Justin Peters Has a SURPRISING Take on These Types of Baptisms…

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @MrJacovw
    @MrJacovw 22 дні тому +6

    In all sincerity, Justin Peters just convinced me to start getting my 7 year old ready for baptism. Not immediately, but within the next year.

  • @SheLoveSports
    @SheLoveSports 23 дні тому +33

    I was baptized at 7 old. However, I cannot tell you what my level of understanding was at tthe time. Now I'm 50 and over the years, I have asked to be re-baptized at different churches that I have been a member of and was always dissuaded. My current pastor has agreed to re-baptize me and I am so grateful.

    • @ironmatto3
      @ironmatto3 23 дні тому +2

      You need to stop being swayed to and fro by the doctrines of men.
      Water Baptisim doesn't save.
      Repenting and believing in Jesus and his death, burial and resurrection does.
      Baptism of the Holy Spirit is our seal.
      Trust in Jesus's finished work and him alone, soon as we factor in our works we're not trusting truly in Jesus.

    • @bonniemoerdyk9809
      @bonniemoerdyk9809 23 дні тому +8

      @@ironmatto3 ~ She probably realizes that, however, you should not try to talk her out of being baptized because even though it does not save, Jesus does say to do it!!

    • @reformedwheat5648
      @reformedwheat5648 22 дні тому +3

      Our stories are very similar. Baptized at 9; truly converted, thank you Jesus, at 51. Christ laid the example and I must follow ❤️ 🙏🏻

    • @SheLoveSports
      @SheLoveSports 22 дні тому +4

      @@ironmatto3 What did I write that gave you the understanding that I am swayed by the doctrines of men?
      Where do I imply that water baptism brings about salvation?
      I desire to obedient to the instructions that were given by my Lord to be water baptized. The Bible is clear that it symbolizes our death to our old self and being resurrected into a new life with Christ.
      So, unless you have a scripture that contradicts the instructions of Jesus Christ, please do not attempt to lead people away from being obedient. You are teaching rebellion against God.

    • @SheLoveSports
      @SheLoveSports 22 дні тому +1

      @@bonniemoerdyk9809 Thank you. I certainly realize that water baptism does not save. It is a joy to me to make a public profession of my faith in Jesus Christ in a manner that Christ prescribed for us because He has done so much to deliver my soul, not only through the shedding of His blood.
      God literally fought a war to make me whole after a lifetime of brokenness. After a lifetime of seeing Him marred through my own lens of trauma, I can now see Him as He is, in His beauty and glory.

  • @tomdewaal8085
    @tomdewaal8085 23 дні тому +20

    Mark 10-15 “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.”
    I was sceptical when my 7 year old daughter came to me and asked to be baptized. So I asked her why she wanted to? She point blank said because Jesus tells us to.

    • @Heidishereandthere
      @Heidishereandthere 23 дні тому +3

      Yes, Jesus tells us to... once we are saved. Its a confirmation to the congregation stating you are saved. Thats it

    • @AnAmericanlinguist
      @AnAmericanlinguist 22 дні тому +4

      @@Heidishereandthere Jesus does not command it “once we are saved”. He says to believe and be baptized. Your interpretation is “once saved”. But if someone believes and wishes to be baptized, it is our biblical command from our Lord Jesus Christ to baptize them

    • @Dustandfuzz
      @Dustandfuzz 22 дні тому +3

      ​@@AnAmericanlinguist Agree, and no young age limit. If you don't allow children to be baptized they can turn away and never return. I have heard of this happening. Welcome the little children, but don’t push it on them. Teach them what it is all about. We cannot judge their heart anymore than an adult who wants baptism. We cannot tell what the child’s future will be like either. But we must accept them for baptism as long as we have done our part in explaining to them what it is. Jesus loves the little children.
      If they do grow up and say that they weren’t really born again at their baptism as a child then there is nothing in the bible against the believer being re-baptized. God looks at the heart.

    • @cindybraddock1222
      @cindybraddock1222 22 дні тому +2

      You think that is what that passage means? Really?
      I have not met a child that young that understands repentance and brokenness. At all.

    • @jojojocelyne
      @jojojocelyne 21 день тому

      @@Heidishereandthere Mark 16:16

  • @BN47
    @BN47 23 дні тому +39

    This is the natural outflow of rejecting infant baptism. Let's treat our children like believers in every single way, except bar them from the signs of the covenant and sow doubt and confusion into their hearts, making them believe they need to do things in their own power, to prove that they're good enough, radical enough to receive the signs of grace.

    • @thatwasweird954
      @thatwasweird954 23 дні тому +7

      So well put.

    • @Gondor149
      @Gondor149 23 дні тому +9

      How can we teach our children to pray "our Father" if we don't consider them part of the covenant people?

    • @kwpp7
      @kwpp7 23 дні тому +4

      I have to admit that I was bothered by the insinuation that children must "do" certain things to prove their faith is sincere. Sounds a little too reminiscent of works-based salvation, even though I know that is not what Justin believes.

    • @nonameguy4441
      @nonameguy4441 23 дні тому +3

      Furthermore, how can they meet the command of the apostle in Ephesians 5 and obey their parents in Christ if they aren’t in Christ like the baptists claim?

    • @Kikuye
      @Kikuye 14 днів тому

      ​@@Gondor149 The hypocrisy convicts them later?

  • @wadep4880
    @wadep4880 23 дні тому +15

    The story of the Ethiopian Eunuch according to Baptists:
    Eunuch: "Here is water, what stops me from being baptized?"
    Phillip: "Whoah Whoah, slow down there. We need to have at least 10 Bible studies first to make sure you really understand the full details of Reformed theology."

    • @ericphillippi1224
      @ericphillippi1224 22 дні тому +2

      Absolutely correct, these guys are in danger of missing everything God is doing very much like the Pharisees and Sadducees who also viewed themselves as the standard of scriptural interpretation.

    • @HB_IE52829
      @HB_IE52829 20 днів тому +2

      You missed the point. The video is talking about children. Not grown up men who travel from Ethiopia to Jerusalem, that know life and did the entire journey to find truth and God.
      The video - you might not have watched it - talks about children who grow up in a christian home and just repeat everything their parents and environment does.
      If a pastor baptizes a not saved person, he made a mockery out of baptism. Thats why a God obeying assembly first has a at least 1 hour talk with somebody to wants to be baptized to make sure he is really saved. If your church does not do that, then you have no church. You know, Phillip had a very long talk with the Eunuch. The eunuch did not say "oh great, I am saved" just because he read a few parts of the bible and saw a few jews in Jerusalem. He questions and publically said that he has no idea who the scripture is talking about.
      A child often just repeats what it hears.
      And there is no need to makes fun of Peters... he did not talk about a full understanding of reformed theology or reformed theology at all. Why that lie?

    • @wadep4880
      @wadep4880 20 днів тому

      I'm well-aware that the video is talking about children, but why should the criteria for children be any different from adults? When an adult makes a profession of faith, we also have no way of know if they *truly* understand or *really* believe. We also don't run adults through a test of how they face temptation or whether they will fall away into sin at some later point. An adult is also perfectly capable of repeating what everyone around him/her is saying. If a child is vulnerable to 'parent-pressure', adults are also just as vulnerable to peer pressure. Anyone who's been a Christian for a reasonable length of time knows there are plenty of people who go through the motions when they are part of a church community, talking the talk and even walking the walk, only to later fall away.
      The overall point is, the Baptist view of baptism introduces an incredible amount of subjectivity. By making it a profession of one's faith (which the Bible nowehere says it is), rather than a sign and seal of a God-initiated covenant of grace, Baptists get caught in a thousand different subjective and downright legalistic set of rules around baptism.
      P.S. I'm not making fun of Peters, and I never claimed he said anything about reformed theology. (However, on that note, if you listen to Peters' testimony he comes dangerously close to equating salvation with having a full understanding or Reformed soteriology).

