I feel bad for the good Spidermen. The bad ones have conditioned me to think Spiderman will always be in Narnia and I shouldn't bother. I used to run after them, heal them up to full, only to watch them run the 17 miles to the next healthpack and dance on top of it wondering why it won't pop. My faith in DPS died that day.
love when all 5 of us are on the point, the enemy team has died or retreated and the wolverine is running off into god knows where chasing a straggler and then they are spamming the healing button as they are running back at 10% health with 5 walls inbetween us. Bro what did you expect.
As a tank player, only thing I disagree with is the damage blocked stat. Higher damage blocked with less deaths means more focus/abilities/resources is being focused on the tank which gives everyone else breathing room and wastes enemy resources.
True and untrue. Damage blocked means you receive the damage and in turn getting enemy some free ults.. Which also in turn making them winning the match more easier. It's always statistics tho.. nothing about stats and winning is set in stone
i think its more a case of, when playing tank, if your damage blocked stat seems low, that might be a warning your not doing enough, if it seems very large (even if your deaths are low), that might be a warning you arent playing as well as you should be. The stat on its own isnt very useful, but you can pair it with other things the potentially point towards area's of improvement, ideally then confirming those by reviewing your vods or something.
@@Archipelagoes while I do agree I also think enemies will be shooting people anyways. Better to shoot those that can handle it or block it (which correct me if I’m wrong damage against shields doesn’t give ult?) than squishy targets who die and give more ult per kill anyways.
I got so tired of the wrong pings that I changed all 4 to caution and I made it so the ping target area was bigger and it still happens. there needs to be a dedicated ping targer button thats seperate from the ping wheel.
You generally don't want your shield to take much damage as IW. It's more valuable as a healing source. If it breaks, you lose the ability to heal with it for several seconds. It only has 300HP so it goes down fast to most DPS. Basically EVERYTHING counts as damage block though, so the stat is very hard to interpret in a meaningful way. Groot walls, loki clones, invulnerability time for Hulk all count just to name a few. I assume magneto ult counts but since it doesn't actually take hits it might be an exception.
@@Sotanaht01 the "don't let your shield break" advice I take in a ear and let it out by the other. I'm lord on her, 25+ hours in the ingame played time and only playing ranked, currently plat (from bronze 3, since I haven't play S0) and every match it takes at least 6k damage on the shield, even if I spare it, but you can't spare it. Imagine a Groot ults you, the first thing you should do as invisible woman is turn to your ally trapped in the ult with you and shield it, this way if the shield is between you too it will take longer for it to break and you can probably survive the Groot ults unless there is a follow up ult like Moon Knight. That's only one example though, I do use my shield a lot to save spider man and venom who are diving in the enemy's backline, and there are a lot of situations where sacrificing the shield can save a life, like using the shield spam to buy time for an almost dead teammate. Using the shield in flying character like storm who has low mobility is also crucial, the 300 damage it blocks are enough to kill her, and most enemy dps ignores the shield anyways so the storm can just peek in and out. So yeah, this advice is bullshit, if you aren't using your shield it has no value at all in the fight. Furthermore, even if it breaks or takes a lot of damage the CD is about 5 to 6 seconds, which is fairly short. IW who will use their shield as a stationary life support where there is no fight happening are just bad IW.
@@Sotanaht01 It's more important for the shield to have high value, you'd want to prioritize shielding the person trying to make a play or defense against divers, and not just put the shield out near your tank in neutral.
@@Sotanaht01 a lot of her damage taken (if played well) doesnt come from her shield, but rather being a distraction to the enemy, soaking up damage then dipping out safely back to your team
>you need to carry No, you need to have better fundamentals. Games are won less through flashy plays and big stats but through passive habits that casually ape detrimental mistakes. Good fundamentals win games that were technically loseable with little effort.
the power of the i need healing button is that you can acknowledge it and then they can see the massive + through walls and get to you so much faster its very helpful when im support
You had me up until 18:40 ... it might not be the case for you but i feel like for a lot of instalock DPSs use this as an excuse more than a reason. It's been too many times that DPSs are doing terrible in that role and they won't switch because they state that they don't know how to tank or support.
That’s more of a them issue. I think his point is that it’s important to have a main role that you can feel the most confident in; but feeling capable sitting in the other two roles is important too. If their best role is DPS and they're still ass, that’s a them issue and it doesn’t really have anything to do with his point here.
First 3 are basically "if you're playing support and tanks, it's your fault that your team is losing. If you're playing dps, it's not your fault that the enemy isn't dying." He's definitely a dps main 😂
@fissilewhistle the clown is right. In most scenarios you're better off taking the objective when you can do so for free. Meaning the teamfight was won. Never sacrifice the tram fight for a few points on the objective that will be immediately undone afterwords. Unless you're in OT or something
0:24 I get so many healers that don’t pay attention to the requests for heals and I’m literally next to them; they spend too much time trying to get kills.
That's what health packs are for. Some classes can survive and thrive by flanking or being behind the team and not once see their healer(s). As a healer, I'm not going to chase down my dive dps all the way over in Narnia. My tanks and support die, we stagger and lose.
@@vashlotus1891he literally said that he was NEXT TO her , why won’t you heal someone who is not only still alive but also right next to you so you could be more comfortable to heal. Just heal BP as fast as you can so he can go dive again and apply more pressure on their backline , therefore enemy tanks get less heal and die?
I’ve been spammed by so many DPS who “need healing” and they literally have 90% of their life bar. It’s their fault I don’t listen to that audio cue anymore.
On the scoreboard statement I believe they need to change it to like a third of the damage or more is an assist and final hits are eliminations. Another scoreboard based thing would be healing numbers. If you can stop people from taking damage outright it is significantly better than having to heal them your healing numbers on the scoreboard will be lower but your contribution to the game will be higher.
15:50 definitely heard that mentality coming from overwatch, but since I've only played overwatch 2 that mindset was due to how strong supports are in the game currently, so it is actually necessary
Plus the concept goes as far back as turn based RPGs: If the enemy has a healer, focus them first, because the other enemies are practically invincible while the healer is still alive
IDK about that last one. I played enough games to know sometimes you get stuck with horrible teammates, can just be bad luck and little to do with skill. I've played games where one player is great, has the best stats overall and the teammates are below average vs a team of average players - I rather be in the all average performing team every single time. If anything, that shows the average team synergized better while the carry player on the other team was babysitting. This is a team game at the end of the day.
Characters like hawkeye, and dying to him are not skill based at least from your point of view. i have played hawkeye and played against a widow before. Its not based on your skill, if they have hawkeye, just lock in a champ that can't be 1 tapped, or never ever under any circumstances be in LOS. Its not SKILL based. He either hits the shot, or he doesn't. If he gets to fire 9 shots, eventually he will hit. IF the fight takes 3 hours and you have 4 people he can 1 tap, then his 4 healers can probably keep him alive until he does. Just focus him, or pick someone who can't be 1 tapped. Or use strange shield etc to block it for your team. Your movement means almost nothing. Not only can HIS lag make him more likely to hit, but it can make you less likely to dodge. That is the issue with 1 shot weapons in ANY shooter game. I have hit spider mans out of the air on accident while aiming at a tank. It has NOTHING to do with skill, its a 1 tap mechanic that shouldn't be in the game.
literally, characters only have like 4 abilities each for the most part. if you cant learn multiple characters then you still need to learn about the game
@@jack_as_killerall of them, you can tell this guy is a pain to play with. Just another Dps egomaniac who refuses to play tank or healer and wants to make every excuse for how the loss was not his fault.
