This video summed up for the average person who isn't going to go through the effort of buying fancy gadgets: 1) Wash blade thoroughly after shaving 2) Dry on a towel thoroughly 3) Leave it in a jar of olive oil to prevent corrosion In a single sentence: "Prevent corrosion from water"
Before I got a safety razor I used a RazorPit for my Fusion, and it works amazingly well. All that it does is clean the dead skin residue and lather off the edge of the razor. The company says this is what causes most skipping and dulling of the blade. I don't know how true it is, but I do know that I got my carts to last about two months EACH. It easily paid for itself in three months. Heartily recommend.
Out of all these suggestions, I believe the most practical are making sure your razor is clean and dry after use, stropping the blade to bring some sharpness back, and perhaps oiling the blade if that doesn't get too messy the next time you go to use it. Any knife, straight razor, etc. must be kept dry, clean, and occasionally oiled to keep from losing its edge due to oxidation. Stropping will without a doubt help bring the edge back some if the blade isn't totally dull. Stropping is also useful
I've used the oil system in the past and it does extend the life of the cartridge head. Nowadays I use a two sided "safety" razor handle with Derby brand blades. They are a fraction of the price of plastic disposable razors but it takes practice to learn.
I have used the Razor pit for the last 3 years with great success. I have a fairly "heavy or tough" beard and shave daily. I use soap and brush and a 4 blade schick quattro disposable razor-(the whole thing not just the blades) They come in a 3 pack and I use 1 whole pack per year-all three shavers. I found the best blades are either the 3 or 4 blade shavers as they have the best contact with the razor pit.
I use cartridges and after every shave (2-3x per week) I just brush the blades off with a cheap toothbrush to remove shaving gel and left-over hair. Not the same as sharpening, but does keep the blades clean (same cart. going on 1.5 yrs now, and seems to have a good 2-3 yrs of life left).
I switched from using lathers to using just coconut or olive oil. Not only does it shave smoother, quicker, and without the need of a moisterizer afterwards, but the oil also keeps the blades lubricated and rust-proof at all times. I'll never go back to lather. Try it if you haven't yet.
One night listening to late night AM radio, a physicist, who was the host, suggested removing the cartridge and placing it in an air tight container which would slow down the oxidation process immensely. I have been doing this for several years and the results are amazing. I cannot recall the last time I changed razor cartridges. I use Fusion Pro-Glide (teal strip). However, oil has a tendency to break down the plastic forcing one to purchase a new rake due to plastic fatigue.
I can make one double edge razor blade last two months with comfortable daily shaves. I simply flip the blade after each shave, rinse thoroughly and submerge razor head w/blade into a mug filled with baby oil, enough to completely cover the head of the razor. Rinse before the shave and you're ready. Hope this helps.
@mantic59 i have seen mostly all your videos, and with all the knowledge i learned from you not only did i save more money with blades, but ive gotten more comftorble close shaves, thanxx alot! you changed my way of shaving, keep up the good work!
I've found that the RazorPit drastically extends the life of a cartridge. I shave my face with a straight razor, but use a cartridge for my head. I normally would only get 1-2 full shaves normally, but with the RazorPit, i'd extend it to about 8 comfortable shaves, and 5 slightly grittier feeling shaves, before I change heads.
I was just about the buy Razorpit Razorblade Sharpener groupon deal for $15, but your vid reminded me of what I used to do, which is wipe it in the opposite direction in order to removed the accumulation of cut hair. Thanks for reminding me!
Thank you for all the good advise you have given I always dry the blade with a cloth and put a drop of oil on my finger and apply it to the blade I use a straight razor however I also did the same with my blades in the past Keep up the good work 👍
I found some old Gillette Fusion cartridges (about 5 years old) in a camping travel bag recently and they had probably been used 15 or so times each. I rinsed one off and shaved half my face with the 'unstropped' edges and then the other with the 'stropped'. The stropped blade was noticably smoother to me and left no immediate rash under the chin which is where it sometimes happens whereas the unstropped side left a very slight rash. I used a strip of denim for this, about 30 passes. I tend not to clean shave completely and use a trimmer leaving some stub for the most part, but I think they'll last a good while longer when they're called upon and I'm forced to look like a boy again (if I clean shave I still sometimes get IDed at 30+ for gods sake). They still seem to cut at least as well, if not better, as the standard disposables that last about 2 or 3 shaves before they become uncomfortable. I think it works because the metal is so soft, blunts easily, hones easily. If I bought a pack of 8 brand new cartridges they would probably last me personally a few years and the rest. Ho hum.
The physics of the magnet thingies is sound: After the shave, the blade is wavy and uneven on a microscopic scale. The magnetic force pulls the thin edge flat against a (hopefully) even surface, straightening it. The straighter blade is less prone to oxidation due to the better mass-to-surface ratio. You can get the same effect with a non magnetic surface and a centrifuge, though. Or by stropping. So the magnets are a fancy alternative for those too lazy for proper basic maintenance.
I have to put some of these techniques into practice. Those cartridges are so damn expensive, but they are the only razors I can get a clean and comfortable shave with. Thanks for the video!
I've found that immersing a cartridge blade in oil will cause any lubricating strip to swell up and peel off, so you can't use it with that type. I've tried stropping cartridge blades on denim, but that actually seems to dull them and cause them to pull on the hairs more. For me, they seem to last the longest when I clean them with Windex and dry them on a towel. I don't think oxidation is really the problem, as there's no way that stainless steel can rust after only a few shaves. The important thing is to get any skin residue and gunk off the blade, because when that stuff dries and sticks onto the blade it prevents it from cutting effectively.
