When people talk about de-tranaitioners, the topic of parents is hard. Are these really doe eyed parents, well intentioned, caring people who just believe the "professionals" I feel for them, if that's the case, bc they will live with their own anger and regret. Hopefully, more parents of de-tranaitioners come forward to tell what happened. Some parents are completely submerged Ideologically, and are "true believers" Someone said, "there are 2 sexes, and infinite personalities" people seem to be shifting the meaning of sex>>=gender>>=personality. But changing meaning of words is a whole other rant. I feel bad for these people who go through this. The capture of the minds that lead is so bad, like a virus it's everywhere. Medical institutions, educational institutions from prek - college, the Media, and maybe most importantly, culturally. But sadly, the cult-ure has become a Borg like mob.
@@amandakish5828 yes it's likely that parents who let this get as far as it did with their child for them to end up SURGICALLY ALTERING THEIR BODIES will not admit that they were duped by an agenda, or that they bought into a cult. For them to let it get this far they had to be deeply indoctrinated into this ideology. It is truly their religion. Liberalism is, after all, the religion of the Godless.
There are a few states , Washington and New Hampshire, maybe more, just removed parents rights to say no to this . Not one Democrat in congress voted for “parents bill of rights”. Vote democrats this is what you support. This is not compassionate -as they like to boast.
I think there are a few different types of parents that go through this. There are parents that are told, “would you rather have a dead daughter or an alive son.” That will shake any parent to his/her core. There are parents who are against it totally but if they are unlucky enough to live in a liberal state, CPS could get involved and the child will be removed. There are parents who are against it and eventually prevail. Then there are parents really want this because they get to feel special - the munchausen types.
Layla's difficulty recalling adds evidence to the fact children can't give informed consent. They are captured into a vortex, a flurry of medical intervention.
@@GmarineIraqVet wait a second you are now telling met that innocent, girl of 13 years of age, can consent to this crap? Are you out of your mind, their critical thinking skills hasn''t really developed yet, their brain is still growing, do you see a 13 year old driving a car? No you do not. This is just blaming of the victim absolutely disgusting. Children should be children, they can't make life altering choices, let alone castrates themself and mulitilate their body!
@@GmarineIraqVet So are you saying if a 13-year-old child “chooses” have sex with a 50-year-old man he is not at fault? It’s exactly the same thing. They are too young to give informed consent!!!
I love how they highlight how little they knew about their own reproductive systems when they transitioned. How can they consent when they don’t even understand what they are consenting to? It’s something that needs to be talked about more.
It is so good that people are detransition and finding out that stay as you are, God created you the way you're born God created Adam and Eve but not Adam and Steve
A double mastectomy a month after her 13th birthday. Those "professionals" that agreed to do this to her should be ASHAMED of themselves! Thank you for your bravery and sharing your story, Layla Jane. Your story will help so many others.
This is so horrifying for me a 62 year old grandmother. The state of our institutions have so fallen off the cliff. I'm so sorry how you young ladies have been treated by so called trusted authorities. Thank you for your bravery in coming forward.
Where are the parents? What adult in their right mind would allow this to happen to their child? Absolutely bizarre. Parents need to step up to the plate and ACTUALLY PARENT.
@@TheSwissChalet This is being foisted on the unwary like a new religion. The kids get sucked into it at school and through social media, but then the authority figures the parents turn to for help are cultists themselves.
@@directinprint I love that comment. It's only once we get old that we have the true understanding of what it means to say "you're still so young" and all the wonderful possibilities that come along with that. Layla and Chloe, your bravery now (daring to speak up against the common narrative) sets the stage for your bright, long futures.
Thanks! My Grand-Daughter is going thru this exact thing and her parents and Drs and psychologist are pushing her right along this dangerous transitioning path. Everytime I try and say something I’m accused of making her suicidal. Chloe, keep doing what your doing! Thank you so much and I pray my granddaughter will see these videos and see what a beautiful woman she is. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. ….I don’t know how else I can help her but to keep praying and supporting people like you and hope one day she’ll know how much I love her.
This must be so hard for you, rationally wanting them to take this extremely seriously and not being able to get them to consider the full picture, including cons. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
As an adult woman I was given lupron to see if it would help a condition I suffered from. I was given it for 3 months, with the knowledge that even if it worked I could not have it any longer or it would cause irreversible damage. I remain dumbfounded that they prescribe this drug on children for years.
And maybe shaking the sh*t out of the parents and asking them where the hell were you when your child was being butchered??? Were you there clapping like a seal on the sidelines watching this happen????
I know people like to blame the Drs but it's ultimately the parents that delegated their responsibilities and approved it, now the Dr’s should be sued for malfeasance because they didn’t provide all the information and coerced them with misinformation and fear!
I knew a lesbian couple when I was in my early 20s a few years ago. Awesome folks. I don’t know what happened but suddenly one of them went non binary and got a mastectomy. They both cut all of their long beautiful hair off and started saying they were “queer”. My husband and I didn’t really keep touch with them, but recently my husband watched their apartment while they were out of town and helped them with a few things. The girlfriend mentioned how now years after the mastectomy the other female was having serious complications and infections. It makes me so angry that this stuff is pushed. I know older women who had mastectomies due to breast cancer and it’s a horrific thing to have to go through. I can’t believe they push children and teens to get this procedure as some sort of “good” thing . They need mental help, not surgery
It's been happening in gay and lesbian communities, more and more lesbian women are being convinced they are actually trans since they tend to behave "butch" or "tomboy", as if not being feminine, or having desire for other women, immediately placed them into the "male" category. And all this from a movement that as a whole denies binary gendering... Arielle Scarcella, a lesbian activist, has talked extensively about this form of "conversion therapy" that induces gay people to transition.
I'm 60 yrs old with grandchildren and STILL A TOMBOY...i love being a mom and wrestling around with my boys. Not into makeup and designer bags and shoes. Just a hippy tomboy.
62 yr old grandmother still digging in the dirt and all the tools in the garage are mine ( not pink either) Feel so bad for the kids these people are harming hope they all pay dearly, bankrupt these people Hell they cautioned me as a post menopausal women about HRT and now we find out they are passing then out like candy to CHILDREN !
Tomboy mom here too. I also have high testosterone (naturally), and I swear most of it sucks. Unwanted facial hair, my cycles were irregular growing up and didn’t even out until after my 3rd child’s birth, I had anger issues as a kid and early in my marriage and parenting, I had trouble getting pregnant with my first two kids. But I never wanted to be a boy. I just preferred to do things that were/are typically associated with boys - no Barbies here, bring on the Hot Wheels!
This is so upsetting. I feel so sorry for children . The doctors who have done this to children should be held accountable its child abuse. This has to stop.
@Gangari TheWanderer in my state kids can consent to medical care at age 13, they do not need their parents. And I would bet anything if these doctors were all hit with FOIA we would find sick sick stuff.
@Gangari TheWanderer depends on the role that the parents took in this crime. Those „Transhausen by proxy“ parents and those supporting the transition because it’s the thing to do because they gain social credit points and they are woke, so it is the right thing to push for it (in their eyes) - oooooh YES, they need to be held accountable just like the professionals from the trans industry. Those parents that give into the pressure from fear of loosing their child from either alienation or suicide - I don’t know, what to do with them but they should be ashamed of themselves that they didn’t think for themselves and saved their children from harm. On the other side there are those parents, that fought hard with everything possible to keep their children safe, but didn’t stand a chance because they were denied any say in the process because judges decided otherwise/the children didn’t legally need their consent legally anymore (just for these treatments, not for a tattoo or drinking alcohol of course) and or their children got „knidnapped“ by one parent or a so called rainbow family (Jeffrey Marsh style) and brought into „sanctuary states“ to get treatment - those parents are victims too and need our support and assistance wherever possible.
