    • @jaredjosephsongheng372
      @jaredjosephsongheng372 Рік тому

      The only interesting Czech path is communism

    • @NARKYCZ
      @NARKYCZ Рік тому

      Czechoskovakia really should have the Austria Hungary path same as Hungary And completely redone fascist And comunist paths. Literally the only ok-ish path is the democratic historical one, but where is the fun? Literally most of the countries have alt-history paths that are super fun like, greece-byzantium, poland any of the 5 monarch paths, turkey-ottoman empire, bulgaria-balkan union etc etc.
      Petition for Paradox devs to bring fun to Czechoslovakia.

  • @DemigodTodd
    @DemigodTodd Рік тому +66

    Yeah the Czech tree feels like just a slightly expanded generic, even with the structure of the branches. They really need to go revise the trees from the first three expansions after they finished the Scandinavian one

    • @Xictlii
      @Xictlii Рік тому +3

      It's even worse than the stupid generic one, IT LIMITS THE ADVISORS YOU CAN TAKE,

  • @touchthesky3948
    @touchthesky3948 Рік тому +24

    Road to 56 actually has an exceptionally well done Czech focus tree, especially for the Democratic path

  • @davidjensen1221
    @davidjensen1221 Рік тому +32

    I feel like the Little Entente tree is fun, especially if you get France.

    • @ysionx3646
      @ysionx3646 Рік тому +5

      I think you mean the Czech entente. The Little Entente is the French faction, which can be purely overpowered if you manage to get Poland and the UK before the whole Sudeten crisis (you might also have to deal with the USSR, though).

  • @privatecanook
    @privatecanook Рік тому +14

    The RT56 Czech focus tree is great with unique little historical facts and unique paths like having the German Officer coup fire if you reject the Sudeten land

  • @masivomatador
    @masivomatador Рік тому +8

    I might try make a better Czechoslovak focus tree mod once I’m more confident in my mod skills so that the game becomes playable

  • @00Snake77
    @00Snake77 Рік тому +8

    I saw a Mountain General make it work. It sucked *** and you have to fight everyone but still, there's a chance.

    • @declangaming24
      @declangaming24 Рік тому +2

      Because he went down the focus tree straight away without doing the other industry focuses

  • @theultimatefreak666
    @theultimatefreak666 Рік тому +8

    As you've seen you can get the random events that boost fascism that you get with any non-fascist country if you add a fascist advisor. It is possible to get to 60% pretty quickly with them...
    That being said that happening needed good RNG and I think those events were made less likely to happen so you need godlike RNG to make real use of that path

  • @dane3572
    @dane3572 Рік тому +24

    as Czech, we really need a new focus :/

  • @poisonousbadge126
    @poisonousbadge126 Рік тому +45

    you could have made a non aggression pact with germans using diplomatic mission and improve relation so they wouldn't murder you.(tip for future games)

    • @declangaming24
      @declangaming24 Рік тому

      They don't murder you if your facist hand over sudetenland and flip fascist join axis or join the Comintern and get stalin to help you

    • @mountelbert4214
      @mountelbert4214 Рік тому +8

      They won’t because of the strategic interest debuff, or as I call it, the BS killjoy debuff

  • @Ame-no-SagumeFan
    @Ame-no-SagumeFan Рік тому +1

    Hungarian Tree: Grants the ability to restart the Austria-Hungarian Empire.
    Romanian Tree: You can survive while being non-aligned and start an alliance with Poland and Czechoslovakia.
    Czechoslovakia Tree: A generic focus tree but reskinned.

    • @glauberglousger6643
      @glauberglousger6643 Рік тому

      On the bright side, at least it isn’t as bad as Austria’s tree, or well, lack thereof

  • @n7prgn
    @n7prgn Рік тому +1

    9:50 Bohemian Empire lost its girth

  • @samueltrusik3251
    @samueltrusik3251 Рік тому +3

    Unfortunately sucks. There is so much potential! The Slovak-Czech divide, Hungarian minority in the south, uneven industrialization, the diplomatic overtures to other democratic countries...