The game devs should add something to help with knowing where your supports are, because as a tank player it’s so hard to tell where they are when I’m constantly facing the front, (you can’t really turn around as a tank or you’re pretty much dead ) and a lot of the time i think my whole team is right behind me but in reality they’re all attacking a psylocke and abandoning me to 1v5 the enemy team
1) No.... not really. Supports are usually in the back with everything in view. In fact a basic skill for a good support is gamesense and tracking mechanics. Fail to do this basic and you will get called out. 2) Correct. Tanks are suppose to free up space for teammates' gameplay. It does not mean they need to babysit teammatrs 24/7. Still every tank is great at peeling and should look to do it more since threats in their space should be confronted. 3) True. Dps are meant to put the pressure on. High elimns should be the norm for dps, naturally, but dying to add one more kill to their elimn list is them failing at their job. 4) True. Upkeep of a players' value is key in getting better. Winning a duel or earning a clean up kill is not helping the team. You can find much more value running away to fight again in 10 seconds rather then dying and respawning just to waste 20 seconds of playtime that is not value. 5) Wrong. While the scores don't mean as much, they still are the only thing keeping count. Its a tool meant to tell a story of the match. You dying the most shown you handled yoursepf badly. A lot of elimns can show you're participating in most of the fights. Either way each role should focus on scoring high in a particular number in order to improve. Take it as a personal scoreboard not as a complete lie. After all numbers don't lie, they just tell a story. 6) Dying is just a stat. Its not so much as "dying can be good" you want to stall or drive enemy attention away. Its a distraction that can give an advantage for your teammates if they can actually take said advantage. Some players will jump off cliffs to die purposely just to reduce staggering which is a lack of grouping. 7) True. If you have ab ultimate and can get a single kill, you got value. Yes wait it out and see what ultimates might ciunter yours or wait til someone forces an ultimate. Ultimate interacting can determine a lot of matches. Sometimes it best to pop ults just to provide pressure or deny space, because that is still value. 8) Very true. Most suppot ultimates provide a huge window for teams to fight without worry. Most support ultimates should be used to counter enemy ultimates or react to an enemies aggression to turn a fight around, of course when you have all teammates up. 9) True. While most of the time supports should die first, otherwise you need much kore burst damage and pressure to provoke a mistake from players or outdps enemy healing. Its a saying of kill the heart and the rest dies. Which is simple and true. Also a lot of dps can't just break shields walls or are able to easily beat enemy healing such ad Widow, Witch, or melee flankers. So enemy supports should be targeted but sometimes its better to prioritize other targets if you know ehat you're doing. 10) Sort of true. You don't want an all squishy team of dps and supports. This goes back to the thought of the roster as a toolbox.then teamups can be brutal ingame. So composition is a powerful mechanic that essentially aide teammates to perform better in an easy way. So they have huge effects with a good composition. 11) Yeah I'm plat. Sometimes I question why some garbage players are even in my rank as the top 90% in the game. Which is evident to some players actually do get carried to high ranks without performing well. More evidence is Stylosa and many more revealing that the ranks are currently broken. Short summary: You do not belong in the rank you are suppose to be. This causes a weird situation where many players are getting carried or need to be carried. I can say honestly I should have losy some of my matches or how my rank up matches were total stomps to where I barely lifted a finger. Look I'm diamond ranked in OW and that was over 30 seasons ago when I was new. After 7 years of coaching ajd over 20 seasons of flexing to every role, somehow my least played role is my best role in DPS. I still teach and educate players and this videi had some good insight. What bothers me is you hold some ego. Have some confidence in yourself yes! But it ahould not control your gameplay as an abstacle.
As a support main Idgaf, hit it if u need it just don't a be a little bitch if I can't get to you and ur in front of the tank. To many crybaby crash outs even in quick play 😂
I learned point 11 a few days ago. Im a vanguard main, (mag, cap, and thor) i noticed looking through my history that the games i won, i popped off and just played great (for my rank and skill level) every game i lost, i played like an absolute donut. Love the list, keep it up 👍
Had a game where we ran 3 dps, im on spiderman, and this namor had less kills then one of our healers, but said I was trash because he was doing more damage than me. Keep in mind, I had svp and most elims. I think there are certain scenarios where stats do tell alot.
we spider-man mains will always get all the blame even when we're the only one carrying lol. i've had my own teammates calling me tickle spidey even when i dealt the most damage on my team and the most kills, but somehow im a tickle monster, fascinating
Dude. Between this video and your how to improve one, I’ve found more practical, effective advice than any other rivals channel, and I watch a lot lol. I would love to see you do hero guides next! (Strange main here)
I need to say something about "using stats to tell a story" thing. Most people either think stats mean everything or stats mean nothing, which i think both opinions are wrong. Raw stats aren't everything but when used in context, it is very useful. For example, a hero like black widow normally gets less elims than say a moonknight. This is because she does damage to 1 person with every hit, whereas moonknight can easily damage every member of the other team with just a few shots, leading to a lot of elims. So say your black widow has more elims and damage than your moonknight, this would indicate that your moonknight is not doing very well. My point being, if you compare the stats of a hero, to the stats they expected to get based off their kit, you can determine whether or not the hero pick was a good choice or not (or just a bad player). Stats don't represent the actual game, but they can still be a useful indicator of relative performance
most of the content here is solid generalizations. however when you pivot the discussion about roles this is where you absolutely miss the mark. even from your own perspective, ill quote, "...as long as we have 1 tank and 2 supports, im chillin". youre assuming the 3 players are slotting into their "strengths" picking those roles because you instalock dps (your strength). the best players in the game understand HOW to flex and can perform consistently at a high level in ANY role as needed by their team. this is proven by watching any of them play. they'll have a preferred role, but if someone else is better at a role for a specific matchup, they will swap -- they wont just say "im best at dps and youre best at healing". spreading this to the casual, lower ranked community is what feeds into the idea that they shouldnt learn how to approach the game from 3 different perspectives, thus reducing their overall game sense and knowledge. whereas you should encourage this portion of the community to understand those differing approaches so when they do play their strongest role, they know how to counter the playstyles and assess situations more efficiently. something to consider.
I think a more important aspect of maining a hero in each role, is not to flex(though that does help) it's so you understand the jobs, feeling and experience of the other roles on your team so you'll be able to adjust, adapt and support them, or allow them to support you. Nothing about having a main hero in each role prevents you from having a true main role.
I mostly play quick matches because I know I'm not good enough for ranked, and I had a tank get upset at me for using my ult to stay alive and push the convoy, I was playing Mantis. My team was distracted by the other and kept trying to fight them, we also had a second healer, so I ran to the point and when I was almost killed by the enemy Iron Fist who was coming back from spawn. I used my ult to stay alive and kill him and push the convoy so we could win. The tank we had started complaining about my lower healing (I had 8k) and my ult usage. I told them I was more focused on pushing the payload so we can win and not stats and they clammed up. I usually try to save my ult when playing support, but I saw an opportunity to push and win and took it and we won because of it.
In regards to the damage dealt stat, I feel like "efficient damage" is a good term to apply to assassins like Spidey, BP, Psylocke, etc. When they are dealing damage, Value is being derived either from direct kills or making the enemy pull more resources than you're investing just to deal with it.
As a Rocket main, please don't hesitate to use the ping, especially if you're behind him, or overhead. I actually almost asked a teammate to ping at the start of the round, because i couldn't spot his silhouett, and wanted to know where he was before the enemy team came pouring out.
I use I need healing as a tank if I notice I often get no healing or lack of focus. If I notice that my health if sitting at 30% while standing still in cover with my supports right next to me, I'm pressing the button. If I'm in the same scenario but my health instantly goes up, no need to press it.
Not capitalizing on a good teammate is a huge one for me. 🤷♂️ The amount of times I or someone drops a 3k or something out of nowhere giving us the 6v3 or better advantage but the team doesn't move at all is astonishing to me 🤣and lose the fight in the end. Wild stuff.
About the "I need healing" button. I agree that people should do it if they need healing but from what I've seen, people constantly overuse it. People start to spam the button as soon as they took like 20 damage. Some DPS think if the health bar is not completely full, they are gonna die. Not to mention that many DPS run AWAY from the healer while simultanesly spamming the button. Also healers often see someone who actually is in dire need of healing, we can see your health bars and we get an icon when you are low. Use the button only when you REALLY need it.
Its a duelist's job to get kills whenever the enemy team has floating characters like Ironman or Storm. Cuz amongst tanks, only Penny has good range and the supports need to focus on welp supporting their teammates
Everything mentioned is spot on. What i find shocking, most of this is common sense. Especially since a good bit of the player base is OW players. Like these are the same things said 3--8 years ago. Yet, people just forgot these concepts.