@gangarithewanderer8570 You can't charge parents, for TRUSTING DOCTORS, when they get told "Would you rather have a live son? Or a dead daughter?" ALL OF SOCIETY, from doctors, to schools, to therapists, to psychologists and psychiatrists, to "old media" like TV and newspapers, to EVERY medical websites, to Hollywood celebs, and e-celebs, the whole goddam system is telling parents "this will save your child LIFE!!! If you DON'T go along with transing your kid, that WON'T JUST make you a terrible, hateful parent, and a bigot, etc... It will ALSO mean your child will probably off themself, or run off and never see you again!!" There are SOME complete scumbag parents,(like Jazz Jennings mother, starting him transitioning at age 3)... But plenty of parents are just making the mistake of trusting doctors. You can't expect the average parent to have a clue how deal with this bizarre issue,when it suddenly gets dropped in their lap. If anything THE DOCTORS should be the first in the dock; Especially doctors who are specializing in this stuff, and have a vested interest in pursuing kids into the meat-grinder of """gender-affirming care""". (If parents make money from the kid, like Jazz Jennings' mother. Or other social media '""trans kids""" THEN charge them... But not if they just trusted people parent's are MEANT to be able to trust, like doctors)
@Gangari TheWanderer 50% of these “trans kids” are currently in the FOSTER SYSTEM (in the US) and doctors are still operating on them. no parental consent needed bc they will either LOWER THE AGE OF CONSENT🚩🚩🚩 or will call it “life-saving care” even though it’s the exact opposite. the latest study shows that 8-10 years AFTER the start of transition is the highest suicide rate people with gender dysphoria. this is because once they’ve done everything they can do, be affirmed by everyone they could be affirmed by, they still know at the end of the day, they really can’t change their sex. that’s why the happiest trans people are the ones who don’t get the bottom surgery. not only is it completely genit*l mut*lation (which the US has shamed african countries for for centuries) but it also removes their ability to produce their own hormones making them lifelong HRT patients. the doctors are the real problem here. they’re literally practicing on these kids. look up marcie bowers, she is a trans woman surgeon and has preformed 2000+ “vaginoplasties”. she preformed 2/4 of Jazz Jennings surgeries, both of which failed. the second in which she took a piece of Jazz’s kidney (which is very uncommon) and used that the form the “vaginal walls”. and if you look more into the doctors you’ll find a lot more problems. i do agree that the parents can be the problem but the doctors are the ones actually doing it.
Why aren’t these girls being put on every news show, in the country. The only place on tv I’ve seen Chloe was on Fox News. Why isn’t she on CNN,MSNBC, etc. These girls could help save so many kids and their parents from this madness. God bless you both and may the future bring you health, happiness and everything good like you deserve.
I think tv isn't the most dominant medium nowadays, internet ism Chloe does many interviews, she's on various podcasts. Many people don't even watch traditional tv anymore at all, except maybe older people.
@@joane24 And MSM goes along ideological lines. Chloe has been on Fox News because it is conservative/Republican compromised, while CNN/ MSNBC/ NPR are liberal/Democrat compromised. Give a good look around networks and you'll notice unbiased news, showing both sides of the same event or situation, is pretty much gone.
The story right now is that transitioning is a great idea, so those channels you mentioned won't show realities that are different in case it hurts their agenda. They're already saying these people aren't "real trans" in other to invalidate their lived experiences.
The fact that Layla has a hard time articulating how she felt and what exactly she wanted or what was even going on just shows how evil these doctors are. A confused and possibly depressed kid with anxiety who needed support and love and treatment for a mental illness was rushed into medical intervention. Wtf!
Yeah it's really hard for me to believe she was able to use the proper language to ask for this when she was 13. If this is how detached and confused she is now, how bad was it back then? And the doctors just ignored that?? I'm not trying to pick on her behavior or anything she just seemed very stressed and maybe in shock. I cannot blame her. I've gone through mania and psychosis personally. It can make you so out of it, and make scary choices. doctors should recognize these signs before performing surgery
I’m also on the spectrum and feel I was also manipulated by doctors who are more afraid of being labeled as bigots and losing their license than actually helping people!
So… I thought I was trans… I lived as a woman for 2 years, was on HRT, developed breasts, loved how I looked in a skirt and makeup. I contemplated GRS but I was shocked be approved after 1 freakin 20 min doctor visit and no psychological evaluation. I did my research and now I hate how I look because of HRT.
Nope not worth losing their license to practise and waste all those years of studying burning the midnight oil, the stress passing exams that even affect our health and personal relationships and the huge amount of money spent on their education. Noone is worth all that. I'm a doctor myself,I know (although I'm not from America). I don't blame the doctors, I blame the Trans Activists who push people who don't conform to their believes to get fired from their jobs and lose their literal livelihoods. That's who you should blame..the rabid Trans Activists. Not us doctors.
Doctors who do evil will be judged. Sometimes people, even Doctors… have to make a choice to do what is right. The reason evil currently reigns is because most people would like to do what is right but when it comes down to it costing them too much, they choose to do evil. Broad is the path leading to destruction and many enter there but narrow is the way leading to everlasting life and few there be that find it. -Jesus the Moshiach
@@kittygirl_thetortie498 ah so if these doctors are prescribing rat poison and arsenic… or some other deadly poison because some rabid activists are pushing them to… I’m supposed to not give some blame to the doctor? What about “…do no harm..”?
@@Faith.M22 do you know where the slur terf that some trans activists use come from? Trans-exclusive-radical-feminists. Feminists are the ones trying to stop this and getting alot of hate for it.
Chloe, you are a great interviewer for this topic because you know all the correct questions to ask, much better than anyone who hasn't personally gone through this. I would love to see a series of interviews from every detrans individual thats willing to speak up.
She does have a beautiful peace and spirit about her which, I believe, allows her “interviewee” to feel relaxed. I am also impressed she is so knowledgeable and can keep the interview rolling without any apparent notes. I pray God her time spent in her newfound ‘mission field’ impacts many more young lives.
I've had a mastectomy and reconstruction to prevent hereditary BRCA1 breast cancer at age 34. Reconstruction is better now than when my mom did it in '96. It's still no breasts. I have my nipples and weird silicone implants that I can feel the edges of. They're cold all the time, too firm, too round, and numb. It's just a weird facade, but better than dying of cancer at age 42, 47 or 50 like my aunts. Seeing this done to young teen girls for no real medical reason (just crazy gender ideology) is heartbreaking. This is the lobotomy of our time. You girls are so brave and inspiring to fight for yourselves and others!
This is what gets me, we have a ton of data from women, like yourself, who's choice was surgery or probable death. We know the complications, we know what can happen, we know how it effects a person psychologically and yet it's somehow ok to perform in healthy children? I'm sorry for your experience I hope you're healthy now
@@RenegadeContext Thank you. Yes, I'm well and don't have to worry about my aunts' fate. Yes, exactly, it's not okay to perform on healthy children that really don't know who they are yet and unlike I've seen a "gender-affirming" doctor claim, you cannot get your breasts back! Reconstruction is a prosthesis.
@@user-sm7pm1df3e completely, its not the same thing at all. it's like sayin you can replace your liver with a balloon. it'll fill up the space but it's not going to do what a liver does
Chloe, you were amazing in this interview, how you gradually and naturally guided the conversation, Layla seems a bit shy and you allowed her to speak with the safety and nurture to speak about her experience. The bonding was beautiful to watch! YOU GO GIRL! 🥰🥰🥰
It is chilling to listen to how children are being manipulated into permanent medicalisation. The money that is sadly going to be made out of confused children and young adults is deplorable. Well done for speaking up and your tribe is going to grow. I hope there are some great adults out there who are prepared to stand with you and assist.
You don't realize that it was a phase until you grow out of it and you look back and see that you weren't really mature enough to make such a life-changing decision and every war has its own survivors but also victims i hope you all be happy with the way you are and be satisfied with yourselves because believe me you are beautiful
This is so heartbreaking. Crimes against humanity were done to you girls. I am 28 years old and when I was going through puberty I was a tomboy; like many other girls. I wore the same 2 baggy outfits every single day in rotation. I was so uncomfortable in my body. Puberty is so tough for young girls. I remember my peers making fun of me, some calling me lesbian.....dark times for sure mentally. If I were living in the times we are now at that age, I would have definitely questioned my entire identity. But I wasn’t, so I didn’t. I’m now happily married to my high school sweetheart of 10 years and we have a son ❤ imo - it takes some kids longer to accept the changes that are going on with their body than others - and THAT is normal ❤ so happy to see your healing ladies 💛 keep doing what you’re doing!!!
My 9-11yo self could totally relate to layla :(( I HATED being a girl and growing up and my body, I was so scared. I can't even imagine if I had social media and this crazy trans movement for minors back then... I could've very easily been in this spot and it breaks my heart thinking about that sad girl
Carol in Omaha. I am a Gramma 70 years old. Oh my how our culture has radically changed. I feel so badly for those of you who have struggled so and been taken advantage of. It seems like you are being used in a great experiment. Chloe, THANK YOU, for your honesty and putting yourself out there, and giving a platform of support for others in their confusion and struggle. You are a brave, compassionate woman. May the LORD bless you and protect you. You are a heroine for good.
