HELP! I'm in love with my straight friend & he knows it!

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @eoin68
    @eoin68 8 місяців тому +39

    This happened to me. For years I had feelings for my best friend and he was flirting with me and blurring the lines. Eventually I told him how I felt and he put down strict boundaries and we don’t flirt or anything any more. The best thing is to have a conversation with the friend and say you need to stop flirting etc and try not to fantasise about them constantly. It’s easier to get over a crush by finding a new one too. So try to replace your crush with your friend with someone else. If none of this works it might be best to end the friendship but for me I still am friends with the guy. I still get flutters of feelings for him every so often and attraction feelings etc but they are more reduced than before and more manageable. It’s important to put your mental health before your sexual fantasies 😂

    • @ribbrascal
      @ribbrascal 8 місяців тому +1

      This is great advice.

  • @Preppie-thirty
    @Preppie-thirty 8 місяців тому +21

    How awful for mark, I totally agree with your advice, been there done that, I had to cut it off completely and move on, I eventually met my soul mate. going on 10 yrs now.

  • @justinh8417
    @justinh8417 8 місяців тому +15

    I used to fool around w/ my straight friend in college. He’d get wasted, aggressively pursue me knowing I had a crush & wouldn’t reject him. Then the next day make me feel like I coerced him or something. Took a long time to get out of that cycle because I actually did like him and felt that was all I deserved. Once I created space for myself my self worth definitely improved. I definitely think if he’s a legit friend give him the chance to improve himself and the friendship but if actions don’t change then it’s on you not to tolerate it anymore & distance yourself.

  • @noahkling4018
    @noahkling4018 8 місяців тому +6

    I’ve been here…he knew…but it didn’t change our friendship. We liked hanging out. I let him be himself and likewise…we just made it work and have been friends for years. I feel good about it.

  • @rickboshaw7026
    @rickboshaw7026 8 місяців тому +6

    2:47 "spaghetti's straight until you boil it". never ever heard that. mind blown keegan.😯

    • @Halfscotboy_39
      @Halfscotboy_39 7 місяців тому +1

      I heard a gay comedian on instagram saying it at a live concert on it about two months ago.

    • @pablodelnorte9746
      @pablodelnorte9746 2 місяці тому

      I don't want to boil heteromaenner.

  • @gerardhernandez4367
    @gerardhernandez4367 8 місяців тому +6

    To start, I am a 60 yr old man. In high school I went through the same thing. I was in love with this straight friend. He would take me out on drives and park. He would tease me emotionally. I finally was told by my very best friends who were also gay to stay away from him. I finally stopped talking to him, and his family did move away. Never believe that a straight man is going to fall in love with you. Shame on him for playing with your emotions like that.

  • @matt69nice
    @matt69nice 8 місяців тому +8

    5:30 I think Mark has a choice - either cut this friend off as you say, or have a really tough conversation with them to establish boundaries and tell the friend how he feels about being treated this way. If the friend has any respect for Mark, he'll back off and give him space and be more supportive rather than constantly teasing him. As you guys say, Mark's feelings are completely valid and it's not his fault that his friend's actions are making him feel emotional, confused, and frustrated - that's a natural response to being led on, which famously isn't a very nice thing to do.

  • @jyd9591
    @jyd9591 8 місяців тому +6

    Unrequited love IS one of the worst feelings ever. You get kind of blinded on what to do and how to handle it. It happened to me in High School. I was young, immature, and closeted and the only way I could think of to end it was to leave an entire group of friends behind. To this day I wish I could go back and explain why I did what I did. I just didn't have the courage at the time. It was a different era. Best of luck to you, Mark.

  • @kathleengates
    @kathleengates 8 місяців тому +2

    Tough love definitely appropriate here. Spot on advice-although may be tough to hear, even harder to implement, but necessary for Mark’s life to move forward to actually finding a like-minded soul to enjoy time with.

  • @saifchowdhury7062
    @saifchowdhury7062 7 місяців тому +2

    I'm 34 and have never been in a relationship and still a virgin, one thing that we don't talk about is the lack of options for gay men. We live in a world thats pretty much 90% straight so there isn't that many of us, and most gay people are surrounded by straight people not other lgbtq people. Every guy I've ever liked or even worse fallen in love with, have all been straight, not because of their sexuality but who they are as a person as well as physical attraction. I was crazily in love with a straight dude for over 4 years and couldn't come to terms with the fact that it is never going to happen, the reality is that love doesn't come to us out the blue for us like it does for straight people or is there plenty of fish in the sea. If the options available to you aren't that great then you just have to be single and for many of us, were single for years. We had to move to bigger cities and go were we do have options and I do agree with the 'Out of sight, out of mind".

