Hello, I know that this was filmed a few years ago, but would you happen to have the contact information for this factory? I'll be in Guangzhou next month and will be visiting a few handbag factories. Thanks!
Dear, we are a reliable bag company in SHENZHEN CHINA, we supply any kinds of bags, if you are interested in pls contact with me, my email address was yulan.rao33@gmail.com. detailed information will be sent then
Quantity over quality .
how did you get to go in the factory? did you just walk through through the front door and started to flim?
can i contact you
Wow! Great to see this factory tour. Bruce
how can I contact the factory?
hello contact us ivan@aulandi.com the manufacturer from china
I know that this was filmed a few years ago, but would you happen to have the contact information for this factory? I'll be in Guangzhou next month and will be visiting a few handbag factories.
Dear, we are a reliable bag company in SHENZHEN CHINA, we supply any kinds of bags, if you are interested in pls contact with me, my email address was yulan.rao33@gmail.com. detailed information will be sent then
+88 01818562402 add me we-chat,Line or whats app
+88 01818562402 add me we-chat,Line or whats app
Hello sir
How to contact
aulandi.com pls contact 8618665640588
stone age handling of products. most based on john peters designs from 1980