Seriously I’ve been lifting heavy and having issues because I can’t do protein powders at all so I just end up eating a bunch of oatmeal or rice. I tried beans/legumes like this dude said. Worked like a CHARM. I’m so shocked and happy as hell. Nothing wrong with oatmeal or rice but I wanted something different than just going straight for the obvious carb that felt lighter too. Beans are fantastic.
Same here man all my protein is from red beans, soy, chickpea, peas, and all types of legume and I'm finally gaining weight and looking cut (I've always been too skinny). Most ppl thought I'd lose even more weight going vegan but nah I'm just getting stronger.
@@franzabananza there are so many good option, man... you can do chickpea hummus to eat in the brakfast or anyway you want, it is delicious and nutritious (I eat that with bread), and you can do tabbouleh (easy) using the classic bulgur wheat and quinoa to improve the nutritional value. You can make these to last 1 week or more (the hummus) and 3 days of tabbouleh. That is what I do.
Vegan for 13 years now and I'll tell you, my only regret is I didn't do it sooner. I also struggled with hemoglobin etc before and now I have absolutely no issues with labs or muscle gain. Keep lighting the path Patrick!
@@MD-vm8tc At least 100 mice are killed per hectare per year (500/4 × 0.8) to grow grain. Average yields are about 1.4 tonnes of wheat/hectare; 13% of the wheat is usable protein. Therefore, at least 55 sentient animals die to produce 100kg of usable plant protein: 25 times more than for the same amount of rangelands beef, according to Australian study.
@@marcusgarvey9933 I truly appreciate your concern for the wellbeing of rodents, insects, birds, etc. I share that concern. Unfortunately, there will be harm, no matter what we do. However, 80% of the world's crops are grown to feed farmed animals. Looking at studies across the board, the highest estimates are 7.3 billion animals, including insects, are killed each year for plants for human consumption (not just for vegans, btw). Crop deaths related to animals fed for human consumption are estimated at 34 billion. 90% of meat produced worldwide comes from factory farms, and 80% of the world's crops are grown to feed these animals. In addition to crop deaths, 3 trillion animals are farmed every year for human consumption. Including crop deaths, a vegan diet reduces death by 99.76%. I, too, wish no animal had to die to produce plants. Until better systems are in place, I will definitely go with what causes the least harm.
@@MD-vm8tc There is always the option eat grass-fed grass-finished meat. Also, 86% of global livestock feed consists of materials that we cannot digest as humans. Ideally it should be 100%.
if he agrees, it will make the omnivore viewers upset & make the omnivore host look openly hypocritical. if he disagrees, it will upset the guest & would be a pretty weak argument. best for the tv show to gloss over it unfortunately
@@pdfbanana well were all frugivores by design. they just eat outside of what they were ment to. yet whats funny is that we are the ones wit hthe title vegan when they are "normal"
@@kirill2525 humans have been eating meat since the very beginning of our species; what are you talking about? veganism is great, but it's absolutely not our original diet "by design"
That’s awesome man! Go get it! I was lucky to be open to the ethical dilemma when I first seriously considered it. I was on 5-6 heavy animal-protein based meals one day, to zero the next. I had no idea so I thought, I’ll just eat whatever I have that isn’t made from animals. For the first 6 months as a vegan, I mainly lived off of Whole Foods like fruits, steamed, baked & stir fried vegetables, beans & lentils rice, pasta & potatoes. It’s amazing how easy it is.
He is a strong guy. Not only because he is physically strong, but because he protects the weak animals and speaks up for them. No excuse for animal abuse. 💪🏻💚
@@tinyjungle_ At least 100 mice are killed per hectare per year (500/4 × 0.8) to grow grain. Average yields are about 1.4 tonnes of wheat/hectare; 13% of the wheat is usable protein. Therefore, at least 55 sentient animals die to produce 100kg of usable plant protein: 25 times more than for the same amount of rangelands beef, according to Australian study.
Love this guy. One thing for me personally - and I haven't heard this mentioned elsewhere. When I went vegetarian ~ 28 years ago I noticed I suddenly wasn't getting sick nearly as much. When I went vegan ~ 3 years ago it got even better. I've paid attention because of COVID and I've been sick one time briefly in the past 3 years.
I went from vegetarian to plant-based diet recently and i actually did notice some boost in energy levels, turns out my body is able to produce much more iron because of cutting off dairy. And just saying, since turning vegan makes me more concious of what to eat, to organize my meals, to get good amounts of nutrients, it is making me feel so much better about myself and i feel much healthier. It has definitely impacted my life in a good way.
People need to realize this guy is only 5'7". The real world record holders are between 6'6" and 6'9". Pound for pound, Patrick is far stronger then the monsters that are our modern strong men. Let that sink in.
no that's just how physics works, small guys can move more weight for the amount of muscle mass they have, there is lots of reasons why, smaller range of motion, shorter bones means less power leakeage etc... similar reasons to why ants can be so strong for thier size... if you look at the weight classes in olypmic weightlifting, you'll see the small guys are lifting 6 times their bodyweight where as the big guys barely 3 times
This episode is what made me go vegan, I was on lockdown in jail and my good friend who was locked up also 2 doors down yelled out to me to change the channel to The Doctors and after it finished I rang the guards and told them to change my diet to vegan, that was 4 years ago and I haven't looked back since
@@Randoverseyou could, but I’m not sure why you’d want to highlight the damage you’re doing to your heart and the environment, not to mention the animals.
