Has work become our new religion in an era of burnout? Watch a previous episode of the Idea File featuring Derek Thompson: ua-cam.com/video/HAPQnCBnOLc/v-deo.html&
This is by far why I don't live in a city. Living space options in the city are barely the size of a prison cage for a rat and her 3 kids. Also you can't just let your kids play in the streets in a city. I mean you can but it's not the same as living in a neighborhood.
The “government solution” at the end is misguided. The government investment should be in education, child care, and healthcare. Not government subsidies for having more children.
Very good response! We have to invest in the people and the future in this sort of way. Otherwise it’s giving a man a fish rather than teaching him to fish.
TheBigO09 So did France. It’s ludicrous to me that young people think climate change or overpopulation are reasons to eschew having children. Those who have no children are contributing to poverty-including their own. These BS “government investments” you guys dream about won’t even include the Social Security system which you’ve been paying into. There aren’t enough young people to support it. We’re already in a demographic winter and you’re all on board with the UN obliterating as many women’s fertility worldwide as possible! Ask any economist (I’m married to one and we had five kids-all adults who are working with children of their own too) and they’ll tell you that HUMAN CAPITAL is the one kind of basic resource that every economy needs. If you don’t have kids of your own, you will richly deserve your poverty later on.
@TheBigO09 That's because Japan has no immigration. Even though birth rates are going down, the US is still one of the largest countries with immigration. Immigrants make up for the lost in population.
What’s maternity leave like? 2-4 months isn’t enough time. Most companies want you back to work as soon as possible, and don’t offer to subsidize $1600/month daycare cost. It’s too expensive for the middle class.
Middle class is on the minimum with money,kids, Life is so expensive in big city's, safety,kindergarten, schools If you want baby they can dump you from job
logan madison which makes it even worse. I saw the last week tonight- maternity leave video where the lady gave birth prematurely on Wednesday and went back to work on Monday so they’ll save more time/money for when the baby comes home.
I refuse to birth a child into a world where the rich (the executives of large companies, etc) will see them solely as a tool for profit, and not as a person who is working to live. I refuse to make it so that someone is forced into being a wage slave. I also refuse to put my health at risk for BAYBEEEES but that's another story. Removing my tubes as soon as a doctor takes me seriously.
Used to wonder why people chose not to have kids in Western countries. I now know why...after having three kids. My advise is if you are not mentally strong then don't do it. Have a dog or some pet.
@BLUE DOG That's actually not the issue here. In fact the world is facing a steady decline in population. Even poor nations are having less kids now compared to say twenty years ago. The problem here is that the system in the US makes it harder and harder for people to have and raise kids.This is a problem in the long term. Currently the US has an edge over other developed nations because it attracts far more immigrants from different parts of the world. This is beginning to change though as a result of changing attitude to brown people and also the 'American Dream' is becoming more and more like a nightmare for ordinary people.
@BLUE DOG It has actually been proven that the top 1% waste 90% of the resources. Poor people don't have the resources to polute the environment as much as global companies.
@Angie B I agree with your comment. But my main point is if one is not in a position to handle all the challenges that come with raising kids then it is advisable for one to think twice before doing so. You're not gonna get any meaningful help from society. You are on your own if things go wrong. Social support in the US lacking. I love my kids and will do everything to give them a proper upbringing. But it's not easy and I can certainly understand if someone else decide not to have kids in this environment.
I do not want kids for two reasons: 1) I come from a lower socio-economic situation and statistics show that if you are poor your children will also be poor. 2) I have debilitating mental health issues; I don't want my kids to be born poor, not be able to function in society, and/or wind up committing suicide because they inherited the same faulty genes that I have.
I have a chronic illness that makes me too tired to care for children. If I did get better, I would NOT want any child to have to go through what I did and I got it from my father so I know it can pass down. My parents don't know the extent of my suffering, even to the point of being suicidal, but I would know. Also, pregnancy and the stress of parenting a young child could cause me to relapse and not be able to care for the child properly. I have a financial safety net but my child would not. If I do come into some money and my health improves I would like to have a wilderness retreat for inner city or LGBT kids and be kind of summer parent with help from volunteers.
Growing up in Brooklyn, there were very few kids around to play with. I often felt like I was surrounded by adults and it caused a lot of issues and social anxiety since the people around me were young, hip, and rich, and I was just a kid (and teenager). Having a limited demographic seriously harmed my neighborhood and led to rampant gentrification. The streets are no longer for the people but for the cars and the commuters. This video spoke volumes to me. Thank you.
I've always felt that family size grows in the opposite direction of family wealth. So the poor keep having kids and the middle class limit theirs because of the cost of nursery school, private school and of course, College.
If you are absolutely poor or absolutely rich kids make no difference, if you are in the middle however, you can not support another family member. Looks like a fast way to get rid of middle class and sub all of the middle with low wage, low education slaves, something ppl pissing about the environment don't really think about.
Child tax credits are not the answer, it's better city planning and design for families. Change building codes so there must be a certain amount of family sized housing units, affordable units geared to income, condos must have a daycare floor, allow schools to be built above transit terminals. Universal health and daycare would also help.
Problem is, developers only care about profits, so they're going to gravitate towards luxury condos as often as possible. Past a certain point (without government subsidies) family-sized apartments/duplexes/townhouses lose their profitability. Basically, we need to extend the same help to constructing a livable society as we do to coal miners, farmers, and the military. Which is doable.. if the Republican Congress all suddenly died
@MrMrnebula88 We want families to live in cities, for that they need access to services such as daycare. What's the point of a city without children? If there's no families, there's no children, if there's no children, there's no future.
@@Sorcerers_Apprentice they are talking about city. No matter what suburban life is way better for families then city life. City life sucks with noice, lack of space, crime and population density.
Childless, single Americans already pay more taxes and this guy wants to double or even quadruple the child tax credit... I'll look to leave the country if that happens.
Yeah it's pretty aggravating how financial responsibility is punished in this country. The people I knew who bought huge mortgages they couldn't afford are now sitting high on the hog from price inflation.
@@kiela17 that you didn t love your life and that if you could turn back time you would choose not to have your children. I really hope your children will not read your comment. It would be devastanting for me f. ex to hear my mom saying that. I' m really sorry for you:(
Every single video like this: People in video: "I wonder why younger people aren't having children or buying homes?" Younger people: "Because we have crushing student loan debt and also wages haven't kept up with inflation and we can't find jobs because they have incredibly unrealistic entry-level standards and Baby Boomers built up these gigantic mansions that we can't afford to move into." People in video: "Damn, I guess they just don't understand family life. What a mystery."
When my son was a baby/toddler we had a small condo in the city. I thought I would want to stay in the city. But as he grew older I realized kids need parks and the schools around us weren't very good. I bought a house with a yard in suburbia for the same price as a city condo. We are walking distance from several schools and parks. It is really nice to be surrounded by other kids and families. Most people choose to commute to work here. My old friends are childless and living in the city with completely different lives.
Could those major tech-centered companies invest in satellite offices in better quality of life cities who could use the boost of brains & cash? Allow more remote work for those who want to live just at the edge of commute distance to cities? I am in that second situation - having been able to afford a house between two major metro areas but am now saddled with an intolerable commute to a tech job.
