@@jenniferrobbins8439 He was never high. If he took medication, it was only from 1939 onwards, when he began to suffer from mental and physical problems due to all the pressure he was under. That reminds me of Gaius Julius Caesar the Great, who suffered from epilepsy towards the end of his life due to all the stress.
As a villain, it's a perfect entry..bro got the aura of a dark warlord..if it's in Marvel or DC,it's perfection..the orchestra really put their work on..not bad to say this scene is a masterpiece for propaganda.. really convincing
They don't want people to see that some of what he was saying was pretty relevant, even more today. Now AI is doing the speeches and you can hear what he was saying in any language.
they really couldn't have done any more than they already did to try and stop this horrible future. Germany is a country the size of Texas and took on the entire world, with its only other ally, Japan on the other side of the world.
@@SadamYT He won an Iron cross fist class.....as a lowly corporal and was a trench runner.......the most dangerous job on the front line..... that fought in numerous major battles and engagements. He was massively respected by German veterans for entirely valid reasons and that is why so many listened to him and held him in such high regard. Distorting the truth to fit your own perception and posting it on the internet is a folly and serves no purpose as someone who knows the true history......like me..... will always correct you and invalidate your erroneous posts.
H was wounded twice. 1916 and 1918... He was awarded: Promotion to Lance Corporal - Nov 3, 1914. Iron Cross, Second Class - Feb 12, 1915 Bavarian Cross of Military Merit, Third Class - Sept 17, 1917 Wound Badge (Black) - May 18, 1918 Iron Cross, First Class - Aug 4, 1918 Bavarian Medal of Military Service, Third Class - Aug 25, 1918
A n*zi propaganda film directed by a white supremacist filled with conspiracy theories about Holocaust denial? That doesn't sound like an unbiased, educated, fact-based film...
In the aftermath of WW1, Germany was occupied and fleeced by the Allies. Morale was through the floor. The man and his political party offered to restore Germany, its territory, its economy. He removed the Allied occupying forces from the Ruhr valley, he told Germanys "creditors" where to go. Rightly or wrongly he restored Germany. In 1939 Life Magazine listed him as "man of the year". If he had abdicated office in 1939, he would be regarded as Germanys greatest leader. Of course, WWII ensued, which was the continuation of WW1.
IF he had abdicated. And he also built the Autobahn, still in use in Germany today. Had he abdicated then, Germany...and the world...would probably be in a very different place today. The Allies learned a very valuable...and painful...lesson about making an enemy, and defeated, nation, pay severely after the war was over. Hitler had no intention of stepping down in 1939. Why should he have? He was at the height of his power at that point, and would go on to even greater heights. He also led the world into the greatest catacism in world history, World War Ii. It was not necessarily a given that the Allies would win the war. The first full year of the war, 1942, the U.S. was having a difficult time getting it's war footing. And we punished Germany after the war, but not as severely as in World War 1. Even though Nazi Germany had inflicted infinity more harm on conquered countries and territories than did the Germany of 1918. The Holocaust was so brutal, they had to invent a new word for it, "genocide." Still, again, the Allies didn't punish Germany with the severity they did in World War 1, they helped rebuild Germany. And today it is a peaceful, and essential, ally of the United States.
It wasnt really the continuation of WW1. Invading Poland and particularly the Soviet Union and killing millions of Jews and Slavs was ideologically motivated. It wasn't related to the irredentist revisionism motivated by Versailles.
@@chrisfreeman9960 they didnt help to rebuild! They stole every Technology Germany had back then! They stole all the Gold the German Government had! The "Allies" are still stealing german money today! Germany is not a souvereign state!
Perché quando fu creato il video, e non mi riferisco al video di Hitler ma al documentario americano del video di Hitler, non esisteva né youtube né i sottotitoli generati automaticamente....
I think thats the voice (the narrator) of William L Shirer (have a look at his book 'The rise and fall of the third Reich') he was there that night as he was at many of the Nazi rallies. He knew and spoke to many of the German bigwigs. He was an American correspondent in Berlin just like Ed Murrow in London. I'm not 100% sure but I do believe this was broadcast live to The US (as a radio broadcast) at the time. Just imagine the stir. They didn't know then what we know now. I don't really have a point lol .. Shirer has always been a hero mine.
Good luck finding subtitles or translation of what Hitler is actually saying during these kinds of speeches it makes far too much sense for the West to allow,
The Saxons, Angles and Jutes conquered Britain in the mid-5th century. In the following centuries, German was spoken in England, just as it was spoken in Germany. German was also spoken in Prague (today the capital of the Czech Republic) and the surrounding area. German was very widespread in the Middle Ages. In the 6th to 9th centuries, the residents of England and Germany saw each other as a family and supported each other. The names “England” and “Germany” only came about after a long development. "England" means "land of Angles". The "A" of Angles changed into "E" and thus "Engelland". "Essex" means East Saxony, "Wessex" means West Saxony, "Sussex" means South Saxony. The names are the result of wars fought by the various Saxon tribes in Britain.