    • @davidwiens46
      @davidwiens46 17 днів тому

      And the refomed theology speaks about infant babtism, so you have to not understand the full details of refomed theology ;)

    • @wadep4880
      @wadep4880 15 днів тому

      @@davidwiens46 no idea what you're trying to say.

  • @lemonator9050
    @lemonator9050 14 днів тому +11

    Thank God I was baptized at 7 weeks old and God has kept his promises ever since

    • @lw6138
      @lw6138 13 днів тому +4

      Kept His promise? Infant baptism isn't a covenant.

    • @lemonator9050
      @lemonator9050 13 днів тому +1

      @@lw6138 it's adoption into God's own family... I gladly sing I'm God's own child

    • @fuzzyaomeba2844
      @fuzzyaomeba2844 12 днів тому

      ​@lw6138 what is sad is that the early church taught infant baptism. But as the church progressed people Luke Calvin and Zwingli put stipulations on beliefs and now infant baptism doesn't save..

    • @Beyourself.2345
      @Beyourself.2345 10 днів тому +1

      ​@@lemonator9050 Are you Catholic? Because its in Catholicism that they teach that infant batism is right !! When you're still a baby you don't know what faith is , being baptised as a baby doesn't mean anything TO THE Lord its only when you grown that you'll understand what faith in Jesus Christ really is my brother or sister read the word of God it will guide you, trust only in what God says not men,
      Are you Catholic??

    • @lemonator9050
      @lemonator9050 8 годин тому

      @@Beyourself.2345 I reject works righteousness... Faith is a gift not a work

  • @chhunter
    @chhunter 23 дні тому +27

    I agree. I've seen a lot of college-aged people get baptized at my church whose testimony includes something like: "I was baptized as a kid, but looking back now it wasn't sincere, so I'm getting baptized again"

    • @ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439
      @ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439 23 дні тому +6

      That's "Re-Baptism". That goes against Eph. 4:5

    • @danoctavian8184
      @danoctavian8184 23 дні тому +7

      it is always interesting to me how the “baptism is just a symbol” guys be like “it wasn’t valid then” why? why wasn’t it valid? does it do something? how can it not be valid when it does nothing? you now have what baptism symbolized in your view, so why remake it? and how many times do you do it? if you fall again from faith and came back do we return to the ceremonial washing of the OT? isn’t the ceremonial washing of the new covenant once and for all just like the sacrifice of the new covenant was once and for all made by Jesus?

    • @whitefeather5629
      @whitefeather5629 23 дні тому

      ​@ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439 to me that means baptism in the Holy spirit.

    • @danoctavian8184
      @danoctavian8184 23 дні тому +1

      @@whitefeather5629 why? like what in that passage specifically makes you think it is not water? because the word implies water, people interpreted it as water and there nothing in context that would make a reader think of anything but water. It seems to me to be just a way of going against what the text says because we don’t like it. Same as with 1 Peter 3:21.

    • @SheLoveSports
      @SheLoveSports 22 дні тому

      @@danoctavian8184 Baptism is a symbol of what? It is a symbolic act of our joining Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection. Death and burial of what...our old self. Resurrection to...our new life in Christ.
      If a person (like myself), was baptized but did not die, then we were not followers of Christ when we were baptized. Jesus said that those who do not pick up their cross and follow after Him are not worthy of Him, and are not His disciples.
      It is not that we fell away from the faith, we did not have a full understanding of the gospel and therefore a commitment to biblical faith when we were baptized initially (at least in my situation).
      I do not berate anyone who does not feel the need to be re-baptized if they were not truly converted initially. However, do not hinder people who have a desire to be re-baptized once they come into genuine faith in Jesus.

  • @benjaminh.morgan3193
    @benjaminh.morgan3193 23 дні тому +23

    Glad I’m a Presbyterian, so I don’t have to worry about this issue! 😂
    Love all my Baptist brothers and sisters!

    • @markweisberg332
      @markweisberg332 23 дні тому +4

      Glad you can be light-hearted about this, as I, too, was baptized as an infant on the night of my birth. I wasn't expected to survive, and my Mother wanted comfort. I also listen to and respect these men, so I feel a little conflicted. Is the sequential order in which we receive Christ's atonement critical? What would have happened in Acts 16:15, 16:33, 18:8 and 1 Corinthians 1:16 if the disciples showed up to baptize the entire household and found a baby present. Would they have said, "We'll come back next year and stop having babies!!!" I've also associated the indwelling of the Holy Spirit with Baptism; is that wrong? Luke 1:15 says John the Baptist was filled (inside) with the Spirit, even from birth". I'm not sure why he said "even from birth" if it was expected and something easy to believe. 1 Corinthians also says we can only say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit, so the concept of a sequential "Believer Baptism" puts this Control System Engineers' brain into a racing loop (what I call Chicken or Egg Logic). Also, the word "and" is a logical operator to me which implies believing and baptizing have to be two completely different things.

    • @joey86bu1
      @joey86bu1 23 дні тому +1

      It's not an issue if you possess the slightest bit of discernment.

    • @markweisberg332
      @markweisberg332 23 дні тому +3

      @@joey86bu1 I'm not sure I know what you mean. Were you trying to be helpful?

    • @jimbopaleomedic858
      @jimbopaleomedic858 23 дні тому

      ​@@markweisberg332 The case for infant baptism is more complicated than this comment section can handle. So my question is this: Is your argument pro or anti infant/child baptism? Thanks.

    • @markweisberg332
      @markweisberg332 23 дні тому +3

      @@jimbopaleomedic858 I intended to ask the questions with sincerity, not argument or rhetoric. Let's just say I'm against a self-righteous, rigid sequential order for how someone must come to faith. I accept the dangers of creating false converts, but that has been an issue regardless of infant or adult baptism. A famous case would be Charles Templeton, Billy Graham's preaching partner, who one day gave up his faith.

  • @chabu7713
    @chabu7713 23 дні тому +3

    All my Kids asked Jesus for forgiveness of there sins and have been baptised under the age of 10 BUT I told them many times "if you are really born again and safed you will bare fruit and that will be the sign that you are really born again.

  • @phooboy1
    @phooboy1 23 дні тому +20

    You don't have to be baptized to be saved.

    • @jamesprior2496
      @jamesprior2496 22 дні тому +1

      You are correct.

    • @jamesprior2496
      @jamesprior2496 22 дні тому +6

      Ironically, you don't have to be saved to be baptized.
      (Too many are in this category. )

    • @MaeBee602
      @MaeBee602 16 днів тому +2

      We have to be baptized by the Holy Spirit. However, a water baptism can be a public proclamation that you believe and trust Gods word, after the baptism of the Holy Spirit has come through the open door of your heart. The importance of water baptism is we need to know and seek understanding of what it is we are being baptized into and a young child doesn’t necessarily understand the gravity of that on a personal level.

    • @lemonator9050
      @lemonator9050 14 днів тому +1

      Baptism saves through the resurrection of Christ.

    • @sharingJesusChrist
      @sharingJesusChrist 13 днів тому +2

      I agree, but we are in the 20th century and water baptism is commanded to do if you're a believer and a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, we ought to do water baptism as an act of obedience to the Lord.

  • @inacronje8306
    @inacronje8306 23 дні тому +6

    I was baptized as a baby. I don't know if I have to be baptized again,what I do know,is that I am a born again child of God and that I serve Him

    • @Dustandfuzz
      @Dustandfuzz 22 дні тому

      I was baptized (christened) as a baby but then had the believers baptism. It was a year after I was born again that I did, because I didn’t understand the importance of it since I knew I was already saved. It would be a blessing to you and to others. It’s a wonderful testimony, a very happy experience and an act of obedience to the Lord.

