Talking to Unitarians/ Non-trinitarians be like…

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • I hear so many arguments against the deity of Christ, so I condensed them all together into one conversation. Every single one of these objections I have heard before. No joke.
    And I thought this would be a fun, but educational way of addressing these arguing with...myself?!
    #God #Jesus #Bible #Gospel #truth #evangelism #apologetics #theology #christian #christianity #deityofChrist #trinity
    👉🏻Follow me on TikTok: / colin_priest
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    All music and sound effects are from Final Cut Pro (an Apple product), CapCut, and/or from UA-cam's CopyRight Audio Library.


  • @user-kg2vh5ve9q
    @user-kg2vh5ve9q 4 місяці тому +1

    Brother, I commend your dedication to truth and correct doctrine. As you are well aware, the deceived shall continue to believe lies even in the face of truth because their darkened understanding and hardness of heart, Ephesians 4:17-18.
    I renounced a particular cult, which I shall not mention, but my understanding was darkened causing hardness of heart. After the lense of thar particular cult was removed by the Spirit of Truth, I was able to read and understand Scripture through the glorious Light of the Word of Truth. As the Manifested Word proclaimed: "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" John 8:32.

    • @θειότης_Ἰησοῦς_Χριστός
      @θειότης_Ἰησοῦς_Χριστός 2 місяці тому +1

      It’s the Jw’s, I know because I debate with them. They usually come in droves whenever there is a video that talks about the Trinity and Jw, or just the Trinity less of the times. Pay cllose attention to that. The comment section could be quiet and then it feels like a raid all of a sudden. They usually will type JW, or Jehovah, or Witnesses, or Jehovah Witnesses or Watchtower. It is a control group set up by watchtower whos job is to dismiss the topic as not correct, to teach others to not believe in the Trinity, mainly when it comes to Christ being God. Watchtower has members that specifically are used for that very purpose.
      They don’t watch the videos because they are told not to. . Other Jw’s are pimos, and some, very rarely will will comment that are not working for the control group set up by headquarters. There is one that goes by the name MR.DC. I would not debate with him. He is very Rude, and will not stop until he get’s the last word in. I don’t even bother reading his comments. It will just drag you down and turn into a debate war, with put downs. Others to are rude, but some are not. Now you know, if have not caught on already.

