Mat 16:18 καγω [And I] G2504 P-1NS-K δε [not] G1161 CONJ σοι [you] G4771 P-2DS λεγω [I say] G3004 V-PAI-1S οτι [that] G3754 CONJ συ [you] G4771 P-2NS ει [are] G1510 V-PAI-2S πετρος [a stone] G4074 N-NSM και [and] G2532 CONJ επι [above/upon] G1909 PREP ταυτη [same] G3778 D-DSF τη [the] G3588 T-DSF πετρα [stone] G4073 N-DSF οικοδομησω [build] G3618 V-FAI-1S μου [my] G1473 P-1GS την [the] G3588 T-ASF εκκλησιαν [assembly] G1577 N-ASF και [and] G2532 CONJ πυλαι [gate] G4439 N-NPF αδου [Hades] G86 N-GSM ου [no] G3756 PRT-N κατισχυσουσιν [will exert control] G2729 V-FAI-3P αυτης [her] G846 P-GSF Mat 16:18 Mechanical Translation: I did NOT tell you that you that you are Peter and above/upon the same stone build my assembly and gate (of) hades will not exert control over her.
That is what it really says. With the research tools we have today there is no excuse for not knowing the truth This is how I know it is right also if Peter was handed everything would he have said this ending the conversation? Mat 16:20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ. Also the trial of Jesus before Pilate we have 5 denials he is "The Christ" and one place that says he said he was but they dropped a negating particle in the one that says he is "The Christ" This is why he warns calling him "The Christ" is the massive deception in Matthew 24: 5
I also don't understand how the Catholic church, or even protestants can think that Jesus was even trying to start a church when it was blatantly obvious that Jesus thought the world was about to come to an end during his own generation. Why start a movement that you believe or want to continue, especially for thousands of years when you think your God is going to bring an end to the Earth as they knew it within the next few decades at best?
His anguished cry from the _stauros/crux_ shows that he was expecting God to send angels to rescue him from the most shameful death the Romans could think of (Seneca Younger Moral Epistles 101.10-14), get revenge on the Romans and local Jewish collaborators, and usher in the Kingdom of God.
The church was a later invention. The earliest christians believed in an immediate apocalypse, When that failed the doctrine mutated, As often happens with cults whose predictions are clearly falsified.
The "world" for most European and Middle Easterners of the time was, in fact, the Roman Empire. The prophecy was, that Rome would fall and be replaced by the Kingdom of God. The Catholic Church believes that prophecy has been fulfilled in the birth of Roman Catholicism. Protestants, of course, are still waiting for something to happen. This actually serves to solidify the legitimacy of the RC Church and delegitimizes all forms of Protestantism. This is one of the dozens of reasons why I converted to Catholicism as an adult.
@@Rio000oo same here, and the churches I was brought up in were Hellfire brimstone ifb churches in the 80's and 90's that taught that it was only the KJV 1611 authorized version that had the authority and all other translations were of the devil.
@@ring-tone278 Seriously? You mean seeking redemption on a net site..from a human? What the heck do you think the writers of the Bible were? Spoiler Alert: Humans. Not seeking redemption, I don't need redemption. Redemption from what? We are a fractal of God. People are hungry for the truth, not Christianity. That is why they are here. Speak for yourself. Personally know plenty of Christians who pray to Jesus and get nothing despite the fact he says otherwise.
I 💯,000% agree everything was based off of Egyptians Stories we wouldnt have racism and all of the things we see together if this was true and not about control telling us the same stories for many years. But I remember calling on Yeshua after waking up and keeping Passover and I must say things did change in my life so if your calling him Jesus I'm not saying it don't work cause I called on Jesus too and it work for me as well. Or I wonder if whatever happened to me was about calling on Yeshua or Jesus I have become confused over the years. We will never truly never know till we die. Just Love people and respect people this is the way to go.
@@dominionimperialalliance6796 It's great that things changed in your life after praying and that you're encouraging others to put faith in spiritual endeavors as well. However, I would like to point out that there is something that stands out about the Bible that can help you have faith in it... the Bible is the only book that has never failed to have any of it's prophecies fulfilled. Some of the Bible's prophecies contain very specific details as well, the likes of which no man could predict without the help of a higher being. So do continue to keep praying, but also read you Bible daily and it will guide you in drawing closer to God.
I cannot get enough of Dr. Ehrman so quietly, so completely, and so irrevocably correcting mis-apprehension after mis-interpretation after mis-representation. Apologists will shout and gesticulate but the facts have no need of such displays. They simply are the facts, and to have them delivered with such a soft-spoken, calming charm is exactly the scholarship we need. Thank you both. It is always a treat.
If he was so smart he would know that Jericho was a military stronghold and no children were there. You can go and look at the text yourself. It never mentioned children being killed.
I only know of one and she was spared due to her cooperation but they were told to kill men and woman. Do you think that a woman should be spared because she is s woman. A woman is just as capable of evil and also killing you as a man. So any argument you have for that is completely irrelevant.
@@bbq4323 The report of what happened at Jericho is not a fully detailed history of the event. Perhaps the killing of children was not written about or it was excised.
@MrKit9 What do you believe exists within the socalled corrupted New Testament that would indicate a transfer of money and power from the lowly to the powerful?
Bibliolatry! It follows from sola scriptura. The KJVO mob challenge me, as though we had to wait 1600 years. I have an old Kjv, it looks like a grimoire.
@Bible-Christian naw man I'm not into Islam. But you're the closest to getting the point so far. I don't call myself a Christian either. I tend to identify more with Gnostics.
@@Narsty_Boy...Gnostics are inbetweeners. He is there, but maybe not. Knowing things just don't happen without a cause and purpose. All created has a creator. Intelligence 101.
Yes there are legalists that claim Christianity and hold ridiculous traditions such as only reading from the King James Bible. But… Let’s be honest. An Atheist believing everything came from nothing is miles dumber then some tradition on what Bible version people ascribe too.
I grew up in the 100 Acre Wood. We were taught that the Book of Pooh and the Life of Piglet were Canon. As I grew up I realized that, this may have been corrupted.
@@ring-tone278It is not “The greatest story ever told”. It’s a good short story to make you go “Hmmmm?”. The original gospel of “Mark” is quite different from most folks idea of Xianity.
Voltaire had no qualification to talk about this matter See this : Exorcism: World leading Psychiatric Authority speaks out " with Richard Gallagher. Atheismus Gas nothing to do with science and reality.
And religion almost ended when the scoundrels Marx, Trotsky Stalin and Adolf Hitler met a whole pack of fools.And even the French Republic began when Robespierre found a pack of his own
@@alexeichoquet7822 A simple question: Animals want to live their lives just like u do. U thank God for giving life to u & also for giving life to animals for u to take their lives & eat them. Don't u see how they've tricked you to believe in an imaginary God by fooling u to arrogantly ignoring your hypocrisy & narcissism?
When I did my undergraduate work under C.K. Barrett in Theology at Durham in the UK way back in the 1970s, the first example of ‘scribal corruption’ that was discussed was 1 John chapter 5:7(‘as it is written, Only by the testimony of two or three witnesses shall there be enough evidence to establish facts in a case in order to pass any [including death] sentence-and we have three witnesses even the blood, the water & the spirit’ where the scribes after the year 450 CE began changing the text to read, ‘even the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit’… which is a deliberate scribal corruption of the earlier handwritten ms copies done ‘to place the text more in line with what pass’d for ‘later trinitarian orthodoxy’ which is not otherwise found in NT canonical texts …
The Trinity is not based on one passage and was understood long before the scribal error entered into the text. BTW, the passage never talked about "it is written by the testimony of two or three witnesses shall there be enough evidence to pass a death sentence-and we have three witnesses". The original was . "6This is the One who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ-not by water alone, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies to this, because the Spirit is the truth. 7For there are three that testify:b 8the Spirit, the water, and the blood-and these three are in agreement." If you want, I can show you in Greek.
@@mistermurtad2831 - the mangled Greek text copies of 1 John chapter 5 seem to make overt references to Torah (Deuteronomy 19:15) which is muffled by the Greek translation - would you like me to quote the unpointed paleoHebrew source in Torah for you ? Can you even read unpointed paleoHebrew? Just curious is all - btw textual corruption we see in the later copies are tantamount to downright forgeries - one shudders to imagine how many other deliberate changes of the ‘ur-text’ had been made especially in the earliest copies of the canonical Greek NT which very often did not comply with later orthodoxy as is the case with 1 John chapter 5… Also where in any early NT text would you find any reference at all to trinitarian doctrine ? Hint : you won’t find any reference to the ‘trinity’ in any ms written prior to 360 CE - just sayin’ Also ‘by the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses shall any accusation of guilt be confirm’d in court [some DSS include ‘including capital offences’] - the citations of Torah and other Hebrew-Aramaic texts by the author of the 4th canonical Greek gospel (‘according to Yohanon ho Presbuteros’ whoever he was) is often partial / fragmented or very faulty- especially in clumsy English translations which carry over the errors in the Greek- for example ‘For, lo, it is written : the Salvation of Yisroel [in the north] shall come from Yehudah [i.e. in the south]’ from ‘the testaments of the 12 patriarchs being the sons of Yakkov’ [see The Testament of Naphtali chapter 13) which was originally regarded as ‘defiling the hands’ (I.e. holy writ) by the earliest messianic Nazorean churches and is grossly mis-quoted in Greek in John 4:22 rendered as ‘for salvation is from the Jews’ with any reference to ‘Yisroel’ carefully removed from the logion… Other extra-canonical books ‘quoted as holy scripture’ in the NT include Jude 1:14-17 (‘as it is written in the scroll of the book of the words of Henoch 7th from Adam : in that Day YHWH himself shall descend upon the mount of olives with myriads of his holy ones with him in order to pass Judgement upon all flesh…’ and also ‘the Book of the Assumption of Moses’ where Santanas quarrels over the corpse of Moses etc. Both ‘the Book of the Words of Henoch, son of Jared, seventh from Adam’ & ‘the Book of the Testaments of the 12 patriarchs being the sons of Yakkov’ are still to this day regarded as ‘defiling the hands as holy canonical scripture’ in the Aethiopian Christian churches who have preserved a number of compleat Dead Sea scrolls in their own Q’ez Aethiopic translations greatly aiding the reconstructions of these texts (which also include ‘Jubilees’ aka ‘the Book of the Divisions of the Times of the Torah as they are sub-divided into their Jubilees & Week-Years from the beginning of Creation to the Tiqqun on the Day of Judgement of all Flesh’ - so the ‘new Testament canon’ was still very fluid before the late 4th century in terms of what books ‘were suitable for reading in the churches’ on weekly services …
@@theophilos0910 You are importing what is not there. You qualifier "seems to" proves is it not definitive and I can ignore it as speculation. One is Matthew 28:19. But you are looking for a simplistic verse. It is not that simple. It is looking at how Christ speaks of himself, his father and the Holy Spirit. It is a cumulative case and not a clear statement. If you are interested in more, there are many videos what cover the subject better than I can in a brief YT reply.
@@mistermurtad2831 - you do not provide a shred of evidence for your trinitarian fantasies in the canonical Greek New Testament - please show me a single sentence - outside of the deliberate forged scribal corruptions in 1 John chapter 5:17ff - that state ‘father, son & holy ghost’ being expressed as a trinity - some ‘Christians’ like to point to protoIsaiah chapter six (‘and, lo, I heard them all chanting together Qadosh Qadosh Qadosh (‘holy holy holy’) as proof of the existence of trinitarian doctrine in the Hebrew Scriptures but this is nothing but imaginative fantasy - much like the presence of trinitarian doctrine in the canonical Greek New Testament handwritten texts which lack any reference to this formula … read the Greek canonical NT over very very closely to get a rough idea of what I mean
@@ring-tone278 - I cannot see what point you are trying to make here - R. Yehoshua bar Yosef the Galilean Nazir (c. BCE 13/12 to 36 CE) aka ‘Jeezuss’ was not part of any gentile-loving movement but was a highly political member of the ‘house of David’ who had little concern for ‘hagoyyim’ (non-Jews) if we are to believe the racist-Zionist vomit plac’d into the mouth of a ‘Greek-speaking Iesous’ in the canonical Greek gospels-see for example the xenophobic attitude towards that poor (but tirelessly stubborn) syrophonecian Gentile in ‘Matthew 15 (whoever he was…) who had manag’d somehow to break through the cordon of disciples and throw herself at his feet begging that her daughter be cured of a ‘bleeder-Daemon’ in need of an exorcism: ‘Lady the barEnasha (‘son of man’ see AramaicDaniel chapter 7:13-26) was sent O-N-:L-Y (Gk. monos) to the elect of the lost sheep of the house of Yisro’el-and anyway since when would it be right to snatch the bread of the sons of the kingdom out of their mouths & throw it away on [calevin : unclean-gentile] dogs under the table ?’ Calevin is a nasty pejorative us’d to refer to gentiles in the Dead Sea scrolls which were still being copied out during his lifetime (‘avoid at all times gentiles, dogs & other unclean animals’) so you can see a glimpse of the non-universality of ‘Jesus’ if we are to believe the racist-vomit in the canonical gospel material especially in ‘Matthew’ … Most people to-day who stile themselves ‘Christians’ do not follow ‘the Torah of Moses promulgated by Jesus’ but are in fact ‘Pauline Christians’ bas’d on the preachy epistles of Shaoul of Tarsus in Cilicia (present-day Turkey) who never even met this person in the flesh in his whole entire life-only in dreams & visions like my gardener who regularly sees ‘the Holy Virgin’ in his morning toast… There is no inherent ‘universal salvation message’ in the actual Torah-abiding teachings of Jesus or his Daviddic blood brother James who took over the ‘Jesus movement’ even tho’ he was not a disciple but soley based on his Daviddic bloodline - even Shimeon bar Yonah (‘Kefah’ = ho Petros, aka ‘Peter’) had to report to him as leader in Yerushalayim-who demanded circumcision of gentiles & strict Torah observance including animal sacrifices even long-after the execution of his brother for arm’d sedition against the state during THE Insurrection (see Mark 14:52-57) at Pesach of 36 CE marking the 100 year anniversary of the Roman military occupation of Judaea since Pompey’s invasion of 63 BCE… Your jejune comments seem to know none of this … why is that, do you think ?
@@WhiteDove73-888control on others with their different in sexuality, ethnicity, gender, gender roles and religion. This kind of bible is the root cause of Man made war we know today like the Holocaust.
The big problem in my opinion is that the books don't even go back to its alleged authors. Jewish sources for example confirm that the scribe Ezra re-established the torah after it has been forgotten. Many passages of todays torah cant even have been written by Moses and can only have been written long after Moses, e.g. the passage which says that until this day Moses grave is unknown or that until today there was no prophet like Moses in Israel. So there must have been a long time between Moses and the text written. Genesis also doesnt mention Moses once. There are so many problems alone with the allegded books Moses.
@@jipersson yeah, my pre assumption is that he existed. But even if not, several passages and sources confirm that the books of Moses cant go back to someone called Moses (even if it wasn't a historical figur) which also disqualifies the Nt, which quotes Jesus confirming every single word and letter of the law/torah. Matthew 5:17-18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not *the smallest letter or stroke of a letter* shall pass from *the Law,* until all is accomplished This is also problematic when we see that there are no single "words" but many different versions, e.g MT, DSS and the Lxx versions or the samarithan torah
@@JopJio And quoting the Jesus character require him having been at least a historical character, not to mention the decades between him allegedly having said something to some scribe writing said quote.
I remember reading in Genesis (Garden of Eden)--well over a decade ago--that not only would women suffer greatly in childbirth BUT they'd be ruled over by men and treated as doormats. The latter seems to have disappeared from the Scriptures. BTW, Jesus never described himself as God, the Father, but as the son of God. He described the Father, the source of all life, Yahweh, as perfect and the greatest of all. Jesus said He only said and did what He heard and saw the Father doing. In versions of The Bible I've read, Jesus renamed Simon 'Cefus' which means 'rock'. Jesus said, 'Upon this rock I will build my church.' Makes perfect sense as Jesus spoke of building a house upon a rock---giving it a strong foundation--instead of upon sand which wasn't sturdy or lasting.
@CharlesBrighton-mr4ev - he also said "I pray that they (his disciples) may be one, just as you Father are in me & I am in you, that they may also be in us!"
Well, there are a lot of Christian scholars with different views… everyone loves to listen to what is against it. But I would love to ask, why are you against Christianity?