    • @jojojocelyne
      @jojojocelyne 21 день тому

      ACTEs 2:38

    • @joshhigdon4951
      @joshhigdon4951 5 днів тому +1

      @inacronje8306 I've been torn, as I was baptized young. I made a profession, but in time I came to the realization that I wasn't born again. I've struggled with being re-baptized for a couple years now. I do believe baptism is for the believer, the actual covenant people of God. So I am in prayer about being baptized again because the last time, even though we called it a baptism, it was nothing more than getting wet.

    • @joshhigdon4951
      @joshhigdon4951 5 днів тому

      @@jojojocelyne what about it? Is that the verse talking about as many as we're elected believed, or the household baptisms, which didn't instruct us to baptize babies?

    • @inacronje8306
      @inacronje8306 4 дні тому +1

      @@joshhigdon4951 thank you

  • @LittleWriterSquirrel
    @LittleWriterSquirrel 23 дні тому +1

    I was baptized at age 5 and got saved at age 14… I called it our “family revival” (and it was actually because of finding the two of you and your ministries!) because we finally started getting into deeper theology than the fluff we’d gotten from past churches:) it was amazing and so perfectly timed for the strength we needed in the coming year! Thank you both for your ministries and teaching!

  • @Jptotalfitnessny
    @Jptotalfitnessny 9 днів тому

    4 years ago, my middle daughter made a confession of faith to ask Jesus into her heart. She was sincere about it, however she was 11 years old at the time and was as "innocent" about the world as any church-raised kid could be.
    She's 15 now, and for the past several weeks I've been discussing the meaning of salvation in Christ with her, and what I'm understanding from her responses is that she intellectually understands and believes that Christ is Lord, but she's not feeling the peace or strength of the Holy Spirit, or the urge to know Christ fully.
    I know I have made many mistakes in raising my kids in the faith, so.......parents, be on guard for your children, and prayers for my daughter "Bree" would be appreciated!

  • @buksboltman4920
    @buksboltman4920 22 дні тому +4

    Any human effort without 'new creation' is in vain and does not please God.
    The baptism of unsaved people give them false hope.
    There are many people who, if you ask them to share the gospel with them, tell you that they have been baptized.
    After you confess your faith, come and walk with us in that faith and then you become a member and ...
    Churches must be careful not to give unsaved people false hope.
    May the peace and mercy of God be with us.
    Love in Christ.

  • @tonyb408
    @tonyb408 23 дні тому +26

    where in the scripture is any person told to wait for x amount of time to be baptized or until they "prove" they are "really" saved?

    • @ericphillippi1224
      @ericphillippi1224 22 дні тому +4

      There nothing like that in there brother, these guys need to become like children, not deny them according to made up standards. This would be an example of where a “woe unto you” might actually be appropriate.

    • @pamelabeerel1179
      @pamelabeerel1179 20 днів тому

      I absolutely agree with this. Thanks g for sharing

    • @talentheturtle
      @talentheturtle 19 днів тому +3

      Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
      Matthew 16:13-14 NASB1995
      “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
      Matthew 18

    • @keithsanders5603
      @keithsanders5603 16 днів тому

      Amen. Justin is going to be negative about anything and everything.

  • @Levy122
    @Levy122 23 дні тому +30

    Matt.19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do Not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

    • @ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439
      @ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439 23 дні тому


    • @Dustandfuzz
      @Dustandfuzz 22 дні тому +2

      Perfect rebuttal. Do not refuse a child baptism. Teach them what it is and then baptize them.

    • @jjd1983
      @jjd1983 22 дні тому +2

      This verse doesn't mention baptism? Poor argument!

    • @solideomusical
      @solideomusical 2 дні тому

      Jesus didn't baptize those children. This would have been the perfect opportunity to do so.

  • @toolegittoquit_001
    @toolegittoquit_001 23 дні тому +22

    Baptize yo babies 🐥

  • @melindat419
    @melindat419 22 дні тому +4

    Baptism doesn't save someone. So don't confuse that with genuine repentance and conversion.

    • @jojojocelyne
      @jojojocelyne 21 день тому

      Mark 16 : 16
      Read this verse carefuly

    • @enunya
      @enunya 18 днів тому +1

      @@jojojocelyne That verse starts with Whosoever BELIEVES. Baptism does not save. If it did, then all people would need to do is baptize their baby's and everyone would be saved as infants and wouldnt need to repent or confess anything the rest of their lives.

  • @WhiskeyTango-TM
    @WhiskeyTango-TM 23 дні тому +8

    I could not join the military until I was 18, and the contract I signed when I was 17 needed my parents approval. Consider that instinctively we know children are maturing into adult things, they are not adults. Baptism does not save a person, faith in Christ does. Let them mature in Christ so they're baptism is sincere. We take the same principle in many aspects of our society. I think it's wise to apply it to the church as well.

    • @JohnDoe-wt9ek
      @JohnDoe-wt9ek 23 дні тому +3

      I like this thought process. How can we expect children to understand the full ramifications of what is involved with such a commitment as being a Christian?
      Especially in a world rapidly deteriorating confidence in faith?
      Especially with many of these families not applicably leading and nurturing that faith?
      Its one thing to say one agrees with childhood baptism... its another thing entirely to foster that relationship with Christ which that entails.
      Childhood baptism doesnt help. And as Peters says, its becoming statistically apparent that its not only not working, but even backfiring and ruining the understanding of the faith that is in Christ.

    • @carterwoodrow4805
      @carterwoodrow4805 23 дні тому +1

      I think you forgot about the verse that literally says "baptism now saves you"

    • @WhiskeyTango-TM
      @WhiskeyTango-TM 22 дні тому

      @@carterwoodrow4805 Interesting that you would appeal to that verse over the plethora of verse that say salvation comes by faith alone. May I ask how you interpret the words directly before that portion of the verse, "Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you..." What is the "this"?

    • @carterwoodrow4805
      @carterwoodrow4805 22 дні тому +1

      @@WhiskeyTango-TM im just saying, the bible does say "baptism now saves you" so I like to use the language the bible does, when someone asks me what baptism does I will say what the scripture does, "baptism now saves you". Now what that means is a different topic, but still we should be comfortable with biblical language

    • @WhiskeyTango-TM
      @WhiskeyTango-TM 22 дні тому +2

      @@carterwoodrow4805 Gotcha. I think that's a good point. We should be comfortable with the language of the Bible. But, I don't think I can actually separate meaning from the words themselves. As if I can say a verse and leave it hanging, as if I haven't given meaning by saying them.
      Peter was connecting baptism to Noah and the flood and thus suggesting baptism is now a covenantal sign and seal of deliverance, through faith in God, as was the flood in Noah's time.
      Context matters because words mean things, and Peter said a lot of words before he said those specific words. But, if you're throwing out the doctrine of justification by faith, then I think we're talking about something different.

  • @mythsandlegends100
    @mythsandlegends100 22 дні тому +1

    I got baptised when I was 11, I definitely don't think I fully understood how sinful I was when I first prayed some version of the sinners prayer by myself when I was 6, but I think I knew somehow that I needed a saving relationship with Jesus, I knew I needed him as my friend.
    To add to the points being made, I think letting your child get baptised could actually be a source of conviction or comfort later in life if they do backslide or think they were never a Christian in the first place, as it does cause you to remember that public declaration of God as your first love.
    I understand it damages the reputation of the gospel and grieves parents to see children walk away from the faith later in life after getting baptised, but maybe sometimes its necessary for them to be given over to such sins for a time so that they will not rely on being a good enough kid, but will yearn for, and appreciate the loving grace of God. We really need to pray for children

  • @kylealford23
    @kylealford23 23 дні тому +18

    Justin, who has the right to withhold baptism if there is a clear and thorough Gospel that is responded to by someone who is old enough to understand. You are asking, "Should I withhold baptism?" instead of asking, "Do I have the authority to withhold baptism?" I have dozens of examples of people "too young" to receive baptism that have gone out to perform the core missionary task.. Be careful that you do not encourage people to quench the Spirit through pragmatic strategies for ministry.