I am a late diagnosed autistic woman with similar experiences growing up, except the transition. I was born in a time and place where transition was not really a thing… it breaks my heart that so many autistic girls transition nowadays… fills me wit sorrow… I am glad that you are speaking out! You are a light in this world!
I just cried through this episode. As a mother, as a human being to contemplate the unforgivable harm that has been done to Layla and Chloe, and so many other children is beyond contemplation. And the moment you speak out against any of it you're labeled a TERF at best and a transphobe at worst. I was a classic tomboy, something which, I know now, was complicated and prolonged due to sexual abuse by a close family friend. Had I been born forty years later people would have told me I was trans and knowing myself, I KNOW I would have fully bought into it. What a nightmarish thought. Thank you two young ladies for speaking out and not letting yourselves be silenced.
I am so sad that those who took an oath as doctors, to do no harm, have greatly harmed you. Simply to advance their own checkbooks. It is heartbreaking. Sue them all! Its the only way this ends. U will save others, and that is priceless. Much love!
Great job Chloe! I can see Jordan Peterson’s influence in your conversational and comprehensive interviewing style. You’re a strong, smart young woman and I’m proud of you for using your own very challenging situation to help others. May God continue to use your efforts for good.
Chloe’s an incredible interviewer for such a young woman. And she has a greater skill than Jordan because she doesn’t interrupt as much as he does (and I say that as a huge fan of his 😂)
@@ApacheMagic she does not appear to be doing this on her own. Nothing wrong with teaming up. I just wouldn’t give someone credit for something I wasn’t sure about. To me there are many signs she isn’t doing this on her own. The production has a professional touch. Styling lighting and editing for one. It’s not realistic. You tubers start rough or more basic even very talented young ones.
I am so glad you all have come out to speak about this. More detransitioners should and the parents of kids who are considering this should hear your stories even if their kids and the “affirming providers” are telling them different. We are here for you!
this upsets me so much. i have two teenagers and i cannot imagine them going through something like this. chloe is right, it is a gift to create life. these girls are so brave and i hope they continue to cast light on this form of child abuse. any medical doctor preforming surgeries or prescribing hrt or puberty blockers to children should have their license revoked.
In Canada it is illegal to fight against it!! I have heard of a parent losing custody of their child because they refused to use their new “pronouns” and name and didn’t not want to medicalize their child. Our government DISGUSTS me. I told me husband if it ever happened to us I’m taking my kids and leaving the country before I let these freak doctors touch my kids.
When my sister was 15 she wanted to drive across the country in an old van with 5 boys in winter as newly driving kids from California. We told her no and she lost her mind. She tantrummed. She screamed and cried. As an adult she’s like “ yea I was trippin. That’s crazy.” Had she had it in her mind to transition smh what would we have done?
@@Peaceful-Sheepyou need to press charges against that man or you are a child abuser. Your daughter will grow up to hate you for doing nothing about it. BELIEVE ME.
@@Peaceful-Sheepdoesn't matter how long ago it was, if he has nude images of minors all you need to do is give an anonymous tip and he will go to jail. I put my abuser in prison for this. Please please DONT just walk away like nothing happened. You'll regret it so bad. That man probably has hundreds of victims, stop him before he hurts more. I am 23 and no longer speak to anyone in my family because they were complacent to me being groomed for CP online. They knew and didn't do anything. I don't even know if the people who raised me are alive anymore and I don't care. So if you want the same fate, just pretend nothing happened. I'm actually disturbed by your comment that didn't include the ending. Maybe you did report it and just didn't add that. Or maybe she was an adult? At that point it's still illegal revenge porn. And if the guy was a minor too, it's STILL a crime for him to send you those images. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you just didn't tell us what happened to him.. otherwise, get up and do something before your child is destroyed. When she's older like me she'll look back and realize how screwed up it is that her parents did nothing. That betrayal is even worse than what the man did. The worst, dirtiest feeling in the world is realizing your mother enabled a pervert.
Dear Chloe. Thank you for all your amazing work. As I am still a student I cannot afford to send more money at the moment, but I still wanted to show my support. First of all: great job, you two are inspiring ladies and your work is very important. ❤️ One very small constructive criticism: Leading questions are not very scientific, and make the whole interview seem biased. Chloe, I think you have a natural gift to be a public speaker (in a monologue way, not dialogue), but I think your interviewing skills could be improved. No offense at all, you are doing way better than I ever could! But just like any other skill, interviewing can be improved and learnt. From what I can tell Layla is very shy so you probably wanted to help get her out of her shell, that’s understandable. It may be difficult, but it is possible to get someone shy talking without asking leading questions. I look forward to many more videos from you! And all the best for your personal detrans journey❤️
Chole you are an excellent interviewer combining curiosity, affirmation (the good kind!), providing information and really holding a space for Layla. Well done! Great job!!
Interesting how even normal adolescent angst has been so medicalized. Everything is a potential diagnosis rather than a part of growing up or an individual personality trait. That’s the background against which all of this nonsense has evolved.
Chloe and Layla, Y'all are so precious. Chloe I think you could be a public speaker and I think even counseling could be in your future. You have so many gifts. I loved this interview so much. I wished I could give both of you a hug. I'm so proud of both of you for how far you've come. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this. ❤️🙏🏼
Chloe - I have so much respect for you and the stand you are taking as a detransitioned female myself. You ladies are strong, beautiful, incredible. You are an inspiration for women like me; days I feel voiceless, uncomfortable to share with the world. Your story gives us a voice when we cannot speak, when no one wants to listen to the warnings we cry. God is using you in a mighty way. May you be blessed always in Jesus’ mighty name. You are loved, appreciated, and valued. Thank you.
As a mother and grandmother of many, the early years of puberty, junior high into high school, have ALWAYS been acknowledged as an awkward difficult time for our children. Did we forget this somehow, downplay it, or has it been weaponized against our dear children? 💔
In the world of instagram, fakebook, etc...people believe everything has to be "picture perfect". If it isn't...people think they need to "fix" it. That's not how real life works.
We live in a culture now that instead of dealing with the pain that comes with life or even feeling awkward is now skipped and said we can solve this with a pill or science. It's really sad because you look at this generation becoming adults and they cannot handle life at all. Life is beautiful with pain and joy. You can't skip those experiences that make you human
@@angelapatino9582 Right, not to mention that feeling uncomfortable, embarrassed, upset, regret, etc...comes with a lesson or some level of learning, forming layers of experience that transform into wisdom as a person moves through the stages of life. Every lesson is best learned through experiencing it yourself, not by avoiding it, or by watching others experience it.
Weaponized, maybe...but I think it has more to do with big pharma and doctors, finding a niche where they can make an awful lot of money. They don't care about anything else.
Thank you for your rawness, I'm 59 and can't imagine having these options when I was young. I developed very late, didn't fit in with girls my age and boys treated me as a little sister, the mature girls always tried to beat me up. At the age of thirteen I was sexually asulted in broad daylight,I didn't even know what sex was much less why someone would what to disfigure my growing breast,therapy wasn't an option. I hated men,hated my body and I m sure I would have done anything not to go through puberty. Through many hypnotherapy sessions I was able to love myself and learned we are ALL individuals, trying to fit into categories isn't necessary,we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Stay strong and be you God does not make mistakes when he created you
I'm sorry you went through that horrible experience. I can sadly relate. I would also have jumped into surgeries and treatments at that age. I still don't feel comfortable in my body, but I know surgeries wouldn't fix my deeper wounds.
Fascinating discussion between 2 very strong and brave women. Thank you for coming forward and telling us about your experiences. I am sure this will help others struggling with puberty and growing up in todays society.
these interviews are so important, I will do my best to help push them out to as wide of an audience as possible! You are both incredible women, keep telling your stories 🙌♥️
Two beautiful, intelligent and strong women despite the hell you were put through. Thank you both for sharing your stories and trying to prevent other children from falling prey to this evil.
This needs to be stopped at the government level. There need to be laws that stop this. No puberty blockers, no hormone injections, and especially no surgeries before the age of 21. If you're not allowed to drink alcohol, something that has a TEMPORARY effect on your body, you certainly should not be allowed to irreparably and PERMANENTLY damage your body by cutting off or altering parts.
Not without physiological necessity. If you can't pee, you might need surgery. If your appendix is about to explode, you need surgery. But if you have trouble in mind, surgery is not the answer.
