MAKING TLON PATREON: MAKING TLON MYMINIFACTORY: Fabio says hi and thank you :) check out his stuff, it's perfect for what we do! RP ARCHIVE STLS: MAGNETIC INTERIOR WALL BONUS VIDEO: ANYCUBIC M3: Nice little printer. I like how the 'basic' printers are now much bigger buildplates, a lot of QOL improvements honestly :) DIMENSIONS FOR THE ALTAR: Bevelled wide slab with border line cut 1/8" around the edge, and bevelled with a pencil 2 and 3/8" by 1 1/8" Flat stone rectangular core 4 pieces 2" and 3/4" long, 3/4" high? Overlayer thin vertical strips at front and back Cut thin arch shape to fit in the middle Cut x" brick with tip cut at 45 degree angle, hot glue to each side. MASK SAFETY A few things we work with require good ventilation, a mask, or both. HOT WIRE CUTTER When using a hot wire cutter, solid ventilation can be enough. Open windows, and a desk fan next to the cutter that blows towards the window is enough in most circumstances - but if you struggle with this, or can smell it consistently - I would recommend wearing a filter mask (links in the equipment list). The white smoke given off by the cutter is primarily CO2 and water vapor, which are far less harmful than other common art products like aerosols and paint thinners (or hairspray). The toxic values are far less than wood-smoke, which contains tars, resins, creosote, and acetic acid. IF you burn the xps foam, rather than melt it, it gives off black smoke. This is toxic. Make sure you turn the cutter off if not cutting, and try to remove foam stuck to the wire with some scrap foam, rather than letting it burn up. CUTTING/SANDING FOAM When cutting or sanding foam, you want to be wearing at least a dust mask (though a filter mask will do) to avoid breathing in the dust. Always make sure to hoover up this dust once you're done. GROUT Always wear a dust mask when using grout, ventilate the area, and hoover it up once it settles. It is basically cement, you don't want to be breathing it in! On a side note, try to wash your hands in a bucket and throw the water out, rather than washing it down the sink. A small amount probably wont do anything, but in excess in theory it can cause problems (again, because it's basically cement!) BALSA WOOD When scratching grain into balsa wood with a wire brush, wear a dust mask to avoid the sawdust. Fairly standard wood stuff. GLUES AND SOLVENTS Many things we use regularly (even home use) give off nasty fumes of some description - superglue, polystyrene cement (plastic glue), liquid latex, among others. For the most part, we don't work with these things for an extended enough period for this to be a problem, though following safety labels on products is of course important :) As a general rule, I throw anything that 'smells' into this category - some are mostly harmless, but I aim for better safe than sorry! Basic ventilation (opening a window) will usually be fine if working with them for a short period, but IF you intend to spend hours using one of these materials I would recommend solid ventilation, adding a desk fan, or even using outside. MAGNET SAFETY: Don’t use around small children or animals, if ingested these can be dangerous. Never let very strong magnets slam together, especially thin ones. They can and will smash under a lot of force, and then become very sharp, highly magnetic shrapnel. Not good. Easy to avoid though, just take care. NICKLE STRIPS/STEEL TIN CAN TIPS AND SAFETY: Nickel and Tin is safe enough to use if you're reasonably careful, I used to cut most of mine from tin can lids with scissors, though now I use nice smooth nickel strips. Made sure you're wearing thick gloves when cutting and handling, I use some woodworking gloves. If you want to make doubly sure the metal isn't sharp, use a metal nail file along the edges to round it off.
Because the upgrades all are, they'd be less popular/far reaching as UA-cam videos and the channel needs support to exist, so having things like that as a thank you to those people is only fair Ads and such barely cover materials and equipment costs, if that. Patreon funds the channel, that's why I try to thank them as best I can :)
I hope you're not still suffering from Long-Covid. I love your take on xps foam terrain. it's a great balance of realism and fictional fantasy. Thank you for all your hints and tips.
Great overview! I do think the typical use of superglue (cyanoacrylate, or CA) is more dangerous than most people realize. Many people inadvertently subject themselves to repeated overexposure, causing headaches and other temporary neurological symptoms (dizziness, light headedness, “foggy brain”). Excess exposure can lead to a CA allergy, with more serious respiratory symptoms. I still use it, but I’ve become much more careful since some bad experiences and learning the real risks.
this is insanely rich on information. i wish i had this when i started! small things that usually go unseen and we need to carve our way through. thank you so much, matt! keep it up :)
So good to see you making a recovery! I know you're not fully better yet, but still very happy to see new content and a general trend in the right direction :] Thanks for all the tips Matt!
About the XPS-foam and how to get it cheap: I visited local hardware store which had rather large storage area. They actually have uneven sized XPS strips or blocks to secure the shipping of the "prime material". These uneven ones get dirty and battered, BUT that really does not matter, because we can just get rid of the damaged parts because they are huge. I had to cut one panel into two just to get it into my car. And here's the catch: They gave it to me free. They can't sell it, they can't use it, it is just trash to them. I still have tons of left and I made plenty of terrain already. I got 2 inch panel and 6 inch panel (rough estimates) so removing any dirty or battered parts is not a problem. The 2 inch panel was 80cm x 200 cm and the 6 inch was around the same, bit shorter I think. So I strongly suggest asking to look around in the storage area, pick the bruised and battered ones, and ask what they ask for those. They might give it for free or for a hefty discount. Either way, money will be saved. Also, everything this guys says, works well. Edit: Should have watched the whole video first.. Well the larger panels I got for free are shown in the video at 7:08. Edit2: "Prime material" = the real XPS panels that are meant to be sold. So the shipping box/package of XPS panels is secured by using single XPS panels. Those XPS panels become waste after they open the package, because they become dirty/dented during the shipping. They don't randomly put XPS on shipping random stuff - or possibly do, but that's not what I meant.