I had been using cartridges for a long time. I used a device sold by Sharper Image back in the 90's that is supposed to use magnetic force to help align the blades and keep them sharper. I have to say I think it really works and has saved me a lot more than the 19.99 that it cost me! i am not sure of the brand but I was able to get 4 or 5 times the life on the blades. I could get up to 2 months out of one cart. Granted I do have a light beard, but shave daily. Now wet shaving and no going back!
I just bought a razorpit. I was sceptical at first, but after a quick trial the difference is hugely noticeable after cleaning. Im hoping my Gilette fusion blades will last a lot longer now, since £15 for 8 blades is ridiculous.
Apply ProtectaClear on metal that is completely clean and dry. If the stainless steel is already corroded or rusty, clean the corrosion or rust from the stainless steel first. Everbrite has a stainless steel cleaner that will safely remove staining, corrosion, teastaining or rust.
Thanks for the ideas Mark. My long term aim is to become proficient with a straight razor. I think back to your classic vid where you show us how to use a DE thinking of the face like a diamond (this really helped) and I look forward to a similarly helpful one about straight shaving and stropping.
Pacific Shaving Company's blade oil works very well. I use the Wilkinson Sword Classic DE blade. Before using the oil I was averaging about five shaves per blade. I now average about eight or nine shave. I can definitely attribute this to the oil I am now using.
@garfles1 strange, perhaps it also depends on the plastics used in the handle. As the mineral oil substantially deteriorated the plastic bits and such on my proglide handle. I'm currently using a razorpit knock off for a strop. I do think that my shave cream ( proraso ) has a type of coconut oil in that "sticks" to blade a bit. Hmmm...
after a lot of research and started to do it myself i filled a jar of vinegar and doing the same thing you are, so far it has worked its been 2 weeks and im still on the same razor blade
i´ve used the oil method but leaving the razor there damaged the plastic bits so no good...i´ve tried razor pit love it works wonders denim jeans likewise skin on your arm as well works...for the DE i found an old device on E-bay my fathers grand father used it under the war to save money on blades it works great its called Twinplex on the multi blade i even tried a leather belt works as well :)
I just began removing my DE blade from the razor, wiping clean and storing in a small container of baby oil in between uses. It does seem to be extending the life of the blade.
I've used a cheap leather straight razor strop to revitalize a cartridge. I tried the Razorpit but it seems to have problems stropping the Gillette Guard. It seems to work fine with the Mach 3. I might try the Guard again but my first attempt just gradually got a bit dull feeling. I've had no luck using the Razorpit with a Double Edge blade. I think its hard to get the correct angle down, and it just seems to dull the blade or potentially to cut up the surface of the Razorpit. Forearm stropping leaves my arm irritated.
I've tried keeping my Proglide razor submerged in food grade mineral oil. While I don't mind quickly washing off the oil prior to shaving It seems to me that the mineral oil being a petrol product mildly deteriorates the rubber parts of the shave cartridge but it's hard to prove. Rubbing alcohol seems to do the same thing. I'm wondering if Mark's idea of olive oil is a better idea. Currently i'm testing a product called "Clippercide" a 4 in 1 aerosol spray w/ a cleaner, disinfectant & lube oil.
I am a double edge safety razor user. After shaving, I rinse the razor in hot running water, shake the excess water out and then dip the razor head into a small sealable container with rubbing alcohol. Seems to keep the blade shaving many more times.
I have stopped shaving in the shower and keep my blade dry by rubbing it on a towel like you show. Granted I don't shave my face with a cartridge but my head where the hair is of course finer. I did manage to use a single cartridge for several months just keeping it dry.
i usually dry my blade and razor on my towel after i finish shaving, but most blades i purchase say not to do this, but to let air dry. is this the blade manufacturer trying to get my blades to wear out quicker, or am i maybe doing something wrong?
@NFCBradyfan12 I've tried keeping my Proglide razor submerged in food grade mineral oil. While I don't mind quickly washing off the oil prior to shaving It seems to me that the mineral oil being a petrol product mildly deteriorates the rubber parts of the shave cartridge but it's hard to prove. Rubbing alcohol seems to do the same thing. I'm wondering if Mark's idea of olive oil is a better idea.
Hello, Thanks for the tip of using olive oil to coat blade, Great works fine in fact the whole shave seems smoother. I have gone back to DE shaving and have a collection of new razors- Edwin Jagger DE89bl,Parker r99, Merkur 38c barber pole, Merkur Futur, Merkur Vision and a couple of what I call touch up or trimmers, A Weishi 9306-c & A Wilkinson Classic, Apart from the trimmers I use all the others alternately all quite different but very good, Thank you for all the tips which I have found A1.
what are fusion power blades made of, thank you for the tip in your latest video ,extend life of razor, i will tell you how many shaves i had with the single blade , my little testing is going on. please answer all my previous inquires on your home page.thank you , you taught me shaving.thank you
@mantic59 Sir, I hear a lot of good may come from storing your razor and or blades in the freezer between uses. This can greatly slow the oxidation process. I haven't really tried this much. I use a schick injector and store it in a glass of mineral oil between uses in Bathroom cupboard. This seems to extend the life of the blade. I have also heard something as simple as don't store your razor in the Humid bathroom at all can help a lot.
