I've had the idcore100 a couple of years now. This unit has been worth it so much. I've only grown to love it more over the years. That was money well spent.
I bought the 10 watt version for someone else, and in the short time I had it, I was impressed with what they managed to squeeze out of 3 inch speakers, definitely interested in getting a 100 watt, not so much for the wattage as for the 10 inch speakers and EQ controls.
I purchased this am a little over a month ago and I am happy as I can be. I'm a bass player that got a guitar gig and I needed a amp and I didn't want to spend to much cause I didn't play the gig to often in the beginning. I play all styles of music and this amp did everything I needed after playing with it awhile. You turn your volume down on your guitar it responds like a tube amp. Great amp love it.
@@jerish-guitar747 no it's not. If you're at home and the volume is very low it would be ok but it a guitar amp. Blackstar makes bass amps now and the are very good and priced well also.
It would be fantastic if Blackstar were able to add the option of a couple of expression pedals into there. Would love a wah, volume, and Rotovibe option. Just to be totally spoiled
I've had this amp for a few days now and I can honestly say it puts out some of the best cleans i've ever heard. I also get a real nice blues tone out of it too
I have this exact amplifier and I gig with this thing all the time at bars. Usually I just crank it and it hangs with the drums and bass. Sometimes it gets plugged directly into the PA with the speaker simulator line out. Other times it gets a microphone in front of the cabinet. Doesn't matter what three ways I use it,the thing always sounds good and it can hang in a setting of whatever you need as long as there's a PA system.If it's a larger Club. But these amplifiers are absolutely perfect for doing bar gigs. Plus they are such a great sounding practice amp for the house
Why would you demo a stereo amp without micing it up in stereo? One of its main selling points is the sheer stereo width you get from these things and they go and use a single microphone on it.
I bought one of these amp's recently and i gotta say matched with a MXR DD11 Dime pedal. EQ pedal and a Noise suppressor it is amazing. I only use the 2 switch pedal but the amount of sounds i can get from this mixed with floating bridge guitar and some overdrive as a booster it has blown my mind. I can play everything from Pantera to David Bowie with a few quick adjustments. Sounds like it is surround sound even when the amp is behind you or in any other position. I gotta give the lightness a bit of a Hmmm as lighter usually means break easier. But let's see how it handles the abuse of a gear abuser!
:D Proud owner of the ID260, ID60H, and HT20 (versatile, small, valve, awesome ) :D ID floorboard... the idea being to get rid of the speaker box, and offer the ID Core or TVP engine in a more transportable format. Light, hardy chassis, dual inputs, stereo out, two expression pedals, loop, tap tempo, freeze/hold effect on the reverb...all the super, extra super cool stuff a working muso can use... I'd pay for, and would love the support of the ID features in a floorboard, that let's me DI to the desk, and decide on how big (if any) an on-stage speaker box I need. Rock on Blackstar
I have the id core 40, and the tech used to make the stereo is beyond you can't believe sounds like the sound is behind you. So i'm looking at this 100 now. wish this one is 12".
I agree. I think I'm hearing noises in other rooms of my house but it's just the dynamic wide stereo throwing the sounds around. I love playing music through it. Like UA-cam videos or mp3s because the stereo sounds amazing. Everyone I live with loves listening to music through it. It also gets so many really really usable tones.
I'm getting one and I will most likely run it through at least a 2x12 cab with G12 30's 100w needs 12's right 10's tend to sound kinda thin on guitar combos js
I would say it is! My 120w 10 yr old spider 3 has been acting crazy overheating and found someone selling this amp near me. Just went for it and love it! Tone and distortion is way different. Its got a more solid state classic tone than a digital. Its its own monster. Try one out!
I loved the sound of mine....right up until it blew up. 3 Hours after I bought it. I plugged it into the computer to get the firmware update and it killed the amp. Went to the forums and found out it was a very common problem.
