My favorite time (well, favorite on just acid) was when I was 19 and still living at home. I got a few hits of acid and took them with my friends the night before spring semester started. After about two hours I drove home and my parents were in the living room watching TV and I had forgotten that I said I'd wash the dishes in the sink when I got back. I am generally quite composed when I'm lit up, but it had been awhile since I'd taken really good acid and I was tripping my balls off. So I'm standing by the sink, scrubbing these dishes down and trying my hardest not to get lost in the soap bubbles, in the way the water comes out of the faucet, and the sensation that the pot is melting in my hand. I still remember that feeling of cold, clean, beautiful precision, like everything has come clear now with all the ultra vivid colors and sharp lines (well, very distinct, obviously everything is waving around.) Finally, after what felt like a month, 58 sneak glances over at my parents and a few carefully manufactured laughs at what was happening on the tv I went downstairs, laid on my bed and watched snakes dangle from the ceiling while listening to Justice's first album. What a fucking awesome night that was. I will never forget it.
I tend to think of it as seeing the world through alien eyes. Everything, even the most basic things possible seems alien and strange and you find yourself challenging assumptions which seemed to obvious before that they didn’t even bear consideration
So true! I remember one session where we went to a 24hr convenience store at about 3am. My friend went in to buy something while the rest of us waited outside watching. He had a handful of coins which he accidentally dropped onto the chocolate bar display by the counter, all the coins falling between the individual bars. If it weren't for the shop assistant helping him (unaware he was tripping his face off) he would have been there all night. When he dropped the money the look on his face was priceless, he let out a big sigh as if to say "what have I got myself into?" The rest of us were laughing so hard, just imagining how hard is was to mentally hold it together when he was walking in and then to face that!
100% accurate. One time I had to go to rite aid at like 1am for something while tripping, and they volunteered me to go in, and when I got to the register, the older cashier lady knew immediately I was on something lol (lsd), and she said something to comfort me and be playful like "it's okay I won't tell anyone hehe" and I looked her dead in the eyes with a straight face and said "oh I know you won't." And she looked horrified, I got the hell outta there and didn't go back for like a week lol
waterdamnaged Once I was tripping with a buddy of mine. I asked "What time is it?" "4:55" he replied after checking his phone. Cool. I thought, great! So some time goes by, idk how much, but probably in the neighborhood of 35 minutes. I ask him what time it is and he looks at his phone, then looks at me with a shocked expression and a wide-open mouth "It's 4:51" This got us soooo pumped up because, of course, we had time traveled.
I love how he concentrates on the real concept of tripping instead of people just talking about hallucination jokes. whats real is the mass confusion you have and disconnected from reality. and time doesn't mean SHIT lolol
ive tripped so many times, over the years they've all sort of blended together. one of my best experiences tho was the time me and my friend laughed so hard, we both peed while laughing. not our pants, but while laughing, literally walked to the edge of the patio, peed, and came back. we did this one after the other, and continued laughing well after we both peed. i didnt think i was ever gonna stop, shit was just too god damn funny. dont think any laugh will ever surpass that one.
i took two gel tabs and had to put air in one of my tires, as well as fill up on gas. so i went to a BP and walked in. all i noticed was a flickering light above the counter and stared at it for at least ten seconds. finally, one of the two ladies at the register said, “what can i do for you?”. “....uh you guys should fix that.” “what?” “nothing. ten on two.”
@Dylan Richard I'm a psychonaut and have had a few close friends catch DUIs because they got behind the wheel it's not a skill it's a stupid fucking decision stay home or have a DD
I drove me and my boy home in my mercury cougar trippin balls on mushrooms from Atlantic City back home an hour away and I gotta say, the earth is most definitely round and spinning on an axis. I know this because I lived it
Tripping and running an errand reminds me of the time a friend and i tripped and had to take a cat who'd been run over by a car [almost cut in half] up to the animal clinic ,while waiting during the time the cat was being stitched up i'd wandered into another area with an operating room where a cat lay motionless ,I figured it was the one we'd brought by earlier and thought it was dead ,turned and went out to the waiting room where my friend was holding the cat as the ......I don't know where i'm going with this really ...fuck it
I remember a really bad trip where me and my boys were playing Halo 2, back like 7 or 8 years ago, and it started kicking in and I saw spot lights come on me, and I felt like I was being watched like the Truman Show, where the whole world was (as I said) "against me" at the time, and I was so scared haha. The best trips I've had was a buddy of mine had a clock in the shape of texas and it was literally melting off his wall,and I just felt so good haha, good times back in the day! I'll always remember those
You are the star of your own show, everyone is in even in on it writing this to you. Lol I know exactly what you mean tho, people can read your thoughts and you then? Yuup
trying to explain tripping to someone who hasn't is pretty much like trying to explain colors to the blind. I will say that the part about time being arbitrary comes pretty close to expressing it though.
time becomes either arbitrary or it becomes everything...heeey man i think i can seee time...see can you feel it slowing down.. look at that right there in the air , thats tiiime
perfect forum for trippin stories: I went to a friends house while tripping and tried to pull instead of push open his front gate. I then stood back and re-evaluated my entrance approach for roughly 5 mins. Decided I couldn't enter and went to leave until I found out that my mates had been watching me from the balcony pissing themselves laughing at my inability to try pushing the gate open."
turning into the child version of yourself is my closest approximation to taking my first low dose of shrooms, in every sense. It's fucking hi-larious. If you remember being a kid when little things made you laugh in hysterics like hearing the word 'butthead' or 'diarrhea' it's like that, things like sneaking around the house late at night and getting caught by your parents is both as tense and hilarious as it was when you did it with your friends in 3rd grade.
