I remember watching a video, it was fake but valid, where the HR woman asked the guy what happened to his performance and that they've noticed his KPI success has consecutively dropped the previous 2 years and he said when he asked for a payrise she said no and he asked if his salary was below the median average for a person in his position and she said yes. She asked what happened? He said, "I asked for a payrise given how hard I was working and was the top performer 3 years in a row and you said no. I also asked if my salary was below the national median for the average person in my role and you said yes. So given that you are paying a fair market salary, I decided to become a fair market value employee. You disincentive people to work hard, so we don't." It was a very good skit and it's no wonder it went viral despite being fake, as a lot of people related to it! The old adage of 'you get what you pay for' is highly applicable!
Our software test group got a new manager, promoted from a factory position. He wanted us to record the start and end times of our tasks, to 1/100th of a second. I pointed out that we didn't have a cesium clock on site.
whats more ludicrous is the companies that seriously think minimum wage is all you need to live off, like if you just pay them this minimum, they have a secure and stable debt free family life, a home, car and no worries. are business owners really this dumb or just selfish?
Not in the US. Minimum wage is different in each state. Minimum wage is $16 and if a fast food worker gets $20 per hour. That goes absolutely nowhere where I live. Finding an apartment for $2,000 or less is non existent. A home starts around $750,000. And state average is $800,000+ . So making $40,000 a year? It is laughable.
I simply can't understand the mind-set of those people. I manage a large department, where the staff have to be experienced in their field. We pay for their expertise and commitment. We have a pool of juniors who are learning in their field of choice. They're paid a good salary which will increase as they progress. Underpaying is simply stupid. It won't attract the people we need. I won't keep the staff we value. It is an insult to employees
First rule of business - always pay your staff. It always baffles me when business owners treat their staff poorly and expect them to give their best. It's hard to pick a winner, but it would be tough to beat your number one.
#4 is a very common occurrence in the US, a lot of employees are purposely mischaracterized as "independent contractors" to not pay all the hours worked, benefits, and that stuff, but also not allow the greater autonomy that an independent contractor would have.
Same here in Czechia, only for different reasons. Tax and mandatory insurance dodging. And of course, it's much easier to get rid of contractor than an employee.
also in UK Higher Education. Hourly paid employees are classified as independent contractors in some instances, to avoid in particular, the accruing of long term benefits. Yes, not only the US, look to UK University employers.
On the same line as not paying young people, service jobs that have a three or five day training period without tips/no pay is ridiculous. My partner did one of those jobs, worked five days, then was not scheduled after that. Basically stealing labor
Oh, #1 isn't uncommon in the US either. To work the job I have now, I was told that I don't get my legally required lunch break because I "signed it away". I asked for the contract, and they told me to contact corporate. I work in Oregon, not for tips, there is no legal way to do this, I'm just too desperate for work to argue... yet
@@JJ-br1nhlunch break isn’t federal law. It’s state, and I know in CA you have to sign away your right to a break. Most states don’t have a law for lunch breaks.
Once again, great video! Ben. I have recently come across your content and I love it.❤ I'm a member of the works council at the company I work for. Luckily it's a good place to work. But yeah, sometimes I come across stuff that is just not well thought out. Like, sometimes I wished HR and management just discussed the plans and policies with someone who is in the department that it will effect the most. Before it goes to us (the works council) and we get it on our plate. Because, man, they sometimes just have a few pages long policy written up and when we compare it with the reality/workability, it just doesn't make any sense. So all management and HR: "If you want to chance, cancel or make a new policy or plan, please give the people who get impacted by it a clear heads up. Like: -This is what needs to change because... -We where-/ I was thinking about d doing it like...(this)..., -Do you see any problems that could arise from this or do you have another solution or idea that would be better?"
Number 1 is insane, "I am allowed to break the law because I made a contract that says I'm allowed to", if that would be allowed to fly, I would worry at the power that lawyers could hold over everyone
what if that means they just don't hire people instead, that's the problem your saying that it's better to not hire people than it is to pay them below a certain rate. not that they should be allowed to break the law but I don't like the law that says I can't accept and offer that has been given to me.
I would bet anything that the person who "only makes tea and sweeps floors" has other duties, either cleaning duties, receptionist duties, or something else. Unless we are talking about a teahouse, nobody hires a person just to make tea.
Probably a cleaner, of a reasonable sized premises (big enough that it basically warrants a full time or regular cleaner) whose job expanded to 'make the teas'. If the boss does not value that at work, sure, let her go and he can do it himself. I guarantee she would be hired back the next day.