@KierenAllen-nt9ll Well, you have an ideology in your head you can't get past. People who don't eat meat still damage the environment and kill animals just as much, if not more.
Great documentary, loved it. Been vegan and gluten-free for 7 years and feeling better than ever before, has transformed my energy levels, digestion, bone density, and strength!
I'm type 2 diabetic and have seen people claim to have reversed the disease based on a vegan diet. I've always been a meat eater since I can remember. But I've also like vegetables as well but. I think it would be a hard transition.
I’m 61 years old and type 2 diabetic for 25 years Before going vegan 12 years ago I had to take 1000 mg metformin twice a day In these last 12 years I didn’t need to take a single pill even once
@@FURYBrenton Same here. A overnight transition to vegan from non vegetarian. But it depends on who you are. I'm a person who doesn't care if my food is simple. I am not obsessed with food. And for me ethical values are more important. So it felt so easy. It's not the same for everyone. A person who rushes when offered a free dinner is not gonna do it overnight...
Love this 💪🏼🌱 for anyone reading this, the switch is actually easier than you think. Once you start realizing what you're actually consuming the desire for that taste goes away. There are so many meat alternatives that actually have a near 1 to 1 texture and taste compared to the meat counterpart now found in all grocery stores too. It was definitely harder more than a 15 years ago when I was vegetarian. Plant based diet is also great if you're trying to lose weight as you're essentially eliminating a lot of high calorie food groups like any diet would. Also helped with my acne.
Thank you for this. As a vegan/plant based athlete or person for that matter it is so important to get enough protein. I spoke with a nutritionist and it opened my eyes that not only did I not know how little protein I was getting but I had no idea from which plants I was getting them from. I ate eggplants, kidney beans, etc. but it was never enough. If you are an athlete it is so important to know what you are putting into your body and what amino and minerals you are getting from the food you are in-taking
hemp seeds are great, tofu, hummus satain. theres lots of ways to get protien. but make sure you are getting enough fiber. most people are difficient in that.
Look for Indian recipes. We got tons of plant protein options like lentils ,beans, soy chunks
2 місяці тому+1
Vegans are ultimately more strong morally and physically. Their character is more honorable because they don't subject sentient beings to needless suffering. If you want to find those who are good and are making the world better, look to the vegans.
his body looks natural, not from steroids. His personality is friendly and calm not like a man on steroids. Compare his body to the photos of men on steroids its a different look
I'm vegan so this isn't me kicking up a fuss, but which bean is he referring to that has 25g of protein per 100g? The highest percentage legume I'm aware of is edamame, which is 18g per 100g.
@@steviacandyman7892 that's a myth, you don't need a complete profile in a single item of food, you just need it across a diet, which you can very easily do with plants. I had a blood test come back just a couple of days ago and had no issues, protein levels were normal, and I've been vegan for 7 years
@@steviacandyman7892 that's out of date information, your body doesn't use them directly like that, it breaks them down and assembles, eat a broad range of plant based foods and you get all you need
Its the same if he ate meat. It’s not like because he doesn’t eat meat that he had to take PEDs he’d have to take them either way because that’s what the sport entails. I don’t believe any strongman is drug free
Their Talks His protein are mostly from protein powders. He has a video about what he eat in a day. Total protein is 410g but 260g of it is from protein powders. He is much smaller than Eddie Hall or Brian Shaw but both of these big men just use 100g.
What beans contains 25 protein per 100g? chichpeas, blackbeans, edamame etc contains around only 10. I want to know as a vegetarian who wants to get enough protein. Thanks!
After watching the movie Earthlings there was no way I was going to eat meat again. Probably the most disturbing thing I've ever watched. A real life horror film.
That is because you are too lazy to look into these things yourself. Have you ever visited a farm that raises animals for meat? Have you ever gone to a "factory farm" to see how the process is done? Have you seen the animals up close? No, you watched a vegan propaganda video telling you it is cruel to eat meat in spite of humans needing it for nutrition. Somehow getting nutrition is now a moral choice.
@@steviacandyman7892 I don't understand how an undercover investigstion where all they did was leave cameras in all the said places is propaganda? Especially when they align with what industry practices are that farmers themselves explain? And your claim about nutrition is just plain false. It's consensus that being vegan is healthy for all ages and backgrounds and if you want to claim that getting nutritional needs REQUIRES animal products, then prove it, name ONE single essential nutrient that you can't get as a vegan.