"I need healing" isn't bad, but solo diving into enemy spawn out of sight of the healers then spamming "I need healing" seconds before you die then complain that you're not getting healing is the worst.
The biggest issue imo is there's a new stigma in gaming where some players think they gonna get good enough to make money gaming so it makes them more toxic. Funny to see players in low elo acting like they are getting screwed by their team when in reality we are all in this bracket for one reason or another...
the role depends a lot on the kit. squrrel girl maybe a dps but shes not built for chasing down squishies. her kit allows her to give effective covering fire, while in a safe position. Iron fist, Psylocke, and Wolverine are the best dps to for hunting the enemy supports.
the "need healing" button sucks so much. its middle click by default on pc and half the time i will try to ping like thor after i die and it will throw out 3 of those "i need healing" then i feel like an asshole
I don't mind the HEAL ME button, especially since I know that the game's enemy pinging for M&K players is completely trash. You gave me the idea to tell people to not be afraid to ping me when they're even at 70% health. I always try to keep everyone full at all times, but just incase you're behind me when I'm being a little aggressive.. the pings really help me refocus!
When someone pings they need healing it tells me I should look in their direction and I love that. I don’t need it to be spammed. What aggravates me is someone is behind me expecting me to look behind when I am focused on a team fight 😂 then they die and yell at me saying they were behind me why did they not get any heals. Well maybe it’s because I am far enough back that I am making sure I SEE everyone in front of me and possible flankers yet SOMEHOW you still end up behind me expecting me to see with the non existent eyes in the back of my head 😂 If you have voice chat say something DONT yell say “heals please” or “I’m behind you, heals?” and you’ll get heals. Only time you are allowed to be loud in my ear is if the whole 6 people are all talking and doing comms(which is rare to begin with). So please don’t be the only one talking and then suddenly yell in my ear for heals. I get it we are all frustrated we are losing and stressing but you don’t need to yell at your supports. 😂 we have 5 people to keep track of 6 if we include ourselves. It’s not easy to keep track and keep eyes on everyone so a ping when you are nearby helps or if you are in VC tell us heals please and where you are and we will do it as fast as possible but also don’t run away half healed and die then blame us. Heals aren’t super speed in this game 😂
As a support main , please use the i need healing button when ur on 50 hp i can locate u faster and save u before u die, however if u are already on cri health DO NOT SPAM THAT BUTTON u have decided to 1v 1 on low health eathier win ur duel or die w honor and ill save u on your next life
I'd like to say, high damage blocked is GOOD if you and the rest of your team don't have a significant amount of deaths to back it up. Taking damage as a tank feeds your healers' ults so that they can have them ready for more fights. Whenever my team has a strong advantage and my DPSs aren't being chased down and I'm at full HP (as a tank of course) I explicitly let the 2 or 3 stragglers damage me while I chase THEM down because my two healers aren't busy healing anybody else, might as well generate some ult charge for them yknow?
😂 Was right with you until you tried to say dmg blocked isn't good lmfao... Grrot tank 50k dmg blocked mean 50k dmg blocked from team. 50 k dmg blocked on a spider man and 50 deaths is bad. But dmg blocked with no death equals team player and a tank the whole point of a tank is to take the dmg input and deal out mid dmg to push them back as dps and heals push. But sure buddy my 3 decades of gaming knowledge blown out of thee water by a sprog lmfao... 😅
Somehow I missed the fact that you had a second channel and have been hoping to see you upload more. Come to find out your second channel is about ANOTHER one of my favorite games............. I must just be dumb and never paid any attention but omg char is missed ya pal!!!
If you're a regular PvP player you'd know a lot of these like fighting in cover lol, or getting healed before peeking again so many kill hungry players.
You won't climb if you're solo queuing unless you can carry. That doesn't necessarily mean being MVP every game but you need to be performing very well. You'll get carried the odd game solo queuing but not consistently because you can't always rely on teammates until you reach a higher level. I had a nightmare getting out of bronze and silver solo queuing until I took accountability and started to improve myself so much so that when I finally hit gold I flew through it and am now on the way to diamond(currently mid platinum 2). It took me 3 weeks for bronze and silver but less than a week for gold and half of platinum. I main Invisible Woman by the way and play her 90% of matches.
@@mixedmitchell9178 Yea, I was hardstuck Silver 1 for several weeks, so i sat down and reviewed my issues. I enjoyed getting into brawls too much and kept dying. My solution was to pick up an aggro tank (Thor), and learn to safely disengage. Once I did taht, I climbed to plat 2 in a matter of days
I agree with the not using support ults to make space or push on point but when your team literally won’t leave spawn wtf do you do? When your team has no sense of urgency
I agree with some of the points but the other ones are wtf. For example ofc dps if they are good they will find a way to get picks even if your team is getting rolled, this is their job. If you cant make a difference when playing dps and help your team to stabilise and comeback then you picked the wrong role. Why is it bad to have high dmg blocked when for example you have 0 deaths? I also think that in general elims are much more important than dmg fo dps characters (then you exclude penni etc). Also final hits are always valuable, securing the kill in this game is the most important thing. What if you are on "cleanup duty" and you dont finish a low hp moonknight and then healer respawn insta heal them and moonknight kills 3 of you with ult. You just lost everything you gained from winning TF.
For the dps point it's pretty simple actually, it's a team based game, meaning everything has harmony, tanks job is to create space, supports job is to (generally) enable those tanks to do so, dps job is to take advantage of the space given to PRESSURE (meaning picks isn't the priority, the picks are just a result of good pressure) the enemy team. Meaning if one fails or gets diffed then the team fight win will tilt in the enemy favor Yes dps diffs are real at times but if the enemy tank/s are in complete control of the map then 9 times out of 10 their dps will dogwalk yours as they have all the space in the world to work with. Yes there's cracked dps who can still get kills when in that losing situation but I promise you majority of them who are able to consistently do that would NOT be in metal ranks
Also having a high damage when you have 0 deaths is an exception, obviously since you don't spend time waiting to respawn and walking back to point you will have higher dmg block numbers than most the lobby. It's a problem when you're at least a couple under the average death count tho since it means you're just a brick wall, not enabling anything (unless you're playing a tank like groot)
good advice I'd like to add though with damage dealt on dps specifically, damage dealt and elims/final hits must be considered together, a moon knight with 20k damage who is overall going 5 and 10 with 3 final hits is just feeding support ults, supports get ult charge for healing, the goal is to kill people with the LEAST amount of damage possible damage dealt is one of the most useless stats on it's own, dps ult charge is important too but not anywhere near as important as support
Saying I need heeling is annoying when they are already being healed when they say it but are in a bad position and are getting melted faster than I can heal them at the moment or when someone is incredibly off position with no line of sight. They should be playing from places where they can receive healing and deep diving on domination will not become a better idea if your healer follows you
The part about waiting for the perfect moment to use ultimates is so real, there's nothing more infuriating than losing a point or even an entire game because your team is refusing yo use an ultimate, that shit will fossilize in their pocket before the next game. If you have an ult that is at least guaranteed to make the enemy back away, USE IT! if your ult WILL kill a support or at least force them to respond with their ult, USE IT! I've recently won a game of domination by just going to the backline and using my psylocke's ult to split the enemy team, I got two or 3 kills, but what's more important is the fact that their tank were now alone in the point tonbe easily melted by my team, even Wanda's ult is good for a distraction, stop holding your ult, no matter how bad the community think your ult is, it's still the most powerful ability in your kit
I got almost 72k block dmg with Strange a game. High Block dmg is great it means you are taking pressure off your team, letting your dps take more control of the field. By doing that this gives you more time in helping with point, or push payload, allowing you to protect your supports even more. I love dps that stay near point. There are times when me as tank when I had 2 enemy tanks, their supports, & dps all focusing on me while I'm soaking that dmg for my team. The pressure is real, but having good dps players, who actually know how to play dps makes a tanks job much easier. The last 2 games my dps were on fire, each individually averaging 30-45ks, & final hits 20-30+ not kidding they were cooking. Those individuals I speak of might be the best dps I've come across so far! Great wins, with dps players like them they definitely deserve to win.