There were a group of shops that hired overseas students , they took their passports , forced them to work over their 20 hour maximin limit, and forced them to pay back part of their pay . The students were told that if they complained that they would be reported for working over their 20 hour limit and deported.
My first job as a teen (15y) was like that, I used to study when I didn't have any work or read a book or chat online with friends 😅 Back then not everyone had internet at their homes and that job gave me access to it.
The minimum wage is not meant to be a living wage; it's meant to be a starting point. If people work hard and prove their worth to their employer, the employer will pay them more. (Most employers, there are some bad ones out there, no doubt.) But quite frankly, if you are an adult with at least a year of experience and you are still earning minimum wage, it is because you are not a very good employee.
please tell me Ben that these employers have been put on notice to either back pay their employees/have been fined AND have had their businesses closed down...please..!!
A woman I worked for that did events treated all of us sub contractors/self employed people so we had to send her an invoice with the amount she would tell us. This amount was always below minimum!
A couple of decades ago, in British Columbia, Canada, there was a reduced minimum wage introduced for new entrants to the workforce (aimed at teenagers). I think it may have been for the first 100 hours or something, I can't remember. Anyway, it was scrapped a few years later. Absolute garbage policy, totally discriminatory.
It's a worldwide phenomenon - employers are always paying the lowest possible, in most cases minimum wage, however this means they have no discretion when it comes to "less important" workers (which is bullshit, you're paying for time, not tasks), which means they end up just paying below minimum. If the employers paid, say, a few bob above minimum, then the "less important" jobs could get minimum wage and everything would be fine.
Congratulations on 200 videos keep up the hard work well done. Beanie on the video looking forward ro more Videos so hear to 200 more well done scroft and Beanie
Used to work in a small Pizza shop in the UK in the early 00s. The owner (who was from eastern Europe) used to say when ever challenged about not paying the MW would just say that 'its none of the governments business what I pay my workers'.
That last excuse has to be the worst. How did they even get employees to sign that? " Sign this, or you're fired." They must have had some desperate employees, which is even more upsetting, just kick people when they're desperate.
All of these have one thing in common...all the excuses are lies...if any of these employers genuinely believe what they say they shouldn't be in buisness and are literally begging for a lawsuit!
a company is in trouble if its needs to scam their staff. in all the jobs i have had you need are not in the SOP but what to do when its not in their SOP, the things you work out to make your life easy and when things go wrong. We had a manager who was leaving , out of curiosity i said how come you were always going to see the other team but not us, he said you solved your problems and then reported to us what happened, so we did not need come to fix anything .
Ben Thinking about some of the teachers in U.S. where they NOT only have parents haranguing them but principals who have not thought about extra tasks teachers do after school-- prepare classroom, prepare materials, activities for the next day. I would say these are POOR work environments. Grading n completing report cards, lesson plan production (teachers do NOT get lesson plans)- n finding materials for an experiment (science), social studies- or math that teaches with props!! Having to call parents on the possible one free period where grading n lesson plans were to be completed for the next week!!! Poor work conditions. Never mind not having enough reading materials to teach basic reading in grade K or 1!!! Ridiculous!!! Parents, aside from your requests teachers have to scramble or buy their own materials!!!!!!!
These reinforce my experiences- the rule of thumb is if an employer is paying their workers a mandated minimum wage, it's because they want to pay them less, but can't.
1. Reverse brain drain - Paying foreigners for jobs when they are Not in the process of becoming PR/citizens (taking money out of the country) 2. Multitaskers - Remote workers working 2 or more full time remote jobs at the Same Time. 3. High barrier to entry level jobs - No one wants to train or mentor anymore, all looking for job experience with high expectations. College degrees = not even worth it. 4. Forced gob jobs are the worst, u get paid peanuts less than minimum wage and forced to work 996 otherwise u go to jail for years. ie draft/conscription.
the whole "identifying as self employed" thing makes me think that his workers made a joke about being "self employed" because the boss doesn't teach or help them with anything and he overheard it and went "fine, you get self employment pay"
Because it takes people speaking out and pushing back (in person, or through the courts, a union, the Department of Labor, whatever) to accomplish change.
Slavery wasn't abolished that long ago in the uk. The people that start businesses don't have to be super intelligent they just need the bravery to do it. Thats how they get to be in charge. I sort of get why they think that they don't need to pay trainees properly, as people on apprenticeship training schemes don't necessarily get the proper minimum wage. He can't of had a lawyer do the contract, the lawyer would point out that the contract is unenforceable.