Yes!!! Thank you for offering a solution-oriented response that would truly alleviate burdens for many people if tech companies would get onboard... including my household as we have a baby on the way. It would be a step in the right direction. Maybe you could quit your tech job and run for political office. 😁
To follow up - I did receive a job offer with an organization for a coveted remote position recently! I finally feel like I can become a member of my community.
It is certainly a demographic problem for America if fewer children are raised in communities where they are exposed to many cultures and types of people.
Maurazio I moved not quite to a city but to a suburb in between Orlando and Daytona. Now I want to go back. I’m sick and tired of all the Puerto Ricans who can’t even speak proper Spanish, let alone English.
Stop reproducing. So many of the worlds problems are from over-population yet you see parents all the time "my kids, my kids, my kids..." Utterly oblivious and self infatuated
He's also failing to mention white flight. The outskirts of the cities are inhabited by people of color who go to the public schools white parents just believe "for some unfounded reason" are not as good as the suburban schools. The suburbs are mostly white due to redlining and now the rising cost of homeownership. Many white families only afford houses by putting off having children and getting financial help from their parents, who have benefited financially from the decades of redlining and discrimination, and the formerly low cost of upward class mobility (tuition etc...).
“Schools are segregated because white people want them that way" www.vox.com/platform/amp/identities/2017/10/26/16533878/race-education-segregation-nikole-hannah-jones
Nobody wants their kids in inner city schools with horrible kids fighting and being disruptive all day. You can't blame white and black upper class people to move to suburbs. Suburb life is better anyway to raise families. Companies are now moving out of city cause of issues if crime and population. We have huge land, that we need to space out instead of cramping in.
@@WaveRider1989 inner city kids are no worse than kids anywhere else. They aren't "horrible." And they are 70% black and Hispanic in NYC and prob most cities so I'd be careful what u say. Ur also ignoring the history of redlining. Suburbs have been mostly reserved for white people fleeing school integration. That occured in the late 20th century before resegregation largely due to pressure from white upper middle class mothers. I agree with your last point about needing to spread out tho. Cities are getting way more crowded than their infrastructure can support.
What I hear from my friends with kids - Daycare costs are monstrous. Why I won't have kids while living in Vancouver, BC - Astronomical housing costs, shitty public transportation infrastructure. Wages can't keep up with the cost of living. Costs need to come way down if developed countries want to increase birth rates.
I agree. In the last few decades the costs of technology (phones, TVs, computers) have gone down massively as the quality has gone up, but the cost of important things like housing, healthcare, education, and childcare have gone up massively whilst the quality has gone down or stayed the same.
Media, stop,spreading this nonsense! WE ARE OVERPOPULATED SINCE THE 60S! No jobs, not enough food and housing. Hospitals , Schools and hotels are over crowded, oh, airports, too! I just came back from somewhere, I did NOT just imagine all the people at different places! I did not! At the airport either!
@@maythesciencebewithyou "don't have to worry about your genes going extinct" Do people literally worry about this? I always took it as mostly a hyperbole, if it is then damn we humans aren't NEARLY as evolved as we take ourselves to be.
@@DoGmAnGuY1758 I mean we have family meetings where we have a family tree diagram that shows known first parents of this huge tree of kids. Those kind of things influence people.
Get rid of cars in the city. Get the parking space back to the people. No more noise, pollution, more space for kids to play, walk and be a kid in a city. this is a cheap solution.
So glad to live where cost of living is low. I’ve been in Boston for 2 months and can not figure out why anyone would want to live in a city. I can’t get back to North Carolina fast enough.
Ive been trying to get pregnant for over 4 years. You want me to reproduce, help me with the enormous infertility costs instead of making me pay out of pocket.
So many of are cities arent human friendly in general. if you feel unsafe outsode of a car while commuting, thats a problem. More green space, less cars, and affordable housing would make everyone feel more secure. Not just families.
Switch it around: What if you are a young adult who lives outside of the cities and wants to have kids, but all the people your age (potential partners) are living in the cities?
When kids in suburbs grow up and graduate from high school, they go back to cities for the good colleges and city life, and eventually jobs - and in the end delay marriage and having kids. This loop will ultimately tip to more and more (educated) people living in cities and having less kids in the long run. No churches and small community pressures means - people choosing what’s best for them first than what’s best for others (parents, congregations, the government, etc).
If you make it cheaper to have a kid by providing tax credits, you are transferring the costs of running government onto those who choose not to have kids. Is such a transfer a good idea?
Either pay people substantially more and keep increasing the pay to keep up with the ridiculous cost of housing or lower the cost of housing by at least half and keep it there. Then maybe some of us millennials will stop being in panic mode all the time over our finances and actually have kids.
My husband is considered "self employed" by company he works for so they don't have to pay for insurance. I have been laid off 4 times in the past 12 years. I wanted kids in my 20s, but I am 36 and pregnant with my first because I finally trust that I can make it nine months without losing my health benefits.
It has become just too flat out expensive for the modern couple. Long gone are the days when dad could have a life time job at the factory, wife at home, paid off car in the garage and a vacation every year. Life is just not 'fun' anymore for the majority of people.
This is really interesting in respect to the melting permafrost and the situation with pollution in ocean and water ways and shifting jet streams and polar vortex... adolescents today know the earth may be inhabitable in 50 years time ... should they have babies in 10 years time? Chances are they won’t want to bring a child into this globe
The problem with prosperity is that it makes it easy for everyone to isolate themselves .. this makes couples harder to come by and therefore harder for babies to be born
Not really. If you're having 5+ kids like a lot of rural types were having a few decades ago, you're contributing to the problem. If everyone is not having kids, that's causing a problem too. It's ALMOST like there's a balance to be had! Crazy thought.
We're STILL over populated. The world population is still climbing. Unfortunately it's more POOR babies being born which unfortunately doesn't contribute to anything. We need more middle class babies. The rich babies will just inherit everything but they're also much fewer than the poor babies.
Yes the world population is growing, but the growth is declining. And the video above was specifically about US cities, even though the same trends can be spotted elsewhere. The Chinese though are discovering suburbia - different trends in different places.
I am so happy that population of people - the most overpopulated spicies on earth as well as the only spicies producing waste - is finally lowering a little.
I'm kind of with you on that. I also think there are too many people in the world at the moment. The big problem is that the rate of decline is variable. The rich Westernised nations have the lowest birth rates whilst the poorer nations still have comparably higher birth rates. Combine this with the fact that governments need to tax to fund itheir exorbitant spending and we end up with the mass immigration from poor countries we have now and the social and political upheaval that comes with it (Brexit, Trump, rise of AFD in Germany, Vox in Spain ect).
That we need to stop pushing women into living double lives, living like a man from 9 to 5 and living like a woman with every chore that comprises at home.
koolk22 You mean like secretarial work? Lol But I have to say when you have multiple kids just raising the family IS a career. Just ask my grandmother.
Matthew My mother has 6 children and she still went to work full time as a police officer. You can do both. Also computer science and other careers of that nature can allow people a flexible schedule while working at home.
