2:24 and there you have it. He offed himself because he was not going out submissive or cowardly. Surrender was completely out of the question for Hitler, from the very start. There was no chance of ever disgracing him like Mussolini.
@@prestigeworldwide2632He was obsessed with rome and wanted a “modern” version of defeated Roman generals falling into their swords He didn’t want to repeat ww1 where the kaiser abdicated and lived in a shameful exile and he genuinely believed (since there were plans for this) that the allies will off every single German, thus his action in his own eyes was dying with the German people.
@@prestigeworldwide2632AH would’ve never ever fled the nation like the Kaiser did , he went the same way as millions of his countrymen; probably lying underneath berlins streets until today like a modern day Barbarossa
I have studied this man and his political revolution, for many decades. I have family members who lived through those times. I can tell you this: In every one of Hitlers speeches, the main theme was always "National Revival". He pointed out, that after Germany was forced to give up all of its military hardware in 1919, The rest of Europe, including Great Britain, were engaged in a feverish arms race. "Germany", Hitler said: "will soon be surrounded by powerful rivals, and will have to fear for its sovereignty, and freedom." Contrary to the hateful propaganda of the "Victor Nations", none of Hitlers speeches can be described as "Full of Hate Speech, and Racism, and Anti-Semitism". Anti-Semitism was already wide spread all across Europe. Hitler had no urgent need to rail against them in his speeches. In stead, he repeatedly addressed Germanys humiliation and enslavement under the dictates of Versailles, which he swore he would reverse.
isn't to deny he killed all those jews. That's what makes him undeniably "bad". Even if he only said he hated them and did nothing against them would be better than killing millions of them in concentration camps. If you do some research into even how they killed them (before they had concentration camps) and if you would read his book, you would see he more them hated jews and that's just a simple fact there is literally no denying into that.
part true part it was anti semitism. don't forget the concentration camps. and in those camps were political , religious and other. don't make excuses I have read about him too and know history. probably history can repeat itself.
Hitler, January 30, 1939, Adressing the Reichstag: "Today we are merely paying this people what it deserves. When the German nation was, thanks to the inflation instigated and carried through by Jews, deprived of the entire savings which it had accumulated in years of honest work, when the rest of the world took away the German nation's foreign investments, when we were divested of the whole of our colonial possessions, these philanthropic considerations evidently carried little noticeable weight with democratic statesmen. Also, this isn't a gotcha, although Hitler objectively historically harassed Jew's in his speeches, you don't need to openly harass demographics to exterminate them. If you disagree, your calling my kin liars, and I have shit to say to you. Lets talk, buddy.
When the Allies decided to try the top Nazis for war crimes they immediately faced the fact that the tribunal would be making ex post facto law, that is what the Germans did during the war was not crimes at the time. But, eventually the chief U.S. prosecutor Robert Jackson decided that because Germany had signed the Treaty of Versailles, the Kellogg-Briand Pact and other treaties that the Germans could be indicted for violating what Germany had agreed to. But, has any treaty ever been made to exist in perpetuity? Did the Germans have no right to repudiate these treaties and thereby make trying the Nazis again ex post facto law?
@@jon5421 I hadn't heard this. I do know that the Tokyo prosecutors had one of the defendants change his testimony into an outright lie in order to eliminate the emperor's personal guilt in planning and ordering Japan's war against the U.S. MacArthur figured that he could more easily control the Japanese People if the emperor was allowed to stay on the throne.
It's usually turned off! There scared of what he's saying. The future has shown that! No I'm not a NAZI! Just sayin this probably won't last long I will be deleted Free speech lol
Die Verbindung mit dem Mutterland, schon rein wirtschaftlich zum Tod bestimmt ist…… not exactly oratory excellence in the German language. He is known for better phrases. But I get it, you don’t speak German. Hitler was evil, sorry to burst your bubble. He seems praiseworthy for some of the things he did, but he was a demon, just be honest with yourself and think about the carnage he left in his wake. Don’t try to justify it.
He says austria is walking towards at least economical death if it will not merge with germany... and he goes on to say that he forced the austrian politicians to give up the land and ressources towards germany, otherwise they would face total annihilation
He is talking about how Austria was created as a State by force and is forcefully being kept from joining the Motherland (Germany) and this eventually will lead Austria to die economically.
Click on the video then hit the settings ⚙️ icon that pops up in the top right-hand corner. Click on the word "captions" in the menu that pops up. Then hit "auto translate" then hit "English." Captions translated to English popped up for me.
الحقيقة التي يجب أن نعترف بها للألمان إن هذا الشعب اكبر من أن يتصور كيف نهض وتطور ؟ حتى استطاع أن يحتل العالم ليس القائد الأسد هتلر وحده بل هم اطفال ونساء وشباب ومهندسين وقادة عسكريين الكل يعمل تحت مظلة حب ألمانية @ احمد من العراق
Und die selbe Verarsche. Die Nazis sind im ihre eigene Falle getappt - Hannah Arendt. (Juden bzw. Zionisten sind 'Habsburger'). Ich empfehle die Rede mit Günther Gaus.