Hi Ben. Love the channel! I came across you on FB, but was frustrated to see that most of your reels ended before the whole story was told. Is there a place where I can find the complete videos?
all of them are absolutely idiotic, and shows how far employers will go to keep their bottom line in the black, but the minimum wage is the smallest amount they HAVE to pay an employee and the excuse at number 1 gives me images of the boss forcing them to sign that contract or lose thier job, because nobody in their right mind would read through that and see the line about not getting minimum wage and then voluntarily sign it
Don't forget the land of sub-minimum wage here in the US if you work in certain areas of the service industry. I believe it's just under $3, which is why tipping culture is just so out of control.
Same. Why would you want an accountant who can't speak English and is familiar with UK tax law? (Or the dominant language and the legal system of whatever country where you're doing business) That is bound to cause problems.
If you teach English as a foreign language in a country where English is not the native language, you are only paid for the time you are teaching. Preparation time, which can be substantial, is not compensated. The system financially incentives teachers to do minimal preparation. If you work as an adjunct college professor in the US, you are only paid for when you are in the classroom. Time spent making and grading exams, preparing for class, preparing for labs if you teach a science course and helping students outside of class time are all, essentially, volunteer activities. The hourly pay for both of these jobs tends to be low, as well.
When a person is required to have their physical person on your premises, they can't be otherwise painfully engaged so you have to pay them. If you're the employer it's up to you to keep them busy.
I did a short stint in retail. When it was not busy with customers, we cleaned/restocked shelves, tidied up. I could think of nothing worse than standing around doing nothing.
This employer thought they were being clever. If they were self employed they would be able to decide when they turned up, if at all, they would invoice for time, and would be paid the full sum because they would need to do their own taxes and holiday pay. This employer was probably all “identifies as, I’ve caught the woke HMRC now”
no, no taxation, no hr, no health insurance etc. you can toss that all out, all problems for the employee. and, lets be real here, this workers will ONLY have him as contractor, so, nothing changed about that or the amount he would pay. the problem is that IRS / tax authorities normally have strict rules what a self employed worker is, THAT will be his problem.
The most obvious example against that are delivery drivers. As soon as you offer a contract by the number of packages delivered, you are not in the position to even calculate a hourly wage. That’s on the contractor to enforce. If they are self employed and need the contract to survive you can undercut any minimum wage by far. Especially as you might even pay more than minimum wage on average, but the self employed person has to pay taxes and for their health insurance plus usage of any vehicle or equipment from the amount they are paid.
If i need to be on standby in the store, I'm getting paid. Even if I'm on call, it means i have to restrict my activities so that i can respond promptly. If i made an hourly wage, i would expect to be paid for that.
In Germany you don't get the minimum wage in an apprenticeship (by law legal). and thats not 6 month or so, the apprenticeship is 3 years... nr. 6 is in germany ok. nr. 3 could work for fisherman, if you leave the 12 mile-zone or so and are a lot of time outside the british jurisdiction. inside the 12 mile-zone ist british minimum wage, outside its not. (you will not find men to do it, but it could be legally ok)
I live in Canada, I get paid, hourly but much more than minimum wage. If the minimum wage goes up, should my way to go off as well? I’m not sure who to talk to as I don’t trust my boss.
Not not automatically, why would it? Edit unless there is some sort of undertaking in your contract of employment that the differential be maintained, which I would doubt.
Insolvency accountant opinion here this is a wild opinion (insolvency law in Australia) as well, if you can't afford to pay your workers a living minimum wage, your business is insolvent, meaning it shouldn't operate and doesn't have a social license to run (this is a term that is used to describe the trust society gives a business to run, not a official license please don't take out of context). Hence why most first world countries have a minimum wage and don't have tips as a way to get by....
0:39 heyyy "I only pay them when they're actually working and not for waiting around" did this guy go away an invent door dash? he's a genius. edit: oh I see he teamed up with number 4.
What are the consequences if I open a business in the UK and refuse to give employees the minimum wage or holiday leave. Can I also take out money they would make and apply it towards their holiday leave if I am required to give the employees one?
HMRC can look back for up to 6 years and force an Employer to repay any underpayments, and any sums owed are then used to calculate the penalty. The current penalty is up to 200% of the unpaid wages, with a maximum penalty of £20,000 per employee. This may be reduced by 50% if paid within 14 days. Failing to pay or provide annual leave is in fact ILLEGAL. Either way you are breaking several laws, expect to be visited, assessed, fined, named and shamed.
