These were great, elegant, high quality cars. I remember a black one back in 1963, when a friend who owned it took my family for a picnic. It was he and his maybe 13 year old daughter and my parents and I, who was 9 at the time. The car looked like a post-war sedan version. I don't remember the interior at all, but the exterior sure has been forever in my memory. These were very underpowered cars by today's standards, but at the time they were more than adequate, since the roads in the old country at the time were far from autobahns, they were narrow affairs going up and down mountains, where 60 MPH was really fast.
These were great, elegant, high quality cars. I remember a black one back in 1963, when a friend who owned it took my family for a picnic. It was he and his maybe 13 year old daughter and my parents and I, who was 9 at the time. The car looked like a post-war sedan version. I don't remember the interior at all, but the exterior sure has been forever in my memory. These were very underpowered cars by today's standards, but at the time they were more than adequate, since the roads in the old country at the time were far from autobahns, they were narrow affairs going up and down mountains, where 60 MPH was really fast.