I remember once being on just a ridiculous amount of acid when I was about 16, I'd eaten 9 hits of these really killer black tabs and I was laying around on my bed listening to The Doors and shit and I saw a spider on my ceiling. Wound up trying to get at it with my shoe and it ends up getting knocked off the ceiling and falling somewhere on my bed. Couldn't find the thing and I looked for what must have been 45 minutes or so...couldn't lay on my bed for the rest of the damn night for fear...
I took mushrooms one time with my brother & we managed to make it away from the roads & traffic into the countryside to find a place to chill out... then we couldn't for the life of us figure out why there was a bathtub in the field next to us! (for the horses)- Was so funny there was a place to bathe in the morning? The f**k is that doing there?? The first time I did them it was so true about time & money going out the window.
i took mushrooms and went to the exploratorium in SF. there must have been a hundred school field trips there that day, kids were literally everywhere. I hid in the bathroom for six hours. no joke.
haha yeah kids freak me out when im sober that many kids on shrooms and id hide in the bathroom too but what are you gonna do when the field trip has a bathroom break maaaan
Mahatma Gandhi When you're tripping, your feelings are amplified, per se. So if you don't like change then you're really gonna hate change when tripping.
Hassan Dar I meant 'change' as in change from the money for the batteries he talked about, he seemed terrified of receiving change at the store, just wondered if there was an increased phobia of it while high lol
I've dealt with it first hand, you're right about the money. Last time I had to deal with money on a lot of LSD, I didn't want change. The reason being, is that they are trying to give me something that involves something I don't understand to begin with. I just want to get the hell out of where I am buying something. It is foreign to me. So, it feels uncomfortable. It feels threatening, to get change when tripping. I know that sounds weird to other people who have never had this happen, but you will not want the change! You just want the item you didn't want to have to go get, and leave so you can leave the scary place and go back to the familiar, comfortable, safe place! Anything you're not used to, is not good for tripping. If you want a crash course, try Salvia Divinorum. You will get incredibly high really fast, and not like it, 99% of the time, because of where you are. You think it's okay to do where you are, but in about 30 seconds, the environment you are in becomes terrifying and you have to leave. If you do it in a parked car, for instance, you will feel like you're jailed and encased inside a transformers robot and you have to escape the parked car, if only to get outside. Then you'll feel somewhat better. But for acid, it is very difficult to figure out where you'll feel comfortable. Usually, your room is a safe bet, but sometimes, if it isn't perfectly organized and whatnot beforehand, you will freak out. Try making your bed on a strong dose of LSD. Your bedsheets will do everything in their power to ensure that making your bed nice and neatly becomes an almost impossible task that will reduce you to tears. If you're tripping, you don't want to have anything you will have to engage in consciously, at all, unless it's a happy feeling movie at the most. You do not want to have to undertake any's a whole thing.
When I would trip back in high school all of my friends lived with their parents so we had nowhere to hang out and trip all night. We had to venture out into the world and go from place to place. So we would drive around to different stores and restaurants that were open 24 hours. It was the scenario he's describing but over and over again the entire night. When things got weird and it seemed like the cops were being called we had to get out of there and figure out somewhere else to go. In hindsight driving around tripping all night was probably not wise, but we made it out of that time ok. I've lived on my own for 15 years now and I can trip whenever I want in my own home and I never do. I've had enough nightmarish experiences on acid to last a lifetime. If you keep doing it I think you turn yourself into a weirdo.
I change my mind, King is too cliched I want to be the male duchess (very aware a duke is the make counterpoint but I’m weird) of weirdos! No one hail my sovereignty!!!!!
I was tripping once with my brother near a field & we couldn't understand why there was a bathtub there for the bath in the morning.. made perfect sense at the time- well thats for morning!
One time on acid i wanted to listen to music and all I had to do was connect ONE CHORD on my stereo and I could not figure it out. So I grabbed my iPod and layed on the floor happy as a clam listening to the Beatles.
i listened to that album tripping once and it came on right at the beginning of brain damage/eclipse while i was outside looking at the biggest full moon in years, it was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen
Dark Side of the Moon or The Wall are definitely excellent choices for listening while tripping. Takes on a whole different meaning, especially in The Wall during "The Trial".
Are you kidding ? Tripping's still great. I'm 46. You have to be in the right frame of mind, un-cluttered and without all the bullshit that's been crammed down our throat's. Turn off the TV. Lock the door. Put on some Pink Floyd or Genisis, and enjoy.....
