
  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand. [4:34]
    Speaker: Hamza Yusuf
    This footage was made by TheHumbleBeliever. Please don't take or use the footage on any platform without our permission. In the making of this footage, the DJI Spark Drone was used. And vocals are produced exclusively for our content.
    Facebook: / thehumblebeliever


  • @mikeyiniko
    @mikeyiniko 4 роки тому +42

    This man is one of the truly great spiritual teachers and leaders of our day. His words are always on time.

  • @zahara6355
    @zahara6355 4 роки тому +92

    With all due respect to my Muslim brothers and sisters, I'm Muslim revert, don't belong to any sects, so I learnt Quran myself. Quran warns to beware of deviant translations, the word 'beat' is not even there. Also bear in mind Quran has mostly been translated by men as throughout history men have assumed the leadership of all faiths and injected their own chauvinistic views, a human flaw.
    only recently we've had women translate it. Humans are not infallible. Quran read in its entirety: As a team, you keep each other in check. Unlike bible that says submit to husband, Quran denote obedience to God not human beings (verse has been misunderstood or misinterpreted), all have a moral duty to guide & discipline each other toward obedience to God.
    4:34 root word daraba - It's an idiom/metaphor/analogy which was translated literally "to strike". The idiomatic meaning is like "to go on strike/protest". To use an analogous example in English,"strike a balance" or "strike a pose" or "didnt it strike you as strange" are other idiomatic uses for the verb "to strike". It can also mean "kiss and make up"(analogy)
    I've never been more grateful to be female because females have an elevated status in Quran: Allah in His infinite wisdom instructs the stronger sex to look out for the weaker sex.
    Adapted from translations by Ahmed Ali (Princeton edition) and Laleh Bakhtiar: 4:34
    Men are to take care of women (qawwamuna 'ala an-nisa: support, watch over, protect, caretaker, guardian, maintainers/overseers of affairs, attend to, look after, be in charge of) as God has given them greater strength (provisioned by Allah), and because they support them from their means (tasked with supporting them financially). Virtuous women are obedient (when it's in line with obeying God's commandments) and guard the secrets of their husbands with Allah's protection. As for those on whose part you fear disobedience(nushooz- does not refer to a simple disagreement, to rise up against someone for the purpose of contention or altercation, describes a situation in which the wife is far from being a partner and companion to the husband, disloyal, rebellion, desertion, acting badly, acting with hate, evil companion to him; the Quran deals with a crisis in which the wife has compromised the very security of a family and it's structure) -
    (1) talk to them persuasively (admonish)
    (2) separate beds (cooling off period which allows both separately to reflect on the problem at hand, during which time both are expected to reform themselves and seek reconciliation, also to calm himself down and control his anger; the time elapsed during these two steps cools tempers and the urge to resort to violence is diminished)
    (3) and "kiss and make up" (analogy) - go to bed with them when they are willing; adribuhunna can equally mean "go on strike/protest, step back, moving away from, avoid, shun, to go away, further separation", "go along with them", "deep searching for a solution", remarkably even "have consensual intercourse"
    Divine wisdom is in the Quran (Bible has God's words twisted by 😈). Man is still team lead (with position of authority comes greater responsibility to provide for and protect household), because both have distinct roles that form a team - submit to leadership authority only if it's in accordance to God ie. Do not submit to tyrannical authority. If the husband abuses the children, is it still right for the wife to 'submit to husband' as per the Christian teaching, therefore allowing the children to be continually abused by the husband? In fact, Quran advises husband and wife to consult on differences, collaborative approach to decision making, and it starts between spouses 2:233. Watch Ertugul on Netflix it portrays this Islamic principle IRL
    Far from promoting domestic abuse, that Quran verse describes an anger management process that endeavors to prevent domestic abuse before it happens. The verse imposes a restriction on men rather than providing them with permission to hit their wives. Here in NZ, there are laws that punish domestic violence but this only comes after the fact and strict laws have not curbed the rate of domestic abuse which remains rampant. Instead of dealing with the matter of domestic abuse after the fact, the wisdom of God in Quran is to address the anger that leads men to abuse their wives. AND that Quran verse also prescribes a process towards reconciliation between spouses!
    The verse states that it is a man's responsibility and obligation to provide for and protect the family and thus appoints him the guardian of his wife and family. This authority implies that the man must be noble, as guardian must behave in a manner that is worthy of this responsibility. This authority does not give any man the right to resort to violence to resolve family disputes. So the man's responsibilities as a guardian do not give him licence to mistreat his wife. By guarding, loving and providing for his wife, he can earn her love affection and willingness to follow his lead (the saying:respect has to be earned). That is what it means when the verse tells the wife to be obedient and protect her husband by co-operating with and listening to him in all good things (when it's in line with obeying God's commandments).
    Like at work you obey your boss's orders. but if your boss orders you to do something illegal/unethical you don't just obey blindly. Same concept.
    Arabic that was chosen by God to reveal his divine Words is an exceptionally rich language (linguistics experts will attest to its difference with other kinds of languages) - each word has multiple meanings applicable to the context (as demonstrated earlier). God gives us free will in how we understand the Words. I guess that's how God separates the Good ppl from them Evil ones! Like the so called wife beating verse for example. If a man truly loves his wife he would not think that God would command him to beat his wife!