When drying my cartridges I could get about 3-4 months but I'm not so sure the stropping on blue jeans is all the great since you only get one side so you might create an uneven wear issue. Of course, a lot of people, like me, would just put up with the gradually deterioration of the shave quality and think it was still ok -- it's easy to forget how much little irritation you got from a fresh blade when you are shaving 2 or 3 months later on the same blade. Also, like most cartridge shavers I only shaved every 2 or 3 days so that alone extended the time. Yes, you can extend the tolerable shaving time greatly but so much of the numbers people give (3 months, 6 months or longer) is just subjective it's hard to say how real the benefits are. I would like to see a study with objective test results but the big two disposable manufacturers (Gillette and Schick) aren't going to provide that research. On the brighter side, I now shave with a safety razor so I'm not too concerned anymore. I still dry my blades after each use and I seem to be able to go easily over a month per blade shaving every day. However, it's also subjective on how good my shaves are after that time. I can say that no matter what I have done, or how long I have got a blade to last the shave is markedly improved when I start with a fresh blade.
How come you demonstrated all these techniques with a cartridge, Mark? There's been a bit of a debate on the Shaving Room as to whether the Razorpit is suitable for DE blades. Another technique for stropping that some of our members use with DE blades is palm stropping.
For DE blades, which might cost up to only $1.00 each, stropping and oiling them seems to be more effort than necessary. However, I have been opening my DE razor, rinsing my blade well, shaking it as dry as I can and stowing the blade in the razor with the razor open, so it will dry more quickly. Taking this one extra step I believe makes my blades last a little longer--one or two more shaves.
@miatapaul Also I have to say I was expecting to return it when I bought it. I never really liked Sharper Image as I thought they just sold overpriced junk. I had a birthday or holiday gift certificate to use and this intrigued me. I was very surprised at how effective it was. I have very sensitive skin and stop using the blades when I start getting red bumps. I have to say I am loving the DE shave I am getting now and would never go back to carts. 3 shaves and a new blade worth the $.18!
I used baby oil and I can’t believe how much longer my blades last. I use the fusion and I shave my face and head every day. My hair is extremely coarse I guess beacause I could never get more than 2 shaved out of a blade Very expensive ! Till now my blades last me like 7 or 8 shaves now. THANKS PAL !! You’re gonna save me a fortune this year
The best way I find to keep my two remaining sensor cartridge blades ultra sharp is to not use them at all, instead I use a DE Merkur 700 which gives me a far superior shave on my face and head. A pack of 5 sensor blades in the UK costs £6.50. Great videos and amusing with it, Cheers.
@wcropp1 for shaving with cheaper blades--stropping them before you ever use them will refine the edge, taking out any rough spots that were left by the manufacturing process and giving you a much better shave. This is all basic knife/straight razor maintenance, and there's no reason it shouldn't also work for a disposable razor blade.
I have a question. The razors I use have a coating to promote glide and smoothness (Gillette Proglide). Does stropping it remove this coating at all? Would certain oils remove this coating? I usually use these blades 15 or 16 times, and then replace. Sometimes after the first several uses I strop them on a taunt piece of denim (jeans pulled taunt), about 20 times in each direction (reverse direction of cutting edge). I'm not sure if it is doing more harm than good regarding the coating.
+jimmybella I'm guessing that stropping would speed up the wear on the lube strip. However if you use good prep and a good shave lather you won't need the lube strip anyway.
Thanks for the reply, but I think you misunderstood. Gillette and some other blades coat the steel of the blade with a coating, possibly titanium, to make it glide easy. I believe it is heated on, so I suppose there is some molecular fusion, but not sure how if stropping wears away at it or removes it altogether. I wasn't referring to the lubricating strip.
I know some folks that do that with mineral oil. Just dip the razor in alcohol to clean off the oil before use. I have an old automated stropping machine for double-edge blades, but they are so inexpensive I don't bother. I just get it nice and drive before storing.
I don't really bother with anything like this. how hard is it to change the blade every 2-3 times you shave? lol and gotta love the magnets lol. they're so magical. :)
Thanks again for another video. I'm a black guy, and just cant getbumps to go away. DE& cartridge are rasors that i;ve tried but its still not as good as id like it to be. Also is there a possibility that the 'map' of my face can be different on the left, compared to the riggt.
I have a cup full of those silica beads about 3 inches deep that I just shove the razor down into once I’ve cleaned it following each use. Works great! 👌🏼😊👍🏼
I think I'll use mineral oil instead of vegetable oils. Mineral oil won't go rancid. Plus, I already have a ton of mineral oil lying around for coating my knives.
I dry the blade with a towel face down so the water runs out of the blade unto the towel. Then I flip it over face up and store it face up so that any water left behind runs away from the edge of the blade. I also shave everyday so that the hairs are short and don't get stuck in the razor. If I go 3 or 4 days in between shaves, the longer hairs get stuck in the blades and won't come out (razor done) Also I fill the basin with warm water and submerge the blade and shake the razor violently to get the hair out of the razor. It works better than holding the razor under running water. I get at least 30 to 60 shaves per disposable razor.
i use the Razor Pit works great after that i started using the underarm works well too, even a pair of jeans or belt...trying the oile thing these days i saw a guy showing he use water with soap hmmm i dont know
Ok now let's add another trick. If you have a water pik use it blast residue from between the multi blades then dry and coat with a little bit of baby oil. I have a fairly tough beard and decided to see how long I could use a blade without it pulling. The blade was still going strong after four months and actually pretty good until I hit 6 months. If you look at many blade makers they only claim 20 some uses before suggesting you change it so I just went 8 times longer or only 2-3 blades a year. Stick that in your ear Gillete and Shick! If we're going out I may shave again after work but what the heck I'm still saving bucks!
Eh, I tried olive oil a while back and it works in a pinch, but it clogs the blade more than a cream does which gets a bit annoying. The more expensive "extra virgin" varieties do tend to be better because they don't turn rancid and smell bad or get as sticky while stored in the bottle (for any wise-asses out there who might be wondering).
