As I garen main, I can say it's none of you options: It's Joke. Come on, Garen comes with a T-BAG when he spams Joke. Tutorial to be Garen Main: Kill enemy Go on top of the dead enemy body Spin and T-Bag him with joke That's it.
they nerfed garen emote spam on EUNE (the sound doesnt repeat), it still works on EUW tho it is just my smurf.... why? that was the best part of beying garen
oh, there is a keyboard button " ` " its the one to the left of number one above Tab. It will allow you to target champions only. I've been using it for years its pretty useful tbh. If you have it set for champion mastery/emotes. huge mistake. Revert it to target champions only and thank me later.
@@helios1087 ,glad I could help. Another time I use it is when I want to walk behind the herald. This way I won't be attacking the herald and can walk behind it.
huh, thought it was just having locked camera and positioning the mouse cursor such that the walk animation is every so often interrupted for just a small moment
Mithy s He definitely didn't die to tower. Unless he just stood there. If he walked away when the first shot hit, he wouldn't have died to two tower shots.
last hitting on garen ain't easy man, his swing animation is deceptively slow, and only the last 2 frames apply damage. It's definitely the easiest auto attack to cancel in the game. now if you want to CS and push you can use your E, but pushing is the exception not the default when it comes to minion control.
Often more importantly, time W right before CC for 65% tenacity, cause if you can't be kited in team fights then the enemy carries are gonna have a hard time since garen can't go ignored.
@@alexanderblixt1221 i totally forgot about the tenacity bonus. Normally, I'm focusing more on avoiding damage at that point, because after CC normally comes the big hits. Everyone wants to ensure that their damage hits, so I'll often tank the CC, and hit my armor to tank their ult, in the space between the CC expiring and the ult channel finishing. That way it's mitigated, and I can ensure that nobody else, who lacks a countermeasure, gets hit with it.
I am in a really weird position about league. I love and play this game but can only play like 3-4 games every 2 weeks or so. This gives me the problem that I dont have much time learning a champion. As much as I want to play complex and skillfull champions I just cant afford it. To perform good and pick up the game everytime I happen to be able to play some rounds, I need to play basic and easy champions. Thats why Garen and Cho'Gath are my most played champions. Even though I play Cho'Gath more often I want to talk more about Garen. Garen has for someone like me the perfect kit. Mind that I dwell all the way down in Bronze III and will probably stay there for a long time. Garen has heals over his passive you dont have to manage mana you just jave to calculate the cooldowns. He has damage reduction, a movementspeed buff, a skill to farm easy and an executing ultimate. Thats perfect for someone like me. You see there are the noobs that play Yasuo and fail cause hes a hard to play champion. His executing potential relies on a skillshot at the right time and his damage is avoidable if you opponent can poke well. And then there is me. I kow I'm bad and I want to improve but for that I need simple champions to at least avoid dragging my team down. For basic champions like Cho'Gath, Garen and my other picks I want to thank Riot. It helps me to play and learn the game in the tiny steps that are possible for me. So the next time you see an enemy playing an "skillless champion" think a little. Maybe he just playys what he is able to. Thanks for your patience and sorry for the maybe bad grammar. German is so much different to speak you have no idea. ^^' PS: Awesome vid gbay. Brings a better light to the harbinger of JUSTICE!
BTDKING I can add you at Tuesday. As I said: Seeing me online is is pretty rare and I suck in LoL. So think twice before you willingly drop your Rank. xD
It probably has to do with the fact that your playstyles on other champions are so ingrained in you. With garen, you have to think about what you're doing again which leads to better results than autopiloting on your main.
Playing and improving with intent is better than playing on autopilot. Yes your unconscious brain has a faster response time and has a higher processing power but your conscious brain is able to make unique connections and adapt to the situation better than the unconscious brain.
I was wondering why his winrate on garen was so much higher than his irelia winrate. Gbay has fantastic lane knowledge and macro to get a 70% winrate in diamond, but his irelia winrate is significantly lower. This implies that his irelia mechanics are holding him back despite him having so many games on her. If he played a champ with no mechanics (or mechanics he clicks with), his good macro will carry him. I guess he autopilots on irelia and makes too many mistakes in his comfort.
Ninja Ninja Yes early game Teemo can wreck Garen, but late game Garen can easily curbstomp Teemo. The lesson is he will ruin your early game but you will end his late game
Even though you will most likely not read this anymore gbay, but there actually is a Garen Mechanic that not everyone knows... its perfect in a Garen-Fiora matchup if she wants to W your Q aa. While you run up to her with Q charged, you have to press E and at the end of your E you can Q. That is beacuase the E duration is 1-1.5 seconds shorter then the time you have for doing an Q-Enhanced autoattack :D
Masgenmann Exactly my thoughts. Not that it matters to anyone, but Garen's ult will auto cancel itself if an enemy gets out of his vision a good amount of times, and aa animations also bug...Even though Riot said they fixed these issues. I believe that it's probably the netcode, but w/e. This video is a solid guide for him, but as you play more and more, pay attention to his quirks in gameplay as complementing it with the right runes (especially in this new meta), varying your kit approach (maybe a aa before my Q until his cd is finished, or E>Q since he can't do jack) and adapting your build to whatever circumstances you encounter go a long way to lane dominance in order to _preservere_ . Garen is the barebones champ where you punish your opponents for doing something stupid by capitalizing it to your advantage with _courage_ , in the name of _Demacia_ . His failsafes also allow you to do risky plays successfully, but I urge you to _judge_ it first and wait for the right moment _decisively_ . Taking note of their ability cd and their patterns can be very, very important. The more Knowledge you have about the core and "gamesense", the more _justice_ you can deliver. Sincerely, Your og S1 Garen main who can't get past Diamond. P.S: He is a 3v3 god.
This is really fascinating to me, because when I first got into the game I was told a lot to try Garen and Annie and I was, and still am, TERRIBLE at those champions, and I have no idea how people are successful on them. Cool video, gbay!
I was your exact opposite. When I started playing the game I didn't play Garen and Annie at all. I picked them up after I already got to around plat 3-2. Speaking of, you shouldn't put Garen and Annie in the same box. Garen is an extremely linear and predictable champion with set in stone strengths and weaknesses, whereas Annie is a champion with a pretty good and well rounded kit that, if played properly, is nearly impossible to counterplay in many matchups (and even entire teamcomps). There's a reason why Garen's winrate goes down the higher you go in elo, whereas Annie effortlessly maintains a high winrate all the way from Bronze to Masters. There's a reason why Annie was a situational LCS pick before her ranges were nerfed, and saw competitive play as recently as this year's All Stars. And with new toys like Hexflash, Ultimate Hat, and Unsealed Spellbook, she might solidly become a tier 2 competitive pick for season 8.
Tredikon HD It is actually easy to give up on champions after 5 matches because you just don't want ppl to suffer if you play. I gave up on Talon after about 4 games because I can't find joy or that good feeling I unusually have with obe of my main man yoric.
If there are any other champions you could do this with for any other role (like pre rework Warwick Jungle where you would need to save ult for specific high priority targets and more than anything work on your jungle clear efficiency to hit 6 asap as well as your map awareness/positioning) I think this could turn into a very informative series of videos where you break down how a champion can help you learn part of the game inherently like Garen does. Thank you for the run down on Garen, hopefully we can see more videos like this soon. :)
Great analysis. Exactly what I've come to learn playing Garen a lot. I like to play him when I don't have the energy to play technical champions. The lane game is still incredible fun. You will either be dominant or getting rekt. Very confrontational champ - both mentally and mechanics-wise.