    • @Ahmad-ps9zh
      @Ahmad-ps9zh 4 роки тому +14

      thank you jazakAllahukhayr for this analysis zahara

    • @HazardExtreme
      @HazardExtreme 4 роки тому +8

      Jazakallah for the clear and concise explanation!

    • @ericmanget4280
      @ericmanget4280 4 роки тому +4

      So you translated the verse from 'to strike' to 'kiss and make up'? The previous recommendation was already to that effect, it wouldn't make sense the third, escalated, point would be the the exact same, 'to step back', as the second lesser point.

    • @ericmanget4280
      @ericmanget4280 4 роки тому +5

      Also, if the interpretation of God's words can vary so wildly from 'to beat your wife', which was agreed upon for over a thousand years, to 'kiss and make up' then what use is the Quran? We're only retroactively changing the interpretation to accommodate our updated belief and morality systems. The purpose of the Quran, which was to guide our behaviour, is now void in that context if there are unlimited translation/interpretation possibilities and we just pick and choose according to our preferences at the time.

    • @lol-vw1mf
      @lol-vw1mf 4 роки тому +4


  • @ZohraMouhetta02
    @ZohraMouhetta02 3 роки тому +9

    Thank you Sheikh for making this verse clear for Muslim and non Muslim alike! Allah's words have been distorted as you said by people who don't have master of the language!! May Allah bless you 🙏🙏

  • @shooshcatlover9509
    @shooshcatlover9509 2 роки тому +4

    Sheikh Hamza is amazing! God bless you

  • @shariqwani101
    @shariqwani101 3 роки тому +4

    How deep analysis have you done, Shyakh!!! Just amazing.

  • @aafsterlife9647
    @aafsterlife9647 4 роки тому +4

    Ma'shaAllah, may God bless Sh. Hamza Yusuf!

  • @asifmuhammed611
    @asifmuhammed611 4 роки тому +17

    Masha Allah very nice reminder 💯 may Allah bless sheikh Hamza Yusuf ♥️♥️♥️

  • @Saleh19213
    @Saleh19213 4 роки тому +7

    Mashallah thank you very much

  • @Lina.honey1
    @Lina.honey1 2 роки тому +3

    The major problem is not only with the ill knowledge of the word “daraba” in Quranic Arabic but also with lots of modern day scholars who say that the meaning of it is physical hitting.

  • @rashiq9154
    @rashiq9154 4 роки тому +4

    Beautiful speech

  • @aftychodhu758
    @aftychodhu758 2 роки тому +4

    Salaaam salaam, does anyone know which series this bit was sourced from? Thank you sister n brothers!

  • @ashcomics13
    @ashcomics13 Рік тому +1

    honestly the issues come from favoring interpretation tied to preislamic cultural norms of the arabs.
    i call for my fellow muslims to implement a three basic category system of soft, medium, and hard interpretation of words and verses in the quran. so often we oversimplify the meaning we derive from the quran that it gets misconstrude by translators or becomes a means for shouting takfir to those whom interpret it differently. an example of the threefold system of soft, medium, and hard to this verse would be that the lightest form is daraba meaning being arrogant towards them or what we would coloqually call, roasting them. the mild form of daraba could be interpreted as a firm tap, and the hard form of daraba could mean a light strike. all of these forms of daraba can be found in the quran itself so to limit a multifaceted word like daraba to only mean the hard form is to limit God's message that is preserved and completed by God himself so be careful.