    • @agonius7335
      @agonius7335 Рік тому +1

      Prý má potenciál a zmíníš snad ty nejhorší možnosti... Ale jo Československo by si zasloužilo drasticky rework, jelikož je tolik možností co by se dali udělat jako odvětví focustree. Od Holly roman Empire po Velkou moravu, Husitská revoluce, vlastní část focustree pro Rakousko uhersko. Nebo nějáká možnost se sjednotit s poláky a vytvořit Západoslovakii (sjednocení zapadních slovanů) Samozřejmě i Fašistická cesta kde bych ale spíš za vůdce radši viděl Radolu Gajdu a pak komunistická cesta. A Historickou na tu nesmíme zapomínat. A to jsem se nedostal ani k osobnostem Od baťa, Tomáše Garrigue Masaryka, Karla čapka (bylo by cool kdyby tam byl) atd... I slovesko by alespon mohlo dostat historickou cestu kde s Tisem dláždil cestu axisu. Dali by se uplatnit i mechaniky jako nepokoje v sudetech kvůli německým menšinám (někde i většinám) tam žijícím kteří by se snažili osamostatnit a připojit se k Německu tak i nějáké reference Ruských legií a možná nějáká historická cesta odboje kde by si mohl assasinovat Reinhard Heydrich a kde bys hrál za protektorát čechy a morava. Jal říkám možností je spousta ale nejspíš se jen tak nedočkáme jelikož focustree i když sračkový tak máme a Paradox se zaměřuje spíše na kontent co není ještě ve hře než na reworky a pokud tak jen mocností...

  • @Okami1313
    @Okami1313 Рік тому

    One of my favorite games was as Czechoslovakia. It was one of my earlier games and the first I ever survived. Started on the democratic path and started the alliance with Romania: which led to an early war with Hungary where I annexed the whole country. I defied the sudetenland and somehow held off the Germans until they invaded Poland, and they came around, invading Romania, and coming in through my back door. I was barely holding them off on the sudetenland, so I got beat back to prague and had a stack of twelve armies with the Germans slowly grinding me down. I was on the verge of losing when they invaded France and they pulled most of their divisions out and I was able to hold them. I started pushing out a little bit, taking the airbase next to Prague, but that got their attention again, and started grinding me down again. I was on the verge of defeat for a second time when they launched barbarossa and left a token force to hold me in. I was so beat down and low on equipment I really couldn't do much, but then the allues invaded and the French helped liberate me. I just love the idea of the Czechs holding off the Germans at Prague the whole war

  • @JahJah-CleverHandle
    @JahJah-CleverHandle Рік тому +1

    Episode 12 of asking Stakuyi to play Equestria at War as Equestria with “Twilight Theory” turned in in custom game rules.

  • @ancaoraathasach
    @ancaoraathasach Рік тому +12

    More cat please.

  • @jancerveny7502
    @jancerveny7502 Рік тому

    Although I'm certainly not one of the best players in the game, playing as Czechoslovakia never gave me the joy I expected.
    In addition, the Czechoslovak focus tree, but also the Czechoslovak state itself in this game, has several historical inaccuracies - the most ridiculous ones I will present to you now:
    Czech fascism:
    First of all: The leader of the NOF (the largest Czechoslovak fascist party) was not Jaroslav Krejčí, but the Czechoslovak general Radola Gajda. Jaroslav Krejčí was never even a fascist - he was a democratically oriented lawyer who, although he was part of the Czech protectorate government, secretly supported his son who fought against the Germans.
    Second: The NOF itself was never a national socialist party modeled after German Nazism - it was an ultra-nationalist party modeled after the Italian one. At the same time, it was a strongly anti-German and at the same time strongly pan-Slavic and Catholic party. The Polish Falange was greatly inspired by the Czech fascists.
    Third: As you may have noticed, the NOF was not a purely Czech party. The main philosophy of this party was that the Czechs and Slovaks (then called Czechoslovaks) were the chosen Slavic nation to defend Europe from Russian Bolshevism and German Nazism.
    Therefore, I consider "Bohemian Empire" to be the wrong name for the Czechoslovak fascist state. The name "Czechoslovak National Republic" would be most appropriate.
    The last ridiculous thing is Konrad Henlein as a fascist demagogue - he was a Sudeten German who only submitted to Hitler, he would never have sought a Czechoslovak fascist state.
    If Czechoslovakia became a fascist state, it would most likely form an alliance with Benito Mussolini. If this had happened before the beginning of 1938, both fascist states would have decided, for pragmatic reasons, to guarantee the independence of Austria.
    This would make Hitler's dream of uniting all Germans impossible forever - if he decided to attack, all three states would be able to quickly defeat him, because Germany did not yet have such a strong, numerous, trained and well-armed army.