1:21 its common in asia and middle east to pay forign workers less than minimum wage. Thats how you give the citizens the best value for money. A country should help its citizens as much as they can. Forigners choose to take the job. Also $5 an hour is alot for indians
here's a hot take, but I would say that employ's should be able to opt out of minimum wage, because as with what happened recently in california, the changed minimum wage and the result was just a lot of people not working, incuding place just closing saying they have no way way of paying the required wage. So the problem and that would aply to a lot of these situations, especially with yonger people they would take what then can get and that way employers can take risks and with a less skilled employee because the cost associated with training and developing new staff is significantly less.
@@mikenelson3632 what's false? Look it up they raised the rate in California to $20 an hour for fast food workers and according to one source about 9500 jobs were cut as a result. But more importantly why does government get to tell me that I can't take a contract that is offered to me.
>>here's a hot take, but I would say that employ's should be able to opt out of minimum wage Hell no. You should not be allowed to pay less than what it costs to keep your employee alive. Paying starvation wages isn't a solution to unemployment, and opens the door to exploitaition.
@@nealreiersen6823 The rest of society gets a say because the rest of society is going to have to somehow pay the difference between what you get paid, and what it costs to keep you alive, be it through in work/low pay welfare benefits, or charity - because we don't want you dead on the streets. A better question is, why would you want to work for an employer who litterally does not care if you live or die?
@@127dot0dot0dot1First why is that up to the government why do they get to tell me what I need to take care of myself. Second "starvation" wages is a bit provocative, and it's impossible to legislate that because individual needs vary so much. Third the minimum wage separated the labor from the actual value of that labor. It means that people can't help or can't ask for help if they can pay at least a certain amount. The reality is a lot of jobs out there now don't generate $20 an hour so how can you pay $20 an hour for someone to do it l? It means that the government is requiring them to run a charity.
The minimum for anyone wanting to support the channel is to like the video. But I'm going to comment as well, because Ben deserves it.
Haha thank you!
I went above and beyond, I am Subscribed as well. If I ever get the option to JOIN, I will!
Hint hint, @Ben-Askins
VIEW the video you mean
Liking is a PERSONAL CHOICE and owed to NOBODY.
Do not comment if you have mental issues!
@@cosmicreef5858 Are you okay?
I remember watching a video, it was fake but valid, where the HR woman asked the guy what happened to his performance and that they've noticed his KPI success has consecutively dropped the previous 2 years and he said when he asked for a payrise she said no and he asked if his salary was below the median average for a person in his position and she said yes. She asked what happened? He said, "I asked for a payrise given how hard I was working and was the top performer 3 years in a row and you said no. I also asked if my salary was below the national median for the average person in my role and you said yes. So given that you are paying a fair market salary, I decided to become a fair market value employee. You disincentive people to work hard, so we don't." It was a very good skit and it's no wonder it went viral despite being fake, as a lot of people related to it! The old adage of 'you get what you pay for' is highly applicable!
Our software test group got a new manager, promoted from a factory position. He wanted us to record the start and end times of our tasks, to 1/100th of a second. I pointed out that we didn't have a cesium clock on site.
Not to mention the additional time wasted recording each and every menial task.
whats more ludicrous is the companies that seriously think minimum wage is all you need to live off, like if you just pay them this minimum, they have a secure and stable debt free family life, a home, car and no worries.
are business owners really this dumb or just selfish?
Not in the US. Minimum wage is different in each state. Minimum wage is $16 and if a fast food worker gets $20 per hour.
That goes absolutely nowhere where I live. Finding an apartment for $2,000 or less is non existent.
A home starts around $750,000. And state average is $800,000+ .
So making $40,000 a year? It is laughable.
And yes they are that daft.
I simply can't understand the mind-set of those people. I manage a large department, where the staff have to be experienced in their field. We pay for their expertise and commitment. We have a pool of juniors who are learning in their field of choice. They're paid a good salary which will increase as they progress.
Underpaying is simply stupid. It won't attract the people we need. I won't keep the staff we value. It is an insult to employees
First rule of business - always pay your staff.
It always baffles me when business owners treat their staff poorly and expect them to give their best.
It's hard to pick a winner, but it would be tough to beat your number one.
These are unbelievable, how hard is it to understand what "minimum" means?
It's scary!
#4 is a very common occurrence in the US, a lot of employees are purposely mischaracterized as "independent contractors" to not pay all the hours worked, benefits, and that stuff, but also not allow the greater autonomy that an independent contractor would have.