In his last speech, January, 1945, he predicted that the small countries of Europe, who had put their faith in the Allies, would disappear, succumbing to "Jewish Bolshevism," and that only those countries would survive who exerted a maximum effort to do so, and who were "consolidated, in their ideology and their nationality." What do you think about his prediction in 2024?
@@Neelinmact I am no "Anti-semite", I even like the Jews, but they dont like like me aa much as I like them, and they are no innocents to what happened to Germany in the Treaty of Versalles either, But the "Final Solution" wasy a terrible crime and simply unacceptable, they should have been deported to Palestine instead with safeguard of their well being and half of their posseisons. They cannot be trusted but that doesnt make it ok to wipe out an entire people, Jews are bearers of Civilization, contrary to other races.
I’m at the dog park in my apartment complex and this hippo of a woman and her dog were trying to come in here and ruin my good morning with their presence so I looked this up and started playing it loudly and that did the trick
This speech was the first time I watch Hitler. It was on Dailymotion I think. Before that I saw some footages of Hitler on documentary and war games. It was surreal.
@@stevensteelforce2701 Their country and its capital Berlin was occupied and divided for *45 years* after the Nazis got the final dose of their own medicine.
@@stevensteelforce2701 I don't see him being a loser. He wanted Germany to lead the world. I find it shocking how allies did not like Hitler but were okay with Stalin.
Es ist kein Kauderwelsch, sondern Englisch. Dieser Kanal wendet sich wohl eher an englischsprachiges Publikum und versucht, Hitlers Geschwafel zu übersetzen. 🤔
The tragedy was his obsession over Russia and Communism. He couldn't live down the early struggles against the Communists in Germany after WWI. Germany would have been incredible.
Your ideology is in the trash bin of history, right where it belongs. Nazis will never regain power, because everyone is disgusted with your views and knows what monstrosities they lead to. You say that shit to any normal person and they'll treat you like the freak you are, and that's how it'll always be.
I once had an old VHS tape of Triumph of the will. it had English subtitles. They do exist. Fun Fact: MIck Jagger met Leni Refenstahl in person, and he told her that Triupmh of the will was his favorite film.
Die Redefragmente wurden aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen. Was Hitler der es gut mit Deutschland meinte (Punkt seiner Feinde, es für immer zu vernichten- so ticken sie eben) hier sagt, ist auf sonderbare Weise vernünftig, was aber dadurch beeinträchtigt wie er es sagt (das Drama).
I don't align myself with his views, but seeing his speech, I can clearly see why the people literally shot themselves even at the news of his suicide. He made himself a literal hero figure for Germany at the time when Germany was in a completely bleak state with no bright future in sight and he perfectly managed to make use of such situation to his advantage. In such times, it's no wonder many rather gave up their own humanity even just for the slightest hope of this man actually being true about what he's speaking about. Desperation, no matter if it's for their own or even their own family's good, often gives people their own life force to keep on living. This desperation can easily turn into a way of life if it's as controlled as the Nazi party was at that time. Problem is, this hurt millions of innocents, even those who tried to fight for the exact same goals and completely ignored those in similiar situations around them. This kinda desperation should be understood and studied more upon, so that it may never be replicated the same way ever.
Bonjour , Quel dommage d effacer la voix de Hitler pour entendre une pauvre voix en Anglais Pourquoi Ne parlez pas , ne commentez pas en Anglais …le sous titrage est suffisant
I'm getting chills watching this in washed out, black and white footage with 1930's-level audio quality. Can you seriously imagine what it must have been like in person?? I would argue that very few of us would be able to relate to what they experienced here.
They were Social Democrats... National-Socialists. It was a democratic rule to begin with, as the NSDAP won more and more seats in the Reichstag and at the election after Hindenburg passed, they won a majority of votes. More women voted for A.H than any other leader in history. The Anschluss was also voted upon, and 99% of Austrians voted for a reunification with the successful Germany which had turned the tide and pulled itself from the brink of complete annihilation, and so they wanted to partake in that success and somewhat 'save themselves' as well.
@@Daggz90 Falsch, Nationalsozialisten sind keine Sozialdemokraten. Die SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland) waren und sind Sozialdemokraten. Die SPD regiert aktuell die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD), Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) ist Sozialdemokrat. NSdAP (Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei) hat rein gar nichts sozialdemokratisches, es war eine rechtsnationale, faschistische Partei. Das Soziale in deren Ideologie bezog sich ausnahmslos nur auf Gleichgesinnte. Juden, Homosexuelle, Zigeuner, politische Oppositionelle, Kommunisten, Nichtdeutsche etc. waren nicht Teil der "sozialen Idee" der Nazis. Der Nationalsozialismus (politisch rechts) hat nichts mit den sozialistischen Ideen von Marx und Engels (politisch links) zu tun. Hitler hat mit Machtergreifung 1933 die freie politische Wahl abgeschafft. Mit dem Tode des Reichspräsidenten (Hindenburg) hat sich Hitler 1934 zum alleinigen Herrscher und Führer gemacht. Für Hitler und sein Gefolge war die Demokratie der Weimarer Republik (1918 - 1933) nur ein Mittel zum Zwecke der gewaltlosen Machtergreifung... und selbst die Machtergreifung war nicht sauber demokratisch vonstatten gegangen. Unter Hitler wurde die SPD (Sozialdemokraten) verboten und Menschen die sich zur SPD bekannten wurden verhaftet, ins KZ überführt und größtenteils ermordet, so wie auch andere Oppositionelle. Wer behauptet, dass die Nazis (Nationalsozialisten) Sozialdemokraten gewesen sein sollen, ist in dem Bereich unwissend, ungebildet und verdreht Tatsachen.