  • @mappingshaman5280
    @mappingshaman5280 Рік тому +2

    Idea: Hoi4 but all focuses are chosen by an AI

  • @willislucero2937
    @willislucero2937 Рік тому +3

    You should have Moonbeam pick how you play, give them choices between treats to pick what path you go down!

  • @wisbisa5781
    @wisbisa5781 Рік тому +2

    For ideas you could like do a 50 person like multiplayer on rt56 idk just might be a cool thing to watch

  • @Smokey957
    @Smokey957 Рік тому

    Only using one earphone, that's classic dad gaming right there.

  • @maddogbasil
    @maddogbasil Рік тому +1

    *"Yo Stakuyi"*
    Have you tried playing Somalia in the horn of Africa

  • @YurieSnowie
    @YurieSnowie Рік тому

    Haha yea i remember that shorts and video when you said Czechoslovakia was the most broken country in hoi4 lmao, good shit

  • @miguelrodriguezcimino1674
    @miguelrodriguezcimino1674 Рік тому

    I did the Ethiopia facist path just a few days ago. I have to say it was pretty damn fun. Yes, you become an italian puppet and lose one third of the country, but then you do an awesome comeback with a ragtag army and almost no intustrial capacity. I rushed the ports and kicked the italians out of the horn of Africa by mid Jan '39. It was dissapointing to find out there is no event, focus or decision were the italians accept defeat and sue for peace. I was hoping I was going to be able to join the axis before Italy, and kick the brits and french out of Africa too. I ended up doing it alone, fighting with a few small divisions taking advantage of the enemy's lack of supply. I went all the way south to South Africa, to the west up to the spanish west Sahara and to the north to Egypt. Then I accepted the soviets invitation to the comintern thinking they would be able to crush the germans and then I could use them to fight the allies in Europe, as they had pushed all the way to Warsaw. But somehow Stalin managed to get himself pushed back all the way almost to Moscow, and when he finally got back on his feet with my help he declares war on Japan which having defeated and puppeted China had the largest frontline ever, which of course he could not defend after burning all his stockplies and half his manpower.

  • @sahilhossain8204
    @sahilhossain8204 Рік тому

    Lore of HOI4: THIS FOCUS TREE SUCKS momentum 100

  • @n7prgn
    @n7prgn Рік тому +3

    Maybe Road to 56 might have a bit more of a chance 😅

  • @ccsmboyos4384
    @ccsmboyos4384 Рік тому

    I remember that og Czechoslovakia video. Stakuyi you are epic

    • @ccsmboyos4384
      @ccsmboyos4384 Рік тому

      Been watching since the first few hoi vids

  • @Mongelt
    @Mongelt Рік тому

    The Czech flag kinda reminds me of an ideological pie chart, and it says "don't go fascist"

  • @nodamiaen
    @nodamiaen Рік тому

    it's also broken. last game, only non-vanilla element was the summer beta, i went "left", didn't flip from democracy immediately, went down the "german puppet path" while "communism was on the rise". let the "it's for the best" event expire... nothing happened. didn't become a german puppet. managed to get in the axis via the poland war goal focus.
    focus trees are supposed to work, so that you yourself can break the game

  • @RadekCrazy1
    @RadekCrazy1 Рік тому

    I actually tried to do this focus path but you only have a chance if you go to the civil war with Slovakia. You still don't have enough time to save Sudetenland but I managed to become German partner and Germans even give me part of the Poland which was nice but pissed off USSR so we ended up in a war in 1940 .