So, I'm not the only one who saw this about Garen! Awesome! He's a great practice tool. Especially for a friend who isn't familiar with League and is just getting started. You set up a lead for them in lane, and let them sink or swim from there, while you and the rest of your team handle the more intricate parts. Just keep an eye out and babysit that friend. Personally, I gravitate towards bottom lane and jungle, simply because I'm familiar with almost all of the champion mechanics in the game. I only have 41 champions left to perm unlock, and have been playing for the better part of a decade. But having just recently played my first few games as Garen, I have to admit that the biggest surprise I discovered was his passive. That regen is VERY significant for his sustain and lane control, and using it effectively is the only mechanic you really need to make an effective killing spree as Garen. He's definitely a tank champion, no matter what you decide to do with him otherwise. Max health is the number one way to capitalize on his biggest strength. He can't chase exceptionally well. He can't run exceptionally well. But if you position properly, apply lane pressure and skew your minions for a few cheeky damage points here and there, Garen can actually sneak in a few good kills. The main weakness of a garen is numbers. Getting swarmed and continuously hit with CC, Garen is a big lump of HP that can only buy time. That isn't a bad thing. You can deter enemy champions by using your spin as an area deterrant, and punish enemies who overextend. But all you have is overwhelming force at a steady rate. There's no way to open up the floodgates and burst, other than a single shot from his ult. Garen DEFINES lane presence.
Camille is just overloaded af tho 2000 unit range movement with E Slow and heal + aoe on W Auto reset x2 + true dmg on Q Ridiculously huge shield on Passive Insane dmg bonus + dodge + "cc" on ult ..... Way too much for one fkin champion
As Garen main your comment about not being able to show off champion knowledge got to me. If you take unsealed spellbook, rush a yommus and buy a bc, deadmans, and swifties, you become an unstoppable 1shot machine as long as you can get any sort of lead in lane. This is why we take unsealed spellbook, to cheese a kill with ignite, then trade for tp or exhaust and then trade than into ghost late game(it also gives you like 90ad at level 1 if you buy a longsword and take domination for op zombie ward). The only weakness of this build is burst mages, and melee hyper carries like Tryndamere and Jax that can mitigate your 1 shot potential then beat you after your wifted your spells. It's also harder because you can't just use Garen's faceroll combo since you have to max q first.
One champ who operates similar is Draven. Draven is like a farming simulator, practice how to last hit, how to farm safely, and how to just consistently farm. His kit also shows if a risk is worth taking (a spinning axe that bounces to an unsafe location. It's probably not worth taking). His kit is as point and click as it gets. you could argue that a well timed e, a skillshot, is the difference between life and death, but really the same can be said for a well timed garen w or q.
You make Garen seem way easier than he actually is. You say the trades are predetermined, but good players can take into account the extra 33% dmg on his E when the target's isolated, the W that shields a huge amount and reduces cc for 0.75 seconds (hard to time) and the armor shred after getting for spins off at the same target. Not to mention calculating how low the enemy has to be for your ult to kill them, the villain mechanic and the passive regeneration.
Swoll Pot of Greed If you look at the video Gbay didn't do most of (if not all of) these. Also, you should usually use q for movespeed, spin 4 timed for armor shred, cancel it and then hit the q to his reduced armor. I really don't think he thought about this at all.
John Smith Hmm. Garen is easy in comparison to some other champions. The fact that you point out such miniscule and detailed mechanics that won't help you out in every situation suggests that Garen IS easy. His trade pattern compared to someone like Orianna is night and day.
As someone who mained garen season two to five I agree to most of your break down. Garens mechanics and kit are heavily relied on the enemy, especially in the late game. Who do you want to silence? Do you rush in with your Q or do you wait to get slowed by an enemy first? Which abilities do you have to shield to reduce the most damage? When do you cancel your spin? (Yes, canceling your spin is very important. If you don't hit anyone, cancel it to get it back faster.) Also If you get killed with garen in the Early game, give up you turret and go bot/mid. You will very likely get enough kills to get back into the game. (Needless to say Garens rework really hurt his old mentality. Especially the forced targeting from his Ult or his new shield passive)
I played Garen religiously, and have about 80k mastery points. After few streaks of losses, where I was usually winning lane but was unable to carry with obtained lead, I got pretty darn mad and decided to move on from him forever. But indeed he granted me knowledge of League itself, so you are 100 right about him. Well done, Garen-Bay99
" garen might be the most simple champion in all of league" tell that to the players in bronze silver and gold. The meta right now is tank tank tank, i am able to 1 vs 5 entire ennemy teams by jumping into them with a tank shyvana and insta killing everybody. Yet everybody feels the need to go full ad garen with only damage items and not a single tank item. even vs 5 ad champs they refuse to buy and single piece of armor and flame and report everybody that tells them to buy some. As a result every garen in my team is squishy as fuck, useless and dies all the time.
TheGamebreaker1234 cause Garen is not a tank like he have 1 weak CC that target only 1 people, now look at real tank Sion, Orn, Cho,....Of cource build hybrid is the best but Garen can not do shit if he is a tank.
Gbay is the only one who tries to make Champs like: Malphite and Garen look like they take alot of skill. Next Video: Annie is the hardest Midlaner currently.
This is exactly why I love Garen, he was my first champ ever. Now I moved on from him but I still remember the good times he gave me and I appreciate that. You can say whatever about Garen, that he's easy, he's a noobchamp, but he is a champion that you can learn a lot about the game. Good video dude.
Garen is one of my favorite Tanks to play in LoL. Glad to see him getting some spotlight. He's a lot of fun when you are getting back in when you've taken a long break from League. You may come back feeling rusty and he helps you remember how to properly work your lane. Also great for figuring when best to attack during team fights, seeing as the tank needs to be the one to get the ball rolling and know when to do so is crucial.
I remember when every video I saw with Gbay99 being angry, raging and unfiltered.... This is amazingly good content and I love the attitude. new subscriber to you
Wonderful video! Garen was a champ I avoided on my climb to 30 several years ago, mainly because the group that taught me all overestimated my knowledge of the game and believed the champion to be beneath them and me. Despite his aggressive kit, picking Garen up taught me a lot and made me a much more passive (towers over kills, farm over chasing, etc) player. Skip forward to today and Garen is the only champion I have bothered to unlock mastery 7 with, and whom I have all the skins for.
Have not played league for along time, but still come back and watch your videos, your videos are fantastic and i learned so damn much from you and not only in term of league knowledge, hope you continue to put up a ton of great videos
I only played Garen for the last months I played League. I wasn't playing as often, and Garen is realiable. No matter the meta, Garen kind of stays the same. I used to play support, then assassins, then Ryze when he was really OP, and this is when I started playing less and less, because not only Ryze was redesigned more than once, you had to consider changes to itemisation as well. That got too demanding, and I started playing less, which then became a cycle of "the less I played, the harder it got to keep up with changes". So I started playing Garen. The problem with that is that Garen has a very short learning curve. It's a champion for beginners because they can focus on learning other stuff instead of the champions mechanics. That's what I needed because of the ever changing meta and due to how infrequently I was playing: I felt like a beginner myself, even though I played LoL since I was 9. It gets boring though. I couldn't stand Garen's voice by the end. One last thing: this video should be called "I Played Nonstop Garen for 2 Days. This is what happened to my brain" or something like that... little Chubbyemu reference XD
As someone who has been a Garen main since season 1 this video has made me very happy. Looking forward to when you learn the joy of crit/lethality Garen instead of the standard Black Cleaver/Sunfire build.