I scored a ID Core 100 amp but it didnt come with a footswitch that it nornally comes with. Does anyonw know what footswitch works with the amp??? I was told the blackstar footswitch fs11 only works on the id core 20 and id core 40. I bought a basic cheap non brandwd double footswitch but it doesnt work
I was sold on Blackstar by the 10W ID Core (which I still love) so I bought the 100 and got to grips with the software, took it on tour and the bastard let me down on the first night, didn't even make it through the soundcheck. I gave it a second chance and it let me down again. Blackstar were no help whatsoever when I reported the problems to them. Also they feel like they are made out of cardboard, and as soon as you get them in a room with other musicians they are way too toppy, the speakers just have no depth. I still gave them another chance and tried out the HT 60 Stage, but that was just absolutely horrible, dead -sounding, but it did actually work. But I'm done with Blackstar, just going to get the Fender Twin sorted out and not waste any more time and money on this firewood.
hi there, thx vm for the vid.. however, i cant seem to find any vids on this blackstar id core which demos the mp3 input and how it sounds just to listen to music.. can you pls respond and tell me what you think about that? does it sound like a true hifi system or does it sound like most guitar amps with an aux in (a bit muffled and a lot of low ends) ?? thx vm
Alguien que sepa hablar Español me puede explicar como conseguir que mi guitarra suene igual que en el 13:23 ? es que soy novato y entre eso y que no se mucho ingles pues no se como hacerlo xd
Mi amigo, él está usando la perilla de volumen en su guitarra mientras toca una cuerda. Asegúrese de tener Reverb o Delay activado antes de intentarlo. Primero baje el volumen hasta el fondo de su guitarra con la perilla de volumen, luego toque una cuerda y suba el volumen de la perilla al mismo tiempo lentamente y debería obtener el mismo efecto.
I'm a fan of the ID Core amps I'm confused about a few things. Will this be available with 12 in. speakers? Where is the acclaimed TVP tube emulation technology? The amp sounds thin? I'm not dissing the amp just seems thin? May be the 10's
Or stick a compressor in front of the amp...i do this from a les paul Seymour Duncan antiquitie pickups and leave it on from clean to crunch to medium gain sound thick and punchy crank the preamp volume and cut the master down to bout halfway for house volume
Great review on the amp and I appreciate the meat and potatoes minus the stupid jokes that most reviewers find important. The guy on the left didn't really add much, but moral support.
Yeah, i've been gigging with it since it came out. I've only just managed to get my hands on the FS-12 foot switch (essential) to get the most out of the amp. Its easily loud enough, and packs a really nice punch.
Its cuts through very well. l use the stereo line out in the back directly into two channels on the desk (panned L & R). This just adds a little reinforcement in the PA which i personally like and allows the band to have some in their monitors if they wish. We're a rock band, and Master the volume on the amp is sitting at around 50%, so i'm more than happy with its output. My band members genuinely believe this amp sounds better than my all valve Blackstar HT 60 solo (i think thats what its called).
Martin Ferries better than an ht 60? gnar but yea I've been to some gigs where they didn't even have a pa system so knowing that this is powerful enough for when there isn't a pa and can cut well is a major selling point.
David Nix thank you buddy, and may i ask you another question? do you think that buying the 100 wats Id core amp its enough for playing on an stage? or would you recomend me use de 150 or another one?
I've just had it delivered today... But from what I've tested so far it will be more than loud enough. If you're worried it won't then go for the 150. I'm pretty sure the 100 would do the job though and save you some money too 👍
Chorus and Flange together ? ? Too bad …….. just when I thought this was a pretty limitless palette to create on, they do this. I'd probably go outboard with the chorus.