David Cross has most definitely tripped his balls off... I like inside like the concept of inside I get it, Hello today!! , and the way he hides his face when he's stuck in the C battery loop is all 100% accurate as fuck 😂😂
this is so time when I was tripping I tripped over my laptop cord and no lie stood there for like 5 minutes wondering how I was gonna hook it back up
after my drugstore adventure, me and my buddy just sat down infront of some house on the walk there and just laughed about the whole experience for atleast 45 mins... that oh yeah I remember 'inside' I like 'inside' is crazy true
haha. i had the batteries run out while on four hits of acid in the middle of the day. that was awful walking to the store. my roommate was a little more stable than me so i sat in the middle of the parking lot while he walked into the grocery store. twenty minutes later, he comes out with five cans of whipped cream and no batteries.
I don’t understand why people lump acid and mushrooms in the same sentence when talking about tripping. They aren’t the same AT ALL. They don’t affect you the same at all. Maybe it’s just me. As psychedelics are subjective from person to person. For me that journey on shrooms would be almost impossible. For me (and there are people I know who would agree) mushrooms are sedative in nature and interactions with humans can be very unnerving if not properly prepared. Shrooms can cast a serious mental fog that makes mundane things extraordinary or incredibly difficult. Conversely (once again, for me) this journey would be cake and fun on acid. Acid gives me energy and I want to walk about and explore on it. I stay very clear headed on acid and not only can I have full conversations with people, acid actually helps me get over my anxiety of talking to people (I’m not the biggest people person). Visuals in acid can be intense but I don’t get the mental cloudiness I usually get on shrooms. It takes a very high dose of acid to make me want to recede from society it dosent take much to do that for me on mushrooms. Sorry for the rant. I’m sure this was more than any one cares to read lol
I would agree 100% but they both make me introspective and hallucinate, so I understand why people group them. Especially if they only had load dose experiences. like a tab or a few grams.
Psilocybin is definitely not a sedative, but it can seem like one at times, especially from the perspective of outsiders looking at the tripper. I've been catatonic many times on shrooms, especially on really high doses, but even in my most catatonic states, I was having a mind-blowing, life-changing inner experience. Acid is better for more social experiences, but psilocybin is for serious entheogenic deep-dives into consciousness. Neither of them are what I would call "recreational," but of the two, acid is more so. Psilocybin is best approached as a "learning lessons" and "spiritual healing" type thing. This is why I (and many others) generally only take shrooms alone. It's some serious shit lol, not fun and games. Terence McKenna famously said that the most appropriate way to do mushrooms is to take a "heroic" dose of five grams, alone, in silent darkness. The mushrooms will fucking SPEAK to you. Even Albert Hoffman himself (the guy who first synthesized LSD) said that mushrooms freaked him out because they seemed "animate" in a way that LSD is not, i.e. there seemed to be some kind of active intelligence dwelling inside the fungus. I love both acid and shrooms, but I've had the most beautifully life-altering experiences on shrooms. Truly magical stuff. Saved my life.
I think it depends on the person, set and setting. I've experienced those things you guys are mentioning on both shrooms and acid. Dmt and salvia are the only ones that are best enjoyed from the couch, I think. I really enjoy dmt.
last time I did shrooms, I forgot everyone else wasn’t tripping and I just found beauty in everything and ended up skating for about an hour and a half after meditating, it was nice and social, I think the anti social vibe might be because you’re going deep within yourself to answer questions, which is why anytime I do it I set an intention
I don't know. I'm not done with my certification, but checking their history as a runner is good. I would hire a certified emotional control tester. Make sure your attorney is present before the test is administered.
All nimbly bimbly. Ashamed to say I don't remember my first trip. You are right, it's a right of passage. And. It's a very powerful drug- that is also a tool for many different things. I just never turn it down. so Willy Nilly is actually my middle name.
I know what you mean, tripping is a young person's thing. The thought of doing it now makes me feel ill. I don't know how I ever enjoyed it but I did in my early twenties.
light, warm, floaty, feeling at one with everyone and everything or that their anxiety or anger towards you is insignificant, walls or objects morphing or vibrating melding into one another like glitches in the matrix. I just explained it, the good type of tripping at least.
Lols maybe them n00bs who've never tripped before would be like that in a drug store on acid. But for us expert psychonauts it's easy as. I remember this one day my friends were too stoned to call up for a pizza without bursting into laughing. I was just like "Gimme that phone! What do you guys want? Okay got it." Called up, ordered it like a boss. And they were like "WOW MAN! How'd you do that? How'd you act normal when you were blazed as?" and the answer is simple. You don't try to pretend you're not stoned or tripping. You just face the music that it's going to be difficult but you simply stop caring and you accept that they'll probably guess that you're stoned. You stop caring that they might think you're stoned off your arse because I highly doubt they care anyways. It's not like they're going to freak out and be all like "HOW DARE YOU GET STONED IN MY PRESENCE! The cops will hear about this!! Vile weed smoker! Bane of all existence." and if you're scared that something like that's gonna happen then you're not thinking rationally. You just go in, grab what you need, avoid unneccessary conversation and just pay for it and go. If they try to rope you into a conversation just give short quick answers and be done with it. They'll get the hint that you're not in a chatty mood. Obviously it's harder when you're on acid then when you're just plain stoned but still, it's not THAT hard dealing with people whilst tripping. Just be logical about it.
