"Every American was racist. There is no other opinion that existed at that time." You do realise that this was made by college students, right? One of the leading groups of the Civil Rights movement was in fact college students. They even had a major organisation called the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC for short).
The Colleges that made the SNCC and this video were in different states. The SNCC was in Shaw university of North Carolina and Harding University leaders in Arkansas supported segregation.
@ Gryffin DarkBreed Oh my, now you guys don't even bother comming up with poor analogies anymore. They weren't hated, what a joke.. they couldn't even go to the same bathroom that you did, they were killed trying to register for vote, they had to go to different schools and public places so white people wouldn't have to face them. Fuck white people.
Better being tazed then disappearing one night to never be found again just because you said the party leader is an idiot a little to loud so your child heard it.
Traditional European Yes. Call the people who go out risking life and limb every day to enforce the law and keep the peace pigs because a few black people resisted arrest and got themselves killed for it. I could bring up the statistics on black on black homicide or about how out of all the people killed by cops, 51% are white and only 26% are black (still horrible numbers either way) but I figure you’d just ignore them or call me a nazi or something because these don’t fit your world view. Go race bait somewhere else you pathetic excuse for a human being.
pretty much all that at once. NWO's on the rise, not only in the US. (no evil nazi-commie illuminati from outer space involved here, just get the big picture.) just look at how the mentalities changed the past 5, 6 years. SJWs and their cultural marxism, delocalization, destruction of values that granted to all an equal treatment and freedom from religion, and I'm telling that from an european's point of view. from what i saw the US is getting close to the same situation or worse ( just hope for you Trump's gonna make it) sure the EU does a lot for corporations, but that doesn't means it's really a capitalist, free market - it's socialism, when any private company gets money from the government, when the media are all under control of a few supergiants, giving no choice for the population being dumbed-down, it's the next step, it's not liberalism, it's the complete base of communism.
The problem is that those instructions can never be followed. Ignoring the facts that communism bankrupts countries and its impossible to be totally equal, in order for communism to properly work it requires for all involved to be selfless and honest... Qualities that most human beings lack, to say nothing of your average politician.
***** Two words: Soviet Union. Then again most humans lack things humans should have, that is why so many politicians are like that. Also: "Western" politician? Since when are the politicians of different countries any different?
+Der Fruchttee Western means western culture. There are plenty of places all around the world that can be called western, such as islands in the Caribbean, certain parts in South America, Australia and New Zealand.
Ivy Bones Yeah if capitalism was a person, they would be an all-around nice dude that has some flaws but understands that and is great to hang out with. Communism is the guy spreading bullshit lies to everyone and sees himself as perfect, although he's far from it.
Der Hitler Parodies I know I'm commenting like 2 months later, but just came to say it hurts to read. Like most of these people literally ate the propaganda from this video and don't even know it.
Cthulhu's grandson I know, even when it’s labeled propaganda. Those people probably think that everyone wants to come to the US because it’s not communist or socialist and no one wants to leave and that anyone who doesn’t love the US is a communist. I once heard someone say that “Everyone loves the USA and that’s the objective truth.”
I really want to think all of the "Communism = starvation, Communism = Fascism in another name or Communism is the definition of Death and suffer are just all memes... But no... These people are really thinking that way. I wonder what does the natives have to say about American buying their land outright, or the Indian people have anything to say about everyone they know and love either get conscripted or killed by Capitalist Britain during Raj time. It isn't the ideology that drives them to do that, it was the political situation.
sntrt what do you mean communist isnt equal starvation ave yozu stvupid me tocher to.d me tha conumism magje eegjmdrvody hungary and die soooooooqoooo donnnnt you toleke to mein Mein becueseq I wil re1ock zouiyr shiot miooon, moin toche old me so 1jiknow sigf
Hey all you seemingly pro Communism people, go live in a communist country first before you try to ruin America; then decide. Oh sorry, it's not that I'm trying to get you killed, just trying not to get everyone killed is all.
Propaganda: information used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Political correctness: elevation of feelings over facts, "the truth doesn't matter because I feel this way" While communism may sound great in theory in practice it creates a horrifying dystopia. Under capitalism you have the freedom to support communism. Under communism you would have no freedom to support capitalism. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Un-Ironic Productions 😂. Tell this a african, indian,chinese, and so on kid. U take the money for a better life than they have. Communism gives everyone equal chances rights and so on
Extremes meet, all aimed at stopping the civil liberties of the people in the name of something, the State, the Church, other people (the common good). It's very important to value the Freedom that even allows the free expression of those who don't value it. I write from Venezuela, a country with a neo-communist regime since 1999, fighting for Freedom.
+Fredfredbug4 Well, Mussolini himself admitted once that his Fascist ideology, which would also later inspire the Nazi ideology, was based into Socialism ideas (something lefties are too butthurt sometimes to admit)
Kam -zdov True, but still the point of the video was to warn americans that no matter what these extremist views promise them, they'll find that it's never worth the trade.
+Fredfredbug4 Fascism is an extremely successful ideology. Germany under the NSDAP took on the whole world, and nearly won. They were a broken country after WWI, but the NSDAP turned them into an economic powerhouse.;
@@santacruiser2214 _"Radicalism is anything too far on either side."_ That's not what that means, clod. Moreover, centrism is the exact thing that has brought us where we are now. If you have complaints, bring them to your centrist overlords and STFU about commies!
@@fun_ghoul Are you sure? I'm fairly certain that the notion that we should stray from authoritarian extremes and strike a balance which allows for a relatively stable and liberal society wasn't what brought us to where we are - the slow and insidious subversion of the West by leftist authoritarians might have more to do with it. But hey, the way you answer leftist subversion and authoritarianism isn't through liberalism or a strong conviction to preserve freedom and democracy it's by swinging in opposite direction entirely and adopting the exact same stances and beliefs and the exact same hatred of Western society except in favor of someone else's, branded "right wing", authoritarianism. Clearly the way to preserve Western civilization is to burn it down and erect concrete monoliths to the erectile dysfunction of fat bastards and the sort of twitchy slimes that couch their hatred of our societies through faux nationalism and extreme identitarianism. Don't be a sucker!
Is sending to gulags parasites who earn ten times what common folk earn without actually doing anything, or people who give moral support to these people, really a bad thing?
Canale con le cose belle I don't think that's a productive argument to be making. Communism fails because in all forms it tries to make everyone equal though it rejects the notion that in it's proposed system there is any way for people to figure out how to exploit it. These exploiters (though it seems to me usually they're almost accidental anyway) will arise in almost every system and then create the new burgoise that claim to be equal though more equal, see Animal Farm. Point made, you don't have to read the rest, it's to argue against those morons who will inevitably claim democracy is literally fascism. The only reason democracy works because it strips power away from individuals and requires multiple people to pass legislation off different standpoints, this is why the current leading party in any democracy can't just pass any legislation they desire, I'm sure the US would have no guns and be at war with China or some shit by now if it worked as communist thought it does (Communist never actually know how legislation is passed in any democracy, funny that).
>Communism fails because in all forms it tries to make everyone equal Yeah, no. The difference in quality of people is an eternal truth of life and no communist has ever tried to change this. What socialist countries attempted to do was give the same chances of development to everyone, but of course it was already known that some would remain in one place and some would rise higher. People are different, everyone knows this and nobody wants to change this, it's equal opportunities that we wanted to give. Thus we eliminated the boss from the chain of command in the workplace, making the means of production collectively owned and managed, and we made politics accessible to all those genuinely interested by estabilishing mass parties in which people could make a career. I suggest you to look at the numbers of members parties the communist parties had in the USSR and the number of people the modern Chinese Communist Party has, we're talking of millions, in the dozens of millions. >These exploiters (though it seems to me usually they're almost accidental anyway) There's nothing accidental in the position of the boss as exploiter, it's essentially desired. If he wouldn't want to be an exploiter, the boss would renounce to his higher wages there and now, and go to work in the factory like everyone else. He would also cease taking the products of other people's labour as his own, to sell as his own and paying the labourer the meagre compensation that we call "wage". There is thievery in this system, and not just derivate one but intrinsic one as well. >will arise in almost every system and then create the new burgoise that claim to be equal though more equal, see Animal Farm Animal Farm, like 1984, was essentially a piece of propaganda against so-called "stalinism", and addressing it is fairly easy if you know how the USSR works. The bourgeoise class that was present in the USSR was the kulak and it was short-lived. As soon as the government attempted to collectivize the farms that these parasites theoretically owned but didn't even work, they starved their own country to death by burning the crops, killing the cattle and destroying the machinery. Of course Stalin dealt with these destructively selfish people. And that's the history of the bourgeoise class in the USSR. >The only reason democracy works because it strips power away from individuals and requires multiple people to pass legislation off different standpoints Except it doesn't, not the modern liberal one at least. Liberal democracy is theoretically founded on popular election of their own representatives in a parliament and, eventually, in a government cabinet, but since it requires all citizens to go to the voting booths every what? 5 years? depending on the country, even those who are not interested, eventually a situation will develop in which people don't even care anymore about the mass rite they have to commit every few years, and that's how turnouts go below even 50%. It's also hard to speak of "different viewpoints" since, eventually, the system, in an attempt to "protect itself from authoritarian turns" will essentially exclude from public life every party that doesn't fits to the liberal program, whether it is right wing or left wing, and because parties will attempt to cater to the highest amount of voters possibile rather than a certain demographic, they will dilute their programs more and more until nothing remains but the classical big tent liberalism. The political system will fossilize itself on a two, three party system at best, in which the parties all have similar programs and ideologies and people genuinely see no difference at all between the parties and their candidates. Participation in the "democratic" process goes to an all time low, and, eventually, dictators ascend, because since politicians have no different program to offer from the others, they will focus their electoral campaigns on their personalities. This is one thing that stupid bloke of Plato understood very well. All of this without enlarging the sheer size of this essay by talking about the sheer, open corruption in which the liberal democratic system falls into, eventually. Capitalism and "democracy" (the brackets are mandatory because liberal democracy has very little democratic elements in it, despite its best attempts) represent the agony of the state, and the agony of the state represents the agony of the people.
"when anybody preaches disunity, tries to pit one of us against the others through class warfare, race hatred or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives" ... Still true today
I can never go to these videos without seeing one bad thing in the comment section. This happened in the 40s, how many of you were actually around during then?
This was just against communism because of the moment, they were in the Cold War against the USSR (the commie super power) the US in fact installed some fascist regimes to overthrow the communist in some countries such as the regiment of augusto Pinochet in Chile
This may be labeled as propaganda but the parts about “The state is the Supreme Court” and “no more private property” and the part where that guy has a record player on his head is true
A popular soviet joke back then: “-Ryabinovich why do you have so much money if we’re going to communism? -What do you mean ‘why’ it’s for a return trip” P.S. I tried my best in translating
Irony being a lot of these things also happen with *capital - ISM*. Instead of the government shackling farmers, it's Monsanto and other huge agribusiness, instead of union workers being forced to work, they're just unemployed while people in China do their jobs for nickels (under horrible conditions too), "management" just got cleaned out when the fed tampered with the dollar and the politician is just toeing the line.
True, but I admire what has been achieved even if for a brief period of time. I empathize a lot with those ideals it's a pity that they have been warped around meaningless profit seeking. There is something wrong with the way that we (as a species) manage economy, the obvious one is private banks, but probably there may be something intrinsically wrong with currency: I'm not sure if, even with a perfectly stable currency, having a universal item of exchange is the right way to go. I'd like to see what would happen if we reverted back to bartering and maybe take it from there again by trying something new.
+Butt3rfly Yeah but i prefer this annoying capitalist system to North Korea and Cuba. The US is like a mother to me, even if that mother has some issues.
Marcos Ortega I agree, though not being a US citizen I admire its achievements and I consider it the most advanced system in the world. There will always be issues, as long as people are free to improve on said issues there will always be a chance for development and that's what I recon being most important during this century.
I'm not a slave; I have no debt. Unlike you, I don't have victim mentality. No one is holding you back. No one is stopping you from achieving success in America, except yourself.
