Dean Martin & Ken Lane - Everybody Loves Somebody (again!) & Show Ending

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @joec7177
    @joec7177 Рік тому +32

    This version is really so beautiful, awesome camera angles, jokes and setting!
    Love Dino and Ken!!

  • @EMAN351972
    @EMAN351972 8 років тому +221

    Is so sad we don't have entertainers like Dean today.

    • @johnlastra4976
      @johnlastra4976 7 років тому +16

      EMAN351972 agree! Dean, Sinatra! No one compares to them.

    • @RobertStambaugh-l5r
      @RobertStambaugh-l5r Рік тому +2

      Connie Francis just retired .

    • @TheSilvergold45
      @TheSilvergold45 Рік тому +5


  • @FrogSpatula42
    @FrogSpatula42 6 місяців тому +13

    Such a genuine class act. Get on stage with the guy who wrote it and make sure everybody knows his name and what he achieved. So rare

  • @usaneebeilles9510
    @usaneebeilles9510 Рік тому +9

    Simply beautiful Simply Dean Martin.
    Ken Lane is an absolute perfection professionally on what he did.
    Great companionship between them.

  • @worldweary7995
    @worldweary7995 7 років тому +103

    Played this just for the hell of it... and got a little choked up. Certainly miss Deano. I know things change, but these guys were GREAT!

    • @vincentdefeo5917
      @vincentdefeo5917 3 роки тому +8

      Your so right my friend different times,its ASHAME we cant turn back the clock,

    • @tonewheel1773
      @tonewheel1773 3 роки тому +12

      @@vincentdefeo5917 Hey Vincent. Well, at least we have the consolation of either owning recordings or being able to access them from various online platforms. With the way things are, I`m glad I have my own copies, as UA-cam or whoever can take them down anytime they want. Keep the music playing my friend. *s* Regards: Tony, Sydney, Australia.

    • @shaunconnerley4345
      @shaunconnerley4345 3 роки тому +7

      Yeah Dino was a hell of an act to follow

    • @coverscape
      @coverscape 2 роки тому +5

      i watch the Dean Martin Roasts on UA-cam, and i know all the comedians and other personalities, as i grew up with them...... but, watching Dean roll in laughter is worth the price of admission for me - he so clearly enjoyed life (up until the terrible tragedy that took his son)

  • @coverscape
    @coverscape Рік тому +7

    when Dean's trademark #1 hit song hit the charts in 1964, he became the first recording artist to achieve what was thought to be the impossible --- he knocked The Beatles out of the top spot, for the first time since they arrived in America earlier that year!

    • @jason60chev
      @jason60chev 6 місяців тому +1

      At the aviation maintenance school that I attended, the sheet metal/structures instructor was a huge Beatles fan....had their pics all over his class room. I am a huge Dino fan. When I got to his class, I just set up my 8x10 pic of
      Dino, at my spot and pointed to it, every time he looked my way. He'd say, "Oh, shut up!"

  • @Kolfritz
    @Kolfritz 7 років тому +48

    I remember watching re-runs of his shows on either VHS tape or cable TV with my grandparents 20 years ago... Grandpa also played many of Dean's albums on a 1962 Magnavox console HI-FI, which I have now. Dean and Ken are long gone. Grandpa died 4 years ago at 93...

    • @jason60chev
      @jason60chev 6 місяців тому +1

      I play Dino and others through a 1960 Fisher Model 600 AM/FM stereo receiver.

  • @samcoronado4829
    @samcoronado4829 4 роки тому +10


    • @joelshore1937
      @joelshore1937 Рік тому +1

      This song was recorded by Frank Sinatra years before Dean did. Listen to that version; it's vastly different from Dean's.

  • @fred2141000
    @fred2141000 10 місяців тому +3

    The one & only , the coolest cat ever , the king of cool , Dean Martin !!!

  • @dougdanzeisen9608
    @dougdanzeisen9608 3 місяці тому +2

    What a lovely version of his signature tune. When the camera pans back, look to the right of the set approx 2:35. I believe that is Dean's father , Gaetano, who often attended tapings of the show. Doesn't he look like a proud papa? We're Blessed to have these recordings to revisit a great talent who visited our homes every Thursday night and made us all feel good with his warm singing and sense of humor.

  • @doniellestenson5231
    @doniellestenson5231 7 років тому +25

    what a duo. what a blessing to us they are .

    • @toniwilson1579
      @toniwilson1579 6 років тому +3

      Donielle Stenson ... Agree you Donielle they made such a neat duo

  • @marcspardello1254
    @marcspardello1254 3 роки тому +11

    I've been watching this clip for well over 15 years I was only 25 then and now I am the big 4-0. It goes by all too quick. I am so glad I was given the mental fortitude, the class to enjoy music and entertainers like Dean.