Dass es Anfang des letzten Jahrhunderts darum ging, die unglaublich erfolgreiche und zügige wirtschaftliche Expansion zu stören und zu stoppen, weil man große Angst hatte, seine Weltherrschaft und damit die Kolonien einzubüßen. Die Stellschrauben am Kriegsende und die politischen Wirren danach ebneten die nächste Möglichkeit, dieses Land in den nächsten Krieg zu treiben, man war dumm und korrupt genug, so dass es geklappt hat wie wir wissen. Nun bekommt D den endgültigen Sargnagel in dem Dinge ins Rollen gebracht worden sind, die unsere Wirtschaft ruinieren und die Bevölkerung und die Kultur neutralisiert werden. Reicht das?!
Imagine being able to teleport back in time and seeing shit like that or going back to like ancient times and looking at what the ancient Egyptians were doing that would be insane or another planet that has humanoids on it that are indifferent time periods I would love to be able to do that
Er sprach ja auch vorrangig zu den Menschen , welche die deutsche Sprache verstehen Oder spricht der USA Präsident in den USA zu den amerikanern deutsch ? Oder putin zu den Russen deutsch? Und alle Politiker außerhalb von Deutschland hatten sich ja zum WW II entschieden unabhängig davon ob ein Herr hitler oder eine Jesuiten Prediger der Kanzler gewesen wäre Man sollte nie die erste Kriegserklärung vergessen im Frühjahr 1933
Even if I thank you for those extractions. These are just speechs with designed "omitions"...Why do you cut the best of these speechs ?! It's only misleading people... Hitler isn't* lying about not making arms BUT talking about the 15 years of the Weimar Republic Disarment both in terms of weapons and Moral culture of the gerrman people; While other Nation have plenty of Armements ! So in Reaction Germany is Rearming !
What makes you jump all the way to lying, I only have 2 hours of footage and this content isn’t made for you we are stock footage company we work with tv and documentaries and I cut footage to appeal to them, if I had more I would include it, it’s against my personal interest not to
@@Thefilmgate My Apologies, I'm not angry against you [guys] specifically, but more about the cuts themselves that omits alot of informations ! -People can't judge those speechs without the full comprehension. And thus people tend to jump into "inclusion" (=false political positions as a reaction) because of their false Conclusion (=false Paradigms)...And then the never ending contention begins; Which is are World today...in the "West". ((Aside from that I made a little mistake in my comment previous and I corrected it; nothing to do with you)).
@@darksidedelta Its fine but you do understand that in order to convey that information I would have to make an editorial. because Ive never seen footage where they admit anything, in fact there are plenty deniers to this day. I dont own a webcam or microphone thats not what I do but I do supply footage to programs that do
So you've never seen footage in which something was admitted, well that's because this material doesn't exist, now I'm lucky enough to not only be able to listen to the speeches in the original, but I also have the complete speeches, and I have to Criticism is that one can hardly allow one to make a complete judgment when sentences are taken out of context, which is probably the purpose of all these bad works, the lying German television has published enough such rubbish works, the number of people who will still believe these historical lies Fortunately, however, it is getting smaller and the effort to maintain the lies is getting bigger. @Thefilmgate
Have you ever noticed how the entire world says that the Austrian painter is evil and the worst person to ever exist because he hated all minorities and preached hatred whenever he could? But I’ve seen numerous speeches by this man, and at no point do I see him preaching this hatred, racial superiority, or that all minorities should disappear.
@@paulgardiner2774he was too patriotic, he always preached about how he wanted to bring Germany to its former glory. That was most of this speeches he barely mentions minority. In fact he never visited a concentration camp.
well he was also very intelligent. He had to manipulate the German people into looking the other way. The racial hatred is centuries old. He didn't need to remind people of that.
He says austria is walking towards at least economical death if it will not merge with germany... and he goes on to say that he forced the austrian politicians to give up the land and ressources towards germany, otherwise they would face total annihilation
He says austria is walking towards at least economical death if it will not merge with germany... and he goes on to say that he forced the austrian politicians to give up the land and ressources towards germany, otherwise they would face total annihilation
Why did he call for 7 peace proposals and then Britain scorned each one? Also, why in Dunkirk beaches, THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND soldiers were allowed to go back home when they could have easily been defeated???? HMMM
@@narancauk actually i am learning german, the problem is people don’t become fluent in a language that needs more than 5 years of studying and practicing
Advertising for Royal Drums like Diana's Face They kill you then sell you It's beyond ridiculous worse than religious cults but at least cults have sense of Unity and Community compared to English needs fisted
minuto 4:05, segunda fila de asientos al centro, Walter Oscar Ricardo Darré, ministro de Agricultura y abastecimiento del III Reich, jefe del Departamento de la Raza y Reasentamiento de las SS, argentino, nacido en Buenos Aires el 14 de julio de 1895, tres meses antes que Perón.
"Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened." -General Dwight D. Eisenhower
Click on the video then hit the settings ⚙️ icon that pops up in the top right-hand corner. Click on the word "captions" in the menu that pops up. Then hit "auto translate" then hit "English." Captions translated to English popped up for me.