@@steviacandyman7892 have you gone to a factory farm? they dont just let people in because they wanna hide it. do you honestly belive theres enough space for most meat to come from family farms were the animals have enough land to graze on? thats just silly. you underestimate the ammount of animals killed for food if you think its posible to not have these factory farms and sustain the demand, that is why these practices of animals being tortured and kepped in horrible enviroments are aloud to happen
what do you expect? its a propaganda film. you should analyze what emotions its trying to draw from you. what message its trying to put into your head. you should verify if the stuff youre watching are correct and that theyre not lying to you by omission, misrepresenting facts or outright lying.
@@Chepperz veganism is NOT healthy at all for human beings. you claiming its healthy needs to be backed up by strong evidence. do you have any properly done interventional studies proving your claims? you dont. meanwhile statistics after statistics show that vegans and vegetarians suffer from a multitude of health issues and nutrient deficiencies despite the very high prevalence of fortified foods and supplements. those deficiencies btw are caused by the lack of animal foods in the diet. this exactly the same reason why "omnivores" have the same deficiencies. NHANES data show that the average "omnivore" barely eats meat. its also well known that many vegans quit the vegan diet due to health issues acquired on that diet. the drop out rate is incredibly high despite vegans being so determined to stay vegan for as long as possible. many ex vegans report having done all they could to make the diet right, but it just wouldnt work well for them. HUMANS ARENT HERBIVORE
Yeah but he makes it sound like it’s the all vegan diet that makes him look like and does, it’s just lying by omission, he’s the Mike O’Hearn of the vegan strongman variety
@@OfficialEDirty which you can as he said . Despite I rather vegeterian because again the water and vegetables is the same and it is all cleaned out of the bacteria that make b12 so vegetrian just wins over the vegan unless you have clean river and natural agriculture right next to your home
hang in there man, i know it can be tough. veganase and dayia cheese saved me. helmans also makes good vegan mayo and just experement with brands. black salt is a good flavor if you like eggs. you can do it, im sure ^.^ oh and oatmilk is also awesome imo
i was 95-100% plant based(not vegan) for almost 3 decades. i developed health issues eating that way. in 2019 i started incorporating more meat into my diet. nowadays i mostly eat just meat. my health has improved a great deal. nowadays i no longer take any meds, not even supplements. i have no health issues whatsoever. all my problems from back then had mostly disappeared except for the occasional oxalate dumping which im still suffering from. HUMANS ARENT HERBIVORE. the most optimal diet for humans is a diet that includes alot of meat
It's pathetic when you hear people questioning about iron and protein... This is not the main problem for veg people, our problem is B12. Nobody asks about that.
B12 is actually produced by a bacteria, mostly found in the soil. That‘s why meat eaters get it, because buffalos and chicken have all-day contact with the soil. So B12 is not inherently in the meat. It‘s a bacteria in a way/ The real reason for B12 defficiency is not because one doesn‘t eat meat, but because our modern lives makes us not being close to nature. Children who play all day with the soil can get the B12 easilly. Sadly, our children nowadays can‘t get B12 from phones and tablets. It‘s a modern-life problem, not a problem from abstaining meat.
@@dragan176, yeap, supplements are an option too. Although I tend to think if people are in everyday contact with the soil (walking barefoot, playing in the sand, etc.) will eventually get them enough B12 from the earth.
Vegan! Compassion. Power. Humble. A few of the benefits that pour forth when one stops putting animals in their mouths. Great piece and thanks for sharing this good news.
I eat cheese.I just don't drink milk. I gave up cows milk for almond milk. I have been drinking almond milk for 4 years now. I got that idea from arnold schwarzenegger. After watching the film, the game changers. Witch Patrick wascalso in.
Beans has around 9g per 100g. Which is the highest concentration of protein you will find in vegetables. Meat has around 25g per 100g and protein powder (plant-based and non-plant-based) has between 80g to 90g per 100g.
@@p.praneethpedada2325 I have been bodybuilding naturally for the past 18 years, and have done low protein as well as high protein for years at a time. I noticed that it makes very little difference in terms of how much muscle you build or retain, contrary to what the fitness industry says.
@@landonp.4073 yh, like people seem to forget that. Like as soon as you take PEDs somehow you don’t have to worry about calorie Intake, training and protein. Nah just take PEDs and you’re set. Not many people can get to this guys strength cause they might not have the GINETICS(key word that is), even if they abused PEDs
@@aidans_journey02 these morons never used roids and think that if we inject BOOOM we can win Mr. Olympia just eating doritos and watching netflix all day long
@@OfficialEDirty You say that as if it doesn't debunk literally the only absolutely shredded vegan in the world.... Tons of non roid head dudes that are absolutely jacked, who eat meat.... WOW
@UCMOBxNaw-yxvpYcXIldcuNA I’m vegan for the animals which is the only way you can be vegan so if I have to put a little more effort into what I eat vs paying for animals to suffer and be killed I’m ok with that and how does someone killing an innocent being or buying meat from the store somehow make them more manly?
“You became a vegan to better the world. You became a lifter to better yourself. You’re being selfless and selfish and you can’t be both because selfish has fish in it.” - Bro Science Life
To the 1% of people who is reading this: You are amazing and blessed, please stay safe.. Have an amazing rest of your day! P.S ive been struggling to get to 60K any help is appreciated 💙
Why does it look like this guy can replace Hugh Hackman’s role in X-Men
Side burns would be the obvious answer
He is perfect for that role.