+clouster75 tough to be a capitalist state when you have every tenet of the '10 planks of communism' at work in your nation. Privately owned central bank and a national, graduated, income tax are straight out of the communist manifesto and two of the most insidious evils in the west. Wake up, America. Oh wait - it's too late already
I would like to point out that the guy vouching for capitalism was sleeping on a bench with a newspaper that had the headline of "BLATT STRIKE FARM RIOTS INFLATION" Things must be going so well in his capitalistic society :D
Like the fellow sleeping on the bench said, a capitalist society isn't perfect, but in spite of that its far and away preferable to any of the alternatives. Whatever problems that do exist in a capitalism are NOTHING compared to problems that come from living in a Communist society. I don't know about you, but I'll take strikes, riots, and inflation over a totalitarian government, mass starvation, and death camps any day.
Bees Knees people have, and people have gone to space bc of it, people received free education, medication and housing. people had the chance to pursue anything they wanted without the fear of debt (which plagues the US), hunger, and homelessness (also a problem in the US and various other world wide nations).
Ivan Sirko first which country? a failing Soviet Republic due to reactionary market reforms? second the US prison system is shit, the more people they lock up they more money porky gets, and then are used as slaves within the private prisons getting paid absolutely nothing. and we're told they deserve it. and that isn't the "goofy capitalism" that's capitalism working as intended.
Ivan Sirko the key words are 'corrupt officials', the USSR was very well catching up to western powers and, if they were to maintain a straight economic line (not deviating like they did), would of out did the capitalist system. and the US intervened in almost every socialist nation directly through war. Korean War 1950-53 Lebanon Crisis 1958 Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba 1961 Simba Rebellion 1964 Vietnam War 1965-75 Communist Insurgency in Thailand 1965-83 Multinational Force in Lebanon 1982-1984 Invasion of Grenada 1983 Or through having the CIA perform a government change: The 1953 Iranian coup d'état where the US overthrew a democratically elected socialist (Mohammad Mosaddegh) in favour of an authoritarian dictator (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi). The 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état where the US overthrew a democratically elected social democrat (Jacobo Árbenz) in favour of an authoritarian dictator (Carlos Castillo Armas). The 1973 Chilean coup d'état where the US overthrew a democratically elected socialist (Salvador Allende) in favour of a totalitarian fascist dictator (Augusto Pinochet who went on to kill over 3000 people, torture 30,000 people, and put 80,000 people in concentration camps). The 1991 Haitian coup d'état where the US overthrew a democratically elected social democrat (Jean-Bertrand Aristide), who is widely believed to have been the winner of the first honest election in Haiti, in favour of an authoritarian dictator (Raoul Cédras). And keep in mind that the above is only a list of successful regime changes by the CIA against socialist nations.
Ivan Sirko most of them did become state capitalist, the only nation that has a communist party leading the nation and is not a form of capitalism is Cuba. but dude, China's gone to the shitter after maoist policies were removed, the Chinese even said themselves the economy would grow faster with those policies. plus there's the foreign exploitation of the Chinese people. but during the Stalin period, very few officials were corrupt, and those that were,were dealt with by the central committee, corruption only grew after Stalin died, Yeltsin/Gorbachev reforming the markets, etc. it was corruption that killed the USSR, not socialism.
Ivan Sirko mein gott, uk.businessinsider.com/study-suggests-china-growth-if-mao-era-policies-were-brought-back-2015-8 corruption only exists if you allow it to exist, and don't give me the "muh human nature" bullshit, Castro, Lenin, Thomas Sankara (this guy most of all), Gaddafi,Stalin,etc weren't corrupt. in Neolithic times there was no currency, no concept of culture, etc,etc and yet they still forwarded human and societal developed, without reward, if anything, communism represents human nature perfectly. but note human nature is a sheet of plastic, it changes according to the conditions/situations we face, the idea that human nation hasn't changed at all since we were cavemen to tribes to feudal system to the current capitalist system is stupid.
@@sovietpineapple7938 Sorry arsehole, what exactly is the point you're trying to make? It's true, the dude looks a little old for 30...so maybe 50. IOW, he got all his education for free, and now he's spent more than half his life getting rich off of it, despite not paying for it and leaving Romania.
@@fun_ghoul And what was your point? Your comment is nothing more than baseless assumptions serving as a feeble attempt to defend a failed ideology that's killed millions.
@@sovietpineapple7938 "Failed ideology", says the defender of a system that throws away 40% of the world's food so the capitalists who sell food can make more money, the same which prioritizes quarterly profits over survival in 100 years, the one that only values one thing (money) over all else. Really, bitch?
+James Russell Yes, we had many racial problems in the United States, and the various state spokesmen of the Soviet Union told an alluring siren that claimed communism did not. It was mostly true, as most had been killed or relocated to less problematic locations; principally the Jewish and foreigners. For all of the rhetoric against the holocaust the Soviet Union killed far more Jews, intellectuals, and religious people than Hitler ever could pull off.
+James Russell Legal segregation in the 40's was only law in the Southern states. While a bit rose-tinted, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility for races to get along in parts of the United States back then.
+Vosian Getting along and having intigrated classrooms are two very different things. I'm not certain, it is quite possible they existed in the north, but it was very uncommon in general.
The ism they never talk about is capitalism. Not a communist, but notice how not a single politician or news anchor even questions capitalism slightly?
I thought this was going to be nonsense, but it actually all makes sense. Commies' only get support through envy. "When someone has more money than me, they're evil!" *(Leninism)* "When someone has a different skin color, and are more successful, they're evil!" *(Cultural Marxism)* Don't you see, you can't replace solidarity with socialism, it will all end in suffering and horror. The only people who have done it right are the Cubans, and they bred communism with *nationalism*, which ensured their solidarity. They weren't fighting each other, they were fighting foreigners. Don't fall for divide and conquer my friends, whatever your opinion in economics, do not turn against your countrymen! Only together we are strong, and only together we can prevent the elite from controlling us all.
"Freedom of speech, and to peaceably assemble." What, like the civil rights activists who routinely got their heads cracked in and hosed down with water just for trying to have the right not to be forced to drink out of a sub par water fountain and pick what section of the bus they got to sit on, what movie theaters they could go in, who they could date and marry, and what schools they were allowed to go?
_"When anybody preaches disunity and tries to put one of us against the other through class warfare, race hatred or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives."_
Actually,I have.I have 5 friends from the USSR and they all wanted socialism back.It only became unequal when the revisionists gained power,brought back the profit motive,and messed up the communist cause.
Comrade Jakendad The way I see it - the poor should stop working for a day. That alone would make Capitalism collapse. And its only a day so it won't be hard for the poor. the hard part would be to unite them.
Yes, but they are just using an example. Basically what they're saying is "Thanks to freedom we can have our own opinions, we can create what we want to, and do what we want without being controlled by the state."
List of dictatorships supported by the United States: Latin America: 1. Porfirio Díaz (Mexico) (1876-1911) 2. Institutional Revolutionary Party (Mexico) (1929-2000) 3. Juan Vicente Gómez (Venezuela) (1908-35) 4. Manuel Estrada Cabrera (Guatemala) (1898-1920) 5. Jorge Ubico (Guatemala) (1931-44) 6. Fulgencio Batista (Cuba) (1952-59) 7. Rafael Trujillo (Dominican Republic) (1930-61) 8. Efraín Ríos Montt and the rest of the military junta in Guatemala (1954-86) 9. Revolutionary Government Junta of El Salvador (1979-82) 10. Hugo Banzer (Bolivia) (1971-78) 11. National Reorganization Process (Argentina) (1976-83) 12. Brazilian military government (1964-85) 13. Somoza family (Nicaragua) (1936-79) 14. François Duvalier (Haiti) (1957-71) 15. Jean-Claude Duvalier (Haiti) (1971-86) 16. Omar Torrijos (Panama) (1968-81) 17. Manuel Noriega (Panama) (1983-89) 18. Alfredo Stroessner (Paraguay) (1954-89) 19. Augusto Pinochet (Chile) (1973-90) Asia: 1. Syngman Rhee (South Korea) (1948-60) 2. Park Chung-hee (South Korea) (1961-79) 3. Chun Doo-Hwan (South Korea) (1979-88) 4. Ngo Dinh Diem (South Vietnam) (1955-63) 5. Lon Nol (Cambodia) (1970-75) 6. Yahya Khan (Pakistan) (1971) 7. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Iran) (1941-79) 8. Ferdinand Marcos (Philippines) (1965-86) 9. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (Pakistan) (1978-88) 10. Saddam Hussein (Iraq) (1982-90) 11. Suharto (Indonesia) (1967-98) 12. Truong Tan Sang (Vietnam) (2011-present) 13. Islam Karimov (Uzbekistan) (1990-present) 14. Pervez Musharraf (Pakistan) (1999-2008) 15. Ali Abdullah Saleh (Yemen) (1990-2012) 16. Emomalii Rahmon (Tajikistan) (1994-present) 17. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow (Turkmenistan) (2006-present) 18. House of Saud (Saudi Arabia) (1945-present) 19. Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (Bahrain) (1999-present) 20. Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (Qatar) (1995-2013) 21. Qaboos bin Said al Said (Oman) 22. Hashemite Dynasty (Jordan) (1951-present) 23. United Arab Emirates (1994-present) Africa: 1. King Hassan II, predecessors and successors (Morocco) (1777-present) 2. Gaafar Nimeiry (Sudan) (1969-85) 3. Samuel Doe (Liberia) (1980-90) 4. Apartheid South Africa (1948-94) 5. Meles Zenawi (Ethiopia) (1991-2012) 6. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo (Equatorial Guinea) (1979-present) 7. Mobutu Sese Seko (Democratic Republic of the Congo) (1965-97) 8. Hissène Habré (Chad) (1982-90) 9. Hosni Mubarak (Egypt) (1981-2011) 10. Idriss Déby (Chad) (1990-present) 11. Yoweri Museveni (Uganda) (1986-present) 12. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (Tunisia) (1987-2010) 13. Paul Kagame (Rwanda) (2000-present) Europe 1. Francisco Franco (Francoist Spain) (1936-75). 2. Greek military junta (1967-74) 3. António de Oliveira Salazar (Portugal) (1932-74) 4. Turkish military junta (Turkey) (1980-91) Man I sure am glad that 'Murica stopped them dangerous communists.
“When anybody preaches disunity, tries to tip one of us against the other trough class warfare, race hatred or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives” Old wisdom is applicable nowadays for different circumstances… think about it.
Thanks for the cartoon, I enjoyed it. Also it helped me to put some pieces in my puzzle about US culture. P.S.: I was born in 1980 in the USSR (the Soviet Union) and nowadays I live in Russia. I can reassure you, that this cartoon is completely 100% propaganda, though the Soviet Union had its own bad and negative sides, just like any country, culture or custom in the word, but the cartoon is far away from any of them. And about the Soviet Union itself, it was a period of my childhood and I was really happy that time. P.P.S.: Communism as an economic theory (and it is) has nothing common with the USSR (the Soviet Union always was a socialist country and a communism always was a final destination). Thanks once again and have fan.
I'm from Hong Kong and neither communist nor fascist, but I still need to say Americans should be thanksgiving for his/her country. Americans are having the largest average income, and enjoying low commodity price, house price and the richest material life in the world. In America, even a average citizen are richer than majority of average civilians in many Asian country if consider commodity price and house price. In Asia, many countries are still dominated by totalitarian and corrupted gov, many people still suffer from high rent price and high commodity price. Majority of people in Asia work hard most for his/her life, but still cannot buy house and feed him-/herself by his/her own because of unpatriotic greedy corrupted government, developer hegemony and real estate flippers. Rich material life? Sorry, no joking in today's Asia.
Flawless Binary villain and hero should be swapped around if you want to have it apply to the real world. Also. > communism kills around 100 million people directly > capitalism lets people live freely, but is still flawed (not as flawed as communism) > ‘communism is very nice, capitalism bad’
you mean The Soviet Union right? Ummm what was Che doing in Bolivia?? What were all those guerrillas doing in other countries? What did they do in Africa, Afghanistan ? ???? NAh, evol USA lol
@@j.2512 Hmmmm... Vietnam Nicaraguan and Colombian genocides Every single dictator in South Korea until 1980 (death toll: approx 500,000 total) Argentinians dictatorships Chilean fascist dictatorships Under British capitalism: Bengalian Genocide of 1940 (circa 10 million) Opium Wars (basically lead the way for Mao Zedong's dictatorship) Reply back if you want to hear more on Western genocide and oppression. Note: I hate the USSR more than the USA, but it ticks me off when people imply that the USA and capitalism is perfect. I believe in a mixed economy- a mix between socialism and capitalism. Also, fyi, South Korea finally became wealthy after the government seized control of Korea's tech industry, and allocated capitalistic resources carefully. Pure capitalism lead to the half a million deaths in political genocide.