Same here in Czechia, only for different reasons. Tax and mandatory insurance dodging. And of course, it's much easier to get rid of contractor than an employee.
also in UK Higher Education. Hourly paid employees are classified as independent contractors in some instances, to avoid in particular, the accruing of long term benefits. Yes, not only the US, look to UK University employers.
@@drhelenloney1426 Interesting. Here in Czechia a lot of foreign born language teachers are handled that way too. Easier to hire them that way.
And many of those employees like that arrangement because it keeps them under the IRS radar in a lot of cases.
I really hope she puts the floor sweepings in his tea !
No way did a lawyer write that up .... no contract is valid if it is in breach of the law !
Unfortunately, in the US only upper management (Director/ VP/ President level) and C Suite have actual work contracts.
On the same line as not paying young people, service jobs that have a three or five day training period without tips/no pay is ridiculous. My partner did one of those jobs, worked five days, then was not scheduled after that. Basically stealing labor
THat would be illegal in the UK.
Oh, #1 isn't uncommon in the US either. To work the job I have now, I was told that I don't get my legally required lunch break because I "signed it away". I asked for the contract, and they told me to contact corporate. I work in Oregon, not for tips, there is no legal way to do this, I'm just too desperate for work to argue... yet
Go straight to the labor board. There is no signing away a federal law
@@JJ-br1nhlunch break isn’t federal law. It’s state, and I know in CA you have to sign away your right to a break. Most states don’t have a law for lunch breaks.
@@jawo8754 basic health and safety not a thing then?
They are all equally the worst. Minimum wage is the minimum you can pay someone. Most people can't afford to even live on minimum wage.
Once again, great video! Ben. I have recently come across your content and I love it.❤
I'm a member of the works council at the company I work for. Luckily it's a good place to work. But yeah, sometimes I come across stuff that is just not well thought out.
Like, sometimes I wished HR and management just discussed the plans and policies with someone who is in the department that it will effect the most. Before it goes to us (the works council) and we get it on our plate. Because, man, they sometimes just have a few pages long policy written up and when we compare it with the reality/workability, it just doesn't make any sense.
So all management and HR: "If you want to chance, cancel or make a new policy or plan, please give the people who get impacted by it a clear heads up. Like:
-This is what needs to change because...
-We where-/ I was thinking about d doing it like...(this)...,
-Do you see any problems that could arise from this or do you have another solution or idea that would be better?"
Number 1 is insane, "I am allowed to break the law because I made a contract that says I'm allowed to", if that would be allowed to fly, I would worry at the power that lawyers could hold over everyone
what if that means they just don't hire people instead, that's the problem your saying that it's better to not hire people than it is to pay them below a certain rate. not that they should be allowed to break the law but I don't like the law that says I can't accept and offer that has been given to me.
Who hires an accountant you don’t share a common language with
I would bet anything that the person who "only makes tea and sweeps floors" has other duties, either cleaning duties, receptionist duties, or something else. Unless we are talking about a teahouse, nobody hires a person just to make tea.
People who make and give you things you ingest should be paid well lest they „accidentally“ confuse your tea with hemlock…
or the boss can do the tea and cleaning himself, as he doesn't see it as a legitimate job
It's a term used by some people to avoid responsibility, so when asked to do something you say you can't because you only sweep up and make the tea
Are we watching the same video? In this context, it's not the employee trying to avoid tasks. It's the employer trying to devalue her work.
Probably a cleaner, of a reasonable sized premises (big enough that it basically warrants a full time or regular cleaner) whose job expanded to 'make the teas'.
If the boss does not value that at work, sure, let her go and he can do it himself. I guarantee she would be hired back the next day.
Probably the same bosses who think company policy is somehow above law as well.
There were a group of shops that hired overseas students , they took their passports , forced them to work over their 20 hour maximin limit, and forced them to pay back part of their pay . The students were told that if they complained that they would be reported for working over their 20 hour limit and deported.
WOW... Unbelienlvable!! How are these people still in business??
Even Scrooge would blush at their excuses
I was absolutely horrified by the three months slavery for youngsters...
I've been in shops where the staff seemed to think that the longer they took to serve the more they would get paid.
1st one “ok, but I’ll do my own thing when there are no customers. Like sleep or play games or whatever
THATS the right answer.
or do your own business in his company. selling insurances etc.
@@Asmodis4 like it. Run very active side hustles on their premises
My first job as a teen (15y) was like that, I used to study when I didn't have any work or read a book or chat online with friends 😅 Back then not everyone had internet at their homes and that job gave me access to it.
