Thank you so much for this video, I am in tears; Bryon Katies is precious gift sent from beyond to this planet, a beautiful soul; I am so moved to feel unconditional love, and total acceptance, genuine care without expectation. Very genuine, genius, the Work.
Byron Katie how beautiful ur to share your profound wisdom and allow the heart to crack open and let the light of love to shine thru ❤very grateful ⭐️🌹⭐️
One of the best - maybe the best - of The Work videos I’ve seen. ( for me at least ). Also the translation time slows down the conversation, allowing viewer to take time to do inquiry along with the man being facilitated. Very contemplative. Very deep.
These thoughts come. You can suffer with them or investigate, no choice. Thoughts are like children, they come to be met with unconditional love. And we have been meeting them as though they were an enemy ❤️🙏.
"X hurt me" How did X do that? What did X say or do to you? How long did it last? How does it feel when you think that thought []? And how do you treat X, when you feel that way and think that thought []? Can you SEE A REASON to drop the thought []? Eg you suffer. you get angry and retreat Who would you be, if couldn't think that thought [] then? You didn't leave the situation, cuz you wanted something from X. What did you want from X? - Acceptance for who I am and not make me feel responsible for everything Turn that around - I want me to accept myself as I am. It's not ANYONE ELSE'S JOB - I want me to accept my mother as she is Turn original statement around. Now we, I and X, both have something in common! 16:30 20:59 You can suffer with a thought or investigate them! Cuz they WILL come They're like kids, come to be met with unconditional love. And we meet them as if they were our enemy?! 23:25 I should stop denying what happened back then, and take responsibility for MY actions All our life, we're focused on X's part, X's business. Why? So we don't have to know our OWN part, our OWN business Let's change that How have we lived thinking that thought? Every worst uninvestigated thought/story, you keep reliving with the world/every person Experiencing reality is like an exorcism Who would you be w/o this story? 32:10 No one would harm another human being if they weren't confused. Confusion is the ONLY suffering on this planet/🧠 W/o investigation, there's fear and confusion When we're clear, we can't harm, we understand When the screen is clear, there's NOTHING to project. We understand We can't change the projected, so we can only work with the projector 38:18 We drag out the story of us from childhood. We're still that age When you're frightened, put your thoughts on paper and sit with your beautiful self "Why didn't anyone tell me?" = "It can't be that simple" Until you discover what you are ie love, do the work 52:15 I thought my parents were horrible to me. I realised I was horrible to them It's a wonder THEY put up with us! With The Work, you go IN to find the truth. This is the END of war 55:38 I only see kindergarteners now Big children telling small children what the path is We step into wisdom stage ie graduate kindergarten. It's how we live, not what we teach 57:17 When you only turnaround, you experience shame and guilt. No help there If you do the questions then the turnaround, it's a kiss
I think, when we’re born, we expect our parents to figure out who they are, how to love us, how to protect, nourish and accept us. Yes I said accept us, because they don’t know what to expect. Yes the just expect. And then, we grow up with the resentment and realization that our parents are not perfect. But who taught them? How to love, how to accept us and what to teach us. Most of us grow up to be unlovable, unacceptable,. We all need to do the work. With us. For us
9:40 - 11:55 KATIE - You didn't leave because you wanted something from her. What was it? GUEST - I wanted her to accept me as I am. KATIE - Yes. You wanted her to accept you the way that you are. So turn it around. GUEST - *I want me to accept myself the way I am.* KATIE - Yes. It's not her job. And, there's another turn around. GUEST - *I want to accept her the way she is.* KATIE - I know you can do it because you expected her to do it JUST LIKE THAT. These seemed to be powerful turn arounds for him. Such a good session.
„Behandle andere so, wie du behandelt werden willst“ , ungefähr so sagte es uns Jesus. Bloß wir merken oft nicht, wie wir andere behandeln... Katie Byren bringt das Werkzeug , um uns selbst auf die Schliche zu kommen. Danke!
Omg, listening to the translator was a challange. I'm norwegian, but I know some german from school and I just find myself listening to that to see if I can understand all of it. I know english far better, but I'm now double-interpreting two foreign languages at the same time.
OH WOW......and ouch! this hit so close to home and brought things into perspective for me. My mother actually said I didn't let her parent me (when I withdrew).