I play on PS5 and I have no idea what the "I need healing" button is. And I'd add to stop assuming the match is an automatic loss just because someone wants to play Black Widow. It's extremely common for people to think that in ranked and 2/3 matches I'd have 2 teammates completely throw and possibly 1 healer that refuses to heal me at all. All of that happens just because I want to play as Black Widow, I practiced with her and I've been getting better with her after turning my sensitivity way up from the default cause it's way too low for a sniper. And I know at times I want to be an aggressive mid ranged hip firing sniper. Black Widow's sprint jump is good for avoiding taking too much damage from melee characters. I still need practice getting off jump shots, but that's literally the hardest thing about playing Black Widow. And her ult is good for hitting enemies trying to run away for healing and for holding choke points because the slow field it creates prevents the enemy team from pushing or at least forces them to use their dashes that they might have needed for making a push successful or to escape. Weakest ult in the game? Sure, but it has some good utility. And her stun combo isn't to be underestimated, it can stun some characters out of their ults, I've done it to Dr Strange, Magneto, and Scarlet Witch players so far. Anyway, the Black Widow hate is ridiculous
1:43 NO! No you should NOT be playing back there as the Punisher; he's a frontline assault character, you should be MUCH further up with him, ideally right behind the vanguards. Why does everybody think he's a backline off-tank?
at 10:25 it reminded me of a time that I had a match as Thor and I was playing on Djalia. We had about 0.11m to get to the checkpoint and score 3 with a lot of time left but at the very last moment I accidentaly storm surged Strange into payload and it stopped the progress even tough we killed strange after that. But this little moment allowed the enemy team to get back to us and from now on we couldn't push the vehicle and ended up with 2. After that the enemy team scored 3. Noone even noticed this but I knew that our loss was the aftermath of my mistake and felt embarassed. Didn't write anything in the chat about it lol. They probably thought we were just unlucky.
I play all 3 roles and My biggest issue is that dps do not kill supports . You have to collectively as a team jump healers in this game because they’re so broken in this game. If theres only one person trying to kill supports then it usually causes you to get steamrolled and all damage is just offset by the outrageously high healing output in this game and nothing happens. Tank should know how to take space and know when not to be TOO greedy and stay on the payload and use it for cover and drop to a wall behind you for cover and a safe heal if you need healing or to reload. Healers should learn to better positioning and play backlines or near health packs and always be in line of sight with the team and play the high grounds and to not be in the middle of a chaos. Go on top of building, use bounce pads to keep your self alive first and formost so you can maximize your healing output and fallback if nobody is on point with you. Do not go in solo
Yeah as a tank main, I disagree with damage blocked…. To make space we get targeted. If we hide and take cover like the rest of our team, we can keep a low damage blocked. But there there’s no space being made. If I the tank have 60k damage blocked and my team is 6-10k that means I have my team plenty of opportunities to make plays
It's honestly a bit depressing when you realize that a lot of the players that believe in these concepts aren't just brand new players. A lot of them that came from Overwatch and they still have the same silver mentality from OW season 1. Some players just refuse to learn, even after 8 years. I don't think it helps that, in this game, it's too easy to get GM. I thought that I would've stopped seeing people saying dumb stuff like this past Diamond, but, no, you still get a lot of bad players that only spammed games up until GM. The game only gets "decent" starting from Eternity, and that is definitely a "decent" in quotation marks. The amount of times I saw supports run it down on cooldown and blame tanks for "nOt PrOtEcTiNg" them in GM is mind blowing.
Been loving Rivals & your vids so far but just want to stop you on your #5 point, people look at the stats in EVERY game, pretty much just a gaming issue more than a rivals player issue
I'm a newbie to the game who mains Squirrel Girl, I started watching this video out of curiosity... Now I'm realizing that I'm probably doing everything wrong- For context, my strategy is "RANDOM BS, GO!". I run into the front line and shoot my primary fire and my squirrel blockade as much as possible, and tail bounce as much as possible, not really focusing much on my melee attack. I always forget to send the 'I need a heal' ping, and I constantly die due to my ADHD squirrel brain that doesn't focus on my HP and I don't plan ahead and can't hide or run away before I run out. When I do manage to hide, I get shot anyways.
I feel a lot of this is just "healers and tanks arent playing right". For example if youre a healer and they're spiderman or BP or iron fist jumps on you. Theres just not much you can do. Yeah ypu can avoid that hawkeye arrow but you cant avoid getting jumped on while your team is right there and not turning around to help. Than you got dps pinging "I need heals" when they are supposed to be helping contain that spiderman or BP or iron fist
This is mostly true but not giving any responsibility to the dps is just wrong. If they can’t pressure the team enough or at least get a pick or two when the rest of your team is playing flawlessly, that’s 100% on them.
I'm so glad there's a video about this, I literally try to explain this to my team and they're too braindead to understand. I main Black Panther and I know I'm not perfect but I also know when I sell and when there wasn't much I could've done to change the outcome of the game but I'm always the first blamed if I under perform or have lower dmg than the other dps and tanks or cloak when BP isn't even a high dmg character and if you dive properly you simply won't have majority dmg most of the time but your kills are the most impactful because you should be mainly focusing healers which I do.
i think the i need healing button is only annoying when they're playing spider-man and they're in a different area code
I feel bad for the good Spidermen. The bad ones have conditioned me to think Spiderman will always be in Narnia and I shouldn't bother. I used to run after them, heal them up to full, only to watch them run the 17 miles to the next healthpack and dance on top of it wondering why it won't pop. My faith in DPS died that day.
@@WynneLI don’t think you should run after good spider-man. He will come back for heals if he needs.
Or when the tank is obviously dying yet the dpd is spamming it, when the healthpack is just around the corner
love when all 5 of us are on the point, the enemy team has died or retreated and the wolverine is running off into god knows where chasing a straggler and then they are spamming the healing button as they are running back at 10% health with 5 walls inbetween us.
Bro what did you expect.
A good Spiderman knows the location of healing kit
As a tank player, only thing I disagree with is the damage blocked stat. Higher damage blocked with less deaths means more focus/abilities/resources is being focused on the tank which gives everyone else breathing room and wastes enemy resources.
True and untrue. Damage blocked means you receive the damage and in turn getting enemy some free ults..
Which also in turn making them winning the match more easier.
It's always statistics tho.. nothing about stats and winning is set in stone
Also possibly pissing off healers if you’re going too ham and they have to focus hella on you
i think its more a case of, when playing tank, if your damage blocked stat seems low, that might be a warning your not doing enough, if it seems very large (even if your deaths are low), that might be a warning you arent playing as well as you should be. The stat on its own isnt very useful, but you can pair it with other things the potentially point towards area's of improvement, ideally then confirming those by reviewing your vods or something.
@@Archipelagoes while I do agree I also think enemies will be shooting people anyways. Better to shoot those that can handle it or block it (which correct me if I’m wrong damage against shields doesn’t give ult?) than squishy targets who die and give more ult per kill anyways.
@ blocking damage also gives you ult too, more reason to block damage and not die
Am I alone when I press I need healing by accident when I'm trying to ping an enemy or area?
Ive done it and I main healers lol
I got so tired of the wrong pings that I changed all 4 to caution and I made it so the ping target area was bigger and it still happens. there needs to be a dedicated ping targer button thats seperate from the ping wheel.
So many times lol
the most annoying part of the game
"Not gonna magicly kill someone"
*hits em with a sword* lol
@@m33dok*the portal demon*
*kills Magikally*
another misconception: IW shields counts towards damage block, so, yeah, she having high damage block can be because she used her shield a lot
Damage taken is a good metric for IW to show they had more impact than just damage and heals.
You generally don't want your shield to take much damage as IW. It's more valuable as a healing source. If it breaks, you lose the ability to heal with it for several seconds. It only has 300HP so it goes down fast to most DPS.
Basically EVERYTHING counts as damage block though, so the stat is very hard to interpret in a meaningful way. Groot walls, loki clones, invulnerability time for Hulk all count just to name a few. I assume magneto ult counts but since it doesn't actually take hits it might be an exception.
