Gumbal ...Wat een onzin. Dat heb je aan jezelf te danken. Voorkant van je auto geen kentekenplaat , en achterkant een kenteker flipper.... hoe dom kan je zijn😂😂😂😂
Ilegale nummer plaat, ilegale nummerbord houder, geen nummer plaat aan de voorkant, vrijwel geen richting aangeven, opvallende auto's die een hoop "herrie" maken....joh als je zo graag aandacht wilt hebben, ga dan niet zeuren als je die krijgt. De agent doet gewoon z'n werk.
@@computeraddic675 what did the Lambo do? That police officer is an asshole. He had no reason to act like this. Just being a police officer doesn't mean you are allowed to behave like a wanker
@@ohjonny95 incorrect number plates/changers one car missing the front one, speeding driving on the left with out need, being on each other's bumper no safe distance between cars, unnessary reving engine in the tunnel. lousy use of indicators. so yes enough to be pulled over and pay the piper. the police officer did his job and did it right
no not a flipping plate show me when he flips his plate with a divice !!the tittle does says he was stoped and had to follow the police to the police station because the exhaust made to much db
Yip that indicates, that those Humans dont deserve to have a license, they dont give a fuck about others then just themselfes until the cops got them they cry like a baby...
IceCream sneaky? He does it in front of the Cop..... hes a stupid idiot. Your car can be confiscated if the cop really hates you. But he didn’t, so no hate to the lambo.
it looked like the police officer was getting the lambo to such a place, why should the police officer wait until the lambo joins him to get back on the road again?..
The reason why it took so long, was that probably the policeman was checking these vehicles by radio; Licence plates, insurance, road tax, any previous convictions etc. If one has to go on the road with a remarkable car like a Lambo, do comply with the law and do not fit 'advertising licence plates' and don't run high revs with a 'straight exhaust' .
Nice cars, great sound. Shame no indicators at the beginning, shame you have to slow down then tailgate a car that passes you. BUT the policeman ! 👍👏👏👏👏brilliant job , his hand signals were so clear and riding was excellent.
Gewoon rijden met gele of groene platen pik. Het is geen California hierzo, trendy dealerplaten. "Dutch cop hates Lamborghini Murcielago" Een Polo krijgt 'm ook gewoon!
Inderdaad, als je zo je best doet moet je ook niet achteraf zeuren :P Dikke bakken, top sound maar je weet met bepaald gedrag dat je erom vraagt. *ervaringsdeskundig*
Dit is ook geen regio om te freaken met een Lambo. Rechts vrachtwagens en links de auto's met normale snelheid. Volle wegen. Alles potdicht. Ga dan op zijn minst naar de kop van Groningen.
Oh I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact he's driving without number plates.... I'm almost certain that cop loved those lambo's but he still has to do his job, biker cops are usually really cool to bikers/car guys so long as you keep it civil.
Why? Do you include yourself? Did you have a chat with them? How do you know you hate him? You should ask yourself about your behavior towards other people
Almost correct. I hate ANY car with loud exhausts and the morons in them. There is no reason whatsoever to "tune" your exhaust to produce only noise. I don't need to go deaf, just because some kid with a toy wants to make sure that everybody knows where their new penis extender is. It's just sad that the dutch police doesn't check for sound levels anymore. Oh and my car happens to have a performance exhaust, but the original sound damper is still installed. I get great performance AND my car is silent. (even more silent then the original exhaust).
De agent ziet ook heus wel dat er gefilmd wordt, deze motoragent zit elke dag op de snelweg, waarvoor veel respect, en heeft echt wel meer gezien en meegemaakt op de weg dan deze chauffeurs die even een paar kilometers met een Lambo mogen rijden. Dus deze agent heeft het provocatieve gedrag perfect aangepakt, zeer professioneel laten zien dat het rondom de Botlek geen wild-west is. Omgeving Rotterdam overigens toch de beste verkeerspolitie van Nederland, als je door hen aangehouden wordt is dat echt met een gegronde reden, en zoals zelf ervaren met een uitleg waar je van kunt leren. Het zijn ook deze motor agenten die de lichaamsresten van een platgereden motorrijder van het asfalt gekrabd zien worden terwijl ze het overige verkeer kalm houden, ben zelf geen heilige chauffeur, maar voor de verkeerspolitie omgeving Rotterdam is respect wel het minste fatsoen dat je voor deze agenten moet kunnen opbrengen, vergelijk ze alsjeblieft ook niet met de zwarte busjes in de berm met een automatisch bonnen uitschrijf apparaat. Als de agent niet tot staande houding over was gegaan had dit filmpje hier ook gestaan met waarschijnlijk weer negatieve reacties over de verkeerspolitie, al met al een leuk filmpje met prachtige auto''s om naar te kijken met professioneel optreden van de verkeerspolitie omgeving Rotterdam !!