  • @rikujkoivisto
    @rikujkoivisto 7 місяців тому +1

    YES, IT SAYS..! 😊

    • @JudeOne3Four
      @JudeOne3Four 7 місяців тому

      *The Trinity: Occult Christianity:* /watch?v=TADB1V1cWGw&t=1s

  • @BryanBoesch
    @BryanBoesch 7 місяців тому +1


  • @moczs
    @moczs Місяць тому

    Brother, can I ask you something as an ex-trinitarian and an ex-unitarian?
    So I used to believe in Trinity when I got interested enough in the Bible as a young guy, then I became unitarian and now I believe in neither one of them (I know what you're going to say, please listen). I'm actually in the middle and I don't know if that belief has a historical name. I'm open to Trinity and very close to it but I have issues with Jesus being equal to the Father, otherwise I'd be trinitarian. I also do not believe Jesus divinity is a salvation issue as our only requirement is to believe that he's Lord, has been raised from the dead by God, saved us, and follow him daily. Also not every people who met him in person and believed in him for the first time or believe in him in those days knew about Jesus true nature, being actually God, but were still saved by faith as they knew at least he was from God (the Father) which is also correct. Finally, I agree that "God" term can refer to multiple people, weither The Father, or the Son of God or the Holy Spirit.
    I believe the Father is the Most High God,
    Jesus is divine and can be called God as he's the Word who created everything in John 1. He's God but also was WITH God (not him, the Father). I also know that both are God as God The Father calls the Son of God also God (in the OT, Psalm 45:7). That's why I don't buy to Unitarian and muslim nonsense even though I respect unitarians. I know that Jesus was almost stoned for saying "I am" which implies God. As Isaiah called the Messiah "God Almighty", I believe the Son of God can actually be referred by the name of his Father. But that doesn't mean he is the Father as Modalism teaches. The term "Son of God" for God (Jesus) refers to him submitting to God (the Father). And I don't think Jesus on Earth had two natures. Rather, he was fully a man with divine origins making him apart from mankind as he had a life in Heaven before being born from Mary. He sat back on his throne when rising from the dead but Glory with it. As he became a man, he didn't lose authority over people as he was casting out demons, but he wasn't on his throne, was in place in which he was lower than angels for a short time (Hebrew 2:9) and had the mortal body of men. That's why he refused being worshipped on Earth before dying and saying "My Father is Greater than I" which wasn't a lie but then didn't refuse Thomas calling him "My God" when he came back as as he was even greater than angels (Hebrew 1:4).
    Finally, the Holy Spirit is a person in itself, being God but also uniting the Spirit and making all of us united with God. It is both the Spirit of God and Jesus. (Although I'm not sure yet).
    But the problem why I'm not exactly trinitarian is only because I found the Son of God being most of the time inferior to his Father. For example, Psalm 45:7, or the fact that the Father prevents him from knowing the day he'll return, or Jesus giving back the earned glory to the Father in the End Times (1 Cor 15:7). So I'm not Unitarian as I believe Jesus is God but not also trinitarian (as I don't find the Son equal to the Father). It's like arianism but I also believe in Jesus being God, not being the Father but being divine and the Creator of the Earth which is himself submitting to the Father God Almighty. And I use "God" for both as in Psalm 45:7.
    I'd eventually be considered as trinitarian if some persons of the Trinity can be inferior to others. In that case, can we still call it Trinity? I'm really not trying to defend claims or something. I just want to be biblically accurate. I know it isn't easy as it creates many divisions in body of Christ and both unitarians and trinitarians calls each other unsaved heretics. I think it's sad, I struggle with Trinity and definitely wanna be sure what is the Truth. If Trinity is true, I jump out for Trinitarianism without question and will do my best to understand it.
    Also, out of topic: I also see that most evangelical "trinitarians" are actually "modalists". I saw people saying "Jesus is God" (which sounds normal for trinitarians) but then implying by "God" that Jesus and YHWH are the same and do not understand when people separates one from the other. And it annoys me as even Trinity disagree with Modalism. Have you ever saw that?

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  Місяць тому

      Thank you for the comment. I appreciate your heart and earnestness. I pray I can be of some benefit to you as I have wrestled with those questions before as well.
      Before answering your question, I have a question for you: do you believe Unitarians and Trinitarians have the same Jesus? If not, what’s the difference between them?

    • @moczs
      @moczs Місяць тому

      @@colin_priest I do believe they believe in the same Jesus. They both agree he's the Son Of God. Unitarians just do not understand he's also the Creator of the Earth while not being the Father. But as long as both groups confess Jesus as their LORD and Savior and follow him until death or rapture, they're saved. It isn't the case with Muslims which believe Jesus doesn't save. It's my personal perspective. I could be wrong. That's why I commented.

  • @davidwillis5016
    @davidwillis5016 7 місяців тому

    Do you really think an all-powerful loving God would have created a book that has caused so much harm, death, violence and division between people? Keep study and look into the history of the book, the actual real history and not the one that we've been spoon-fed, God is definitely real "but" a all-powerful God wouldn't have influenced A book like this one we know as the bible

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  7 місяців тому +1

      How do you know God is real or how do you know what He’s like apart from the Bible?