    • @Dustandfuzz
      @Dustandfuzz 22 дні тому +2

      Agree, age is not a requirement for baptism,,,understanding is and that isn’t that hard. Then let God deal with judging their heart.

    • @cristiewentz8586
      @cristiewentz8586 22 дні тому


      @MARANATHA-AMEN 21 день тому +4

      Baptism doesn't SAVE.
      It is an act of obligation and obedience to GOD (YHVH).
      I would rather children be SAVED and be baptized - later as an individual adult decision.
      I would rather NOT prevent my child from making a future ADULT decision.
      Many very godly, obedient "young people" make decisions to "believe in CHRIST" - followed by Baptism.
      Sadly... later ... many change their allegiance to CHRIST JESUS - to the world.
      Even to Reject CHRIST - while "believing" in the existence of GOD...and CHRIST.
      Tragically, their Baptism as a child becomes - their "insurance" to fall back on... "just in case".
      My 3 sons were believers as children.
      They served the GOD they worshipped.
      Until they left home for university.
      They never "kept their FAITH".
      They rejected their parents who were in FULL TIME CHRISTIAN MINISTRY.
      My 3 sons chose to be alienated from their parents and also their CREATOR GOD.
      I love them. I haven't seen them in over twenty years.
      I pray for them to be saved, each and EVERY DAY.
      I wish I understood what I did wrong so I could make a sincere apology.
      More than any single thing which I ask of my GOD... is that HE will save each of my sons and their wives and children.
      I miss my sons BUT I have learned to live without them in my life.😢
      I just want them to be safe "in CHRIST".
      In CHRIST,
      I am Saved by HIS grace alone, in 1976 at age 27 yrs...not by my works or merit.
      I live alone, but for GOD who has never forsaken me. ❤

    • @kylealford23
      @kylealford23 21 день тому +4

      ​@@MARANATHA-AMEN I hear the pain in your story. I want to remind you that there was one perfect parent ever. He walked with his children in the cool of the evening. He put them in a paradise and loved them perfectly. Yet they rejected Him and rebelled. If the perfect Father was rejected then what makes us think that our children's disobedience is necessarily due to our mistakes.

    • @HB_IE52829
      @HB_IE52829 20 днів тому

      You just repeat what he said. Children grow up in a christian home and do everything their parents and environment does, including prayer, worship and ... missionary tasks. Like cutting the vegetable and helping to cook with mommy in the kitchen.
      Your question could also be "who has a right to prevent their children making a mockery out of baptism?".
      There are simply two sides. Children might be ready and children might not be ready. Peters has a valid point.
      Your attitude reminds me of the woke parents with the gender affirming bs. "Who has a right?!?" Every God obeying assembly first has an at least 1 hour talk with everyone who wants to be baptized (1 hour per person) and based on that discussion a group of 2-3 pastors, elters etc. decide if there are any signs for that person to be a real believer, being saved. If your church does not do that, then that is no church. And parents need to do the same upfront.
      Otherwise you just have these "baptism beach parties" where pastors boast they baptized 500 folks over a weekend.

  • @AnAmericanlinguist
    @AnAmericanlinguist 22 дні тому +7

    I’m disappointed to hear this from Christians. Jesus said “let the children come to me.” He said to go and preach and baptize in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. He did not say to gatekeep who may be baptized and determine first if they are “truly saved”. No matter what age you are baptized, you will still have storms in your life, perhaps fall away into sin, but with repentance and turning back to God you are welcomed back like the prodigal son. This doesn’t discredit the valid regenerative grace you receive at your baptism.

    • @ericphillippi1224
      @ericphillippi1224 22 дні тому

      These guys genuinely make me wonder if the words, “maybe I don’t know as much as I think I do” has ever come out of their mouths with any actual sincerity?

    • @cherecoetzee8265
      @cherecoetzee8265 21 день тому

      My daugther was baptized when she was 7 and we had a long discussion and I didn't want to do it then but when I said to her we have to wait until she is bigger and she said but I love Jesus now and He saved me. She bears fruit and wisdom beyond her age and I would NEVER deny her her relationship with Jesus by not allowing baptism and allowing her to feel she needs work and be better to have His approval for baptism.
      Justin you are becoming a dangerous person to follow. You are more a christian TLC than a Shepard.

    • @jojojocelyne
      @jojojocelyne 21 день тому

      Actes 2:38 you have to be baptized in JESUS name

  • @crazyjaybe
    @crazyjaybe 12 днів тому

    Perfectly Timed Cuts have saturated the internet but I gotta say that....that was a good one right there at the end.
    Bravo, Todd, and God Bless.

  • @stuartjohnson5686
    @stuartjohnson5686 23 дні тому +5

    I think you need to see R.C. Sproul's video on Christianity charity towards each other.
    He made his students who did not believe in infant baptism write papers defending baptising the children of Christians and those who did believe in infant baptism write a paper against it, So they would understand each other. He said both sides cannot be right, on has to be wrong, but both sides want to be Biblical. He considered people like John MacArthur his Christian brother and friends even though they were wrong on baptism.
    Baptising the children of believers is required by Scripture, what the Apostles did and most of the church for most of its history.

    • @enunya
      @enunya 18 днів тому +1

      please share a verse that specifically talks of baptizing infants, children, or adults before they are believers

  • @ryanmorrison9256
    @ryanmorrison9256 23 дні тому +5

    Wow. And I thought you were credobaptists! This is akin to the anabaptists position of "crisis" baptisms; they would only baptize those who could "prove" by way of a 'crisis" that they were actually converted. Where in the Bible is this position taught?

  • @arieldrake929
    @arieldrake929 22 дні тому +1

    So in my own experience, I was baptized very young. I think around 8-10 somewhere in there. I was absolutely NOT saved and it caused so much confusion in my teens and early 20s. I wasn’t truly born again saved until I was around 26-27 and decided to get “re” baptized. To me the first time didn’t even count because I was too young to truly comprehend what was actually going on. I feel this is probably true for a lot of other people too. Nurture the children’s love for Jesus yes, but too young being baptized only leads to confusion and false conversion. Save that for when they’re older and can grasp reality better.

  • @graceisaweapon
    @graceisaweapon 23 дні тому +6

    In this dispensation, grace rules, not the law or traditions or ceremonies. Paul said that he wasn't sent to baptize but to preach. There is no human effort that can match what Christ fulfilled on the Cross. Is not by works, but by faith in Christ that we are saved. Not water, not oil, not sacrifices.

    • @ironmatto3
      @ironmatto3 23 дні тому +1

      Amen brethren.
      Christian who boast of baptism and good works they've done don't trust in Jesus and his finished work on the cross.
      Highlights the condition of sinful human nature and it's arrogance.

    • @jjd1983
      @jjd1983 22 дні тому +1

      Amen! Well said!

  • @ericphillippi1224
    @ericphillippi1224 23 дні тому +12

    Oh good! This is awesome, I was so confused about that verse where Jesus said, “ But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven as long as they first meet the requirements of Justin Peters in all expertise. Perhaps Mr. Peters could stand to make himself more like a child which is the kind of convert Jesus requires.

    • @katrinbarbey164
      @katrinbarbey164 21 день тому +5

      Baptism has no bearing on conversion, so a child can have conversion, but baptism doesn't have to happen immediately. We are to have faith like children. We are to teach our children the Way. We need to be righteous mentors to them and be serious about what we allow that we do not become a stumbling block (just as serious as what we don't allow). I would not want to be responsible for my child thinking he or she was "saved" because I allowed a 'public confirmation'. Children can be all over the place too. One day an angel, the next day a permanent fixture in the corner, time out chair, or grounded. One day Jesus Loves Me, the next day screaming that passes for song lyrics pounding their way out the room. They need to truly understand what baptism means. The difference between wisdom and folly can be life and death.