No one see That one of the lombos change the rear number Plate automaticaly and the policman see it thats way he Was riding behind and observing hé recognize it
Idriss Meslem there are two white lambos, but there are 3 cars, a golf 6 films the second lambo and the second lambo films the first one, thats why it looks like the plate changes but it doesnt
kanipeoples Daar hebben ze een reden voor.Buitenlanders zijn nu eenmaal meer crimineel dan blanke.Ik denk als de politie100 buitenlanders en 100 blanke aanhouden zal je zien dat ze bij de buitenlanders veel meer wapens en drugs vinden dan bij de blanke.Dat heeft niets met racisme te maken.Het is gewoon een feit dat buitenlanders meer crimineel zijn dan blanken.
They dont hate the lambo but they flipper the license plate so they can speed withouten a ticket and ofcourse thats illigal and the cops saw that SO NEXT TIME DO YOUR RESEARCH
Then ya'll never have seen Farrari huh..... they are even worse from the inside, but yeah you people dont understand that these are SUPER CARS, not just Road vehicles, they dont get made specially for normal roads & luxury, they are made for speeding and racing on a circuit.
BambiRival yes i have seen a few ferrari like the f40 and spider 360. These lambos are not that old and they are made for normal use and not for racetrack! Do you really think all the lambos are made for the track then you are wrong. And also because they are super cars you pay alot of money for those machines, you can expect a lil bit luxe in it. At least a freaking touchscreen or some shit like that.
You pay for luxury…….. Super cars dont get made for Luxury, that is all about the person that purchase a vehicle, same for Ferrari, Super cars are made for Circuit!, but becouse people have money they are able to make things better, Like making vehicles street legal, Original Super cars are not made for Street, but that is all luxury, if you think you can just buy a vehicle like this even if you got alot of money, your wrong. you wil get tested to be able to drive a car like this, only the sad part is Poeple are able to drive cars like this but abuse it after, If you look correctly those Netherlands fucktards cant even drive propaly Aswell you think you pay that much money for luxury? LoL then you have never worked on vehicles, You pay for the Emblem and the engine, the vehicle carroserie is worth nothing when you compare it with the Name and engine, you dont even know how specially made those engine's are. and LoL you dont buy a Super car for a fucking touchscreen...… atleast not me. Supercar Fans dont need those things as luxury that you mean, Those vehicles are already Luxury becouse of the Horsepowers behind them, they dont have time for using touchscreens to play a song or answer a call, they make them self horny all the time on the sound thats coming out of the engine... If you want luxury go to Bentley or Rolls royce, those cars are made for luxury.
In the Netherlands they have awesome roads! ... They are plentiful, comfortable and safe to drive on. .... You should expect that they (the police) will try to keep the situation on the roads, *cool.* It's not the fact that they (in the video) are driving Lamborghinis. It's purely about how they're doing it. The general behaviour, the body language of the car when it is on the road. (were they using their indicators?) It is also a mistake to always believe that nobody can see you when there are no other cars around. *Respekt!*
ItzAdamPlayz wrong License Plate! that one he can convert to another license plate. earlier in the film he has advertisements there :) 7:24 He switched him :P
Dutch cop was very understanding. In the Netherlands, licence plates are assigned to the vehicle, not the owner, and must be shown at all times, front and rear. The correct action for the cop should have been to take the two Lambos to a garage, have the swivelling number plates removed and the correct number plates installed, on both sides; apart from that the drivers should be reported to the tax man. And there is also the matter of the exhaust. I doubt that these exhaust systems comply with regulations for use on public roads. Cop could have required the drivers to remove the straight pipes and install the original pipes instead, according tot the car's original specifications. The boys were let off very lightly.
Es finden sich hier sofort ein paar Leute, welche der Meinung sind, das da ein paar Idioten hinter dem Steuer zu sitzen scheinen, denn sie fahren viel zu nah auf, halten sich nicht an Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen und zumindest ein Lamborghini scheint über eine Vorrichtung zu verfügen das hintere KFZ-Kennzeichen zu drehen. Hätte ich die Möglichkeit, ich würde den Fahrern allein anhand dieses Videos höhere Strafen auferlegen bzw. ihnen sogar die Fahrerlaubnis für ein paar Monate entziehen, denn so ein Verhalten im Straßenverkehr ist auch für anderen Verkehrsteilnehmer lebensgefährlich. Das ist übrigens kein Sound, sondern Lärm und sollte generell verboten werden, denn unsere Umwelt ist wichtiger, als ein dickes Gefühl in der Hose ein paar Weniger.