الخطأ القاتل لهتلر والقادة الالمان المحيطين به انهم استخفوا بالسوفييت واحتقروهم وكانوا يقودون الغزو الالمانى للاتحاد السوفيتى بإستخفاف بالجيش السوفييتى والحكومة السوفييتية وكانوا يريدون نصر سريع وسهل ولم يعطوا السوفييت اى احترام او خوف منهم ورغم ان الالمان انتصروا فى البداية الا انهم اضاعوا نصرهم هذا بسبب استخفافهم بالسوفييت وضيعوا الوقت الثمين ولم يستغلوا النصر ويغزوا موسكو ويسقطوا الحكومة ويدمروا المصانع السوفييتية ويمنعوا امكانية عمل هجوم مضاد سوفييتى وكل ذلك لان هتلر إستخف بالسوفييت أكثر من اللازم وكان يريد نصر سهل وسريع بلا تعب مثلما استخف بالبريطانيين ولم يغزو بريطانيا لانه كان يريد نصر سهل وسريع ولم يعطى البريطانيين اهمية وفتح معهم جبهة ولم يكملها ثم تركهم وفتح جبهة اخرى مع السوفييت وهذا ادى فى النهاية الى تحالف الجبهة البريطانية والسوفييتية ضده بل وايضاً فتح جبهة مع الامريكيين ايضاً !!!!!!!! هتلر كان يريد نصر سهل ويريد احلام تتحقق له كما لو كان معه عصا سحرية وفى نفس الوقت يصعب الامور على نفسه ويسهلها على اعداؤه !!!!
Are you okay? Just rushing Moscow would’ve been a TERRIBLE idea. There supply lines were already overstretched in our timeline, as tanks were literally running out of fuel and soldiers and horses were starving to death. Also, if he just sent all his troops to Moscow and just left the rest of russia perfectly fine, they wouldn’t just surrender, as Stalin was a lot of things, but especially stubborn. As for invading UK, the British had naval superiority and air superiority, a long with home turf advantage. It’s not like Germany could’ve just invaded UK, Sea Lion would’ve been a COMPLETE disaster. Even if push came to shove, the UK had a strong army of 1.6m regulars guarding the home isles, and any troops who may have, SOMEHOW got there, would’ve just died. Sorry, but you’re wrong.
Hitler SUBESTIMO A TODO EL MUNDO ... En lugar de " tratar de comprenderlo " o leer a Sun Tzu, quiso ATROPELLARLO. Y para quien" se presenta a las patadas " no cabe otra respuesta ...
1:32 „Warum sich mit Malen begnügen, wenn man die ganze Welt in seinem Bild malen kann? Sie hätten mir wirklich diesen Job im Kunstmuseum geben sollen.“
We are not the Israelites. If anything the Hittites, Egyptians, Babylonians and Philistines were closer to relationship to modern Europeans genetically. All “bad guys” in the Bible. The Romans subjugated the Israelites and it was a good thing. Your god was a weeping horsewhipped Jew that was killed by essentially a mere security guard at the behest of his own people because he preached a cowardly message.
@@Napolean45 yes many people forget that AH didn't love or worship Islam, he only complimented on its fighting spirit. He also had a low opinion on Arabs and their culture and would only work with some movements to push the British out of North Africa and the Middle East. He viewed any Aryan Nordic man to be contaminated with African and Jewish DNA to be inferior racially. In an alternate world situation I couldn't imagine Arab and Islamists living in the Greater Reich by any means.
I don’t understand this language, but what was unbelievable was the video clips of German military might: so many planes, soldiers, etc. Is this real or some propaganda?
He says austria is walking towards at least economical death if it will not merge with germany... and he goes on to say that he forced the austrian politicians to give up the land and ressources towards germany, otherwise they would face total annihilation . Listen again - i'm german, precisely i grew up where he grew up so this is what his words mean. There is not much chill behind it... its just your brain didn't really understand the hole speech, just parts of it.
Quand on constate le merdier européen actuellement , on a le droit de s interrogér sur l organisation allemande de l epoque , bien-sûr la derive nazi reste in pardonnable mais pour le reste. RESPECT😮
France which claims to be an allie of Germany still sports the railway the statue where the German eagle is speared i don't know how Germans take this without a murmur still being humiliated 80 yrs on
@@QueenNimueh Не е съществувало на Земята по голямо политическо зло от Американския империализъм представен като Демокрация. Говорете и обсъждате това.
@@saccorhytus Yes, at the time, tecacher of Hitler of art downvotes his arts and Hitler chose the way of policy, if not that jewish teacher probably Hitler wouldn't be politic.
Dolf wasn't accepted because his paintings were too wholesome. They wanted degeneracy. Look into Weimar Germany, it is exactly what America has turned into now, sick and perverted.
2:24 and there you have it. He offed himself because he was not going out submissive or cowardly. Surrender was completely out of the question for Hitler, from the very start. There was no chance of ever disgracing him like Mussolini.
I don't think he ever did actually off himself. Probably just fled.
@@prestigeworldwide2632He was obsessed with rome and wanted a “modern” version of defeated Roman generals falling into their swords
He didn’t want to repeat ww1 where the kaiser abdicated and lived in a shameful exile and he genuinely believed (since there were plans for this) that the allies will off every single German, thus his action in his own eyes was dying with the German people.
@endme9918 You know you can listen to all of his speeches translated into English by AI now? It's pretty amazing. Everyone would vote for him today.
He prob escaoed in one of his vril UFOs and is chilling on a different planet atm @@prestigeworldwide2632
@@prestigeworldwide2632AH would’ve never ever fled the nation like the Kaiser did , he went the same way as millions of his countrymen; probably lying underneath berlins streets until today like a modern day Barbarossa
I have studied this man and his political revolution, for many decades. I have family members who lived through those times. I can tell you this: In every one of Hitlers speeches, the main theme was always "National Revival". He pointed out, that after Germany was forced to give up all of its military hardware in 1919, The rest of Europe, including Great Britain, were engaged in a feverish arms race. "Germany", Hitler said: "will soon be surrounded by powerful rivals, and will have to fear for its sovereignty, and freedom."