Both North and South Korea killed a lot of people, but one becomes a capitalist country nowadays and become one of the wealthiest country of Asia, one becomes a living hell for the citizens, except for the rich of Pyongyang and the government Communist Vietnam government killed a lot of people before Vietnam war ( Land reform ), during Vietnam war and after Vietnam war, only to reform themselves into a capitalist state. If Vietnam still followed "true communism", they would be the second North Korea No regime is perfect, but one possesses more advantages than the other. Which one ? you guess
@@j.2512 Before I continue, you have to know one thing about me. I AM NOT A COMMUNIST. I do not support communism in any way shape or form in the modern era. Nor do I support capitalism. I wish for a hybrid system, and ideally, a democratised version of the Chinese economic model. When you mention all those genocides and massacres, you conveniently leave out all the genocides committed under capitalistic regimes. What did the British do in India? Oh it's not like they committed a mass genocide of 10,000,000 Bengali. As the Independent paraphrases Churchill: " This is a man the British would have us hail as an apostle of freedom and democracy,' says author. An Indian politician has put Winston Churchill in the same category as some of “the worst genocidal dictators” of the 20th century because of his complicity in the Bengal Famine" Native American Genocide by us Americans and Canadians: endgenocide.org/learn/past-genocides/native-americans/ Death toll: debates range from 3-10 million (not including initial diseases by settlers) Let's do some death toll math: Stalin: est ~ 5-10 million [the 20 million figure commonly cited comes from WWII casualties, can't really put that in with genocide/massacres] Mao ZeDong: 45 million INDIRECT as a result of policies. Pol-Pot: 2.5 million *Communism Total: approx ~ 60 million* Native American Genocide: 10 million Bengal Genocide: 10 million Hitler: 6 million Jews + 4 million innocent civilians like in Ukraine= 10 million Leopold of Belgium in the Congo: 10 million *Capitalism Total: approx 50 million* You can't really say that capitalistic regimes are that much better than communist ones. I concede that between 1917 and circa 1950, the world became a hell hole in the communist countries. HOWEVER, after the 1960s, you start seeing the rise of the communist powers with their standard of living. Note- I am NOT endorsing communism. I am merely criticising capitalism for it's flaws. I too do not want to live in the USSR or 1950s China. The system I am in favour of is a democratised MODERN Chinese economic model. Just imagine if China had a democratic head for a government- now wouldn't that be a great place to live in about 10 years or so given their rise. India is already doing this model, and I plan on moving back after I finish university as India has far more options for me than the USA and Canada for engineering. A strong centralised government guiding the market forces has lead to 9% growth every year, almost as much as the Chinese- yet- with a democratic model. This is the model I would love to see in the USA.
Karl Marx's idea for communism was a utopian society. The idea sounded great on paper but we've seen that it never works out in the real world leading to dystopian rather than utopian societies. It has worked on a small scale in those late 1960s hippy communes but only temporarily BUT on a larger scale it will never be what Marx envisioned. ♣
SinäLennätKuuhunEnsiViikollaApinoidenRaketillaJokaToimiiIhmisLihalla ~> No it does not but my point was that Marx was philosophically putting forth an idea which he felt would lead to an ideal utopian society. However when put into practice in the real world we've seen that after the revolution stage communism never successfully moves beyond a dictatorship stage thus never reaching the stage of a perfect society. People are not perfect and never will be so the concept of a perfect society is indeed a dream that will never come true. Besides having to force that perfect society on people by "coming to your house and taking EVERYTHING you own" makes it wrong from the beginning. People must ALL want that perfect society without any coercion vand that will never happen. For years after McCarthy/HUAC era there was a Communist party option on our election ballots and they never got anything even close to a signifigant number of votes. ♣
Utopia sounds good to who? Not me In order to have a proper Utopia, everyone would need to be the exact same. No different interests No different skills No different opinions Who wants that?
+Peter Engberg They would start crying and demand the school install a safe space for communist ideology. Or they go back and circlejerk on r/Communism. Either one.
@@fun_ghoul the definition of propaganda, and I quote, "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view." It says biased in the definition, so stfu and stop being stereotypical just because somebody was born somewhere else.
@@wingscheezit1571 You literally copy-pasted the first piece of shit Google gives when you search "propaganda", which was fail #1. Fail #2? Because yes, you failed at logic twice when you neglect to answer the most basic question: WHO WRITES THE FUCKING DICTIONARY??? Lemme know if you need anything else cleared up, arsehole.
Capitalism is about keeping the elites in power, Communism against it.. and this world is runned by greed so you can guess who is gonna be considered Evil.
Ryan Collins Communism is an economic system. It is inherently atheistic but in reality we don't give a fuck what you worship just as long as you do your part in society.
Ryan Collins btw there IS NO freedom :) Anywhere you are always controlled by people one way another. you want freedom? go make your own country or live in the wild.
Ryan Collins oh and by the way sire you have been brainwashed by the government specially if your age is 40+ :) have a good day mr brainwashed elite child murderer
@@fun_ghoul You re so delusional.I merely told you "WOKE" And you started calling me a "nazi KKKunt"...You people are insane.At the end of the day what can I expect from an internet (commie) tough boy.
actually you get a job, save enough for a degree, get the degree and then get a higher paying job which you can save up and start your enterprise. capitalism is not about starting a business at 20, retiring at 21 and rolling around in a nice car. it's about contributing to society and reaping the benefits of your work for yourself. if you got a bank loan for a liberal arts degree and are at mcdonalds on $10 an hour, that's your fault for being stupid. if you are smart you will succeed.
I am so tired of this sorry excuse for an argument against Communism. "North Korea, the Soviet Union, China were all communist, and see how free their people were?" The only thing this argument demonstrates is the utter ignorance of the user.
thiago chagas Hmm. It seems as if my comment has either been removed or hasn't been uploaded. Anyway, Communism isn't exclusive to Stalinism, Maoism or Leninism. There's Anarcho-Communism which has the working class immediately dismantle the state instead of having a select few of intellectuals or leaders be vested with the complete, unflinching obedience of the proletariat. This has been demonstrated in revolutionary Catalonia and Aragon during the Spanish civil war.
thiago chagas Anarcho-Communism is not in opposition to religion, nor is it in favour of the absence of laws or rules; the latter notion is a common misconception. "No religion = no afterlife = no consequences." It seems as if you are arguing that without the threat of eternal punishment, humans will behave as but mere brutes; they won't be driven by any compassion nor respect for their fellow man, which is complete bollocks, as atheists and science prove otherwise. "In the classic marxism, a big guy with a gun could break in to your house and say "THIS HOUSE IS MINE NOW! GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU!" The very same could happen within a society where a state is present, except it's likely that the police force will be notified and will detain the thief. Within a Libertarian Communist society, such a scenario doesn't seem likely if not possible, as often the needs of man will be met, and thus would render such acts as thievery unnecessary. "because, with out the State, it would be like nature: the strongest survives." Whence is such a notion derived? I say this because past Anarcho-Communist societies were quite the opposite. I reference revolutionary Catalonia and Aragon.
thiago chagas "the difference is that, with the police (and the State) the thief would be obligated to give the house back. Without the State the previous owner would simply be f#@$%&." Say if such a thing were to happen in an Anarchist society, sanctions would be instituted by the community upon the thief. A police force is not necessary. "not ALL humans would be like this, but surely some would. And without the police..." All humans have a capacity for empathy, compassion and decency towards one another. It is but only natural and cannot be enforced by a coercion of some sort. "BUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF MY COUNTRY, BRAZIL, DIDN'T HAVE A STATE?!" It's very likely that corporations would install another one to perpetuate their existence.
Marco Escalante Martinez I can see the headlines now: Man dies of old age capitalism to blame. Please tell me where you got your number. Be lucky you live in a capitalist western nation where your opinions and thoughts are not suppressed by the government.
@@IborAio I thought private ownership is evil, now you boast it? Silly flip-flopping commies. You fools conveniently say whatever to "make yourselves right."
I believe that in future, CAPITALISM will be revolutionised to other NEW system of government. I do not know the system of the government but soon. Everything has it's end, even capitalism.
'Preaches unitity and pits one of us against the other thru class warfare, race hatred and religious intolerance...trying to rob us of our freedom and destroy out lives':2016
"religious intolerance" They were most likely referring to Catholics, Protestants and Mormons as well as other sects of Christianity, and perhaps the Nation of Islam. Since this was before 9/11, I doubt the dangers of Islam were considered during the making of this video. It's also referring to belief, not religion itself. Islam after all, is a political system which seeks to establish an Islamic state based on Islamic doctrine that regulates what people are restricted to do, and this is where the problems begin with accepting it in Western societies. Not to mention there's always a small chance of terrorism coming with islam. Muhammad, after all, had said: "I have been made victorious with terror", and this is the perfect man Muslims are ordered to follow as an example.
Not that am against but why do people want socialism or communism in the USA. Why improve or ruin the works of other, this country has already has done a lot to be where it is and the majority like it that way. (For someone reason) But most people that support socialism/communism promote it as it being better than capitalism and can lift up the country form any problem it has. So why can't they establish it in a third world country, most third world countries are probably desperate. And people could work together to establish true communism/socialism as human beings. I don't want to hear that it work cause some analyst said so they said Hillary was gonna win and look at what happen. People probably already hate me just for questioning the concept itself.
Nathan That Guy It is because those people do not want to do the hard work that is required to make something great themselves. They support Communism and Socialism because they want what other people have as they plan to be the people that benefit from the revolution. There is a reason why Communism started in the poor nation of Russia, Karl Marx thought it should start in the rich nations. Those that support communism wants a way to steal other peoples things without looking like they are robbers. If they should try and establish a Communist state in a third world country, they first have to kick the current warlord out. Then establish a military presence to remove bandits and criminals in the jungle as well as anyone that want to remove them from power. Then they need to establish a communal society where everyone share in a country they are now occupying with force, and more. The amount of work needed is something they will not do, so they want the easy way.
+truthisnt deadyet! Are you high? Everything you said is both silly and stupid. You do know that no one is fighting harder to still have their guns then Americans right?
+truthisnt deadyet! You are literally insane. You are rambling like a madman that is not on your meds. You say "my country", but I am not American and you do not even know from where I am. You shouldn't speak as if I am American and you know that I am.
I hate how people bring up Nordic countries claiming they are Democratic socialist which they are not. There government heavy invest in social economic programs many of these program america practices. They are nowhere near the lie of democratic socialist.
@QueefCookie That is actually quite incorrect. Democratic socialists is actually true, Nordic nations are very social democratic with Sweden as a prime example. In Sweden the social democrats have for years been able to put a ribbon on a dead Labrador and throw it up on stage and win with a landslide victory. To claim Nordic nations are Socialists nations however is extremely wrong. Even if Social Democracy works in the Nordic nations it will not work in for example the US. Obama explained why. Sweden might be able to nationalize banks that gone bankrupt, sell of the assets and then sell it back to someone else because Sweden have like 5 banks. The US has like 200 banks, which means the banks had to be bailed out.
having watched this a few times I feel that this is only highlights the positives of a capitalist system..... what about those of us who find them selves unemployed... who have never worked or like me ended up out of work and can't get another job.... and all those others less fortunate people... in america you need to be a high earner to afford health care of any kind in the UK and Europe we have a free health care system but only goes so far.... the ones with power and money grow more powerful and the rich get richer... and the poor... get poorer!
A free market economy like the US only ever benefits the rich, as they're the only people who can afford good health care, doctors, lawyers, education and insurance. Not to mention if you want to be a politician. You either need to be rich, or have wealthy backers. Who'll demand favours from you in return. The reason the rich get richer is through a phenomena known as compound interest. The way to think of it is who owns the countries assets, and has money in the bank, and whose in debt? A documentary you might be interested in is "The Secret of Oz". You can type it into a UA-cam search.