McDonald's tried that back in the day and were taken to court and found guilty.
The bloody minimum wage isn't enough to hold one person's body and soul together, let alone a family.
The minimum wage is not meant to be a living wage; it's meant to be a starting point. If people work hard and prove their worth to their employer, the employer will pay them more. (Most employers, there are some bad ones out there, no doubt.) But quite frankly, if you are an adult with at least a year of experience and you are still earning minimum wage, it is because you are not a very good employee.
please tell me Ben that these employers have been put on notice to either back pay their employees/have been fined AND have had their businesses closed down...please..!!
Plus this lovely stigma of min wage being worthless has to stop!
A woman I worked for that did events treated all of us sub contractors/self employed people so we had to send her an invoice with the amount she would tell us. This amount was always below minimum!
A couple of decades ago, in British Columbia, Canada, there was a reduced minimum wage introduced for new entrants to the workforce (aimed at teenagers). I think it may have been for the first 100 hours or something, I can't remember. Anyway, it was scrapped a few years later. Absolute garbage policy, totally discriminatory.
It's a worldwide phenomenon - employers are always paying the lowest possible, in most cases minimum wage, however this means they have no discretion when it comes to "less important" workers (which is bullshit, you're paying for time, not tasks), which means they end up just paying below minimum.
If the employers paid, say, a few bob above minimum, then the "less important" jobs could get minimum wage and everything would be fine.
Congratulations on 200 videos keep up the hard work well done. Beanie on the video looking forward ro more Videos so hear to 200 more well done scroft and Beanie
Used to work in a small Pizza shop in the UK in the early 00s. The owner (who was from eastern Europe) used to say when ever challenged about not paying the MW would just say that 'its none of the governments business what I pay my workers'.
That last excuse has to be the worst. How did they even get employees to sign that? " Sign this, or you're fired." They must have had some desperate employees, which is even more upsetting, just kick people when they're desperate.
@@happygarage6310 or it was the only way they could keep the business financially, it was take a pay cut or close the business.
All of these have one thing in common...all the excuses are lies...if any of these employers genuinely believe what they say they shouldn't be in buisness and are literally begging for a lawsuit!
a company is in trouble if its needs to scam their staff. in all the jobs i have had you need are not in the SOP but what to do when its not in their SOP, the things you work out to make your life easy and when things go wrong.
We had a manager who was leaving , out of curiosity i said how come you were always going to see the other team but not us, he said you solved your problems and then reported to us what happened, so we did not need come to fix anything .
Thinking about some of the teachers in U.S.
where they NOT only have parents haranguing them but principals who have not thought about extra tasks teachers do after school-- prepare classroom, prepare materials, activities for the next day. I would say these are POOR work environments.
Grading n completing report cards, lesson plan production (teachers do NOT get lesson plans)- n finding materials for an experiment (science), social studies- or math that teaches with props!!
Having to call parents on the possible one free period where grading n lesson plans were to be completed for the next week!!! Poor work conditions.
Never mind not having enough reading materials to teach basic reading in grade K or 1!!!
Ridiculous!!! Parents, aside from your requests teachers have to scramble or buy their own materials!!!!!!!
These reinforce my experiences- the rule of thumb is if an employer is paying their workers a mandated minimum wage, it's because they want to pay them less, but can't.
1. Reverse brain drain - Paying foreigners for jobs when they are Not in the process of becoming PR/citizens (taking money out of the country)
2. Multitaskers - Remote workers working 2 or more full time remote jobs at the Same Time.
3. High barrier to entry level jobs - No one wants to train or mentor anymore, all looking for job experience with high expectations. College degrees = not even worth it.
4. Forced gob jobs are the worst, u get paid peanuts less than minimum wage and forced to work 996 otherwise u go to jail for years. ie draft/conscription.
#3 sounds like a restaurant owner in the U.S. where the regular minimum wage doesn’t apply unless the worker makes no tips for the pay period.
the whole "identifying as self employed" thing makes me think that his workers made a joke about being "self employed" because the boss doesn't teach or help them with anything and he overheard it and went "fine, you get self employment pay"
How do any of these companies keep the doors open? How has the government not cracked down on these idiots?
Because it takes people speaking out and pushing back (in person, or through the courts, a union, the Department of Labor, whatever) to accomplish change.
Slavery wasn't abolished that long ago in the uk.
The people that start businesses don't have to be super intelligent they just need the bravery to do it. Thats how they get to be in charge.