Contrary to the hateful propaganda of the "Victor Nations", none of Hitlers speeches can be described as "Full of Hate Speech, and Racism, and Anti-Semitism". Anti-Semitism was already wide spread all across Europe. Hitler had no urgent need to rail against them in his speeches. In stead, he repeatedly addressed Germanys humiliation and enslavement under the dictates of Versailles, which he swore he would reverse.
isn't to deny he killed all those jews. That's what makes him undeniably "bad". Even if he only said he hated them and did nothing against them would be better than killing millions of them in concentration camps. If you do some research into even how they killed them (before they had concentration camps) and if you would read his book, you would see he more them hated jews and that's just a simple fact there is literally no denying into that.
part true part it was anti semitism. don't forget the concentration camps. and in those camps were political , religious and other. don't make excuses I have read about him too and know history. probably history can repeat itself.
@@DanielCedeno-gb2gk Once a great European nation has been run into the ground. It is very hard to ever bring it back.
Hitler, January 30, 1939, Adressing the Reichstag: "Today we are merely paying this people what it deserves. When the German nation was, thanks to the inflation instigated and carried through by Jews, deprived of the entire savings which it had accumulated in years of honest work, when the rest of the world took away the German nation's foreign investments, when we were divested of the whole of our colonial possessions, these philanthropic considerations evidently carried little noticeable weight with democratic statesmen.
Also, this isn't a gotcha, although Hitler objectively historically harassed Jew's in his speeches, you don't need to openly harass demographics to exterminate them. If you disagree, your calling my kin liars, and I have shit to say to you. Lets talk, buddy.
antisemitism was widespread across europe, but for sure hitler was the most anti-semitic politician, also he talks a lot about jews and race...
When the Allies decided to try the top Nazis for war crimes they immediately faced the fact that the tribunal would be making ex post facto law, that is what the Germans did during the war was not crimes at the time. But, eventually the chief U.S. prosecutor Robert Jackson decided that because Germany had signed the Treaty of Versailles, the Kellogg-Briand Pact and other treaties that the Germans could be indicted for violating what Germany had agreed to. But, has any treaty ever been made to exist in perpetuity? Did the Germans have no right to repudiate these treaties and thereby make trying the Nazis again ex post facto law?
Rückwirkende Gesetze sind Unrecht und damit ungültig.
Historytextbooks are written by the victor and they are never asked if they told the truth.
While at the same time, covering up Japan's war crimes so they could get Japanese research on chemical and biological weapons.
@@jon5421 I hadn't heard this. I do know that the Tokyo prosecutors had one of the defendants change his testimony into an outright lie in order to eliminate the emperor's personal guilt in planning and ordering Japan's war against the U.S. MacArthur figured that he could more easily control the Japanese People if the emperor was allowed to stay on the throne.
Guys just turn on subtitles then do auto translate.
The audio is rly well done I can actually understand what he's saying after 20 years of not speaking in german
It's usually turned off! There scared of what he's saying. The future has shown that! No I'm not a NAZI! Just sayin this probably won't last long I will be deleted Free speech lol
@@EUROPA-THE-LAST-BATTLNo, its full of propaganda and attempts to indoctrinate the young
Bro thank you
Bro you're a genius
12 years not a slave
@@lovecraftscat2420 new cope just dropped I see 😂
@@RjMikan13took the entire 1st world coming together to beat a tiny European country, cope?
@@MrAnderson12345 Germany is by no means a small country.
@@schokolade5540 well in comparison to other countrys, germany is quite small when it comes to landmass (sry for bad English)
😂😂😂 cope 1945
Do they purposely disable English translation on his speeches? Not even the option to auto-translate
We are living in dangerous times...yet again.
Is that a tattoo of roses on an armpit???? NICE 😂😂👏👏👏👏
So true!
Not dangerous; promising
@@chikensoup6546 I’ll be keeping my eyes on you, Nazi.
Read Potsdam Denkschrift !
3:25 - 3:34 whatever he said. I felt it
Die Verbindung mit dem Mutterland, schon rein wirtschaftlich zum Tod bestimmt ist…… not exactly oratory excellence in the German language. He is known for better phrases. But I get it, you don’t speak German. Hitler was evil, sorry to burst your bubble. He seems praiseworthy for some of the things he did, but he was a demon, just be honest with yourself and think about the carnage he left in his wake. Don’t try to justify it.
He says austria is walking towards at least economical death if it will not merge with germany... and he goes on to say that he forced the austrian politicians to give up the land and ressources towards germany, otherwise they would face total annihilation
He is talking about how Austria was created as a State by force and is forcefully being kept from joining the Motherland (Germany) and this eventually will lead Austria to die economically.
Very motivational I can recommend this to children.👍
Was auch immer kommen mag ich weiss genau es kommt der Tag
Ja, und das ist die Wiederkehr Jesu Christi, unseres Herrn und Erlösers. Es gibt keinerlei Rettung und Erlösung aus dieser Welt heraus.
Und dabei niemals ermüden, niemals verzagen und niemals verzweifeln. Die Worte hatte ER auch an uns gerichtet Kamerad
@Walter_Lutherw Вот в чём золотой вопрос.