@@RPArchiveOfficial "Prime material" = the real XPS panels that are meant to be sold. So the shipping box/package of XPS panels is secured by using single XPS panels. Those XPS panels become waste after they open the package, because they become dirty/dented during the shipping. They don't randomly put XPS on shipping random stuff - or possibly do, but that's not what I meant. But the end result is the same: They might give you free panels that they have no use for. It might help to tell them what you use it for.
I dont know what your situation is looking like, but i do want to say thank you. Your videos are so calming and sometimes you are so sweet it hurts. thank you, for making lovely videos and for making this hobby so much more accessible.
Long time no talk Matt. I've been a Sub for quite a long time now and due to life have had no opportunity to move into your patron category but it will happen I say lol. Anyway to the point, I feel that I should be paying for this information, it is that valuable. So thank you for giving freely to those who seek the knowledge. I know your generosity will bring you riches! Please Stay Awesome.
I hope you make a full recovery! I really appreciate how much time and money you've saved me with the way you organize your collected wisdom. Very approachable. The example builds you show are also inspirational. What a rare combo!
Treasure trove of solid tips, I wish I had seen this vid last year when I just started crafting. A lot of what I know now is down to you and other YT crafters, thanks for all you do and hope you get better soon.
I hope for a speedy recovery as well and also so glad to see a new video... I just got my Proxxon yesterday and I'm already working on some tiles. I have huge plans and thankfully I have a wife that doesn't mind entertaining the ideas of this old man. LoL
The algorithm suggested you yesterday, quite like your style. I'm sold on the modular style.. I'm thinking a 40k twist for rogue trader and dark crusade, as well as war gaming with. Thanks for the inspiration, I still have a lot of back catalog to watch.
Wow, this is a lot of great beginner info. I've been lurking in the back of the audience for a couple years and look forward to giving it a go one day. Your videos will be the top of my playlist to reference when the time comes. Thanks, and keep them coming!
Thanks for the new content! I hope your long COVID comes to an end soon. The result you showed of the super glue melting the foam actually looked really cool if you do it with intention for something like a tar/acid pit. But great general advice for a newbie to just stay away from that combo in most circumstances. As someone still trying to find my feet in this hobby, I appreciate this video immensely.
Hey, I've only just come across your videos but they have inspired me to get started on my own modular system for D&D terrain, I've just finished priming my first two test pieces that were freshly cut on my Proxxon earlier this week! Can't wait to see what you cover next, really loving the modular tiles, would love to see your method on the more detailed stone tiles vs the 3x3 inch tile ones. Loving the content, keep it up!
Hi Matt, I love this video and all your others. Funny as it sounds I’ve been going through a lot lately and have a hard time finding peace, watching your videos always gives me comfort, even though I don’t fallow along and build. I love you sir, thank you so much and please continue the great work
I'm glad you've survived and been able to be productive! This video was pretty epic. So much good info, condensed and easy to digest. Well done, Sir! :)
Incredible resources as always. Adding that info to the equipment list was a massive undertaking, I'm sure. Thank you so much for all this free information. You could easily monitize this info and it is a blessing that you have decided to give your knowledge and experience freely. You do the hobby proud.
Thank Goddess Sheila I don't have a proxxon! Btw, cutting straight at a 90° angle is just a matter of training. You'll get there eventually. And every time you try, you'll get a bit closer. Only took me 3 years, so... (Actually more like 3 months over 3 years). So super glue is the way to go to make shallow puddles in tiles? 😁 Great tip. Best of luck on your recovery 🙏💚
Great beginner tips, great job! Regarding the Proxxon Hot Wire cutter when I started crafting about 5 years ago I followed a youtube video on how to make your own hot wire cutter and I made a very simple one with an old PC Power Supply unit as power supply, custom fence and everything else was just wood, wire and some nuts and bolts. I even use the PC power supply button to turn it on, it is not pretty but it works just fine for tiles, bricks, shingles, beams and large pieces of foam. There are quite a large number of such videos now with very sophisticated cutters. Depending on what you are crafting you might use very different materials like different kinds of paper, clay or different bits for more modern look and also depending on what you are crafting from foam - example large rocks or caverns, buildings, big terrain you don't need such precision. An example - I needed a muddy road in a forest for my CoS campaign so I made a single piece of terrain not too large for this occasion and since it was one big piece and not modular only one big foam was used. I think the most important advice that I can give to new players is to put some effort into learning basic painting theory if you are complete newbies ( like me) and have no idea about mixing paints, what is happening and why. There are many many great free videos or painting lessons on youtube and other learning platforms and if you put a few hours of your time into learning this you will significantly improve your terrain because no matter how great a terrain is it can always be ruined by a bad paint job. There are many terrain crafting youtubers and mini painting channels that have been around for years and years and it is clear that they have not put the effort to improve while similar youtubers are constantly improving through hard work or just have a background in arts and they make amazing minis/terrain so improve, strive to be better, find your style and rock on.