The housing is too expensive and the schools are bad. That pretty much sums it up. And it has nothing to do with the federal government nor does it have anything to do with jobs. It's bad land use policies at the local level that drive the housing costs. And all the high growth companies concentrating themselves on the west coast isn't helping matters either. It wouldn't kill any of them to open an office in Cleveland or Milwaukee instead of packing more people into San Jose.
Absolutely IspitHF. Housing, schools, poor land management, and greed are all snowballing to create havoc on city dwellers. America has so much land & smaller city choices that the redistribution of companies, maybe through incentives, isn't a bad idea. Having a baby on the way, we are forced to decide between: 1. Eventually finding to a 2 bdrm apt 90+ min commute to keep the same marginaly affordable rent price we have now. 2. Move to another state/area where we lose all family support and know nobody. We get no help, and our family who relies on us helping them (babysitting, etc) loses us as well. 3. Apply for social services to get low income housing in a higher crime neighborhood where the schools are aweful... most ppl never truly want this option, its usually a last resort due to desperation and mouths to feed. No thank u. 😝 This, this is why my sister doesn't want to have kids and I honestly respect her choice. Even though children are the biggest blessing God can give a person.... literally creating beautiful little lives each with their own purpose, created in his image.. and entrusting a man and woman to care for and raise his beautiful creations. Human life is beautiful and should be celebrated. However, it's a terrible chice to have to potentially uproot everything u know and love just be a parent. Our world is so corrupt and backwards.
Wow Harmony. Why go to lengths to cyber bully at a comment that wasn't directed at you anyways? You sound angry and miserable. I'll take my happy life full of joy and love anyday. P.s. "gawd" isn't in the english dictionary. It's not a word. 🤔
Naomi Thorn obviously a troll- pretending to have a company😆. I guess Harmony doesn’t rely on people with values like farmers, ranchers and transporters of products. She probably lives in a Seattle suburb that she thinks is the Big City and is angry about rent increases.
Cities are no place for MIDDLE CLASS families. For the middle class to live in a city, both parents need to work. Lots of rich families live in cities, and low income/illegal immigrant families get tons of benefits in cities (off the backs of the middle class). Ie, our urban neighborhood built a nice new library...closed on Sunday...which I never got to use with my kids because I was too busy working. The library was a great place to go if you are unemployed or a rich SAHM. Resentful? You betcha! Leaving the city was the best decision EVER! Skipped the overrated suburbs and went straight to the county. Never looked back!
Generations have been sold on having a family in a white picket fenced house, the ideal American family. This sounds like it aligns with that. Cities are going to encroach further and further outwards as transportation advances. I wouldn't be surprised if "city areas" start replacing more and more of what's considered rural and suburban in today's age. Then you can count those suburbia babies in your little census data as "city babies".
When your partner doesn't work with you in building the facilities for a child, and when your money goes down the drain every month paying up debts and transport expenses while your partner spends on secondary luxuries. Now tell me how you could guarantee the child's welfare and well-being?
Good video, although have the people that made this video been to a public school in NYC? There are a lot of kids here. I don’t see the reduction of kids at all.
The reason because families with children don't stay in the city is because is too damn expensive and probably because crime (that normally is higher in cities) and car traffic that makes cities very unsafe for children (and everyone else)
All the men I know in the cities under 50 are addicted to porn and video games, they don't want children or relationships. I'm not blaming or judging them, just citing what I see.
I was born in 1980. Inner city Lindon. The thing is, my childhood was pretty impoverished, I got 9/11 for my 21st birthday, and the credit crunch and brutal 100 hour weeks at the time that I should have been getting married. This has given me severe stress, work related injuries and also put me in line for harassment and workplace abuse.
I simply had a "worldview shatter" before I either A. Reached the age to have kids or B. Was good enough with the opposite sex to have an accident. So I asked myself "why do I want to get married? Why do I want to have kids?" and I literally had no answers for myself. Since then I've only gone further in the other direction of not wanting to have kids or get married. Not enough money, not enough time, a shitty consumerist and material obsessed culture that I refuse to subject my own kids to, the impending climate crisis, and even nuclear war are some of the reasons I don't want kids. Plus I see the Antinatalist point of view a little bit, having a kid is intentionally shoving the human experience on someone else against their will, and the quality of that life will be chosen by lots and lots of randomness and we know just how horrible life can get via bad luck, genes, brain structure, illness, disability (my brother is severely Autistic, and not that I don't love him, but I'd hate to deal with having a kid who's got it, I'd feel horrible and blame myself for their existence every day) can all go wrong and ruin their life from day 1, with literally no one to blame and no way to fix the problem. Now, my brain is still open to the possibility, but my God do the stars have to align at this point for me to want kids. I doubt that the economy, climate crisis, cultural issues, and all those will be fixed in even the next 30 years, and I'd be 53 by then so who knows, but I still highly doubt it.
Always a contrarian am I. I live in the Palisades neighborhood of the District of Columbia. I got on a bus this afternoon to get home from shopping. At one stop, many kids got on, kids who were getting out of classes at a public school. Kids of all colors. And there is a protest movement to return the building that housed the middle school that Amy Carter attended back to a public education facility because we have more students who need that building for public education than who need it for the private educational facility that is currently leasing the space. Are we an anomaly? Perhaps. But I wish you had known about our little area to find out what we may be doing right.
@@matteandcrimson We have a mix of apartments that are rent-controlled and McMansions and upper middle-class housing and old houses from the 1800s. So, yes, some parts are "ridiculously expensive" but not all parts of this area.
Unless all those houses vacated by young families are torn down, property taxes don’t go down. They’re selling to affluent buyers at higher prices enabling cities to raise the tax collected on that house or apartment.
According to the graph in the video, the U.S. birthrate is a little over 2 children per household, and it has been that way since about 1990. This is a reasonable birthrate and should not be considered too low.
@@kosan181 According to UN reports, the replacement birthrate is about 2.1. Also according to Pew Research: "A total fertility rate of 2.08 is considered 'replacement level' in the U.S." In addition, the current population of the earth is about 8 billion; however, Pew Research projects world population to reach 10.9 billion by 2100. I think we we don't need to worry about the world birthrate being too low. Note: The global fertility rate today is 2.5; replacement rate is about 2.1.
It hasn't been over 2 since I think about 2008? It is now at 1.7/1.6 which isn't enough to sustain the population. Also when you take into account with the global birth rate that most of those children are being born in countries with very high infant/child mortality rates it likely falls below replacement levels.
Cities are childless because people think they need a house with a garden for their kids. Cities rarely have such properties. The reality is that kids can live very happy lives in the city.
It's more about time and money managment. You either have to work less so you can spend time with your kids or pay someone to. Most people can't afford to work less. As a consequenze their child is raised by the system and the more you pay, the less likely your child will become emotionaly damaged.
@@Yakarash You can't manage money that you don't have. Childcare can easily be over half a persons income. And that's if you can find it at all. I tried to go back to work last year despite the fact that with any job options I had 1/2 or more of my pay would go to childcare, but I could not find childcare in my town. The 1 option available in the nearest small city was more a month than my rent.
@@beth8775 And thats what holds women with children back. You can't have a career and get a better paying job, because you can't afford childcare on an entry level salary. And then polititians ban abortions and raise taxes on contraception. The system sucks. This is why we need feminism!