I prefer to clean the blade then use a drop of mineral oil on the edges. I use a double edge razor. The longest I took a blade for a shave ride was 22 days. An entire month. It was a Wilkinson Sword from Wally World. I haven't tried it since. Depending on the brand I usually use one for two weeks. Dorco blades a week at the most.
@mantic59 DE blades are too cheap to bother with sharpening them.. Just chuck them away lol... I still keep cartridge razors in my office for emergency uses..
For cartridge razors this might be useful since they are $2-3 per blade but I use DE Crystal blades which can be had for $0.18 / blade and last me about a week (5-7 shaves). Last time I ordered 100 blades I used them for almost 2 years before running out. Really not worth the money to try to save something so cheap.
I usually put a new Feather Double Edge in my Muhle Open Comb razor each time I shave. Works like a charm and costs me about 70 Balloons per year. Good Luck to all the kids who like to use plastic razors!
Hello mantic59. Its a great video and really informative. Thank you for sharing. In the video, when you said "double the life of the blade", how many shaves were you able to achieve on a single cartridge? I shave daily, and after 10 shaves my carts simply won't accept my whiskers for cutting. If I somehow do manage to get 15 shaves per cart, cartridge shaving would easily fit my budget. thanks
Wendell Goode thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, in my country Pakistan, dorco does not distribute its range of products. I even contacted dorco korea but did not receive any help. My current shaving system is proglide and i only go for daily one pass shave. I reduced the number of stokes per shave too (8 strokes per shave only) and now i easily get 15 daily shaves. Once again, thanks.
What I do is clean my razor blade with a spray bottle of Windex or plain ammonia, rinse it off, blow on it to force the water out, wipe it with a towel, drip some rubbing alcohol on the blade to dry up any remaining water, and then store the razor outside the bathroom where moisture can't get to it. I find that my Mach 3's last 2 to 3 times longer this way. I've also considered coating it with oil, but I doubt it would improve anything and there's only so many minutes in the day anyway :-)
I was thinking of buying a Razor Pit sharpener/cleaner off of Amazon. They claim that it extends the life of the razor blade(s) up to 150 shaves. mantic59 or anyone else who has used this product does this seem to be a valid claim made by the manufacturer or is it just an exaggeration? Please let me know what you think as I value your experience and opinion before I purchase a Razor Pit off of Amazon.
Razor blades are only ground on one side, so can be stropped sharp on the cutting side on a thin belt. An blade edge is composed of micro-serrations, or teeth, like a saw blade. In use the teeth are bent back. This makes the blade DULL; when the "teeth" break or grind down, the blade is BLUNT. Stropping pushes the teeth of a DULL blade back into alignment making it sharp. It takes a long time to blunt a razor, so stropping a razor means months of use. Keep it dry and keep it stropped.
sorry, you missed a critical element. blade makers have cleverly added a feature to render the blade un useable after just a short time. on blades you buy now there is a blue strip that turns white to indicate when the blade needs replacement, this wears away fast and changes blade/skin angle. i have fixed this by scraping the strip away with my thumbnail and replaced it with a sewing needle squeezed into the gap. the needle stays fixed in place due to dimples that can be made with an all
Easiest solution - switch to wet shaving with a DE can get a 100 pack of Astra blades for 9 can literally use a brand new razor blade every day costing you around 33 dollars for the year. Now, I don't shave every day and an Astra blade lasts about 3 shaves for me, so a 100 pack will last me about two years.
I Use Nivea Active 3 Body Wash To Shave With And At The End Of My Shave Rinse And Blow On The Blades To Dry Them Of.Use With Gillette Thermal Scrub Before And Cooling Lotion After The Shave.
I recently got a "Blade Buddy" in my Christmas stocking. Looks kind of like that razor pit item in the video. I was told it works kind of like a steel & chef knife combo. haven't had for long enough to give an accurate response to how well it works or how long a blade lasted, but was also told that the man at the shop where it was bought says he gets at least double the length of use. Plus it was only $20.
This video summed up for the average person who isn't going to go through the effort of buying fancy gadgets:
1) Wash blade thoroughly after shaving
2) Dry on a towel thoroughly
3) Leave it in a jar of olive oil to prevent corrosion
In a single sentence: "Prevent corrosion from water"
Before I got a safety razor I used a RazorPit for my Fusion, and it works amazingly well. All that it does is clean the dead skin residue and lather off the edge of the razor. The company says this is what causes most skipping and dulling of the blade. I don't know how true it is, but I do know that I got my carts to last about two months EACH. It easily paid for itself in three months. Heartily recommend.
Out of all these suggestions, I believe the most practical are making sure your razor is clean and dry after use, stropping the blade to bring some sharpness back, and perhaps oiling the blade if that doesn't get too messy the next time you go to use it. Any knife, straight razor, etc. must be kept dry, clean, and occasionally oiled to keep from losing its edge due to oxidation. Stropping will without a doubt help bring the edge back some if the blade isn't totally dull. Stropping is also useful
I've used the oil system in the past and it does extend the life of the cartridge head. Nowadays I use a two sided "safety" razor handle with Derby brand blades. They are a fraction of the price of plastic disposable razors but it takes practice to learn.
I have used the Razor pit for the last 3 years with great success. I have a fairly "heavy or tough" beard and shave daily. I use soap and brush and a 4 blade schick quattro disposable razor-(the whole thing not just the blades) They come in a 3 pack and I use 1 whole pack per year-all three shavers. I found the best blades are either the 3 or 4 blade shavers as they have the best contact with the razor pit.
I use cartridges and after every shave (2-3x per week) I just brush the blades off with a cheap toothbrush to remove shaving gel and left-over hair. Not the same as sharpening, but does keep the blades clean (same cart. going on 1.5 yrs now, and seems to have a good 2-3 yrs of life left).