The current president of the US supports this. It's insane the US president hasn't done his research before backing the mutilation of children or he doesn't care what happens to them. I really hope it's the former because the latter is horrifying
Wow! The passion and bravery it took for this young woman to so heroically give her testimony is staggering! I certainly do not have enough information or experience to opine on her words however her explanations on her own experience were profound and powerful. "Puberty is not a disease but a human process that we all need to go through to get to adulthood"
This terrible social contagion must be stopped. The beautiful girls and boys whose lives are destroyed deserve justice. Jail terms for the doctors and counsellors who lied to them seems to be a small start.
Chole you've become the voice of reason! You are going to be a savior for exposing this! This will become an important purpose in your life! Your videos are really good!
Love you Chloe Cole since the first time I saw you, at the march in Tennessee with Matt Walsh. You are brave and beautiful and incredibly inspirational! Never stop talking and never quiet your voice! You are extremely loved and revered!
Both of you are so beautiful and so sweet. And so so so incredibly brave. I’m so very sorry for all you have been through. You are my heroes! Thank you both so much for telling your stories. I feel us older women bear a responsibility too in that we have failed to communicate how amazing it is to be a woman to the younger generation. Maybe we have complained too much and forgotten to let you know about all the miraculous parts of womanhood. I didn’t learn that I was on the spectrum until I was 45. It explained so much. I could relate to the bullying. I’m about to turn 58 and understand myself better now. Your stories are actually helping me to heal the parts of my childhood that linger on inside me. I can’t thank you enough for that. May you have the most wonderful adulthoods as beautiful women that is humanly possible. Sending you all the love my heart can send. ❤❤❤
You girls are true bosses. The courage to stand against the current at a day in age where everyone wants to do the easy cuddling up everyone else’s feelings rather than your own. Thank you!
Just starting watching, but the title - 13 yrs old... Oh dear Lord... I wish all the best and healing to Layla, and I'm sorry for the failure of the system and the adults/medical professionals in her life. Layla's still a beautiful young woman. You both are.
On a side note, just know that you two are warrior women for speaking out against these crimes against humanity. Not only were you brainwashed and coerced at such a vulnerable time in your liveswith no one to protect you, but you’ve gone through the entire process and come out the other end with purpose. You are warriors for standing up and speaking out against this evil. You will save many lives, and not only that, but many children. I hope you both know how incredibly brave you are ❤
When I was 21 I went to the doctors and told him I didn't want to have kids EVER. I wanted the operation procedure to make sure this didn't happen. Know what the doctor told me.... "You are too young". I was "too young at 21" but these kids are old enough at 10, 11 to make that choice? Even more to the evidence.. he was right. I now have two beautiful kids I wouldn't change for the world, I remember myself back then.. but I don't know myself back then. I'm someone completely different now then I was at 11 and that I even was at 21. God bless you both
It’s infuriating what they did to these little girls. I hope you take those butchers for all they’re worth. It will never restore your bodies but will send a message.
You two will have a tremendous impact on our degraded society. I feel horrible that the professionals allowed, and even coerced you into such a horrible thing. I hope and wish the best for you, and thank you for your bravery in standing against these atrocities. Stay safe, we need your voices!
Children don’t know what questions to ask. Parents don’t know what questions to ask because they never went through it. It’s up to the professionals to be honest. Thank you for sharing your story. Everyone needs to watch and listen.
Thank you for this. You have great courage to tell the world. My daughter had almost the same story and is your age. As parents we loved her thru it but were clear about our beliefs. She was later diagnosed with autism. I thank God we didn’t let her do anything permanent to her body.
Thank you ladies for your perspective. I am currently worried about my godson transitioning at 19. While I don't mind him using binders and wanting to be called "he", I worry about getting T and how it will affect him. I appreciate your perspective and hope more people listen with an open mind and kind heart.
Chloe you are an inspirational human being and an inspirational woman! I truly wish you every success and happiness in your life and also to all the young people who are going through this! 👏❤️✌️🙏
Chloe! You are a… inspiration, a hero, a strong and beautiful woman. There is a better, stronger word…. But I can’t summon it! You’re so special. Thank you for saving so many young girls.
Two bright, beautiful young women coming together and having important conversations that make a difference. Layla seems so sweet and smart, and it takes incredible strength to both take steps to move forward with your life while taking the fight to those who wronged you. Chloe, this is not the first video of yours I've seen, but every time I am blown away by your intelligence, maturity, and ability to articulate your thoughts and ideas. It's wonderful seeing you in the role of the interviewer. Whatever struggles you had in the past about feeling out of control of your body or self as a woman, you have become a shining example of how powerful women can be.
Scary. I am 50 and all the stuff they describe is just normal part of growing up. I feel for young people today….going for an extreme unnatural solution (surgery and hormones) for a very normal problem is truly immoral
Constructive criticism here: the volume on this video is SO low. I have to have the volume up all the way up the the adds blare 😢 but thank yall for coming out and telling your story that so many need to hear!
Thank you so much for sharing your unique perspectives and experience. As a fellow biological woman, I say to you both: you were real women before you transitioned, and you’re real women afterwards. We fully embrace and accept you ❤
If the girls won’t say it, I will. The parents should not have let this happen.
When people talk about de-tranaitioners, the topic of parents is hard. Are these really doe eyed parents, well intentioned, caring people who just believe the "professionals" I feel for them, if that's the case, bc they will live with their own anger and regret. Hopefully, more parents of de-tranaitioners come forward to tell what happened.
Some parents are completely submerged Ideologically, and are "true believers"
Someone said, "there are 2 sexes, and infinite personalities" people seem to be shifting the meaning of sex>>=gender>>=personality.
But changing meaning of words is a whole other rant.
I feel bad for these people who go through this. The capture of the minds that lead is so bad, like a virus it's everywhere. Medical institutions, educational institutions from prek - college, the Media, and maybe most importantly, culturally. But sadly, the cult-ure has become a Borg like mob.
@@amandakish5828 yes it's likely that parents who let this get as far as it did with their child for them to end up SURGICALLY ALTERING THEIR BODIES will not admit that they were duped by an agenda, or that they bought into a cult. For them to let it get this far they had to be deeply indoctrinated into this ideology. It is truly their religion. Liberalism is, after all, the religion of the Godless.
There are a few states , Washington and New Hampshire, maybe more, just removed parents rights to say no to this . Not one Democrat in congress voted for “parents bill of rights”. Vote democrats this is what you support. This is not compassionate -as they like to boast.
I think there are a few different types of parents that go through this. There are parents that are told, “would you rather have a dead daughter or an alive son.” That will shake any parent to his/her core. There are parents who are against it totally but if they are unlucky enough to live in a liberal state, CPS could get involved and the child will be removed. There are parents who are against it and eventually prevail. Then there are parents really want this because they get to feel special - the munchausen types.
As I understand, parents are usually told that they save their child's life by letting them transition. It's a terrible bind.
These de-trans videos should be required viewing for parents/kids considering changing gender. Thank you both for your honesty and bravery!
Trans people consider anything to do with detransition transphobic
America 🇺🇸 is where lgbt goes to die.
Yes it should be!! That should 💯 be part of their lawsuit
Most definitely they should. It is not informed consent to have only one side of the story. What is happening to these boys and girls is devastating.
Even parents can be delusional and play mind gymnastics to justify transition 😢
Layla's difficulty recalling adds evidence to the fact children can't give informed consent. They are captured into a vortex, a flurry of medical intervention.
Yeah she was a like a passenger on a ride to hell.
Such a good point
Most people can't recall events from 6 years ago clearly, especially when they are suffering from depression.
It's also a feature of trauma.
This was also like 5 years ago, most people don’t remember exact events in their life from that long ago
The surgeries on a 13 year old seems completely criminal !!
They chose this, no one forced it.
@@GmarineIraqVet wait a second you are now telling met that innocent, girl of 13 years of age, can consent to this crap? Are you out of your mind, their critical thinking skills hasn''t really developed yet, their brain is still growing, do you see a 13 year old driving a car? No you do not. This is just blaming of the victim absolutely disgusting. Children should be children, they can't make life altering choices, let alone castrates themself and mulitilate their body!
@@GmarineIraqVet So are you saying if a 13-year-old child “chooses” have sex with a 50-year-old man he is not at fault? It’s exactly the same thing. They are too young to give informed consent!!!
@@GmarineIraqVet Children CAN'T CONSENT you absolute ghoul!
@@GmarineIraqVet i dont think you got the point of this interview
I love how they highlight how little they knew about their own reproductive systems when they transitioned. How can they consent when they don’t even understand what they are consenting to? It’s something that needs to be talked about more.
Parents are consenting 😢
A consequence of Biology, Anatomy/Physiology no longer being taught in schools today.