  • @lislamauthentique
    @lislamauthentique 4 роки тому +2

    14'04 : some men become pharao with her spouse : they try to be equal of God in Jabarout (dominion)
    pharao also called Majazi Khuda (Hindi: मजाज़ी ख़ुदा, Urdu: مجازی خدا‎), is a concept in South Asia that teaches that the husband is akin to a deity, being next (''equal'') to God !
    we remember to muslim that nushuz targeted is to disobey to Allah = try to do Zina (or to do Zina) !!!

  • @gaznawiali
    @gaznawiali 3 роки тому +9

    I struggle to reconcile the belief that the Quran is a universal book of guidance with the idea that in order to correctly understand it I am expected to learn about Arab customs and conventions in the 7th century as well as the beliefs of the Christian/Jewish people of that time. Without understanding all that I can quite easily misunderstand the universal book of guidance that is the Quran. I wish I could solve this paradox.

    • @Deleted-oc4ou
      @Deleted-oc4ou 3 роки тому +3

      It is a universal message. It is the people that change it and the people themselves change. So to know the truth and the authenticity you must adhere to its true teachings. The message is universal and never changes. Alhamdulilah

    • @sarahf.s.2961
      @sarahf.s.2961 3 роки тому +2

      Seek more knowledge. Speak to Imams. Go to mosques.

    • @mustafarasool887
      @mustafarasool887 3 роки тому +2

      I have the same problems Perhaps it means that it applies to everyone

    • @TheGloriousQuran6236
      @TheGloriousQuran6236 3 роки тому +15

      You don’t need knowledge of Arabic Language or the Arab customs to earn salvation. It’s as simple as believing in the one Creator, believing that Prophet Muhammad is the last Prophet, and obeying them.
      You only need knowledge of the Arabic language and old customs if you want to make critical examination of what the Qur’an means. If you hear an argument from someone who tries to attack the meaning of the Qur’an without this knowledge, then you have to be willing to listen to the Arabic explanations and the context if you want an answer.

  • @redhotruby6503
    @redhotruby6503 Рік тому

    He truth to his knowledge and we need more advice

  • @sophiaperennis2360
    @sophiaperennis2360 4 роки тому +4

    We are told that the mercy of God is greater than his rigor. If the Quran allows one to admonish or chastise one's spouse than so be it but i would think it still has to be done in the name of mercy, and not following anger or a passion, or be excessive in it's severity. As a point of comparison, one may "strike" a child but certainly not with the intention of causing harm, so i don't see why it shouldn't be the same with one's spouse.

    • @rahimick5
      @rahimick5 4 роки тому +5

      I'd argue that striking a woman who has already been grossly disobedient and sinful would not bring about any reform in her, but rather, in most cases, make her worse. You'd literally have to beat such a person silly to make them change their ways, and then, only in appearance while she secretly held deep resentment and probably thoughts of revenge.

  • @Muhammad-bv4uu
    @Muhammad-bv4uu 2 роки тому +1

    majority of muslim population does believe daraba to strike as in physically hit, with the clear indication of not leaving a mark or a bruise. As a moderated form of physical consequences such as we fear from Police etc. if done in the beat them up form is clear transgression universally accepted in islam. Thus there are very sensitive boundaries, similar to police's permission to use force or violence is very sensitively handled.

  • @thetruth27786
    @thetruth27786 Рік тому

    This verse is is specific to the disobedience of infidelity not any gross disobedience"the obedient women guard in her husbands absence what Allah has asked her to guard i.e her chastity.....and strike means 100 lashes if they find proof.Seperate beds because in that time there was no pregnancy tests.

  • @gaznawiali
    @gaznawiali 3 роки тому +6

    Shaykh Akram Nadwi says that the purpose of marriage is to have children. I've never agreed with that so it is interesting to hear Shaykh Hamza Yusuf disagree with him too.

  • @porkchopsufi3888
    @porkchopsufi3888 4 роки тому +6

    Divorce is immense cultural taboo, that is quite sad.

    • @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my
      @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my 4 роки тому

      porkchopSufi You wrote:
      5 months ago
      "Divorce is immense cultural taboo, that is quite sad. "
      Your pseudo i.d says it all!
      1. You need a cover to say something that is un civil and un true!
      2. If humans need to live in civilized society, belief in family as an institution, yes, divorce should be a taboo! And the last resort to keep the family in tact and sanity, love among members of the c=society.
      Otherwise the society would become wild inhuman like most western societies that have fallen to this in human level!
      Old people end up living alone! Demented, psychological mess, a mass of lifeless flesh!