I switched from using lathers to using just coconut or olive oil. Not only does it shave smoother, quicker, and without the need of a moisterizer afterwards, but the oil also keeps the blades lubricated and rust-proof at all times. I'll never go back to lather. Try it if you haven't yet.
One night listening to late night AM radio, a physicist, who was the host, suggested removing the cartridge and placing it in an air tight container which would slow down the oxidation process immensely. I have been doing this for several years and the results are amazing. I cannot recall the last time I changed razor cartridges. I use Fusion Pro-Glide (teal strip). However, oil has a tendency to break down the plastic forcing one to purchase a new rake due to plastic fatigue.
I can make one double edge razor blade last two months with comfortable daily shaves. I simply flip the blade after each shave, rinse thoroughly and submerge razor head w/blade into a mug filled with baby oil, enough to completely cover the head of the razor. Rinse before the shave and you're ready. Hope this helps.
@mantic59 i have seen mostly all your videos, and with all the knowledge i learned from you not only did i save more money with blades, but ive gotten more comftorble close shaves, thanxx alot! you changed my way of shaving, keep up the good work!
What about a vintage Kriss Kross razor stropper for DE blades, did that gizmo ever really work??
I've found that the RazorPit drastically extends the life of a cartridge. I shave my face with a straight razor, but use a cartridge for my head. I normally would only get 1-2 full shaves normally, but with the RazorPit, i'd extend it to about 8 comfortable shaves, and 5 slightly grittier feeling shaves, before I change heads.
I use the forearm stroping technique. I've been using the same disposable razor since Christmas when I pulled it out of my stocking.
I was just about the buy Razorpit Razorblade Sharpener groupon deal for $15, but your vid reminded me of what I used to do, which is wipe it in the opposite direction in order to removed the accumulation of cut hair. Thanks for reminding me!
Thank you for all the good advise you have given
I always dry the blade with a cloth and put a drop of oil on my finger and apply it to the blade
I use a straight razor however I also did the same with my blades in the past
Keep up the good work 👍
I found some old Gillette Fusion cartridges (about 5 years old) in a camping travel bag recently and they had probably been used 15 or so times each. I rinsed one off and shaved half my face with the 'unstropped' edges and then the other with the 'stropped'. The stropped blade was noticably smoother to me and left no immediate rash under the chin which is where it sometimes happens whereas the unstropped side left a very slight rash. I used a strip of denim for this, about 30 passes.
I tend not to clean shave completely and use a trimmer leaving some stub for the most part, but I think they'll last a good while longer when they're called upon and I'm forced to look like a boy again (if I clean shave I still sometimes get IDed at 30+ for gods sake). They still seem to cut at least as well, if not better, as the standard disposables that last about 2 or 3 shaves before they become uncomfortable. I think it works because the metal is so soft, blunts easily, hones easily. If I bought a pack of 8 brand new cartridges they would probably last me personally a few years and the rest. Ho hum.
The physics of the magnet thingies is sound: After the shave, the blade is wavy and uneven on a microscopic scale. The magnetic force pulls the thin edge flat against a (hopefully) even surface, straightening it. The straighter blade is less prone to oxidation due to the better mass-to-surface ratio.
You can get the same effect with a non magnetic surface and a centrifuge, though. Or by stropping.
So the magnets are a fancy alternative for those too lazy for proper basic maintenance.
I have to put some of these techniques into practice. Those cartridges are so damn expensive, but they are the only razors I can get a clean and comfortable shave with.
Thanks for the video!
I've found that immersing a cartridge blade in oil will cause any lubricating strip to swell up and peel off, so you can't use it with that type. I've tried stropping cartridge blades on denim, but that actually seems to dull them and cause them to pull on the hairs more. For me, they seem to last the longest when I clean them with Windex and dry them on a towel. I don't think oxidation is really the problem, as there's no way that stainless steel can rust after only a few shaves. The important thing is to get any skin residue and gunk off the blade, because when that stuff dries and sticks onto the blade it prevents it from cutting effectively.
I had been using cartridges for a long time. I used a device sold by Sharper Image back in the 90's that is supposed to use magnetic force to help align the blades and keep them sharper. I have to say I think it really works and has saved me a lot more than the 19.99 that it cost me! i am not sure of the brand but I was able to get 4 or 5 times the life on the blades. I could get up to 2 months out of one cart. Granted I do have a light beard, but shave daily. Now wet shaving and no going back!
I just bought a razorpit. I was sceptical at first, but after a quick trial the difference is hugely noticeable after cleaning. Im hoping my Gilette fusion blades will last a lot longer now, since £15 for 8 blades is ridiculous.
Apply ProtectaClear on metal that is completely clean and dry. If the stainless steel is already corroded or rusty, clean the corrosion or rust from the stainless steel first. Everbrite has a stainless steel cleaner that will safely remove staining, corrosion, teastaining or rust.
how about a glass of barbasol, dunking the razor in that between shaves? Barbasol has anti-corrosive ingredients.
Thanks for the ideas Mark. My long term aim is to become proficient with a straight razor. I think back to your classic vid where you show us how to use a DE thinking of the face like a diamond (this really helped) and I look forward to a similarly helpful one about straight shaving and stropping.
Could you use Jojoba or Shave secret as an oil to keep the blade longer? Also, what about cleaning the blades with alcohol after/before shaving?
Love the dedication to my nephew, Justin. Thanks, Mantic
Pacific Shaving Company's blade oil works very well. I use the Wilkinson Sword Classic DE blade. Before using the oil I was averaging about five shaves per blade. I now average about eight or nine shave. I can definitely attribute this to the oil I am now using.