Not Christians...children of Israel after freed from captivity from Babylon. Stole all the stories engraved in stone. They had job functions during their captivity that exposed their scribes to the truths engraved in stone in their remote past. Changed names,dates...the words.
I read one of Bart D. Ehrman’s books the same year I turned 30 years old, and I could never return to my Christian faith. I grew up in the born-again, non-denominational denomination, which I now view as a fundamentalist cult. And I credit Dr. Ehrman with pulling me out of it. I am turning 42 this year, and it has been a long and challenging exodus, but I am so grateful to have come across his work 12 years ago.
You lost your faith because Jesus actually didn't die for your sin...the Roman soldier who want captured Jesus didn't catch him because Jesus change his appearance to some one else...The Roman soldier crucified the wrong person
Bart D. Ehrman won't help you when you're face to face with our Creator on Judgement Day, though. I'm sorry to hear that you turned away from the one true faith and the one true living God of the Bible. I did too for some years. But I've returned like the prodigal son. Daily Dose Of Wisdom is one good channel I'd recommend, which is operated by a former atheist, if you're curious enough to see why Bart D. Ehrman's foolish atheism is wrong from more of a scientific perspective. God bless. ✝️
@@LennyCash777 Some are just not grounded enough in biblical studies, textual criticism, etc. They are the seed that gets thrown on thin soil. It grows fast but soon dies out. God's providence determined our bibles today. Some worry over 'editing', textual variances among differing manuscripts, etc. Indeed, a stumbling block to those who lack wisdom. I've read Dr. Ehrman's "theories" on the resurrection (outline of them and on other sites, to clarify). Inspiring Philosophy (excellent UA-cam channel, he's a theistic evolutionist - has good content) did an excellent analysis on all the alternate theories of the resurrection and included Ehrman's. None make any sense and assume an anti-supernatural bias. Despite centuries of critics....the tomb is still empty. The resurrection alt theories fail. And when the conclusion points to our Lord's resurrection from death, we must look at the entire bible from that lens. Oh, and Ehrman saying "O.T. God of wrath...N.T. God of only love" what gibberish. Nonsense. Jesus in the gospels warned of eternal damnation more so than the O.T. books. Even the famous John 3:16 verse, "For God so loved the world, that He sent His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him SHOULD NOT PERISH but have everlasting life." Jesus warns us often (as a loving father warns his son or daughter to behave, etc.)
This guy is real intellectual I heard him saying, I don’t know, we don’t know yet that means he is a true academic. I can trust his book I decided to buy all his books. Thank you.
Bart does not mention the community of Ebionite Jewish-Christians who lived in a walled village on the Western Hill of Jerusalem ( believed in the time of Constantine to go back 200 years from then). Their synagogue was once a large house dating from before 70 CE which some scholars think was the main meeting place of the 1st century Jewish-Christians.
When I became a Christian, its not because I read the bible but just because I found Jesus through my prayer and its not just one time that he answered me but many time. So I guess I dont need to understand too much detail about what Jesus said or who wrote the scripture since no human author is perfect. The more you suspect the scripture the more you will find yourself unsatisfied, disappointed and unhappy. Without relationship with Jesus Christ, not just reading the scripture but also devoted prayer time, you will never know him and your life will be always unanswered.
imagine you found satan through your prayer, maybe you're satanic now. because devoting satanic might be correct to isnt? that is why to start worshiping you need knowledge and logic. dont be a blind worshipper
@@muhammadnurdin7782 Are the muslims full of knowlege as they ALLWAYS pretend? Well nothing, historicaly,in Religion prove that.The Quran has no link to Tora or NT
I totally agree. Also, see Rom 8:14 in this regard. Or will these learned scholars say that this verse is also corrupted? Bottom line: For a believer, know proof is required. For a non believer, know proof will suffice.
Bart Erman is an honest scholar trying to make the best sense he can of fragmentary evidence. So far so good. But interesting as it undoubtedly is, its utterly irrelevent to answering the only question that really matters. Socrates asked the immortal question: how should one live? The example set by Jesus of Nazareth is not such a bad answer (it’s encapsulated in the Sermon on the Mount btw). Unfortunately, some people don’t seem to be able to see the wood for the trees.
People ask me how I feel about religion, to which I respond it's awful. One of man's worst creations. Jesus though, Jesus I love and consider daily. He has always been my rebel. I love your comment.
Unfortunately, even this teaching of His (the so-called sermon on the mount) is translated terribly and with obvious textual errors. I'd rather hear this agnostic than the multitude of liars who call themselves (against his advice) pastors and reverends and ministers....
@@batzzz2044 Yes, he was a rebel like Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, and John were. He is the Coming One, the King of a new City of God, for a renewed mankind.
@@hans.stein. Except that there is no solid evidence that any of them actually ever existed except as words on a scroll. So, I prefer to live my live without becoming a slave to myth and mystery.
A person on here said we don’t know any of this for sure . I think their are Scholars who have studied for years and pulled back the layers I think some of them are sit on with the critical thinking that they do . Thanks Dr. Erhman For all that you teach we need it now more than ever .
I'm certainly not atheist but Bart Ehrman does present many truths and makes a lot of sense. There's no way the Bible is 100% accurate and truthful. He points out errors or contradictions that when you check them out, you will find he's right.
Paul is responsible for the spread of Christianity as a religion surrounding the death of Jesus. But he isn't the one who invented it. The only reason Paul even knows about Jesus as some sort of god who supposedly died for people's sins is because the people he was persecuting believed that already before he converted! The deification of Jesus occured shortly after his death; a rationalisation from his followers trying to explain why their Messiah was slaughtered on a cross.
@@julianmcmillan2867 idk they would have known the prophecies from Isaiah and would have known the Messiah would be rejected and still save the world. Hell there was Greeks who already were God fearers. Paul went straight to them and preached his gospel. But did yeshua make a mistake choosing his apostle for someone else to start up his church? And turn him into God? How could Paul start 10 churches before the 12 apostle even got started in Jerusalem and Israel ? I would say he had knowledge of the prophecies and knew about the God fearers who believe in the Isaiah prophecies
@@julianmcmillan2867 I'm not sure Paul is the one to fully credit for the spread of Christianity, like each and every religion that has widely spread, it was through political/military means and the starting point of that was the conversion of the emperor Constantine I and the Constantinian shift, from that point forward, Christianity went from a fringe cult to a state religion of probably the most powerful Empire on earth at the time, the Christians who were persecuted became the persecutors but were ironically far more efficient at it since they relatively quickly wiped out the previously established polytheistic religion using the newly acquired power which was weaponized against competing cults.
Good for you. God Bless. These people act like they are the only people to study this stuff. I listen to scholars all the time and they would eat this guy alive.
@@bbq4323 Apart from those scholars are a minority and have no evidence to back them. The majority of biblical scholars agree with Bart that the bible is man made historically scientifically and morally wrong.
Ehrman's apostasy is not a product of his research. On the contrary, his research is the product of an already lost faith in Goodness: "I just didn’t believe it any more. This wasn’t because I was a biblical scholar... All that was irrelevant.... What was relevant was the very heart of the Christian claim that God loves his people.... I came to think there was no such God, and decided that I had no choice but to abandon my faith and leave the Christian tradition" (Bart Ehrman)
@daniele.3361how do you know? Jesus didn’t speak those. And the followers he had wouldn’t have either. There are no originals so you’re simply guessing
@@Rokaize : Even if something is an "original" text, how do we know that the text is absolutely true word for word? Humans lie, exaggerate and embellish stories.
But don't we usually have to do most of the work? In Augustine's day... in Torquemada's, definitely... or in Calvin's? Or, in Pope Paul III's... as mess, after, mess, schism... after schism... and war, after war... erupted? Also, there was the pretty prolonged, slave trade, too... So truth, seemed a bit hit and miss oftentimes, back then.@@fairyprincess911
@RobKoch1962 from reading into the earliest sects; I can see Elements of them all in there, ebionite , Marcionite and Gnosticism. I base my experience in knowing the Holy Spirit; knowing the presence of God in me, to guide me. I don’t worship the Bible. The Holy Spirit came to guide us into all truth as Jesus said; they had no New Testament bibles at that time. No one did; it happened over time. That’s just it; they had only the Holy Spirit and the apostles to guide people, and this is where it got lost in translation and multiple sects developed on those things they didn’t have a full explanation on. Each group naturally Believed they were following the right way toward Jesus. Before the canon ever existed. That earliest group of apostles as We are told knew the Holy Spirit who was guiding them to truth. That earliest church was Holy Spirit filled; in 33 ad. For sometime. We can imagine they spread out for a while.
These are the issues that I've had even as a child, that totally conflict with a loving God. So much violence, hatred, misogyny; who could could believe in this stuff? I think Constantine should be cursed for spreading and propagating this horrible religion.
See how they change the that mouth of the little horn...some will wrote boastfully,some wrote it saying great things etc.But we know that in 325CE that great blasphemy in Nicea that God has taken a son.
Every single Christian I know quotes Joshua 1:9 without realizing that what the Jews did in the book of Joshua is no different than what Hamas is doing nowadays. 🤡🤡🤡
Joshua 1:9 New International Version 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” A lot of Christians I know of use this verse when going for an interview or job hunting or surgery or the Labor Ward... I still don't get your point...
J R R Tolkien and J K Rowling acknowledge they were writing fiction. The Bible purports to be the Ultimate Truth. Thus "debating" fiction would be quite different from debating that which is presented to be the Truth. Usually, you like a work of fiction or you don't, you don't have to concern yourself that you are destined for Hell due to your opinion.
Oh Lord my God how glorious is your holy word! I am so very grateful and blessed to praise you oh God of my righteousness and my salvation! You strike the blind of heart and hide your ways from all your enemies and the crooked and ungodly. You alone oh God are holy and perfect in all of your ways! Guide me by the still waters that i may dwell in the house of the Lord now and forever!
The trinity is such a cluster fuck of a theology 😅. There are 3 distinct persons but there's only 1 god. The 3 are equal, but they're different. They're equal, but there's clearly a hierarchy. I've heard Christians say God can't break the rules of logic but they seem to suspend this when it comes to the trinity. They just need to admit its nonsense and they're really polytheists. They already believe in angels and the devil and demons. So they already accept numerous divine, supernatural beings. That's already polytheism. Drop the bogus trinity and at least retake logical consistency. Because they currently have the worst of all possible options. Logically contradictory polytheism.
Sometimes a made up story becomes better with a modification. Sometimes it is required to fill a logical hole in the original story. Sometimes the society changed and previously accepted things are not accepted anymore, so a change is applied. But why nobody has cut the slavery related parts from the book? It seems that was widely accepted the time that book has been written. Another question is (based on current time morals) how can you corrupt an originally corrupt text?
My question is - how do scholars arrive at an approximate date for the New Testament Gospels? Simple question but I’ve never heard a convincing answer.
The read them an look for historic hints. So they date the gospels usually past 70AD because that’s when the temple was destroyed and the gospels read as if that’s already happened. They then look for further info in the text or when someone else references that text. So I guy called Papias mentions the gospel of mark in his lifetime and we know he died around 130 AD. Therefore mark must have been written between 70and130 AD. That’s a very dumb sound explanation
Jesus declared, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Even though bible was not perfect, but as Christian do praying and asking for guidance, God will guide our way. Since there is no perfect book related with religion. 😊
It’s interesting that no one considers Bart Ehrman to be fallible. There are counter arguments to what Ehrman says and yet none of you atheist zealots will look beyond Ehrman’s so-called truths. His understanding of scripture is not infallible.
@SilverSurfer5150 by all means, please with that attitude, provide your evidence of God so I can smash it to smithereens using the most sarcastic satirical verbal slap rebuttal because all you've done is slander Bart ( which I can only assume is bart is very good at pointing out that the proof of supernatural events are null And contradictions in the bible are many) so by all means let's hear what the world has been waiting for and apologists everywhere have yet to prove and determine right here, right now in this youtube comment section by you. Because I do have a feeling you won't deliver. Quick to jump on Bart but nonetheless unable to support or prove any of it yourself is what I will assume will happen but by all means you have the floor.
Erhman isn't worried about the information that he may encounter which is false. He just bashes Christianity because it is lucrative for him. He is one person, one opinion and he is not the best one.
The man we call Jesus wasn't trying to start a church or new religion. After extensive research it's obvious that Jesus came around to simply bring a message of hope and mystery. Too, it's also obvious that Jesus was trying his best to warn the Jews about their false God YHWH.
The man we call Jesus is a Greco-roman demi god (god/man) invented by the Romans to unite the roman empire under a new one world religion (christendom) and to bring all pagan religions under one main pagan god, jesus .. This Jesus is a different character, which the scriptures call the Anti-Christ, then the real Messiah of Israel, the man from Nazareth, the one who became the Son of YHWH
It's not just Protestants who refute the interpretation of Matthew's gospel meaning that Christ meant to build a church upon the person of Peter: Orthodox Christians, too, insist that "rock" means Peter's confession of faith. They claim the upper hand in interpretation, since the New Testament was originally written in Greek.
All that remains is Greek because the Orthodox with the backing of Rome ordered all other scripture not in line with their theology collected and destroyed. One of many outcomes from Nicene not talked about as it would be too upsetting to the largest religion on earth.
The true church is built on the lord Jesus christ the Apostles and the prophets the chief cornerstone being Jesus christ Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom of God to.peter he open the true church on the day of. Pentecost after God poured out his Spirit 120 disciples were filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with tongues Acts 2 1-4 then Peter preached the thousands of jews Acts 2:36-38 when they heard this they said unto.peter what shall we do to be saved then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of jesus christ and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit.3000 souls believed and got baptized
@@davidortega357 If you hold scripture as fact kinda funny you ignore Acts 15, where Peter & Paul express their concern on a serious issue yet James is the one making the final decision. Absolutely several leading modern scholars with good reason believe a congregation of elders headed by James the Just centered in Jerusalem lead the original followers of the Way. According to scripture & supposably in his own words Peter went on to Babylon spreading the good news.
Just want to infer about this for anyone with more information, when Jesus asks his disciples “who do people say that I am”, this is very similar to the verses in the gospel of Thomas found at Nag Hammadi where Jesus asks the disciples (something along these lines) “Who or what can you say I am like?” Peter says a holy angel, Matthew saying He is like a wise philosopher, but Thomas responded that he could not possibly put to words who he is like. Jesus pulls Thomas aside and speaks three words to him privately, with Thomas returning saying he can’t tell the others what Jesus said or else they would throw stones at Jesus. Anyone with any insight on this?
DIRECT BART QUOTES: “The position I argue for in Misquoting Jesus does not actually stand at odds with Prof. Metzger’s position that the essential Christian beliefs are not affected by textual variants in the manuscript tradition of the New Testament.” “We can reconstruct the original text of the New Testament with reasonable, though not complete, accuracy. The vast majority of changes found in our early Christian manuscripts have nothing to do with theology or ideology. Far and away, the most common changes are simple slips of the pen, errors in copying.” “The more I studied the manuscript tradition of the New Testament, the more I realized just how radically significant it was that we have thousands of copies. The New Testament is far better attested than any other book from antiquity in terms of the number of surviving manuscripts.” “With the abundance of manuscripts that we have, scholars are able to reconstruct the original text with a high degree of accuracy, even if we can’t always be absolutely certain about every word.”
Not missing books. When it was canonized, they had to choose carefully , if they had taken all... we would be carrying a huge bible when we go to church. Also, most books left out were apocryfa or gnostics, which was not acceptable... and catholics included them. Gnostics are sometimes made up stories... like the infancy gospels which were children stories. Errors will always be there in any printing system. You have a computer today to rectify mistakes before printing.
Thanks for sharing and great show. I have a huge respect to our Christian brothers for their bravery searching the truth in the scriptures! A salute from a Muslim!
I've learned so much from Dr. Ehrman and respect him as a scholar. Nonetheless, I hear things sometimes that I think are worth challenging. 9:02 Dr. Ehrman couldn't quite get himself simply to answer his question with a "yes". But he was on the right general direction, if obtuse. 9:34 "Kill them all. It didn't actually happen. I mean these are stories." - Didn't happen? What's the evidence for denying that they did what they said they did? We don't know if this did or didn't happen but they wrote about it as if it did. Dr. Ehrman, like most people, finds the details disturbing. So he'd like to think these are "stories". But the fact is, he hasn't got evidence to back up his belief. Why shouldn't we take the text at its word on a point like this? Have horrific massacres and genocides never occurred? 36:00 Which is the most original form? It's certainly an interesting question, and particularly relevant if one is trying to resolve theological issues in order to bring current religious practice in line as close as possible with some kind of "original intent" on the part of Jesus. That would be a goal of religious scholars. However, for those scholars who are not religious, it's also interesting to see how texts and beliefs changed over time. Though I can't call myself a scholar, I am non-religious and mostly interested in this topic from a historical viewpoint.