    • @porkchopsufi3888
      @porkchopsufi3888 4 роки тому +3

      @@SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my so divorce is haram? I don't think so, beloved imam Hussein had many wives, was a very picky man, but guess what, it expanded the family of the beloved prophet. Your enthusiasm to defend cultural attitudes rather then the very conforming, and in line with natural order shariah compliant allowances worries me. I understand that it's been ingrained, but Islam came to give equal rights to a man and women and dosen't keep women oppressed in unhealthy relationships, women has every right to divorce as the man. We fear Allah not the fellow creation.

    • @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my
      @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my 4 роки тому

      @@porkchopsufi3888 you wrote:
      13 minutes ago
      @Sanaulla Mohammed Nazrulla so divorce is haram? I don't think so, beloved imam Hussein had many wives, was a very picky man, but guess what, it expanded the family of the beloved prophet. Your enthusiasm to defend cultural attitudes rather then the very conforming, and in line with natural order shariah compliant allowances worries me. I understand that it's been ingrained, but Islam came to give equal rights to a man and women and dosen't keep women oppressed in unhealthy relationships, women has every right to divorce as the man. We fear Allah not the fellow creation. "
      1. You: Divorce is haram? Did I say that?
      2. Divorce has to be avoided! In the first instance why any one marries? I repeat: In the interest of keeping a family intact, the love between parents, children to be preserved, it has to be avoided. Unless it harms those very relationships.
      3. Ingrained? Family values is important in a civilised society. You are Arab and espousing pre Islamic attitudes of harem and discarding the female at will!
      4. It is not always women who are affected in divorce! In cases where the man is weak, the man is the oppressed!
      5. You wrongly interpret we should fear man! We try to preserve family! Its values for a civilised society not the pre Islamic Pagan chaos, disorder and heinous attitude towards family values.

    • @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my
      @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my 4 роки тому

      @@porkchopsufi3888 1. Why do you not know what a surah is and what an aayat is?
      2. Why did you give wrong translations of the aayat 4: 34?
      3. You are a chirstian right?

    • @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my
      @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my 4 роки тому

      @@porkchopsufi3888 what happened? Cowardice?

  • @theseeker7243
    @theseeker7243 2 роки тому +1

    Learnt a lot from the Shaykh , but I think the word violence should not be chosen OR is not related to positive armed enforcement.

  • @Momo8
    @Momo8 4 роки тому +11


  • @Muslimah-1985
    @Muslimah-1985 4 роки тому +7

    What about emotional abuse, verbal abuse and coercive control

    • @ddlr5867
      @ddlr5867 4 роки тому +8

      A Muslim shouldn't abuse...

    • @rahimick5
      @rahimick5 4 роки тому +1

      Of women towards men or men towards women? Both are unfortunately commonplace.

  • @lunarious87
    @lunarious87 2 роки тому

    What about the Christian rebellion on the "Muslim word" submitter, which supposedly mean muslim? To submit in ground-fighting is to supress the weaker Party (women) as in Domestic Violence like Sheikh Hamza Yousef said.
    Because they said Submitter = Muslim = Peace

  • @Alextucker88
    @Alextucker88 4 роки тому +1

    Wallah I like ve you

  • @kamolegamberdiev7793
    @kamolegamberdiev7793 Рік тому +1

    Abu Hanifa nonmuslim scholar????

  • @archangel2309
    @archangel2309 4 роки тому

    Surah An-Nisa 4:34) Men are the guardians of women over what God has favored each other over some of them and what they have spent from their money. I have preserved the absence because of what God has preserved, and those who fear them, they are disturbed, so they disbelieve them and dislodge them and strike them, so they stabbed you a way for them as Allah is Most High /Men are based on women, what God has chosen for each other, and with their money spent, it's for the best. I saved the world by God's will, which you're afraid of, so remind them and leave them in the lurch. And beat them if I stab you, don't want them to know that God was great.
    .اَلرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُوۡنَ عَلَى النِّسَآءِ بِمَا فَضَّلَ اللّٰهُ بَعۡضَهُمۡ عَلٰى بَعۡضٍ وَّبِمَاۤ اَنۡفَقُوۡا مِنۡ اَمۡوَالِهِمۡ​ ؕ فَالصّٰلِحٰتُ قٰنِتٰتٌ حٰفِظٰتٌ لِّلۡغَيۡبِ بِمَا حَفِظَ اللّٰهُ​ ؕ وَالّٰتِىۡ تَخَافُوۡنَ نُشُوۡزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوۡهُنَّ وَاهۡجُرُوۡهُنَّ فِى الۡمَضَاجِعِ وَاضۡرِبُوۡهُنَّ​ ۚ فَاِنۡ اَطَعۡنَكُمۡ فَلَا تَبۡغُوۡا عَلَيۡهِنَّ سَبِيۡلًا​ ؕاِنَّ اللّٰهَ كَانَ عَلِيًّا كَبِيۡرًا