Yep. And the rural areas they can get away with a lot more due to a lack of oversight (i.e. education programs, justice system, corruption). There is a great segment by John Oliver regarding Chicken Farms where the rural communities are devastated by corruption.
@@CIARUNSITE depends where I live our education system is pretty amazing. My city's school district is in the top 100 in the nation.... but overall yes for the majority of Oklahomans I would agree...
Too many people already. It’s good that people are having less kids. Let’s not incentivize having children. Having a child is the largest strain on the environment.
They make it too hard.Please go to Change.org and sign the petition for stimulus payments under browse.They still need about 200,000 signatures for it to pass. It is still an open petition.
I live on the UES of Manhattan. My doorman bldg is full of kids. Half of the tenants on my floor have children. I can't walk down a block in my neighborhood without seeing loads of children. There are 10+ schools in an 8 block radius which are full to the brim. Derek- go back to the drawing board, your information is incorrect!
How is it equitable for a single person’s taxes (living in the city) being used to make housing more affordable for families to live in those cities?? One vs two income households yet the families get the tax break? They can keep the suburbs.
Did he mean US is the richest country in the world or generally throughout history? Because the US doesn't actually even make the top 10 list according to 2019 article from US Today
@@tysonreuter5788actually, I do. In my close vicinity I have an elementary school and two high schools and I live in one of the expensive parts of town.
@@huntress1013 yes that was a silly question, of course the major cities there are just more pedestrian friendly/good for kids too. American cities developed to keep people safely apart, because our elders really didn't like each other.
@@tysonreuter5788 I know. I also have two big parks, at least four play grounds, a skater park that includes two basket ball courts in my close neighbourhood. Something like that would be unthinkable in the US where the number of public places is extremely low and people don't like to spend time outside with strangers.
I like how they skirt around the real cause of it. They mention aspects of it, but don't have the balls to say it outright because it's anathemic to modern western values. Feminism kills birth rates and drives them below replacement levels, forcing nations to rely on mass immigration to try and off-set the inevitable consequences at the cost of the nation's culture and identity. There's nothing wrong with controlled immigration, but opening the flood gates and committing a mass replacement will end exactly as it did for the Romans when they did it. Empower women and lose your nation. Every. Single. Time. There is not ONE example of this having ever worked for any nation that's tried it throughout human history, and a long, long list of examples where the empowerment movement lead to the destruction of the host nation's stability and culture.
Yeah I wonder what the solution to this and burnout is. Imma guess its...NOT CAPITALISM. Also single people can't afford to live in cities anymore at which point do we also start to get a subsidy because I can't afford my life as it is.
Wait... his proposed solution to this problem is to tax the workers of the suburbs and country more so the city folk can afford to live in areas with higher salaries? No thanks!
Same in Dublin, Ireland. Housing is now too dear for families and the available very dear housing can only be afforded by all the occupants working at the peak of their careers. Most families have to live in the distant suburbs once they have children. Only the very poor or the very rich can afford to live in cities but the poor are being squeezed out by increasingly precarious social housing provision.
Cities first grouped together people and industry, but as there were ever more people coming in, industry (with all its pollution and acreage) was pushed out and people moved in, which of course increased demand, and thus increased prices. A city can only grow if it allows more high rises and expands its borders; otherwise, prices will go up and that will concentrate wealth.
If I do not to have kids - I would not vote for a politician who supports tax credits, subsidies, or others means of wealth transfer from those without babies to those with babies.
Has work become our new religion in an era of burnout? Watch a previous episode of the Idea File featuring Derek Thompson: ua-cam.com/video/HAPQnCBnOLc/v-deo.html&
A choice between kids and capital? No.
It’s a choice between standard of living.
Dominoes37 A distinction without a difference
This is by far why I don't live in a city. Living space options in the city are barely the size of a prison cage for a rat and her 3 kids. Also you can't just let your kids play in the streets in a city. I mean you can but it's not the same as living in a neighborhood.
Kids are a hobby for rich people now
The “government solution” at the end is misguided. The government investment should be in education, child care, and healthcare. Not government subsidies for having more children.
Very good response! We have to invest in the people and the future in this sort of way. Otherwise it’s giving a man a fish rather than teaching him to fish.
TheBigO09 So did France.
It’s ludicrous to me that young people think climate change or overpopulation are reasons to eschew having children. Those who have no children are contributing to poverty-including their own. These BS “government investments” you guys dream about won’t even include the Social Security system which you’ve been paying into. There aren’t enough young people to support it. We’re already in a demographic winter and you’re all on board with the UN obliterating as many women’s fertility worldwide as possible! Ask any economist (I’m married to one and we had five kids-all adults who are working with children of their own too) and they’ll tell you that HUMAN CAPITAL is the one kind of basic resource that every economy needs. If you don’t have kids of your own, you will richly deserve your poverty later on.
TheBigO09 do you mean the subsidies to have more children?
@TheBigO09 That's because Japan has no immigration. Even though birth rates are going down, the US is still one of the largest countries with immigration. Immigrants make up for the lost in population.
I doubt that they have the same prices throughout all of Japan. It would be like looking at New York City and saying that it’s house rates are insane.
What’s maternity leave like? 2-4 months isn’t enough time. Most companies want you back to work as soon as possible, and don’t offer to subsidize $1600/month daycare cost. It’s too expensive for the middle class.
Middle class is on the minimum with money,kids, Life is so expensive in big city's, safety,kindergarten, schools If you want baby they can dump you from job
Thee is no guarantee of maternity leave in the US
logan madison which makes it even worse. I saw the last week tonight- maternity leave video where the lady gave birth prematurely on Wednesday and went back to work on Monday so they’ll save more time/money for when the baby comes home.
5%LowBattery that is crazy omg
Russia has 18 MONTHS of paid maternity leave and FREE childcare centers, but fertility rate there is still lower, than in the USA.
I'm in DC....we cant afford babies...or hospital bills.
Agree. I have three. Live in DC area. Total nightmare. Love them but too challenging.
What you can't afford is your government. You need to reduce your budget.
Monkey Master You don’t know their financial situation therefore you don’t have enough information to give solid advice.
@@Jimraynor45 I hardly eat...
Is that what you say to people struggling with surviving because of a horrible economy? “JUST REDUCE YOUR BUDGET LOL”
Another "Please, do repopulate the working class as soon as possible" video. Gotta do better than that.
True. It's not gonna happen. Japan is begging and coercing people to at least date, ... and they won't.
Am sorry for my child to be born as slave, heck i feel sorry for myself too
I refuse to birth a child into a world where the rich (the executives of large companies, etc) will see them solely as a tool for profit, and not as a person who is working to live. I refuse to make it so that someone is forced into being a wage slave.
I also refuse to put my health at risk for BAYBEEEES but that's another story. Removing my tubes as soon as a doctor takes me seriously.
When i think of having a children, i would like to imagine what kind of future they would have first.
Used to wonder why people chose not to have kids in Western countries. I now know why...after having three kids. My advise is if you are not mentally strong then don't do it. Have a dog or some pet.