@@annavirovlansky2144 me too the only way I can deal with this slow inquiry is to knit thru the videos but that is ok, there are no do not eat, do not knit, do not do your manicure during BK videos LOL! We can make life so hard on ourselves trying to be perfect and pure.
I found it peculiar how his session ended, abrupt with no exchange or hug, totally out of character for her, I don't think she meant for him to get up and leave and this just made me sad because he contributed so much he needed to be thanked for directly by the follow up comments. Anyway I complained about being deprived of loving parents all my life, and I never reversed it to see how my behavior at my disappointment landed on them. In my case I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible because I was angry that these mere backward peasants were my family. I was a snob. Now I see them as salt of the earth type of people that I love and treasure, but I never got to see it while they were alive, I shunned them and shrugged them off and sought to cultivate an elite image which it cost a lot to maintain most of my life, at least up to the last few years I was always compensating for not being good enough.
If we expect that from our parents, then we must also do that for our kids; and we may think we do, yet if you ask our kids, they will for sure say they do not feel accepted and loved unconditionally....because....none of us knows how to. Not our parents, not us, and not our children for their children. All we have is to be willing to learn and each one of us take responsibilities for us and others.
You can question that. You know where my mind goes with this is that we are taught that love looks a certain way. Because my mother doesn’t hug, validate, or say or do things that I want it means that they don’t love me. Is that true? My mind takes me to who made me the authority on how my parent shows their love. Does that make them love me any less because they show their love differently? It’s completely arrogant. And completely innocent…I believe these thoughts still to this day and I’m 30 years old. They cause a lot of suffering.
Although she's got some good points in her work, it's too simplistic put. And to me I feel there is as well invalidation of the other person's true feeling going back to childhood. Just by simply asking to turn the question around and then "realising" that maybe it's all me at fault doesn't really solve any inner battles. True understanding from where those negative deep feelings come from has to be done thru proper questioning and probably guided with psychotherapeutic help. Speaking about ACE - adverse childhood experiences of all kinds! Plus to say well, some parents accept their children the way they are and yet some don't - now that I find it top selfish! If I am not ready to have kids or I don't want them then I really should make sure that I won't get them!! And if I do want them, kids are born like white pages. It's the environment which they grow up in which shapes them into what they will be ! Anyone reading this I sincerely advice to look up a few talks of Gabor Mate on the topic of early childhood and so on. It's not that simple! Wishing well to all :)
Sweetie it all depends on how you hear this. If you are sitting in inquiry with this man it does not sound like invalidation. In my experience it is the opposite of invalidation. In my experience I get to allow those feelings to come home into myself into love. The feelings are welcome home into my very soul and I no longer have to make my mother responsible for now I feel. It’s the beginning of freedom…and now I am available for my mother…if you are listening to this with your mind it sounds I kind and cruel…but the invitation is to get still and find a situation where you believe this about your mother…contemplate is it true? Does my mother really not want me? Is there another possibility. Be gentle with yourself. Only if you want peace and freedom from the suffering.
Was ist mit Schwerverbrechern, z. B. aus der Nazizeit oder Kriegsverbrecher usw. , unter denen Menschen schuldlos durch die Hölle gehen mussten - kann man da auch The Work machen?
Dieser Gedanke ist gleichgültig, er macht dich nicht glücklich, also unterlasse ihn. - Werde ein Autist oder Zombi der nur darauf ausgerichtet ist sich glücklich zu fühlen. Empfinde keinerlei Bindung, keine Verantwortung, lösche alles aus was die in der unmittelbaren Gegenwart belasten könnte ... für mich ist das alles eine Hölle, eine wirkliche Hölle. Seit gestern Nachmittag beschäftige ich mich mit Byron Katie und es schnürt mir die Kehle zu. Ein Mensch der mir äußerst wichtig war, gehört nun zu diesem Kreis und ich bin fassungslos vor Schrecken.