The good old days..Ok. He was a heartless, ruthless ductator. But Stalin was worse. And at lesst he had charisma. Fire im his soul. And he didn't kill no where near as many as Stalin. . He was a cimical figure too,
Он был настоящим вождём нации... Было очень не просто сплотить в единый, непобедимый Кулак 70-80 миллионов немцев!!! Но в 100 раз было трудней СТАЛИНУ СПЛОТИТЬ 170 миллионов человек с Разной Культорой, с разной Религией, с разным восприятием окружающего Мира!!! Сегодня на планете Земля Нет ни Единого Лидера который бы просто имел право, стереть пыль с Сапог этих ТИТАНОВ!!! Мир обмельчал на Личности.. Во всех развитых странах мощнейшее еврейское лобби, которое не позволит Родиться Личностям такого масштаба... А уж тем более, Взойти на Вершину Олимпа!
First They Came by Pastor Martin Niemöller First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me
Not a device in sight, just people living the moment.
Hell of a concert
Overused stfu
A lot of ppl don't know that a young Scorpions opened the show with Blackout.
dude they didnt HAVE devices like cellphones back then fytb??
@@fishmilk0 it's a joke Karen
This speech was removed by youtube. Thanks for restoring.
Why did they remove it?
„Der Schnurrbart ist mein Markenzeichen. Und wenn es nicht gefällt, gibt’s immer noch genug Platz für ein paar Schwenks nach links und rechts.“
@@gabraelvarrelman8584 they are afraid of what he's saying because they know its true. They want to keep people thinking AH is the bad guy
UA-cam should remove anything related to Zionism & the star of David because of their many atrocities in the past 3000 years. fair is Fair...
Wow. He gave all his energy into his speech’s. Literally till he was sweating and exhausted.
He was probably sweating because he was high on Meth lol 😝
@@jenniferrobbins8439 Bingo
@@jenniferrobbins8439 He was never high. If he took medication, it was only from 1939 onwards, when he began to suffer from mental and physical problems due to all the pressure he was under. That reminds me of Gaius Julius Caesar the Great, who suffered from epilepsy towards the end of his life due to all the stress.
Siempre quiso el bienestar dé Alemania
The hall was not air-conditioned until the next year and those old movie lights put out a lot of heat positioned that close.
Thanks that You guys saved this filmmaterial.
It is history.
@@KristapsĶeders History should be preserved.
Can we just agree on how awesome that entry is with the music and cheering?
No, it´s just ridiculous.
Fuck yeah it was!
Youre name is ridiculous
Yes, it is impressive.
As a villain, it's a perfect entry..bro got the aura of a dark warlord..if it's in Marvel or DC,it's perfection..the orchestra really put their work on..not bad to say this scene is a masterpiece for propaganda.. really convincing
Even with bad audio Hitler's voice still has a baritone to it while other's are squeaky.
Why audio is bad?
@@imom339because it’s from 1934
I don't even know who he is, but he's kinda cute. And with that voice, ......yummy
@@andyfoxy3140 bots working extra hard on this one right... you are pathetic. People are waking up
@@andyfoxy3140 Uh, you might wanna do your research before you say something.
They rarely provide subtitles when it comes to him 😂
Someone has been creating Ai reconstructions of all his speeches.
They don't want people to see that some of what he was saying was pretty relevant, even more today. Now AI is doing the speeches and you can hear what he was saying in any language.
how will the zionist propaganda work then?
😂😂😂😂😂😂you got me there good banter 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍
I've seen 2 of these said videos do you know of others
Seriously ,Best Way to learn German 😅
That's true 😂
I doubt that 🤣
best way to learn german and german culture
@@GurchikDeCat 💀
It's actually what got me into learning the language for real.
German is a beautiful language
@@monichat It's really not lmao
@@beardedlonewolf7695They think it is. And it is.
Honestly, how did this cause you to learn the language? There could've been a way better reason.
I feel sorry for not having learned the beautiful German language. When I retire I intend to study the language.
25 years later the Beatles would conquer Hamburg and the world...life is truly bizarre
And now the fanatacism of Germans to him is compared to Beatlemania.