With Camille vs Garen, she has that thing that gives her that orange health. You want to bait that out and then engage onto her for a trade after that orange health goes away so you can actually do damage in the trade to win it with your damage reduction with your W. You never really want to initiate the trade against her because of that orange health ability proc. So until then it is best to freeze the lane close to your tower in case something goes wrong. Like you said, playing Garen in lane is all about when to engage in a trade. Most players are going to be greedy and always try to dish out damage onto you while you are just sitting there last hitting minions and that's where they make their mistake and that's when you engage under your own minions as well. Also ignite is so much better on Garen since it also helps with his trading in a fight you are wanting to finish your opponent in.
Great video! I learned a lot especially since I have never purposely chose Garen to play as in the top lane in my entire life. Hyped for the possible 48 hour Aatrox marathon c; I believe in you gbay!
My flaw is that I have a life now and I can't no life this game anymore to keep up with ever increasing number of champions, reworks, match ups, buffs, nerfs. Legit so annoying the amount of champions I allready knew how to play, but all got massively reworked now. Riot fucks all the veteran players to cash grab all the new players. It sucks. I can barely stay in plat 2 playing 2-3 games a week despite having learned so much over the years. League is becoming more and more of a grind instead of an actual skill tester. And all my time mastering league is being thrown at the bin.
jeremy murphy Dude just play one champ and youre kay. Veterans stay in diamond like this so dont pretend riot deliberately fucks up those players. Should they just stop changing the game or what would you suggest? Also you didnt master the game one bit if you are plat, wtf.
When someone says '' I've finally mastered the piano'' does he mean he is amongst the top 50 pianists in the wolrd? No. That statement is Idiotic, stop trying to bring up an ego I never had. As for your constructive question, I think they change the game way too frequently, especially reworking so many champions. It's something they did not do so often in the past. Your suggestion to 1trick is a good suggestion, thanks for that. But even so, there are so many match ups now, that I still need to play often to keep them in my head :/
jeremy murphy There are people who can play the piano and there are those who mastered it, big difference. Also most changes through the season you can adapt to pretty intuitively, even if you only play a couple games. Like, my pc is broken and I only get to play when im at my friends place but it litteraly makes no difference because I still know my champs. Ive played like 10 games over the last month and I still hold my place at diamond 5 (which is really not good though).
jeremy murphy So what man, play casually. New champions/reworks are what makes this game fun. If they stop doing that or slow the pace of updates the game would become boring. And that's from another league veteran.
Not that it matters to anyone, but Garen's ult will auto cancel itself if an enemy gets out of his vision a good amount of times, and aa animations also bug...Even though Riot said they fixed these issues. I believe that it's probably the netcode, but w/e. This video is a solid guide for him, but as you play more and more, pay attention to his quirks in gameplay as complementing it with the right runes (especially in this new meta), varying your kit approach (maybe a aa before my Q until his cd is finished, or E>Q since he can't do jack) and adapting your build to whatever circumstances you encounter go a long way to lane dominance in order to _preservere_ . Garen is the barebones champ where you punish your opponents for doing something stupid by capitalizing it to your advantage with _courage_ , in the name of _Demacia_ . His failsafes also allow you to do risky plays successfully, but I urge you to _judge_ it first and wait for the right moment _decisively_ . Taking note of their ability cd and their patterns can be very, very important. The more Knowledge you have about the core and "gamesense", the more _justice_ you can deliver. Sincerely, Your og S1 Garen main who can't get past Diamond who's also Honor 4. c: P.S: He is a 3v3 god.
Garen's hardest mechanic is timing his w to reduce cc for 0.75 secs xD and that's NOTHING compared to Riven's auto animation cancels, you can cry and whine all you want, but every pro player will agree Garen is a relatively easy champion with a very low skill cap, if not the easiest champ out there.
Hey, Im a gold Garen main. I do agree Garen is pretty simple, but saying he offers no way of expressing yourself or that the trades with him are always the same is just not right. Let's go through his kit and see how you can use it differently. His Q is a ms boost + silence so casting it at the right moment takes a lot of practice and experience. You need to know if you should save it for disengage and just trade with your E or to engage with it, and if so when exactly to deny your enemy an important ability. If you just spam it without thunking you get caught without disengage and killed or you lose trades f.e. because you used silence when your enemy is on cooldown anyway. Your W is a tenacity boost, a damage absorber and a stacking stat booster. On top on having many uses - like to cut burst damage, cut stun durations or trade better it also has a stacking mechanic and long cooldown so good decision making and just knowing how and when to use it makes a huge difference. Players who will pop up this ability whenever enemy autos them in lane are going to get bodied because they get stripped out of their primary defence ability whenever enemy wants to. Good Garen players will use it just before enemy is about to dive and make a combo, or right before a stun is about to land on you. Your E is also tricky. The spin to win can be combined with Q to make Garen more sticky, it has a built Phantom Dancer passive of phasing through minions so it can be used as an escape tool even if you can use it correctly, and it can apply crit or certain ability on-hits like Rylai so you can make better use of it if you build specific off-meta items wisely. Sure it is simple when you boil it down to "you press a key and it deals damage around you" but if you have certain knowledge of it's side effects like the obes I mentioned earlier, it makes a difference how and who uses it. Your ult is also more difficult to use properly then you'd think. It is a ranged ability so with some practice you can shut diwn targets through walls and from outside tower range. You need to know how much damage you can deal to champions who have a certain amount of HP left, which takes loads of practice to master, especially since it deals different amounts of damage to villain targets. You need to know how to properly utilize the villain mark with your other abilities as well. The only ability that is pretty basic here is Garens passive. It gives you built-in warmog. That's it. But shouldn't passives be... passive? ;) Building Garen is a whole other story too. You can build bruiser, full tank, movement speed, crit, lethality even. Garen really is not that simple and has plenty of ways of expressing yourself and your skill through abilities, items and even his epic emojis that can be spammed in the funniest ways possible (Garen is the only champion that can make the real good ol' teabag) :)
He's playing in diamond. The fact that you're losing early with garen most likely means you go for bad oppertunities to trade (for example trade in their minion wave or against an irelia who has full stacks.)
I've been playing Garen for three weeks now. Lev 15. I don't play much but one thing is for sure. if you get a good support with you and you farm well and dominate your lane. You can get Garen so fed and high AD that enemy champs were literally running away from me at sight. One of the most funny moments for me was when I was fighting Sion. And we all know Sion's ult is when he starts charging towards his enemy gaining speed and ramming into them. So I was fighting him and one Q brought half of his health down and since I was so fed his attacks weren't doing anything to me. So as i was chasing him to finish him he used his UIt to run away from me at warp speed. Made my day!
The highest garen one trick in NA is hard stuck d5.... I dont know what exactly ur talking about... ._. Also he loses most lanes in higher then gold... sooo ye
As it was shown in the video, the easy way to just make Garen irrelevant is to camp him. Once you get him a level behind, he is useless the rest of the game. From there, if he tries to go to other lanes, the jungler can just camp him there and get more free kills. Garen is your classic "if you are good, he is totally useless in the game and if you are bad, you are totally useless in the game" champ.
Your experience playing garen sounds shockingly similar to mine as a caitlyn main. I'm pretty new to league so she taught me a lot about zoning and wave control and in a year since picking up league I've already climbed past some of my friends who are 2+ year veterans with really diverse champion pools.