What is it about having to go up on a roof while tripping. I nearly lost my finger nails trying to hang on to the shingles because the sky witch was trying to push me off.
Me and my girl did shrooms and she started to get a headache while we where tripping. And she want to drive to the store for tylonol and it felt like a gpd damn hour and the store was like a block away it was horrible but we did it lol
Just saw a kid like this in Dunkin Donuts lol. He takes out a 10 dollar bill, stares at it for 30 seconds, puts it down and then starts smiling when he gets his change. I ask him if he's alright and he just runs to the corner table where he can't figure out which seat he wants. Maybe he's just fucked in the head though?
hahha nah hes tripping ..if hes fuuucked in the head then he wouldnt have 100 dollar im kinda fuucked in the head and i dont have no 100 bucks
Holy crap. My two friends talked me into going in to the grocery store for batteries for our boom box. I was tripping so hard. It was a Sunday afternoon and we were going for a hike. Everyone in the store nodded and their eyes popped open when they looked at me as if they knew what I was up to. This store had a generic isle, all the packaging was white with black lettering. I had to read each package. It was insane, but I could only afford the generics. Spaghetti, flour, sugar, beer, and on and on. Finally batteries!!! Fuck those friends. Never make someone do that alone.
We used to hold cigarettes lit side up by the filters to see how inattentive to time we were. You'd look up, see something cool, look down... SHIT it's been like 3 minutes
OMG last time I ate a quarter of shrooms I couldnt understand time. I hated the concept to the point where i smashed all the clocks off the tables because it scared the shit out of me! TRUEST TRIPPING EXPLANATION EVER.
Ironically, Time and Money are the names of songs on Dark Side of the Moon, arguably the most popular album of all time to trip to. Until your boom box runs out of batteries.
My favorite time (well, favorite on just acid) was when I was 19 and still living at home. I got a few hits of acid and took them with my friends the night before spring semester started. After about two hours I drove home and my parents were in the living room watching TV and I had forgotten that I said I'd wash the dishes in the sink when I got back. I am generally quite composed when I'm lit up, but it had been awhile since I'd taken really good acid and I was tripping my balls off. So I'm standing by the sink, scrubbing these dishes down and trying my hardest not to get lost in the soap bubbles, in the way the water comes out of the faucet, and the sensation that the pot is melting in my hand. I still remember that feeling of cold, clean, beautiful precision, like everything has come clear now with all the ultra vivid colors and sharp lines (well, very distinct, obviously everything is waving around.) Finally, after what felt like a month, 58 sneak glances over at my parents and a few carefully manufactured laughs at what was happening on the tv I went downstairs, laid on my bed and watched snakes dangle from the ceiling while listening to Justice's first album. What a fucking awesome night that was. I will never forget it.
Dropping acid and washing dishes, sounds awesome
James Wilson thank you
Bruh you drove on acid?
Thank god there wasn’t a mirror nearby dude.
It trips me out big time when I see my reflection while I’m tripping
Dope story brotha hahaha🙏
Tripping is possibly the hardest thing to describe to someone who's never tripped before.
I've never tripped before, but I feel as though I have after watching his rendition of it. "Hello today!"
@Chuck Wettish Once he started talking about listening to music on the roof, I knew exactly how he felt.
@Chuck Wettish maybe the best I've seen or heard on tv. Most shows or movies get hallucinogens so wrong.
I tend to think of it as seeing the world through alien eyes. Everything, even the most basic things possible seems alien and strange and you find yourself challenging assumptions which seemed to obvious before that they didn’t even bear consideration
Mr. Cross did a FINE job here!
"Shut up, I can do it! I'm tripping less now because of this...conversation." LOL
I need c batteries, C C C C C C.
it's always said by someone though.... tripping high or drunk doesn't matter
Spanish cashier* stop saying yes
Oh, my God. ''Hello today" is so spot on. lmao
So true! I remember one session where we went to a 24hr convenience store at about 3am. My friend went in to buy something while the rest of us waited outside watching. He had a handful of coins which he accidentally dropped onto the chocolate bar display by the counter, all the coins falling between the individual bars. If it weren't for the shop assistant helping him (unaware he was tripping his face off) he would have been there all night. When he dropped the money the look on his face was priceless, he let out a big sigh as if to say "what have I got myself into?" The rest of us were laughing so hard, just imagining how hard is was to mentally hold it together when he was walking in and then to face that!
djrizla420 Hahahah laughed my ass off thanks for sharing
Why wouldn't you guys just walk in and help him pick it up?
The shop assistant knew he was tripping his face off, but did not give a shit.
This is the most relatable thing I've heard in my entire life.
100% accurate. One time I had to go to rite aid at like 1am for something while tripping, and they volunteered me to go in, and when I got to the register, the older cashier lady knew immediately I was on something lol (lsd), and she said something to comfort me and be playful like "it's okay I won't tell anyone hehe" and I looked her dead in the eyes with a straight face and said "oh I know you won't." And she looked horrified, I got the hell outta there and didn't go back for like a week lol
Okay, this was hilarious! "oh I know you won't."