@@Sotanaht01 the "don't let your shield break" advice I take in a ear and let it out by the other. I'm lord on her, 25+ hours in the ingame played time and only playing ranked, currently plat (from bronze 3, since I haven't play S0) and every match it takes at least 6k damage on the shield, even if I spare it, but you can't spare it. Imagine a Groot ults you, the first thing you should do as invisible woman is turn to your ally trapped in the ult with you and shield it, this way if the shield is between you too it will take longer for it to break and you can probably survive the Groot ults unless there is a follow up ult like Moon Knight. That's only one example though, I do use my shield a lot to save spider man and venom who are diving in the enemy's backline, and there are a lot of situations where sacrificing the shield can save a life, like using the shield spam to buy time for an almost dead teammate. Using the shield in flying character like storm who has low mobility is also crucial, the 300 damage it blocks are enough to kill her, and most enemy dps ignores the shield anyways so the storm can just peek in and out.
So yeah, this advice is bullshit, if you aren't using your shield it has no value at all in the fight. Furthermore, even if it breaks or takes a lot of damage the CD is about 5 to 6 seconds, which is fairly short.
IW who will use their shield as a stationary life support where there is no fight happening are just bad IW.
@@Sotanaht01 It's more important for the shield to have high value, you'd want to prioritize shielding the person trying to make a play or defense against divers, and not just put the shield out near your tank in neutral.
@@Sotanaht01 a lot of her damage taken (if played well) doesnt come from her shield, but rather being a distraction to the enemy, soaking up damage then dipping out safely back to your team
>you need to carry
No, you need to have better fundamentals. Games are won less through flashy plays and big stats but through passive habits that casually ape detrimental mistakes. Good fundamentals win games that were technically loseable with little effort.
the power of the i need healing button is that you can acknowledge it and then they can see the massive + through walls and get to you so much faster its very helpful when im support
You had me up until 18:40 ... it might not be the case for you but i feel like for a lot of instalock DPSs use this as an excuse more than a reason. It's been too many times that DPSs are doing terrible in that role and they won't switch because they state that they don't know how to tank or support.
What rank are you?
As of the message, platinum 2
That’s more of a them issue. I think his point is that it’s important to have a main role that you can feel the most confident in; but feeling capable sitting in the other two roles is important too. If their best role is DPS and they're still ass, that’s a them issue and it doesn’t really have anything to do with his point here.
For real, he just stated an excuse
As a support main- I genuinely don’t care when you spam “heals” I just get annoyed when a 250hp hero pushes by themselves 😭
First 3 are basically "if you're playing support and tanks, it's your fault that your team is losing. If you're playing dps, it's not your fault that the enemy isn't dying." He's definitely a dps main 😂
😂😂😂 fr fr
Might be a dps but his points are still right, it's the exact same things overwatch pros been stressing for 7 years
Something tells me you are one of those supports he mentioned in the first one.
What rank are you
Yep, 3:30 lol
“Yeah that ONE KILL the Black Widow got is the reason we won the fight” dude is definitely a DPS main.
Well some action had to start the momentum. Usually how getting rolled starts.
It literally could be though lol people are so quick to miss a point for the meme
And I’m a tank main before you say it
If they got the first pick then yes. I know she's a bad character but even so.
The "I need healing" ping is only annoying when it's coming from some dumbass half the map away hiding behind 4 walls.
I need a " protect support! " or " dive their support! " Button.
You can say "need help" or ping the enemy supports
This is actually great idea
7:03 What also doesn’t show up on the stats is how long you’ve spent playing the objective
objective play is overrated. winning team fights more important
@@lukepelton2180what’s the point of the fight if you don’t take the obj?
@@lukepelton2180this dude just said “yeah the objective doesn’t matter in a objective based hero shooter”
@@lukepelton2180I hope I never get this clown on my team.
@fissilewhistle the clown is right. In most scenarios you're better off taking the objective when you can do so for free. Meaning the teamfight was won.
Never sacrifice the tram fight for a few points on the objective that will be immediately undone afterwords. Unless you're in OT or something
0:24 I get so many healers that don’t pay attention to the requests for heals and I’m literally next to them; they spend too much time trying to get kills.
Im a support main, and this even frustrates me, like stop tickling their tank and get yo ass back here smh
That's what health packs are for. Some classes can survive and thrive by flanking or being behind the team and not once see their healer(s).
As a healer, I'm not going to chase down my dive dps all the way over in Narnia. My tanks and support die, we stagger and lose.
@@vashlotus1891 you must have missed the part where I said I’m right next to them. You probably are one of these individuals😅
@@vashlotus1891he literally said that he was NEXT TO her , why won’t you heal someone who is not only still alive but also right next to you so you could be more comfortable to heal. Just heal BP as fast as you can so he can go dive again and apply more pressure on their backline , therefore enemy tanks get less heal and die?
I’ve been spammed by so many DPS who “need healing” and they literally have 90% of their life bar. It’s their fault I don’t listen to that audio cue anymore.
I need Healing issues came from the OW1 Genji meme
"When im in lower tier games, when im playing with my friends" lmfao you did them so dirty
On the scoreboard statement I believe they need to change it to like a third of the damage or more is an assist and final hits are eliminations. Another scoreboard based thing would be healing numbers. If you can stop people from taking damage outright it is significantly better than having to heal them your healing numbers on the scoreboard will be lower but your contribution to the game will be higher.
hero shooters almost always display elims the same way rivals does
@justaderrickrosestan ergo hero shooters almost always do it in a dumb way
15:50 definitely heard that mentality coming from overwatch, but since I've only played overwatch 2 that mindset was due to how strong supports are in the game currently, so it is actually necessary
Plus the concept goes as far back as turn based RPGs: If the enemy has a healer, focus them first, because the other enemies are practically invincible while the healer is still alive
I am a support main and I find it very helpful when people say they need healing. Especially when I’m playing a little off
IDK about that last one. I played enough games to know sometimes you get stuck with horrible teammates, can just be bad luck and little to do with skill. I've played games where one player is great, has the best stats overall and the teammates are below average vs a team of average players - I rather be in the all average performing team every single time. If anything, that shows the average team synergized better while the carry player on the other team was babysitting. This is a team game at the end of the day.
Dude really defends the dps like crazy.
Characters like hawkeye, and dying to him are not skill based at least from your point of view. i have played hawkeye and played against a widow before.
Its not based on your skill, if they have hawkeye, just lock in a champ that can't be 1 tapped, or never ever under any circumstances be in LOS. Its not SKILL based. He either hits the shot, or he doesn't. If he gets to fire 9 shots, eventually he will hit. IF the fight takes 3 hours and you have 4 people he can 1 tap, then his 4 healers can probably keep him alive until he does. Just focus him, or pick someone who can't be 1 tapped. Or use strange shield etc to block it for your team.
Your movement means almost nothing. Not only can HIS lag make him more likely to hit, but it can make you less likely to dodge. That is the issue with 1 shot weapons in ANY shooter game. I have hit spider mans out of the air on accident while aiming at a tank. It has NOTHING to do with skill, its a 1 tap mechanic that shouldn't be in the game.
if you truly understand the game and have good mechanics, you should be able to play well on most heroes and flex to any role
literally, characters only have like 4 abilities each for the most part. if you cant learn multiple characters then you still need to learn about the game
This is just 20 minutes of "dps good, everyone else bad"
What are some points that you disagree with?
@@jack_as_killerall of them, you can tell this guy is a pain to play with. Just another Dps egomaniac who refuses to play tank or healer and wants to make every excuse for how the loss was not his fault.
You can really tell this dude mains DPS lmaooo
Video should be titled “Just DPS Main thoughts”
The game devs should add something to help with knowing where your supports are, because as a tank player it’s so hard to tell where they are when I’m constantly facing the front, (you can’t really turn around as a tank or you’re pretty much dead ) and a lot of the time i think my whole team is right behind me but in reality they’re all attacking a psylocke and abandoning me to 1v5 the enemy team
Only time I get upset is when I’m healing someone and there spam asking for heals
If I'm running around my healer with 10% hp and not getting healed while trying to keep them alive, im spamming that shit in btw shots
1) No.... not really. Supports are usually in the back with everything in view. In fact a basic skill for a good support is gamesense and tracking mechanics. Fail to do this basic and you will get called out.