I did try out Garen for a while, and what I learned the most was that I freaking hated everything and everyone that can out run me; dashes, jumps, flashes, etc. Enemies who are not stupid will escape, period. If they can catch up to Garen, there is nothing you can do to run. But I do admit that in hindsight, a lot of things can be done as this means their presence in lane diminishes and opens options. And playing safe and keeping distance to not get engaged when behind is another thing I need to learn.
I agree with most of this. Garen was the very first champ I picked up, and he pretty much showed me how to play the game. I'm since really good with "fancier" champs, but I'll always go back to Garen. The only things I disagree with is to truly be the best Garen, you have to know when to use W if you're about to get CC'd, Q if you need to break a slow, and use E outside of their minion wave to help you win trades better. Another thing, Garen can definitely swing a teamfight under the right circumstances. If they have say an Miss Fortune, you'd best save your Q so you can negate her ult. Doing so will often win the fight by itself (speaking from experience).
I try to tell people who want to learn the game to give Teemo a try for the same reason. He doesn't have no fancy dash and his blind is a little on par with Garen's silence on his Q. He even has a free ward built in that slows people when it "spots" them (lol). It gives the player a great sense of awareness that a lot of people lack because they are playing Camille or similar (who can dash off walls to avoid gank, limiting the punishment usually received by over extending, ect.)
I agree with you and if you play mid garen, it helps you to know when to roam and how to do it, because garen has no gapcloser at all, only his q, your positioning with this champion will decide if your team will pick up a kill or a flash out or just waste time and experience and gold for both lanes
Hey gbay. This is the kind of video type you should connect with your other series "completing league". I was missing that "learning factor" in those videos. You should combine these 2 formats, where you start learning an new champ and explain us briefli where you struggled and what you learned getting that mastery 5 on that champ! Keep it up!
Yo gbay is a fricking champ and I’ve learned so much from his videos and I️ love watching them! :D literally I’ve used some of his tips and I’ve gotten so much better at the game, so look ahead gbay look past the hate and keep doing what your doing. Happy holidays
there is actually 1 mechanical aspect to his laning, which is able to be messed up. his q being an autoattack reset makes his trades way better, especially in the earlygame.
Garen and Mundo actually are very good at teaching fundamentals and improving game play and game knowledge. They just have all the tools to teach you the game competitively and gets you to the more mechanically demanding champions. The passive heals allows you to take bad trades and still come out on top, and how they don’t use mana means less trips to the fountain. They allow you to learn match ups and strengths and weaknesses. Plus they are actually really strong in low ELO. I always say Skills > Matchups/‘op.’ The more skilled player wins 100% of the time.
Really liked this video. I just had a question. You kept mentioning lane/minion manipulation, so I was wondering if you could do a video covering basic laning and minion concepts. All I know is freezing pretty much, but I never know when or why to do it. I think learning more about controlling your lane helps with trades too but again I don't know how :p
Hey Gbay - thanks for the video! But I have two question - have you played Shen and what has he taught you, if he did taught you something, of course. Tell me what you think if you see this.
Back in s1 and s2 there was a way to show how good and skilled Garen you were,these were the stacking items like the AD and the HP one.Once you bought these and kept killing/winning lane while not dying you were like a god.
I have to disagree, the most difficult decision every good garen player has to make is, do I wanna spam laugh or taunt during my spin animation?
With the new addition of emotes, spamming laughs seems more plausible.
I just thumbs up when the entire enemy team is chasing after me.
As I garen main, I can say it's none of you options:
It's Joke.
Come on, Garen comes with a T-BAG when he spams Joke.
Tutorial to be Garen Main:
Kill enemy
Go on top of the dead enemy body
Spin and T-Bag him with joke
That's it.
they nerfed garen emote spam on EUNE (the sound doesnt repeat), it still works on EUW tho it is just my smurf.... why? that was the best part of beying garen
Jeppe Hansson 666 likes
"is impossible to mess up a garen trade"
Vietnam-style flashback where i remember all the times i Q a minion instead of the enemy champion.
oh, there is a keyboard button " ` " its the one to the left of number one above Tab. It will allow you to target champions only. I've been using it for years its pretty useful tbh. If you have it set for champion mastery/emotes. huge mistake. Revert it to target champions only and thank me later.
@@troydon3989 tks for the tip.
@@troydon3989 I played the game for at near 600 hours. I didn't knew about this feature until now. Wow
@@helios1087 ,glad I could help. Another time I use it is when I want to walk behind the herald. This way I won't be attacking the herald and can walk behind it.
Troy Don sir if I wasn’t poor atm I’d buy you a skin
“I Played Nonstop Garen For 2 Days, Here’s What I Learned.” Justice?
Red-Crested Turaco No. .... DEMARCIA
You spin it till you win it
You mean Till they die? (Spin to win?)
Not funny
"My left leg is a lot stronger than my right leg"
"My right arm is a lot stronger than my left arm"
Yup that's the reference
Spongebob reference
"My LEG!"
IKR That movement bug tho x)
Wait so... Riot took a movement bug and made it a joke? Har Har!
garen is a bit crippled in your video #justiceforgaren :'(
Why does garen run like that or is gbay pressing emotes while moving?
Spectator bug, happens with Xin zhao as well
and sivir
huh, thought it was just having locked camera and positioning the mouse cursor such that the walk animation is every so often interrupted for just a small moment
Mitä sä tääl teet?
Yeah youcan also do that String but its just a spectator bug for this instance
13 minute garen commercial
all the garen mains
YOU HAVENT SEEN the video until the end lol xd
Garen is proud of this video I think
5:11 "When there is nothing to mess up, everything is so easy"
*misses 3 minions* :/
And then dies to tower it looks like.
lol, he died to tower for sure
Mithy s He definitely didn't die to tower. Unless he just stood there. If he walked away when the first shot hit, he wouldn't have died to two tower shots.
Like pottery
If you don't yell "DEMACIA!!" at the top of your lungs when you press q, you're not a real Garen main.
you're mistaken, you yell JUSTICE when you ult, and SPIN TO WIN with e
wait a second....
The Ult actually does double damage while you are yelling
Corrcet and when you ult the villain you must shout JUTICE (ensuring the villain dies)
The yell actually happens during his W btw
Night night?
5:12 "Where there's nothing to mess up" except last hitting apparently
Also "Its easy to not throw away your lead" and he might have died there cause unless he had q and reacted fast tower would kill him. 5:27
last hitting on garen ain't easy man, his swing animation is deceptively slow, and only the last 2 frames apply damage. It's definitely the easiest auto attack to cancel in the game. now if you want to CS and push you can use your E, but pushing is the exception not the default when it comes to minion control.
How does one have an 'accidental Irelia game'?
probably forgot he was doing only Garen and picked Irelia out of habit
Probably a habitual lock-in :p
lmao this cracked me up
He added that clip becouse it fit what he was talking about in that moment
Use W right before a turret shot hits you, not as soon as it's fired. Dmg reduction is increased during first 0.75 seconds of the duration.
John Smith another good tip is to use ur q to break slow after u get slowed, instead of before
Mitchell E press e do dmg
Often more importantly, time W right before CC for 65% tenacity, cause if you can't be kited in team fights then the enemy carries are gonna have a hard time since garen can't go ignored.
I love using that to scare opponents, or secure kills under turret.
@@alexanderblixt1221 i totally forgot about the tenacity bonus. Normally, I'm focusing more on avoiding damage at that point, because after CC normally comes the big hits. Everyone wants to ensure that their damage hits, so I'll often tank the CC, and hit my armor to tank their ult, in the space between the CC expiring and the ult channel finishing. That way it's mitigated, and I can ensure that nobody else, who lacks a countermeasure, gets hit with it.