  • @sarahlynn7807
    @sarahlynn7807 Рік тому

    I didn't have a problem joining the Axis after a little civil war.

  • @th3grav3mak3rgaming8
    @th3grav3mak3rgaming8 Рік тому

    I’m always down to see more variety of games like shogun or civ. I enjoy watching strategy games

    @KAPTAINmORGANnWo4eva Рік тому

    With not a lot of modification the Czechoslovakia Focus Tree could just replace the generic one for all the minor countries and it would work.

  • @davidbascom5781
    @davidbascom5781 Рік тому +1

    Oh no it can get wayyyy worse. The left most path of the Yugoslavia focus tree is by far the worst. Not only do you give up large parts of your country (twice), you also lose those cores, so even if you take them back it doesn't mean anything. Not only that, in order to get rid of your crippling debuffs, you need to navigate complicated decisions that eat up political power for no reason and you risk going through a civil war. Even if you win that civil war, you can give up even more claims to try and join the axis, and Germany can simply say no. Similar to this playthrough. If Germany says no and it's too late in the game they will simply invade you after you have given up loads of your country to the axis.

  • @derspieler4793
    @derspieler4793 Рік тому

    Improve relations Diplomatic pressure get non Aggression pact and your save

  • @FredFish99
    @FredFish99 Рік тому +1

    hey i would love to see you play the fuhrerreich mod. as the germans

  • @tsamoka6496
    @tsamoka6496 Рік тому +1

    Hi Stakuyi! If you think it'd be worth it, I think a playthrough of the Youjo Senki Redux mod would be fun to see. =^x^=

  • @kommissarchaos9086
    @kommissarchaos9086 Рік тому

    Does anyone else think the Edvard Beneas looks like kevin spacey, literally every time I see Edvard Beneas I just imagine he to talking like Frank underwood

  • @libbybouncer12345
    @libbybouncer12345 Рік тому

    4th Video in which I'm asking for Capone Syndicate of America

  • @feralcatgirl
    @feralcatgirl Рік тому

    the moral of the focus tree is that collaboration will not save you

  • @georgegreen711
    @georgegreen711 Рік тому

    Why not use the command console to fudge it a bit, I've seen you do it on occasion?

  • @marcuswillbrandt5901
    @marcuswillbrandt5901 Рік тому +1

    Could you maybe do the Habsburg Poland path? I never saw them played out,and I just do not get them to work without giving silly mustache man what he wants (and yes, I´m a noob. I´m pretty good at CK and EU, I just do not have the time to become good at HOI)

    • @requitedhail8953
      @requitedhail8953 Рік тому +3

      Habsburg Poland is one of my favorite paths, especially bc if Lithuania goes Monarchist, you can still form the PLC and get baltic and some russian cores aswell. The way that I beat germany as habsburg poland is with a simple 6-step plan. 1; Set the soviets to go have a civil war. 2; build Civs until early 37, then only Mils. Step 3; rush for Chezchoslovakia, and once fully annexed, build at least lvl 2 forts along your chosen defensive line. Step 4; deny the sudetenland, and immiedeatly encircle Silesia, and IF POSSIBLE, stomp out the Konigsburg region. Step 5; put up a token resistance in Poznan, allowing them to wast troops while you get Silesia and Konigsberg. Step 6; Grind them down with superior planes. Use cavalry to your advantage, as with the and the cossack king routes, you can get big buffs to cavalry.

    • @marcuswillbrandt5901
      @marcuswillbrandt5901 Рік тому +1

      @@requitedhail8953 Thanks for the answer! I think most of this I already do, but I'll try again. Don't know why this path got me that much (probaly the Czech-Polish-German genetics, idk).
      But am I wrong? This path is pretty underrepresented considering what you get, isn't it? People seem to always go for the real surreal paths like the cossack king or the one with the homeless lady, or the bear.