@garfles1 strange, perhaps it also depends on the plastics used in the handle. As the mineral oil substantially deteriorated the plastic bits and such on my proglide handle. I'm currently using a razorpit knock off for a strop. I do think that my shave cream ( proraso ) has a type of coconut oil in that "sticks" to blade a bit. Hmmm...
after a lot of research and started to do it myself i filled a jar of vinegar and doing the same thing you are, so far it has worked its been 2 weeks and im still on the same razor blade
i´ve used the oil method but leaving the razor there damaged the plastic bits so no good...i´ve tried razor pit love it works wonders denim jeans likewise skin on your arm as well works...for the DE i found an old device on E-bay my fathers grand father used it under the war to save money on blades it works great its called Twinplex on the multi blade i even tried a leather belt works as well :)
I just began removing my DE blade from the razor, wiping clean and storing in a small container of baby oil in between uses. It does seem to be extending the life of the blade.
What about soaking the razor in rubbing alcohol?
Can you leave it in oil in between Shaves?
I've used a cheap leather straight razor strop to revitalize a cartridge.
I tried the Razorpit but it seems to have problems stropping the Gillette Guard. It seems to work fine with the Mach 3. I might try the Guard again but my first attempt just gradually got a bit dull feeling.
I've had no luck using the Razorpit with a Double Edge blade. I think its hard to get the correct angle down, and it just seems to dull the blade or potentially to cut up the surface of the Razorpit.
Forearm stropping leaves my arm irritated.
do you have to clean the olive oil off prior to reusing the blades?
I've tried keeping my Proglide razor submerged in food grade mineral oil. While I don't mind quickly washing off the oil prior to shaving It seems to me that the mineral oil being a petrol product mildly deteriorates the rubber parts of the shave cartridge but it's hard to prove. Rubbing alcohol seems to do the same thing. I'm wondering if Mark's idea of olive oil is a better idea.
Currently i'm testing a product called "Clippercide" a 4 in 1 aerosol spray w/ a cleaner, disinfectant & lube oil.
I am a double edge safety razor user. After shaving, I rinse the razor in hot running water, shake the excess water out and then dip the razor head into a small sealable container with rubbing alcohol. Seems to keep the blade shaving many more times.
I have stopped shaving in the shower and keep my blade dry by rubbing it on a towel like you show. Granted I don't shave my face with a cartridge but my head where the hair is of course finer. I did manage to use a single cartridge for several months just keeping it dry.
If it's quantum will it keep blades in alternate dimensions sharp too then?
i usually dry my blade and razor on my towel after i finish shaving, but most blades i purchase say not to do this, but to let air dry. is this the blade manufacturer trying to get my blades to wear out quicker, or am i maybe doing something wrong?
@NFCBradyfan12 I've tried keeping my Proglide razor submerged in food grade mineral oil. While I don't mind quickly washing off the oil prior to shaving It seems to me that the mineral oil being a petrol product mildly deteriorates the rubber parts of the shave cartridge but it's hard to prove. Rubbing alcohol seems to do the same thing. I'm wondering if Mark's idea of olive oil is a better idea.
Hi there, I have been using "Razorpit" since Christmas last year and have yet to change the cartridge on my razor...
Hello, Thanks for the tip of using olive oil to coat blade, Great works fine in fact the whole shave seems smoother. I have gone back to DE shaving and have a collection of new razors- Edwin Jagger DE89bl,Parker r99, Merkur 38c barber pole, Merkur Futur, Merkur Vision and a couple of what I call touch up or trimmers, A Weishi 9306-c & A Wilkinson Classic, Apart from the trimmers I use all the others alternately all quite different but very good, Thank you for all the tips which I have found A1.
what are fusion power blades made of, thank you for the tip in your latest video ,extend life of razor, i will tell you how many shaves i had with the single blade , my little testing is going on. please answer all my previous inquires on your home page.thank you , you taught me shaving.thank you
@mantic59 Sir,
I hear a lot of good may come from storing your razor and or blades in the freezer between uses. This can greatly slow the oxidation process. I haven't really tried this much. I use a schick injector and store it in a glass of mineral oil between uses in Bathroom cupboard. This seems to extend the life of the blade. I have also heard something as simple as don't store your razor in the Humid bathroom at all can help a lot.
I dip my DE and SE blades in rubbing alcohol. Removes the rust, cleans it and dries fast.
jeans are made out of denim in every instance I've heard of the term being used, and he did list off stropping on denim as a viable option.
Nice tips! I heard that submerging the blade in vodka works too.
When drying my cartridges I could get about 3-4 months but I'm not so sure the stropping on blue jeans is all the great since you only get one side so you might create an uneven wear issue. Of course, a lot of people, like me, would just put up with the gradually deterioration of the shave quality and think it was still ok -- it's easy to forget how much little irritation you got from a fresh blade when you are shaving 2 or 3 months later on the same blade. Also, like most cartridge shavers I only shaved every 2 or 3 days so that alone extended the time.
Yes, you can extend the tolerable shaving time greatly but so much of the numbers people give (3 months, 6 months or longer) is just subjective it's hard to say how real the benefits are. I would like to see a study with objective test results but the big two disposable manufacturers (Gillette and Schick) aren't going to provide that research.
On the brighter side, I now shave with a safety razor so I'm not too concerned anymore. I still dry my blades after each use and I seem to be able to go easily over a month per blade shaving every day. However, it's also subjective on how good my shaves are after that time. I can say that no matter what I have done, or how long I have got a blade to last the shave is markedly improved when I start with a fresh blade.