June 1966
Darn bugs!
the last human in history to become a myth
Stalin? JFK? Mao, if you're Chinese.
Ric Flair? Whoooo!
For now
in the worst sense that humanity has ever experienced
Man he went hard with that double-jointed right elbow
if only germany knew what was in the future
hitler's ashes are glowing red under a world like this
The Allies fought the wrong enemy
they really couldn't have done any more than they already did to try and stop this horrible future. Germany is a country the size of Texas and took on the entire world, with its only other ally, Japan on the other side of the world.
And now we have fascists ruling the EU in Brussels.
@@chadghanistan absolutely
Did you know Hitler was in world war 1 as a soldier.
He was also a failed painter and only had one descended testicle
He got injured and after went back again to battle thats one of the reasons they respected him.
@@SadamYT He won an Iron cross fist class.....as a lowly corporal and was a trench runner.......the most dangerous job on the front line..... that fought in numerous major battles and engagements.
He was massively respected by German veterans for entirely valid reasons and that is why so many listened to him and held him in such high regard.
Distorting the truth to fit your own perception and posting it on the internet is a folly and serves no purpose as someone who knows the true history......like me..... will always correct you and invalidate your erroneous posts.
@@SadamYT Doh..! It was along time i read a book about his childhood, my bad.
H was wounded twice. 1916 and 1918... He was awarded:
Promotion to Lance Corporal - Nov 3, 1914.
Iron Cross, Second Class - Feb 12, 1915
Bavarian Cross of Military Merit, Third Class - Sept 17, 1917
Wound Badge (Black) - May 18, 1918
Iron Cross, First Class - Aug 4, 1918
Bavarian Medal of Military Service, Third Class - Aug 25, 1918
The good speeches will always be flagged by youtube
A must watch if you are interested in history:
Europa - The Last Battle
Where can I get it ?
Тепер передостання…
What, nazi propaganda? That doesn't sound too incredibly unbiased...
A n*zi propaganda film directed by a white supremacist filled with conspiracy theories about Holocaust denial? That doesn't sound like an unbiased, educated, fact-based film...
In the aftermath of WW1, Germany was occupied and fleeced by the Allies. Morale was through the floor. The man and his political party offered to restore Germany, its territory, its economy. He removed the Allied occupying forces from the Ruhr valley, he told Germanys "creditors" where to go. Rightly or wrongly he restored Germany. In 1939 Life Magazine listed him as "man of the year". If he had abdicated office in 1939, he would be regarded as Germanys greatest leader. Of course, WWII ensued, which was the continuation of WW1.
IF he had abdicated. And he also built the Autobahn, still in use in Germany today. Had he abdicated then, Germany...and the world...would probably be in a very different place today.
The Allies learned a very valuable...and painful...lesson about making an enemy, and defeated, nation, pay severely after the war was over.
Hitler had no intention of stepping down in 1939. Why should he have? He was at the height of his power at that point, and would go on to even greater heights.
He also led the world into the greatest catacism in world history, World War Ii. It was not necessarily a given that the Allies would win the war. The first full year of the war, 1942, the U.S. was having a difficult time getting it's war footing.
And we punished Germany after the war, but not as severely as in World War 1. Even though Nazi Germany had inflicted infinity more harm on conquered countries and territories than did the Germany of 1918. The Holocaust was so brutal, they had to invent a new word for it, "genocide."
Still, again, the Allies didn't punish Germany with the severity they did in World War 1, they helped rebuild Germany. And today it is a peaceful, and essential, ally of the United States.
It wasnt really the continuation of WW1. Invading Poland and particularly the Soviet Union and killing millions of Jews and Slavs was ideologically motivated. It wasn't related to the irredentist revisionism motivated by Versailles.
Todos falam dessa época porém ninguém fala o pq disso ?
Acordo de Versales .
A França errou em querer tanto talvez se baseavam na parte Napoleaneca.
@@chrisfreeman9960 they didnt help to rebuild! They stole every Technology Germany had back then! They stole all the Gold the German Government had! The "Allies" are still stealing german money today! Germany is not a souvereign state!
He had mad mic skills imagine if he was in WWE today
Perche la traduzione in sottofondo? L audio originale è meglio. Tanto ci sono i sottotitoli
Agreed. I watch these, not just because I'm interested in history, but also to improve my comprehension of spoken German.
Perché quando fu creato il video, e non mi riferisco al video di Hitler ma al documentario americano del video di Hitler, non esisteva né youtube né i sottotitoli generati automaticamente....
I think it was already embedded in the video so it might have been hard to remove
Its an old video dumb!
I sottotitoli sono solo in inglese!!! Devo imparare l'inglese? Tu impara il Cinese
Why do we have a narration? This is supposed to be a speech with subtitles.
I think thats the voice (the narrator) of William L Shirer (have a look at his book 'The rise and fall of the third Reich') he was there that night as he was at many of the Nazi rallies. He knew and spoke to many of the German bigwigs. He was an American correspondent in Berlin just like Ed Murrow in London. I'm not 100% sure but I do believe this was broadcast live to The US (as a radio broadcast) at the time. Just imagine the stir. They didn't know then what we know now. I don't really have a point lol .. Shirer has always been a hero mine.