2) Correct. Tanks are suppose to free up space for teammates' gameplay. It does not mean they need to babysit teammatrs 24/7. Still every tank is great at peeling and should look to do it more since threats in their space should be confronted.
3) True. Dps are meant to put the pressure on. High elimns should be the norm for dps, naturally, but dying to add one more kill to their elimn list is them failing at their job.
4) True. Upkeep of a players' value is key in getting better. Winning a duel or earning a clean up kill is not helping the team. You can find much more value running away to fight again in 10 seconds rather then dying and respawning just to waste 20 seconds of playtime that is not value.
5) Wrong. While the scores don't mean as much, they still are the only thing keeping count. Its a tool meant to tell a story of the match. You dying the most shown you handled yoursepf badly. A lot of elimns can show you're participating in most of the fights. Either way each role should focus on scoring high in a particular number in order to improve. Take it as a personal scoreboard not as a complete lie. After all numbers don't lie, they just tell a story.
6) Dying is just a stat. Its not so much as "dying can be good" you want to stall or drive enemy attention away. Its a distraction that can give an advantage for your teammates if they can actually take said advantage. Some players will jump off cliffs to die purposely just to reduce staggering which is a lack of grouping.
7) True. If you have ab ultimate and can get a single kill, you got value. Yes wait it out and see what ultimates might ciunter yours or wait til someone forces an ultimate. Ultimate interacting can determine a lot of matches. Sometimes it best to pop ults just to provide pressure or deny space, because that is still value.
8) Very true. Most suppot ultimates provide a huge window for teams to fight without worry. Most support ultimates should be used to counter enemy ultimates or react to an enemies aggression to turn a fight around, of course when you have all teammates up.
9) True. While most of the time supports should die first, otherwise you need much kore burst damage and pressure to provoke a mistake from players or outdps enemy healing. Its a saying of kill the heart and the rest dies. Which is simple and true. Also a lot of dps can't just break shields walls or are able to easily beat enemy healing such ad Widow, Witch, or melee flankers. So enemy supports should be targeted but sometimes its better to prioritize other targets if you know ehat you're doing.
10) Sort of true. You don't want an all squishy team of dps and supports. This goes back to the thought of the roster as a toolbox.then teamups can be brutal ingame. So composition is a powerful mechanic that essentially aide teammates to perform better in an easy way. So they have huge effects with a good composition.
11) Yeah I'm plat. Sometimes I question why some garbage players are even in my rank as the top 90% in the game. Which is evident to some players actually do get carried to high ranks without performing well. More evidence is Stylosa and many more revealing that the ranks are currently broken. Short summary: You do not belong in the rank you are suppose to be. This causes a weird situation where many players are getting carried or need to be carried. I can say honestly I should have losy some of my matches or how my rank up matches were total stomps to where I barely lifted a finger.
Look I'm diamond ranked in OW and that was over 30 seasons ago when I was new. After 7 years of coaching ajd over 20 seasons of flexing to every role, somehow my least played role is my best role in DPS. I still teach and educate players and this videi had some good insight.
What bothers me is you hold some ego. Have some confidence in yourself yes! But it ahould not control your gameplay as an abstacle.
"The strange shield is a limited resource"
Que: are you sure about that
You're right about the healing. That's something I'm working on not getting toxic about
As a support main Idgaf, hit it if u need it just don't a be a little bitch if I can't get to you and ur in front of the tank. To many crybaby crash outs even in quick play 😂
I get mad at dps when they spam it because they are doing it while I'm being attacked, and while they are nowhere in sight
I learned point 11 a few days ago. Im a vanguard main, (mag, cap, and thor) i noticed looking through my history that the games i won, i popped off and just played great (for my rank and skill level) every game i lost, i played like an absolute donut.
Love the list, keep it up 👍
Had a game where we ran 3 dps, im on spiderman, and this namor had less kills then one of our healers, but said I was trash because he was doing more damage than me. Keep in mind, I had svp and most elims. I think there are certain scenarios where stats do tell alot.
we spider-man mains will always get all the blame even when we're the only one carrying lol. i've had my own teammates calling me tickle spidey even when i dealt the most damage on my team and the most kills, but somehow im a tickle monster, fascinating
@@Ajoule01 You aren't carrying. Best you can hope for as Spiderman is to not be completely sandbagging.
Dude. Between this video and your how to improve one, I’ve found more practical, effective advice than any other rivals channel, and I watch a lot lol. I would love to see you do hero guides next! (Strange main here)
I need to say something about "using stats to tell a story" thing. Most people either think stats mean everything or stats mean nothing, which i think both opinions are wrong. Raw stats aren't everything but when used in context, it is very useful. For example, a hero like black widow normally gets less elims than say a moonknight. This is because she does damage to 1 person with every hit, whereas moonknight can easily damage every member of the other team with just a few shots, leading to a lot of elims. So say your black widow has more elims and damage than your moonknight, this would indicate that your moonknight is not doing very well. My point being, if you compare the stats of a hero, to the stats they expected to get based off their kit, you can determine whether or not the hero pick was a good choice or not (or just a bad player). Stats don't represent the actual game, but they can still be a useful indicator of relative performance
most of the content here is solid generalizations. however when you pivot the discussion about roles this is where you absolutely miss the mark. even from your own perspective, ill quote, "...as long as we have 1 tank and 2 supports, im chillin". youre assuming the 3 players are slotting into their "strengths" picking those roles because you instalock dps (your strength). the best players in the game understand HOW to flex and can perform consistently at a high level in ANY role as needed by their team. this is proven by watching any of them play. they'll have a preferred role, but if someone else is better at a role for a specific matchup, they will swap -- they wont just say "im best at dps and youre best at healing". spreading this to the casual, lower ranked community is what feeds into the idea that they shouldnt learn how to approach the game from 3 different perspectives, thus reducing their overall game sense and knowledge. whereas you should encourage this portion of the community to understand those differing approaches so when they do play their strongest role, they know how to counter the playstyles and assess situations more efficiently. something to consider.
I think a more important aspect of maining a hero in each role, is not to flex(though that does help) it's so you understand the jobs, feeling and experience of the other roles on your team so you'll be able to adjust, adapt and support them, or allow them to support you. Nothing about having a main hero in each role prevents you from having a true main role.
I mostly play quick matches because I know I'm not good enough for ranked, and I had a tank get upset at me for using my ult to stay alive and push the convoy, I was playing Mantis. My team was distracted by the other and kept trying to fight them, we also had a second healer, so I ran to the point and when I was almost killed by the enemy Iron Fist who was coming back from spawn. I used my ult to stay alive and kill him and push the convoy so we could win. The tank we had started complaining about my lower healing (I had 8k) and my ult usage. I told them I was more focused on pushing the payload so we can win and not stats and they clammed up. I usually try to save my ult when playing support, but I saw an opportunity to push and win and took it and we won because of it.
In regards to the damage dealt stat, I feel like "efficient damage" is a good term to apply to assassins like Spidey, BP, Psylocke, etc. When they are dealing damage, Value is being derived either from direct kills or making the enemy pull more resources than you're investing just to deal with it.
As a Rocket main, please don't hesitate to use the ping, especially if you're behind him, or overhead. I actually almost asked a teammate to ping at the start of the round, because i couldn't spot his silhouett, and wanted to know where he was before the enemy team came pouring out.
An Iron Man ulty that gets like one or two enemies has been clutch in securing a win on capture point missions at the last second.
this video is basically "I only play DPS and am gonna make it everyone's problem"
Quit complaining and heal
I’m curious what are some points that you disagree with?
I think I'm pretty reasonable about this, I've spammed it when literally standing side by side my strategists and have them still not shoot me.
Nothing more annoying than playing Warlock and having a duelist spam I need healing in front of me with my heals on cool down lol
I use I need healing as a tank if I notice I often get no healing or lack of focus. If I notice that my health if sitting at 30% while standing still in cover with my supports right next to me, I'm pressing the button. If I'm in the same scenario but my health instantly goes up, no need to press it.