  • @cbbergen1
    @cbbergen1 9 років тому +78

    Love these clips featuring Dean and my stepfather.

    • @dino4ever472
      @dino4ever472  9 років тому +13

      cbbergen1 Ken was your stepdad??!! Cool! :)

    • @fever_spike
      @fever_spike 9 років тому +16

      Kenny Lane is your stepfather? That's awesome!

    • @Studmasterify
      @Studmasterify 8 років тому +7

      dino4ever Ken's family maintains some strong music connections through until today. His daughter Robin Lane had chart success in the early 80s and one time husband Andy Summers was the guitarist with the Police

    • @toniwilson1579
      @toniwilson1579 6 років тому +2

      cbbergen1 ... Your step father was so handsome, good looking and needless to say talented. I so glad I found this tonight cause I have heard they sung this song completely though only once during the time was on the air. So glad it was with Dean and the writer of it Ken Lane together. This made my night

    • @meltoncul
      @meltoncul 5 років тому +4

      Ken Lane not only was a fine musician/song writer, he appears to have been a wonderful man to work with.

  • @sasquatch2011
    @sasquatch2011 4 роки тому +25

    Rest in Piece.
    Dean Martin (1917-1995)
    Ken Lane (1912-1996)

    • @num1Jaysta
      @num1Jaysta 2 роки тому +2

      Wow just a year apart

    • @usaneebeilles9510
      @usaneebeilles9510 Рік тому +3

      Great companionship, Dean and Ken Lane.
      I admire them both. Thank you for the info.

  • @joemiano4816
    @joemiano4816 6 років тому +19

    Dino gone 23 years, miss you dean never be another one like you. Rip Dean

  • @evantorch6122
    @evantorch6122 2 роки тому +4

    I was in the audience as a teenager and he sang this as you see it, BUT the camera pulling back was added and edited in later!
    I was amazed when I wwatched it two or three weeks later!!

  • @robertszvetics210
    @robertszvetics210 5 років тому +16

    Just the greatest that ever was Dean will live forever as long as we remember him.

  • @cynthiaennis3107
    @cynthiaennis3107 5 років тому +26

    I never knew Ken Lane wrote that...I just heard how Dean got it when they needed 1 last song for a recording way back when & the piano man said...”how about this 1, my song?” ♥️♥️♥️ Love these men! Thank you for this video! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Hmm...this is one part that doesn’t look live! ???

    • @sherryhannah498
      @sherryhannah498 Рік тому +2

      Cynthia Ennis I hope you will reply to this Dean was handsome sexy hot dreamy wasn't he????????????

  • @Shawnie23Williams
    @Shawnie23Williams 5 років тому +10

    Dean always reminds me of my dad, he loved this comedy and his music. We just do not have people like Dean anymore, sadly. So just so you know dad, every time I watch this I think of you. 27-01-19 - Love you forever.

  • @dominique1398
    @dominique1398 Рік тому +4

    Quel charisme et quelle classe je vous aime Dean pour toujours❤

  • @dannyflynn5681
    @dannyflynn5681 7 років тому +65

    Such an understated joke at the end, that he still needs Cue Cards for his signature song he sung 1000000 times, but it's not like a laugh out loud joke, it's a warms your heart kind of joke that didn't detract from the elegant simplicity of the song and ending

    • @toniwilson1579
      @toniwilson1579 6 років тому +5

      Danny Flynn
      .. I also love how everyone was standing around watching him sing this song. Probably all his guest of that show and crew such a warm family feeling.

    • @evantorch6122
      @evantorch6122 3 роки тому +2

      They were on camera to get paid at season’s end- a tip- union rules.

    • @coverscape
      @coverscape 2 роки тому +1

      it's even funnier than you think ...... by all accounts, he had a great deal of difficulty SEEING, leave alone READING those cards - Love that Dean! LOL

  • @dannyflynn5681
    @dannyflynn5681 7 років тому +39

    This is how you close out a TV show

  • @thetraveler6803
    @thetraveler6803 7 років тому +15

    this song in the top 10 of my favorite Dean Martin songs.