The fact that they are self-unemployed, never worked a day in their lives, and are therefore without money is their own fault. If these bums would try and work hard, they would have money. The fact that you and other unfortunate people were laid off and are unable to get a new job is not your fault. It is the government's fault. They tried Socialism on the economy. They promised that under their control, the industries which you and other people were under would flourish. This required tax dollars to fund. That caused the prices of everything your industry purchased to go up. Your boss eventually could not pay you. As far as who would take care of these people... the local churches. It is their God-given responsibility, as listed in the Bible, to care for the widows, the fatherless, and the needy/poor of this world.
Nathan Applegate You are easy at your rethoric, but what about situation when you get paid, and almost all your money goes to payoff taxes, food, bills, healthcare, education and some crappy Chineese TV.
That is the result of an irresponsible government who is trying to get us to rely on them. In that case, they are trying to replace our capitalism with Socialism, if not communism.
Products of this propaganda and inhumane brainwashing coming here and screaming about how it is not a propaganda and it tells the truth! Pitiful, disgusting and shocking.
I love how they use "Ism" as a reference to communism when capital-ISM is totally a thing. Let's get one thing straight- communism is impractical because of the potential for the abuse of power, but it is not an ideology which contradicts freedom. Freedom is completely independent of economic ideologies. Likewise, if America were to have complete unregulated capitalism we would become an autocracy due to an increasing wealth gap. The constitution would mean absolutely nothing if the government is bought out by the rich. For a healthy, successful nation- we the people must promote democracy and individual rights while implementing economic policies that benefit the people. This can only be achieved by implementing social policies which balance out capital policies, thereby giving opportunities to the poor while allowing the wealthy to invest. So no, communism is not completely evil; it has many legitimate viewpoints. But it must be balanced with free trade and capital gain. An increase of social policies is needed now more than ever since technology is replacing menial jobs. Higher education is absolutely necessary for the people to pursue careers, and it is for this reason higher education must be free through the implementation of socialistic policies.
+joemalola That entirely depends on what you define as freedom. For example, it has long been believed by several philosophers and politicians, such as John Locke and Alexander de Toqueville, that freedom, at least political freedom, absolutely depends on the right to private property- which communism strictly prohibits.
+Vosian Excellent point, I guess we should distinguish the difference between personal freedoms and economic freedoms. Communism does contradict economic freedoms which can decrease the morale of the general populous, and that is very impractical.
I'd like to bring up another point, though, with that being anarcho-communism. In an anarcho-communistic system you would most certainly have rights to PERSONAL property (which is defined as movable possessions that one uses). Even in a system like Mutualism (which states that workers have the right to the sum of their productivity, and advocates worker control of the means of production) property is respected; Mutualism is even more lenient, stating that things that you personally USE on a very frequent basis belong to you (but that things which are not being used should be collectivized so that others might find use out of it, which is in itself more efficient as it leads to resources being used at their maximum potential). In addition to this, in these anarchic styles of government there would be a DIRECT democracy (with lean towards a consensus democracy, though such a thing would be impossible as nothing would be resolved, so majority/super-majority/consensus based on issue would be the norm); a system like gives an individual significantly more freedom. People use the word Communism to describe the statist form without even considering its closely related cousin of anarchism. These systems have fewer examples but generally work well and lead to a happy populace (though they are prone to being conquered by larger groups - the Free Territory was crushed by the Bolsheviks, the Spanish Anarchists fell to a combination of Fascists, state communists, and capitalist embargoes) in which people can realize their individual potential, and in doing so contribute their best to society. Kropotkin took note that in a moneyless system everyone would contribute still, as it would contribute to their gratification and respect within their community. Even the richest members of society who do not even have to work to sustain themselves in today's capitalistic society often contribute to their community in some way simply because it is gratifying. A modern libertarian socialist government today would be Rojava (Western Kurdistan), which has a constitution strongly based on gender equality, ecological and egalitarian principles; they educate their police on feminist theory and equality of genders before allowing them weapons and they have two military groups, one of which is made up entirely of women who are given leadership positions and equal placement to men in their society. In a way, those women stand as harbingers of a new idea in the Middle East: of women as equals, as well as promoting the solidarity and unity of these people altogether, liberating villages from the grip of the terrorists.
Socialism balanced with free trade is called Democratic Socialism, or Socialdemocratic system: there is free trade, BUT the State has to control various things in the society, in order to not create social and economic gap. It's what has made Sweden a better nation during the past decades. Your comment is very kind and peaceful, but, as you can see, in this thread everyone is right-wing oriented and knows only to stereotype Communism and Socialism.
That communist guy is pretty skinny for some reason
you could say the same for food banks, but let's just conveniently ignore those amirite ancap?
Because of the hunger in the communist countries
chunificationify then how come Cuba is the only country without child malnutrition and the US has 17 million starving children
Ian Escalante propaganda, by the way how do you explain that lots of people flee from Cuba and not to Cuba, and people go to USA
Ian Escalante is ur stomach hungry??
240p, we meet again...
@Hoi19448239345 in true soviet russia 240p is HD Here you get everything from LADA over the east german wartburg to the soviet tanks
There are also free gulags to live in
Well it’s a cartoon from the 50 so it’s passable
Better than Soviet Russia at the time, they only had 1p, and even that one could have only emitted red light.
@@yoavmor9002 go to gulag
"They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work."
- Unnamed USSR factory worker.
Acesahn pretty sure I saw that in a Tom Clancy novel somewhere. Not sure if that's where it originated, but it's still pretty funny
Funny, but does not connect with reality.
@Zaxio 005 Me laughing on top of my store rooftop while shooting looters>communism
@Zaxio 005 Laughs when you get thrown in gulag yourself
@Zaxio 005 your right
This videos comment section
25% People who were interested
25% Communists
25% People complaining about communists
25% Meme makers
.000001 Sionism
@@subssinvideo-qi8mi That's like every Wikipedia article, too.
I’m meme maker and someone who looks for memes
Im the 25 percent
"race hatred or religious intolerance" race hatred. This was back in 1948
"Every American was racist. There is no other opinion that existed at that time."
You do realise that this was made by college students, right? One of the leading groups of the Civil Rights movement was in fact college students. They even had a major organisation called the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC for short).
Joaquín Guzmán Loera This was against Fascism and Communism
GreenJacketCS no not everyone was racist. If you think that and that blacks won civil rights on their own then you’re really ignorant
The Colleges that made the SNCC and this video were in different states. The SNCC was in Shaw university of North Carolina and Harding University leaders in Arkansas supported segregation.
@ Gryffin DarkBreed
Oh my, now you guys don't even bother comming up with poor analogies anymore. They weren't hated, what a joke.. they couldn't even go to the same bathroom that you did, they were killed trying to register for vote, they had to go to different schools and public places so white people wouldn't have to face them. Fuck white people.
“You dear farmer just won a one way ticket to gulag land” Josef Stalin
As if you took the words right out of my mouth.
More likely to colhose, where "Our life is now easier, our life is now happier!"
^Three little pigs^
@@josephstalin7995 you stopped sending people to the gulag in 1953
If freedom is so great then why did my wife leave me? Explain that obama
yeah explain that, obama!
maybe you should study that awhile pal
We want answers, Obama!
Thanks, obama
Because she was free to leave you. If she was under a dictatorship she wouldn´t be allowed to do that.
_"Where's your warrant, flatfoot?"_
They cut away before the cops hit him with the Taser.
Better being tazed then disappearing one night to never be found again just because you said the party leader is an idiot a little to loud so your child heard it.
@@fun_ghoul Which barely ever happens, as most black people shot in those videos had warrents or had commited crimes and didn't comply..
Traditional European Lap up the lies and misinformation idiot. You’re a pawn of the media.
Traditional European
Yes. Call the people who go out risking life and limb every day to enforce the law and keep the peace pigs because a few black people resisted arrest and got themselves killed for it. I could bring up the statistics on black on black homicide or about how out of all the people killed by cops, 51% are white and only 26% are black (still horrible numbers either way) but I figure you’d just ignore them or call me a nazi or something because these don’t fit your world view. Go race bait somewhere else you pathetic excuse for a human being.
@@ethpling165 I'm not from Europe, idiot. You're not even an expert on the English language, or you'd fucking well know that.
judging from the comments the only thing communists make is salt
The commies get red with anger
Thing with jamil SALT
In soviet russia, salt makes you.
I like salt
It not salt! it sodium!
dammit america you really used to be an advanced wealthy country standing strong against communism, and other extremists ... what happened?
extremists on both ends, actually.
I say 9/11 was the first step at where it went wrong.
pretty much all that at once. NWO's on the rise, not only in the US. (no evil nazi-commie illuminati from outer space involved here, just get the big picture.)
just look at how the mentalities changed the past 5, 6 years. SJWs and their cultural marxism, delocalization, destruction of values that granted to all an equal treatment and freedom from religion, and I'm telling that from an european's point of view. from what i saw the US is getting close to the same situation or worse ( just hope for you Trump's gonna make it)
sure the EU does a lot for corporations, but that doesn't means it's really a capitalist, free market - it's socialism, when any private company gets money from the government, when the media are all under control of a few supergiants, giving no choice for the population being dumbed-down, it's the next step, it's not liberalism, it's the complete base of communism.
Jews happened
Communism, the poster child for "It sounded good on paper"
The problem is that those instructions can never be followed. Ignoring the facts that communism bankrupts countries and its impossible to be totally equal, in order for communism to properly work it requires for all involved to be selfless and honest... Qualities that most human beings lack, to say nothing of your average politician.
***** Two words: Soviet Union.
Then again most humans lack things humans should have, that is why so many politicians are like that. Also: "Western" politician? Since when are the politicians of different countries any different?
+Der Fruchttee Western means western culture. There are plenty of places all around the world that can be called western, such as islands in the Caribbean, certain parts in South America, Australia and New Zealand.
To every economics class, the "free market" is a much better candidate for that title
Acka cultural appropriation
Doesn’t really seem anti-communist, just pro-freedom. It was even honest about some flaws in the system.
Ivy Bones Yeah if capitalism was a person, they would be an all-around nice dude that has some flaws but understands that and is great to hang out with. Communism is the guy spreading bullshit lies to everyone and sees himself as perfect, although he's far from it.
@@nein9082 ligma balls
@@nein9082 fr? So capitalists are the good guys and communists are the bad guys. Sounds like a fairy tale tbh. Also sounds like bullshit propaganda
Greyson of Leeward I don’t know if you live in a communist shithole and are just saying that so you won’t get shot.
not propaganda if it is true
it's propaganda though, even you fell for it lol
Which ideology directly caused 100 million deaths again?
video are you gAY
Jeremy Er democracy
What? The Car was invented 1886 in Germany..
Propaganda. Always. Lies.
yhea but he made a better cheaper one
thegaming imp okaay
Henry Ford invented the mass production line of cars.
Hardocore America industrialized IT and made it profitable. Also this cartoon wasn't made for accuracy
Came here for comments, was not disappointed.
Der Hitler Parodies I know I'm commenting like 2 months later, but just came to say it hurts to read. Like most of these people literally ate the propaganda from this video and don't even know it.
Cthulhu's grandson I know, even when it’s labeled propaganda. Those people probably think that everyone wants to come to the US because it’s not communist or socialist and no one wants to leave and that anyone who doesn’t love the US is a communist. I once heard someone say that “Everyone loves the USA and that’s the objective truth.”
I really want to think all of the "Communism = starvation, Communism = Fascism in another name or Communism is the definition of Death and suffer are just all memes... But no... These people are really thinking that way.
I wonder what does the natives have to say about American buying their land outright, or the Indian people have anything to say about everyone they know and love either get conscripted or killed by Capitalist Britain during Raj time.
It isn't the ideology that drives them to do that, it was the political situation.
sntrt what do you mean communist isnt equal starvation ave yozu stvupid me tocher to.d me tha conumism magje eegjmdrvody hungary and die soooooooqoooo donnnnt you toleke to mein Mein becueseq I wil re1ock zouiyr shiot miooon, moin toche old me so 1jiknow sigf
Hey all you seemingly pro Communism people, go live in a communist country first before you try to ruin America; then decide.
Oh sorry, it's not that I'm trying to get you killed, just trying not to get everyone killed is all.