@@brunhilde5775 na ja. Aber Bergbaubergbau hat trotzdem Food for thought gegeben. Und ich würde jetzt nicht sagen, diese Person hätte eine "Macke" sondern eher vielleicht kritisches Denken! Letztendlich hat dieser Mann im Video einen wirklichen Groll gegen seine Mutter, die von seiner Kindheit stammt - und Kindern werden nicht mit Groll gegen die Eltern geboren!!! Gabor Mate hat zum Thema Trauma in der Kindheit einige gute Videos. Bei diesem Fall hatte ich so manchmal das Gefühl, daß seine Gefühle abgewertet werden durch das Umdrehen - nicht das Hinterfragen! Hinterfragen und die Gedanken untersuchen ist gut aber dann umdrehen ...??? Natürlich weil er als Kind spürte, daß seine Mutter ihn nicht wollte, wird er als Erwachsener auch die Abneigung ihr gegenüber entwickelt haben.
@@JDforeveralone nein werden sie nicht aber das Gehirn fängt selbstständig an Urteile zu bilden die wir glauben. Ganz natürliche Vorgehensweise zum Schutz. Doch nun als Erwachsener können wir erkennen das es diesen Schutz nicht brauchte in dem wir eben die Umkehrungen machen mit authentischen Beispielen. Das zeigt nur das es verschieden Sichtweisen für ein und die selbe Situation gibt und es somit nicht der einzigen Wahrheit entspricht was mir mein Gehirn vorgaukelt von Kindheit an. Wenn du Gabor ansprichst, dann wüsstest du auch mit was das Trauma entsteht? Dies wird mehr als deutlich in seinem Film "Wisdom of Trauma" beschrieben. Die Interpretation der Situation schafft das Trauma. Das diese Situation einen ICH-Bezug herstellt. Ein Kind wird geschlagen, nicht beachtet, etc pp und sofort agiert das Gehirn (ohne mein Zukönnen) in Gedanken mit "Ich bin schuld. Ich bin hässlich. Ich bin nicht liebenswert. Ich bin wertlos...." und wir glauben es und behalten es ein Leben lang womöglich. Hier setzt die Work an. Ist es tatsächlich so das dein Erlebnis aussagt, dass du hässlich, wertlos...bist? Kann das wirklich wahr sein? Wenn du dein Leben lang glaubst, du seist schuld, wie reagierst du und wie lebst du dein Leben? Hier ist die Reaktion auf einen Gedanken zu finden. Dies wird betrachtet und genau innerlich beobachtet. Vogelperspektive welche sich dann im Verlauf als das Nichtopfer darstellen kann sondern derjenige zu sein der es aufrecht hält mit seinen Handlungen die nach der Reaktion folgen. Dieser ICH Bezug schafft das Trauma. Den kann man eben, wie in dem Video, auflösen. Ich empfehle noch den Beitrag aus der Schweiz als Katie einen stark misshandelten Mann begleitet. Da ich selbst The Work Coach bin konnte ich schon viele Begleitungen erleben wie sexuell misshandelte Frauen (Kinder damals) eine neue Sicht gewannen, die Macht über ihre Gedanken und Gefühle erlangten und Freiheit von 30 jährigen Traumata endlich fanden. Das ist das wichtigste an diesem Tool, der Mensch beantwortet nur Fragen und nimmt einen andere Sicht ein. Zack der Mensch hat es allein gelöst. Er brauchte niemanden dazu und keine 20 Jahre Therapie und Coachings
Thank you so much for this video, I am in tears; Bryon Katies is precious gift sent from beyond to this planet, a beautiful soul; I am so moved to feel unconditional love, and total acceptance, genuine care without expectation. Very genuine, genius, the Work.
Brian thank you so much for uploding this treasure. I cant express how grateful I am to you and Katie and everyone who was involved in production
Byron Katie how beautiful ur to share your profound wisdom and allow the heart to crack open and let the light of love to shine thru ❤very grateful ⭐️🌹⭐️
One of the best - maybe the best - of The Work videos I’ve seen. ( for me at least ). Also the translation time slows down the conversation, allowing viewer to take time to do inquiry along with the man being facilitated. Very contemplative. Very deep.
These thoughts come.
You can suffer with them or investigate, no choice.
Thoughts are like children, they come to be met with unconditional love. And we have been meeting them as though they were an enemy ❤️🙏.
"X hurt me"
How did X do that? What did X say or do to you?
How long did it last?
How does it feel when you think that thought []?
And how do you treat X, when you feel that way and think that thought []?
Can you SEE A REASON to drop the thought []?
Eg you suffer. you get angry and retreat
Who would you be, if couldn't think that thought [] then?
You didn't leave the situation, cuz you wanted something from X. What did you want from X?