Hallo Dreamzyy, falls du solch ein Verhalten im Verkehr als gut empfindest und es womöglich auch selbst so praktizierst, scheinst du ebenfalls ein hirnloser Verkehrsraudi zu sein, welche den Fahrersitz eines Fahrzeuges besser gegen die Couch bei einem Verkehrspsychologen tauschen sollte. Vermutlich hast du aber noch nicht unverschuldet schwere Unfälle erlebt, bei welchem du nur deswegen relativ unverletzt davongekommen bist, weil dein Fahrzeug halbwegs sicher war, ich hingegen schon und das in der Vergangenheit zweimal, wobei meine Fahrzeuge (280 E und Audi A6) jeweils Totalschäden erlitten. Die "harmlosen Unfälle" und die, welche ich vermeiden konnte, lasse ich mal weg. Beim 280 E verlor der Fahrer eines Ford Capri RS 2600 die Kontrolle über den Wagen, weil er: 1. In einer Kurve überholte und rausbeschleunigte 2. Das Reifenprofil seines Wagens gegen 0 mm ging, also eher Slicks waren, bei leichtem Nieselregen nicht gerade empfehlenswert Trotz Vollbremsung durch mich und dem Versuch die Kollision zu vermeiden, indem ich meinen Benz seitlich auf den Grünstreifen lenkte und zwar so weit, dass ich einen Begrenzungspfosten erwischte, kam es zum Zusammenstoß. Der Capri schleuderte und prallte fahrerseitlich mit der Hinterachse und dem Heck in die linke Frontpartie meines Benz, rutschte danach weiter und kam erst gute 35 Meter weiter zum Stand. In meinem Benz hatte der Kardantunnel Wellen geworfen, was bedeutete, wäre der Aufprall ein wenig stärker gewesen, hätte ich den Motorblock mit meinen Knien abbremsen müssen oder besser ausgedrück, ich hätte meine Beine schwer verletzt gehabt. Ich war mit knapp 70 km/h unterwegs und der Capri wurde auf 110 bis 125 geschätzt. Beim Audi ist mit ein Idiot mit stark überhöhter Geschwindigkeit (ca. 150 km/h), bei Regenwetter von hinten halb versetzt aufgefahren und hat dem AUDI glatt die Hinterachse abgerissen. Ich hatte knappe 80 km/h auf dem Tacho, weil ich vorher immer wieder Aquaplaning bemerkte und deswegen die Geschwindigkeit reduzierte. Der Typ war allerdings auch noch sturzbetrunken 2,2 Promille und ohne gültige Fahrerlaubnis unterwegs. Dafür war sein "Papa" aber Polizist, wie er ganz stolz verkündete. Abschließend noch, ich war früher auch kein Kind von Traurigkeit und bin von Frankfurt a.M. Flughafen die knapp 260 km bis nach Hause in 95 Minuten gefahren, doch damals war mein Wissen und das der Allgemeinheit um die Umwelt noch nicht so weit und so klar, wie es heute der Fall ist.
well yes three naughty boys in three bonkers cars , makes the world a brighter place, the Monaco esque tunnel sequence is electrifying , I was tingling all over. It seemed the Gendarme or whatever they are in Holland Politti is it ? was a bit of a sour-puss. We get a lot of Dutch over here in GB so at least some of you live it on the edge. Bravo Bull drivers !
What a gorgeous sound! One of the best sounding Lambo’s ever? 😍
Gumbal absolutely gorgeous!!!!!
Gumbal one of the best sounding V12 in the car history
had de coupe nou een escort naar het bureau? ;p
Best sounding car in history in my opinion.
Gumbal ...Wat een onzin. Dat heb je aan jezelf te danken. Voorkant van je auto geen kentekenplaat , en achterkant een kenteker flipper.... hoe dom kan je zijn😂😂😂😂
That police officer is brilliant. He instinctively knew they'd be needing fuel soon and lead them straight to a petrol station. Well done sir.
I admire the police bike more than those cars! Fantastic!
Every 25 miles on a full tank...if you're lucky.... :)
Ilegale nummer plaat, ilegale nummerbord houder, geen nummer plaat aan de voorkant, vrijwel geen richting aangeven, opvallende auto's die een hoop "herrie" maken....joh als je zo graag aandacht wilt hebben, ga dan niet zeuren als je die krijgt. De agent doet gewoon z'n werk.
if you forage into the dutch wilderness, you might encounter " een Left wing Nazi " like stefant.