Beg to disagree, Tried a friend's katana, I also own a boss gt 100 which is almost the same if not better compared to then katana's effects but IMHO the ID core and ID tvp are way better.
you would need 2 BOSS Katanas.. I´m actually now looking in to amps because i want a new strong amp. I looked in to Katana as one of the first ones, then i found that Marshall CODE is waaay better then Katana and its better amp overall, then i saw Blackstar and Blackstar just blows me away from the two previous amps I was looking at. 150watt of pure stereo guitar, that you can't get even with 2 Katanas. You would need to plug in some stereo FX and even that wont come close to Blackstars built in FX and stereo.
Guy on the right smacks after every statement, wont shut up, guy on the left is a yes man. Unwatchable. Give the guy a glass of water and have the other one learn about the amp.
randomly skipped ahead about 20 times to nearly 15 minutes in and all I ever heard was talking. less talk more play. people want to hear the amp with a variety of settings. If I can randomly click the progress bar that many times and never hear playing, you're doing it wrong.
Unfortunately, I've got to join others in saying...blackstar customer support is the worst there is. I'm getting rid of mine. There are too many other/better amp choices out there. Terrible company!
Ill tell you this right now, i dont know anyone who combines 2 modulation effects together. Specially Chorus, AND flange. Those 2 together sound like total poo together. This sounds like cheap line 6 crap.
I've had the idcore100 a couple of years now. This unit has been worth it so much. I've only grown to love it more over the years. That was money well spent.
better than a champion 100?
@@asherellougne4528 They’re very comparable
Cool amp, but definitely not loud
I bought the 10 watt version for someone else, and in the short time I had it, I was impressed with what they managed to squeeze out of 3 inch speakers, definitely interested in getting a 100 watt, not so much for the wattage as for the 10 inch speakers and EQ controls.
Playing starts at 23:02
That amp really puts out tones galore!
I purchased this am a little over a month ago and I am happy as I can be. I'm a bass player that got a guitar gig and I needed a amp and I didn't want to spend to much cause I didn't play the gig to often in the beginning. I play all styles of music and this amp did everything I needed after playing with it awhile. You turn your volume down on your guitar it responds like a tube amp. Great amp love it.
Can this amp use for bass guitar?
@@jerish-guitar747 no it's not. If you're at home and the volume is very low it would be ok but it a guitar amp. Blackstar makes bass amps now and the are very good and priced well also.
It would be fantastic if Blackstar were able to add the option of a couple of expression pedals into there. Would love a wah, volume, and Rotovibe option. Just to be totally spoiled
I've had this amp for a few days now and I can honestly say it puts out some of the best cleans i've ever heard. I also get a real nice blues tone out of it too
I have this exact amplifier and I gig with this thing all the time at bars. Usually I just crank it and it hangs with the drums and bass. Sometimes it gets plugged directly into the PA with the speaker simulator line out. Other times it gets a microphone in front of the cabinet. Doesn't matter what three ways I use it,the thing always sounds good and it can hang in a setting of whatever you need as long as there's a PA system.If it's a larger Club. But these amplifiers are absolutely perfect for doing bar gigs. Plus they are such a great sounding practice amp for the house
Thanks for the video - just bought my first electric guitar and this amp so it's been a great help!
ive had an idcore stereo 20 for a while now and its EXCELLENT.
im thinking I'll be buying this bigger one for sure some time soon.
haw haw...I have the 100w now. its great
dereksmallsuk is it as loud ass looks?
Why would you demo a stereo amp without micing it up in stereo? One of its main selling points is the sheer stereo width you get from these things and they go and use a single microphone on it.
So tempting, fx loop is a big leap forward for low price modelers and a must for a guy like me who uses a proper looper live.
I bought one of these amp's recently and i gotta say matched with a MXR DD11 Dime pedal. EQ pedal and a Noise suppressor it is amazing. I only use the 2 switch pedal but the amount of sounds i can get from this mixed with floating bridge guitar and some overdrive as a booster it has blown my mind. I can play everything from Pantera to David Bowie with a few quick adjustments. Sounds like it is surround sound even when the amp is behind you or in any other position. I gotta give the lightness a bit of a Hmmm as lighter usually means break easier. But let's see how it handles the abuse of a gear abuser!