- Acceptance for who I am and not make me feel responsible for everything
Turn that around
- I want me to accept myself as I am. It's not ANYONE ELSE'S JOB
- I want me to accept my mother as she is
Turn original statement around. Now we, I and X, both have something in common!
20:59 You can suffer with a thought or investigate them! Cuz they WILL come
They're like kids, come to be met with unconditional love. And we meet them as if they were our enemy?!
23:25 I should stop denying what happened back then, and take responsibility for MY actions
All our life, we're focused on X's part, X's business. Why? So we don't have to know our OWN part, our OWN business
Let's change that
How have we lived thinking that thought?
Every worst uninvestigated thought/story, you keep reliving with the world/every person
Experiencing reality is like an exorcism
Who would you be w/o this story?
No one would harm another human being if they weren't confused. Confusion is the ONLY suffering on this planet/🧠
W/o investigation, there's fear and confusion
When we're clear, we can't harm, we understand
When the screen is clear, there's NOTHING to project. We understand
We can't change the projected, so we can only work with the projector
38:18 We drag out the story of us from childhood. We're still that age
When you're frightened, put your thoughts on paper and sit with your beautiful self
"Why didn't anyone tell me?" = "It can't be that simple"
Until you discover what you are ie love, do the work
52:15 I thought my parents were horrible to me. I realised I was horrible to them
It's a wonder THEY put up with us!
With The Work, you go IN to find the truth. This is the END of war
55:38 I only see kindergarteners now
Big children telling small children what the path is
We step into wisdom stage ie graduate kindergarten. It's how we live, not what we teach
When you only turnaround, you experience shame and guilt. No help there
If you do the questions then the turnaround, it's a kiss
I think, when we’re born, we expect our parents to figure out who they are, how to love us, how to protect, nourish and accept us. Yes I said accept us, because they don’t know what to expect. Yes the just expect. And then, we grow up with the resentment and realization that our parents are not perfect. But who taught them? How to love, how to accept us and what to teach us. Most of us grow up to be unlovable, unacceptable,. We all need to do the work. With us. For us
Well said!
Yes is true
Die beste Übersetzerin, die ich bis jetzt gehört habe!
9:40 - 11:55
KATIE - You didn't leave because you wanted something from her. What was it?
GUEST - I wanted her to accept me as I am.
KATIE - Yes. You wanted her to accept you the way that you are. So turn it around.
GUEST - *I want me to accept myself the way I am.*
KATIE - Yes. It's not her job. And, there's another turn around.
GUEST - *I want to accept her the way she is.*
KATIE - I know you can do it because you expected her to do it JUST LIKE THAT.
These seemed to be powerful turn arounds for him. Such a good session.
„Behandle andere so, wie du behandelt werden willst“ , ungefähr so sagte es uns Jesus. Bloß wir merken oft nicht, wie wir andere behandeln... Katie Byren bringt das Werkzeug , um uns selbst auf die Schliche zu kommen. Danke!
Sehr toll. Dankeschön diese Inspiration. Bin sehr neugierig auf The WORK.
was it at Bad Neunard or Koln ? I came from France to enjoy the workshop !
Admiration to this man! Thank you.
Omg, listening to the translator was a challange. I'm norwegian, but I know some german from school and I just find myself listening to that to see if I can understand all of it. I know english far better, but I'm now double-interpreting two foreign languages at the same time.
Ich bin so froh fiese Frau zu kennen. Gott sei Gedankt 🙏
OH WOW......and ouch! this hit so close to home and brought things into perspective for me. My mother actually said I didn't let her parent me (when I withdrew).
Same. This video actually made me recall the moments I would push her hand away as a kid when she would try to touch me.
Ich meine ... Ich bin froh das ich DIESE Frau zu kennen...Gott sei Gedankt 🙏
Very good translater.
Joke Vermeer she is fantastic however my impatience drives me crazy to wait for the translation!! Grrrr:))
@@annavirovlansky2144 me too the only way I can deal with this slow inquiry is to knit thru the videos but that is ok, there are no do not eat, do not knit, do not do your manicure during BK videos LOL! We can make life so hard on ourselves trying to be perfect and pure.
Danke Danke hier wurde geweint und erkannt das ALLES Liebe ist Alles Danke
Thank you soooo much for sharing such fantastic work!