Good analysis. It is just a story that might have or may not happened. With possible extreme extermination. If it was possible for the Christian Nations to exterminate the American Natives. Than it is possible for those more primitive people to do that. Kind of like what is happening now with the Palestinians.
I agree, if you are going to read these things about the bloodshed in the Old Testament, it is more likely that it did happen as they wrote it, or else why would they waste time writing it at all. We know that there were all kinds of incidents around that time and after including the crusades where it is documented that 10,000 people, men, women, and children were be headed in the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem by the crusaders. This has been documented in journals of the Templar knights, and by historians. The blood was in such high quantity that it came up to the ankles of the Templars. Also the kingdom of Christ did come 70 years after Christ crucifixion as told by Christ. There are Roman historians that documented that Christ did come from the clouds with his saints and 1000 years of Christs millennial kingdom did reign on Earth, and this has been covered up by the devil and his minions who have been released from the pit for a short season as told in the book of revelation.
He does think they murdered the children - he even justified it by stating they didn't wan't the children to grow up and rebel but it is a horrible thing to contemplate.
@@Ixtlan831 you confuse so many things together. Christianity is different in so many major and foundational ways from most record of events in the holistic Bible. You're also mixing up the pre-christian events with what is Christianity just because it's found in the so-called christian Bible(a very arguable and vague term implicitly). Show me one single non-allegorical commandment or virtue taught by Jesus Christ that espouses the killing and shedding of blood of any kind. Even animal sacrifices are not in his teaching. Complete personality of peace in the truest sense of it. It's laughable to say Christian nations massacred Indians. I may even let it go if you had referred to the dastardly acts of the Crusade wars which were sanctioned be Rome's papacy that represents itself and not the faith, technically. So what do you mean by Christian nations massacred Indians? Was there a christian nation at all? Has there even been one at all? Let Christians prove to you why that phrase "Christian nations" in itself is an error and antagonistic to the true faith itself. Europeans and Indians fought and killed one another. That's the facts in history. Don't embellish history with your personal opinion because you must paint a religion in a certain way. Once again, Jesus Christ never ever led any battle, war or the killing of even a sacrificial animal. Not even once! Any such done in his name are for corrupt political excuses.
@@Ixtlan831 your comment in its end suggests Christians are exterminating Palestinians now as well? Or It's a typology of what you were saying about massacres being permissible in Christianity?
One question I have since the scriptures didn't say anything about this, is what would become of the children of these girls who had their families murdered who were taken as sex slaves when they would become pregnant and give birth? I wonder if the ancient Israelite men were using these girls to have sex with when they wouldn't want to get their Israelite wives pregnant, and if they were just killing the newborns? Because it says nothing about these War Brides bearing children for these Israelite men, so I just wonder if their sole purpose was to satisfy these men's sexual needs when they didn't want to get their wives pregnant, but kill The offspring to prevent impurity within the Israelite tribe was this ever a practice of the ancients?
Any children of war brides will belong to the man same as any other children. It's very primitive behavior, You see this among lions, Mice, And chimpanzees.
@@JopJio well in some of the stories in the Old Testament they were given permission to spare and keep the virgin girls as spoils and marry them, so apparently there were exceptions being made. But it's still begs the question since contraception and condoms didn't exist back then, that they would have inevitably gotten these girls pregnant and that is what I'm wondering what became of the newborns. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept the babies if they were female, but I have my doubts that they would have spared the males since the same Mercy wasn't extended to any of the males in the stories where the Israelites were commanded to kill everyone except for the virgin girls.
That would never work because of so much bias it's already saying that people interpret the scriptures in different ways but according to Peter we shouldn't have our own private interpretation Jeffrey Daugherty the Christian whistleblower said that he has seen the cracks in the fandation of Big time religion people getting there ideas from other people instead of actually studying the scriptures and figuring this script out because that's exactly what this is a script
For what purpose. Thats not really how ai works. Training the model on what corpus and to what end? What is the model predicting and from what choices. How do you verify its prediction?
I already did, and the AI explained that the young man in the tomb in Mark 16:5 _was Jesus_ and that this was the true resurrection narrative. Intriguing!
The AI also said that the author of this narrative employed a literary device called _contradiction of expectation_ e.g., the tomb is unsealed when it is expected to be sealed, the tomb contains a living body when a corpse is expected, women are witnesses when men are expected, etc.
They recently trained an AI with a special camera to read thousands of years old scrolls without opening the scroll. This will allow people to read some scrolls without opening them. At least the outside layer(s).
I'd like to thank Bart Ehrman for his class on Moses and the Law. This is what I learned today: The Hittites ruled from Turkey down through the Israel area about the time of Abraham, or before. When they conquered a people they made up Treaties that were to establish their rule and how they conquered them, as the opening, then followed the conditions imposed on the peoples. These type of treaties are called "Suzerainty Treaty" and we have at least one found that was written on stone and kept where the gods would guard over it. Sound familiar? The Treaty would give the expectation and the penalty for not abiding by it - like the Blessings and the Curses. One Suzerainty Treaty penalty was if a son were to strike his father, his hand would be cut off - things like that. One of the first comments I received back on the ancient Shapira Scrolls Ten Decrees was - that's eleven, not ten. Well, since it is obviously in the same format as the ancient Suzerainty Treaty - the first is establishing Who God is and how things came to be for our relationship - then follows the Ten Commandments - making the last one to keep them all to be one of the Ten, not just a summary, and what we presumed the first is establishing our relationship to God - Elohim. I found this very interesting and helping to clarify things in "their" contemorary experience of these things in the ancient world - and they still show remarkable wisdom, so I still think God gave them - just info to help us see better.
I don’t think the Bible is corrupted, but it’s a confession of those who corrupted humanity and use fear to control. I think we should start learning different things from the Bible if we are going to set ourselves free from these controllers.
And what things do you want me to learn? Do you want me to learn about the rape or the murder or the genocide, or the infanticide, or the talking animals or the ridiculous notion of someone walking on water and being resurrected? Exactly which of these dangerous nonsensical things, do you want me to take to heart?
Jesus died for you all! Have a wonderful day! Jesus is God! Nothing any of you will say can ever change my encounter with God, the happiness I take in his presence.
Now I have not seen anyone who has been baptized with the Holy Spirit or of Christ (Romans 8:9), in other words, they are unsaved (Mark 16:16) and cannot be called Christians, so right now there is no true church of Christ. "Church" has become a historical term, and there is no church today.
Jesus is the Messiah. King g of ki is. Not God. They are in one another. They are not one another. Reread from beginning to end of the bible. Original bibles. They changed it. The ones you all read now are changed.
@@StillYHWHs No, they are not changed. The words are obviously changed, if it was in the original language not a single one of us would understand anything. Language grows with time, and so does it need newer translations, but that does not mean that the translators lie. God The Father, God The Son and The Holy Spirit. Trinity, 3 persons, 1 God.
Christianity has never been depended upon the perfect copy of the Bible. The Bible itself contains discrepancies, ambiguous parts, etc. Still, with all the 'problems' of the Bible, it has worked well in history in providing sufficient light for the doctrines and practices of Christian life. I'm a Korean and in our country, the Korean Bible has been the translation of the KJV, which was a translation from one of the Greek manuscripts, and that manuscript was a copy of one of the other copies! They say there are about 6000 NT copies! We Koreans have learned about God the Creator, about the Trinity, and about how Jesus Christ's death on the cross was atoning and redeeming. One thing I'm confident is that, my experience of Jesus Christ as my wonderful Lord and Saviour is in continuity with the experiences of the apostles of the first century had. This continuity has become real through the role of the 'imperfect Korean Bible' and also through the work of the Holy Spirit by that 'imperfect Korean Bible.' God has somehow wiped out all the original manuscripts of the Bible in history while letting the copies do the job. This implies three things: 1) No written copy of the Bible can be uplifted as absolute as God, 2) The imperfect copies of the NT and OT are sufficiently revelatory enough to provide the life-giving truths of Jesus Christ for those who trust and believe, and thirdly, 3) the existence of the discrepancies and ambiguities of the copies cannot be compelling enough to thwart the truth and reality of Jesus Christ who is the center of the Bible.
We don't know Ehrrnan says. Then he says I know that it has been corrupted. Huh? If you don't know what the original said, then how do you know it is corrupted. Huh? I'm done.
Dr. Nehemia Gordon, a Karaite Jew, and Keith Johnson, a Methodist Pastor, discuss the Torah, John 6:4 and many other gospel texts. Nehemiah is a translator that worked on the Dea Sea Scrolls as well as New Testament Versions. They can be found on you tube or Face book, etc. They were often guest speakers on Michael Rood's show, Shabbat Night Live. (Prophet Pearls and other sources.)
When people claim that the stories about killing babies or virgin girls as captive didn’t actually happened then you are also accepting that his book is not from God and actually has human made stories . So you might be able to save the morality of the religion but at the expense of religion itself. Secondly, if war stories can be taken as something not actually happened then similar there is no proof that Moses received the 10 commandments.
The oldest most evil scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
@AtamMardes I agree with you, if somebody was to make up this type of a lie and cause countless people to die in vane for something that was not true. That would be an atrocity beyond all atrocities. The problem that you have is that you haven't done enough research to know the truth on this issue. Bart Ehrman, an agnostic, does believe that Jesus really existed 2,000 years ago, do you?
There is something that "The Druids," and groups like them understood intuitively (Change a word change the meaning.) Given how many times The Bible has been translated and retranslated, and had the language updated, is it any wonder that "Corrupted Translations" exist.
The translations have been taken directly from the original manuscripts. The so called retranslated is a misconstruction, the updated language was still taken from the original manuscripts. The only corrupted scriptures are from dishonest people adding to or taking away from the scriptures.
You can (and should) still refer to the writings in the original languages and decide for yourself whether it is a good translation. I certainly don't read just any translation, obviously the deceiver will try to hide or distort certain things that is important to understand to get saved.
@@andrevisser7542 : My point was and is "The meaning and intent of (The Holy Bible) has been forgotten for countless ages. Because of reinterpretation and language updates, not to mention translation into languages where words don't exist, you're stuck finding the closest match. That and last time I checked Sanskrit was considered a dead language.
@@petermarchi1935, no problem with the meaning and intent of the Bible, still telling the one same story starting with Genesis, ending with Revelation, the same story that can get you saved from satan's bondage, resurrect your spirit and restore your personal relationship with our Father, still doing what it was intended to do. As I've said the old and new testament are still available in the original languages, you can decide for yourself what is good translations, just do a little homework of your own.
They can both be wrong - both books are riddled with corruption and utterly repugnant ideas. Take the plank out of your own eye first. Thinking Christianity is better than Islam is like thinking leprosy is better than cancer. Low bar.
It is curious that the New Testament was written in scholarly Greek which only a few scholars of the area could understand. Do you think it was about the control of the masses? That is the core motivation of the clerics, then and now.
How does Bart know "people had collections of Paul's letters"? The first mention of a Paul is from Marcion who found the first known Pauline letter, Galatians.
We can tell that the author of Mark, writing supposedly in the 70s, had Paul's letters, and Clement, because he cribbed from them absolutely shamelessly. Anywhere Paul argues an opinion, Mark has his Jesus just come out and say it, with no faffing about.
self evidence in the NT itself. Both peter and paul himself spoke of Paul's letters being copied and read in other churches. this practice began early on
Just wanna say, great probing and clarifying questions by the host. Something sadly absent in most these days. Long time student and learned much listening to this 😊
I follow Prof Ehrman consistently. I’m not evangelical or an apologist. Regardless of what we are learning these days regarding the historical text, isn’t it possible the historical events of Jesus were so extraordinary and impactful they were evident enough for oral tradition - making it into the book of Mark? Isn’t it valid the fraction of truth we have is enough to establish events actually took place? It seems there’s a trend of thinking that if there is even a minor contradiction or a translation issue it negates the entire book/writings. I get their have been many translations and wording changes, but at the end of the day why regardless of all these changes is there a continue reiteration of main events in the synoptics, and the emphasis of the resurrection in the remaining NT books. The video title ‘corruption’ is a strong word. Not sure I call this corruption.
@@lorenzor124 Hi, not sure if you are asking me, or the other poster. But if you are, yes.. I listen to all sides. It's interesting stuff indeed. I'm in shock, for how i believed what was taught to me without questioning anything years ago. Now, I have to deconstruct my beliefs because of what we are learning now form scholars.
I agree. There are erroneous details in the Bible and NT. So what? That's what you'd expect when you have a group of people accounting for a complex and supernatural event as well as the details of Jesus's life. The main themes are there from the beginning: 1) Jesus existed 2) Jesus claimed to be the Messiah 3) Jesus taught repentance, love, sacrifice 4) Jesus was crucified 5) Jesus's burial tomb was found empty by women on the 3rd day 6) Post death visitations of Jesus were experienced by over 500 people, and we have multiple first and second hand accounts of these None of these facts are disputed by Historians. Even skeptical and agnostic historians like Bart Ehrman agree with all these points. They simply believe that the post death visitations of Christ weren't his resurrected body, but hallucinations, dreams, etc.
Two appearances, within the same generation, at the end of the ages. He comes like a thief in the night, come and gone. When they awake, the kings of the world will gather in a place called Armageddon, apparently, to beat their swords into plowshares. A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that... (Joh 10:10 NABO) The way of the Lord in the desert needs to be put into context with the previous passage: Sacrifice - Indeed, she has received from the hand of the LORD double for all her sins. Resurrection - Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God! (Isa 40:2-3 NABO) Just as it is appointed that human beings die - be judged - appear a second time, (so also Christ) Heb 9:27-28. Jesus is a third-party Mediator to this world and these heavens, between you and the Father you spring from, the God of this world, Yahweh. You will not always have me (Mat 26:11 NABO) I am with you always, until the end of the age. (Mat 28:20 NAB) My kingdom does not belong to this world. (Joh 18:36 NABO) Where I am going you cannot come. (Joh 8:21 NABO) Then I took my staff "Refuge" and snapped it asunder, breaking off the covenant which I had made with all peoples (Noahic covenant) (Zec 11:10 NABO) Then I snapped asunder my other staff, "Heritage" (Deu 32:8) breaking off my brotherhood with (or between?) Judah and Israel. (Zec 11:14 NABO) the one who ascended far above all the heavens themselves (Eph 4:10 NABO) never to return to corruption (Act 13:34 NABO) It looks like Jesus considers Peter to be the Father you spring from: And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church (Assembly - on the Mount), and the gates of the netherworld (Abyss) shall not prevail against it... (Jesus) turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle (the Adversary-stumbling stone) to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do." (Mat 16:18-23 NABO) (Obstacle - 4625 ska,ndalon skandalon {skan'-dal-on} ("scandal") Meaning: any impediment placed in the way and causing one to stumble or fall, (a stumbling block, occasion of stumbling) I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that has been tested, A precious cornerstone as a sure foundation; he who puts his faith in it shall not be shaken. (Isa 28:16 NABO) They stumbled over the stone that causes stumbling, as it is written: "Behold, I am laying a stone in Zion that will make people stumble and a rock that will make them fall, and whoever believes in him shall not be put to shame." (Rom 9:32-1 NABO) The Son of David destroys all power, rule, and authority, 1Cor 15:25. In him, you have someone who can relate to you through his sacrifice. In David, the Cornerstone of Adam’s (the Christ), work of salvation, you have someone you can relate to through his salvation. In (Jesus') name this man stands before you healed. He is 'the stone rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.' (Act 4:10-11 NABO)
In the beginning was the word. Then the word changed. And changed into something else. Then got added to, then subtracted from. Who know what the word originally said.
Poor translation 'the word', I guess Luther did it this way. In the beginning was the 'Logos' is the better translation, or at least closer to the meaning. Logos is consciousness, consciousness is headed to become a higher quality, less entropie, simple: love. This is a training ground for consciousness where 'we' (our avatars, egos) live in. We're consciousness. A fractal of a bigger fractal (ie 'god')
"And this is the verdict: the light has come into the world but men loved darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil. Anyone who does wicked deeds, hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds be exposed. But anyone whoever does what is true, comes to the light so it can be clearly seen that his deeds are done in God" John 3.18
@@marcomoreno6748 Nah, I'm not very smart or wise, the bible says it much better. Here is the bit before it: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that who-so-ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16 I hope you find Jesus brother, he is real. God Bless.