Why does garen move like he has parkinsons
bweebys gbay is either pressing S constantly or hes clicking right in front of himself
Replay has some glitchy animations. Xin has the same thing.
its a bug it only happens when you record the game after you play it
Thank goodness I'm not the only one lol
I am in a really weird position about league.
I love and play this game but can only play like 3-4 games every 2 weeks or so.
This gives me the problem that I dont have much time learning a champion. As much as I want to play complex and skillfull champions I just cant afford it.
To perform good and pick up the game everytime I happen to be able to play some rounds, I need to play basic and easy champions. Thats why Garen and Cho'Gath are my most played champions. Even though I play Cho'Gath more often I want to talk more about Garen.
Garen has for someone like me the perfect kit. Mind that I dwell all the way down in Bronze III and will probably stay there for a long time. Garen has heals over his passive you dont have to manage mana you just jave to calculate the cooldowns. He has damage reduction, a movementspeed buff, a skill to farm easy and an executing ultimate.
Thats perfect for someone like me.
You see there are the noobs that play Yasuo and fail cause hes a hard to play champion. His executing potential relies on a skillshot at the right time and his damage is avoidable if you opponent can poke well.
And then there is me. I kow I'm bad and I want to improve but for that I need simple champions to at least avoid dragging my team down.
For basic champions like Cho'Gath, Garen and my other picks I want to thank Riot. It helps me to play and learn the game in the tiny steps that are possible for me.
So the next time you see an enemy playing an "skillless champion" think a little. Maybe he just playys what he is able to.
Thanks for your patience and sorry for the maybe bad grammar. German is so much different to speak you have no idea. ^^'
PS: Awesome vid gbay. Brings a better light to the harbinger of JUSTICE!
NOphion Trollbringer you my friend is what makes league a better place 😀
t Robin
Honor Rank 4. Im pretty proud about it. So thank you. :)
NOphion Trollbringer
You are German so I assume the euw server ? Wanna play sometime ? Add me:
I can add you at Tuesday. As I said: Seeing me online is is pretty rare and I suck in LoL. So think twice before you willingly drop your Rank. xD
You dont have time play league but you have time to write that BIG ASS comment. You could have played 1 game while typing this.
I edited this comment so you have no clue why it has so many likes
your local abomination you also like those medical videos?
exactly what I thought lol
its chubbyemu the asian doctor
i dont think he is a doctor he just reads out articles and like explain it to the viewers
1234 it says on his profile that he's a licensed provider in the US, idk whether it means he's a nurse practitioner or doctor
the "g" in "gbay" stands for Garen
GarenBae obviously
He had no jungler in garen vs. camille. Blames himself. Nope not his fault.
It probably has to do with the fact that your playstyles on other champions are so ingrained in you. With garen, you have to think about what you're doing again which leads to better results than autopiloting on your main.
Playing and improving with intent is better than playing on autopilot. Yes your unconscious brain has a faster response time and has a higher processing power but your conscious brain is able to make unique connections and adapt to the situation better than the unconscious brain.
I was wondering why his winrate on garen was so much higher than his irelia winrate. Gbay has fantastic lane knowledge and macro to get a 70% winrate in diamond, but his irelia winrate is significantly lower. This implies that his irelia mechanics are holding him back despite him having so many games on her. If he played a champ with no mechanics (or mechanics he clicks with), his good macro will carry him. I guess he autopilots on irelia and makes too many mistakes in his comfort.
no its because he only has 20 garen games xD his winrate would go down fast if he played like 100 games more
He's playing a tank in tank meta and does well. Sorry this is more the fact Garen is a strong easy champ to play for the most part
He made good points lol
Do "i played nonstop yasuo for 2 days." have fun :)
Clayton Chang Or "I played tank Teemo for 2 days and I want to cut off my fingers"
No need to cut off your fingers, because "I played tank Teemo for 2 days and my fingers fell off from atrophy."
He will be hospitalised for getting stage four cancer
"Played yasuo for 2 days" IM GAY
Clayton Chang But I already know how2feed
I learned that too much justice can get u crippled
Title sounds like a fucking buzzfeed article
"Garen is white and it is not okay"
stop giving them ideas
Kevin Shields lmao you couldnt be any more accurate
Garen is justicenormative.
thats cuz u never played vs teemo
A patient Garen shits on Teemo. Gnar is a far far bigger threat.
Ninja Ninja Yes early game Teemo can wreck Garen, but late game Garen can easily curbstomp Teemo.
The lesson is he will ruin your early game but you will end his late game
AYY I'm the Kátáríná that played with u in the game u went 4/3/4 (1:15)
Even though you will most likely not read this anymore gbay, but there actually is a Garen Mechanic that not everyone knows... its perfect in a Garen-Fiora matchup if she wants to W your Q aa. While you run up to her with Q charged, you have to press E and at the end of your E you can Q. That is beacuase the E duration is 1-1.5 seconds shorter then the time you have for doing an Q-Enhanced autoattack :D
Masgenmann Exactly my thoughts. Not that it matters to anyone, but Garen's ult will auto cancel itself if an enemy gets out of his vision a good amount of times, and aa animations also bug...Even though Riot said they fixed these issues. I believe that it's probably the netcode, but w/e.
This video is a solid guide for him, but as you play more and more, pay attention to his quirks in gameplay as complementing it with the right runes (especially in this new meta), varying your kit approach (maybe a aa before my Q until his cd is finished, or E>Q since he can't do jack) and adapting your build to whatever circumstances you encounter go a long way to lane dominance in order to _preservere_ .
Garen is the barebones champ where you punish your opponents for doing something stupid by capitalizing it to your advantage with _courage_ , in the name of _Demacia_ .
His failsafes also allow you to do risky plays successfully, but I urge you to _judge_ it first and wait for the right moment _decisively_ .
Taking note of their ability cd and their patterns can be very, very important. The more Knowledge you have about the core and "gamesense", the more _justice_ you can deliver.
Your og S1 Garen main who can't get past Diamond.
P.S: He is a 3v3 god.
Gbay99 is evolving! He went From Goldbay99 to Garenbay99!
Sponsored by Garen
I read 2 years instead of days..
Season greetings Gbay. No wonder garen is my worst champ, he exposes flaws in my top lane fundamentals.
This is really fascinating to me, because when I first got into the game I was told a lot to try Garen and Annie and I was, and still am, TERRIBLE at those champions, and I have no idea how people are successful on them. Cool video, gbay!
you probably gave up on them after 10-20 games or something though :/
typical yasuo main XD
I was your exact opposite. When I started playing the game I didn't play Garen and Annie at all. I picked them up after I already got to around plat 3-2.
Speaking of, you shouldn't put Garen and Annie in the same box. Garen is an extremely linear and predictable champion with set in stone strengths and weaknesses, whereas Annie is a champion with a pretty good and well rounded kit that, if played properly, is nearly impossible to counterplay in many matchups (and even entire teamcomps). There's a reason why Garen's winrate goes down the higher you go in elo, whereas Annie effortlessly maintains a high winrate all the way from Bronze to Masters.
There's a reason why Annie was a situational LCS pick before her ranges were nerfed, and saw competitive play as recently as this year's All Stars. And with new toys like Hexflash, Ultimate Hat, and Unsealed Spellbook, she might solidly become a tier 2 competitive pick for season 8.
Tredikon HD It is actually easy to give up on champions after 5 matches because you just don't want ppl to suffer if you play. I gave up on Talon after about 4 games because I can't find joy or that good feeling I unusually have with obe of my main man yoric.