Plot Twist: You do all of that, go home and check the time, it's only 3 : 18.
Once I was tripping with a buddy of mine. I asked
"What time is it?"
"4:55" he replied after checking his phone.
Cool. I thought, great!
So some time goes by, idk how much, but probably in the neighborhood of 35 minutes. I ask him what time it is and he looks at his phone, then looks at me with a shocked expression and a wide-open mouth
"It's 4:51"
This got us soooo pumped up because, of course, we had time traveled.
Tom Riddle awesome
2:48 Walking around for like 12 minutes...2:51
I love how he concentrates on the real concept of tripping instead of people just talking about hallucination jokes. whats real is the mass confusion you have and disconnected from reality. and time doesn't mean SHIT lolol
david cross is a fucking comedic genius from mrshow to arrested development and everything in between its gold
+ShenaniganZone Have you seen The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret? If you love David Cross than that show is a must see! It's on NetFlix!
ive tripped so many times, over the years they've all sort of blended together. one of my best experiences tho was the time me and my friend laughed so hard, we both peed while laughing. not our pants, but while laughing, literally walked to the edge of the patio, peed, and came back. we did this one after the other, and continued laughing well after we both peed. i didnt think i was ever gonna stop, shit was just too god damn funny. dont think any laugh will ever surpass that one.
Peeing while tripping takes approximately 16 years to complete
i took two gel tabs and had to put air in one of my tires, as well as fill up on gas. so i went to a BP and walked in. all i noticed was a flickering light above the counter and stared at it for at least ten seconds. finally, one of the two ladies at the register said, “what can i do for you?”. “....uh you guys should fix that.” “what?” “nothing. ten on two.”
I hope you weren't driving
Tylorgng maybe i was, maybe i wasn’t.
@Dylan Richard I'm a psychonaut and have had a few close friends catch DUIs because they got behind the wheel it's not a skill it's a stupid fucking decision stay home or have a DD
@Dylan Richard ur a fool consumed by ur ego. Take a larger dose
Proof that no UA-cam thread is complete without somebody getting pissed off about something.
totally nailed the time and money concept being absent while tripping
I drove me and my boy home in my mercury cougar trippin balls on mushrooms from Atlantic City back home an hour away and I gotta say, the earth is most definitely round and spinning on an axis. I know this because I lived it
Don't trip and drive man
I have been hunting for this clip for the "hello.. today!" line for ages. I use it to this day.
coming down rn. I feel this
Tripping and running an errand reminds me of the time a friend and i tripped and had to take a cat who'd been run over by a car [almost cut in half] up to the animal clinic ,while waiting during the time the cat was being stitched up i'd wandered into another area with an operating room where a cat lay motionless ,I figured it was the one we'd brought by earlier and thought it was dead ,turned and went out to the waiting room where my friend was holding the cat as the ......I don't know where i'm going with this really ...fuck it
that must of really fucked up your trip...
It was a good trip everybody got off no one was injured ,not complaining at all ,thank you
Dan Kirchner exept for the cat of course
Finish the story brother.
I pissed myself laughing at everyone's tripping stories 😂🤣😃😄 thanks for sharing 👍
"Inside's pretty cool, I mean, I like inside." Literally had almost this exact conversation while tripping two weeks ago.
This is a really accurate description
I remember a really bad trip where me and my boys were playing Halo 2, back like 7 or 8 years ago, and it started kicking in and I saw spot lights come on me, and I felt like I was being watched like the Truman Show, where the whole world was (as I said) "against me" at the time, and I was so scared haha. The best trips I've had was a buddy of mine had a clock in the shape of texas and it was literally melting off his wall,and I just felt so good haha, good times back in the day! I'll always remember those
***** Settings
You are the star of your own show, everyone is in even in on it writing this to you. Lol I know exactly what you mean tho, people can read your thoughts and you then? Yuup
Yes - similarly, I was tripping one time and a dog puked on the floor and I asked my friend if that could ever be cleaned up. Seriously.
trying to explain tripping to someone who hasn't is pretty much like trying to explain colors to the blind.
I will say that the part about time being arbitrary comes pretty close to expressing it though.
time becomes either arbitrary or it becomes everything...heeey man i think i can seee time...see can you feel it slowing down.. look at that right there in the air , thats tiiime
perfect forum for trippin stories: I went to a friends house while tripping and tried to pull instead of push open his front gate. I then stood back and re-evaluated my entrance approach for roughly 5 mins. Decided I couldn't enter and went to leave until I found out that my mates had been watching me from the balcony pissing themselves laughing at my inability to try pushing the gate open."
turning into the child version of yourself is my closest approximation to taking my first low dose of shrooms, in every sense. It's fucking hi-larious. If you remember being a kid when little things made you laugh in hysterics like hearing the word 'butthead' or 'diarrhea' it's like that, things like sneaking around the house late at night and getting caught by your parents is both as tense and hilarious as it was when you did it with your friends in 3rd grade.