But if men (meaning all) loved darkness how would any of them ever come into the light. Also who made them to be evil & why. If you say god than god is wicked or a shitty creator. But that's to be expected from a god that came from darkness. If god said "let there be light", that means god was in the dark at first doesn't?
@@Noise-Conductor My answer would be that God made us and gave us free will, not to be a robot forced to worship him. God is the light, but also spoke light into being. John 3:18 is saying that Jesus, the light, came into the world, but the world rejected him because they didn't want the light, because it would shine on their wicked ways. We are all sinners, and all do wicked things, in the eyes of the Lord, even if we don't think they are wicked (God is holy). But we know at the time of his death that there were at least 1000 or so supporters of Jesus, who admitted their sinfulness and need to a saviour and recognised as the light. They loved darkness too, but did come to the light. I do not know why one man believes and another does not. I know I'm a sinner and my faith is weak many times when challenged. I do not always know or understand Gods ways and means, but I do know Jesus is the light, even when I am in great darkness. God bless you brother.
@@Noise-Conductor I would also say that the fall of men in the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve's rebellion caused the darkness to enter men's hearts. Darkness existed before this, but the fall lead to to death and sin in the world of man. I think the bible explains the state of man better than anything. We are unable to free ourselves from the burden of sin, individually or collectively. I challenge anyone to stop sinning for a day and see how that goes.
I'd like to thank Bart Ehrman for his class on Moses and the Law. The Hittites ruled from Turkey down through the Israel area about the time of Abraham, or before. When they conquered a people they made up Treaties that were to establish their rule and how they conquered them, as the opening, then followed the conditions imposed on the peoples. These type of treaties are called "Suzerainty Treaty" and we have at least one found that was written on stone and kept where the gods would guard over it. Sound familiar? The Treaty would give the expectation and the penalty for not abiding by it - like the Blessings and the Curses. One Suzerainty Treaty penalty was if a son were to strike his father, his hand would be cut off - things like that. One of the first comments I received back on the ancient Shapira Scrolls Ten Decrees was - that's eleven, not ten. Well, since it is obviously in the same format as the ancient Suzerainty Treaty - the first is establishing Who God is and how things came to be for our relationship - then follows the Ten Commandments - making the last one to keep them all to be one of the Ten, not just a summary, and what we presumed the first is establishing our relationship to God - Elohim. I found this very interesting and helping to clarify things in "their" contemporary experience of these things in the ancient world - and they still show remarkable wisdom, so I still think God gave them - just info to help us see better. Onediscipletoanother organization.
May the Lord Jesus Christ Grant each and everyone of you repentance and salvation so that you can learn from the Holy Spirit and gain understanding from his word
Dr Ehrman is my number one STARTUP and Kick-off Scholar/originator in religious studies. In the studies, all of the above (a really well-articulated summary of the background and formulation of Christianity as a broad subject) find application. Understanding the basics leads to Enlightenment of totality. This isn't the 17-18th Century Enlightenment we are talking about of course but rather Full Apologetics, Gnocism (and where it derails/how it loses the plot), the error of "modern strands of Christianity", and noted postulations/fact. I am however astounded that even Scholars, aren't able to practice faultfinding, error and analytics in their scholarly endeavours. As a forensics investigator, I came to the same conclusion in part as Marcion. Where and when the viewpoint became distorted (self-preservation, self-indulging, selfishness, self.. and society at the day and age are in large the principle and principal drivers of the thought processes at that given time). I always enjoy Br Bart's knowledge and analysis. I differ at a certain point of course, re the forensic analysis that moves away from pure "bible-thumping, fanaticism, etc. but follow the leads, thus note that OT and NT differ, and why, (what/where/when/how - I get from Dr Ehrman) in main.
Iv'e learned alot from bart ,he has a simple way of explaining .after listening to most of his audibles it helped me disconstruct from religion and of course myth vision and other great scholars.
I absolutely adore Bart. I’m so interested in history, archeology, literature, and the origins of our “holy” (lol!) books. Bart just has a demeanor and a deep deep knowledge of the subject that he’s good at explaining how they came about and the greater context. I really love his scholarly books as well as those for a wider audience - gateway books :)
Hebrews 8:10: For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people..
Biggest problem is Jesus isn’t naming anyone Petros, it would’ve been Kepa in his native language. A Galilean isn’t speaking Greek with his friends. Proof of the Roman construct.
One time, I told a lady she broke the law. I cited how she did it, where she was, the date, the time and I even referenced the body of law that she offended. I didn't just say she broke the law. If a man has altered an historic tome - the accusation should go something like this: On Monday March 4th 1135 at approximately 8:15 in the morning, while located at the Castle of Mythvision, Ignatius Treadway was observed making false scrivener entries while scribing Ehrman's Book of the Corrupted and Other Such Certainties. When asked why, Ignatius Treadway stated that his hand was cramping up and he needed to shorten the speeches. This action is a violation of The Holy Scrivener Pact of Bartleby. See? Facts support my accusation, else why would I accuse Ignatius? Doing so would be misleading supposition.
When one hears the word "manuscript," that conjures up a voluminous tome. Indeed, the Bible that we are all familiar with has thousands of pages, printed with tiny print. Where did all that information come from? Surely, whatever scrolls were discovered contained only a few scribbles in ancient typography. Furthermore, scrolls were damaged and torn. How did "they" put together this volume of books - Old and New Testament? Based on what? It seems extremely far-fetched, not to mention that we are talking about many, many translations, and into English yet! We know that translating from one language to another is problematic at best. That brings up the next question: How do you know what was "changed" in the Bible? Changed from what? What was the original? A few scribbles on a shred of papyrus?
The fact that several Greek words are translated as "Hell" in the Bible is problematic enough because in this way something is created that was not in the original texts. And the same, translation of several different words into one word, happens with the translation of the word "sin" as well. These incorrect translations mainly based on a corrupt translation tradition, and there is sometimes a debate about whether translators have the right to correct these traditionalised translation errors especially when their are become a central part of the doctrine.
Well, now you're on the topic of translations and conceivable errors there, not the original manuscripts. Besides that, we do actually have multiple words that mean the same thing in English as well, so even if it was the case that these words all denote hell, that wouldn't be a problem within linguistics at the very least.
I recall a dream in which I began to watch a horror movie and lay witness to a frozen snow wasteland and a dog surrounded by 5 people began to listen to the five voices around him and dig a hole that ran super deep into a cavern with dark crystallite and the faint illumination around the party, and as a dream does I remember things progressing and then being one of the characters in the hole. I saw that there was a village down there where parasitic worms had taken control and ravaged the denizens of the cave I began to run because these fucking things were ferocious they might as well have been a kracken leaping from a sea to snatch your body. I began to take hold of a rope and climb out of the whole we dug having to dodge arrows. I arrived out the of the hole and sealed it a small lid and told myself I got to warn everybody about this shit. A small child began to climb out of the hole and I had the brief glimmer of joy that the child was going to make it and we could survive the ordeal, however, I took notice of my surroundings and saww that man who appeared to me the likeness of the popularized image of Jesus dead and zombified to a grotesque degree and to my horror the child had worms in his mouth and eyes as he did not survive. Then I awoke and remembered that I sometimes imagine myself as a child holding on to Jesus, a child of the same physical description I held, and that a Dog is a symbol of unbelief in the bible and that demons are mentioned in the bible as beings in an unseen realm just like you can't see COVID or gases with the naked eye and may require a special lens to peer into another layer of reality going on around you, and that demons are named as beings that spread misinformation as false ideas; thereby, trying to spark and encourage hate and wicked fear, and that not every voice or thought that pops into your head is yours. The idea of Jesus dead and the child being a symbol of being unlearned and unstable in joining and becoming the dog in his descent had no more a savior as Jesus was dead to him. I also remember a truck so who knows where we headed next. Worms are mentioned in the book of Isaiah Chapter 66 and book of Mark chapter 9 to be a kind that would never die as they eat away at flesh along with the everlasting and unquenchable fire. See. (Matthew 7:6, Mark 9:48, Isaiah 66:24, Hebrews 1:3, 12:2; 1 Peter 3:22, John 1: 1 and 14 Jesus is Gods message, words, expression of his ideas and likeness, John 3:16, Hebrews 3:6-12) I remember now that I have had hundreds of sleeps and some dream not at all, and sometimes my dreams have been the most buckwild and random shit that who could have imagined the characters and the story. God chose that this would happen. A story from the book of 1 Kings, where a prophet by the name of Elijah when he beheld 400 false prophets of the false object of worship called Baal said to them if you think you're God to be the answer then assemble yourselves and call me fire down from heaven; Elijah said to them likewise shall I do the same as the story goes the 400 false prophets of the false being made themselves a bunch of ruckus calling out to the lie they believed. Elijah surely used scripture from the word of God the Old Testament or Old Covenant or Agreement and fire did fall from heaven. The more you get right about God the more he shows up. God is a spirit those that worship him must do so in spirit and in truth. John 4:24 Don't just have faith, have faith in God, and his word. There is surely a type of extreme unpleasantness already in the Earth, have you seen it, are you delivered from it? Job 38:17 "Have the gates of death been opened unto thee? or hast thou seen the doors of the shadow of death?" Job 38:33 "33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?" As a child, I would have dreams in be in many nightmares where underground tentacle monsters could sense my slightest movement and impel me, wars, dreams of persecution, the grim Reaper, things would get wild. I remember calling on the Old Testament name of God Jehovah, and I remember things did not end well for me when I was being assaulted by a witch. However, ever since I was a child the name of Jesus has never failed me, when I began to call on his name Even recently, a spider demon with a human face around the size a 42" TV was crawling on my wall when I awoke from my sleep. I spoke the name of Jesus quite a few times and I attained Mercy unto myself, for that because Jesus has the authority for this reason. John 3:35 " He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." 1 John 2:23 "Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." I believe that God cares for his creation and doesn't want to lose them, because I believed in Jesus and had the humility to honor his name many times throughout my life. I attained mercy through the New Covenant, agreement, or Testament. Only parts of the old still apply. The old prepared place for the New. John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:14 "And the Word:λόγος(in ancient Greek) message, expression of God's ideas), was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." For if I read James 1:5 (KJV), do not leave out James 1:6,7, and 8 (KJV), and while we at it live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. If there are 18000+ religions in the world I know to whom I say go to save me trouble, the name and the ideas that I will confess as Lord to be serving of and to call my friend. Proverbs 4:19 “The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.” A concept of the word is the idea that is behind it or what should pop into your head by what the author is meaning. If you do not have the idea of the word correct you have a misconception and it changes the whole story. Read the KJV, pray for wisdom, pray without ceasing: don't go a day without it.
1. Not intoxicated. 2. My sentences and logic are coherent. 3. I am ekklesia of Jesus Christ, out to spread the News of God's eternal government, the Kingdom of God.@@RyneTheNinja
Where are all the tombstones to these so-called biblical figures ? Egyptian figures have this problem. It’s becoming clear to me that most of the Bible is allegory. Which in its self is not a bad thing. It’s still contains a lot of wisdom and truths.
@@Jasho-Beam typical of most Christians, when Bart Ehrman was a bible scholar, he was very good , he was in high esteem for his lectures but as soon as he found out the bible is a myth etc….the same Christians tried to tarnish his reputation. Man be smart , the guy has 30 years of research under his belt, he also has masters & if I am not mistaken a PhD as well. Would I believe you !! Who is nothing compared to him duh .
Jesus would never let me get a hold of a corrupted Bible. Or a watered down Bible. Or anything different from what he wants me to have. He takes care of his word.
Sign up for Bart Ehrman's course Scribal Corruption of Scripture - Ryann Elizabeth Lambert
Bring this together Brian Muraresku and Bart D. Ehrman :) !
❤ Jesus power. Warning it is intense. Last 3 days. Can be long term.
Mat 16:18 καγω [And I] G2504 P-1NS-K δε [not] G1161 CONJ σοι [you] G4771 P-2DS λεγω [I say] G3004 V-PAI-1S οτι [that] G3754 CONJ συ [you] G4771 P-2NS ει [are] G1510 V-PAI-2S πετρος [a stone] G4074 N-NSM και [and] G2532 CONJ επι [above/upon] G1909 PREP ταυτη [same] G3778 D-DSF τη [the] G3588 T-DSF πετρα [stone] G4073 N-DSF οικοδομησω [build] G3618 V-FAI-1S μου [my] G1473 P-1GS την [the] G3588 T-ASF εκκλησιαν [assembly] G1577 N-ASF και [and] G2532 CONJ πυλαι [gate] G4439 N-NPF αδου [Hades] G86 N-GSM ου [no] G3756 PRT-N κατισχυσουσιν [will exert control] G2729 V-FAI-3P αυτης [her] G846 P-GSF
Mat 16:18 Mechanical Translation:
I did NOT tell you that you that you are Peter and above/upon the same stone build my assembly and gate (of) hades will not exert control over her.
That is what it really says. With the research tools we have today there is no excuse for not knowing the truth
This is how I know it is right also if Peter was handed everything would he have said this ending the conversation?
Mat 16:20 Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ.
Also the trial of Jesus before Pilate we have 5 denials he is "The Christ" and one place that says he said he was but they dropped a negating particle in the one that says he is "The Christ"
This is why he warns calling him "The Christ" is the massive deception in Matthew 24: 5
I know the truth Jesus gave it to me and the truth is... The bible is correct. I'm the evidence for God and the bible HalleluYah!
I also don't understand how the Catholic church, or even protestants can think that Jesus was even trying to start a church when it was blatantly obvious that Jesus thought the world was about to come to an end during his own generation. Why start a movement that you believe or want to continue, especially for thousands of years when you think your God is going to bring an end to the Earth as they knew it within the next few decades at best?
His anguished cry from the _stauros/crux_ shows that he was expecting God to send angels to rescue him from the most shameful death the Romans could think of (Seneca Younger Moral Epistles 101.10-14), get revenge on the Romans and local Jewish collaborators, and usher in the Kingdom of God.
I went to a protestant church, and they were claiming that the bible was the only true authority 😂
The church was a later invention. The earliest christians believed in an immediate apocalypse, When that failed the doctrine mutated, As often happens with cults whose predictions are clearly falsified.
The "world" for most European and Middle Easterners of the time was, in fact, the Roman Empire. The prophecy was, that Rome would fall and be replaced by the Kingdom of God. The Catholic Church believes that prophecy has been fulfilled in the birth of Roman Catholicism. Protestants, of course, are still waiting for something to happen. This actually serves to solidify the legitimacy of the RC Church and delegitimizes all forms of Protestantism. This is one of the dozens of reasons why I converted to Catholicism as an adult.
@@Rio000oo same here, and the churches I was brought up in were Hellfire brimstone ifb churches in the 80's and 90's that taught that it was only the KJV 1611 authorized version that had the authority and all other translations were of the devil.
Nobody knows any of this stuff for sure. Just live your life the best you can without hurting others mentally or physically.
Seriously? You mean seeking redemption on a net site..from a human? What the heck do you think the writers of the Bible were? Spoiler Alert: Humans. Not seeking redemption, I don't need redemption. Redemption from what? We are a fractal of God. People are hungry for the truth, not Christianity. That is why they are here. Speak for yourself. Personally know plenty of Christians who pray to Jesus and get nothing despite the fact he says otherwise.
I 💯,000% agree everything was based off of Egyptians Stories we wouldnt have racism and all of the things we see together if this was true and not about control telling us the same stories for many years. But I remember calling on Yeshua after waking up and keeping Passover and I must say things did change in my life so if your calling him Jesus I'm not saying it don't work cause I called on Jesus too and it work for me as well. Or I wonder if whatever happened to me was about calling on Yeshua or Jesus I have become confused over the years. We will never truly never know till we die. Just Love people and respect people this is the way to go.
@@dominionimperialalliance6796 It's great that things changed in your life after praying and that you're encouraging others to put faith in spiritual endeavors as well. However, I would like to point out that there is something that stands out about the Bible that can help you have faith in it... the Bible is the only book that has never failed to have any of it's prophecies fulfilled. Some of the Bible's prophecies contain very specific details as well, the likes of which no man could predict without the help of a higher being. So do continue to keep praying, but also read you Bible daily and it will guide you in drawing closer to God.
Why not simply read the ONLY Holy Scripture extant and follow its supremely-valuable dictates?
I cannot get enough of Dr. Ehrman so quietly, so completely, and so irrevocably correcting mis-apprehension after mis-interpretation after mis-representation. Apologists will shout and gesticulate but the facts have no need of such displays. They simply are the facts, and to have them delivered with such a soft-spoken, calming charm is exactly the scholarship we need.