Looks more like Atilla from Lionheart IMO.
He looks more like Wolvy than Hugh does. In terms of comic book accuracy, I mean.
He should
Omg How humble and friendly he is
I am even friendlier.
Vegans usually tend to have empathy and are kinder than most naturally, despite what others think.
Athletes are better humans on average, they respect their health so respect and appreciate more of the Life and people.
@@Sadmiral no they are mostly narcissistic
Wolverine decided to bulk up
And drop a foot in height
@@dekev7503you mean he GAINED 4 inches. Patrick Baboumian is 5’7” whereas Wolverine is actually 5’3” 😅
Seriously I’ve been lifting heavy and having issues because I can’t do protein powders at all so I just end up eating a bunch of oatmeal or rice. I tried beans/legumes like this dude said. Worked like a CHARM. I’m so shocked and happy as hell. Nothing wrong with oatmeal or rice but I wanted something different than just going straight for the obvious carb that felt lighter too. Beans are fantastic.
Same here man all my protein is from red beans, soy, chickpea, peas, and all types of legume and I'm finally gaining weight and looking cut (I've always been too skinny). Most ppl thought I'd lose even more weight going vegan but nah I'm just getting stronger.
@@NothingsR33L nice!! And I didn’t even think of all those other ones. I just went for the obvious lol. I have to add those now, Thanks!
Look at Indian food. Tons of bean and lentil based recipes. Cut some of the fat though
@@immers2410 thank you! I didn’t even think of that! Now I don’t have to eat plan beans or chili all the time 😂
@@franzabananza there are so many good option, man... you can do chickpea hummus to eat in the brakfast or anyway you want, it is delicious and nutritious (I eat that with bread), and you can do tabbouleh (easy) using the classic bulgur wheat and quinoa to improve the nutritional value. You can make these to last 1 week or more (the hummus) and 3 days of tabbouleh. That is what I do.
Vegan for 13 years now and I'll tell you, my only regret is I didn't do it sooner. I also struggled with hemoglobin etc before and now I have absolutely no issues with labs or muscle gain. Keep lighting the path Patrick!
I wonder how many crop deaths were needed to grow those muscles
@@marcusgarvey9933 Not nearly as many as are required to grow the crops to maintain a cow that is then slaughtered for food.
@@MD-vm8tc At least 100 mice are killed per hectare per year (500/4 × 0.8) to grow grain. Average yields are about 1.4 tonnes of wheat/hectare; 13% of the wheat is usable protein. Therefore, at least 55 sentient animals die to produce 100kg of usable plant protein: 25 times more than for the same amount of rangelands beef, according to Australian study.
@@marcusgarvey9933 I truly appreciate your concern for the wellbeing of rodents, insects, birds, etc. I share that concern. Unfortunately, there will be harm, no matter what we do. However, 80% of the world's crops are grown to feed farmed animals. Looking at studies across the board, the highest estimates are 7.3 billion animals, including insects, are killed each year for plants for human consumption (not just for vegans, btw). Crop deaths related to animals fed for human consumption are estimated at 34 billion. 90% of meat produced worldwide comes from factory farms, and 80% of the world's crops are grown to feed these animals. In addition to crop deaths, 3 trillion animals are farmed every year for human consumption. Including crop deaths, a vegan diet reduces death by 99.76%. I, too, wish no animal had to die to produce plants. Until better systems are in place, I will definitely go with what causes the least harm.
@@MD-vm8tc There is always the option eat grass-fed grass-finished meat. Also, 86% of global livestock feed consists of materials that we cannot digest as humans. Ideally it should be 100%.
The host didn’t even acknowledge his statement on the ethical concerns
Yes, I've noticed this too.
if he agrees, it will make the omnivore viewers upset & make the omnivore host look openly hypocritical. if he disagrees, it will upset the guest & would be a pretty weak argument. best for the tv show to gloss over it unfortunately
@@pdfbanana > best for the tv show to gloss over it unfortunately
Nuked for advocating for the status-quo of 2022.
@@pdfbanana well were all frugivores by design. they just eat outside of what they were ment to. yet whats funny is that we are the ones wit hthe title vegan when they are "normal"
@@kirill2525 humans have been eating meat since the very beginning of our species; what are you talking about? veganism is great, but it's absolutely not our original diet "by design"
This guy made me change the way I eat and look at all life. I'm not quite vegan, but looking to keep going till I'm educated enough to become vegan
Why not just do it for the animals bro? They are suffering and being massively slaughtered
He us on steroids by the way
@@doomslayer3260 Which even if true, is irrelevant. All his competition is, too.
That’s awesome man! Go get it! I was lucky to be open to the ethical dilemma when I first seriously considered it. I was on 5-6 heavy animal-protein based meals one day, to zero the next. I had no idea so I thought, I’ll just eat whatever I have that isn’t made from animals. For the first 6 months as a vegan, I mainly lived off of Whole Foods like fruits, steamed, baked & stir fried vegetables, beans & lentils rice, pasta & potatoes. It’s amazing how easy it is.