How come you demonstrated all these techniques with a cartridge, Mark? There's been a bit of a debate on the Shaving Room as to whether the Razorpit is suitable for DE blades. Another technique for stropping that some of our members use with DE blades is palm stropping.
What about using jeans trousers instead of towel in the same way?
For DE blades, which might cost up to only $1.00 each, stropping and oiling them seems to be more effort than necessary. However, I have been opening my DE razor, rinsing my blade well, shaking it as dry as I can and stowing the blade in the razor with the razor open, so it will dry more quickly. Taking this one extra step I believe makes my blades last a little longer--one or two more shaves.
Dip it in alcohol and dry it off and it will last longer.
@miatapaul Also I have to say I was expecting to return it when I bought it. I never really liked Sharper Image as I thought they just sold overpriced junk. I had a birthday or holiday gift certificate to use and this intrigued me. I was very surprised at how effective it was. I have very sensitive skin and stop using the blades when I start getting red bumps. I have to say I am loving the DE shave I am getting now and would never go back to carts. 3 shaves and a new blade worth the $.18!
I used baby oil and I can’t believe how much longer my blades last. I use the fusion and I shave my face and head every day. My hair is extremely coarse I guess beacause I could never get more than 2 shaved out of a blade Very expensive ! Till now my blades last me like 7 or 8 shaves now. THANKS PAL !! You’re gonna save me a fortune this year
The best way I find to keep my two remaining sensor cartridge blades ultra sharp is to not use them at all, instead I use a DE Merkur 700 which gives me a far superior shave on my face and head. A pack of 5 sensor blades in the UK costs £6.50.
Great videos and amusing with it, Cheers.
@wcropp1 for shaving with cheaper blades--stropping them before you ever use them will refine the edge, taking out any rough spots that were left by the manufacturing process and giving you a much better shave. This is all basic knife/straight razor maintenance, and there's no reason it shouldn't also work for a disposable razor blade.
I have a question. The razors I use have a coating to promote glide and smoothness (Gillette Proglide). Does stropping it remove this coating at all? Would certain oils remove this coating? I usually use these blades 15 or 16 times, and then replace. Sometimes after the first several uses I strop them on a taunt piece of denim (jeans pulled taunt), about 20 times in each direction (reverse direction of cutting edge). I'm not sure if it is doing more harm than good regarding the coating.
+jimmybella I'm guessing that stropping would speed up the wear on the lube strip. However if you use good prep and a good shave lather you won't need the lube strip anyway.
Thanks for the reply, but I think you misunderstood. Gillette and some other blades coat the steel of the blade with a coating, possibly titanium, to make it glide easy. I believe it is heated on, so I suppose there is some molecular fusion, but not sure how if stropping wears away at it or removes it altogether. I wasn't referring to the lubricating strip.
I know some folks that do that with mineral oil. Just dip the razor in alcohol to clean off the oil before use.
I have an old automated stropping machine for double-edge blades, but they are so inexpensive I don't bother. I just get it nice and drive before storing.
I don't really bother with anything like this. how hard is it to change the blade every 2-3 times you shave? lol
and gotta love the magnets lol. they're so magical. :)
Wouldn't using a strop or the RazorPit product on multiblade cartridge razor with that contains a lubricant strip wore down that strip?
Yes it would wear down the strip more quickly. But the lube strip on some razor brands is of low value anyway.
***** I don't even understand the point of the strip. Does it really do anything if you are using a cream or soap
david cassodayI agree, and how can it help lubricate the skin when it passes after the blades?
Wendell Goode It is supposed to reduce drag.
Robert Stephen Campbell I know it is supposed to but the position of the lube strip lubricates the skin after the blade passes over the skin.
Thanks again for another video. I'm a black guy, and just cant getbumps to go away. DE& cartridge are rasors that i;ve tried but its still not as good as id like it to be. Also is there a possibility that the 'map' of my face can be different on the left, compared to the riggt.
I have a cup full of those silica beads about 3 inches deep that I just shove the razor down into once I’ve cleaned it following each use. Works great! 👌🏼😊👍🏼
@MegaKimJongIl well i got 200 derby blades for $20 must have gone down in price since i bought those
I just dry my blade off on a hand towel or if I have enough in stock I just change out the blade for a new one
You can sharp a double edge blade with a drinking glass, requires 30 seconds per side and is pretty impossible to screw that.
I think I'll use mineral oil instead of vegetable oils. Mineral oil won't go rancid. Plus, I already have a ton of mineral oil lying around for coating my knives.
You can do the same thing with a piece of leather. Only takes a couple of strokes.
I dry the blade with a towel face down so the water runs out of the blade unto the towel. Then I flip it over face up and store it face up so that any water left behind runs away from the edge of the blade. I also shave everyday so that the hairs are short and don't get stuck in the razor. If I go 3 or 4 days in between shaves, the longer hairs get stuck in the blades and won't come out (razor done) Also I fill the basin with warm water and submerge the blade and shake the razor violently to get the hair out of the razor. It works better than holding the razor under running water. I get at least 30 to 60 shaves per disposable razor.
i use the Razor Pit works great after that i started using the underarm works well too, even a pair of jeans or belt...trying the oile thing these days i saw a guy showing he use water with soap hmmm i dont know
Ok now let's add another trick. If you have a water pik use it blast residue from between the multi blades then dry and coat with a little bit of baby oil. I have a fairly tough beard and decided to see how long I could use a blade without it pulling. The blade was still going strong after four months and actually pretty good until I hit 6 months. If you look at many blade makers they only claim 20 some uses before suggesting you change it so I just went 8 times longer or only 2-3 blades a year. Stick that in your ear Gillete and Shick! If we're going out I may shave again after work but what the heck I'm still saving bucks!