Planning our next move is my favorite part of tripping. this is soo good.
I remember once being on just a ridiculous amount of acid when I was about 16, I'd eaten 9 hits of these really killer black tabs and I was laying around on my bed listening to The Doors and shit and I saw a spider on my ceiling. Wound up trying to get at it with my shoe and it ends up getting knocked off the ceiling and falling somewhere on my bed. Couldn't find the thing and I looked for what must have been 45 minutes or so...couldn't lay on my bed for the rest of the damn night for fear...
I took mushrooms one time with my brother & we managed to make it away from the roads & traffic into the countryside to find a place to chill out... then we couldn't for the life of us figure out why there was a bathtub in the field next to us! (for the horses)- Was so funny there was a place to bathe in the morning? The f**k is that doing there?? The first time I did them it was so true about time & money going out the window.
I love Arrested Development + and tv show with him and Will Arnett. Love those too
i took mushrooms and went to the exploratorium in SF. there must have been a hundred school field trips there that day, kids were literally everywhere. I hid in the bathroom for six hours. no joke.
haha yeah kids freak me out when im sober that many kids on shrooms and id hide in the bathroom too but what are you gonna do when the field trip has a bathroom break maaaan
Hello today from 2019.
Shadow Heart hi!
hes so right about the change. that shit is evil when ur tripping
Can you explain why that is? Not been high enough times to properly understand that XD
Mahatma Gandhi When you're tripping, your feelings are amplified, per se. So if you don't like change then you're really gonna hate change when tripping.
Hassan Dar I meant 'change' as in change from the money for the batteries he talked about, he seemed terrified of receiving change at the store, just wondered if there was an increased phobia of it while high lol
I meant that change as well.
I've dealt with it first hand, you're right about the money. Last time I had to deal with money on a lot of LSD, I didn't want change. The reason being, is that they are trying to give me something that involves something I don't understand to begin with. I just want to get the hell out of where I am buying something. It is foreign to me. So, it feels uncomfortable. It feels threatening, to get change when tripping. I know that sounds weird to other people who have never had this happen, but you will not want the change!
You just want the item you didn't want to have to go get, and leave so you can leave the scary place and go back to the familiar, comfortable, safe place! Anything you're not used to, is not good for tripping.
If you want a crash course, try Salvia Divinorum. You will get incredibly high really fast, and not like it, 99% of the time, because of where you are. You think it's okay to do where you are, but in about 30 seconds, the environment you are in becomes terrifying and you have to leave. If you do it in a parked car, for instance, you will feel like you're jailed and encased inside a transformers robot and you have to escape the parked car, if only to get outside. Then you'll feel somewhat better.
But for acid, it is very difficult to figure out where you'll feel comfortable. Usually, your room is a safe bet, but sometimes, if it isn't perfectly organized and whatnot beforehand, you will freak out.
Try making your bed on a strong dose of LSD. Your bedsheets will do everything in their power to ensure that making your bed nice and neatly becomes an almost impossible task that will reduce you to tears.
If you're tripping, you don't want to have anything you will have to engage in consciously, at all, unless it's a happy feeling movie at the most. You do not want to have to undertake any's a whole thing.
the worst part is how you can pretty much read the mind of everyone in line in front of you.
this is so true
Brave guy, I salute all who have the balls to get up there..& it helps that he's good
Must trip with David Cross.
This whole set is great, love his bit on the methadone clinic and the junkies in the park.
When I would trip back in high school all of my friends lived with their parents so we had nowhere to hang out and trip all night. We had to venture out into the world and go from place to place. So we would drive around to different stores and restaurants that were open 24 hours. It was the scenario he's describing but over and over again the entire night. When things got weird and it seemed like the cops were being called we had to get out of there and figure out somewhere else to go. In hindsight driving around tripping all night was probably not wise, but we made it out of that time ok. I've lived on my own for 15 years now and I can trip whenever I want in my own home and I never do. I've had enough nightmarish experiences on acid to last a lifetime. If you keep doing it I think you turn yourself into a weirdo.
+nogoodbastid no ,you just have less [or no] friends left to trip with.
Y the shade? lol, was the person supposed to be friends with the parents, and get their permission to hang out all night wasted?
I dont know about weirdo but change is certain.
I am the king of weirdos!!!
I change my mind, King is too cliched I want to be the male duchess (very aware a duke is the make counterpoint but I’m weird) of weirdos! No one hail my sovereignty!!!!!
shine on you crazy diamonds pts 1-7 is my go to
welcome to the machine
The Meddel album...side 2,echos and let it roll baby!
im in the missouri area and i need to find someone who has something fun like this....
What's good? What you need?
Sebastian, don't be stupid, man.
Sebastian Ponzo that’s the POLICE fool
"Hello.... Today.."
I was tripping once with my brother near a field & we couldn't understand why there was a bathtub there for the bath in the morning.. made perfect sense at the time- well thats for morning!
I want this bit to last for 3 hours
Money might be important when you're not tripping
Thats why you got to trip all the "time"😏
One time on acid i wanted to listen to music and all I had to do was connect ONE CHORD on my stereo and I could not figure it out. So I grabbed my iPod and layed on the floor happy as a clam listening to the Beatles.