  • @Maw_man
    @Maw_man Рік тому

    If you let the decision time out you'll be able to make it

  • @mercator79
    @mercator79 Рік тому

    Edvard looks like Kevin Spacey.

  • @potato96hasdrowned66
    @potato96hasdrowned66 Рік тому +1

    Czechoslovakia is fun tbh

  • @gamingwithalexander6030
    @gamingwithalexander6030 Рік тому

    they should make slovakoczechia a formable

    • @azh698
      @azh698 Рік тому

      That sounds cursed. Maybe the empire of Greater Nitra if you want Slovak dominance.

  • @lenorevanalstine1219
    @lenorevanalstine1219 Рік тому

    but you did get to be part of the axis
    as part of germany

  • @sajlou9154
    @sajlou9154 Рік тому +1

    Please try Rise of the Lion, it absolutely changes czech tree and adds more events for Czechoslovakia and many paths to take, from 5 different monarchs, German puppet but very different, Anti-German fascists (which yes was a thing in czechia), and also quick small tree of mobilization, it is definitely interesting mod

  • @mihailzahariev1706
    @mihailzahariev1706 Рік тому +1

    Yet another day of asking you Challenge kind of? play kaiserredux and form the cosmic realm of aaru

  • @toonotsleep8
    @toonotsleep8 Рік тому

    That's one bad tree!
    slight commiseration, the route you took used to work ok before the change about 3 years ago to party popularity ratio, flipping ideology was much faster
    now you pretty much have to have a civil war to manage before demand Sudeten

  • @gn_gacha
    @gn_gacha Рік тому

    HI STAK! love your vids! Gonna try and pop into the stream tonight at 6pm.

    • @nathanos42
      @nathanos42 Рік тому

      the revolution and the union must spread

    • @gn_gacha
      @gn_gacha Рік тому

      Yes, it must.

  • @Thegoldenaerobar2
    @Thegoldenaerobar2 Рік тому

    We need the cat to try, it would be epic

  • @failuretv814
    @failuretv814 Рік тому

    See stakuyi, It can always get worse.

  • @edingaga831
    @edingaga831 Рік тому

    Is. Blood alone worth it or shld. I just get no step alone

  • @skeletalobserver406
    @skeletalobserver406 Рік тому

    Let the kitty cook!

  • @klintzon1878
    @klintzon1878 Рік тому

    Why the fuck don’t u get more views like your the best hoi4 content creator out there

  • @Xictlii
    @Xictlii Рік тому +1

    I don't know why you didn't fight the slovaks, its not a real civil war, they get like 2 units.

  • @marcuswillbrandt5901
    @marcuswillbrandt5901 Рік тому

    Considering CS got most of the industrial regions of AH, a great power, 26 factories at start seems pretty lame.

  • @CreamTheEverythingFixer
    @CreamTheEverythingFixer Рік тому

    It is still frustrating Paradox is pushing out mediocre DLC;s ill not fixing and revising the older ones which are in a pretty bad state. Death or Dishonour and Together for Victory need huge overhauls cos the national focuses are so restricting to enjoy the game.

  • @jakubkoubsky
    @jakubkoubsky 11 місяців тому

    As a czech myself I mus say fascist Czechoslovakia is unholy heresy.

  • @lukedax5300
    @lukedax5300 Рік тому

    Yea Czechoslovak tree need some proper rework :)

  • @dylanojonker3098
    @dylanojonker3098 Рік тому

    Imo it would be fun to see you play fascist Netherlands without siding with anyone and reclaiming the Dutch Empire

  • @nathanos42
    @nathanos42 Рік тому

    goat creator

  • @BirdWatcher116
    @BirdWatcher116 Рік тому

    This seems worse than it used to be. Was it updated post death ir dishonor, or am i just forgetting how bad it was

  • @muffinhydra
    @muffinhydra Рік тому

    even though it doesnt have a tree, as tibet conquer china

  • @ElizaWebbg
    @ElizaWebbg Рік тому

    There's too much focus on a-historical 'fun' focus trees.. nothing like Iraqi Civil War firing to be a historical game even after hundreds of updates. I suppose you can always download mods, but I didn't originally buy the game to play "what if Luxembourg conquered the Earth"

