Implementation Wars - Dialogue 2023

  • Опубліковано 22 вер 2024
  • Its champions have described the Inflation Reduction Act as the federal government, finally, dedicating its full
    financial might to the climate crisis. If the energy systems modelers and economists who have studied the law
    are in the ballpark, multiple trillions of dollars are on the table. And, barring any (not inconceivable) legislative
    rollbacks, the tax credits and other policies that make up the IRA will likely benefit American industries
    for decades to come. Yet the political consensus underwriting IRA might be shakier than is commonly
    assumed. A relatively unknown law, passed on a party-line Reconciliation vote, hardly feels like a third rail
    that Republicans, and perhaps even some Democrats, would be unwilling to touch. And many obstacles and
    pitfalls remain, from supply-side bottlenecks to uncertain consumer response to new financial incentives
    to unrequited permitting reforms that the law’s backers are counting on to maximize its efficacy. Despite
    significant alignment among forecasters and modelers on the law’s long-term impact, it seems plausible that
    more of the IRA’s aggregate outcome will be determined in its implementation than in its passage.