-it’s very a...
I really love this amp!!! Great sound, great power and affordable price. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
:D Proud owner of the ID260, ID60H, and HT20 (versatile, small, valve, awesome ) :D
ID floorboard... the idea being to get rid of the speaker box, and offer the ID Core or TVP engine in a more transportable format.
Light, hardy chassis, dual inputs, stereo out, two expression pedals, loop, tap tempo, freeze/hold effect on the reverb...all the super, extra super cool stuff a working muso can use...
I'd pay for, and would love the support of the ID features in a floorboard, that let's me DI to the desk, and decide on how big (if any) an on-stage speaker box I need.
Rock on Blackstar
toetappin bob abit random but does the ID260 have a built in looper or octave?
I have the id core 40, and the tech used to make the stereo is beyond you can't believe sounds like the sound is behind you. So i'm looking at this 100 now. wish this one is 12".
what's the difference between 10 and 12?
2 inches I believe.
rrguitar1 i know haha, i mean is it a sound difference or something??
I agree. I think I'm hearing noises in other rooms of my house but it's just the dynamic wide stereo throwing the sounds around. I love playing music through it. Like UA-cam videos or mp3s because the stereo sounds amazing. Everyone I live with loves listening to music through it. It also gets so many really really usable tones.
It is so awesome that it even plays background piano potential buyer muzak... Check 15:45... Jokes aside, it seems fab for that amount of money.
Sounds much better than in Andertons review.
Tiger Blood 1978, you've got any idea, why is it so?
This range may be a practice amp But I think it’s good enough to pass as a studio amp. I own the I’d core 20 myself and it’s awesome.
Wonderful tones, amazing and versatile. I'm really itching one
Blackstar amps are fucking amazing
it's just me or the guy on the left is just repeating what the guy on the right is saying?
yep, i have no idea why he is there lol
wtf he is the guy from the movie "Hobbit"
It's called confirming.
Or called a sidekick.
He's just saying "yea" for everything the other says
These amp reviews drive me nuts... just stop talking and play the damn thing.
A right hand man come on guys everyone knows about this. Great demo
Black star amp are so awesome amps.priced great as well
Excellent video, cheers guys
I'm getting one and I will most likely run it through at least a 2x12 cab with G12 30's 100w needs 12's right 10's tend to sound kinda thin on guitar combos js
can you show us how the looper works....??
Sounds awesome! Can you get Chorus, Delay, AND Reverb all at the same time? Let me know. Thanks in advance!
Would this be an upgrade from a line 6 spider 3 120w? Can't seem to get the tone i want out of it.
I would say it is! My 120w 10 yr old spider 3 has been acting crazy overheating and found someone selling this amp near me. Just went for it and love it! Tone and distortion is way different. Its got a more solid state classic tone than a digital. Its its own monster. Try one out!
Great demo.
Any good for a Hard working rock band...?
With the FS-12, can you tune the guitar from there? How do I do it?
I loved the sound of mine....right up until it blew up. 3 Hours after I bought it. I plugged it into the computer to get the firmware update and it killed the amp. Went to the forums and found out it was a very common problem.
What did you do then?
Did you post the same complaint on the guitar center forum?
Just do not update them
I bought id 30 tvp yesterday. I think I'll just never update it because of that risk
I scored a ID Core 100 amp but it didnt come with a footswitch that it nornally comes with. Does anyonw know what footswitch works with the amp???
I was told the blackstar footswitch fs11 only works on the id core 20 and id core 40. I bought a basic cheap non brandwd double footswitch but it doesnt work
what the difference between this and the TVP?
I love this amp but my foot pedal has never worked. Strange. I use a separate set but anyone else have issues with the foot switch?