Thank you both. It is always a treat.
If he was so smart he would know that Jericho was a military stronghold and no children were there. You can go and look at the text yourself. It never mentioned children being killed.
@@bbq4323 were women there?
I only know of one and she was spared due to her cooperation but they were told to kill men and woman. Do you think that a woman should be spared because she is s woman. A woman is just as capable of evil and also killing you as a man. So any argument you have for that is completely irrelevant.
@@bbq4323 The report of what happened at Jericho is not a fully detailed history of the event. Perhaps the killing of children was not written about or it was excised.
@@bbq4323 your lack of clarity regarding this is astonishing
Well of course they changed it. You don't think a pamphlet to help the poor and needy would ever give any one power and line their pockets, do you?
I love it 😆
oh Lordy Jesus just give a rest already~@@ring-tone278
@MrKit9 What do you believe exists within the socalled corrupted New Testament that would indicate a transfer of money and power from the lowly to the powerful?
A perfect excuse not to read it anyway and try to be a righteous man!
That was a great reply.
Many Christians worship the Bible as though it were an idol. This always bothered me.
Bibliolatry! It follows from sola scriptura. The KJVO mob challenge me, as though we had to wait 1600 years. I have an old Kjv, it looks like a grimoire.
Idol loves you because your life so miserably painful. Idol loves you although you got no one to love.
@Bible-Christian naw man I'm not into Islam. But you're the closest to getting the point so far. I don't call myself a Christian either. I tend to identify more with Gnostics.
@@Narsty_Boy...Gnostics are inbetweeners. He is there, but maybe not. Knowing things just don't happen without a cause and purpose. All created has a creator. Intelligence 101.
Yes there are legalists that claim Christianity and hold ridiculous traditions such as only reading from the King James Bible. But…
Let’s be honest. An Atheist believing everything came from nothing is miles dumber then some tradition on what Bible version people ascribe too.
I grew up in the 100 Acre Wood. We were taught that the Book of Pooh and the Life of Piglet were Canon. As I grew up I realized that, this may have been corrupted.
Ok, but how was the honey? 🍯
I’m glad you made it out. Living life that way sounds like a real Eeyore.
So you were a follower of a character who went around without pants?
Hehe. “Book of Pooh”
@@ring-tone278It is not “The greatest story ever told”. It’s a good short story to make you go “Hmmmm?”. The original gospel of “Mark” is quite different from most folks idea of Xianity.
"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." Voltaire
Voltaire had no qualification to talk about this matter
See this : Exorcism: World leading Psychiatric Authority speaks out " with Richard Gallagher.
Atheismus Gas nothing to do with science and reality.
And religion almost ended when the scoundrels Marx, Trotsky Stalin and Adolf Hitler met a whole pack of fools.And even the French Republic began when Robespierre found a pack of his own
That's great, thank you. 👍
@@alexeichoquet7822 A simple question: Animals want to live their lives just like u do. U thank God for giving life to u & also for giving life to animals for u to take their lives & eat them. Don't u see how they've tricked you to believe in an imaginary God by fooling u to arrogantly ignoring your hypocrisy & narcissism?
Christianity is not religion. It is you who call it religion to add your own list. ❤
When I did my undergraduate work under C.K. Barrett in Theology at Durham in the UK way back in the 1970s, the first example of ‘scribal corruption’ that was discussed was 1 John chapter 5:7(‘as it is written, Only by the testimony of two or three witnesses shall there be enough evidence to establish facts in a case in order to pass any [including death] sentence-and we have three witnesses even the blood, the water & the spirit’ where the scribes after the year 450 CE began changing the text to read, ‘even the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit’… which is a deliberate scribal corruption of the earlier handwritten ms copies done ‘to place the text more in line with what pass’d for ‘later trinitarian orthodoxy’ which is not otherwise found in NT canonical texts …
The Trinity is not based on one passage and was understood long before the scribal error entered into the text.
BTW, the passage never talked about "it is written by the testimony of two or three witnesses shall there be enough evidence to pass a death sentence-and we have three witnesses".
The original was . "6This is the One who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ-not by water alone, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies to this, because the Spirit is the truth. 7For there are three that testify:b 8the Spirit, the water, and the blood-and these three are in agreement." If you want, I can show you in Greek.
@@mistermurtad2831 - the mangled Greek text copies of 1 John chapter 5 seem to make overt references to Torah (Deuteronomy 19:15) which is muffled by the Greek translation - would you like me to quote the unpointed paleoHebrew source in Torah for you ? Can you even read unpointed paleoHebrew? Just curious is all - btw textual corruption we see in the later copies are tantamount to downright forgeries - one shudders to imagine how many other deliberate changes of the ‘ur-text’ had been made especially in the earliest copies of the canonical Greek NT which very often did not comply with later orthodoxy as is the case with 1 John chapter 5…
Also where in any early NT text would you find any reference at all to trinitarian doctrine ? Hint : you won’t find any reference to the ‘trinity’ in any ms written prior to 360 CE - just sayin’
Also ‘by the testimony of 2 or 3 witnesses shall any accusation of guilt be confirm’d in court [some DSS include ‘including capital offences’] - the citations of Torah and other Hebrew-Aramaic texts by the author of the 4th canonical Greek gospel (‘according to Yohanon ho Presbuteros’ whoever he was) is often partial / fragmented or very faulty- especially in clumsy English translations which carry over the errors in the Greek-
for example ‘For, lo, it is written : the Salvation of Yisroel [in the north] shall come from Yehudah [i.e. in the south]’ from ‘the testaments of the 12 patriarchs being the sons of Yakkov’ [see The Testament of Naphtali chapter 13) which was originally regarded as ‘defiling the hands’ (I.e. holy writ) by the earliest messianic Nazorean churches and is grossly mis-quoted in Greek in John 4:22 rendered as ‘for salvation is from the Jews’ with any reference to ‘Yisroel’ carefully removed from the logion…
Other extra-canonical books ‘quoted as holy scripture’ in the NT include Jude 1:14-17 (‘as it is written in the scroll of the book of the words of Henoch 7th from Adam : in that Day YHWH himself shall descend upon the mount of olives with myriads of his holy ones with him in order to pass Judgement upon all flesh…’ and also ‘the Book of the Assumption of Moses’ where Santanas quarrels over the corpse of Moses etc.
Both ‘the Book of the Words of Henoch, son of Jared, seventh from Adam’ & ‘the Book of the Testaments of the 12 patriarchs being the sons of Yakkov’ are still to this day regarded as ‘defiling the hands as holy canonical scripture’ in the Aethiopian Christian churches who have preserved a number of compleat Dead Sea scrolls in their own Q’ez Aethiopic translations greatly aiding the reconstructions of these texts (which also include ‘Jubilees’ aka ‘the Book of the Divisions of the Times of the Torah as they are sub-divided into their Jubilees & Week-Years from the beginning of Creation to the Tiqqun on the Day of Judgement of all Flesh’ - so the ‘new Testament canon’ was still very fluid before the late 4th century in terms of what books ‘were suitable for reading in the churches’ on weekly services …
@@theophilos0910 You are importing what is not there. You qualifier "seems to" proves is it not definitive and I can ignore it as speculation.
One is Matthew 28:19. But you are looking for a simplistic verse. It is not that simple. It is looking at how Christ speaks of himself, his father and the Holy Spirit. It is a cumulative case and not a clear statement.
If you are interested in more, there are many videos what cover the subject better than I can in a brief YT reply.
@@mistermurtad2831 - you do not provide a shred of evidence for your trinitarian fantasies in the canonical Greek New Testament - please show me a single sentence - outside of the deliberate forged scribal corruptions in 1 John chapter 5:17ff - that state ‘father, son & holy ghost’ being expressed as a trinity - some ‘Christians’ like to point to protoIsaiah chapter six (‘and, lo, I heard them all chanting together Qadosh Qadosh Qadosh (‘holy holy holy’) as proof of the existence of trinitarian doctrine in the Hebrew Scriptures but this is nothing but imaginative fantasy - much like the presence of trinitarian doctrine in the canonical Greek New Testament handwritten texts which lack any reference to this formula … read the Greek canonical NT over very very closely to get a rough idea of what I mean
@@ring-tone278 - I cannot see what point you are trying to make here - R. Yehoshua bar Yosef the Galilean Nazir (c. BCE 13/12 to 36 CE) aka ‘Jeezuss’ was not part of any gentile-loving movement but was a highly political member of the ‘house of David’ who had little concern for ‘hagoyyim’ (non-Jews) if we are to believe the racist-Zionist vomit plac’d into the mouth of a ‘Greek-speaking Iesous’ in the canonical Greek gospels-see for example the xenophobic attitude towards that poor (but tirelessly stubborn) syrophonecian Gentile in ‘Matthew 15 (whoever he was…) who had manag’d somehow to break through the cordon of disciples and throw herself at his feet begging that her daughter be cured of a ‘bleeder-Daemon’ in need of an exorcism:
‘Lady the barEnasha (‘son of man’ see AramaicDaniel chapter 7:13-26) was sent
O-N-:L-Y (Gk. monos) to the elect of the lost sheep of the house of Yisro’el-and anyway since when would it be right to snatch the bread of the sons of the kingdom out of their mouths & throw it away on [calevin : unclean-gentile] dogs under the table ?’
Calevin is a nasty pejorative us’d to refer to gentiles in the Dead Sea scrolls which were still being copied out during his lifetime (‘avoid at all times gentiles, dogs & other unclean animals’) so you can see a glimpse of the non-universality of ‘Jesus’ if we are to believe the racist-vomit in the canonical gospel material especially in ‘Matthew’ …
Most people to-day who stile themselves ‘Christians’ do not follow ‘the Torah of Moses promulgated by Jesus’ but are in fact ‘Pauline Christians’ bas’d on the preachy epistles of Shaoul of Tarsus in Cilicia (present-day Turkey) who never even met this person in the flesh in his whole entire life-only in dreams & visions like my gardener who regularly sees ‘the Holy Virgin’ in his morning toast…
There is no inherent ‘universal salvation message’ in the actual Torah-abiding teachings of Jesus or his Daviddic blood brother James who took over the ‘Jesus movement’ even tho’ he was not a disciple but soley based on his Daviddic bloodline - even Shimeon bar Yonah (‘Kefah’ = ho Petros, aka ‘Peter’) had to report to him as leader in Yerushalayim-who demanded circumcision of gentiles & strict Torah observance including animal sacrifices even long-after the execution of his brother for arm’d sedition against the state during THE Insurrection (see Mark 14:52-57) at Pesach of 36 CE marking the 100 year anniversary of the Roman military occupation of Judaea since Pompey’s invasion of 63 BCE…
Your jejune comments seem to know none of this … why is that, do you think ?
Of course these writers tried to corrupt the text; their goal was never truth - just control.
Very true
Control? Of what? How ignorant
to control 'YOU', to ask what, How Ignorant. @@WhiteDove73-888
@@WhiteDove73-888slave owners once manipulated the Bible to control slaves.
@@WhiteDove73-888control on others with their different in sexuality, ethnicity, gender, gender roles and religion. This kind of bible is the root cause of Man made war we know today like the Holocaust.
The big problem in my opinion is that the books don't even go back to its alleged authors. Jewish sources for example confirm that the scribe Ezra re-established the torah after it has been forgotten. Many passages of todays torah cant even have been written by Moses and can only have been written long after Moses, e.g. the passage which says that until this day Moses grave is unknown or that until today there was no prophet like Moses in Israel. So there must have been a long time between Moses and the text written. Genesis also doesnt mention Moses once. There are so many problems alone with the allegded books Moses.
In order for some text to have been written by the Moses character, require that the Moses character to have been a tiny bit more than mere myth!
@@jipersson yeah, my pre assumption is that he existed. But even if not, several passages and sources confirm that the books of Moses cant go back to someone called Moses (even if it wasn't a historical figur) which also disqualifies the Nt, which quotes Jesus confirming every single word and letter of the law/torah.
Matthew 5:17-18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not *the smallest letter or stroke of a letter* shall pass from *the Law,* until all is accomplished
This is also problematic when we see that there are no single "words" but many different versions, e.g MT, DSS and the Lxx versions or the samarithan torah
It would be a bigger problem if Moses was, unless he was identified in the first person as the author! Which of course could/would be a lie.
@@edwardmiessner6502 other books in the bible refer to Moses as the author and some passages in the books attributed to Moses make the same claim.
@@JopJio And quoting the Jesus character require him having been at least a historical character, not to mention the decades between him allegedly having said something to some scribe writing said quote.
I remember reading in Genesis (Garden of Eden)--well over a decade ago--that not only would women suffer greatly in childbirth BUT they'd be ruled over by men and treated as doormats. The latter seems to have disappeared from the Scriptures.
BTW, Jesus never described himself as God, the Father, but as the son of God. He described the Father, the source of all life, Yahweh, as perfect and the greatest of all. Jesus said He only said and did what He heard and saw the Father doing.
In versions of The Bible I've read, Jesus renamed Simon 'Cefus' which means 'rock'. Jesus said, 'Upon this rock I will build my church.' Makes perfect sense as Jesus spoke of building a house upon a rock---giving it a strong foundation--instead of upon sand which wasn't sturdy or lasting.
Jesus said: " I and the father are one"
@CharlesBrighton-mr4ev - he also said "I pray that they (his disciples) may be one, just as you Father are in me & I am in you, that they may also be in us!"
The holy Word of God... through the authentic pen of lying Christian scribes! (Credit to Kenneth Humphries)
Biography of Jesus written by ignorant followers
Jeremiah 8:8 had nothing to do with Christians.
@@michellesmith5436 So lying Jewish scribes too. But Bart's a New Testament scholar so we were talking about the New Testament, agreed?
Well, there are a lot of Christian scholars with different views… everyone loves to listen to what is against it. But I would love to ask, why are you against Christianity?
Not Christians...children of Israel after freed from captivity from Babylon. Stole all the stories engraved in stone. They had job functions during their captivity that exposed their scribes to the truths engraved in stone in their remote past. Changed names,dates...the words.
I read one of Bart D. Ehrman’s books the same year I turned 30 years old, and I could never return to my Christian faith. I grew up in the born-again, non-denominational denomination, which I now view as a fundamentalist cult. And I credit Dr. Ehrman with pulling me out of it. I am turning 42 this year, and it has been a long and challenging exodus, but I am so grateful to have come across his work 12 years ago.
Yup the bible is harry potter from 2000 yrs ago
You lost your faith because Jesus actually didn't die for your sin...the Roman soldier who want captured Jesus didn't catch him because Jesus change his appearance to some one else...The Roman soldier crucified the wrong person
No need to lean on man's own understanding...
Bart D. Ehrman won't help you when you're face to face with our Creator on Judgement Day, though. I'm sorry to hear that you turned away from the one true faith and the one true living God of the Bible. I did too for some years. But I've returned like the prodigal son. Daily Dose Of Wisdom is one good channel I'd recommend, which is operated by a former atheist, if you're curious enough to see why Bart D. Ehrman's foolish atheism is wrong from more of a scientific perspective. God bless. ✝️
@@LennyCash777 Some are just not grounded enough in biblical studies, textual criticism, etc. They are the seed that gets thrown on thin soil. It grows fast but soon dies out.
God's providence determined our bibles today. Some worry over 'editing', textual variances among differing manuscripts, etc. Indeed, a stumbling block to those who lack wisdom.
I've read Dr. Ehrman's "theories" on the resurrection (outline of them and on other sites, to clarify). Inspiring Philosophy (excellent UA-cam channel, he's a theistic evolutionist - has good content) did an excellent analysis on all the alternate theories of the resurrection and included Ehrman's. None make any sense and assume an anti-supernatural bias. Despite centuries of critics....the tomb is still empty. The resurrection alt theories fail.
And when the conclusion points to our Lord's resurrection from death, we must look at the entire bible from that lens.
Oh, and Ehrman saying "O.T. God of wrath...N.T. God of only love" what gibberish. Nonsense. Jesus in the gospels warned of eternal damnation more so than the O.T. books. Even the famous John 3:16 verse, "For God so loved the world, that He sent His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him SHOULD NOT PERISH but have everlasting life." Jesus warns us often (as a loving father warns his son or daughter to behave, etc.)
This guy is real intellectual I heard him saying, I don’t know, we don’t know yet that means he is a true academic. I can trust his book I decided to buy all his books. Thank you.