Good luck finding subtitles or translation of what Hitler is actually saying during these kinds of speeches it makes far too much sense for the West to allow,
This is from the Triumph of the Will.
You gotta admit, the Germans had style.
Those Hugo Boss uniforms were sharp af.
@@stevensteelforce2701✡️stay away
@@KSBN-CCB Victory says Joseph Stalin is God's Son.
@@stevensteelforce27010/10 rage bait
German language is very nice and English came from german origin
English didn't come from German. Both English and German are Germanic languages.
German is an aggressive crude spunding language
@@Jeff-sp7bg based
@@abstract5249Even don't believe it is right!
The Saxons, Angles and Jutes conquered Britain in the mid-5th century. In the following centuries, German was spoken in England, just as it was spoken in Germany. German was also spoken in Prague (today the capital of the Czech Republic) and the surrounding area. German was very widespread in the Middle Ages. In the 6th to 9th centuries, the residents of England and Germany saw each other as a family and supported each other. The names “England” and “Germany” only came about after a long development. "England" means "land of Angles". The "A" of Angles changed into "E" and thus "Engelland". "Essex" means East Saxony, "Wessex" means West Saxony, "Sussex" means South Saxony. The names are the result of wars fought by the various Saxon tribes in Britain.
Patton realized we fought the wrong people
patton was a military general, not a politician, and it's better kept that way
Didn’t Patton slap someone for showing signs of PTSD?
@@jaybowden2658snap outta’et mane!
he was a racist and a closet fascist.
what do u mean?
ฉันไม่เข้าใจที่เขาพูด ฉันเห็นความอ่อนล้าบนใบหน้าของเขา เขาดูเป็นผู้นำที่ทำงานทุกวินาที ไปพูดปราศรัยกับประชาชนอย่างร้อนแรง ทำงาน ทำงาน รักประชาชนอย่างเข้มข้น ความคิดของเขาลำหน้ามากๆ ถ้าเขาทำตามความฝันในการรวมโลกได้ ตอนนี้มนุษย์อาจจะสร้างประตูมิติได้แล้ว หรือ สร้างอาณาจักรบนดาวดวงอื่นได้สำเร็จเร็วกว่านี้ เขาไม่น่าใจร้อนเลย เขาจึงทำผิดและพ่ายแพ้
Plase you check german 1920x Is bad popple german is bad, intimidarion yahudi to german,, pleasee
Britain empire French empire
Spain empire Italy empire hypocrisy 🤣
He understood power but was driven by lunatic beliefs.
This person is not Thai. The language he used is just a google translate.
He was born to be a loser.
Imagine having such passion for your country and people you give such speeches 🇩🇪
Yes - it resulted in unimaginable horrors for Germany and the world.
@@paddycable1723cry cry cry about it😢😢
@@paddycable1723 Like what Israel is doing now?
I da pobijemo tu gamad sto je on zna zi haj
@@ruin6six6yep, they doing exactly what they claimed this man did. “ I , don’t like , the juice”
The original video without all of the BS commentary used to be on UA-cam, what happened to it?
to prob prevent more ppl from know, they prob tryna hide history to this point
You can see this part on the bio pic "" nostradamuss 1981: The man who saw tomorrow
Or the documentsry "" the triumph of the will "" too
Censorship... Makes too much sense when you hear it in your native language starts to sound like the rest of the politicians you're familiar with.
In his last speech, January, 1945, he predicted that the small countries of Europe, who had put their faith in the Allies, would disappear, succumbing to "Jewish Bolshevism," and that only those countries would survive who exerted a maximum effort to do so, and who were "consolidated, in their ideology and their nationality."
What do you think about his prediction in 2024?
Extremely wrong prediction just like his prediction about 1000 year reich
@@Neelinmact Really? Facts say otherwise.
@KountKalergi care to elaborate and if possible please leave out any inherent anti semitism and be factual ,,
I am no "Anti-semite", I even like the Jews, but they dont like like me aa much as I like them, and they are no innocents to what happened to Germany in the Treaty of Versalles either,
But the "Final Solution" wasy a terrible crime and simply unacceptable, they should have been deported to Palestine instead with safeguard of their well being and half of their posseisons.
They cannot be trusted but that doesnt make it ok to wipe out an entire people, Jews are bearers of Civilization, contrary to other races.
Wait, you like hitlor and think he’s a good person?
I’m at the dog park in my apartment complex and this hippo of a woman and her dog were trying to come in here and ruin my good morning with their presence so I looked this up and started playing it loudly and that did the trick
Isnt the dog park for anyone?
Nice story, bro.
@@junkscience6397 heading there again now let’s see if I need it again lol
Political considerations aside, it is always interesting and instructive to see real pieces of history. Thank you, please do continue.
beautiful footage! thank you!