Propaganda: information used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
Political correctness: elevation of feelings over facts, "the truth doesn't matter because I feel this way"
While communism may sound great in theory in practice it creates a horrifying dystopia. Under capitalism you have the freedom to support communism. Under communism you would have no freedom to support capitalism.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Tyler Thomas are u really so stupid? The leaders destroyed it. Communism is perfect but humans arent
prove it
TheGopnik taking money away from hard working people is good to you
Un-Ironic Productions 😂. Tell this a african, indian,chinese, and so on kid. U take the money for a better life than they have. Communism gives everyone equal chances rights and so on
TheGopnik China is communist what are on about. It is equal but it doesn't give opportunities.
3:09 It's like modern America is speaking in third person.
Just a random Canadian passing through in 2017
Penny4Life commie bitch
Marcel Huchwajda you can read....
Marcel Huchwajda yeah and ?
Marcel Huchwajda because of what she said....why the fuck is she even here to begin with?....(-_-)
Marcel Huchwajda and plus why the fuck do you care?
It's not just anti-communist. It's anti-fascist and other extremist political ideologies.
Extremes meet, all aimed at stopping the civil liberties of the people in the name of something, the State, the Church, other people (the common good). It's very important to value the Freedom that even allows the free expression of those who don't value it.
I write from Venezuela, a country with a neo-communist regime since 1999, fighting for Freedom.
+Fredfredbug4 Well, Mussolini himself admitted once that his Fascist ideology, which would also later inspire the Nazi ideology, was based into Socialism ideas (something lefties are too butthurt sometimes to admit)
Kam -zdov True, but still the point of the video was to warn americans that no matter what these extremist views promise them, they'll find that it's never worth the trade.
+Fredfredbug4 Fascism is an extremely successful ideology. Germany under the NSDAP took on the whole world, and nearly won. They were a broken country after WWI, but the NSDAP turned them into an economic powerhouse.;
UristMcDJ successful yes moral or just no
It’s not just anti-communism, it’s anti-statism, or any ideology that’s seeks to restrict freedom through radical means.
For your info: Radicalism is anything too far on either side. Anarchy is radicalism.
Santacruiser Good point
@@santacruiser2214 _"Radicalism is anything too far on either side."_
That's not what that means, clod. Moreover, centrism is the exact thing that has brought us where we are now. If you have complaints, bring them to your centrist overlords and STFU about commies!
Are you sure? I'm fairly certain that the notion that we should stray from authoritarian extremes and strike a balance which allows for a relatively stable and liberal society wasn't what brought us to where we are - the slow and insidious subversion of the West by leftist authoritarians might have more to do with it.
But hey, the way you answer leftist subversion and authoritarianism isn't through liberalism or a strong conviction to preserve freedom and democracy it's by swinging in opposite direction entirely and adopting the exact same stances and beliefs and the exact same hatred of Western society except in favor of someone else's, branded "right wing", authoritarianism.
Clearly the way to preserve Western civilization is to burn it down and erect concrete monoliths to the erectile dysfunction of fat bastards and the sort of twitchy slimes that couch their hatred of our societies through faux nationalism and extreme identitarianism. Don't be a sucker!
@@The_Crimson_Fucker Leftists literally can't be authoritarian, kncuklehead. Nice word salad, tho.
Communists: Before complaining, ask yourselves how Communist states treat dissent...
Commenting about communism: Before commenting on communism make shure that you know something about the subject...
haha you can't criticise communism you know nothing about TRUE communsim. - Every communist ever.
Is sending to gulags parasites who earn ten times what common folk earn without actually doing anything, or people who give moral support to these people, really a bad thing?
Canale con le cose belle
I don't think that's a productive argument to be making. Communism fails because in all forms it tries to make everyone equal though it rejects the notion that in it's proposed system there is any way for people to figure out how to exploit it. These exploiters (though it seems to me usually they're almost accidental anyway) will arise in almost every system and then create the new burgoise that claim to be equal though more equal, see Animal Farm.
Point made, you don't have to read the rest, it's to argue against those morons who will inevitably claim democracy is literally fascism.
The only reason democracy works because it strips power away from individuals and requires multiple people to pass legislation off different standpoints, this is why the current leading party in any democracy can't just pass any legislation they desire, I'm sure the US would have no guns and be at war with China or some shit by now if it worked as communist thought it does (Communist never actually know how legislation is passed in any democracy, funny that).
>Communism fails because in all forms it tries to make everyone equal
Yeah, no. The difference in quality of people is an eternal truth of life and no communist has ever tried to change this.
What socialist countries attempted to do was give the same chances of development to everyone, but of course it was already known that some would remain in one place and some would rise higher.
People are different, everyone knows this and nobody wants to change this, it's equal opportunities that we wanted to give.
Thus we eliminated the boss from the chain of command in the workplace, making the means of production collectively owned and managed, and we made politics accessible to all those genuinely interested by estabilishing mass parties in which people could make a career. I suggest you to look at the numbers of members parties the communist parties had in the USSR and the number of people the modern Chinese Communist Party has, we're talking of millions, in the dozens of millions.
>These exploiters (though it seems to me usually they're almost accidental anyway)
There's nothing accidental in the position of the boss as exploiter, it's essentially desired. If he wouldn't want to be an exploiter, the boss would renounce to his higher wages there and now, and go to work in the factory like everyone else. He would also cease taking the products of other people's labour as his own, to sell as his own and paying the labourer the meagre compensation that we call "wage".
There is thievery in this system, and not just derivate one but intrinsic one as well.
>will arise in almost every system and then create the new burgoise that claim to be equal though more equal, see Animal Farm
Animal Farm, like 1984, was essentially a piece of propaganda against so-called "stalinism", and addressing it is fairly easy if you know how the USSR works.
The bourgeoise class that was present in the USSR was the kulak and it was short-lived. As soon as the government attempted to collectivize the farms that these parasites theoretically owned but didn't even work, they starved their own country to death by burning the crops, killing the cattle and destroying the machinery. Of course Stalin dealt with these destructively selfish people. And that's the history of the bourgeoise class in the USSR.
>The only reason democracy works because it strips power away from individuals and requires multiple people to pass legislation off different standpoints
Except it doesn't, not the modern liberal one at least.
Liberal democracy is theoretically founded on popular election of their own representatives in a parliament and, eventually, in a government cabinet, but since it requires all citizens to go to the voting booths every what? 5 years? depending on the country, even those who are not interested, eventually a situation will develop in which people don't even care anymore about the mass rite they have to commit every few years, and that's how turnouts go below even 50%.
It's also hard to speak of "different viewpoints" since, eventually, the system, in an attempt to "protect itself from authoritarian turns" will essentially exclude from public life every party that doesn't fits to the liberal program, whether it is right wing or left wing, and because parties will attempt to cater to the highest amount of voters possibile rather than a certain demographic, they will dilute their programs more and more until nothing remains but the classical big tent liberalism. The political system will fossilize itself on a two, three party system at best, in which the parties all have similar programs and ideologies and people genuinely see no difference at all between the parties and their candidates. Participation in the "democratic" process goes to an all time low, and, eventually, dictators ascend, because since politicians have no different program to offer from the others, they will focus their electoral campaigns on their personalities. This is one thing that stupid bloke of Plato understood very well.
All of this without enlarging the sheer size of this essay by talking about the sheer, open corruption in which the liberal democratic system falls into, eventually.
Capitalism and "democracy" (the brackets are mandatory because liberal democracy has very little democratic elements in it, despite its best attempts) represent the agony of the state, and the agony of the state represents the agony of the people.
"And dad relaxing"
**dad is spazzing out**
Hard to believe this came from a college.
Michael Gebhart this made me laugh
I know, it's such a communist breeding ground these days. It's really sad.
fuck liberals god bless America
you should see what comes out of colleges now.
haha what the heck, it worked! :D those propaganda people were pure geniuses
"when anybody preaches disunity, tries to pit one of us against the others through class warfare, race hatred or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives" ... Still true today
Sounds like a warning against Trump.
It matches the internet very perfectly NGL
I can never go to these videos without seeing one bad thing in the comment section. This happened in the 40s, how many of you were actually around during then?
*D O N T T H R O W T H O S E B O T T L E S ! ! !*
Pretty neat to see in the first bit the whole “Classrooms full of different ethnicities” bit, way ahead of its time
I think this was intended to be against fascism and communism.
For example race hatred wasnt necessarily something communists did
That’s funny, because gipsys, jews, Indians were all killed.
This was just against communism because of the moment, they were in the Cold War against the USSR (the commie super power) the US in fact installed some fascist regimes to overthrow the communist in some countries such as the regiment of augusto Pinochet in Chile
wrong. Stalin order the killing of Jews as well.
At best, in the past, but modern ones most certainly do.
Look up the Aardakh, and the Kamlyk and Tatar Massacres. There was plenty of race hatred in Communist run nations.
This may be labeled as propaganda but the parts about “The state is the Supreme Court” and “no more private property” and the part where that guy has a record player on his head is true
I don't think Soviets wore phonographs as helmets...
"is true" yes, but this is not communism, just look around :-)
a lot of Americans in the comments seem to forget they dont even live in a Democracy but a Republic.
Well, sort of. The States we live in are demercratic, and those states are members of a republic.
Constitutional union of democratic states
Nathan Tucker it's really an oligarchy
Nathan Tucker A republic is better than a democracy
Nathan Tucker You live in a Republic now that Trump is president.
A popular soviet joke back then:
“-Ryabinovich why do you have so much money if we’re going to communism?
-What do you mean ‘why’ it’s for a return trip”
P.S. I tried my best in translating
Irony being a lot of these things also happen with *capital - ISM*. Instead of the government shackling farmers, it's Monsanto and other huge agribusiness, instead of union workers being forced to work, they're just unemployed while people in China do their jobs for nickels (under horrible conditions too), "management" just got cleaned out when the fed tampered with the dollar and the politician is just toeing the line.
3.2k comrades disliked
are you a comrade?
3.2k ppl are band kiddos
4.8k now lol
Fuck the commies
maybe in the 50-60's but now everything is gone to hell.
True, but I admire what has been achieved even if for a brief period of time. I empathize a lot with those ideals it's a pity that they have been warped around meaningless profit seeking. There is something wrong with the way that we (as a species) manage economy, the obvious one is private banks, but probably there may be something intrinsically wrong with currency: I'm not sure if, even with a perfectly stable currency, having a universal item of exchange is the right way to go.
I'd like to see what would happen if we reverted back to bartering and maybe take it from there again by trying something new.
Yeah but i prefer this annoying capitalist system to North Korea and Cuba. The US is like a mother to me, even if that mother has some issues.
Marcos Ortega I agree, though not being a US citizen I admire its achievements and I consider it the most advanced system in the world. There will always be issues, as long as people are free to improve on said issues there will always be a chance for development and that's what I recon being most important during this century.
all because Reagan let U.S. companies manufacture in china
+Marcos Ortega lol thats evry mother
1:31 ***Gillette ad intensifies***
You're a fucking idiot
@@spencerjames9417 had you ever heard of memes dumbass
And all these pros of capitalism is not about United States anymore. It converted into parody of capitalism. Illusion of freedom instead of freedom.
+clouster75 I live in the U.S. and I'm free. How the hell is it illusion of freedom? Explain.
I'm not a slave; I have no debt. Unlike you, I don't have victim mentality. No one is holding you back. No one is stopping you from achieving success in America, except yourself.
+kkevin369 You're a little lost, son. I can smell your daddy's money on you.
+clouster75 tough to be a capitalist state when you have every tenet of the '10 planks of communism' at work in your nation. Privately owned central bank and a national, graduated, income tax are straight out of the communist manifesto and two of the most insidious evils in the west. Wake up, America. Oh wait - it's too late already
+clouster75 America has truly devolved into a Oppressed Plutocracy
I would like to point out that the guy vouching for capitalism was sleeping on a bench with a newspaper that had the headline of
Things must be going so well in his capitalistic society :D
Like the fellow sleeping on the bench said, a capitalist society isn't perfect, but in spite of that its far and away preferable to any of the alternatives. Whatever problems that do exist in a capitalism are NOTHING compared to problems that come from living in a Communist society. I don't know about you, but I'll take strikes, riots, and inflation over a totalitarian government, mass starvation, and death camps any day.