I was sold on Blackstar by the 10W ID Core (which I still love) so I bought the 100 and got to grips with the software, took it on tour and the bastard let me down on the first night, didn't even make it through the soundcheck. I gave it a second chance and it let me down again. Blackstar were no help whatsoever when I reported the problems to them. Also they feel like they are made out of cardboard, and as soon as you get them in a room with other musicians they are way too toppy, the speakers just have no depth. I still gave them another chance and tried out the HT 60 Stage, but that was just absolutely horrible, dead -sounding, but it did actually work. But I'm done with Blackstar, just going to get the Fender Twin sorted out and not waste any more time and money on this firewood.
hi there, thx vm for the vid.. however, i cant seem to find any vids on this blackstar id core which demos the mp3 input and how it sounds just to listen to music.. can you pls respond and tell me what you think about that? does it sound like a true hifi system or does it sound like most guitar amps with an aux in (a bit muffled and a lot of low ends) ?? thx vm
I have a question. It can also be used to exercise at home so powerful apparatus? Thanks
Does anyone know if you can save your loops on this? there's not much info on the looper.
From what i heard when you turn off the amp you will lose the loop
Its possible to plug headphones ?
Alguien que sepa hablar Español me puede explicar como conseguir que mi guitarra suene igual que en el 13:23 ? es que soy novato y entre eso y que no se mucho ingles pues no se como hacerlo xd
Mi amigo, él está usando la perilla de volumen en su guitarra mientras toca una cuerda. Asegúrese de tener Reverb o Delay activado antes de intentarlo. Primero baje el volumen hasta el fondo de su guitarra con la perilla de volumen, luego toque una cuerda y suba el volumen de la perilla al mismo tiempo lentamente y debería obtener el mismo efecto.
this amp is not gig ready with the 2 button footswitch cause you can't switch from clean to dirty...if you know how then let me know.
Could anyone tell me the name of the model on which he is siting?
Saudações !! Posso ligar uma caixa HTV 4x12 nesse ID Core 150 ? Se sim, como ligar ? Obrigado !!
I'm a fan of the ID Core amps I'm confused about a few things. Will this be available with 12 in. speakers? Where is the acclaimed TVP tube emulation technology? The amp sounds thin? I'm not dissing the amp just seems thin? May be the 10's
Or stick a compressor in front of the amp...i do this from a les paul Seymour Duncan antiquitie pickups and leave it on from clean to crunch to medium gain sound thick and punchy crank the preamp volume and cut the master down to bout halfway for house volume
Great review on the amp and I appreciate the meat and potatoes minus the stupid jokes that most reviewers find important. The guy on the left didn't really add much, but moral support.
I would love to know your settings on the delays and reverbs at the 14 min mark where you're demoing the Looper.
I want to know this too
Very helpful
Can you programme your sounds?
Yes, you can.
Nice to let us know how to set it up. No videos anyway
Is it loud enough to play gigs n stuff
Yeah, i've been gigging with it since it came out. I've only just managed to get my hands on the FS-12 foot switch (essential) to get the most out of the amp. Its easily loud enough, and packs a really nice punch.
Martin Ferries so it cuts through the mix pretty well? do you need to mic for gigs?
Its cuts through very well. l use the stereo line out in the back directly into two channels on the desk (panned L & R). This just adds a little reinforcement in the PA which i personally like and allows the band to have some in their monitors if they wish. We're a rock band, and Master the volume on the amp is sitting at around 50%, so i'm more than happy with its output. My band members genuinely believe this amp sounds better than my all valve Blackstar HT 60 solo (i think thats what its called).
Martin Ferries better than an ht 60? gnar but yea I've been to some gigs where they didn't even have a pa system so knowing that this is powerful enough for when there isn't a pa and can cut well is a major selling point.
how do you switch from clean to dirty on this amp with a volume change, do i need the larger footswitch for that? thanks.
I am thinking about getting Blackstar ID 150. Can it stand in my house or will I get blown out through the window?