Eh, I tried olive oil a while back and it works in a pinch, but it clogs the blade more than a cream does which gets a bit annoying. The more expensive "extra virgin" varieties do tend to be better because they don't turn rancid and smell bad or get as sticky while stored in the bottle (for any wise-asses out there who might be wondering).
I prefer to clean the blade then use a drop of mineral oil on the edges. I use a double edge razor. The longest I took a blade for a shave ride was 22 days. An entire month. It was a Wilkinson Sword from Wally World. I haven't tried it since. Depending on the brand I usually use one for two weeks. Dorco blades a week at the most.
Vaseline as a substitute for mineral oils sticks much better to the razor. Both are made from the same raw material anyway (petroleum).
love the clips in the beginning of your vids
DE blades are too cheap to bother with sharpening them.. Just chuck them away lol...
I still keep cartridge razors in my office for emergency uses..
For cartridge razors this might be useful since they are $2-3 per blade but I use DE Crystal blades which can be had for $0.18 / blade and last me about a week (5-7 shaves). Last time I ordered 100 blades I used them for almost 2 years before running out. Really not worth the money to try to save something so cheap.
I usually put a new Feather Double Edge in my Muhle Open Comb razor each time I shave. Works like a charm and costs me about 70 Balloons per year. Good Luck to all the kids who like to use plastic razors!
You have changed my life.
BTW, what happens to all the space age coatings on the cartridge blades when you go stropping it on just about everything in your house? WTF,,...LOL
Hello mantic59. Its a great video and really informative. Thank you for sharing. In the video, when you said "double the life of the blade", how many shaves were you able to achieve on a single cartridge? I shave daily, and after 10 shaves my carts simply won't accept my whiskers for cutting. If I somehow do manage to get 15 shaves per cart, cartridge shaving would easily fit my budget.
Saad Ahmad I was able to extend the life of cartridges, but how much extention depended on the brand of cartridge.
***** . Understood, thank you very much.
Saad Ahmad If you want to save money check out As good as Gillette, better than Schick, cheaper than either.
Wendell Goode thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, in my country Pakistan, dorco does not distribute its range of products. I even contacted dorco korea but did not receive any help. My current shaving system is proglide and i only go for daily one pass shave. I reduced the number of stokes per shave too (8 strokes per shave only) and now i easily get 15 daily shaves. Once again, thanks.
+Saad Ahmad I use the blade buddy and i can use the same blade for about 2 to 3 months shaving 4 to 5 times a week.
Thank you for teaching me how to shave like a man!
What I do is clean my razor blade with a spray bottle of Windex or plain ammonia, rinse it off, blow on it to force the water out, wipe it with a towel, drip some rubbing alcohol on the blade to dry up any remaining water, and then store the razor outside the bathroom where moisture can't get to it. I find that my Mach 3's last 2 to 3 times longer this way. I've also considered coating it with oil, but I doubt it would improve anything and there's only so many minutes in the day anyway :-)
I was thinking of buying a Razor Pit sharpener/cleaner off of Amazon. They claim that it extends the life of the razor blade(s) up to 150 shaves. mantic59 or anyone else who has used this product does this seem to be a valid claim made by the manufacturer or is it just an exaggeration? Please let me know what you think as I value your experience and opinion before I purchase a Razor Pit off of Amazon.
That's indeed a interesting idea. I will try that.
Razor blades are only ground on one side, so can be stropped sharp on the cutting side on a thin belt. An blade edge is composed of micro-serrations, or teeth, like a saw blade. In use the teeth are bent back. This makes the blade DULL; when the "teeth" break or grind down, the blade is BLUNT. Stropping pushes the teeth of a DULL blade back into alignment making it sharp. It takes a long time to blunt a razor, so stropping a razor means months of use. Keep it dry and keep it stropped.
whats the point of this if i can DE blades for 50 cents a blade and still get about a weeks worth a shaving with it.
don't rinse the blade in hot water. it seems for me that hot water influences some blades and deforms them
sorry, you missed a critical element. blade makers have cleverly added a feature to render the blade un useable after just a short time. on blades you buy now there is a blue strip that turns white to indicate when the blade needs replacement, this wears away fast and changes blade/skin angle. i have fixed this by scraping the strip away with my thumbnail and replaced it with a sewing needle squeezed into the gap. the needle stays fixed in place due to dimples that can be made with an all
Nice advice, But honestly i actually have an electronic blade sharpener I ordered on tv, Havnt changed my blade in 5 months
I seen that movie
Easiest solution - switch to wet shaving with a DE can get a 100 pack of Astra blades for 9 can literally use a brand new razor blade every day costing you around 33 dollars for the year.
Now, I don't shave every day and an Astra blade lasts about 3 shaves for me, so a 100 pack will last me about two years.
@AASTRANGE They tried that on mythbusters and didn't see a difference
I Use Nivea Active 3 Body Wash To Shave With And At The End Of My Shave Rinse And Blow On The Blades To Dry Them Of.Use With Gillette Thermal Scrub Before And Cooling Lotion After The Shave.
@mantic59 Thanks Mark.
I recently got a "Blade Buddy" in my Christmas stocking. Looks kind of like that razor pit item in the video. I was told it works kind of like a steel & chef knife combo. haven't had for long enough to give an accurate response to how well it works or how long a blade lasted, but was also told that the man at the shop where it was bought says he gets at least double the length of use. Plus it was only $20.
thank you very much please reply my other query thank you.
are you the mad scientist in the pics?
Thanks for the video...
While I have no idea what you said thanks to the random creepy sound effects, I'm sure it will help someone. Thanks.
***** Selective hearing I believe is what it's called.