    • @lunasorree7177
      @lunasorree7177 4 роки тому +3

      same. I have no idea why it’s not popular

    • @vincezaaa
      @vincezaaa 3 роки тому +1

      @@lunasorree7177 well it is now thanks to TikTok

  • @rickeyboy1959
    @rickeyboy1959 6 років тому +6

    grew up listening and enjoying the blessed Dean Martin and all his gifts the Lord gave him for our enjoyment, God the Father Himself gives all good and perfect gifts, will always love you Dean, downtown Ricky Brown, Jackson, Tennessee

  • @patrickobrien.2028
    @patrickobrien.2028 6 місяців тому +1

    The King of cool. Loved this man and his amazing voice.

  • @number4330
    @number4330 7 років тому +12


  • @StevenSeven
    @StevenSeven 2 роки тому +3

    What class. Just found this. Brought back so many wonderful memories. Thanks!

  • @jeffmissinne3866
    @jeffmissinne3866 5 років тому +13

    Love that long "pullback" to show the set, crew, and studio equipment, especially that low-angle camera and the "credit crawl" machine.

    • @evantorch6122
      @evantorch6122 3 роки тому +1

      He closed every season like this!

  • @mirkamrozowska320
    @mirkamrozowska320 Рік тому +2

    Dean Martin jest niesmiertelny❤

  • @willdrucker4291
    @willdrucker4291 2 роки тому +4

    Amazing ending to this episode…gives the tv audience a birds eye view from the perspective of the studio audience…complete with the dancers, the sound crew, and the classic NBC cameras…pretty cool

  • @MickeyT54
    @MickeyT54 4 роки тому +3

    What a good man and entertainer. Fond memories of that show, watching with my parents.

  • @francescxaviervinasbaeza3110
    @francescxaviervinasbaeza3110 7 років тому +8

    I loved Dino. I live this song.

  • @Brood1780
    @Brood1780 7 місяців тому +1

    So nostalgic

  • @meltoncul
    @meltoncul 5 років тому +7

    Dean Martin did it all: TV, Radio, Movies, Records (those are plastic disks we used to listen to music on before CD's, computers, etc.). lol.

    • @iggykarpov
      @iggykarpov 10 місяців тому

      Vinyl, to be specific. :)

  • @Aaron-hk3ki
    @Aaron-hk3ki 3 роки тому +3

    Seeing my great grandad Dino Martin. If only I could’ve met Dino 😩🤌

  • @davidmckinney6577
    @davidmckinney6577 3 роки тому +1

    That is so beautiful job buddy 👍 I miss you Dean Martin may God bless his soul rest in peace 🙏 my friend

  • @chiptenor
    @chiptenor 6 місяців тому

    Timeless....'pure gold'!

  • @bobkanocz5277
    @bobkanocz5277 Рік тому

    The greatest entertainer of the last century!!

  • @joelshore1937
    @joelshore1937 4 роки тому +7

    This is Ken Lane's Master's class in how to play accompaniment.

  • @gennettor8915
    @gennettor8915 Рік тому

    My favorite of all Dean's versions of this great song.

  • @coverscape
    @coverscape 2 роки тому +1

    We love YOU Dean ..... that is for sure ...... Who would have thought that this man would still be bringing joy and laughter, pure heartwarming entertainment into our lives a half century later - his talent and charismatic personality are timeless

  • @donaldperez7981
    @donaldperez7981 4 місяці тому +1

    What I always admired about Dean is that he was always involved with the number # 1 entertainers of the time; not number two (though there is nothing wrong with number twos) He was part of the rat pack, had his own television shows, recording contracts, featuring number #1stars, He was Lucy's friend, and her son and Dean's son were both in a band together, Elvis, One of the Beach boys was married to one of his daughters,Dean Paul Jr.'s wives, he also starring in movies with a few, of his favorite idols,Bing Crosby, he was even a Pal of Bob Hope,The Mill Brothers, to name just a few. Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch, Angie Dickinson, Shirley MacLaine, Gina lollobrigida, The Dean Martin roast. He was like America's royalty. In fact, The Royal family even celebrated his birthday in England. He was known as the king of cool, while his partner Jerry, was known as the king of comedy.His son Dean Paul Jr., said one day, that he was going to marry Olivia Hussey and he, did. Dean entertained Democrats and Republican Presidents alike.He could do it all.Way too much to type, but you get it.

  • @Heli1366
    @Heli1366 5 років тому +2

    we love you dean!

  • @fredsavage4925
    @fredsavage4925 2 роки тому

    the effortless class of this.