@@toniventura2985 So when a cop is doing his job,he is a nazi?A left wing nazi,something that doesn't exist!
@@computeraddic675 what did the Lambo do? That police officer is an asshole. He had no reason to act like this. Just being a police officer doesn't mean you are allowed to behave like a wanker
@@ohjonny95 incorrect number plates/changers one car missing the front one, speeding driving on the left with out need, being on each other's bumper no safe distance between cars, unnessary reving engine in the tunnel. lousy use of indicators. so yes enough to be pulled over and pay the piper. the police officer did his job and did it right
@@abelfaber4457 I agree with everything you said, except the tunnel engine revving, that was just beatiful to listen too, and does not hurt anybody...
nope... no hate.. You just had that flipping numberplate...
Well I did not realize that the coupe flipped number plate until I read this comment. Right around 7:35
no not a flipping plate show me when he flips his plate with a divice !!the tittle does says he was stoped and had to follow the police to the police station because the exhaust made to much db
lacossa nostra
Just thought you should know, the number plate doesn't flip he used the word flipping instead of swearing!!
7:36 the one in the distance changes his numberplate after he swapped lane
lacossa nostra
You're welcome.
No hate he does his job.
How is he hating, he was just doing is job.
And I'm impressed that he brought 3 cars to the side on his own.
Maarten Maarten cuz if you flee. The car will be tracked down and confiscated
Je klinkt al bijna net zo gay als die blauwen!
@@iaccaloco jij klinkt al bijna net zo dom als een goudvis!
Funny how suddenly the indicators start working on the lambos when the police are nearby.
Yip that indicates, that those Humans dont deserve to have a license, they dont give a fuck about others then just themselfes until the cops got them they cry like a baby...
Asshole should have gotten a ticket for speeding as well. He drove almost 200 kmh at one point.
Probably had the nit-wit awareness app turned off
Go, take the phone and call popo
not only speeding but also reckless driving
I knew exactly where that was in the first part of the video...
Also, I love how coordinated the police are here 🙏🏽
>Police just doing their job
7:36 sneaky plate flipper haha love it
IceCream sneaky? He does it in front of the Cop..... hes a stupid idiot. Your car can be confiscated if the cop really hates you. But he didn’t, so no hate to the lambo.
That is illegal too
"Fined for incorrect License Plate" In Germany this thing would have went straight to the TÜV for an sound and exhaust gas inspection lol
unless you have a VW , then it just cheats the test..
it looked like the police officer was getting the lambo to such a place, why should the police officer wait until the lambo joins him to get back on the road again?..
The dutch make it up in fines, believe me
MacBookAir1324 b
@@bongskag One more reason to buy a VW!LOL
Best man in this vid is the officer :p very cool man ... he make a good job
No fan of loud exhausts but on a car like that it sounds amazing. Wow
It’s so freaking loud!
The reason why it took so long, was that probably the policeman was checking these vehicles by radio; Licence plates, insurance, road tax, any previous convictions etc. If one has to go on the road with a remarkable car like a Lambo, do comply with the law and do not fit 'advertising licence plates' and don't run high revs with a 'straight exhaust' .
You see plenty of people on the motorways driving their 'supercars' at 70 because they're on 9 points and shitting themselves.
@@indlovubill7100 Probably. 😁
Nice cars, great sound. Shame no indicators at the beginning, shame you have to slow down then tailgate a car that passes you. BUT the policeman ! 👍👏👏👏👏brilliant job , his hand signals were so clear and riding was excellent.
The officer certainly had a point
Cop doing his job. Well done to that cop.
In the US, this whole video was about 20 infractions, several of which are enough to get you arrested. Love the sound of that V12, though.
Gewoon rijden met gele of groene platen pik. Het is geen California hierzo, trendy dealerplaten. "Dutch cop hates Lamborghini Murcielago" Een Polo krijgt 'm ook gewoon!
Inderdaad, als je zo je best doet moet je ook niet achteraf zeuren :P Dikke bakken, top sound maar je weet met bepaald gedrag dat je erom vraagt. *ervaringsdeskundig*
Alles voor de likes bij de gasten
Dit is ook geen regio om te freaken met een Lambo. Rechts vrachtwagens en links de auto's met normale snelheid. Volle wegen. Alles potdicht. Ga dan op zijn minst naar de kop van Groningen.