DUDE! Glad to see you back, even if not at full power. Remember to put your health at the utmost priority, take it easy and in time you'll get better. If I can be selfish with a request, can you try a modular water tile for rivers? I tried some techniques with glue/clear resin, but they all look a little wonky. Some guidance would be greatly apprieciated. Have a nice day mate :)
I've been watching your videos for a while now, and have enjoyed them all. I'm probably gonna try and get started in terrain pieces soon and your videos as super helpful. You devere so many more views than what you get, it's insane the amount of production you put into your videos. Hope you get better soon mate
Glad you're feeling better! Long COVID is a b***h. Great video, really useful for anyone new to the hobby and also those of us returning after a long hiatus.
Only recently discovered videos like this, and its an infinite well of amazing creations! The time and effort you all put into these things is fantastic.
Matt! I’m just getting started in terrain and I’ve already lost my mind with buying all of the cool tools and bits & bobs. Thank you so much for this video. I made a few things already over the last couple of weeks and after watching your videos and Jeremy’s from BMC, I figured out that I did everything the absolute hardest way possible. 😂
@@RPArchiveOfficialHaha. It's all part of the journey. I've got my YT channel set-up, and now I just need to figure out how to sit in front of a camera. This craft is more fun than it has any right to be. 😅
For those of us in North America, yes, the pink xps foam is a pain in the butt for not taking texture. I found that if I sand off the varnished(?) surface, or skim it off with the proxon, it will take texture just fine for me.
Would really love some kind of guide to sealants. You use a lot of different ones for different things, mod podge for styrofoam, car lacquer spray for grass, PVA mixes, protective sprays, latex dipped trees, etc. There is also a big crossover for sealants and and adhesives I think? Some kind of run down video on this subject would be really awesome.
Thanks Matt, thats a great motivation booster shot this morning. I am just getting out of covid isolation, i could still go out since we own land, but today its a rainy day and you come out with another great video, that gives me alot of idea for some of my quests! And wow!!! those stl your offering are amazing! Ill try to scrape my drawers and subscribe to patreon soon. Thanks again, hope you get better And see you soon!
Hello again! First of all it's great seing how consistently informative and visually stimulating your videos are. I am simulatneoualy engrossed and inspired 😅. I would like to thank you for your efforts to include as many nations as you can in your essentials lists (above and beyond). Really appreciate it and shows how much care about your audience and the hobby. I qas compelled to pause midway through your gluing turorial and I am literally astonished by the amount of information you've shared (with visuals!🤯) So helpful, for begginers! We know you've "been there/done that", so you're trying to save people time,money, and frustrations. You're such a good guy!👍 I want you to feel better soon and really start to reap the positive energy you've sent out to the universe in true "law of reciprocity" fashion. Blessings from Canada.😊 (If I had the resources I wouldn't hesitate to contribute to your channel) Edit: Soooo much useful information! I can't think of anything you haven't addressed! Awesome!
I am going on 2 years with long Covid. I have Fibromyalgia too. I have noticed my lungs don't function to full capacity without inhalers. I do hope your long Covid is getting better and know you are in my prayers. Love your videos!
That door mimic is the second most evil thing I've ever seen in relation to DnD. The first is an outhouse mimic; that's just wrong on sooooo many levels.
I found the pink XPS foam over here in the states has a sheen surface coating that you need to sand off to get a proper surface for texture. Do so outdoors or with and with proper ventilation and safety.
If you buy the pink xps in the US and get the thicker stuff and rip it down the inside will take texture fine where the outside will be resistant. Easy solution for that problem if you have a proxxon and guide.
I have been having problems with my magnets popping out, so I am excited to see if your advice will fix those tiles because I was inclined to skip magnets in the future unless I could get that problem solved.
just wondering about your windows and door stl. I know you're saying only for Patreon but I'm not working right now (3 years already), because of an injury and can't spare money for Patreon right now. I'm helping with some Amazon stuff but I understand it wouldn't be fair for your Patreon's.
It'll be available on patreon again in future as a throwback, so it's easy enough to pick up later :) I just need to get the new website/equipment list made to run it all 😄
Oof dah Proxxon, the difficulties caused when your reference surfaces are not precise. Thanks for sharing these tips. Again, wishing you a speedy recovery from long Covid.
Improved, though not fully better yet! making a big set of videos right now and showing updates on patreon, I am alive and working :) Also released bonus videos on patreon last year, so the gap isn't as big as it looks :)
@@RPArchiveOfficial That's good to hear, although I was less worried about the content than I was about your wellbeing! Hopefully someday I'll get to be rich. There are so many amazing creators that I wish I could afford to support on Patreon.
@@RPArchiveOfficial as someone who had long covid for months before anyone knew what covid was I can say I know the feeling and it sucks. Also had it 3 times since after vaxxed. It's wild. It feels like it's not natural.
Oh god. I don't think I could deal with catching it again, it's absolutely wrecked me for like 5 months already... Do not know how you've dealt with that 😕
This is awesome. I've been watching your videos and now I've already told my wife that I want to get a "arts and crafts" station setup in the garage to start tring to do some stuff like this! Do you happen to have a "starter guide" or "what will I need to start" kind of video? I've looked a bit and haven't quite found anything. Thanks!
There's the equipment list/guide in the description of every video :) and a 'getting started with modular terrain' video somewhat recently on the channel
Muahahaha I finally got my proxxon now just waiting on magnets 😁. Thanks for all the knowledge! I made a modular volcanic map that can be as big as 4 ft by 2ft all thanks to you, all with a handheld hot wire. Now with the proxxon I'm gonna feel spoiled but I see how it's needed so badly for perfectly squared pieces. You da man and I can't wait to see your next project!