  • @warsatdugomier2608
    @warsatdugomier2608 3 роки тому +3

    Qu'elle complicité et amitié sincere tant de temps en une se belle collaboration ken a compose pour lui cette chanson et quel succès rip tous les deux un grand merci Dean

    • @warsatdugomier2608
      @warsatdugomier2608 3 роки тому +2

      Toujours. Aussi jolie. Chanson succès rip les deux 💋👍👍😇😇😇💞😍😍😍👏👏👏👏

  • @GoldenRetrievermom
    @GoldenRetrievermom Рік тому

    Miss him so much ❤

  • @RalonsoF1
    @RalonsoF1 3 роки тому +1

    Magic! Pure love!

  • @sonia757677
    @sonia757677 10 місяців тому

    Como é bom poder ainda ver e ouvir o Dino. Foi único, e apesar de ter partido seu legado continua vivo

  • @marcorobotti8891
    @marcorobotti8891 3 місяці тому +1


  • @StevenTorrey
    @StevenTorrey 9 років тому +17

    The set is so small... This song was written in 1947, Ken Lane was one of the co-authors. It was recorded by various artists but didn't take off till Marin's recording in 1964.

  • @mauricecampoli3675
    @mauricecampoli3675 2 роки тому

    I’m glad I was alive in the same era. I miss this so, so much. Dino forever

  • @claudiohermanoklein6516
    @claudiohermanoklein6516 4 роки тому +3

    Esse cara realmente viveu a vida. Bom cantor bom ator. Viveu intensamente. Invejo.

  • @user-yg4wi6zr8x
    @user-yg4wi6zr8x 5 років тому +1

    The King of Cool !!
    The Best !!!

  • @mikelesley2803
    @mikelesley2803 Рік тому

    Dean Martin will always be the King of Cool!

  • @TheSilvergold45
    @TheSilvergold45 5 років тому +2

    Also it is so very very sad we don't have DEAN ANYMORE ..PERIOD.

  • @victorcoskimartinez6889
    @victorcoskimartinez6889 3 роки тому +1

    Everybody loves somebody sometimes...

  • @stevenfanale4553
    @stevenfanale4553 2 роки тому +1


  • @bessieknapper8700
    @bessieknapper8700 5 років тому +3

    Love to hear Dean sing his theme song that Ken wrote. Everybody Loves somebody sometime.

  • @derekweinrauch8527
    @derekweinrauch8527 4 роки тому

    I love this song and dean♥️

  • @Believe222
    @Believe222 6 років тому +3

    Love this❤️

  • @thomasfaucette1660
    @thomasfaucette1660 9 місяців тому

    he was a classy actor singer comedian all wrapped up

  • @realguitarshredder
    @realguitarshredder 5 років тому +2

    What class

  • @louismillaci1827
    @louismillaci1827 2 роки тому

    Great Performer! :))

  • @williamdunphy352
    @williamdunphy352 5 років тому +4

    2:07 Another full shot set of "The Dean Martin Show".

  • @santiagomickley7438
    @santiagomickley7438 4 роки тому +3

    If I got a chance to travel to the past, I'd go to a Dean Martin Show with Sinatra an Sammy Davis.

    • @susanhicks4149
      @susanhicks4149 3 роки тому +1

      Lucy you ! I would have loved seeing them in person !

  • @RobertStambaugh-l5r
    @RobertStambaugh-l5r Рік тому +1

    I am still waiting to see the whole show of Connie Francis appearing on Dean Martin"s Show .
    It would be fun to see Connie and Dean sing together and to see Connie in some comedy skits .

  • @4uncutekil17
    @4uncutekil17 6 років тому +2

    Jack and Ashi FOREVER!

  • @ken6663
    @ken6663 5 років тому +5

    Dean Martin wow!!!! there's nobody better!! sorry Frank

    • @susanhicks4149
      @susanhicks4149 3 роки тому +1

      Very True, I never understood what everyone saw in Frank Sinatra !

    • @jason60chev
      @jason60chev 6 місяців тому

      Frank, I think, was something of a perfectionist. He never did get far in television. Dino was just so laid back and infinitely more funny/entertaining than Frank. Dino could just stand there, with a drink and a smoke and get laughter.

  • @carloremoli5898
    @carloremoli5898 6 років тому +5

    Great Dino Paul Crocetti.

  • @elouisecatherinesheehan2910
    @elouisecatherinesheehan2910 5 років тому +5

    Anyone else crying or just me

    • @meltoncul
      @meltoncul 5 років тому +2

      No. I'm playing it on my trombone. One of my favorites.

    • @tranquillity_base
      @tranquillity_base 3 роки тому +2

      Me... I'm crying too! Greetings from Italy.

  • @chrispnw2547
    @chrispnw2547 2 роки тому

    Wow... wow... I so miss this aspect of the past. Nicely dressed people. Professionals through and through. An understanding we are all human but some language and behavior is not welcome during certain hours and spaces. Civility matters.