Not capitalizing on a good teammate is a huge one for me. 🤷♂️
The amount of times I or someone drops a 3k or something out of nowhere giving us the 6v3 or better advantage but the team doesn't move at all is astonishing to me 🤣and lose the fight in the end. Wild stuff.
About the "I need healing" button. I agree that people should do it if they need healing but from what I've seen, people constantly overuse it. People start to spam the button as soon as they took like 20 damage. Some DPS think if the health bar is not completely full, they are gonna die. Not to mention that many DPS run AWAY from the healer while simultanesly spamming the button. Also healers often see someone who actually is in dire need of healing, we can see your health bars and we get an icon when you are low. Use the button only when you REALLY need it.
If you want heals you need to go to the healer not ask to put them out of position where they get killed
Its a duelist's job to get kills whenever the enemy team has floating characters like Ironman or Storm. Cuz amongst tanks, only Penny has good range and the supports need to focus on welp supporting their teammates
Everything mentioned is spot on. What i find shocking, most of this is common sense. Especially since a good bit of the player base is OW players. Like these are the same things said 3--8 years ago. Yet, people just forgot these concepts.
I think they should add a stat. "Healing received" so you can see where the healing is being focused.
telling people to keep instalocking the one character they are good at isnt going to help anybody man
"I need healing" isn't bad, but solo diving into enemy spawn out of sight of the healers then spamming "I need healing" seconds before you die then complain that you're not getting healing is the worst.
The biggest issue imo is there's a new stigma in gaming where some players think they gonna get good enough to make money gaming so it makes them more toxic. Funny to see players in low elo acting like they are getting screwed by their team when in reality we are all in this bracket for one reason or another...
Great clips bro 😂. You messin em up
the role depends a lot on the kit. squrrel girl maybe a dps but shes not built for chasing down squishies. her kit allows her to give effective covering fire, while in a safe position. Iron fist, Psylocke, and Wolverine are the best dps to for hunting the enemy supports.
the "need healing" button sucks so much. its middle click by default on pc and half the time i will try to ping like thor after i die and it will throw out 3 of those "i need healing" then i feel like an asshole
I don't mind the HEAL ME button, especially since I know that the game's enemy pinging for M&K players is completely trash. You gave me the idea to tell people to not be afraid to ping me when they're even at 70% health. I always try to keep everyone full at all times, but just incase you're behind me when I'm being a little aggressive.. the pings really help me refocus!
When someone pings they need healing it tells me I should look in their direction and I love that. I don’t need it to be spammed.
What aggravates me is someone is behind me expecting me to look behind when I am focused on a team fight 😂 then they die and yell at me saying they were behind me why did they not get any heals. Well maybe it’s because I am far enough back that I am making sure I SEE everyone in front of me and possible flankers yet SOMEHOW you still end up behind me expecting me to see with the non existent eyes in the back of my head 😂
If you have voice chat say something DONT yell say “heals please” or “I’m behind you, heals?” and you’ll get heals. Only time you are allowed to be loud in my ear is if the whole 6 people are all talking and doing comms(which is rare to begin with). So please don’t be the only one talking and then suddenly yell in my ear for heals. I get it we are all frustrated we are losing and stressing but you don’t need to yell at your supports. 😂 we have 5 people to keep track of 6 if we include ourselves. It’s not easy to keep track and keep eyes on everyone so a ping when you are nearby helps or if you are in VC tell us heals please and where you are and we will do it as fast as possible but also don’t run away half healed and die then blame us. Heals aren’t super speed in this game 😂
No saving ults isnt always bad, bc some ults need to be saved until after a support ult is used or to counter an enemy ult
As a support main , please use the i need healing button when ur on 50 hp i can locate u faster and save u before u die, however if u are already on cri health DO NOT SPAM THAT BUTTON u have decided to 1v 1 on low health eathier win ur duel or die w honor and ill save u on your next life
I'd like to say, high damage blocked is GOOD if you and the rest of your team don't have a significant amount of deaths to back it up. Taking damage as a tank feeds your healers' ults so that they can have them ready for more fights. Whenever my team has a strong advantage and my DPSs aren't being chased down and I'm at full HP (as a tank of course) I explicitly let the 2 or 3 stragglers damage me while I chase THEM down because my two healers aren't busy healing anybody else, might as well generate some ult charge for them yknow?
😂 Was right with you until you tried to say dmg blocked isn't good lmfao... Grrot tank 50k dmg blocked mean 50k dmg blocked from team. 50 k dmg blocked on a spider man and 50 deaths is bad. But dmg blocked with no death equals team player and a tank the whole point of a tank is to take the dmg input and deal out mid dmg to push them back as dps and heals push. But sure buddy my 3 decades of gaming knowledge blown out of thee water by a sprog lmfao... 😅
Somehow I missed the fact that you had a second channel and have been hoping to see you upload more. Come to find out your second channel is about ANOTHER one of my favorite games............. I must just be dumb and never paid any attention but omg char is missed ya pal!!!
If you're a regular PvP player you'd know a lot of these like fighting in cover lol, or getting healed before peeking again so many kill hungry players.
For the last point, I’m the opposite. I need to be carried if I want to climb. What is the best strategy for someone like me to climb consistently?
You won't climb if you're solo queuing unless you can carry. That doesn't necessarily mean being MVP every game but you need to be performing very well. You'll get carried the odd game solo queuing but not consistently because you can't always rely on teammates until you reach a higher level. I had a nightmare getting out of bronze and silver solo queuing until I took accountability and started to improve myself so much so that when I finally hit gold I flew through it and am now on the way to diamond(currently mid platinum 2). It took me 3 weeks for bronze and silver but less than a week for gold and half of platinum. I main Invisible Woman by the way and play her 90% of matches.
@ sadly I work so that eats up a lot of time. If I didn’t have a job then I’d definitely be able to put in that time and effort to do that
@@mixedmitchell9178 Yea, I was hardstuck Silver 1 for several weeks, so i sat down and reviewed my issues. I enjoyed getting into brawls too much and kept dying.
My solution was to pick up an aggro tank (Thor), and learn to safely disengage. Once I did taht, I climbed to plat 2 in a matter of days
Bros just gonna nonchalantly talk over that crazy Bucky ultimate😫
Yeah but everyone just abused the I need healing call, the majority of players aren’t higher level, they aren’t using it correctly.
The I need healing is annoying when the dps player has dived way into Asgard and I'm still in Wakanda.
I agree with the not using support ults to make space or push on point but when your team literally won’t leave spawn wtf do you do? When your team has no sense of urgency
I had 100k damage blocked as Groot. The majority of the blocked damage is from my walls and not myself.
I agree with some of the points but the other ones are wtf. For example ofc dps if they are good they will find a way to get picks even if your team is getting rolled, this is their job. If you cant make a difference when playing dps and help your team to stabilise and comeback then you picked the wrong role. Why is it bad to have high dmg blocked when for example you have 0 deaths? I also think that in general elims are much more important than dmg fo dps characters (then you exclude penni etc). Also final hits are always valuable, securing the kill in this game is the most important thing. What if you are on "cleanup duty" and you dont finish a low hp moonknight and then healer respawn insta heal them and moonknight kills 3 of you with ult. You just lost everything you gained from winning TF.