I sort of get why they think that they don't need to pay trainees properly, as people on apprenticeship training schemes don't necessarily get the proper minimum wage.
He can't of had a lawyer do the contract, the lawyer would point out that the contract is unenforceable.
Hi Ben. Love the channel! I came across you on FB, but was frustrated to see that most of your reels ended before the whole story was told. Is there a place where I can find the complete videos?
all of them are absolutely idiotic, and shows how far employers will go to keep their bottom line in the black, but the minimum wage is the smallest amount they HAVE to pay an employee and the excuse at number 1 gives me images of the boss forcing them to sign that contract or lose thier job, because nobody in their right mind would read through that and see the line about not getting minimum wage and then voluntarily sign it
Don't forget the land of sub-minimum wage here in the US if you work in certain areas of the service industry. I believe it's just under $3, which is why tipping culture is just so out of control.
"As the city manager I think we should only pay firefighters when they're actually fighting fires."
I hope all of these got reported to whatever UK authorities are responsible for business supervision.
I think the accountant speaking a different language is the stupidest one
Same. Why would you want an accountant who can't speak English and is familiar with UK tax law? (Or the dominant language and the legal system of whatever country where you're doing business) That is bound to cause problems.
If you teach English as a foreign language in a country where English is not the native language, you are only paid for the time you are teaching. Preparation time, which can be substantial, is not compensated. The system financially incentives teachers to do minimal preparation. If you work as an adjunct college professor in the US, you are only paid for when you are in the classroom. Time spent making and grading exams, preparing for class, preparing for labs if you teach a science course and helping students outside of class time are all, essentially, volunteer activities. The hourly pay for both of these jobs tends to be low, as well.
When a person is required to have their physical person on your premises, they can't be otherwise painfully engaged so you have to pay them. If you're the employer it's up to you to keep them busy.
I did a short stint in retail. When it was not busy with customers, we cleaned/restocked shelves, tidied up. I could think of nothing worse than standing around doing nothing.
@@davinasquirrel7672 Agree!
Those businesses need a wake up call in the form of a lawsuit and a referral to the Labor board
4:30 aren't self-employed ppl more expensive than regular employees to begin with?
This employer thought they were being clever. If they were self employed they would be able to decide when they turned up, if at all, they would invoice for time, and would be paid the full sum because they would need to do their own taxes and holiday pay.
This employer was probably all “identifies as, I’ve caught the woke HMRC now”
no, no taxation, no hr, no health insurance etc. you can toss that all out, all problems for the employee. and, lets be real here, this workers will ONLY have him as contractor, so, nothing changed about that or the amount he would pay.
the problem is that IRS / tax authorities normally have strict rules what a self employed worker is, THAT will be his problem.
The most obvious example against that are delivery drivers. As soon as you offer a contract by the number of packages delivered, you are not in the position to even calculate a hourly wage. That’s on the contractor to enforce. If they are self employed and need the contract to survive you can undercut any minimum wage by far. Especially as you might even pay more than minimum wage on average, but the self employed person has to pay taxes and for their health insurance plus usage of any vehicle or equipment from the amount they are paid.
Pay minimum wage, get minimum effort
You get what you pay for... Maybe boomer speak is what you need?
@@drhelenloney1426 disagree with your disagreement
I'm not sure these poeple know what the word "minimum" means 🤣
Me either!
If i need to be on standby in the store, I'm getting paid. Even if I'm on call, it means i have to restrict my activities so that i can respond promptly. If i made an hourly wage, i would expect to be paid for that.
Could you follow up on what the consequences were in these cases?
Especially since some of these sounds quite criminal.
3:43 Numbers are a universal language.
In Germany you don't get the minimum wage in an apprenticeship (by law legal). and thats not 6 month or so, the apprenticeship is 3 years... nr. 6 is in germany ok.
nr. 3 could work for fisherman, if you leave the 12 mile-zone or so and are a lot of time outside the british jurisdiction. inside the 12 mile-zone ist british minimum wage, outside its not. (you will not find men to do it, but it could be legally ok)
Writing an illegal contract does not negate the law it simply proves that you engaged in illegal practices
So basically, a lot of bosses don't understand the word "minimum"
Gee, if you were a young foreigner those sort of cheapskates would expect you to pay them, and not just the minimum wage either.
I live in Canada, I get paid, hourly but much more than minimum wage. If the minimum wage goes up, should my way to go off as well? I’m not sure who to talk to as I don’t trust my boss.
Not not automatically, why would it? Edit unless there is some sort of undertaking in your contract of employment that the differential be maintained, which I would doubt.