  • @voodoo5860
    @voodoo5860 3 роки тому

    The biggest one!

  • @midnightalley4586
    @midnightalley4586 3 роки тому +2

    Sinatra and Dean were always two alphas but they never collided....times certainly are different now.

    • @chadjustice8560
      @chadjustice8560 3 роки тому +1

      Because no comparison between the two. Dean is way better than Sinatra every thought about being.

    • @midnightalley4586
      @midnightalley4586 3 роки тому +1

      @@chadjustice8560 in your opinion what was deans best song?

  • @Michaelbos
    @Michaelbos 4 роки тому +14

    Heh kiddies, this is what real talent use to look like.

  • @Wolfsky9
    @Wolfsky9 4 роки тому +1

    Man, this guy was the best--------------the very best. ------------------------WolfSky9, 73 y/o

  • @artfoundry
    @artfoundry Рік тому

    Ken Lane was actually a distant cousin of mine - he was the son of my mother's great aunt (grandfather's sister). His mother's maiden name was actually Damski and married name was Lifschitz (sp?), but because of the bigotry against Jews back in the 30s, Ken and the rest of the family changed their last name to Lane (and my mother's maiden name was Lane - so Ken was her father's first cousin). I never met Ken myself, but my mom and dad did when they moved out to CA back in the late 60s.

  • @sumofann1713
    @sumofann1713 8 років тому +5

    Great clip. When did this show air? Thanks for posting.

    @ARIZJOE 3 місяці тому

    Dino Crocetti, Steubenville, Ohio, the one and only.

  • @evantorch6122
    @evantorch6122 3 роки тому +2

    He ended manny seasons and tipped a hat to the crew and singers by backing away slowly to the end of stage

  • @sherryhannah498
    @sherryhannah498 Рік тому

    I hope y'all will reply to this a great song by a great singer huh????????.........I love Dean Martin so handsome sexy hot dreamy he was a hottie before the word was invented........oh and I dreamt he was mine....terrific huh????????

  • @SuperWolsey
    @SuperWolsey Рік тому

    "I'd admire to it!"
    -Ken Lane

  • @markmarsh27
    @markmarsh27 2 роки тому

    No one ever sang like Dino before and no one ever will again.

  • @midnightalley4586
    @midnightalley4586 3 роки тому +2

    This is way better than the studio version. Just dean and ken and a piano..
    Thats it.
    End of discussion

  • @jonathanlane5432
    @jonathanlane5432 3 роки тому +2

    Would it have been so difficult to put this in proper sync?

  • @dennisoleary6272
    @dennisoleary6272 2 роки тому

  • @beatlessteve1010
    @beatlessteve1010 2 роки тому +1

    Dean had the magic inside that blossomed through hard work which meant a lot of NO's until they became yeahs

  • @Ashfielder
    @Ashfielder 5 років тому +1

    The writer for this show was Harry Crane… interesting coincidence.

  • @ryan3238
    @ryan3238 3 роки тому +1


  • @osamanchunha-ampai3384
    @osamanchunha-ampai3384 3 роки тому +1

    Back when cigarette was a prop

  • @roberthuot7887
    @roberthuot7887 Рік тому

    Funny that he just needed to hold a cigarette all the time. Those times were great though, and Mr. Martin was the best at his job.

  • @alfredfabri3714
    @alfredfabri3714 7 років тому +2

    This Is Far Different From The original.

    • @meltoncul
      @meltoncul 5 років тому +2

      This is the slow "romantic" version. The original version had a much faster tempo, but you could still slow-dance to it.

  • @electronicaconari5691
    @electronicaconari5691 Рік тому

    canta mejor que eso ! mmmm imposible !

  • @korystephens3318
    @korystephens3318 7 років тому +1

    Onore, Genndy!!
    *10 likes to the lucky relpyer who guesses this reference

    • @albertwells8503
      @albertwells8503 5 років тому +1

      kory stephens It’s been 2 years. Ok. I give up!

  • @jamesfeldman4234
    @jamesfeldman4234 Рік тому

    Too bad Dean didn't acknowledge Irving Taylor as a co-writer of Everybody Loves Somebody. Yes, Ken Lane's music is great, but it's the combination of the lyrics with the music that creates song magic. And Dean himself did a lot to make this song his own. The song had actually been around nearly two decades before Dean made it such a smash hit. It has his personality in it and that adds even more magic to the song.

  • @number4330
    @number4330 7 років тому +9


  • @number4330
    @number4330 7 років тому +8


  • @number4330
    @number4330 7 років тому +8