It is so good that people are detransition and finding out that stay as you are, God created you the way you're born
God created Adam and Eve but not Adam and Steve
@@mht5875 presumably, if true, that is exclusively in the USA it’s certainly taught in schools in Europe.
@@serinadelmar6012I’m glad that in Europe they don’t have this crap happening!
A double mastectomy a month after her 13th birthday. Those "professionals" that agreed to do this to her should be ASHAMED of themselves! Thank you for your bravery and sharing your story, Layla Jane. Your story will help so many others.
I personally think they should have their medical licenses revoked and do prison time.
They NEED to be more than shamed they need to be arrested all of the doctors that do this should be arrested.
They should be pilloried.
Ashamed? They should go to prison for twenty years.
Time to wake up people. This only happens because we let it happen.
This is so horrifying for me a 62 year old grandmother. The state of our institutions have so fallen off the cliff. I'm so sorry how you young ladies have been treated by so called trusted authorities. Thank you for your bravery in coming forward.
It's a cult, and now no one can back out for fear of being labeled a "transphobe".
Things like this is what so many tried to warn of, in regard to embracing all the liberal/leftist/perverse bs.
Where are the parents? What adult in their right mind would allow this to happen to their child? Absolutely bizarre. Parents need to step up to the plate and ACTUALLY PARENT.
@@TheSwissChalet This is being foisted on the unwary like a new religion. The kids get sucked into it at school and through social media, but then the authority figures the parents turn to for help are cultists themselves.
@@stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 Liberalism is the religion of the Godless
You both turned into lovely women despite the unnecessary torture you were put through. Never stop ❤
@@directinprint I love that comment. It's only once we get old that we have the true understanding of what it means to say "you're still so young" and all the wonderful possibilities that come along with that.
Layla and Chloe, your bravery now (daring to speak up against the common narrative) sets the stage for your bright, long futures.
@directinprint how blessed you are ❤
So true!
put through? She happily volunteered and pleaded to have this done. No one forced her.
@@redg5609 When much too young to make such life-changing decisions.
Thanks! My Grand-Daughter is going thru this exact thing and her parents and Drs and psychologist are pushing her right along this dangerous transitioning path. Everytime I try and say something I’m accused of making her suicidal. Chloe, keep doing what your doing! Thank you so much and I pray my granddaughter will see these videos and see what a beautiful woman she is. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. ….I don’t know how else I can help her but to keep praying and supporting people like you and hope one day she’ll know how much I love her.
My 15 year old granddaughter wants to be a man 😢.
@@oliviawyatt9730that is so scary what damn democrats done to our country
Prayers for you and granddaughter ❤
This must be so hard for you, rationally wanting them to take this extremely seriously and not being able to get them to consider the full picture, including cons. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
As an adult woman I was given lupron to see if it would help a condition I suffered from. I was given it for 3 months, with the knowledge that even if it worked I could not have it any longer or it would cause irreversible damage. I remain dumbfounded that they prescribe this drug on children for years.
Layla Jane, suing those who harmed you is the only way this is going to change.
More like jail time
Jail time for the doctors, and huge damages for the girls
And maybe shaking the sh*t out of the parents and asking them where the hell were you when your child was being butchered??? Were you there clapping like a seal on the sidelines watching this happen????
Sued for malpractice then personally sued ! Take everything they have and then some .
I know people like to blame the Drs but it's ultimately the parents that delegated their responsibilities and approved it, now the Dr’s should be sued for malfeasance because they didn’t provide all the information and coerced them with misinformation and fear!
I knew a lesbian couple when I was in my early 20s a few years ago. Awesome folks. I don’t know what happened but suddenly one of them went non binary and got a mastectomy. They both cut all of their long beautiful hair off and started saying they were “queer”. My husband and I didn’t really keep touch with them, but recently my husband watched their apartment while they were out of town and helped them with a few things. The girlfriend mentioned how now years after the mastectomy the other female was having serious complications and infections. It makes me so angry that this stuff is pushed. I know older women who had mastectomies due to breast cancer and it’s a horrific thing to have to go through. I can’t believe they push children and teens to get this procedure as some sort of “good” thing . They need mental help, not surgery
Or sound indoctrination versus unsound
It's been happening in gay and lesbian communities, more and more lesbian women are being convinced they are actually trans since they tend to behave "butch" or "tomboy", as if not being feminine, or having desire for other women, immediately placed them into the "male" category. And all this from a movement that as a whole denies binary gendering...
Arielle Scarcella, a lesbian activist, has talked extensively about this form of "conversion therapy" that induces gay people to transition.
@@ONEFAITHofJESUS no indoctrination.
@@ONEFAITHofJESUSSound guidance 🙏 .... not indoctrination 🙁
Those health professionals need mental help
I'm 60 yrs old with grandchildren and STILL A TOMBOY...i love being a mom and wrestling around with my boys. Not into makeup and designer bags and shoes. Just a hippy tomboy.
In my 40s feel exactly the same 😊
There are so many ways of being a woman, having a p*nis is not one of them. I'm so glad more 'tomboy' women are speaking up!
Kelleen, me too!
62 yr old grandmother still digging in the dirt and all the tools in the garage are mine ( not pink either) Feel so bad for the kids these people are harming hope they all pay dearly, bankrupt these people
Hell they cautioned me as a post menopausal women about HRT and now we find out they are passing then out like candy to CHILDREN !
Tomboy mom here too. I also have high testosterone (naturally), and I swear most of it sucks. Unwanted facial hair, my cycles were irregular growing up and didn’t even out until after my 3rd child’s birth, I had anger issues as a kid and early in my marriage and parenting, I had trouble getting pregnant with my first two kids. But I never wanted to be a boy. I just preferred to do things that were/are typically associated with boys - no Barbies here, bring on the Hot Wheels!
This is so upsetting. I feel so sorry for children . The doctors who have done this to children should be held accountable its child abuse. This has to stop.
@Gangari TheWanderer in my state kids can consent to medical care at age 13, they do not need their parents. And I would bet anything if these doctors were all hit with FOIA we would find sick sick stuff.
@Gangari TheWanderer depends on the role that the parents took in this crime. Those „Transhausen by proxy“ parents and those supporting the transition because it’s the thing to do because they gain social credit points and they are woke, so it is the right thing to push for it (in their eyes) - oooooh YES, they need to be held accountable just like the professionals from the trans industry. Those parents that give into the pressure from fear of loosing their child from either alienation or suicide - I don’t know, what to do with them but they should be ashamed of themselves that they didn’t think for themselves and saved their children from harm. On the other side there are those parents, that fought hard with everything possible to keep their children safe, but didn’t stand a chance because they were denied any say in the process because judges decided otherwise/the children didn’t legally need their consent legally anymore (just for these treatments, not for a tattoo or drinking alcohol of course) and or their children got „knidnapped“ by one parent or a so called rainbow family (Jeffrey Marsh style) and brought into „sanctuary states“ to get treatment - those parents are victims too and need our support and assistance wherever possible.
@@NiaLaLa_V parents have allowed the schools to take over our lives.
@gangarithewanderer8570 You can't charge parents, for TRUSTING DOCTORS, when they get told "Would you rather have a live son? Or a dead daughter?"
ALL OF SOCIETY, from doctors, to schools, to therapists, to psychologists and psychiatrists, to "old media" like TV and newspapers, to EVERY medical websites, to Hollywood celebs, and e-celebs, the whole goddam system is telling parents "this will save your child LIFE!!! If you DON'T go along with transing your kid, that WON'T JUST make you a terrible, hateful parent, and a bigot, etc... It will ALSO mean your child will probably off themself, or run off and never see you again!!"
There are SOME complete scumbag parents,(like Jazz Jennings mother, starting him transitioning at age 3)... But plenty of parents are just making the mistake of trusting doctors.
You can't expect the average parent to have a clue how deal with this bizarre issue,when it suddenly gets dropped in their lap.
If anything THE DOCTORS should be the first in the dock; Especially doctors who are specializing in this stuff, and have a vested interest in pursuing kids into the meat-grinder of """gender-affirming care""".