Your videos are absolutely amazing! The work you do is superb. My first project is volcanic, I only hope mine will look half as realistic as yours. Your like the god of miniature creation 🙌
So I may have obsessed a bit for the last 3 weeks and I have it mostly finished, 1 ft tall, 4 ft wide and 2 ft depth. Is there anyway I could send you pics? I would love your criticism!
I have found a method for removing that cloudy white substance that forms on some superglued surfaces. I use matt brush on varnish to varnish my minis and applying some to the cloudy substance (once it's cured) removes at least the majority of it if not all trace of it.
thx very much for tthis video! my daughter is just getting into this hobby and if i can manage to translate this to her, it will save me a ton of questions 🙂
Love this video, and it's got me started on hobby crafting tabletop terrain. One question though: does anyone else struggle to get the magnet polarity right when gluing them to the basic dungeon tiles? Does anyone have any tips for avoiding accidently getting the same polarity facing each other? I always seem to get the wrong polarities aligned.
Hello Matt! Thanks for your guide! I've been watching your channel for almost two years and It has helped me to make terrain as at Warcry… but better. Because it’s modular! I spent three months for made 64 floor and 50 wall sections. They are awesome, but I don’t want to repeat this experience. For completely making one 75x75 mm section, I had spent almost 30 minutes. This process include cutting, texturing, gluing magnets, priming, one layer of painting and two steps of drybrushing (or overbrushing, I’m not sure what it was))). I want to compare our timing. How much time did you spent for one section? And what have you done for improve your productivity?
Would you be able to do a video on working with crumbly, white packing foam? In terms of tips on how to texture it, and work without it falling a part on you? I'm from aus so getting xps foam cheap is a lost cause, but i have HEAPS of packing foam ahaha love your work!! My party is now migrating from online to in person, and I'm slowly making little pieces of furniture or terrain to make the experience more immersive for myself and the players using ur videos as a guide
I'd love to help but I'm close to wiped out with a long covid bad day right now :/ I have quite a lot of aussie patrons who share info on material sources on the discord so that could help if you wanted to join? All I can offer right now I'm afraid 😕
I do a lot of casting in resin, and I'm thinking of making a good tinfoil roller, then molding it in RTV silicone rubber, and then casting my own texture roller that'll never go flat!
Wow Matt, your channel is amazing. I haven't been so excited to build something in years... I have a question though. You have a lot of connection methods and systems throughout your videos (tabs, magnets, skewers, etc). If you were starting completely from scratch, would you try and limit it to just one system to maximize modularity? Or do you need a different system for each type of building block (because of structural stability)?
Magnets only :) in the bonus videos on my Patreon I go over how to magnetise walls, interior walls, floors, mountainblocks (and and soon, temple blocks!), all to work with magnetic accessories. Oh and each month I'm paying a sculptor to help me make a 'thank you' batch of Stls for patrons, that includes several magnetic accessories :)
Dont know if anyone has mentioned it or not but the Heavy duty aluminum foil work so much better than the cheap foil which gets smoothed out much quicker. The heavy foil really makes a better pattern.
Fabio says hi and thank you :) check out his stuff, it's perfect for what we do!
Nice little printer. I like how the 'basic' printers are now much bigger buildplates, a lot of QOL improvements honestly :)
Bevelled wide slab with border line cut 1/8" around the edge, and bevelled with a pencil
2 and 3/8" by 1 1/8"
Flat stone rectangular core 4 pieces 2" and 3/4" long, 3/4" high?
Overlayer thin vertical strips at front and back
Cut thin arch shape to fit in the middle
Cut x" brick with tip cut at 45 degree angle, hot glue to each side.
A few things we work with require good ventilation, a mask, or both.
When using a hot wire cutter, solid ventilation can be enough. Open windows, and a desk fan next to the cutter that blows towards the window is enough in most circumstances - but if you struggle with this, or can smell it consistently - I would recommend wearing a filter mask (links in the equipment list).
The white smoke given off by the cutter is primarily CO2 and water vapor, which are far less harmful than other common art products like aerosols and paint thinners (or hairspray). The toxic values are far less than wood-smoke, which contains tars, resins, creosote, and acetic acid.
IF you burn the xps foam, rather than melt it, it gives off black smoke. This is toxic. Make sure you turn the cutter off if not cutting, and try to remove foam stuck to the wire with some scrap foam, rather than letting it burn up.
When cutting or sanding foam, you want to be wearing at least a dust mask (though a filter mask will do) to avoid breathing in the dust. Always make sure to hoover up this dust once you're done.
Always wear a dust mask when using grout, ventilate the area, and hoover it up once it settles. It is basically cement, you don't want to be breathing it in!
On a side note, try to wash your hands in a bucket and throw the water out, rather than washing it down the sink. A small amount probably wont do anything, but in excess in theory it can cause problems (again, because it's basically cement!)
When scratching grain into balsa wood with a wire brush, wear a dust mask to avoid the sawdust. Fairly standard wood stuff.
Many things we use regularly (even home use) give off nasty fumes of some description - superglue, polystyrene cement (plastic glue), liquid latex, among others. For the most part, we don't work with these things for an extended enough period for this to be a problem, though following safety labels on products is of course important :)
As a general rule, I throw anything that 'smells' into this category - some are mostly harmless, but I aim for better safe than sorry!
Basic ventilation (opening a window) will usually be fine if working with them for a short period, but IF you intend to spend hours using one of these materials I would recommend solid ventilation, adding a desk fan, or even using outside.