For all you people that still think Communism is so great you should try it. 7:00
Bees Knees people have, and people have gone to space bc of it, people received free education, medication and housing. people had the chance to pursue anything they wanted without the fear of debt (which plagues the US), hunger, and homelessness (also a problem in the US and various other world wide nations).
Ivan Sirko first which country? a failing Soviet Republic due to reactionary market reforms? second the US prison system is shit, the more people they lock up they more money porky gets, and then are used as slaves within the private prisons getting paid absolutely nothing. and we're told they deserve it. and that isn't the "goofy capitalism" that's capitalism working as intended.
Ivan Sirko the key words are 'corrupt officials', the USSR was very well catching up to western powers and, if they were to maintain a straight economic line (not deviating like they did), would of out did the capitalist system.
and the US intervened in almost every socialist nation directly through war.
Korean War 1950-53
Lebanon Crisis 1958
Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba 1961
Simba Rebellion 1964
Vietnam War 1965-75
Communist Insurgency in Thailand 1965-83
Multinational Force in Lebanon 1982-1984
Invasion of Grenada 1983
Or through having the CIA perform a government change:
The 1953 Iranian coup d'état where the US overthrew a democratically elected socialist (Mohammad Mosaddegh) in favour of an authoritarian dictator (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi).
The 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état where the US overthrew a democratically elected social democrat (Jacobo Árbenz) in favour of an authoritarian dictator (Carlos Castillo Armas).
The 1973 Chilean coup d'état where the US overthrew a democratically elected socialist (Salvador Allende) in favour of a totalitarian fascist dictator (Augusto Pinochet who went on to kill over 3000 people, torture 30,000 people, and put 80,000 people in concentration camps).
The 1991 Haitian coup d'état where the US overthrew a democratically elected social democrat (Jean-Bertrand Aristide), who is widely believed to have been the winner of the first honest election in Haiti, in favour of an authoritarian dictator (Raoul Cédras).
And keep in mind that the above is only a list of successful regime changes by the CIA against socialist nations.
Ivan Sirko most of them did become state capitalist, the only nation that has a communist party leading the nation and is not a form of capitalism is Cuba. but dude, China's gone to the shitter after maoist policies were removed, the Chinese even said themselves the economy would grow faster with those policies. plus there's the foreign exploitation of the Chinese people.
but during the Stalin period, very few officials were corrupt, and those that were,were dealt with by the central committee, corruption only grew after Stalin died, Yeltsin/Gorbachev reforming the markets, etc. it was corruption that killed the USSR, not socialism.
Ivan Sirko mein gott, uk.businessinsider.com/study-suggests-china-growth-if-mao-era-policies-were-brought-back-2015-8
corruption only exists if you allow it to exist, and don't give me the "muh human nature" bullshit, Castro, Lenin, Thomas Sankara (this guy most of all), Gaddafi,Stalin,etc weren't corrupt.
in Neolithic times there was no currency, no concept of culture, etc,etc and yet they still forwarded human and societal developed, without reward, if anything, communism represents human nature perfectly. but note human nature is a sheet of plastic, it changes according to the conditions/situations we face, the idea that human nation hasn't changed at all since we were cavemen to tribes to feudal system to the current capitalist system is stupid.
Who lived in one communist country knows this is no propaganda but quite truth :(
Idiot. You were 2 when communism fell. Fuck you.
The USSR fell in 1991 tho
@@sovietpineapple7938 Sorry arsehole, what exactly is the point you're trying to make? It's true, the dude looks a little old for 30...so maybe 50. IOW, he got all his education for free, and now he's spent more than half his life getting rich off of it, despite not paying for it and leaving Romania.
And what was your point? Your comment is nothing more than baseless assumptions serving as a feeble attempt to defend a failed ideology that's killed millions.
@@sovietpineapple7938 "Failed ideology", says the defender of a system that throws away 40% of the world's food so the capitalists who sell food can make more money, the same which prioritizes quarterly profits over survival in 100 years, the one that only values one thing (money) over all else. Really, bitch?
Lol, this is from 1948 and there was an integrated classroom. HAHAHAHA!!!!
+James Russell Yes, we had many racial problems in the United States, and the various state spokesmen of the Soviet Union told an alluring siren that claimed communism did not. It was mostly true, as most had been killed or relocated to less problematic locations; principally the Jewish and foreigners. For all of the rhetoric against the holocaust the Soviet Union killed far more Jews, intellectuals, and religious people than Hitler ever could pull off.
+James Russell Legal segregation in the 40's was only law in the Southern states. While a bit rose-tinted, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility for races to get along in parts of the United States back then.
+Vosian Getting along and having intigrated classrooms are two very different things. I'm not certain, it is quite possible they existed in the north, but it was very uncommon in general.
Shit,I wrote the same conment above.But it is a good thing someone else realized it
"Most has been killed or relocated" WAT?
Srsly, perhaps it's time to stop believing every single piece of cold-war propaganda BS?
Hope you see this comment before it is too late, just make sure you wear hazmat suit when you explore the comment section.
Thanks, dude!
Bae: Come over!
Me: I'm busy, maybe later?
Bae: I'm home alone!
Me: 4:51
The ism they never talk about is capitalism. Not a communist, but notice how not a single politician or news anchor even questions capitalism slightly?
This сartoon is just a super!..
as the former Soviet talking about this openly and honestly..
Ага... фани
@@Elio_Kyfe if only fanny Kaplan was a better shot
I thought this was going to be nonsense, but it actually all makes sense. Commies' only get support through envy. "When someone has more money than me, they're evil!" *(Leninism)* "When someone has a different skin color, and are more successful, they're evil!" *(Cultural Marxism)*
Don't you see, you can't replace solidarity with socialism, it will all end in suffering and horror. The only people who have done it right are the Cubans, and they bred communism with *nationalism*, which ensured their solidarity. They weren't fighting each other, they were fighting foreigners.
Don't fall for divide and conquer my friends, whatever your opinion in economics, do not turn against your countrymen! Only together we are strong, and only together we can prevent the elite from controlling us all.
Even in Cuba, people still live in great poverty. Communism has not allowed them to make any progress.
On a global scale though, and compared to any other commie nation, they did damn well. Even with the whole embargo thing.
And the elite controlling you is a tyrant communist
***** i agree mostly with you on your original comment. Except about cuba. Ive research it and that country is terrible
It is? That's odd, from what they taught us it has a economy that isn't too bad and good education.
"Freedom of speech, and to peaceably assemble." What, like the civil rights activists who routinely got their heads cracked in and hosed down with water just for trying to have the right not to be forced to drink out of a sub par water fountain and pick what section of the bus they got to sit on, what movie theaters they could go in, who they could date and marry, and what schools they were allowed to go?
Sounds like a good rap
_"When anybody preaches disunity and tries to put one of us against the other through class warfare, race hatred or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives."_
its funny how people of different race got along better back then than they do now.
Sure, slavery and segregation were communist propaganda, weren't they? Dumb ass Americans.
This makes no sense lmao
And we know what to do about it!
i see that quote hasn't worked very well today
Try talking to any former soviet citizen about how awesome The USSR was, They would probably kick you in the balls.
Actually,I have.I have 5 friends from the USSR and they all wanted socialism back.It only became unequal when the revisionists gained power,brought back the profit motive,and messed up the communist cause.
Comrade Jakendad
The way I see it - the poor should stop working for a day.
That alone would make Capitalism collapse.
And its only a day so it won't be hard for the poor. the hard part would be to unite them.
try talking to any South American, African or Middle Eastern about how great America and capitalism has been ...... they will kick you in the balls
They feed chicken to prisoners? I don't believe you....
America has the harshest prisons in the world...
This is wrong!! Cars were invented in germany.
fedee but still
fedee no they were invented in France
Yes, but they are just using an example. Basically what they're saying is "Thanks to freedom we can have our own opinions, we can create what we want to, and do what we want without being controlled by the state."
Thank you.
He’s talking about the model T(Ford).
The means of production belong to the working class, and the fall of capitalism is near.
List of dictatorships supported by the United States:
Latin America:
1. Porfirio Díaz (Mexico) (1876-1911)
2. Institutional Revolutionary Party (Mexico) (1929-2000)
3. Juan Vicente Gómez (Venezuela) (1908-35)
4. Manuel Estrada Cabrera (Guatemala) (1898-1920)
5. Jorge Ubico (Guatemala) (1931-44)
6. Fulgencio Batista (Cuba) (1952-59)
7. Rafael Trujillo (Dominican Republic) (1930-61)
8. Efraín Ríos Montt and the rest of the military junta in Guatemala (1954-86)
9. Revolutionary Government Junta of El Salvador (1979-82)
10. Hugo Banzer (Bolivia) (1971-78)
11. National Reorganization Process (Argentina) (1976-83)
12. Brazilian military government (1964-85)
13. Somoza family (Nicaragua) (1936-79)
14. François Duvalier (Haiti) (1957-71)
15. Jean-Claude Duvalier (Haiti) (1971-86)
16. Omar Torrijos (Panama) (1968-81)
17. Manuel Noriega (Panama) (1983-89)
18. Alfredo Stroessner (Paraguay) (1954-89)
19. Augusto Pinochet (Chile) (1973-90)
1. Syngman Rhee (South Korea) (1948-60)
2. Park Chung-hee (South Korea) (1961-79)
3. Chun Doo-Hwan (South Korea) (1979-88)
4. Ngo Dinh Diem (South Vietnam) (1955-63)
5. Lon Nol (Cambodia) (1970-75)
6. Yahya Khan (Pakistan) (1971)
7. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Iran) (1941-79)
8. Ferdinand Marcos (Philippines) (1965-86)
9. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (Pakistan) (1978-88)
10. Saddam Hussein (Iraq) (1982-90)
11. Suharto (Indonesia) (1967-98)
12. Truong Tan Sang (Vietnam) (2011-present)
13. Islam Karimov (Uzbekistan) (1990-present)
14. Pervez Musharraf (Pakistan) (1999-2008)
15. Ali Abdullah Saleh (Yemen) (1990-2012)
16. Emomalii Rahmon (Tajikistan) (1994-present)
17. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow (Turkmenistan) (2006-present)
18. House of Saud (Saudi Arabia) (1945-present)
19. Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (Bahrain) (1999-present)
20. Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (Qatar) (1995-2013)
21. Qaboos bin Said al Said (Oman)
22. Hashemite Dynasty (Jordan) (1951-present)
23. United Arab Emirates (1994-present)
1. King Hassan II, predecessors and successors (Morocco) (1777-present)
2. Gaafar Nimeiry (Sudan) (1969-85)
3. Samuel Doe (Liberia) (1980-90)
4. Apartheid South Africa (1948-94)
5. Meles Zenawi (Ethiopia) (1991-2012)
6. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo (Equatorial Guinea) (1979-present)
7. Mobutu Sese Seko (Democratic Republic of the Congo) (1965-97)
8. Hissène Habré (Chad) (1982-90)
9. Hosni Mubarak (Egypt) (1981-2011)
10. Idriss Déby (Chad) (1990-present)
11. Yoweri Museveni (Uganda) (1986-present)
12. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (Tunisia) (1987-2010)
13. Paul Kagame (Rwanda) (2000-present)
1. Francisco Franco (Francoist Spain) (1936-75).
2. Greek military junta (1967-74)
3. António de Oliveira Salazar (Portugal) (1932-74)
4. Turkish military junta (Turkey) (1980-91)
Man I sure am glad that 'Murica stopped them dangerous communists.
i'm pretty sure they don't play this in public school's anymore, i think it's safe to say they want the kids to buy the "ism"
Sad but true
@@patrickcampbell2955 Yeeaaah
“When anybody preaches disunity, tries to tip one of us against the other trough class warfare, race hatred or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives”
Old wisdom is applicable nowadays for different circumstances… think about it.
Scary, just look where we are now.
Thanks for the cartoon, I enjoyed it. Also it helped me to put some pieces in my puzzle about US culture.
P.S.: I was born in 1980 in the USSR (the Soviet Union) and nowadays I live in Russia. I can reassure you, that this cartoon is completely 100% propaganda, though the Soviet Union had its own bad and negative sides, just like any country, culture or custom in the word, but the cartoon is far away from any of them.
And about the Soviet Union itself, it was a period of my childhood and I was really happy that time.
P.P.S.: Communism as an economic theory (and it is) has nothing common with the USSR (the Soviet Union always was a socialist country and a communism always was a final destination).