(If parents make money from the kid, like Jazz Jennings' mother. Or other social media '""trans kids""" THEN charge them... But not if they just trusted people parent's are MEANT to be able to trust, like doctors)
@Gangari TheWanderer 50% of these “trans kids” are currently in the FOSTER SYSTEM (in the US) and doctors are still operating on them. no parental consent needed bc they will either LOWER THE AGE OF CONSENT🚩🚩🚩 or will call it “life-saving care” even though it’s the exact opposite. the latest study shows that 8-10 years AFTER the start of transition is the highest
suicide rate people with gender dysphoria. this is because once they’ve done everything they can do, be affirmed by everyone they could be affirmed by, they still know at the end of the day, they really can’t change their sex. that’s why the happiest trans people are the ones who don’t get the bottom surgery. not only is it completely genit*l mut*lation (which the US has shamed african countries for for centuries) but it also removes their ability to produce their own hormones making them lifelong HRT patients. the doctors are the real problem here. they’re literally practicing on these kids. look up marcie bowers, she is a trans woman surgeon and has preformed 2000+ “vaginoplasties”. she preformed 2/4 of Jazz Jennings surgeries, both of which failed. the second in which she took a piece of Jazz’s kidney (which is very uncommon) and used that the form the “vaginal walls”. and if you look more into the doctors you’ll find a lot more problems. i do agree that the parents can be the problem but the doctors are the ones actually doing it.
Why aren’t these girls being put on every news show, in the country. The only place on tv I’ve seen Chloe was on Fox News. Why isn’t she on CNN,MSNBC, etc. These girls could help save so many kids and their parents from this madness. God bless you both and may the future bring you health, happiness and everything good like you deserve.
I think tv isn't the most dominant medium nowadays, internet ism Chloe does many interviews, she's on various podcasts. Many people don't even watch traditional tv anymore at all, except maybe older people.
Because MSM is a govt tool and the govt loves this perversion.
@@joane24 And MSM goes along ideological lines. Chloe has been on Fox News because it is conservative/Republican compromised, while CNN/ MSNBC/ NPR are liberal/Democrat compromised. Give a good look around networks and you'll notice unbiased news, showing both sides of the same event or situation, is pretty much gone.
Because their story doesn’t fit the Left Wing “diversity is everything” narrative.
The story right now is that transitioning is a great idea, so those channels you mentioned won't show realities that are different in case it hurts their agenda.
They're already saying these people aren't "real trans" in other to invalidate their lived experiences.
you’re gonna change society
For the better
We can pray they will.
I hope so 🤞for the sake of all the children in the world, especially in the West right now. I pray for it every night.
The fact that Layla has a hard time articulating how she felt and what exactly she wanted or what was even going on just shows how evil these doctors are. A confused and possibly depressed kid with anxiety who needed support and love and treatment for a mental illness was rushed into medical intervention. Wtf!
Yeah it's really hard for me to believe she was able to use the proper language to ask for this when she was 13. If this is how detached and confused she is now, how bad was it back then? And the doctors just ignored that?? I'm not trying to pick on her behavior or anything she just seemed very stressed and maybe in shock. I cannot blame her. I've gone through mania and psychosis personally. It can make you so out of it, and make scary choices. doctors should recognize these signs before performing surgery
Doctors these days are very cold and uncaring. I don't trust Doctors.
I’m also on the spectrum and feel I was also manipulated by doctors who are more afraid of being labeled as bigots and losing their license than actually helping people!
So… I thought I was trans… I lived as a woman for 2 years, was on HRT, developed breasts, loved how I looked in a skirt and makeup. I contemplated GRS but I was shocked be approved after 1 freakin 20 min doctor visit and no psychological evaluation. I did my research and now I hate how I look because of HRT.
@@JewishKetothanks for saying so
Nope not worth losing their license to practise and waste all those years of studying burning the midnight oil, the stress passing exams that even affect our health and personal relationships and the huge amount of money spent on their education. Noone is worth all that. I'm a doctor myself,I know (although I'm not from America). I don't blame the doctors, I blame the Trans Activists who push people who don't conform to their believes to get fired from their jobs and lose their literal livelihoods. That's who you should blame..the rabid Trans Activists. Not us doctors.
Doctors who do evil will be judged.
Sometimes people, even Doctors… have to make a choice to do what is right. The reason evil currently reigns is because most people would like to do what is right but when it comes down to it costing them too much, they choose to do evil.
Broad is the path leading to destruction and many enter there but narrow is the way leading to everlasting life and few there be that find it. -Jesus the Moshiach
@@kittygirl_thetortie498 ah so if these doctors are prescribing rat poison and arsenic… or some other deadly poison because some rabid activists are pushing them to… I’m supposed to not give some blame to the doctor? What about “…do no harm..”?
Child transition should be banned on a federal level, not state.
Stop voting democrat and that just might happen.
Mutilating young girls. Aren't we supposed to be against it? Stay strong, both of you. Lots of love ❤
Where are these so called feminists when it comes to this?? 🙄 All these sick movements go hand in hand.
@@Faith.M22 do you know where the slur terf that some trans activists use come from? Trans-exclusive-radical-feminists. Feminists are the ones trying to stop this and getting alot of hate for it.
Chloe, you are a great interviewer for this topic because you know all the correct questions to ask, much better than anyone who hasn't personally gone through this. I would love to see a series of interviews from every detrans individual thats willing to speak up.
She does have a beautiful peace and spirit about her which, I believe, allows her “interviewee” to feel relaxed. I am also impressed she is so knowledgeable and can keep the interview rolling without any apparent notes. I pray God her time spent in her newfound ‘mission field’ impacts many more young lives.
I've had a mastectomy and reconstruction to prevent hereditary BRCA1 breast cancer at age 34. Reconstruction is better now than when my mom did it in '96. It's still no breasts. I have my nipples and weird silicone implants that I can feel the edges of. They're cold all the time, too firm, too round, and numb. It's just a weird facade, but better than dying of cancer at age 42, 47 or 50 like my aunts. Seeing this done to young teen girls for no real medical reason (just crazy gender ideology) is heartbreaking. This is the lobotomy of our time. You girls are so brave and inspiring to fight for yourselves and others!
This is what gets me, we have a ton of data from women, like yourself, who's choice was surgery or probable death. We know the complications, we know what can happen, we know how it effects a person psychologically and yet it's somehow ok to perform in healthy children? I'm sorry for your experience I hope you're healthy now
@@RenegadeContext Thank you. Yes, I'm well and don't have to worry about my aunts' fate. Yes, exactly, it's not okay to perform on healthy children that really don't know who they are yet and unlike I've seen a "gender-affirming" doctor claim, you cannot get your breasts back! Reconstruction is a prosthesis.
@@user-sm7pm1df3e completely, its not the same thing at all. it's like sayin you can replace your liver with a balloon. it'll fill up the space but it's not going to do what a liver does
Chloe, you were amazing in this interview, how you gradually and naturally guided the conversation, Layla seems a bit shy and you allowed her to speak with the safety and nurture to speak about her experience. The bonding was beautiful to watch! YOU GO GIRL! 🥰🥰🥰
Chloe, what an articulate, insightful and brave young woman, and Layla too - it’s shameful what was done to these children.
My heart breaks for you girls, at the same time as being in awe of your courage 🤗💪
It is chilling to listen to how children are being manipulated into permanent medicalisation. The money that is sadly going to be made out of confused children and young adults is deplorable. Well done for speaking up and your tribe is going to grow. I hope there are some great adults out there who are prepared to stand with you and assist.
Your tribe lmao 🤣
You don't realize that it was a phase until you grow out of it and you look back and see that you weren't really mature enough to make such a life-changing decision and every war has its own survivors but also victims i hope you all be happy with the way you are and be satisfied with yourselves because believe me you are beautiful
Amazing WE know this and yet the Medical community is doing so much damage
@@vicm6561they don’t care. Some of them are scared to speak up and the rest just love the money.
You ladies will save a lot of other young girls. Thank you for speaking out and taking action to make it public that this is wrong!
glad you two are back to being female. love yourself
They were always female.
This is so heartbreaking. Crimes against humanity were done to you girls. I am 28 years old and when I was going through puberty I was a tomboy; like many other girls. I wore the same 2 baggy outfits every single day in rotation. I was so uncomfortable in my body. Puberty is so tough for young girls. I remember my peers making fun of me, some calling me lesbian.....dark times for sure mentally. If I were living in the times we are now at that age, I would have definitely questioned my entire identity. But I wasn’t, so I didn’t. I’m now happily married to my high school sweetheart of 10 years and we have a son ❤
imo - it takes some kids longer to accept the changes that are going on with their body than others - and THAT is normal ❤ so happy to see your healing ladies 💛 keep doing what you’re doing!!!
My 9-11yo self could totally relate to layla :(( I HATED being a girl and growing up and my body, I was so scared. I can't even imagine if I had social media and this crazy trans movement for minors back then... I could've very easily been in this spot and it breaks my heart thinking about that sad girl
Exactly because puberty is just plain HARD. Nobody tells you that today.