È solo questione di tempo,il sogno nazional socialista non è mai morto,arriverà,bisogna solo avere pazienza
@@mariomarchetti5030 loooooool you are very mentally damaged
This channel is really so underrated
Bro frl
Да.этот анал недоценен.
4:25 Reichkommissar Seyss-Inquart basically Heydrich's equivalent in the Netherlands
What did he say that was incorrect? I think that most politicians and World Leaders today are far more Machiavellian just more quiet about it.
El problema no fue lo que dijo, sino lo que HIZO.
Aunque ya lo había ESCRITO en Mein Kampf ...
„Kraftvoller als je.“
Click on the video then hit the settings ⚙️ icon that pops up in the top right-hand corner. Click on the word "captions" in the menu that pops up. Then hit "auto translate" then hit "English." Captions translated to English popped up for me.
Thanks. I did as u said.
Thankx u
Or just speak German
Everything in the book is slowly becoming real
Which book ? I wanna read too.
Muchachos, no repitamos la historia de Sodoma y Gomorra, Pentapolis y pueblos alrededor del Mar Muerto ...
الحقيقة التي يجب أن نعترف بها للألمان
إن هذا الشعب اكبر من أن يتصور كيف نهض وتطور ؟ حتى استطاع أن يحتل العالم ليس القائد الأسد هتلر وحده بل هم اطفال ونساء وشباب ومهندسين وقادة عسكريين
الكل يعمل تحت مظلة حب ألمانية @ احمد من العراق
He liked to say "Deutsche" more often than your average boy band will sing "Girl"...
für den deutschen Arbeiter durch den deutschen Staat Figure it out
@@jackmehoff5610 Figure what out? That you have no sense of humor? That much is clear from your username.
@@SpaceCatttttbro what
@@SpaceCattttt I have no sense of humor either. I bet you don’t even know German.
@@InglésconRobert2025 Ist das gut genug für Sie?
The footage is unreal
I agree but the fact videos like this ain’t hd and colored because it’s done purposely . It’s bs
@@Vinnie3633Wdym purposely?
No way, I love unreal engine.
@@Im_Iraqi_hellomakes it look more “dark” or “evil”
Es ging damals wie heute nur um unsere wirtschaftskraft
Was willst du damit sagen?
Und die selbe Verarsche. Die Nazis sind im ihre eigene Falle getappt - Hannah Arendt. (Juden bzw. Zionisten sind 'Habsburger'). Ich empfehle die Rede mit Günther Gaus.
Dass es Anfang des letzten Jahrhunderts darum ging, die unglaublich erfolgreiche und zügige wirtschaftliche Expansion zu stören und zu stoppen, weil man große Angst hatte, seine Weltherrschaft und damit die Kolonien einzubüßen. Die Stellschrauben am Kriegsende und die politischen Wirren danach ebneten die nächste Möglichkeit, dieses Land in den nächsten Krieg zu treiben, man war dumm und korrupt genug, so dass es geklappt hat wie wir wissen. Nun bekommt D den endgültigen Sargnagel in dem Dinge ins Rollen gebracht worden sind, die unsere Wirtschaft ruinieren und die Bevölkerung und die Kultur neutralisiert werden.
Reicht das?!
Germany was the only country that opposed the world conspiracy. For this it was destroyed. The future will show how fatal this was for humanity
@@anshumansengupta3661Laugh now, cry later.
@@israelp348 wow so prophetic
Oh for Pete's sake, you lot would come up with anything except facts, won't you?
2:01 „Dieses Nationalsozialistische Deutschland […] zu Verteidigen bis zum letztem Atemzug“
Dieses foreshadowing😬
I honestly understand Dutch, but this this is this is something else
Its not dutch tho. Its german (deutsch)
Kan Olaf Scholz zo een toespraak geven
Only in 1000 years comes a man like him said misschien van Tongeren
@@AdVd-us9cr Thank God! We don’t need another one.
We hv already
We have Bibi now
In diesen dunklen Zeiten mangelte es in Großdeutschland an Brot und Arbeitsplätzen, und so trat der Anführer hervor.
Islam is the truth
@@salimattal2864komplett out of context
@@salimattal2864Islam is trash, Islam walks with socialists today
@@salimattal2864 🤡🤡🤡
@@salimattal2864I am a truth and God 🤘🏻
Imagine being able to teleport back in time and seeing shit like that or going back to like ancient times and looking at what the ancient Egyptians were doing that would be insane or another planet that has humanoids on it that are indifferent time periods I would love to be able to do that
He deliberately didn't translate so that other people would think what he was saying must be evil
Er sprach ja auch vorrangig zu den Menschen , welche die deutsche Sprache verstehen
Oder spricht der USA Präsident in den USA zu den amerikanern deutsch ? Oder putin zu den Russen deutsch?
Und alle Politiker außerhalb von Deutschland hatten sich ja zum WW II entschieden unabhängig davon ob ein Herr hitler oder eine Jesuiten Prediger der Kanzler gewesen wäre
Man sollte nie die erste Kriegserklärung vergessen im Frühjahr 1933
@@ronjaathomeI think he means the person who uploaded the video
@@MerryChristmas1488 ok
Man kann Untertitel in den Einstellungen zuschalten, ich habe englische Untertitel an.