Kuddeschapen. Hielelikkers van de politie jullie allemaal. Zal me niet verbazen als jullie zelf agenten zijn of een van je familieleden er een is.
Ach dik doen met een huur wagen op naam van de bv..
Ook niet heel slim om met een reclame plaat te rijden in een Murciélago. Opvallen bij de Politie 2.0
3.0 ook :)
I'm glad I had the scene to fast forward to the end. The noise was getting annoying!
Same here!
That copped owned you....didn't even have to turn his lights on...
Look at the licence plate of the white Murciélago @ 7:23
Damn well spotted
*glitch* haha
VAL Compares if they spot that he got some problems
it didnt change tho
karma police its for speedtraps
The amazing part is...
...wait for it...
...neither Lambo caught on fire! 🤣🤣🤣
At least the driver didn't got fined because of the exhaust
The sound is epic though 😍
SuperSonicNFS he could have easily fined them both
Gianluca Schaar true that
SuperSonicNFS also for the fake back plate and no plates at the front (i think they got fined if not its bs)
Sound from Ingolstadt!
X x X this is the Netherlands so yea it must
Oh I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact he's driving without number plates.... I'm almost certain that cop loved those lambo's but he still has to do his job, biker cops are usually really cool to bikers/car guys so long as you keep it civil.
Incorrect licence plate, cop was just doing his job
Jim Clarke multiple things are illegal (no front plate ,tailgating (dangerous driving) ,illegal exhaust, flipping back plate ) hope he get a good fine
click bate tile
Fuck the police, altijd jongen!
to bad that people who can afford such cars + the mods they put on them.. can easily pay for the fines they get for these infractions aswell
Love your Channel, keep it up👍❤️
7:26 license plate hiding.
i give the cop a thumbs up for getting the lambo without plates. dor the rest it is a great sound
If you press the forward button multiple times with the sound up, the noise sounds like a good tune.
Legendary sound!
I don't think Dutch cops hate Lamborghini's - only the people that's in it. Like most people do.
Why? Do you include yourself? Did you have a chat with them? How do you know you hate him? You should ask yourself about your behavior towards other people
@@ohjonny95 "Snowflake" just shut up!
Almost correct. I hate ANY car with loud exhausts and the morons in them. There is no reason whatsoever to "tune" your exhaust to produce only noise. I don't need to go deaf, just because some kid with a toy wants to make sure that everybody knows where their new penis extender is. It's just sad that the dutch police doesn't check for sound levels anymore.
Oh and my car happens to have a performance exhaust, but the original sound damper is still installed. I get great performance AND my car is silent. (even more silent then the original exhaust).
Smart enough to afford a nice car but too stupid to use turn signals on the highway. I hope the cop threw the book at him
friendlywhiteguy: the cars were most likely paid for with money earned with crime, and because of honest intelligent work.
Forget what the title says I just love the way those cars sound
Tunel is the best lamborghini friend
yes, its the only time these shit boxes sound like real cars.
De agent ziet ook heus wel dat er gefilmd wordt, deze motoragent zit elke dag op de snelweg, waarvoor veel respect, en heeft echt wel meer gezien en meegemaakt op de weg dan deze chauffeurs die even een paar kilometers met een Lambo mogen rijden. Dus deze agent heeft het provocatieve gedrag perfect aangepakt, zeer professioneel laten zien dat het rondom de Botlek geen wild-west is. Omgeving Rotterdam overigens toch de beste verkeerspolitie van Nederland, als je door hen aangehouden wordt is dat echt met een gegronde reden, en zoals zelf ervaren met een uitleg waar je van kunt leren. Het zijn ook deze motor agenten die de lichaamsresten van een platgereden motorrijder van het asfalt gekrabd zien worden terwijl ze het overige verkeer kalm houden, ben zelf geen heilige chauffeur, maar voor de verkeerspolitie omgeving Rotterdam is respect wel het minste fatsoen dat je voor deze agenten moet kunnen opbrengen, vergelijk ze alsjeblieft ook niet met de zwarte busjes in de berm met een automatisch bonnen uitschrijf apparaat. Als de agent niet tot staande houding over was gegaan had dit filmpje hier ook gestaan met waarschijnlijk weer negatieve reacties over de verkeerspolitie, al met al een leuk filmpje met prachtige auto''s om naar te kijken met professioneel optreden van de verkeerspolitie omgeving Rotterdam !!
Pure F1 sound 🔥🔥
Nah Not even close to how F1 sounds, This is a million better then how F1 sounds.