@BLUE DOG That's actually not the issue here. In fact the world is facing a steady decline in population. Even poor nations are having less kids now compared to say twenty years ago. The problem here is that the system in the US makes it harder and harder for people to have and raise kids.This is a problem in the long term. Currently the US has an edge over other developed nations because it attracts far more immigrants from different parts of the world. This is beginning to change though as a result of changing attitude to brown people and also the 'American Dream' is becoming more and more like a nightmare for ordinary people.
@BLUE DOG It has actually been proven that the top 1% waste 90% of the resources. Poor people don't have the resources to polute the environment as much as global companies.
@BLUE DOG Totally agree. They have exactly where they want us. Hopefully someday we will wake up.
Angie B If that’s the case do the world a favor and adopt.
@Angie B I agree with your comment. But my main point is if one is not in a position to handle all the challenges that come with raising kids then it is advisable for one to think twice before doing so. You're not gonna get any meaningful help from society. You are on your own if things go wrong. Social support in the US lacking. I love my kids and will do everything to give them a proper upbringing. But it's not easy and I can certainly understand if someone else decide not to have kids in this environment.
I do not want kids for two reasons:
1) I come from a lower socio-economic situation and statistics show that if you are poor your children will also be poor.
2) I have debilitating mental health issues; I don't want my kids to be born poor, not be able to function in society, and/or wind up committing suicide because they inherited the same faulty genes that I have.
Megan Grant
Exactly the same reasons I will never have kids myself.
I have a chronic illness that makes me too tired to care for children. If I did get better, I would NOT want any child to have to go through what I did and I got it from my father so I know it can pass down. My parents don't know the extent of my suffering, even to the point of being suicidal, but I would know. Also, pregnancy and the stress of parenting a young child could cause me to relapse and not be able to care for the child properly. I have a financial safety net but my child would not. If I do come into some money and my health improves I would like to have a wilderness retreat for inner city or LGBT kids and be kind of summer parent with help from volunteers.
Are you going to sterilize yourself?
@@angelt454 Nope, just not going to screw anyone. I'm also almost old enough to be menopausal so I'll let nature take its course.
It's cheaper. LOL
Maybe adoption can be an option for you!
Growing up in Brooklyn, there were very few kids around to play with. I often felt like I was surrounded by adults and it caused a lot of issues and social anxiety since the people around me were young, hip, and rich, and I was just a kid (and teenager). Having a limited demographic seriously harmed my neighborhood and led to rampant gentrification. The streets are no longer for the people but for the cars and the commuters. This video spoke volumes to me. Thank you.
I've always felt that family size grows in the opposite direction of family wealth. So the poor keep having kids and the middle class limit theirs because of the cost of nursery school, private school and of course, College.
If you are absolutely poor or absolutely rich kids make no difference, if you are in the middle however, you can not support another family member. Looks like a fast way to get rid of middle class and sub all of the middle with low wage, low education slaves, something ppl pissing about the environment don't really think about.
It requires TWO parents to work now days! Sick corporate America!
Child tax credits are not the answer, it's better city planning and design for families. Change building codes so there must be a certain amount of family sized housing units, affordable units geared to income, condos must have a daycare floor, allow schools to be built above transit terminals. Universal health and daycare would also help.
Problem is, developers only care about profits, so they're going to gravitate towards luxury condos as often as possible. Past a certain point (without government subsidies) family-sized apartments/duplexes/townhouses lose their profitability.
Basically, we need to extend the same help to constructing a livable society as we do to coal miners, farmers, and the military. Which is doable.. if the Republican Congress all suddenly died
@MrMrnebula88 We want families to live in cities, for that they need access to services such as daycare. What's the point of a city without children? If there's no families, there's no children, if there's no children, there's no future.
@@Sorcerers_Apprentice they are talking about city. No matter what suburban life is way better for families then city life. City life sucks with noice, lack of space, crime and population density.
It cost too damn much to have a kid! Millennial can’t afford it when we got student loans
As a millenial I agree 😁
Maybe if the government stopped taking half my check I could afford a kid
What a stupid question. This is a prison planet that’s anti-family. That’s why people aren’t haven’t having as many kids.
umichgal1 prison planet 🤣🤣🤣.....🤔.....🤯😰😭😭😭
It's all about extortion and control. Let the state raise our kids with childcare, media, school. No Way.
University student in hiding ho ho ho accurate
Childless, single Americans already pay more taxes and this guy wants to double or even quadruple the child tax credit... I'll look to leave the country if that happens.
Heather Jones
Democrats always resort to taxes to control behavior.
Yeah it's pretty aggravating how financial responsibility is punished in this country. The people I knew who bought huge mortgages they couldn't afford are now sitting high on the hog from price inflation.
@Emily Villamil I don't mind paying taxes so long as benefits are available to EVERYBODY regardless of family status.
If I could time travel, knowing what I know now, I never would have had children. Ever. I loved my children but I didn't love my life.
children are a burden.
It's the sadest comment I' ve ever read...
@@gherutz Why do you think it's sad?
Andreea Gherasim AGREED. Not disagreeing with OP it’s sad but sounds true.
@@kiela17 that you didn t love your life and that if you could turn back time you would choose not to have your children. I really hope your children will not read your comment. It would be devastanting for me f. ex to hear my mom saying that. I' m really sorry for you:(
Every single video like this:
People in video: "I wonder why younger people aren't having children or buying homes?"
Younger people: "Because we have crushing student loan debt and also wages haven't kept up with inflation and we can't find jobs because they have incredibly unrealistic entry-level standards and Baby Boomers built up these gigantic mansions that we can't afford to move into."
People in video: "Damn, I guess they just don't understand family life. What a mystery."
When my son was a baby/toddler we had a small condo in the city. I thought I would want to stay in the city. But as he grew older I realized kids need parks and the schools around us weren't very good. I bought a house with a yard in suburbia for the same price as a city condo. We are walking distance from several schools and parks. It is really nice to be surrounded by other kids and families. Most people choose to commute to work here. My old friends are childless and living in the city with completely different lives.
THE RENT IS TOO HIGH. These luxury buildings are not family friendly, either.
The rent is high because there a re a lot of high income people competing for limited space. High demand equals high price.
Could those major tech-centered companies invest in satellite offices in better quality of life cities who could use the boost of brains & cash? Allow more remote work for those who want to live just at the edge of commute distance to cities? I am in that second situation - having been able to afford a house between two major metro areas but am now saddled with an intolerable commute to a tech job.
Yes!!! Thank you for offering a solution-oriented response that would truly alleviate burdens for many people if tech companies would get onboard... including my household as we have a baby on the way. It would be a step in the right direction.
Maybe you could quit your tech job and run for political office. 😁
I have been saying that for years for our area. Definitely thumbs up. So glad others get it.
To follow up - I did receive a job offer with an organization for a coveted remote position recently! I finally feel like I can become a member of my community.
@@VeiledGlory corona is a blessing for people who can work remote huh ? 😁
early 40's is young people? thats old to me
38 is the median age in many wealthy countries now. Being early 40's is actually the archtypical experience to be lived.
You’re from 1563?
When people live up to 80-100. Yea 40s is still young.
I want babies one day but it's not worth, this economy sucks and everything for kids is too expensive 🤷
It is certainly a demographic problem for America if fewer children are raised in communities where they are exposed to many cultures and types of people.