When did Tobias get a tattoo?
and a kick ass beard
i listened to that album tripping once and it came on right at the beginning of brain damage/eclipse while i was outside looking at the biggest full moon in years, it was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen
Dark Side of the Moon or The Wall are definitely excellent choices for listening while tripping. Takes on a whole different meaning, especially in The Wall during "The Trial".
"Hello today"... 'nuff said
Are you kidding ? Tripping's still great. I'm 46. You have to be in the right frame of mind, un-cluttered and without all the bullshit that's been crammed down our throat's. Turn off the TV. Lock the door. Put on some Pink Floyd or Genisis, and enjoy.....
Great description of acid. I like the concept of inside 😂
David Cross has most definitely tripped his balls off... I like inside like the concept of inside I get it, Hello today!! , and the way he hides his face when he's stuck in the C battery loop is all 100% accurate as fuck 😂😂
this is so great. he's 100% right.
this is so time when I was tripping I tripped over my laptop cord and no lie stood there for like 5 minutes wondering how I was gonna hook it back up
So on point lmao
I belly laugh every time I rewatch this :D
after my drugstore adventure, me and my buddy just sat down infront of some house on the walk there and just laughed about the whole experience for atleast 45 mins... that oh yeah I remember 'inside' I like 'inside' is crazy true
thats very insightful
haha. i had the batteries run out while on four hits of acid in the middle of the day. that was awful walking to the store. my roommate was a little more stable than me so i sat in the middle of the parking lot while he walked into the grocery store. twenty minutes later, he comes out with five cans of whipped cream and no batteries.
“Hello today.” 😂😂😂
“hello today”
nearly pissed myself the first time I saw this. Succeeded the second time.
I don’t understand why people lump acid and mushrooms in the same sentence when talking about tripping. They aren’t the same AT ALL. They don’t affect you the same at all. Maybe it’s just me. As psychedelics are subjective from person to person. For me that journey on shrooms would be almost impossible. For me (and there are people I know who would agree) mushrooms are sedative in nature and interactions with humans can be very unnerving if not properly prepared. Shrooms can cast a serious mental fog that makes mundane things extraordinary or incredibly difficult. Conversely (once again, for me) this journey would be cake and fun on acid. Acid gives me energy and I want to walk about and explore on it. I stay very clear headed on acid and not only can I have full conversations with people, acid actually helps me get over my anxiety of talking to people (I’m not the biggest people person). Visuals in acid can be intense but I don’t get the mental cloudiness I usually get on shrooms. It takes a very high dose of acid to make me want to recede from society it dosent take much to do that for me on mushrooms. Sorry for the rant. I’m sure this was more than any one cares to read lol
I would agree 100% but they both make me introspective and hallucinate, so I understand why people group them. Especially if they only had load dose experiences. like a tab or a few grams.
Psilocybin is definitely not a sedative, but it can seem like one at times, especially from the perspective of outsiders looking at the tripper. I've been catatonic many times on shrooms, especially on really high doses, but even in my most catatonic states, I was having a mind-blowing, life-changing inner experience. Acid is better for more social experiences, but psilocybin is for serious entheogenic deep-dives into consciousness. Neither of them are what I would call "recreational," but of the two, acid is more so. Psilocybin is best approached as a "learning lessons" and "spiritual healing" type thing. This is why I (and many others) generally only take shrooms alone. It's some serious shit lol, not fun and games. Terence McKenna famously said that the most appropriate way to do mushrooms is to take a "heroic" dose of five grams, alone, in silent darkness. The mushrooms will fucking SPEAK to you. Even Albert Hoffman himself (the guy who first synthesized LSD) said that mushrooms freaked him out because they seemed "animate" in a way that LSD is not, i.e. there seemed to be some kind of active intelligence dwelling inside the fungus. I love both acid and shrooms, but I've had the most beautifully life-altering experiences on shrooms. Truly magical stuff. Saved my life.
I think it depends on the person, set and setting. I've experienced those things you guys are mentioning on both shrooms and acid. Dmt and salvia are the only ones that are best enjoyed from the couch, I think. I really enjoy dmt.
My experience with psilocybin is not similar.
last time I did shrooms, I forgot everyone else wasn’t tripping and I just found beauty in everything and ended up skating for about an hour and a half after meditating, it was nice and social, I think the anti social vibe might be because you’re going deep within yourself to answer questions, which is why anytime I do it I set an intention
That's why you plan everything out and prepare your surroundings ahead of time. It's a life changing event. You don't just do it willy nilly.
that,.. and never trip with people that cannot pass the emotional control test.
You're right that is a very important factor when it comes to tripping, so tell me how do you test someone's emotional control?
I don't know. I'm not done with my certification, but checking their history as a runner is good. I would hire a certified emotional control tester. Make sure your attorney is present before the test is administered.
All nimbly bimbly. Ashamed to say I don't remember my first trip. You are right, it's a right of passage. And. It's a very powerful drug- that is also a tool for many different things. I just never turn it down. so Willy Nilly is actually my middle name.