Don’t use around small children or animals, if ingested these can be dangerous. Never let very strong magnets slam together, especially thin ones. They can and will smash under a lot of force, and then become very sharp, highly magnetic shrapnel. Not good. Easy to avoid though, just take care.
Nickel and Tin is safe enough to use if you're reasonably careful, I used to cut most of mine from tin can lids with scissors, though now I use nice smooth nickel strips.
Made sure you're wearing thick gloves when cutting and handling, I use some woodworking gloves.
If you want to make doubly sure the metal isn't sharp, use a metal nail file along the edges to round it off.
Why is rock wall 2.0 only for patrons subscribers…😢 bruh.
Because the upgrades all are, they'd be less popular/far reaching as UA-cam videos and the channel needs support to exist, so having things like that as a thank you to those people is only fair
Ads and such barely cover materials and equipment costs, if that. Patreon funds the channel, that's why I try to thank them as best I can :)
Where are you
I hope you're not still suffering from Long-Covid. I love your take on xps foam terrain. it's a great balance of realism and fictional fantasy. Thank you for all your hints and tips.
@@LostWhits I am, but it's much reduced - and I'm working on a massive new video right now!
Great overview! I do think the typical use of superglue (cyanoacrylate, or CA) is more dangerous than most people realize. Many people inadvertently subject themselves to repeated overexposure, causing headaches and other temporary neurological symptoms (dizziness, light headedness, “foggy brain”). Excess exposure can lead to a CA allergy, with more serious respiratory symptoms. I still use it, but I’ve become much more careful since some bad experiences and learning the real risks.
this is insanely rich on information. i wish i had this when i started! small things that usually go unseen and we need to carve our way through. thank you so much, matt! keep it up :)
Great! That was the goal :)
So good to see you making a recovery! I know you're not fully better yet, but still very happy to see new content and a general trend in the right direction :]
Thanks for all the tips Matt!
Thanks turnip! It's a long road but I'm getting there :)
A 30 minute video? You spoil us!
I try :)
Sorry to hear about your Long Covid. I hope you can get some relief soon...🤒
About the XPS-foam and how to get it cheap: I visited local hardware store which had rather large storage area. They actually have uneven sized XPS strips or blocks to secure the shipping of the "prime material". These uneven ones get dirty and battered, BUT that really does not matter, because we can just get rid of the damaged parts because they are huge. I had to cut one panel into two just to get it into my car.
And here's the catch: They gave it to me free. They can't sell it, they can't use it, it is just trash to them.
I still have tons of left and I made plenty of terrain already. I got 2 inch panel and 6 inch panel (rough estimates) so removing any dirty or battered parts is not a problem. The 2 inch panel was 80cm x 200 cm and the 6 inch was around the same, bit shorter I think.
So I strongly suggest asking to look around in the storage area, pick the bruised and battered ones, and ask what they ask for those. They might give it for free or for a hefty discount. Either way, money will be saved.
Also, everything this guys says, works well.
Edit: Should have watched the whole video first.. Well the larger panels I got for free are shown in the video at 7:08.
Edit2: "Prime material" = the real XPS panels that are meant to be sold. So the shipping box/package of XPS panels is secured by using single XPS panels. Those XPS panels become waste after they open the package, because they become dirty/dented during the shipping. They don't randomly put XPS on shipping random stuff - or possibly do, but that's not what I meant.
Interesting about how they use them! I shall have to enquire...
@@RPArchiveOfficial "Prime material" = the real XPS panels that are meant to be sold. So the shipping box/package of XPS panels is secured by using single XPS panels. Those XPS panels become waste after they open the package, because they become dirty/dented during the shipping. They don't randomly put XPS on shipping random stuff - or possibly do, but that's not what I meant.
But the end result is the same: They might give you free panels that they have no use for. It might help to tell them what you use it for.
This Channel is from a other world.... Wow really the best what i have ever See. Perfekt Work.
Glad you're feeling better and posting again!!!
I dont know what your situation is looking like, but i do want to say thank you. Your videos are so calming and sometimes you are so sweet it hurts. thank you, for making lovely videos and for making this hobby so much more accessible.
Thanks for including the Netherlands!!! I am dutch myself, and you really helpt me out!!! (Sorry for my bad english.)
Long time no talk Matt.
I've been a Sub for quite a long time now and due to life have had no opportunity to move into your patron category but it will happen I say lol. Anyway to the point, I feel that I should be paying for this information, it is that valuable. So thank you for giving freely to those who seek the knowledge. I know your generosity will bring you riches!
Please Stay Awesome.
I hope you make a full recovery! I really appreciate how much time and money you've saved me with the way you organize your collected wisdom. Very approachable. The example builds you show are also inspirational. What a rare combo!
Glad to see you're doing better pray you have a full recovery. We have missed you!!
I've watched three of your videos and the ideas are already flying. I am very interested in this hobby, and hope to get into it soon!
Glad you’re back man. You look better than last vid!
Thanks Richard! :)
Hey man so glad that you are back 😁
Treasure trove of solid tips, I wish I had seen this vid last year when I just started crafting. A lot of what I know now is down to you and other YT crafters, thanks for all you do and hope you get better soon.
I hope for a speedy recovery as well and also so glad to see a new video... I just got my Proxxon yesterday and I'm already working on some tiles. I have huge plans and thankfully I have a wife that doesn't mind entertaining the ideas of this old man. LoL
Glad your back in action. 👍🏽 This comprehensive update to your “state of the art” is very much welcome and appreciated.
glad to see you making videos again. keep taking care of yourself.