    • @solideomusical
      @solideomusical 2 дні тому

      That would have been the perfect opportunity for Jesus to baptize all those the children (or command them to be) but He didn't.

  • @CrabMeatElite
    @CrabMeatElite 23 дні тому +5

    My oldest daughter came to me at age 5 and I can tell you she undoubtedly received the gift of salvation (long story). Four years later, she is blossoming in her sanctification and "working out her salvation." I am waiting regarding her baptism though because 1) She does not understand it enough and 2) I do not want her to do it for strictly emotional reasons (i.e. my friends are getting baptized).

  • @dagmar9019
    @dagmar9019 6 днів тому

    My husband is Luther and was “baptized” as a baby. I explained that is not a real baptism and showed all the verse that state people confessed their sins and believed in Christ. He got baptized after our conversation.

  • @hardboard82
    @hardboard82 22 дні тому +1

    Man I’m a baptist too but these answers need some work. John the Baptist was born again before being born (Luke 1:41). Justin Peter’s answers aren’t compatible with people like John the Baptist being saved so young.
    What does a born again baby look like? It still cries and spits up and fills diapers and doesn’t give a public testimony.

  • @rocketscientisttoo
    @rocketscientisttoo 23 дні тому +8

    What, wait for your child to mature and understand? When the gov't says they can get their sex changed permanently at the same age?
    Yes, discipling your children is of utmost importance. That is why God gave them to you and He will hold you accountable, or rewardable whichever is the case.

  • @mb1015
    @mb1015 21 день тому +1

    Recently been having conversations along these lines with my 13 year old. I know that she "follows Christ" because its how our home runs, but I can see she is swayed by the enticements of the world. There was a time when i felt keen for her to be baptised, but i want it to be real for her. If she does it as obedience to man instead of God i suspect this would do more harm than good

  • @OldcarsNmusic
    @OldcarsNmusic 23 дні тому +3

    I was saved at just before the age of twelve and didn't get baptized, until just before I turned twenty-two. I'm glad it didn't happen before then because I was much more mature, and more interested in things above.

  • @Dustandfuzz
    @Dustandfuzz 22 дні тому +1

    I know a woman who was baptized at four years old and she still remembers it. She lived her life for the Lord her whole life. I think it can be good. Everything can work either way. If a child wants to be baptized I would never make them wait.

  • @dankmartin6510
    @dankmartin6510 День тому

    And yet no one waited until their children were older to have them circumcized prior to the New Covenant.

  • @g.williams2047
    @g.williams2047 23 дні тому +3

    I think this is a very interesting take that I will be thinking about for quite a while.

  • @danoctavian8184
    @danoctavian8184 23 дні тому +8

    i was raised credobaptist and growing up never really thought about the problems this view brings regarding children. However, just hearing the way Justin Peters tries to explain all of it, to me (now, a pedobaptist) it sounds like the most unbelievable uncoherent ramblings one could imagine. It’s wierd because it’s nothing new, i’ve heard the things he said before, it’s just that i forgot this is what people actually believe and practice and because i kind of have a high view of Peters i was expecting better from him. Not to be pedobaptist, but to have some more eloquent credobaptist approach.

    • @Wunderlust76
      @Wunderlust76 23 дні тому +3

      @@danoctavian8184 I have the same sort of sediments..and to think he wrote a book filled with craziness. What scripture ever tells people to wait for a sign of Grace???

    • @petercollins7848
      @petercollins7848 23 дні тому +1

      I think the view that Justin Peters espouses is just the same that most elders of a church would require anywhere. It is simply common, and biblical sense to wait until someone is of maturer years to get baptised. If explained carefully to a child who is really converted, they will be happy to wait. The greater danger is in ‘baptising conformance’ which happens so often. A real ‘born from above’ believer cannot come to any harm whatever regardless of when or where, or by what means they are baptised. Baptism is important, but it is not essential. I know, I was baptised as a child - no effect whatsoever. Later became a Christian age 19 but wasn’t baptised until I was around 23. Effect? - Nil! I was just as much a Christian before as after, but it is a witness to the world and often a membership requirement in certain denominations. I think we have made it too much of a sort of ‘magical’ rite, when in Scripture it seems it is simply a demonstration of allegiance and obedience. I would sooner see someone ‘living’ the Christian life than someone telling me they are a Christian because they were ‘baptised’ at some time in their lives!

    • @danoctavian8184
      @danoctavian8184 23 дні тому

      @@petercollins7848 it is the same, that is what i am saying, that it’s the same wrong view that i cannot understand how Peters can hold to

  • @duncancassie7747
    @duncancassie7747 23 дні тому +105

    My daily affirmation is this: God i receive your written and spoken promises for my household. Amd with an influx of $65,000.00 every two months God has kept to his words for me. Hallelujah

    • @ayafakiri
      @ayafakiri 23 дні тому

      I make this my prayers too. I receive this for my household in Jesus name amen

    • @sabrinalysa
      @sabrinalysa 23 дні тому

      Our God indeed is a covenant keeping God. Praise Jesus

    • @sabrinalysa
      @sabrinalysa 23 дні тому

      How do you do this please? I pray for such provisions too

    • @duncancassie7747
      @duncancassie7747 23 дні тому

      Yeah God has been good, and thanks to Kathleen Mary Vella

    • @duncancassie7747
      @duncancassie7747 23 дні тому

      It is simply the digital market. Lots of individuals and families are making the most of it, and Kathleen has been instrumental for my household

  • @troyanderson1650
    @troyanderson1650 23 дні тому +6

    As a former Baptist and now Presbyterian, I love Justin Peter and his ministry. It's sad the lack of Scripture he quotes. He is basically sharing his opinion, so take it for what's it worth and then go to the Word.

    • @dylankandoll3756
      @dylankandoll3756 23 дні тому +2

      I certainly would appreciate some Scripture to back these claims up, could you explain why you believe in infant baptism? As far as I'm aware that's what the Presbyterian stance is and I never got a clear explanation on it and would love one.

    • @troyanderson1650
      @troyanderson1650 23 дні тому +3

      @@dylankandoll3756 It is looking at the totality of Scripture both the old and new testament. The consistent theme throughout Scripture is the Lord relating to households. This is not abrigated in the New Testament. Highly recommend the recent debate between Dr James White and Jared Longshore. It highlights the difference in a good way that is respectful to both sides.

    • @dylankandoll3756
      @dylankandoll3756 23 дні тому +1

      @@troyanderson1650 much appreciated, I'll have to check out that debate

  • @DrGero15
    @DrGero15 23 дні тому +12

    Forbid not the saving waters of Baptism to the little ones who believe in Him.

    • @1988TheHitman
      @1988TheHitman 23 дні тому +15

      And where is that in the Bible?

    • @tombillard5264
      @tombillard5264 23 дні тому +15

      the waters dont save

    • @lindatkaczyk5864
      @lindatkaczyk5864 23 дні тому +2

      Scripture and verse?

    • @Marinanor
      @Marinanor 23 дні тому +1

      Well yes, but the whole reason this is a problem is that kids might not know what they're doing or even what they're thinking. They could end up getting baptised without having any idea why.

    • @fatalx916
      @fatalx916 23 дні тому +2

      Probably a Roman Catholic thing.

  • @kyleshearer1270
    @kyleshearer1270 10 днів тому

    I understand the concerns, but if my 8yo proclaimed Christian son comes to me asking about baptism, won't deny him the beautiful declaration of his faith that is baptism.
    OTOH, I would never force anyone to get baptized.