Eine großartige Ära, die leider verschwunden ist!
and in 12 short years all the pomp, ceremony, pageantry, big speeches, and music …would all be gone…never to return
Thats actually wrong. They built it up from socialdemocrat devastation in 6 years and they were destroyed in another 6 years after.
History repeats itself, but it has a different color everytime. Next time it will be socialism (again).
This speech was the first time I watch Hitler. It was on Dailymotion I think. Before that I saw some footages of Hitler on documentary and war games. It was surreal.
Не се знае! Не се знае! Ще видим! Че вече не се търпи! Не се живее вече в такава ситуация и среда! Вече е вредно!
They didn't lose.
They just changed flags.
Unified, to lose everything that they had accomplished for many Centuries.
@@stevensteelforce2701 Their country and its capital Berlin was occupied and divided for *45 years* after the Nazis got the final dose of their own medicine.
@@stevensteelforce2701 USA backed the wrong countries. They shoulda kept Britain out of it n just walked out stalin
I think a country being totally unified against all other countries is a bad thing actually and sounds like a recipe for war... Oh wait...
@@stevensteelforce2701what are you on drugs 20 years earlier it was world war one for them they were still paying back the jew
To be honest 90% of people who wanna learn German are cuz of this painter. He makes people understand his speeches.
Europa: The Last Battle
shitty movie
THIS !!!
Absolutely that blew my mind. What an eye-opener learned so much shit from that that I never knew change my whole outlook on shit.
you believe that shit lmao
The last warlord in Europe.
The last to create an empire
@SilentX_17Hitler did nothing but drag the German people into war, bringing blood and tears.
Putin is now imitating him and wants to build an empire. But the Ukrainians give him a punch in the teeth.
Def the last warlord. Even though there have been some who tried. But i wouldn't say the last empire...
Yes, supposed to last a thousand years, how did that go then?
UA-cam removed my reply from here smh
it likes to do that to me too.
Mine too for complementing his speech plus I also got a warning
@@ShahPhilLeotardo same XD but hey we can complement Joe biden all day lol
UA-cam and the mainstream media are the true facist today!!!!!!
if you say anything good about moustached guy your comment vanishes. If you say anything bad about his enemy; same.
It’s a shame how Germany has turned into in today’s days.
When you follow a loser, you lose everything.
@@stevensteelforce2701 I don't see him being a loser. He wanted Germany to lead the world. I find it shocking how allies did not like Hitler but were okay with Stalin.
@@DardaniaLion Stalin is the son of God.
@@DardaniaLion There was this thing after WW2 Called the Cold War. Might wanna investigate about that.
Was soll das Kauderwelsch im Hintergrund??
Deutsch ist unsere Sprache ☝️
Es ist kein Kauderwelsch, sondern Englisch. Dieser Kanal wendet sich wohl eher an englischsprachiges Publikum und versucht, Hitlers Geschwafel zu übersetzen. 🤔
nicht fur alle
😂 Kauderwelsch... Geil! Ja ich hab mich auch ein wenig gegrämt, aber es soll ja für alle verständlich sein... 🤎
Ein Zusammenhalt wie es in nicht mehr geben wird 😢
Of course,won't.Because humanity don't love this kind of ordinary dogs.😂
"Es muss trotzdem gehen. Es muss gehen, weils gehen muss!" Hans Westmar - einer von vielen (1933).
@@gungorakn8613 exactly
Unity under and evil leader.
Sure, this type of 'cohesion' exists in North Korea, at least to the cameras anyway.... just like here ...
You’ll finally visit Germany, and won’t know how to ask “where is a restroom?” but you can state the platform of NSDAP.
Geez this guy was passionated as hell.... 🤯. Imagine the artwork we could have if he had been accepted.. 😅
Older I get made on well my life; Sometimes I think they teeching wrong things.🇧🇻🐺
My god ! today it will be exactly 90 years ! (09/10/1934-09/10/2024 !!
I'll be 88.
God has gently guided you to this video!
The tragedy was his obsession over Russia and Communism. He couldn't live down the early struggles against the Communists in Germany after WWI. Germany would have been incredible.
З так званою росією треба закінчувати зараз…в іншому випадку спокою не буде ніколи,нікому.
The bad guys won
Your ideology is in the trash bin of history, right where it belongs. Nazis will never regain power, because everyone is disgusted with your views and knows what monstrosities they lead to. You say that shit to any normal person and they'll treat you like the freak you are, and that's how it'll always be.
❤🎉😅 :) ....
The bad guys lost.
Exactly @@jordancasti11o
He only asked for parts of Germany back from WW1. Germany starving, hyper inflation. Same ppl cause wars that shouldn't happen.
I once had an old VHS tape of Triumph of the will. it had English subtitles. They do exist. Fun Fact: MIck Jagger met Leni Refenstahl in person, and he told her that Triupmh of the will was his favorite film.