BambiRival yes you're right! This sounds so much better then the nowadays F1 cars ;)
no, that would be the Lexus LFA, its V10 engine is the closets to an F1 engine in a 'production car'
Ohhhh! Lancia Stratos at 5:50! A real legend on the road! Wow!
Yeah man. Sega rally days
No one see That one of the lombos change the rear number Plate automaticaly and the policman see it thats way he Was riding behind and observing hé recognize it
Idriss Meslem there are two white lambos, but there are 3 cars, a golf 6 films the second lambo and the second lambo films the first one, thats why it looks like the plate changes but it doesnt
@@Gagliano17 no but they have plate flippers you can see it clearly in some parts
morcego lambo owns the scream of heaven. i like when the "wings" are opened
Lekkere suggestieve titel weer, wat een onzin. Rijdt gewoon met normale platen rond en uploadert moet niet op zo'n goedkope manier views scoren.
Als je bij 7:23 kijkt in slow motion zie je hem nog net z'n achter nummerplaat draaien, vlak nadat hij de andere auto voorbij is.
kanipeoples Ahahaha wat lul jij nou weer dan😂😂
Daar hebben ze een reden voor.Buitenlanders zijn nu eenmaal meer crimineel dan blanke.Ik denk als de politie100 buitenlanders en 100 blanke aanhouden zal je zien dat ze bij de buitenlanders veel meer wapens en drugs vinden dan bij de blanke.Dat heeft niets met racisme te maken.Het is gewoon een feit dat buitenlanders meer crimineel zijn dan blanken.
Here in NZ we have car exhaust decibel levels for a road WOF, sadly not for Harley Davison motorbikes. + they weren't using indicators.
I like how all these big boys with their expensive and fast cars suddenly react like shy little kids and follow the orders of the small policeman
Where is the "HATE" in this video? the COP is doing his job.
Go back to 4:10 for repeat awesomeness, once you've watched the whole video 😃 .... So awesome it's makes me ..................
Dit filmpje was echt zonde van mijn tijd!
Where can I see the part where the Policeman hates these cars ?
As someone who was born in netherlands (I dont live there anymore) it’s still hella weird to see expensive whips in the netherlands
3 Lamborghini's. One. the one your riding in 2 and 3. the ones infront of you
Iamtheflam there’s only 2.they keep switching the camera. One behind the second one/convertible is the scirocco
The onther lambo got a plate flipper so it looks like there are two
Cars doing 3-400 km/h allowed on public streets is just another testimony to the inept idiocy that continue to shape the human future ...
5:53 Lancia Stratos ❤❤❤👍 best Car.
Yes and it does not have to prove anything, unlike the cars in the video.
But then again, a stratos on a wet road is not a very safe combination.. I would drive carefully too..
And possibly worth more than all three Lambos put together... orange glow taking it slow... probably has slicks :)
I drove my Gallardo down through France and Spain, and the only time the police stopped me was because they wanted to have a look at it.
As a biker I am very impressed by the driving-style of the police - biker. Very commanding
They dont hate the lambo but they flipper the license plate so they can speed withouten a ticket and ofcourse thats illigal and the cops saw that SO NEXT TIME DO YOUR RESEARCH
Slaapverwekkend om steeds hetzelfde beeld 3x te zien. Net een A-team scene.
1:23 CORONA??? OOF that's where it all started
it's chinese too
Nice lambo. But the police didn't hate your car. You just had an invalid license plate.
Good cop!
That officer was really professional.
Illegal license plate. That's all.
Oh, wow, man, you have a Lamborghini with a special exhaust. Sounds like a dirt bike. Ring ding ding ring ding ding ding...
The steering wheel looks terrible
Looks like a Google Chrome logo lol
While the cop "hates" a lambo, the lambo driver must be hating a normal licence plate. Sounds reasonable and very mature.
Ook wel erg lomp om met zo'n schuif kenteken te rijden
I’m sure those Murcielagos in that tunnel sound absolutely ungodly
1:20 shout out to the Coronavirus!
Which country
noone is going to mention this? 1:35
Did you see the labeling of the truck in the left lane at 0:36 ? :-)
Illigal is illigal
but is illegal illigal? or is it just illegal?
You are an order follower, if someone with a gun gives orders you follow them. Don't think for your self.
fair play to both the police officer and the lambo driver "when your caught throw your hands up"
nice machines but freaking ugly interiors
That's exactly what i thought
Lamborghini used to be a farming tractors factory in the beginning, that’s why the interior is ugly !!
Then ya'll never have seen Farrari huh..... they are even worse from the inside, but yeah you people dont understand that these are SUPER CARS, not just Road vehicles, they dont get made specially for normal roads & luxury, they are made for speeding and racing on a circuit.