  • @paulowens6004
    @paulowens6004 20 днів тому +1

    There doesn't seem to be any reverence in these baptisms. It's like adults and children in a paddling pool in their back garden splashing around and making lots of noise.

  • @victorialopez9717
    @victorialopez9717 15 днів тому

    I would say my son was an exception to the rule. He was saved at a young age and he professed his faith to us at home before he said anything to his children's ministry leaders. That church was all about numbers and so they would call it a "pinky promise" and when they'd ask kids if they were ready to "say yes" to Jesus so many kids would raise their hands. It wasn't authentic faith. But my son knew better than those kids - he did say yes there, but it had already been done at home because he was guided into the faith by my evangelist husband. My son is now 15 and helps lead a prayer group at church and he prays for his friends and helps them when they're going through things, using the Bible as his support. I've heard him as he's talking to some of his friends - it's really amazing.

  • @tinarobinson6902
    @tinarobinson6902 22 дні тому +2

    I was baptized at 7 years old

  • @rev.stephena.cakouros948
    @rev.stephena.cakouros948 23 дні тому +9

    Didn't Jesus liken true faith to childlikeness? Children are less likely to fake it then adults. I say accept their testimony and nurture them in the faith which includes baptism

  • @Republican_Banana
    @Republican_Banana 18 днів тому

    I was baptized at 8. DO NOT deny baptism to children who are sincere. I promise if you do they will grow up thinking the gospel does not pertain to them. I have seen children denied baptism till their teen years and they end up backsliding.

  • @fuzzyaomeba2844
    @fuzzyaomeba2844 12 днів тому

    Children definitely knows when they are disobeying mommy and daddy, they may not understand the nature of sin, but when parents lay down the rules, they know when they are doing wrong.
    We also baptize infants in the faith. People who are new to the faith are infants and need the milk of the Gospel. Because a baby can't with lip recite a man made prayer, and "accept" (a cheap worthless word) Jesus, as their Savior, doesn't mean baptism cannot save them. It is a work of God, not our work. God does the saving through baptism. Sad that many believe baptism doesn't save when the Bible clearly teaches opposite of this.

  • @modernsoul6590
    @modernsoul6590 23 дні тому +9

    Baptism is a sign of God’s promises which is to believers and their families. It has nothing to do with salvation or being born again. It replaced God’s sign of circumcision for the Jewish nation. The apostles baptized entire households in the book of Acts.

    • @modernsoul6590
      @modernsoul6590 23 дні тому +6

      We are saved by Jesus Christ alone. Nothing we do can save us.

    • @modernsoul6590
      @modernsoul6590 23 дні тому +3

      We are saved by Jesus Christ alone. Nothing we do can save us. We are dead in our trespasses and dead people can do nothing.

    • @simeonyves5940
      @simeonyves5940 23 дні тому +2

      Amen! Covenant Theology!

    @MARANATHA-AMEN 21 день тому +1

    True. Baptism doesn't SAVE.
    It is an act of obligation and obedience to GOD (YHVH).
    I would rather children be SAVED and be baptized - later as an individual adult decision.
    I would rather NOT prevent my child from making a future ADULT decision.
    Truthfully, Many very godly, obedient "young people" make decisions to "believe in CHRIST" - followed by Baptism.
    Sadly... later ... many change their allegiance to CHRIST JESUS - to the world.
    Even to Reject CHRIST - while "believing" in the existence of GOD...and CHRIST.
    Tragically, their Baptism as a child becomes - their "insurance" to fall back on... "just in case".
    My 3 sons were believers as children.
    Without any compulsion or parental insistence - They each served the GOD they worshipped.
    Until they left home for university.
    They never "kept their FAITH".
    They rejected their parents who were in FULL TIME CHRISTIAN MINISTRY.
    They each rejected GOD.
    My 3 sons deliberately chose to be alienated from their parents and also their CREATOR GOD.
    I love them. I haven't seen them in over twenty years.
    I pray for them to be saved, each and EVERY DAY.
    I wish I understood what I did wrong, so I could make a sincere apology.
    More than any single thing which I ask of my GOD... is that HE will save each of my sons and their wives and children.
    I miss my sons BUT I have learned to live without any contact and without them in my life.😢
    I just want them to be safe "in CHRIST" forever.
    In CHRIST,
    I am Saved by HIS grace alone, in 1976 at age 27 yrs...not by my works or merit.
    I live alone, but for GOD who has never forsaken me.
    I love GOD more each passing day. I trust the GOD who saved me by HIS grace. ❤

  • @gardengirl2011
    @gardengirl2011 23 дні тому +43

    Love love love you guys, but I disagree with this. A child can carry their cross. The Lord and their own pain will tell them what that is. A child can be persecuted and a child can resist temptation as well. Putting this on teens and above only is not biblical. I say just keep teaching the Bible and fast and pray for discernment.

    • @Jenembu
      @Jenembu 23 дні тому +6

      Lol you must be new here. NO A CHILD CANT. What is wrong with you. Did you not listen to the sound argument these guys just made. Kids don't have the that kind of discernment.
      --- Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace.
      Luke 14:31‭-‬32

    • @ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439
      @ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439 23 дні тому +3

      ​@@Jenembuso then an adult can? Please explain.

    • @Jenembu
      @Jenembu 23 дні тому

      😑 you serious or are you trolling me? Of course the majority of adults can do the marh and discern, should i follow Jesus and lose everything. 🙄 kinds don't know how to discern the importance that kind of decision.

    • @dylankandoll3756
      @dylankandoll3756 23 дні тому +7

      They never said not to or that it can't happen but to be cautious with it. Very big diffrence between the two of them.

    • @trencesmall8704
      @trencesmall8704 23 дні тому +7

      I never thought I would disagree with Justin Peters on anything, but I 100 percent disagree with him on this point.

  • @toolegittoquit_001
    @toolegittoquit_001 23 дні тому +7

    This is a demonstrating the importance of being a member of the covenant

    • @jackson1915
      @jackson1915 22 дні тому +1

      I agree with Justin 100%.

  • @liveluke9.236
    @liveluke9.236 22 дні тому +1

    Their baptists of course they have this point of view. Notice that credo Baptist don’t deny praying the Lord’s Prayer with their children or allow them to sing hymns and Psalms that exalt God as their father and Christ as their savior.

  • @bryang6675
    @bryang6675 17 днів тому

    I agree 100% with y’all’s take on this. Great video

  • @albertlopez2237
    @albertlopez2237 19 днів тому

    When i prayed the sinners prayer and i was told once saved always saved yes i agree with u Justin

  • @geethanifernando9784
    @geethanifernando9784 22 дні тому

    Justin is the loving brother of Christ watching him from far I had learnt more about prosperity gospel and a lot of heresy about them

  • @Fminus104
    @Fminus104 13 днів тому +1

    My wife as a four maybe five year old child sneaked out of her atheist parents house on a Sunday morning, followed the call of the churchbell and stepped into the local church. An elderly lady knelt down and tied the child´s loose shoelaces and watched over her during service. She knew the child and brought it back to her parents house after that. My wife still remembers that Sunday after some 45 years! What brought her there if not the Holy Spirit? So nobody will ever convince us that baptising a child is wrong. I was baptised as a child and we got both of our children baptised as a child.

  • @LeightonPearson
    @LeightonPearson 21 день тому

    Baptise your children; it’s a profession that they are in the kingdom of God. A child is in the Kingdom of God until they choose not to be.

  • @Taegashi
    @Taegashi 22 дні тому

    I was baptized as a baby. I was "saved" at 17 and confessed Jesus as my savior, but my life showed no change. I was baptized again at 27 with again no change in my life. It was not until a couple years ago at 36 where I feel that I had true conversion because I had real repentance in my life. When you have true conversion you will know.