Do you live in the hood?
well I doubt that's a problem, kids will move to college or to the city as soon as they leave their suburban parents and be exposed to all of that
onnielou70 If you lived in a city you would get more exposure to different cultures regardless.
I moved not quite to a city but to a suburb in between Orlando and Daytona. Now I want to go back. I’m sick and tired of all the Puerto Ricans who can’t even speak proper Spanish, let alone English.
Matt Cassie
I got exposed to many different cultures. Most of them I now hate.
I don't want to be slave to system. So I don't want to reproduce one more slave to system.
Why do we need more kids? This world is a mess. Spare them that.
You an antinatalist too? Good to meet ya. :)
The world was in much worse condition than what it is today yet people had kids
Stop reproducing.
So many of the worlds problems are from over-population yet you see parents all the time "my kids, my kids, my kids..."
Utterly oblivious and self infatuated
He's also failing to mention white flight. The outskirts of the cities are inhabited by people of color who go to the public schools white parents just believe "for some unfounded reason" are not as good as the suburban schools. The suburbs are mostly white due to redlining and now the rising cost of homeownership. Many white families only afford houses by putting off having children and getting financial help from their parents, who have benefited financially from the decades of redlining and discrimination, and the formerly low cost of upward class mobility (tuition etc...).
“Schools are segregated because white people want them that way"
Nobody wants their kids in inner city schools with horrible kids fighting and being disruptive all day. You can't blame white and black upper class people to move to suburbs. Suburb life is better anyway to raise families. Companies are now moving out of city cause of issues if crime and population. We have huge land, that we need to space out instead of cramping in.
@@WaveRider1989 inner city kids are no worse than kids anywhere else. They aren't "horrible." And they are 70% black and Hispanic in NYC and prob most cities so I'd be careful what u say. Ur also ignoring the history of redlining. Suburbs have been mostly reserved for white people fleeing school integration. That occured in the late 20th century before resegregation largely due to pressure from white upper middle class mothers. I agree with your last point about needing to spread out tho. Cities are getting way more crowded than their infrastructure can support.
What I hear from my friends with kids - Daycare costs are monstrous.
Why I won't have kids while living in Vancouver, BC - Astronomical housing costs, shitty public transportation infrastructure. Wages can't keep up with the cost of living.
Costs need to come way down if developed countries want to increase birth rates.
I agree. In the last few decades the costs of technology (phones, TVs, computers) have gone down massively as the quality has gone up, but the cost of important things like housing, healthcare, education, and childcare have gone up massively whilst the quality has gone down or stayed the same.
Media, stop,spreading this nonsense! WE ARE OVERPOPULATED SINCE THE 60S! No jobs, not enough food and housing. Hospitals , Schools and hotels are over crowded, oh, airports, too! I just came back from somewhere, I did NOT just imagine all the people at different places! I did not! At the airport either!
Even our unborn children have to pay for America's eternal wars.
And fight them in 20 years
I come from a family of 11 and all my 8 siblings have children and i am the exception. 39 and not having children unless I adopt.
You can enjoy your nephews and nieces and don't have to worry that your genes will go extinct. There are already too many humans on the planet.
@@maythesciencebewithyou "don't have to worry about your genes going extinct"
Do people literally worry about this? I always took it as mostly a hyperbole, if it is then damn we humans aren't NEARLY as evolved as we take ourselves to be.
@@DoGmAnGuY1758 I mean we have family meetings where we have a family tree diagram that shows known first parents of this huge tree of kids. Those kind of things influence people.
Get rid of cars in the city. Get the parking space back to the people. No more noise, pollution, more space for kids to play, walk and be a kid in a city. this is a cheap solution.
So glad to live where cost of living is low. I’ve been in Boston for 2 months and can not figure out why anyone would want to live in a city. I can’t get back to North Carolina fast enough.
Stop saying American families, and start saying what you mean, Millennials
Ive been trying to get pregnant for over 4 years. You want me to reproduce, help me with the enormous infertility costs instead of making me pay out of pocket.
So many of are cities arent human friendly in general. if you feel unsafe outsode of a car while commuting, thats a problem. More green space, less cars, and affordable housing would make everyone feel more secure. Not just families.
Switch it around: What if you are a young adult who lives outside of the cities and wants to have kids, but all the people your age (potential partners) are living in the cities?
When kids in suburbs grow up and graduate from high school, they go back to cities for the good colleges and city life, and eventually jobs - and in the end delay marriage and having kids. This loop will ultimately tip to more and more (educated) people living in cities and having less kids in the long run. No churches and small community pressures means - people choosing what’s best for them first than what’s best for others (parents, congregations, the government, etc).
If you make it cheaper to have a kid by providing tax credits, you are transferring the costs of running government onto those who choose not to have kids. Is such a transfer a good idea?
Either pay people substantially more and keep increasing the pay to keep up with the ridiculous cost of housing or lower the cost of housing by at least half and keep it there. Then maybe some of us millennials will stop being in panic mode all the time over our finances and actually have kids.
My husband is considered "self employed" by company he works for so they don't have to pay for insurance. I have been laid off 4 times in the past 12 years. I wanted kids in my 20s, but I am 36 and pregnant with my first because I finally trust that I can make it nine months without losing my health benefits.
MGTOW!!! Not, but seriously we're so broke you either left with the choice of paying rent or having a child.
Welcome to another episode of Let's Blame Everything Except Capitalism
*Welcome to another episode of Let's Blame Everything Except Sexual Immorality
One good way to look at it is if this keeps going on. Pedophilia is going to be extinct
It has become just too flat out expensive for the modern couple. Long gone are the days when dad could have a life time job at the factory, wife at home, paid off car in the garage and a vacation every year. Life is just not 'fun' anymore for the majority of people.
It _could_ still be like that but it won't be with the admin we have now
This is really interesting in respect to the melting permafrost and the situation with pollution in ocean and water ways and shifting jet streams and polar vortex... adolescents today know the earth may be inhabitable in 50 years time ... should they have babies in 10 years time? Chances are they won’t want to bring a child into this globe
The problem with prosperity is that it makes it easy for everyone to isolate themselves .. this makes couples harder to come by and therefore harder for babies to be born
all the people that have bitched about "overpopulation" for years are about to sing a different tune lmao
The focus was not on the US though. Unless you think about border closing maniacs, but there's no rational argument there anyway.
Not really. If you're having 5+ kids like a lot of rural types were having a few decades ago, you're contributing to the problem. If everyone is not having kids, that's causing a problem too.
It's ALMOST like there's a balance to be had! Crazy thought.
We're STILL over populated. The world population is still climbing. Unfortunately it's more POOR babies being born which unfortunately doesn't contribute to anything. We need more middle class babies. The rich babies will just inherit everything but they're also much fewer than the poor babies.
Yes the world population is growing, but the growth is declining. And the video above was specifically about US cities, even though the same trends can be spotted elsewhere. The Chinese though are discovering suburbia - different trends in different places.
I am so happy that population of people - the most overpopulated spicies on earth as well as the only spicies producing waste - is finally lowering a little.