The algorithm suggested you yesterday, quite like your style. I'm sold on the modular style.. I'm thinking a 40k twist for rogue trader and dark crusade, as well as war gaming with. Thanks for the inspiration, I still have a lot of back catalog to watch.
Wow, this is a lot of great beginner info. I've been lurking in the back of the audience for a couple years and look forward to giving it a go one day. Your videos will be the top of my playlist to reference when the time comes. Thanks, and keep them coming!
Thanks man!
Thanks for the new content! I hope your long COVID comes to an end soon.
The result you showed of the super glue melting the foam actually looked really cool if you do it with intention for something like a tar/acid pit. But great general advice for a newbie to just stay away from that combo in most circumstances. As someone still trying to find my feet in this hobby, I appreciate this video immensely.
Good to see you again Matt. Thank you for the content
Yeah, the best hobbyist is back! Thank you for sharing this video. :)
Great video! Would love a video showing off all the tiles you’ve made so far and how you actually use them in game.
Get well Matt. Love your videos!
I somehow didn't know of your getting COVID and dealing with a long recovery from it. Here's hoping you make a speedy and full recovery.
Excellent summary of techniques and info. I'd only been thinking yesterday you'd not posted in a while. Glad you're on the mend.
Thanks man, slow recovery but I'm getting there :)
It is wonderful to see you back with us.
Excellent video too.
Hey, I've only just come across your videos but they have inspired me to get started on my own modular system for D&D terrain, I've just finished priming my first two test pieces that were freshly cut on my Proxxon earlier this week! Can't wait to see what you cover next, really loving the modular tiles, would love to see your method on the more detailed stone tiles vs the 3x3 inch tile ones. Loving the content, keep it up!
Hi Matt, I love this video and all your others. Funny as it sounds I’ve been going through a lot lately and have a hard time finding peace, watching your videos always gives me comfort, even though I don’t fallow along and build. I love you sir, thank you so much and please continue the great work
I'm glad you've survived and been able to be productive! This video was pretty epic. So much good info, condensed and easy to digest. Well done, Sir! :)
Excellent advice here Matt! Love these longer videos to wake up to. Cheers mate and feel better!
Incredible resources as always. Adding that info to the equipment list was a massive undertaking, I'm sure. Thank you so much for all this free information. You could easily monitize this info and it is a blessing that you have decided to give your knowledge and experience freely. You do the hobby proud.
Hoping to start my modular terrain journey soon and I'm having the best time binge watching your content!
Thanks so much for another great video! Continuing to pray for your complete recovery 🙏🏻
Thank Goddess Sheila I don't have a proxxon!
Btw, cutting straight at a 90° angle is just a matter of training. You'll get there eventually. And every time you try, you'll get a bit closer. Only took me 3 years, so... (Actually more like 3 months over 3 years).
So super glue is the way to go to make shallow puddles in tiles? 😁 Great tip.
Best of luck on your recovery 🙏💚
Great beginner tips, great job! Regarding the Proxxon Hot Wire cutter when I started crafting about 5 years ago I followed a youtube video on how to make your own hot wire cutter and I made a very simple one with an old PC Power Supply unit as power supply, custom fence and everything else was just wood, wire and some nuts and bolts. I even use the PC power supply button to turn it on, it is not pretty but it works just fine for tiles, bricks, shingles, beams and large pieces of foam. There are quite a large number of such videos now with very sophisticated cutters. Depending on what you are crafting you might use very different materials like different kinds of paper, clay or different bits for more modern look and also depending on what you are crafting from foam - example large rocks or caverns, buildings, big terrain you don't need such precision. An example - I needed a muddy road in a forest for my CoS campaign so I made a single piece of terrain not too large for this occasion and since it was one big piece and not modular only one big foam was used. I think the most important advice that I can give to new players is to put some effort into learning basic painting theory if you are complete newbies ( like me) and have no idea about mixing paints, what is happening and why. There are many many great free videos or painting lessons on youtube and other learning platforms and if you put a few hours of your time into learning this you will significantly improve your terrain because no matter how great a terrain is it can always be ruined by a bad paint job. There are many terrain crafting youtubers and mini painting channels that have been around for years and years and it is clear that they have not put the effort to improve while similar youtubers are constantly improving through hard work or just have a background in arts and they make amazing minis/terrain so improve, strive to be better, find your style and rock on.
DUDE! Glad to see you back, even if not at full power. Remember to put your health at the utmost priority, take it easy and in time you'll get better.
If I can be selfish with a request, can you try a modular water tile for rivers? I tried some techniques with glue/clear resin, but they all look a little wonky. Some guidance would be greatly apprieciated.
Have a nice day mate :)
I did modular rivers recently :) check out my recent videos
I've been watching your videos for a while now, and have enjoyed them all. I'm probably gonna try and get started in terrain pieces soon and your videos as super helpful. You devere so many more views than what you get, it's insane the amount of production you put into your videos. Hope you get better soon mate
Thanks man :)
HAHA! Thats my lego guide. love your stuff.
Glad you're feeling better! Long COVID is a b***h. Great video, really useful for anyone new to the hobby and also those of us returning after a long hiatus.
It is indeed. Glad the video is useful!
Glad your recovering also the power of the surebonder is amazing it has helped me with so much lol including fixing some house stuff .
Good to see you again. I was getting worried about your health.
It's still not great, but it's glacially getting better :)
Some valuable tips in this video. Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you for another awesome video. Excellent compendium of tips and tricks about this great hobby of ours.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Thanks man :)
Your should start an etsy store or something like that. I love your creations and I would love to buy your tiles.