If there are any other champions you could do this with for any other role (like pre rework Warwick Jungle where you would need to save ult for specific high priority targets and more than anything work on your jungle clear efficiency to hit 6 asap as well as your map awareness/positioning) I think this could turn into a very informative series of videos where you break down how a champion can help you learn part of the game inherently like Garen does. Thank you for the run down on Garen, hopefully we can see more videos like this soon. :)
Time to insta pick garen in my ranked
lost two games in a row not recommended
how do you lose two games in a row in 10 minutes
the comments are 1 hour apart from each other
im in loading screen with garen right now :D
vincent schuurhof how did it go
Great analysis. Exactly what I've come to learn playing Garen a lot. I like to play him when I don't have the energy to play technical champions. The lane game is still incredible fun. You will either be dominant or getting rekt. Very confrontational champ - both mentally and mechanics-wise.
5:28 LMAO that cut. You didn't die, right???????
Garen Demacia 😂
Garen Demacia omg that made me laugh so hard after reading this
So, I'm not the only one who saw this about Garen! Awesome! He's a great practice tool. Especially for a friend who isn't familiar with League and is just getting started. You set up a lead for them in lane, and let them sink or swim from there, while you and the rest of your team handle the more intricate parts. Just keep an eye out and babysit that friend.
Personally, I gravitate towards bottom lane and jungle, simply because I'm familiar with almost all of the champion mechanics in the game. I only have 41 champions left to perm unlock, and have been playing for the better part of a decade. But having just recently played my first few games as Garen, I have to admit that the biggest surprise I discovered was his passive. That regen is VERY significant for his sustain and lane control, and using it effectively is the only mechanic you really need to make an effective killing spree as Garen. He's definitely a tank champion, no matter what you decide to do with him otherwise. Max health is the number one way to capitalize on his biggest strength. He can't chase exceptionally well. He can't run exceptionally well. But if you position properly, apply lane pressure and skew your minions for a few cheeky damage points here and there, Garen can actually sneak in a few good kills. The main weakness of a garen is numbers. Getting swarmed and continuously hit with CC, Garen is a big lump of HP that can only buy time. That isn't a bad thing. You can deter enemy champions by using your spin as an area deterrant, and punish enemies who overextend. But all you have is overwhelming force at a steady rate. There's no way to open up the floodgates and burst, other than a single shot from his ult. Garen DEFINES lane presence.
Garen looks like been kick in the groin when walking. LOL
This is the first video I have properly watched on your channel. Very informative and you've gained my sub.
Camille is just overloaded af tho
2000 unit range movement with E
Slow and heal + aoe on W
Auto reset x2 + true dmg on Q
Ridiculously huge shield on Passive
Insane dmg bonus + dodge + "cc" on ult .....
Way too much for one fkin champion
As Garen main your comment about not being able to show off champion knowledge got to me. If you take unsealed spellbook, rush a yommus and buy a bc, deadmans, and swifties, you become an unstoppable 1shot machine as long as you can get any sort of lead in lane. This is why we take unsealed spellbook, to cheese a kill with ignite, then trade for tp or exhaust and then trade than into ghost late game(it also gives you like 90ad at level 1 if you buy a longsword and take domination for op zombie ward). The only weakness of this build is burst mages, and melee hyper carries like Tryndamere and Jax that can mitigate your 1 shot potential then beat you after your wifted your spells. It's also harder because you can't just use Garen's faceroll combo since you have to max q first.
Garen player here and I can confirm almost everything said in the video
THIS IS THE GBAY I WAS LOOKING FOR! Critical thinking and improvement nicely done!
I've only played LoL for a week and one game my whole team got wiped a Garen
Tank is more of a light suggestion.
Since the rework he had with Mordekaiser and Skarner he's technically a "Juggernaut".
Garen one of those champs that Burst you while having 4k hp
this is when of the best most original league videos i've ever seen.. this is sick man honestly well done
Comeback of one legged garen 😂
One champ who operates similar is Draven. Draven is like a farming simulator, practice how to last hit, how to farm safely, and how to just consistently farm. His kit also shows if a risk is worth taking (a spinning axe that bounces to an unsafe location. It's probably not worth taking). His kit is as point and click as it gets. you could argue that a well timed e, a skillshot, is the difference between life and death, but really the same can be said for a well timed garen w or q.
You make Garen seem way easier than he actually is.
You say the trades are predetermined, but good players can take into account the extra 33% dmg on his E when the target's isolated, the W that shields a huge amount and reduces cc for 0.75 seconds (hard to time) and the armor shred after getting for spins off at the same target.
Not to mention calculating how low the enemy has to be for your ult to kill them, the villain mechanic and the passive regeneration.
Swoll Pot of Greed If you look at the video Gbay didn't do most of (if not all of) these.
Also, you should usually use q for movespeed, spin 4 timed for armor shred, cancel it and then hit the q to his reduced armor.
I really don't think he thought about this at all.
John Smith Hmm. Garen is easy in comparison to some other champions. The fact that you point out such miniscule and detailed mechanics that won't help you out in every situation suggests that Garen IS easy. His trade pattern compared to someone like Orianna is night and day.
I haven't use it in a while but I think garen's R tells u if you kill it or not, so you know when to press it
Manuel OS no it doesn't only Cho'Gaths ult does that.
Cho'Gaths and now Evelyn...
Best vid in a while, Gbay. Have a good holiday man.
Why is garen skipping?
Lucas the wizard it's a bug on replays
He's be trippin'
Jump rope workout
As someone who mained garen season two to five I agree to most of your break down. Garens mechanics and kit are heavily relied on the enemy, especially in the late game.
Who do you want to silence?
Do you rush in with your Q or do you wait to get slowed by an enemy first?
Which abilities do you have to shield to reduce the most damage?
When do you cancel your spin? (Yes, canceling your spin is very important. If you don't hit anyone, cancel it to get it back faster.)
Also If you get killed with garen in the Early game, give up you turret and go bot/mid. You will very likely get enough kills to get back into the game. (Needless to say Garens rework really hurt his old mentality. Especially the forced targeting from his Ult or his new shield passive)
I played Garen religiously, and have about 80k mastery points.
After few streaks of losses, where I was usually winning lane but was unable to carry with obtained lead, I got pretty darn mad and decided to move on from him forever. But indeed he granted me knowledge of League itself, so you are 100 right about him.
Well done, Garen-Bay99
I think you mean Garen-bae99.
Bay actually learning new tricks and improving his skills. Good on you my man!
" garen might be the most simple champion in all of league" tell that to the players in bronze silver and gold. The meta right now is tank tank tank, i am able to 1 vs 5 entire ennemy teams by jumping into them with a tank shyvana and insta killing everybody. Yet everybody feels the need to go full ad garen with only damage items and not a single tank item. even vs 5 ad champs they refuse to buy and single piece of armor and flame and report everybody that tells them to buy some. As a result every garen in my team is squishy as fuck, useless and dies all the time.
TheGamebreaker1234 cause Garen is not a tank like he have 1 weak CC that target only 1 people, now look at real tank Sion, Orn, Cho,....Of cource build hybrid is the best but Garen can not do shit if he is a tank.
also death dance trintyiy stereks garen is now meta
I have to watch it again and take notes haha. Such a good and clear guide. Congrats bro
Gbay is the only one who tries to make Champs like: Malphite and Garen look like they take alot of skill.
Next Video: Annie is the hardest Midlaner currently.