  • @joemalick
    @joemalick 8 місяців тому +2

    This is a tough situation, and I feel so bad for Mark. But your advice is spot on, I think the only way he can break this cycle and find someone that he truly can have a long term meaningful relationship with is if he cuts the friend out of his life completely. As you said, it seems to have gotten “too deep” to simply spend less time with the friend; for Mark’s mental health, he needs to completely refocus his energy on someone who can provide what he’s looking for. I hope he can find that soon. 🙏 And thanks to you both for doing these Q&As, they are very helpful! ❤

  • @royabbs7377
    @royabbs7377 8 місяців тому +4

    Can't say this has every happened to me because I've always tended to erect an emotional barrier between myself and straight male acquaintances. That isn't always a good thing because it prevents you from forming deep bonding male friendships. However it's my defence mechanism, acquired from many years spent in the closet (ancient history). For what it's worth, my opinion in Mark's case, is that the advice in the video is absolutely correct. Unrequited love, whatever the circumstance, can only be handled by putting distance between yourself and the source of the pain. It's hard, but there is no other way.

  • @MunkieHAHA
    @MunkieHAHA 7 місяців тому

    You guys rule. Thank you for your work.

  • @johnclement9370
    @johnclement9370 7 місяців тому +1

    Cute charming couple. :-)

  • @БорисГармаев-е4б
    @БорисГармаев-е4б 2 місяці тому

    Can't completely agree with you, guys. You will manage your feelings after some time, but in future, you can have an amazing and really supportive friend, but if you stop friendship now, you can lose a really awesome person in your life. I've been in such a mess several times, but now when feelings are not already into a game I have really amazing friends and can't imagine my life without them.

  • @LordJazzly
    @LordJazzly 8 місяців тому +1

    I'll chime in with another vote for the 'that's not a good friend' brigade - your friend being straight just means he can't/doesn't/won't/whatever have feelings for you - doesn't mean he's never had feelings for _anyone._ Dude should _know_ what it feels like to have someone you really like joke and flirt with you when you both already know they're not interested - starts out sweet, gets bitter as anything if you let it go on, and serves to do nothing but distract and upset you. _Particularly_ if he's straight - they don't go through that whole thing of hiding their feelings for years and then coming out, odds on he's already more experienced in all this relationship stuff and knows _exactly_ why he shouldn't do what he's done. And is doing it anyway. Either he isn't taking gay dude's feelings seriously, or he's just not taking gay dude seriously, full stop. One of those things you might be able to fix with a proper honest discussion about how serious the feelings are, if he just doesn't understand the situation; the other means that this charming, handsome, successful, whatever dream romance dude is also a bit of a bad friend. Not uncommon; I've been a bad friend to people in my time, and have had people be a bad friend to me. You've got to step away from it, if it's that; someone who doesn't value you as a person is likewise unlikely to value things you have to say or do vis. your relationship. Sad but true; there's sayings about 'earning' people's respect, but usually, they just give it you or don't, for whatever arbitrary reason, and you've got to live with that.

  • @netscrooge
    @netscrooge 8 місяців тому +6

    Just because this guy isn't sexually attracted to Mark doesn't mean he isn't genuinely emotionally attracted to Mark. Turns out sexual orientation and emotional orientation line up for many people, but not all people. I saw this firsthand when a past lover, who was 100% gay sexually, was more open emotionally with my straight female best friend than he was with me. I ended up leaving him after 9 years of sexual bliss; the sex was the best I had ever had, and no one has been better in the 25 years since then. Looking back on my life now that I'm 65, here's my wisdom for Mark: Genuinely loving relationships are too rare to discard this friendship without first asking if a nonsexual emotional connection is something both you and your friend truly want.

    • @Nupemac
      @Nupemac 8 місяців тому +1

      Favorite comment

  • @orielwiggins2225
    @orielwiggins2225 8 місяців тому +1

    Love this question as like you guys said, it is not limited to the gay world. And you guys nailed it there's so much in your response that is perfect. I do hope for Mark that he's able to speak up and advocate for himself in this friendship. And that, after that, if he decides he needs to walk away that he's able to do that in his integrity. And I love that you guys highlighted that this has nothing to do with him being gay and being responsible. It is not only on him he can only take care of himself. The other person's behavior is always theirs

  • @jeangenie1240
    @jeangenie1240 8 місяців тому +2

    Totally agree with all that advice, and would love to hear how Mark resolved it.