  • @typicalenglishguy4276
    @typicalenglishguy4276 23 дні тому

    The crucible for silver, the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart ♥ 💯

  • @petercollins7848
    @petercollins7848 23 дні тому +1

    I think the view that Justin Peters espouses is just the same that most elders of a church would require anywhere. It is simply common, and biblical sense to wait until someone is of maturer years to get baptised. If explained carefully to a child who is really converted, they will be happy to wait. The greater danger is in ‘baptising conformance’ which happens so often. A real ‘born from above’ believer cannot come to any harm whatever regardless of when or where, or by what means they are baptised. Baptism is important, but it is not essential. I know, I was baptised as a child - no effect whatsoever. Later became a Christian age 19 but wasn’t baptised until I was around 23. Effect? - Nil! I was just as much a Christian before as after, but it is a witness to the world and often a membership requirement in certain denominations. I think we have made it too much of a sort of ‘magical’ rite, when in Scripture it seems it is simply a demonstration of allegiance and obedience. I would sooner see someone ‘living’ the Christian life than someone telling me they are a Christian because they were ‘baptised’ at some time in their lives!

  • @KRx1994
    @KRx1994 20 днів тому

    Amen brothers

  • @terryburton6967
    @terryburton6967 23 дні тому +2

    Jesus also says to come as a little child.

  • @cmandjk4659
    @cmandjk4659 21 день тому

    Guess Matthew Henry's statement that he "grabbed his children by their baptism" was wrong 🥺

  • @singer4god88
    @singer4god88 6 днів тому

    As Paul Washer taught, don’t expect a perfect repentance from a child/teenager compared with someone who’s walked with The Lord 30 years. Jesus clearly taught don’t hinder the children. If they want to come to Jesus and obey Him by being baptised, who am I to stop them? I think Justin Peters is getting too legalistic about this.

  • @johntaylor5652
    @johntaylor5652 23 дні тому +3

    R C Sproul “What’s wrong with you people?” 😂

  • @jacovanniekerk7652
    @jacovanniekerk7652 22 дні тому +1

    Not an easy subject in Christian theology.

  • @caseybrianne2211
    @caseybrianne2211 21 день тому

    I greatly respect both of these men and their ministries have been a blessing in my life. The thing I do agree with Justin on is the risk of creating false converts in children. BUT I think that happens when the parents (and the local church for that matter) don't rightly understand covenant theology and some of the confessions like WCF. I was baptized as an infant and thought I was saved, but my church didn't hold to any confessions or Reformed understanding so I wasn't taught what it all meant. It wasn't until I left my faith, joined the LDS religion, and then was pulled out of that by God back into Christianity in my late 30s, and started reading about the "why" of infant baptism of my youth that I started to really understand.

  • @cole5773
    @cole5773 3 дні тому

    I baptized 8 a while back, some were bigger folks and I started with them , then my buddy that I had won to the Lord it was his turn and he’s a little fella baptized him and he kinda went to the bottom of the baptistery ……. Waves was splashing and everything he came up and I looked at him like oh snap I am so sorry and he just grinned. lol we still laugh about it

  • @ThaedionMykelDain
    @ThaedionMykelDain 22 дні тому

    Just an observation, the segment at 00:24 is a Jehovah’s Witness’s baptism event.

  • @SL-dq5bz
    @SL-dq5bz 22 дні тому +1

    Justin, be bold, go bald!

  • @HahnJames
    @HahnJames 22 дні тому

    Peters has turned being saved into something that people must do "Praying the Sinner's Prayer" This makes it a work. Then Baptism is seen as something that people do. It isn't. It is something that God does for us. The age is irrelevant.

  • @tophue7051
    @tophue7051 5 днів тому

    I'm unashamedly baptist, but I think this unnecessarily hinders baptism (which is ironic given the book title). We can do our due diligence to ensure that our kids know what they are "signing up for" (just speaking very colloquially) by properly catechizing them and checking in on them in terms of their beliefs and way of life, but to wait for half to a full decade more just to make sure they would persevere under persecution and live a gospel worthy life before letting them be baptized? That's so long, and that's a hindrance! We should encourage every desire for obedience to the Lord, including baptism.
    Anyway, to take this further, science tells us that the brain fully matures only in the mid-20s. So why even allow teens or people in their early 20s to get baptized? Their brains are still not fully matured, they might still get influenced by the world. Who's to know? So why not wait till mid to late 20s?
    Why not wait for a whole lifetime to prove that I'm indeed a true Christian before I get baptized? I'm exaggerating here, but I think the argument isn't helpful for children. Satan wouldn't hinder them to sin, so let's not hinder them to obedience. We do our due diligence and when we are sure to the best of our abilities of our child's sincere faith, we baptize them, thanking the Lord for granting them the gift of faith and helping them to grow in it through continued faithful teaching, instruction, reproof, and correction.

  • @pamelah6431
    @pamelah6431 21 день тому

    Adults can have false conversions, too. The Bible tells us to believe & be baptized, not believe and wait a year or two to make sure, then be baptized.
    Got baptized when I was 10 and glad I wasn't prevented.

  • @Alan-kz7sj
    @Alan-kz7sj 14 днів тому

    This is the sad theological perversion which takes place when one sees baptism as man's work, rather than God's gift. If Naaman had listened to this synergistic influence, hed still be waiting to go to the River Jordan to have his leprosy healed because he's not sincere enough about wanting healing. Baptize your babies, give them the gift of Water and Word and raise them up to nourish that saving faith with which God gifted them.

  • @willowbrook2717
    @willowbrook2717 21 день тому

    Just a curious question Justin: If one is skeptical that true conversion can't be accomplished because one isn't going to be faced with horrific temptations until teenage years, is it to be assumed that children who don't exhibit true conversion fruit can't truly be saved and therefore will be condemned for eternity? At what age can a child understand that they are a sinner against not just mommy and daddy but also God? What is childlike faith? Just how big IS a mustard seed??
    Ok that was more than just one question, but it appears that there just may be a tiny bit of personal opinion expressed here that has been gleaned from assumptions about just who was and was not considered "converted" in the early church and we must be much more nuanced today to be able to discern just exactly who actually IS saved and qualified for baptism.

  • @BearTheGlory
    @BearTheGlory 14 днів тому

    I love both of these guys; But we must remember, brethren, that what Justin is saying is not a command found in Scripture, but rather wisdom principles that he has derived from years of experience and Biblical ideas. Children can have greater spiritual understanding and faith than adults do at times; so of course there is no age requirement to be baptized. There are, however, other requirements to be baptized, and children (not infants) can meet those requirements.

  • @bonniemoerdyk9809
    @bonniemoerdyk9809 23 дні тому

    I was talked into baptism at the age of 19 by my mother-in-law. I wanted to be baptized in my own church, but she tended to get her own way! So, I was baptized on a Sunday eve at Bible Baptist Church, a KJV-Only congregation. 2 yrs later, when my husband walked out on me, I quit going to church at all, except Christmas/Easter. But, 20 years after that, I truly repented to God and begged Him to forgive me!! Soon after, I was tricked into attending a congregation and soon after ~ Baptized there! They finally announced they were 7th Day Adventist ... NOT Non-Denominational like they said they were. I have since prayed often for DISCERNEMENT, & He has freely given it. I have started attending a Southern Baptist church when I can (am bed-ridden) and they said, when they found out about the cultic group, that I would need to have it done again. I'm ok with that, I just want members to know I was saved back in the 90's when I fell to my knees, because Jesus was knocking and I repented and did a complete 180 ↩ thanks to JESUS!!! God is Sovereign, and He chose at the foundation of the World, who would follow Him. Yet, we must say Yes to Him!!! 📖🛐✝ btw ... Thanks to Brother Peters for all the videos he has done to keep me on the correct path!⬆

    • @Dustandfuzz
      @Dustandfuzz 22 дні тому

      I know what you mean. That day you were saved was the most important day. I see no reason for you to be baptized again but if you feel the need to it’s ok.
      I was baptized in a Jesus only denomination (UPC) who believe you aren’t saved until you are baptized. I never believed that and didn’t attend that church but had a class on baptism there. I was born again a year before my baptism. God knows when we are saved. Your baptism is good.