BambiRival yes i have seen a few ferrari like the f40 and spider 360. These lambos are not that old and they are made for normal use and not for racetrack! Do you really think all the lambos are made for the track then you are wrong. And also because they are super cars you pay alot of money for those machines, you can expect a lil bit luxe in it. At least a freaking touchscreen or some shit like that.
You pay for luxury…….. Super cars dont get made for Luxury, that is all about the person that purchase a vehicle, same for Ferrari, Super cars are made for Circuit!, but becouse people have money they are able to make things better, Like making vehicles street legal, Original Super cars are not made for Street, but that is all luxury, if you think you can just buy a vehicle like this even if you got alot of money, your wrong. you wil get tested to be able to drive a car like this, only the sad part is Poeple are able to drive cars like this but abuse it after, If you look correctly those Netherlands fucktards cant even drive propaly Aswell you think you pay that much money for luxury? LoL then you have never worked on vehicles, You pay for the Emblem and the engine, the vehicle carroserie is worth nothing when you compare it with the Name and engine, you dont even know how specially made those engine's are. and LoL you dont buy a Super car for a fucking touchscreen...… atleast not me. Supercar Fans dont need those things as luxury that you mean, Those vehicles are already Luxury becouse of the Horsepowers behind them, they dont have time for using touchscreens to play a song or answer a call, they make them self horny all the time on the sound thats coming out of the engine... If you want luxury go to Bentley or Rolls royce, those cars are made for luxury.
Funny at 1:34 a truck delivering "Corona" just thinking about the past year 2020
Amazing sound❤️❤️❤️❤️
In the Netherlands they have awesome roads! ... They are plentiful, comfortable and safe to drive on. .... You should expect that they (the police) will try to keep the situation on the roads, *cool.* It's not the fact that they (in the video) are driving Lamborghinis. It's purely about how they're doing it. The general behaviour, the body language of the car when it is on the road. (were they using their indicators?)
It is also a mistake to always believe that nobody can see you when there are no other cars around. *Respekt!*
ik had beter van jou verwacht Gumbal. Met je clickbait video jammer hoor
Als je veel abonnees hebt en ooit je videos goed bekeken werden ga je dit soort zielige dingen doen, een kat in het nauw..
What car are your driving your mirrors look almost same to the Lamborghini ones
Its called noise pollution. No one wants to hear that crap. Take it to the race track.
SDMacMan 1.5kplus apparently like it so buy some earplugs or fuck off to alaska and stop telling people how to live their lives
SDMacMan jealousy inside your DNA
He is right.
Nobody wants to hear that.
Life is dangerous and ends deadly most of the times ...
Put life to the years not years to the life.
bro you just need to mount switchable valves
so üt can make the exhaust quiet or loud
Sneaky plates flipper? In front of that cop!?🤤 How stupid you need to be to do something like that!? That's totaly ilegal 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
He's jealous 😂
Cats Commanders Cerignola italy
Cats Commanders not jealous the lambo driver go fast and get catch by speed trap
Cats Commanders 😂
Cats Commanders dutch police finally do there job (mostly people like that get away with everything)
ItzAdamPlayz wrong License Plate! that one he can convert to another license plate. earlier in the film he has advertisements there :) 7:24 He switched him :P
New Headline: "Two Lamborghini Murcielago drivers HATE cop" ...lolo They were just pissed while they could not play anymore :-)
6:35 Fun Kaput
We went through that tunnel in a Spyker C8 Spyder. That sounded a lot better then these Lambo's.
my bicycle moves faster
Best part was that random Lancia Stratos encounter. How lucky you have to be to come across such magnificent beast!!
Omg my fav's cars ✔❤
Dutch cop was very understanding. In the Netherlands, licence plates are assigned to the vehicle, not the owner, and must be shown at all times, front and rear. The correct action for the cop should have been to take the two Lambos to a garage, have the swivelling number plates removed and the correct number plates installed, on both sides; apart from that the drivers should be reported to the tax man. And there is also the matter of the exhaust. I doubt that these exhaust systems comply with regulations for use on public roads. Cop could have required the drivers to remove the straight pipes and install the original pipes instead, according tot the car's original specifications. The boys were let off very lightly.
Es finden sich hier sofort ein paar Leute, welche der Meinung sind, das da ein paar Idioten hinter dem Steuer zu sitzen scheinen, denn sie fahren viel zu nah auf, halten sich nicht an Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen und zumindest ein Lamborghini scheint über eine Vorrichtung zu verfügen das hintere KFZ-Kennzeichen zu drehen.