  • @Dragonmoon8526
    @Dragonmoon8526 8 місяців тому +4

    Verify how you feel. Is it attraction or admiration. I thought I was attracted to one of my straight friends. But after some self-reflecting I relized I just really was impressed by their personality and success.
    That said, if it is indeed romantic interests. First, have an honest open discussion and set boundaries. If he, you, or both of you can't respect those boundaries, it's best to end things.
    It also may help to redirect your affections. Granted this may be easier to do after establishing boundaries or getting a confirmed "no" from your friend. But, it's clear you know what you want out of a relationship. Now the goal is to focus your affections on someone who can reciprocate.
    This one way crush isn't doing eaither of you any good. And could develop into something toxic. Exspecially if he knows how you feel and continues to manipulate that. Even just for fun.

  • @josephpatrick4375
    @josephpatrick4375 8 місяців тому +1

    I agree 💯. I have had friendships with straight guys whom I fancied but realized that nothing more was going to happen. What I found is that these "friends" were narcissists who still took advantage of my "admiration" to their own ends. I bet "Mark's" friend is a narcissist and Mark is a "supplier". Run, don't walk away, man!

  • @hotspotsportal6699
    @hotspotsportal6699 8 місяців тому +2

    I had a somewhat similar experience with this, the difference was, he wasn't flirting with me, but said things that made me think he was at least curious.
    I worked with him, and we sat next to each other, so we got to really know each other. I knew he was straight, but I get obsessive over crushes. I also did have an on and off crush on him, and was working on not liking him. But he also made me wonder if he was at-least curious, because he would say things like... if he could "Blow an L", (When I looked it up online, it meant something VERY dirty!! Apparently he was talking about smoking pot) Another time, I mentioned I am a Saggitarius, and he said the best relationship he was ever in, was with a Sag. Which is like a really weird thing to say to a friend. He was also a genuinely sweet person and would go out of his way to do things for me.
    I left the job after two years, and spoke to him less and less. Which really helped me get over my crush on him and now I'm like, I can't believe I had a crush on him! I could do so much better lol

  • @cavlizzy
    @cavlizzy 8 місяців тому +2

    Joel is right! I think Mark needs to create some space…. And Keegan is spot on with this is a “red flag” .. best of luck!

  • @AC34D
    @AC34D 7 місяців тому

    I don’t wish that on my worst enemy. None of my friends know about me for that reason and more and I’m happy. Then I’d be out there worrying about crossed boundaries.

  • @zavellart
    @zavellart 7 місяців тому

    I really feel for you, Mark. It's really a sad situation without any good resolution. *sigh* this happened to me and it boiled over last year and we aren't friends anymore. I kind of cheapened my feelings for him and tried a hookup approach which he took in kind of predatory way and then we had a few weeks of either not speaking or arguing over our relationship. He ultimately abandoned me despite my pleading that I just didn't want to lose him as a friend and was fine with not being more. I was utterly crushed. I put all my energy into this one person who wasn't available and it was bitterly painful. I should've been focusing my attention on finding available gay men despite the sore lack of decent options around me... I finally gave up and caved in and hopped on an app recently and dating is going much better for me now.

  • @jeffwatkins352
    @jeffwatkins352 8 місяців тому +2

    It comes down IMO to the basis of any good relationship: honest communication on both parties' parts. Mark needs to lay it on the line to his straight friend, who needs to be honest with Mark in return. Mark's part is to say to his friend: I want you as a good friend and will never try to make it sexual. But you have to stop flirting with me, even in fun. If it's to be about friendship without sex, it's got to be the same for both of us. Anything else is unhealthy for both of us.

  • @MiKe_Az2
    @MiKe_Az2 6 місяців тому

    I think Mark kind of likes it and hates it at the same time.
    He likes it because sometimes it gives him hope, and he is enjoying it a little.
    And i completely agree with you guys, this feeling is like a drug. Mark has to talk to him about these teasings.

  • @Hypegreene05
    @Hypegreene05 8 місяців тому +1

    I've been through this situation. Mark, get the hell out of this situation. I've been they've this hell, and it is not fun, and the emotional toying is absolutely a red flag.