Love you Katie. Your work is genious. I am greatfull
I love the girl who traduce, often i've hear ones who seemes to try hard to do it right, she seem relaxed and having fun :D haha
Maybe others have to ask the question (I need to traduce right, is it true? xD)
Simply beautiful Work.
Danke für den Mut, hat mir geholfen 🙏
Sehr sehr inspirierend!!
Das ist die Wahrheit
I love you 💞 just pure 😯 thank you 🙏 for you 🤗🌸💞🌹 blessings and love always 🌸🙏💞
I found it peculiar how his session ended, abrupt with no exchange or hug, totally out of character for her, I don't think she meant for him to get up and leave and this just made me sad because he contributed so much he needed to be thanked for directly by the follow up comments. Anyway I complained about being deprived of loving parents all my life, and I never reversed it to see how my behavior at my disappointment landed on them. In my case I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible because I was angry that these mere backward peasants were my family. I was a snob. Now I see them as salt of the earth type of people that I love and treasure, but I never got to see it while they were alive, I shunned them and shrugged them off and sought to cultivate an elite image which it cost a lot to maintain most of my life, at least up to the last few years I was always compensating for not being good enough.
He was exhausted and couldn't take any more.
He was just in shock, it was blowing his mind...
mache jetzt erst mal the work mit der Übersetzerin...
i think it is a parents jobs to love and accept the child as they are. am i wrong?
Not wrong in theory - but the reality is, that doesn't always happen. This work is about how to deal with the internal fall-out from such a situation.
If we expect that from our parents, then we must also do that for our kids; and we may think we do, yet if you ask our kids, they will for sure say they do not feel accepted and loved unconditionally....because....none of us knows how to. Not our parents, not us, and not our children for their children. All we have is to be willing to learn and each one of us take responsibilities for us and others.
@@Lillian584 a good video of Gabor Mate "don't screw up your kids" (or how not to screw up your kids)
You can question that. You know where my mind goes with this is that we are taught that love looks a certain way. Because my mother doesn’t hug, validate, or say or do things that I want it means that they don’t love me. Is that true? My mind takes me to who made me the authority on how my parent shows their love. Does that make them love me any less because they show their love differently? It’s completely arrogant. And completely innocent…I believe these thoughts still to this day and I’m 30 years old. They cause a lot of suffering.
Do you have the "he doesn't care about his illness" video?
I don’t, but I think it may still be available to download from the Store for the Work?
Such a beautiful video... Gave great realization ... Thank U
Danke sh”on. All things in its time.
Although she's got some good points in her work, it's too simplistic put. And to me I feel there is as well invalidation of the other person's true feeling going back to childhood. Just by simply asking to turn the question around and then "realising" that maybe it's all me at fault doesn't really solve any inner battles. True understanding from where those negative deep feelings come from has to be done thru proper questioning and probably guided with psychotherapeutic help.
Speaking about ACE - adverse childhood experiences of all kinds!
Plus to say well, some parents accept their children the way they are and yet some don't - now that I find it top selfish! If I am not ready to have kids or I don't want them then I really should make sure that I won't get them!! And if I do want them, kids are born like white pages. It's the environment which they grow up in which shapes them into what they will be ! Anyone reading this I sincerely advice to look up a few talks of Gabor Mate on the topic of early childhood and so on.
It's not that simple!
Wishing well to all :)
Sweetie it all depends on how you hear this. If you are sitting in inquiry with this man it does not sound like invalidation. In my experience it is the opposite of invalidation. In my experience I get to allow those feelings to come home into myself into love. The feelings are welcome home into my very soul and I no longer have to make my mother responsible for now I feel. It’s the beginning of freedom…and now I am available for my mother…if you are listening to this with your mind it sounds I kind and cruel…but the invitation is to get still and find a situation where you believe this about your mother…contemplate is it true? Does my mother really not want me? Is there another possibility. Be gentle with yourself. Only if you want peace and freedom from the suffering.
Woooow diese Übersetzung ist ne Katastrophe!
Was ist mit Schwerverbrechern, z. B. aus der Nazizeit oder Kriegsverbrecher usw. , unter denen Menschen schuldlos durch die Hölle gehen mussten - kann man da auch The Work machen?