Only recently discovered videos like this, and its an infinite well of amazing creations! The time and effort you all put into these things is fantastic.
Hope you recover soon, I've really enjoyed your videos and found them rather inspiring
Thanks man, I'm getting better all the time, it's just excruciatingly slow :)
Haven’t seen anything from you lately. Hope you are fully healed and doing well, or on your way to it.
Amazing stuff love your videos keep up the good work, good work on your recovery
Thanks deathmaster :)
Matt your content, is always so great. ty
Love the video! definitely the parts covering magnets which is my biggest problem lol
Matt! I’m just getting started in terrain and I’ve already lost my mind with buying all of the cool tools and bits & bobs.
Thank you so much for this video. I made a few things already over the last couple of weeks and after watching your videos and Jeremy’s from BMC, I figured out that I did everything the absolute hardest way possible. 😂
Hey man we all make mistakes at the start 😄 awesome to hear you're getting started!
@@RPArchiveOfficialHaha. It's all part of the journey. I've got my YT channel set-up, and now I just need to figure out how to sit in front of a camera. This craft is more fun than it has any right to be. 😅
For those of us in North America, yes, the pink xps foam is a pain in the butt for not taking texture. I found that if I sand off the varnished(?) surface, or skim it off with the proxon, it will take texture just fine for me.
Would really love some kind of guide to sealants.
You use a lot of different ones for different things, mod podge for styrofoam, car lacquer spray for grass, PVA mixes, protective sprays, latex dipped trees, etc.
There is also a big crossover for sealants and and adhesives I think?
Some kind of run down video on this subject would be really awesome.
I may never have the irl group to use these in D&D, but I can definitely use them for stop motion films.
You can even do modern tiles or if you use superglue like on 15:00 you can make explosion craters on concrete for a modern war/postapocalyptic setting
It's so cool to see the Blue Ranger building terrain. Get well soon, Billy!
Thanks Matt, thats a great motivation booster shot this morning. I am just getting out of covid isolation, i could still go out since we own land, but today its a rainy day and you come out with another great video, that gives me alot of idea for some of my quests!
And wow!!! those stl your offering are amazing! Ill try to scrape my drawers and subscribe to patreon soon.
Thanks again, hope you get better
And see you soon!
glad to see a new update! i thought i had the bell rung for notifications, idk how this one slipped by me. Great video as always!
Sneaky UA-cam...
Keep an eye on the subscriptions tab is my advice 🙄😄
Hello again!
First of all it's great seing how consistently informative and visually stimulating your videos are. I am simulatneoualy engrossed and inspired 😅.
I would like to thank you for your efforts to include as many nations as you can in your essentials lists (above and beyond). Really appreciate it and shows how much care about your audience and the hobby.
I qas compelled to pause midway through your gluing turorial and I am literally astonished by the amount of information you've shared (with visuals!🤯) So helpful, for begginers! We know you've "been there/done that", so you're trying to save people time,money, and frustrations.
You're such a good guy!👍
I want you to feel better soon and really start to reap the positive energy you've sent out to the universe in true "law of reciprocity" fashion. Blessings from Canada.😊 (If I had the resources I wouldn't hesitate to contribute to your channel)
Edit: Soooo much useful information! I can't think of anything you haven't addressed! Awesome!
I am going on 2 years with long Covid. I have Fibromyalgia too. I have noticed my lungs don't function to full capacity without inhalers. I do hope your long Covid is getting better and know you are in my prayers. Love your videos!
Thank you, you have my sympathies :( it's an awful condition.
Love you stuff, you inspired me to expand from 3d printing to foam!!!!
Matt, you're an absolute legend, and your work is briliant! Keep it up :)
Great video. Good luck on your recovery!
Thanks man!
This is a great summary of all your basics. Thank you.
good job , thx for video 👍
Lovely as always to get more content from you!
Under-rated channel with amazing content.
That door mimic is the second most evil thing I've ever seen in relation to DnD.
The first is an outhouse mimic; that's just wrong on sooooo many levels.
The rug, man… the gosh damned rug!!!!
Love your videos! And hope your recovery goes well. I'm 3+ years into Long COVID and not sure there is an end in sight for me.
We'll get there. It's just glacially slow, gotta keep going :/
I found the pink XPS foam over here in the states has a sheen surface coating that you need to sand off to get a proper surface for texture. Do so outdoors or with and with proper ventilation and safety.
Great. Now I just need to try something.
If you buy the pink xps in the US and get the thicker stuff and rip it down the inside will take texture fine where the outside will be resistant. Easy solution for that problem if you have a proxxon and guide.
I have been having problems with my magnets popping out, so I am excited to see if your advice will fix those tiles because I was inclined to skip magnets in the future unless I could get that problem solved.
thanks for all this and hope you feel better soon.
Thanks Robert, I'm getting there :)
just wondering about your windows and door stl.
I know you're saying only for Patreon but I'm not working right now (3 years already), because of an injury and can't spare money for Patreon right now. I'm helping with some Amazon stuff but I understand it wouldn't be fair for your Patreon's.
It'll be available on patreon again in future as a throwback, so it's easy enough to pick up later :)
I just need to get the new website/equipment list made to run it all 😄
Hope you’re back to 100% soon. Thanks for the terrain tour de force.
Imagine my surprise. Happy to help out with some supporting evidence.