@@doomslayer3260 so are all the meat eating strongmen. What’s your point?
He is a strong guy. Not only because he is physically strong, but because he protects the weak animals and speaks up for them. No excuse for animal abuse. 💪🏻💚
So true
Those who eat grass-fed beef cause many times less sentient animals to die than those who eat wheat, soy or corn.
boy you need a steak.
@susanwjoh0re735 lol, apparently, your defense of animal abuse is "steak". High IQ rebuttal
@@tinyjungle_ At least 100 mice are killed per hectare per year (500/4 × 0.8) to grow grain. Average yields are about 1.4 tonnes of wheat/hectare; 13% of the wheat is usable protein. Therefore, at least 55 sentient animals die to produce 100kg of usable plant protein: 25 times more than for the same amount of rangelands beef, according to Australian study.
Love this guy. One thing for me personally - and I haven't heard this mentioned elsewhere. When I went vegetarian ~ 28 years ago I noticed I suddenly wasn't getting sick nearly as much. When I went vegan ~ 3 years ago it got even better. I've paid attention because of COVID and I've been sick one time briefly in the past 3 years.
Yep. Vegan here and I barely get sick. If I do it’s like sniffles for a day maybe a little weakness and it’s gone. Before I would be out for a week.
I went from vegetarian to plant-based diet recently and i actually did notice some boost in energy levels, turns out my body is able to produce much more iron because of cutting off dairy. And just saying, since turning vegan makes me more concious of what to eat, to organize my meals, to get good amounts of nutrients, it is making me feel so much better about myself and i feel much healthier. It has definitely impacted my life in a good way.
Do you supplement for B12?
All vegans should supplement b12 just to be safe
Yes Patrik you beast! Well done bringing up the ethical concerns too.
Meanwhile he can’t outfit average high school records😂
@@crusader308apduckoff8 lmao i don't think u can 384 kg yolk during high school
@@crusader308apduckoff8 neither can you, so where are you going with this?
Ethics are made up lmao
@@Grande-Dame There is stronger guy at my gym lol
People need to realize this guy is only 5'7". The real world record holders are between 6'6" and 6'9". Pound for pound, Patrick is far stronger then the monsters that are our modern strong men. Let that sink in.
The competition is weight lifting kiddo.
no that's just how physics works, small guys can move more weight for the amount of muscle mass they have, there is lots of reasons why, smaller range of motion, shorter bones means less power leakeage etc... similar reasons to why ants can be so strong for thier size... if you look at the weight classes in olypmic weightlifting, you'll see the small guys are lifting 6 times their bodyweight where as the big guys barely 3 times
Shorter people tend to be able to lift more and are just stronger in general.
@@zentzu4003 smaller people are stronger pound for pound. They are not ultimately stronger. Use your brain.
@@melindaroop1346 use your brain. Read my reply above.
I am a Vegan for four years....and believe me it was the best decision of my life.
Me too bro
@KnowYourDestiny cholesterol regulates testosterone, you need it
Vegan sucks
Me too bro... 5 years now... Best decision of my life
Jitne bhi vegan bhai he sabhi ko mera pranam bhai yo🙏
Absolute legend. Such a nice guy. A real man who actually wants to protect the innocent instead of abusing them.
This dude is a legend.
Yes he is a legend, because his whole vegan "strong man" act is a myth.
This episode is what made me go vegan, I was on lockdown in jail and my good friend who was locked up also 2 doors down yelled out to me to change the channel to The Doctors and after it finished I rang the guards and told them to change my diet to vegan, that was 4 years ago and I haven't looked back since
Nice. But also change your lifestyle so you don't go to jail anymore. And don't look back at that either lol
Awesome I’m vegan for 25 years and being 54 years it’s the best decision !! Thank you Patrick and he is a pure plant based Vegan man 😎😎🙏🙏🤗🤗👏🏻👏🏻😉😉
I also went from vegetarian to vegan recently and it feels most ethical and logical
Hats off man. You were really living the life. So proud of you 👏🏻
You are awesome, Patrick! Keep it up, man!
I also saw a huge strength improvement when I went plant-based.
Sure you did
@@marcusgarvey9933 that and training the Mike Mentzer method
Finally a big platform like this supporting Veganism
i don't
Patrick is such a nice guy. I love him. Greetings from Germany!
61, Vegan for over 6 years….stronger than I was at 55.
Can say the same thing about me going carnivore.
@@Randoverseyou could, but I’m not sure why you’d want to highlight the damage you’re doing to your heart and the environment, not to mention the animals.
@KierenAllen-nt9ll Well, you have an ideology in your head you can't get past. People who don't eat meat still damage the environment and kill animals just as much, if not more.
@@KierenAllen-nt9ll Damage your heart? Nonsense.
@@KierenAllen-nt9ll If your saying vegan diets destroy the environment, kills more animals and damages your health then I agree.
I eat 50-20 fruit and veg a day, nuts seeds, lentils and beans, no meat, no lacto, no ovo and I’ve just become a firefighter in my mid 50’s.
strong as a ox
Oxen are vegans too!