    • @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my
      @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my 4 роки тому

      Archangel Crusade You desperate dude? You do not know English!
      You wrote:
      "Surah An-Nisa 4:34) Men are the guardians of women over what God has favored each other over some of them and what they have spent from their money. I have preserved the absence because of what God has preserved, and those who fear them, they are disturbed, so they disbelieve them and dislodge them and strike them, so they stabbed you a way for them as Allah is Most High /Men are based on women, what God has chosen for each other, and with their money spent, it's for the best. I saved the world by God's will, which you're afraid of, so remind them and leave them in the lurch. And beat them if I stab you, don't want them to know that God was great."
      1. 4: 34 is not Surah! It is aayat. You have no idea what a surah is what aayat is! You made a fool of yourself!
      2. God is great! It is not God was great as you wrote!
      3. Translation of 4:34.
      Dude, shamelessly you made up your own translation! !
      Here is one of the authentic translations: Sahih International
      Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike(a deal with) them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
      Drabah has several meanings!
      Strike is wrongly mis interpreted by most men.

    • @archangel2309
      @archangel2309 4 роки тому

      @@SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my You only read the Muslims translations that fool you but I translated it because Allah is not a God but a devil like God to the Muslims

    • @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my
      @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my 4 роки тому

      @@archangel2309 ha ha ha! What a desperate devil! For devils like you naturally God is devil! Just shut up and mind your business devil!

    • @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my
      @SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my 4 роки тому

      @@archangel2309 so lies are true for you idiot? You idiot your desperate muck characters are one of the reasons Islam is getting much needed attention! God has his ways! You nincompoops are providing free advertisement for spread of Islam! Good work! Keep it up!

    • @archangel2309
      @archangel2309 4 роки тому +1

      @@SanaullaMohammedNazrulla-zx2my Narrated Al-Miqdam bin Ma'diykarib:
      That the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "There are six things with Allah for the martyr. He is forgiven with the first flow of blood (he suffers), he is shown his place in Paradise, he is protected from punishment in the grave, secured from the greatest terror, the crown of dignity is placed upon his head - and its gems are better than the world and what is in it - he is married to seventy two wives along Al-Huril-'Ayn of Paradise, and he may intercede for seventy of his close relatives."
      [Abu 'Eisa said:] This Hadith is Hasan Sahih
      Hasan (Good)
      • Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Vol. 3, Book of The Virtues Of Jihad, Hadith 1663
      • Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Book of The Virtues Of Jihad, Hadith 1663
      .muflihun.com/tirmidhi/22/1663{muslim translations.
      -Own Translations-
      Abdullah ibn Abd al-Rahman narrated to us, Na'im bin Hammad told us, the rest of bin al-Walid told us aboutBahir Bin Sa`d, on the authority of Khaled Bin Ma`adan, on the authority of Al-Maqdam Ibn Ma`dikarb, said: A Messenger Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, “The martyr has six bonds with Allah, to whom he is forgiven in the first batch. And he sees his seat from Paradise, and is ridden from the torment of the grave, and is safe from greater dread, and lays down on his head is a crown of dignity, a sapphire of which is better than the world and what is in it, and he marries seventy-two a wife of poplar, and he shall intercede for seventy of his relatives. Abu Issa said, this hadith is authentic and strange /Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman, Naim bin Hamad, told us the rest of Ben al-Walid, about Bahir bin Saad, about Khaled bin Ma'adan, about daqam bin Ma'dikarb, said a messenger Allah bless him for the martyr is with Allah, six things will be forgiven. Sees his place in Paradise after handmade item among from the torment of the grave and secure from the dread biggest offers. On top of him is the crown of Ruby, which is better than this world, and marries seventy-two "a wife of the eye and intercessors in 70 of his relatives."‏ Abu Isa said this is a strange true talk . muflihun.com/tirmidhi/22/1663

  • @firouzagamieldien5997
    @firouzagamieldien5997 4 роки тому +2

    If the men are infertile then what do women do then what's her rights there?