This is exactly why I love Garen, he was my first champ ever. Now I moved on from him but I still remember the good times he gave me and I appreciate that.
You can say whatever about Garen, that he's easy, he's a noobchamp, but he is a champion that you can learn a lot about the game.
Good video dude.
and what about Tryndamere?
what can whe learn with hin?
that's Singed :V
0 dmg on champions tryn ggez
Crash Shuyin that his right arm is alot stronger than his left arm
the faps ...
Garen is one of my favorite Tanks to play in LoL. Glad to see him getting some spotlight. He's a lot of fun when you are getting back in when you've taken a long break from League. You may come back feeling rusty and he helps you remember how to properly work your lane. Also great for figuring when best to attack during team fights, seeing as the tank needs to be the one to get the ball rolling and know when to do so is crucial.
what's with garen's walking
dolev goaz little legs
+Hecatrice hahhaha xD
I remember when every video I saw with Gbay99 being angry, raging and unfiltered.... This is amazingly good content and I love the attitude. new subscriber to you
Nonstop aatrox please
Wonderful video! Garen was a champ I avoided on my climb to 30 several years ago, mainly because the group that taught me all overestimated my knowledge of the game and believed the champion to be beneath them and me. Despite his aggressive kit, picking Garen up taught me a lot and made me a much more passive (towers over kills, farm over chasing, etc) player. Skip forward to today and Garen is the only champion I have bothered to unlock mastery 7 with, and whom I have all the skins for.
Michael Anderson ?
Mitchell E, 5 people got what he was trying to say
Have not played league for along time, but still come back and watch your videos, your videos are fantastic and i learned so damn much from you and not only in term of league knowledge, hope you continue to put up a ton of great videos
First video I’ve watched by you in a couple weeks. I really enjoyed it. Very different from what most people do, with some very interesting insights.
Ew tank Garen...
Lord Siris yeah full crit is the way to go!
Ew bronzes
@Ts Aiyo, Lethality*
Semi tank is the best imo, going for something like Merc Threads and one of the armor items, then getting AD.
I go like deadmans or spirit visage then youmuus and boots then whatever I need
I only played Garen for the last months I played League. I wasn't playing as often, and Garen is realiable. No matter the meta, Garen kind of stays the same. I used to play support, then assassins, then Ryze when he was really OP, and this is when I started playing less and less, because not only Ryze was redesigned more than once, you had to consider changes to itemisation as well. That got too demanding, and I started playing less, which then became a cycle of "the less I played, the harder it got to keep up with changes". So I started playing Garen.
The problem with that is that Garen has a very short learning curve. It's a champion for beginners because they can focus on learning other stuff instead of the champions mechanics. That's what I needed because of the ever changing meta and due to how infrequently I was playing: I felt like a beginner myself, even though I played LoL since I was 9. It gets boring though. I couldn't stand Garen's voice by the end.
One last thing: this video should be called "I Played Nonstop Garen for 2 Days. This is what happened to my brain" or something like that... little Chubbyemu reference XD
4:33 OMG he missed a cs
Vetryx Blackfox i
As someone who has been a Garen main since season 1 this video has made me very happy. Looking forward to when you learn the joy of crit/lethality Garen instead of the standard Black Cleaver/Sunfire build.
Definetly not csing
With Camille vs Garen, she has that thing that gives her that orange health. You want to bait that out and then engage onto her for a trade after that orange health goes away so you can actually do damage in the trade to win it with your damage reduction with your W. You never really want to initiate the trade against her because of that orange health ability proc. So until then it is best to freeze the lane close to your tower in case something goes wrong. Like you said, playing Garen in lane is all about when to engage in a trade. Most players are going to be greedy and always try to dish out damage onto you while you are just sitting there last hitting minions and that's where they make their mistake and that's when you engage under your own minions as well. Also ignite is so much better on Garen since it also helps with his trading in a fight you are wanting to finish your opponent in.
Great video! I learned a lot especially since I have never purposely chose Garen to play as in the top lane in my entire life. Hyped for the possible 48 hour Aatrox marathon c; I believe in you gbay!
My flaw is that I have a life now and I can't no life this game anymore to keep up with ever increasing number of champions, reworks, match ups, buffs, nerfs. Legit so annoying the amount of champions I allready knew how to play, but all got massively reworked now.
Riot fucks all the veteran players to cash grab all the new players. It sucks. I can barely stay in plat 2 playing 2-3 games a week despite having learned so much over the years. League is becoming more and more of a grind instead of an actual skill tester. And all my time mastering league is being thrown at the bin.
jeremy murphy Dude just play one champ and youre kay. Veterans stay in diamond like this so dont pretend riot deliberately fucks up those players. Should they just stop changing the game or what would you suggest?
Also you didnt master the game one bit if you are plat, wtf.
When someone says '' I've finally mastered the piano'' does he mean he is amongst the top 50 pianists in the wolrd? No. That statement is Idiotic, stop trying to bring up an ego I never had. As for your constructive question, I think they change the game way too frequently, especially reworking so many champions. It's something they did not do so often in the past.
Your suggestion to 1trick is a good suggestion, thanks for that. But even so, there are so many match ups now, that I still need to play often to keep them in my head :/
jeremy murphy There are people who can play the piano and there are those who mastered it, big difference. Also most changes through the season you can adapt to pretty intuitively, even if you only play a couple games. Like, my pc is broken and I only get to play when im at my friends place but it litteraly makes no difference because I still know my champs. Ive played like 10 games over the last month and I still hold my place at diamond 5 (which is really not good though).
jeremy murphy So what man, play casually. New champions/reworks are what makes this game fun. If they stop doing that or slow the pace of updates the game would become boring. And that's from another league veteran.
Not that it matters to anyone, but Garen's ult will auto cancel itself if an enemy gets out of his vision a good amount of times, and aa animations also bug...Even though Riot said they fixed these issues. I believe that it's probably the netcode, but w/e.
This video is a solid guide for him, but as you play more and more, pay attention to his quirks in gameplay as complementing it with the right runes (especially in this new meta), varying your kit approach (maybe a aa before my Q until his cd is finished, or E>Q since he can't do jack) and adapting your build to whatever circumstances you encounter go a long way to lane dominance in order to _preservere_ .
Garen is the barebones champ where you punish your opponents for doing something stupid by capitalizing it to your advantage with _courage_ , in the name of _Demacia_ .
His failsafes also allow you to do risky plays successfully, but I urge you to _judge_ it first and wait for the right moment _decisively_ .
Taking note of their ability cd and their patterns can be very, very important. The more Knowledge you have about the core and "gamesense", the more _justice_ you can deliver.
Your og S1 Garen main who can't get past Diamond who's also Honor 4. c:
P.S: He is a 3v3 god.
Finally a video on my main from my fav youtuber keep it up man
"accidental irelia game" how tf do you do that?
Likely he accidentally banned garen when he meant to pick him
Picking her for someone else and they change their mind due to counterpick or something.
I thought you stopped posting and then I noticed I wasn’t even subscribed to you. Thanks UA-cam made me wait about 4 months to watch your videos
i could beat you as garen, he is the most hard to master champ in this game.
i bet you can bby
sarge32 Lmfao he is easy to play and easy to master. Period.
Blamzy theres nothing to master though
lmao. He is not easy to play or easy to master. I would know, I've spent many hours polishing my garen gameplay, and i'm a master at him. Period.
Garen's hardest mechanic is timing his w to reduce cc for 0.75 secs xD and that's NOTHING compared to Riven's auto animation cancels, you can cry and whine all you want, but every pro player will agree Garen is a relatively easy champion with a very low skill cap, if not the easiest champ out there.