For the dps point it's pretty simple actually, it's a team based game, meaning everything has harmony, tanks job is to create space, supports job is to (generally) enable those tanks to do so, dps job is to take advantage of the space given to PRESSURE (meaning picks isn't the priority, the picks are just a result of good pressure) the enemy team. Meaning if one fails or gets diffed then the team fight win will tilt in the enemy favor
Yes dps diffs are real at times but if the enemy tank/s are in complete control of the map then 9 times out of 10 their dps will dogwalk yours as they have all the space in the world to work with. Yes there's cracked dps who can still get kills when in that losing situation but I promise you majority of them who are able to consistently do that would NOT be in metal ranks
Also having a high damage when you have 0 deaths is an exception, obviously since you don't spend time waiting to respawn and walking back to point you will have higher dmg block numbers than most the lobby. It's a problem when you're at least a couple under the average death count tho since it means you're just a brick wall, not enabling anything (unless you're playing a tank like groot)
good advice I'd like to add though with damage dealt on dps specifically, damage dealt and elims/final hits must be considered together, a moon knight with 20k damage who is overall going 5 and 10 with 3 final hits is just feeding support ults, supports get ult charge for healing, the goal is to kill people with the LEAST amount of damage possible damage dealt is one of the most useless stats on it's own, dps ult charge is important too but not anywhere near as important as support
Saying I need heeling is annoying when they are already being healed when they say it but are in a bad position and are getting melted faster than I can heal them at the moment or when someone is incredibly off position with no line of sight. They should be playing from places where they can receive healing and deep diving on domination will not become a better idea if your healer follows you
The part about waiting for the perfect moment to use ultimates is so real, there's nothing more infuriating than losing a point or even an entire game because your team is refusing yo use an ultimate, that shit will fossilize in their pocket before the next game.
If you have an ult that is at least guaranteed to make the enemy back away, USE IT! if your ult WILL kill a support or at least force them to respond with their ult, USE IT! I've recently won a game of domination by just going to the backline and using my psylocke's ult to split the enemy team, I got two or 3 kills, but what's more important is the fact that their tank were now alone in the point tonbe easily melted by my team, even Wanda's ult is good for a distraction, stop holding your ult, no matter how bad the community think your ult is, it's still the most powerful ability in your kit
I got almost 72k block dmg with Strange a game. High Block dmg is great it means you are taking pressure off your team, letting your dps take more control of the field. By doing that this gives you more time in helping with point, or push payload, allowing you to protect your supports even more. I love dps that stay near point. There are times when me as tank when I had 2 enemy tanks, their supports, & dps all focusing on me while I'm soaking that dmg for my team. The pressure is real, but having good dps players, who actually know how to play dps makes a tanks job much easier. The last 2 games my dps were on fire, each individually averaging 30-45ks, & final hits 20-30+ not kidding they were cooking. Those individuals I speak of might be the best dps I've come across so far! Great wins, with dps players like them they definitely deserve to win.
I play on PS5 and I have no idea what the "I need healing" button is. And I'd add to stop assuming the match is an automatic loss just because someone wants to play Black Widow. It's extremely common for people to think that in ranked and 2/3 matches I'd have 2 teammates completely throw and possibly 1 healer that refuses to heal me at all. All of that happens just because I want to play as Black Widow, I practiced with her and I've been getting better with her after turning my sensitivity way up from the default cause it's way too low for a sniper. And I know at times I want to be an aggressive mid ranged hip firing sniper. Black Widow's sprint jump is good for avoiding taking too much damage from melee characters. I still need practice getting off jump shots, but that's literally the hardest thing about playing Black Widow. And her ult is good for hitting enemies trying to run away for healing and for holding choke points because the slow field it creates prevents the enemy team from pushing or at least forces them to use their dashes that they might have needed for making a push successful or to escape. Weakest ult in the game? Sure, but it has some good utility. And her stun combo isn't to be underestimated, it can stun some characters out of their ults, I've done it to Dr Strange, Magneto, and Scarlet Witch players so far. Anyway, the Black Widow hate is ridiculous
1:43 NO! No you should NOT be playing back there as the Punisher; he's a frontline assault character, you should be MUCH further up with him, ideally right behind the vanguards. Why does everybody think he's a backline off-tank?
at 10:25 it reminded me of a time that I had a match as Thor and I was playing on Djalia. We had about 0.11m to get to the checkpoint and score 3 with a lot of time left but at the very last moment I accidentaly storm surged Strange into payload and it stopped the progress even tough we killed strange after that. But this little moment allowed the enemy team to get back to us and from now on we couldn't push the vehicle and ended up with 2. After that the enemy team scored 3. Noone even noticed this but I knew that our loss was the aftermath of my mistake and felt embarassed. Didn't write anything in the chat about it lol. They probably thought we were just unlucky.
I play all 3 roles and My biggest issue is that dps do not kill supports . You have to collectively as a team jump healers in this game because they’re so broken in this game. If theres only one person trying to kill supports then it usually causes you to get steamrolled and all damage is just offset by the outrageously high healing output in this game and nothing happens.
Tank should know how to take space and know when not to be TOO greedy and stay on the payload and use it for cover and drop to a wall behind you for cover and a safe heal if you need healing or to reload.
Healers should learn to better positioning and play backlines or near health packs and always be in line of sight with the team and play the high grounds and to not be in the middle of a chaos. Go on top of building, use bounce pads to keep your self alive first and formost so you can maximize your healing output and fallback if nobody is on point with you. Do not go in solo
12. It's the tank's job to push the payload.
13. You should always have 4 on payload.
Yeah as a tank main, I disagree with damage blocked….
To make space we get targeted. If we hide and take cover like the rest of our team, we can keep a low damage blocked. But there there’s no space being made.
If I the tank have 60k damage blocked and my team is 6-10k that means I have my team plenty of opportunities to make plays
It's honestly a bit depressing when you realize that a lot of the players that believe in these concepts aren't just brand new players. A lot of them that came from Overwatch and they still have the same silver mentality from OW season 1. Some players just refuse to learn, even after 8 years.
I don't think it helps that, in this game, it's too easy to get GM. I thought that I would've stopped seeing people saying dumb stuff like this past Diamond, but, no, you still get a lot of bad players that only spammed games up until GM. The game only gets "decent" starting from Eternity, and that is definitely a "decent" in quotation marks. The amount of times I saw supports run it down on cooldown and blame tanks for "nOt PrOtEcTiNg" them in GM is mind blowing.
I will say, as an Invisible Woman main, that i take a lot of pride in my high damage blocked score. I protect my babies lol
9:38 I want to take this and put it out of context so bad, lol. However, dw I won't
The amount of ranged DPS that don't use natural cover or take off angles, is too damn high!
Been loving Rivals & your vids so far but just want to stop you on your #5 point, people look at the stats in EVERY game, pretty much just a gaming issue more than a rivals player issue
17:13 those are my EXACT three mains bro called me OUT🙏😭
I'm a newbie to the game who mains Squirrel Girl, I started watching this video out of curiosity... Now I'm realizing that I'm probably doing everything wrong-
For context, my strategy is "RANDOM BS, GO!". I run into the front line and shoot my primary fire and my squirrel blockade as much as possible, and tail bounce as much as possible, not really focusing much on my melee attack. I always forget to send the 'I need a heal' ping, and I constantly die due to my ADHD squirrel brain that doesn't focus on my HP and I don't plan ahead and can't hide or run away before I run out. When I do manage to hide, I get shot anyways.
If you play iron man or a character that's normally not in line of sight USE the i need healing thing
with every tip I thought It can't be worse but then the guy continued
I feel a lot of this is just "healers and tanks arent playing right". For example if youre a healer and they're spiderman or BP or iron fist jumps on you. Theres just not much you can do. Yeah ypu can avoid that hawkeye arrow but you cant avoid getting jumped on while your team is right there and not turning around to help. Than you got dps pinging "I need heals" when they are supposed to be helping contain that spiderman or BP or iron fist
This is mostly true but not giving any responsibility to the dps is just wrong. If they can’t pressure the team enough or at least get a pick or two when the rest of your team is playing flawlessly, that’s 100% on them.
I'm so glad there's a video about this, I literally try to explain this to my team and they're too braindead to understand. I main Black Panther and I know I'm not perfect but I also know when I sell and when there wasn't much I could've done to change the outcome of the game but I'm always the first blamed if I under perform or have lower dmg than the other dps and tanks or cloak when BP isn't even a high dmg character and if you dive properly you simply won't have majority dmg most of the time but your kills are the most impactful because you should be mainly focusing healers which I do.
You said, a game on mag, rocket, and star lord are all very different. Those are infact my 3 mains lmfao
As a healer PLEASE tell me if you need healing if I don't get to you, I want to keep you alive as much as you want to live
4:30 that venom was having none of that 😂