    • @truthchannel4424
      @truthchannel4424 4 роки тому +13

      She can get a divorce...

    • @SalmanMoyeen
      @SalmanMoyeen 3 роки тому +4

      Or maybe adopt a child if that is really important in a marriage.

  • @zenastronomy
    @zenastronomy Місяць тому +1

    Allah knows best.
    but i suspect. the simple answer is that in 90% of human society on the planet today and 100% of human society before 20th century, husbands have maintained the social order and the informal judicial system that kept society intact.
    what that means is that there were no police, no judges, no courts.
    if an adult man did a crime, the village as a society punished that person. if a women did a crime, the husband would punish them. and if a child did a crime the parents would cane them etc.
    In the absence of modern technology, administrative abilities and free time. social order was maintained in that hierarchical fashion.
    rightfully or wrongfully it was the necessary "evil" similar to allowing restricted slavery. As the alternative was worse.
    If men were not allowed to carry out corporaal punishment on people under their authority, just as women aren't allowed to punish children today. society would have fallen apart. Just like children have gone wild today.
    also remember islam strictly forbade hitting the face, or striking in a manner that leaves a mark on anyone. and above all islam forbade hitting anyone unjusly.
    so the allowance for men to punish women JUSTLY under their authority when women have committed a social crime, is the same as how the police and state are allowed to do it today.
    Men simply were the police and simply were the state, and still are in agricultural poor societies that aren't economically developed and unable to afford all the luxuries of an independent judicial system. And men in turn were held to account by those in authority over them, such as the village elders, scholars, sheikhs etc.
    And for those men who unjustly beat their wives, domestic abuse etc. They will not follow these 3 steps and would go to beating them straight away anyway.
    So by Allah laying down this 3 stage process , domestic abuse is reduced in agriculture economies. As this 3 stage process means anger is dissipated, and the ones who doesn't follow the 3 stage process , can easily be identified by the village and Islamic judge and divorce issued at the women's request. and then the man would be punished for domestic abuse, with a similar level of whipping equivalent to the unjust violence he inflicted on his wife.
    Also i would add, islamic shariah law says that the state can lay down restrictions on people and abrograte certain Shariah laws in certain situations. Such as how Omar restricted capital punishment in the time of famine.
    Similarly for those Muslims living in a developed state where there exists an independent judicial system sufficient to maintain social order. islam allows the state to force people to use the states judicial system instead of using vigilante justice. And for Muslims living in the west, you have to obey western law.
    Again to reiterate, islam does not allow men to beat women unjustly if they have done nothing wrong and if they do that, the wife can demand same punishment on the husband as well as divorce.
    Corporal punishment in the home of every human society has always occurred to maintain social order.
    Just as if a child commits vandalism, the parent who is the authority figure over the chold will spank them. Similar if a wife commits a crime such as say gossiping, backbiting, lying, flirting, spreading fitna etc, her authority figure in such societies is the husband. Who then has the right to use similar MILD huge emphasis on mild, corporal punishment.
    Again i emphasise Islam says such punishment cannot hit the face, or leave a mark, let alone scar or bleed the skin, nor cause extreme pain etc. Hitting the face especially is prohibited in islam, even in war it is prohibited against the enemy. As human dignity shall not be infringed, even on the guilty person in Islam. Human dignity is too valuable to violate ever.
    Human dignity must be maintained even when ppeople are punished for their crimes. Even children. That is why islam does not allow hitting children in the face.
    So again to reiterate, men were and are the unofficial social system, that kept society in order. They were the police before police existed. They were the prosecution and the defence before such job labels existed etc.
    Similarly to how men fulfilled the following roles for women in society, before the state took those duties from them.
    it was men and often husbands alone who became a women's firemen, a women's ambulance, a women's paramedic, a women's soldier, a women's search and rescue, a womens coast guards, a wife's body guard, a wife's attorney/solicitor, a wife's land register, the wife's enforcer of rights, the enforcer of the wife's rights (her parents father's will) etc.
    before the state came along and stripped men of these duties, and it became the duty of the state. these entire state departments, entire jobs and entire careers were fulfilled by men, before they became outsourced.
    it was the man and often the husband who was fulfilling these roles without any recognition by women or society.
    Removing these roles from men is only possible in our modern economic system due to technology. It is not possible for 80% of the world still.
    And you are seeing the fitna in 3rd world countries due to that.
    Places like south America, Africa, where social order collapses due to feminism creating a vacuum. Women freemix, and adultery, prostitution, brothls, divorce, abortions, abandoned children, etc become rampant.
    Why? because men are no longer allowed to maintain law and order, due to equal rights leaving a giant vacuum, which is then filled by evil men and evil women taking advantage of the rest of women in society.
    So always be careful of what you wish for. The alternative often is worse of the same thing you hated.