People need tos watch EUROPA THE LAST BATTLE
Even if I thank you for those extractions.
These are just speechs with designed "omitions"...Why do you cut the best of these speechs ?!
It's only misleading people... Hitler isn't* lying about not making arms BUT talking about the 15 years of the Weimar Republic Disarment both in terms of weapons and Moral culture of the gerrman people; While other Nation have plenty of Armements !
So in Reaction Germany is Rearming !
What makes you jump all the way to lying, I only have 2 hours of footage and this content isn’t made for you we are stock footage company we work with tv and documentaries and I cut footage to appeal to them, if I had more I would include it, it’s against my personal interest not to
My Apologies, I'm not angry against you [guys] specifically, but more about the cuts themselves that omits alot of informations !
-People can't judge those speechs without the full comprehension.
And thus people tend to jump into "inclusion" (=false political positions as a reaction) because of their false Conclusion (=false Paradigms)...And then the never ending contention begins; Which is are World today...in the "West".
((Aside from that I made a little mistake in my comment previous and I corrected it; nothing to do with you)).
@@darksidedelta Its fine but you do understand that in order to convey that information I would have to make an editorial. because Ive never seen footage where they admit anything, in fact there are plenty deniers to this day. I dont own a webcam or microphone thats not what I do but I do supply footage to programs that do
So you've never seen footage in which something was admitted, well that's because this material doesn't exist, now I'm lucky enough to not only be able to listen to the speeches in the original, but I also have the complete speeches, and I have to Criticism is that one can hardly allow one to make a complete judgment when sentences are taken out of context, which is probably the purpose of all these bad works, the lying German television has published enough such rubbish works, the number of people who will still believe these historical lies Fortunately, however, it is getting smaller and the effort to maintain the lies is getting bigger.
Sorry ignorant American
So is he mad that it's been 15 years or
Others don't have a disarment
And obviously by others I mean the losers of ww1
No. The picture does NOT have to change every second.
It’s done purposely, just like how there’s no color .
@@Vinnie3633why would they do it purposley
@@Vinnie3633 Do you think they deliberately discolored this Kodak?
Goebbels propaganda
Possible to have in french subtitles plz?
hmm on se demande pourquoi....
@@michelchiant4147 pour mes études.
Haha als ob wir unsere sprache in franzäckisch übersetzen würden. Verkackte Franzosen. Lernt deutsch.
Oui on souhaiterait, dehors les immigrs
Press the button that looks like a gear, press captions, select auto translate, select french
Es tut so gut ihn sprechen zu hören ❤ Er fehlt so sehr für Deutschland, besonders in dieser Zeit 😢❤❤
Have you ever noticed how the entire world says that the Austrian painter is evil and the worst person to ever exist because he hated all minorities and preached hatred whenever he could? But I’ve seen numerous speeches by this man, and at no point do I see him preaching this hatred, racial superiority, or that all minorities should disappear.
So what you are saying he was a liar too?
@@Thefilmgate The Allies are the greatest liars, and today the entire Europe pays the price for their lies.
What did he prech then
@@paulgardiner2774he was too patriotic, he always preached about how he wanted to bring Germany to its former glory. That was most of this speeches he barely mentions minority. In fact he never visited a concentration camp.
well he was also very intelligent. He had to manipulate the German people into looking the other way. The racial hatred is centuries old. He didn't need to remind people of that.
What if he was on the right side?
He was
A lot of speeches with subtle hints until his final speeches where pure hate and mordlust was his sole agenda...
He says austria is walking towards at least economical death if it will not merge with germany... and he goes on to say that he forced the austrian politicians to give up the land and ressources towards germany, otherwise they would face total annihilation
The ignorance of history will only teach you why he wasn't on the right side....
He was
Wake up Europe!
He says austria is walking towards at least economical death if it will not merge with germany... and he goes on to say that he forced the austrian politicians to give up the land and ressources towards germany, otherwise they would face total annihilation
He say that Europe will fall without him in 100 years
@@JoshyOmega-k7b I know.
@@ValeMohicanoEurope is indeed fallen
@@ValeMohicano Yeah and it happens now....!!Thanks usa....!!!
I don’t speak German so I don’t know what he’s saying, but I hope he’s talking about peace and love, no hate 🥰
LMAO, you're blied.
He said that he built Army because he Want Peace 😀😉
@@filiplenart9537 in times of peace prepare for war, still stands well today. .
the same for me i don't speak hebrew , i hope speech's prime minister talking about peace and love , no hate .
Why did he call for 7 peace proposals and then Britain scorned each one? Also, why in Dunkirk beaches, THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND soldiers were allowed to go back home when they could have easily been defeated???? HMMM
would appreciate english subtitles
Turn on the subtitles
@@cidillorarrillochari thx
Learn German.... This is EU
@@narancauk actually i am learning german, the problem is people don’t become fluent in a language that needs more than 5 years of studying and practicing
You can bro
12 Jahre Wahrheit!!!!
Exactly. The truth is something most people won't have the privilege of carrying until death.
Wahrheit und Ordnung !!!und keine Arschficker unter wegs !!!
Enquanto Jesus pregava o amor, a paz e a vida eterna. Hitler só pregava o ódio, a guerra e a morte.
@@christhefist55 wdym?
Was soll das nun heißen.
It needs subtitles. The truth about this man needs to be told...