  • @aidenfreedom
    @aidenfreedom 29 днів тому

    Oh no, that's exactly what I am going through now with a young friend I play sport with, he is str8 and me 100 % gay, he is my dream guy in so many ways, tactile, intelligent and just my type, but it is not for him?
    He has explained to me early in our friendship another young guy was 'hitting on him' and he said he really did not like it, so I took the warning. He has never teased or belittled me despite the whole community knowing I am queer, because I always tell people if it comes up, in this case I have NOT said I am to my friend, just don't want to loose his friendship and amazing hugs?
    Maybe I should take the bull by the horns and spill the beans, I have a feeling he is suppressing his, as I did at his age because of religious teaching, his family are very religious like mine were, so I know how that feels!! He said to me yesterday playing sport he wants me as a long term friend, problem is can I keep it together, I woke up this morning with him on my mind and...well you know what...not felt this way in years...heaven help me. What do you guys think? Cheers: Aiden

  • @alexlowen9357
    @alexlowen9357 7 місяців тому

    This is really great, balanced advice! Have had a similar situation and I did exactly what is recommended here and it was the best decision I could have made.

  • @phine_27
    @phine_27 8 місяців тому +1

    Joel is correct...that person does not sound good for his (mark) mental and emotional health...he needs to back off from that person and leave them alone...I know it is easier said than being strong and that person...I think that we all may have been there in this situation....

  • @lakephillip
    @lakephillip 8 місяців тому

    This also happened to me. Your advice was spot-on.!

  • @pablodelnorte9746
    @pablodelnorte9746 2 місяці тому

    We've all been there.😊

  • @Yoofaloof
    @Yoofaloof 8 місяців тому +2

    Yep 'Mark'. Don't make the same mistake as me and get to your 50's no further on. Falling for straight male friends, closeted and not living life to the fullest.

  • @simongoodwin5253
    @simongoodwin5253 8 місяців тому

    Yep! Been there, done that! Totally embarrassing!
    Luckily he had no idea, even though we used to share a bed and cuddle. He knew I was gay and had no problem. He's now married for 30+ years, with two grown up daughters and a beautiful wife, and I've never got over that crush.
    He only found out on my 40th birthday that I was in love with him at University. I'm now 60, we rarely speak now.

  • @muhammedkartal6022
    @muhammedkartal6022 8 місяців тому +1

    Similar thing happened to me and is happening again. But my problem was I didn't know their sexualities. They acting like straight but they are flirting a lot. And you can't asked that question cause you don't know how they gonna react.

  • @ribbrascal
    @ribbrascal 8 місяців тому +1

    I had a pal who looked like the love child of Paul Newman and George Clooney.
    He flirted with everything on two legs.
    Get over it, don't go there, ever, not once.
    You won't regret it.

  • @coreyburney2331
    @coreyburney2331 7 місяців тому

    I think he should definitely put distance between him and his straight friend. If this is someone you truly care for as a friend then lay down strict rules and if he can’t respect your boundaries then I would stop being friends with him.

  • @giantdog3518
    @giantdog3518 5 місяців тому

    Straight is for girls, not for guys. I'm really sorry for you, shed your tears, head up, move yourself out of this situation, and walk on to find a better guy.

  • @joehscott
    @joehscott 8 місяців тому +1

    Please walk away! You’re just there to feeding his ego!

  • @saucysibz
    @saucysibz 8 місяців тому +1


    • @misterjones30044
      @misterjones30044 8 місяців тому

      Ditto, took me 9yrs to end the friendship after a lot of pain

  • @dudieb
    @dudieb 8 місяців тому

    I am wondering how straight this guy is but either way this is not a healthy relationship and he is not a good guy.. Mark needs to move on.

  • @samstolte8095
    @samstolte8095 8 місяців тому

    Read “a new earth” by eckhart tolle

  • @lastsaint4162
    @lastsaint4162 8 місяців тому

    I had a thing with a straight/bi-ish friend who I could not queit our relationship with as friends sinece we were partners in university stuff but after I graduated, I cut ties with him cuz he has a girlfriend and I dont want to be associated with that! It was difficult but glad I stood up for myself. I'm Gay with integrity. I couldn't also imagine us having a raltionship by dumping his girlfriend, I mean he can also do that to me if ever we were in a relationship.