Hätte ich die Möglichkeit, ich würde den Fahrern allein anhand dieses Videos höhere Strafen auferlegen bzw. ihnen sogar die Fahrerlaubnis für ein paar Monate entziehen, denn so ein Verhalten im Straßenverkehr ist auch für anderen Verkehrsteilnehmer lebensgefährlich.
Das ist übrigens kein Sound, sondern Lärm und sollte generell verboten werden, denn unsere Umwelt ist wichtiger, als ein dickes Gefühl in der Hose ein paar Weniger.
ptester mimimimimi heul doch
Hallo Dreamzyy, falls du solch ein Verhalten im Verkehr als gut empfindest und es womöglich auch selbst so praktizierst, scheinst du ebenfalls ein hirnloser Verkehrsraudi zu sein, welche den Fahrersitz eines Fahrzeuges besser gegen die Couch bei einem Verkehrspsychologen tauschen sollte.
Vermutlich hast du aber noch nicht unverschuldet schwere Unfälle erlebt, bei welchem du nur deswegen relativ unverletzt davongekommen bist, weil dein Fahrzeug halbwegs sicher war, ich hingegen schon und das in der Vergangenheit zweimal, wobei meine Fahrzeuge (280 E und Audi A6) jeweils Totalschäden erlitten. Die "harmlosen Unfälle" und die, welche ich vermeiden konnte, lasse ich mal weg.
Beim 280 E verlor der Fahrer eines Ford Capri RS 2600 die Kontrolle über den Wagen, weil er:
1. In einer Kurve überholte und rausbeschleunigte
2. Das Reifenprofil seines Wagens gegen 0 mm ging, also eher Slicks waren, bei leichtem Nieselregen nicht gerade empfehlenswert
Trotz Vollbremsung durch mich und dem Versuch die Kollision zu vermeiden, indem ich meinen Benz seitlich auf den Grünstreifen lenkte und zwar so weit, dass ich einen Begrenzungspfosten erwischte, kam es zum Zusammenstoß. Der Capri schleuderte und prallte fahrerseitlich mit der Hinterachse und dem Heck in die linke Frontpartie meines Benz, rutschte danach weiter und kam erst gute 35 Meter weiter zum Stand.
In meinem Benz hatte der Kardantunnel Wellen geworfen, was bedeutete, wäre der Aufprall ein wenig stärker gewesen, hätte ich den Motorblock mit meinen Knien abbremsen müssen oder besser ausgedrück, ich hätte meine Beine schwer verletzt gehabt. Ich war mit knapp 70 km/h unterwegs und der Capri wurde auf 110 bis 125 geschätzt.
Beim Audi ist mit ein Idiot mit stark überhöhter Geschwindigkeit (ca. 150 km/h), bei Regenwetter von hinten halb versetzt aufgefahren und hat dem AUDI glatt die Hinterachse abgerissen. Ich hatte knappe 80 km/h auf dem Tacho, weil ich vorher immer wieder Aquaplaning bemerkte und deswegen die Geschwindigkeit reduzierte. Der Typ war allerdings auch noch sturzbetrunken 2,2 Promille und ohne gültige Fahrerlaubnis unterwegs. Dafür war sein "Papa" aber Polizist, wie er ganz stolz verkündete.
Abschließend noch, ich war früher auch kein Kind von Traurigkeit und bin von Frankfurt a.M. Flughafen die knapp 260 km bis nach Hause in 95 Minuten gefahren, doch damals war mein Wissen und das der Allgemeinheit um die Umwelt noch nicht so weit und so klar, wie es heute der Fall ist.
I think both parties were having some fun during this
Agent doet zijn werk, daarnaast had hij er eerder mogen zijn gezien de actie op 3:45.
Verder leuke wagentjes.
That police officer deserves a medal.
Impressive the way they swept past those dust carts.......
i like this educational video its nice and clear well directed looks like you used the same cam as i did to make my video
Even supercars are powerless against the authority. Good job, officer.
did i just watch the guiness book of records video for: longest police pull over in history?
It's not really safe to stop the cars on a very busy highway right?
well yes three naughty boys in three bonkers cars , makes the world a brighter place, the Monaco esque tunnel sequence is electrifying , I was tingling all over. It seemed the Gendarme or whatever they are in Holland Politti is it ? was a bit of a sour-puss. We get a lot of Dutch over here in GB so at least some of you live it on the edge. Bravo Bull drivers !
Perhaps it wasn’t the lambo he didn’t like just the advertising on the plate. Lol.