And what is the truth?
some random bs abt how he cared abt germany n wasn't evil
absolute nonsense@@larissafeliciano1113
@@larissafeliciano1113 europa the last battle
@@irrelevanttroll3312he did care about Germany and the Germans
The sun cannot be stopped from rising...
Advertising for Royal Drums like Diana's Face
They kill you then sell you
It's beyond ridiculous worse than religious cults but at least cults have sense of Unity and Community compared to English needs fisted
Why are there no English subtitles?
There r
Jezus the comment sections in these video's are dark 💀
Da wäre ich gerne dabei gewesen
For the beginning of insanity.
@@markcarson2648Insanity cause by judea and the allies.
Ich auch 😢
Just admit it, are you sexually aroused by his mustache? 🤣
Me too, but more as an observant, and less as "i was there"
Learning German just to understand this 🙏🙏
Gün gelecek Almanya için yarım kalan güneş yine doğacak
Ya ocurrió, y se llama EURO ... ¿ O quieren hacerse cargo de los problemas de Búlgaros, griegos, turcos, serbios, portugueses, lituanos, etc .. .???
minuto 4:05, segunda fila de asientos al centro, Walter Oscar Ricardo Darré, ministro de Agricultura y abastecimiento del III Reich, jefe del Departamento de la Raza y Reasentamiento de las SS, argentino, nacido en Buenos Aires el 14 de julio de 1895, tres meses antes que Perón.
Acá también había " prendido" la fiebre nazi ...🤦🤦🤦
@@donramonramirez5141 ¿Acá? ¿Donde es aca?
Why is this motivational?
Europa: the last battle. (Must watch)
I saw it.
"Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses - because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened."
-General Dwight D. Eisenhower
@@thismakesnosense lol coming from the same guy that starved millions and wacked Patton
where can I watch it?
@@NobleBoss Wtf are you on about?
No one wants to translate...why?
Push on screen
Will appear like gear then push on it
Will appear auto translate
Click on the video then hit the settings ⚙️ icon that pops up in the top right-hand corner. Click on the word "captions" in the menu that pops up. Then hit "auto translate" then hit "English." Captions translated to English popped up for me.
learn German!!
الخطأ القاتل لهتلر والقادة الالمان المحيطين به انهم استخفوا بالسوفييت واحتقروهم وكانوا يقودون الغزو الالمانى للاتحاد السوفيتى بإستخفاف بالجيش السوفييتى والحكومة السوفييتية وكانوا يريدون نصر سريع وسهل ولم يعطوا السوفييت اى احترام او خوف منهم ورغم ان الالمان انتصروا فى البداية الا انهم اضاعوا نصرهم هذا بسبب استخفافهم بالسوفييت وضيعوا الوقت الثمين ولم يستغلوا النصر ويغزوا موسكو ويسقطوا الحكومة ويدمروا المصانع السوفييتية ويمنعوا امكانية عمل هجوم مضاد سوفييتى وكل ذلك لان هتلر إستخف بالسوفييت أكثر من اللازم وكان يريد نصر سهل وسريع بلا تعب مثلما استخف بالبريطانيين ولم يغزو بريطانيا لانه كان يريد نصر سهل وسريع ولم يعطى البريطانيين اهمية وفتح معهم جبهة ولم يكملها ثم تركهم وفتح جبهة اخرى مع السوفييت وهذا ادى فى النهاية الى تحالف الجبهة البريطانية والسوفييتية ضده بل وايضاً فتح جبهة مع الامريكيين ايضاً !!!!!!!! هتلر كان يريد نصر سهل ويريد احلام تتحقق له كما لو كان معه عصا سحرية وفى نفس الوقت يصعب الامور على نفسه ويسهلها على اعداؤه !!!!
Are you okay? Just rushing Moscow would’ve been a TERRIBLE idea. There supply lines were already overstretched in our timeline, as tanks were literally running out of fuel and soldiers and horses were starving to death. Also, if he just sent all his troops to Moscow and just left the rest of russia perfectly fine, they wouldn’t just surrender, as Stalin was a lot of things, but especially stubborn. As for invading UK, the British had naval superiority and air superiority, a long with home turf advantage. It’s not like Germany could’ve just invaded UK, Sea Lion would’ve been a COMPLETE disaster. Even if push came to shove, the UK had a strong army of 1.6m regulars guarding the home isles, and any troops who may have, SOMEHOW got there, would’ve just died. Sorry, but you’re wrong.
En lugar de " tratar de comprenderlo " o leer a Sun Tzu, quiso ATROPELLARLO.
Y para quien" se presenta a las patadas " no cabe otra respuesta ...
"no this kid is a danger we must be careful"
Axel Wenner-Gren
Hjalmar Shacht
Allen Dulles
Sir Montagu Norman
Fritz Thyssen
Dutch Royal Shell
Tetra-ethyl lead
Averill Harriman
Alfred Krupp
Mickey Mouse.
Henry Ford
Charles Lindberg...
I used this as my ringtone
Sprechen ohne äh äh...
Strauss konnte auch so sprechen.😉
1:32 „Warum sich mit Malen begnügen, wenn man die ganze Welt in seinem Bild malen kann? Sie hätten mir wirklich diesen Job im Kunstmuseum geben sollen.“
Türkçe alt yazı desteği olmaması üzücü 😢
Ya kardeş Almanlar bizi bole düşünüyordu Araplardan önce bole bi şeye nasıl destek vereceksin
The counter on the screen is extremely distracting. Is that necessary?