U def have to plan ahead
It's so funny how your mind works when your tripping. It's like you take way longer to figure out things than you normally would take
This is hilariously accurate.
I know what you mean, tripping is a young person's thing. The thought of doing it now makes me feel ill. I don't know how I ever enjoyed it but I did in my early twenties.
My biggest problem was waiting for the stop sign to turn green
I have to have that self talk just for social situations in general 😂
spot on
If you've tripped before, you know exactly what David's talking about.
'pot cigarrette' is my favourite term ever.
I can't even buy a donut at Tim Horton's after smoking weed without fucking up the order lol
Hello today!
light, warm, floaty, feeling at one with everyone and everything or that their anxiety or anger towards you is insignificant, walls or objects morphing or vibrating melding into one another like glitches in the matrix. I just explained it, the good type of tripping at least.
the whole "concept" thing hit home for me lol
exactly:) wonderful:)!!
There's nothing quite like an afternoon trip to the mall.
oh that is my favorite sport. I also like playing, "dont cut me off or I will tailgate you until you get off the freeway."
That description would in no way prepare someone for what was in store for them.
Lols maybe them n00bs who've never tripped before would be like that in a drug store on acid. But for us expert psychonauts it's easy as. I remember this one day my friends were too stoned to call up for a pizza without bursting into laughing. I was just like "Gimme that phone! What do you guys want? Okay got it." Called up, ordered it like a boss. And they were like "WOW MAN! How'd you do that? How'd you act normal when you were blazed as?" and the answer is simple. You don't try to pretend you're not stoned or tripping. You just face the music that it's going to be difficult but you simply stop caring and you accept that they'll probably guess that you're stoned. You stop caring that they might think you're stoned off your arse because I highly doubt they care anyways. It's not like they're going to freak out and be all like "HOW DARE YOU GET STONED IN MY PRESENCE! The cops will hear about this!! Vile weed smoker! Bane of all existence." and if you're scared that something like that's gonna happen then you're not thinking rationally. You just go in, grab what you need, avoid unneccessary conversation and just pay for it and go. If they try to rope you into a conversation just give short quick answers and be done with it. They'll get the hint that you're not in a chatty mood. Obviously it's harder when you're on acid then when you're just plain stoned but still, it's not THAT hard dealing with people whilst tripping. Just be logical about it.
@gatfish Weird effect from the lighting lol.
Dudes left arm is from jail and his right arm is from the suburbs
this is so accurate
What is it about having to go up on a roof while tripping.
I nearly lost my finger nails trying to hang on to the shingles because
the sky witch was trying to push me off.
Me and my girl did shrooms and she started to get a headache while we where tripping. And she want to drive to the store for tylonol and it felt like a gpd damn hour and the store was like a block away it was horrible but we did it lol
Is the table floating?
Hello today
Tripping is the most hysterical thing in the world. Besides Fox News, CNN, etc.
"You're still standing there." - the pencil sharpener in Mrs Weaver's 3rd grade class that you broke 15 years ago.
Just saw a kid like this in Dunkin Donuts lol. He takes out a 10 dollar bill, stares at it for 30 seconds, puts it down and then starts smiling when he gets his change. I ask him if he's alright and he just runs to the corner table where he can't figure out which seat he wants. Maybe he's just fucked in the head though?
hahha nah hes tripping ..if hes fuuucked in the head then he wouldnt have 100 dollar im kinda fuucked in the head and i dont have no 100 bucks
one time I tried to buy a drink trippin dingaling and I didn’t know what to do so I handed the lady everything in my hands and said what do I do
Holy crap. My two friends talked me into going in to the grocery store for batteries for our boom box. I was tripping so hard. It was a Sunday afternoon and we were going for a hike. Everyone in the store nodded and their eyes popped open when they looked at me as if they knew what I was up to. This store had a generic isle, all the packaging was white with black lettering. I had to read each package. It was insane, but I could only afford the generics. Spaghetti, flour, sugar, beer, and on and on. Finally batteries!!! Fuck those friends. Never make someone do that alone.
We used to hold cigarettes lit side up by the filters to see how inattentive to time we were. You'd look up, see something cool, look down... SHIT it's been like 3 minutes
OMG last time I ate a quarter of shrooms I couldnt understand time. I hated the concept to the point where i smashed all the clocks off the tables because it scared the shit out of me! TRUEST TRIPPING EXPLANATION EVER.
I would love to see this guy have his own show based loosely on his life--a la Seinfeld or better yet, Louie, from the great Louie C.K.
"former great" Louie C.K. He's a friggin tool now.
@@beauxrichards4245 he was always a friggin tool, that's what his comedies about. That's why it's so funny.
Just checking in- did you hear the news?
You should check out Curb Your Enthusiasm
When you're on mind altering substances, the best furniture to have around is the kind that fucks with your perceptions.
That is too accurate
Ironically, Time and Money are the names of songs on Dark Side of the Moon, arguably the most popular album of all time to trip to.
Until your boom box runs out of batteries.
and its hilarious... "oh i remember inside!"
You can tell he’s tripped a lot