Keep speaking out. Don't let anyone stop you.
A stolen generation unfolding, sadness beyond comprehension. The valley of tears
Carol in Omaha.
I am a Gramma 70 years old. Oh my how our culture has radically changed. I feel so badly for those of you who have struggled so and been taken advantage of. It seems like you are being used in a great experiment. Chloe, THANK YOU, for your honesty and putting yourself out there, and giving a platform of support for others in their confusion and struggle. You are a brave, compassionate woman. May the LORD bless you and protect you. You are a heroine for good.
These interviews are tremendous help for us all. Just keep going, you guys. The tide is turning!
I am a late diagnosed autistic woman with similar experiences growing up, except the transition. I was born in a time and place where transition was not really a thing… it breaks my heart that so many autistic girls transition nowadays… fills me wit sorrow… I am glad that you are speaking out! You are a light in this world!
How has this not blown up yet.
This type of content is usually not recommended by the algorithm.
@Faith.M22 I'm surprised it was recommended, but I checked it out and now am watching all her videos. Fascinating stuff.
Layla you’re a beautiful young woman. Thank you for sharing your story. Those doctors who did this to you should be held accountable
I just cried through this episode. As a mother, as a human being to contemplate the unforgivable harm that has been done to Layla and Chloe, and so many other children is beyond contemplation. And the moment you speak out against any of it you're labeled a TERF at best and a transphobe at worst. I was a classic tomboy, something which, I know now, was complicated and prolonged due to sexual abuse by a close family friend. Had I been born forty years later people would have told me I was trans and knowing myself, I KNOW I would have fully bought into it. What a nightmarish thought. Thank you two young ladies for speaking out and not letting yourselves be silenced.
I am so sad that those who took an oath as doctors, to do no harm, have greatly harmed you. Simply to advance their own checkbooks. It is heartbreaking. Sue them all! Its the only way this ends. U will save others, and that is priceless. Much love!
Great job Chloe! I can see Jordan Peterson’s influence in your conversational and comprehensive interviewing style. You’re a strong, smart young woman and I’m proud of you for using your own very challenging situation to help others. May God continue to use your efforts for good.
Probably the same producers
Chloe’s an incredible interviewer for such a young woman. And she has a greater skill than Jordan because she doesn’t interrupt as much as he does (and I say that as a huge fan of his 😂)
@@elizacooke8180 so you think she is doing this all herself??
@@Bexstarartistwhy would you think she couldn’t?
@@ApacheMagic she does not appear to be doing this on her own. Nothing wrong with teaming up. I just wouldn’t give someone credit for something I wasn’t sure about. To me there are many signs she isn’t doing this on her own. The production has a professional touch. Styling lighting and editing for one. It’s not realistic. You tubers start rough or more basic even very talented young ones.
I am so glad you all have come out to speak about this. More detransitioners should and the parents of kids who are considering this should hear your stories even if their kids and the “affirming providers” are telling them different. We are here for you!
Chloe, your voice is so important. Thank you for having the immense courage to speak out! You are heroic.
Thank God for you lovely ladies
I know it can't be easy but if you can help just one
You are both hero's. .
this upsets me so much. i have two teenagers and i cannot imagine them going through something like this. chloe is right, it is a gift to create life.
these girls are so brave and i hope they continue to cast light on this form of child abuse.
any medical doctor preforming surgeries or prescribing hrt or puberty blockers to children should have their license revoked.
I cannot believe this is legal anywhere on the planet. It’s heartbreaking. And the parents! How can they go along with this!!
In Canada it is illegal to fight against it!! I have heard of a parent losing custody of their child because they refused to use their new “pronouns” and name and didn’t not want to medicalize their child. Our government DISGUSTS me. I told me husband if it ever happened to us I’m taking my kids and leaving the country before I let these freak doctors touch my kids.
When my sister was 15 she wanted to drive across the country in an old van with 5 boys in winter as newly driving kids from California. We told her no and she lost her mind. She tantrummed. She screamed and cried. As an adult she’s like “ yea I was trippin. That’s crazy.” Had she had it in her mind to transition smh what would we have done?
@@Peaceful-Sheepyou need to press charges against that man or you are a child abuser. Your daughter will grow up to hate you for doing nothing about it. BELIEVE ME.
@@Peaceful-Sheepdoesn't matter how long ago it was, if he has nude images of minors all you need to do is give an anonymous tip and he will go to jail. I put my abuser in prison for this. Please please DONT just walk away like nothing happened. You'll regret it so bad. That man probably has hundreds of victims, stop him before he hurts more.
I am 23 and no longer speak to anyone in my family because they were complacent to me being groomed for CP online. They knew and didn't do anything. I don't even know if the people who raised me are alive anymore and I don't care. So if you want the same fate, just pretend nothing happened. I'm actually disturbed by your comment that didn't include the ending. Maybe you did report it and just didn't add that. Or maybe she was an adult? At that point it's still illegal revenge porn. And if the guy was a minor too, it's STILL a crime for him to send you those images. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you just didn't tell us what happened to him.. otherwise, get up and do something before your child is destroyed. When she's older like me she'll look back and realize how screwed up it is that her parents did nothing. That betrayal is even worse than what the man did. The worst, dirtiest feeling in the world is realizing your mother enabled a pervert.
@@machinegurlll take a nap please
Dear Chloe. Thank you for all your amazing work. As I am still a student I cannot afford to send more money at the moment, but I still wanted to show my support.
First of all: great job, you two are inspiring ladies and your work is very important. ❤️
One very small constructive criticism: Leading questions are not very scientific, and make the whole interview seem biased. Chloe, I think you have a natural gift to be a public speaker (in a monologue way, not dialogue), but I think your interviewing skills could be improved. No offense at all, you are doing way better than I ever could! But just like any other skill, interviewing can be improved and learnt. From what I can tell Layla is very shy so you probably wanted to help get her out of her shell, that’s understandable. It may be difficult, but it is possible to get someone shy talking without asking leading questions.
I look forward to many more videos from you! And all the best for your personal detrans journey❤️
Greetings from Switzerland :)
Don't give up. There is support & Love 💕
Chole you are an excellent interviewer combining curiosity, affirmation (the good kind!), providing information and really holding a space for Layla. Well done! Great job!!
Interesting how even normal adolescent angst has been so medicalized. Everything is a potential diagnosis rather than a part of growing up or an individual personality trait. That’s the background against which all of this nonsense has evolved.
One hundred percent!! You nailed it.
Two beautiful brave young ladies ❤
I am so appalled & saddened at the trauma you both endured.
Keep up the fight, you don't stand alone
Chloe and Layla, Y'all are so precious. Chloe I think you could be a public speaker and I think even counseling could be in your future. You have so many gifts. I loved this interview so much. I wished I could give both of you a hug. I'm so proud of both of you for how far you've come. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this. ❤️🙏🏼
Chloe - I have so much respect for you and the stand you are taking as a detransitioned female myself. You ladies are strong, beautiful, incredible. You are an inspiration for women like me; days I feel voiceless, uncomfortable to share with the world. Your story gives us a voice when we cannot speak, when no one wants to listen to the warnings we cry. God is using you in a mighty way. May you be blessed always in Jesus’ mighty name. You are loved, appreciated, and valued. Thank you.
As a mother and grandmother of many, the early years of puberty, junior high into high school, have ALWAYS been acknowledged as an awkward difficult time for our children. Did we forget this somehow, downplay it, or has it been weaponized against our dear children? 💔
In the world of instagram, fakebook, etc...people believe everything has to be "picture perfect". If it isn't...people think they need to "fix" it. That's not how real life works.
We live in a culture now that instead of dealing with the pain that comes with life or even feeling awkward is now skipped and said we can solve this with a pill or science. It's really sad because you look at this generation becoming adults and they cannot handle life at all. Life is beautiful with pain and joy. You can't skip those experiences that make you human
@@angelapatino9582 Right, not to mention that feeling uncomfortable, embarrassed, upset, regret, etc...comes with a lesson or some level of learning, forming layers of experience that transform into wisdom as a person moves through the stages of life. Every lesson is best learned through experiencing it yourself, not by avoiding it, or by watching others experience it.
Weaponized, maybe...but I think it has more to do with big pharma and doctors, finding a niche where they can make an awful lot of money. They don't care about anything else.
@@Peaceful-Sheepit is estimated that they are making billions off of this!
Keep the fight on❤❤I'm crying 😢
Chloe, you're a talented interviewer and you're doing great work! Bless you.