I agree with Prof Bart here. JW are busy changing their bible right now and 10 years from now, it will be totally different.
JW's are a cult, of course they are changing their bible. It was a changed bible from the beginning.
The Tora is not what Jews study. They are only taught from the Cabala, which is that Jews are superior to all others who are supposed to serve them.
Why not simply read the ONLY Holy Scripture extant and follow its supremely-valuable dictates?
Bart does not mention the community of Ebionite Jewish-Christians who lived in a walled village on the Western Hill of Jerusalem ( believed in the time of Constantine to go back 200 years from then). Their synagogue was once a large house dating from before 70 CE which some scholars think was the main meeting place of the 1st century Jewish-Christians.
When I became a Christian, its not because I read the bible but just because I found Jesus through my prayer and its not just one time that he answered me but many time. So I guess I dont need to understand too much detail about what Jesus said or who wrote the scripture since no human author is perfect. The more you suspect the scripture the more you will find yourself unsatisfied, disappointed and unhappy. Without relationship with Jesus Christ, not just reading the scripture but also devoted prayer time, you will never know him and your life will be always unanswered.
They dont want that.
imagine you found satan through your prayer, maybe you're satanic now. because devoting satanic might be correct to isnt? that is why to start worshiping you need knowledge and logic. dont be a blind worshipper
@@muhammadnurdin7782 Are the muslims full of knowlege as they ALLWAYS pretend? Well nothing, historicaly,in Religion prove that.The Quran has no link to Tora or NT
@@muhammadnurdin7782 Oh..that's your logic. I see. Wish you the best brother.
I totally agree. Also, see Rom 8:14 in this regard. Or will these learned scholars say that this verse is also corrupted? Bottom line: For a believer, know proof is required. For a non believer, know proof will suffice.
Bart Erman is an honest scholar trying to make the best sense he can of fragmentary evidence. So far so good. But interesting as it undoubtedly is, its utterly irrelevent to answering the only question that really matters. Socrates asked the immortal question: how should one live? The example set by Jesus of Nazareth is not such a bad answer (it’s encapsulated in the Sermon on the Mount btw). Unfortunately, some people don’t seem to be able to see the wood for the trees.
People ask me how I feel about religion, to which I respond it's awful. One of man's worst creations. Jesus though, Jesus I love and consider daily. He has always been my rebel. I love your comment.
Unfortunately, even this teaching of His (the so-called sermon on the mount) is translated terribly and with obvious textual errors.
I'd rather hear this agnostic than the multitude of liars who call themselves (against his advice) pastors and reverends and ministers....
Yes, he was a rebel like Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, and John were. He is the Coming One, the King of a new City of God, for a renewed mankind.
@@hans.stein. Except that there is no solid evidence that any of them actually ever existed except as words on a scroll. So, I prefer to live my live without becoming a slave to myth and mystery.
It is a bad answer. Jesus didn't even have a wife or a girlfriend. That's a pretty essential part of life. Itinerant preaching is no way to live
A person on here said we don’t know any of this for sure . I think their are Scholars who have studied for years and pulled back the layers
I think some of them are sit on with the critical thinking that they do .
Thanks Dr. Erhman
For all that you teach we need it now more than ever .
I'm certainly not atheist but Bart Ehrman does present many truths and makes a lot of sense. There's no way the Bible is 100% accurate and truthful. He points out errors or contradictions that when you check them out, you will find he's right.
What errors and what contradictions?
I question Paul's authority. Imo he changed the message to idol worship of yeshua
Paul is responsible for the spread of Christianity as a religion surrounding the death of Jesus. But he isn't the one who invented it.
The only reason Paul even knows about Jesus as some sort of god who supposedly died for people's sins is because the people he was persecuting believed that already before he converted! The deification of Jesus occured shortly after his death; a rationalisation from his followers trying to explain why their Messiah was slaughtered on a cross.
@@julianmcmillan2867 idk they would have known the prophecies from Isaiah and would have known the Messiah would be rejected and still save the world. Hell there was Greeks who already were God fearers. Paul went straight to them and preached his gospel. But did yeshua make a mistake choosing his apostle for someone else to start up his church? And turn him into God? How could Paul start 10 churches before the 12 apostle even got started in Jerusalem and Israel ? I would say he had knowledge of the prophecies and knew about the God fearers who believe in the Isaiah prophecies
@@julianmcmillan2867 I'm not sure Paul is the one to fully credit for the spread of Christianity, like each and every religion that has widely spread, it was through political/military means and the starting point of that was the conversion of the emperor Constantine I and the Constantinian shift, from that point forward, Christianity went from a fringe cult to a state religion of probably the most powerful Empire on earth at the time, the Christians who were persecuted became the persecutors but were ironically far more efficient at it since they relatively quickly wiped out the previously established polytheistic religion using the newly acquired power which was weaponized against competing cults.
@kydenj28 Interesting Idea. JESUS himself, Nor HE (GOD) WHO SENT HIM,
@@travisdiveley1652 right. The temple is within. And the kingdom of God is upon. Its already here.
I of the popes pointed out how religion was so profitable and we are still today as you guys are right now
I'm still standing with God's words no matter what..
Which god and which words?
And any evidence?
Good for you. God Bless. These people act like they are the only people to study this stuff. I listen to scholars all the time and they would eat this guy alive.
Apart from those scholars are a minority and have no evidence to back them.
The majority of biblical scholars agree with Bart that the bible is man made historically scientifically and morally wrong.
Good Allah loves you too hun.
How can I believe someone born in 19 centuries while the words of God from thousand years ago…
Ehrman's apostasy is not a product of his research. On the contrary, his research is the product of an already lost faith in Goodness:
"I just didn’t believe it any more. This wasn’t because I was a biblical scholar... All that was irrelevant.... What was relevant was the very heart of the Christian claim that God loves his people.... I came to think there was no such God, and decided that I had no choice but to abandon my faith and leave the Christian tradition" (Bart Ehrman)
Sounds very sensible. I have come to similar conclusions myself.
Do you mean the diety of the bibles? If so, "goodness" would be an utterly erroneous term.
What was the exact language in the texts of the original writings? Will we ever know? Dr. Ehrman is passionate to find out! So are we!
@daniele.3361how do you know? Jesus didn’t speak those. And the followers he had wouldn’t have either. There are no originals so you’re simply guessing
@@Rokaize : Even if something is an "original" text, how do we know that the text is absolutely true word for word? Humans lie, exaggerate and embellish stories.
Suppose to be Aramaic. But, yeah, who truly knows.
There is no mystery about that. The original languages are:
Hebrew and a little Aramaic in the Old Testament
Koine Greek in the New Testament
God bless; I am a Christian believer who believes there is corruption from within the original texts. May gods truth be fully found!!
God will show you the truth.
But don't we usually have to do most of the work?
In Augustine's day... in Torquemada's, definitely... or in Calvin's?
Or, in Pope Paul III's... as mess, after, mess, schism... after schism... and war, after war... erupted?
Also, there was the pretty prolonged, slave trade, too...
So truth, seemed a bit hit and miss oftentimes, back then.@@fairyprincess911
@RobKoch1962 from reading into the earliest sects; I can see Elements of them all in there, ebionite , Marcionite and Gnosticism. I base my experience in knowing the Holy Spirit; knowing the presence of God in me, to guide me. I don’t worship the Bible. The Holy Spirit came to guide us into all truth as Jesus said; they had no New Testament bibles at that time. No one did; it happened over time. That’s just it; they had only the Holy Spirit and the apostles to guide people, and this is where it got lost in translation and multiple sects developed on those things they didn’t have a full explanation on. Each group naturally Believed they were following the right way toward Jesus. Before the canon ever existed. That earliest group of apostles as We are told knew the Holy Spirit who was guiding them to truth. That earliest church was Holy Spirit filled; in 33 ad. For sometime. We can imagine they spread out for a while.
@RobKoch1962 Why would anyone rely on the word of man? I rely on the word of god that emanates from inside me.
@@fairyprincess911 : What is your evidence that the "word" of god is actually from a god?
These are the issues that I've had even as a child, that totally conflict with a loving God. So much violence, hatred, misogyny; who could could believe in this stuff? I think Constantine should be cursed for spreading and propagating this horrible religion.
Your thinking is right.For certainty Constantine was the One horn of the fourth beast in Daniel seven.
See how they change the that mouth of the little horn...some will wrote boastfully,some wrote it saying great things etc.But we know that in 325CE that great blasphemy in Nicea that God has taken a son.
@daniele.3361 Let see how you interprete the whole of Daniele 7.
Jesus Christ……….The same yesterday……..Today……..And Forever……………..showing us God as loving and caring and on our side🕊️
Every single Christian I know quotes Joshua 1:9 without realizing that what the Jews did in the book of Joshua is no different than what Hamas is doing nowadays. 🤡🤡🤡
You got that right !
The book is meant to be a Jewish book. It’s not for the rest of humanity.
Joshua 1:9
New International Version
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
A lot of Christians I know of use this verse when going for an interview or job hunting or surgery or the Labor Ward...
I still don't get your point...
The verses of Joshua do not help anybody making God seem compassionate.
Plus nobody reads the full Bible.
If anybody did they would probably almost pass out or be disturbed if they even care about others at all.
Imagine scholars debating the validity of Lord of the Rings or Herry Potter 2000 years from now?....
Imagine your imagination, wow... 😂
@@andrevisser7542brilliant retort.wellthought out.clever
Imagine God is real ... And you mock him and poke fun for an entire lifetime is the more important question.
@@jackripper5270 Imagine out of the 29,000 known gods in history your praying to the false one? ...that's even worse!
J R R Tolkien and J K Rowling acknowledge they were writing fiction. The Bible purports to be the Ultimate Truth. Thus "debating" fiction would be quite different from debating that which is presented to be the Truth. Usually, you like a work of fiction or you don't, you don't have to concern yourself that you are destined for Hell due to your opinion.
Shoutout for the Skyrim soundtrack in the opening! hahahahah well done :)
Oh Lord my God how glorious is your holy word! I am so very grateful and blessed to praise you oh God of my righteousness and my salvation! You strike the blind of heart and hide your ways from all your enemies and the crooked and ungodly. You alone oh God are holy and perfect in all of your ways! Guide me by the still waters that i may dwell in the house of the Lord now and forever!
The trinity is such a cluster fuck of a theology 😅. There are 3 distinct persons but there's only 1 god. The 3 are equal, but they're different. They're equal, but there's clearly a hierarchy.
I've heard Christians say God can't break the rules of logic but they seem to suspend this when it comes to the trinity. They just need to admit its nonsense and they're really polytheists.
They already believe in angels and the devil and demons. So they already accept numerous divine, supernatural beings. That's already polytheism. Drop the bogus trinity and at least retake logical consistency. Because they currently have the worst of all possible options. Logically contradictory polytheism.
Sometimes a made up story becomes better with a modification.
Sometimes it is required to fill a logical hole in the original story.
Sometimes the society changed and previously accepted things are not accepted anymore, so a change is applied.
But why nobody has cut the slavery related parts from the book?
It seems that was widely accepted the time that book has been written.
Another question is (based on current time morals) how can you corrupt an originally corrupt text?
My question is - how do scholars arrive at an approximate date for the New Testament Gospels? Simple question but I’ve never heard a convincing answer.
@daniele.3361 is this through carbon dating?
They can't prove any of this!
The read them an look for historic hints. So they date the gospels usually past 70AD because that’s when the temple was destroyed and the gospels read as if that’s already happened. They then look for further info in the text or when someone else references that text. So I guy called Papias mentions the gospel of mark in his lifetime and we know he died around 130 AD. Therefore mark must have been written between 70and130 AD. That’s a very dumb sound explanation
Do not let anyone weaken your faith. If you are truly saved by our lord and savior you know the truth.
You're being deceived...people are willfully ignorant and don't want truth.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Jesus declared, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
And what do you belive in? Evolution? Aliens? The alphabet communita? Nictze? Tell us oh wise one.
No, you don't know the truth, you know the bullshit you've been fed.
Even though bible was not perfect, but as Christian do praying and asking for guidance, God will guide our way. Since there is no perfect book related with religion. 😊
It’s interesting that no one considers Bart Ehrman to be fallible. There are counter arguments to what Ehrman says and yet none of you atheist zealots will look beyond Ehrman’s so-called truths. His understanding of scripture is not infallible.
Those counter arguments sum down to no evidence therfor god, the universe therfor god and so on so yea h
@ Wow! What a brilliant rebuttal, so logical, so reasoned, and full of an excellent explanation as to why not. 🤣
@SilverSurfer5150 by all means, please with that attitude, provide your evidence of God so I can smash it to smithereens using the most sarcastic satirical verbal slap rebuttal because all you've done is slander Bart ( which I can only assume is bart is very good at pointing out that the proof of supernatural events are null And contradictions in the bible are many) so by all means let's hear what the world has been waiting for and apologists everywhere have yet to prove and determine right here, right now in this youtube comment section by you. Because I do have a feeling you won't deliver. Quick to jump on Bart but nonetheless unable to support or prove any of it yourself is what I will assume will happen but by all means you have the floor.
Erhman isn't worried about the information that he may encounter which is false. He just bashes Christianity because it is lucrative for him. He is one person, one opinion and he is not the best one.
The man we call Jesus wasn't trying to start a church or new religion. After extensive research it's obvious that Jesus came around to simply bring a message of hope and mystery. Too, it's also obvious that Jesus was trying his best to warn the Jews about their false God YHWH.
Huh???? Do you have any idea what you are talking about?
The man we call Jesus is a Greco-roman demi god (god/man) invented by the Romans to unite the roman empire under a new one world religion (christendom) and to bring all pagan religions under one main pagan god, jesus ..
This Jesus is a different character, which the scriptures call the Anti-Christ, then the real Messiah of Israel, the man from Nazareth, the one who became the Son of YHWH
@@ShemaHaTorahother way round mate.
"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
It's not just Protestants who refute the interpretation of Matthew's gospel meaning that Christ meant to build a church upon the person of Peter: Orthodox Christians, too, insist that "rock" means Peter's confession of faith. They claim the upper hand in interpretation, since the New Testament was originally written in Greek.
Who cares if Catholics interpreted that differently, IF Jesus itself was not God, not divine and this the whole religion is fake?
All that remains is Greek because the Orthodox with the backing of Rome ordered all other scripture not in line with their theology collected and destroyed. One of many outcomes from Nicene not talked about as it would be too upsetting to the largest religion on earth.
the text where the concept you mention is found is in Matthew.. well matthew was originally written in Hebrew not greek
The true church is built on the lord Jesus christ the Apostles and the prophets the chief cornerstone being Jesus christ Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom of God to.peter he open the true church on the day of. Pentecost after God poured out his Spirit 120 disciples were filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with tongues Acts 2 1-4 then Peter preached the thousands of jews Acts 2:36-38 when they heard this they said unto.peter what shall we do to be saved then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of jesus christ and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit.3000 souls believed and got baptized
@@davidortega357 If you hold scripture as fact kinda funny you ignore Acts 15, where Peter & Paul express their concern on a serious issue yet James is the one making the final decision. Absolutely several leading modern scholars with good reason believe a congregation of elders headed by James the Just centered in Jerusalem lead the original followers of the Way. According to scripture & supposably in his own words Peter went on to Babylon spreading the good news.
Just want to infer about this for anyone with more information, when Jesus asks his disciples “who do people say that I am”, this is very similar to the verses in the gospel of Thomas found at Nag Hammadi where Jesus asks the disciples (something along these lines) “Who or what can you say I am like?” Peter says a holy angel, Matthew saying He is like a wise philosopher, but Thomas responded that he could not possibly put to words who he is like. Jesus pulls Thomas aside and speaks three words to him privately, with Thomas returning saying he can’t tell the others what Jesus said or else they would throw stones at Jesus. Anyone with any insight on this?
Thomas reflects an esoteric understanding of who the Savior was. His true teaching is revealed only to those who can receive it.
Maybe, Jesus told Thomas he was not the son of Yahweh but the son of ,"El Elyon- the Most High."
Thank you for producing this video!
You and Bart are great together! 🎉
“The position I argue for in Misquoting Jesus does not actually stand at odds with Prof. Metzger’s position that the essential Christian beliefs are not affected by textual variants in the manuscript tradition of the New Testament.”
“We can reconstruct the original text of the New Testament with reasonable, though not complete, accuracy. The vast majority of changes found in our early Christian manuscripts have nothing to do with theology or ideology. Far and away, the most common changes are simple slips of the pen, errors in copying.”