You'll need a crash mat at the bottom of your window outside
does anybody know do you need 2 mikes on this amp when playing out live to get the fx to sound right ..thanks for your time
Lincoln Karen it should in each speaker. There's this what I call a ping pong effect specially when you have the delay effect
I'm having trouble finding these footswitches. The smaller (looper) in particular.
What settings was it on at 15 minutes
controllable by footswitch?
Is it just me or does Danny actually serve any purpose here other than that of a parrot?
Guy on the left is 8 years old
Is it worth 75
does the foot switch lag like people say?
Mine doesn't lag...
I always go to this amp in guitar stores because it has a looper .
what foot switch do you use for this amp? do you use the fs10 and fs 11 together or it is another footswitch?
Eric perez the fs 13 comes with it. You'll need to order the fs12 to go with it. Which is the larger footswitch in this video.
David Nix thank you buddy, and may i ask you another question? do you think that buying the 100 wats Id core amp its enough for playing on an stage? or would you recomend me use de 150 or another one?
I've just had it delivered today... But from what I've tested so far it will be more than loud enough. If you're worried it won't then go for the 150. I'm pretty sure the 100 would do the job though and save you some money too 👍
David Nix now i am positive wich one should i buy thank you very much i apressieate your help.
You're welcome dude. Have fun with it. They're amazing amps 🤘
What guitar is that?
Ernie Ball Music Man Reflex.
What is the pedal called with the two buttons
Blackstar FS-11
bottom line its a badass amp
it has tuner?????
Chorus and Flange together ? ? Too bad …….. just when I thought this was a pretty limitless palette to create on, they do this. I'd probably go outboard with the chorus.
Dude on the left is either really high or just a complete bonehead. Awesome amp, thanks to the Blackstar dude for making this semi watchable.
"ethereal" !!
If you need to see how the awesome loop-control works in action, check my video out!
Here: ua-cam.com/video/HyZD_nV7Jsc/v-deo.html
I just saw a phant o matic 😭😭😭😭
where's the demo ? are you guys just talk your way through the video ? way too little demo vs talking
I need to find my instruction manual 🙄
The Boss Katana has just Killed this Blackstar
The Boss Katana is a great amp....but...the blackstar crunch tone sounds better ....imho.
Kevin McVann Now Boss just needs a stereo Katana
Beg to disagree, Tried a friend's katana, I also own a boss gt 100 which is almost the same if not better compared to then katana's effects but IMHO the ID core and ID tvp are way better.
you would need 2 BOSS Katanas.. I´m actually now looking in to amps because i want a new strong amp. I looked in to Katana as one of the first ones, then i found that Marshall CODE is waaay better then Katana and its better amp overall, then i saw Blackstar and Blackstar just blows me away from the two previous amps I was looking at. 150watt of pure stereo guitar, that you can't get even with 2 Katanas. You would need to plug in some stereo FX and even that wont come close to Blackstars built in FX and stereo.
No, the Blackstar amps have the edge on the Katana.
Guy on the right smacks after every statement, wont shut up, guy on the left is a yes man. Unwatchable. Give the guy a glass of water and have the other one learn about the amp.
maybe you should finish swallowing your food before you start recording, huh?
Me da miedo el pelon!
randomly skipped ahead about 20 times to nearly 15 minutes in and all I ever heard was talking. less talk more play. people want to hear the amp with a variety of settings. If I can randomly click the progress bar that many times and never hear playing, you're doing it wrong.
Unfortunately, I've got to join others in saying...blackstar customer support is the worst there is. I'm getting rid of mine. There are too many other/better amp choices out there. Terrible company!
Ill tell you this right now, i dont know anyone who combines 2 modulation effects together. Specially Chorus, AND flange. Those 2 together sound like total poo together. This sounds like cheap line 6 crap.
nice on this video,on reality this amp is pretty shit.worst amp ever.