I'm kind of with you on that. I also think there are too many people in the world at the moment. The big problem is that the rate of decline is variable. The rich Westernised nations have the lowest birth rates whilst the poorer nations still have comparably higher birth rates. Combine this with the fact that governments need to tax to fund itheir exorbitant spending and we end up with the mass immigration from poor countries we have now and the social and political upheaval that comes with it (Brexit, Trump, rise of AFD in Germany, Vox in Spain ect).
Make healthcare free, maternity leave mandatory per spouse, paid maternity leave, and paid childcare. Then maybe I might have 1 child or 2.
Swedes has it all, still less babies, then in the US.
spqr1945 it’s bc your standard of living is so great that they don’t want to ruin it with a baby 😭
The more educated a country gets, the less kids it has, what does that tell you..
You ever heard of bhutan
That we need to stop pushing women into living double lives, living like a man from 9 to 5 and living like a woman with every chore that comprises at home.
Photosounder Maybe a better solution is aiming careers that you can do your work from home at them.
You mean like secretarial work? Lol
But I have to say when you have multiple kids just raising the family IS a career. Just ask my grandmother.
Matthew My mother has 6 children and she still went to work full time as a police officer. You can do both. Also computer science and other careers of that nature can allow people a flexible schedule while working at home.
The housing is too expensive and the schools are bad. That pretty much sums it up. And it has nothing to do with the federal government nor does it have anything to do with jobs. It's bad land use policies at the local level that drive the housing costs. And all the high growth companies concentrating themselves on the west coast isn't helping matters either. It wouldn't kill any of them to open an office in Cleveland or Milwaukee instead of packing more people into San Jose.
Absolutely IspitHF. Housing, schools, poor land management, and greed are all snowballing to create havoc on city dwellers. America has so much land & smaller city choices that the redistribution of companies, maybe through incentives, isn't a bad idea. Having a baby on the way, we are forced to decide between:
1. Eventually finding to a 2 bdrm apt 90+ min commute to keep the same marginaly affordable rent price we have now.
2. Move to another state/area where we lose all family support and know nobody. We get no help, and our family who relies on us helping them (babysitting, etc) loses us as well.
3. Apply for social services to get low income housing in a higher crime neighborhood where the schools are aweful... most ppl never truly want this option, its usually a last resort due to desperation and mouths to feed. No thank u. 😝
This, this is why my sister doesn't want to have kids and I honestly respect her choice. Even though children are the biggest blessing God can give a person.... literally creating beautiful little lives each with their own purpose, created in his image.. and entrusting a man and woman to care for and raise his beautiful creations. Human life is beautiful and should be celebrated. However, it's a terrible chice to have to potentially uproot everything u know and love just be a parent. Our world is so corrupt and backwards.
Wow Harmony. Why go to lengths to cyber bully at a comment that wasn't directed at you anyways? You sound angry and miserable. I'll take my happy life full of joy and love anyday.
P.s. "gawd" isn't in the english dictionary. It's not a word. 🤔
Naomi Thorn obviously a troll- pretending to have a company😆.
I guess Harmony doesn’t rely on people with values like farmers, ranchers and transporters of products. She probably lives in a Seattle suburb that she thinks is the Big City and is angry about rent increases.
Cities are no place for MIDDLE CLASS families. For the middle class to live in a city, both parents need to work. Lots of rich families live in cities, and low income/illegal immigrant families get tons of benefits in cities (off the backs of the middle class). Ie, our urban neighborhood built a nice new library...closed on Sunday...which I never got to use with my kids because I was too busy working. The library was a great place to go if you are unemployed or a rich SAHM. Resentful? You betcha! Leaving the city was the best decision EVER! Skipped the overrated suburbs and went straight to the county. Never looked back!
E. 👏🏻
How u gonna live in the city w kids though !?!
Generations have been sold on having a family in a white picket fenced house, the ideal American family.
This sounds like it aligns with that.
Cities are going to encroach further and further outwards as transportation advances. I wouldn't be surprised if "city areas" start replacing more and more of what's considered rural and suburban in today's age.
Then you can count those suburbia babies in your little census data as "city babies".
When your partner doesn't work with you in building the facilities for a child, and when your money goes down the drain every month paying up debts and transport expenses while your partner spends on secondary luxuries. Now tell me how you could guarantee the child's welfare and well-being?
We have enough people
NelsonianB PERIODT
*We have enough libtards
Jenn Jenn
“More better”
I have to agree with you on the education.
Good video, although have the people that made this video been to a public school in NYC? There are a lot of kids here. I don’t see the reduction of kids at all.
The reason because families with children don't stay in the city is because is too damn expensive and probably because crime (that normally is higher in cities) and car traffic that makes cities very unsafe for children (and everyone else)
All the men I know in the cities under 50 are addicted to porn and video games, they don't want children or relationships.
I'm not blaming or judging them, just citing what I see.
Get a trade and live in the suburbs, much less stress, the ability to earn a lot of money and you don't have to live in the cities.
I was born in 1980. Inner city Lindon. The thing is, my childhood was pretty impoverished, I got 9/11 for my 21st birthday, and the credit crunch and brutal 100 hour weeks at the time that I should have been getting married. This has given me severe stress, work related injuries and also put me in line for harassment and workplace abuse.
Um people are also pressured not to have kids because of climate change. Well that's one influencing factor.
I simply had a "worldview shatter" before I either A. Reached the age to have kids or B. Was good enough with the opposite sex to have an accident. So I asked myself "why do I want to get married? Why do I want to have kids?" and I literally had no answers for myself. Since then I've only gone further in the other direction of not wanting to have kids or get married. Not enough money, not enough time, a shitty consumerist and material obsessed culture that I refuse to subject my own kids to, the impending climate crisis, and even nuclear war are some of the reasons I don't want kids. Plus I see the Antinatalist point of view a little bit, having a kid is intentionally shoving the human experience on someone else against their will, and the quality of that life will be chosen by lots and lots of randomness and we know just how horrible life can get via bad luck, genes, brain structure, illness, disability (my brother is severely Autistic, and not that I don't love him, but I'd hate to deal with having a kid who's got it, I'd feel horrible and blame myself for their existence every day) can all go wrong and ruin their life from day 1, with literally no one to blame and no way to fix the problem. Now, my brain is still open to the possibility, but my God do the stars have to align at this point for me to want kids. I doubt that the economy, climate crisis, cultural issues, and all those will be fixed in even the next 30 years, and I'd be 53 by then so who knows, but I still highly doubt it.
Cities are fine for kids, sometimes better.
Always a contrarian am I. I live in the Palisades neighborhood of the District of Columbia. I got on a bus this afternoon to get home from shopping. At one stop, many kids got on, kids who were getting out of classes at a public school. Kids of all colors. And there is a protest movement to return the building that housed the middle school that Amy Carter attended back to a public education facility because we have more students who need that building for public education than who need it for the private educational facility that is currently leasing the space. Are we an anomaly? Perhaps. But I wish you had known about our little area to find out what we may be doing right.
Zeyev alright. Palisades is ridiculously expensive 😂
@@matteandcrimson We have a mix of apartments that are rent-controlled and McMansions and upper middle-class housing and old houses from the 1800s. So, yes, some parts are "ridiculously expensive" but not all parts of this area.