Dieser Gedanke ist gleichgültig, er macht dich nicht glücklich, also unterlasse ihn. - Werde ein Autist oder Zombi der nur darauf ausgerichtet ist sich glücklich zu fühlen. Empfinde keinerlei Bindung, keine Verantwortung, lösche alles aus was die in der unmittelbaren Gegenwart belasten könnte ... für mich ist das alles eine Hölle, eine wirkliche Hölle.
Seit gestern Nachmittag beschäftige ich mich mit Byron Katie und es schnürt mir die Kehle zu. Ein Mensch der mir äußerst wichtig war, gehört nun zu diesem Kreis und ich bin fassungslos vor Schrecken.
@@bergbaubergbau was hast du denn für ne Macke 🙈
Ja wenn es dich stresst dann kannst du alles überprüfen. Alles was du geschrieben hast hält keiner Überprüfung stand
@@brunhilde5775 na ja. Aber Bergbaubergbau hat trotzdem Food for thought gegeben. Und ich würde jetzt nicht sagen, diese Person hätte eine "Macke" sondern eher vielleicht kritisches Denken!
Letztendlich hat dieser Mann im Video einen wirklichen Groll gegen seine Mutter, die von seiner Kindheit stammt - und Kindern werden nicht mit Groll gegen die Eltern geboren!!!
Gabor Mate hat zum Thema Trauma in der Kindheit einige gute Videos.
Bei diesem Fall hatte ich so manchmal das Gefühl, daß seine Gefühle abgewertet werden durch das Umdrehen - nicht das Hinterfragen! Hinterfragen und die Gedanken untersuchen ist gut aber dann umdrehen ...???
Natürlich weil er als Kind spürte, daß seine Mutter ihn nicht wollte, wird er als Erwachsener auch die Abneigung ihr gegenüber entwickelt haben.
@@JDforeveralone nein werden sie nicht aber das Gehirn fängt selbstständig an Urteile zu bilden die wir glauben. Ganz natürliche Vorgehensweise zum Schutz. Doch nun als Erwachsener können wir erkennen das es diesen Schutz nicht brauchte in dem wir eben die Umkehrungen machen mit authentischen Beispielen. Das zeigt nur das es verschieden Sichtweisen für ein und die selbe Situation gibt und es somit nicht der einzigen Wahrheit entspricht was mir mein Gehirn vorgaukelt von Kindheit an.
Wenn du Gabor ansprichst, dann wüsstest du auch mit was das Trauma entsteht? Dies wird mehr als deutlich in seinem Film "Wisdom of Trauma" beschrieben. Die Interpretation der Situation schafft das Trauma. Das diese Situation einen ICH-Bezug herstellt.
Ein Kind wird geschlagen, nicht beachtet, etc pp und sofort agiert das Gehirn (ohne mein Zukönnen) in Gedanken mit "Ich bin schuld. Ich bin hässlich. Ich bin nicht liebenswert. Ich bin wertlos...." und wir glauben es und behalten es ein Leben lang womöglich. Hier setzt die Work an. Ist es tatsächlich so das dein Erlebnis aussagt, dass du hässlich, wertlos...bist? Kann das wirklich wahr sein? Wenn du dein Leben lang glaubst, du seist schuld, wie reagierst du und wie lebst du dein Leben? Hier ist die Reaktion auf einen Gedanken zu finden. Dies wird betrachtet und genau innerlich beobachtet. Vogelperspektive welche sich dann im Verlauf als das Nichtopfer darstellen kann sondern derjenige zu sein der es aufrecht hält mit seinen Handlungen die nach der Reaktion folgen.
Dieser ICH Bezug schafft das Trauma. Den kann man eben, wie in dem Video, auflösen.
Ich empfehle noch den Beitrag aus der Schweiz als Katie einen stark misshandelten Mann begleitet.
Da ich selbst The Work Coach bin konnte ich schon viele Begleitungen erleben wie sexuell misshandelte Frauen (Kinder damals) eine neue Sicht gewannen, die Macht über ihre Gedanken und Gefühle erlangten und Freiheit von 30 jährigen Traumata endlich fanden.
Das ist das wichtigste an diesem Tool, der Mensch beantwortet nur Fragen und nimmt einen andere Sicht ein. Zack der Mensch hat es allein gelöst. Er brauchte niemanden dazu und keine 20 Jahre Therapie und Coachings
I`m suffering because this english-german translation is so f... annoying 😄