@@someguy2135 Yes, and Ive never seen an Ox that eats meat :D
@@mouseguardian3169 get eaten by tiger
His body is not just muscular but its free from sins or ''दोष'' as we say it in Hindi.
I love this guy; a big man with a sensitive heart
Great documentary, loved it. Been vegan and gluten-free for 7 years and feeling better than ever before, has transformed my energy levels, digestion, bone density, and strength!
I'm a vegan and I absolutely love lifting, beans for life.
Especially when someone eats dairy products will have low iron levels.
I'm type 2 diabetic and have seen people claim to have reversed the disease based on a vegan diet. I've always been a meat eater since I can remember. But I've also like vegetables as well but. I think it would be a hard transition.
There is an incredible diversity of plants to eat and prepare. Have you watched What the Health?
It's very easy. I went from consuming animal products a lot to vegan overnight and never looked back, way easier than expected.
I suggest information from Dr. Neil Bernard and Michael Greer. A well balanced vegan diet is the healthiest to go, you can cure your diabetes
I’m 61 years old and type 2 diabetic for 25 years Before going vegan 12 years ago I had to take 1000 mg metformin twice a day In these last 12 years I didn’t need to take a single pill even once
@@FURYBrenton Same here. A overnight transition to vegan from non vegetarian. But it depends on who you are. I'm a person who doesn't care if my food is simple. I am not obsessed with food. And for me ethical values are more important. So it felt so easy. It's not the same for everyone.
A person who rushes when offered a free dinner is not gonna do it overnight...
Love this 💪🏼🌱 for anyone reading this, the switch is actually easier than you think. Once you start realizing what you're actually consuming the desire for that taste goes away. There are so many meat alternatives that actually have a near 1 to 1 texture and taste compared to the meat counterpart now found in all grocery stores too. It was definitely harder more than a 15 years ago when I was vegetarian. Plant based diet is also great if you're trying to lose weight as you're essentially eliminating a lot of high calorie food groups like any diet would. Also helped with my acne.
Seems like a genuine dude
Hey, Bub!
Dude looks like Wolverine ate Sabertooth 😅🤣😂
Thank you for this. As a vegan/plant based athlete or person for that matter it is so important to get enough protein. I spoke with a nutritionist and it opened my eyes that not only did I not know how little protein I was getting but I had no idea from which plants I was getting them from. I ate eggplants, kidney beans, etc. but it was never enough. If you are an athlete it is so important to know what you are putting into your body and what amino and minerals you are getting from the food you are in-taking
hemp seeds are great, tofu, hummus satain. theres lots of ways to get protien. but make sure you are getting enough fiber. most people are difficient in that.
Look for Indian recipes. We got tons of plant protein options like lentils ,beans, soy chunks
Vegans are ultimately more strong morally and physically. Their character is more honorable because they don't subject sentient beings to needless suffering. If you want to find those who are good and are making the world better, look to the vegans.
Team Patrick! What a sweetheart human
Even if you don't agree with the message, you have to love this guy. A true class act and humble.
This man is the definition of a chad for me!! respect!
his body looks natural, not from steroids. His personality is friendly and calm not like a man on steroids. Compare his body to the photos of men on steroids its a different look
I'm vegan so this isn't me kicking up a fuss, but which bean is he referring to that has 25g of protein per 100g? The highest percentage legume I'm aware of is edamame, which is 18g per 100g.
That is assuming you get the correct amino acid profile which you don't with plants. Plus, the absorption amount is less than meat.
@@steviacandyman7892 that's a myth, you don't need a complete profile in a single item of food, you just need it across a diet, which you can very easily do with plants. I had a blood test come back just a couple of days ago and had no issues, protein levels were normal, and I've been vegan for 7 years
@@steviacandyman7892 that's out of date information, your body doesn't use them directly like that, it breaks them down and assembles, eat a broad range of plant based foods and you get all you need
@@steviacandyman7892you’re showing your lack of education with these conments
@@DoctorRevers really? did you know 25 times more animals have to die for you to get 1 lb of plant "protein" as a vegan?
2:29 : how much do you eat?
him: i eat beans
not really an answer
That was neither the question nor the answer.
I went vegan 4 years ago and I’m one of the strongest guys at my gym. I laugh at the meatheads in there with their stupid whey protein shakes
You are amazing, I have been vegan for 20 years.. Great video,,,,
Favorite protein and PEDs. Seriously. I don’t want young people to think that he’s just eating plants and lifting.
That is just about all bodybuilders/strongmen. It’s not like he is they only one, they all are doping
Its the same if he ate meat. It’s not like because he doesn’t eat meat that he had to take PEDs he’d have to take them either way because that’s what the sport entails. I don’t believe any strongman is drug free
Their Talks His protein are mostly from protein powders. He has a video about what he eat in a day. Total protein is 410g but 260g of it is from protein powders. He is much smaller than Eddie Hall or Brian Shaw but both of these big men just use 100g.