That dude at 1:29 studied census data for 30 years. A super computer can do that in probably under a day.
i would say under a second
You think who programs the software for "super computer"? The computer itself?
Unless all those houses vacated by young families are torn down, property taxes don’t go down. They’re selling to affluent buyers at higher prices enabling cities to raise the tax collected on that house or apartment.
According to the graph in the video, the U.S. birthrate is a little over 2 children per household, and it has been that way since about 1990. This is a reasonable birthrate and should not be considered too low.
@@kosan181 According to UN reports, the replacement birthrate is about 2.1. Also according to Pew Research: "A total fertility rate of 2.08 is considered 'replacement level' in the U.S." In addition, the current population of the earth is about 8 billion; however, Pew Research projects world population to reach 10.9 billion by 2100. I think we we don't need to worry about the world birthrate being too low. Note: The global fertility rate today is 2.5; replacement rate is about 2.1.
It hasn't been over 2 since I think about 2008? It is now at 1.7/1.6 which isn't enough to sustain the population. Also when you take into account with the global birth rate that most of those children are being born in countries with very high infant/child mortality rates it likely falls below replacement levels.
Cities are childless because people think they need a house with a garden for their kids. Cities rarely have such properties.
The reality is that kids can live very happy lives in the city.
If there's a good park system. You also need childcare that's affordable.
Though cities are also more expensive. Kind of hard to raise kids in an increasingly more expensive society.
It's more about time and money managment. You either have to work less so you can spend time with your kids or pay someone to. Most people can't afford to work less. As a consequenze their child is raised by the system and the more you pay, the less likely your child will become emotionaly damaged.
@@Yakarash You can't manage money that you don't have. Childcare can easily be over half a persons income. And that's if you can find it at all. I tried to go back to work last year despite the fact that with any job options I had 1/2 or more of my pay would go to childcare, but I could not find childcare in my town. The 1 option available in the nearest small city was more a month than my rent.
@@beth8775 And thats what holds women with children back. You can't have a career and get a better paying job, because you can't afford childcare on an entry level salary. And then polititians ban abortions and raise taxes on contraception. The system sucks. This is why we need feminism!
I think the main reason is bc people simple dont want to, I don't have a single friend who wants to raise a kid, me included
If we have no children - who will fight our wars for us?
you can always call trump, he's a war monger. it makes him feel like a big boy.
the drones
David Boson Maybe we (The U.S.) doesn’t get involved and we have no more wars to fight in.
Wars caused by overpopulation?
In Oklahoma education is worse in cities then it is in suburbs... Like wayyyyyy worse...
Yep. And the rural areas they can get away with a lot more due to a lack of oversight (i.e. education programs, justice system, corruption).
There is a great segment by John Oliver regarding Chicken Farms where the rural communities are devastated by corruption.
... worse in cities than it is in suburbs... (than not then)
Education is terrible everywhere in Oklahoma.
@@CIARUNSITE depends where I live our education system is pretty amazing. My city's school district is in the top 100 in the nation.... but overall yes for the majority of Oklahomans I would agree...
The suburbs surrounding cities are generally nicer anyway. You always hear about inner-city problems.
Overpopulation is going to be over. Once this generation of worker class retires, suddenly we might be lacking people on this earth
Too many people already. It’s good that people are having less kids. Let’s not incentivize having children. Having a child is the largest strain on the environment.
Kathleen McCormick
And those of us who don’t fall for that crap will pass our genes to a future generation.
I hear an Andrew Yang message in there somewhere...
Lots of war trauma in my family.Everyone has fled the cities unless they are single or childless.
They make it too hard.Please go to Change.org and sign the petition for stimulus payments under browse.They still need about 200,000 signatures for it to pass. It is still an open petition.
I live on the UES of Manhattan. My doorman bldg is full of kids. Half of the tenants on my floor have children. I can't walk down a block in my neighborhood without seeing loads of children. There are 10+ schools in an 8 block radius which are full to the brim. Derek- go back to the drawing board, your information is incorrect!
How is it equitable for a single person’s taxes (living in the city) being used to make housing more affordable for families to live in those cities?? One vs two income households yet the families get the tax break? They can keep the suburbs.
Children are just little people.
They're not the enemy.
Did he mean US is the richest country in the world or generally throughout history? Because the US doesn't actually even make the top 10 list according to 2019 article from US Today
Alex I was thinking that, too! The U.S. is a long, long way from being “the richest” country.
So weird for me. I live in a big European city and there are so many children in my district.
I assume you're not talking about Western Europe right?
@@tysonreuter5788actually, I do. In my close vicinity I have an elementary school and two high schools and I live in one of the expensive parts of town.
@@huntress1013 yes that was a silly question, of course the major cities there are just more pedestrian friendly/good for kids too. American cities developed to keep people safely apart, because our elders really didn't like each other.
@@tysonreuter5788 I know. I also have two big parks, at least four play grounds, a skater park that includes two basket ball courts in my close neighbourhood. Something like that would be unthinkable in the US where the number of public places is extremely low and people don't like to spend time outside with strangers.
I like how they skirt around the real cause of it. They mention aspects of it, but don't have the balls to say it outright because it's anathemic to modern western values. Feminism kills birth rates and drives them below replacement levels, forcing nations to rely on mass immigration to try and off-set the inevitable consequences at the cost of the nation's culture and identity. There's nothing wrong with controlled immigration, but opening the flood gates and committing a mass replacement will end exactly as it did for the Romans when they did it. Empower women and lose your nation. Every. Single. Time. There is not ONE example of this having ever worked for any nation that's tried it throughout human history, and a long, long list of examples where the empowerment movement lead to the destruction of the host nation's stability and culture.
Kids were crowded out by capital, and are being forced into scarcity by toxic contamination.
Yeah I wonder what the solution to this and burnout is. Imma guess its...NOT CAPITALISM. Also single people can't afford to live in cities anymore at which point do we also start to get a subsidy because I can't afford my life as it is.
Wait... his proposed solution to this problem is to tax the workers of the suburbs and country more so the city folk can afford to live in areas with higher salaries? No thanks!
Same in Dublin, Ireland. Housing is now too dear for families and the available very dear housing can only be afforded by all the occupants working at the peak of their careers. Most families have to live in the distant suburbs once they have children. Only the very poor or the very rich can afford to live in cities but the poor are being squeezed out by increasingly precarious social housing provision.
Cities first grouped together people and industry, but as there were ever more people coming in, industry (with all its pollution and acreage) was pushed out and people moved in, which of course increased demand, and thus increased prices. A city can only grow if it allows more high rises and expands its borders; otherwise, prices will go up and that will concentrate wealth.
If I do not to have kids - I would not vote for a politician who supports tax credits, subsidies, or others means of wealth transfer from those without babies to those with babies.
What towns are childfree?
Best solution goodbye city, hello country!
Glad to see there was no shaming of childfree people in this segment, but then there also was no mention.
It's simple supply vs demand. Everything is too expensive because theres too much demand for too little supply. Not everyone can afford to have kids.
Low birth rate in every single European country, that is.
Middle class people who don't want kids face their own extinction.
Not a bad thing tho
Populations go extinct or greatly reduced in the natural world all the time
Its simply the cycle of life
I guess we don't need Thanos then.