Hey, Im a gold Garen main. I do agree Garen is pretty simple, but saying he offers no way of expressing yourself or that the trades with him are always the same is just not right. Let's go through his kit and see how you can use it differently.
His Q is a ms boost + silence so casting it at the right moment takes a lot of practice and experience. You need to know if you should save it for disengage and just trade with your E or to engage with it, and if so when exactly to deny your enemy an important ability. If you just spam it without thunking you get caught without disengage and killed or you lose trades f.e. because you used silence when your enemy is on cooldown anyway.
Your W is a tenacity boost, a damage absorber and a stacking stat booster. On top on having many uses - like to cut burst damage, cut stun durations or trade better it also has a stacking mechanic and long cooldown so good decision making and just knowing how and when to use it makes a huge difference. Players who will pop up this ability whenever enemy autos them in lane are going to get bodied because they get stripped out of their primary defence ability whenever enemy wants to. Good Garen players will use it just before enemy is about to dive and make a combo, or right before a stun is about to land on you.
Your E is also tricky. The spin to win can be combined with Q to make Garen more sticky, it has a built Phantom Dancer passive of phasing through minions so it can be used as an escape tool even if you can use it correctly, and it can apply crit or certain ability on-hits like Rylai so you can make better use of it if you build specific off-meta items wisely. Sure it is simple when you boil it down to "you press a key and it deals damage around you" but if you have certain knowledge of it's side effects like the obes I mentioned earlier, it makes a difference how and who uses it.
Your ult is also more difficult to use properly then you'd think. It is a ranged ability so with some practice you can shut diwn targets through walls and from outside tower range. You need to know how much damage you can deal to champions who have a certain amount of HP left, which takes loads of practice to master, especially since it deals different amounts of damage to villain targets. You need to know how to properly utilize the villain mark with your other abilities as well.
The only ability that is pretty basic here is Garens passive. It gives you built-in warmog. That's it. But shouldn't passives be... passive? ;)
Building Garen is a whole other story too. You can build bruiser, full tank, movement speed, crit, lethality even. Garen really is not that simple and has plenty of ways of expressing yourself and your skill through abilities, items and even his epic emojis that can be spammed in the funniest ways possible (Garen is the only champion that can make the real good ol' teabag) :)
"Beats almost every top laner in the early game."
HA. HA. HA. No. You've just been playing against silver players.
He's playing in diamond. The fact that you're losing early with garen most likely means you go for bad oppertunities to trade (for example trade in their minion wave or against an irelia who has full stacks.)
I've been playing Garen for three weeks now. Lev 15. I don't play much but one thing is for sure. if you get a good support with you and you farm well and dominate your lane. You can get Garen so fed and high AD that enemy champs were literally running away from me at sight. One of the most funny moments for me was when I was fighting Sion. And we all know Sion's ult is when he starts charging towards his enemy gaining speed and ramming into them. So I was fighting him and one Q brought half of his health down and since I was so fed his attacks weren't doing anything to me. So as i was chasing him to finish him he used his UIt to run away from me at warp speed. Made my day!
tard garen is freelo
The highest garen one trick in NA is hard stuck d5.... I dont know what exactly ur talking about... ._.
Also he loses most lanes in higher then gold... sooo ye
WaggishGamer Free elo up to a certain point. Once you hit plat and above, people actually know what to do against Garen.
As it was shown in the video, the easy way to just make Garen irrelevant is to camp him. Once you get him a level behind, he is useless the rest of the game. From there, if he tries to go to other lanes, the jungler can just camp him there and get more free kills. Garen is your classic "if you are good, he is totally useless in the game and if you are bad, you are totally useless in the game" champ.
Excellent work, my friend. Well done!
Your experience playing garen sounds shockingly similar to mine as a caitlyn main. I'm pretty new to league so she taught me a lot about zoning and wave control and in a year since picking up league I've already climbed past some of my friends who are 2+ year veterans with really diverse champion pools.
I did try out Garen for a while, and what I learned the most was that I freaking hated everything and everyone that can out run me; dashes, jumps, flashes, etc. Enemies who are not stupid will escape, period. If they can catch up to Garen, there is nothing you can do to run. But I do admit that in hindsight, a lot of things can be done as this means their presence in lane diminishes and opens options. And playing safe and keeping distance to not get engaged when behind is another thing I need to learn.
I agree with most of this. Garen was the very first champ I picked up, and he pretty much showed me how to play the game. I'm since really good with "fancier" champs, but I'll always go back to Garen. The only things I disagree with is to truly be the best Garen, you have to know when to use W if you're about to get CC'd, Q if you need to break a slow, and use E outside of their minion wave to help you win trades better.
Another thing, Garen can definitely swing a teamfight under the right circumstances. If they have say an Miss Fortune, you'd best save your Q so you can negate her ult. Doing so will often win the fight by itself (speaking from experience).
I try to tell people who want to learn the game to give Teemo a try for the same reason. He doesn't have no fancy dash and his blind is a little on par with Garen's silence on his Q. He even has a free ward built in that slows people when it "spots" them (lol). It gives the player a great sense of awareness that a lot of people lack because they are playing Camille or similar (who can dash off walls to avoid gank, limiting the punishment usually received by over extending, ect.)
I agree with you and if you play mid garen, it helps you to know when to roam and how to do it, because garen has no gapcloser at all, only his q, your positioning with this champion will decide if your team will pick up a kill or a flash out or just waste time and experience and gold for both lanes
Hey gbay. This is the kind of video type you should connect with your other series "completing league". I was missing that "learning factor" in those videos. You should combine these 2 formats, where you start learning an new champ and explain us briefli where you struggled and what you learned getting that mastery 5 on that champ! Keep it up!
Great video, the videos you show while speaking are especially great. GJ!
Its nice to se this guy leaving the hate aside and doing cool again in he´s videos/popularity
Yo gbay is a fricking champ and I’ve learned so much from his videos and I️ love watching them! :D literally I’ve used some of his tips and I’ve gotten so much better at the game, so look ahead gbay look past the hate and keep doing what your doing. Happy holidays
Gbay, you should make this into a long running series, take weird champs and tell us what you learned about them/the game
You should make this a series. This was really interesting
there is actually 1 mechanical aspect to his laning, which is able to be messed up. his q being an autoattack reset makes his trades way better, especially in the earlygame.
Garen and Mundo actually are very good at teaching fundamentals and improving game play and game knowledge. They just have all the tools to teach you the game competitively and gets you to the more mechanically demanding champions. The passive heals allows you to take bad trades and still come out on top, and how they don’t use mana means less trips to the fountain. They allow you to learn match ups and strengths and weaknesses. Plus they are actually really strong in low ELO. I always say Skills > Matchups/‘op.’ The more skilled player wins 100% of the time.
Really liked this video. I just had a question. You kept mentioning lane/minion manipulation, so I was wondering if you could do a video covering basic laning and minion concepts. All I know is freezing pretty much, but I never know when or why to do it. I think learning more about controlling your lane helps with trades too but again I don't know how :p
more quality content from my favorite garen main
Great content as usual man, thanks!
Hey Gbay - thanks for the video! But I have two question - have you played Shen and what has he taught you, if he did taught you something, of course.
Tell me what you think if you see this.
Back in s1 and s2 there was a way to show how good and skilled Garen you were,these were the stacking items like the AD and the HP one.Once you bought these and kept killing/winning lane while not dying you were like a god.