20% vegan 80% d-bol lol
What beans contains 25 protein per 100g? chichpeas, blackbeans, edamame etc contains around only 10. I want to know as a vegetarian who wants to get enough protein. Thanks!
dairy and eggs severly inhibit iron absorption, you only have to worry about iron if your vegetarian not vegan
eggs are my weakness :(
They can't if you don't over eat them
we're all different this doesn't happen for everyone, I've been vegetarian for decades and my iron is okay but I do want to move to vegan
Man never seen this vegan guy before. He is our inspiration.
the vegan power
Why are the weights so wobbly at :33 secs.. 🤔🥴
What a charismatic man, makes me sad I just found out about him now by googling "vegan top athletes" lol
Perfect description of wolverine from the comics.
After watching the movie Earthlings there was no way I was going to eat meat again. Probably the most disturbing thing I've ever watched. A real life horror film.
That is because you are too lazy to look into these things yourself. Have you ever visited a farm that raises animals for meat? Have you ever gone to a "factory farm" to see how the process is done? Have you seen the animals up close? No, you watched a vegan propaganda video telling you it is cruel to eat meat in spite of humans needing it for nutrition. Somehow getting nutrition is now a moral choice.
@@steviacandyman7892 I don't understand how an undercover investigstion where all they did was leave cameras in all the said places is propaganda? Especially when they align with what industry practices are that farmers themselves explain? And your claim about nutrition is just plain false. It's consensus that being vegan is healthy for all ages and backgrounds and if you want to claim that getting nutritional needs REQUIRES animal products, then prove it, name ONE single essential nutrient that you can't get as a vegan.
@@steviacandyman7892 have you gone to a factory farm? they dont just let people in because they wanna hide it.
do you honestly belive theres enough space for most meat to come from family farms were the animals have enough land to graze on? thats just silly. you underestimate the ammount of animals killed for food if you think its posible to not have these factory farms and sustain the demand, that is why these practices of animals being tortured and kepped in horrible enviroments are aloud to happen
what do you expect? its a propaganda film. you should analyze what emotions its trying to draw from you. what message its trying to put into your head. you should verify if the stuff youre watching are correct and that theyre not lying to you by omission, misrepresenting facts or outright lying.
@@Chepperz veganism is NOT healthy at all for human beings. you claiming its healthy needs to be backed up by strong evidence. do you have any properly done interventional studies proving your claims? you dont. meanwhile statistics after statistics show that vegans and vegetarians suffer from a multitude of health issues and nutrient deficiencies despite the very high prevalence of fortified foods and supplements. those deficiencies btw are caused by the lack of animal foods in the diet. this exactly the same reason why "omnivores" have the same deficiencies. NHANES data show that the average "omnivore" barely eats meat. its also well known that many vegans quit the vegan diet due to health issues acquired on that diet. the drop out rate is incredibly high despite vegans being so determined to stay vegan for as long as possible. many ex vegans report having done all they could to make the diet right, but it just wouldnt work well for them.
People saying he’s on steroids as if other strong men don’t take them.
For real man. Eddie hall, Robert oberst, Brian shaw etc. I'm not saying they're bad people, it's there passion so I can see why.
@@someguy7526 👍
Yeah but he makes it sound like it’s the all vegan diet that makes him look like and does, it’s just lying by omission, he’s the Mike O’Hearn of the vegan strongman variety
@@notchback93 he’s making it sound like you can still be strong on a vegan diet.
@@OfficialEDirty which you can as he said . Despite I rather vegeterian because again the water and vegetables is the same and it is all cleaned out of the bacteria that make b12 so vegetrian just wins over the vegan unless you have clean river and natural agriculture right next to your home
This guy should be the next Wolverine. If you follow the comics, you would agree.
Is what being a "man" really is, to protect and nurture, one who stands up for the weak.
Proud of you bro 👍🏻
Man that dude is cut, even his voice sounds muscular. LOL
That's androgens from the steroids.
Thank you so much for having him. I now know that I can become a vegan while lifting weights.
Nice guy :) All best to him !
This guy could play Wolverine if he goes in a cut
So far I’m vegetarian/vegan.. hopefully soon I can slowly go full vegan
hang in there man, i know it can be tough. veganase and dayia cheese saved me. helmans also makes good vegan mayo and just experement with brands. black salt is a good flavor if you like eggs. you can do it, im sure ^.^ oh and oatmilk is also awesome imo
i was 95-100% plant based(not vegan) for almost 3 decades. i developed health issues eating that way.
in 2019 i started incorporating more meat into my diet. nowadays i mostly eat just meat. my health has improved a great deal. nowadays i no longer take any meds, not even supplements. i have no health issues whatsoever. all my problems from back then had mostly disappeared except for the occasional oxalate dumping which im still suffering from.
HUMANS ARENT HERBIVORE. the most optimal diet for humans is a diet that includes alot of meat
Actual real life Wolverine
I love this guy
Thanks for speaking up for the animals, Patrik! Strong men protect the weak! Much respect.
💫💫❤️💫💫🐾👣🌍💯💫💫 💪🏻👊🏻 Thank you for Loving the Animals..
Good stuff bro...