  • @Corey_Brandt
    @Corey_Brandt Рік тому

    Fascist Hungary but with tanks or other heavy industry

  • @JosTheMan1
    @JosTheMan1 Рік тому

    It is incredible powerful nation if you just say no and roll over Germany

  • @larry417
    @larry417 Рік тому

    sleep is overrated, nice cat By the way

  • @Seb420-u7s
    @Seb420-u7s Рік тому +3

    Stakuyi being bad at the game, and not improving is kinda of infuriating, and not saying it as a bad/troll but c`mon cehoslovacia is literally just: complete forts focus, say no, wait for the Allies or strengththen your forces or just be lucky with the party popularity events fascist path that you did today and restart if not getting the rng. BTW no the Hungarian focus is just bad( no manpower, A-H Empire but can get better A-H as C-S, and some shit industry).

    • @doctorwhat779
      @doctorwhat779 Рік тому

      actually german ai doesn't declare anyone before cap czecoslovakia so democratic path is also trash at this point

  • @raowraow3312
    @raowraow3312 Рік тому

    commenting for algorithem

  • @doctorwhat779
    @doctorwhat779 Рік тому

    actually you could go to civil war early and turned fascist. also slovak rebellion is way easier than you think but yes, Czecoslovakia's focus tree is trash

  • @mohammadaghebatkhah4883
    @mohammadaghebatkhah4883 Рік тому


  • @MunchKING
    @MunchKING Рік тому

    Oh you can join the Axis alright, as the latest part of the German Reich. :D

  • @ToilsomeAtom2
    @ToilsomeAtom2 Рік тому

    The focus tree of Liberia is probably worse

  • @piercebunge4297
    @piercebunge4297 Рік тому


  • @dernils5893
    @dernils5893 Рік тому +1

    Well and I think this Focus Tree Czechs out...
    I am gonna let myself out.

  • @kimchi2780
    @kimchi2780 Рік тому

    R56 Czech is fun!

  • @draconus999
    @draconus999 Рік тому

    Can America do a Christian empire, or is that mainly a mod thing?

    • @azh698
      @azh698 Рік тому

      If you want a Christian empire go to Mexico and do the Legion of Christ focus to turn Catholic Fascist.

  • @andresdominguez4914
    @andresdominguez4914 Рік тому +2

    Video #16 of requesting stakuyi to play Magna Europa

  • @BonesofSmite
    @BonesofSmite Рік тому +1

    Video 18 of me asking for you to play Kansas in the states divided mod

  • @MrRhombus
    @MrRhombus Рік тому

    Video #21 of asking you to play the TNO mod

  • @06fas7
    @06fas7 Рік тому

    day 2 of asking for the cat to play Japan

  • @balintiboi6596
    @balintiboi6596 Рік тому

    More Millenium Dawn Stakuyi

  • @viggoforster
    @viggoforster Рік тому


  • @claumare3125
    @claumare3125 Рік тому

    Day 2 for cat video

  • @bernardobe3580
    @bernardobe3580 Рік тому

    Still witing for the Brazillian focus tree

  • @widget3154
    @widget3154 Рік тому

    hey man any plans to return to old world blues? the 5.0 update released a month ago or so and it's crazy fun, please check it out 🙏

  • @wyattrodgers2844
    @wyattrodgers2844 Рік тому


  • @jimmypetrock
    @jimmypetrock Рік тому


  • @alandkaka5888
    @alandkaka5888 Рік тому

    Create Greater Kurdistan pls 😊

  • @princeofrage6045
    @princeofrage6045 Рік тому

    Why do you complain about this so much?

  • @Imulti
    @Imulti Рік тому +2

    Play millennium dawn Japan I need it

  • @krasnamerah1926
    @krasnamerah1926 Рік тому +2

    Yay for the catto again.
    Well, lemme guess, Czecho fascist?