That's just how the cameras at the time worked LMAO
What is going on? Is the family of Jacob waking up?
We are not the Israelites. If anything the Hittites, Egyptians, Babylonians and Philistines were closer to relationship to modern Europeans genetically. All “bad guys” in the Bible. The Romans subjugated the Israelites and it was a good thing. Your god was a weeping horsewhipped Jew that was killed by essentially a mere security guard at the behest of his own people because he preached a cowardly message.
Very interesting. He did have the "it" factor
I hope the world has the same energy post war & give israel the nuremburg trial type treatment its only right
Israel isn't the problem in this age
Yes they are. @@GHOSTDIVISION39
Isael is a backwater issue, the real issue today is the leftist takeover and intentional suicide of Western europe through illegal immigration
@@GHOSTDIVISION39 true. I can't imagine a stupid ss would propose such in today's time. We have serious problems to focus on
@@Napolean45 yes many people forget that AH didn't love or worship Islam, he only complimented on its fighting spirit. He also had a low opinion on Arabs and their culture and would only work with some movements to push the British out of North Africa and the Middle East. He viewed any Aryan Nordic man to be contaminated with African and Jewish DNA to be inferior racially. In an alternate world situation I couldn't imagine Arab and Islamists living in the Greater Reich by any means.
I wonder what life would be like if he was satisfied with Austria and Czech Slovakia, and WW2 never happened.
Нет,я видел многих политиков,я в живую видел,в записи видал,но ЭТО Что-то ЗАПРЕДЕЛЬНОЕ,по влиянию!!!
My first time hearing Netanyahu speeches
I don’t understand this language, but what was unbelievable was the video clips of German military might: so many planes, soldiers, etc. Is this real or some propaganda?
It was real
Fue real ...
I didn't know he was chill like that
Don't believe the Hollywood version of him or Germany!
Hitler did some f***** up s*** he knew that he was being made an enemy and he did it for his people the German people
He says austria is walking towards at least economical death if it will not merge with germany... and he goes on to say that he forced the austrian politicians to give up the land and ressources towards germany, otherwise they would face total annihilation . Listen again - i'm german, precisely i grew up where he grew up so this is what his words mean. There is not much chill behind it... its just your brain didn't really understand the hole speech, just parts of it.
Push on screen
Will appear like gear then push on it
Will appear auto translate
On God they are looking up my address
Magnifico!!! Magnanimó!!!
you have good and bad so the world never ends wars good is your winner bad is the loosers thats the god given world of man
Watch this with Another Love playing in the background
Great channel
Me talking to my salfe in class be like:
Main furer💙💙
normal (r) in German : German
his (r) in German : geRman
Quand on constate le merdier européen actuellement , on a le droit de s interrogér sur l organisation allemande de l epoque , bien-sûr la derive nazi reste in pardonnable mais pour le reste. RESPECT😮
Sottotitoli in italiano per favore!!
Wohl kaum
¡Feliz Año Nuevo! ¡Feliz Día de la Verdad Tiempo! ❤️🎄🥂
Es lebe Deutschland❤
Bist du bei der Bundeswehr?
Was hoping for an English translation
We need an English translation
Push on screen
Will appear like gear then push on it
Will appear auto translate
Poľský premiér sľubuje v rozpočte na rok 2025 rekordné výdavky na obranu: Same. :D
Gemeldet. Du kannst sowas nicht unter einem Video über Nationalsozialismus schreiben
This little kid doesn't know shit about history
Hits different when you speak german but also english😭
Danke Schön
"Das uns ebenso vor jedem falschem Hochmut und vor jeder feigen Unterwürfigkeit bewahre" ❤💪🏻
When you realize he only suppose to be an Artist... Suddenly became a caller of Death to all the population of Jewish nation in whole Europe...
Dude is a savage
He became an artist ...his name is Charlie Chaplin 😂
bro just got mad he lost in fifa 001 but also lost in fifa 002😂..about the camps..well winners writte the history
Das beste Praxis der deutschen Sprache
France which claims to be an allie of Germany still sports the railway the statue where the German eagle is speared i don't know how Germans take this without a murmur still being humiliated 80 yrs on
Why does no one discuss the Soviets as equally evil???
Какво знаеш ти за Съветите, нищо.
Because they were worse
@@QueenNimueh Не е съществувало на Земята по голямо политическо зло от Американския империализъм представен като Демокрация. Говорете и обсъждате това.
@@arturasriuminas5130No, they were not. Stop listening to false history.
@@SvetoslavYankov-jb4ooAmerican imperialism by Jews 😂
Peace and lowe dear all political leaders :'))....respect'maria
When the jewish teacher downvotes your art
That's true.
@@saccorhytus Yes, at the time, tecacher of Hitler of art downvotes his arts and Hitler chose the way of policy, if not that jewish teacher probably Hitler wouldn't be politic.
Dolf wasn't accepted because his paintings were too wholesome. They wanted degeneracy. Look into Weimar Germany, it is exactly what America has turned into now, sick and perverted.
Vamos a volver...
Da können wir alle denken ich bin Hitler ich stehe nicht auf schwarze und feierabend😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jtube no longer lets me say ANYTHING, *and that... says it all!!* 😉
Traduccion a castellano por favor
Why is my hand rising up
Same here!