The original way of living◇
It's pathetic when you hear people questioning about iron and protein... This is not the main problem for veg people, our problem is B12. Nobody asks about that.
💖absolutely.... b12 is from Whole Eggs organ meat
B12 is actually produced by a bacteria, mostly found in the soil. That‘s why meat eaters get it, because buffalos and chicken have all-day contact with the soil. So B12 is not inherently in the meat. It‘s a bacteria in a way/ The real reason for B12 defficiency is not because one doesn‘t eat meat, but because our modern lives makes us not being close to nature. Children who play all day with the soil can get the B12 easilly. Sadly, our children nowadays can‘t get B12 from phones and tablets. It‘s a modern-life problem, not a problem from abstaining meat.
@@zlanaj Most people get their B12 from animals who got B12 supplements. And a lot of non-vegans are on a B12 supplements even considering that.
@@dragan176, yeap, supplements are an option too. Although I tend to think if people are in everyday contact with the soil (walking barefoot, playing in the sand, etc.) will eventually get them enough B12 from the earth.
@@zlanaj A B12 deficiency is so serious and severe that "I tend to think" just won't do, unfortunately.
Vegan! Compassion. Power. Humble. A few of the benefits that pour forth when one stops putting animals in their mouths. Great piece and thanks for sharing this good news.
To be honest the vegans look more jacked and healthier then most meat eaters.
@@maxweldeleonrodriges3615crack it's crack he's smoking
Especially older vegans compared to older meat eaters. The elevated cholesterol and clogged arteries tend to catch up as they get older.
I am a born vegan because of culture and now I'm on the path of veganism 😊 because of love towards animals
It's pretty easy being vegan or vegetarian in Germany, they have so vegetarian restaurants
Lmao the last line "yeah I'm sure that's it Patrick" too funny
love how they talk about his book but its in German lol
I take it his favorite superhero is Wolverine?
I eat cheese.I just don't drink milk. I gave up cows milk for almond milk. I have been drinking almond milk for 4 years now. I got that idea from arnold schwarzenegger. After watching the film, the game changers. Witch Patrick wascalso in.
Beans has around 9g per 100g. Which is the highest concentration of protein you will find in vegetables. Meat has around 25g per 100g and protein powder (plant-based and non-plant-based) has between 80g to 90g per 100g.
Per 100g of kidney beans you have 22
@@p.praneethpedada2325 I have been bodybuilding naturally for the past 18 years, and have done low protein as well as high protein for years at a time. I noticed that it makes very little difference in terms of how much muscle you build or retain, contrary to what the fitness industry says.
@@ifstatementifstatement2704 so you say diet doesn't play major role
@@p.praneethpedada2325 no He is not . Is just you dont need this much unless you are really explosive on volume
Tofu, edamame, tempeh is higher in protein
Dude forgot most important part having a thic boi beard
My man!
I am vegetarian now trying to be vegan
Great video, 👍❤️ Plant power baby 🌿💯
Literally real life wolverine
Vegan doesn’t mean no steroids
You still have to eat food whether you’re on the juice or not
@@landonp.4073 yh, like people seem to forget that. Like as soon as you take PEDs somehow you don’t have to worry about calorie Intake, training and protein. Nah just take PEDs and you’re set. Not many people can get to this guys strength cause they might not have the GINETICS(key word that is), even if they abused PEDs
@@aidans_journey02 these morons never used roids and think that if we inject BOOOM we can win Mr. Olympia just eating doritos and watching netflix all day long
And your point is?
@@aidans_journey02 key word Genetics and you misspelled it
Great Man. Big Guns.... Big Heart
Vegan wolverine
guy probably farts like a beast
So no mention of dball, trenbolone sandwich ? Hmm interesting.
You say that as if other strong men don’t take that stuff.
@@OfficialEDirty You say that as if it doesn't debunk literally the only absolutely shredded vegan in the world.... Tons of non roid head dudes that are absolutely jacked, who eat meat.... WOW
@@AuRowe are you saying that Patrik Baboumian is the only shredded vegan?
@UCMOBxNaw-yxvpYcXIldcuNA I’m vegan for the animals which is the only way you can be vegan so if I have to put a little more effort into what I eat vs paying for animals to suffer and be killed I’m ok with that and how does someone killing an innocent being or buying meat from the store somehow make them more manly?
As a Canadian, I'm offended that this German dude looks uncannily (see what I did there) like Wolverine.
He's great but he looks like my physics teacher😮
Haha dude also has a Masters in Psychology
“You became a vegan to better the world. You became a lifter to better yourself. You’re being selfless and selfish and you can’t be both because selfish has fish in it.” - Bro Science Life
To the 1% of people who is reading this:
You are amazing and blessed, please stay safe.. Have an amazing rest of your day! P.S ive been struggling to get to 60K any help is appreciated 💙
Wolverine 😂❤
💪yaass king 👑
Good stuff bro
Plants!!! (and a f**kton of steroids)
thats a must for any strongman. Sadly natty strongman competitions arent a big thing and are not as impressive as these beasts
Why am I becoming fan of him?