Thanks once again and have fan.
I'm from Hong Kong and neither communist nor fascist, but I still need to say Americans should be thanksgiving for his/her country. Americans are having the largest average income, and enjoying low commodity price, house price and the richest material life in the world. In America, even a average citizen are richer than majority of average civilians in many Asian country if consider commodity price and house price. In Asia, many countries are still dominated by totalitarian and corrupted gov, many people still suffer from high rent price and high commodity price. Majority of people in Asia work hard most for his/her life, but still cannot buy house and feed him-/herself by his/her own because of unpatriotic greedy corrupted government, developer hegemony and real estate flippers. Rich material life? Sorry, no joking in today's Asia.
Americans do not have the highest incomes. They don't even make the top 10.
"Rich" doesn't automatically mean "happy". And it's happiness, that everyone craves for. Money is just the way to it. Doesn't always work, though.
"free to do the job you like" *showing a worker* Oh dear so ironic
GAm a ignores the fact that it wasn't the Government who gave the worker that job
He could quit if he wanted to.
Please, Kill me. And do another job instead of being stuck doing the same job every day
This cartoon is over 70 years old, and it has never been more relevant to today's society!
You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain.
Flawless Binary villain and hero should be swapped around if you want to have it apply to the real world.
> communism kills around 100 million people directly
> capitalism lets people live freely, but is still flawed (not as flawed as communism)
> ‘communism is very nice, capitalism bad’
Yeah some of us consume too much freedom so as a consequence we die
@@anthonydominguez1576 Your brain cells have died, so...maybe you're consuming _something_ that kills them?
@@fun_ghoul I'm not even offended, since I know dam well that I am very smart.
@@anthonydominguez1576 You ---> ua-cam.com/video/ZVA-Bx4rNc0/v-deo.html
Yeah yeah freedom is cool. (Just when they feel like it)
It's not like they started funding dictatorships all around the globe or anything
you mean The Soviet Union right? Ummm what was Che doing in Bolivia?? What were all those guerrillas doing in other countries? What did they do in Africa, Afghanistan ? ???? NAh, evol USA lol
Nicaraguan and Colombian genocides
Every single dictator in South Korea until 1980 (death toll: approx 500,000 total)
Argentinians dictatorships
Chilean fascist dictatorships
Under British capitalism:
Bengalian Genocide of 1940 (circa 10 million)
Opium Wars (basically lead the way for Mao Zedong's dictatorship)
Reply back if you want to hear more on Western genocide and oppression. Note: I hate the USSR more than the USA, but it ticks me off when people imply that the USA and capitalism is perfect. I believe in a mixed economy- a mix between socialism and capitalism.
Also, fyi, South Korea finally became wealthy after the government seized control of Korea's tech industry, and allocated capitalistic resources carefully. Pure capitalism lead to the half a million deaths in political genocide.
@@sciencemanguy No regime is perfect, but capitalism at least works. Communism has never been truly done because real communism will never work
Both North and South Korea killed a lot of people, but one becomes a capitalist country nowadays and become one of the wealthiest country of Asia, one becomes a living hell for the citizens, except for the rich of Pyongyang and the government
Communist Vietnam government killed a lot of people before Vietnam war ( Land reform ), during Vietnam war and after Vietnam war, only to reform themselves into a capitalist state. If Vietnam still followed "true communism", they would be the second North Korea
No regime is perfect, but one possesses more advantages than the other. Which one ? you guess
Before I continue, you have to know one thing about me. I AM NOT A COMMUNIST. I do not support communism in any way shape or form in the modern era. Nor do I support capitalism. I wish for a hybrid system, and ideally, a democratised version of the Chinese economic model. When you mention all those genocides and massacres, you conveniently leave out all the genocides committed under capitalistic regimes.
What did the British do in India? Oh it's not like they committed a mass genocide of 10,000,000 Bengali. As the Independent paraphrases Churchill:
" This is a man the British would have us hail as an apostle of freedom and democracy,' says author. An Indian politician has put Winston Churchill in the same category as some of “the worst genocidal dictators” of the 20th century because of his complicity in the Bengal Famine"
Native American Genocide by us Americans and Canadians: endgenocide.org/learn/past-genocides/native-americans/
Death toll: debates range from 3-10 million (not including initial diseases by settlers)
Let's do some death toll math:
Stalin: est ~ 5-10 million [the 20 million figure commonly cited comes from WWII casualties, can't really put that in with genocide/massacres]
Mao ZeDong: 45 million INDIRECT as a result of policies.
Pol-Pot: 2.5 million
*Communism Total: approx ~ 60 million*
Native American Genocide: 10 million
Bengal Genocide: 10 million
Hitler: 6 million Jews + 4 million innocent civilians like in Ukraine= 10 million
Leopold of Belgium in the Congo: 10 million
*Capitalism Total: approx 50 million*
You can't really say that capitalistic regimes are that much better than communist ones. I concede that between 1917 and circa 1950, the world became a hell hole in the communist countries. HOWEVER, after the 1960s, you start seeing the rise of the communist powers with their standard of living.
Note- I am NOT endorsing communism. I am merely criticising capitalism for it's flaws. I too do not want to live in the USSR or 1950s China. The system I am in favour of is a democratised MODERN Chinese economic model.
Just imagine if China had a democratic head for a government- now wouldn't that be a great place to live in about 10 years or so given their rise. India is already doing this model, and I plan on moving back after I finish university as India has far more options for me than the USA and Canada for engineering. A strong centralised government guiding the market forces has lead to 9% growth every year, almost as much as the Chinese- yet- with a democratic model. This is the model I would love to see in the USA.
Karl Marx's idea for communism was a utopian society. The idea sounded great on paper but we've seen that it never works out in the real world leading to dystopian rather than utopian societies. It has worked on a small scale in those late 1960s hippy communes but only temporarily BUT on a larger scale it will never be what Marx envisioned. ♣
Does someone coming to your house and taking EVERYTHING you own sound like a good idea on paper?
SinäLennätKuuhunEnsiViikollaApinoidenRaketillaJokaToimiiIhmisLihalla ~> No it does not but my point was that Marx was philosophically putting forth an idea which he felt would lead to an ideal utopian society. However when put into practice in the real world we've seen that after the revolution stage communism never successfully moves beyond a dictatorship stage thus never reaching the stage of a perfect society. People are not perfect and never will be so the concept of a perfect society is indeed a dream that will never come true. Besides having to force that perfect society on people by "coming to your house and taking EVERYTHING you own" makes it wrong from the beginning. People must ALL want that perfect society without any coercion vand that will never happen. For years after McCarthy/HUAC era there was a Communist party option on our election ballots and they never got anything even close to a signifigant number of votes. ♣
I just want to say 4.2% of the vote in Guam was to the socialist party candidate... It's not that much but hey it's still something
Utopia sounds good to who? Not me
In order to have a proper Utopia, everyone would need to be the exact same.
No different interests
No different skills
No different opinions
Who wants that?
It would work on larger scale if it would be all around the world.
Actually this is not a anti-communism cartoon. It's an anti "ISM" cartoon. The conartist was selling a contract to sell "Isms"....
They need to show this in schools today
When illiterate people hate on something they have no clue about
The ratio of that to you is like 1000:1, comrade.
8:31 Huh.. you know, that does kinda sound familiar....
reminds of some certain left wing groups hmmmmm
Reminds me of Trump, pitting white Christians against Muslims and Mexicans.
They should show this to liberal university students
+Peter Engberg They would start crying and demand the school install a safe space for communist ideology. Or they go back and circlejerk on r/Communism. Either one.
liberals aren't communists...
+Kevin Bacon If you say your a Liberal but act like and support communist ideals, Your a commie pinko.
+Kevin Bacon almost 90% of people who say their liberals, are communist. because everyone in the media has completely misused the word liberal.
+Peter Engberg
Even a libertarian would say, that this is very bad, if he has just a bit idea about communism.
"the right to vote", unless you are black, matter of fact, you don't get anything if you are black in 1948
Funny thing is...
Liberalism, Americanism and Republicanism are also -isms.
So's capitalism
The suffix -ism is used (at least I think so) for types of government.
the difference is. we control those isms. communism controls you
The last seven years in a nutshell.
Looking at the comments it looks like it worked
Hmm this comment sounds like communist propaganda but okay
"160 Years" Damn I feel old.
irony is this is what exactly happened in america
Sounds like the democratic platform to me. Just replace Sanders or Clinton in the cartoon.
+Al Lewis HEIL TRUMP!!
I like how it mentions labour is a bad thing...
It's saying forced labor is a bad thing, not labor.
So you think forced labor is a good thing?
3:09: Little scrap of paper? It's a full blown contract!
I love all the people in the comments treating blatant propaganda as fact. In some ways they prove the point of the cartoon quite well.
"Good communist - is a dead one!"
You spelled "white Amerikkkan" wrong, comrade.
Paesan Control Centre You spelled commie fag wrong
@@fun_ghoulIt's okay to be rich white male
@@harshitmadan6449 You spelled "kill" wrong. ;-)
Propaganda is biased this is downright true
That's not what propaganda means, dumbass. Use all your glorious capitalist money to buy a real fucking dictionary!
Especially with the whole "ISMs"-thing, it's actually extremely biased towards the status-quo.
@@fun_ghoul the definition of propaganda, and I quote, "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view." It says biased in the definition, so stfu and stop being stereotypical just because somebody was born somewhere else.
@@wingscheezit1571 You literally copy-pasted the first piece of shit Google gives when you search "propaganda", which was fail #1. Fail #2? Because yes, you failed at logic twice when you neglect to answer the most basic question: WHO WRITES THE FUCKING DICTIONARY??? Lemme know if you need anything else cleared up, arsehole.
@@fun_ghoulso what is the definition of propoganda?
why do people dislike this, it's a part of history - not a modern political agenda in today's liberal world
of course its a question in the presens
Thats not anticomunist. That' s antitotalitarism
They were shitting on class warfare
Capitalism is about keeping the elites in power,
Communism against it..
and this world is runned by greed so you can guess who is gonna be considered Evil.
Qomandan Badurak Communism is also against civil liberty, freedom and God. Who is the real villain?
Ryan Collins Communism is an economic system. It is inherently atheistic but in reality we don't give a fuck what you worship just as long as you do your part in society.
Ryan Collins
btw there IS NO freedom :) Anywhere you are always controlled by people one way another. you want freedom? go make your own country or live in the wild.
What kind of backwards world do you live in????
Ryan Collins
oh and by the way sire you have been brainwashed by the government specially if your age is 40+ :)
have a good day mr brainwashed elite child murderer
About time we give Communism an expiration date.
@@fun_ghoul WOKE
@@fun_ghoul You re so delusional.I merely told you "WOKE" And you started calling me a "nazi KKKunt"...You people are insane.At the end of the day what can I expect from an internet (commie) tough boy.
@@fun_ghoul and calling for someone's address for saying that a tyrannical and unfair system needs to be stopped, is retarded...
This actually was produced by John Southerland, a former Disney employee. Harding College merely provided the funding.
Moral of the story: If you don't have relatives and friends with money to give you, then your dreams will never come true in America.
AKA if you don't have investors funding your project.
actually you get a job, save enough for a degree, get the degree and then get a higher paying job which you can save up and start your enterprise. capitalism is not about starting a business at 20, retiring at 21 and rolling around in a nice car. it's about contributing to society and reaping the benefits of your work for yourself. if you got a bank loan for a liberal arts degree and are at mcdonalds on $10 an hour, that's your fault for being stupid. if you are smart you will succeed.
Unless you are working for minimum wage and you will never amount to anything...
@@kadafi4lyf How do you save for a degree when you make $2 an hour? Serious question, and I expect a serious answer. Go.
Not the point of the video
I am so tired of this sorry excuse for an argument against Communism. "North Korea, the Soviet Union, China were all communist, and see how free their people were?" The only thing this argument demonstrates is the utter ignorance of the user.
thiago chagas Wait, did you not get my last comment? It seems as if it has been removed.
