CROSSING PART 2 - Cloustory

  • Опубліковано 10 кві 2022
  • Ten years back I directed CROSSING, a theatre play that was performed in the Beguinage church in Brussels. With the exception of 1 young woman with African roots, the actors were young Roma struggling with their school careers. No one in this cast had ever tasted what theatre was like. For two years I worked on this project with an incredible ever-expanding crew of enthusiasts. In total, over 200 people helped to produce this play!
    CROSSING was a triptych with the youngsters' contribution as the central piece of the show. As a way of introduction, a large group of non-Roma Brussels citizens of very different ages, as well as some of their teachers were playing 'Cloustory', an apocryphal bible story explaining the eternal wanderings of the gypsies. To conclude one of the teachers performed an epilogue, reflecting on his daily work with fragile young people like this group. The whole performance was lifted up by wonderful live music, performed by very talented Romanian musicians under the direction of Nicolas Hauzeur.
    Part 2 is covering ‘Cloustory’, a script I wrote inspired by an old Macedonian apocryphal bible story ‘explaining’ why the gypsies were ‘condemned’ to lead a wandering life and why Jesus Christ was nailed on his cross by (only) 3 nails. The story is told by Bachir M’Rabet and enacted by a whole lot of actors that are wandering the stage in endless circles.
    Thanks a lot, Wilbur Lemson - Morituri to provide these visuals!