  • @nuhaasedick29
    @nuhaasedick29 Рік тому

    I'm just thinking that. The striking of the wife in a mild manner. Was a much softer means to reprimand
    In this time men were very harsh towards their wives

  • @saarimfarooqui3980
    @saarimfarooqui3980 4 роки тому +5

    First 1 🤗😄

  • @gaznawiali
    @gaznawiali 3 роки тому +5

    This is an interesting talk but I am confused as to why Allah, in His infinite wisdom chose the word 'darb'. Every word in the Quran is supposed to be perfect, precise and intentional so if the true meaning of the word 'darb' has been forgotten/lost and the verse has been used to justify domestic violence, why did Allah even choose the word in the first place? Arabic is an expansive language and I'm sure the creator could have chosen a different word that would have avoided all this confusion. It seems to completely undermine our faith in the Quran being the word of God.

  • @RR-vg5hg
    @RR-vg5hg 4 роки тому +6

    Nobody in the history of al Islam understood that verse to hit their wife’s, END OF.

  • @muradmammadov680
    @muradmammadov680 4 роки тому

    Something is happening to Hamza Yusuf’s accent :)

  • @adamtalat3197
    @adamtalat3197 4 роки тому +1


  • @Sorel366
    @Sorel366 4 роки тому +6

    I will save you time : he never actually explains the meaning of the verse.

    • @rahimick5
      @rahimick5 4 роки тому +5

      I generally like Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, but I somewhat agree with your comment. He does intimate the answer though in stating how the Quran uses the word 'daraba'. So I looked it up ...
      While the Quran uses the word ‘daraba’ in places to mean literally to strike, it is more frequently used to mean: 'to cast', 'set forth', 'go forth', 'travel', 'put forth'. corpus.quran.com/qurandictionary.jsp?q=Drb#(4:34:29)
      With these usages and meanings in mind, it seems clear that the Quran is instructing to send such a disobedient, out of control woman away (in separation or divorce).
      Besides the fact that historically Islamic scholars do not intrepret this verse to mean giving license to beat, it doesn't even make practical sense in the context of the verse to think that beating such a terrible wife would be effective. Striking a woman who has already been grossly disobedient and sinful would not bring about any reform in her, but rather, in most cases, make her worse. You'd literally have to beat such a person silly to make them change their ways, and then, only in appearance while she secretly held deep resentment and probably thoughts of revenge.

  • @Sorel366
    @Sorel366 4 роки тому

    The Prophet peace and blessings upon him didn't say the "real" jihad is supporting your family. He said supporting your family is a jihad. Which doesn't mean the same. Armed jihad is just as real and the primary meaning of jihad. What is with this trend of downplaying armed jihad's importance nowadays.

    • @sophiaperennis2360
      @sophiaperennis2360 4 роки тому +11

      The "real" jihad is the inward struggle. The armed jihad is classified as the "little" jihad.

  • @malenedietl3369
    @malenedietl3369 4 роки тому +4

    15:02 'if a jew beats his wife, the statistics show that it doesn't happen very often'...... did I hear correctly, is Hamza serious here? Jews are no different than other humans... Here I am loving what Hamza says enjoying hiis speach, and then suddently he utters something so strange....what does he mean, is he believing in biased statistics? It needs explanation. I hope I misunderstood what was actually said.

    • @humaa101
      @humaa101 4 роки тому +3

      Agreed - it was very strange,

    • @ZelixMarketingStudio
      @ZelixMarketingStudio 4 роки тому +7

      Sorry I don't disagree with sheikh Hamza Yousuf as it emphasizes real life occurrences based on updated statistics... you should embrace that with the Jews as it is an achievement from them and learn how the Jews really practice such effective practices, and with being said acknowledge the wus wus-a that you're getting from shytan that prevent you from understanding a good thing.
      Dua: Bismillahi Az-hib-anil Hamma waal Huzn.