Die Redefragmente wurden aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen. Was Hitler der es gut mit Deutschland meinte (Punkt seiner Feinde, es für immer zu vernichten- so ticken sie eben) hier sagt, ist auf sonderbare Weise vernünftig, was aber dadurch beeinträchtigt wie er es sagt (das Drama).
tnq for uploading this vidio
where do you get these hitler speech videos?
Negli archivi di internet
Only 90 years ago
They never played in English to 7s in schools to keep us from knowing the truth what he said
Beautiful times, beautiful country, beautiful people
Lol if you say so
BRO WTF! he murdered innocent people!!
@CooperTheDog-K9 innocent people unfortunately always gets killed in wars. A war started by England and backed by American banksters
Irgendwann muss es seine Reden in der Reihenfolge geben ?
understand = 0
agree = 100%
That is why you lost.
Ask your this ? Why are all his speeches in Germany!! Never be translate it to English! Because they know!!!
They know what??
They know that you fall in love with him @@kenna.9368
Because, other nations don't care about the leader of the losers.
@@kenna.9368You know what!
@@kenna.9368 that people would like to repeat history if they realized what was happening… 😥
6:17 What song is that?
"Die Fahnen hoch" , known as the Horst Wessel Song
Die fahnen hoch (the national anthem)
Esa canción se llama: Nookie - Limp Bizkit.
Horst wessel lied
I don't align myself with his views, but seeing his speech, I can clearly see why the people literally shot themselves even at the news of his suicide. He made himself a literal hero figure for Germany at the time when Germany was in a completely bleak state with no bright future in sight and he perfectly managed to make use of such situation to his advantage. In such times, it's no wonder many rather gave up their own humanity even just for the slightest hope of this man actually being true about what he's speaking about. Desperation, no matter if it's for their own or even their own family's good, often gives people their own life force to keep on living. This desperation can easily turn into a way of life if it's as controlled as the Nazi party was at that time. Problem is, this hurt millions of innocents, even those who tried to fight for the exact same goals and completely ignored those in similiar situations around them. This kinda desperation should be understood and studied more upon, so that it may never be replicated the same way ever.
Austria painter ❤
Austrian Painter who's one of the biggest dictators in the world like Stalin and Mao.
@@michihofer587 you must be fun at parties
the OG rockstar
He screwed the British colonialists.
@@michihofer587 everyone outside the west loved him
pause at 4:48
Bonjour ,
Quel dommage d effacer la voix de Hitler pour entendre une pauvre voix en Anglais
Ne parlez pas , ne commentez pas en Anglais …le sous titrage est suffisant
I'm getting chills watching this in washed out, black and white footage with 1930's-level audio quality. Can you seriously imagine what it must have been like in person?? I would argue that very few of us would be able to relate to what they experienced here.
For anyone wondering, you can turn on Closed Captions or “CC” and it gives you the English subtitles
If hi see what is now in Germany hi will cry
A prosperous social democracy that is a leading country on the world stage with an awesome football team?
Germany has long been conquered by Turkish Arab and other emigrants without war have already been defeated
@@bozhidarhachikov4729no. America is still at war with Germany. Read MorganthauPlannn
@@robertarisz8464 awesome football team that can't even get out of group stage in world cup or even win euro?
Observing this speech is truly an experience!The emotional expression is quite notable!
Мы отрезали им яйца и навсегда отобрали их отечество.
It’s when the brass band plays they start passing out the steins of beer
The intro looks like a movie
Porfin quería escuchar a mi héroe ... Destruir al comunismo está en pie !
and now Germany is being conquered by migrants lol
Und deswegen müssen wir auferstanden werden.
We have lost our patience once again…
They never allow subtitles. I wonder why??? Hmmmm
Had Hitler been a social democrat, he'd be remembered differently, IMO. Thanks for the video :)
You mean if he won the war
well as he once quipped in the Table Talks "We were all Social Democrats once."
Totaler Nonsens. Ein fanatisch rassistischer Faschist kann niemals der Demokratie anhängen.
They were Social Democrats... National-Socialists.
It was a democratic rule to begin with, as the NSDAP won more and more seats in the Reichstag and at the election after Hindenburg passed, they won a majority of votes.
More women voted for A.H than any other leader in history.
The Anschluss was also voted upon, and 99% of Austrians voted for a reunification with the successful Germany which had turned the tide and pulled itself from the brink of complete annihilation, and so they wanted to partake in that success and somewhat 'save themselves' as well.
@@Daggz90 Falsch, Nationalsozialisten sind keine Sozialdemokraten.
Die SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland) waren und sind Sozialdemokraten.
Die SPD regiert aktuell die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD), Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) ist Sozialdemokrat.
NSdAP (Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei) hat rein gar nichts sozialdemokratisches, es war eine rechtsnationale, faschistische Partei.
Das Soziale in deren Ideologie bezog sich ausnahmslos nur auf Gleichgesinnte.
Juden, Homosexuelle, Zigeuner, politische Oppositionelle, Kommunisten, Nichtdeutsche etc. waren nicht Teil der "sozialen Idee" der Nazis.