Thank you for your rawness, I'm 59 and can't imagine having these options when I was young. I developed very late, didn't fit in with girls my age and boys treated me as a little sister, the mature girls always tried to beat me up. At the age of thirteen I was sexually asulted in broad daylight,I didn't even know what sex was much less why someone would what to disfigure my growing breast,therapy wasn't an option. I hated men,hated my body and I m sure I would have done anything not to go through puberty. Through many hypnotherapy sessions I was able to love myself and learned we are ALL individuals, trying to fit into categories isn't necessary,we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Stay strong and be you God does not make mistakes when he created you
I'm sorry you went through that horrible experience. I can sadly relate. I would also have jumped into surgeries and treatments at that age. I still don't feel comfortable in my body, but I know surgeries wouldn't fix my deeper wounds.
Chloe Cole thank you for bringing truth to all of us. We support you.
Fascinating discussion between 2 very strong and brave women. Thank you for coming forward and telling us about your experiences. I am sure this will help others struggling with puberty and growing up in todays society.
these interviews are so important, I will do my best to help push them out to as wide of an audience as possible!
You are both incredible women, keep telling your stories 🙌♥️
Two beautiful, intelligent and strong women despite the hell you were put through. Thank you both for sharing your stories and trying to prevent other children from falling prey to this evil.
23:33 “When you’re given this explanation for your feelings, it’s easy to cling onto, because you don’t know any better.” How precise.
When you’re given this *option as an explanation for your feelings…
This needs to be stopped at the government level. There need to be laws that stop this. No puberty blockers, no hormone injections, and especially no surgeries before the age of 21. If you're not allowed to drink alcohol, something that has a TEMPORARY effect on your body, you certainly should not be allowed to irreparably and PERMANENTLY damage your body by cutting off or altering parts.
Not without physiological necessity. If you can't pee, you might need surgery. If your appendix is about to explode, you need surgery. But if you have trouble in mind, surgery is not the answer.
The government wants this to be happening. They created it. The virus is an inversion of everything that is considered normal.
The current president of the US supports this. It's insane the US president hasn't done his research before backing the mutilation of children or he doesn't care what happens to them. I really hope it's the former because the latter is horrifying
Wow! The passion and bravery it took for this young woman to so heroically give her testimony is staggering! I certainly do not have enough information or experience to opine on her words however her explanations on her own experience were profound and powerful. "Puberty is not a disease but a human process that we all need to go through to get to adulthood"
This terrible social contagion must be stopped. The beautiful girls and boys whose lives are destroyed deserve justice. Jail terms for the doctors and counsellors who lied to them seems to be a small start.
Plus, those who publicly support the notion that gender is more important than children should be ashamed.
Chole you've become the voice of reason! You are going to be a savior for exposing this! This will become an important purpose in your life! Your videos are really good!
Love you Chloe Cole since the first time I saw you, at the march in Tennessee with Matt Walsh. You are brave and beautiful and incredibly inspirational! Never stop talking and never quiet your voice! You are extremely loved and revered!
Both of you are so beautiful and so sweet. And so so so incredibly brave.
I’m so very sorry for all you have been through. You are my heroes! Thank you both so much for telling your stories.
I feel us older women bear a responsibility too in that we have failed to communicate how amazing it is to be a woman to the younger generation. Maybe we have complained too much and forgotten to let you know about all the miraculous parts of womanhood.
I didn’t learn that I was on the spectrum until I was 45. It explained so much. I could relate to the bullying. I’m about to turn 58 and understand myself better now. Your stories are actually helping me to heal the parts of my childhood that linger on inside me. I can’t thank you enough for that.
May you have the most wonderful adulthoods as beautiful women that is humanly possible. Sending you all the love my heart can send. ❤❤❤
You girls are true bosses. The courage to stand against the current at a day in age where everyone wants to do the easy cuddling up everyone else’s feelings rather than your own. Thank you!
I hope your voices go back to normal. You're still young. So sorry you girls went through this. Praying for both of your journey to healing.
Just starting watching, but the title - 13 yrs old... Oh dear Lord... I wish all the best and healing to Layla, and I'm sorry for the failure of the system and the adults/medical professionals in her life.
Layla's still a beautiful young woman. You both are.
@Adulthumanfemale84 What does beauty have to do with what? I don't understand your question.
Chloe, you are an amazing interviewer. This is your calling.
On a side note, just know that you two are warrior women for speaking out against these crimes against humanity. Not only were you brainwashed and coerced at such a vulnerable time in your liveswith no one to protect you, but you’ve gone through the entire process and come out the other end with purpose. You are warriors for standing up and speaking out against this evil. You will save many lives, and not only that, but many children. I hope you both know how incredibly brave you are ❤
So many people have failed these ladies. Parents, teachers, peers, doctors. It’s heartbreaking.
You two are the voice of reason in a confused world. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. I wish you both the absolute best.
When I was 21 I went to the doctors and told him I didn't want to have kids EVER. I wanted the operation procedure to make sure this didn't happen. Know what the doctor told me.... "You are too young". I was "too young at 21" but these kids are old enough at 10, 11 to make that choice?
Even more to the evidence.. he was right. I now have two beautiful kids I wouldn't change for the world, I remember myself back then.. but I don't know myself back then. I'm someone completely different now then I was at 11 and that I even was at 21.
God bless you both
What gets me is if parents try to stop thier child from transitioning, they are placing laws to stop the parents..its horrific.
You two are just beyond wholesome. I can’t find the right words. I look up to you two. Kudos!!!
It’s infuriating what they did to these little girls. I hope you take those butchers for all they’re worth. It will never restore your bodies but will send a message.
Butchers 🎯
All they are worth insurance wise and person wealth . People are making $$$$ off this harm
well the parents are the ones giving consent to this
I see two beautiful women sharing such an important story here.. Keep up this real talk ladies! You're gonna save lives!❤
Amazing honesty and bravery in these twisted corkscrew times. Bless you both.
You two will have a tremendous impact on our degraded society. I feel horrible that the professionals allowed, and even coerced you into such a horrible thing. I hope and wish the best for you, and thank you for your bravery in standing against these atrocities. Stay safe, we need your voices!
Children don’t know what questions to ask. Parents don’t know what questions to ask because they never went through it. It’s up to the professionals to be honest. Thank you for sharing your story. Everyone needs to watch and listen.
Chloe should be a counselor. She has a gift for interviewing and asking questions without prying or being intimidating.
Chloe, you are very good at this. Please keep it up.
She's a class act, and at such a young age. ❤
Thank you for this. You have great courage to tell the world. My daughter had almost the same story and is your age. As parents we loved her thru it but were clear about our beliefs. She was later diagnosed with autism. I thank God we didn’t let her do anything permanent to her body.
Such a pleasure to hear your share and have better skills as a therapist. I am wishing both of you much good health and success.
Thank you ladies for your perspective. I am currently worried about my godson transitioning at 19. While I don't mind him using binders and wanting to be called "he", I worry about getting T and how it will affect him. I appreciate your perspective and hope more people listen with an open mind and kind heart.
Chloe you are an inspirational human being and an inspirational woman! I truly wish you every success and happiness in your life and also to all the young people who are going through this! 👏❤️✌️🙏
God bless you all, and thank you for speaking out against this evil
Chloe! You are a… inspiration, a hero, a strong and beautiful woman. There is a better, stronger word…. But I can’t summon it!
You’re so special. Thank you for saving so many young girls.
Praying you both find justice and peace ❤
Two bright, beautiful young women coming together and having important conversations that make a difference. Layla seems so sweet and smart, and it takes incredible strength to both take steps to move forward with your life while taking the fight to those who wronged you.
Chloe, this is not the first video of yours I've seen, but every time I am blown away by your intelligence, maturity, and ability to articulate your thoughts and ideas. It's wonderful seeing you in the role of the interviewer. Whatever struggles you had in the past about feeling out of control of your body or self as a woman, you have become a shining example of how powerful women can be.
This is so devastating to watch 😭😭 Thank you so much for sharing your story ❣
Scary. I am 50 and all the stuff they describe is just normal part of growing up. I feel for young people today….going for an extreme unnatural solution (surgery and hormones) for a very normal problem is truly immoral
Excellent interview. ❤
Constructive criticism here: the volume on this video is SO low. I have to have the volume up all the way up the the adds blare 😢 but thank yall for coming out and telling your story that so many need to hear!
Praying some confused teens run accross this video and it changes the course of their lives!
Thank you so much for sharing your unique perspectives and experience. As a fellow biological woman, I say to you both: you were real women before you transitioned, and you’re real women afterwards. We fully embrace and accept you ❤