Oof dah Proxxon, the difficulties caused when your reference surfaces are not precise. Thanks for sharing these tips. Again, wishing you a speedy recovery from long Covid.
I hope you're doing better. You just popped into my head this afternoon and I was surprised to see how long it had been since your last update.
Improved, though not fully better yet! making a big set of videos right now and showing updates on patreon, I am alive and working :)
Also released bonus videos on patreon last year, so the gap isn't as big as it looks :)
@@RPArchiveOfficial That's good to hear, although I was less worried about the content than I was about your wellbeing!
Hopefully someday I'll get to be rich. There are so many amazing creators that I wish I could afford to support on Patreon.
Damn dude feel better! Great vid as always!
Thanks man!
@@RPArchiveOfficial as someone who had long covid for months before anyone knew what covid was I can say I know the feeling and it sucks. Also had it 3 times since after vaxxed. It's wild. It feels like it's not natural.
Oh god. I don't think I could deal with catching it again, it's absolutely wrecked me for like 5 months already... Do not know how you've dealt with that 😕
This is awesome. I've been watching your videos and now I've already told my wife that I want to get a "arts and crafts" station setup in the garage to start tring to do some stuff like this! Do you happen to have a "starter guide" or "what will I need to start" kind of video? I've looked a bit and haven't quite found anything. Thanks!
There's the equipment list/guide in the description of every video :) and a 'getting started with modular terrain' video somewhat recently on the channel
Great video. Welcome back!
Muahahaha I finally got my proxxon now just waiting on magnets 😁. Thanks for all the knowledge! I made a modular volcanic map that can be as big as 4 ft by 2ft all thanks to you, all with a handheld hot wire. Now with the proxxon I'm gonna feel spoiled but I see how it's needed so badly for perfectly squared pieces. You da man and I can't wait to see your next project!
Awesome man! 😁
The green foam is called Greenguard and it can be bought in some constructions stores. Though usually its only available in commercial quantities.
Your videos are absolutely amazing! The work you do is superb. My first project is volcanic, I only hope mine will look half as realistic as yours. Your like the god of miniature creation 🙌
I'm sure you'll do a great job! 😁
So I may have obsessed a bit for the last 3 weeks and I have it mostly finished, 1 ft tall, 4 ft wide and 2 ft depth. Is there anyway I could send you pics? I would love your criticism!
Instagram is best, Facebook is terrible at notifications 😂
I have found a method for removing that cloudy white substance that forms on some superglued surfaces. I use matt brush on varnish to varnish my minis and applying some to the cloudy substance (once it's cured) removes at least the majority of it if not all trace of it.
a very interesting and informative video, great to see you back! Hope you're feeling much recovered very soon.
We miss you
I'm working on new stuff, it's just my biggest ever project and it's taking a while... Plus long covid is better, but far from gone 🙄
@@RPArchiveOfficial well you inspired me to start, so can’t wait (but I will) for your next one!
thx very much for tthis video!
my daughter is just getting into this hobby and if i can manage to translate this to her, it will save me a ton of questions 🙂
Fantastic! That's the goal :)
Love this video, and it's got me started on hobby crafting tabletop terrain.
One question though: does anyone else struggle to get the magnet polarity right when gluing them to the basic dungeon tiles? Does anyone have any tips for avoiding accidently getting the same polarity facing each other?
I always seem to get the wrong polarities aligned.
Great video
Hello Matt! Thanks for your guide!
I've been watching your channel for almost two years and It has helped me to make terrain as at Warcry… but better. Because it’s modular! I spent three months for made 64 floor and 50 wall sections. They are awesome, but I don’t want to repeat this experience. For completely making one 75x75 mm section, I had spent almost 30 minutes. This process include cutting, texturing, gluing magnets, priming, one layer of painting and two steps of drybrushing (or overbrushing, I’m not sure what it was))). I want to compare our timing. How much time did you spent for one section? And what have you done for improve your productivity?
Would you be able to do a video on working with crumbly, white packing foam? In terms of tips on how to texture it, and work without it falling a part on you? I'm from aus so getting xps foam cheap is a lost cause, but i have HEAPS of packing foam ahaha
love your work!! My party is now migrating from online to in person, and I'm slowly making little pieces of furniture or terrain to make the experience more immersive for myself and the players using ur videos as a guide
I'd love to help but I'm close to wiped out with a long covid bad day right now :/
I have quite a lot of aussie patrons who share info on material sources on the discord so that could help if you wanted to join? All I can offer right now I'm afraid 😕
The algorithm has blessed my feed today! Great stuff, looking forward to going through all your videos. - Boone
I do a lot of casting in resin, and I'm thinking of making a good tinfoil roller, then molding it in RTV silicone rubber, and then casting my own texture roller that'll never go flat!
Wow Matt, your channel is amazing. I haven't been so excited to build something in years... I have a question though.
You have a lot of connection methods and systems throughout your videos (tabs, magnets, skewers, etc). If you were starting completely from scratch, would you try and limit it to just one system to maximize modularity? Or do you need a different system for each type of building block (because of structural stability)?
Magnets only :) in the bonus videos on my Patreon I go over how to magnetise walls, interior walls, floors, mountainblocks (and and soon, temple blocks!), all to work with magnetic accessories.
Oh and each month I'm paying a sculptor to help me make a 'thank you' batch of Stls for patrons, that includes several magnetic accessories :)
Dont know if anyone has mentioned it or not but the Heavy duty aluminum foil work so much better than the cheap foil which gets smoothed out much quicker. The heavy foil really makes a better pattern.