“The more I studied the manuscript tradition of the New Testament, the more I realized just how radically significant it was that we have thousands of copies. The New Testament is far better attested than any other book from antiquity in terms of the number of surviving manuscripts.”
“With the abundance of manuscripts that we have, scholars are able to reconstruct the original text with a high degree of accuracy, even if we can’t always be absolutely certain about every word.”
In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1
I never link God or Jesus to the Bible... I also beleve is very currupted, missing books and many errors to the books of the Bible..
Thomas was a gnostic writer.
@daniele.3361 Yes there is...Look it up.
Not missing books. When it was canonized, they had to choose carefully , if they had taken all... we would be carrying a huge bible when we go to church. Also, most books left out were apocryfa or gnostics, which was not acceptable... and catholics included them. Gnostics are sometimes made up stories... like the infancy gospels which were children stories. Errors will always be there in any printing system. You have a computer today to rectify mistakes before printing.
Ernest Hemingway was an American writer.
one of my first books when i was doing my MA in Religious Studies, Misquoting Jesus was one of my first books...
@daniele.3361 back it up or please don't leave comments...
@@yassasloan7308she can't back it up. She will not be responding.
Thanks for sharing and great show. I have a huge respect to our Christian brothers for their bravery searching the truth in the scriptures! A salute from a Muslim!
I've learned so much from Dr. Ehrman and respect him as a scholar. Nonetheless, I hear things sometimes that I think are worth challenging.
9:02 Dr. Ehrman couldn't quite get himself simply to answer his question with a "yes". But he was on the right general direction, if obtuse.
9:34 "Kill them all. It didn't actually happen. I mean these are stories." - Didn't happen? What's the evidence for denying that they did what they said they did? We don't know if this did or didn't happen but they wrote about it as if it did. Dr. Ehrman, like most people, finds the details disturbing. So he'd like to think these are "stories". But the fact is, he hasn't got evidence to back up his belief. Why shouldn't we take the text at its word on a point like this? Have horrific massacres and genocides never occurred?
36:00 Which is the most original form? It's certainly an interesting question, and particularly relevant if one is trying to resolve theological issues in order to bring current religious practice in line as close as possible with some kind of "original intent" on the part of Jesus. That would be a goal of religious scholars. However, for those scholars who are not religious, it's also interesting to see how texts and beliefs changed over time. Though I can't call myself a scholar, I am non-religious and mostly interested in this topic from a historical viewpoint.
Good analysis. It is just a story that might have or may not happened. With possible extreme extermination. If it was possible for the Christian Nations to exterminate the American Natives. Than it is possible for those more primitive people to do that.
Kind of like what is happening now with the Palestinians.
I agree, if you are going to read these things about the bloodshed in the Old Testament, it is more likely that it did happen as they wrote it, or else why would they waste time writing it at all. We know that there were all kinds of incidents around that time and after including the crusades where it is documented that 10,000 people, men, women, and children were be headed in the temple of Solomon in Jerusalem by the crusaders. This has been documented in journals of the Templar knights, and by historians. The blood was in such high quantity that it came up to the ankles of the Templars.
Also the kingdom of Christ did come 70 years after Christ crucifixion as told by Christ. There are Roman historians that documented that Christ did come from the clouds with his saints and 1000 years of Christs millennial kingdom did reign on Earth, and this has been covered up by the devil and his minions who have been released from the pit for a short season as told in the book of revelation.
He does think they murdered the children - he even justified it by stating they didn't wan't the children to grow up and rebel but it is a horrible thing to contemplate.
@@Ixtlan831 you confuse so many things together. Christianity is different in so many major and foundational ways from most record of events in the holistic Bible. You're also mixing up the pre-christian events with what is Christianity just because it's found in the so-called christian Bible(a very arguable and vague term implicitly). Show me one single non-allegorical commandment or virtue taught by Jesus Christ that espouses the killing and shedding of blood of any kind. Even animal sacrifices are not in his teaching. Complete personality of peace in the truest sense of it.
It's laughable to say Christian nations massacred Indians. I may even let it go if you had referred to the dastardly acts of the Crusade wars which were sanctioned be Rome's papacy that represents itself and not the faith, technically.
So what do you mean by Christian nations massacred Indians? Was there a christian nation at all? Has there even been one at all? Let Christians prove to you why that phrase "Christian nations" in itself is an error and antagonistic to the true faith itself.
Europeans and Indians fought and killed one another. That's the facts in history. Don't embellish history with your personal opinion because you must paint a religion in a certain way. Once again, Jesus Christ never ever led any battle, war or the killing of even a sacrificial animal. Not even once! Any such done in his name are for corrupt political excuses.
@@Ixtlan831 your comment in its end suggests Christians are exterminating Palestinians now as well? Or It's a typology of what you were saying about massacres being permissible in Christianity?
One question I have since the scriptures didn't say anything about this, is what would become of the children of these girls who had their families murdered who were taken as sex slaves when they would become pregnant and give birth? I wonder if the ancient Israelite men were using these girls to have sex with when they wouldn't want to get their Israelite wives pregnant, and if they were just killing the newborns? Because it says nothing about these War Brides bearing children for these Israelite men, so I just wonder if their sole purpose was to satisfy these men's sexual needs when they didn't want to get their wives pregnant, but kill The offspring to prevent impurity within the Israelite tribe was this ever a practice of the ancients?
Interesting question, commenting to be notified of any conversation that follows.
Any children of war brides will belong to the man same as any other children. It's very primitive behavior, You see this among lions, Mice, And chimpanzees.
I think since it says in some verses that it's forbidden to intermarry with Gentiles they would have sent the sl..ave and children away.
@@JopJio well in some of the stories in the Old Testament they were given permission to spare and keep the virgin girls as spoils and marry them, so apparently there were exceptions being made. But it's still begs the question since contraception and condoms didn't exist back then, that they would have inevitably gotten these girls pregnant and that is what I'm wondering what became of the newborns. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept the babies if they were female, but I have my doubts that they would have spared the males since the same Mercy wasn't extended to any of the males in the stories where the Israelites were commanded to kill everyone except for the virgin girls.
The old testament teaches "magic" on how to create an abortion brew.
Thank you so much Dr Bahrt Erhman
I'd like to see someone train an AI to do biblical studies.
That would never work because of so much bias it's already saying that people interpret the scriptures in different ways but according to Peter we shouldn't have our own private interpretation Jeffrey Daugherty the Christian whistleblower said that he has seen the cracks in the fandation of Big time religion people getting there ideas from other people instead of actually studying the scriptures and figuring this script out because that's exactly what this is a script
For what purpose. Thats not really how ai works. Training the model on what corpus and to what end? What is the model predicting and from what choices. How do you verify its prediction?
I already did, and the AI explained that the young man in the tomb in Mark 16:5 _was Jesus_ and that this was the true resurrection narrative. Intriguing!
The AI also said that the author of this narrative employed a literary device called _contradiction of expectation_ e.g., the tomb is unsealed when it is expected to be sealed, the tomb contains a living body when a corpse is expected, women are witnesses when men are expected, etc.
They recently trained an AI with a special camera to read thousands of years old scrolls without opening the scroll. This will allow people to read some scrolls without opening them. At least the outside layer(s).
I'd like to thank Bart Ehrman for his class on Moses and the Law. This is what I learned today:
The Hittites ruled from Turkey down through the Israel area about the time of Abraham, or before. When they conquered a people they made up Treaties that were to establish their rule and how they conquered them, as the opening, then followed the conditions imposed on the peoples. These type of treaties are called "Suzerainty Treaty" and we have at least one found that was written on stone and kept where the gods would guard over it. Sound familiar? The Treaty would give the expectation and the penalty for not abiding by it - like the Blessings and the Curses. One Suzerainty Treaty penalty was if a son were to strike his father, his hand would be cut off - things like that.
One of the first comments I received back on the ancient Shapira Scrolls Ten Decrees was - that's eleven, not ten.
Well, since it is obviously in the same format as the ancient Suzerainty Treaty - the first is establishing Who God is and how things came to be for our relationship - then follows the Ten Commandments - making the last one to keep them all to be one of the Ten, not just a summary, and what we presumed the first is establishing our relationship to God - Elohim.
I found this very interesting and helping to clarify things in "their" contemorary experience of these things in the ancient world - and they still show remarkable wisdom, so I still think God gave them - just info to help us see better.
I don’t think the Bible is corrupted, but it’s a confession of those who corrupted humanity and use fear to control.
I think we should start learning different things from the Bible if we are going to set ourselves free from these controllers.
And what things do you want me to learn? Do you want me to learn about the rape or the murder or the genocide, or the infanticide, or the talking animals or the ridiculous notion of someone walking on water and being resurrected? Exactly which of these dangerous nonsensical things, do you want me to take to heart?
Jesus died for you all! Have a wonderful day!
Jesus is God!
Nothing any of you will say can ever change my encounter with God, the happiness I take in his presence.
which one?
Now I have not seen anyone who has been baptized with the Holy Spirit or of Christ (Romans 8:9), in other words, they are unsaved (Mark 16:16) and cannot be called Christians, so right now there is no true church of Christ. "Church" has become a historical term, and there is no church today.
Jesus is the Messiah. King g of ki is. Not God. They are in one another. They are not one another. Reread from beginning to end of the bible. Original bibles. They changed it. The ones you all read now are changed.
Is this a joke ?
@@StillYHWHs No, they are not changed. The words are obviously changed, if it was in the original language not a single one of us would understand anything. Language grows with time, and so does it need newer translations, but that does not mean that the translators lie. God The Father, God The Son and The Holy Spirit. Trinity, 3 persons, 1 God.
Christianity has never been depended upon the perfect copy of the Bible. The Bible itself contains discrepancies, ambiguous parts, etc. Still, with all the 'problems' of the Bible, it has worked well in history in providing sufficient light for the doctrines and practices of Christian life. I'm a Korean and in our country, the Korean Bible has been the translation of the KJV, which was a translation from one of the Greek manuscripts, and that manuscript was a copy of one of the other copies! They say there are about 6000 NT copies! We Koreans have learned about God the Creator, about the Trinity, and about how Jesus Christ's death on the cross was atoning and redeeming. One thing I'm confident is that, my experience of Jesus Christ as my wonderful Lord and Saviour is in continuity with the experiences of the apostles of the first century had. This continuity has become real through the role of the 'imperfect Korean Bible' and also through the work of the Holy Spirit by that 'imperfect Korean Bible.' God has somehow wiped out all the original manuscripts of the Bible in history while letting the copies do the job. This implies three things: 1) No written copy of the Bible can be uplifted as absolute as God, 2) The imperfect copies of the NT and OT are sufficiently revelatory enough to provide the life-giving truths of Jesus Christ for those who trust and believe, and thirdly, 3) the existence of the discrepancies and ambiguities of the copies cannot be compelling enough to thwart the truth and reality of Jesus Christ who is the center of the Bible.
That’s what I believe too.
We don't know Ehrrnan says. Then he says I know that it has been corrupted. Huh? If you don't know what the original said, then how do you know it is corrupted. Huh? I'm done.
Yeah, and this Simpson character calls himself a Scholar. You can see how much a 'wise man' has dimished with time too. A corrupt scholar i say.
Dr. Nehemia Gordon, a Karaite Jew, and Keith Johnson, a Methodist Pastor, discuss the Torah, John 6:4 and many other gospel texts. Nehemiah is a translator that worked on the Dea Sea Scrolls as well as New Testament Versions. They can be found on you tube or Face book, etc. They were often guest speakers on Michael Rood's show, Shabbat Night Live. (Prophet Pearls and other sources.)
It's quite simple. The Bible is basically just a Story Book and should be treated as such
While I don't believe the bible is even remotely true, it's not at all simple and it's still having a huge impact on the lives of billions of people!
When people claim that the stories about killing babies or virgin girls as captive didn’t actually happened then you are also accepting that his book is not from God and actually has human made stories . So you might be able to save the morality of the religion but at the expense of religion itself.
Secondly, if war stories can be taken as something not actually happened then similar there is no proof that Moses received the 10 commandments.
The bible didn't really come from God like the Quran😂
The oldest most evil scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
@AtamMardes I agree with you, if somebody was to make up this type of a lie and cause countless people to die in vane for something that was not true. That would be an atrocity beyond all atrocities. The problem that you have is that you haven't done enough research to know the truth on this issue. Bart Ehrman, an agnostic, does believe that Jesus really existed 2,000 years ago, do you?
There is something that "The Druids," and groups like them understood intuitively (Change a word change the meaning.) Given how many times The Bible has been translated and retranslated, and had the language updated, is it any wonder that "Corrupted Translations" exist.
Someone from translation studies here: all translations are corruptions themselves.
The translations have been taken directly from the original manuscripts. The so called retranslated is a misconstruction, the updated language was still taken from the original manuscripts. The only corrupted scriptures are from dishonest people adding to or taking away from the scriptures.
You can (and should) still refer to the writings in the original languages and decide for yourself whether it is a good translation.
I certainly don't read just any translation, obviously the deceiver will try to hide or distort certain things that is important to understand to get saved.
@@andrevisser7542 : My point was and is "The meaning and intent of (The Holy Bible) has been forgotten for countless ages. Because of reinterpretation and language updates, not to mention translation into languages where words don't exist, you're stuck finding the closest match. That and last time I checked Sanskrit was considered a dead language.
@@petermarchi1935, no problem with the meaning and intent of the Bible, still telling the one same story starting with Genesis, ending with Revelation, the same story that can get you saved from satan's bondage, resurrect your spirit and restore your personal relationship with our Father, still doing what it was intended to do.
As I've said the old and new testament are still available in the original languages, you can decide for yourself what is good translations, just do a little homework of your own.
Without Christianity☦️ there is no Islam☪️. The Muslims always come to the Bible to prove their religion🙏 but yet they say the Bible is corrupt?
They can both be wrong - both books are riddled with corruption and utterly repugnant ideas.
Take the plank out of your own eye first. Thinking Christianity is better than Islam is like thinking leprosy is better than cancer. Low bar.
It is curious that the New Testament was written in scholarly Greek which only a few scholars of the area could understand. Do you think it was about the control of the masses? That is the core motivation of the clerics, then and now.
No it wasn't. It was written in common everyday Greek.
How does Bart know "people had collections of Paul's letters"? The first mention of a Paul is from Marcion who found the first known Pauline letter, Galatians.
God told him, prove him wrong
We can tell that the author of Mark, writing supposedly in the 70s, had Paul's letters, and Clement, because he cribbed from them absolutely shamelessly. Anywhere Paul argues an opinion, Mark has his Jesus just come out and say it, with no faffing about.
self evidence in the NT itself. Both peter and paul himself spoke of Paul's letters being copied and read in other churches. this practice began early on
Read Book of Heaven by Luisa Picaretta, Revelations given by Our Lord, it will change your life and eternity
Just wanna say, great probing and clarifying questions by the host. Something sadly absent in most these days. Long time student and learned much listening to this 😊
I follow Prof Ehrman consistently. I’m not evangelical or an apologist. Regardless of what we are learning these days regarding the historical text, isn’t it possible the historical events of Jesus were so extraordinary and impactful they were evident enough for oral tradition - making it into the book of Mark? Isn’t it valid the fraction of truth we have is enough to establish events actually took place? It seems there’s a trend of thinking that if there is even a minor contradiction or a translation issue it negates the entire book/writings. I get their have been many translations and wording changes, but at the end of the day why regardless of all these changes is there a continue reiteration of main events in the synoptics, and the emphasis of the resurrection in the remaining NT books. The video title ‘corruption’ is a strong word. Not sure I call this corruption.
Have you 'followed' the other side, too? Daniel Wallace's researches. It's only fair to see both sides.
@@lorenzor124 Hi, not sure if you are asking me, or the other poster. But if you are, yes.. I listen to all sides. It's interesting stuff indeed. I'm in shock, for how i believed what was taught to me without questioning anything years ago. Now, I have to deconstruct my beliefs because of what we are learning now form scholars.
Well said
I agree. There are erroneous details in the Bible and NT. So what? That's what you'd expect when you have a group of people accounting for a complex and supernatural event as well as the details of Jesus's life. The main themes are there from the beginning:
1) Jesus existed
2) Jesus claimed to be the Messiah
3) Jesus taught repentance, love, sacrifice
4) Jesus was crucified
5) Jesus's burial tomb was found empty by women on the 3rd day
6) Post death visitations of Jesus were experienced by over 500 people, and we have multiple first and second hand accounts of these
None of these facts are disputed by Historians. Even skeptical and agnostic historians like Bart Ehrman agree with all these points. They simply believe that the post death visitations of Christ weren't his resurrected body, but hallucinations, dreams, etc.