  • @kimmagnuson6834
    @kimmagnuson6834 6 місяців тому +1

    Again, I disagree with your taken out of context verses. People love to do that. Jesus does not even know the day nor hour of his return, and if he is all knowing as Yahweh is, then he would know the day and hour of his return. If you look at Psalm 110 v 1, you will see:"
    A Psalm of David. The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” Notice that the first LORD in Hebrew is Adonai and the second Lord is Adoni,. Adonai is always used for Yahweh, and adoni for a lesser Lord. What is interesting is that Yahweh, God, is commanding somebody other than God to "sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." Where is Jesus now? Is he at God's right hand? Let's see what happens at the end. 1 Corinthians 15 v24-28 states: "24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27 For “God has put all things in subjection under his feet.” But when it says, “all things are put in subjection,” it is plain that he is excepted who put all things in subjection under him. 28 When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him, that God may be all in all." I will ask you a few questions Colin. Who is delivering the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power? If you say Jesus, I believe you are correct. How, who put all his enemies under his feet? (See verse 27). Who is excepted from being subject to Jesus? Is it Jesus' God, the Father? It looks like it to me. Read verse 28 and please tell me why this passage in verse 28 would state that the "Son himself will be subjected to him who put all things in subjection under him?"
    Unfortunately, I think the term deity is a little misused, as Jesus is certainly 'godly' so that would be some form of deity as is anything that is 'godly.' That being said, this hardly says that Jesus is God but rather someone godly who is fully obedient, who depends solely on his God and Father for everything he says and does. He still does that in heaven now where he states in Revelation 3 v 12, "12 The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name." Four times in one verse, Jesus states while in heaven at the right hand of his God and Father, messiah Jesus states that he has a God. As a former trinitarian, I find the idea of post biblical trinity to just be in error as it was stated in the Nicene creed. After all, that bad Council certainly bore bad fruit both during and after it. God's peace in your journey.

    • @colin_priest
      @colin_priest  6 місяців тому +1

      Hey Kim. I appreciate you taking the time to watch my videos and comment!
      “Again, I disagree with your taken out of context verses. People love to do that.” I don’t quite get how I took anything out of context. I think people today too often throw around “you took that out of context” when they just don’t agree with the interpretation. I disagree with Unitarians very often, but I don’t accuse them of taking things “out of context” if I simply don’t agree with their interpretation. There’s a difference. When you accuse someone of “taking it out of context” - you’re implying they are being dishonest or unknowledgeable or misleading.
      You talked about the differences between adoni and adonai in Psalm 110. Dr. White has a great 10 minute video explaining the differences that I’ll put right here if you’re interested in what he says:
      The biggest take away is that adoni and adonai are not in the original Hebrew but added later by translators. Interesting stuff.
      And then you mentioned 1 Cor. 15 to say that Jesus isn’t God. I agree that Jesus is not the Father. Everyone agrees with that. They have distinct roles in salvation. I also believe Jesus voluntarily emptied Himself of some divine privileges while He was on earth (Phil. 2:5-7 - which explains Him not knowing the day or hour of his return/ depending on the Holy Spirit for guidance, etc.) He had to be made man in every way in order to redeem us (Hebrews).
      So I have no problem with God subjecting everything under Jesus until death is defeated and Jesus being subjected to the Father. But we also see in Revelation how the Lord God and the Lamb share the Throne, are the Temple, are the Light, receive worship, cast judgment, and are equal in so many ways.
      Unitarians are notorious for only harking on SOME Bible verses while neglecting others. We need to believe and apply ALL of Scripture in its entirety. Unitarians love to hold on to a few verses about Jesus’ humanity and then explain away any other verse that talks about his divinity.
      Peace to you as well

    • @θειότης_Ἰησοῦς_Χριστός
      @θειότης_Ἰησοῦς_Χριστός 2 місяці тому +1

      @@colin_priest JW alert! I know because they use a control group to do the very above as mentioned. I ignore them and don’t even read their post.

    • @θειότης_Ἰησοῦς_Χριστός
      @θειότης_Ἰησοῦς_Χριστός 2 місяці тому +1

      Let me guess, your a jw and did not even watch the video because you are told not to. What you have typed up does not even correspond to the verses that the video mentioned. Nice try.