    • @Sheen023
      @Sheen023 3 роки тому

      Chill bro

    • @bybbah
      @bybbah 2 роки тому

      Here he was bringing how unfairly we are treated ,only to degrade ISLAM,so bad things will be made so worse meaning exaggerated, amplified to humiliate the muslims ,while for other religions they use leniency, or passivity.

    • @ShekinahFineArt
      @ShekinahFineArt Рік тому

      Its because Allah is a false god, Mohammed is a false prophet and Islam is a false religion. Imagine a god who allows for women to be beaten…doesn’t sound like his to me (sounds more like SATAN)

  • @maykhanam8667
    @maykhanam8667 2 роки тому +1

    Cannot enjoy more of this. This lecture must be disseminated to all Muslim men and women. Especially those who want to get married.

  • @billyb6001
    @billyb6001 4 роки тому +1

    20 years to understand Islam? God couldn't have made things clearer? It only takes 8 years to be a doctor.

    • @ddlr5867
      @ddlr5867 4 роки тому +9

      For you to comment on the quran and give opinion about the quran you have to understand it first...

    • @sophiaperennis2360
      @sophiaperennis2360 4 роки тому +2

      When God speaks, man does not understand. God's ontological status is so radically different from that of man that his "words" cannot be readily understood until one is close enough to him that he begins to perceive the true meaning of his speech, and that could very well happen over the course of a lifetime.
      With that said, there is also a literal meaning to the words of the sacred text that has been studied and analyzed by scholars for centuries, which is also the basis for traditional Islamic jurisprudence, and while interpretations vary, there is a general consensus there but it seems nowadays everybody wants to be their own interpreter and their own doctor of law, damn history, and damn tradition.

    • @rahimick5
      @rahimick5 4 роки тому +1

      I agree with you somewhat. It doesn't take 20 years to understand the Quran for the most part. For the most part, you can understand the Quran with a good primer and tafseer (commentary) on the first read. However, as the Quran itself states, while the vast majority of the verses are clear and concise and are the "basis of the book", there are verses that have deep meanings that only some are blessed to truly understand. These take prayer, humility and work to understand. But there is no reason why a person shouldn't read and begin to implement the Quranic values and commands into their life. There are only a handful of things that truly confused me when I first began reading the Quran. Good commentary mostly cleared those up.

    • @TheGloriousQuran6236
      @TheGloriousQuran6236 3 роки тому +1


    • @billyb6001
      @billyb6001 3 роки тому

      @@TheGloriousQuran6236 that's not what a strawman means. It's a comparison.

  • @DarkMatter1919
    @DarkMatter1919 4 роки тому +3

    This isn't what the Quran or tafsir says.
    This is just changing the meaning of the verse because you don't like the real meaning.
    To change the Quran is classed as a sin in Islam.

    • @agent-mx4kb
      @agent-mx4kb 4 роки тому +15

      This is one tafsir of the many interpretations of verse, I’m probably sure none of the tafsirs would encourage beating woman. He said nothing wrong, there is a Hadith that says don’t beat the female servants of Allah, the Quran doesn’t encourage violence in any way except on the transgressors.

    • @DarkMatter1919
      @DarkMatter1919 4 роки тому +3

      No it clearly says in plain language to beat your wife if she disobeys you.

    • @agent-mx4kb
      @agent-mx4kb 4 роки тому +10

      DarkMatter1919 No nothing about disobeying the husband is mentioned. Are you even Muslim?

    • @JustinHerchel
      @JustinHerchel 4 роки тому +4

      @@DarkMatter1919 what's wrong with that mate? Islam is patriarchal, and the woman should submit to the husband - that's the standard. If she does not - and rebels against him instead, then she deviates from the established order/standard, so she should bear the consequences. The same goes for the husband. If he can't provide for the family, he is not able to preserve the marriage. And he should bear the consequences of divorce. And so on.

    • @DarkMatter1919
      @DarkMatter1919 4 роки тому +2

      What you say is blatantly wrong.
      It clearly says it in Quran verse 4:34.

  • @AdamosDad
    @AdamosDad 4 роки тому