Two appearances, within the same generation, at the end of the ages. He comes like a thief in the night, come and gone. When they awake, the kings of the world will gather in a place called Armageddon, apparently, to beat their swords into plowshares. A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that... (Joh 10:10 NABO)
The way of the Lord in the desert needs to be put into context with the previous passage:
Sacrifice - Indeed, she has received from the hand of the LORD double for all her sins.
Resurrection - Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God! (Isa 40:2-3 NABO)
Just as it is appointed that human beings die - be judged - appear a second time, (so also Christ) Heb 9:27-28.
Jesus is a third-party Mediator to this world and these heavens, between you and the Father you spring from, the God of this world, Yahweh.
You will not always have me (Mat 26:11 NABO)
I am with you always, until the end of the age. (Mat 28:20 NAB)
My kingdom does not belong to this world. (Joh 18:36 NABO)
Where I am going you cannot come. (Joh 8:21 NABO)
Then I took my staff "Refuge" and snapped it asunder, breaking off the covenant which I had made with all peoples (Noahic covenant) (Zec 11:10 NABO)
Then I snapped asunder my other staff, "Heritage" (Deu 32:8) breaking off my brotherhood with (or between?) Judah and Israel. (Zec 11:14 NABO)
the one who ascended far above all the heavens themselves (Eph 4:10 NABO)
never to return to corruption (Act 13:34 NABO)
It looks like Jesus considers Peter to be the Father you spring from: And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church (Assembly - on the Mount), and the gates of the netherworld (Abyss) shall not prevail against it... (Jesus) turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle (the Adversary-stumbling stone) to me. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do." (Mat 16:18-23 NABO)
(Obstacle - 4625 ska,ndalon skandalon {skan'-dal-on} ("scandal") Meaning: any impediment placed in the way and causing one to stumble or fall, (a stumbling block, occasion of stumbling)
I am laying a stone in Zion, a stone that has been tested, A precious cornerstone as a sure foundation; he who puts his faith in it shall not be shaken. (Isa 28:16 NABO)
They stumbled over the stone that causes stumbling, as it is written: "Behold, I am laying a stone in Zion that will make people stumble and a rock that will make them fall, and whoever believes in him shall not be put to shame." (Rom 9:32-1 NABO)
The Son of David destroys all power, rule, and authority, 1Cor 15:25. In him, you have someone who can relate to you through his sacrifice. In David, the Cornerstone of Adam’s (the Christ), work of salvation, you have someone you can relate to through his salvation.
In (Jesus') name this man stands before you healed. He is 'the stone rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.' (Act 4:10-11 NABO)
Paul Was a roman citizen and he changed the Jesus message, created new beliefs, trinity, "
Love Dr. Ehrman.
In the beginning was the word. Then the word changed. And changed into something else. Then got added to, then subtracted from. Who know what the word originally said.
If, indeed, It said anything at all.
Playing telephone through scribes.
Poor translation 'the word', I guess Luther did it this way. In the beginning was the 'Logos' is the better translation, or at least closer to the meaning. Logos is consciousness, consciousness is headed to become a higher quality, less entropie, simple: love.
This is a training ground for consciousness where 'we' (our avatars, egos) live in. We're consciousness. A fractal of a bigger fractal (ie 'god')
You can't know what any of it means ever!
@@yo3429pagan baloney, the Holy Spirit is what you call consciousness
"And this is the verdict: the light has come into the world but men loved darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil. Anyone who does wicked deeds, hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds be exposed. But anyone whoever does what is true, comes to the light so it can be clearly seen that his deeds are done in God" John 3.18
Use your words. You are like a puppet.
@@marcomoreno6748 Nah, I'm not very smart or wise, the bible says it much better. Here is the bit before it: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that who-so-ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16 I hope you find Jesus brother, he is real. God Bless.
But if men (meaning all) loved darkness how would any of them ever come into the light. Also who made them to be evil & why. If you say god than god is wicked or a shitty creator. But that's to be expected from a god that came from darkness. If god said "let there be light", that means god was in the dark at first doesn't?
@@Noise-Conductor My answer would be that God made us and gave us free will, not to be a robot forced to worship him. God is the light, but also spoke light into being. John 3:18 is saying that Jesus, the light, came into the world, but the world rejected him because they didn't want the light, because it would shine on their wicked ways. We are all sinners, and all do wicked things, in the eyes of the Lord, even if we don't think they are wicked (God is holy). But we know at the time of his death that there were at least 1000 or so supporters of Jesus, who admitted their sinfulness and need to a saviour and recognised as the light. They loved darkness too, but did come to the light. I do not know why one man believes and another does not. I know I'm a sinner and my faith is weak many times when challenged. I do not always know or understand Gods ways and means, but I do know Jesus is the light, even when I am in great darkness. God bless you brother.
@@Noise-Conductor I would also say that the fall of men in the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve's rebellion caused the darkness to enter men's hearts. Darkness existed before this, but the fall lead to to death and sin in the world of man. I think the bible explains the state of man better than anything. We are unable to free ourselves from the burden of sin, individually or collectively. I challenge anyone to stop sinning for a day and see how that goes.
I'd like to thank Bart Ehrman for his class on Moses and the Law.
The Hittites ruled from Turkey down through the Israel area about the time of Abraham, or before. When they conquered a people they made up Treaties that were to establish their rule and how they conquered them, as the opening, then followed the conditions imposed on the peoples. These type of treaties are called "Suzerainty Treaty" and we have at least one found that was written on stone and kept where the gods would guard over it. Sound familiar? The Treaty would give the expectation and the penalty for not abiding by it - like the Blessings and the Curses. One Suzerainty Treaty penalty was if a son were to strike his father, his hand would be cut off - things like that.
One of the first comments I received back on the ancient Shapira Scrolls Ten Decrees was - that's eleven, not ten.
Well, since it is obviously in the same format as the ancient Suzerainty Treaty - the first is establishing Who God is and how things came to be for our relationship - then follows the Ten Commandments - making the last one to keep them all to be one of the Ten, not just a summary, and what we presumed the first is establishing our relationship to God - Elohim.
I found this very interesting and helping to clarify things in "their" contemporary experience of these things in the ancient world - and they still show remarkable wisdom, so I still think God gave them - just info to help us see better.
Onediscipletoanother organization.
May the Lord Jesus Christ Grant each and everyone of you repentance and salvation so that you can learn from the Holy Spirit and gain understanding from his word
Dr Ehrman is my number one STARTUP and Kick-off Scholar/originator in religious studies. In the studies, all of the above (a really well-articulated summary of the background and formulation of Christianity as a broad subject) find application. Understanding the basics leads to Enlightenment of totality. This isn't the 17-18th Century Enlightenment we are talking about of course but rather Full Apologetics, Gnocism (and where it derails/how it loses the plot), the error of "modern strands of Christianity", and noted postulations/fact. I am however astounded that even Scholars, aren't able to practice faultfinding, error and analytics in their scholarly endeavours. As a forensics investigator, I came to the same conclusion in part as Marcion. Where and when the viewpoint became distorted (self-preservation, self-indulging, selfishness, self.. and society at the day and age are in large the principle and principal drivers of the thought processes at that given time). I always enjoy Br Bart's knowledge and analysis. I differ at a certain point of course, re the forensic analysis that moves away from pure "bible-thumping, fanaticism, etc. but follow the leads, thus note that OT and NT differ, and why, (what/where/when/how - I get from Dr Ehrman) in main.
If i was Satan, i would tell you "Don't trust your foundation"
If you were Satan, I'd be Merlin! 😂
Iv'e learned alot from bart ,he has a simple way of explaining .after listening to most of his audibles it helped me disconstruct from religion and of course myth vision and other great scholars.
The corruption is corrupted!
I absolutely adore Bart. I’m so interested in history, archeology, literature, and the origins of our “holy” (lol!) books. Bart just has a demeanor and a deep deep knowledge of the subject that he’s good at explaining how they came about and the greater context. I really love his scholarly books as well as those for a wider audience - gateway books :)
Incredibly informative!
@daniele.3361 oh? Like what?
Your brain is short of capability to digest it.
Great questions 💚🐢
Did Peter Petros Pick a Peck of Pickled Peppers?
Hebrews 8:10: For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people..
What bible are they talking about,how many are there?
Biggest problem is Jesus isn’t naming anyone Petros, it would’ve been Kepa in his native language. A Galilean isn’t speaking Greek with his friends. Proof of the Roman construct.
Just bought 2 of Barts books. Thanks for the conversation!
One time, I told a lady she broke the law. I cited how she did it, where she was, the date, the time and I even referenced the body of law that she offended. I didn't just say she broke the law. If a man has altered an historic tome - the accusation should go something like this: On Monday March 4th 1135 at approximately 8:15 in the morning, while located at the Castle of Mythvision, Ignatius Treadway was observed making false scrivener entries while scribing Ehrman's Book of the Corrupted and Other Such Certainties. When asked why, Ignatius Treadway stated that his hand was cramping up and he needed to shorten the speeches. This action is a violation of The Holy Scrivener Pact of Bartleby. See? Facts support my accusation, else why would I accuse Ignatius? Doing so would be misleading supposition.
I find it very interesting that, the painting of the apostles in a circle;looks a lot like the wheel of the zodiac.
When one hears the word "manuscript," that conjures up a voluminous tome. Indeed, the Bible that we are all familiar with has thousands of pages, printed with tiny print. Where did all that information come from? Surely, whatever scrolls were discovered contained only a few scribbles in ancient typography. Furthermore, scrolls were damaged and torn. How did "they" put together this volume of books - Old and New Testament? Based on what? It seems extremely far-fetched, not to mention that we are talking about many, many translations, and into English yet! We know that translating from one language to another is problematic at best.
That brings up the next question: How do you know what was "changed" in the Bible? Changed from what? What was the original? A few scribbles on a shred of papyrus?
Thank you Derek. Thank you Dr Erhman. Really enjoyed the discussion
The fact that several Greek words are translated as "Hell" in the Bible is problematic enough because in this way something is created that was not in the original texts. And the same, translation of several different words into one word, happens with the translation of the word "sin" as well. These incorrect translations mainly based on a corrupt translation tradition, and there is sometimes a debate about whether translators have the right to correct these traditionalised translation errors especially when their are become a central part of the doctrine.
Well, now you're on the topic of translations and conceivable errors there, not the original manuscripts. Besides that, we do actually have multiple words that mean the same thing in English as well, so even if it was the case that these words all denote hell, that wouldn't be a problem within linguistics at the very least.
I recall a dream in which I began to watch a horror movie and lay witness to a frozen snow wasteland and a dog surrounded by 5 people began to listen to the five voices around him and dig a hole that ran super deep into a cavern with dark crystallite and the faint illumination around the party, and as a dream does I remember things progressing and then being one of the characters in the hole. I saw that there was a village down there where parasitic worms had taken control and ravaged the denizens of the cave I began to run because these fucking things were ferocious they might as well have been a kracken leaping from a sea to snatch your body. I began to take hold of a rope and climb out of the whole we dug having to dodge arrows. I arrived out the of the hole and sealed it a small lid and told myself I got to warn everybody about this shit.
A small child began to climb out of the hole and I had the brief glimmer of joy that the child was going to make it and we could survive the ordeal, however, I took notice of my surroundings and saww that man who appeared to me the likeness of the popularized image of Jesus dead and zombified to a grotesque degree and to my horror the child had worms in his mouth and eyes as he did not survive.
Then I awoke and remembered that I sometimes imagine myself as a child holding on to Jesus, a child of the same physical description I held, and that a Dog is a symbol of unbelief in the bible and that demons are mentioned in the bible as beings in an unseen realm just like you can't see COVID or gases with the naked eye and may require a special lens to peer into another layer of reality going on around you, and that demons are named as beings that spread misinformation as false ideas; thereby, trying to spark and encourage hate and wicked fear, and that not every voice or thought that pops into your head is yours.
The idea of Jesus dead and the child being a symbol of being unlearned and unstable in joining and becoming the dog in his descent had no more a savior as Jesus was dead to him. I also remember a truck so who knows where we headed next. Worms are mentioned in the book of Isaiah Chapter 66 and book of Mark chapter 9 to be a kind that would never die as they eat away at flesh along with the everlasting and unquenchable fire.
See. (Matthew 7:6, Mark 9:48, Isaiah 66:24, Hebrews 1:3, 12:2; 1 Peter 3:22, John 1: 1 and 14 Jesus is Gods message, words, expression of his ideas and likeness, John 3:16, Hebrews 3:6-12)
I remember now that I have had hundreds of sleeps and some dream not at all, and sometimes my dreams have been the most buckwild and random shit that who could have imagined the characters and the story. God chose that this would happen.
A story from the book of 1 Kings, where a prophet by the name of Elijah when he beheld 400 false prophets of the false object of worship called Baal said to them if you think you're God to be the answer then assemble yourselves and call me fire down from heaven; Elijah said to them likewise shall I do the same as the story goes the 400 false prophets of the false being made themselves a bunch of ruckus calling out to the lie they believed.
Elijah surely used scripture from the word of God the Old Testament or Old Covenant or Agreement and fire did fall from heaven.
The more you get right about God the more he shows up.
God is a spirit those that worship him must do so in spirit and in truth. John 4:24
Don't just have faith, have faith in God, and his word. There is surely a type of extreme unpleasantness already in the Earth, have you seen it, are you delivered from it?
Job 38:17 "Have the gates of death been opened unto thee? or hast thou seen the doors of the shadow of death?"
Job 38:33 "33 Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?"
As a child, I would have dreams in be in many nightmares where underground tentacle monsters could sense my slightest movement and impel me,
wars, dreams of persecution, the grim Reaper, things would get wild. I remember calling on the Old Testament name of God Jehovah, and I remember things
did not end well for me when I was being assaulted by a witch. However, ever since I was a child the name of Jesus has never failed me, when I began to call on his name
Even recently, a spider demon with a human face around the size a 42" TV was crawling on my wall when I awoke from my sleep.
I spoke the name of Jesus quite a few times and I attained Mercy unto myself, for that because Jesus has the authority for this reason.
John 3:35 " He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."
1 John 2:23 "Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also."
I believe that God cares for his creation and doesn't want to lose them, because I believed in Jesus and had the humility to honor his name many times throughout my life.
I attained mercy through the New Covenant, agreement, or Testament. Only parts of the old still apply. The old prepared place for the New.
John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
John 1:14 "And the Word:λόγος(in ancient Greek) message, expression of God's ideas), was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."
For if I read James 1:5 (KJV), do not leave out James 1:6,7, and 8 (KJV),
and while we at it live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
If there are 18000+ religions in the world I know to whom I say go to save me trouble, the name and the ideas that I will confess as Lord to be serving of and to call my friend.
Proverbs 4:19 “The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.”
A concept of the word is the idea that is behind it or what should pop into your head by what the author is meaning. If you do not have the idea of the word correct you have a misconception and it changes the whole story.
Read the KJV, pray for wisdom, pray without ceasing: don't go a day without it.
Get sober. Collect your thoughts. Find balance in your life both on your own and with the help of Jesus.
1. Not intoxicated. 2. My sentences and logic are coherent. 3. I am ekklesia of Jesus Christ, out to spread the News of God's eternal government, the Kingdom of God.@@RyneTheNinja
Where are all the tombstones to these so-called biblical figures ? Egyptian figures have this problem. It’s becoming clear to me that most of the Bible is allegory. Which in its self is not a bad thing. It’s still contains a lot of wisdom and truths.
Nothing on this dustbin planet is not corrupted
If you don't like my beautiful planet you can leave! 😂
Huge respect for this guy
Huge respect for this guy? Duh! why?
@@Jasho-Beamrespect because he dares talks about the truth.
@@zarabees2123 but he doesn't know what truth is so how can he speak it?
@@Jasho-Beam typical of most Christians, when Bart Ehrman was a bible scholar, he was very good , he was in high esteem for his lectures but as soon as he found out the bible is a myth etc….the same Christians tried to tarnish his reputation. Man be smart , the guy has 30 years of research under his belt, he also has masters & if I am not mistaken a PhD as well. Would I believe you !! Who is nothing compared to him duh .
The Skyrim's ost compliments this video well!
Excellent video
Thank you Bart! Always interesting, riveting and highly eloquent. One-of-a-kind scholar 👏👏👏
Jesus would never let me get a hold of a corrupted Bible. Or a watered down Bible. Or anything different from what he wants me to have. He takes care of his word.