There are an increasing number of companies that employ people on a zero-hours contract basis. Hmm
British minimum wage is $15 USD an hour. US min wage is $7.25/hr. That's a travesty.
The first half is not the entitlement of the employees, the entitlement of the employers lording over their peons...
Maybe No1 thought that he was being so smart in finding a loophole 😂
Make your own damn tea and sweep your own damn floor you see you next Tuesday
They just dont wanna
Apprenticeships is the only time you can pay someone less
It was sages fault , I selected the wrong drop down in the options is 2 I’ve heard from past work places
Do these companies still exist? What happens in the UK? Isn't minimum wage mandatory? Number 1 is the worst. But isn't that an infraction?
It would not be permitted, but no one would put up with it either.
Insolvency accountant opinion here this is a wild opinion (insolvency law in Australia) as well, if you can't afford to pay your workers a living minimum wage, your business is insolvent, meaning it shouldn't operate and doesn't have a social license to run (this is a term that is used to describe the trust society gives a business to run, not a official license please don't take out of context). Hence why most first world countries have a minimum wage and don't have tips as a way to get by....
0:25 careful Ben, I know you were joking but McDonalds might catch wind of this statement and start hiring two year olds to cook the fries.
I think your videos like this would get even more traction if you timestamp the individual points.
0:39 heyyy "I only pay them when they're actually working and not for waiting around" did this guy go away an invent door dash? he's a genius. edit: oh I see he teamed up with number 4.
Who says he used a lawyer to write the contract?
What are the consequences if I open a business in the UK and refuse to give employees the minimum wage or holiday leave. Can I also take out money they would make and apply it towards their holiday leave if I am required to give the employees one?
HMRC can look back for up to 6 years and force an Employer to repay any underpayments, and any sums owed are then used to calculate the penalty. The current penalty is up to 200% of the unpaid wages, with a maximum penalty of £20,000 per employee. This may be reduced by 50% if paid within 14 days.
Failing to pay or provide annual leave is in fact ILLEGAL.
Either way you are breaking several laws, expect to be visited, assessed, fined, named and shamed.
Such a business would fail, as you would deserve.
And to add to @Sonnabend00 's comment, No you can't take a deduction from their pay to pay for the paid annual leave you are legally required to give.
Greed. Nothing more to say.
Minimum Work for minimum pay
1:21 its common in asia and middle east to pay forign workers less than minimum wage. Thats how you give the citizens the best value for money. A country should help its citizens as much as they can. Forigners choose to take the job. Also $5 an hour is alot for indians
What a screwed up mindset.
@@nicolad8822 why? Goverment formed by citizens votes and taxes. Itd make sense to focus on benefitting its citizens only.
here's a hot take, but I would say that employ's should be able to opt out of minimum wage, because as with what happened recently in california, the changed minimum wage and the result was just a lot of people not working, incuding place just closing saying they have no way way of paying the required wage. So the problem and that would aply to a lot of these situations, especially with yonger people they would take what then can get and that way employers can take risks and with a less skilled employee because the cost associated with training and developing new staff is significantly less.
All false
@@mikenelson3632 what's false? Look it up they raised the rate in California to $20 an hour for fast food workers and according to one source about 9500 jobs were cut as a result. But more importantly why does government get to tell me that I can't take a contract that is offered to me.
>>here's a hot take, but I would say that employ's should be able to opt out of minimum wage
Hell no. You should not be allowed to pay less than what it costs to keep your employee alive. Paying starvation wages isn't a solution to unemployment, and opens the door to exploitaition.
@@nealreiersen6823 The rest of society gets a say because the rest of society is going to have to somehow pay the difference between what you get paid, and what it costs to keep you alive, be it through in work/low pay welfare benefits, or charity - because we don't want you dead on the streets.
A better question is, why would you want to work for an employer who litterally does not care if you live or die?
@@127dot0dot0dot1First why is that up to the government why do they get to tell me what I need to take care of myself.
Second "starvation" wages is a bit provocative, and it's impossible to legislate that because individual needs vary so much.
Third the minimum wage separated the labor from the actual value of that labor. It means that people can't help or can't ask for help if they can pay at least a certain amount. The reality is a lot of jobs out there now don't generate $20 an hour so how can you pay $20 an hour for someone to do it l? It means that the government is requiring them to run a charity.
I wouldn't have said pillock, 🔔 🔚 more like 🤣
I think #2 was the worst
Pay minimum wage, get minimum effort
Pay minimum wage, get minimum effort