    • @Dustandfuzz
      @Dustandfuzz 22 дні тому

      One more thing, Southern Baptist may want you to be baptized again because they link baptism to joining their organization (denomination) which should not be. They give you the right hand of fellowship. You are in the church that Christ owns. They don’t own it.

  • @dwaynejohnson4662
    @dwaynejohnson4662 23 дні тому

    I've been going to a bible study where they are majoring on experience from baptism as changing their lives. I think they have the horse before the cart as the Holy Spirit does the changing and baptism is an outward act of an inward reality. One guy after said he saw a bright light and is all fired up from the experience. They are trying to get me to get rebaptized because I have struggles with sin, however the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul says to mortify, put off etc.

  • @SJT3314
    @SJT3314 21 день тому

    What are your thoughts on re-baptism? I was baptized as a 12 year old and had intellectual agreement with Christianity but don’t think I was truly saved until after college. It seems like you cut Justin off as he was getting to this.

  • @amberdelivered6054
    @amberdelivered6054 23 дні тому

    Brother Justin ❤

  • @typicalenglishguy4276
    @typicalenglishguy4276 23 дні тому +1

    A babtised child murderer, or an unbabtised honest, loving samaritan. I believe God will choose the samaritan. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour, therefore love is the fullfilling of the law.

    • @sebastiansingh5167
      @sebastiansingh5167 22 дні тому

      If the murderer is genuine born again repented believer , he's getting in just a heads up the offensive gospel hurts to those who are on the outside ..

  • @shanebailey6341
    @shanebailey6341 23 дні тому +4

    Acts 8:36-38
    You must KNOW why you are being Baptized before Baptism. You can't believe if you don't even understand what Salvation means to begin with. However there is no age limit on when God saves someone.

  • @hugoagogo4324
    @hugoagogo4324 16 днів тому

    I have never been baptised my faith is strong in jesus and God so will i go to hell on my death ?

  • @caroldonaldson5936
    @caroldonaldson5936 22 дні тому

    "You never want to throw cold water on a child's profession of faith..." Call me swift but....we call that baptism here in Scotland Justin!😁😂 "I'd baptise you son but....I don't want to throw cold water...might dampen your enthusiam...!"🤣

  • @ProjectKneepads
    @ProjectKneepads 23 дні тому +1

    I was raised Mormon, and as such was baptized at age 8. Was I making that choice, or was I just doing what everyone in my community (Idaho, baby!) told me was the right choice? Sadly, my niece is being baptized in the Mormon church at 8 years old in a few weeks. :(
    And although I'm not fully convinced either way on the debate of believers-only baptism vs covenant (aka infant) baptism, if you're going to adhere to a believers-only baptism then you'd better make sure they have done more than a sinners' prayer!
    (I lean toward covenant/infant baptism, in case anyone wants to tell me I'm wrong. 😁)

  • @CameronMast
    @CameronMast 23 дні тому +2

    I will baptize my children upon a profession of faith.

  • @lw6138
    @lw6138 21 день тому

    In Scripture, people were exposed to the Gospel and baptized THE SAME DAY. How do you check for understanding?

    • @sharingJesusChrist
      @sharingJesusChrist 13 днів тому

      If you noticed, all of the people who got saved and got baptized are adult/mature enough to be able to understand the message of the Gospel and to understand Sin and repentance.

  • @yaddystanley5980
    @yaddystanley5980 23 дні тому +1

    I agree with Justin, he did say, "generally" speaking,,, I know adults who were baptized, and did not really believe in what they said or did, as God's word said..."By their fruits you shall know them" I was born into a Christian family, sang all the songs, did all the right "Christian" things.... but did not really accept Christ till I was 20.... I then realised what Jesus had done for me! And accepted Christ with my heart and soul!

  • @deandalley3607
    @deandalley3607 17 днів тому

    The eunuch got baptized pretty quick!
    Acts 8:32-38
    32 Now the passage of the Scripture that he was reading was this:
    “Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter
    and like a lamb before its shearer is silent,
    so he opens not his mouth.
    33 In his humiliation justice was denied him.
    Who can describe his generation?
    For his life is taken away from the earth.”
    34 And the eunuch said to Philip, “About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?” 35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. 36 And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?”[a] 38 And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.

  • @Mojo4884
    @Mojo4884 23 дні тому

    Love my Brothers in Christ Justin and Todd, I do have some exception here though, hear me out. Absolute truth that baptism without ___understanding___ (as the Bible calls it "departing from evil JOB 28 :28) is not wise (same verse) however, Jesus said we must be convert unto faith as little children Matt 18 :3 so I believe that if a child is adult thinking enough to desire baptism; it should be excepted and those members of the body of Christ closest to that believer should always pray for and exhort that believer. Remember it is not about our ability to remain sinless it is about our willingness to trust God at His Word.

  • @lvendemo
    @lvendemo 23 дні тому +2

    What happens then when children or teens are made to wait to become Christians and get baptized and perhaps unfortunately they pass away? Would it be better to make sure they understand as much as their age allows, as long as they're not really young because we don't really know when the age of accountability kicks in, and leave them to the Lord and baptize them? Then the parents can continue helping them understand their walk yes, with the Lord.

  • @jojojocelyne
    @jojojocelyne 21 день тому

    Mark 16:16 Actes 2:38

  • @nonconformist9991
    @nonconformist9991 22 дні тому

    Maybe I am mistaken but didn't Jesus spend a lot of his ministry teaching against religious hypocrisy. What part of "it is finished" do we not get if he conquered sin and death on the cross we have nothing more to fear.

  • @anthonya8478
    @anthonya8478 22 дні тому

    As someone who is very adamantly credobaptist, I must say that Justin is taking things too extreme. Yes, I'd certainly use caution if a 4 or 5 year old wants to be baptized, but a teenager??
    Justin even speaks of using caution if they are showing fruit. Sorry, but if a teenager...or even a somewhat younger kid...is showing continuous fruit, IF it turns out to be a false profession, that's between them and the Lord. You, as a parent, did nothing wrong. Now again, if we're talking a 4 or 5 year in this case, then the parent is also too blame by not being wise regarding taking their age into consideration.

  • @ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439
    @ftk-forthekingdomministrie7439 23 дні тому +1

    It's Both/And. The Church Fathers amd the Reformers spoke on this issue simply so that hilarious mispractice such as this would not take place.

    • @SheLoveSports
      @SheLoveSports 22 дні тому

      Will you list resources? I am certainly interested in reading more about it.

  • @pelargir1
    @pelargir1 14 днів тому +1

    It’s not about a “decision” or a “conversion experience” it’s about God washing them in water and the Word and making His promises real for them. Withholding God’s gift of Holy Baptism from our children is such a horrible thing to do.

  • @eldiablort1461
    @eldiablort1461 23 дні тому +5

    Justin Peters isn’t basing his stance on Scripture, unfortunately.

  • @fmorraz
    @fmorraz 12 днів тому

    Justin says God is sovereign and can save anyone. Then proceeds to say that a child can't be saved because of sin, like everyone else. Also, concurs that family is important, so is it the child under a covenant or not?

  • @bryansmulez4672
    @bryansmulez4672 14 днів тому

    How much people does Justin Peters bring to Christ ? In Indonesia alone Bethel Church has 8k thousand Church Buildings with 4.5 million members and donated $millions to the people.