Crisis of Democracy Do I need to tell why?
thiago chagas Hmm. It seems as if my comment has either been removed or hasn't been uploaded. Anyway, Communism isn't exclusive to Stalinism, Maoism or Leninism. There's Anarcho-Communism which has the working class immediately dismantle the state instead of having a select few of intellectuals or leaders be vested with the complete, unflinching obedience of the proletariat. This has been demonstrated in revolutionary Catalonia and Aragon during the Spanish civil war.
thiago chagas Anarcho-Communism is not in opposition to religion, nor is it in favour of the absence of laws or rules; the latter notion is a common misconception.
"No religion = no afterlife = no consequences."
It seems as if you are arguing that without the threat of eternal punishment, humans will behave as but mere brutes; they won't be driven by any compassion nor respect for their fellow man, which is complete bollocks, as atheists and science prove otherwise.
"In the classic marxism, a big guy with a gun could break in to your house and say "THIS HOUSE IS MINE NOW! GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU!"
The very same could happen within a society where a state is present, except it's likely that the police force will be notified and will detain the thief.
Within a Libertarian Communist society, such a scenario doesn't seem likely if not possible, as often the needs of man will be met, and thus would render such acts as thievery unnecessary.
"because, with out the State, it would be like nature: the strongest survives."
Whence is such a notion derived? I say this because past Anarcho-Communist societies were quite the opposite. I reference revolutionary Catalonia and Aragon.
thiago chagas "the difference is that, with the police (and the State) the thief would be obligated to give the house back. Without the State the previous owner would simply be f#@$%&."
Say if such a thing were to happen in an Anarchist society, sanctions would be instituted by the community upon the thief. A police force is not necessary.
"not ALL humans would be like this, but surely some would. And without the police..."
All humans have a capacity for empathy, compassion and decency towards one another. It is but only natural and cannot be enforced by a coercion of some sort.
It's very likely that corporations would install another one to perpetuate their existence.
100,000,000 million people dead
Yes, communism is really great🙄
Saint Tom 1,600,000,000 billion people dead Yes, capitalism is really great🙄
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 people died due to (Insert an Ideology).
Wow I can pull numbers out of my ass to.
Please, Kill me. It's a true number. And communism never killed 100 million people it's been proven
Marco Escalante Martinez I can see the headlines now: Man dies of old age capitalism to blame. Please tell me where you got your number. Be lucky you live in a capitalist western nation where your opinions and thoughts are not suppressed by the government.
"Man dies of old age capitalism to blame."
That was amazing~ I'm going to have to use that sometime haha.
>claim communist dictatorship was not “real communism”
>establish communism in country
>country becomes communist dictatorship
take him to gulag
E di WOW!
Fido Beer gagu
8:24 Venezuela
Hey You 40% of Venezuela's economy is driven by the private sector
how do i like twice
Kaaz what? No, Chavez expropied everyone except him self commie bastard
"A rabbit isn't a cute pet it's 2kg of meat"
I thought private ownership is evil, now you boast it? Silly flip-flopping commies. You fools conveniently say whatever to "make yourselves right."
I believe that in future, CAPITALISM will be revolutionised to other NEW system of government. I do not know the system of the government but soon. Everything has it's end, even capitalism.
You know, While everyone notices that Dr. Utopia symbolizes communism, I have seen that Mr. John Q. Public symbolizes capitalism.
'Preaches unitity and pits one of us against the other thru class warfare, race hatred and religious intolerance...trying to rob us of our freedom and destroy out lives':2016
Progressives and Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Sounds like the left for the past 10 years
"religious intolerance" They were most likely referring to Catholics, Protestants and Mormons as well as other sects of Christianity, and perhaps the Nation of Islam. Since this was before 9/11, I doubt the dangers of Islam were considered during the making of this video. It's also referring to belief, not religion itself. Islam after all, is a political system which seeks to establish an Islamic state based on Islamic doctrine that regulates what people are restricted to do, and this is where the problems begin with accepting it in Western societies. Not to mention there's always a small chance of terrorism coming with islam. Muhammad, after all, had said: "I have been made victorious with terror", and this is the perfect man Muslims are ordered to follow as an example.
Implying class warfare didn't exist before Marx pointed it out 👀
Guess evolution didn't exist until Darwin wrote On the Origins of Species
Not that am against but why do people want socialism or communism in the USA.
Why improve or ruin the works of other, this country has already has done a lot to be where it is and the majority like it that way. (For someone reason)
But most people that support socialism/communism promote it as it being better than capitalism and can lift up the country form any problem it has.
So why can't they establish it in a third world country, most third world countries are probably desperate. And people could work together to establish true communism/socialism as human beings. I don't want to hear that it work cause some analyst said so they said Hillary was gonna win and look at what happen.
People probably already hate me just for questioning the concept itself.
Nathan That Guy
It is because those people do not want to do the hard work that is required to make something great themselves. They support Communism and Socialism because they want what other people have as they plan to be the people that benefit from the revolution. There is a reason why Communism started in the poor nation of Russia, Karl Marx thought it should start in the rich nations. Those that support communism wants a way to steal other peoples things without looking like they are robbers.
If they should try and establish a Communist state in a third world country, they first have to kick the current warlord out. Then establish a military presence to remove bandits and criminals in the jungle as well as anyone that want to remove them from power. Then they need to establish a communal society where everyone share in a country they are now occupying with force, and more.
The amount of work needed is something they will not do, so they want the easy way.
+truthisnt deadyet!
Are you high? Everything you said is both silly and stupid. You do know that no one is fighting harder to still have their guns then Americans right?
+truthisnt deadyet!
You are literally insane. You are rambling like a madman that is not on your meds. You say "my country", but I am not American and you do not even know from where I am. You shouldn't speak as if I am American and you know that I am.
I hate how people bring up Nordic countries claiming they are Democratic socialist which they are not. There government heavy invest in social economic programs many of these program america practices. They are nowhere near the lie of democratic socialist.
That is actually quite incorrect. Democratic socialists is actually true, Nordic nations are very social democratic with Sweden as a prime example. In Sweden the social democrats have for years been able to put a ribbon on a dead Labrador and throw it up on stage and win with a landslide victory. To claim Nordic nations are Socialists nations however is extremely wrong. Even if Social Democracy works in the Nordic nations it will not work in for example the US. Obama explained why. Sweden might be able to nationalize banks that gone bankrupt, sell of the assets and then sell it back to someone else because Sweden have like 5 banks. The US has like 200 banks, which means the banks had to be bailed out.
This is so sad can we seize the means of production
This is mostly about a professor at that college getting mad no one would tell him the name of the guy who invented cars because he was in rebellion.
having watched this a few times I feel that this is only highlights the positives of a capitalist system..... what about those of us who find them selves unemployed... who have never worked or like me ended up out of work and can't get another job.... and all those others less fortunate people... in america you need to be a high earner to afford health care of any kind in the UK and Europe we have a free health care system but only goes so far.... the ones with power and money grow more powerful and the rich get richer... and the poor... get poorer!
what is your problem?
A free market economy like the US only ever benefits the rich, as they're the only people who can afford good health care, doctors, lawyers, education and insurance. Not to mention if you want to be a politician. You either need to be rich, or have wealthy backers. Who'll demand favours from you in return. The reason the rich get richer is through a phenomena known as compound interest. The way to think of it is who owns the countries assets, and has money in the bank, and whose in debt? A documentary you might be interested in is "The Secret of Oz". You can type it into a UA-cam search.
The fact that they are self-unemployed, never worked a day in their lives, and are therefore without money is their own fault. If these bums would try and work hard, they would have money. The fact that you and other unfortunate people were laid off and are unable to get a new job is not your fault. It is the government's fault. They tried Socialism on the economy. They promised that under their control, the industries which you and other people were under would flourish. This required tax dollars to fund. That caused the prices of everything your industry purchased to go up. Your boss eventually could not pay you. As far as who would take care of these people... the local churches. It is their God-given responsibility, as listed in the Bible, to care for the widows, the fatherless, and the needy/poor of this world.
Nathan Applegate You are easy at your rethoric, but what about situation when you get paid, and almost all your money goes to payoff taxes, food, bills, healthcare, education and some crappy Chineese TV.
That is the result of an irresponsible government who is trying to get us to rely on them. In that case, they are trying to replace our capitalism with Socialism, if not communism.
Products of this propaganda and inhumane brainwashing coming here and screaming about how it is not a propaganda and it tells the truth!
Pitiful, disgusting and shocking.
I love how they use "Ism" as a reference to communism when capital-ISM is totally a thing. Let's get one thing straight- communism is impractical because of the potential for the abuse of power, but it is not an ideology which contradicts freedom. Freedom is completely independent of economic ideologies.
Likewise, if America were to have complete unregulated capitalism we would become an autocracy due to an increasing wealth gap. The constitution would mean absolutely nothing if the government is bought out by the rich.
For a healthy, successful nation- we the people must promote democracy and individual rights while implementing economic policies that benefit the people.
This can only be achieved by implementing social policies which balance out capital policies, thereby giving opportunities to the poor while allowing the wealthy to invest.
So no, communism is not completely evil; it has many legitimate viewpoints. But it must be balanced with free trade and capital gain.
An increase of social policies is needed now more than ever since technology is replacing menial jobs. Higher education is absolutely necessary for the people to pursue careers, and it is for this reason higher education must be free through the implementation of socialistic policies.
+joemalola That entirely depends on what you define as freedom. For example, it has long been believed by several philosophers and politicians, such as John Locke and Alexander de Toqueville, that freedom, at least political freedom, absolutely depends on the right to private property- which communism strictly prohibits.
+Vosian Excellent point, I guess we should distinguish the difference between personal freedoms and economic freedoms. Communism does contradict economic freedoms which can decrease the morale of the general populous, and that is very impractical.
I'd like to bring up another point, though, with that being anarcho-communism. In an anarcho-communistic system you would most certainly have rights to PERSONAL property (which is defined as movable possessions that one uses). Even in a system like Mutualism (which states that workers have the right to the sum of their productivity, and advocates worker control of the means of production) property is respected; Mutualism is even more lenient, stating that things that you personally USE on a very frequent basis belong to you (but that things which are not being used should be collectivized so that others might find use out of it, which is in itself more efficient as it leads to resources being used at their maximum potential). In addition to this, in these anarchic styles of government there would be a DIRECT democracy (with lean towards a consensus democracy, though such a thing would be impossible as nothing would be resolved, so majority/super-majority/consensus based on issue would be the norm); a system like gives an individual significantly more freedom. People use the word Communism to describe the statist form without even considering its closely related cousin of anarchism. These systems have fewer examples but generally work well and lead to a happy populace (though they are prone to being conquered by larger groups - the Free Territory was crushed by the Bolsheviks, the Spanish Anarchists fell to a combination of Fascists, state communists, and capitalist embargoes) in which people can realize their individual potential, and in doing so contribute their best to society. Kropotkin took note that in a moneyless system everyone would contribute still, as it would contribute to their gratification and respect within their community. Even the richest members of society who do not even have to work to sustain themselves in today's capitalistic society often contribute to their community in some way simply because it is gratifying. A modern libertarian socialist government today would be Rojava (Western Kurdistan), which has a constitution strongly based on gender equality, ecological and egalitarian principles; they educate their police on feminist theory and equality of genders before allowing them weapons and they have two military groups, one of which is made up entirely of women who are given leadership positions and equal placement to men in their society. In a way, those women stand as harbingers of a new idea in the Middle East: of women as equals, as well as promoting the solidarity and unity of these people altogether, liberating villages from the grip of the terrorists.
a system of checks and balances y'all
Socialism balanced with free trade is called Democratic Socialism, or Socialdemocratic system: there is free trade, BUT the State has to control various things in the society, in order to not create social and economic gap.
It's what has made Sweden a better nation during the past decades.
Your comment is very kind and peaceful, but, as you can see, in this thread everyone is right-wing oriented and knows only to stereotype Communism and Socialism.
And this is how the US successfully made the working class feel as if they were a friend to the upper class
Why the British national anthem at the beginning?
+Djursnerable America stole Engalnd's anthem tune to make a patriotic song called "Let Freedom Ring" We still sing it today. Lol
+Mr. Wolf! Mixed Gaming And More! I thought it was Called "My Country"
+Mr. Wolf! Mixed Gaming And More! We Americans weren't the only ones who stole it. In fact, the Germans did before WWI.
+RadTheDude Listen to Liechtenstein's national anthem.
your national anthem is a patriotic song here, ikr that's what we get for winning the revolution, taxation with representation and God save the queen