Der Nationalsozialismus (politisch rechts) hat nichts mit den sozialistischen Ideen von Marx und Engels (politisch links) zu tun.
Hitler hat mit Machtergreifung 1933 die freie politische Wahl abgeschafft.
Mit dem Tode des Reichspräsidenten (Hindenburg) hat sich Hitler 1934 zum alleinigen Herrscher und Führer gemacht.
Für Hitler und sein Gefolge war die Demokratie der Weimarer Republik (1918 - 1933) nur ein Mittel zum Zwecke der gewaltlosen Machtergreifung... und selbst die Machtergreifung war nicht sauber demokratisch vonstatten gegangen.
Unter Hitler wurde die SPD (Sozialdemokraten) verboten und Menschen die sich zur SPD bekannten wurden verhaftet, ins KZ überführt und größtenteils ermordet, so wie auch andere Oppositionelle.
Wer behauptet, dass die Nazis (Nationalsozialisten) Sozialdemokraten gewesen sein sollen, ist in dem Bereich unwissend, ungebildet und verdreht Tatsachen.
Simplesmente Sensacional!!!!
We ill see that American I'd a coloniseernto black people oly I can free you or z great leade call sir putin
He aint joking when he deluvered his speeches
There we have a great example that one can read a paper and still have amazing speech.
This is me in Christmas after 1 glass of water
The good old days..Ok. He was a heartless, ruthless ductator. But Stalin was worse. And at lesst he had charisma. Fire im his soul. And he didn't kill no where near as many as Stalin.
. He was a cimical figure too,
AH was first of all pragmatical About being cynical: Name me one politician who's not cynical.
All this guy could do was win, they won so much that they got tired of winning.
Does anyone know the name of the musical piece right at the beginning when hitler is walking down the middle?
Badenweiler marsch
@ thank you
Now I know how Giovanni Trappatoni learned German.
Why was this uploaded yesterday?
there's a big fascism push going on today all around the world. It's gaining incredible strength.
@@greybushMEproductions Sadly not enough.
Ursula von der Leyen uploaded it.
Indeed, we are back@@greybushMEproductions
I dont know why youtube recommended this video to me 😬
Cause fascism will rise like it or not
@@averagemichaelMajor cap, Communism hasn't even been able to spread out anymore, and you think Fascism will rise? Lol
@@nothanksbro420 these losers honestly think they’ll become rulers or something
Lmfao, edgy ppl@@AidanJackson-t8l
The speech is in 1939
No. In 1939 there was no Reichsparteitag, because of the war.
The swastika is possibly based on the Great Dipper revolving around the north star Polaris?
Why cant i find a single one of these with translations to english
Just switch the subtitles to on.
Haha im an idiot i thought i tried it already but its working now thank you
عندما كان الألمان عظماء 💗💔💔
Он был настоящим вождём нации... Было очень не просто сплотить в единый, непобедимый Кулак 70-80 миллионов немцев!!! Но в 100 раз было трудней СТАЛИНУ СПЛОТИТЬ 170 миллионов человек с Разной Культорой, с разной Религией, с разным восприятием окружающего Мира!!! Сегодня на планете Земля Нет ни Единого Лидера который бы просто имел право, стереть пыль с Сапог этих ТИТАНОВ!!! Мир обмельчал на Личности.. Во всех развитых странах мощнейшее еврейское лобби, которое не позволит Родиться Личностям такого масштаба... А уж тем более, Взойти на Вершину Олимпа!
Go to a psychiatrist, please.
People like you are really sick.
In Russia this days on TV used to say: Russia is Putin and Putin is Russia. Where did they learn this?
You can't compare a primitive, despotic, ugly empire Like Russia with Germany
This is Me in monday..
A good way to complain to the Holy Spirit that He didn't do his home work.
wow,imagine standing up for your people. who would have thunk it.
aye sometimes u gotta admit😂bro had a point😂
What a freak!
@@taliabraver best freak ever son. patton was correct.
You must not be white
nah that’s fucking crazy I mean I a bad guy but what the fuck
I’m a bad guy but that’s a hole other level
What is the point of running a stop watch so prominently in the video? Is Hitler running a race? What a nutty idea.
It’s stock footage its in the title
@Thefilmgate But what was the point in having a clock run, to distract the viewer from the film content?
@@Thefilmgate The running clock was added by a nitwit: it was not in the original film.
Why are so many demonizing him?
Мы отрезали им яйца и навсегда отобрали их отечество.
Its my idea or whats happening in israel is bringing back this guy😂 ive seen new stuff quite a lot
He never went away. Churchill gone. Roosevelt gone. Stalin gone. But we'll be talking about Hitler for 1000 years.
what a stupid comment
You're an idiyitt. Your family must be embarrassed by you.
First They Came by Pastor Martin Niemöller
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
The communist came for a few hundred million....
They say he had a terrible ideology but also terrific speech.